HomeMy WebLinkAbout13- Public Works CITY OF SAN BERNR �DINO - REQUEST F( I COUNCIL ACTION File No. 6.51-6 Approval of Second Amendment to From: ROGER G. HARDGRAVE SubjectContract - Sweeping Services for Central City (Carousel) Mall, per Dept: Public Works Plan No. 7085 -- ARROW POWER SWEEPING Date: 4-28-94 Synopsis of Previous Council action: 06-18-90 -- Resolution No. 90-237 adopted awarding a contract to Arrow Power Sweeping for the low bid price of $47 , 698 . 00. 05-06-91 -- Change Order No. 1 approved to extend the term of the contract for a period of a year, at no increase to the contract price. 04-06-92 -- Change Order No. 2 approved to extend the contract for a period of I year, at a 58 increase in the contract price. 04-05-93 -- Resolution No. 93-98 adopted to approve the First Amendment to contract, to extend contract for 1 year, and include the sweeping of the 5-level parking structure, at no increase in the contract unit prices. Recommended motion: Adopt resolution. cc: Shauna Clark Jim Penman Barbara Pachon Jim Sharer a e contact person: Roger G. Hard rave Phone: 5025 Staff Report, supporting data attached: Amendment & R solution Ward: 1 =UNDINGREQUIREMENTS: Amount: 553, 671 Source: (Acct. No.) 001-323-53115 & 001-324-53115 Acct. Description) Custodial Services - Central City Mall & Custodial Maintenance Finance: G :ouncil Notes: 5.0262 Agenda Item No. /� CITY OF SAN BERNR 'DINO - REQUEST R I COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT The current contract with Arrow Power Sweeping, for providing sweeping services for Central City (Carousel) Mall, is due to terminate as of 6-30-94 . The Contractor has agreed to accept a 1 year extension of the contract, from 7-1-94 to 6-30-95 , at no increase in the contract price. Costs incurred for the sweeping services for the Carousel Mall parking areas and the five-level parking structure will be financed from Accounts No. 001-323-53115 and 001-324-53115, "Custodial Services. " Mr. Jim Sharer, Facilities Manager, has reviewed the proposal to extend this contract, and is in concurrence. We recommend that the term of the contract be extended for a period of one year. 4-28-94 .0264 I RESOLUTION NO. 2 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF SECOND AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT WITH ARROW POWER 3 SWEEPING RELATING TO THE PROVISION OF SWEEPING SERVICES FOR THE CENTRAL CITY MALL PARKING SPACES. 4 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE 5 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS : 6 SECTION 1 . The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is 7 hereby authorized and directed to execute , on behalf of said 8 City, a Second Amendment to Contract dated June 18, 1990 , with 9 Arrow Power Sweeping, relating to the provision of Sweeping 10 Services for Central City (Carousel) Mall Parking Spaces and 11 Five-Level Parking Structure, per Plan No. 7085 , a copy of which 12 is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by 13 reference as fully as though set forth at length. 14 SECTION 3. The authorization to execute the above 15 referenced agreement is rescinded if the parties to the agreement 16 fail to execute it within sixty (60) days of the passage of this 17 resolution. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4-28-94 RESO: SECOND AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT WITH ARROW POWER SWEEPING. 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly 2 adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San 3 Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the 4 day of 1994 , by the following vote, to-wit: 5 Council Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT 6 NEGRETE 7 CURLIN 8 HERNANDEZ 9 OBERHF.LMAN 10 DEVLIN 11 POPE-LUDLAM 12 MILLER 13 14 15 Rachel Clark, City Clerk 16 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of 1994 . 17 18 Tom Minor, Mayor 19 Approved as to form City of San Bernardino 20 and legal content: 21 James F. Penman City Attorney 22 23 By 24 25 26 27 28 - 2 - d 1 SECOND AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT 2 This Second Contract Amendment, made and entered into 3 4 this day of 19 , by and between the City of San Bernardino, a Municipal Corporation, 300 North "D" 5 Street, San Bernardino, California 92418 (City) and ARROW POWER 6 7 SWEEPING, an Individual , with mailing address of P. 0. Box 23076, San Bernardino, California, 92406 (Contractor) . 8 RECITALS 9 WHEREAS, the parties hereto entered into that certain 10 Contract dated June 18 , 1990, relating to the provision of 11 12 Sweeping Services for Central City (Carousel) Mall Parking Spaces, per Plan No. 7085; and 13 WHEREAS, the contract has been extended from 7-1-91 to 6- 14 15 30-92 by Change Order No. 1 , from 7-1-92 to 6-30-93 by Change Order No. 2; and from 7-1-93 to 6-30-94 by the First Amendment to 16 Contract; and 17 18 WHEREAS, the parties desire now to amend said Contract to 19 extend the term of the Contract for a period of one year, from 7- 1-94 to 6-30-95. 20 21 NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree, as follows: 22 A. The Contract shall be extended for one year from 23 July 1, 1994, to June 30 , 1995 , with no increase in contract unit prices . 24 B. Except as amended by the First Amendment to 25 Contract and as amended herein, all other terms, specifications 26 27 and conditions of the original agreement shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 28 AGREEMENT: EXTENSION OF CONTRACT FOR SWEEPING SERVICES. 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this 2 Amendment to Contract on the day and date first above shown. 3 4 5 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 6 7 By Tom Minor, Mayor 8 Attest: 9 Rachel Clark, City Clerk 10 ARROW POWER SWEEPING 11 12 By 13 Approved as to form and legal content: 14 JAMES F. PENMAN 15 City Attorney 16 13 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 2 -