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32- Planning and Building Services
CITY OF SAN BERN. 'IDINO - REQUEST F R COUNCIL ACTION From: Al Boughey, Director Subject: GPA No. 93-05; DP III No. 93-22; and Var. No. 93-23 -- RS to CO-2; southeast Dept: Planning and Building Services corner of "E" Street and 31st Street. Date: April 28, 1994 MCC meeting of May 16, 1994 @ 2 p.m. Synopsis of Previous Council action: None Recommended motion: That the hearing be closed and that the Mayor and Common Council adopt the Negative Declaration; adopt the resolution which approves the General Plan Amendment and that the Mayor and Common Council approve Development Permit (Type III) No. 93-22 and Variance No. 93-23, based on the Findings of Fact and subject to the Conditions of Approval and Standard Requirements. J AL UGH ature Contact person: Al Boughev Phone: 5357 Supporting data attached: Staff Report, Resolution Ward: 7 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Source: (Acct. No.) JAcct. Description) Finance: :ouncil Notes: '5-0262 Agenda Item No. �� CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 93-05, DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (TYPE III) NO. 93-22 AND VARIANCE NO. 93-23 REQUEST/LOCATION: This is a request to amend the General Plan from RS, Residential Suburban to CO-2, Commercial Office, and to locate a dentist office with reductions in both side and rear setbacks. This amendment, variance and development permit will affect the parcel of land located at the southeast comer of North "E" Street and 31st Street, more commonly known as 3095 North "E" Street. KEY ISSUES: The key issues are as follows: • The City of San Bernardino General Plan was adopted on June 2, 1989. • The amendment would change the land use designation from RS, Residential Suburban to CO-2, Commercial Office. The CO-2 designation permits low intensity commercial office uses. • The subject property is not currently part of a neighborhood. It is surrounded by commercial uses, and properties, to the north and west and multi-family to the south. East of the proposed site is a residential neighborhood. • The development permit will ensure that the new use meets all of the requirements of the Development Code. • The variance will allow a reduction in both side and rear setbacks (from the required 10 feet to the proposed 5 feet). Please see the analysis and attachments contained in Exhibit 1, Staff Report to the Planning Commission. ENVIRONMENTAL: The Initial Study was completed by staff and reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) at their regularly scheduled meeting of February 10, 1994. A Negative Declaration was recommended. The Initial Study was available for public review and comment from February 16, 1994 through March 9, 1994. No comments were received during the public review and comment period. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission reviewed General Plan Amendment 93-05, Development Permit ('Type III) No. 93-22 and Variance No. 93-23 on April 5, 1994, and voted 6-0 to recommend to the Mayor and Common Council o a GPA 93-05, DPIII 93-22& VAR 93-23 Mayor and Common Council meeting of May 16, 1994 Page 2 adoption of the Negative Declaration; approval of the General Plan Amendment, Development Permit and Variance based upon the attached Findings of Fact (Attachment E). Commissioners present: Affaitati, Gonzales, Melendez, Strimpel, Thrasher and Traver. OPTIONS AVAILABLE TO THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL: The Mayor and Common Council may: 1. Approve General Plan Amendment 93-05, Development Permit(Type III) No. 93-22 and Variance 93-23 as proposed; or 2. Approve in concept and return to staff for specific revisions; or 3. Deny General Plan Amendment 93-05, Development Permit (Type III) No. 93-22 and Variance 93-23. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Mayor and Common Council adopt the Negative Declaration, adopt the resolution which approves the General Plan Amendment and approve Development Permit (Type III) No. 93-22 and Variance No. 93-23. Prepared by: Scott D. Donaghe, Assistant Planner For: Al Boughey, Director, Planning and Building Services EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Site Plan 3. Planning Commission Staff Report Attachments: A. Location Map - included as Exhibit 1 B - Existing Land Use C - Site Plan - included as Exhibit 2 D - Development Code Conformance Table E - Findings of Fact F - Applicants Findings G - Conditions of Approval H - Initial Study 4. Resolution o 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2 3 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION; ADOPTING FINDINGS;AND 4 ADOPTING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 93-05 TO AMEND THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE PLAN MAP. 5 SECTION I. Recitals 6 7 (a) WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council adopted the General Plan for the 8 City of San Bernardino by Resolution No. 89-159 on June 2, 1989; and 9 (b) WHEREAS, on February 10, 1994 the Environmental Review Committee 10 determined that General Plan Amendment No. 93-05, a proposal to amend the General Plan 11 Land Use Map could not have a significant effect on the environment and a Negative Declaration 12 13 would be prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and 14 (c) WHEREAS, the intent of the City to prepare a Negative Declaration was made 15 known to the public, responsible agencies and other interested persons for their concerns and 16 comments from February 16, 1994 to March 9, 1994, as required by CEQA; and 17 (d) WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a noticed public hearing on 18 April 5, 1994 in order to receive public testimony and written and oral comments on General 19 Plan Amendment No. 93-05; and 20 21 (e) WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after receiving public testimony, 22 recommended adoption of a Negative Declaration, adoption of the Findings and approval of 23 General Plan Amendment No. 93-05; and 24 (f) WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council conducted a noticed public hearing 25 on May 16, 1994 and fully reviewed and considered the Negative Declaration, Findings and the 26 27 Planning Division staff report and the recommendations of the Planning Commission. 28 i 1 2 SECTION II. Negative Declaration 3 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, FOUND AND DETERMINED by the Mayor and 4 5 Common Council that the proposed amendment to the General Plan of the City of San 6 Bernardino will have no significant effect on the environment, and the Negative Declaration 7 heretofore prepared by the Environmental Review Committee as to the effect of this proposed 8 amendment is hereby ratified, affirmed and adopted. 9 SECTION III. Findings 10 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF 11 THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO THAT: 12 13 A. Amendments to the Land Use Plan map and text: 14 1. The proposed CO-2, Commercial Office, land use designation is internally 15 consistent with the General Plan in that such a designation is not in conflict with 16 the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan, and will not encumber the 17 continued and orderly expansion of the City. 18 2. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public interest, health, 19 20 safety, convenience or welfare of the City in that the vicinity of the amendment 21 area is fully urbanized and able to facilitate commercial office uses. 22 3. The proposed amendment will maintain the appropriate balance of uses within the 23 City due to the proximity of the amendment area to other similarly designated 24 properties and its frontage on a major arterial. 25 26 4. The amendment area is physically suitable for the requested land use designation 27 and anticipated land use development in that the site is rectangular and flat 28 topographically. 2 1 2 SECTION IV. Amendments 3 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON 4 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO THAT: 5 A. The Land Use Plan of the General Plan of the City of San Bernardino is amended by 6 changing approximately 7,280 square feet from RS, Residential Suburban to CO-2, 7 8 Commercial Office. The location of this amendment is depicted on the map entitled 9 Attachment A, and is more specifically described in the legal description entitled, 10 Attachment B, copies of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 11 B. The map amendments described in Section V., Subsection A. are designated as General 12 Plan Amendment No. 93-05 and shall take effect upon approval. 13 SECTION V. Man Notations 14 15 This resolution and the amendments affected by it shall be noted on such appropriate 16 General Plan maps which have been previously adopted and approved by the Mayor and 17 Common Council and which are on file in the office of the City Clerk. 18 SECTION VI. Notice Of Determination 19 The Planning Division is hereby directed to file a Notice of 20 Determination with the County Clerk of the County of San Bernardino certifying the City's 21 22 compliance with the California Environmental Act in preparing and adopting the Negative 23 Declaration. 24 25 26 27 28 3 RESOLUTION OPTING THE NEGATIVE DECLAK.,rION; ADOPTING FINDINGS; AND ADOPTING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 93-01. 1 2 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and 3 Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held 4 on the day of , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: 5 Council Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT 6 NEGRETE 7 — — CURLIN g — — 9 HERNANDEZ — 10 OBERHELMAN — 11 DEVLIN — 12 POPE-LUDLAM _ 13 MILLER _ 14 15 16 City Clerk 17 The foregoing ordinance is hereby approved this day 18 of , 1994. 19 20 21 Tom Minor, Mayor 22 Approved as to City of San Bernardino 23 form and legal content: 24 JAMES F. PENMAN, City Attorney 25 26 27 By. 28 4 ASSESSORS BOOK # 152 - -- -- -T6O IOba 36 19 79y6 11 16 7 16 V =JT/r 17 MAP201-J6-Sa9,vzRNa.1 6 II 11 9 14 u p 11,-0 7X Q O MaP ZOI-'c-se9 92 Q 13 10 13 •i0 g v vaw.xal K tu yl ti 13 Iz 11 IY " ° I to' r4719 Lt> CIZ.S /H26 /etas I I � 31ST STREET h 85 1 8 3 22 O Q 4 21 OS ,moo" . 1' po915 0 20 ® 9 Q 6 19 O 9 91 0 © 7 0 i atis -ice' a oc Pacl a P92 !a7 Ia 6 17 0 @ r +: -93 9-g 16 00 to is rc ^ p 14 V Op f N GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 93-05 ATTACHMENT A O ATTACHMENT "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION General Plan Amendment No. 93-05 THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY IS SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 1, OF BLOCK 1, OF NORTON'S UPPER "E" STREET SUBDIVISION, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 24, PAGE 71 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. • - . • - AGENDA ITEM # i �- :�: � '� ' X11 � � � � 1 II�1111• !! � 1 i A II I r 1 ' I a oo n4 ' Cp;;1 ; ;si ; ;li; its �y �!j� jl�� t! ��1! jjif ' i EXHIBIT 2 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT AGENDA ITEM #4 SUMMARY HEARING DATE April 5, 1994 WARD "7 General Plan Amendment No. 93-05; APPLICANT: Carlos and Sarah Martinez W Development Permit (Type III ) 3095 North "E" Street U) No. 93-22; and Variance No. 93-23 OWNER: San Bernardino, CA 92405 U Same as above The applicant requests approval of a General Plan Amendment to amend the f. General Plan from RS, Residential Suburban, to CO-2, Commercial Office, W and to locate a dentist office with reductions in both side and rear � setbacks. C3 W The subject property is a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of about 7,280 square feet, located at the southeast corner of "E" Street a and 31st Street, having a frontage of 52 feet on the east side of "E" Street, W and a frontage of 140 feet on the south side of 31st Street, and further Q being described as being located at 3095 North "E" Street. EXISTING GENERAL PLAN IN PROPERTY LAND USE 70NllNG DESIGNATION Subject Single-family Residential RS Residential Suburban North Single-family Residential CG-1 Commercial General South Apartments RS Commercial General East Single-family Residential RS Residential Suburban West Commercial Office CG-1 Commercial General GEOLOGIC/SEISMIC ❑ YES FLOOD HAZARD [3 YES [3 ZONE A SEWERS: ® YES HAZARD ZONE: 1�1 NO ZONE: W NO ❑ ZONE B ❑ NO HIGH FIRE ❑ YES AIRPORT NOISE/ El YES REDEVELOPMENT ❑ YES HAZARD ZONE: NO CRASH ZONE: NO PROJECT AREA: I NO El J ❑ NOT ❑ POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT Z ® APPROVAL Q APPLICABLE EFFECTS WITH O F MITIGATING MEASURES Z y NO E.I.R. a CONDITIONS M Z ❑ EXEMPT ❑ E.I.R. REQUIRED BUT NO LL Z ❑ DENIAL Z C SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS Q W Q Z WITH MITIGATING 1" 2 2 MEASURES N$ ❑ CONTINUANCE TO _ ® NO SIGNIFICANT ❑ SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS V W EFFECTS SEE ATTACHED E.R.C. W MINUTES Q _ EXHIBIT 3 _. GPA 93-05, VAR 93-23 & DPIII 93-22 Hearing Date: 4-5-94 Page 1 REQUEST AND LOCATION The applicant requests an amendment to the General Plan Land Use Plan to change the designation from RS, Residential Suburban, to CO-2, Commercial Office, on approximately 7,280 square feet of land located on the southeast comer of 31st and North "E" Streets. In addition the applicant is requesting to establish a dentist's office in an existing single family residence with a variance to reduce side and rear setback standards. SITE AND AREA CHARACTERISTICS The proposed amendment area is just north of the 30 Freeway, where the freeway bisects "E" Street. A single family house, with a detached garage, currently occupies the site. The area is fully urbanized and serviced. Surrounding land uses consist of an apartment building to the south, residential to the east, commercial to the west and single family residences (zoned for commercial use) to the north. Uses in the area directly north of the subject site range from single family residences to commercial offices in residential structures. BACKGROUND Variance No. 93-23 and Development Permit (Type II) No. 93-22 were reviewed by D/ERC on March 10, 1994 and cleared to the Planning Commission with a recommendation for approval. Comments generally referred to building standards which will be reviewed during the plan check process, if applicable. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT STATUS An Initial Study was prepared for the General Plan Amendment, by staff, and was presented to the Development and Environmental Review Committee (D/ERC) on February 10, 1994. The D/ERC determined that the proposed project would not have an adverse impact upon the environment, and a Negative Declaration was recommended. The proposed Negative Declaration was available for public review and comment from February 16, 1994 to March 9, 1994. No comments were received during the public review period. Both the Variance and the Development Permit (Type III) are categorically exempt as outlined in the California Environmental Quality Act. COMMENTS RECEIVED No comments have been received as of the writing of this staff report. GPA 93-05, VAR 93-23 & DPIII 93-22 Hearing Date: 4-5-94 Page 2 ANALYSIS ■ General Plan Amendment No. 93-05 Existing Land Use Designation General Plan Objective 1.11 states that the intent of the residential suburban land use designation is to "promote the development of single family detached units in a high quality suburban setting." The RS land use designation permits single family residential development at a maximum of 4.5 is further units per the acre (General Plan Policy 1.11.10). The minimum lot square the footage square foot prescribed as 7,200 square feet (General Plan Policy 1.11.30). site is currently being used to its fullest potential in the Residential Suburban zoning district. Proposed Land Use Designation General Plan Policy 1.29 states that "it shall be the objective of the City of San Bernardino to allow for the conversion of existing residential structures in designated areas for administrative professional offices." The Commercial Office land use designation intends to encourage the conversion, rather than Existing the demolition of single family residences, into low intensity commercial in vial office e the . 2 land single family residences can therefore remain as a permitted use. use designation also allows for the development of senior congregate housing with a maximum of 47 units to the acre. While the CO-2 land use designation encourages the re-use of existing residential structures, new subdivisions require a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. Existing lots of record may be developed if they meet current standards. Therefore, future use of this particular property would be limited to those uses allowable by the Development Code in the existing residential unit. Land Use Compatibility/General Plan Consistency The amendment site is contiguous to CG-1, Commercial General, properties to the west and north, some of which are inhabited with commercial office types of uses. The aw stations and a "E" Street corridor is predominantly commercial in nature, with offices, g supermarket inhabiting these parcels. The apartment complex to the south is designated RS, Residential Suburban and is bordered by both residential and commercial uses. Compelling arguments for the proposed General Plan Amendment site is its location along the northern "E" Street corridor, a major four lane arterial, as well as its compatibility with GPA 93-05, VAR 93-23 & DPIII 93-22 Hearing Date: 4-5-94 Page 3 surrounding land uses. In addition, the single family residence is not currently part of a residential neighborhood, but rather surrounded by primarily commercial uses. Typically, the CO-2 land use designation promotes less intensive land uses than the CG-1 land use designation. For example, while the CG-1 designation allows for general commercial uses (such as auto parts stores, drive-thru restaurants, home improvement centers, etc.). The CO-2 designation allows for only less intensive office uses (such as administrative and professional offices, small restaurants and miscellaneous indoor activities, etc.). ■ Development Permit (Type IM No. 93-22 Development Code Section 19.06.030 (R) defines standards for single family residences which are proposed to be converted to a low intensity office use. Standards such as keeping the residential character of the dwelling, parking considerations, signage, and landscaping are set forth. This section of the Development Code also gives decision making bodies the opportunity to reduce both parking and landscaping standards, where they are applicable. The proposed project meets all of the requirements set forth by this section of the Development Code (refer to Attachment D, Development Code and General Plan Consistency). ■ Variance No. 93-23 Development Code Conformance A variance to Development Code Section 19.06.030 (Table 06.02) is requested to reduce the standard setback along the rear and sides of the property. The project proposes to utilize a five foot setback along both the rear and side property lines. While the code requires 10 foot minimum side and rear setbacks, various design considerations made meeting these standards impossible. According to the Development Code Section 19.24, two way drive aisles must be a minimum of 24 feet in width and 90 degree parking stalls must be a minimum of 19 feet in depth. Therefore, a minimum rear yard depth of 72 feet would be necessary to meet the code. The reduction of the side yard setback is also included in this application. The subject site has a width of 52 feet total. Development Code Section 19.24 requires that 6 spaces, including one handicapped space, be provided for a professional office use. However, Section 19.24 further requires that 90 degree spaces be a minimum of 9 feet wide and Section 19.06.030(Table 06.02) requires a side setback of 10 feet on each side. Design considerations would place four spaces on one side of the drive aisle and two, including one handicapped, on the other side, thus, making the minimum needed width expand to 54 feet. The subject site is 52 feet wide and 140 feet deep. By providing 5 foot setbacks, along both the side and rear property lines, the applicant can closely meet the standards of the zone while still GPA 93-05, VAR 93-23 & DPHI 93-22 Hearing Date: 4-5-94 Page 4 retaining the residential character of the neighborhood to the rear. CONCLUSION The Findings of Fact submitted by the applicant demonstrate a need for a general plan amendment, variance and development permit to allow its owner the same right enjoyed by similar structures in the immediate area. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission make a recommendation to the Mayor and Common Council that: X1'12/ 1. Negative Declaration be adopted; 2. General Plan Amendment No. 93-05 be approved; 3. Development Permit (Type III) No. 93-22 be approved,and; 4. Variance No. 93-22 be approved. Respectfully subm' t A , AI of Planning and Building Services Scott D. Donaghe Assistant Planner ATTACHMENTS: A - Location Map B - Existing Land Use C - Site Plan D - Development Code Conformance Table E - Findings F - Applicant's Findings G - Conditions of Approval H - Initial Study AGENDA CITY OF SAN - . • - • BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Q. LOCATION HEARING DATE s� 111J, r�y - zn �- 13�19 14� . ;� 1 CITY OF AN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT EXISTING LAND USE p6K rJ W 4 •Oo /,�, ' - - r•- - 7_ I C7MMz- zl c� W MWJ 20 J� 'j rda P,6121GI1.f�1'" �oMM." I .s SF ,1 r LoM 1.(l,s is St= ----- - - r - - -- ------- ® rsl© C°f `,�d l Ir 5P ® rftie CGA/�M• SF - r la sP Ar V.& a l is S'F Vll 11 c ,�vzol_.6-56f ae Sp it SF o ® i b I I 31ST STREET -,v3� so , •�, .as' wee' ,ev , so' 1 zs W J il�i v>1' a ti P 6iJ�b T J.Kf,:. Ir. _ T1 F 4 2u 1 lull 0 sSF F Q s zo 5F 9 0 WA rZ& H 92 d n �F to is R'93 W ���rytfg If c v ti 14 � 157F. � b N HwY. 30 ATTACHMENT B P�Ary.8.12 PAGE 1 OF t (4%) t 'r mm 1_Rw F I I ~`'I I ' 1 •'� 1 ' I ' 1 a Rio "'!�'•�'' M' �! � 'p ' ' II ` �p"� tb It ATTACHMENT C DEVELOPMENT CODE AND GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY General Plan Amendment No. 93-05, Variance No. 93-23 and Development Permit (Type III) No. 93-22 CATEGORY PROPOSAL DEV. CODE GENERAL PLAN Use Commercial Office Permitted Permitted (Dentist's Office) Front Setback 25-30 feet 15 feet N/A Rear Setback 5 feet* 10 feet N/A Side Setback approx. 14 feet 10 feet N/A (Street) Side Setback 5 feet* 10 feet N/A Parking 6 spaces 6 spaces N/A Lot Size 7,280 sq. ft. 10,000 sq. ft. min.** N/A * areas in which the variance application applies ** refer to Staff Report (Proposed Land Use Section) ATTACHMENT D FINDINGS OF FACT ■ General Plan Amendment No. 93-05 1. The proposed CO-2, Commercial Office, land use designation is internally consistent with the General Plan in that such a designation is not in conflict with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan, and will not encumber the continued and orderly expansion of the City's downtown area. 2. The proposed amendment would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety,convenience or welfare of the City in that the vicinity of the amendment area is fully urbanized and able to facilitate commercial office uses. 3. The proposed amendment would maintain the appropriate balance of uses within the City due to the proximity of the amendment area to other similarly designated properties and its frontage on a major arterial. 4. The amendment area is physically suitable for the requested land use designation and anticipated land use development in that the site is rectangular and flat topographically. ■ Development Permit (Type III) No. 93-22 1. The proposed use is permitted within the Commercial Office land use district and complies with all of the applicable provisions of this Development Code, including prescribed development standards and design guidelines. The approval of the associated variance will bring this project into conformance with all provisions of the Development Code. 2. The subject site is physically suitable for the dentist's office. Approval of the associated variance will bring the proposed development into conformance with all provisions of the Development Code. 3. The dentist's office will be harmonious with surrounding land uses, in that it is surrounded by similar low intensity office uses to the north, commercial areas to the west, commercial and multi-family to the south and residential areas to the east. While retaining its character as a single family dwelling, but operating as a dentist's office, the proposed project will be harmonious in its land use district as well as the general area. 4. There are adequate provisions for water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure that the proposed use is not detrimental to public health and safety. All utilities for the site are currently existing and shall not be detrimental to public health and safety in that they exist already. 5. The proposed project is located along "E" Street, a major arterial. Its location along with its on-site design provide adequate public access to serve the subject proposal. 6. Since the dwelling exists, and only the parking lot is to be constructed, the proposed ATTACHMENT E project shall have mu significant harmful impacts upon envi,.,amental quality and natural resources. Furthermore, environmental review has taken into consideration these concerns and will mitigate them if necessary. 7. Any impact determined to be negative in nature will be mitigated through this projects associated environmental review. 8. General Plan Amendment No. 93-05 would amend the subject parcels land use designation from RS, Residential Suburban to CO-2, Commercial Office thereby making this proposed use consistent with the General Plan. 9. The proposed location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the requested use are not detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience or welfare of the City. Since most of the proposal already exists, and what remains to be constructed is a parking lot, this project will not have a detrimental impact on the public interest, safety, convenience or welfare. ■ Variance No. 93-23 1. There are special circumstances that would warrant the reduction of side and rear setbacks in that the lot is physically large enough to place all needed amenities, however, the placement of existing structures inhibits their placement. 2. The applicant has demonstrated that the subject property is deprived of a right enjoyed by others in the immediate area. The existing residence, with its large front setback, does not permit standard rear and side setbacks, while other buildings in the area do. 3. The granting of this variance request will not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and land use district in which the property is located. The building would meet the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Electrical and Uniform Fire Code prior to occupation. City Building and Safety Staff shall verify that all improvements have been made prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 4. The granting of this variance request does not constitute a special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and land use district in which the subject property is located. Granting of this variance would not constitute a special privilege in that other buildings within the immediate area, with the same lot size, simply have more advantageous building placements. The large front setback of this particular structure inhibits it from complying with rear and side setback standards. 5. The granting of this variance request does not allow a use that is not otherwise expressly authorized by the regulations governing the subject parcel. With the approval of the associated General Plan Amendment No. 93-05 the dentist office would be a permitted use. 6. The granting of this variance is not inconsistent with the General Plan. With the approval of the associated General Plan Amendment No. 93-05 this use will be consistent with the policies, objectives and goals of the General Plan. VARIANCE FINDINGS : A. THERE ARE special circumstances applicable to the property, including size, shape, location or surroundings , the strict application of this Code deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical land use district classification . The project site is designated as RS, however, a General Plan Amendment is being processed concurrently to change the land use to CG-1 , the same designation enjoyed by parcels of similar size and shape contiguous to both the North and the West of the subject . CG-1 permits a variety of administrative and professional uses . The existing single family residence is proposed as the office building through a conversion process . The parcel measures 51 . 8 feet wide and 140 feet long, for a total of 7252 square feet . When applying Parking and Loading standards in the Development Code to the subject parcel, there are requirements that cannot be met due to the size of the parcel; whereas other properties in the area of different configuration can meet the standards and utilize the site as desired . The Parking requirements establish a parking space width of 9 feet and adequate space for maneuvering space into and out of the spaces . The preferred design requires a total of fifty ( 90 ) feet . Adding the required side yard set backs for the CG-1 district (when the subject property is adjacent to a RS district ) of ten ( 10 ) feet on each side provides a total width of 60 feet necessary for the parking area . Therefore the subject lot, at 51 . 8 feet wide, is of a configuration that will not provide for the installation of the entire parking lot and required setback distances, which results in the reduction of the development components which are less critical to operational safety: side yard landscape setbacks . In addition to the site configuration, physical restrictions resulting from the building location f, establishes the distance from the rear of the existing structure to the rear property line as 66 feet. Again, Parking requirements establish a parking space length of 19 feet and an access aisle width of 29 feet for a total of 62 feet . Adding the required rear yard setback. ( contiguous to RS district ) for a CG-1 district oi-ten ( 10 ) feet provides a total depth to accommodate the required parking of 72 feet . Therefore the subject lot, with the location of the existing structure, cannot provide for the installation of the entire parking lot and required setback distance and results in the reduction of the development components which are less critical to ATTACHMENT F operational safety, rear lot lands=ape setbacks . The land survey of the subject property disclosed the location of a 6 foot block wall at the East line of the lot was erected 3 . 4 feet East of the property line separating the subject property from that contiguous to the East . The Owner contacted the owner of the contiguous property to discuss obtaining an Easement Deed to the 3 . 4 feet captured West of the fence . The discussions with that owner , Mrs Gertrude Boettcher, led to a willingness on her part to grant a License to the owner of the subject property to use and maintain the 3 . 4 feet for landscaping and irrigation systems , which License, of course may be canceled upon delivery of a 30 day notice should the owner ( or a future owner ) wish to relocate the block wall at or near the property line . Without receiving a variance on ce_tain standards, the privilege of using the site as designated by CG-1 district criteria in the General Plan would not be available, as it is now for parcels surrounding the site on the North and West Sides . B. THAT GRANTING the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and land use district ( proposed ) and denied to the property for which the Variance is sought : Other properties designated CG-1 in the immediate vicinity and of a professional office nature have parking lots developed with similar design elements . The large Apartment Structure to the South provides parking in the rear and isolates the subject property from other residential uses of lower intensity to the South . The existing setback of the Apartment of 5 feet provides very limited landscaping along the common property line. However, the design of the structure is such that the walls along the common exposure are solid, without windows on the first level . This isolation from lower intensity uses on the North, South and West sides diminishes the value of the subject property as a single residence and supports a use more compatible with those to the North and to the West . C. That GRANTING THE VARIANCE WIL! NOT BE MATERIALLY DETRIMENTAL to the public health safety or welfare, or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and land use district proposed for the property: Land uses surrounding the proposed parking lot include a single family residence on the East and a two story Apartment Structure to the ?South . There are no single family residences adjacent to the parking area due to the 0 substantial rear setback . In general, the rear setback to the East is 60 feet, which would provide a distance of 65 feet to the nearest parking space from the house to the East . The two story Apartment to the South is designed so the parking provided in the rear of the building is separated from the proposed parking area by a solid wall , and the remainder of the building along the common property line does not have windows on the first level . The reduction of rear and side setbacks of the subject parking lot will not have an adverse impact on the adjacent uses due to noise and fumes as a result of the combination of existing distances and the design of adjacent structures . The streets on the NOrth and West sides , in addition to the landscaped corridors along the streets mitigate any adverse impact . For the reasons cited abcve, no adverse impacts are anticipated . D . That granting the Variance DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A SPECIAL PRIVILEGE INCONSISTENT WITH THE LIMITATIONS UPON OTHER PROPERTIES in the vicinity and land use district in which such property is located : As the site, currently occupied by a single family residence, is isolated from others which may remain principally residential due to the presence of CG-1 district to both the North and to the West and also by the presence of a two story Apartment Building to the South, and of the concurrent General Plan Amendment Application requesting a change in land usage from RS to CG-1 for the subject , the Development Code provides for the conversion of the existing structure from residential to professional office in Section 19 . 06 (P ) (Municipal Code 818 ) . It is noted that special consideration is given to the office conversion process by the provisions in the code that allow for the reduction in the required landscaping, parking, loading, access and parking configuration. This variance request is consistent with the INTENT of the code : to remain a single family character while not to discourage the conversion of land use from residential to commercial in an area predominantly devoted to more intens, land use . By keeping the existing architectural features intact the spirit of the Development Code is being implemented without receiving special privileges that other properties of similar4 size and configuration would not otherwise receive . Othe requirements of the Development Code of which the project is in compliance include landscaping area, building maintained in original character, number of required parking spaces, front setback etc. E . That granting the Variance DOES NOT ALLOW A USE OR ACTIVITY which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the regulations to govern the subject parcel upon approval . o 0 of the concurrent General Plan Amendment : Uses allowed in the CG-1 land use district include administrative and professional offices . T^e proposed office space is expected house a dental practice which is consistent therewith . The subject variance requested is related to only physical development requirements . The reduction in setbacks will not allow for additional uses that are not legally permitted on the site . F. THAT GRANTING OF THE VARIANCE WILL NOT BE INCONSISTENT WITH THE GENERAL PLAN : Of the nine elements addressed in the Circulation Element of the General Plan, parking was the subject of two : "H . An adequate supply of parking is necessary to - accommodate the demands of developments in the City. I . The availability of parking in some areas is limited" As part of Goal 6B, Objective 6 . 8 states : "Ensure that developments provide an adequate supply of parking to meet the needs, on-site or within close proximate to the developments generating the demand for parking . " By reducing the required side and rear setbacks a distance to provide the appropriate area for the development of a parking lot for the office building, fir.- u-yri3'.L=F Taq'7 s•. is consistent with these provisions in the General Plan. In reference to the historical significance of the existing structure and the request to retain the covered access way, the General Plan indicated in Goal 3A: "To protect , preserve, and restore the sites, structures _ and districts which have architectural , historical, archaeological and/or cultural significance to the City of San Bernardino and surrounding area, while promoting community awareness and appreciation of the area' s diverse cultural heritage . " Among the Objectives implementing the Historical and Archaeological Resources Element of the General Plan, number 3 . 2 requests the following : "Provide incentives to private owners of historic resources to maintain and/or enhance in a manner thar will conserve the integrity of such resources in the best possible condition . " Although not identified as part of a potential historic district, because the architecture is that of the California Bungalow of the late 30 ' s and 40"s and there 0 0 are other homes in the area typical of the Spanish-Colonial Revival Period of architecture, consideration should be given to maintain the integrity of the building by retaining its present exterior appearance in keeping with other single family structures converted to administrative and professional office usage in the neighborhood, thereby providing consistency with the General Plan . ATTACHMENT G CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL BUILDING/PLANNING DIVISIONS 1. Within two years of development approval, commencement of construction shall have occurred or the permit/approval shall become null and void. In addition, if after commencement of construction, work is discontinued for a period of one year, then the permit/approval shall become null an void. Projects may be built in phases if preapproved by the review authority. If a project is built in preapproved phases, each subsequent phase shall have one year from the previous phase's date of construction commencement to have occurred or the permit/ approval shall become null and void. Project : Variance No. 93-23, DP1II No. 93-22 Expiration Date : April 5, 1996 2. The review authority may, upon application being filed 30 days prior to the expiration date and for good cause, grant one time extension not to exceed 12 months. The review authority shall ensure that the project complies with all current Development Code provisions. 3. In the event that this approval is legally challenged, the City will promptly notify the applicant of any claim or action and will cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. Once notified, the applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of San Bernardino. The applicant further agrees to reimburse the City of any costs and attorney's fees which the City may be required by the court to pay as a result of such action, but such participation shall not relieve the applicant of his obligation under this condition. 4. No vacant, relocated, altered, repaired or hereafter erected structure shall be occupied or no change of use of land or structure(s) shall be inaugurated, or no new business commenced as authorized by this permit until a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Department. A temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued by the Department subject to the conditions imposed on the use, provided that a deposit is filed with the Department of Public Works prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. The deposit or security shall guarantee the faithful performance and completion of all terms, conditions and performance standards imposed on the intended use by this permit. ATTACHMENT G 5. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the landowner shall file a maintenance agreement or covenant and easement to enter and maintain, subject to the approval of the City Attorney. The agreement or covenant and easement to enter and maintain shall ensure that if the landowner, or subsequent owner(s), fail to maintain the required/installed site improvements, the City will be able to file an appropriate lien(s) against the property in order to accomplish the required maintenance. 6. The developer is to submit a complete master landscape and irrigation plan (5 copies) for the entire development to the Public Works Department with the required fee for review. The landscape plans will be forwarded to the Parks, Recreation and Community Services and the Planning Division for review. (Note: the issuance of a building development permit, by the Department of Planning and Building Services, does NOT waive this requirement. No grading permit(s) will be issued prior to approval of landscape plans. The landscape and irrigation plans shall comply with the "Procedure and Policy for Landscape and Irrigation" (available from the Parks Department), and comply with all applicable provisions of Chapter 19.28 (Landscaping Standards) of the Development Code effective on the date of approval of this permit. Trees are to be inspected by a representative of the Parks Department prior to planting. 7. This permit or approval is subject to all the applicable provisions of the Development Code in effect at the time of approval. This includes Chapter 19.20 (Property Development Standards), and includes: dust and dirt control during construction and grading activities; emission control of fumes, vapors, gases and other forms of air pollution; glare control; exterior lighting design and control; noise control; odor control; screening; signs, off-street parking and off-street loading; and vibration control. Screening and sign regulations compliance are important considerations to the developer because they will delay the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy until they are complied with. Any exterior structural equipment, or utility transformers, boxes, ducts, or meter cabinets shall be architecturally screened by a wall or structural element, blending with the building design and include landscaping when on the ground. A sign program for all new commercial, office and industrial centers of three or more tenant spaces shall be approved by the Department prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. This requirement also includes any applicable Land Use District Development Standards for residential, commercial and industrial developments regarding minimum lot area, minimum lot depth and width, minimum setbacks, maximum height, maximum lot coverage, etc. 8. This development shall be required to maintain a minimum of six (6) standard off-street parking spaces as shown on the approved plan(s) on file. 9. This permit or approval is subject to the attached conditions or requirements of the following City Departments or Divisions: a. Fire Department b. Building Services Division of the Planning and Building Services Department C. Police Department d. Public Works (Engineering) Department e. Water Department CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CASE -7P4 � - STANDARD REQUIREMENTS HEARING DATE I REVIEWED BY 16CL FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS GLNERAL ;EQUIREMENTS: ['I Provide one Fire extDra erlme set of construction plans to Building and Safetv for Fire Department use at time of plan check. J / Contact ennt for specific or detailed requirements--IMPORTANT. The developer shall provide for adequate Fire Flow as computed by the Fire Prevention Bureau. Fire Flow shall be based on square footage, construction features and exposure information as supplied by the developer and may be taken from two hydrants. '01t0 I" S f ACCESS: [ I Provide two different routes of ingress/egress to the property entrance. The routes shall be paved,ell-weather. [ I Provide an access roadway h to each building for fire appara -s. Access roadwev shall have an all-weather driving surface of not less than 20-feet of unobstructed width. ( 1 Extend roadway to within 150-feet of all portions of the exterior valls of all single-story buildings. I 1 Extend roadwav to within 50-feet of the exterior walls of all multiple-story buildings. I I Provide "No PARKING" signs whenever parking of vehicles would possibly reduce the clearance of access roadways to less than the required width. Signs are to read "FIRE LANE-NO PARKING"(All caps). "M.C.Sec. 15.16". I I Dead-end streets shall not exceed 500-feet in length and shall have a minimum 35-foot radius turnaround. I I The names of any new streets(public or private)shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval. SITE: I I All access roads and streets are to be constructed and usable prior to combustible construction. [ I Private fire hydrants shall be installed to protect each building located more than 150-feet from the curb line. No fire hvdrant should be within 40-feet of any exterior wall. The hydrants shall be Wet Barrel type, with one 2i-inch and one 4-inch outlet, and approved by the Fire Department. Fire hydrants are to be protected from damage by providing suitable traffic barriers. The area around the fire hvdrant shall be designated as a"NO PARKING"zone by painting an 8-inch wide, red stripe for 15-feet in each direction in front of the hydrant in such a manner that it will not be blocked by parked vehicles. Suitable "NO PARKING"signs are required. Public fire hydrants shall be provided along streets at 300-feet intervals for commercial and multi-residential areas and at 500-feet intervals for residential areas. Installation shall conform to Citv specifications and be installed prior to combustible construction or storage. BUILDING: The address of the structure, in six inch numerals, shall be installed on the building or in other approved location in such a manner as to be visible from the frontage street. The color of the numbers shall contrast with color of the background. I I Identify each gas and electric meter with the number of the unit which it services. ' Fire extinguishers must be installed prior to the building being occupied. The minimum rating for any fire extinguisher is 2A 10 B/0. Minimum distribution of fire extinguishers must.be such that no interior part of the building is over 75-feet travel distance from a fire extinguisher. ( I All buildings, other than residential over 5,000 square feet, shall be provided with an automatic fire sprinkler system, designed to NFPA standards. I I Submit plans for the fire protection system to the Fire Department prior to beginning construction on the system. I I Tenant improvements in all sprinklered buildings are to be approved by the Fire Department prior to construction. [ I Provide an automatic fire alarm (required throughout). Plan must be approved by the Fire Department,prior to installation. [ I Fire Department connection to(sprinkler system/standpipe system)shall be required at curb line. ________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: The applicant must request. in writing,any change in these or other requirements. ADDITIONAL INFOR5IATION:///�E-.(� ",(I'e_ T��LE S-� �.PC= �FS/j79.F CC o% Ex S?t_'ctvrc/-s' ic' c�xT2=f'i[.! c✓.9CLS = .fl+T /�FRffiTiFD �e�St' iY9v F� �/c'7T. FPB 170 7/:i9 MON CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING CASE DP Type 1 1 1 93-22 AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT AGENDA ITEM =4 DATE STANDARD REQUIREMENTS HEARING AGE 04/05/94 BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION 1. Submit plans prepared by a Registered Building ,Deaignez, Architect or civil or Structural Engineer. Submit a complete lateral and structural analysis prepared by a Registered Civil or Structural Engineer or Architect. 2. Submit State of California Title 24 Energy Calculation Forms for non-residential buildings including a signed compliance statement. 3. Submit calculations and structural drawings, prepared by a Registered Civil Structural Engineer or Architect, for the following items: floor load requirement of 50 lbs . per Table 23-A of the 1991 U.B.C. Be advised that the subject building is an unreinforced masonry building (URM) as defined by State law and as identified in a study done by the City dated January 1990. Notice that this building was a URM building was mailed to all URM owners in April 1990. At some time in the future, the owner will be required to do a detailed structural analysis for the purpose of determining the degree of structural deficiencies, submit structural plans showing correction of the structural deficiencies, obtain building permits, and complete the structural upgrading. a. It is recommended that before significant cosmetic improvements are made that some thought be given to doing the seismic structural upgrading first or consideration be given to doing the cosmetic improvements in such a way so as to minimize or avoid redoing the proposed cosmetic improvements in the future. b. Based upon the structural changes and/or add-ons to the building (such as adding mechanical equipment, mansard roof; other additional weight that must be restrained laterally) , submit a structural analysis certifying that the changes and/or add-ons being proposed to the building makes the building no more hazardous than without the proposed changes and/or r�«m.....n.can.rf, PUN-B.tO µAm CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING CASE DP Type 11 93-22 AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT AGENDA ITEM -4 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS HEARING 02/ 05/94 add-ons. If such analysis and certification cannot be made, then the building must be seismically upgraded prior to occupancy of the building. C. As defined by the building code, this project is a change of occupancy classification and/or intensification of use that requires this building to be seismically upgraded prior to occupancy. 3. Submit floor plan of existing structure. , Label all uses and existing materials of construction. 4. Submit four (4) complete sets of construction plans including: a. Copy of conditions. xbCxxxxx oilrx;andpmX1ultY6i8a mnuwappa%:(. C. Energy Calculations. dKxxxx$A=ctt=alx)oaicud ixxxx Submit a preliminary (soils) (geology) (soils and geology with liquefaction analysis) report prepared by a person licensed to do so. Submit a single line drawing of the electrical service. Show all equipment, conduit and wire sizes and types. Show the service ground size and grounding electrode. Submit panel schedule(s) and electrical plans. 5. Permit required for demolition of existin garage site. 4xRili7At9(s) on 6. Submit a plan of the heating, ventilating or air conditioning system. (Clearly identify the location and rating of the equipment and the sizes and material of all ducts, registers and the location of all fire dampers) . Show means of providing mechanical ventilation as required by the 1988 Uniform Building Code. Submit gas pipe loads, sizing calculations and isometrics. PION-1.10 I4ypl CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING CASE DP Type I I I No. 93-22 AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT AGENDA ITEM 4 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS HEARING GE 03705794 7. Provide a plot plan showing the location of the proposed sewer system. Submit a letter clearly indicating the intended use of all areas of the building. List the materials to be used and the projects produced giving the amount of each kept in the building. If the building is used of more than one purpose, list all other uses. Submit isometric plans of the cold and hot water and drain waste and vent systems. 8. Show compliance with Title 24 for the physically handicapped in the following: Entrance to building, restroom, corridors to include door opens of 32" min, clear at 90 degrees and show complet notes and details for H.C. restroom. 9. Submit plans approved by the County Health Department. Indicate methods of compliance for sound attenuation (exterior, interior party walls, floor/ceiling assembly, ceiling) as per study, U.B.C. , local or State Law. Show compliance with requirements of high fire areas. For structures located within high wind areas: a. Design structure, including roof covering, using p.s. f. wind load. City of San Bernardino named as certificate holder for Worker's Compensation Insurance,. from contractor. 10. Assessor's Parcel Number. 152-193-01 11. Contractor's City license. 12. Contractor's State license. 13. Sewer capacity rights from Water Department, 384-5093, Neil Thomsen. may be required . uw,w n`..ma°m PL 6.10 INOI CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING CASE DP Type I I I No. 93-22 AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT AGENDA ITEM z4 DATE STANDARD REQUIREMENTS HEARING AGE 44 04/05/94 School fees from Unified School District, 381-1179. 14. Fire Sprinklers Required: May be required; contact Fire Department at 384-5388. Plans for fire sprinklers shall be submitted to Fire Dept. and approved prior to installation. No building inspections shall be performed beyond "framing and ventilation" until fire sprinkler plans are approved. 15. Other: Plan Check time is approximately 5 to 6 weeks; contact 81d roxima ely wee KS 84-3II 16. Deposit: $357.00 Plan Check Deposit. 17. Fire resistance of ext. walls shall be one hour less than 20 feet and openings in ext. walls not permitted less than five feet; protected less than 10 ft. 18. Floor shall be designed for 50 lbs. concentrated loads from Table 23-A. 19. Physicist report may be required. 20. Waste water permit required. mnrwwiwu a PLMWO (40) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO STANDARD REQUIREMENTS - POLICE DEVELOPMENTAL/ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CASE 53 - Z 'Z— DATE -2_ i- — Yc/ COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS The following special provisions shall apply to all new commercial or industrial buildings or those with 508 improvement or alteration: Garage-type doors A. Garage type doors which are either rolling overhead, solid overhead, swinging, sliding, or accordion style doors shall conform to the following standards: 1. Wood doors shall have panels a minimum of five- sixteenths (5/16) inch in thickness with the locking hardware being attached to the support framing. 2 . Aluminum doors shall be a minimum thickness of . 0215 inches and riveted together a minimum of eighteen (18) inches on center along the outside seams. There shall be a full width horizontal beam attached to the main door structure which shall meet the pilot or pedestrian access door framing within three (3) inches or the strike area of the pilot or pedestrian access door. 3 . Fiberglass doors shall have panels a minimum of six (6) ounces per square foot from the bottom of the door to a height of seven (7) feet. Panels above seven (7) feet and panels in residential structures have a density of not less than five (5) ounces per square foot. B. Where sliding or accordion doors are used, they shall be equipped with guide tracks which shall be designed so that the door cannot be removed from the track when in the closed and locked position. C. Doors that exceed sixteen (16) feet in width shall have two (2) lock receiving points, one located on each side of the door. Doors not exceeding sixteen (16) feet shall have one lock receiving point placed on either side of the door. A single bolt may be used in the center of the door with the locking point located either in the floor or door frame header. D. All overhead or swinging doors shall be equipped with (" 0 Standard Requirements - police Commercial/Industrial page 2 slidebolts which shall be capable of using padlocks with a minimum nine-thirty-seconds (9/32 ) inch shackle. 1. The entire slidebolt assembly shall be constructed of case-hardened steel and shall have a frame a minimum of . 120 inches in thickness, and a bolt diameter a minimum of one-half (1/2) inch, and shall protrude at least one and one-half ( 1 1/2) inches into the receiving guide. 2 . Slide bolt assemblies shall be attached to the door with bolts which are nonremovable from the exterior. Rivets shall not be used to attach such assemblies. E. Padlocks used with exterior mounted slide bolts shall have a hardened steel shackle a minimum of nine-thirty- seconds (9/32) inch in diameter with heel and toe locking and a minimum five (5) pin tumbler operation. The key shall be nonremovable when in an unlocked position. F. Doors using a cylinder lock shall have a minimum five (5) pin tumbler operation with the bolt or locking bar extending into the receiving guide a minimum of one (1) inch. G. Pedestrian access doors contained in garage type doors shall comply to the standards set forth in the below section. Windows/Locks/Doors (Including 8lidinc Glass) : The following requirements must be met for windows, locks, doors ( including sliding glass) : A. All movable windows and sliding glass doors shall be constructed and/or equipped so as to prevent them from being lifted out of their tracks when in the closed position. B. Louvered windows shall not be used when any portion of the window is less than twelve (12) feet vertically or six (6) feet horizontally from an accessible surface or any adjoining roof, balcony, landing, stair tread, platform, or similar structure. A. Swinging exterior glass doors, wood. ur metal doors with glass panels, solid wood or metal doors, shall be constructed or protected as follows: C> 4 Standard Requirements - Police Commercial/Industrial Page 3 1 . Wood doors shall be of solid core construction with a minimum thickness of one and three-fourths ( 1 3/4) inches . Hollow metal doors shall be constructed of a minimum equivalent to sixteen (16) U. S. gauge steel and have sufficient reinforcement to maintain the designed thickness of the door when any locking device is installed; such reinforcement being able to restrict collapsing of the door around the locking device. 2 . Except when double cylinder deadbolts are used or safety glazing is required by Chapter 54 of the Uniform Building Code, any glazing installed within forty (40) inches of any door locking mechanisms shall be constructed or protected as follows: a. Fully tempered glass or rated burglary resistant glazing, or b. Iron or steel grills of at least one-eighth (1/8) inch mesh secured with nonremovable bolts on the inside of the glazing may be used; and framing for iron or steel grills shall be by one (1) inch by one-fourth (1/4) inch flat metal secured by nonremovable bolts, or C. The glazing shall be covered with iron or steel bars of at least one-half (1/2) inch round or one inch by on-fourth (1 x 1/4) inch flat metal, spaced not more than five (5) inches apart and secured with nonremovable bolts. d. Items b and c above shall not interfere with the operation of opening windows if such windows are required to be openable by the - Uniform Building code. B. All swinging exterior doors with the exception of aluminum frame swinging doors shall be equipped as follows: 1. A single or double door shall be equipped with a double or single cylinder deadbolt. The bolt shall have a minimum projection of one inch and be constructed so as to repeal cutting tool attack. The deadbolt shall have an embedment of at least three-fourths (3/4) inch into the door jamb/strike. a Standard Requirements - Police commercial/Industrial Page 4 The cylinder shall have a cylinder guard, a minimum of five (5) pin tumblers, and shall be connected to the inner portion of the lock b y connecting screws of at least one-fourth ( 1/4) inch in diameter. All deadbolts will be equipped with a locked indicator. Exposed installation screws on double cylinder deadbolts shall be nonremovable. The provisions of this subsection do not apply where (1) panic hardware is required, or (2) an equivalent device is approved by the enforcing authority. Locking devices shall be mounted at a height of not less than thirty (30) nor more than fort-four (44) inches above the finished floor. 2 . Hinges for outswinging doors shall be equipped with nonremovable hinge pins or a mechanical interlock to preclude removal of the door from the exterior by removing the hinge pins. 3 . Whenever a mail slot is located within forty (40) inches of the primary locking device on any exterior door it shall be covered by an interior hood which will discourage manipulation of the primary locking device. 4. Strikeplates shall be constructed of minimum sixteen (16) U.S. gauge steel, bronze or brass, a minimum of three and one-half (3 1/2) inches in length and secured to the jamb with screws a minimum of two and one-half (2 1/2) inches in length. C. All exterior double doors shall be equipped as follows: 1. The inactive leaf of double doors shall be equipped with automatic releasing metal flushbolts having a minimum embedment of five-eighths (5/8) inch into the header and threshold of the door frame or by panic hardware which contains a minimum of two (2) locking points, one located at the header, the other at the threshold of each door. 2 . Double doors shall have a full-length astragal, constructed of steel a minimum of . 125 inch thick which will cover the opening between the doors. The astragal shall be a minimum of two (2) inches wide, and extend a minimum of one inch beyond the edge of the door to which it is attached. The astragal shall be attached to the outside of the active door by means of welding or with © 0 Standard Requirements - Police Commercial/Industrial Page 5 nonremovable bolts spaced apart on not more than ten (10) inch centers. D. Aluminum frame swinging doors shall conform to the following: 1. The jamb on all aluminum frame swinging doors shall be so constructed or protected to withstand one thousand six hundred (1, 600) pounds of pressure in both a vertical distance of three (3) inches and a horizontal distance of one (1) inch each side of the strike so as to prevent violation of the strike. 2 . Aluminum frame swinging doors shall be equipped with a two-point locking mechanism consisting of deadbolt having a minimum bolt prujection of one and one-half (1 1/2) inches, or a hook shaped or similar bolt that engages the strike sufficiently to prevent spreading and a metal automatic releasing threshold bolt having a minimum embedment of five-eighths (5/8) inch into the floor. The deadbolt lock shall have a minimum of five (5) pin tumblers and a cylinder guard and shall be equipped with a locked indicator. E. Panic hardware, whenever required by the Uniform Building Code or Title 24 of the California Administrative code, shall be equipped and installed as follows: 1. Panic hardware shall contain a minimum of two (2) locking points on each door, one located at the head, the other at the threshold of the door, or 2. On single doors, panic hardware may have one locking point which is not to be located at either the top or bottom rails of the door frame. The door shall have an astragal constructed of steel . 125• inches thick which shall be attached with nonremovable bolts or welded to the outside of the door. The astragal shall extend a minimum of six (6) inches vertically above and below the latch of the panic hardware. The astragal shall be a minimum of two (2) inches wide and extend a minimum of one (1) inch beyond the edge of the door. 3 . Double doors containing panic hardware shall have a full length steel astragal attached to the doors at their meeting point which will close the opening o Standard Requirements - Police Commercial/Industrial Page 6 between them but not interfere with the operation of either door. F. Installation and construction of frames and jambs for exterior swinging doors shall be as follows: 1. Door jambs shall be installed with solid backing in such a manner that no voids exist between the strike side of the jamb and the frame opening for a vertical distance of six (6) inches each side of the strike. Finger joints are prohibited. 2 . In wood framing, horizontal blocking shall be placed between studs at door lock height for three (3) stud spaces each side of the door openings. Trimmers shall be full length from the heads to the floor with solid backing against sole plates. G. In multiple occupancy office buildings all entrance doors to individual office suites shall meet the construction and locking requirements for exterior doors. H. In multiple occupancy buildings, interior walls dividing the individual suites shall not end at the false ceiling but shall continue to the real roof. I. Exterior transoms or windows shall be deemed accessible if less than twelve (12) feet above ground or adjacent to any pedestrian walkway. Accessible windows and transoms having a pane or opening exceeding ninety-six (96) square inches, with the smallest dimension exceeding six (6) inches, and not visible from a public or private thoroughfare shall be protected in the following manner: 1. Hilly tempered glass or burglary resistant glazing, or 2. The following window barriers may be used but shall be secured with bolts which are nonremovable from the exterior: a. Interior or exterior steel or iron bars of at least one-half (1/2) inch round or one by one- quarter (1 x 1/4) inch flat metal spaced not more than five (5) inches apart and security fastened, or b. Interior or exterior iron or steel grills of at least one-eighth (1/8) inch metal with not C Standard Requirements - Police commercial/Industrial Page 7 more than a two (2) inch mesh and securely fastened. 3 . The protective bars or grills shall not interfere with the operation of opening windows if such windows are required to be openable by the Uniform Building Code. J. Roof openings shall be equipped as follows: 1. All skylights on the roof of any building or premises used for business purposes shall be provided with: a. Rated burglary resistant glazing, or b. Iron or steel bars of at least one-half (1/2) inch round or one by one-fourth (1 x 1/4) inch flat metal spaced not more than five (5) inches on center to cross the narrowest dimension of the opening being covered. If the narrowest dimension of that opening exceeds eighteen (18) inches, cross members shall be welded into place, not more than eighteen (18) inches apart beginning with a cross member at the center of the opening. Cross members shall be welded to each and every bar it crosses. The entire bar assembly shall be mounted inside the skylight and shall be attached to the building structure by means of machine bolts spaced not more than sixteen (16) inches apart or attached by means of an equivalent method approved by the enforcing authority, or C. A steel or iron grill of at least one-eighth (1/8) inch metal with a maximum two (2) inch mesh mounted inside the skylight and secured . by bolts which are nonremovable from the exterior. d. These requirements do not apply on any structure with a height of thirty-five (35) feet or more where there is no readily available roof access as determined by the enforcing authority. 2 . All hatchway openings on the roof of any building or premises used for business purposes shall be secured as follows: Standard Requirements - Police Commercial/Industrial Page 8 a. If the hatchway is of wooden material , it shall be covered on the inside with at least sixteen (16) U.S . gauge sheet steel or its equivalent, attached with screws. b. The hatchway shall be secured from the inside with a slide bar or slide bolts which are attached by nonremovable bolts . C. outside hinges on all hatchway opening shall be provided with nonremovable pins when using pin type hinges. 3 . All air duct or air vent openings exceeding ninety- six (96) square inches on the roof or exterior walls of any commercial building shall be secured by covering same with either of the following: a. Iron or steel bars of at least one-half (1/2) inch round or one by one-fourth (1 x 1/4) inch flat metal spaced no more than five (5) inches apart and securely fastened, or b. Iron or steel grills of at least one-eighth (1/8) inch metal with a maximum two (2) inch mesh and securely fastened, or C. If the barrier is on the outside, it shall be secured with bolts which are nonremovable from the exterior. d. The above must not interfere with venting requirements, creating potentially hazardous conditions to health and safety, or conflict with the provisions of the Uniform Building Code or Title 19, California Administrative Code. K. Permanently affixed ladders leading to roofs shall be fully enclosed with sheet metal to a height of ten (10) feet. This covering shall bd locked against the ladder with a case hardened hasp, secured with nonremovable screws or bolts and a padlock with a minimum three-eighth (3/8) inch hardened steel shackle, locking at both heel and toe, and a minimum five (5) pin tumbler operation with nonremovable key when in an unlocked position. Hinges on the cover will be provided with nonremovable pins when using pin-type hinges. Standard Requirements - Police Commercial/Industrial Page 9 L. A building located within eight (8) feet of utility poles, trees, or similar structures which allow access to the building's roof, windows, or other openings shall have such access area barricaded or fenced with materials to deter human climbing. M. The following standards for lighting and address markings shall apply to commercial buildings : 1. The address number of every commercial building shall be located and displayed so that it shall be easily visible from the street. The numerals in these numbers shall be no less than six (6) inches in height and be of a color contrasting to the background. In addition, any business which affords vehicular access to the rear through any driveway, alleyway, or parking lot shall also display the same numbers on the rear of the building. 2 . Roof top address numbers shall be provided. They shall be a minimum of three (3) feet in length and two (2) feet in width and of contrasting color to the background. Numbers shall be placed parallel to the street address as assigned. Each building within a commercial complex shall have its own address/assigned number affixed to the roof. 3 . All exterior doors shall be equipped with a lighting device which shall provide a minimum maintained one (1) footcandle of light at ground level during hours of darkness. Lighting devices shall be protected by vandal resistant covers. 4 . All parking lots and access thereto shall be provided with a minimum maintained one (1) footcandle of light on the parking surface from dusk until dawn. 5. Exterior lighting shall not shine away from subject property. 6 . All exterior lighting devices are to be "shake" proof and inaccessible to common reach or climbing and shall be placed at a height which will fully illuminate an average adult. 7 . All parking spaces must be visible from at least one point from the interior of the building. Standard Requirements - Police 0 ? standard Requirements - Police Commercial/Industrial Page 10 N. Interior night lighting shall be maintained in those areas that are visible from the street (ground floors only) . 0. All exterior block wall fencing shall have intervals providing visibility corridors which will allow visibility of the interior from outside the wall, and these visibility corridors shall be placed at regular intervals. This applies only to block walls visible from the street. P. Passenger elevators, the interiors of which are not completely visible when the car door(s) is open, shall have mirrors so placed as to make visible the whole of the elevator interior to prospective passengers outside the elevator. Q. when access to or within a commercial complex is unduly difficult because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life saving or fire fighting purposes, a key override is to be installed in an accessible location. The key override shall be mastered to both the fire department and police department keys. R. Any structure four (4) stories in height or greater will have a repeater installed in its roof. Additional Requirements: STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CASE NO. DPIII 93-23 CITY ENGINEER VAR 93-23 & GPA 93- 05 AGENDA ITEM p4 HEARING DATE 04/05/94 PAGE NO. 1 ♦ NOTE TO APPLICANT: Where separate Engineering plans are required, the applicant is responsible for submitting the Engineering plans directly to the Engineering Division. They may be submitted prior to submittal of Building Plans. 1. Drainage and Flood Control a) All drainage from the development shall be directed to an approved public drainage facility. If not feasible, proper drainage facilities and easements shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. b) Applicant shall mitigate on-site storm water discharge sufficiently to maintain compliance with the City's NPDES Storm Water Discharge Permit Requirements. A "Notice of Intent(NOI)" shall be filed with the State Water Quality Control Board for construction disturbing 5 acres of more of land. c) An Erosion Control Plan shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to grading plan approval. The plan shall be designed to control erosion due to water and wind, including blowing dust, during all phases of construction, including graded areas which are not proposed to be immediately built upon. 2. Grading a) If more than 1' of fill or 2' of cut is proposed, the site/plot/grading and drainage plan shall be signed by a Registered Civil Engineer and a grading permit will be required. The grading plan shall be prepared in strict accordance with the Citys "Grading Policies and Procedures" and the Page 1 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CASE NO, DPIII 93-23 CITY ENGINEER VAR 93-23 & GPA 93- 05 AGENDA ITEM f4 HEARING DATE 04/05/94 PAGE NO. 2 City's "Standard Drawings", unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. b) An on-site Improvement Plan is required for this project. Where feasible, this plan shall be incorporated with the grading plan and shall conform to all requirements of Section 15.04-167 of the Municipal Code(See "Grading Policies and Procedures'). The on-site Improvement Plan shall be approved by the City Engineer. C) The project Landscape Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of a grading permit. Submit 4 copies to the Engineering Division for Checking. d) An easement and covenant shall be executed on behalf of the City to allow the City to enter and maintain any required landscaping in case of owner neglect. The Real Property Section for execution by the property owner and shall ensure that , if the property owner or subsequent owner(s) fail to properly maintain the landscaping, the City will be able to file appropriate liens against the property in order to accomplish the required landscape maintenance. A document processing fee in the amount of $200.00 shall be paid to the Real Property Section to cover processing costs. This easement and covenant shall be executed by the property owner prior to plan approval unless otherwise allowed by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. 3. Utilities a) Design and construct all public utilities to serve the site in accordance with City Code, City Standards and requirements of the serving utility, including gas, electric, telephone, water, sewer and cable TV. Page 2 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CASE NO. DPIII 93-23 CITY ENGINEER VAR 93-23 & GPA 93- 05 AGENDA ITEM #4 HEARING DATE 04iosig4 PAGE NO. 3 b) Each parcel shall be provided with separate water and sewer facilities so it can be served by the City or the agency providing such services in the area. C) Sewer main extensions required to serve the site shall be constructed at the Developer's expense. Sewer systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City's "Sewer Policy and Procedures" and City Standard Drawings. d) Utility services shall be placed underground and easements provided as required. e) Existing Utilities which interfere with new construction shall be relocated at the Developer's expense as directed by the City Engineer. f) Driveway approach shall be constructed in accordance with City Standard No. 204, Type II including Handicap by-pass. 4. Required Engineering Permits a) Grading permit(If applicable.). b) On-site improvements construction permit(except buildings - see Planning and Building Services), including landscaping. C) Off-site improvements construction permit (For Driveway approach and parkway Culvert). Page 3 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS pEpARTMFNT OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CASE NO. DPIII 93-23 CITY ENGINEER VAR 93-23 & GPA 93- 05 AGENDA ITEM #4 HEARING DATE 04/05/94 PAGE NO. 4 5. Applicable Engineering Fees(fees subject to change without notice) a) Plan check and inspection fees for off-site improvements - 4% and 4%, respectively, of the estimated construction cost` of the off-site improvements. b) Plan check and inspection fees for on-site improvements(except buildings - See Planning and Building Services) - 2% and 3%, respectively, of the estimated construction cost` of the on-site improvements, including landscaping. C) Plan check and inspection fees for grading (If permit required) - Fee Schedule available at the Engineering Division Counter. ♦ Estimated construction cost is based on schedule of unit prices on file with the City Engineer. Page 4 i d c CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REFUSE DIVIS DRC/ERC REQUIREMENTS TRANSMITTAL 1994 U �qp 3 1 TO: PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES "E°A6V rotENr peEp ANNG;.�nG J� iLD;N3$EgVICES Project Planner � �� s.r �li�!:?9+LQ_ DATE: Project No. V �, 1 �� �r ( �c�3 BY: i` �/R ✓.M.t} n 9 3 fi GENERAL - The City of San Bernardino Public Services Department is responsible for proper collection, disposal, and recycling of solid waste and by-products generated within the city. Developments are therefore required to plan for the service arrangements marked below, and establish a refuse account with the Refuse Division by calling (909) 384-5335 prior to the commencement of construction, remodelling, or occupation of this project. Other city-provided containers are available to the applicant's contractor(s) for construction debris as well. Shared containers for multiple commercial or residential occupants must be paid for by a single account. Ultimate responsibility for payment rests on the property owner. Service fees will be charged according to those in effect at the time of service. RESIDENTIAL - Refuse and/or recyclable collection will be made at the curb. Development must have ample room for storage of all containers out of street view. 0 Residents to supply their own 32 gallon maximum containers (limit 3 per unit) . �d.c�ity to supply one 90 gallon refuse container and possibly one 90 gallon recycling container per detached dwelling unit or pair of multiple units. COMMERCIAL - Refuse and/or recyclable collection will be made from either City-owned or customer-owned containers services by City crews. Container(s) must be kept in enclosure(s) accessible to city trucks as shown on the approved site plan. Container access shall not conflict with loading zones. Enclosure gates may not swing into or directly behind any parking space. Enclosure(s) shall have a minimum of 6 feet wide by 12 feet long paved, level (less than 28 grade) area in front of gate(s) for container(s) to be serviced from. Overhead wires, signs, and obstructions shall not be located over container service area(s) . Driveway chains must be marked by reflective material. Customer may lock the enclosure(a) or driveway gate(a) but must either unlock by 5.00am on service day(s) or provide a key or gate card. No electronic transmitters will be accepted. Bins may be locked only with standard padlock numbers assigned at start of service account. The following requirements apply if checked: 0 Truck access not safe or sufficient. Please rearrange as shown on site plan. 0 Truck access sufficient as shown on site plan. 0 Construct enclosures) per standard drawing 508 for commercial/industrial application. Enclosure size 0 Construct enclosure(s) per standard drawing 508 with rear pedestrian access added. Pedestrian access to be 6" higher than pavement on which container rests. Enclosure size plus pedestrian access. Additional Convents �� is all e CP likr-AW / s/^�al� �/ le� 1 s 5 v(tG Initial Study for Environmental Impact For General Plan Amendment No. 93-05 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: To change the land use designation from RS, Residential Suburban to CO-2, Commercial Office. PROJECT LOCATION: Amendment site consists of approximately .17 acres located at the southeast corner of 31st and "E" Streets, commonly known as 3095 North "E" Street. Date: February 2, 1994 Prepared for: Carlos & Sarah Martinez 3095 North "E" Street San Bernardino, CA 92405 Prepared by: Scott D. Donaghe Assistant Planner City of San Bernardino Department of Planning and Building Services 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 ATTACHMENT H 0 0 Initial Study For General Plan Amendment No. 93-05 February 2, 1994 Page 2 Introduction This Initial Study is provided by the City of San Bernardino for General Plan Amendment No. 93-05. It contains an evaluation of potential adverse impacts that can occur if the proposed amendment is approved. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires the preparation of an Initial Study when a proposal must obtain discretionary approval from a governmental agency and is not exempt from CEQA. The purpose of the Initial Study is to determine whether or not a proposal, not exempt from CEQA, qualifies for a Negative Declaration or whether or not an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) must be prepared. The following components constitute the Initial Study for General Plan Amendment No. 93-05: 1. Project Description 2. Site and Area Characteristics 3. Environmental Setting 4. Environmental Impact Checklist 5. Discussion of Environmental Evaluation and Mitigation Measures 6. Conclusion/Environmental Determination 7. Location Map Combined, these components constitute the complete Initial Study for General Plan Amendment No. 93-05. 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed amendment request is to change the land use designation form RS, Residential Suburban, to CO-2, Commercial Office, on approximately .17 acres of land on the southeast comer of 31st and "E" Streets. General Plan Policy 1.29.10 describes the scope of land use goals within the CO-2 land use designation as follows: Permit the conversion of residential structures for low-intensity use as administrative and professional offices in areas designated as "Commercial Office-Residential". 2. SITE AND AREA CHARACTERISTICS The proposed amendment area is located in the northern "E" Street corridor,just north of State o Initial Study For General Plan Amendment No. 93-05 February 2, 1994 Page 3 Highway 30. A single family residence stands on the amendment site. The area is fully urbanized and serviced. Surrounding land uses consist of commercial uses to both the north and west and residential uses to both the east and south. 3. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING The proposed amendment site is flat and rectangular in shape. The site has been identified in the General Plan to be located within an area subjected to high wind. L OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CHECKLIST A. BACKGROUND General Plan Amendment No. 93-05 Application Number. Project Description: Proposal to change the General Plan Land Use designation from RS, Residential Suburban to Cat, Corrmercial Office at the south east corner of 31st and "E" Streets. Location: Subject site is located at the south east corner of 31st and "E" Streets, 3095 North "E" Street. Environmental Constraints Areas: High Wind Area, General Plan Designation: RS, Residential Suburban Zoning Designation: N/A B. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Explain answers,where appropriate,on a separate attached sheet 1. Earth Resources Will the proposal result in: Yes No Maybe a. Earth movement fan and/or 101)of 10,000 cubic X yards or more? b. Development and%or grading on a slope greater x than 15%natural grade? c. Development within the Alquist-Prbb Special Studies Zone as defined in Section 12.0-Geologic X d Seismic,Figure 47,of the City's General Plan? d. Modification of any unique geologic or physical feature? X e. Development within areas defined for high potential for water or wind erosion as identified in Section 12.0- Geobgic E Seismic, Figure 53,of the City's General Plan? X I. Modification of a channel,creek or river? X si�r,�ncawm PLAKYL6 PAGE t OF It .pT g. Development within an area subject to landslides, Yes No Maybe mudslides, liquefaction or other similar hazards as identified in Section 12.0-Geologic 8 Seismic, X Figures 48, 52 and 53 of the City's General Plan? h. Other? 2. Air Resources: Will the proposal result in: a. Substantial air emissions or an effect upon ambient air quality as defined by AOMD? X b. The creation of objectionable odors? x c Development within a high wind hazard area as identified in Section 15.0-Wind 6 Fire, Figure 59, of the Chys General Plan? X 3. Water Resources: Will the proposal result in: a. Changes in absorption rates,drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff due to X impermeable surfaces? b. Changes in the course or flow of flood waters? X r Discharge into surface waters or any alteration of surface water qualn)!r X d. Charge in the quantity of quality or ground water? X e. Exposure of people or property to flood hazards as identified in the Federal Emergency Management AgerWs Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel Number 060281 0010 - B,and Section 16.0- Flooding, Figure 62,of the Citys General Plan? X f. Ofher? 4. B101091cal Resources: Could the proposal result in: a. Development within the Biological Resources Management Overlay,as identified in Section 10.0 - Natural Resources, Figure 41,of the Citys General Plan? X b. Change in the number of any unique,rare or endangered species of Plants or their habitat including X stands of frees? c- Change in the number of any unique. rare or endangered species of animals or their habitat? X d. Removal of viable, mature bees?(6'or greater) x e. Other? S. Note: Could the proposal result n: IL Development of housing, health dare facilities, schools, libraries,religious facilities or other'r o -sensitive uses n areas where existing or tub"noise levels excised an Ldn of 65 dB(A)exterior and an Ldn of 45 dB((A) interior as Identified in Section 14.0-Noise. Figures 57 and 58 of tM Citys General Plan? X W �� Air i b. Development of new or expansion of existing industrial, Yes No Maybe commercial or other uses which generate noise levels on areas containing housing, schools, health care facilities or other sensitive uses above an Ldn of 65 dB(A)exterior X or an Ldn of 45 dB(A)interior? c. Other? X 6. Land Use: Will the proposal result in: a. A change in the land use as designated on the X General Plan? b. Development within an Airport District as identified in the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) Report and X the Land Use Zoning District Map? C. Development within Foothill Fire Zones A d B,or C as X identified on the Land Use Zoning District Map? d. Other? X 7. LYn-Made Hazards: Will the project: a. Use,store,transport or dispose of hazardous or toxic materials(including but not limited to oil, pesticides,chemicals or radiation)? X b. Involve the release of hazardous substances? X G Expose people to the potem Potential health/safety hazards? X d. Other? X 6. Housing: Will the proposal: a. Remove existing housing or create a demand for additional housing? X b. Other? 9. Transportation/Circulation: Could the proposal, in comparison with the Circulation Plan as identified in Section 6.0-Circulation of the City's General Plan, result in: a. An increase in traffic that is greater than the laid X use designated on the General Plan? b. Use of existing,or demand for new,parking fadi iesrstructures? X o. Impact upon existing public transportation systems? X d. Alteration of present patterns of circulation? X W impact to rail or alt traffic? X f. b==awd safety hazards to vehicles,bicyclists or X pedestrians? g. A disjointed pattern of roadway improvements? X h. Sgnifcam increase in traffic volumes on the roadways X or intersections? L Other? X t�lll�it�lli� vuwear vuxr roc n,.er 10. Public Services: Will the proposal impact the following Yes No Maybe beyond the capability to provide adequate levels of service? a. Fire protection? x b. Police protection? x c. Schools (,.e., attendance, boundaries, overload, etc.)? x d. Parks or other recreational facilities? x a. Medical aid? x 1. Solid Waste? x g. Other? _x 11. Ulllftles: Will the proposal: a. Impact the following beyond the capability to provide adequate levels of service or require the construction of new facilities? 1. Natural gas? x 2. Electricity? x 3. Water? x 4. Sewer? x S. Other? x b. Result in a disjointed pattern of utility extensions? x c. Require the construction of new facilities? x 12. Aesthetics: IL Could the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic view? x b. Will the visual impact of the project be detrimental 10 the surrounding area? x c. Other? x 13. Cultural Resources: Could the proposal result in: a. The alteration or destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological she by development within an archaeoogical sensitive area as identified in Section 3.0-Historical, Figure 8,of 1M Ckys General Plan? x b. Alteration or destruction of a historical site, structure or object as listed in this Chy's Historic Resources Reconnaissance Survey? x C. Other? x vuwtt v�.or nraa 14. Mandatory Findings of Significance (Section 15065) The California Environmental Quality Act states that ff any of the following can be answered yes or maybe, the project may have a significant effect on the environment and an Environmental Impact Report shall be prepared. Yes No Maybe a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species,cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below sell sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or rostrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history X or prehistory? b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short- term,to the disadvantage of long-term,environmental goals?(A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief,definitive period _ of time while long-term impacts will endurs well into x the future.) C, Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable?(A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small,but where tin effect of the total of those impacts on the X environment s significa .) d. Does the project have environmental off sole which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? X G DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION AND MTTIGATION MEASURES (Attach shears as necessary.) .°�. P� PAGE SOF rr te01 I _ D. DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial study, ® The proposed project COULD NOT have a sgnilimm affect on the environment and a NEGATIVE DECLARA. TON will be prepared. The proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment,although there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described above have been added to the project A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. The proposed project MAY have a significant affect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO,CALIFORNIA Name and Tdle S re Date: 0 I Q Initial Study For General Plan Amendment No. 93-05 February 2, 1994 Page 4 S. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION AND MITIGATION MEASURES 1. Earth Resources a. If the amendment site is designated CO-2, the impact can be considered as insignificant. Due to the size of the lot, the narrow range of uses in the CO-2 district and the general topography of the site, it is unlikely that grading activities will result in the movement of 10,000 cubic yards or more. b. The proposal will not result in development or grading on a slope greater than 15% natural grade in that the property is relatively flat. c&e The proposal will not result in development within the Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone, or within areas defined for high wind or water erosion, as it is not situated in these areas according to the City's General Plan. d. The proposal will not result in the modification of any unique geologic or physical feature in that no such unique features exist on the site. L The proposal will not result in the modification of a channel, creek or river in that there are no riparian corridors in the area. g. The proposed amendment will not result in development within an area that is subject to landslides, mudslides, liquefaction or other similar hazards, as it is not situated in these area according to the City's General Plan. 2. Air Resources a. The proposed amendment is unlikely to result in substantial air emissions or an effect upon ambient air quality due to its size, and the low-intensity land use types allowed in the CO-2 zoning districts. b. The proposed amendment to the subject property, does not include any uses that will generate any objectionable odors. C. The proposed amendment site is located with a high wind hazard area as identified in the City's General Plan. However, since this amendment is not proposing any physical changes to the amendment site, all requirements for development within the high wind area shall be deferred until physical development occurs. 3. Water Resources a. The amendment site is currently fully developed with structures and paved surfaces. Thus, the redevelopment of the site is not likely to decrease absorption rates, but may alter drainage patterns. The alteration of drainage will not result in a significant impact because the area is fully urbanized and serviced. Hence, through proper design, the surface runoff from any new development, on the amendment site, can be directed to existing storm drain systems. b&c. The amendment will not result in a change in the course or flow of flood waters, nor will it discharge into surface waters or alter surface water quality. The amendment site is not located in a close proximity of any major flood water collectors and the area has existing services provided. d. Impermeable surfaces such as asphalt or concrete, collect solid exhaust particulates and other air emission solids, as well as engine fluids, residue from, automobile tires and other chemical pollutants. During periods of rain, surface pollutants are washed into the waterways. Over time, such pollutants can change the quality of ground waters. The individual impact of this proposal is sufficiently small, however, as to not have a perceptible effect on the quality and quantity of the ground water supplies. Based on current policies and standard, if this General Plan Amendment is adopted, the project area available for future CO-2 type development would not warrant groundwater contamination mitigation measures. e. The proposed amendment will not result in the exposure of people or property to flood hazards as it is not located within the flood zones as identified in the City's General Plan. 4. Biological Resources a-d. The proposal will not result in any change in the number of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants, or animals, or their habitat including trees in that the amendment site is not located within the Biological Resources Management Area(BRM) an overlay established by the General Plan and defined as those area of the City having a potential for rare or endangered species of plants or animals. Additionally, the proposed amendment will not remove any viable mature trees. 5. Noise a&b. The proposed amendment shall not have a significant effect on noise levels in the area. Due to the limited, generally office type uses, allowed in the CO-2 zone business hours would, assumably, be from dawn to dusk. Specific project hours and noise levels would be deferred until specific development occurred. • o Initial Study For General Plan Amendment No. 93-05 February 2, 1994 Page 6 6. Land Use a. The amendment is to change the General Plan Land Use designation from RS, Residential Suburban, to CO-2, Commercial Office. b&c The amendment site will not result in development within an Airport District or the Foothill Fore Zone as it is not situated in either of these districts as identified in the City's General Plan. 7. Man-Made Hazards a-c The proposed amendment does not propose any use involving hazardous or toxic materials. S. Housing a. The proposed amendment will not result in the removal of any existing housing, but rather the conversion of a residence land use into an office land use, thus removing it from the City's housing stock. 9. Transportation/Circulation a-h The proposed amendment, if approved, is unlikely to cause a significant impact on the adjacent street system. While an increase in the demand for parking could result, since the Commercial Office use would be more intense than the residential use, this increase would be minimal due to the size of the amendment site. Further evaluation may be necessary, however, based on the specific nature of a proposed future use. 10. Public Services a. through f. The proposed amendment is not of a size large enough to pose a potential for significant impact on public services. The proposal will not impact the schools in the area in that it does not include any residential uses. 11. Utilities a-c The proposed amendment will be served by existing utility lines in the area and is not of sufficient size to cause impacts to utility providers beyond the capability to provide Initial Study For General Plan Amendment No. 93-05 February 2, 1994 Page 7 adequate levels of service. 12. Aesthetics a-b The proposed amendment, in itself, does not have the possibility of obstructing any view or having a detrimental visual impact to the surrounding area. Further evaluation may be necessary at the time of physical development on the proposed amendment site. 13. Cultural Resources a-b The proposed amendment could not result in the alteration or destruction of a prehistoric site, nor the alteration or destruction of a historical site, structure or object in that it is not situated in either the Historical or archeological sensitive areas according to the City's General Plan.