HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-11-1993 Adj Reg Mtg Agenda 9a- ys� AGENDA ADJC:;RNED REG'IAR MEETING n r1 TT,T Tom' _':AYC7 A'ND CC^iv•,,�vT rn��'v--^- ill _rrr_ v-- ' C�TDAY, j',117 RY 11, 1993 - 8 :30 A.M. CCT'C_L C_'AXBERS CALL TO CRDER _) ROLL CALL PRESENT: � ABSENT: -3 . Co ( o ��y`" «t'ti' 3 , !r a N''• _3 �q. vi CLOSED SESS10 X S 1 . The Mayor and ComTMcn Counci_ and Community 'Development Commissier_ w_=_ recess to closed session for the fol'_owing: a. to confer with tze attorney regarding pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956 . 9 (b) ( 1) , as t.he_n si•_nificant exposure to litigation; b. based on existing facts and circumstances , set out be-ow, t o City Council is meeting only to decide whether a closed session is authorized pursuant to California Govern.-ent Code Section 54956 . 9 (b) ( 2 ) ; C . to confer with the attorney regarding pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 543056 . , (c ) , so ti:at Council/Commission. may decide Whet-her to 'nitiate --cation; d. to consider personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 ; e. to confer wit: the Chief of Police on matters posing a threat to the security of public buildings or a threat to the public ' s right of access to public services or public fac_Iities pursuant to Government Code Section 549 ; ; 1_/1-/93 y f . to c,ve _nstr-ct_on to the r-}V ' s/Commission ' s regetJiator on t e purchase of property pursuant to Governmenp Code Sec-::_on 54956 . 8 . The real property whic~ ccncer^ -s Generally located at The Identity of each perscn w-4 --h -Y cm neacti_, ions are author-zed is : g. to meet wit:: an applicant F„ a City license and the applicant ' s attor__nev pursuant to Government Code Secticn 54955 . 7 ; h. to meet wit. the Chief of Police regarding matters of public security pursuant to Government Code Section 54957; i. to confer wit': the attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally to which the C-, tv -s a :Darty tc pursuant to Government Code Section 54956 . : (a) as Follows : Stubble, A'd Construe _o_^. Cornanv, e} a! vs . City of San Bernardino, et a.l - S,-r e-na,rdino Supe-Mior Court Case No. 24?998; San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 252053 ; C;ty of Sap Bernard • _ -c y° T,Aberty Cable T.V. , et al- Ur_..ed Sta..es . i str .. .c :rp Case 'No. 32-�8 i o XB; C; tv of San Bernardino c s . Cou tv of San Bernardino, et al- R4versice Superior Cc::rt Case No . 2079C0 ; ] i;n�ted TOmaS Arrendar�Z , ? Vc T�mnc Le mn a r , �± � States District Ccurt Casa Guardian Bank vs . James E. Penman, et al - United States Bistrict Ccurt Case No. 92-4415 CDR (Ex) ; Guardian Bark vs . james - • Penman, et a - San Bernardino Countv Superior Court Case No. 272531; City of San Bernardino vs . Chambers Cable - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No . 264793; Tomas Armendariz, et al vs . James F Penman, et al - San Bernardino Trial Court Case No . 271C93 • ._ '/ " /93 BYenn vs . San Jernarai= _,u_^_-^_`Jal Case No. 'Fgl GCna o L: c,-t.- of San 1=..OY-sari _.,,� - San -7er.^-and-no Suner_or mac:._ Ca-ce No. 2�4�2a - - AL�''-- vs . C,_t,7 `' - - - --_�.._ ^ - S2_. 3°__I:a_---=10 Super-or Court Case No. 244..7., . I la r DECO.:IENE MEET ING A.M. ROJJ CALI � •Z a .'a Yl PRESENT: p shy''" / Z� 3� All 5 ' -7 ABSENT: � � GP l #� a r it- 9.' �3 sr.JrY►. T.IV0 CA'T'_C�ti: lieu i' PLEDGE: Z-- 2 . Announcements by Xavcr and Co .___. X J • T _J. �� r _Nm ,1 T" _ NOT .N AGENDA: A Ve— llnute . +-�ti n sha_ L liM _ __L app_ r to ea^ per e r of the public who 'Dung wishes to address t e `favor and Commcn Ccunci' on a matter not on the agenda. .o member of the public shall be e oerm u ed t o s„are„ h.c/her five nl r ,tom s with an y other STe�n member of the pab_ic . (usually, any items received under A111,5"n °f�Y this headi na are referred to staff For further study, T.YomY Ike �' research, co:i-cleticn and/or future Council action. ) Ao poi--:rents/Presentaticns .-- �'Lv C^_vS ENT CALENDAR MOT111"IN: That the motions indicated by consent calendar items 5 t': ouch 15 be adopted, except `or , �'1, /S , and 5 . Waive further reading of resclut_o_^_s and ordinances . That further reading of all resolutions and ordi-nances on the regular, supplemental and Comr;unity Deve_o^n;ent Commission agendas, be waived. 0 _/:1/93 (Consent Cale.^_t`al'l" Cc,_nt A__.:Cd', 6 . Cb C__ y is LIteS . X0T I C'*: That ..he _..__.. -es cf the fol'cw'ng meeting of the Mayor and Cc u:,on Ccunc�l cs the City of San Wq Bernard no , be aA^roved as submitted in ty'oewr_ }en for: : Auc•-�.st 3 1992 fDeiivered „anuary 7 1993) 0-7Request for civic and promotional funding -- $7,000 -- and a � waiver of -lees -- $21,234 .29 -- and cc-sponsorship of Black"k a History Parade and related activitwes.. Fe-,ruary 1993 . (Cost\ t0 CitJ - $28,12-28 .229 _=0_T. Civ and Prcmotion Fund) Ward 6 MOTION.y Th + $7� 0 n be allocated rY th _ a_ �;,0 _ o*n e Civic and � °y #1 ?romc icn ��:nd, C01-013L-53662 , t0 aSS1St in they x;,K conduct of t:., 1°93 J1ack '-11story Parade and asscc:_ated events of Black l.istory vonth and � er co-spc^sors=i�., of the event and a N �' waiver Hof fees in the amount of $21,238 .29 be approved. and T at $21,12-38 . 29 be transferred from the Civic and #2 Prcmot_cn Fund to the res-)ect_ve de_nartmental accounts as noted in the staff report from the OZ Assistant City Admin_straTorr dated 1/5/93 to y offset the costs associated wit-h the event 8 . Claims and Payrc__ . (See Attached.) MOTION: That the claims and payroll, and the authorization to _ssue warrants as listed on the memorandum dated. January 4, '993 from he Director of Finance, ce approved. 9 . Personnel Actions . !See attached) MOTION� ;,hat ..he `Jersonne' act f ons E:--'--4 ;=tted by the Chief MOTION 014 Exam=ner dated December 23, 1992, -- n accordance w_t:_ al= ad-m-2 n_strat_ve _ea„'z Lions of t^e of , a^ JE r �L:�r..._T� Z"`� ^fir✓v��• •tY 5 1/11/93 (Consen t .Calendar Continued) McTI.ON: m.aa.. the rssol,ut,'on L^e ado*-.ted. C-v; , Fe-:-ice 10 . Resolution o`_ t:ze City of San 3er.- ^.o authorizing the execution of a _ -rst A.me_nd-ment to agreement with the San Bernardino C=ty .:n=f,ed School D: str_ct for computer examination sccring services for an add-t-cnal one year period. (See Attac_^_ed) (Cost to C-tv -- 1,1350 .00/yr from General Fund) _ ^ar`i� i ti!ic management Resolut4on of the C _tv cf San 3ernardi^-o assessing certain parcels of real oro:.er'--- 'ocatea Wi�:iiri the City of San Bernarc.-no for the costs of abatement of pub!-- c nuisances (abandoned veh__les ) on sa=d r_rooer ies . (See Attached) Po:_wee 12 . Resol,.zt-or_ of the C-1-}y of San Bernardino authorizing the �\ exec��t-on of a T�emorandum of Understanding between the San '' 1 Bernardino Pol-ce Department and the Housing Authority of N the Countv of San 3ernardino addressing the illicit drug activity in , ubl-c housing complexes known as 9th Street and Water-man Gardens . ( See Attached) (Cost to City -- $4,131 frog: Genera? �',?nd) Wards 2 & 6 Public orks�/7ngi eer 13 . Reso'_ut-on of the Mayor and Co:umon Council of the City of San Bernardino author izing the execution of State-Local r( Entity '�aster Agreement No. S=-_PP 5033 , between said City and the State of California, act-ng by and through its Department of Transportat-on, reyating to the State - Local Partnership Program, pursuant to Section 2500 , Em. SEQ., of the Street and H_`gh ays Ccde. (See Attached) 5 _/11/93 ((--c se_n Calena'ar ne.,tround- 14 . Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Sar. Eernardino aut:.or_z,nC the execution of Program Supplement No. 1 of State-Local Transperta+-ion Partnership Program Agreement Ne. S= P-503�' , between said City and the State of California, acting by and through its Department of Transportation, relating to the improve.^ ent of Tippecanoe Avenue, 4ro1 acute 5-IC to Hard+- Street. (See Attached) Ward 1 ORDINANCE - FT_%7AL READING (:15 --1 An ordinance of the City of San Bernardino amending Sections 3 . 04 . 010, 3 . 04 . C2C , 3 . 04 . 050 , 3 . 04 . 070 ( 1) , and 3 . 04 . 080, and add_rg Sections ') . 04 . 085 , . 1.4 . 115 and 3 . 04 . 120 to the San Bernardino unicina= Code relating to purchasing. (See Attached) ZOTICN. That sa_- a crc _- :a,c-_ _tee a_ coted. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR 7 12 PeAl", lz-"-,2 1-173 �-) -"//�y 5 "'y 5 :5kl�7e A�Z, N, rublic sc-*--s(:L:_- cd f:cr a time certain will not be heard pr _I^ev may be eld --cr t e tc 2n_ however, m h any time 0 a subsecuent meet TO BE .'HAIRD Ar" 1-0:010 A.M. 16 . Public hea-r-ing -- im,"osing ens on nroperty -1ocatsd within 'an Be"rnard_`no _'cr -_=-o" ecte!�d business the City of I) ( �7ee Attached) reg' strat'-on fees Xayor to cpsn t e hear_`na . . . Reso-1 ,4-4 on c-f t-e City_ of San 3ernard`no `mncs4ng liens on certa-'n --f -roal '_,Dcatod w-Lthin the City of -can 3ernar,_`._-*_-.-_ fcr ;:u=es2 regist-rat_on -fees . MC",-"n_N Tha-_ the I-A.--ar-*-n7 '--e closed; and that said r e s o l t_—C"_ 04- TO BE H'_132URD AT -10:00 A.M. 17 . An-oeaI of 3oard of Bui"Ldlncr Ccmmissloners findings and action of August 71 , 1-092 --e-lating to property located at 588 N. Western JI.Venue. 'See Attac.-,.-_,_"4) Ward 1 Xavcr to o^_en --.-.e .ear e., �- t�It � Y �e ia -the ��, XCITICN: What I ear-- q close '- that th ---,Tnd 'Ia h e 2_ _ec ' t� ___ 2�j 1- J_ _ 2 mno unc�__' den the a 7,r -ea- staff ' s the a7:) CO Counc-_ deny re- n e n d at i o n as fcllows : a public ublic u isance existed at the time of 11 inspection, and that a subse-.ent fire at this loca tion caused the structure to become dangerous as deters-' ned by the 3,,; " d;-,-r and f.,Tlee noxt for notion) 3 toe- c�- (z l�,� A3) b) T`:e ewrer(s ) _s to ^av all current costs aszcciated --.'- emer^cncr abatement action taken a**a_nst the ^'^o^er�y, u__� . �a_�' shall bec-me a l_s_n on saia nr^^erty and t e�perscra' obligation o� the ohner(s ) . The ccst incurred by the City for abatement proceedings against the property was $7,433 . 010 . This amount should be paid to the City Clerk' s, Cff:fce within thirty ( 30) days of the City Council action. ST 1%, T?Er^CR's CO,Nm-TNT", F O-M D7CEMEER 21, 1992 18 . Imposing a 'ien on croperty _ocated within the City of San se_nardinc for ancollected business registration fees for property owned by john H. Suc..•.ner 'located at 805 North "D" Street. Pack= -material was distributed on December 21, 1992, Tte:n 34) / CONTINUED FROY. DECEMnE'R 21, 1992 19 . Authorization to prcceed -- es-�:abl'_shment of an assessment district for construction of Sterling Avenue, from Foothill Drive to =alev Canyon Road. {See At Ward MOTION: That t' City Clerk a City Engineer b , rected to cceed wit. the est lishment assessment d' tric t for construction _ ..erl i ng Avenue, from eothi'_1 give to a_ev Canyon Road. RECONVENE METING P=NNING MATTERS 110 3 - 2:0 0 P-X, PRESENT Yt,�,.�y�� l I ABSENT l �� TO 13E .BEARD AT n 0 P Y _ CQNT INT= "ROB TT-17:,Y 20, 1992 20 . ?L':,__c hearing - rescLution revisinc planning fees . (Backup material or. July 2n, 1992, item No. 53, new . ll staff report attic'-z. j V'. Resolution of ..n° City Of can Ser arr?ino amend_f ng Resollt on No. 83-201 mediryiny reel for Planning services , and repeal_„r No. 62-471 and No . 91-148 . Mayer to open the hear_n-- MOTION: That � '.: r_eari_^.g _ closes?; that cons i � ..ion of " t^e ysc_uticn estab1l hi_ng an _yirg planning fe ~he referred back to staff for further study. 0 TO PE _'^r r^ A"' 2 :'J^ P.Y. - CON"^T=n FROYI_ 771"%V7YLEER 2 . 1992 21 . Appeal - PlannIng commission ' s denial of Conditional Use Permit No. 91-03 -- to construct a 45 unit senior citizen apartment comp'-ex project . (Backup material was distributed on October ?°, 1922, =tem No. 34, new staff �• report attached) AiDoellant: Cliff Carel & Assoc_,* :-_t-es Owner_ : Michae_ j. Murphy YY`4106 Location: Ward _I. Eocated on 4e/ north of ^'hird _ ;;ay..Street' r cetheen A- -°n S-_-_--et a^d 'S-L-__-_-a (Ccnt_n ued cn next pace) Staff _r eco_rtm _r tia-' _=c .• That the _Xayor and Common Council adoor_ tho nsaati e 1zclarat-o_., and arprove Condit-onal Use Pewit 'o. , ._ pct to .-.e condit ions of approval contained Cxhi'rit "C and the standard regu�remer_ts contained in Zx ____ used on _::e findincs of fact contained in -Ex-f-b-f is and ".7" . Planning CC=lssLon rncom, ,entdat;one Deny the project based on the fact t-'-.at the si:e is unsuitable for senior housing, and a re-design of t'.e Lro�ect w--- be of no benefit because of location. Mayor to open the hearing. . . MOTTQN: That the h`ar'~ be closed ar_d that the negative dec lava t- .. be adc-� d and Condit i onal Use Permit Vo. 9' -0� be anarove 'used or. f�rd�nas of fact cor_t i ned i_ CY' � wts an "F" ar subject to t _ conditions of app val ��' . Ibit "G" ; and -and--rd reguirem.ents 'Exhibit ' 3" ) . o mD TAE HEARD AT 7:00" 'O.M. - CONTINUED FROM DECEMBER 7. 1992 rN 22 . Public hearing - Development Agreement- No. 91-01 - to govern N the develonrent of a phased expansion project at Inland Center Xa-1 . (Backus material -as distributed on December 7, 1292, Item No. '))5} Ward 3 Resolution of the City of San Bernardino adopting the mitigated negative declaration of environmental i:rpart and 11 adopting the 'rill^a-ion Mor_itoring/Reporting Program and J aut:`iorizing the execut i on of Development Agreement No. 91-01 <Z � f Tnland Center Yal- Ex—_an s_on; Mayor open the ^easing \ �1 1 MOTION: That he ^.earina be ed; that said resolution � be ado -f-ed. �' 'S, TO SE AT -car -mendment ±Zo . 91-22 to Pub!` P1 an A, 23 . C -*on - '71 to 77, on the wesl,_ -' --a from I-D - chanc-9 the '"and Attached) ,:ross Street. 'See s-- de C)f {nest el 4- --1 the Oensral Fund) ward 3 Resolato- of the czt­ c-x Jan 3ernardifno adoptin- the �v ta' fmpact and- adopting nega-t--ve declara-, on o envir=-en vl General Plan Tumen,-ent- -I.o. 2-' -221 to the General '71an of the Cit-v cf San 3ernardino. -v-avt-- -o onen the '1--C MOTION: Tha- the _.-aria- be closed; that said resolution ,` be adcP-e . _ N__'), -t 17\) pj,bj4C hearing - Deve` ,,D,!:.=ent Cods Amendment No . 92-12 - to modify the distance requ*renent of 500 feet between large &. family day care homes o 250 -feet under certain circumstances . fSee Attache) 'Cost to City -- $25.00 from General 7,and) Ward/,f- & Ordinance of the City of San Bernardino amending Chapter 19 . 04, sect-* T- of the San Bernardino Xu n 4 c 4 na 7 (Development) code pertaini.na to ' arge family day care homes . Xayor to c-en th-� hear_n7 . . . MOT I CN: That the hearing be closed; and that said ordinance nance be laid over 'or 14-al ado-.)t4on. 25 . Adjournment. to Wednesday, T I C,'"Y 7hat the meet`n�-_ bs- january 2n- f 999421 at a.m. , -n the Clcuncil =a_ 3"' North Street, San Chamber cr -1/93 CTTCC� Any ^ism er of the -_u, .l_c may address this meeting of t ., 1 --ne, Ccmno rO, ^c . . o_- any Item e.^wear.nQ on he a or �_ .�:.., _� y_ the agenda, �^y an-r:==-.g _he microo'^_cne in the Counc_.I Chambers when the 4-sm about which the member desires to s^eak is cal'_ed, and by asking to be recognized. Anv member r the nubl_c desiri n., to speak to the Mayor and Common Ccunci, ccncerninc any matter not on the agenda but Which is within the subject matter jurisdiction cf the Mayor and Common Council, may address the aody at the beginning of the meeting, during the pe.—iod reserved for public comments, said total erizd for public comment shay_ not exceed forty- _ five (45) minutes, unless such tir:e limit is extended by the N_avor and Common Council. A five minute lLmitatien shall `only to each member of the public, anless such t-ime -s extended by the Mayor and Common Council . No member of the public shall be permitted to "share" his/her five minutes with any other member of the public . The �"_avor and Ccmmcn Ccunc_= may refer any items ra4sed by the pubic to staff, or to any commission, board, bureau or cormittee -or appropriate ac tier. or have the i-em paced cn the next agenda of the Mayor and Common Council . ?owever, no other action shall be taken nor discussion held by the Mayor and Common Council on any item which does not appear on the agenda unless the action is otherwise authorized in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (b) of Section 54954 .2 of the Gover=ent Code. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA JANUARY 11 , 1993 S-1 Resolution of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the execution of an agreement with Wayne Seminoff Co. , and the execution of a limited power of attorney both relating to the recovery of certain unclaimed funds in the amount of $1 , 050 . 11• ( See Attached ) MOTION• hat said resolution be adopted. 116 S-2 An ordinance of the City of San Bernardino adding Section 2 .56 . 105 to the San Bernardino Municipal Code relating to the power of the City Clerk to contract with civic and service organizations to provide individuals to serve on precinct boards in elections. ( See Attached) MOTIONe That said ordinance be laid over for final adoption. 5 , I kCHEL KRASNEY uITY CLERK 2ND FLOOR AGENDA MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL/ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AND THE JOINT POWERS FINANCING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO "January 11, 1993 - 11:00 a.m." (Regular Meeting) Council Chambers, Ciiy Hall ----------------------------------------------------------------- CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PRESENT: ABSENT: ----------------------------------------------------------------- (PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA) -------------------- CONSENT CALENDAR MOTION: That the motions indicated by Consent Calendar items numbered 1"through "7" be adopted, except for items numbered: 1. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES (Community Development Commission) MOTION: That the minutes of the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino for the meeting of December 7, 1992 and December 21, 1992 ,j be approved as submitted in typewritten form. ---------------------------------------------------------------- REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION AGENDA KJH:Imp:cdc-1r1 1 Date: January 11, 1993 Main Street, Inc. 2. DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPLEMENTATION COURT STREET SQUARE (Community Development Commission) OTION:I That the Executive Director be authorized to execute a contract with Project for L q Public Spaces (PPS) utilizing Community Arts Resources (CARS) for $17,500 to assist Main Street in implementing a program and calendar of events for entertainment production for Court Street Square. ----------------- ----------------- Development Department 3. POLICE HEADQUARTERS ACQUISITION -466 WEST FOURTH STREET (Community Development Commission) (MOTION:) That the Community Development Commission continue the matter pertaining to the Police Headquarters Acquisition to February 1, 1993. Q1,4 � - ----------------- ----------------- 4. 5055 HALLMARK PARKWAY CODE IMPROVEMENTS (Community Development Commission) tOTION:'�) That the Community Development Commission authorize the Executive Director to allocate $55,000 for necessary code compliance and occupancy / \ improvements for the property located at 5055 Hallmark Parkway. r_ J1 ----------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION AGENDA KJH:Imp:cdc-1r1 2 Date: January 11, 1993 5. LEASING STATUS UPDATE, 201 NORTH "E" STREET (Community Development Commission) 1\ COTION.--' That the Community Development Commission authorize the Executive Director to execute documents for the Chamber of Commerce lease and acquisition bll subject to the deal points set forth in the staff report and, further, authorize the Executive Director to execute a lease with Assemblyman Baca for office space i the first floor of the EDA office building. ----------------- ----------------- 6. / DEMOLITION OF EXISTING RESTAURANT IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED IN THE FORMER FUDDRUCKER'S SPACE (Community Development Commission) MOTION: That the Community Development Commission approve funds in the amount of $16,180 for the demolition and removal of all interior improvements located f 1i within the "Fuddrucker's" restaurant space located at 201 North "E" Street and f / award the demolition bid to Wiltshire Builders, Inc. ----------------- ----------------- 7. INCREASE IN DEVELOPMENT GAP LOAN FOR NEW MEDICAL FACILITIES: WATSON MEDICAL LABORATORIES, INC. (Community Development Commission) O / That the Community Development Commission authorize the Executive Director to execute documents increasing the previously approved development "gap" loan from $125,000 to $250,000 for the construction of a medical services building located at 4835 North Hallmark Parkway. ----------------- ----------------- END OF CONSENT CALENDAR ---------------------------------------------------------------- REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION AGENDA KJH:Imp:cdc-1r1 3 Date: January 11, 1993 8. RE-AFFIRMATION OF NORTH END REDEVELOPMENT STUDY AREA (Mayor and Common Council MOTION A: That the Maygt an3 Commo ouncil re-affirm the North En"ecf'evelopment Study Aadopted in May 198 Resolution 85-175). j, I ' -------- -------- ----------------- (Community DevelglMent Commission MOTION B: That the Cort Unity Development�_Iommission direct staff to initiate_all--=- neces§javy'procedures and activities to undertake acti " disciplines invpWg analysis and planning of the redevelopment Project area. ----------------- ----------------- 9. AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -ARDEN-GUTHRIE FOCUS NEIGHBORHOOD (Community Development Commission) (fVIOTION� That the Community Development Commission approve an Agreement for Professional Services between Frank De Vries and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino to perform assorted Consultant Services in ?� conjunction with improvement activities within the Arden-Guthrie Focus Neighboth d,.u5 iv n A e s - 6 ----------------- 10. DUKES - DUKES AND ASSOCIATES Communily Development Commission) MOTION: That the Community Development Commission discuss and take action regarding the loan to Dukes - Dukes and Associates. (See attached memorandum to Agency Administrator from Councilwoma Pope-Ludlam.) --------------- SESSION ---------------------------------------------------------------- REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION AGENDA KJHArnp:cdc-1r1 4 Date: January 11, 1993 11. ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION MOTION: That the Mayor and Common Council and Community Development Commission recess to Closed Session for the following: A. to confer with the attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally to which the Commission is a parry pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) as follows: B. to confer with the attorney regarding pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1), as there is significant exposure to litigation; C. to confer with the attorney regarding pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c), so that the Commission may decide whether to initiate litigation; D. to give instruction to the Commission's negotiator on the purchase of property pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. The real property which the negotiations concern is generally located at: ; E. to consider personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. ------------- -------------- END OF CLOSED SESSION --------------------- 12. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: That the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council/Community Development Commission be adjourned to Wednesday, January 20, 1993, at 11:00 a.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. -------------- -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- REGULAR MEETING COMMISSION AGENDA KJH:Imp:cdc-1r1 5 Date: January 11, 1993