HomeMy WebLinkAboutMC-1375 Adopted: July 16, 2012
Effective: August 18, 2012
7 SECTION I. Recitals.
9 WHEREAS, on March 16, 2009, Resolution No. 2009-60 was adopted by the Mayor and
10 Common Council which authorized the submittal of a Caltrans Community-Based Transportation
11 Planning (CBTP) application for the development of a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Overlay
12 District; and
13 WHEREAS, on October 22, 2009, Resolution No. 2009-342 was adopted by the Mayor and
14 Common Council which approved a contract with Caltrans accepting funding for planning and
15 implementation of transit-oriented development; and
16 WHEREAS, On September 7, 2011, Resolution No. 2010-50 was adopted by the Community
17 Development Commission (CDC), authorizing the Interim Executive Director of the Redevelopment
18 Agency to execute a Professional Services Agreement between the Agency and The Planning Center to
19 provide consultant services for the preparation of the TOD District for the City; and
20 WHEREAS, on June 15 and 16, 2011, community open house meetings were held where a total
21 of 57 community members participated in the two open house meetings; and
22 WHEREAS, on September 29, October 24, November 9 and 17, 2011, and May 24 and June 7,
23 2012, the Community Development Department's Planning Division held neighborhood meetings in an
24 effort to contact property and business owners around the bus rapid transit stops to receive public
25 comments about the City's planning efforts around the approved bus rapid transit corridors.
26 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a noticed public hearing on January 18, 2012,
27 in order to receive public testimony and written and oral comments on Development Code Amendment
28 DCA No. 12-01, and fully reviewed and considered the Planning Division Staff Report and Addendum
to the Certified City of San Bernardino General Plan Update and Associated Specific Plans EIR
1 SC14#2004111132 and recommended approval of Development Code Amendment DCA No. 12-01 to
2 the Mayor and Common Council; and
3 WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council held a noticed public hearing on February 6, June
4 18, and July 2, 2012, and fully reviewed and considered Development Code Amendment DCA No. 12-
5 01, Planning Commission recommendation and the Planning Division Staff Report.
9 SECTION 2. The Mayor and Common Council find that the above-stated Recitals are true and
to hereby adopt and incorporate them herein.
11 SECTION 3. Findings of Fact: The Mayor and Common Council herby adopts the following
12 Findings of Fact:
1. Development Code Amendment DCA No. 12-01 is consistent with the General Plan of the
14 City of San Bernardino. DCA No. 12-01 will amend the Development Code Section 19.02.060(1),
15 Establishment of Zoning Districts, to add the Transit Overlay District (TD) and will add Chapter
16 19.19A to establish the Transit Overlay District Development Standards and Design Guidelines,
17 consistent with the following General Plan goals and policies:
18 Policy 2.4.6: "Work with Omnitrans to explore initiatives that promote redevelopment near
19 transit stops in order to encourage transit ridership, reduce vehicular trips, improve air quality, and
20 improve traffic congestion."
21 Goal 6.6: "Promote a network of multi-modal transportation facilities that are safe, efficient, and
22 connected to various points of the City and the region."
23 Policy 6.6.1: "Support the efforts of regional, state and federal agencies to provide additional
24 local and express bus service in the City."
25 Policy 6.6.2: "Create a partnership with Omnitrans to identify public transportation infrastructure
26 needs that improve mobility.
1 Policy 6.63: "In cooperation with Omnitrans, require new development to provide transit
2 facilities, such as bus shelters and turnouts, as necessary and warranted by the scale of the
3 development."
4 Policy 6.6.4: "Ensure accessibility to public transportation for seniors and persons with
5 disabilities.
6 Policy 6.6.5: "In cooperation with Omnitrans, explore methods to improve the use, speed, and
7 efficiency for transit services."
8 Policy 6.6.6: "Support and encourage the provision of a range of paratransit opportunities to
9 complement bus and rail service for specialized transit needs."
10 Policy 6.6.10: "Consider the provision of incentives, such as reduced parking standards and
11 density/intensity bonuses, to those projects near transit stops that include transit-friendly uses such as
12 child care, convenience retail and housing.
13 Policy 6.7.2: "Coordinate with SANBAG, SCAG, the County and other regional, state or federal
14 agencies and the railroads regarding plans for the provision of passenger, commuter, and high-speed rail
15 service.
16 2. Development Code Amendment DCA No. 12-01 will not be detrimental to the public interest,
n health, safety, convenience or welfare of the City, because it will assist in improving economic mobility
Is from new transit service, improve air quality by reducing automobile trips and their carbon emissions,
19 increase housing choices, assist in the affordability of housing, and provide walking and biking health
20 benefits for residents throughout the City that will promote public health and safety. The proposed
21 transit overlay district would bring many benefits and convenient community life for residents and the
22 City. Therefore, Development Code Amendment DCA No. 12-01 serves the public interest and
convenience and would not be detrimental to public health, safety or general welfare.
24 SECTION 4. Addendum to Certified San Bernardino General Plan Updated and Associated
25 Specific Plans EIR SCH 420041 1 1 132: The Mayor and Common Council finds that Development Code
26 Amendment DCA No. 12-01 will have no significant adverse effects on the environment beyond those
27 impacts identified in the General Plan Updated and Associated Specific Plans EIR SCH#20041 1 1 1 32,
zs and therefore a Subsequent or Supplemental Environmental Impact Report is not required pursuant to
the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in Public Resources Code Section 21166; and the
1 proposed Addendum (including the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan) to the General Plan
2 Updated and Associated Specific Plans EIR SCH#2004111132 is hereby adopted.
4 SECTION 5. This Ordinance is based upon the Recitals and findings set forth above, and the
5 accompanying Staff Report and its attachments to this Ordinance, and is adopted pursuant to the
6 authority granted to the City of San Bernardino in Article 11, Section 7 of the California Constitution,
and Section 40(z) of the Charter of the City of San Bernardino.
8 SECTION 6. Amendment of Development Code: Section 19.02.060(l), Establishment of
9 Zoning Districts, is hereby amended to add the Transit Overlay District (TD); and Chapter 19.19A,
10 Transit Overlay District Development Standards and Design Guidelines, is hereby added as shown in
11 Attachment 1, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
12 SECTION 7. Notice of Determination: The Planning Division is hereby directed to file a Notice
13 of Determination with the County of San Bernardino certifying the City's compliance with the
14 California Environmental Quality Act.
16 SECTION 8. Severability: If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, or clause or phrase
17 in this Ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective
18 by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the
19 remaining portions of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The Mayor and Common Council hereby
declares that it would have adopted each section irrespective of the fact that any one or more
subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared unconstitutional, invalid, or
5 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and
6 Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a joint
re¢ular meeting thereof, held on the 16th day
7 of July ,2012, by the following vote to wit:
13 %
19 C.
di-orgeaM Hanna,tiq Clerk
21 The foregoing Ordinance is hereby approved thisl( �day of July , 2012.
24 P TRICK . MORRI , or
25 City-o- an Bernardino
Approved as to form:
27 City Attorney
San Bernardino Development Code
July 16, 2012
Article 1- General Provisions
Transit Overlay District(TD)
Article z- Land Use Zoning Districts
19.19A — Transit Overlay District (TO)
19•19A.olo Purpose
19•19A.020 Applicability
19•19A.03o Transit Station Area Types
19•19A.040 General Provisions
19•19A.050 Building Form and Placement Standards
19•19A.o6o Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses
19•19A•070 Residential Transition Standards
19•19A.o8o Parking
19•19A.o90 Subdivision Standards
G19.19A.loo Design Guidelines
G19.19A.110 District Image
G19.19A.12o Transit Oriented Design
G19.19A.130 Site Planning and Architectural Design
G19.19A.140 Parking Design
G19.19A.15o Landscape Design
19•i9A.o10 Purpose
The Transit Overlay District(TD)and its regulations are established in order to
implement the City's General Plan policies promoting transit-oriented development
within San Bernardino.The intent of the TD is to allow and encourage an appropriate
mix and intensity of land uses in a compact pattern around transit stations that will
foster transit usage,create new opportunities for economic growth, encourage infill
and redevelopment, reduce dependency on the automobile, improve air quality, and
promote high quality, interactive neighborhoods.The regulations and guidelines of
this chapter are based upon the following transit-oriented development area
principles, consistent with the California Transit Village Development Planning Act of
t. An attractive transit station with surrounding pedestrian amenities as the focus of
the transit-oriented development area.
z. An appropriate mix and intensity of uses such as office, retail, entertainment,
residential, and recreational facilities that support transit use and are designed for
convenient access by transit riders, pedestrians, and bicyclists.
3. Inviting and pedestrian-focused open spaces on both public and private
properties, such as smaller public pocket parks, civic plazas, outdoor dining areas,
common greens, and other types of urban spaces.
4. A walkable and bikeable area with pleasant connections linking transit stations
with businesses and neighborhoods.
5. An interconnected street and non-vehicular network where walkways, bikeways,
landscaping, and other streetscape amenities receive priority.
19.i9A.02o Applicability
The Transit Overlay District(TD)applies to transit station areas within San
Bernardino.The TD establishes standards and regulations beyond those required by
the underlying base zones.Whenever the requirement of the TD conflicts with the
underlying base zone,the requirement of the TD shall govern.
As transit service is expanded within San Bernardino, additional areas may be
designated as TD within the city.TD boundaries may also be expanded overtime as
development becomes more transit oriented. Boundary adjustments within a half
mile of a transit station may be proposed by an applicant and approved at the
discretion of the Community Development Director.The boundaries for each station
area are established below, as shown in Figures 1 to 13.
The TD standards apply to the establishment of all new structures and uses within
the boundaries of the TD. Existing structures and uses those are inconsistent with the
TD standards may be maintained, repaired, altered, and expanded only as allowed by
Chapter 19.62(Nonconforming Structures and Uses).
Figure I. Kendall Drive and Palm Avenue Transit Station Area
\\ O
Transi t Station
\\\\\\YYY •• Build-to Li,
(see section IQ.IDA.040)
Figure z. Kendall Drive and Little Mountain Drive Transit Station Area
I lie I I I Ailry-
OTransit Station.
•• Build-to Line
(see section t9.t0A.0040)
Figure 3. Kendall Drive and Shandin Hills Drive Transit Station Area
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Figure 7. University Avenue and North Parkway Transit Station Area
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of San Hoff affilra,
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section 19.19A.040a ` n
Figure 8. E Street and North Mall Way Transit Station Area
Ft L. "7
Transit Statlon
• Build-to Line
�\ `� (see section 19.11 QA.0140)
Figure 9. E Street and Court Street Transit Station Area
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�Figure to.
t'E' Street and Rialto Avenue Transit Station Area
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n � � ����-L(see section 19,.19A.MO)
Figure 11. Hospitality Lane and Hunts Lane Transit Station Area
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Build-to Line
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Figure 12. Hospitality Lane and Carnegie Drive Transit Station Area
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OTransit station
••"Build-to Line
(see section 19.19A.040) xoro iwe
Figure 13. Hospitality Lane and Tippecanoe Avenue Transit Station Area
El nil
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Build-to to
ransit Station
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� Line
(see s s Line se 19.19A. 0)
t9•19A.03o Transit Station Area Types
This chapter establishes five transit station area types, each with its own unique
character and neighborhood scale.The transit station area types are based on the
design and function of the stations and the predominant development patterns
surrounding the station.The station area types are a framework for tailoring the
development regulations for each of the station areas.The station area types also
provide a guide for applying the TD to additional areas within the city.
A. Kendall Drive Neighborhood Stations.This type of station area provides
transit access to serve neighborhoods and businesses in the Kendall Drive
area,within an approximately io-minute walk or up to a half-mile radius.The
station area is typically a predominantly residential area with supporting
neighborhood or community level retail and services.The transit stations are
designed as pull-up stations along an arterial and may include transfers
between bus rapid transit(BRT)and local bus service.The following transit
station areas are identified as Neighborhood Walk-up Station areas:
1) Kendall Drive and Palm Avenue
z) Kendall Drive and Little Mountain Drive
3) Kendall Drive and Shandin Hills Drive
B. E Street Neighborhood Stations.This type of station area provides transit
access to serve surrounding neighborhoods and businesses in the E Street
area north of 8th Street,within an approximately io-minute walk or up to a
half-mile radius.The station area is typically a predominantly residential area
with supporting neighborhood or community level retail and services.The
transit stations are designed as pull-up stations along an arterial and may
include transfers between BRT and local bus service.The following transit
station areas are identified as Neighborhood Walk-up Station areas:
1) E Street and Marshall Boulevard
z) E Street and Highland Avenue
3) E Street and Baseline Avenue
C. Village/Urban Center Station Areas.This type of station area serves as a high-
activity center and village center for nearby residential neighborhoods, up to a
half mile radius.The area contains a variety of neighborhood and community
level retail uses and services, along with the integration of higher intensity
housing including student housing, and offices uses in a mixed-use
configuration.The transit stations within this station area type are designed as
either a pull-up station along an arterial, or as an in-line station.The following
transit station areas are identified as Village/Urban Center Station areas:
1) University Avenue and North Parkway
z) E Street and North Mall Way
D. Downtown Station Area.This type of station area is intended for the highest
intensity of development within in the city.The downtown station areas
contain a planned mix of employment-intensive office, civic uses,regional-
level retail and service uses, entertainment, hospitality,education, hospital or
medical facilities, and high density residential uses in a compact urban form.
Uses are to be served by an interconnected multi-modal transportation center
and public spaces network that will accommodate the highest levels of
pedestrian activity.The following transit station areas are identified as
Downtown Station Areas:
1) E Street and Court Street
z) E Street and Rialto Avenue
E. Employment Center Station Areas.This type of station area serves as
concentrated employment areas within the city.They contain a mix of office
or high employment industrial uses, educational or technical training
institutions, hospital or medical facilities, supporting retail, restaurant,
entertainment, and other similar services. Higher density residential
development, in mixed-use configurations, may also be located in
Employment Center Station Areas.The transit stations within this station area
type are designed as either a pull-up station along an arterial, or as an in-line
station.The following transit station areas are identified as Employment
Center Station:
1) Hospitality Lane and Hunts Lane
2) Hospitality Lane and Carnegie Drive
3) Hospitality Lane and Tippecanoe Avenue
19.i9A.04o General Provisions
A. Precedence.The requirements of this chapter take precedence over the
citywide regulations found elsewhere in the City of San Bernardino
Development Code. In the event of a conflict between this chapter and other
portions of the Development Code,the provisions of this chapter shall govern.
B. Build-to Line.This chapter establishes standards for a Build-to Line(s)that
apply to the TDs. Build-to Line is a line(s)established at a certain distance from
the corresponding lot line along which the building, or a portion thereof, must
be built.The purpose of the build-to line is to ensure that redevelopment
within the TD is well integrated with adjacent development and enhances the
design character of existing streets,where appropriate. Build-to Lines also
help to create consistent and strong pedestrian and public spaces that
advance commercial development and activity.The location of applicable
Build-to Lines is shown on Figures 1 through 13 of this chapter. Standards that
apply to properties adjacent to a Build-to Line are located in Section
19.19A.05o below.
C. Modifications to Existing Development.All legally established structures and
uses within the TD which do not confirm with the standards contained within
this chapter shall be deemed legal nonconforming uses and/or structures.The
repair, renovation,and minor expansion to these uses and structures shall be
allowed as permitted by Chapter 19.62 (Nonconforming Structures and Uses).
D. Public Facilities. Public facilities such as parks, public schools, and transit
centers and stations, and other public facilities due to their unique use and
special function may deviate from the provisions of this chapter upon
approval of a Design Review Development Permit.
19.19A.05o Building Form and Placement Standards
A. Purpose and Intent.This section establishes standards for building form and
placement within the TD. Customized standards are provided for each station
area type.The intent of these standards is to ensure excellence in community
and building design in order to create a vibrant and well-defined public realm
that is pedestrian-friendly and supports transit use.
B. Standards Established. Building form and placement standards in the TD are
the same as in the base zoning district, except as follows;
1) Minimum and maximum requirements for Build-to Line setback, building
height, and upper floor step-back shall follow the standards specified in
Table 19A.01.
z) New development within TD station areas shall have no minimum lot size
and no maximum lot coverage requirements.
3) New development along existing railroad right-of-way shall provide a
minimum to-foot setback for landscaping and/or a multiuse pathway to
accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists.
C. Residential Density.
f) Commercial Base Zones.When the TD applies to property within a
commercial base zone that already allows for residential uses,the
maximum permitted density of the underlying zone shall apply.
z) Residential Base Zones. When the TD applies to property within a
residential base zone, maximum permitted residential density shall be the
same as the base zone.
D. Commercial Intensity.When the TD applies to property within a commercial
base zone,the maximum permitted intensity of the underlying zone shall
Table 19A.ot Building Form and Placement Standards
TD Station Areas Build-to Line Building Height[t] Upper Floor
Setback Step-back z
Kendall Minimum None[3] None None
Station Areas Maximum 25 ft.[4] 30 ft./z stories None
E Street Minimum None[3] None None
Station Areas Maximum 15 ft[4] 42 ft./3 stories None
Village/Urban Minimum None None None
Station Areas Maximum 15 ft[4] 56 ft./4 stories None
Downtown Minimum None[3] None None
Station Areas Maximum 15 ft[4] foo ft.17 stories[5] None
Employment Minimum None [3] None None
Center Station
Areas Maximum 25 ft.[4] 75 ft./6 stories None
[i]Building height of new development adjacent to existing single-family residential zones may not exceed 30fy2 stories
applicable to all TO station areas.
[z]Upper floor step-back shall be measured from the building wall at the street level.
[3]Building must be set back to provide for a minimum 10-foot sidewalk including street trees.Build-to line setback along
Tippecanoe Avenue shall provide for landscaping and a multiuse pathway to accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists.
[4]Setback areas from the build-to line not occupied by a structure or driveway shall be landscaped and/or contain semi-public
amenities such courtyards or outdoor seating areas.
[5]Additional height bonus may be allowed per section 19.06.030(2)(E).
E. Building Presence along Build-to Lines.The primary building(s)located on a
parcel shall occupy the following minimum linear percentage of the parcel
width fronting a build-to line:
1) Kendall Neighborhood Station Area: 50%
z) E Street Neighborhood Station Area: 60%
3) Village/Urban Center Station Area: 70%
4) Downtown Station Area: 80%
5) Employment Center Station Area: 50%
F. Ground Floor Transparency.The ground floor building fa4ade facing a street
frontage line shall consist of the following minimum area percentage glass
doors,windows, or other transparent materials.
1) Kendall Neighborhood Station Area: 50%
z) E Street Neighborhood Station Area: 50%
3) Village/Urban Center Station Area:75%
4) Downtown Station Area:75%
5) Employment Center Station Area: 50%
G. Entrance Orientation.
1) Within the Kendall Neighborhood station area type, all ground-floor
building facades fronting a primary street shall feature a main building
z) Within the E Street Neighborhood,Village/Urban Center, Downtown, and
Employment Center station area types, all ground-floor building facades
fronting a primary street shall feature the building's main entrance.
H. Minimum First Floor Ceiling Height. For buildings with ground floor
commercial uses,the minimum required floor to ceiling height at the ground
floor level for buildings facing public frontage lines should be 15 feet.
I. Building and Site Design. Refer to Sections 19.19A.140 to 19.19A.16o for design
guidelines applicable to building form and placement within the Transit
Overlay District.
19.19A.o6o Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses
A. Purpose and Intent.This section identifies permitted, conditionally permitted,
and prohibited land uses within the TD.The intent of these regulations is to
permit and encourage land uses that create a pedestrian-friendly environment
that supports transit use and thriving commercial districts and residential
B. Land Use Regulations-Commercial Base Zones.When the TD applies to
property within a commercial base zone, permitted and conditionally
permitted shall be the same as the base commercial zone, except as specified
1) Permitted Uses.The following uses are permitted with the approval of a
Development Permit:
• Convenience stores pursuant to Section 19.o6.025.
• Dry cleaners
• Educational services
• Medical/care facilities/social services(within CCS-1 only)
• Mixed-use(with residential where allowed in commercial base zones)
• Mobile vendors
• Neighborhood grocery stores
• Parking structures
z) Prohibited Uses. The following uses are prohibited:
• Auto parts sales
• Auto repair
• Car, RV,and truck sales
• Car Washes
• Service Stations
• Service Commercial uses pursuant to Table o6.o1 J., excluding
veterinary services
• Impound vehicle storage yard
• Vehicle leasing/rental
• RV parks
• Blood banks
• Drive-thru commercial uses
• Restaurants with drive-thru
• Nurseries
19.19A.07o Residential Transition Standards
A. Purpose.This section establishes standards to ensure that new development
in the TD is compatible with adjacent single-family residential uses.
B. Applicability.The following standards apply to buildings located on a parcel
that either:
1) Shares a property line with an existing single-family residential zone; or
z) Faces an existing single-family residential zone across a street.
C. Building Setbacks.
1) Front Setbacks. For a parcel located across a street from an existing single-
family residential zone,the front setback shall be no less than the average
front setback requirement of the facing homes block face but not more
than zo ft.
z) Interior Side Setbacks. For a parcel sharing an interior side property line
with an existin g single-family sin le-famil residential zone setback
the interior side set k
shall no less than the interior side setback requirement of the adjacent
property but not more than zo ft.
3) Rear Setbacks. For a parcel sharing a rear property line with an existing
single-family residential zone,the rear setback requirement shall be no
less than 10 feet.
D. Upper Floor Step-backs.
1) Front Building Walls. For a parcel located across a street from an existing
single-family residential zone,the height of the front building wall shall not
exceed z stories and 30 feet.
z) Side and Rear Building Walls. For a parcel sharing an interior side or rear
property line with an existing single-family residential zone,the height of
the side or rear building wall,as applicable, shall not exceed z stories and
30 feet.
3) Upper Floors. When permitted by the applicable zone, any portion of a
building taller than z stories or 30 feet should step back a minimum of 8
feet from the first-and second-story building walls.
E. Commercial Service Location and Screening.
1) Outdoor storage, trash collection and loading areas associated with
commercial uses shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet from any property
line abutting a parcel occupied by a detached single-family home.
z) Outdoor storage,trash collection,and loading areas shall be located and
screened from view such that they are not visible from any parcel
occupied by a detached single-family home.
F. Parking and Driveways.See Section 19.2o.ioo, Subsection G (Parking Buffers).
G. Noise Generating Activities.Outdoor dining,amplified music,and other noise-
generating activities shall be set back a minimum of 150 feet from the
property line of any parcel occupied by a detached single-family home.
i9•19A.o8o Parking
A. Purpose.
1) This section establishes parking standards that apply to new and
expanded land uses in the TD.The intent of the standards is to ensure the
success of the transit corridor by providing efficient parking in the
corridor.This includes design standards for parking area design and
parking supply standards.
z) The parking requirements reflect the immaturity of the transit system
along the corridor.As the system matures,there will be increased
potential to refine the parking requirements, applying techniques such as
parking maximums (e.g., no minimum parking requirements).These
requirements should be updated as the system matures to reflect the
change in required parking along the corridor.
B. Required On-Site Parking.All land uses within the TD shall provide on-site
parking as shown in Table 19A.3 (Required On-Site Parking) unless further
reductions can be justified as part of project approval by utilizing shared
parking, unbundled parking, in-lieu parking fees, or other parking reduction
techniques, as described below:
1) Shared parking assessment shall be completed using the latest
information from ULi's(Urban Land Institute's)Shared Parking.
z) Unbundled parking occurs when development does not include parking in
the standard cost of the facilities(e.g., residents/employees must pay
additional cost for the right to park on-site).
3) In-lieu parking fees are effective if a parking district or other management
agency owns and maintains parking facilities.With in-lieu fees,a developer
can pay the identified fee for the right to use that parking and reduce their
own on-site parking facilities.
Table 19A.02 Required On-Site Parkin
Base Zoning District Parking Requirement
(per sq.ft.of leasable area,unless otherwise noted
Commercial General CG-1 f space per 300 sq.ft.
Commercial General - Baseline/Mt.Vernon(CG-2) f space per 500 sq.ft.
Commercial General- University Village CG-3 f space per 250 sq.ft.
Commercial Office(CO) 1 space per 370 sq.ft.
Commercial Regional - Malls(CR-1) f space per 250 sq.ft.
Commercial Regional - Downtown(CR-2) 1 space per 500 sq.ft.
Commercial Regional -Tri-Cit /Club(CR-3) 1 space per 250 sq.ft.
Central City South (CCS-1 1 space per 500 sq.ft.
Commercial Heavy CH f space per 300 sq.ft.
Industrial Heavy(IH) f space per 1,230 sq.ft. of gross
floor area
Office Industrial Park OIP 1 space per 350 sq.ft.
Public/Commercial Recreation PCR Special study required
Public Facilities (PF) Special study required
Public Flood Control PFC 1 space per access point
Residential High(RH) 1 space per unit
Residential Low(R L) f space per unit
Residential Medium (RM) f space per unit
Residential Medium High RMH f space per unit
Residential Suburban RS 2 spaces per unit
Residential Urban RU f space per unit
Industrial Light Q L 1 space per 625 sq.ft.
C. Residential Guest Parking. Current visitor and guest parking standards of the
underlying zone shall apply. On-street parking may be considered for visitors
to residential uses along public and private streets adjacent to the residential
D. Handicapped Parking Requirements. Handicapped parking space design shall
be consistent with approved designs in the off-street parking standards
Section 19.24.050
E. Bicycle Parking Requirements.One bicycle parking space shall be provided for
each ten automobile parking spaces provided. For office and multifamily uses,
bicycle parking should be provided in sheltered and secure facilities.
F. Location of Surface Parking. New surface parking lots should not be located
between the front wall of a building and a public street. Surface parking
should be located to the rear or side of buildings. If surface parking is not
feasible, all other parking should be located in structures, underground,
and/or off-site.
G. Parking Structures.All multistory parking structures shall be lined with
commercial, retail, or residential uses on the ground floor along primary build-
to lines, except for pedestrian and vehicular entries into the parking structure.
H. Surface Parking Lot Screening.
1) Surface parking lots abutting a public sidewalk or street shall provide a
landscaped buffer and/or decorative or"greenwall" screening along the
perimeter of the parking lot abutting the sidewalk or street.
z) Surface parking abutting a residential zone shall provide a six foot high
decorative wall and a landscaped buffer at least 8 feet in width.
I. Alley Access. For new structures adjacent to a rear alley, service access to the
property shall be provided only through the rear alley.
J. Driveways.All new driveways within a TD shall comply with the following
1) Driveways shall comply with the dimension standards shown in Table
19A.03 (Driveway Dimension Standards).
z) All new curb cuts providing access to a driveway from a public street shall
be separated a minimum distance of 50 feet from another existing or new
curb cut, unless the parcel size requires shorter spacing. In that case, a
minimum spacing of 35 feet shall be provided.
3) Parking spaces shall not be located along the sides of a driveway.
Table i9A.03 Driveway Dimension Standards
Driveway Type Driveway Width
Minimum Maximum
1-way 8 ft. iz ft.
z-way zo ft. 25 ft.
19.19A.ogo Subdivision Standards
A. Purpose. This section establishes standards for the subdivision of parcels
within the TD to ensure that large parcels are subdivided in a manner that
supports a walkable,transit-oriented environment.
B. Applicability.The following standards apply to subdivisions of parcels to acres
or greater.
C. Block Lengths.
1) Except as permitted by Subsection z below,the maximum length of a
block created by the establishment of one or more new streets shall not
exceed 400 feet.
z) The City may approve a block length in excess of 400 feet when necessary
to achieve project compliance with connectivity standards in Subsection D
below,or if there are physical limitations,such as the size of the project
area, that do not allow for compliance with this standard.
3) Block lengths shall be measured as the length of property abutting one
side of a street between either the two nearest intersecting streets or the
nearest such street and any other physical barrier to the continuity of
development. Block lengths shall be measured from property lines that
intersect at an angle of 45 degrees or more.
D. Connectivity Standards.
1) New streets established within the TD shall align and connect with any
existing adjacent street.
z) Block lengths shall increase connectivity to surrounding existing and
planned pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
3) New development of large sites (in excess of one acre) shall maintain and
enhance connectivity with a hierarchy of public streets, private streets,
walks and bike paths.
4) Bicycle/pedestrian connections shall be provided at each cul-de-sac end,
where feasible.
G19.i9A.ioo Design Guidelines
The guidelines are intended to promote quality design, consistent with City General
Plan goals and objectives, while providing a level of flexibility to encourage creative
design.These design guidelines implement various policies in the Land Use, Housing,
Economic Development, Community Design, Circulation, and Natural Resources and
Conservation Elements pertaining to transit oriented development.
A. Purpose and Intent.The following design guidelines are intended to direct the
physical design of building sites, architecture,and landscape elements located
within the City's Transit Overlay District(TD).This comprehensive approach
represents a more understandable and predictable role in shaping each TD's
physical future by emphasizing community form, architectural typologies, and
landscape design that reinforce traditional and modern development
patterns. In the Downtown,Village/Urban Center, and Employment Center
station areas, contemporary architecture that has a strong pedestrian
orientation, visual interest on the ground floor,quality long lasting materials,
human scale, and articulated facades are also encouraged.The guidelines are
intended to complement the mandatory TD development regulations
contained in this chapter by providing design solutions and interpretations of
the mandatory regulations.
B. Applicability.The guidelines shall apply to all development within the TD
districts.Any addition, remodeling, relocation, or construction requiring a
building permit within the TD districts that is subject to review by the
Development Review Committee shall adhere to these guidelines where
applicable. Unless there is a compelling reason,these guidelines shall be
followed. If a guideline is waived by the Development Review Committee,the
Mayor and Common Council shall be notified.An appeal, which does not
require a fee, may be filed by the Mayor and Common Council person within 15
days of the waiver approval.
C. Interpretation. Compliance with a design guideline written as a "should" is
discretionary. A design guideline written with an action verb (e.g., provide,
use, locate, create, establish, employ)is highly recommended. Using these
terms are important, but may be waived or modified by the Development
Review Committee based upon an alternative deemed acceptable through the
design review process.
D. Architectural Typology.The design guidelines for architectural typologies
contained in this section(i.e., Courtyard Housing, Row houses, Live[Work
Units, Stacked Flats, Mixed Use, and Office)are not all inclusive. Other
architectural typologies may also be appropriate for other permitted uses as
listed in the Development Code.
Gig.igA.Ho District Image
The intent of this section is to establish a design framework for the development,
enhancement, and preservation of San Bernardino Transit Overlay Districts, based
upon traditional planning and urban design patterns, historical precedents, and
sustainability principles that ultimately drive the physical form of each district.
The over arching community vision for Transit Overlay Districts originates from a
desire to create compact pedestrian-oriented environments consistent with
traditional transit oriented development principles which advocate:
1. Compact Transit Districts. Characterized by
easy access to multi-modal transit systems, a
wide variety of housing types and services,
and job sites located very close at hand.
z. Connectivity. Characterized by a fine-grained
and interconnected street network ensuring
that all trips are as short as possible, disperse
congestion,and are compatible with walking,
biking,and transit.
■ r
3. Walkability. Characterized by commercial
business, service establishments,
employment, and transit facilities that are
located within a five-minute walk.
4. Placemaking. Characterized by urban patterns,
blockscapes, architecture,and landscaping
that reinforces and complements the design
heritage of the region. KK'
5. Employment Accessibility.Characterized by �I
good jobs located in higher-intensity"vertical
campuses" located close to a variety of
housing opportunities.
6. Diversity of Housing Types. Characterized by a
fine grain of housing typologies, designed to
complement a wide variety of income levels
and associated lifestyles. o
G19.i9A.12o Transit Oriented Design
A transit district is a defined, higher-intensity, ..,,
multimodal quarter designed to accommodate
a variety of coordinated movement systems, h
including commuter rail, light rail, streetcar,
BRT, bus, shuttle, pedestrian, and automobiles.
Transit oriented development is intended to
maximize access to mass transit amenities with
centrally located transit stations commonly
surrounded by relatively high-intensity
commercial, office, and residential development. In general, successful transit
oriented districts are well-used and well-loved people places, enriched by a dynamic
mix of land uses, defined street-adjacent architecture, and comfortable urban spaces.
Transit oriented districts are highly permeable, composed of an extensive network of
transit modes that physically and visually link to the greater community, encouraging
enhanced connectivity that ultimately embraces transit ridership.
The essence of a sustainable transit district is found in an integrated system of
commercial, residential, employment, and recreation uses coupled with a diversity of
alternative circulation/transportation features that knit the district together in an
integrated and holistic fashion.The goal is a low-carbon district with a sense of place,
concentration of activities coupled with urban spaces,and efficient architecture
where daily life can unfold.
• Create a density gradient, locating the highest
intensity/density land uses closest to transit
stations,transitioning outward to lower
intensity/density uses.
• Locate pedestrian and transit-friendly
commercial activities at the ground level,
office and residential above where supported
by the market. Use ground-floor storefront
windows to enliven the street by providing
visual interest that encourages people to walk
and take transit.
• Provide civic amenities and urban open space
uses within transit districts designed to serve
transit users and residents.
• Develop a hierarchy of street designs that
vary in modal emphasis, providing a
balanced transportation system that
accommodates transit,automobiles,
bicyclists,and pedestrians. �+
L .,
• Intensify building masses at corners to
accommodate pedestrian generating uses
that enhance ridership
• Locate primary building entrances facing the public street, with clear connections
to the adjacent sidewalk, ensuring pleasant and simple access for pedestrians.
• Provide a pedestrian-scaled street network composed of a dense grid of streets
with short, direct connections between land uses and transit amenities. Provide
connections to local and regional multiuse paths and trails that encourage longer
walking and bicycle trips improving accessibility for transit users.
• Configure parking to be unobtrusive by orienting parking away from the
pedestrian realm, behind buildings, in structures, or underground. Utilize on-
street parking,where feasible,to reduce off-street parking requirements,
providing parking opportunities to adjacent retail and service uses.
• Combine traditional ground-floor storefront commercial facilities at corner transit
stop locations, enhancing"trip chaining"—performing one or more errand on the
same trip.
• Promote an interconnected street network and the use of short blocks(two to
five net acres)to increase vehicular and pedestrian route choice,thus enhancing
connectivity, reducing trip length and vehicular greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
• Promote tight urban blocks that are not dominated by large surface parking
areas, reducing convection losses and heat gains as adjacent buildings protect
one another from the wind and sun.
• Use street trees to modify the climate in a passive way(absorbing rather that
reflecting heat energy, leaving opposed to the use of tacked-on architectural
• Create high-performance, energy-efficient buildings and infrastructure.
G19.19A.130 Site Planning and Architectural Design
A. Site Planning.Site planning within
the TD should promote traditional
time honored building placements
while accommodating pedestrian
plazas, courtyards, and parking
located internal to the site.The
goal is to place buildings adjacent
to the public streetscape in order
to enhance the pedestrian
experience by creating an enclosed
and defined environment,while
sensitively accommodating the automobile.This traditional setting fosters a
people-oriented environment in which the needs of everyday life are easily
accessible.These guidelines are also intended to accommodate a wide variety
of building typologies, in an effort to create a dynamic environment that
promotes connectivity,walkability, commerce,jobs/housing balance, and
transit ridership.
1) Residential Site Planning.The
residential site planning
guidelines address a wide range
of architectural typologies
designed to create a fine-
grained district image.The
intent is to sensitively m
orchestrate the location,
placement, and orientation of
various multifamily attached w
dwelling types consistent with
the nature of transit oriented development districts.What is envisioned is
a small-scale "smattering" of traditional housing types—courtyard
housing, row houses, stacked flats—seamlessly integrated into the fabric
of the district. Ultimately,the goal is to disperse a wide variety of
traditional multi-family attached dwelling types throughout the transit
district,oriented toward the public realm, as opposed to internal oriented
gated mega-complexes. By sensitively siting multifamily dwelling types, it
is envisioned that higher-density dwellings will successfully blend into the
TD, welcoming a variety of living arrangements and associated lifestyles.
z) Commercial and Office Site
Planning.The commercial and
office site planning guidelines are a
intended to promote time-
honored building placements to
concentrate live-work, mixed-
use, and office structures to
frame and enclose the public
streetscape. Buildings are to be
placed near to the public
streetscape in order to create an enclosed and defined environment that
promotes commerce, social interaction,and transit ridership.The purpose
is to create a fine-grained environment whereby modest live-work
housing coexists with higher-intensity mixed use and office nodes and
adjacent residential neighborhoods.This traditional setting fosters a
people-oriented environment in which the needs of everyday life are easily
accessible—an atmosphere that places automobiles behind buildings,
concentrates activities, defines urban space, and promotes building
placements that celebrate people.
B. Architectural Design and Image.The
San Bernardino Transit Overlay
District architectural image is born
out of a desire to create enduring
and human-scaled expressions
rooted in the traditional architectural - fii!-
heritage of the region.This -
traditional architectural image
typically fosters a people-oriented
environment characterized by a
variety of building designs that frame and define the public streetscape.
All elements of architecture were traditionally constructed of highly durable
materials, defined by a discernible base,middle, and top that add architectural
rhythm to the streetscape.Composed of both modern interpretations and
traditional architectural precedents, architecture should be defined by cultural
influences, graced by indigenous materials,and constructed with the time-
honored design principles of mass, scale, and rhythm.The following most
common architectural typologies are defined for the TD: courtyard housing,
row houses, stacked flats, live-work units, mixed-use, and office buildings.The
guidelines do not preclude variations in these types of development or other
residential and non-residential products to be built. Ultimately,the purpose is
to avoid superficial "franchise style" architecture in favor of a more traditional
architectural image that embraces enjoyable life on the street.
1) Courtyard Housing. Courtyard INA
housing is defined by multi-story kfflitA
building masses containing individual
dwelling units that commonly
enclose a centralized outdoor private
courtyard space oftentimes
containing formal gardens and
decorative pavers.
Courtyard housing consists of:
• Two to four story building masses that frame and define the public
• Building masses enclose internally oriented courtyard space.
• Building frontages orient toward the public streetscape and internal
• Modest building insets accommodate front yard gardens and
• Individual unit frontages should be accessed directly from the street
and internal courtyard.
• Rear-oriented enclosed garages are accessed from a rear alley.
Traditionally within mild Mediterranean climates, such as Southern
California,courtyard housing was employed to capitalize on the positive
indoor/outdoor relationship characterized by multi-story building masses
that frame and enclose positive garden space.The attraction of courtyard
housing is its ability to function as a collection of individual units with
private entries,yet having access to common space amenities.
The design guidelines for courtyard housing include the following:
a d
b c e f
a. Orchestrate multi-story courtyard housing building masses to frame
and enclose semi-private open space in the form of internalized
courtyards and patios(a, b,c, d, g,j, k, 1).
b. Provide individual unit entrances oriented toward semi-private interior
courtyards(k, 1)and semi-public street-oriented external forecourts(a,
c. Craft traditional courtyard housing with a distinctive base(anchoring
the dwelling to the ground plane); shaft(transitional element which
provides window transparency),and capital (roof cap which
terminates the top of the dwelling)(a, d, g,j).
d. Avoid the use of continuous common exterior corridors. Instead,
access upper-story dwelling units via attractive external staircases
which are fully integrated into the fabric of the building(c, i).
e. Provide simple changes in wall plane to reduce the apparent mass and
scale of the dwelling, consistent with the architectural style of the
home(a,g, i,j).
f. Create building relief through the use of tower elements and building
projections designed to enhance facade variety and visual interest(i).
g. Define the public and private realms by providing a distinguishable and
ornamented transitional portal (h).
8 J
I �
h. Support covered porches, upper-story loggias, and balconies with
substantial columns, piers, and posts(b, d, e,f,g).
L Provide ample "punched" window and door recesses designed to
express building mass. Minimum window and door recess should
measure four inches deep(b).
j. Provide traditional vertical orientated windows(a, b, g).
k. Provide simple changes in wall plane to reduce the apparent mass and
scale of the dwelling, consistent with the architectural style of the
home (a, g, I,j).
I. Provide protruding wing walls as a natural extension of the building,
designed to enclose and define private outdoor patio spaces.
m. Use arcades and colonnades as semi-private transitional elements
designed to frame courtyard spaces(c).
n. Provide upper-story projecting balconies supported by protruding
dimensional timber corbels(d, e, g).
o. Configure courtyards in a usable fashion, designed to accommodate
outdoor entertaining, recreation, and leisure amenities(j, k, 1).
p. Orient on-site garages toward the rear of the site accessed from an
alley. On-grade and tuck-under parking facilities should be provided,
characterized by enclosed garages designed to accommodate
2) Row Houses.A row house is a
multi-story single-family
dwelling that shares a
common wall with adjacent
units of the same type,
occupying the full width of
the frontage line,designed to
frame and enclose the
streetscape in a regimented
Row house design consists of:
• Two-to-three story building masses that frame and define the public
• Front dooryards accommodate raised stoops or garden.
• Individual units are directly accessible by pedestrians from the public
• Outdoor terrace space sometimes occurs between the street-facing
dwelling and rear garage.
• Rear-oriented enclosed garages are accessed from a rear alley.
This traditional tall and slender attached building typology exhibits all the
trappings of the classic urban oriented dwelling form, commonly defined
by multi-story building masses with raised stoops, projecting window bays,
and defined entrance features that greet the public realm. Row houses
typically form regimented street walls that promote streetscape
continuity,framing and enclosing the public streetscape.
The design guidelines include the following
b c e f
e I .
a. Provide two-to-three story building masses designed to frame and
define the public streetscape(a, d,g,j).
b. Create consistent row house unit bay rhythms designed to form a
consistent and disciplined street wall (a, d, g,j).
c. Anchor row house corners with higher intensity tower features(a, b).
d. Craft traditional row houses with a distinctive base(anchoring the
dwelling to the ground plane), shaft(transitional element that
provides window transparency),and capital (roof cap that terminates
the top of the dwelling)(c,j).
e. Shelter residents by providing ample entrance indentations(e, i). Row
house building entrances should be designed with a minimum square
footage of io square feet and minimum depth of 4 feet
f. Define individual unit entrances oriented toward the public street(e, i).
h i' k 1
'/ l
g. Enhance interior viewing opportunities with bay window projections to
optimize viewing angle(a, b, c, g, h,j).
h. Provide traditional windows that are vertical in orientation(a, b, c,f, g,
i. Recess window and door openings into the row house facades to
express the mass of the building(j).
j. Elevate row house units to ensure resident privacy while enhancing
surveillance of the public streetscape (a, g, i,j, k).
k. Avoid locating entrances directly on-grade. Instead, entries should be
elevated 24 inches, minimum (a, g, i,j, k).
I. Integrate exterior staircases and stoops into the fabric of the building
(i). Design exterior staircases and stoops, including balusters,
handrails, and treads, using similar materials as the row house
dwelling. Prefabricated metal staircases shall not be permitted.
m. Provide private outdoor open space in the form of stoops(i), balconies
(f, 1), and dooryard gardens (k). Private open space should be a
minimum of zoo square feet
n. Orient on-site parking garages toward the rear of the site accessed
from an alley.
3) Stacked Flats.A flat is a self-
contained housing unit that
occupies only part of a building.
In a stacked-flat building, several
units, above and beside each
other share a common entry and
are accessed through common,
semiprivate spaces.
The design of stacked flats
consists of:
• Three to four-story building masses that frame and define the public
• Modest setback may accommodate front patio space.
• Buildings are accessed from a common street-adjacent entrance portal.
• Individual units are directly accessed from interior double-loaded
• Internally oriented underground or podium parking is accessed from
limited street portals. Internally oriented courtyards are located above
parking areas.
In addition to their classic scale and eye-catching proportions,the beauty
of stacked-flat structures is their ability to frame and enclose broad
boulevards and avenues, creating a pedestrian-friendly environment. It is
this traditional relationship of the public street to the private building that
is critically important in establishing a sheltering and safe pedestrian
setting that enhances social interaction and commerce.
The design guidelines for stacked flats include the following:
11 PP I
p �tw
b c �— — -
a. Create traditional,formal, proportional, and rhythmic multilevel
building masses to unify the public blockscape(a, d, g,1).
b. Provide traditional,formal building masses designed to frame and
enclose the public streetscape (a, d, g,1).
c. Celebrate the street corner by increasing or articulating building mass,
using tower elements as "gatepost" architectural features(b).
d. Distinguish buildings with a discernible base(c)and cap (a, d, e,f,)that
to define the top and bottom of the structure. Use continuous building
elements, such as roof eaves(a, d, e, g), cornice elements (f, h),
window bands(b, d,f, g, h), and masonry foundation bases(c)to
assure building unity and blockscape continuity.
e. Rest the building on a wide discernible foundation base to anchor the
building to the ground plane (c).
f. Create visual rhythms with building masses that divide facades into
individual repetitive components. Segment buildings into individual
elements using the following techniques:
• Vertical tower masses (b, e)
• Horizontal repeating spandrels
• Consistent repetitive roof forms (a, d, e)
h i k I
g. Distinguish individual floors using the following techniques:
• Projecting horizontal cornice elements(f)
• Decorative masonry belt courses (f)
• Change in material pattern between floors(f)
h. Define individual units with subtle facade articulations. Use repetitive
elements such as structural bays(j), recessed loggias(g,j, 1),and
projecting balconies (k)to distinguish individual units.
L Provide distinguishable recessed building entrances, oriented toward
the public street, as common building access points to internal-
, oriented lobbies and vertical circulation elements(i).
j. Generally center windows on the building mass,and align both
horizontally and vertically(a, b, d, e,f,g, h).
k. Express building mass by recessing window openings in building
facades a minimum of 4 inches(a, b,d,f,g, h).
I. Provide windows that are vertical in orientation(a, b, c, d, e,f, g, h, k).
m. Integrate projecting balconies(k)and recessed loggias(g, 1)seamlessly
with the design of the building. Projecting balconies should be
minimum 5 ft deep and recessed loggias should be a minimum of 6o
square feet.
4) Live-Work Units.A live—work
building is designed to
accommodate both commercial
and residential uses within a
single unit, commonly with retail r
and office uses on the first floor
and upper floors dedicated to
residential use.
Live-work units consist of:
• Two to three-story building masses that frame and define the public
• Building frontages orient toward the public streetscape.
• Sidewalk-adjacent building masses accommodate ground-floor
• Ground floor businesses are accessed directly from the public street.
Private residences are accessed from internal lock-outs or separate
street-oriented entrances.
• Rear-oriented enclosed garages are accessed from a rear alley.
Traditionally, live-work establishments were occupied by merchants or
employees who lived directly above their place of business, enabling
entrepreneurs to establish business in an economical fashion.With the
economic realities of today,this lifestyle concept is again gaining
acceptance as a small business approach designed to provide goods and
services while promoting enhanced housing diversity.
The design guidelines include the following:
a d
c e g
a. Provide multistory live-work building masses designed to frame and
define the public realm (a, d, g,j).
b. Provide dual-unit entrance designed to accommodate both residents
and merchants. Provide direct storefront workspace access oriented
toward the public streetscape. Provide secondary upper-story access
designed to accommodate residents (i).
c. Design ground-floor live-work storefronts using traditional storefront
heights to allow natural light to penetrate street-oriented display
windows, illuminating storefront interiors(c, e,f).
d. Express the underlying structure of the building. Use a sequence of
storefront structural bays designed to convey how the building stands
up(c, e,f).
e. Provide a series of storefront structural bays,composed of repetitive
vertical columns/piers and horizontal spandrels designed to create a
consistent facade rhythm (c, e,f).
g f J
h i k 1
f. Distinguish higher-intensity building corners with tower elements
designed to resolve two converging street walls(h).
g. Provide upper-story private resident outdoor open space in the form of
decks (i)and balconies (k). Private open space should be a minimum of
loo square feet. Balconies should be a minimum 5 ft in depth.
h. Recess doors and windows into masonry and exterior plaster walls to
express building mass. Minimum door and window recess should
measure four inches(k).
i. Accommodate vehicles parking onsite by providing rear-oriented
enclosed garages (1).
j. Live/work configurations include:
• Live above work
• Live within work
• Live behind work(attached)
• Live behind work(detached)
5) Mixed-Use. Mixed use is
defined by higher-intensity
developments that include twos • A 4
or more physically integrated , °V
uses on one site or within one d-
structure, including
combinations of retail, office, '' -
institutional, residential, or
other land uses.
Mixed-use buildings consist of:
• Three to four-story building masses frame and define the public
• Building frontages orient toward the public streetscape.
• Sidewalk-adjacent building masses accommodate ground-floor
• Ground-floor businesses are accessed directly from the public street.
Offices and private residences are accessed from internal lobbies and
• Internally oriented underground, podium, or parking court are
accessed from limited street portals.
Traditionally, mixed-use districts are designed as pedestrian-friendly
environments characterized by a variety of building typologies designed to
frame, enclose, and embrace the public realm. Because commercial,
residential, and employment land uses are placed in such close proximity,
the needs of everyday life are easily accessible,while enhancing
alternative transportation modes such as walking and transit ridership.
r. .
Design guidelines for mixed-use buildings include the following:
�� ►rr
• r a
e I f
A l�ti� A
a. Create traditional street walls composed of a storefront base, upper-
story facade, and roof cap designed to frame and enclose the
I streetscape, creating a pedestrian-friendly"Main Street' atmosphere
(a, d, g,j)•
b. Differentiate individual building masses along the street wall with
slight indentations to enhance blockscape variety and visual interest(a,
d, g)•
c. Use similar structural bay and window rhythms to promote blockscape
d. Express the underlying structure of the building. Use a sequence of
structural bays designed to convey how the building stands up(a, d,g,
e. Provide tower elements to accentuate and highlight building corners,
emphasizing higher intensity land uses(a, d, b).
f. Use tower elements at corners as a transitional element that resolves
two converging street walls (a, b, d,
g. Create visual rhythms with structural bays that divide buildings into
individual repetitive components(e).
1 46
0 Ili yIF;
�� G
h. Provide a series of structural bays, composed of repetitive vertical
columns/piers and horizontal spandrels/arches designed to create a
consistent facade rhythm (f, h).
i. Create visually distinct and substantial three-dimensional columns (i)
and piers(h).
j. Promote human scale by creating a series of proportional structural
bays that segment the building into individual components. Structural
bay width typically ranges between 24-30 feet(h).
k. Use traditional storefront heights to allow natural light to highlight
display windows, illuminating storefront interiors(e,f, h, 1).
1. Design storefronts that are balanced,with symmetrical proportions
defined by structural bays, and characterized by storefront display
windows,transom windows, recessed doorways, bulkheads,sign
bands,and awnings/canopies (e,f, h, 1).
m. Create substantial covered arcades capable of accommodating
pedestrian movements while sheltering patrons from the elements (i).
n. Provide substantial three-dimensional arches designed to express the
mass of the building(e,f, i, 1).
o. Use columns to continue the plane of upper-story facades(i).
p. Design awnings to complement the structural framework of the
building.Awnings should express the shape and proportion of
structural bays and window openings(1).
q. Locate transom windows above storefront display windows to
increase interior daylighting(e,f, k).
6) Office.An office building is a place
available for the transaction of general
business, administration, and research
and development functions typically not
involving labor, manufacturing,
fabrication or retail sales.
Office buildings should generally be
characterized by:
• Three to four—story building masses
that frame and define the public streetscape.
• Building frontages are oriented toward the public streetscape,
sometimes accommodating covered arcades and colonnades.
• Buildings are accessed from a street-adjacent common entrance portal.
• Individual office units are accessed from internal lobbies and hallways.
• Internally oriented courtyards are located above underground or
podium parking.
• Internally oriented underground, podium, or parking courts are
accessed from limited street portals.
Within traditional urban settings, office buildings become an integral
element within the district mosaic, integrating seamlessly with other uses
to form a rich and diverse mixture.Traditionally, office buildings and
primarily building entrances, are located contiguous to the street,
designed to frame and enclose the public realm while accommodating
parking within internal-oriented courtyards or parking structures.
Design guidelines for office buildings include the following:
d -
t -1�
a. Create building masses reflecting a distinguishable base, shaft, and
capital (a, b, c, d, g,j).
b. Rest the building on a distinguishable ground floor base or pedestal
designed to anchor the building to the ground plane(g).
c. Provide ground floor arcades and recessed entries that shelter
pedestrians from the elements (f, k).
d. Create a definable building shaft, designed as a transitional facade
element which links the building base and capital (h, i).
e. Crown the building with a discernible building capital, designed to
terminate the top of the structure(a, d, g,j).
f. Distinguish building corners by providing tower elements as landmark
structures, designed to resolve two converging street walls(b).
g. Create structural bays that visibly display the underlying structure of
the building(e,f, h).
h. Segment buildings into repetitive scale-giving elements composed of
columns/piers and spandrels/arches(e,f, h, i).
i. Create distinct and recognizable horizontal floor divisions. Use such
techniques as horizontal window bands, continuous cornice elements,
masonry belt courses, and repetitive window lintels designed to
distinguish individual floors(a, c, d, e,g, h, i,
o -- - -
h i k t-7r
j. Create visual rhythms with structural elements that divide facades into
individual repetitive components. Building structures should be
segmented into simple symmetrical components based upon the
following facade rhythm standards:
• Vertically repeating columns and piers (e,f, h, i).
• Horizontal repeating spandrels (h,j)
• Vertically-oriented windows repeated in horizontal bands recessed
a minimum of four inches from the solid wall plane designed to
express building mass(e, g, h, i,j).
k. Segment horizontal window openings with mullions into a series of
vertical oriented windows(e, h).
I. Provide traditional windows divided by muntins into a series of
individual window panes(h).
m. Define window opening with lintels, masonry belt courses, sills, and
awnings (1).
n. Use traditional, small, and durable human-scaled masonry building
materials(c, d,j).
o. Provide a definable and prominent building entrance designed to
signal egress (k).
7) Building Materials.Traditional indigenous building materials promote
community identity by promoting an identifiable architectural vision,firmly
rooted in the vernacular of the region.Traditionally, building materials
such as brick and stone masonry are measured in human-scaled units.
Because these materials are so commonplace, literally the building blocks
of a civilized society,they are easily discernible and readily understood.
Traditional building materials help us understand and scale larger
buildings, ultimately connecting us to the built environment.
a ` d
(110 �' ■
a c all -
all b MR.
a. Use durable and refined wall materials to project a traditional
architectural image (a).
b. Design buildings that use heavy,visually solid foundation materials(b,
e)that transition upward to lighter wall cladding and roof materials.
c. Use durable and substantial foundation materials such as rusticated
stone (b), polished granite, and sandblasted concrete (c).
d. Provide human-scaled wall materials that are familiar in their
dimensions and can be repeated in understandable units(b, c).
e. Provide wall materials such as brick and stone masonry that help
people interpret the size of a building(b, e).
f. Use traditional brick masonry dimensions(b, e).
g. Use real, smooth,three-coat exterior plaster applications(a, c).
Exterior plaster finishes should appear hand troweled, with slight
surface variations(a, c).
h i k 1
h. Provide exterior plaster finishes that are not overly exaggerated or
irregular such as Spanish Lace.
i. Use metal cladding(such as corrugated metal)with discretion,
primarily for architectural accents and structural members(f, g,
j. Use traditional gloss-glazed transparent tile with deep, rich colors for
architectural accents.
k. Avoid large featureless wall surfaces, such as metal screens, unrelieved
stucco facades,and all-metal spandrel panels.
I. Provide material changes at a change in wall plane on an inside corner
m. Use durable metal roof materials that enhance the longevity of
buildings, including copper, Corten steel, standing seam (i),and "V"
n. Provide traditional straight-barrel mission tile roofs composed of clay
or concrete if tile is to be used (h).
o. Use rubber membrane materials for flat roofs only.
p. Define flat roofs with a substantial parapet wall capped with
ornamental coping designed to screen vents and mechanical
q. Support roof eaves and rake overhangs with substantial dimensional
timber beams, rafter tails, brackets, and corbels (1).
r. Avoid nondurable roofing materials such as wood shingles (real or
cementitious)and composition roofing.
G19.i9A.140 Parking Design
On-street parking lanes, parking structures,and rear parking courtyards are
dedicated to the temporary storage of vehicles.The intent is to reduce the physical
and visual impact of vehicles,fostering a pedestrian atmosphere.
Traditionally, parking garages were beautifully ornamented structures seamlessly
integrated into the fabric of the business district, having their own special typology
designed to harmonize with their surroundings.Today, new innovative solutions
have been developed to soften the impact of vehicular storage, including screening
garages with commercial storefronts, underground parking, and internal parking
b c e
.q 11�r �Ag�
�� I111
a. Locate parking structures internal to the site and screened from public
view. Use street-oriented building masses and commercial storefronts
to screen parking structures from the streetscape(a, b, c,d, e,f).
b. Provide ample parking structure identification signage designed to
distinguish and highlight public parking garages (b, c).
c. Design the facade of parking structures to mimic a traditional building
composed of window openings and accruements intended to project a
consistent streescape image (c, e).
d. Use continuous horizontal elements, such as projecting cornice
elements,window bands,and brick courses consistent with adjacent
building facades(c).
e. Align parking structure facade walls with adjacent buildings to create a
continuous street wall (e).
f. Promote on-street parking opportunities to slow traffic in district
cores. Motorists must be alert and aware to navigate the traditional
intimate streetscape(g, h, i).
g. Provide on-street parallel parking lanes designed to promote a
traditional "Main Street" image and physical buffer. Parallel parking
lanes are symbolic of traditional downtowns and provide a physical
and psychological buffer between the street and pedestrian sidewalk
h. Provide on-street parallel parking lanes to accommodate short term
convenience parking(g, h, i).
! i. Provide diagonal parking stalls to encourage short-term convenience
parking opportunities, enhancing commerce(i).
j. Eliminate pedestrian/vehicular conflicts. Curb cuts should not occur
along storefront street walls. Curb cuts should only occur on side-alley-
loaded blocks, providing alley access to internally oriented parking
courts and service areas.
k. Locate long-term on-site parking behind buildings, screened from
public view(j, k).
I. Design onsite parking areas as dual-usage courtyards to accommodate
vehicles as well as pedestrians. Provide amenities such as raised
fountain pedestals, tree bosques, and textured pavement treatments
designed to accommodate pedestrians(1).
m. Segment large parking areas into a series of small parking courts
enclosed by buildings and framed by canopy trees designed to
minimize the scale of the total parking area (j, k, 1).
n. Create internalized parking courts designed to accommodate long-
term parking opportunities. Design parking courts as dual-usage plazas
intended to accommodate both vehicular and pedestrian activities.
o. Surface parking lots adjacent to public streets should incorporate a
minimum 4 ft deep landscape buffer with trees and other plant
material.Where a landscape buffer is not feasible,a screen wall with
decorative detailing and/or landscaping should be provided. Screen
walls should be visually permeable and provide openings for
pedestrian access.
Gig.igA.15o Landscape Design
A. Landscape Image.The San Bernardino Transit Overlay District landscape
pattern is intended to project a formal impression designed to reinforce the
transit village image, rooted in the landscape heritage of the region.This
formal landscape pattern justifies itself through the use of consistent street
tree plantings which form tree-lined rows that frame and define the
streetscape while shading and sheltering pedestrians from the elements.
Public urban open spaces, such as plazas and courtyards,formal tree plantings
create a framework outlining these public oriented amenities.Within TDs,the
landscape image is designed to reinforce a pedestrian dominated
environment that celebrates human culture rather than the automobile to
create a sense of place while reinforcing the higher intensity nature of these
transit nodes as commercial, residential and employment hubs of the
B. Landscape. Landscape design is intended to improve or ornament the physical
environment through the use of such elements as plant materials,water
features,and land forms, designed to modify the physical setting for aesthetic
C. Street trees are an important asset to the streetscape, due to there functional
ability to modify the micro climate by providing summer shade,winter
transparency(solar gain), while purifying the air. From a design standpoint,
trees can positively frame and enclose the streetscape, creating an enhanced
pedestrian environment that defines the public realm; while formal orchard-
style tree grids soften parking fields.
a. Provide a consistent streetscape image through the use of formal
canopy-style street tree plantings that provide summer shade and
winter transparency(a, d).
b. Plant formal rows of street trees designed to frame and enclose the
streetscape(a, d).
c. Provide raised planters adjacent to light rail transit lines designed as a
physical shield to guard pedestrians (b).
d. Use raised planters contiguous to higher capacity arterials, buffering
pedestrians from vehicles (c).
e. Provide individual groupings of plant containers(b) or raised planters
along sidewalks with colorful flowering annuals and perennials(e,f).
f. Use tree grates and guards to protect street tree root systems,
reducing soil compaction.
g. Design landscape buffers adjacent to rear building elevations to soften
building architecture while providing a landscaped transition between
the rear parking area and building.
h. Use tress in grids designed to mimic orchard-style plants designed to
provide a shady grove designed to shelter vehicles and motorists from
elements(g, h).
11 IN via
L Use tall columnar trees to frame and enclose parking fields creating a
solid backdrop that protects interior canopy-style orchard trees.
j. Use tall columnar trees to segment large parking fields into a series of
"outdoor rooms" breaking-up large expanses of pavement.
k. Use medians and islands to segment large parking fields creating
variety and visual interest while mimicking traditional orchard grids(h).
I. Provide landscape amenities including raised fountain pedestals,tree
bosques, and enhanced paving designed to screen vehicles from public
view(f, g).
m. Provide decorative and ornamental low parking field walls to screen
vehicles from public view(k, 1).
n. Build seating into low screen walls designed to accommodate waiting
transit riders (k).
o. Use native and drought tolerant plant materials to promote an
indigenous landscape image.
p. Segment landscape areas into individual hydro zones designed to
conserve water by grouping similar plant materials with like water