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33- Planning and Building Services
CITY OF SAN BERN RDINO - REQUEST F _jR COUNCIL ACTION GPA No. - o. ; an From: Al Boughey, Director Subject- PM No. 14639 -- to change the General Plan designation from IL to CH, to Dept: Planning and Building Services permit a bulk distribution services facility and to combine seven lots Date: April 28, 1994 into 11. Site located on the west side of Rancho Avenue, north of Rialto Avenue. MCC meeting of ay16, p.m. Synopsis of Previous Council action: None Recommended motion: That the public hearing be closed; the Negative Declaration be adopted; the resolution be adopted which approves General Plan Amendment No. 94-01, Conditional Use Permit No. 94-03, and Parcel Map No. 14639, based on the Findings of Fact and subject to the Conditions of Approval and Standard Requirements. AL BO (GH I re Contact person: Al Boughey Phone: 5357 Supporting data attached: Staff Report; Resolution Ward: 3 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $30.00 Source: (Acct. No.) 772-171-24515 Acct. Description) Fish and Game Department fi 1 i ng fee Finance: Council Notes: 75.0252 Gnen H. Item Nn ✓ 3 a CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 94-01, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 94-03 AND PARCEL MAP NO. 14639 MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 16, 1994 REOUEST/LOCATION The applicant requests to change the General Plan land use designation from IL, Industrial Light to CH, Commercial Heavy on 11 acres of a 21.1 acre site. (The site's remaining 10.1 acres are designated CH). The conditional use permit is to allow a bulk distribution services facility for the vacuum transfer of food grade pellets from rail car to truck. The proposed use is permitted in the CH designation subject to a Conditional Use Permit. The use includes two accessory uses - a site operations/truck wash facility and a packaging facility. The development of the site is proposed to occur in 3 phases over a 3 year period. The proposal includes a Parcel Map to combine 7 lots into 1 lot. Concurrently, the Public Works Department is processing an application for 2 Street Vacations, to vacate the site's extensions of Toranga, Arbol Verde and Castilla Streets (paper streets dedicated through PM No. 2314). The irregularly-shaped 21.1 acre project site is located about 680 feet north of Rialto Avenue and north of the Pacific Electric Railroad right-of-way, south of the Metrolink mainline right-of- way and west of Rancho Avenue in the IL and CH land use designations. (See Exhibit 1, Site Vicinity and Land Use Designation Map) KEY ISSUES There are several key issues identified as follows: The project site is designated CH on the western 10.1 acres and IL on the eastern 11 acres. The IL designation does not permit outside land uses whereas the CH designation does. The proposed amendment will change the land use designation from IL to CH on the eastern 11 acres so that the entire 2 1.1 acre site is designated CH. General Plan Amendment No. 94-01, Conditional Use Permit No. 94-03 and Parcel Map No. 14629 Mayor and Common Council Meeting of May 16, 1994 Page 3 In the CH designation, an approved conditional use permit is required for specified uses that occur outside of an enclosed structure and that are within 150 of a residential district [pursuant to Development Code Table 08.02(5)(A)]. Two residential districts developed with residential uses are located within 150 feet of the project site and are 30 feet higher than the finished grade proposed (for the site), as follows: 1. to the northwest is a single-family residential development in the RS, Residential Suburban designation; and, 2. to the south is a mobile home park in the RU-1, Residential Urban designation. Due to the industrial/transportation nature of the project, special studies were prepared to evaluate the potential for noise, traffic, air quality, (subsurface) archaeological resources and light/glare impacts. The Initial Study, which summarizes and incorporates the special studies by reference, indicates that no significant impacts will result from the project. The proposed use is consistent with the intent of the CH in that it will provide for the development of a commercial/industrial use that is characterized by extensive use of outdoor space for service and storage (General Plan Objective 1.30). During the public hearing on April 5, 1994, the Planning Commission directed staff to resolve several issues and concerns prior to review by the Mayor and Common Council. These issues are addressed in the following discussion. APPLICANT AND PLANNING COMMISSION ISSUES AND CONCERNS At the Planning Commission meeting on April 5, 1994, several issues and concerns were expressed by the applicant and the Planning Commissioners. As a result, the Planning Commission directed staff to coordinate with Public Works Department staff and the applicant to resolve these issues prior to the Mayor and Common Council meeting. A Memorandum from the Public Works Department (date April 21, 1994) discusses in detail how the issues have been resolved (see Exhibit 4). The following is a brief summary of the issues and their resolution. General Plan Amendment No. 94-01, Conditional Use Permit No. 94-03 and Parcel Map No. 14629 Mayor and Common Council Meeting of May 16, 1994 Page 4 During the public hearing, the applicant expressed his concern about Public Works Department Standard Requirements Nos. 6(f) and 8(e) which relate to off-site improvements and fees, respectively. Standard Requirement No. 6(f) requires a southbound right-turn pocket from Rancho Avenue into the site. The Public Works Department has reviewed this requirement and modified it to delete the southbound right-turn pocket. Standard Requirement No. 8(e) estimates the Drainage Fee for the project at $97,000. This requirement was also reconsidered by the Public Works Department and modified to reduce the estimated fee to $61,200. One of the Commissioners was concerned about an existing ponding problem on Rancho Avenue about 100 feet south of the project site. Because the ponding problem already exists the Public Works Department feels that the developer should not be required to resolve the matter. However, the proposed site drainage will actually reduce the amount of flows to the ponding area and coincidentally, will reduce the problem. The Public Works Department Memorandum indicates that this problem will be addressed as part of the upcoming budget process. The Planning Commission was also concerned that truck traffic generated by this project would combine with the truck traffic from the nearby GM Auto Distribution Facility and result in routing conflicts. The traffic study for the GM Auto Distribution Facility was revised to include the bulk distribution services facility project in its analysis. The finding is that the additional traffic generated by this project will not cause a significant adverse impact on the area traffic circulation. The City's Traffic Engineer concurs with the finding, subject to the Conditions of Approval and Standard Requirements relating to traffic and circulation. The bulk distribution services facility project has been conditioned to require a truck routing plan. In addition, the majority of truck traffic generated by the GM Auto Distribution Facility will be traveling east on Mill Street to the I-215 whereas the majority of truck traffic from this project will be routed west on Rialto Avenue to Pepper Avenue and south to the I-10. CLARIFICATION OF PROJECT INFORMATION The Planning Commission Staff Report misstates that site security is proposed as a combination of video cameras, lighting and fencing (page 6 of Exhibit 2). In actuality, site security is proposed as a combination of lighting and fencing, only. This information was clarified (verbally) during staff's presentation to the Planning Commission. General Plan Amendment No. 94-01, Conditional Use Permit No. 94-03 and Parcel Map No. 14629 Mayor and Common Council Meeting of May 16, 1994 Page 5 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION An Initial Study was prepared by staff and presented to the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on February 10, 1994. A Negative Declaration was proposed. The Initial Study was made available for public review and comment from February 17, 1994 to March 9, 1994 (see Exhibit 2, Attachment 13). No comments were received during the review period. On March 10, 1994, the ERC recommended that the Planning Commission adopt the proposed Negative Declaration. COMMENTS RECEIVED March 31, 1994 Letter of Protest On April 1, 1994, the Planning Division received an anonymous letter protesting the project. The letter appears to be in response to the legal notice of Planning Commission public hearing mailed out to property owners within 500 feet of the project site. The author outlined his concerns relating to traffic and noise. He also suggested that the project be relocated to the Santa Fe Yards or Norton International Airport. The letter indicates that the author did not speak to staff and may not be knowledgeable about the project. (See Exhibit 4) Other Comments Comments were received in response to the project routing for review to City departments and various public agencies. A summary of the comments is contained in the Planning Commission Staff Report. (See Exhibit 2, beginning on page 9) MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OPTIONS The Mayor and Common Council may: 1. Adopt the Negative Declaration and approve General Plan Amendment No. 94-01 based upon the findings in the resolution and approve Conditional Use Permit No. 94-03 and Parcel Map No. 14639 based on the Findings of Fact and subject to the Conditions of Approval and Standard Requirements. 0 General Plan Amendment No. 94-01, Conditional Use Permit No. 94-03 and Parcel Map No. 14629 Mayor and Common Council Meeting of May 16, 1994 Page 6 2. Deny General Plan Amendment No. 94-01, Conditional Use Permit No. 94-03 and Parcel Map No. 14639. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission voted [6 ayes (Affaitati, Gonzales, Melendez, Strimpel, Thrasher and Traver), 0 nay and 5 absent (Cole, Gaffney, Gonzales, Romero and Stone)] to recommend to the Mayor and Common Council the adoption of the Negative Declaration and approval of General Plan Amendment No. 94-01, and approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 94-03 and Parcel Map No. 14639. Based on discussions during the public hearing, the Planning Commission also recommended that Planning and Public Works staff work with the project applicant to resolve the applicant's and Planning Commission's concerns as previously discussed. The Public Works Department Standard Requirements have been revised (and replace the original document) to reflect this. (See Exhibit 2, Attachment 12) STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Mayor and Common Council: 1. Adopt the the Negative Declaration; 2. Adopt the Resolution which approves General Plan Amendment No. 94-01 to change the land use designation on 10 acres from IL, Industrial Light to CH, Commercial Heavy based on the Findings contained in the resolution (Exhibit 5); 3. Approve Conditional Use Permit No. 94-03 to construct and establish a bulk distribution services facility for food grade pellets with development on the site occurring in 3 phases over a 3 year period based on the Findings of Fact (Exhibit 2, Attachment 9), and subject to the Conditions of Approval (Exhibit 2, Attachment 11) and Standard Requirements (including the Revised Public Works Department Standard Requirements) (Exhibit 2, Attachment 12); and, 4. Approve Parcel Map No. 14639 to combine 7 lots into 1 lot based on the Findings of Fact (Exhibit 2, Attachment 10), and subject to the Conditions of General Plan Amendment No. 94-01, Conditional Use Permit No. 94-03 and Parcel Map No. 14629 Mayor and Common Council Meeting of May 16, 1994 Page 7 Approval (Exhibit 2, Attachment 11) and Standard Requirements (including the Revised Public Works Department Standard Requirements) (Exhibit 2, Attachment 12). Prepared by: Deborah Woldruff, Associate Planner for Al Boughey, Director Planning and Building Services Exhibit 1: Site Vicinity and General Plan Land Use Designation Map Exhibit 2: Planning Commission Staff Report (December 15, 1992) Attachments: 1. Site Vicinity, General Plan Amendment Proposal and General Plan Land Use Designation Map 2. Site Plan 3. Parcel Map 4. Floor Plan (Site Operations/Administration and Truck Wash Facility) 5. Elevations (Site Operations/Administration and Truck Wash Facility) 6. Project Phasing Plan (Letter dated March 16, 1994) 7. Development Code and General Plan Conformance 8. General Plan Amendment Findings of Fact 9. Conditional Use Permit Findings of Fact 10. Parcel Map Findings of Fact 11. Conditions of Approval for CUP No. 94-03/PM No. 14639 12. Standard Requirements for CUP No. 94-03/PM No. 14639 (including the Revised Public Works Department Standard Requirements) 13. Initial Study (Exhibits not included) Exhibit 3: Public Works Department Memorandum (April 21, 1994) Exhibit 4: Comments Received General Plan Amendment No. 94-01, Conditional Use Permit No. 94-03 and Parcel Map No. 14629 Mayor and Common Council Meeting of May 16, 1994 Page 8 Exhibit 5: Resolution Attachments: A - Site Location Map B - Legal Descriptions a 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2 3 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND ADOPTING GENERAL PLAN 4 AMENDMENT NO. 94-01 TO THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. 5 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 6 SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: 7 SECTION 1. Recitals 8 (a) The General Plan for the City of San Bernardino was adopted by the Mayor and 9 10 Common Council by Resolution No. 89-159 on June 2, 1989. 11 (b) General Plan Amendment No. 94-01 to the General Plan of the City of San 12 Bernardino was considered by the Planning Commission on April 5, 1994, after a noticed public 13 hearing, and the Planning Commission's recommendation of approval has been considered by 14 the Mayor and Common Council. 15 (c) An Initial Study was prepared on February 10, 1994 and reviewed by the 16 17 Environmental Review Committee and the Planning Commission who both determined that 18 General Plan Amendment No. 94-01 would not have a significant effect on the environment and 19 therefore, recommended that a Negative Declaration be adopted. 20 (d) The proposed Negative Declaration received a 21 day public review period from 21 February 17, 1994 through March 9, 1994 and all comments relative thereto have been 22 reviewed by the Planning Commission and the Mayor and Common Council in compliance with 23 24 the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and local regulations. 25 (e) The Planning Commission held a noticed public hearing and fully reviewed and 26 considered proposed General Plan Amendment No. 94-01 and the Planning Division Staff Report 27 on April 5, 1994. 28 1 0 1 (f) The Mayor and Common Council held a noticed public hearing and fully reviewed 2 and considered proposed General Plan Amendment No. 94-01 and the Mayor and Common 3 Council Staff Report on May 16, 1994. 4 (g) The adoption of General Plan Amendment No. 94-01 is deemed in the interest of 5 6 the orderly development of the City and is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of 7 the existing General Plan. g SECTION 2. Negative Declaration 9 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, FOUND AND DETERMINED by the Mayor and 10 Common Council that the proposed amendment to the General Plan of the City of San 11 Bernardino will have no significant effect on the environment, and the Negative Declaration 12 13 heretofore prepared by the Environmental Review Committee as to the effect of this proposed 14 amendment is hereby ratified, affirmed and adopted. 15 SECTION 3. Fin in s 16 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San 17 Bernardino that: 18 A. The proposed CH, Commercial Heavy land use designation is internally consistent with 19 20 General Plan Goal IG(e), (h) and 0) in that it will accommodate the expansion of 21 development into vacant and low-use lands within environmental and infrastructure 22 constraints, add to the City's diversity of areas that are characterized by differing 23 functional activity and scales and intensity of uses, create jobs in proximity to residents 24 and the proposed designation is not in conflict with the goals, objectives and policies of 25 the General Plan. 26 27 28 2 I B. The proposed amendment would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, 2 convenience or welfare of the City in that the amendment site is separated and buffered 3 from existing residential by the adjacent railroad right-of-ways and in proximity to 4 existing commercial services and industrial uses. 5 6 C. The proposed amendment to change the land use designation from IL, Industrial Light 7 to CH, Commercial Heavy on 11 acres of a 2 1.1 acre site would enhance the balance of 8 land uses in that the proposed development on the site would place a 9 commercial/industrial use that is dependent on rail and highway access adjacent to and 10 existing railroad mainline and in proximity to several major highways. 11 D. The 21.1 acre project site which includes the 11 acre amendment site is physically large 12 13 enough for uses permitted in the CH, Commercial Heavy land use designation and the 14 parcel will have adequate access to Rancho Avenue for trucks and automobiles. 15 SECTION 4. Amendment 16 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council that: 17 A. The Land Use Plan of the General Plan of the City of San Bernardino is amended by 18 changing approximately 11 acres from IL, Industrial Light to CH, Commercial Heavy. 19 20 This amendment is designated as General Plan Amendment No. 94-01 and its location 21 is outlined on the map entitled Attachment A, and is more specifically described in the 22 legal description entitled Attachment B, copies of which are attached and incorporated 23 herein be reference. 24 B, General Plan Amendment No. 94-01 shall become effective immediately upon adoption 25 of this resolution. 26 27 28 3 1 SECTION 5. Man Notation 2 This resolution and the amendment affected by it shall be noted on such appropriate 3 General Plan maps as have been previously adopted and approved by the Mayor and Common 4 Council and which are on file in the office of the City Clerk. 5 SECTION 6. Notice of Determination 6 7 The Planning Division is hereby directed to file a Notice of Determination with the 8 County Clerk of the County of San Bernardino certifying the City's compliance with California 9 Environmental Quality Act in preparing the Negative Declaration. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 1 RESOLUTION... ADOPTING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND ADOPTING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 94-01 TO THE 2 GENERAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. 3 4 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and 5 Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting therefore, held 6 on the day of 1994, by the following vote, to wit: 7 Council Members AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT 8 NEGRETE — 9 10 CURLIN — — 11 HERNANDEZ — 12 OBERHELMAN — 13 DEVLIN — 14 POPE-LUDLAM _ 15 MILLER — 16 17 18 City Clerk 19 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day 20 of 1994. 21 22 Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino 23 Approved as to 24 form and legal content: 25 JAMES F. PENMAN, 26 City Attorney 27 By: 28 b j 5 W-KHMENT "A" � Cpl I _ ► 3nN3AV OHON'V8 ,91'9BB A0 .10 N •00'9 tB T �_ _ I . CN I r — — LU c1 �j h a'pt w Q v Z I m K I Iw I a a I o �J p \ � . o ZI I Ia I I � w Z x I u all a ZI � I I - H— O b,o OY r Q \ l5 o N S W W U \ Z ON Q �N \ � N W Z 6\ v' o o UN `a � Z b g \ ATT"�HMENT "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 7 . TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH , RANGE 4 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. STATE OF CALIFORNIA . DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : IL to CH PARCEL 1 : 142-081-08 LOTS 1 THROUGH 68 , INCLUSIVE, AND LOTS 97 THROUGH 112 , INCLUSIVE . OF TRACT 2314 . IN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. AS RECORDED IN BOOK 33 OF MAPS . PAGES 22 AND 23 . RECORDS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY . IL to CH PARCEL 2 : 142-091-14 142-092-40 THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 8 OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER 142-092-41 OF SECTION 7 , LYING SOUTH OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE 142-093-17 ATCHISON TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY. AND 142-094-36 LYING NORTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT N0, 2314. AND LYING WEST OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF RANCHO AVENUE, ALL SAID RESPECTIVE SOUTHERLY, NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY LINES BEING SHOWN ON SAID TRACT NO. 2314, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 33 OF MAPS , PAGES 22 AND 23 . RECORDS OF SAID SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY . THE TOTAL AREA OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS 12 . 64 ACRES MORE OR LESS. p IAND SU�✓F�o " HENRY C.POOUIZ 9 7tf No. L6048 is E:P. G 30-4 �rFTf OF CA��F�Q CITY OF SAN BERNr.. . '0 EXHIBIT #1 SITE VICINITY, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT PROPOSAL AND GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION MAP Adopted 6 .2-89 GPA No. 94-01 Date 02/04/94 (I .S. ) CUP No. 94-03 Panel No. G2 PM No. 14639 f \lj 11 � s w T x �1 �J J n 1 ® GN r N ,V IH MMI.A� rin w � Nif�I�- r• i sT. 17 I • �� .ae MILL S \ vowumr r � cnn T r) EXHIBIT #2 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT AGENDA ITEM �f5 _ SUMMARY HEARING DATE April 5 , 1994 WARD 2 General Plan Amendment No. 94-01; APPLICANT: AT & SF Railway Company W Parcel Map No. 14639; and, 740 East Carnegie Drive U) Conditional Use Permit No. 94-03 OWNER San Bernardino, CA 92408 U (See the following page for the names and the address of owners. ) A request to change the General Plan land use designation from IL, f Industrial Light to CH, Commercial Heavy on the eastern 11 acres of a W 21. 1 acre site. (The remaining 10.1 acres are designated CH. ) The M project includes a request for the approval of a CUP to construct/establish p a bulk distribution services facility for rail car to truck vacuum transfer LLJ of food grade pellets. The use includes a site. operations/truck wash facility and a packaging facility as accessory uses. Development of the Q site is proposed to occur in three phases over a three year period. The W Parcel Map is to combine seven lots into one lot. cc Q EXISTING GENERAL PLAN PROPERTY LAND ILRC ZONING DESIGNATION Subject Vacant IL & CH Indust. Light & Comm. Heavy North Metrolink Mainline, Indust. IL, CH & Indust. Light & Comm. Heavy and Resid. uses & vacant land RS and Resid. Suburban South Vacant land Indus. & Res. uses IL, RU-1 Indust. Light & Res. Urban East Vacant land, Res. & Indus.uses IH Industrial Heavy West Resid. Uses & Vacant land RS Residential Suburban GEOLOGIC/SEISMIC ❑ YES FLOOD HAZARD ❑ YES ❑ ZONE A SEWERS: ❑ YES HAZARD ZONE: �] NO ZONE: EJ NO ❑ ZONE B CXl NO HIGH FIRE ❑ YES AIRPORT NOISE/ ❑ YES C!!n!-NT EB YES HAZARD ZONE: Q NO CRASH ZONE: NO ❑ NO J ❑ NOT ❑ POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT Z ® APPROVAL APPLICABLE EFFECTS WITH O H MITIGATING MEASURES F Z fn NO E.I.R. Q ® CONDITIONS LL a W (} Z ❑ EXEMPT ❑ E.I.R. REQUIRED BUT NO LL Z ❑ DENIAL Z C SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS Q W Q Z WITH MITIGATING F 2 W LL MEASURES N M ❑ CONTINUANCE TO Z ® NO SIGNIFICANT ❑ SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS (.) W EFFECTS SEE ATTACHED E.R.C. W MINUTES Q VI.W9m PAGE t OF t 1.901 O -"-genda Item N5 ..faring Date: 04/05/94 Ward: 3 Case: GPA 94-01; PM 14639; CUP 94-03 SUMMARY (cont'd) Owners: Harvey, Willie & Marlies Kallen 3402 West Harvard Street Santa Ana, California 92704 Melvin G. Elliot, Joan Elliot, Elizabeth P. Elliot & Coyote Properties, Ltd. P 0 Box 499 San Bernardino, California 92402 GENERAL PLAN AMENDNIENT NO. 94-01 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 94-03 PARCEL MAP NO. 14639 AGENDA ITEM: #5 HEARING DATE: April 5, 1994 Page: 2 REQUEST The applicant requests to change the General Plan land use designation from IL, Industrial Light to CH, Commercial Heavy on 11 acres of a 21.1 acre site. (The site's remaining 10.1 acres are designated CH). The general plan amendment is to permit a bulk distribution services facility for rail car to truck vacuum transfer of food grade pellets subject to a Conditional Use Permit [Development Code §19.08.020, Table 08.02 - Item (5)(A)]. The use includes two accessory uses - a site operations/truck wash facility and a packaging facility. Development of the site is proposed to occur in 3 phases over a 3 year period. The proposal includes a Parcel Map to combine 7 lots (recorded as Parcel Map No. 2314) into I lot. Concurrently, the Public Works Department is processing an application for Street Vacation for the vacation of Toranga, Athol Verde and Castilla Streets (paper streets dedicated through PM No. 2314). LOCATION The irregularly-shaped 21.1 acre project site is located about 680 feet north of Rialto Avenue and north of and adjacent to the Pacific Electric Railroad right-of-way, south of and adjacent to the Metrolink mainline right-of-way and west of and adjacent to Rancho Avenue in the IL and CH land use designations. (See Attachment 1, Site Vicinity and Land Use Designation Map) BACKGROUND This project was reviewed by the Development Review Committee (DRC) on February 10, 1994 and March 10, 1994. At their March 10, 1994 meeting, the DRC recommended that the Planning Commission recommend to the Mayor and Common Council the approval of the project (GPA No. 94-01, CUP No. 94-03 and PM No. 14639). CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) STATUS An Initial Study was prepared by staff and presented to the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on February 10, 1994. A Negative Declaration was proposed. The Initial Study was made available for public review and comment from February 17, 1994 to March 9, 1994 (see 0 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 94-01 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 94-03 PARCEL MAP NO. 14639 AGENDA ITEM: k5 HEARING DATE: April 5, 1994 Page: 3 Attachment 13). No comments were received during the review period. On March 10, 1994, the ERC recommended that the Planning Commission adopt the proposed Negative Declaration. Upon submittal, the eastern 114 of the site (adjacent to Rancho Avenue) was proposed for future expansion. During the DRC/ERC's review of the project, the applicant opted to include the piece as part of the site plan for this project. Because the area initially set aside for future expansion was considered in the Initial Study, staff does not anticipate any additional or new impacts from its addition to the site plan. ANALYSES Site And Area Characteristics The irregularly shaped 2 1.1 acre project site is located on the west side of Rancho Avenue about 680 feet north of Rialto Avenue with frontage on Rancho Avenue of about 690 feet. As shown on Attachment 1, about 11 acres of the eastern portion of the site are designated IL, Industrial Light with the remaining 10.1 acres designated CH, Commercial Heavy. The site is somewhat triangularly-shaped with the tip oriented to the west/southwest. The topography is generally flat on the east side of the site and slopes uphill (sharply) to the west towards the tip of the triangle. At finished grade, the western portion of the site will be at nearly the same grade as the eastern end of the site. The site will drain from southwest to north east. Two detention basins will be constructed at the northeast corner of the site to catch site runoff and carry it into a stormdrain channel. (See Attachment 2, Site Plan) The surrounding area is hilly and rough as the topography transitions towards the San Bernardino Mountains to the north. The east branch of Lytle Creek is located about 800 feet east/northeast of the site's northeast corner. The Metrolink mainline and right-of-way are located north of and adjacent to the site in the IL, Industrial Light with vacant land located beyond in the IL, Industrial Light land use designation. East and across Rancho Avenue is vacant land, single-family residential dwellings and sand and gravel processing uses in the IH, Industrial Heavy land use designation. South east of the site is vacant land and what appears to be a construction yard in the IL designation. South of the site is the Pacific Electric Railroad right-of-way in the CH, Commercial Heavy designation. A mobile home park is located south of the right-of-way in the o GENERAL PLAN ANIENDRIENT NO. 94-01 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 94-03 PARCEL 11IAP NO. 14639 AGENDA ITEM: N5 HEARING DATE: April 5, 1994 Page: 4 RU-1, Residential Urban designation. In certain areas, the mobile home park currently is elevated approximately 30 feet higher than the project site. Southwest and beyond the Pacific Electric Railroad right-of-way is vacant land in the RU-l. To the west/northwest and adjacent to the Metrolink mainline and right-of-way are single-family residential uses and vacant land also in the RS, Residential Suburban. Similar to the mobilhome park, this residential development is at a higher elevation (about 20 to 30 feet) than the project site. General Plan Consistency And Development Code Compliance The purpose of the CH, Commercial Heavy land use designation is stated, as follows: It is the objective of the City . . . to: "Provide for the development of limited commercial and industrial uses characterized by an extensive use of outdoor or indoor space for their sales, service, and/or storage and ensure their compatibility with adjacent uses." (General Plan Objective 1.30) The CH designation permits a variety of retail, wholesale, light industrial manufacturing and storage uses which require extensive outdoor or indoor space for sales, services and/or storage (General Plan Policy 1.30.10). The proposed bulk distribution services facility was identified as having characteristics that are typical of wholesale distribution, light industrial manufacturing and storage uses. As such, the proposed use has been determined to be consistent with the CH General Plan land use designation. The Development Code [Table 08.02(5)(A)] requires an approved conditional use permit for specified uses that occur outside of an enclosed structure and that are within 150 of a residential district in the CH. The purpose of the proposed amendment is to change the land use designation to CH on 11 acres (currently designated IL) so that the entire 21.1 acre site is designated CH. The IL designation does not permit bulk distribution services facilities or outside land uses. As indicated, the parcel map is to combine 7 lots into 1 lot. In terms of size and lot configuration, the proposed subdivision is consistent with the CH land use designation and complies with all applicable Development Code requirements. o GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 94-01 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 94-03 PARCEL MAP NO. 14639 AGENDA ITEM: N5 HEARING DATE: April 5, 1994 Page: 5 Project Proposal And Phasing The applicant requests to change the General Plan land use designation from IL to CH on 11 acres of the 21.1 acre site (of which the remaining 10.1 acres are designated CH). As stated, the project proposes to establish a bulk distribution services facility for vacuum transfer of food grade plastic pellets from rail car to truck. Outside land uses in the CH district within 150 feet of any residential land use district are permitted subject to a Conditional Use Permit. As it exists, the project site consists of 7 parcels (recorded as Tract No. 2314) which are proposed to be merged into 1 lot through the Parcel Map process. (See Attachment 3, Parcel Map No. 14639) Development of the site is proposed to occur in 3 phases over a 3 year period (see Attachment 2, Site Plan; and, Attachment 7, Project Phasing Plan). Phase 1 will include the construction of the 10 rail sidings and a site operations/truck wash facility of about 16,800 square feet (4800 S.F. for the admin/ops and 12,000 S.F. for the truck wash). The required parking (32 standard parking spaces and 25 truck spaces) and circulation areas will also be constructed. (See Attachment 2, Site Plan; Attachment 5, Floor Plan; and, Attachment 6, Elevations) Phase 2 will include the construction of a packaging facility of about 18,000 square feet and the associated parking (18 standard parking spaces) and circulation areas. Phase 3 will include the construction of a 32,000 square foot addition to the packaging facility and the associated parking (32 standard spaces) and circulation areas. The Site Plan shows the general location and a conceptual building configuration (footprint) for the packaging facility. Because Phases 2 and 3 are conceptual, floor plans and elevations for the 18,000 S.F. building and the 32,000 S.F. addition have not been submitted (see Attachment 7, Project Phasing Plan). For this reason, the project has been conditioned that Development Permit Applications for building and site design are required for future phases. (See Attachment 11, Condition No. 7) A general description of the facility operation is that empty tanker trucks will enter the site and proceed to the truck wash facility which has 8 wash bays. Following the wash process, the tankers may park on a short term basis in the truck parking area. The empty trucks will proceed to the transfer area where the food grade plastic pellets will be vacuum transferred from the rail cars to the tanker trucks. The transfer operation generally takes from 20 to 30 minutes. When constructed, the packaging facility will be equipped with silos (interior to the building) for storage of the food grade plastic pellets. The pellets will be vacuum transferred from the D GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 94-01 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 94-03 PARCEL MAP NO. 14639 AGENDA ITEM: N5 HEARING DATE: April 5, 1994 Page: 6 rail cars directly into the silos. This will allow the product to be packaged in smaller lots that can be distributed from pallets. Initially, the facility is expected to employ a total of 100 people with a maximum of 30 employees on the site at any one time. Within 3 years, the facility is anticipated to employ up to 150 persons. The facility (including the truck wash facility) is anticipated to operate 24 hours per day, 7 days a week with certain facets of the operation limited to specific time frames. Downloading of the product from rail cars onto trucks will occur mostly between 4:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Presumably, trucks will enter and leave the site at any time during the hours that downloading activities occur. When the facility is opened, an average of 15 trucks per day is forecast. This should increase to a maximum of 40 trucks per day at some point in the future. A pair of switch engines, which will operate 3 times per week from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., will be used to move full rail cars onto the site and empty cars off of the site. Rail access to the site will be from the east where the rail spurs will link up with the AT & SF Railway Company line, which will be adjacent to the Metrolink mainline. Site Security The facility proposes a combination of video cameras, lighting and fencing (chain link and wrought iron) to provide security for the site. Light standards at a maximum height of 60 feet will provide adequate on-site lighting for safe working conditions and security. The north and south perimeters of the site will be enclosed with 8 foot chain link fencing topped with 1 foot of barbed wire for an overall maximum height of 9 feet. The barbed wire is considered necessary because chain link fencing is easily scaled. The addition of I foot of barbed wire should impede and discourage people from attempting to enter the site. For this reason, staff has added a condition regarding the preceding fence requirement. The proposed chain link fencing is included on the site plan and was reviewed by the Development Review Committee. It should be noted that the proposed video cameras will be mounted on the chain link fence posts along the perimeter. The eastern perimeter of the site (adjacent to Rancho Avenue) and the two detention basins and the rail link to the Metrolink mainline, will be fenced with a 6 foot wrought iron fence. The 10 foot front setback will be landscaped pursuant to Development Code requirements. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 94-01 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 94-03 PARCEL MAP NO. 14639 AGENDA ITEM: #5 REARING DATE: April 5, 1994 Page: 7 Compatibility with Surrounding Land Uses The proposed facility is compatible with the surrounding existing commercial service and industrial uses. The residential uses on the north and south are physically separated from the project site by the Metrolink mainline and right-of-way and the Pacific Electric Railroad right-of- way, respectively. An additional point is that the site (at finished grade) will be approximately 30 feet lower in elevation than the two residential developments. Noise Due to the proximity of residential developments to the project site and the commercial/industrial nature of the project, an Environmental Noise Assessment (January 17, 1994) was prepared for the project by Brown-Buntin Associates, Inc. The study indicates that noise levels for the project upon opening of the facility (15 trucks per day) and at build out (40 trucks per day) will not exceed the City's 65 Db(A) standard. The study is further described in the Initial Study and is on file in the Planning and Building Services Department. Light and Glare Because the facility is proposed to operate during late evening and early morning hours, site lighting levels must be adequate to meet operational and safety requirements. The railroad lighting standard for night-time operating conditions is an average level of 3 foot-candles in the rail operating areas of the facility. As shown on the site plan, the applicant proposes to install 60 foot light standards that will be equipped with "shoe box" hoods. This type of hood provides a more controlled dispersion pattern and will help minimize both glare and spillage light off the site. Despite the 30 foot elevation change between the site and nearby residential properties, the 60 foot light standards will be higher than the residences and could potentially impact them. To address this concern, the applicant submitted a Lighting Study that shows the light levels from the 60 foot light standards on the project site and 100 feet off-site. The light study shows that the light levels on-site range from about 0.02 to 3.12 candle-power along the property lines and from 2.27 to 10.0 candle-power in the rail operation area. At 100 feet off-site and in the vicinity of the residential properties, the light levels range from 0.01 to 0.05 candle-power. The light study indicates that the 60 foot light standards equipped with "shoe box" hoods will not result in light and glare impacts to nearby residential properties. To GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 94-01 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 94-03 PARCEL MAP NO. 14639 AGENDA ITEM: N5 HEARING DATE: April 5, 1994 Rage: 8 ensure this, the project has been conditioned to comply with applicable Development Code provisions for lighting and glare. A copy of the light study is on file in the department. Traffic and Circulation A Traffic Report for the proposal was prepared by CG Engineering (January 1994) and summarized in the Initial Study. The study indicates that at buildout, the project will generate approximate 80 passenger car round-trips and 40 truck round-trips per day. The City Traffic Engineer concluded from his review that the additional traffic generated by the proposal will not cause an adverse impact on area traffic and circulation given compliance with the Standard Requirements. Due to the truck transport aspect of the project, the project has been conditioned that a truck routing plan must be prepared and submitted to the City Engineer and the Director of Planning and Building Services for their review and approval. Rail Traffic The bulk distribution services facility will not result in any increase in rail traffic. Of significance is the fact that this type of rail freight presently moves through the ATSF "B" Yard enroute to the present facility in Fontana. Were the facility to located elsewhere, the associated rail freight would continue to move through the ATSF "B" Yard enroute to the new facility. Other Environmental Concerns An Air Quality Impact Assessment (AeroVironment Inc., January 1994) and a Cultural Resources Evaluation (Macko Archaeological Consulting, January 19, 1994) were prepared for the project and summarized in the Initial Study. Both studies indicated that no significant impacts (to air quality or cultural resources, respectively) would result from the project. However, the Cultural Resources Evaluation recommended that the Monitoring Plan prepared by the archaeologist be implemented during grading and construction activities to avoid potential impacts to subsurface resources. The recommendation has been added to the project as a Condition of Approval. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 94-01 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 94-03 PARCEL MAP NO. 14639 AGENDA ITEM: p5 HEARING DATE: April 5, 1994 Page: 9 COMMENTS RECEIVED California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Region 8 Caltrans indicated their concern that the proposal would impact the State transportation system. Their concerns were based on a misunderstanding of the project size and scope. They were contacted by Planning staff who provided further information relating to vehicle trips (automobiles and trucks) which addressed their issues. As a follow-up, they were sent a copy of the Traffic Report and the Initial Study. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region The response from this agency includes a request that the project be conditioned to adhere to their permit requirements, as applicable. The condition has been added to the project. San Bernardino County Department of Environmental Health Services (DEHS) The response from the DEHS outlines requirements related to hazardous materials that may apply to the project. The project has been conditioned to adhere to their permit requirements, as applicable. San Bernardino County Museum, Archaeological Information Center The comments from the Museum indicate their concurrence with the conclusions of Cultural Resources Evaluation. City of San Bernardino, Council Ward 3 Councilman Hernandez commented that staff needs to ensure that curb, gutter and landscaping are installed along Rancho Avenue. City of Colton The City of Colton has reviewed the proposal and requests that the truck traffic from the project not utilize Rancho Avenue because it is not a designated truck route. The segment of Rancho Avenue that is in the City of Colton is in an area that contains mostly residential neighborhoods. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 94-01 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 94-03 PARCEL MAP NO. 14639 AGENDA ITEM: N5 HEARING DATE: April 5, 1994 Page: 10 The Traffic Report indicates that less than 10 percent of the truck traffic and less that 25 percent of employee traffic will utilize Rancho Avenue traveling south from the project. As stated, the project has been conditioned that a truck routing plan must be prepared and submitted to the City for review and approval. CONCLUSION The proposal to change the General Plan land use designation from IL, Industrial Light to CH, Commercial Heavy on 11 acres of the 2 1.1 acre site is consistent with the General Plan. The proposed bulk distribution services facility use is permitted subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The project is in compliance with all applicable Development Code standards and requirements and is compatible with the existing and future uses in the area. The potential environmental effects associated with the proposal will be insignificant in that an Initial Study for the project has been prepared and a Negative Declaration proposed. RECOMMENDATION Staff Recommends that the Planning Commission recommend to the Mayor and Common Council the: - 1. Adoption of the Negative Declaration; 2. Approval of General Plan Amendment No. 94-01 based on the attached Findings of Fact (Attachment 8); 3. Approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 94-03 based on the attached Findings of Fact (Attachment 9), and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval (Attachment 11) and Standard Requirements (Attachment 12); and, 4. Approval of Parcel Map No. 14639 based on the attached Findings of Fact (Attachment 10), and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval (Attachment 11) and Standard Requirements (Attachment 12). GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 94-01 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 94-03 PARCEL MAP NO. 14639 AGENDA ITEM: k5 HEARING DATE: April 5, 1994 Page: 11 W y Su y Director of Planning and Building Services l Di:bo oldru f � "V� ssociate Planner ATTACHMENTS: 1 - Site Vicinity, General Plan Amendment Proposal and General Plan Land Use Designation Map 2 - Site Plan 3 - Parcel Map 4 - Floor Plan (Site Operations/Administration and Truck Wash Facility) 5 - Elevations (Site Operations/Administration and Truck Wash Facility) 6 - Project Phasing Plan (Letter dated March 16, 1994) 7 - Development Code and General Plan Conformance 8 - General Plan Amendment Findings of Fact 9 - Conditional Use Permit Findings of Fact 10 - Parcel Map Findings of Fact 11 - Conditions of Approval for CUP No. 94-03/PM No. 14639 12 - Standard Requirements for CUP No. 94-03/PM No. 14639 13 - Initial Study (Exhibits not included) ATTACHMENT "1" CITY OF SAN BERN/-.. JO SITE VICINITY, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT PROPOSAL AND GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION MAP Adopted 6-2-89 GPA No. 94-01 Date 02/04/94 (I .S. ) CUP No. 94-03 Panel No. G2 PM No. 14639 T T e / �w T 1` J n GH T M �y ✓ii.idr- r�uiti 3 9 C, � • T iyR ±�- S MILL \ r u—' T �f/�f I 1 •• � 1 I"�wl l ES II�wL ST « F n i i nr.NlUr l J aj �4 rzl t7. ry) :><i tit � €� jui fslal� �:tl� ,- 1•. _: _ _ - a i - al CL W E nIt I� _? e CL IE � e Q Is Eat e ! ! t i+ •i , I =°� •� 1 _ — e. . ..... .. it •\ I I . I I fd I w Via/'' � .•((�' 6r tit `\ ,■ t \ i�} ' 5 i • �• � ' _ \ y .mss •�?� . n HOW _ I W -r � a>•1�-ri� -u •a ' •a- 1� �\ !*i -fai...CA `\ .ak Tal 3:R ar . lira• .affi x a -•--i-'- _ :__ !I 5. oil ip, ift- � i{7 as 1 Fa' ATTACHMENT "4" _ IL 0 i V ►_ _ ~2 D .JO J U V 4 m� < U IN y=j��0 �Oym J_ rz it■ U C V n ag o d- zi I I I I 10 I I sl' I i Q 1 'v. I r-- I ------------ I I ! I - -- I I aa I I i � o i ATTACHMENT "5" ` O o 4 i W < J aZ W �m f1 J O O=w< IV J U y =�VIC •S N<ZC �+rz rc '0A o m m mi W U W A 8 O ® I � ► o 0 L Il 1 o � � P � O o c GJ � p � 11 o f �cilll � _ ATTACHMENT "6" - TRANSDEVELOPMENT _ ' n� L it i d 2 3 1994 '- _ r;N March 16, 1994 Ms.Deborah Woldruff - Associate Planner City of San Bernardino Dept. of Planning and Building Services 300 North D Street San Bernardino,CA 92418 RE: QDC Bulk Materials Transfer Facility Dear Deborah: Recent discussions with your office have identified a need to further define the proposed development sequence for the referenced project. We do anticipate that full development of this facility will occur in phases. The actual sequencing is dependent upon the business opportunities that may become available, but the projected phasing is as follows: Phase I The initial phase consists of the construction of the nail portion of the facility along with the associated grading, drainage, paving, lighting and fencing as shown on the site plan. A portion of the site (to the south of the phase line shown on the site plan)will be left unimproved in this phase. The truck wash building will also be completed during this portion of the project. Phase U The second phase includes the development of the remainder of the site to the south of the phase line and the construction of a building (approximately 18,000 SF) to be used for repackaging of plastic pellet products into less than truckload lots. Phase III The final phase consists of the expansion of the packaging building constructed in Phase II to 50,000 SF in size. The additional building space will be used for the same purpose as the original building described in Phase II above. 1200 Nw Front Avenue, Suite 300, Portland,OR 97209 (503)241.1551/FAX(503)2d1-1 AAA .� P 0 R T L A N ,D • L O S A N G E L E S • A T L A N_T A Ms. Deborah Woldruff March 16, 1994 Page Two We understand that approval of the phased approach to this project may be conditioned upon providing additional parking at such time is Phase III may be implemented and are prepared to meet those requirements. Hopefully this clarifies Santa Fe's intent regarding this project If you have any forth= questions,we are available at your convenience to address your concerns. Sincerely, TRANSDEVELOPMENTCORPORATION Richard M.Wessell Development Manager 23MMA _•__•-----.�M.�.�.���..._,.._ �'��t1'^'''{{{(��) � '*\TI(��'}�J�/r��'T1/�,II�I�/,,�(((I��t�''^�'''**\r'^1� _ �. �.. � �. .r��-� .�s. J 1 `4 11 ,V✓L Y L.11..IV1 1.1LLL , 1 �a �Y..�..•-J Attachment 11711 (CUP No. 94-03/PM No. 14639) MUNICIPAL (DEVELOPMENT) CODE AND GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE Category Proposal Municipal General Plan Code Proposed Bulk *CH, w/ an *CH, w/ an Use Distribution approved CUP approved CUP Svcs. Fac. (outside) Lot Size: >900, 000 10, 000 S.F. N/A S. F. (21. 1 acres) Setbacks: Front 10 feet 10 feet N/A Side (north) >10 feet 0 feet N/A Side (south) >10 feet 0 feet N/A Rear >10 feet 10 feet N/A Parking **86 Auto ** (Min. ) 82 N/A Spaces Spaces Spaces 25 Truck N/A N/A Spaces Handicapped 3 Spaces (Min. ) 3 N/A Spaces Spaces Landscaping 40% (Min. ) 15% N/A + The project includes: a GPA to change the General Plan land use designation from IL to CH on 11 acres of a 21. 1 acre site to accommodate the proposed use; and, a PM to combine 7 lots into 1 lot. •• The required parking for each approved project phase is as follows: Phase 1 - 32 spaces; Phase 2 - 18 spaces; and, Phase 3 - 32 spaces. ATTACHMENT 8 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 93-04 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 93-24 AGENDA ITEM: 5 HEARING DATE: January 25, 1994 Page 1 FINDINGS OF FACT FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 94-01 1. The amendment proposal to change the land use designation from I1, Industrial Light to CH, Commercial Heavy on 11 acres of a 2 1.1 acre site is internally consistent with the General Plan [Goal 1G(e), (h) and (j)] in that it will accommodate the expansion of development into vacant and low-use lands within environmental and infrastructure constraints, add to the City's diversity of areas that are characterized by differing functional activity and scales and intensity of uses and create jobs in proximity to residents. 2. The amendment proposal would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the City in that the site is separated and buffered from existing residential by the adjacent railroad right-of-ways and in proximity to existing commercial service and industrial uses. 3. The amendment to change the land use designation from IL, Industrial Light to CH, Commercial Heavy on 11 acres of a 21.1 acre site would enhance the balance of land uses in that the proposed development on the site would place a commercial/industrial use that is dependent on rail and highway access adjacent to an existing railroad mainline and in proximity to several major highways. - 4. The 21.1 acre site is physically large enough for uses permitted in the CH, Commercial Heavy land use designation and the parcel will have adequate access to Rancho Avenue for trucks and automobiles. ATTACHMENT 9 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 93-04 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 93-24 AGENDA ITEM: 5 HEARING DATE: January 25, 1994 Page 1 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FINDINGS OF FACT (CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 94-03) 1. The proposed bulk distribution services facility use is conditionally permitted within, and would not impair the integrity and character of, the CH, Commercial Heavy district and complies with the applicable provisions of the Development Code; 2. The proposed bulk distribution services facility use is consistent with the General Plan in that it is a conditionally permitted use in the CH, Commercial Heavy land use designation; 3. The approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the proposed bulk distribution services facility use is in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Section 19.20.030(6) of the Development Code; 4. There will be no potentially significant negative impacts upon environmental quality and natural resources that could not be properly mitigated and monitored in that the project has been evaluated in accordance with CEQA and no significant environmental impacts were found; 5. The location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed bulk distribution services facility use are compatible with the existing and future land uses within the general area in which the proposed facility is to be located and will not create significant noise, traffic or other conditions or situations that may be objectionable or detrimental to other permitted uses in the vicinity or adverse to the public interest, health, safety, convenience or welfare of the City in that the existing uses, which consist of transportation (rail), commercial service, light industrial, sand and gravel processing, single-family residential uses and vacant parcels, are either buffered by other uses or share similar characteristics relating to intensity of use; 6. The site is physically suitable for the proposed bulk distribution services facility in that the applicable Development Code standards are met pending adherence with the Conditions of Approval and Standard Requirements; and, ATTACHMENT9 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 93-04 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 93-24 AGENDA ITEM: 5 HEARING DATE: January 25, 1994 Page 2 7. There are adequate provisions for public access, water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure that the proposed bulk distribution services facility use would not be detrimental to public health and safety in that the project has been reviewed by the affected City departments and public agencies. ATTACHMENT 10 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 93-04 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 93-24 AGENDA ITEM:5 HEARING DATE: January 25, 1994 Page 1 FINDINGS OF FACT FOR PARCEL MAP NO. 14639 1. Parcel Map No. 14639 is consistent with the General Plan as adopted by the Mayor and Common council on June 2, 1989, in that the reversion to acreage will provide additional acreage for development in the CH, Commercial Heavy land use district to accommodate new employee-generating business and new commercial/industrial uses. 2. The design of the proposed subdivision (reversion to acreage) complies with all applicable provisions of the Development Code. 3. The site is physically suitable for commercial development in that the proposed lot meets the minimum lot size provisions of the CH, Commercial Heavy land use designation and the lot to be created is compatible in design with adjacent and nearby commercial and industrial development in that the lot contains sufficient buildable area and is adjacent to a dedicated roadway and has an approved access. 4. The site for Parcel Map No. 14639 is physically suitable for commercial development in that the reversion to acreage is consistent with the Subdivision Map Act and the proposed lot to be created will be compatible in design with the surrounding commercial and industrial developments. 5. The lot created is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat in that the subject property is not located within the Biological Resources Management Overlay District as identified in the City's General Plan. 6. The design of the subdivision (reversion to acreage) is not likely to cause serious public health problems in that there is existing and future proposed infrastructure to provide services to the proposed lot. 7. The design of the subdivision (reversion to acreage) will not be in conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of, property within O ATTACHMENT 10 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 93-04 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 93-24 AGENDA ITEM: 5 HEARING DATE: January 25, 1994 Page 2 the lot in that the lot is of buildable size and has dedicated or approved access to Rancho Avenue and the legal owners of record will be required to make all dedications required to the City of San Bernardino. ATTACHMENT 11 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 93-04 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 93-24 AGENDA ITEM: 5 HEARING DATE: January 25, 1994 Page 1 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 94-03/PARCEL MAP NO. 14639 1. Within two years of development approval, commencement of construction shall have occurred or the permit/approval shall become null and void. In addition, if after commencement of construction, work is discontinued for a period of one year, then the permit/approval shall become null and void. Projects may be built in phases if preapproved by the review authority. If a project is built in preapproved phases, each subsequent phase shall have one year from the previous phase's date construction for commencement of construction to have occurred or the permit/approval shall become null and void. Project: Conditional Use Permit No. 94-03 Expiration Date: APRIL 5, 1996 2. Within two years of this approval, the filing of the final map or parcel map with the Council shall have occurred or the approval shall become null and void. Expiration of a tentative parcel map shall terminate all proceedings and no final map or parcel map shall be filed without first processing a new tentative map. The City Engineer must accept the final map or parcel map documents as adequate for approval by Council prior to forwarding them to the City Clerk. The date the map shall be deemed filed with the Council is the date on which the City Clerk receives the map. Project: Parcel Map No. 14639 Expiration Date: April 5, 1996 3. The review authority may, upon application being filed 30 days prior to the expiration date and for good cause, grant a one year time extension not to exceed 12 months for PM No. 14639 and CUP No. 94-03. The review authority shall ensure that the project complies with all current Development Code provisions. (A maximum of three, one year time extensions may be requested by the applicant.) 4. In the event that this approval is legally challenged, the City will promptly notify the applicant of any claim or action and will cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. Once notified, the applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of San Bernardino. The applicant further agrees to reimburse the City of any costs and attorney's fees which the City may be required by the court to pay as a result of such ATTACHMENT 11 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 93-04 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 93-24 AGENDA ITEM: 5 HEARING DATE: January 25, 1994 Page 2 action, but such participation shall not relieve the applicant of his obligation under this condition. 5. This permit or approval is subject to all the applicable provisions of the Development Code in effect at the time of approval. This includes Chapter 19.20 - Property Development Standards, and includes: dust and dirt control during construction and grading activities; emission control of fumes, vapors, gases and other forms of air pollution; glare control; exterior lighting design and control; noise control; odor control; screening; signs, off- street parking and off-street loading; and, vibration control. Screening and sign regulations compliance are important considerations to the developer because they will delay the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy until they are complied with. Any exterior structural equipment, or utility transformers, boxes, ducts or meter cabinets shall be architecturally screened by wall or structural element, blending with the building design and include landscaping when on the ground. This requirement also includes any applicable Land Use District Development Standards for residential, commercial and industrial developments regarding minimum lot area, minimum lot depth and width, minimum setbacks, maximum height, maximum lot coverage, etc. 6. Construction shall be in substantial conformance with the plan(s) approved by the Planning Commission. Minor modification to the plan(s) shall be subject to approval by the Director through a minor modification permit process. Any modification which exceeds 10% of the following allowable measurable design/site considerations shall require the refiling of the original application and a subsequent hearing by the appropriate hearing review authority, if applicable. a. On-site circulation and parking, loading and landscaping; b. Placement and/or height of walls, fences and structures; C. Reconfiguration of architectural features, including colors, and/or modification of finished materials that do not alter or compromise the previously approved theme; and, d. An increase or reduction in density or intensity of a development project. ATTACHMENT 11 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 93-04 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 93-24 AGENDA ITEM: 5 HEARING DATE: January 25, 1994 Page 3 7. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the following agencies: California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region; San Bernardino County Department of Environmental Health Services (DEHS); CAL OSHA; and, South Coast Air Quality Management District, as applicable. 8. The applicant shall submit a Development Permit Application for building and site design for each future project phase (Phases 2 and 3). Upon submittal of each Development Permit Application, Planning staff shall determine if further environmental review is required based on the project proposal. 9. This project (CUP 94-03) shall be required to maintain the minimum standard off-street parking spaces for each approved project phase for a total of 82 standard parking spaces, as follows: Phase 1 - 32 standard parking spaces Phase 2 - 18 standard parking spaces Phase 3 - 32 standard parking spaces This project shall also be required to maintain minimum of 25 off-street truck spaces (12 foot wide by 75 foot long) or as deemed necessary by the Director of Planning and Building Services based on the average daily number of rail car to truck off-loads or on a truck parking need assessment. 10. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall prepare and submit to the Planning Division a truck routing plan for the review and approval of the City Engineer and the Director of Planning and Building Services. 11. Fencing placed on the east property line along Rancho Avenue and within the 10 foot front setback shall be wrought iron or a wrought iron/slump block wall combination at a maximum height of 6 feet. All other fencing shall be chain link at a height of 8 feet with a 1 foot top extension of barbed wire for an overall maximum height of 9 feet. The chain link fencing shall be adequately screened so that it is not visible from Rancho Avenue. 12. a.) To meet the requirements of Development Code §19.20.030(11), "Glare" and (14), "Lighting", the applicant shall ensure that light standards are a maximum height of 60 feet in height on the entire site and the light standards are of the "shoe box" type to provide shielded and directed lighting. ATTACHMENT 11 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 93-04 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 93-24 AGENDA ITEM: 5 HEARING DATE: January 25, 1994 Page 4 b.) Prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall coordinate a nighttime site visit with the Planning and Building Inspection Divisions to ensure that site lighting does not result in glare and light spillage onto nearby adjacent residential properties. 13. To ensure that construction of the site does not result in any impacts to subsurface archaeological resources, the applicant shall adhere to the Monitoring Plan included in the Cultural Resources Evaluation Report (Macko Archaeological Consulting,January 19, 1994). Copies of the Report are contained in the case file for CUP No. 94-03 and PM No. 14639. 14. This permit or approval is subject to the attached conditions or requirements of the following City Departments or Divisions: XX Public Works (Engineering) Department XX Building Services Division of the Planning and Building Services Department XX Water Department XX Fire Department XX Police Department XX Refuse Division, Public Services Department ATTACHMENT X12 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CASE NO. CUP 94-03 & CITY ENGINEER PM 14639 AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE M&CC 5/16/94 PAGE NO. ***REVISED 4/25194*" NOTE TO APPLICANT: Where separate Engineering plans are required, the applicant is responsible for submitting the Engineering plans directly to the Engineering Division. They maybe submitted prior to submittal of Building Plans. 1. Drainaqe and Flood Control a) All necessary drainage and flood control measures shall be subject to requirements of the City Engineer, which may be based in part on the recommendations of the San Bernardino County Flood District. The developers Engineer shall furnish all necessary data relating to drainage and flood control. b) A local drainage study will be required for the project. Any drainage improvements, structures or storm drains needed to mitigate downstream impacts or protect the development shall be designed and constructed at the developers expense, and right-of-way dedicated as necessary. c) All drainage from the development shall be directed to an approved public drainage facility. If not feasible, proper drainage facilities and easements shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. d) Applicant shall mitigate on-site storm water discharge sufficiently to maintain compliance with the City's NPDES Storm Water Discharge Permit Requirements. A "Notice of intent(NOI)" shall be filed with the State Water Quality Control Board for construction disturbing 5 acres of more of land. e) An Erosion Control Plan shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to grading plan approval. The plan shall be designed to control erosion due to water and wind, including blowing dust, during all phases of construction, including graded areas which are not proposed to be immediately built upon. Page 1 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CASE NO. C�!P 9a.-n3 a CITY ENGINEER PM 14639 AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE M&CC 5/16/94 PAGE NO. "'REVISED 4/25194"' 2. Grading a) If more than 1' of fill or 2' of cut is proposed, the site/plot/grading and drainage plan shall be signed by a Registered Civil Engineer and a grading permit will be required. The grading plan shall be prepared in strict accordance with the City's "Grading Policies and Procedures" and the City's "Standard Drawings", unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. b) If more than 5 trees are to be removed from the site, a tree removal permit conforming to the requirements of Section 19.28.090 of the Development Code shall be obtained from the Department of Planning and Building Services prior to issuance of any grading or site development permits. C) If more than 5,000 cubic yards of earthwork is proposed, a grading bond will be required and the grading shall be supervised in accordance with Section 7012(c) of the Uniform Building Code. d) An on-site Improvement Plan is required for this project. Where feasible, this plan shall be incorporated with the grading plan and shall conform to all requirements of Section 15.04-167 of the Municipal Code(See "Grading Policies and Procedures"). The on-site Improvement Plan shall be approved by the City Engineer. Page 2 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CASE NO. CUP 94-03 & CITY ENGINEER PM 14639 AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE M&CC 5/16/94 PAGE NO. "'REVISED 4/25/94'"` e) A reciprocal easement shall be recorded prior to grading plan approval if reciprocal drainage, access, sewer, and/or parking is proposed to cross lot lines, or a lot merger shall be recorded to remove the interior lot lines. f) The project Landscape Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of a grading permit. Submit 4 copies to the Engineering Division for Checking. g) An easement and covenant shall be executed on behalf of the City to allow the City to enter and maintain any required landscaping in case of owner neglect. The Real Property Section for execution by the property owner and shall ensure that , if the property owner or subsequent owner(s) fail to properly maintain the landscaping, the City will be able to file appropriate liens against the property in order to accomplish the required landscape maintenance. A document processing fee in the amount of $200.00 shall be paid to the Real Property Section to cover processing costs. This easement and covenant shall be executed by the property owner prior to plan approval unless otherwise allowed by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. 3. Utilities a) Design and construct all public utilities to serve the site in accordance with City Code, City Standards and requirements of the serving utility, including gas, electric, telephone, water, sewer and cable TV. b) Sewer main extensions required to serve the site shall be constructed at the Developer's expense. Sewer systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City's "Sewer Policy and Procedures" and City Standard Drawings. Page 3 i STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CASE NO. CUP 94-03 -A - CITY ENGINEER PM 14639 AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE M&CC 5116/94 PAGE NO. ***REVISED 4/25194"' C) Utility services shall be placed underground and easements provided as required. d) All existing overhead utilities adjacent to or traversing the site on either side of the street shall be undergrounded in accordance with Section 19.20.030 (non- subdivisions) or Section 19.30.110 (subdivisions) of the Development Code. e) Existing Utilities which interfere with new construction shall be relocated at the Developer's expense as directed by the City Engineer, 4. Mapping a) A Parcel Map based upon field survey will be required. b) Additional survey and map information including, but not limited to, building setbacks, flooding and zones, seismic lines and setbacks, geologic mapping and archeological sites shall be filed with the City Engineer in accordance with Ordinance No. MC-592. b. Improvement Completion a) Street, sewer, and drainage improvements plans for the entire project shall be completed, subject to the approval of the City Engineer, prior to the recordation of the Parcel Map. Page 4 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CASE NO. CUP 94-03 CITY ENGINEER PM 14639 AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE M&CC 5/16194 PAGE NO. ***REVISED 4125/94'** b) If the required improvements are not completed prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, and improvement security accompanied by an agreement executed by the developer and the City will be required. C) Street light energy fee to pay cost of street light energy for a period of 4 years shall be paid. Exact amount shall be determined and shall become payable prior to map recording. 6. Street Improvement and Dedications a) All public streets within and adjacent to the development shall be improved to include combination curb and gutter, paving, handicap ramps, street lights, sidewalks and appurtenances, including, but not limited to traffic signals, traffic signal modifications, relocation of public or private facilities which interfere with new construction, striping, shall be accomplished in accordance with the City of San Bernardino "Street Improvement Policy" and City "Standard Drawings", unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Street lighting, when required, shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City's "Street Lighting Policies and Procedures". Street lighting shall be shown on street improvement plans except where otherwise approved by the City Engineer. b) For the streets listed below, dedication of adequate street right-of way (R.W.) to provide the distance from street centerline to property line and placement of the curb line(C.L.) in relation to the street centerline shall be as follows: ♦ Street Name Right-of-Wav(ft.) Curb Linelft) ♦ Rancho Avenue 44' 32' Page 5 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CASE NO. CUP 94-03 & CITY ENGINEER PM 14639 AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE M&CC 5/16/94 PAGE NO. "'REVISED 4125194"' C) Construct 8" Curb and Gutter per City Standard No. 200 adjacent to the site. Widen pavement adjacent to the site to match new curb and gutter. Construct approach and departure transitions for traffic safety and drainage as approved by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. d) Construct sidewalk adjacent to the site in accordance with City Standard No. 202, Case "A". e) Install Street Lights adjacent to the site in accordance with City Standard Nos. SL- 1 and SL-2. f) Widen, improve and restripe Rancho Avenue adjacent to the site with an adequate transition south of the main driveway (minimum of 100 feet) to provide for a northbound left-turn pocket. g) Main driveway approach shall be constructed with curb returns on a 35' minimum radius. Signing or decorative pavement shall be installed at the entry to identify the driveway as a private access. 7. Required Engineering Permits a) Grading permit(If applicable.). b) On-site improvements construction permit(except buildings - see Planning and Building Services), including landscaping. Page 6 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CASE NO. CUP 94-03 & CITY ENGINEER PM 14639 AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE M&CC 5/16194 PAGE NO. 'REVISED 4/25/94"' C) Off-site improvements construction permit. 8. Applicable Engineering Fees(fees subject to change without notice) a) Plan check fee for Parcel Map - $1 ,000.00 plus $30.00 per parcel. b) Plan check and inspection fees for off-site improvements - 4% and 4%, respectively, of the estimated construction cost` of the off-site improvements. c) Plan check and inspection fees for on-site improvements(except buildings - See Planning and Building Services) - 2% and 3%, respectively, of the estimated construction cost' of the on-site improvements, including landscaping. d) Plan check and inspection fees for grading (If permit required) - Fee Schedule available at the Engineering Division Counter. e) Drainage fee in the approximate amount of 6$ 1,200. I) Traffic system fee in the estimated amount of $ 2,500. Exact amount shall be determined by the City Traffic Engineer at time of application for Building Permit. g) Sewer Connection fee in the approximate amount of 1 ,200. h) Sewer inspection fee in the amount of 1$ 7.30 per connection. Page 7 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CASE NO. CUP 94-03 ✓?< CITY ENGINEER PM 14639 AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE M&CC 5116/94 PAGE NO. "'REVISED 4/25/94' i) Street or easement dedication processing fee in the amount of 2$ 00.00 per document. ♦ Estimated construction cost is based on schedule of unit prices on file with the City Engineer. Page 8 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING CASE I AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT AGENDA ITEM 5 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS HEARING 04105/94 BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION 1, Submit plans prepared by a Registered Building Dee+7"ei, Architect or Civil or Structural Engineer. 2. / Submit a complete lateral and structural analysis prepared by a Registered Civil or Structural Engineer or Architect. 3. Submit State of California Title 24 Energy Calculation Forms for resaiet i , non-residential buildings including a signed compliance statement. 4. Submit calculations and structural drawings, prepared by a Registered Civil Structural Engineer or Architect, "s Wig--tams_ Be advised that the subject building is an unreinforced masonry building (URM) as defined by State law rnd as identified in a study done by the City dated January 1990. Notice that this building was a URM building was mailed to all URM owners in April 1990. At some time in the future, the owner will be required to do a detailed structural analysis for the purpose of determining the degree of structural deficiencies, submit structural plans showing correction of the structural deficiencies, obtain building permits, and complete the structural upgrading. a. It is recommended that before significant cosmetic improvements are made that some thought be given to doing the seismic structural upgrading first or consideration be given to doing the cosmetic improvements in such a way so as to minimize or avoid redoing the proposed cosmetic improvements in the future. b. Based upon the structural changes and/or add-ons to the building (such as adding mechanical equipment, mansard roof; other additional weight that must be restrained laterally) , submit a structural analysis certifying that the changes and/or add-ons being proposed to the building makes the building no more hazardous than without the proposed changes and/or rw..o...u. VurN.ia N.oq CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING CASE GPA 94-01 AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT AGENDA ITEM 5 ATE STANDARD REQUIREMENTS HEARING PAGE z 04'05'94 add-ons. If such analysis and certification cannot be made, then the building must be seismically upgraded prior to occupancy of the building. c. As defined by the building code, this project is a change of occupancy classification and/or intensification of use that requires this building to be seismically upgraded prior to occupancy. Submit floor plan of existing structure. Label all uses and existing materials of construction. 5• Submit four (4) complete sets of construction plans including: QCopy of conditions. Soils report. rS) Energy Calculations. Structural calculation. 5. _� Submit a preliminary (soils) --w"h.4ique€aeti-on,aaalya}a) report prepared by a person licensed to do so. 7• _L Submit a single line drawing of the electrical service. Show all equipment, conduit and wire sizes and types. Show the service ground size and grounding electrode. 3. _� Submit panel schedule(s) and electrical plans. Permit required for demolition of existing building(s) on site. Submit a plan of the heating, ventilating or air conditioning system. (Clearly identify the location and rating of the equipment and the sizes and material of all ducts, registers and the location of all fire dampers) . Show means of providing mechanical ventilation as required by the 1900-'Uniform Building Code. Submit gas pipe loads, sizing calculations and isometrics. �� U ICLtil�JfL, a...,.n.n.00..wa vlAra�.m p;A CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING CASE GPA 94-01 AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT AGENDA ITEM STANDARD REQUIREMENTS HEARINGD GE 04/05/94 11. Provide a plot plan showing the location of the proposed sewer system. Submit a letter clearly indicating the intended use of all areas of the building. List the materials to be used and the projects produced giving the amount of each kept in the building. If the building is used of more than one purpose, list all other uses. 12. / Submit isometric plans of the cold and hot water and drain waste and vent systems.aFA«TXCAP-+f.- 13. / Show compliance with Title 24 for the physically handicapped in the following: EP-fiI-i� 1D P-1-y4 , ZC-CTVWt� S� + 11f*I OFT9AJEL TO P.LID'61 Submit plans approved by the County Health Department. Indicate methods of compliance for sound attenuation (exterior, interior party walls, floor/ceiling assembly, ceiling) as per study, U.B.C. , local or State Law. Show compliance with requirements of high fire areas. For structures located within high wind areas: a. Design structure, including roof covering, using p.s. f. wind load. 14. City of San Bernardino named as certificate holder for Worker's Compensation Insurance. 15. _L Assessor's Parcel Number. 16. / Contractor's City license. 17. Contractor's State license. 18• Sewer capacity rights from Water Department, 384-5093 , Neil Thomsen. PL�8.10 (14q CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING CASE GPA 94-01 AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT AGENDA ITEM STANDARD REQUIREMENTS HEARING PAGE 4 19. School fees from Unified School District, 381-1179 . 20. _� Fire Sprinklers Required: Plans for fire sprinklers shall be submitted to Fire Dept. and approved prior to installation. No building inspections shall be performed beyond "framing and ventilation" until fire sprinkler plans are approved. 21. other:�L�,f�G�leckTiMf isM,F7rKc (o -� ir1Kr r� IyiII l.�s 1 (J\r.1L rah-� rI4P Imo ' —Z' � yJKc� 1nw1TaC7Y� ti , �,nfr-r� Zrk_ t�cr-f ILL�c PXLI llc?-1 F'Lr�f !✓1 fc Y -r.V IG1U, J 11 Deposit: �I7F Gti?/TTlor 1S�Th tIILV�M rI —� $ {��14�� { rK.�-Ilc�l hK1 Fi1LriL'iT( �{"Li i'lG"Y�—T� 1�1�4' �> -70 S 3arnardino City Water Departmen STANDARD REQUIREMENTS Review of Plans: # GPA 94-01/CUP 94-03/PM 14639 Date: Location: N�o Rialto Ave. 6 No. & Ad' . to Pacific Electric R.R. Approved: �tig t-o -way T anc o o . Type of Construction: To change LUD from IL to CH Denied: Owner/Developer: Harvey. Willie 6 Marlies Kallen; and, Melvin G. Continued: Elliot, Joan Elliot, Elizabeth P. Elliot & Coyote Properties PAZ Name: L L45T�,J Date: 3— 9 —94 ❑ P.S. t. ✓ 70 ❑ Size of Main Adjacent to the Project 15 r->r ST. SHT S /&0J0,/6/ ❑ Pressure Regulator Required on Customer's Side on the Meter. ❑ Off-site Water Facilities Required to Meet Peak Flow Demand. ❑ Comments: ❑ Subjecttothe Rules&Regulations of the Water Department in effectatthetime of Application for Water Service. This Area is Serviced by East Valley Water District and All Fees/Conditions will be Determined by their Engineering Department. WATER QUALITY CONTROL DEPARTMENT: Name: L 5,rSo./ Date: S- 9-94- L�YR.P.P. Backflow Device Required at Service Connection. ❑ Double Check Backflow Device Required at Service Connection. ❑ Air Gap Required at Service Connection. ❑ No Backflow Device Required. ENVII 0 MENTAL CONTROL OFFICER: Name: 416 TM ti/ 1> -OJ Date: 7 -'9 -94- 2. LL' Industrial Waste Permit Required by Environmental Control Officer. Mif 01e01'J C1157=0 ❑ Grease Trap Required by Environmental Control Officer. FAx '5-9- 94 ❑ Pre-treatment Required by Environmental Control Officer. ❑' No Regenerative Water Softeners May be Installed Without Prior Approval. ❑ 4pproved by Environmental Control Officer. 3. rrY//Zuo 4AL SkWD i[ i✓7EC ,E' 2�q'0. roe WA5H 0A I/W Ty SEWER CAPACITY INFOR ATION: Name: Date: ❑ No Sewer Capacity Fee Applicable at This Time. Sewer Capacity Fee Must Be Paid to the City Water Department for the Amount of Gallons Per Day. Equivalent Dwelling Units: ❑ Subject to Recalculation of Fee Prior to the Issuance of Building Permit. ❑ Proof of Payment Mustbe Submittedtothe Building&Safety Department Priorto Issuanceof the Building Permit. Breakdown of Estimated Gallons Per Day: .z,s n-soy wnm-a.w �„w...,.r...r... CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO C a s � /O- 9f' STANDARD REQUIREMENTS Hearing Data Reviewed By FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Provide one extra set of construction plans to Building and Safety for Fire Department use at time of plan check. Contact Fire Department for specific or detailed requirements- IMPORTANT. 1, /< The developer shall provide for adequate Fire Flow as computed by the Fire Prevention Bureau.Fire Flow shall be based on square footage.construction features and exposure information as supplied by the developer and may be ken from two hydrants.The must be available prior to placing combustible materials on site. /S-00 r^Af B Psl ACCESS: Provide two separate.dedicated routes of ingress/egress to the property entrance.The routes shall he paved,all-weather. Provide an access roadway m each building for fire apparatus. Access roadway shall have an all-weather driving surface of not less than 20 feet of unobstructed width. Extend roadway to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior walls of all single-story buildings. Extend roadway to within 50 feet of the exterior walls of all multiple-story buildings. _ Provide"No PARKING"signs whenever parking of vehicles would possibly reduce theclearance ofaccess roadways to less than the required width.Signs are to read"FIRE LANE-NO PARKING"(Ail caps).-'M.C.Sec. 15.16:' Dead-end streets shall not exceed 500 feet in length and shall have a minimum 35 foot radius turnaround. The names of any new streets(public or private)shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval. SITE: 2. ro-OK All access roads and streets are to be constructed and usable prior to combustible construction. 3. kS Private fire hydrant,shall be installed to protect each building locamcimore than 150 feet from the curb line.Nofire hydrantshould be within 4(1 feet of anv exterior wall.The hydrants shall be Wet Barrel type,with one'_ I C inch and one 4 inch outlet.and approved by the Fire Department.Fire hydrants are to be protected form damage by providing suitable traffic barriers.The area around the fire hydrant shall be designated as a"NO PARKING"zone by painting an 8 inch wide.red stripe for 15 feet in each direction in from of the hydrant in such a manner that it will not be blocked by parked vehicles. 4, 11K Public fire hydrants shall be provided along streets at 300 feet intervals for commercial and multi-residential areas and at 500 feet intervals for residential areas. Installation shall conform to City specifications and be installed prior to combustible construction Or storage. - BUILDING: 5, Address numerals shall be installed on the building at the front or other approved location in such a manner as to be visible from the frontage street.Commercial and multi family shall be six inch,single family shall be 4 inch.The color of the numerals shall contrast with the color of their background. Identify each gas and electric meter with the number of the unit which it services. 6, ;PWC Fire extinguishers most be installed prior to the building being occupied.The minimum rating for any fire extinguisher is 2A 10 B/C.Minimum distribution of fire extinguishers must be such of no interior pan of the building is over 75 feet travel distance from a fire extinguisher. Apartment houses with more than 15 units or hotel(motel)with 20 or more units three or more stories in height shall be equipped with automatic fire sprinklers. 7, 1>,; AII buildings,other than residential over 5.000 square feet,shall be provided with an automatic fire sprinkler system,designed to NFPA standards. 8. Submit plans for the fire protection system to the Fire Department prior to beginning construction on the system. Tenant improvements in all sprinklered buildings arc to he approved by the Fire Department prior to construction. Provide an automatic fire alarm(required throughout).Plan must be approved by the Fire Department,prior to installation. 9. ^ Fire Department connection to(sprinkler system/standpipe system)shall be required at wish}Iine.A PPROVEO LoUTi0a1 NOTE:The applicant must requesa,.ip writing,any change in these or other requirements. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ONE 41 r ZEPj9A,*Arr /4) 4PP.?s VETI 10 C4 rf*41f /9T Cfc s, XL -D — / 90Th' ST.PUCT!/RL� S'f'./Yl BG' Fu[[Y /=i�tc-- SP.f/�.ff'LdFO FPO no .sot® .sUBIL//7� /NF'OeCh.ITJO�tJ ON (jUR•V�.t/GE 1,106XT/d7••:�"!pf P/.f n c� SGe G CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO STANDARD REQUIREMENTS - POLICE DEVELOPMENTAL/ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CASE # CI q- C DATE ,2-/0 - y5 COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS The following special provisions shall apply to all new commercial or industrial buildings or those with 503 improvement or alteration: Garaoe-tVDe doors A. Garage type doors which are either rolling overhead, solid overhead, swinging, sliding, or accordion style doors shall conform to the following standards: 1. Wood doors shall have panels a minimum of five- sixteenths (5/16) inch in thickness with the locking hardware being attached to the support framing. 2 . Aluminum doors shall be a minimum thickness of . 0215 inches and riveted together a minimum of eighteen (18) inches on center along the outside seams. There shall be a full width horizontal beam attached to the main door structure which shall meet the pilot or pedestrian access door framing within three (3) inches or the strike area of the pilot or pedestrian access door. 3. Fiberglass doors shall have panels a minimum of six (6) ounces per square foot from the bottom of the door to a height of seven (7) feet. Panels above seven (7) feet and panels in residential structures have a density of not less than five (5) ounces per square foot. B. Where sliding or accordion doors are used, they shall be equipped with guide tracks which shall be designed so that the door cannot be removed from the track when in the closed and locked position. C. Doors that exceed sixteen (16) feet in width shall have two (2) lock receiving points, one located on each side of the door. Doors not exceeding sixteen (16) feet shall have one lock receiving point placed on either side of the door. A single bolt may be used in the center of the door with the locking point located either in the floor or door frame header. D. All overhead or swinging doors shall be equipped with Standard Requirements - Police Commercial/Industrial page 2 slidebolts which shall be capable of using padlocks with a minimum nine-thirty-seconds (9/32) inch shackle. 1. The entire slidebolt assembly shall be constructed of case-hardened steel and shall have a frame a minimum of . 120 inches in thickness, and a bolt diameter a minimum of one-half ( 1/2) inch, and shall protrude at least one and one-half (1 1/2) inches into the receiving guide. 2 . Slide bolt assemblies shall be attached to the door with bolts which are nonremovable from the exterior. Rivets shall not be used to attach such assemblies. E. Padlocks used with exterior mounted slide bolts shall have a hardened steel shackle a minimum of nine-thirty- seconds (9/32) inch in diameter with heel and toe locking and a minimum five (5) pin tumbler operation. The key shall be nonremovable when in an unlocked position. F. Doors using a cylinder lock shall have a minimum five (5) pin tumbler operation with the bolt or locking bar extending into the receiving guide a minimum of one (1) inch. G. Pedestrian access doors contained in garage type doors shall comply to the standards set forth in the below section. windows/Locke/Doors (Including sliding Glass) ; The following requirements must be met for windows, locks, doors (including sliding glass) : A. All movable windows and sliding glass doors shall be constructed and/or equipped so as to prevent them from being lifted out of their tracks when in the closed position. S. Louvered windows shall not be used when any portion of the window is less than twelve (12) feet vertically or six (6) feet horizontally from an accessible surface or any adjoining roof, balcony, landing, stair tread, platform, or similar structure. A. Swinging exterior glass doors, wood. ur metal doors with glass panels, solid wood or metal doors, shall be constructed or protected as follows: Standard Requirements - Police Commercial/Industrial Page 3 1 . Wood doors shall be of solid core construction with a minimum thickness of one and three-fourths (1 3/4) inches. Hollow metal doors shall be constructed of a minimum equivalent to sixteen (16) U.S . gauge steel and have sufficient reinforcement to maintain the designed thickness of the door when any locking device is installed; such reinforcement being able to restrict collapsing of the door around the locking device. 2 . Except when double cylinder deadbolts are used or safety glazing is required by Chapter 54 of the Uniform Building Code, any glazing installed within forty (40) inches of any door locking mechanisms shall be constructed or protected as follows: a. fully tempered glass or rated burglary resistant glazing, or b. Iron or steel grills of at least one-eighth (1/8) inch mesh secured with nonremovable bolts on the inside of the glazing may be used; and framing for iron or steel grills shall be by one (1) inch by one-fourth (1/4) inch flat metal secured by nonremovable bolts, or C. The glazing shall be covered with iron or steel bars of at least one-half (1/2) inch round or one inch by on-fourth (1 x 1/4) inch flat metal, spaced not more than five (5) inches apart and secured with nonremovable bolts. d. Items b and c above shall not interfere with the operation of opening windows if such windows are required to be openable by the - Uniform Building Code. B. All swinging exterior doors with the exception of aluminum frame swinging doors shall be equipped as follows: 1. A single or double door shall be equipped with a double or single cylinder deadbolt. The bolt shall have a minimum projection of one inch and be constructed so as to repeal cutting tool attack. The deadbolt shall have an embedment of at least three-fourths (3/4) inch into the door jamb/strike. Standard Requirements - Police commercial/Industrial Page 4 The cylinder shall have a cylinder guard, a minimum of five (5) pin tumblers, and shall be connected to the inner portion of the lock b y connecting screws of at least one-fourth (1/4) inch in diameter. All deadbolts will be equipped with a locked indicator. Exposed installation screws on double cylinder deadbolts shall be nonremovable. The provisions of this subsection do not apply where (1) panic hardware is required, or (2) an equivalent device is approved by the enforcing authority. Locking devices shall be mounted at a height of not less than thirty (30) nor more than fort-four (44) inches above the finished floor. 2 . Hinges for outswinging doors shall be equipped with nonremovable hinge pins or a mechanical interlock to preclude removal of the door from the exterior by removing the hinge pins. 3. Whenever a mail slot is located within forty (40) inches of the primary locking device on any exterior door it shall be covered by an interior hood which will discourage manipulation of the primary locking device. 4 . Strikeplates shall be constructed of minimum sixteen (16) U.S. gauge steel , bronze or brass, a minimum of three and one-half (3 1/2) inches in length and secured to the jamb with screws a minimum of two and one-half (2 1/2) inches in length. C. All exterior double doors shall be equipped as follows: 1. The inactive leaf of double doors shall be equipped with automatic releasing metal flushbolts having a minimum embedment of five-eighths (5/8) inch into the header and threshold of the door frame or by panic hardware which contains a minimum of two (2) locking points, one located at the header, the other at the threshold of each door. 2. Double doors shall have a full-length astragal, constructed of steel a minimum of . 125 inch thick which will cover the opening between the doors. The astragal shall be a minimum of two (2) inches wide, and extend a minimum of one inch beyond the edge of the door to which it is attached. The astragal shall be attached to the outside of the active door by means of welding or with Standard Requirements - Police Commercial/Industrial Page 5 nonremovable bolts spaced apart on not more than ten (10) inch centers . D. Aluminum frame swinging doors shall conform to the following: 1. The jamb on all aluminum frame swinging doors shall be so constructed or protected to withstand one thousand six hundred (1, 600) pounds of pressure in both a vertical distance of three (3) inches and a horizontal distance of one (1) inch each side of the strike so as to prevent violation of the strike. 2 . Aluminum frame swinging doors shall be equipped with a two-point locking mechanism consisting of deadbolt having a minimum bolt projection of one and one-half (1 1/2) inches, or a hook shaped or similar bolt that engages the strike sufficiently to prevent spreading and a metal automatic releasing threshold bolt having a minimum embedment of five-eighths (5/8) inch into the floor. The deadbolt lock shall have a minimum of five (5) pin tumblers and a cylinder guard and shall be equipped with a locked indicator. E. Panic hardware, whenever required by the Uniform Building Code or Title 24 of the California Administrative Code, shall be equipped and installed as follows: 1. Panic hardware shall contain a minimum of two (2) locking points on each door, one located at the head, the other at the threshold of the door, or 2 . On single doors, panic hardware may have one locking point which is not to be located at either the top or bottom rails of the door frame. The door shall have an astragal constructed of steel . 125• inches thick which shall be attached with nonremovable bolts or welded to the outside of the door. The astragal shall extend a minimum of six (6) inches vertically above and below the latch of the panic hardware. The astragal shall be a minimum of two (2) inches wide and extend a minimum of one (1) inch beyond the edge of the door. 3 . Double doors containing panic hardware shall have a full length steel astragal attached to the doors at their meeting point which will close the opening O Standard Requirements - Police Commercial/Industrial Page 6 between them but not interfere with the operation of either door. F. Installation and construction of frames and jambs for exterior swinging doors shall be as follows: 1. Door jambs shall be installed with solid backing in such a manner that no voids exist between the strike side of the jamb and the frame opening for a vertical distance of six (6) inches each side of the strike. Finger joints are prohibited. 2 . In wood framing, horizontal blocking shall be placed between studs at door lock height for three (3) stud spaces each side of the door openings. Trimmers shall be full length from the heads to the floor with solid backing against sole plates. G. In multiple occupancy office buildings all entrance doors to individual office suites shall meet the construction and locking requirements for exterior doors. H. In multiple occupancy buildings, interior walls dividing the individual suites shall not end at the false ceiling but shall continue to the real roof. I. Exterior transoms or windows shall be deemed accessible if less than twelve (12) feet above ground or adjacent to any pedestrian walkway. Accessible windows and transoms having a pane or opening exceeding ninety-six (96) square inches, with the smallest dimension exceeding six (6) inches, and not visible from a public or private thoroughfare shall be protected in the following manner: 1. Fully tempered glass or burglary resistant glazing, or 2. The following window barriers may be used but shall be secured with bolts which are nonremovable from the exterior: a. Interior or exterior steel or iron bars of at least one-half (1/2) inch round or one by one- quarter (1 x 1/4) inch flat metal spaced not more than five (5) inches apart and security fastened, or b. Interior or exterior iron or steel grills of at least one-eighth (1/8) inch metal with not o Standard Requirements - Police Commercial/Industrial Page 7 more than a two (2) inch mesh and securely fastened. 3 . The protective bars or grills shall not interfere with the operation of opening windows if such windows are required to be openable by the Uniform Building Code. J. Roof openings shall be equipped as follows: 1. All skylights on the roof of any building or premises used for business purposes shall be provided with: a. Rated burglary resistant glazing, or b. Iron or steel bars of at least one-half (1/2) inch round or one by one-fourth (1 x 1/4) inch flat metal spaced not more than five (5) inches on center to cross the narrowest dimension of the opening being covered. If the narrowest dimension of that opening exceeds eighteen (18) inches, cross members shall be welded into place, not more than eighteen (18) inches apart beginning with a cross member at the center of the opening. Cross members shall be welded to each and every bar it crosses. The entire bar assembly shall be mounted inside the skylight and shall be attached to the building structure by-means of machine bolts spaced not more than sixteen (16) inches apart or attached by means of an equivalent method approved by the enforcing authority, or C. A steel or iron grill of at least one-eighth (1/8) inch metal with a maximum two (2) inch mesh mounted inside the skylight and secured - by bolts which are nonremovable from the exterior. d. These requirements do not apply on any structure with a height of thirty-five (35) feet or more where there is no readily available roof access as determined by the enforcing authority. 2 . All hatchway openings on the roof of any building or premises used for business purposes shall be secured as follows: o Standard Requirements - Police commercial/Industrial Page 8 a. If the hatchway is of wooden material , it shall be covered on the inside with at least sixteen (16) U. S. gauge sheet steel or its equivalent, attached with screws. b. The hatchway shall be secured from the inside with a slide bar or slide bolts which are attached by nonremovable bolts. C. outside hinges on all hatchway opening shall be provided with nonremovable pins when using pin type hinges. 3 . All air duct or air vent openings exceeding ninety- six (96) square inches on the roof or exterior walls of any commercial building shall be secured by covering same with either of the following: a. Iron or steel bars of at least one-half (1/2) inch round or one by one-fourth (1 x 1/4) inch flat metal spaced no more than five (5) inches apart and securely fastened, or b. Iron or steel grills of at least one-eighth (1/8) inch metal with a maximum two (2) inch mesh and securely fastened, or C. If the barrier is on the outside, it shall be secured with bolts which are nonremovable from the exterior. d. The above must not interfere with venting requirements, creating potentially hazardous conditions to health and safety, or conflict with the provisions of the Uniform Building Code or Title 19, California Administrative Code. K. permanently affixed ladders leading to roofs shall be fully enclosed with sheet metal to a height of ten (10) feet. This covering shall bd locked against the ladder with a case hardened hasp, secured with nonremovable screws or bolts and a padlock with a minimum three-eighth (3/8) inch hardened steel shackle, locking at both heel and toe, and a minimum five (5) pin tumbler operation with nonremovable key when in an unlocked position. Hinges on the cover will be provided with nonremovable pins when using pin-type hinges. 1 Standard Requirements - Police Commercial/Industrial Page 9 L. A building located within eight (8) feet of utility poles, trees, or similar structures which allow access to the building's roof, windows, or other openings shall have such access area barricaded or fenced with materials to deter human climbing. M. The following standards for lighting and address markings shall apply to commercial buildings: 1. The address number of every commercial building shall be located and displayed so that it shall be easily visible from the street. The numerals in these numbers shall be no less than six (6) inches in height and be of a color contrasting to the background. In addition, any business which affords vehicular access to the rear through any driveway, alleyway, or parking lot shall also display the same numbers on the rear of the building. 2 . Roof top address numbers shall be provided. They shall be a minimum of three (3) feet in length and two (2) feet in width and of contrasting color to the background. Numbers shall be placed parallel to the street address as assigned. Each building within a commercial complex shall have its own address/assigned number affixed to the roof. 3 . All exterior doors shall be equipped with a lighting device which shall provide a minimum maintained one (1) footcandle of light at ground level during hours of darkness. Lighting devices shall be protected by vandal resistant covers. 4 . All parking lots and access thereto shall be provided with a minimum maintained one (1) footcandle of light on the parking surface from dusk until dawn. 5. Exterior lighting shall not shine away from subject property. 6. All exterior lighting devices are to be "shake" proof and inaccessible to common reach or climbing and shall be placed at a height which will fully illuminate an average adult. 7. All parking spaces must be visible from at least one point from the interior of the building. Standard Requirements - Police 0 Standard Requirements - Police Commercial/Industrial Page 10 N. Interior night lighting shall be maintained in those areas that are visible from the street (ground floors only) . O. All exterior block wall fencing shall have intervals providing visibility corridors which will allow visibility of the interior from outside the wall, and these visibility corridors shall be placed at regular intervals. This applies only to block walls visible from the street. P. Passenger elevators, the interiors of which are not completely visible when the car door(s) is open, shall have mirrors so placed as to make visible the whole of the elevator interior to prospective passengers outside the elevator. Q. When access to or within a commercial complex is unduly difficult because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life saving or fire fighting purposes, a key override is to be installed in an accessible location. The key override shall be mastered to both the fire department and police department keys. R. Any structure four (4) stories in height or greater will have a repeater installed in its roof. Additional Recuirementss L� L ©F 71714�''; e .sO a 7i n.J sF,.J i} �' sf! fu73 (� FEB 0 4 1994 D CZTDRC/ERCNREQUIREMENTSRTRANSMITTALION w ry OF r?-N,BaRNABD;tgo jS�,p•'i•cyT �!`pl A'.v' r a AND BUILDING SERVICE99S Project Planner 011, J/o r.a 1\ �'✓G/�f'.t'�y^ DATE: /y��/ �� Project No. Gu10 � L( - Ji By; 'e, a / rv�Qj l )/ GENERAL - The City of San Bernardino Public Services Department is responsible for proper collection, disposal, and recycling of solid waste and by-products generated within the city. Developments are therefore required to plan for the service arrangements marked below, and establish a refuse account with the Refuse Division by calling (909) 384-5335 prior to the commencement of construction, remodelling, or occupation of this project. Other city-provided containers are available to the applicant's contractor(s) for construction debris as well. Shared containers for multiple commercial or residential occupants must be paid for by a single account. Ultimate responsibility for payment rests on the property owner. Service fees will be charged according to those in effect at the time of service. RESIDENTIAL - Refuse and/or recyclable collection will be made at the curb. Development must have ample room for storage of all containers out of street view. ❑ Residents to supply their own 32 gallon maximum containers (limit 3 per unit) . 0 City to supply one 90 gallon refuse container and possibly one 90 gallon recycling container per detached dwelling unit or pair of multiple unite. COMMERCIAL - Refuse and/or recyclable collection will be made from either City-owned or customer-owned containers services by City crews. Container(s) must be kept in enclosure(s) accessible to city trucks as shown on the approved site plan. Container access shall not conflict with loading zones. Enclosure gates may not swing into or directly behind any parking space. Enclosure(s) shall have a minimum of 6 feet wide by 12 feet long paved, . level (less than 28 grade) area in front of gate(s) for container(s) to be serviced from. overhead wires, signs, and obstructions Shall not be located over container service area(s) . Driveway chains must be marked by reflective material. Customer may lock the enclosure(s) or driveway gate(s) but must either unlock by 5:00am on service day(s) or provide a key or gate card. No electronic transmitters will be accepted. Bins may be locked only with standard padlock numbers assigned at start of service account. The following requirements apply if checked: ❑ Truck access not safe or sufficient. Please rearrange as shown on site plan. ?. $Truck access sufficient as shown on site plan. Construct ° enclosure(s) per Stan and drawing 508 for commercial/industrial application. Enclosure size ❑ Construct enclosure(s) per standard drawing 508 with rear pedestrian access added. Pedestrian access to be 6" higher than pavement on which container rests. Enclosure size plus pedestrian access. Additional Comments ATTACHMENT "13" CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY INITIAL STUDY FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 94-01, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 94-03 i PARCEL MAP NO. 14639 Project Description/Location: To change the LUD from IL to CH on 11 acres of a 21. 1 acre site to accommodate a bulk distribution services facility which involves rail car to truck vacuum transfer of food grade plastic pellets with accessory uses [truck wash facility, site operations (administrative) offices and packaging plant] . The project includes a parcel map for a merger of 7 lots into 1 parcel. The project site is located about 680 north of Rialto Avenue and north and adjacent to the Pacific Electric Railroad right- of-way and roughly 330 feet west of Rancho Avenue, in most areas, but adjacent to Rancho Avenue at the site's northeast point. Date: February 1, 1994 Prepared for: AT & SF Railway Company 740 East Carnegie Drive San Bernardino, California 92408 Prepared by: Deborah Woldruff Associate Planner City of San Bernardino Planning and Building Services Department 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 uwrw rw nro�wuy PU 47 PAGE 1 OF 1 �4� 0 General Plan Amendment No. 94-01/Conditional Use Permit No. 94- 03/Parcel Map N0. 14639 - Initial Study for Environmental Review Committee Meeting of February 10, 1994 Page 2 A. INTRODUCTION This report is provided by the City of San Bernardino as an Initial Study for General Plan Amendment No. 94-01, Conditional Use Permit No. 94-03 and Parcel Map No. 14639. Section 2 . 0 provides a description of the project and site characteristics. As stated in Section 15063 of the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines, the purposes of an Initial Study are to: 1. Provide the Lead Agency with information to use as the basis for deciding whether to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) or a Negative Declaration; 2. Enable an applicant or Lead Agency to modify a project, mitigating adverse impact before an EIR is prepared, thereby enabling the project to qualify for Negative Declaration; 3 . Assist the preparation of an EIR, if one is required, by: (A) Focusing the EIR on the effects determined to be significant, (B) Identify the effects determined not to be significant, and, (C) Explaining the reasons for determining that potentially significant effects would not be significant; 4. Facilitate environmental assessment early in the design of a project; 5. Provide documentation of the factual basis for the finding in a Negative Declaration that a project will not have a significant effect on the environment; 6. Eliminate unnecessary EIRs; 7 . Determine whether a previously prepared EIR could be used with the project. 0 General Plan Amendment No. 94-01/Conditional Use Permit No. 94- 03/Parcel Map NO. 14639 - Initial Study for Environmental Review Committee Meeting Of February 10, 1994 Page 3 B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The General Plan Amendment request is to change the LUD from IL to CH on 11 acres of the 21. 1 acre site. The amendment is to accommodate the construction and establishment of a bulk distribution services facility which involves railcar to truck vacuum transfer of food grade plastic pellets. This type of use requires an approved Conditional Use Permit. The proposal includes the construction and establishment of 2 structures which will house 3 accessory uses: a site (administrative) operations/truck wash facility of about 12 , 640 square feet and a packaging facility of about 10, 000 square feet. As it exists, the project site consists of 7 parcels which are proposed to be merged into 1 lot through the Parcel Map. (See Exhibit A, General Plan Amendment Proposal, Site Vicinity and Land Use Designation Map; Exhibit B, Site Plan; Exhibit C, Floor Plans and Elevations; and, Exhibit C, Parcel Map No. 14639) The operation of the facility is fairly straight forward. Empty tanker trucks will enter the site and proceed to the truck wash facility. From there, they will proceed to the transfer area where the food grade plastic pellets will be vacuum transferred from the rail cars to the trucks. The trucks will be equipped with enclosed tanks to receive the product. The transfer operation generally takes from 20 to 30 minutes. Initially, the facility is expected to employ a total of 100 people with a maximum of 30 employees on the site at any one time. Within 3 years, the facility is anticipated to employ up to 150 persons. The facility (including the truck wash facility) is anticipated to operate 24 hours per day, 7 days a week with certain facets of the operation limited to specific time frames. Downloading of the product from rail cars onto trucks will occur mostly between 7:00 a.m. and 10: 00 p.m. but may occur during late night and early morning hours with the first phase of loading occurring between 4 :00 a.m. and 7: 00 a.m. When the facility is opened, an average of 15 trucks per day is forecast. This should increase to a maximum of 40 trucks per day at some point in the future. A pair of switch engines, which will operate 3 times per week from 11: 00 p.m. to 7 :00 a.m. , will be used to move full rail cars onto the site and empty cars off of the site. Rail 0 0 General Plan Amendment No. 94-01/Conditional use Permit No. 94- 03/Parcel Nap No. 14639 - Initial Study for Environmental Review Committee Meeting of February 10, 1994 Page 4 access to the site will be from the east where the rail spurs will link up with the AT & SF Railway Company line, which will be adjacent to the Metrolink mainline. C. PROJECT BITE AND SURROUNDING AREA CHARACTERISTICS The irregularly shaped 21. 1 acre project site is located about 680 feet north of Rialto Avenue and north and adjacent to the Pacific Electric Railroad right-of-way and roughly 330 feet west of Rancho Avenue. However, a small portion of the site along the northeast boundary extends eastward to Rancho Avenue where the proposed rail spurs will link up with the AT & SF Railway Company line (adjacent to the Metrolink mainline) . As shown on Exhibit A, about 11 acres of the eastern portion of the site are designated IL, Industrial Light with the remaining 10. 1 acres designated CH, Commercial Heavy. The site is triangularly-shaped with the tip oriented to the west/southwest. The topography is generally flat on the east side of the site and slopes uphill (sharply) to the west towards the tip of the triangle. The Pacific Electric Railroad right-of-way is located parallel to the southern property line in a deep depression that levels to meet the lower grade at the east end of the site. The width of the right-of-way ranges from 120 feet to about 148 feet (west to east) . Similarly, the AT & SF Railway Company right-of-way (about 100 feet wide) and tracks are located north and adjacent to the site and parallel the northerly property line. The surrounding area is somewhat hilly as the topography transitions towards the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains to the north. The east branch of Lytle Creek is located about 800 feet east/northeast of the site's northeast corner. As noted, the Metrolink right-of-way is located north and adjacent to the site in the IL, Industrial Light with vacant land located beyond in the IL, industrial Light land use designation. East and south of the east end of the site is vacant land and what appears to be a construction yard in the IL designation. Further east and across Rancho Avenue is vacant land, single-family residential uses and sand and gravel processing uses in the IH, Industrial Heavy land use designation. 0 General Plan Amendment No. 94-01/Conditional Use Permit No. 94- 03/Parcel Map No. 14639 - Initial Study for Environmental Review Committee Meeting of February 10, 1994 Page 5 South and adjacent to the site is the Pacific Electric Railroad right-of-way in the CH, Commercial Heavy designation. A mobil home park is located south and adjacent to the right- of-way in the RU-1, Residential Urban designation. In certain areas, the mobil home park currently is elevated approximately 30 feet higher than the project site. West/southwest and adjacent to the site is vacant land in the RU-1 with more vacant land located to the north beyond the Pacific Electric Railroad right-of-way in the RS, Residential Suburban. West/northwest and adjacent to the site is the AT & SF Railway Company right-of-way in the RS designation with single-family residential use located beyond also in the RS. Similar to the mobilhome park, this residential development is also at a higher elevation (about 20 to 30 feet) than the project site. D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 1. Environmental Setting (Constraints) The project site is located in an area of potential ground subsidence (General Plan Figure 51) and in an area of concern for archaeological resources (General Plan Figure 8) . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CHECKLIST A BACKGROUND Application Number. General Plan Amendment No,, !4-01 Conditional Use Permit No, and Parcel Map o 14639 Project Description: See page 3, Location: See page 4, Environmental Constraints Areas: See page 5. General Plan Designation: CH, Commercial Heavy and IL, Industrial Light Zoning Designation: Same as previous, B. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explain answers, where appropriate,on a separate attached sheet 1. Earth Resources Will the proposal result in: Yes No Maybe a. Earth movement(cut and/or fill)of 10,000 cubic X yards or more? b. Development and/or grading on a slope greater than 15%natural grade? X c. Development within the Aquist.Priolo Special Studies Zone as defined in Section 12.0-Geologic d Seismic, Figure 47,of the City's General Plan? X d. Modification of any unique geologic or physical X feature? e. Development within areas defined for high potential for water or wind erosion as identified in Section 12.0- Geologic 6 Seismic, Figure 53,of the City's General Plan? X I. Modification of a channel,creek or river? X 6 W � u„w,wmo<,.m PIAKea6 PAGE tOF_ (I 141M g. Development within an area subject to landslides, Yes No Maybe mudslides, liquefaction or other similar hazards as identified in Section 12.0-Geologic& Seismic, X Figures 48, 52 and 53 of the City's General Plan? h. other? Subsidpnrp i 2. Air Resources: Will the proposal result fn: a. Substantial air emissions or an effect upon ambient air quality as defined by AOMD? X b. The creation of objectionable odors? X c. Development within a high wind hazard area as identified in Section 15.0-Wind&Fire, Figure 59, of the City's X General Plan? 3. Water Resources: Will the proposal result in: a. Changes in absorption rates,drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff due to impermeable surfaces? X b. Changes in the course or flow of flood waters? X c. Discharge into surface waters or any alteration X of surface water quality? d. Change in the quantity of quality of ground water? X e. Exposure of people or property to good hazards as identified in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood InS4t1a1oe Rate Map,Community Panel Number 060281 U_ kf and Sacpon 16.0- X Flooding, Figure 62,of the Cat's General Plan? c Omer? 4. Biological Resources: Could the proposal result in: -- a. Development within the Biological Resources Management Overlay,as identified in Section 10.0 - Natural Resources, Figure 41,of the City's x General Plan? b. Change in the number of any unique,rare or endangered species of plants or their habitat including X stands of trees? C Change in the number of any unique,rare or X endangered spades of animals or Moir habitat? d. Removal of viable,mature trees? (6'or greater) X e. Other? 5. Noise: Could the proposal result in: a. Development of housing,health ogre facilities,schools, libraries,religious facilities or other'noise*sensitive uses it areas where existing or future noise levels exceed an Ldn of 65 dB(A exterior and an Ldn of 45 d8(A) interior as identified in Section 14.0.Noise. Figures 57 and X 58 of the Chys General Plan? enw.���� PL.vsYA o,1aEx Or_ ntJq O b. Development of new or expansion of existing industrial, Yes No Maybe commercial or other uses which generate noise levels on areas containing housing,schools, health care facilities or other sensitive uses above an Ldn of 65 dB(A) exterior or an Ldn of 45 dB(A) interior? X c. Other? 6. Land Use: Will the proposal result in: a. A change in the land use as designated on the X General Plan? b. Development within an Airport District as identified in the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone(AICUZ) Report and the Land Use Zoning District Map? X c. Development within Foothill Fire Zones A 6 B,or C as identified on the Land Use Zoning District Map? X d. Other? 7. Man-Mads Hazards: Will the project: a. Use, store,transport or dispose of hazardous or toxic materials(including but not limited to oil, pesticides,chemicals or radiation)? X b. Involve the release of hazardous substances? X c. Expose people to the potential heaith/safety hazards? X d. Other? S. housing: Will the proposal: a. Remove existing housing or create a demand for additional housing? X b. Other? g. Transportation/Circulation: Could the proposal, in comparison with the Circulation Plan as identified in Section 6.0-Circulation of the City's General Plan, result in: s. An increase in traffic that is greater than the land use designated on the General Plan? X b. Use of existing, or demand or new,parking facilities/structures? X c. Impact upon existing public transportation systems? X d. Alteration of present patterns of circulation? X a. Impact to rail or air traffic? X I. Increased safety hazards to vehicles,bicyclists or pedestrians? X g. A disjointed pattern of roadway improvements? X h. Significant increase in traffic volumes on the roadways X or intersections? L Other? PLANeaA PAGE]GE Ill� 10. Public Services: Will the proposal impact the following Yes No Maybe beyond the capability to provide adequate levels of service? a. Fire protection? X b. Police protection? x _ c. Schools (i.e., attendance, boundaries, overload, etc.)? X d. Parks or other recreational facilities? X e. Medical aid? X 1. Solid Waste? X g. Other? 11. Utilities: Will the proposal: a. Impact the following beyond the capability to provide adequate levels of service or require the construction of now facilities? 1. Natural gas? X 2. Electricity? X 3. Water? x 4. Sewer? X S. Other? b. Result in a disjointed pattern of utility extensions? X e. Require the construction of now facilities? X 12 Aesthetics: a, Could the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic view? X b. Will the visual impact of the project be detrimental to the surrounding area? X c. Other? 13. Cuttural Resources: Could the proposal result in: a The alteration or destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site by development within an archaeological sensitive area as identified in Section 3.0-Historical,Figure 8,of the City's General Plan? X b. Alteration or destruction of a historical she,structure or object as listed in the City's Historic Resources Reconnaissance Survey? X c. Other? 14. Mandatory Findings of Significance (Section 15065) The California Environmental Quality Act states that if any of the following can be answered yes or maybe, the project may have a significant effect on the environment and an Environmental Impact Report shall be prepared. Yes No Maybe a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment,substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species,cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below sod sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? X b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short- term,to the disadvantage of long-tens, environmental goals?(A short-tens impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief,definitive period 01 time while long-term impacts will endure well into X the future.) c. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable?(A project may - impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small,but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the X environment is sgnificaM.) d. Does the project have environmental off ads which will cause substantial adverse off acts on human beings, X either directly or indirectly? C. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION AND MITIGATION MEASURES (Attach sheets as necessary.) Please refer to pages 11 through 22. Exhibits, A. Site Vicinity GP Amendment Proposal and General Plan Land Use Designations Map B. Site Plan C. Floor Plans and Elevations D, Parcel Map (14639) 10. PU M PAGE30F_ 111-01 General Plan Amendment No. 94-01/Conditional use Permit No. 94- 03/Parcel Nap N0. 14639 - Initial Study for Environmental Review Committee Meeting of February 10, 1994 Page 11 E. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 1. Earth Resources a. The proposed project is estimated to involve 80, 000 cubic yards of cut and 80, 000 cubic yards of fill. Grading will be balanced with movement of soil from the west side of the site to the east side. Importation of additional soil is not anticipated. The extent of grading will result in impacts in the form of noise, dust and erosion. Engineering Department Standard Requirements regarding compliance with Section 7012 (c) of the Uniform Building Code will reduce potential impacts to a level of insignificance. b. The existing, natural slopes on the site are about 30 feet in height at a 2 : 1 ratio. The proposed grading plan will reduce the existing slopes to 3 feet in height at a 4: 1 ratio. The purpose of the grading plan is to increase the usable land area and to make the site drain from west to east at a 1 percent slope. The project is not located in the City's Hillside Management Overlay District and as such, reduction of the existing slopes is not anticipated to result in an significant or adverse environmental impacts. c. through g. The site is not located in the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone but is in proximity to a fault zone (the San Jacinto Fault) . The site is not in an area defined as having a high potential for wind or water erosion, landslides or liquefaction. It is however, in an area having potential for ground subsidence (see Item h. , below) . The project will not involve modification of a channel, creek or river. The project site does contain natural slopes on its west side that proposed grading will reduce from about 30 feet to 3 feet in height. h. The project site is identified as being located in an area of potential ground subsidence. Figure 51 in the 0 General Plan Amendment No. 94-01/Conditional Use Permit No. 94- 03/Parcel Map No. 14639 - Initial Study for EnvironmenOal19941ew Committee Meeting cf February Page 12 plan s poorly consolidated General shows the extent of the historic area o subsidence which is withe ofl hepold artesian area alluvial and marsh dep osits great as 5 to 8 feet if ground water is north of Loma Linda. potential subsidence within this area may be as g Basin. In depleted from the Bunker Hill-San W ter District began 1972 , the San Bernardino Muni maintain groundwater levels from recharge to filter back into the alluvia began, problems percolation basins which deposits. Since the recharge program with ground subsidence have not been identified. 2 , Air Resources - a. The proposal does not meet the minimum criteria for QMD in that e total site industrial project Review by Arillemploy less area is less than 40 acres, the facility than 1,000 persons and will not contain or. site 6502101 square feet of floor space. (The project is anticipated at acres; the total number of employees within 3 years; and, about 100 persons and 150 p ro osed is about the combined area of the 2 buildings due to the rail/truck 220 , 640 square feet. ) However, Impact orientation of the project, an Air Quality P Assessment was prepared for the project by AeroVontained Inc. (January 1994) . A copy of the document is contained in the project case file (CUP No. 94-03) . The Air Quality Impact Assessment rep (Lbs/day) ,report identifies the as CEQA project significance thresholds follows: NO CO PM10 ROC 903C 55 150 150 Project 550 55 150 150 Construction 550 75 100 Construction activitiesafordsitelpreparationeandsactual emissions from grading buildings construction activities of the new rail spurs, O General Plan Amendment No. 94-01/Conditional Use Permit No. 94- 03/Parcel Map NO. 14639 - Initial Study for Environmental Review Committee Meeting of February 10, 1994 Page 13 and other site improvements. The emissions from grading activities are identified, as follows: CO ROC NOx SOa PM10 lbs/hr 1. 25 0. 27 3 .84 0. 46 0. 41 lbs/day 10. 00 2 . 16 30.70 3 . 68 3 . 28 The emissions from construction activities (from heavy duty equipment exhaust, rail material delivery, truck material delivery and employee trips) are identified, as follows: Co ROC NOa sox PM10 lbs/day 49. 0944 8 .5737 90. 7871 2 .2880 3 . 6253 Because the emissions from grading activities and constructions activities do not occur simultaneously, they are not considered mutually additive. And, when compared against the CEQA project significance thresholds, it is clear that the project is not anticipated to create any significant air quality impacts. The report concludes that because air quality impact emissions are not considered significant, mitigation measures are not required for the project. b. The proposal does not include any uses that will generate any objectionable odors. C. The project site is not located in the City's High Wind Area (General Plan Figure 56) . 3. Water Resources a. through e. The development of the site - which will include substantial grading preliminary to construct 10 rail spurs (of varying length) , 2 buildings and parking, a General Plan Amendment No. 94-01/Conditional Use Permit No. 94- 03/Parcel Map No. 14639 - Initial Study for Environmental Reviev Committee Meeting of February 10, 1994 Page 14 circulation and pedestrian access areas - will change the historical drainage patterns. Grading and site improvements will also result in changes in absorption rates and the rate and amount of surface runoff due to increases in impermeable surfaces. Engineering Department Standard Requirements regarding conveyance of drainage runoff to an approved public drainage facility will reduce potential impacts to below a level of significance. The proposal will not result in changes in the course or flow of flood waters in that the nearest flood waters will be contained within the improved Lytle Creek Storm Channel and the proposal does not include any plans to alter the channel or the course or flow of flood waters. The proposal will not result in any discharge into surface waters or change in ground water quality. However, the collection of exhaust particulates, other emission solids, engine fluids, residue from vehicle tires (truck and automobile) , and other chemical pollutants may occur on the paved parking and circulation surfaces. During periods of rain, surface pollutants are washed into waterways. Over time, such pollutants can change the quality of ground waters. The quantity of ground water can also be affected because impermeable surfaces change water absorption rates. The individual impact of this project is sufficiently small, however, as to not have a perceptible effect on the quality and quantity of the ground water supplies. It should be noted that the applicant proposes to use, store, transport and dispose of certain chemicals and solutions as part of the operation of the truck wash facility. The project has been routed to the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board for their review and a NPDS permit may be required. Any requirements of the aforementioned agency will be adhered to and specified by project Conditions of Approval. (The use of chemicals and solutions is also discussed in Section 7, Man-Made Hazards. ) The site is located in proximity to the Lytle Creek Storm Channel. The proposal has been routed to the San Bernardino County Flood Control District for informational purposes. The Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Community-Panel Number 060281 0020 B indicates n General Plan Amendment No. 94-01/Conditional Use Permit No. 94- 03/Parcel Map NO.14639 - Initial Study for Environmental Review Committee Meeting of February 10, 1994 Page 15 that the site is not in a 100-year flood event area and is reasonably free of flood hazards from major flood channels and drainage courses. Potential impacts are insignificant. 4 . Biological Resources a. through d. The proposal will not result in any change in the number of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants or their habitat including trees in that the project site is not located within the Biological Resources Management Area (BRM) , an overlay established by the General Plan and defined as those areas of the City having a potential for rare or endangered species of plants or animals. similarly, the proposal will not result in any change in the number of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals or their habitat in that the project is not located within the BRM as outlined in 4.b. above. The project site does not propose to remove any trees and no trees are present on the site. S. Noise a. through c. The project is commercial in nature and commercial uses are not considered to be "noise sensitive" . Noise impacts resulting from grading and/or construction of the site are considered to be transient and of short duration. These types of short term noise impacts are subject to provisions in the San Bernardino Municipal Code that regulate the hours during which construction activities can occur. As such, potential impacts from construction on the project site are considered to be insignificant and mitigable through adherence to the City's standard requirements. Due to the proximity of residential uses to the project site, an Environmental Noise Assessment Report was prepared for the project by Brown-Buntin Associates, Inc. 0 General Plan Amendment No. 94-01/Conditional use Permit No. 94- 03/Parcel Map No. 14639 - Initial Study for Environmental Review Committee Meeting of February 10, 1994 Page 16 (January 17 , 1994) . The Report evaluated the potential noise impacts from the following noise sources: truck unloading (rail car to truck via vacuum transfer) ; slow moving trucks; switch engines; rail car coupling; and, truck wash facility. Noise levels were measured from 4 residences located in the 2 residential developments adjacent to the site (northwest and south) . The noise impacts to the 4 residences were calculated by projecting the 100 foot noise levels to a distance equal to that of the residences. Because no allowances were made for atmospheric absorption, ground absorption or shielding (of noise) , the resulting noise levels are considered to be conservative. The results of the Report are summarized in Table A. , as follows: TABLE A. NOISE IMPACTS AT RESIDENCES - DAY/NIGHT AVG LVL (Ldn) - BASED ON PRODUCT TRANSFER TO 15 TRUCKS PER DAY Residence No. 1. Noise Source: Truck Unloading 58.0 57 .8 52 .9 55.5 Slow Moving Trucks 41. 1 36.7 40. 1 34. 5 Switch Engines 56. 6 53 . 3 55. 1 51.8 Rail Car Coupling 41.4 40. 1 34. 5 38.9 Truck Wash Facility 42 .8 59.2 57.4 38. 3 TOTAL: 60. 5 59.2 57.4 57 . 2 The Report also looked at noise impacts based on the worst-case of 40 trucks per day. The results are shown in Table B. , as follows: TABLE B. NOISE IMPACTS AT RESIDENCES - DAY/NIGHT AVG LVL (Ldn) - BASED ON PRODUCT TRANSFER TO 40 TRUCKS PER DAY Residence No. 1. 2. Noise Source: Truck Unloading 61.7 62.4 56. 6 59.4 Slow Moving Trucks 44 .7 40. 3 43.7 38. 1 Switch Engines 56. 6 53 .3 55. 1 51. 8 Rail Car Coupling 41.4 40. 1 34.5 38.9 Truck Wash Facility 42 . 8 59. 2 57 .4 38. 3 TOTAL: 63 .0 63. 0 59.2 60. 2 o General Plan N endm 3S N I. 94-01/Conditoonal Use Permit No. 94- 03/Parcel Map Environmental Reviav Committee Meeting of February 10 , 1994 Page 17 Tables A. and B. indicate of the facility (15etrucks/day) and project upon opening will not exceed the City's in the future (40 trucks/day) 65 Db(A) standard. The noise study suggested the implementation of 4 mitigation measures (listed in the Report) that would further reduce noise levels on the site. On January 28 , of 1994 , the acoustical consultant submitted letter advisory clarification to the City stating mitigation measures could be ignored because of any noise standard will be met without the application mitigation measures. Copies of the Environmental Noise AssessmZn$t Report are the aforementioned letter of January maintained in the project Case Files (GPA No. 94-01, CUP No. 94-03 and PM No. 14639) . 6. Land Use a. Project: The proposed project would change the current land use designation on 11 acres of the 22. 1 acre Bulk from IL, Industrial Light to CH, Commercial Heavy. distribution services facilities with the majority of activities occurring outdoor are not permitted in the IL land use designation but are allowed in the CH subject to an approved Conditional Use Permit. The residential uses to the northwest and south are separated and buffered by railroad right-of-way areas (north and south) in addition to a nearly 30 foot difference in elevation following project completion. The existing industrial uses and vacant land located to the north, east and south are considered to be compatible with the proposed bulk distribution services use. The construction and establishment of the project is not anticipated to result in any land use impacts. b. and c. The project site is not located in an Airport District or within the Foothill Fire Zones A, B or C. General Plan Amendment No. 94-01/Conditional Use Permit No. 94- 03/Parcel Nap N0. 14639 - Initial Study for Environmental Review Committee Meeting of February 10, 1994 Page 18 7 . Man-Made Hazards a. through c. The operation of the proposed truck wash facility will necessitate the use, storage, transport and disposal of the following substances: caustic soda, sulfuric acid, aluminum brightener, phosphoric acid, stripper solution, acetone, hydraulic fluid and hydrofluoric acid. These types of materials are classified as hazardous under State law and require special permitting or clearance by the San Bernardino County Department of Environmental Health Services (DEHS) . The applicant will be required to prepare a Hazardous Materials Disposal Plan and a "Business Plan" to assure that emergency service personnel and employees are able to respond effectively should an accidental spill or an emergency related to hazardous materials occur on the site. Copies of any required documents ("plans") must be submitted to the Fire Department and the DEHS and maintained on site. Some or all of the materials and compounds listed in the previous paragraph require CAL OSHA Materials Safety Data Sheets. The Materials Safety Data Sheets are provided to the materials or chemical user by the manufacturers. State law requires that the sheets be available in work areas so that hazardous materials and chemicals can be handled safely. In addition, the Data Sheets help to increase user awareness of hazardous substances. Any potential impacts that may result from the use, storage, transport, disposal and/or release of hazardous materials from the project are mitigated to a level of insignificance by implementation of DENS and CAL OSHA requirements. No mitigation is required. The bulk distribution services facility will be established and conducted in accordance with ' all applicable Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code and other applicable government codes and regulations and as such, will not expose people to potential health or safety hazards. n p General Plan Amendment No. 94-01/Conditional Use Permit No. 94- 03/Parcel Map No. 14639 - Initial Study for Environmental Review Committee Meeting of February 10, 1994 Page 19 S. Housing a. The project is in commercial heavy in nature and will not impact on housing stock or needs. 9 . Transportation/Circulation a. through h. A traffic report was prepared for the proposal by HP Engineering [January 1994 (Revised) ] and was reviewed by the City's Traffic Engineer. The Traffic Report concludes that the addition of traffic generated by the proposed development will not cause a significant adverse impact on the area traffic circulation. The City's Traffic Engineer concurs given the following project Conditions of Approval: 1. The applicant shall widen, improve and restripe Rancho Avenue adjacent to project's main driveway (minimum 100 feet each) to include a northbound left-turn pocket and southbound right-turn pocket. 2. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall prepare and submit a truck routing plan for the review and approval of the City Engineer and the Director of Planning and Building Services. Please note that specific Standard Requirements for off- site improvements of the adjacent roadway will be determined prior to review by the Planning Commission and the Mayor and Common Council. Copies of the Traffic Report are maintained in the project Case Files (GPA No. 94-01, CUP No. 94-03 and PM No. 14639) . 4 General Plan Amendment No. 94-01/Conditional Use Permit No. 94- 03/Parcel Map No. 14639 - Initial Study for Environmental Review Committee Meeting of February 10, 1994 Page 20 10. Public services a. through f. The project site is located in an area for which police and fire protection and medical aid and solid waste services are available. Development of the bulk distribution services facility on the site is not anticipated to result in any impacts. Area schools will not be impacted in that proposal does not include any residential uses and school mitigation/ impact fees are required for all new development projects. Construction and establishment of the bulk distribution services facility and the CH land use designation on 11 acres of the 21. 1 acre site are not anticipated to impact the area's parks or recreation facilities. 11. Utilities a. through c. The project site is located in an area wherein all public utilities are available. The construction and establishment of the project and the CH designation on 11 acres of the 21.1 acre site will not result in a disjointed pattern of utility extensions or require the construction of new facilities. 12 . Aesthetics a. Scenic views in the area are of the foothills and mountains to the north. The project site is located north of Rialto Avenue and west of Rancho Avenue in an area designated for either IL or CH uses. The subject property currently is vacant and, with the exception of the western portion (about 1/3) , at a lower elevation than the residential uses located to the northwest and south. The grading of the site will lower the elevation of the western portion of the site to be consistent with 0 General Plan Amendment No. 94-01/Conditional Use Permit No. 94- 03/Parcel Map No. 14639 - Initial Study for Environmental Review Committee Meeting of February 10, 1994 Page 21 the eastern portion. As such, the project will not obstruct any scenic views. b. The construction of 10 rail spurs, 2 buildings and paved parking, circulation and pedestrian access areas will visually change the character of the site. However, the project must comply with the Development Code Design Guidelines for commercial uses in terms of architecture, site layout and design. Landscaping and screening requirements are also applicable. As such, site design consistent with the design guidelines and landscaping standards will not result in a significant visual impact to the surrounding area. 13. Cultural Resources a. The project site is located in an area of concern for archaeological resources as identified in the General Plan, Section 3.0, Historical and Archaeological Resources, Figure 8. A Cultural Resources Evaluation was prepared for the project by Macko Archaeological Consulting (January 19, 1994) . Methodology for the report includes a records search conducted at the San Bernardino County Museum and a survey of the project area conducted on foot (January 15, 1994) . The report concludes that no significant cultural resources are currently evident. However, due to the possibility of buried resources, the archaeologist recommends that limited archaeological monitoring be conducted during rough grading. A Monitoring Plan prepared by the archaeologist is included in the Report. The project will be conditioned to adhere to the Monitoring Plan. A copy of the Cultural Resources Evaluation Report is maintained in the Project Case Files (CUP No. 94-03, GPA No. 94-01 and PM No. 14639) . C. The project will not impact any historical site or object. General Plan Amendment No. 94-01/Conditional Use Permit No. 94- 03/Parcel Nap N0. 14639 - Initial Study for Environmental Review Committee Meeting of February 10, 1994 Page 22 14 . MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE (Section 15065) a. through d. The responses to the checklist questions above indicate that the proposed General Plan Amendment, Conditional Use Permit to construct and establish a bulk distribution services facility and Parcel Map to merge 7 parcels into 1 parcel will not result in any significant impacts. No cumulative impacts resulting from the proposal have been identified. D. DETERMINATION Or.the basis of this initial study, r The proposed project COULD NOT have a significant eflect on the environment and a NEGATIVE DECLARA. TION will be prepared. ❑ The proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, ahhough there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described above have been added to the protein. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. The proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA Sandra Paulsen, Senior Planner and Chairperson E/DRC Name and Title iI Sgnature Dale: February 10, 1994 r EXHIBIT #3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Al Boughey, Director of Planning and Building Services FROM: Roger G. Hardgrave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SUBJECT: CUP 94-03 — Plastic Pellet Transfer Facility Located on the West Side of Rancho Avenue N/O Rialto Avenue (Santa Fe). DATE: April 21, 1994 FILE: CUP 94-03 Attn: Deborah Woldruff, Associate Planner We have reviewed the concerns expressed by the applicant and the Planning Commission at its meeting of April 5, 1994, and have the following responses: 1. Standard Requirement No. 6(f) -- We recommend this Condition be modified to delete the requirement for a southbound right-turn pocket as follows: f) Widen, improve and restripe Rancho Avenue adjacent to the site with an adequate transition south of the main driveway (minimum 100 feet) to provide for a northbound left-turn pocket. 2. Standard Requirement No. 8(e) — We recommend this condition be revised to reduce the estimated Drainage Fee from $97,000 to $61 ,200, based on a recalculation using the large parcel provision (Section 3) of Drainage Fee Resolution No. 93-381. This provision allows for a reduced rate for development in excess of 5 acres which construct all necessary drainage facilities to convey storm waters from the site to an acceptable outlet. This project is conveying all drainage from 11.8 acres of its 21.2 acres by underground storm drain directly to Lytle Creek, thereby reducing the drainage to Rancho Avenue below the pre- development amount 3. Regarding the ponding problem on Rancho Avenue, we do not believe that the developer should be required to resolve this matter, since it currently exists and will not be increased (it will actually be reduced somewhat) by this project. We will be addressing this problem as part of the upcoming budget process. 4. Regarding the concern for trucks from this project combining with trucks from the automotive distribution facility and causing additional conflicts, the traffic assessment for the auto distribution facility was revised by the applicant's Traffic Engineer in January 1994 to include this project. The finding of the revised study was that the addition of traffic generated by this project would not cause a significant adverse impact on the area traffic circulation. The City Traffic Engineer concurred with this finding, subject to conditions for minor widening and striping mprovements on Rancho Avenue. We feel these improvements will reduce impacts to an insignificant level. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at 384-5179. Roger G. Hardgrave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Michael W. Grubbs Senior Civil Engineer cc: ATBSF Railway 740 East Carnegie Drive San Bernardino, CA 92408 Attn: Mr. Bob Brendza EXHIBIT k4 4 Lu APR o 1 1994 3� j ov � rcv o= S:�N EP.NAFORJO ��� - _ _ G-c Pa i•EN F PIAflNING ?a —� ,C'2/' ft1 - � � — ���_,:��` Via-: /�3�•_ �-- G����--•�_�__. :,f/Li-C•d' - -/per �'ct.� �''�/L -' � �. odey= e,4 47