HomeMy WebLinkAbout03- Presentations Entered Into Recl�f MCCICDC by: C<� 9' 1 s 4 j Agenda Item No: 3 by: /1 2l2 CITY OF SAN R13RNAIrY■■■i� nBernardino 41 TAKING ACTION AGAINS RAFFITI Quarterly Report April—June 2010 "Taking back the streets of San Bernardino" l'rTT OP 6AN IIEItNA6O1NU wit Eradication 2,013,927 St. Ft. Removed l rw¢rxc arnex se�m� 11 Graffiti Work Orders Opened by W and January 1,2070 to June 30,2010 Total Sp Ft of GraHki Removed by Ward January 1,2010 to June 30,2010 a • 1- Ia- 1 CfTT OP 6AN tlBLLNAHDINO Aa Eradication Eradication jilim 'PpNINO ACPIIIN AOp�NB LLAPA1f orowoiws® wniwc arooi � mcs CITT OP 6AN H66NAHHINU T.U[INO ACTON A6AIX YPPITI 2 _s t 2 Education CITV OF SAN BERNARDINO - dG •Graffiti Diversion Program •4 week lass held at the County Youth Justice Center •Must be completed by graffiti offenders as term or probation •SB TAAG TEAM •Community Service program managed by PR&CS : Sat from Sam-lpm •Community Police Academy • 3 lasses reaching over 200 people •Community Meetings • inland Empire 66'ers program-TAAG PAGE •SBPD Graffiti Task Force •65 arrests&50 citations • Identified/arrested taggers responsible for approximately $50,oD0 in damages throughout the City •Association Search Warrant •Responsible for over$160,000 in graffiti damages since Jan 2D10 •Regional Graffiti Task Force meeting •Offcers Academy Regional Training •Seccombe Lake Arrests Next Steps � � , f •Channel 3 —56 TAAG information video&info for Ch. 3 •TAGR Reporting System •Enhance SS TAAG integration into city parks •Continue to share information with local agencies CKTV OF SAN DERNA Next update scheduled for October 4�" CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO / c r �e 1� eaaxaex xo COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO '; Say B u® SB TAAG TEAM COMMUNITY SERVICE PROCESS ramxo�crwvwu reruaurern Under the supervision of Parks, Recreation and Community Services (FRCS) supervisors, minors assigned to the SB TAAG TEAM will provide basic beautification and graffiti abatement services at local parks and community centers. The following is the process by which minors will be referred from SB County Probation and received by the City of San Bernardino. As the SB TAAG TEAM develops, modifications to this process may be needed in order to ensure efficiency. SBPD Arresting Officer(s) will not deviate from standard protocol. Graffiti related arrests will include information regarding restitution for damages,based on the City's restitution analysis. SB County Probation/Courts During an initial trial period, only minors who are required to complete the Graffiti Diversion program will be assigned to the SB TAAG TEAM. As the program evolves, participation may be extended to minors convicted of non-violent, fast offenses to ensure sufficient participation in the program. Please use good judgment when referring kids to the SB TAAG TEAM. Minors who have a history of gang involvement or violent crimes are not encouraged to participate. When assigned Community Service from the Juvenile or Traffic Courts, Probation officers will provide the minor with 2 forms: • SB TAAG TEAM Community Service Rules&Regulations Consent Form • SB TAAG TEAM Community Service Log Minor is responsible for contacting the City's PRCS Office at 384-5233 to reserve a seat on the van. Although reservations may be made, if the minor is late arriving at the pick up site,his/her spot may be given to another participant. The consent form must be signed by the minor and a parent/guardian, including contact information for the parent/guardian. This form is to be turned in to the PRCS supervisor at the pick up location on the first day community service is served. Minor will not be authorized to participate if a complete form is not received. Parks,Recreation, Community and Service When SB TAAG TEAM calls are received by the PRCS administration office, they are to be placed on a Saturday reservation log (to be created by PRCS). At that time, please inform the participant that: • The minor is responsible for transportation to and from Perris Hill Park Senior Center • Their seat on the City van is not guaranteed. They must be on time • The consent form must be complete and given to the supervisor in order to begin work • Water will be available, but they are encouraged to bring drinks and a snack • Any violation of the Rules & Regulations will be grounds for dismissal from the program,or possible arrest 1 c�rr rt. as ■ AN rllr� e . . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO / COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO SB TAAG TEAM CONSENT FORM Minor's Name: Parent/Guardian Name: Parent/Guardian Phone Number(s): (1) (2) Under the supervision of Parks, Recreation and Community Services (FRCS) supervisors, minors assigned to the SB TAAG Community Service program (SB TAAG TEAM) will provide basic beautification and graffiti abatement services at local parks and community centers. You and a parent/guardian must read, sign and submit this consent form before particivatine on the SB TAAG TEAM . • You must report to the Perris Hill Park Senior Center, located at 780 E. 21� Street. Service hours are from lam (arrival) - ]pm (departure) from this location. You are responsible for transportation to and from this site. BE ON TIME. • Work locations are determined by the PRCS Department. You will be driven in a City vehicle to and from the work site. • Spaces on the SB TAAG TEAM van are available on a first come first serve basis and are limited to 10 seats per session. Reservations may be made by calling 384-5233; if you are late your seat will be given to another participant. • Water will be available. You are advised to bring a drink and snack. RULES & REGULATIONS 1. If any of the rules on this sheet are not followed, you will be asked to leave the work site and no service hours will be awarded for that day. 2. A parent/guardian will be responsible for providing for your transportation from the work site. 3. Appropriate dress is required. No hats or bandannas. For safety reasons, you must wear close toed shoes; sandals and flip flops are not permitted. Long pants are required — no sagging is allowed and your undergarments can not be visible. Belts are required if your pants are baggy. Sleeved shirts must be wom at all times; no tank tops, or shirts with holes or rips. You will get dirty! 4. Any visible tattoos must be covered with clothing or wrap. 5. Smoking and chewing tobacco are not permitted and will be confiscated and disposed of 6. Possession or use of drugs and/or alcohol is prohibited. If you are suspected of using drugs/alcohol while working on the SB TAAG TEAM, you will be permanently dismissed from the program. 7. No weapons of any type are allowed. 8. You will not be permitted to leave the work site at any time. No, your friends can not come with you. 9. Cell phones are not allowed. Supervisors will have cell phones in the case of an emergency. 10. Swearing or insubordination will result in your being permanently dismissed from the program. 11. Any activity that endangers people, animals, or property is grounds for immediate dismissal and is at the sole discretion of the supervisor. Illegal/dangerous activity may result in arrest by the SBPD. I read the above rules and regulation of the SB TAAG Community Service Program and agree to comply during the term of my community service. Print Name: Date: Signature: Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: