HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-900 1 ORDINANCE NO. MC-900 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING SUBSECTION E OF SECTION 8.90.050 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL 3 CODE RELATING TO THE OFFERING OF LONG TERM OR SHORT TERM LEASES BY THE OWNERS OR OPERATORS OF MOBILE HOME PARKS. 4 THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 5 DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 6 SECTION 1. Subsection E of Section 8.90.050 of the San 7 Bernardino Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 8 E. Before any rental agreement or lease agreement in 9 excess of 12 months is executed by an existing or 10 prospective tenant the landlord must ( 1 ) offer 11 the tenant the option of a rental agreement for 12 a term of 12 months or less, (2) provide the 13 tenant with a summary of the City' s Mobile Home 14 Park Rent Stabilization Ordinance in a form 15 approved by the Board, (3) make available for 16 tenant review a copy of the Mobile Home Park Rent 17 Stabilization Ordinance, and (4) provide the 18 tenant with a disclosure statement on the 19 possible effect of long term leases as approved 20 by the Board. The disclosure statement in (4) 21 above and the summary in ( 2) above may be 22 combined into the same document. A signed copy 23 of the disclosure statement must be returned to 24 the Director within thirty (30) calendar days of 25 execution. 26 27 28 DAB/js [2Leases.Ord] 1 April 12, 1994 MC-900 1 AN ORDINANCE. . .AMENDING SUBSECTION E OF SECTION 8.90.050 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE OFFERING OF LONG 2 TERM OR SHORT TERM LEASES BY THE OWNERS OR OPERATORS OF MOBILE HOME PARKS. 3 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was duly 4 adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San 5 Bernardino at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 18th 6 day of April 1994, by the following vote, to wit: 7 Council Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT 8 NEGRETE X 9 CURLIN X 10 HERNANDEZ X 11 OBERHELMAN X 12 DEVLIN X 13 POPE-LUDLAM X 14 MILLER X 15 16i 17 city lery}iLL�GY1ltI 18 The foregoing Ordinan a is hereby approved this day 19 of April 1994. 20 z 07` m Minor, Mayor 21 City of San Bernardino 22 Approved as to form and legal content: 23 JAMES F. PENMAN, 24 City Attorney 25 By' rte/ 26 27 28 DAD/j. [2Leases.Ord] 2 April 12, 1994 MC-900 DISCLOSURE NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE MOBILE HOME PARK TENANTS CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 300 N. "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 (909) 384-5081 LAWS PROTECTING THE RIGHTS OF MOBILE HOME PARK TENANTS. Park Name Mobilehome space The provisions of the San Bernardino ordinance and the California laws include the following: 1. You cannot be required to sign a lease in order to rent space in a mobile home park. 2. The San Bernardino ordinance limits the amount of space rent that a mobilehome park may charge. 3. If you sign a lease for a period of more than one year, you are not protected by the San Bernardino ordinance. 4. If you do sign a lease, you have a right to cancel it within 72 hours or convert to a shorter term. 5. If you have any questions about your rights, you may contact the Mobilehome Board at (909) 384-5081. I/We have read and understand the above notice Date: Signature(s) Printed names(s) MC-900 AVISO A POSIBLES INQUILINOS DE CASAS MOBILES Ciudad De San Bernardino 300 N. "D" Street San Bernardino, California 92418 (909 ) 384-5081 LAS LEYES QUE PROTEGEN LOS DERECHOS DE INQUILINOS EN PARQUES DE CASAS MOBILES Nombre Del Parque Numero de Espacio (Lots) Las provisiones de la ordenanza de San Bernardino y las leyes de California incluyen to siguiente: 1 . No se requiere firmar un contrato para rentar un espacio en un parque de casas mobiles. 2. La ordenanza de San Bernardino limita la cantidad de renta por espacio quen un parque de casas mobiles puede cobrar. 3. Si ud. firma un contrato por un periodo de mas de un ano, no esta protegido por la ordenanza de San Bernardino. 4. Si ud. firma un contrato, ud. tiene el detecho de cancelarlo dentro de 72 horas o cambiar a un termino mas corto. 5. Si tiene preguntas sobre sus derechos, favor de comunicarse con la Mesa Directiva de Casas Mobiles al ( 909 ) 384-5081. Yo/Nosotros hemos leido y entendido los avisos arriba mencionados. Fecha Firma Nombres Impresos i 0"m 44144 k 111100 stamp a" Proof of Publication -rrrr CLERK .94 MAY 2 P2142 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITY CLERK ' S OFFICE IN IS NO.MC-900 STATE OF CAI"ORNIA, }�' AN ORDINANCE OF THE Ciw of.San Bern.,d" County_`C__Bernardino, 890050 o SeGtiOn County JY1 Bernardino,!W 0.90.050.E of IM1e San Ber- nardino Municipal Cotle m 'cla 10 the offerir. Of The undersigned hereby certifies as foliows: Iona term or snort term operatobrs Wbmobile homer I am a Mt1un of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, and not a parks. AOOp v nl 19, 1994 party to nor interested in the above-entitled matter; I am the principal clerk of the Eifedive:'=" 19, 1994 printer of a newspaper,to wit, The Sur.;the same was at all times herein mentioned a Vote: Council Members newspaper of general circulation printed and published daily,including Sunday,in the pegrotcevCn"in, HeLaoa- City of San Bernardino, in the County of Son Bernardino, State of California; mid lam, Miller. NAYS: None. newspaper is an published every day of the year as and under the name of The Sun,mid ABSENT: Council Member Oberhelman. newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior FULL TEXT OF Court of the State of California, in and for the Count of San Bernardino,b a ud - THIS ORDINANCE 15 County y I B AVAILABLE IN THE meet Of said Superior Court duly made, filed and entered On IUO! 20, 1852, in the CITY CLERK F THE records and files of mid Superior Court in that certain proceeding entitled In the Mat. TOM MINOR ter of the Ascertainment and Establishment of The Sun as a Newspaper of General Cir- Me"' RACHEL CLARK culation, numbered 73084 in the records of civil proceedings 1n mid Superior Court city Clerk P Bs Summary approved bv: and by judgment modifying thessme,aim made,filed and entered in mid proceeding;roceedin ; JAMES F. PENMAN City Atterney the notice or other process or document hereinafter mentioned was set, printed and 4111 141) 1111 published in type not smaller than nonpareil and was preceded with words printed in black(ace type not smaller than nonpareil describing and expressing in general terms the purport or character of the notice intended to be given; and the ....SUMMARY..D.F..ORD,INANC.E. .................................... MC-900 OFFERING OF LONG TERM OR SNORT Tr_'RM L'EAS'ES"BY'UW"NER'S"Or Wit'' HOME PARKS of which the anal is a true printed copy,was published in each edition and lame of raid newspaper of general circulation, and not in any supplement thereof,on each of the following dates, to wit: APRIL 27 , 1994 1 certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. ........ ........ . W --. . . .I� pS �ti......... ...... Executed on the .. . 2.7. .. . day of .. . .APR 1 L.. . ... ... ..-„ 19 .9.4.....,at San Bernardino, in mid Countv and State. 0 Wal l SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. MC-900 An ordinance of the City of San Bernardino amending Section 8.90. 050.E of the San Bernardino Municipal Code relating to the offering of long term or short term leases by the owners or operators of mobile home parks. Adopted: April 18, 1994 Effective: May 19, 1994 Vote: AYES: Council Members Negrete, Curlin, Hernandez, Devlin, Pope-Ludlam, Miller. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Council Member Oberhelman. FULL TEXT OF THIS ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK TOM MINOR RACHEL CLARK Mayor City Clerk Summary approved by: L?, w J s F. Penman, City Attorney CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM CITY CLERK'S OFFICE RECORDS & INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (RIM) PROGRAM DATE: August 24, 1998 TO: All Clients FROM: City Clerk's Office RE: SCANNING DOCL•MENT PROBLEM NOTICE NLAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL 900 ORDINANCE MC- NOTICE OF: Missing Document. Exhibit/AUachment: Bad Oualitv Original Document. Map. Hand Written Orieinal. Signature Missing• Ordinance. Legal Advertisement • Proof Of Publication - Bad Oualiri The referenced Legal Advertisement Proof of Publication is on newsprint paper. The quality of newsprint paper when scanned is poor and its legibility is impaired. The full test of the Ordinance Summary as approved by the City Attorney is included for reference, and was published to pursuant to the San Bernardino Charter. Ordinance Summary Not attached. Legal Advertisement - Proof of Publication - Not Attached FOR ASSISTANCE: Should you have any questions on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact either the records management staff, or the Administrative Operations Supervisor (909) 384-5002. Rachel Clark City Clerk RC:mam