HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-Development Services CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Date: March 24, 2010 Subject: Resolution approving an agreement with the City of Colton for maintenance of a grade separation on Hunts Lane at the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) south of Redlands Boulevard (SS04-51). From: Valerie C. Ross, Director Dept: Development Services MCC Date: 6/07/10 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: 09/15/08 The Mayor and Common Council approved a resolution for agreement with the City of Colton for the maintenance of a grade separation on Hunts Lane at the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) south of Redlands Boulevard (SS04-51). (Areas of Maintenance have been updated). 08/20/07 The Mayor and Common Council adopted the 5- Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) which included Project No. SS04-51 "Hunts Lane Grade Separation." 06/17/02 The Mayor and Common Council approved preliminary design alternatives for grade separations at State Street !University Parkway and Hunts Lane. Recommended Motion: Authorize the Director of Development Services to execute an agreement with the City of Colton for maintenance of a grade separation on Hunts Lane at the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) south of Redlands Boulevard (SS04-51). ~ &, RJ41/ Valerie C. Ross Contact person: Robert Eisenbeisz, City Engineer Phone: 5203 Supporting data attached: Staff Report. Vicinity Map. Resolution, Ward: 3 & Agreement (Attachment "A") FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: None Source: (Acc!. Nos.) 135-378-5504-7323 Acct. Description: SS04-51 "Hunts Lane Grade Separation" Council Notes: Agenda Item No. -:#: J D (P-1~ 2.Dto CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT Subject: Resolution approving an agreement with the City of Colton for maintenance of a grade separation on Hunts Lane at the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) south of Redlands Boulevard (SS04-51 ). Background: In 2001, the State appropriated Transportation Congestion Relief Program (TCRP) provided funding statewide in the amount of $95 million to mitigate impacts along the Alameda Corridor East. The funding was given to the local County Transportation Commissions. On June 6, 2001, the San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG), Transportation Commission for San Bernardino County, approved funding to the cities of San Bernardino and Colton for a grade separation at Hunts Lane. Hunts Lane is split 50-50 between the City of Colton and the City of San Bernardino. Due to the size and complexity of the project, SANBAG offered to design and construct the grade separation. Since there was no direct cost to the cities, it was deemed to be in the interest of both cities to allow SANBAG to design and construct the project. A letter was sent by the City of Colton on behalf of both cities requesting that SANBAG assume responsibility for the work. On June 17, 2002, the preferred alternative to construct a bridge (viaduct) on Hunts Lane was approved by the Mayor and Common Council. SANBAG completed the design and was ready to construct the project in 2003; however, a budget shortfall caused the State to place the TCRP on hold. No other funding source was available, so the project was stalled. In 2005, TCRP funding was released and the grade separation program moved ahead. The Hunts Lane project was short of funds, but was backfilled by savings from the State StreeVUniversity Parkway grade separation, which was previously constructed, and some Federal money. However, the introduction of Federal monies created the requirement for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) clearance so construction has been delayed pending Caltrans and Federal Highway Administration (FHW A) approval of the environmental document. SANBAG is in the final processes of completing a Construction and Maintenance Agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad for the project. Prior to approval of the railroad agreement, SANBAG will need an Agreement between the cities of San Bernardino and Colton committing each city to maintain the roadway, bridge and related improvements, including sidewalks, curbs and gutters, storm drains, medians, street lights, signs, fencing, gates, walls, access tunnel, bridge railing, landscaping and irrigation, etc, physically located within the respective jurisdiction of each city. For practical reasons, San Bernardino will have some maintenance obligations outside its jurisdictional boundary. In particular, the City of San Bernardino will maintain the median island on the north half of the bridge in its entirety, including landscaping and irrigation. Colton will maintain the median island in the south half of the bridge in its entirety, including landscaping and irrigation. The Agreement provides for cooperation between the two cities 2 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT (Continued) where maintenance obligations cross city limit lines. The rnaintenance obligations are approximately equally split between the two cities. Maintenance of streets and roads within the City of San Bernardino is consistent with the City's obligations under the Streets and Highways Code. The Public Services Department has sufficient labor, equipment and materials necessary to meet the City's street maintenance obligations. The addition of the requirement to rnaintain Hunts Lane grade separation and related improvements will not impair the City's ability to properly maintain its streets. On September 15, 2008, a Resolution approving an Agreement with the City of Colton for maintenance of a grade separation on Hunts Lane at the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) south of Redlands Boulevard was approved by the Mayor and Common Council. This agreement with the City of Colton expired because it was not signed by Colton in the required 60 days. In addition, subsequent design changes to the maintenance agreement and the changes have been incorporated into the current agreement. Both cities are in agreement, and the City of Colton approved the agreement on 12-1-09. Financial Impact: The Grade Separation is fully funded by SANBAG using a combination of TCRP funds and Federal rnoney. There is no direct cost to the City except minor staff costs which will be charged to Account No. 135-378-5504-7323 SS04-5I "Hunts Lane Grade Separation". The cost of San Bernardino's perpetual maintenance obligations as defined in the Agreement is included in the Public Services Department budget. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution. Attachments: "1" - Location Map "2" - Letter from City of Colton dated June 12,2001. "3" - Agenda report for City of Colton dated December 1, 2009 "4" - Agreement sign by the City of Colton dated December 1,2009 "5" - Resolution 3 g :~' .00,( " " , ~ " 1': ~ Q l ~ '" /' , ;;; /" " Z '" " '., ~ '0 , " ~ ;~ ~ ~ '" 'I u ~ ~. < .' ! u , , . "" , ! > v , u . ~ . :: ~ l . i u . 5 ~ v ~~ ~ ~. 2 J i~ 0 Ie 0 0 " <6 , , . ! ~ . . ! ~ I . , i , , ,. 1': i:i i! !" ~ ~ a ! eo ~ ~ ';;:'. ~ <S ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~: ~n ~ j: 5~ i ~ i: 1 , " :~ . o. I i, ~S ~~ ~ t ~~: ~ 1=> -',.., ~ ii i~~ I ,; ., I ~ Ii E i Z ~ ! ; ~ i ~ I E- ! ~~ i I c:; -.'Ili , ~ i :2 ~i!! .j- ! ,. l .. '" ~ ..., v v "" ~ ii u :~ ~ . , I I I "8 I i(j w " ~ ~ 8::: ~ !! , , ~oO{ or/. o/lp........l..." ,... ....rL_r~Ol'6. _1I\'l,q~'J\'.1I-OCY:!\W-lI6.'\ 0-'; ..-....., 06/12/2001 14:45 ~-.......... ~tl~- H~J . . ~/. IV"- . 4: ,.-.. '\ , CITY COUNCIL Deirdre H. Bennett Mayor Donald l. San<len Dlsu'ct 1, Mayor pra Tem RJd'1arc:l DeLaRosa District 2. RDA Olalrman Kelly l. Cl>ast.aln OISll1ct, Helen A. R.amos ....:str1ct4 D~irdre 11. BeMett Mayor Saran S. Zam0f3 Dlstnct6 CITY MANAGER Henry T. Garda CiviC Center 650 N La Cadena Dr Colton, CA 92324 909 370 5051 9093705183 COLTON CITY MANAGE~ I'"'AUt:. tJ..::- -r'1 . ' I . June 12, 2001 Gary Moon, Director, Freeway Co~struction San Bernardino Associated Goverrments 472 N Arrowhead Ave San Bernardino, CA 92401 1421 Dear Gary: At the SANBAG Meeting on Wednesday. .lune 6, 2001, the Board approved funding for the grade separation at Hunts Lane. The funding for this project is available from the initial $95 million appropriated by the Governor for grade separation projects along the Alameda Corridor East. ' After reviewing this project Wi,th ~e Engineering staff from tile aty of Colton, and lengthy discussions with staff from the CI of San Bernardino, we jointly agreed neither City has the staff to properly hand the ad, inlstratlon and contract management associated with the construction of this project. ~. e therefore Jointly reQuest SAN BAG administer the project. However, since this pro affects both cities. w~ sincerely request inclusion in the meetings relative to the desi n and construction of this grade separation project. In addition. we wish to negotiate administrative reimbursement for the respective cities for work performed by our staff rela~' ng to the design and construction of the project. Both cities realize there are certain In- ouse costs directly associated with the project. These costs are chargeable to the proj and the cities believe SANBAG shOuld provide this reimbursement. Both dtles anxiously await the cdmpletion of the Hunts Lane Grade Separation Project and anticipate the tremendous bene~ for our respective citizens and businesses. We look forward to a great working relati nship and we have ~ery confidence in your tremendous skill and ability to deliver. Klndl . contact me at 909 370 5051 and Ray Casey at 909 384 5111 re9arding thIS project. Thank you again for your assistahce on previous projects and we look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely. ~A.1; Kathy A. Klvley Acting Public Works Director C: Mayor and Members of t~e City Council Daryl Parrish, City ManaRer .lames King, engineering Supervisor Ray E. Casey, City Engineer, City of San Bernardino Anwar Wagdy, Traffic E~ineer, City of San Bernardino 11)' Cocuments ~ects Tr,Jl1cportadon Grlde SeplfiltlollS Hunts unc Lud Agency TrlR,rrmal 06122001.doc JUN-12-2eel 15:52 ge937eS183 98% p.e2 ITEM #6 CITY OF COL TO~ AGENDA REPORT FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MEETI!"G OF DECEMBER 1,2009 TO: FRO)1: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCil. MEMBERS MARlTZA TAPIA, INTERIM PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SCBJECT: APPROVE A CATEGORICAL EXE~TION FlNDD:G A:-..U EXECUTIO~ OF A COOPERA TNE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF COLTON AND CITY OF SA.'\" BER.'\"ARDINO FOR THE MAlNTENAKCE OF HL'N"TS LANE GRADE SEPARA.TION PROJECT. DATE: NOVEMBER 19,2009 BACKGROL"ND: The Hunts Lane Grade Separation project ("Project") is a project located at Hunts Lane between Commercial Road and Oliver Holmes Road (Exhibit "A"). The centerline of Hunts Lane divides the City of Colton and the City of San Bernardino. The project proposes to separate the existing at- grade roadway-railroad crossing by raising the grade of Hunts Lane over the existing Union Pacific Rail Road ("UPRR") tracks by constructing a bridge over the UPRR right-of-way, between Heritage Lane and Steel RoadlRedlands Boulevard intersections. This project will help improve vehicle movement on Hunts Lane by eliminating the need for motorists to wait for train traffic. The proposed project will also include improvements to existing streets, utilities, land acquisition, and other work necessitatcd by the grade separation. The lead agency for the Project is San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) in collaboration with the Cities of Colton and San Bernardino. After completion of the project, the City of Colton and the City of San Bernardino will be responsible for the maintenance and future repairs of the portions of the project located in the respective jurisdictions. ANALYSISIDISCUSSION: Hunts Lane is a major thoroughfare that provides access to the residents of the City of Colton and the City of San Bernardino as well as motorists exiting and entering the Interstate 10 freeway, located just north of the project location. Separating the roadway and railway grades will help improve safety and traffic delays. Safety will he improved by the decrease in train-person and train- vehicle con tl icts. Additionally, traffic delays will be reduced by the elimination of traffic backups at the railroad crossing. The project has rcccntly obtained environmental clearance from Caltrans. Staff requests authorization to issue this project a Categorical Exemption finding, attached as Exhibit C, for the portion of the project within Colton's city limits; this action is in line with Caltrans' findings. The City of San Bernardino is also issuing a l'\otice of Exemption for the scope of the work within its city limits. Sk'\BAG prepared the Cooperative Agreement anached as "Exhibit B". The agreement relays that maintenance responsibilities Colton and San Bernardino will have once the construction of the project is complete. Each jurisdiction will have maintenance responsibility for the portions of the bridge structure physically located within their city limits; Colton to maintain the western portion and San Bernardino the eastern portion. Raised roadway medians ",ill be incorporated along center of the bridge. The maintenance responsibilities for these have been divided by Colton taking responsibility for those south of the bridge-spans center line and San Bernardino taking the responsibility for medians north of the center line. The cooperative agreement also identifies maintenance responsibilities of each jurisdiction regarding the incorporated stenn drain infrastructure. Staff request Council authorize this Cooperative Agreement's execution. ENVIRON:\IENTAL I:\IPACT: The Project is Categorical Exclusion under NEP A (National Envirorunental Policy Act) as shown in Caltrans approved Categorical Exemption/Categorical Exclusion Detennination Fonn (Exhibit C). CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Exact Business :\amc: President or equal: Contact or representative: San Bemardino Associated Governments \SA~'BAG) Deborah Bamlack, Executive Director Gary Cohoe Exact Business Name: President or equal: Contact or representative: City of San Bernardino Charles E. McNeely, City Manager Robert Eisenbeisz, City Engineer FI1'\k'iCIAL/FISCAL IMPACT: No costs for the City of Colton are associated with this project. Approval of the afore-mentioned agreement merely dictates each agency's responsibility for maintenance, repairs and replacement after construction. RECOMMENDA nON: Staff respectfully recommends that Council approve a categorical exemption finding and execution of a cooperative maintenance agreement between the City of Colton and City of San Bernardino for the Hunts Lane Grade Separation Project, with minor changes made by the City Manager/City Arrorney. Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Project Location Map Exhibit "B" - Cooperative Agreement Exhibit "C" - Environmental Document R REVIEW TEA.1\o~' ;LV" City Attorney: <ll City Manager: . l' . Finance Director: OTHER: