HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 17 10/02/75 - 04/15/76 2890 [ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 2ND DAY OF OCTOBER, 1975, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The new Chairman, Wayne E. Stephenson, assumed the Chair, and opened the meeting at 4: 45 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Guhin, Hodgdon, Blum, Perea, Green and Stephenson Agency Members Absent: Wilson Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory stated that he has nothing to report at this time. RESOLUTION CONTINUING PAST POLICY OF COMMUNICATION: [ A resolution was introduced stipulating to the continued Agency policy of coordin- ation and cooperation with the Mayor and Common Council and the continued avail- ability of data and documentation. All Board Members firmly felt expressed their desire for continued communication and cooperation. The resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 3110 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA STIPULATING TO THE CONTINUED AGENCY POLICY OF COORDINATION AND COOPERATION WITH THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL AND THE CONTINUED AVAILABILITY OF DATA AND DOCUMENTATION THAT WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AND MADE AVAILABLE TO THE COMMITTEES, ORGANIZATIONS AND THE COMMUNITY. WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has continuously adhered to a policy of full communication and public information with the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, various committees, organizations and the entire community; and r L WHEREAS, in compliance with said policy of full communication and public information, the Redevelopment Agency has had prepared, distributed and made available forty four publications of Official Documentation, and is in the process of distributing and making available an additional ten publications of Official Documentation for the implementation of the Overall Central City Plan of Development, a list of which is attached as part of this Resolution; and 2891 WHEREAS, the newly elected officials - Chairman Wayne Stephenson and Vice-Chairman Wallace Green - and the entire Redevelopment Agency Board desire to endorse and retain the continuation of the Redevelopment Agency's past policy of full communica- tion and public information with the Mayor and Common Council and the Community that was initiated at the regular meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of April 22,1974. ...., ...... NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California does hereby stipulate that it will continue the Policy of coordination and cooperation with the Mayor and Common Council and that it will continue to provide the data and documentation that has been and will be distributed and made available to the Mayor and Common Council, the County Board of Supervis- ors, committees, organizations, individuals and the Community. IMPLEMENT A TION OF THE OVERALL CENTRAL CITY PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION AND REPORTS DISTRIBUTED AND MADE AVAILABLE AND TO BE DISTRIBUTED 1. THE CENTRAL CITY NORTH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION distributed at the April 22, 1974 meeting of the Mayor and Common Council ~ 2. THE SAN BERNARDINO STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION dis- tributed at the April 22, 1974 meeting of the Mayor and Common Council ......" 3. THE PHOTO LOG SURVEY - OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA distributed at the April 22, 1974 meeting of the Mayor and Common Council 4. THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO AD HOC COMMITTEE SUPPLEMENT TO VTN COUNTY SPACE UTILIZATION STUDY distributed by letter dated May 8, 1974 5. THE SAN BERNARDINO MEADOWBROOK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENT A TION and THE CENTRAL CITY SOUTH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION distributed by letter dated June 3, 1974 6. THE GRANT APPLICATION BOOK ENTITLED "PROJECT SAN BERNARDINO", ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION, distributed by letter dated June 5, 1974 7. THE SAN BERNARDINO CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLE~ REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION, JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY ADOPTED 1970, distributed by letter dated June 7, 1974 - r- ~! I, t ...... ,..... L L r- i \; t- '-- 2892 8. THE SAN BERNARDINO SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IM- PLEMENTATION distributed by letter dated June 11, 1974 9. THE SAN BERNARDINO CENTRAL CITY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. I, OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENT A- TION distributed by letter dated June 17, 1974 10. THE GRANT APPLICATION BOOK, PROJECT SAN BERNARDINO, OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY distributed by letter dated July 17, 1974 11. THE CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX INTERIM DOCUMENTATION AND DATA SUPPLEMENT TO: JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT distributed by letter dated September 20, 1974 12. THE CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX, CITY PUBLIC FACILITIES AND RELOCATION CONCEPT, VOLUMES I AND II distri- buted by letter dated December 2, 1974 13 . THE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT - INTERIM REPORT, OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA, advance general distribution at the Christmas Meeting held December 18, 1974 14. THE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT - OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA 1958 - 1980, PREPARED BY ECONOMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATES. (Advance copy for review only prior to final printing of THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO'S ANNUAL REPORTS 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975). Distributed by letter dated February 20, 1975 15. SAN BERNARDINO 1851 - 1980, A SUPPLEMENT TO THE OVERALL CENTRAL CITY PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT - INTERIM REPORT distributed to the Overall Community through the Sun Telegram Newspaper on March 2, 1975 16. PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT HERIT AGE PLAYHOUSE AND CULTURAL CENTER PIONEER PLAZA Distributed by letter dated March 14, 1975 17 . PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY FACILITIES SIXTH STREET AND MT. VIEW AVENUE Distributed by letter dated May 16, 1975 18. PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER/SOCIAL-ARTS AND CRAFTS CENTER SECCOMBE LAKE PARK Distributed by letter dated May 19, 1975 2893 ........ 19. PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT A RECONNAISSANCE OF THE CALIFORNIA THEATER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS FOURTH STREET _ Distributed by letter dated May 20, 1975 20. PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT SAN BERNARDINO BICENTENNIAL AMPHITHEATER STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO. 4 Distributed by letter dated May 30, 1975 21. PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION CAMPUS CONCEPT CENTRAL CITY NORTH Distributed by letter dated June 13, 1975 22. PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER MT. VERNON & HIGHLAND AVENUES ST A TE COLLEGE PROJECT NO. 4 Distributed by letter dated June 13, 1975 23 WASTEWATER COLLECTION REPORT FOR THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARKS TRANSPORTATION - DISTRIBUTION CENTER (WEST REDLANDS - LOMA LINDA - VETERANS ADMINISTRATION HOSPITAL) Distributed by letter dated June 13, 1975 ~ ...... 24. WASTEWATER COLLECTION REPORT FOR THE STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4, INCLUDING THE BICENTENNIAL AMPHITHEATER Distributed by letter dated June 13, 1975 25. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE OVERALL CENTRAL CITY PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY OF OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION AND REPORTS DISTRIBUTED AND MADE AVAILABLE BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Distributed by letter dated July 3, 1975 26. PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT OVERALL CENTRAL CITY CENTRAL CITY TRANSPORTATION CENTER FIFTH AND "D" STREETS Distributed by letter dated July 18, 1975 """"'" 27. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT OVERALL CENTRAL CITY INTERIM REPORT SUMMARY OF OFFICIAL DOCUMENT A TION FOR LAND ACQUISITION VOLUMES I AND II Distributed by letter dated July 21, 1975 - ,... ~ ;1 i 1 ..... ,.. f I.... 2894 28. LETTERS OF SUPPORT AND RECOGNITION OF THE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA AND PUBLIC ENTERPRISE Distributed by letter dated August 4, 1975 29. PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT SAN BERNARDINO CENTRAL CITY FIRE STATION Distributed by letter dated August 6, 1975 30. PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT SAN BERNARDINO PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Distributed by letter dated August 8, 1975 31. REDEVELOPMENT REPORT CENTRAL CITY SOUTH OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA Distributed by letter dated August 11, 1975 32 . SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY AIRPORT AS A DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTY AIR TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Distributed by letter dated August 12, 1975 33. REDEVELOPMENT REPORT SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK INDUSTRIAL - TRANSPORT A TION - DISTRIBUTION CENTER Distributed by letter dated August 13, 1975 34. PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT SAN BERNARDINO TRANSIT SYSTEM MAINTENANCE CENTER Distributed by letter dated August 14, 1975 35. REDEVELOPMENT REPORT CENTRAL CITY EAST THE CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA Distributed by letter dated August 15, 1975 36. REDEVELOPMENT REPORT CENTRAL CITY NORTH OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA (UPDATE 1975) ,,,.. Distributed by letter dated August 18, 1975 '- 2895 37. PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT CENTRAL CITY LIBRARY Distributed by letter dated August 21, 1975 JIIIIIIlIl - 38. PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL SERVICE CENTER Distributed by letter dated August 21, 1975 39. PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT CENTRAL CITY MALL CIVIC-PERFORMING ARTS-EXHIBIT HALL COMPLEX FUNCTIONAL AND ECONOMIC RELATIONSHIPS OF THE PRIVATE AND PUBLIC CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND OVERALL SECURITY SYSTEM Distributed by letter dated August 22, 1975 40. PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT A SUMMARY OF PARKING REQUIREMENTS PORTION OF THE OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA Distributed by letter dated August 25, 1975 41. CENTRAL CITY WEST FIFTH AND MOUNT VERNON COMMUNITY CENTER PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLANS ALTERNATIVE A AND ALTERNATIVE B Distributed by letter dated September 3, 1975 ~ - 42. CENTRAL CITY EAST - THE CITY, COUNTY STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX TENTATIVE ACTION SCHEDULE AND DOCUMENTATION FOR ADOPTION OF A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Distributed by letter dated September 15, 1975 43. CENTRAL CITY SOUTH TENTATIVE ACTION SCHEDULE AND DOCUMENT A TION FOR ADOPTION OF A REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Distributed by letter dated September 15, 1975 44. SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK INDISTRIAL-TRANSPORT A TION - DISTRIBUTION CENTER TENT A TIVE ACTION SCHEDULE AND DOCUMENT A TION FOR ADOPTION OF A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Distributed by letter dated September 15, 1975 ........ 45. ** PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT YMCA CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SECCOMBE LAKE PARK .....-. r i ..... r- !: \.... r- \...t 2896 46. ** PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT YWCA CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SECCOMBE LAKE PARK 47.** CENTRAL CITY EAST - THE CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX OFFICIAL REDEVELOPMENT PLAN DRAFT 48. ** CENTRAL CITY SOUTH OFFICIAL REDEVELOPMENT PLAN DRAFT 49.** SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK INDUSTRIAL - TRANSPORTATION - DISTRIBUTION CENTER OFFICIAL REDEVELOPMENT PLAN DRAFT 50. ** STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO. 4 REDEVELOPMENT REPORT UPDATE - 1975 51. ** STATE COLLEGE PROJECT INDUSTRIAL - CONSERVATION - RECREATIONAL GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND T AX INCREMENTAL INCOME AND TAX ALLOCATION BONDING CAPACITY ANALYSIS 1975 - 1980 - 1985 AND IMPROVEMENT SCHEDULES UPDATED 1975 52. ** SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK INDUSTRIAL-TRANSPORT A TION - DISTRIBUTION CENTER GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND T AX INCREMENTAL INCOME AND TAX ALLOCATION BONDING CAPACITY ANALYSIS 1975 - 1980 - 1985 AND IMPROVEMENT SCHEDULES UPDATED 1975 53.** OVERALL CENTRAL CITY CENTRAL CITY, MEADOWBROOK, CENTRAL CITY NORTH, CENTRAL CITY SOUTH, CENTRAL CITY EAST GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS STATEMENT OF MUTUAL BENEFITS AND TAX ALLOCATION BONDING CAPACITIES ANALYSIS BY PROJECT AREA, SAN BERNARDINO OVERALL CENTRAL CITY 1958 - 1975 - 1985 AND IMPROVEMENT SCHEDULES UPDATED 1975 54.** REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ANNUAL REPORTS 1969 - 1970 - 1971 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 1975 AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT - OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA 1958 - 1980 - 1985 ** TO BE DISTRIBUTED 2897 Motion was made by Hodgdon and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3110. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hodgdon, Green, Perea, Blum, Guhin and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson .... - RESOLUTIONS REQUESTING THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TO AMEND THE DESIGNATION OF CERTAIN SURVEY AREAS: Mr. Hodgdon explained that the following resolutions are set forth in the Tentative Action Schedules and are the first step forward in the implementation of the South- east Industrial Park, Industrial-Transportation-Distribution Center, the Central City East - City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex and the Central City South Project. The resolutions request the Mayor and Council to amend the survey areas. They are minor changes in the areas. The Mayor and Council will not act upon them until their meeting of November 17, 1975. They must first go to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. After review, the following resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3111 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REQUESTING THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TO AMEND THE DESIGNATION OF A SURVEY AREA (SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK, INDUSTRIAL-TRANSPORTATION-DISTRIBUTION CENTER) ...... - WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino have heretofore on August 29, 1967, by Resolution No. 8800, designated a Survey Area to study the feasibility of a redevelopment project or projects; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino have heretofore on October 7, 1967, by Resolution No. 8810, amended the above des- cribed Survey Area to include additional territory therein; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of San Bernardino selected a Project Area from such Survey Area and prepared a Preliminary Plan for redevelopment thereof; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino have here- tofore on April 14, 1970, by Resolution No. 10216 ratified its previous above des- cribed Resolutions; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino have heretofore on October 20, 1972, by Resolution 11195, designated a Survey Area to study the feasibility of a redevelopment project or projects; and """"'" WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino has prepared, considered and distributed voluminous studies and reports regarding the rede- _ velopment of the above described areas; and 2998 r-- l WHEREAS, such studies and reports were made available to the Mayor and Common l Council by Resolution No. 2864 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San .... Bernardino; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council have adopted its Resolution entitled: "Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, Authorizing the Execution of 'A Declaration' by the Redevelopment Agency and the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino in Support of 'Public Enterprise' and the Implementation of the Plan of Development-Interim Report, San Bernardino Overall Central City Area" ; and WHEREAS, the Agency has adopted its Resolution entitled: \-.. "Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Ber- nardino, California, Authorizing the Execution of 'A Declaration' by the Redevelopment Agency and the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino in Support of 'Public Enterprise' and the Implementation of the Plan of Development-Interim Report San Bernardino Overall Central City Area" ,- ; and WHEREAS, the above described Survey Areas include an area within the terri- toriallimits of San Bernardino County, such area being contiguous to the City of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary and desirable to amend the above described Survey Areas to combine such Survey Areas for the study of the feasibility of one redevelopment proj ect . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE RE- DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino are hereby requested to designate a Survey Area which includes the above described Survey Areas and additional territory, such a requested Survey Area more parti- cularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto (Southeast Industrial Park, Industrial-Transportation -Distribution Center) . ".... .... Section 2. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino 2899 and to the Board of Supervisors of San Bernardino County. IIIIIIII!II PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 19 75 2nd da y of October - s/W. E. Stephenson W. E. Shephenson Chairman ATTEST: siP. W. Quinn, Jr. P. W. Quinn, Jr. Secretary (SEAL) Exhibit II A II Those portions of Blocks 54, 55, 69 and 72, of the Rancho San Bernardino, as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps ,Page 2; and Victoria Subdivision, Tract No. 2948, as per plat recorded in Book 40 of Maps, Page 94; and Victoria Farms Unit No.2, Tract No. 2038, as per plat recorded in Book 29 of Mpas, Pages 51 and 52; and Tract No. 2424, as per plat recorded in Book 34 of Maps, Page 60; and Parcel Map No. 1455, as per plat recorded in Book 11 of Parcel Maps, Page 90; all being records of the County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as follows: ..... - PARCEL NO.1 BEGINNING at the intersection of the South line of Lot 45, Block 54, said Rancho San Bernardino, with the West right-of-way line of the Twin and Warm Creek Flood Control Channel, being a point 400.00 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Lot 45; then South along the West right-of-way line of said Twin and Warm Creek Flood Con- trol Channel to the South line of the North 594.00 feet of Lot 24, Block 54, said Rancho San Bernardino; thence East along the South line of the North 594.00 feet of said Lot 24 to the East line of said Lot 24; thence North 99.00 feet along the East line of said Lot 24 to the South line of the North 495.00 feet of Lot 25, Block 54, said Rancho San Bernardino; thence East along the South line of the North 495.00 feet of said Lot 25 to the centerline of Waterman Avenue; thence South along the centerline of said Waterman Avenue to the North line of the Redlands Freeway, Interstate 10; thence West along the North line of said Interstate 10, following its various courses, to the most Southwesterly corner of Parcel No.4, said Parcel Map No. 1455; thence Northwesterly along the South- westerly line of said Parcel No. 4 and the Southerly line of Parcel No.5, said Parcel Map No. 1455 to the East line of Hunts Lane; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of said Hunts Lane to the Easterly prolongation of the Southerly line of IIEII Street Ex- ~ tension; thence Westerly and Northerly along the said Easterly prolongation, the said Southerly line and the Westerly line of said IIEII Street Extension and IIEII Street, followin~ its various courses, to the North line of Fairway Drive, formerly known as Colton Ave- -- nue; thence West along the said North line of said Fairway Drive to the West line of the [ ",,- ... ,.. !i .... 2900 San Bernardino Freeway, Interstate 15; thence North along the West line of said Inter- state 15 to the South line of Lot 15, Block 54, said Rancho San Bernardino; thence West along the South line of said Lot 15, Block 54, to the West line of Parcel No.2, Parcel Map No. 1972, as per plat recorded in Book 16 of Parcel Maps, Page 47, records of said County; thence North along the West line of said Parcel No.2 and North along the West line of Parcel No.1, said Parcel Map No. 1972, to the Northwest corner of said Parcel No.1; thence North along the West line of the East one-half of the North- east one-quarter of said Lot 15, Block 54, to the North line of said Lot 15; thence West along the North line of said Lot 15 to the Southwest corner of Lot 22, Block 54, said Rancho San Bernardino; thence Northeasterly to a point in the Southwesterly line of San Bernardino Freeway, Interstate 15, which point is 100.00 feet Northwesterly along said Southwesterly line from the Northwesterly line of Orange Show Road, 100.00 feet wide; therece Southeasterly along said Southwesterly line to the Northwesterly line of said Orange Show Road; thence Southwesterly, Southeasterly and Northeasterly along the Northwesterly, Southwesterly and Southeasterly lines of said Orange Show Road, following its various courses, to the Southerly line of "F" Street; thence Easterly along the said Southerly line to the Westerly line of the said San Bernardino Freeway; thence Southerly along the said Westerly line to the Westerly prolongation of the North line of Parcel No.2, Parcel Map No. 773, as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Parcel Maps, Page 65, records of said County; thence East along said Westerly prolonga- tion and along the North line of said Parcel No.2, to the West line of "E" Street; thence North along the West line of said "E" Street to the Westerly prolongation of the South line of Century Avenue, 60.00 feet wide; thence East along said Westerly prolongation and along the South line of said Century Avenue to a point on a line which is parallel with and 800.00 feet East of the East line of said "E" Street; 82.50 feet wide; thence North parallel with said East line of "E" Street to the South line of siad Lot 45, Block 45, Rancho San Bernardino; thence East along the South line of said Lot 45, Block 54, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL NO.2 BEGINNING at the intersection of the centerline of Waterman Avenue with the South line of the Santa Ana River Flood Control Channel right-of-way; thence East along the Easterly prolongation of said South line and continuing Northeasterly along the Southeasterly line of said Santa Ana River Flood Control Channel right-of-way, following its various courses, being along a line 400.00 feet Southeasterly of the centerline of said right-of-way to the East line of the West 840.00 feet of Lot 8, said Block 72; thence North to the North line of said Lot 8; thence East along the North line of said Lot 8, and Lot 7, said Block 72, to the said Southeasterly line of said Santa Ana River Flood Control Channel right-of-way; thence Northeasterly along said Southeasterly line, following its various courses, to its intersection with a line which bears North 15 degrees 31' East and passes through a point in the South line of Lot 10, said Block 72, said point being 829.67 feet West from the Southeast corner of said Lot 10; thence North 15 degrees 31' East along said line to the Southwesterly line of the Mission Channel Flood Control right-of-way; thence Southeasterly along the said Southwesterly line of the said Mission Channel Flood Control right-of-way to the West line of Lot 11, Block 72, said Rancho San Bernardino; thence South along the West C.,' ."""'_......__~H~'.........".."'_'..;- 2901 line of said Lot 11 to the South line of said Lot 11; thence East along the South line of ~ said Lot 11 and the South line of Lot 12, Block 72, said Rancho San Bernardino and the Easterly prolongation of the South line of said Lot 12 to the East line of Tippecanoe Avenue; thence South along the East line of said Tippecanoe Avenue to the Easterly .....-i prolongation of the North line of Loma Linda Gardens, Tract No. 2743, as per plat recorded in Book 38 of Maps, Page 47, records of said County; thence West along said Easterly prolongation and West along the North line of said Tract No. 2743 to the West line of said Tract No. 2743; thence South along said West line to the South line of said Tract No. 2743; thence East along said South line to the West line of said Tippe- canoe Avenue; thence South along the West line of said Tippecanoe Avenue to the North line of the Redlands Freeway, Interstate 10; thence West along the North line of said Interstate 10, following its various courses, and the Northwesterly prolongation thereof, bearing North 76 degrees 50' 12" West, to the centerline of said Waterman Avenue; thence Southwesterly to a point on the North line of said Interstate 10, being 237.83 feet left of Engineer's Station 173+69.75; thence Northeasterly along the North line of said Interstate 10 to the centerline of said Waterman Avenue; thence North along the center- line of said Waterman Avenue to the POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL NO.3 BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of Lot 11, said Block 72, said Rancho San Bernardino; thence North along the West line of said Lot 11 to the Southwesterly line of the Mission Channel Flood Control right-of-way; thence Northwest along the said Southwesterly line of Mission Channel Flood Control right-of-way to its intersection with a line which bears North 15 degrees 31' East and passes through a point in the South line of Lot 10, said Block 72, said point being 829.67 feet West from the Southeast corner of said Lot 10; thence North 15 degrees 31' East along said line to a point which is 1,302.00 feet measured along said line from the said South line of Lot 10; thence North 50 degrees 42' East to a line which bears South 82 degrees 49' West and passes through a point in the East line of said Lot 11, said point being 1,891.95 feet North from the Southeast corner of said Lot 11; thence North 82 degrees 49' East to the said Southeasterly line of the Santa Ana River Flood Control Channel right-of-way; thence Northeasterly along said Southeasterly right-of-way line, fol- lowing its various courses, to its intersection with a line which bears North 32 degrees 26'00" East and passes through a point which is North 00 degrees 38'30" East 488.01 feet and South 89 degrees 21' 30" East 185.00 feet from the intersection of the centerlines of Tippecanoe and San Bernardino Avenues; thence Southerly to the Southwesterly corner of the most Northerly 25.00 feet of Parcel No. I, said Tract No. 2038; thence East along the South line of the said most Northerly 25.00 feet of Parcel No.1 to the Northeasterly line of said Parcel No.1; thence Southeasterly along the Northeasterly line of said Parcel No.1 to the Northwesterly line of Riverside Street, 50.00 feet wide, being the Northwesterly line of said Tract No. 2948; thence Northeasterly along the Northwesterly line of said Riverside Street; and Northeasterly along the Northwesterly line of said Tract No. 2948, following its various courses, to the West lien of Mountain View Avenue; thence South along the West line of said Mountain View Avenue to the North line of Lot 148, Tract No. 1892, Victoria Farms Unit No. I, as per plat recorded in Book 27 of Maps, Page 27, records of said County; thence West along the North line of said Lot 148 to the East line of Lot 92, said Tract No. 2948; thence South along the ..., ....... - ~ .. r ..... ".,..... ..... ..... ~ .... 2902 East line of said Lot 92 and Lot 125, said Tract No. 2948, to the North line of Wallace Court, 50.00 feet wide; thence West along said North line to the East line of Lot 121, said Tract No. 2948; thence North along the East line of said Lot 121 to the South line of Lot 96, said Tract No. 2948; thence West along the South line of said Lot 96 and West along the South line of Lots 97 to 108, inclusive, said Tract No. 2948, and the Westerly prolongation thereof to the West line of Shedden Drive, 50.00 feet wide; thence North 10.00 feet along the West line of said Shedden Drive to the South line of Lot 168, said Tract No. 2948; thence West along the South line of said Lot 168 to the West line of said Lot 168; thence North 20.00 feet along the West line of said Lot 168 to the South line of Lot 172, said Tract No. 2948; thence West along the South line of said Lot 172 and West along the South line of Lots 173 to 183, inclusive, said Tract No. 2948, to the East line of Richardson Street, 80.00 feet wide; thence South along the East line of said Richardson Street to the North line of Victoria Avenue, 80.00 feet wide; thence continuing South along the East line of Richardson Street, 50.00 feet wide, to the Easterly prolongation of the South line of Lot A, said Tract No. 2038; thence West along said Easterly prlongation, the said South line of Lot A and the South line of Parcel No. 5 and Parcel No. 6 following their various courses, to East line of said Tippecanoe Avenue; thence South along the East line of said Tippecanoe Avenue, following its various courses, to the Easterly prolongation of the South line of Lot 12, Block 72, said Rancho San Bernardino; thence West along said Easterly prolongation and West along the South line of said Lot 12, Block 72, and the South line of Lot 11, Block 72, said Rancho San Bernardino, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Motion was made by Hodgdon and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3111. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hodgdon, Green, Blum, Perea, Guhin and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson RESOLUTION NO. 3112 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REQUESTING THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TO AMEND THE DESIGNATION OF A SURVEY AREA (CENTRAL CITY EAST - THE CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX) WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino have heretofore on January 5, 1970, by Resolution No. 10088, designated certain areas as Survey Areas to study the feasibility of a redevelopment project or projects; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino has prepared, considered and distributed voluminous studies and reports regarding the redevel- opment of the above described areas; and WHEREAS, such studies and reports were made available to the Mayor and Common Council by Resolution NO. 2863 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino; and 2903 ....... WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council have adopted a Resolution entitled: "Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, Authorizing the Execution of 'A Declaration' by the Redevelopment Agency and the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino in Support of 'Public Enterprise' and the Implementation of the Plan of Development - Interim Report, San Bernardino Overall Central City Area" - ; and WHEREAS, the Agency has adopted its Resolution entitled: "Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, Authorizing the Execution of 'A Declaration' by the Redevelopment Agency and the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino in Support of 'Public Enterprise' and the Implementation of the Plan of Development - Interim Report, San Bernardino Overall Central City Area" ; and .... WHEREAS, it has become necessary and desirable to combine certain of the above described Survey Areas and add territory thereto for the study of the feasibility of one redevelopment project. - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino are hereby requested to designate a Survey Area which includes the above described Survey Areas and additional territory, such a requested Survey Area is more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto, (Central City East - The City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex) . Section 2. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 2nd 19 75 day of October w IW. E. Stephenson Chairman - ATTEST: - siP. W. Quinn, Jr. Secretary r ..... ",.... '- r '-- 2904 Exhibit II A II CENTRAL CITY EAST - THE CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX Those portions of Block 2, 14,15, 16,17, 18, 31, 32, 33,34, 47 and 48 of the City of San Bernardino, as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, Page 1; and Blocks 3, 4, 5 and 6, of the Rancho San Bernardino, as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, Page 2; and Fifth Street Place Subdivision, Tract No. 2030, as per plat recorded in Book 29 of Maps, Page 49; and Fifth Street Place Unit No.2, Tract No. 2275, as per plat recorded in Book 32 of Maps, Page 67; and Paine Subdivision, Tract No. 2063, as per plat recorded in Book 29 of Maps, Page 70; and Amended Baldridge Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Book 17 of Maps, Page 38; and Cypress Tract, as per plat recorded in Book 3 of Maps, Page 85; and Meadowbrook Park Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Book 17 of Maps, Page 14; and Wozencraft Place, as per plat recorded in Book 5 of Maps, Page 47; and Bedford Brothers Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Book 3 of Maps, Page 84, all being records of the County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as follows: BEGINNING at the interesection of the East line of Arrowhead Avenue, 82.50 feet wide, with the South line of Third Street, 82.50 feet wide; thence Westerly along the South line of Third Street to a point 101.25 feet East of the Northwest corner of Lot 5, Block 14 of the said City of San Bernardino; thence Southerly and parallel to the East line of IIDII Street to a point 7 inches South of the South line of said Lot 5; thence Easterly and parallel to the South line of said Lot 5 to a point 117.71 feet West of the East line of Lot 4 of said Block 14; thence South to a point 1.8 feet South of the South line of said Lot 5; thence Easterly and parallel to the South line of said Lot 5 to a point 81.00 feet West of the East line of said Lot 4; thence North 1.8 feet to the South line of said Lot 5; thence Easterly along the South line of said Lot 5 to the Southeast corner of said Lot 5; thence Southerly along the West line of Lot 7 of said Block 14 to a point 25.00 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Lot 7, said point being on the North line of the Pacific Electric Railway Company's right-of-way; thence Easterly along the North line of the Pacific Electric Railway Company's right-of-way to the East line of Arrowhead Avenue; thence Southerly along the East line of Arrowhead Avenue to the North line of Second Street; thence Easterly along the North line of Second Street, a distance of 300.00 feet; thence Southerly to a point on the South line of Second Street 300.00 feet East of the Northwest corner of Lot 5, Block 2 of the said City of San Bernardino; thence South- westerly to a point lying 50.00 feet South of the South line of Second Street and 184.00 feet East of the East line of Arrowhead Avenue; thence Southwesterly to a point on the East line of Arrowhead Avenue 225.00 feet South of the Northwest corner of said Lot 5; thence Southerly along the East line of Arrowhead Avenue to the North line of King Street; thence Easterly along the North line of King Street to the West line of Mountain View Avenue; thence Northerly along the West line of Mountain View Avenue to the North line of Second Street; thence Easterly along the North line of Second Street to the East line of Lugo Street, 50.00 feet wide; thence North along the East line of said Lugo Avenue to the South line of said Third Street; thence East along the South line of said Third Street to the centerline of Waterman Avenue, 82.50 feet wide; thence North 2905 along the certerline of said Waterman Avenue to the North line of Seventh Street, 82.50 feet wide; thence West along the North line of said Seventh Street to a point 22.00 feet East of the Southwest corner of Lot 6, Block 3, said Rancho San Bernardino; thence North parallel with the West line of said Lot 6 to the North line of said Lot 6; thence West along the North line of said Lot 6 to the Southeast corner of Lot 4, Block 3, said Rancho San Bernardino; thence Northwesterly to a point on the South line of Ninth Street 82.50 feet wide, which is 167.19 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Lot 4; thence West along the South line of said Ninth Street to the East line of the West 2 acres of said Lot 4; thence South along the East line of the West 2 acres of said Lot 4 to the South line of said Lot 4; thence West along the South line of said Lot 4 to the North- west corner of Lot 7, Block 3, said Rancho San Bernardino; thence South along the West line of said Lot 7 to the North line of said Seventh Street; thence West along the North line of said Seventh Street to the West line of Sierra Way, 82.50 feet wide; thence South along the West line of said Sierra Way to the North line of Victoria Street 35 feet wide; thence West along the North line of said Victoria Street, and the Westerly pro- longation thereof, to the West line of Mountain View Avenue, 82.50 feet wide; thence South along the West line of said Mountain View Avenue to the North line of Lot 1, Block 47, said City of San Bernardino; thence West along the North line of said Lot 1, and the North line of Lots 2, 3, and 4, Block 47, said City of San Bernardino, to the East line of said Arrowhead Avenue; thence South along the East line of said Arrowhead Avenue to the POINT OF BEGINNING ~ - Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3112. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Hodgdon, Green, Perea and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention:' None Absent: Wilson .... ! ...", RESOLUTION NO. 3113 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REQUESTING THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TO AMEND THE DESIGNATION OF A SURVEY AREA (CENTRAL CITY SOUTH) WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino have heretofore on September 6, 1966, by Resolution No. 8321, designated a Survey Area to study the feasibility of a redevelopment project or projects; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino have heretofore on October 20, 1972, by Resolution No. 11195, designated a Survey Area to study the feasibility of a redevelopment project or projects; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino has prepared, considered and distributed voluminous studies and reports regarding the rede- velopment of the above described areas; and ~ WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council have adopted a Resolution entitled: - 2906 ~ "Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, Authorizing the Execution of 'A Declaration' by the Redevelopment Agency and the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino in Support of 'Public Enterprise' and the Implementation of the Plan of Development - Interim Report, San Bernardino Overall Central City Area" r , I , ; and WHEREAS, the Agency has adopted its Resolution entitled: "Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, Authorizing the Execution of 'A Declaration I by the Redevelopment Agency and the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino in Support of 'Public Enterprise' and the Implementation of the Plan of Development - Interim Report, San Bernardino Overall Central City Area" ; and ...... WHEREAS, it has become necessary and desirable to amend the above described Survey Areas to combine parts of such Survey Areas for the study of the feasibility bf one redevelopment project. ".... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino are hereby requested to designate a Survey Area which includes the above described Survey Areas and additional territory, such a requested Survey Area more parti- cularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto (Central City South). Section 2. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 19 75 ?.,., r1 da y of October s/W. E. Stephenson Wayne E. Stephenson Chairman .... ATTEST: .... siP. W. Quinn, Jr. Secretary 2907 Exhibit II A II CENTRAL CITY SOUTH Those portions of Blocks 5, 6, 7 and 8, City of San Bernardino, as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, Page 1; and Blocks 9, 10, 11, 12, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 54, Rancho San Bernardino, as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, Page 2; and Waters Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Book 6 of Maps, Page 47; and Walkinshaw Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Book 24 of Maps, Page 40; and Walkinshaw Sub- division No.2, Tract No. 1728, as per plat recorded in Book 24 of Maps, Page 3; and Liberty Subdivision, Tract No. 1765, as per plat recorded in Book 27 of Maps, Page 45; and the Pepper I s Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Book 17 of Maps, Page 8; and F. J. Hall's Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Book 6 of Maps, Page 45; and J. W. Water's Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, Page 38; and Brown and Waterman Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Book 16 of Maps, Page 31; and Sunnyside Addition, as per plat recorded in Book 1 of Maps, Page 35; and White's Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Book 5 of Maps, Page 67; and White's Subdivision No.2, as per plat recorded in Book 23 of Maps, Page 31; and Urbita, as per plat recorded in Book 3 of Maps, Page 54; and Tract No. 5907, as per plat recorded in Book 79 of Maps, Pages 51 and 52, all being records of the County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the West line of "E" Street, 82.50 feet wide, with the South line of Second Street, 82.50 feet wide; thence South along the West line of said liE" Street to the Westerly prolongation of the South line of Athol Street, 60.00 feet wide; thence East along said Westerly prolongation, the South line of said Athol Street, and the Easterly prolongation thereof, to the East line of Arrowhead Avenue, 82.50 feet wide; thence North along the East line of said Arrowhead Avenue to the South line of Rialto Avenue, 82.50 feet wide; thence East along the South line of said Rialto Avenue to the West line of Mountain View Avenue (closed by City of San Bernardino, Resolution No. 1099); thence South along the West line of said Mountain View Avenue to the North line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company's right-of-way, 50.00 feet wide; thence Southeasterly along the North line of said Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company's right-of-way to the East line of Sierra Way, 82.50 feet wide; thence South along the East line of said Sierra Way to the Easterly prolongation of the South line of Cluster Street, 60.00 feet wide; thence West along said Easterly prolongation and the South line of said Cluster Street to the East line of Arrowhead Avenue, 82.50 feet wide; thence South along the East line of said Arrowhead Avenue to the South line of Esperanza Street, 40.00 feet wide; thence East along the South line of said Esperanza Street to the Southwest corner of Lot 7, Block "A", Case's Acres, Tract No. 1878, as per plat recorded in Book 27 of Maps, Page 23, records of said County; thence East along the South line of said Lot 7 and the Easterly prolongation thereof to the East line of Lot 3, Block 31, said Rancho San Bernardino; thence South along the East line of said Lot 3, and the East line of Lot 4, Block 31, said Rancho San Bernardino, to the Northwesterly right-of-way line of the Twin and Warm Creek Flood Control Channel; thence Southwesterly and South along the Northwesterly and West right-of-way line of said Twin and Warm Creek Flood Con- trol Channel to the South line of Lot 45, Block 54, said Rancho San Bernardino, which ...... - ..., ....... ~ - ,... ! 10 ~ ..... ,,-. -- 2908 is 400.00 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Lot 45; thence West along the South line of said Lot 45 to a point which is North 89 degrees 54' 30" East 1,170.42 feet from an intersection of the South line, of said Lot 45 with the East line of said "E" Street; thence North 00 degrees 10'30" East to a point which is South 00 degrees 10'30" west 580.80 feet from the centerline of Orange Show Road; thence North 89 degrees 16'30" East 300.04 feet; thence North 00 degrees 10'30" East 539.55 feet to the South line of Orange Show Road; thence West along the South line of said Orange Show Road to the Southerly prolongation of the West line of said Arrowhead Avenue; thence North 00 degrees 08'50" East along said Southerly prolongation and the West line of said Arrowhead Avenue to a point which is North 00 degrees 08'50" East 684.71 feet from the centerline of said Orange Show Road; thence South 89 degrees 16'55" West to the East line of said "E" Street; thence North along the East line of said "E" Street to the North right-of-way line of the Warm Creek Flood Control Channel; thence Southwesterly to the intersection of the North right-or-way line of said Warm Creek Flood Control Channel with the West line of said "E" Street; thence Southwesterly along the Northwesterly right-of-way line of said Warm Creek Flood Control Channel to the East right-of-way line of the Lytle Creek Flood Control Channel; thence North- easterly, Northerly and Northwesterly along the East right-of-way line of said Lytle Creek Flood Control Channel to the Southeasterly line of Inland Center Drive, 60.00 feet wide, formerly known as Colton Avenue; thence Southwesterly along the South- easterly line of said Inland Center Drive and the Southwesterly prolongation thereof to the Southeasterly prolongation of the Northeasterly line of the San Bernardino Free- way, Interstate 15; thence North 21 degrees 10'22" West along said Southeasterly prolongation and Northerly along the East line of said Interstate 15, following its various courses, to a point 95.00 feet right of Engineer's Station 320+64.00; thence leaving said East line Northerly to a point 99.00 feet right of Engineer's Station 326+75.55; thence Northerly along the East line of said Interstate 15 to the South line of Mill Street, 82.50 feet wide; thence Northwesterly to the intersection of the North line of said Mill Street with the East line of said Interstate 15; thence Northerly along said East line, following its various courses to a point 95.00 feet right of Engineer's Station 334+ 12.00; thence leaving said East line Northerly to a point 99.00 feet right of Engineer's Station 337+70.00; thence Northerly along the East line of said Interstate 15, following its various courses, to the South line of said Second Street, 82.50 feet wide; thence East along the South line of said Second Street to the POINT OF BEGINNING Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3113. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Hodgdon, Green, Perea and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM: Authorization was requested to adopt a resolution amending the contract between the Redevelopment Agency and the Public Employees Retirement System. The "... Board adopted a previous resolution setting forth its intention to amend the contract. This resolution allows for the actual execution of the contract. The resolution ..... is as follows: 2<xl9 RESOLUTION NO. 3114 --- RESOLUTION OF THE MEMBERS AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT PROVIDING FOR THE PARTICIPATION OF THE REDE- VELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO IN THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES I RETIREMENT SYSTEM, MAKING ITS EMPLOYEES MEMBERS OF SAID SYSTEM - WHEREAS, the Board of Administration of the Public Employees I Retirement System and the Agency Members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, entered into a Contract effective on September 1, 1966, providing for the participation of said Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino in the Public Employees I Retirement System; and WHEREAS, it is now desirable to take advantage of certain benefits provided under said Retirement System, and not included in said contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Agency Members authorized, and it does hereby authorize, an amendment to said Contract, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto marked Exhibit A, and by such reference made a part hereof as though herein set out in full; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the presiding officer of said Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino be, and he is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to execute said amendment for and on behalf of said Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California. ..., -..i ADOPTED this 2nd day of October, 1975. s/Wayne E. Stephenson Wayne E. Stephenson Chairman ATTEST: siP. W. Quinn, Jr. P. W. Quinn, Jr. Secretary Motion was made by Green and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3114. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Perea, Hodgdon, Blum, Guhin and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson NAHRO CONFERENCE, OCTOBER 12-15, LOS ANGELES: ...... The Members were advised that a National NAHRO Conference will be held in Los Angeles, October 12-15, 1975. Mr. Green stated that he received a call from -...J r L- ",... ..... ,.. ...... 2910 a gentleman in Los Angeles responsible for setting up the visual aids for the conference. The gentlemen spoke very highly of the Agency's Audio-Visual Pre- sentation and asked if he could arrange to have the presentation shown at the conference. This would give the Plan of Development very wide viewing. It was explained that approximately 2,000 Chapters of NAHRO will be attending the conference. Mrs. Blum stated that she felt this was a great complement to the Agency to be asked to present our Plan of Development through the audio visual presentation. The foll~wing resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3115 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO TAKE ALL STEPS NECESSARY IN PRESENTING THE PLAN OF DEVEL- OPMENT, AUDIO-VISUAL PRESENTATION AT THE NATIONAL NAHRO CONFERENCE, OCTOBER 12-15,1975, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, AND AUTHORIZING THE ATTENDANCE OF AGENCY BOARD MEMBERS AT SAID CONFERENCE WHEREAS, a National NAHRO Conference is being held in Los Angeles, on October 12-15, 1975; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has been asked to present the Plan of Devel- opment, Audio-Visual Presentation at said National NAHRO Conference; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has determined that the presentation of said Audio-Visual Presentation at the NAHRO Conference would be to a great advantage to the City of San Bernardino. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Director is hereby authorized to take all steps necessary in presenting the Plan of Development, Audio-Visual Pre- sentation at the National NAHRO Conference, October 12-15, 1975 in Los Angeles, California. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any interested Board Members are hereby authorized to attend said conference, and their travel expenses are hereby approved in accordance with Resolution No. 2043, as amended. Motion was made by Hodgdon and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3115. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hodgdon, Green, Blum, Perea, Guhin and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson RESIDENT INSPECTOR, PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER: It was explained that authorization was given at the Special Meeting of September 29, 1975 to invite proposals for a resident inspector for the Public Enterprise 2911 Center. Requests for proposals have been sent to all engineering firms in the area. A breakdown of the proposals received was submitted, setting forth their hourly and proposed monthly rates. The low proposal was received from CHJ Material Laboratory in the amount of $19,168.40. Mr. Quinn stated that CHJ is very reliable and had performed services for the Agency in the past. After careful review, the following resolution was introduced: .... - RESOLUTION NO. 3116 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND CHJ MATERIALS LABORATORY IN THE AMOUNT OF $19,168.40 FOR RESIDENT INSPECTION SERVICES ON THE PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER, (OPERATION SECOND CHANCE, INC.) WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency is seeking services of a Resident Inspector to run concurrent with the construction of the Public Enterprise Center located at Highland and Western Avenues, San Benardino, CA; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment agency solicited proposals from eight engineering firms; and WHEREAS, six proposals were submitted with C H J Materials Laboratory submitting the low proposal for 243 days, hourly rate of $13,85, monthly rate of $2,400.00 and a total amount of not more than $19,168.40. .., ...... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that the Chairman and Secretary be hereby authorized to enter into Contract with C H J Materials Laboratory for Resident Inspection Services for the Public Enterprise Center (Operation Second Chance, Inc.) in an amount not to ex- ceed the contract price of $19,168.40. Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3116. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Blum, Green, Guhin, Hodgdon and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER - AUTHORIZATION TO IMPLEMENT NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO INITIATE THE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION FUNDS: Mr. Guhin read the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 3117 .....,.. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO IMPLEMENT THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO INITIATE THE INTERIM CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER - r- i ~ L.... "... ...... "... '- 2912 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino has been authorized to start the construction of the Public Enterprise Center in coordination and cooperation with Operation Second Chance and Interim Construction Funds being furnished through the Redevelopment Agency are based on a combination of committments; and WHEREAS, Economic Development Administration will provide a $500,000 Grant for said Public Enterprise Center; and WHEREAS, on April 7, 1975 the Mayor and Common Council approved $200,000 towards the assistance of the construction of this project; and WHEREAS, on April 7, 1975, Mayor W. R. Holcomb, by letter to Wilmer D. Mizell, Jr. , Assistant Secretary for Economic Development, ratified his authorization by the Common Council to advise the Economic Development Administration of the City's committment of $200,000 towards the planning and construction costs of the Public Enterprise Center; and WHEREAS, on August 30, 1975, the Mayor and Common Council received from the Rede- velopment Agency a letter as to the Progress of the Public Enterprise Center - Operation Second Chance, Inc.; and WHEREAS, on September 8, 1975 the Mayor and Common Council passed a Resolution allocating an additional $100,000 from next years Community Development Funds for the construction of the Public Enterprise Center. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Executive Director is hereby authorized to implement the necessary documentation to initiate the Interim Construction Funds for the develop- ment of the Public Enterprise Center. Mr. Hodgdon recommended that copies of this resolution be forwarded by the Executive Director to the Mayor and Common Council. All Agency Board Members agreed. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3117, and instructing the Executive Director to forward copies of said Resolution to the Mayor and Common Council. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Perea, Hodgdon, Blum, Guhin and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION TO JERRY WINSTEAD: Mr. Green stated that at a previous meeting the Agency adopted a resolution honoring Mr. Winstead, former Special Assistant to the Chairman, for his services with the Redevelopment Agency. A plaque has been prepared for the resolution. Mr. Green read the resolution as follows and presented it to Mr. Winstead: 2913 RESOLUTION NO. 3096 IIIIIIII! RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, COMMENDING JERRY T. WINSTEAD - WHEREAS, Mr. Jerry T. Winstead was a loyal and honorable employee of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California. from March 22, 1975 until September 8, 1975; and WHEREAS, Mr. Winstead served faithfully as the Special Assistant to the Chairman; and WHEREAS, Mr. Winstead was instrumental in coordinating projects such as the Public Enterprise Center, the Mount Vernon Community Center Complex, the Central City Transportation Center and Transit Maintenance Center, the Municipal Service Center, the YWCA and YMCA - Senior Citizens Service Center, the Public Safety Facility and the Central City Library; and WHEREAS, the Agency Board and Staff of the Redevelopment Agency desire to express their appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Jerry T. Winstead for his tireless efforts and devotion to duty throughout this planning phase. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, does hereby commend Mr. Jerry T. Winstead for his outstanding ability, leadership, public spirit, devotion to duty and distinguished service as the Special Assistant to the Chairman. ..., ..... BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a suitable plaque of this resolution be prepared and presented to Mr. Jerry T. Winstead on behalf of the Agency, its Members and Staff. All Board Members thanked Mr. Winstead for his outstanding service. Mr. Winstead expressed his appreciation for the plaque. DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS: Mr. Stephenson stated that he is the manager of Saveway Leasing with Roger Harmon Motors. He stated that if anything comes up regarding any conflict of interest, his files will be made available through himself or his attorney. PRELIMINARY AUDIT FINDINGS: Mr. Hodgdon read the following letter regarding the Preliminary Audit Findings: ~ - ,... It ~ [i " ..... ",.... '- ,.... ..... 2914 October 2, 1975 The Honorable W. R. Holcomb and Members of the Common Council 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, California 92418 Re: PRELIMINARY AUDIT FINDINGS CENTRAL CITY PROJECT, CALIF. R-79 Dear Honorable Mayor and Common Council: Enclosed herewith you will find a copy of the six Preliminary Audit Findings given to the Redevelopment Agency last month, prior to final determination by HUD. Said Findings that have been profusely distributed throughout the com- munity have by design or inadvertently overlooked the fact that there was an Agency Reply written by Executive Director, Peter W. Quinn, Jr., which clarified said preliminary finding and was always attached thereto and made a part thereof. As of this date, Executive Director, Peter W. Quinn, Jr., has informed me that he has discussed said six Audit Findings with HUD Supervising Auditors, J. Ernest Kleeman and David McCarter, which were in the Agency office as of this date, and they are subsequently recommending withdrawal of Findings No.3, 4, 5 and 6. Therefore, there remains only two Preliminary Audit Findings, for clarification or withdrawal, which are the following: Finding No.2. Covering unauthorized and undocumented travel expenses in the amount of $2,355.16, which covers (1) Expenses paid for unauthorized travelers; (2) First Class airfare in excess of coach rates; and (3) Perdiem exceeding the $40.00 daily limit. Finding No.1. Administrative costs not being allocated to Non-Federal activities in the amount of $1,044.228.01. I am attaching herewith the current reply dated October 2, 1975 from Executive Director Peter W. Quinn, Jr., pertaining to Audit Finding No.1, which outlines support for withdrawl of this Finding. The following Findings were recommended for withdrawal: Finding No.3. Overpayment in legal fees and expenses. The differencial dis- allowed being the $40.00 an hour for legal services authorized by HUD and the $50.00 per hour being paid the Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory. Finding No.4. Duplicated and unsupported site improvement costs -- questioned $1,626,317. Finding No.5. Sales price of land sold was less than minimum prices allocated by HUD -- questioned $15,932.06. Finding No.6. Questioned salary costs -- $4,706.88, as to Assistant to the Chair- man, Mr. Jerome T. Winstead. iltl~' 2915 Furthermore, I would like to point out for the record that as to Findings2, 3,4, and 5, I was not a Member of the Board during the time of decisions relative to these particular Findings; and secondly, the policy formulated as to Finding No. 1 was set by a previous Board that was subsequently reconstituted as to the present Board Members. Also enclosed herewith is a copy of a list of 54 books which rep- resent hard work and dedication for the implementation of the Overall Central City Plan of Development, which are made up of Official Documents and Reports that have been and will be distributed and made available to the Mayor and Common Council, Board of Supervisors, various committees, organizations, individuals and the community. ....... - As a separate issue as to personal contributions that my family has made to the Rede- velopment Agency, I would like to cite the following sections of the California Health and Safety Code: Section 33132. The Agency may accept financial assistance from public or private sources as authorized by Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 33600) or any other provision in this part. Section 33133. The agency may accept any other assistance from the State or Federal government or any public or private source for any redevelopment project within its area of operation or for the Agency's activities, powers, and duties. In conclusion, it is apparent that the Agency staff has made great progress towards resolving the Preliminary Audit Findings, and my family shall remain available to contribute to the Agency, the community and "Public Enterprise", towards which we firmly believe and in the American Way. .., - Respectfully yours, Warner W. Hodgdon Agency Board Member WWH: sab Encl. See attached Distribution Table Mayor and Common Council, City of San Bernardino Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino Board Members Members of the San Bernardino Executive Committee Members of the Redevelopment Agency's Technical Advisory Committee Members of the San Bernardino Business Advisory Committee Members of the Central City North Project Area Committee Members of the San Bernardino Economic Development Council Members of the San Bernardino Civic Center Authority Members of the San Bernardino Public Safety Authority Members of the San Bernardino Unified School District Ralph Prince, City Attorney, City of San Bernardino ~ ...... r L.... ,.... '-- r- t L- 2916 Marshall Julian, City Administrator, City of San Bernardino Robert A. Covington, County Administrator, County of San Bernardino County of San Bernardino, Board of Supervisors County of San Bernardino, Board of Supervisors, Field Representatives Howard Littlefield, Administrator, Program Development Agency, County of San Bernardino Robert Rigney, Environmental Improvement Agency Administrator, County of San Bernardino Ivan Hopkins, Special Redevelopment Agency Counsel Inland Action Incorporated, a Non-Profit Organization Executive Committee, San Bernardino Chamber of Commerce Meredyth Savage Jordan, League of Women Voters of San Bernardino Joe Baker, Sun Company William Rodgers, Sun Company Richard Kimball, Sun Company William Harrison, El Chicano Community Newspaper Sam Martin, The San Bernardino American News Arthur P. Townsend, Precinct Reporter Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Green instructing the Executive Director to disburse the above letter to the Mayor and Common Council and the various organizations and committees named on the Distribution Table. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Green, Guhin, Hodgdon, Perea and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson Mr. Stephenson read the following letter from Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon to him- self: October 2, 1975 Mr. Wayne Stephenson Chairman Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino 300 North IfDIf Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 Dear Mr. Stephenson and Board Members: As you know, in my letter to the Redevelopment Agency Board of August 4, 1975, copies of which were forwarded to the Mayor and Common Council and other organizations and individuals throughout the community, I pointed out that my present term as a member of the Redevelopment Agency Board expired September 2, 1975. Mayor W. R. Holcomb personally requested that I remain for an additional thirty days in order to complete the 54 books of data and documentation that have been and will be distributed and made available to the Mayor and Common Council and the Community. ll._........._.i.~~""_,~.,.....w....." 2917 He also felt that this transition period would allow for the continued progress of the Redevelopment Agency and the election of new officers. I have complied with Mayor Holcomb's request and I hereby submit my resignation effective October 2, 1975. ~ - I appreciate working with the Board as I have previously stated in writing, and will always be available for any support that I may freely give. Respectfully yours, s/Warner W. Hodgdon 5:30 p.m. Warner W. Hodgdon WWH/bb Mr. Green stated that words could not express the the amount of appreciation that Mr. Hodgdon deserved from the entire City family and community, put that a plaque has been prepared of the Resolution No. 3106, honoring Mr. Hodgdon. Mr. Green read the resolution as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 3106 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO COMMENDING WARNER W. HODGDON WHEREAS, Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon has twice served the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino as a Board Member -- from March 7, 1967 through Feb- rubary 24, 1969, and again from August 6, 1973 through October 2, 1975; and ~ ....... WHEREAS, Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon by unanimous vote of his fellow Board Members served as Agency Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency from April 6, 1967 to February 24, 1969 and again from September 20, 1973 to October 2, 1975; and WHEREAS, Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon gave freely of his time, efforts and contri- butions to the Redevelopment Agency; and WHEREAS, by virtue of his outstanding ability and individual sacrifice as Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency, Mr. Hodgdon has influenced the revitalization and growth of the City of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, the Members and Staff of the Redevelopment Agency desire to express their appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon for his vision and talent. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, does hereby commend and honor Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon for his distinguished public service and highly successful tenure as Member and Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California. ...... - [ r ; L [ 2918 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a suitable plaque of this resolution be prepared and presented to Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon on behalf of the Agency, its Members and Staff. Mr. Hodgdon expressed his appreciation for the plaque and resolution. Mr. Green thanked Mr. Hodgdon for his diligent work in putting together the Plan of Development, which the Agency Board will continue to implement. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Perea accepting Mr. Hodgdon's resignation, effective October 2, 1975, with regrets. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Perea, Guhin, Blum and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: Hodgdon Absent: Wilson Motion was made by Green and seconded by Blum accepting with regrets Mr. Guhin's resignation as Vice Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency, effective October 2, 1975, and thanking him for his efforts and talents. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Blum, Perea, Hodgdon and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: Guhin Absent: Wilson ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Hodgdon and seconded by Green adjourning the meeting at 5: 30 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hodgdon, Green, Perea, Blum, Guhin and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson P. "'''''"~'''''.lllli'nl:.'l.tUl~ W-N: n .,_~ ;-':<l~~"-. 2919 JrUij(T DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM, THE REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 16, 1975 WAS POSTPONED UNTIL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1975. ..... -- I P. J --." ........- [ ,.-- '- r t, ~ ! ~ 2920 MINUTES OF THE POSTPONED REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVE- LOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 1975, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman called the order at 4: 12 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Guhin, Blum, Green and Stephenson Agency Members Absent: Perea and Wilson Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary MINUTES: The Minutes of the Special Meeting of September 20, 1975 were presented for approval. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Green approving the Minutes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Green, Guhin and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Wilson The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 2, 1975 were submitted for approval. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Blum approving the Minutes as sub- mitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Guhin, Stephenson and Blum Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Wilson REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory stated that he had nothing to report at this time. YWCA and SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY TRANSACTION: It was explained that the Agency has two escrows to consider. One escrow is between the Agency and SAFECO Title, disposing of the YWCA site and surrounding properties. The other is the transfer of the YWCA property to the Redevelopment Agency, with the assumption that both escrows will close on the same date, (on or before December 29th) . SAFECO prepared the escrow instructions and they were received just prior to this meeting. The escrow instructions between the YWCA and the Redevelopment Agency were not explicit in following all of the terms and conditions desired by the YWCA. It was requested that the escrow instructions be approved, with the condition that the YWCA's letter of October 22nd to Mr. William E. Leonard be incorporated as part of said escrow. Mr. Leonard read the following letter sent to Dr. Margaret Lenz, President of the YWCA: OJ U UIiIU_W~- -ur _ ~- l ""I 2921 October 20, 1975 ...... Dr. Margaret Lenz, President Young Women's Christian Association 498 Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92401 ~,r .... Dear Peg: Mayor W. R. Holcomb and Mr. Warner Hodgdon, Chairman of the Relocation Committee, has asked that I request of you a Special Meeting of the YWCA Board for the purpose of formulating acceptable terms and conditions for the sale of the YWCA property at 5th and Arrowhead Ave. As you and your Board know, the planned disposition of the YWCA property is to Safe co for their San Bernardino headquarters. I have every confidence that the proposal set forth below will be ratified by the Redevelopment Agency at its meeting Thursday, October 23, 1975, subject only to the con- current conveyance of the subject property to Safeco. Purchaser: Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino Price: $260,000.00 Terms: 10% down with the balance evidenced by General Obligation note at 7% interest payable quarterly; all due two years from close of escrow. ] Other Conditions: (1) Redevelopment Agency to provide, at no cost to the YWCA, the moving of its personal properties from the present location of the YWCA to the interim location and then to the permanent site. (2) Redevelopment Agency to provide the building on Lugo Avenue in the 500 block (also known as Agricultural Building) rent free for a 24 month period. At the termination of two years, and if the facilities for the permanent YWCA are under construction but not completed, the YWCA mat continue at these premises on a month to month basis rent free for an additional period not to exceed six months. Utilities will be the responsibility of the YWCA. (3) Attached hereto is a list of deficiencies as determined by the YWCA in the so-called Agricultural Building. Redevelopment Agency agrees to com- plete these repairs before move to Agricultural Building. ....... (4) Redevelopment Agency agrees to provide interim swimming facilii- ties adequate to carryon its instructional program prior to move to Agricul- tural Building. -- Ot.~.~ 2922 [ (5) Date of possession to be December 31st, 1975. (6) Date of close of escrow as early as possible, but not later than December 31st, 1975. (7) The escrow will provide for the customary division of charges and pro-rations. (8) This proposal is subject to the acquisition by Safeco of the demised property. If your Board agrees, it would be in order for them to authorize the appropriate officers to enter an escrow agreement. With this action, this matter will be pre- sented to the Redevelopment Agency Board for their authorization. With these authorizations completed, an escrow would be opened at Safeco this Friday, October 24th. This proposal has been long in coming. I trust that it covers all of the concerns that have manifested themselves this past year. My many thanks to you for your dedication and many hours spent in attempting to resolve a very difficult assign- ment. A special salute to your Board and the special committees whose continuing work has permitted the YW to proceed this far toward a new home serving future benera tions . r L Yours very sincerely. W. E. Leonard Mr. Leonard stated that it was made clear at the meeting with the YWCA that no brokerage fees were involved within this transaction. Dr. Lenz answered the letter from Mr. Leonard, as follows: October 22, 1975 Mr. William Leonard Postoffice Box 613 San Bernardino, CA 92401 Dear Bill: [ As you requested on behalf of Mayor Holcomb and Warner Hodgdon, I called a special board meeting of the Young Women's Christian Association of San Ber- nardino on Tuesday, October 21. 1975, to finalize acceptable terms and conditions for the sale of the property at 498 North Arrowhead Avenue, and an interim move to the Agricultural Building on Lugo Avenue. The YW Board voted to accept the interim move proposal and the sale of said property with one major exception, as well as four clarifying conditions. The 2923 major exception is the selling price. The Board of Directors has instructed me to accept no offer other than $282,000. We cannot accept less than the . fair appraisal that is public knowledge and the $282,000 offer that was printed in the newspaper on September 25th. It would be difficult to expect the community to support the difference of $22,000, as well as help provide addi- tional capital development funds that will be needed for our very modest Phase I facility. The terms of the sale are cash. .., f ....... All of the clarifying conditions have been orally discussed many times and agreed upon but not made explicit in writing before. They are: 1. A signed fifty year lease at $1.00 per year with the City of San Bernardino. 2. Interim pool near the Agricultural Building shall be heated. 3. YW requests retention of iron gates, stair tiles, six matching wooden doors in lobby and bronze name plate of fouding board members in the entry way. 4. Approval of Escrow Agreement by our attorney, Caywood Borror. We are attaching an amended copy of the conditions you had presented us in writing. Some of the changes were made only to reflect greater clarity. J On behalf of the YW board and staff, I want to thank you for your time during these negotiations. We are indeed appreciative. With best wishes to you, I am Very Sincerely, s/Margaret Lenz Dr. Margaret Lenz, President Board of Directors cc: Mayor Robert Holcomb Mr. Wallace Green The revised conditions of sale were read as follows: Revised conditions of sale and interim move as stated in Wm. Leonard's letter and attachment to Peg Lenze dated October 20, 1975: Purchaser: Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ....... - [ [ r L... 2924 Price: $282,000.00 Terms: Cash upon close of escrow Other Conditions: (1) Redevelopment Agency to provide, at no cost to the YWCA, the moving of its personal properties from the present locat~on of the YWCA to the interim location and then to the permanent site. (2) Redevelopment Agency to provide the building on Lugo Avenue in the 500 block (also known as Agricultural Building) rent free for a 24 month period. At the termination of two years, and if the facilities for the permanent YWCA are under construction but not completed, the YWCA may continue at these premises on a month to month basis rent free for an additional period not to exceed six months. Utilities will be the responsibility of the YWCA. (3) Attached hereto is a list of deficiencies as determined by the YWCA in the so-called Agricultural Building. Redevelopment Agency agrees to com- plete these repairs before move to Agricultural Building. (4) Redevelopment Agency agrees to provide the YWCA heated interim swimming facility adequate to carryon an instructional program including young children. These facilities shall be available prior to a YW move to the Agricultural Building. (5) Date of possession to be December 31st, 1975. (6) Date of close of escrow as early as possible, but not later than December 31, 1975. (7) The escrow will provide for the customary division of charges and pro-rations. (8) This proposal is subject to the acquisition by SAFECO of the demised property. Mrs. Blum asked why it was the obligation of the Agency to pay for a swimming pool. Mr. Leonard stated that the pool is one of the conditions the YW has named for the transaction. The pool is also a source of income to the YW, and the reason for many memberships. The representatives from the YWCA were asked if all conditions had been covered. They indicated that they had. Authorization was requested for the Executive Dir- ector and Chairman to execute all necessary documents, for the purchase of the YWCA property. After discussion the following resolution was introduced: 2925 RESOLUTION NO 0 3118 .... RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA. AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESS- ARY FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE YWCA PROPERTY ...... WHEREAS. the Redevelopment Agency desires to purchase the YWCA property located at 498 North Arrowhead Avenue from the YWCA for disposition to SAFECO Title Insurance Company; and WHEREAS. the YWCA has offered to sell said property to the Redevelopment Agency under certain conditions of sale; and WHEREAS. said conditions of sale are incorporated as an attachment to their letter dated October 22. 1975 to Mr 0 William Leonard; and WHEREAS. the Agency Members have reviewed said sale and have approved the Conditions of Sale as proposed by the YWCA 0 NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. California. that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into escrow with the YWCA for the purchase of property located at 498 North Arrowhead Avenue. for the purchase price of $282.0000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary are authorized to execute any and all documents necessary for the purchase of said property and that the Conditions of Sale as presented by the YWCA in their letter of October 22. 1975. to Mr 0 William Leonard. are hereby accepted and shall be incorporated within said escrow 0 J Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No 0 3118. authorizing the execution of all necessary documents for the purchase of the YWCA property. and approving the Conditions of Sale presented by the YWCA. The motion was carried by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Blum. Green. Guhin and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Wilson 4: 30 p om 0 - Mr 0 Perea arrived at the meeting 0 Authorization was requested to enter into escrow and execute all the necessary documents for the sale of the parcel to be purchased from the YWCA to SAFECO Title Insurance Company 0 The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO 0 3119 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA. AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 498 NORTH ARROWHEAD AVENUE TO SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ~ -...Ii [, [ r L. 2926 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency entered into a Predisposition Agreement with SAFECO Title Insurance Company on May 7, 1974, for the disposition of property located at 498 North Arrowhead Avenue, for development as a title insurance building; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said Agreement, the Redevelopment Agency is entering into escrow with the YWCA, owners of said parcel located at 498 North Arrowhead Avenue, for the disposition of this parcel of property to SAFECO Title Insurance Company; 'and WHEREAS, the Agency Members have reviewed said sale and have approved the Escrow Instructions as submitted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into escrow with SAFECO Title Insurance Company, for the disposition of property located at 498 North Arrowhead Avenue, for the purchase price of $301,399.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents for the disposition of this parcel to SAFECO Title Insurance Company. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3119. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Perea, Blum, Guhin and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson WALLACE GREEN - ADDITIONAL CHECK SIGNER: The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3120 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING WALLACE GREEN AS AN ADDITIONAL CHECK SIGNER FOR AGENCY CHECKS AND VOUCHERS WHEREAS, by appropriate actions of the Agency Board, check signers have been named as follows: Mrs. Hugo Blum and Mr. Alan E. Guhin; and WHEREAS, by appropriate actions of the Agency Board, countersigners have been designated as follows: Mr. Wayne E. Stephenson and P. W. Quinn, Jr.; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to designate one additional check signer for Agency checks and vouchers; and ~,..",,,,",___.,,,,,,*,,-~*~....~:,j~-1"L_.n!. .,l1>,If:, "if 1~'tl,'l"",';";''' 2927 WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Agency to designate Wallace Green as an additional Check Signer. ...... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that Wallace Green is hereby designated as an additional Check Signer for Agency checks and orders for the payment of money for the Rede- velopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California. ...... BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Agency Check Signers are - Mrs. Hugo Blum, Mr. Alan E. Guhin and Mr. Wallace Green; and Agency Countersigners are - Mr. Wayne E. Stephenson and Mr. P. W. Quinn, Jr. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3120. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Green, Perea and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson FRANKLIN PRESS - INCREASE IN UPSET FIGURES: Authorization was requested to increase the upset figures in contracts with Franklin Press for printing services in connection with the Reports to Ac- company the Redevelopment Plans. Mr. Quinn explained that the extra costs are for additional work involved. J Mr. Green stated that the Agency just today received a letter from Gruen Asso- ciates stating that a credit to our contracts with them in the amount of $36,335 has been computed. Mr. Quinn asked that the letter be spread on the Minutes. Said letter is as follows: October 22, 1975 Mr. Peter W. Quinn, Jr. Executive Director Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 Dear Mr. Quinn: The following status report represents a summary of current San Bernardino contracts and Gruen Associates I recommendations for the logical completion of redevelopment activities the Agency has undertaken. ....... After a review of the remaining funds allocated in the respective graphic exhibit budgets for the San Bernardino redevelopment projects and consider- ........ [ r '- [ 2928 ation of the presentation related expenses that are expected within the next month or.so, we find that ninety-five percent of Gruen Associates' work has been completed, leaving a substantial difference from the aggregate total for the various projects. The expected billings and recommendations for comple- tion of the redevelopment projects will be explained below. The funds remaining in the respective exhibit budgets are as follows: 5515-x-1 5516-x-1 5517-x-1 5518-x-1 5600-x-1 Central City South Central City East Southeast Industrial Park State College Project No.4 Central City North Total $14,289.00 17,370.00 12,927.00 13,008.00 11,925.00 $69,519.00 The cost associated with the following items will be paid from this aggregate total, leaving a remaining balance of Redevelopment Agency funds. 1. The Redevelopment Plan Reports for Central City East - The City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex; Central City South; and the Southeast Industrial Park Industrial-Transportation-Distribution Center have been completed, as well as the Supplemental Redevelopment Plan Report for Central City North. These reports were delivered to the Agency by Franklin Press in mid-September, 1,000 copies were printed. 2. The Redevelopment Plan Report - Update 1975 for the State College Project No.4 is now ready to be printed. It is expected to go to the printer early next week after it has been reviewed by our legal counsel. The anti- cipated billings for printing services is expected to be approximately $8,000 for 1,000 copies. 3. With regard to the State College Project No.4 Redevelopment Report - Update 1975, Gruen Associates has prepared an illustrative concept panel which will be reproduced as a full color poster to be included in the pocket provided in the State College Redevelopment Report. The cost of this poster is estimated to be approximately $2,000 for 3,000 copies and $2,400 for 5,000 copies. 4. The General Public Works Capital Improvements Reports for the Over- all Central City Area Statement of Mutual Benefits and the Southeast Industrial Park Project Tax Incremental Income and Bonding Capacity Analysis have been completed and billings from Franklin Press are $5,190. 5. The General Public Works Capital Improvements Report for State College Project No.4 is ready to be typeset and is currently estimated that the typesetting and printing costs will be approximately $2,500. 6. The Official Redevelopment Plans as prepared by James Warren Beebe, legal counsel, have been completed and delivered to the Agency for Central 2929 City East, Central City South, and the Southeast Industrial Park Redevelop- ment Projects. The total billings for these documents are $6,564. ..... Gruen Associates I recommendations for the logical completion of services for the redevelopment projects:. ..... 7. Presentation panels for public hearings on the redevelopment projects should be prepared for Central City East, Central City South, Southeast Industrial Park and the State College Project No.4. These supportive presenta- tion panels will be used at the public hearing for the respective redevelopment projects some time early in 1976. Included in the presentation will be visual materials including the Redevelopment Plan Map, existing conditions graphics and photographs; Plan of Development graphics and maps depicting the pro- posed circulation system, utilities, landscaping and street lighting frameworks, graphics program and project character. It is recommended that these panels be prepared under the existing budgets and kept until such time as they are needed for the upcoming public hearings. It is estimated that the cost of producing these graphic presentation panels will be approximately $750 per project area, or $3,000 for the four redevelopment projects. 8. In keeping with the Agency I s goals and policies, it is recommended that a State College Project No. 4 topographic model be undertaken. Informa- tive in nature, the model would depict the relationships of various elements of the Plan of Development for State College Porject No.4, including the Shandin Hills Open Space Regional Park, proposed public golf courses, new residential opportunity areas, California State College and the Bicentennial Amphitheater. Enclosed please find a proposal from Presentation Associates which outlines the scope of work for the proposed State College Model. Pre- sentation Associates I fee for the State College Model would be $5,625, and an additional fee of $275 for a hardwood base trim and plexiglass cover (see a ttached letter). J 9. It is currently anticipated that Gruen Associates I staff members would be involved in answering the various comments received from State and local agencies on the Environmental Impact Reports submissions for the various rede- velopment projects. The expenses associated with the response to these comments could be accom- modated within the framework of the Executive Director's authorization for services within $1,000 budget increments. Summary of Items 2 through 7: 2. State College Project No. 4 Redevelopment Plan Report - Update 1975 $ 8,000 ...... 3. State College Illustration Concept Poster 2,400 ....... [ rl I ~ [ 2930 4. General Public Works Capital Improvements Mutual Benefits - Overall Central City Area and Southeast Industrial Park Tax Incremental Income and Bonding Capacity Analysis 5,190 5. General Public Works Capital Improvements for State College Project No. 4 2,500 6. Official Redevelopment Plans: CCE, CCS, SEIP 6,564 7. Presentation Panels: CCS, CCE, SEIP, State College Project No. 4 3,000 Subtotal Contingency 20% Total $27,654 5,530 $33,184 Existing Graphic Exhibit Budget Aggregate Total $69,519.00 Less Outstanding Billings and Estimated Completion Budget 33,184.00 Remaining Balance $36,335.00 Note: The State College Project Model (Item 8) would be handled under a separate Agency contract with Presentation Associates. Sincerely yours, GRUEN ASSOCIATES, INC. Roy Kroll Prj ect Planner It was stated that the additional costs involved with the contract amendments to the Franklin Press Contracts was warranted. After further review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3121 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING CONTRACT AMEND- MENTS TO CONTRACTS WITH FRANKLIN PRESS, PRINTING SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH REPORTS TO ACCOMPANY THE REDEVELOP- MENT PLANS 2931 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 3087 authorized the Chairman and Secretary to enter into contracts with Franklin Press for printing services in connection with the Reports to accompany the Redevelopment Plans for the Central City South Project, the Southeast Industrial Parks Project, the Central City East Project and the Central City North Project; and ... ;~ ...... WHEREAS, it has become necessary to increase the contract amounts for these pro- j ect a:r:eas . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Revelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute Contract Amendments to contracts with Franklin Press, as follows: The Contract for the Southeast Industrial Park Report, shall be increased by $150.12. Said contract shall be changed from a total compensation of $7,484 to an amount not to exceed $7,634.12. The Contract for the Central City South Report shall be increased by $838.06. Said contract shall be changed from a total compensation of $7,484 to an amount not to exceed $8,322.06. The Contract for the Central City North Report shall be increased by $2,328.42. Said contract shall be changed from a total compensation of $7,484 to an amount not to exceed $9,812.42. J Motion was made by Green and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3121. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Perea, Blum, Guhin and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson NAHRO ANNUAL WORKSHOP: The Executive Director advised the Members that a NAHRO Annual Workshop is scheduled for November 16-17, 1975, in Burlingame, California. Mr. Green stated that the last item on the agenda for the workshop, is a matter on the Tax Incremental Studies. This item could prove very helpful to redevelopment activities, and that he felt that attendance at this conference would be very beneficial. Mr. Green further stated that he would like to attend the conference if his schedule would permit. Mr. Flory,. Agency Counsel, stated that he would also like to attend for information regarding this item. RESOLUTION NO. 3122 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE ATTENDANCE OF TWO STAFF MEMBERS, AGENCY COUNSEL, AND BOARD MEMBER WALLACE GREEN, AT A NAHRO ANNUAL WORKSHOP, NOVEMBER 16- 17, 1975, BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA ~ ....... r L.. ,- , I '- [ 2932 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2043 of the Redevelopment Agency requires that each trip made by an Agency Member or Staff Member outside of the City of San Bernardino, be specifically authorized by a resolution; and WHEREAS, it is found essential for certain members to attend the NAHRO Annual Workshop, November 16-17, 1975, to be held in Burlingame, California. NOW, THEREFORE ,BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, that two staff members, Agency Counsel, and Board Member Wallace Green, are hereby authorized to travel to Burlingame, California, November 16-17, 1975, to attend the NAHRO Annual Workshop, and their travel expenses are hereby approved in accordance with Resolution No. 2043. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3122. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Perea, Guhin, Green and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson COUNTY AGRICULTURAL BUILDING - REHABILITATION: Mr. Quinn asked for authority to rehabilitate the County Agricultural Building for temporary occupancy by the YWCA. The rehabilitation consists of minor modifications required by the YW. Because of the time element involved, the Agency will act as the General Contractor and have all the necessary modifications accomplished as soon as possible. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3123 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR THE REHABILITATION OF THE COUNTY AGRICUL- TURAL BUILDING FOR OCCUPANCY BY THE YWCA WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency, by Resolution No. 3118, authorized the execution of all necessary documents for the purchase of the YWCA pro- perty; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency intends to relocate the YWCA into the County Agricultural Building as temporary quarters; and WHEREAS, the County Agricultural Building needs rehabilitation to meet the requirements of the YWCA; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Agency Board to accomplish said rehabilita- tion in order that the relocation can take place as rapidly as possible. 2933 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the expenditure of funds for the rehabilita- tion of the County Agricultural Building for the temporary occupancy of the YWCA is hereby approved 0 -, '1 ........ Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No 0 31230 The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Green, Perea, Blum and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson Mr. Joe Bondiman asked what the rehabilitation of the Agricultural Building involved 0 Mr 0 Green stated that no structural work is involved 0 The work consists mainly of the moving and installing of partitions, labs, etc 0 OTHER BUSINESS: 4: 45 po m 0 - The Chairman called for an Executive Session for discussion of personnel and Ie gal matters. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 5: 15 p om 0 J ,.... - 2934 r- ~. I j DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM, THE REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 6, 1975, WAS CANCELLED. THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 20, 1975. ~ r ~ r L 2935 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 20TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1975, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, ROOM 320, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA .., ...... The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4: 05 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Stephenson, Green, Wilson, Perea and Guhin Agency Members Absent: Blum Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary ARROWHEAD ALLIED ARTS, USE OF 444 MT. VIEW AVENUE: Mrs. Marye Miles and Dr. Bob Krone wer~ presented, representing Arrowhead Allied Arts Council. They stated that Arrowhead Allied Arts Council is presently using office space within the Chamber of Commerce. They have been looking for some time for adequate quarters for the Council. Mrs. Miles stated that the Arts Council would like to use office space located at 444 Mt. View Avenue. This building is owned by the Agency and is presently being rented to various businesses. The Agency uses one office within the building for storage. Mrs. Miles stated that the Arts Council would need a large conference room and two smaller rooms. Mr. Quinn stated that this space is available on a month to month tenancy. Future use of the property has not been determined. J 4: 10 p.m. - Mrs. Blum arrived at the meeting. Mr. Green stated that the Arrowhead Allied Arts Council is a non-profit organi- zation and he would therefore move that the office space be rented to them for $25.00 per month, plus utilities. Mr. Green explained that the $25.00 rental fee is for administrative costs that will be incurred for the transaction. It was explained that the Agency's standard Rental Agreement provides for the tenant to obtain necessary insul\ance. The motion was seconded by Wilson, and carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Green, Perea, Guhin, Blum and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None MINUTES: The Minutes of the Postponed Regular Meeting held October 23, 1975 were pre- sented for approval. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Wilson approv- ing the Minutes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Wilson, Perea, Guhin, Blum and Stephenson Noes: none Abstention: None Absent: None ...... -.../I [ ,...... J L r I L.. 2936 EXPENDITURES: The Expenditures for the months of August and September 1975 were pre- sented for approval. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Perea approving the Expenditures as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Perea, Guhin, Blum, Wilson and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: ,None REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory stated that since Holliman and Coomes have withdrawn as attorneys for the Agency in our case against the County Auditor Controller, he has been pursuing the action. The Agency has filed a Third Amended Petition. The County has not filed their answer as yet. JACK CALDWELL - VAL VISTA EST A TES , STATE COLLEGE PROJECT: Mr. Caldwell presented the plans and renderings for the 36 homes proposed to be constructed within the State College Project. The area of construction was pointed out on the map. The homes will be from 1,000 sq. ft. to 1,300 sq. ft., plus garages. It was explained that the yard maintenance is covered for a period of two years under the purchase contract, with the option to continue the service after the two year period if the owner so desires. There will be a fee for the continuation of this service beyond the two years. The average price for the horries is $32,050. Mr. Green explained that Mr. Caldwell has been before the Planning Commission with his plans, and they have been approved with certain conditions. Mr. Green asked how soon after start of construction will the homes be available. Mr. Caldwell stated that the model should be up within 3 months and the balance of the homes should be completed 6 - 8 months later. The Agency's participation would involve off site improvements, which has already been authorized by the Board. Mrs. Blum asked Mr. Caldwell the names of the principles involved in Val Vista Estates. Mr. Caldwell stated that Val Vista Estates is a partnership. The partners are Mr. Lou Turner, Mr . John Curci and himself. After careful review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3124 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE PROPOSED LAY- OUTS AND ELEVATIONS FOR HOUSING WITHIN THE STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA, PRESENTED BY VAL VISTA ESTATES WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency entered into Owner Participation Agreement with ALCAL Financial Corporation on August 15, 1975, for the development of a 36 unit single family housing project; and 2937 WHEREAS, Val Vista Estates is in the process of taking over the development of this housing project from ALCAL Financial Corporation; and ~ WHEREAS, Val Vista Estates has presented their proposed layouts, renderings and elevations to the Agency Board for review and approval. .... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, does hereby approve the layouts, renderings and elevations (Attached hereto as Exhibits) as presented by Val Vista Estates, and does hereby agree to their development, pending proper authorization of assignment and execution thereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency does hereby authorize the execution of the necessary bonds for the installation of necessary offsite im- provements. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3124. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Wilson, Stephenson, Perea, Blum and Guhin Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None PROPOSED PARKING LOT - COURT STREET: J Mr. Harold Hoffman, Chairman of the Business Advisory Committee, was pre- sented. Mr. Hoffman stated that the downtown merchants are very concerned about the lack of parking within the downtown area. It has been proposed that the lot just east of the Channel 18 building be used for parking. This lot is owned by the Redevelopment Agency. The City has agreed to pave this lot and use it for all day parking. Area tax funds would be used for this purpose. There would be no cost to the Agency. The lot will be used temporarily only. In order for the City Council to act upon the request of the Business Advisory Committee, Mr. Hoffman requested action from the Agency stating that there would be no objection to the City.s use of this lot for temporary purposes. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3125 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING PERMISSION TO THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO TO USE THE LOT IMMEDIATELY EAST OF THE CHANNEL 18 BUILDING FOR PARKING PURPOSES, AT NO COST TO THE AGENCY, UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE AGENCY FEELS FIT TO REDEVELOP THIS AREA ~ WHEREAS, the Central City Advisory Board has recommended adoption by the Mayor and Common Council of a six point parking program for the vicinity of Court and IIEII Streets; and - [ r- I : L... r , L... 2938 WHEREAS, one of the recommendations of said parking program is the use of the lot immediately east of the Channel 18 building. Said lot being owned by the Redevelopment Agency; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has determined that the use of this lot for parking purposes is to the best int~rest of the City of San Bernardino. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, does hereby grant permission to the City of San Ber- nardino to use the lot immediately east of the Channel 18 building for parking purposes, at no cost to the Agency, until such time as the Agency feels fit to redevelop this area. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3125. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Perea, Stephenson, Blum, Wilson and Guhin Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None PRESENTATION BY DENNIS WARDLE: Mr. Wardle, Bicentennial Commission, was introduced. He explained that the Bicentennial Commission is working on the Bicentennial Pageant to be held in July 1976. The Pageant was to be held in the proposed Amphitheater within the State College Project. It now appears that the Amphitheater will not be constructed in time for the proposed July 1976 date. Mr. Wardle stated that the Bicentennial Commission is trying to find another suitable location for the pageamt. He urged the Agency to continue with the plans for the Amphitheater, for future uses. The costs involved for the construction of the amphitheater were discussed. Mr. Quinn stated that the college has determined that they will not be able to take on the responsibility of maintenance of the amphitheater after construction as originally anticipated. This has caused another problem. Mr. Hernandez, Director of Parks and Recreation, stated that he visited Concord to discuss their amphitheater with their City officials. Their amphitheater has done extremely well and has shown a profit after the first year. The members discussed the development of the amphitheater through private development. The Members expressed their feeling that it is still their desire to develop the amphitheater and that they would continue to look into means of develop- ment. They assured Mr. Wardle that the staff would work with him in trying to find a suitable location for the Bicentennial Pagent. Mr. Wardle was thanked for his presentation. CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY, AGENCY REPRESENT A TIVE: Mr. Quinn explained that Mr. Bill Parker has been the Agency.s representative 1 ..'.OIl/d,. ~.ur:l..U .UIIt: 2939 for the Civic Center Authority since its inception. Mr. Parker's term expired April 27, 1973. He has been serving at will since this date. Mr. Jack Reilly, Secretary to the Civic Center Authority has requested that the Agency either re- appoint Mr. Parker or appoint another person for the Agency's Representative. Mr. Quinn stated that Mr. Parker has served the Agency well as a member of this Authority. Mr. Quinn stated that Mr. Parker has advised him that he has a financial interest within the Agency's proposed Southeast Industrial Park and he felt that this should be disclosed at this. time. Mr. Quinn stated that he could see no conflict as far as this is concerned as Mr. Parker has assured him that he would abstain from voting on any issue involving this property. After con- sideration, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3126 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, REAPPOINTING MR. WILLIAM PARKER TO THE CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY AS REPRESENT A TIVE FROM THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WHEREAS, Mr. William Parker was appointed by the Redevelopment Agency as representative to the Civic Center Authority; and WHEREAS, Mr. Parker's term of office expired April 27, 1973; and WHEREAS, Mr. Parker has been serving at will from April 27, 1973 to date. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that Mr. William Parker is hereby reappointed as a representative of the Redevelopment Agency to the Civic Center Authority for a four year term effective November 20, 1975. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3126. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Guhin, Perea, Blum, Green and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None UNIT NO.1, CENTRAL CITY WEST, DEMOLITION OF TRAVELERS HOTEL: Bids were opened for the demolition of the Travelers Hotel, Unit No.1, Central City West. The low bid was submitted by D. E. Carver in the amount of $17,300. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3127 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH D. E. CARVER FOR DEMOLITION AND SITE CLEARANCE, UNIT NO. I, CENTRAL CITY WEST UNDER A DIRECTIVE FROM THE MAYOR OF SAN BERNARDINO. .., ........ J . ~ --- [ r- \.,....; [ 2940 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino invited competitive sealed bids at the direction of the Mayor of the City of San Bernardino for Demolition and Site Clearance for Unit No.1, Central City West, further known as the Travelers Hotel; and WEREAS, an Invitation for Bid therefore was duly published in the San Berna- rdino Sun Telegram, a newspaper of general circulation for two weeks and an Affidavit showing such publication is on file in this Agency; and WHEREAS, two (2) bids were received at the time and place specified and said bids were opened and read aloud in public. The lowest qualified bid was offered by D. E. Carver, Said bid was accepted by the Agency as it is in the best interest of the Agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that subject to the approval of the Contractor by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the bid of D. E. Carver in the amount of $17,300.00 is hereby accepted and the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contract with said form for Site Clearance, Unit No.1, Central City West. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said work is being carried out under a directive from the Mayor of the City of San Bernardino. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3127. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Perea, Blum, Guhin, Wilson and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None UNIT NO.2, CENTRAL CITY WEST, DEMOLITION & SITE CLEARANCE, 5TH AND MT. VERNON: Bids were opened for demolition and site clearance of certain areas within the Central City West area. The low bid was received from E & G Engineering in the amount of $2,499.00. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3128 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH E & G ENGINEERING, UNIT NO. 2 CENTRAL CITY WEST, FOR DEMOL-, ITION AND SITE CLEARANCE. WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California invited competitive sealed bids for Demolition and Site Clearance, Unit No. 2, Central City West; and 2941 WHEREAS, an Invitation for Bid therefore was duly published in the San Bernar- dino Sun Telegram, a newspaper of general circulation for two weeks and an Affidavit showing such publication is on file in this agency: and .... WHEREAS, seven (7) bids were received at the time and place specified and said bids were opened and read aloud in public. The lowest qualified bid was offered by E & G Engineering, Inc., and said bid was accepted by the Agency as it is in the best interest of the Agency. ..... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that subject to theapproval'of the Contractor by the Departmen t of Housing and Urban Development, the bid of E & G Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $2,499.00 is hereby accepted and the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contract with said firm for Demolition and Site Clearance, Unit No.2, Central City West. \ Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3128. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Green, Blum, Wilson, Guhin and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None AMENDMENT, AGRICULTURAL BUILDING LEASE: Mr. Quinn explained that the County has offered to increase its maintainance of the Agricultural Building. This will cause an amendment to the least agreement. The following resolution was introduced: J RESOLUTION NO. 3129 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT FOR THE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL BUILDING WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino entered into a Lease Contract with the County of San Bernardino for property located at 566 Lugo Street, San Bernardino, known as the Agricultural Building; and WHEREAS, the County of San Bernardino has offered to completely maintain the premises above described. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into an Amendment to the Lease Agreement with the County of San Bernardino for the Agricultural Building, providing for complete mainten- ance by the County of San Bernardino. ~ - r l. ,....... ~ [ 2942 Motion was made by Green and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3129. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Guhin, Blum, Stephenson, Wilson and Perea Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO: The City has requested the services of the Agency from time to time for demoli- tion activities. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3130 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRET AR Y TO ENTER INTO SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR DEMOLITION ACTIVITIES WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino has requested the services of the Rede- velopment Agency from time to time for demolition activities, and has asked the Agency to enter into a contract for said services; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has considered the request of the City and has determined that said contract is in the best interest of the City and the Redevelopment Agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into a Service Agreement with the City of San Bernardino for demolition activities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City will reimburse the Agency for actual costs incurred by the Agency for contractural work performed by the Agency or its contractors in regard to the public projects of demolition and clearance. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3130. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Green, Stephenson, Perea, Wilson and Guhin Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None CHANGE ORDER, PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER: A memorandum was presented regarding proposed changes to the Public Enterprise Center contract. The items are as follows and numbered according to the memorandum submitted by Gruen Associates: No.5: Anodized Aluminum Color: The material covered in the original specifi- cations was gray, however, said type was not available. The subcontractor 2943 submitted a bid on light bronze which he indicated at the Pre-Performance Conference. The architect agreed that a dark bronze could be used at no extra The memorandum recommended that the dark bronze be installed at no extra cost to the Agency. All members agreed. ...., .....", No. 13. Wall on south property line. Because of a reduction of height of this wall, a credit in the amount of $1,800 has been given the Agency. All members agreed. No.4: Fluorescent Lighting in Student Lounge. This item is an add-on which the architect has requested. The staff's rE;!commendation was that the item was unnecessary and therefore did not recommend approval. All members agreed with the staff recommendation. No.9: Fire System Request for Cost: The architect was requested to design a fire system for the Center. They have designed a sprinkler system which will cost $41,153.90. The Agency had anticipated a cost of approximately $20,000 when the fire system was first discussed. All members felt that this matter should be looked into further before incorporated within a change order. The members determined that this item should be brought back at the next meeting for further review. After consideration, the following resolution was int!oduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3131 J RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER NO.1, TO BE PREPARED BY GRUEN ASSOCIATES, INC. , IN AN AMOUNT OF $1,800.00, FOR THE PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER, TO SUNRAY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WHEREAS, the wall at the south property line is to be 6 foot high concrete block with 2 foot high metal railing on top. A credit is hereby awarded in the amount of $1,800.00; and WHEREAS, a change in aluminum color was requested. Agency recommends that dary bronze be installed at no extra costs; and WHEREAS, fluoresecent lighting in student lounge was denied at direction of the Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, request for fire system tabled at direction of Board of Directors. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the amount of $1,800 be accepted as a credit and Gruen Associates, Inc., be hereby authorized to prepare Change Order No.1 for the Public Enterprise Center. ....., t , -' r I I...... r- , I........ [ 2944 Motion was made by Green and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3131, approving Items No.5 and 13 as presented. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Perea, Blum, Guhin, Wilson and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None GRUEN ASSOCIATES, PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER: A request was submitted from Gruen Associates for an increase in the amount of $3,000, Public Enterprice Center Contract. This increase is for the inclusion of the sprinkler system. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3132 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER WITH GRUEN ASSOCIATES, PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER CONTRACT WHEREAS, the Agency entered into a Contract with Gruen Associates for architectural services for the Public Enterprise Center on March 17, 1975; and WHEREAS, the Contractor was requested to amend the plans to include a fire sprinkler system; and WHEREAS, said amendment has been made to the plans and the Contractor is requesting an amendment in the amount of $3,000 to cover the change. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into Change Order No. 2 with Gruen Associates, for the inclusion of a fire sprinkler system. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Contract total compensation will increase $3,000. The total contract compensation is hereby amended from $77,570 to $80,570. Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3132. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Guhin, Blum, Wilson, Green and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None TEMPORARY ELECTRIC SERVICE FOR SUMP PUMP, UNDERCROSSING: Authorization was requested to enter into a Change Order with Bonadiman for temporary electrical service for the sump pump within the State College Project undercrossing. This service can be provided for an increase in their contract in the amount of $1,827. The following resolution was introduced: T I!ii!' ....'1. ._ Ul.l. .~l i....-ilj!.IOl!jl......1~~-"""""~--C" 2945 RESOLUTION NO. 3133 ..., RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO.2 WITH BONADIMAN-McCAIN, INC., STATE COLLEGE UNDERCROSSING ........ WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency entered into a contract with Bonadiman- McCain, Inc. for the Utility Undercrossing, State College Project; and WHEREAS, in order to provide electrical service to permit hookup of the sump pump at the utility undercrossing, it will be necessary to use the existing poles and temporary service on Culligan property, setting additional poles to reach the site and running No. 2 wire required to offset voltage drop; and WHEREAS, the cost for this additional service is $1,827; and WHEREAS, the Agency Members have considered the request for additional compensation based on the services required and have determined it warranted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into Change Order No.2 with Bonadiman-McCain, Inc, State College Utility Undercrossing . J BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cost for the additional service shall not exceed $1,827. The total contract compensation, including this Change Order No. 2 is hereby amended to a sum not to exceed $226,800. Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3133. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Guhin, Blum, Wilson, Green and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None EASTER SEAL SOCIETY - USE OF UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK BUILDING ON FOURTH STREET: The Easter Seal Society has requested use of the vacant United California Bank Building on 4th Street for a rummage sale. They have supplied the necessary insurance coverage certificate. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Guhin authorizing the use of the United California Bank Building on 4th Street to the Easter Seal Society for the holding of a rummage sale. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Blum, Perea, Wilson, Green and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ....... ^, --' 1I;*'~;.;-i>"I"-':_n, 2946 [ OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Green requested adjournment for the purpose of holding an Executive Session for personnel discussions. 5: 30 p.m. - The meeting was adjourned for an Executive Session ADJOURNMENT: After motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 5: 50 p.m. r // ~. '-- [ 4947 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 4TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1975, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ...., -..lI The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4: 10 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Green, Wilson, Perea and Stephenson Agency Members Absent: Blum and Guhin Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 20, 1975 were submitted for approval. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Green approving the Min- utes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes; Green, Wilson, Perea and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Blum and Guhin REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory stated that he has a matter to discuss with the Board under Executive Session, and requested that an Executive Session be called following the Agenda items. J PUBLIC ENTERPRISE SPRINKLER SYSTEM: A request was submitted at the last Board Meeting for an amendment to the contract with Sunray Construction Company in the amount of $41,153.90 for the fire sprinkler system. Sunray had received a bid in the amount of $28,736 from their subcontractor, Viking Fire Protection. The following are necessary additions which must be added to this bid: Viking Fire Protection $28,736.00 Installation required Electrical required Carpentry required Copper Roof required Sub Total Sunray Markup 5% 3,700.00 150.00 3,150.00 50.00 $35,786.00 5,367.90 $41,153.90 - Requested Amount of Change Order ....., 1 I .J [ r ~ '-- [ 4948 The Board Members reviewed this bid at the last meeting, but requested that the staff receive some additional bids from subcontractors. Two addi- tional bids were received -- Mechanical Contractors $30,980.00; and Kilian Fire Sprinkler Corporation $29,840.00. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3134 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER NO.2, TO BE PREPARED BY GRUEN ASSOCIATES, INC., IN AN AMOUNT OF $41,153,90 FOR FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER FOR SUNRAY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WHEREAS, it has been determined that a Fire Sprinkler System be installed within the Public Enterprise Center; and WHEREAS, three proposals were submitted and reviewed by Agency Staff and Agency Board Members; and WHEREAS, the low proposal was submitted by Viking Fire Protection, in an amount of $41,153.90, and was accepted by the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the amount of $41,153.90 be authorized for Change Order No.2, to be prepared by Gruen Associates, Inc., for the installation of fire sprinkler system for the Public Enterprise Center. Said amount amends that certain Contract between the Agency and Sunray Construction Company. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3134. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Perea, Wilson and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Blum and Guhin RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR CENTRAL CITY WEST, AND THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID PROJECT AREA: Mr. Quinn stated that the Planning Commission has adopted the boundaries and preliminarily approved the Redevelopment Plan. This resolution and the follow- ing two resolutions on the agenda are necessary resolutions in preparation for the Public Hearing on this project. Central City West is also known as the 5th and Mt. Vernon Community Center. It is anticipated that the Public Hearing for this project will be in approximately 45 days. The draft Redevelopment Plan contains a negative Environmental Impact Statement. This statement must be sent to special reviewing agencies. This Negative Statement must also be pub- lished in the paper. Ten days are allowed for comments on the negative statement. 4949 It was explained that the adoption of this resolution and the two following resolu- tions in no way affect the adoption of the project area - they merely are in prepara- tion for the formal adoption, which will be considered at a public hearing. Mr. Quinn explained that all residents within the project area will be duly notified of the public hearing. Mter review, the following resolution was introduced: .., ........ RESOLUTION 3135 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE PRELIM- 1NARy PLAN FOR CENTRAL CITY WEST AND BOUNDARIES THEREOF WHEREAS, there has been transmitted to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") a Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council designating a described area as a survey area and finding that said area requires study to determine if a redevelopment project is feasible, (Central City West, Fifth and Mt. Vernon); and WHEREAS, by Resolution, the Planning Commission of the City of San Ber- nardino, has selected the project boundaries and adopted a Preliminary Plan for Central City West. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: J Section 1. The Preliminary Plan for Central City West, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, is hereby approved. Section 2. The Secretary of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed to cause the transmission to be made as provided in Health & Safety Code 33327. Section 3. The Secretary is hereby directed to prepare a Redevelopment Plan for the Central City West Project Area. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of December, 1975. Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3135. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Wilson, Green and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Blum and Guhin RESOLUTION PRELIMINARILY APPROVING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR CENTRAL CITY WEST, AND DIRECTING THE PREP ARA TION OF THE REPORT TO ACCOMPANY THE PLAN: ...... ........ r L.. [ [ 4950 It was again stated that the preliminary approval of the Redevelopment Plan will not cause the adoption of the Redevelopment Project Area. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3136 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, PRELIMINARILY APPROVING A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL CITY WEST, AND APPROV- 1NG THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMP ACT STATEMENT, AND DIRECTING THE PREPARATION OF THE REPORT TO ACCOMPANY THE REDE- VELOPMENT PLAN WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") has prepared a Redevelopment Plan for the Central City West Project; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the undertaking of this project will not constitute an action significantly affecting the quality of the human en- vironment, and therefore no further environmental review is proposed to be conducted for this project prior to implementation thereof; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of San Bernardino has approved the Redevelopment Plan prepared by the Agency for Central City West; and WHEREAS, all proceedings required to be taken by the Community Redevelopment Law as a prerequisite to the action taken in this Resolution have been taken in com- pliance with said Law, and the Agency is fully advised in the premises. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Redevelopment Plan referred to in the recitals hereof, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, is hereby pre- liminarily approved. Section 2. The Agency hereby determines that the undertaking of this project will not constitute an action significantly affecting the quality of the human en- vironment, and therefore no further environmental review is proposed. Section 3. The Secretary is hereby directed to prepare a Report to Accompany the Plan for said Central City West Project Area. Section 4 The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to transmit to the Mayor and Common Council the Redevelopment Plan and Environmental Statement hereinabove approved. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of December, 1975. 4951 Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3136. The motion was carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Perea, Green, Wilson and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Blum and Guhin ., I ~i ...... RESOLUTION CONSENTING TO THE HOLDING OF A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL FOR CENTRAL CITY WEST: The adoption of this resolution will consent to the holding of a Joint Public Hearing with the City Council at a date to be determined by them. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3137 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, CONSENTING TO THE HOLDING OF A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL CITY WEST, AND REQUESTING THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TO CONSENT TO AND ORDER THE HOLDING OF SAME, AND AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION AND MAILING OF NOTICE THEREOF WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") has adopted its Resolutions entitled: "Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, approving the Preliminary Plan for Central City West and Boundaries Thereof" J and "Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, Preliminarily Approving a Redevel- opment Plan for Central City West, Approving the Environ- mental Impact Statement, and Directing the Preparation of the Report to Accompany the Redevelopment Plan" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That a joint public hearing with the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino be held on said Redevelopment Plan at a date to be determined by the Mayor and Common Council. Section 2. The Agency hereby consents to the holding of such hearing. ...... Section 3. That the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino be -' r I ....... r- I L r L. 4-952 requested to meet jointly and hold such hearing with the Agency at a date to be determined by the Mayor and Common Council. Section 4. The Secretary of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, together with a copy of said Redevelopment Plan. Section 5. The Secretary of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed, in cooperation with the City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino, to cause a Notice of such joint public hearing on said Redevelopment Plan to be published once a week for four (4) successive weeks prior to the hearing in The Sun Telegram Section 6. The Executive Director of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed, in cooperation with the City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino, to cause copies of said Notice of such joint public hearing, together with the map or statement required by Health and Safety Code Section 33350, to be mailed, by certified mail with return receipt requested, to the last known assessee of each parcel of land within the boundaries of the Central City West Project Area, at his last known address as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County. Section 7. The Executive Director of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed, in cooperation with the City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino, to cause copies of the Notice of such joint public hearing to be mailed, by certi- fied mail, with return receipt requested, to the governing body of each of the taxing agencies which levy taxes upon any property in the Central City West Project Area. Accompanying said Notice of such joint public hearing shall be the statement required by Health and Safety Code Section 33350.1. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of December, 1975. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3137. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Perea, Green and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Blum and Guhin OTHER BUSINESS: The conversion of the old Penney's building into the Public Safety Building was discussed. The Chairman explained that it now looks financially feasible to to convert the Penney Building. The previous estimates for remodeling were made by an architect. The Agency is now presently having a general con- tractor prepare estimates, which appear to be quite lower than the original ones. It was explained that the funds for the conversion of this building will ultimately be paid through tax incremental money. It is proposed that the City will enter into a leaseback agreement with the Agency for this building. 4953 4: 35 p.m. - The Chairman adjourned the meeting for an Executive Sesssion J 4: 50 p.m. - The Chairman closed the Executive Session and reconviened the meeting. BASE REDUCTION LAW SUIT: The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3138 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO RE-ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH McDONOUGH, HOLLAND, SCHWARTZ & ALLEN (BASE REDUC- TION SUIT) WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency entered into a contract with McDonough, Holland, Schwartz & Allen, under the terms and conditions set forth in their letter of January 16, 1973, to institute action as necessary to achieve a reduc- tion in the base assessment role for Central City Project No. I, Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, upon request of the Contractor the Agency consented to the with- drawal of their services by Resolution No. 3098, September 18, 1975, and exe- cuted the Consent for Withdrawal of Attorneys Form; and , ..J WHEREAS, the Agency has determined it to its best interest to request that the firm of McDonough, Holland, Schwartz & Allen consider re-entering into a contract for said services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Executive Director is hereby directed to request the services of McDonough, Holland, Schwartz & Allen in the case of the base reduction, Central City Project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to re-enter into said contract under the terms and conditions originally established, with consideration being given for increased com- pensation. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3137. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Wilson, Perea and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None .... ADJOURNMENT: ........ After motion duly made and seconded the meeting was adjourned at 5: 55 p.m. 4954 r L r i j ~ r ~ t l.. 4955 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 18TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1975, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA , ~ ...... In the absence of the Chairman, Vice Chairman Green opened the meeting at 5:05p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Green, Guhin, Wilson, Perea and Blum Agency Members Absent: Stephenson Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary MINUTES: The minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 4, 1975 were presented for approval. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Perea approving the Minutes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Perea, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: Blum Absent: Stephenson Mrs. Blum abstained from voting because she was not present at the meeting of December 4, 1975. EXPENDITURES: J The Expenditures for the month of November, 1975 were submitted for approval. Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Green approving the expenditures as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Green, Wilson, Perea and Blum Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory reported that Mr. Holliman, contracted attorney for the base reduction case, appeared with him on Friday, December 12, 1975, and requested a continuance until January 23, 1976, which was granted by the court. Mr. Flory stated that meet- ings have been held with the Mayor, wherein the Mayor has requested that we try to enter into negotiations for settlement with all of the defendents. Mr. Flory stated that with the permission of the Board, negotiations for settlement can take place. Mr. Green stated that he and Mr. Quinn will also be present during any of these negotiation meetings with the County, Flory and Holliman. Any negotiated settlement will of course be brought back to the Board for approval or disapproval. No com- mittments will be made without prior Board authority. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin authorizing the Agency Counsel and Mr. Holliman, Mr. Quinn and Mr. Green to negotiate with the County regarding a settlement on the base reduc- tion matter. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Perea, Wilson and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson ~ ......,J WII~M'1..'1.1iI fII1ll J 1_........'" r L ,- I i L- r L 4956 Mr. Green stated that the Chairman, Wayne Stephenson, has asked him to present a letter to the Mayor for him and to read the letter to the Members. Mr. Green read the letter as follows: December 18, 1975 Mayor W. R. Holcomb City Hall 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 Dear Mayor Holcomb: While I have enjoyed serving on the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors during my term of service, I feel that the pressure of my own business requires that I tender my resignation as Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency. Said resignation to become effective immediately. Business pressures will require my resignation as a Member of the Board in the near future, however, in the best interests of the community and the Redevelop- ment Agency, I will continue to serve until a new Member is appointed. I would like to, at this time, express my appreciation for the opportunity of working with City officials, my fellow board members and staff of the Redevel- opment Agency. Sincerely, s/Wayne E. Stephenson Wayne E. Stephenson, Chairman WES/bb Mr. Green stated that Mr. Stephenson's main concern was that he did not have the time necessary to devote to all the meetings involved in day to day redevelop- ment activities. It was explained that the election of offices generally takes place on the first regular meeting in January of each year. The officers are elected by the Board Members. Members of the Redevelopment Agency are appointed by the Mayor and Council. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Perea accepting with regrets the resig- nation of Wayne E. Stephenson as Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency. The motion was carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Perea, Blum, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson l"j~J_.'l1ro. '.' '.l.,r- .r,' _.:. . "P." 4957 PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF REPORT TO ACCOMPANY THE PLAN, CENTRAL CITY WEST: .., ~ i ,;\ .....J Mr. Green explained that preliminary approval of the Report to accompany the Redevelopment Plan is a legal requirement toward the adoption the the Redevelopment Plan for Central City West. The Mayor and Council have consented to the holding of a Joint Public Hearing with the Agency on the Redevelopment Plan for this project on February 2, 1976 at 2: 00 p.m. The Agency has already published the Negative Declaration, Environmental Impact Sta temen t, concerning this proj ect . After further review, the following reso- lution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3139 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA , PRELIMINARILY APPROVING A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN REPORT, CENTRAL CITY WEST WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Cali- fornia, by Resolution 3136, December 4, 1975, preliminarily approved a Rede- velopment Plan for Central City West, approved the Environmental Impact Statement, and directed the preparation of the Report to Accompany the Rede- velopment Plan; and , ...J WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino has pre- pared the Redevelopment Plan Report for Central City West as directed by said Resolution No. 3136. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Redevelopment Plan Report, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, is hereby preliminarily approved. Section 2. The Secretary to hereby authorized and directed to transmit to the Mayor and Common Council this Resolution together with said Redevelopment Plan Report herein approved. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of December, 1975. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3139. The motion was carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Perea, Guhin, Blum and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson ...... ...... lj.lI I ""'''~ 4958 [ APPROV AL OF PRELIMINARY PLAN, PROJECT BOUNDARIES & COMPLETION OF PLAN, REPORT AND EIR, CENTRAL CITY EAST and CENTRAL CITY SOUTH: It was explained that the approval of the Preliminary Plans for Central City East and Central City South are legal formalities. The Planning Commission has adopted resolutions selecting the project boundaries and approving the Preliminary Plans for these projects. After further review, the following resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3139 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR CENTRAL CITY EAST - THE CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX WHEREAS, there have been transmitted to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (IIAgencyll) Resolutions from the Planning Commission of the City of San Bernardino selecting Central City East - the City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex and approving a Preliminary Plan therefor. [ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Preliminary Plan for Central City East - the City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex attached hereto as Exhibit IIAII and by this reference incorporated herein, is hereby approved. Section 2. The Secretary of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed to cause the transmission to be made as provided in Health & Safety Code Sec- tion 33327. Section 3. The staff and consultants are hereby authorized and directed to prepare the Redevelopment Plan for Central City East - the City, County, State, Federal, Civic Center Complex, a Redevelopment Plan Report and Draft Environmental Impact Report thereon, and, in connection therewith, to consult with the Planning Commission of the City of San Bernardino and other City officials. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of December , 1975. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3140. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Wilson, Perea, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None ,... Absent: Stephenson ! I;' ...... f-.it - f _ll!'''C~ - "!1"ij.gj:r 4959 RESOLUTION NO. 3141 ., ~ ~ 'I ....... RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR CENTRAL CITY SOUTH WHEREAS, there have been transmitted to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") Resolutions from the Planning Commission of the City of San Bernardino selecting Central City South and approving a Preliminary Plan therefor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Preliminary Plan for Central City South attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, is hereby approved. Section 2. The Secretary of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed to cause the transmission to be made as provided in Health & Safety Code Se~- tion 33327. Section 3. The staff and consultants are hereby authorized and directed to prepare the Redevelopment Plan for Central City South, a Redevelopment Plan Report and Draft Environmental Impact Report thereon, and, in connection therewith, to consult with the Planning Commission of the City of San Bernardino and other City officials. ..., I ....J PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of December , 1975. Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3141. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Wilson, Perea, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson STEP INCREASE - BARBARA BROWN: It was explained that Agency policy provides that all step increases to step D & E be given Board approval. Mr. Quinn recommended that Mrs. Brown be advanced to Step E. Mr. Green stated that Mrs. Brown is very qualified and well deserving of the increase. Mr. Quinn concurred. Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Blum authorizing an increase for Barbara Brown from Step D to Step E. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Wilson, Perea, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE XEROX PAPER FOR THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO: ....., Mr. Quinn requested authorization to purchase Xerox paper from Xerox Corporation for the City. Due to administrative procedures, the City is unable to purchase this ...... "ofi'HfljRIl!!i:llt- ,T _ n [ ",..... r . ! l.... ,.. . ..... 4960 paper directly from Xerox. They can purchase it from another public entity and plan to buy it from the Agency immediately upon our purchase. In return for the favor, they have agreed to allow the Agency to purchase xerox paper when needed from them. This will result in a savings to the Agency because we can buy it from the City at their cost. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3142 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXPEN- DITURE OF $12,923.52 FOR XEROX PAPER, FOR THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO WHEREAS, the Xerox Corporation has offered to the City of San Bernardino 5600 reams of 8! x 11 and 1600 reams of 8! x 14 xerox dual purpose paper at a total cost of $12,923.52; and WHEREAS, due to administrative procedures, the City is unable to purchase said paper directly from Xerox Corporation; and WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino has requested that the Redevelopment Agency purchase said paper from Xerox for the City, and the City shall immediately reimburse the Agency for said expenditure; and WHEREAS, the Agency has been given permission to buy back portions of this paper from the City stores at their wholesale cost. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino , California, that the expenditure of $12,923.52 for xerox paper is hereby approved for the City of San Bernardino, with the understanding that the City will reimburse the Agency for said expenditure. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3142. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Wilson, Perea, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson VAL VISTA EST A TES - LETTER OF CLARIFICATION: Mr. Green stated that last month Val Vista Estates presented their renderings and floor plans for the construction of 36 homes within the State College Project, which were approved by the Board. A letter was received from Mr. Caldwell this week requesting clarification to the Minutes of that meeting. The letter was read as follows: J.1l ~;l!~--"W~~jj,;,''''7_'< 4961 December 11, 1975 -. I ....J San Bernardino Redevelopment Agency P.O. Drawer 392 San Bernardino, California 92402 Attention: Mr. Peter W. Quinn Gen tlemen: We have just received the minutes of the regular meeting of the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino which was held on November 20, 1975 and we noted two areas which need minor clarification. Our maintenance program is designed to insure the proper landscape front- yard maintenance for the early period when the plants and lawn need the maximum amount of attention. It was our belief that a two year period would be sufficient for this purpose. In our explanation to the Board we intended to explain that we would be either maintaining the front yards for the purchaser or paying them for said maintenance. In the event that the homeowners opted to maintain their own yards, we would monitor their program, and in the event that the homeowners I maintenance was beneath our standard we would then refrain from paying for the maintenance fee and would contract the main- tenance through a gardening service. It is not our intention to continue with the maintenance program beyond the two year period. , ...J The other item is that Val Vista Estates, Inc. is a California corporation and appropriately the participating principals are stockholders rather than partners. We would appreciate it if you would review this letter with the board and insert it as an addendum to the minutes. Very truly yours, VAL VISTA ESTATES, INC. s/H.L.Jack Caldwell H. L. Jack Caldwell HLJC: eg The Members so noted the letter and it was ordered spread on the minutes. RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2916: Mr. Quinn explained that the School District has found a buyer for the Child Care Center. The Agency authorized, by Resolution No. 2916, the purchase of this property. The Agency has no plans in the immediate future for the ....... --- "':),~ g:: . ~14};4h~"'" 4962. [ purchase and reuse of this site, and therefore has no objection to withdrawal of their offer to purchase the property and the substitution of another buyer. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3143 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2916 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF THE CHILDRENS CENTER WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2916, adopted 7-18-74, authorized the Redevelop- ment Agency to purchase the Childrens Center from the San Bernardino Unified School District for the purchase price of $23,500.00; and WHEREAS, the San Bernardino Unified School District have found another purchaser for said site; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has no objection to the sale of this property by the School District to another purchaser. r l l.... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, that Resolution No. 2916 is hereby rescinded authoriz- ing the purchase of the Childrens Center. Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3143. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Wilson, Blum, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson OTHER BUSINESS: Mrs. Blum inquired about the remainder of the school properties. Mr . Green stated that negotiations are still being held with the School District on the other school properties. The Agency is awaiting appraisals on two parcels, with all indications being made that the appraisals will be lower then the pre- vious appraisals. The Agency has been in contract with the County Medical Society regarding relocation and use of one of these sites. A meeting has been scheduled for January 5, 1976 with the Medical Society to discuss this matter. Mr. Green stated that the next regular Board meeting falls on January 1st. There are ,certain resolutions that must be adopted in order that our Tentative Action Schedules can be followed. It is of utmost importance that the Agency does not fall behind on the schedule. Therefore, it is requested that the January "... 1st Board meeting be held on Tuesday, December 30, 1975. All members agreed. f , r L 4963 ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin adjourning the meeting at 5: 35 until December 30, 1975, at 4: 00 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Perea, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson ;,it.l.ftL1:! I' 1 ./ / /' / ( "--- .., ;j ~ ....tl ] ~ --' 4964 r I '-- MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDE- VELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALI- FoRNIA, HELD THE 30TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1975, 300 NORTH IIDII STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Vice Chairman called the meeting to order at 4: 10 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Wilson, Blum, Perea and Green Agency Members Absent: Stephenson and Guhin Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1976: "...... It was explain"ed that the By-Laws of the Redevelopment Agency call for the Election of Officers to be held at the first Regular Meeting in January every year. In that the first Thursday in January falls on January 1st, the members determined that due to the press of business, the meeting should be held today, December 30, 1975. Mr. Flory was asked if it would cause any legal problem if the election was held at todays meeting rather than later in January. Mr. Flory stated that it would not, with the understanding that the new appointments would not be effective u~til January I, 1976. \....., The Vice Chairman called for nominations for the office of Chairman for the year 1976. Mr. Wilson stated that Mr. Green has proved his capabilities as Vice Chair- man and appears to have the time to devote to the position of Chairman of the Agency. He further stated that Mr. Green comprehends the importance of what the Agency is implementing and has the ability to bring it about, and for these reasons he will nominate Mr. Green for the office of Chairman. Mrs. Blum seconded the nomination. There being no further nominations, Mr. Green was elected Chairman for the year 1976 by the following vote,to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Blum, Perea and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Guhin The Vice Chairman called for nominations for the office of Vice Chairman for the year 1976. Mr. Wilson nominated Mrs. Blum for the office of Vice Chairman and Mr. Perea seconded the nomination. There being no further nominations, Mrs. Blum was elected Vice Chairman for the year 1976 by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Perea, Green and Blum Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Guhin Mr. Green stated that he will enjoy the pleasure of working with Mrs . Blum towards the Agency I s endeavors. All Board Members concurred. r The Vice Chairman called for nominations for the office of Secretary/Treasurer , for the year 1976. Mr. Wilson nominated Mr. Quinn for the office of Secretary/ \..... 4905 Treasurer. Mr. Perea seconded the nomination. Mr. Quinn was elected Secretary / Treasurer for the year 1976 by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Blum, Perea and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Guhin The Vice Chairman called for nominations for the office of Assistant Secretary/ Treasurer for the year 1976. Mr. Wilson nominated Mr. Ralph Shadwell for the office of Assistant Secretary/Treasurer for the year 1976. Mr. Perea seconded the nomination. Mr. Shadwell was elected Assistant Secretary/Treasurer for the year 1976 by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Blum, Perea and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Guhin MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 18, 1975 were presented for approval. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Perea approving the Min- utes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Blum, Perea and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Guhin REPOR T OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory reported that a meeting regarding the Base Reduction is temporarily set for January 15,1976. Mr. Holliman will be in town on January 7th for a meet- ing with the Mayor regarding this matter. 4: 16 p.m. - Mr. Guhin arrived at the meeting. JOHN S. GRIFFITH PROPOSAL REGARDING USE OF PARCEL (WEST END): Mr. Bob Curci, Mr. Bill Kenney, and Mr. Barbour, Western Sector Associates, were presented to the Members. Western Sector Associates is a Partnership comprised of John S. Griffith Company and Curci Turner Company. Mr. Green explained that Western Sector Associates owns several parcels of pro- perty within the western sector of the Central City Project. They have developed the Arco Service Station and the Automobile Club. One undeveloped parcel remains. Mr. Kenney stated that Western Sector Associates had previously proposed to develop a dental building on this remaining site. The tenant for this proposed dental building backed out of the transaction. They have been unsuccessful in obtaining an office type user for the site. Mr. Kenney stated that Western Sector Associates proposes to develop a Del Taco restaurant on this site. The restaurant will have extensive landscaping. The restaurant will be valued in excess of $170,000. The building will be approximately 3,000 sq. ft. It will initially employ 25 people and it is estimated that depending on sales volumn, employment could increase to 45. It was further explained that the restaurant will have a drive-thru window. ., ..... J ..., I --' [ ".-. , \ \..- ,.... i , f .... 4966 It was explained that the sales tax revenue for this type of a development would be greater than that derived from an office type building. Also, more tax incre- mental cash flow would be produced from this type of development. Mr. Quinn estimated that the restaurant would produce approximately $6,500 per year in .tax incremental income. The question of adequate parking was discussed. It was explained that Del Taco will enter into a Reciprocal Easement Agreement with Hobo Joes and the Auto Club for the sharing of the par king. Mr. Wilson stated that Western Sector Associates have certainly indicated their search for an office type development on this site and that he could see no reason for the development of a Del Taco not to be approved. Mr. Green stated that in addition to the increased tax incremental income, the employment factor was certainly a vote in their favor. The members inquired about the time table contemplated for the development. They were informed that the plans should be filed for plan check by January 10th. Construction is to follow shortly after approval. Mrs. Blum asked if Western Sector is selling the property to Del Taco or just leasing the building. Mr. Curci replied that Western Sector Associates will own the building and lease the site to an investor for development. After review, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Guhin approving the proposed development of a Del Taco within the Western Sector of the Central City Project, proposed by Western Sector Associates. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Perea, Guhin, Blum and Green Noes: None Abstention: NOne Absent: Stephenson PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF REDEVELOPMENT PLAN, REPORT, AND DRAFT EIR FOR CENTRAL CITY EAST AND CENTRAL CITY SOUTH: Mr. Green stated that the preliminary approval of the Redevelopment Plan, Report and Draft EIR for the Central City East and Central City South project were legal formalities necessary leading towards the final adoption of the Redevelopment Pro- jects at Public Hearing. After review, the following resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3144 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PRELIMINARILY APPROVING A REDEVEL- OPMENT PLAN, A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN REPORT AND A DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT REGARDING CENTRAL CITY EAST - THE CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX; AND AUTHORIZING TRANSMITTAL OF SAME TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION t~VMli,l,.__,_iIiI!!r 4967 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") has prepared a Redevelopment Plan for Central City East - the City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex ("Redevelopment Plan"); and .., ~ f ! ....... WHEREAS, the Agency has also prepared a Redevelopment Plan Report ("Report") and a Draft Environmental Impact Report ("Draft EIR") on said Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, all proceedings required to be taken by the Community Redevelopment Law as a prerequisite to the action taken in this Resolution have been taken in compliance with said Law, and the Agency is fully advised in the premises. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE RE- DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Redevelopment Plan referred to in the recitals hereof, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorpo1"ated herein, is hereby preliminarily approved. Section 2: The Report referred to in the recitals hereof, attached hereto as Exhibit liB" and by this reference incorporated herein, is hereby preliminarily approved. Section 3. The D1"aft EIR referred to in the recitals hereof, attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and by this reference incorporated herein, is hereby preliminarily approved. ., >> .....J Section 4. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to transmit to the Planning Commission of the City of San Bernardino a copy of this Resolution, together with all its Exhibits, with a request that said Planning Commission (1) approve the Redevelopment Plan, the Report and Draft EIR; (2) render a report as to conformity of said Redevelopment Plan with the General Plan of the City of San Bernardino; (3) render a report or reports pursuant to Government Code Section 65402; and (4) transmit such approvals and reports to the Agency and to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 30th day of December , 1975 . Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolotion No. 3144. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Blum, Perea, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson ~ -..J ,.11 -""*''e''''';;''''''''''!ii.!<o' .U [ ,...... \- ,.... t t L 4968 RESOLUTION NO. 3145 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PRELIMINARILY APPROVING A REDEVEL- OPMENT PLAN, A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN REPORT AND A DRAFT ENVIRONMENT AL IMP ACT REPORT REGARDING CENTRAL CITY SOUTH; AND AUTHORIZING TRANSMITTAL OF SAME TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") has prepared a Redevelopment Plan for Central City South ("Redevelopment Plan"); and WHEREAS, the Agency has also prepared a Redevelopment Plan Report ("Report") and a Draft Environmental Impact Report ("Draft EIR") on said Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, all proceedings required to be taken by the Community Redevelopment Law as a prerequisite to the action taken in this Resolution have been taken in compliance with said Law, and the Agency is fully advised in the premises. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE RE- DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Redevelopment Plan referred to in the recitals hereof, attached hereto as Exhibit" AI' and by this reference incorporated herein, is hereby preliminarily approved. Section 2: The Report referred to in the recitals hereof, attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by this reference incorporated herein, is hereby preliminarily approved. Section 3. The Draft EIR referred to in the recitals hereof, attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and by this reference incorporated herein, is hereby preliminarily approved. Section 4. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to transmit to the Planning Commission of the City of San Bernardino a copy of this Resolution, together with all its Exhibits, with a request that said Planning Commission (1) approve the Redevelopment Plan, the Report and Draft EIR; (2) render a report - as to conformity of said Redevelopment Plan with the General Plan of the City of San Bernardino; (3) render a report or reports pursuant to Government Code Section 65402; and (4) transmit such approvals and reports to the Agency and to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 30th day of December , 1975 . 4969 Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3145. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Guhin, Wilson, Blum and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson ....., ..... AWARD OF CONTRACT, TRACT 8964, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT: Mr. Green stated that bids were opened for the site improvements within the vicinity of Tract 8964, State College Project. This is the tract to be built by Val Vista Estates. The Owner Participation Agreement sets forth that the Agency shall be responsible for the site improvements. After review, the following reso- lution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3146 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH MATICH CORPORATION, UNIT NO.5, TRACT 8964, SITE IMPROVEMENTS, ST ATE COLLEGE PROJECT WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency invited competitive sealed bids for the site improvements within Tract 8964, Unit No.5, State College Project; and ., ! .....J WHEREAS, an Invitation for Bid therefore was duly published in the San Bernardino Sun Telegram and other publications, newspapers of general circulation, for four days and Affidavits are on file in this Agency; and WHEREAS, a number of bids were received at the time and place specified and said bids were opened and read aloud in public. The lowest qualified bid was offered by Matich Corporation in the amount of $179,237.75; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency accepted the low bid submitted by Matich Corporation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into contract with Matich Corporation, Unit No.5, Tract 8964, Site Improvements, State College Project Area, for an amount not to exceed $179,237.75. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3146. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Blum, Perea, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson ....... -...iI r L- r ! ! l...J ",..- t f I ~ 4970 OTHER BUSINESS: Because Mr 0 Guhin was not present for the Election of Officers for the year 1976, the Vice Chairman informed him of the newly elected officers 0 Mr 0 Guhin stated that he desired to concur with the election of officers as held 0 ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Perea adjourning the meeting at 4: 35 p om 0 The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Blum, Perea, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson 4971 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 15TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1976, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, ROOM 320, SAN BERNARDINO, CAL1FORNIA ~ J ..J The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4: 05 p. m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Green, Wilson, Blum and Obershaw Agency Members Absent: Guhin, Perea and Stephenson Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary MINUTES: The Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting held December 30, 1975 were sub- mitted for approval. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Wilson approving the Minutes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Wilson, Green and Obershaw Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Guhin, Perea and Stephenson INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY APPOINTED BOARD MEMBER: Mr. Green introduced Mr. Charles Obershaw to the Members. Mr. Obershaw was appointed by the Mayor and Council January 5, 1976. Mr. Obershaw is the owner of Imperial Toyota. Mr. Green provided a brief resume of Mr. Obershaw I s past activities. Mr. Obershaw was welcomed to the Board. J REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory stated that he has nothing to report at this time. DEMOLITION CONTRACT, UNIT NO.3, CENTRAL CITY WEST: Mr. Green stated that the Agency has a contract with the City whereby we act as the administrator for demolition contracts through Community Development Funds. The City desired the demolition of the Labor Temple on Third Street. This building could not be demolished by the City because it was proven. structurally sound. The Agency could demolish the building under its rules and regulations. Bids were solicited through the Agency. Bids were received but they were not necessarily in accordance with the bid documents. It was the feeling of the staff that all bids should be rejected, and the demolition con- tractors should negotiate directly with the owner of the property for bid prices. After review, motion was made by Blum and seconded by Obershaw rejecting all bids submitted for Unit No.3, Central City West, and directing the staff ~ ..- r I I I '-- ,.- ! L- 4972 to refer demolition contractors to the owner of the property for direct nego- tiations. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Wilson, Obershaw and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Guhin Stephenson and Perea 4: 15 p.m. - Mr. Guhin arrived at the meeting. PROJECT IMPLEMENT A TION: It was explained that the following resolutions are procedural resolutions re- quired for the implementation of the Central City South and the Central City East project areas. The following resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3147 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, TAKING CERTAIN ACTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH A DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT REGARDING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL CITY EAST- THE CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX WHEREAS, pursuant to the authorization and direction of the Agency to prepare the Redevelopment Plan for Central City East - the City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex, there has been prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report ("Draft EIR") thereon as required by law; and WHEREAS, said Draft EIR should be offered for review and comments thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE RE- DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Draft EIR attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and made a part hereof is hereby approved. Section 2. That the form entitled "Form CA-189" regarding said Draft EIR shall be filed by the Secretary with the Resources Agency of the State of California. Section 3. That the Secretary shall cause a notice of the availability of said Draft EIR to be published in The Sun Telegram. Section 4. That the Executive Director of the Agency shall request comments on said Draft EIR from such reviewing agencies as he shall deem appropriate in the circumstances. ,..... Section 5. That March 3, 1976 shall be the last day on which the Agency will i receive comments on the Draft EIR. \....r 4973 Date: April 19, 1976 , ~ ...J Section 6. That a public hearing be held on the Draft EIR as follows: Time: 2: 00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers City Hall 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA Section 7. That the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino are hereby requested to meet jointly with the Agency on the date and time and at the place set forth in Section 6, above. Section 8. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution, together with the attached Exhibit "C", to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, for such action as they may wish to take. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3147. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Wilson, Guhin, Obershaw and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Perea J RESOLUTION NO. 3148 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, TAKING CERTAIN ACTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH A DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT REGARDING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL CITY SOUTH WHEREAS, pursuant to the authorization and direction of the Agency to prepare the Redevelopment Plan for Central City South, there has been prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (I'Draft EIR") thereon as required by law; and WHEREAS, said Draft EIR should be offered for review and comments thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE RE- DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Draft EIR attached hereto as E;xhibit "C" and made a part hereof is hereby approved. ~ Section 2. That the form entitled "Form CA-189" regarding said Draft EIR shall be filed by the Secretary with the Resources Agency of the State of California. .........I iJ.nHII r L r- I..- "... i ! \... 4974 Section 3. That the Secretary shall cause a notice of the availability of said Draft EIR to be published in The Sun Telegram. Section 4. That the Executive Director of the Agency shall request comments on said Draft EIR from such reviewing agencies as he shall deem appropriate in the circumstances. Section 5. That March 3, 1976 shall be the last day on which the Agency will receive comments on the Draft EIR. Section 6. That a public hearing be held on the Draft EIR as follows: Date: April 19, 1976 Time: 2:00p.m. Place: Council Chambers Ci ty Hall 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA Section 7. That the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino are hereby requested to meet jointly with the Agency on the date and time and at the place set forth in Section 6, above. Section 8. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution, together with the attached Exhibit "C", to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, for such action as they may wish to take. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th 1976 day of January Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3148. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Wilson, Guhin, Obershaw and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Perea RESOLUTION NO. 3149 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CONSENTING TO THE HOLDING OF A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL CITY EAST - THE CITY. COUNTY. STATE. FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX. REQUESTING THE MAYOR AND COM- MON COUNCIL TO CONSENT TO AND ORDER THE HOLDING OF co AME. AND AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION AND MAILING OF NOTICE THEREOF .f,~\:,,,,<~,,,." 4975 RESOLUTION NO. 3144 .... ,~ t ...... WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") has adopted its Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PRELIMINARILY APPROVING A REDEVEL- OPMENT PLAN, A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN REPORT AND A DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT REGARDING CENTRAL CITY EAST - THE CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX; AND AUTHORIZING TRANSMITTAL OF SAME TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That a joint public hearing with the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino be held on said Redevelopment Plan as follows: Date: April 19, 1976 Time: 2:00p.m. J Place: Council Chambers Ci ty Hall 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, California Section 2. The Agency hereby consents to the holding of such hearing. Section 3. That the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino be requested to meet jointly and hold such hearing with the Agency on the date and time and at the place set forth in Section 1. Section 4. The Secretary of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, together with a copy of said Redevelopment Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, and the Redevelopment Plan Report, attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 5. The Secretary of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed, in cooperation with the City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino, to cause a Notice of such joint public hearing on said Redevelopment Plan to be published once a week for four (4) successive weeks prior to the hearing in The Sun Telegram. ......, -...IIi -'",*,'~'~r."ll jj;"'.--:- .<"*"",-,_".,_,,",,j~...1i. [ ",.- '-- 4976 Section 6. The Executive Director of the Agency is hereby authorized and dir- ected, in cooperation with the City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino, to cause copies of said Notice of such joint public hearing, together with the map or state- ment required by Health and Safety Code Section 33350, to be mailed, by certified mail with return receipt requested, to the last known assessee of each parcel of land within the boundaries of the Central City East - the City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex Project Area, at his last known address as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County. Section 7. The Executive Director of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed, in cooperation with the City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino, to cause copies of the Notice of such joint public hearing to be mailed, by certified mail, with return receipt requested, to the governing body of each of the taxing agencies which levy taxes upon any property in the Central City East - the City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex Project Area. Accompanying said Notice of such joint public hearing shall be the statement requir'ed by Health and Safety Code Section 33350.1. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3149. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Guhin, Blum, Obershaw and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson RESOLUTION NO. 3150 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CONSENTING TO THE HOLDING OF A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL CITY REQUESTING THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TO CONSENT TO AND ORDER THE HOLDING OF SAME, AND AUTHORIZ- ING PUBLICATION AND MAILING OF NOTICE THEREOF WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (1'Agency") has adopted its Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 3145 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PRELIMINARILY APPROVING A REDEVEL- OPMENT PLAN, A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN REPORT AND A DRAFT ENVIRONMENT AL IMP ACT REPORT REGARDING CENTRAL CITY AND AUTHORIZING TRANSMITTAL OF SAME TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. "... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: '-- 11. T_ _J. ""-~__~ ,-. :t"_IH 4977 Date: April 19, 1976 ., t ........ Section 1. That a joint public hearing with the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino be held on said Redevelopment Plan as follows: Time: 2:00p.m. Place: Council Chambers City Hall 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino, California Section 2. The Agency hereby consents to the holding of such hearing. Section 3. That the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino be requested to meet jointly and hold such hearing with the Agency on the date and time and at the place set forth in Section 1. Section 4. The Secretary of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, together with a copy of said Redevelopment Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, and the Redevelopment Plan Report, attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by this reference incorporated herein. --, J Section 5. The Secretary of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed, in cooperation with the City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino, to cause a Notice of such joint public hearing on said Redevelopment Plan to be published once a week for four (4) successive weeks prior to the hearing in The Sun Telegram. Section 6. The Executive Director of the Agency is hereby authorized and dir- ected, in cooperation with the City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino, to cause copies of said Notice of such joint public hearing, together with the map or state- ment required by Health and Safety Code Section 33350, to be mailed, by certified mail with return receipt requested, to the last known assessee of each parcel of land within the boundaries of the Central City South Project Area. Accompanying said Notice of such joint public hearing shall be the statement required by Health and Safety Code Section 33350.1. Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Obershaw authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3150. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Obershaw, Wilson, Blum and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson ...., - ;ihlJltt'.11l11 iL"'""'_~'<"'--...rr [ r L ,.... j.; t i..... 4978 RESOLUTION NO . 3151 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING RULES GOVERNING PARTICIPATION BY OWNERS AND BUSINESS TENANTS IN CENTRAL CITY EAST - THE CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino has prepared a Redevelopment Plan for Central City East - the City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex; and WHEREAS, the owners of certain real property and/or business tenants thereof, within the above named Project Area, may desire to participate in the redevelop- ment in conformity with the Redevelopment Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE RE- DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The rules and regulations entitled: "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Rules Governing Participation by Owners and Business Tenants in Central City East - the City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, shall govern participation by owners and business tenants in Central City East - the City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex. Section 2. The Secretary shall make said rules and regulations available at the office of the City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino for inspection by all inter- ested persons. Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3151. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Wilson, Obershaw, Blum and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson RESOLUTION NO. 3152 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING RULES GOVERNING PARTICIPATION BY OWNERS AND BUSINESS TENANTS IN CENTRAL CITY SOUTH WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino has prepared a Redevelopment Plan for Central City South; and ur..if T::--':-';." ,;,^,""''''> 4979 WHEREAS, the owners of certain real property and/or business tenants thereof, within the above named Project Area, may desire to participate in the redevelop- J. . ..:. ment in conformi,ty with the Redevelopment Plan. .. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE RE- DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The rules and regulations entitled: "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Rules Governing Participation by Owners and Business Tenants in Central City South attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, shall govern participation by owners and business tenants in Central City South. Section 2. The Secretary shall make said rules and regulations available at the office of the City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino for inspection by all inter- ested persons. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3152. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Wilson, Obershaw, Blum and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson RESOLUTION NO. 3153 ] RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING RULES GOVERNING PREFER- ENcE FOR RE-ENTRY IN BUSINESS IN CENTRAL CITY EAST - THE CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") has prepared a Redevelopment Plan for Central City East - the City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex; and WHEREAS, the Agency desires, when consistent with the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan, to give preference to existing owners and business tenants for re-entry in business in the redevelopment area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE RE- DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The rules and regulations entitled: "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino Rules Governing Preference for Re-Entry in Business in Central City East - the City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as through set forth in full, shall govern the re-entry of owners and business tenants in business in the redeveloped area. ~ ........ ~'l;l1""r ,'l'f,. J ,..W.,-T<i""~i"~""""""!,;.,.",, [ [ [ 4980 Section 2. The Secretary shall make said rules and regulations available at the office of the City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino for inspection by all interested persons. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3153. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Guhin, Blum, Obershaw and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson RESOLUTION NO. 3154 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING RULES GOVERNING PREFER- ENcE FOR RE-ENTRY IN BUSINESS IN CENTRAL CITY SOUTH WHEREAS;, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") has prepared a Redevelopment Plan for Central City South; and WHEREAS, the Agency desires, when consistent with the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan, to give preference to existing owners and business tenants for re-entry in business in the redevelopment area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE RE- DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The rules and regulations entitled: "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino Rules Governing Preference for Re-Entry in Business in Central City South attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as through set forth in full, shall govern the re-entry of owners and business tenants in business in the redeveloped area. Section 2. The Secretary shall make said rules and regulations available at the office of the City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino for inspection by all interested persons. Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3154. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Guhin, Blum, Obershaw and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson RESOLUTION NO. 3155 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING THE FORM OF "DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS" TO BE INCLUDED IN ALL INSTRUMENTS CONVEYING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE PROJECT AREA OF CENTRAL CITY EAST - THE CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX u ... :1.41 .~.!11 1 4981 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") is preparing a Redevelopment Plan for Central City East - the City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex; and 1 ~ ...... WHEREAS, the Agency will, from time to time, sell, dispose of, convey, transfer or lease some or all of the parcels of real property within the Central City East _ the City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex Project Area; and WHEREAS, the Agency desires that, for the benefit of the Agency and the several purchasers or lessees of lots and parcels of such real property, to prescribe certain standards relating to the use and occupation of such real property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE REDE- VELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The form "Declaration of Restrictions" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as though set forth in full, shall be included in every instrument executed by the Agency which conveys, disposes of, transfers or leases real property within the Project Area of Central City East _ the City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Obershaw authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3155. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Guhin, Blum, Obershaw and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson .., J ..J RESOLUTION NO. 3156 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING THE FORM OF "DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS" TO BE INCLUDED IN ALL INSTRUMENTS CONVEYING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE PROJECT AREA OF CENTRAL CITY SOUTH WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") is preparing a Redevelopment Plan for Central City South; and WHEREAS, the Agency will, from time to time, sell, dispose of, convey, transfer or lease some or all of the parcels of real property within the Central City South Proj ect Area; and WHEREAS, the Agency desires that, for the benefit of the Agency and the several purchasers or lessees of lots and parcels of such real property, to prescribe certain standards relating to the use and occupation of such real property. ...., NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE REDE- VELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: - H'lt'., I J 1. ~ ! _~';i""'''''._"",,;-,,~, [ [ ,.. I ..... 4982 Section 1. The form "Declaration of Restrictions" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as though set forth in full, shall be included in every instrument executed by the Agency which conveys, disposes of, transfers or leases real property within the Project Area of Central City South Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3156. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Guhin, Blum, Obershaw and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson HOTEL DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL - ROBERT SCHWARTZ Mr. Green stated that one of the Agency most critical needs is for a hotel development within Central City. The Agency has been attempting to find a developer for this site for some time. Mr. Green explained that he and Mr. Quinn have both been referred to a Mr. Robert Schwartz, Hotel Development Consultants, Inc., from different sources. Mr. Schwartz himself is not a hotel developer. He is a consultant for putting together hotel packages. Mr. Schwartz had intended to appear before the Agency Board today but felt it to the Agency's advantage to fly to Boston to meet with the president of a hotel chain regarding San Bernardino's development. Mr. Green stated that he spoke to Mr. Schwartz and concurred that his trip to Boston should be taken at this time. The total fee charged for obtaining a committment for our hotel is $15,000. Mr. Schwartz' proposal sets forth the payment of $2,500 payable upon securing letters of commitment from several hotel chains. His next payment would be in the amount of $10,000. This money would be for costs incurred such as arch- itectural services for design of the hotel, certain engineering costs, and certain out of pocket expenses. This amount shall not exceed the $10,000. The final payment of $2,500 will be due upon the signing of a contract by a lead developer for the hotel. After the contract is signed, Mr. Schwartz' services with the Agency shall cease. It is anticipated from this point on that Mr. Schwartz will be working with and for the contracted developer. Mr. Green stated that he and Mr. Quinn have spoken to Mr. Jacobs, attorney for Los Angeles Redevelopment Agency, regarding Mr. Schwartz. Mr. Jacobs stated that he not only contacted every reference given by Mr. Schwartz, but also had a police check ran on the organization. All checks revealed that Mr. Schwartz was very reliable and qualified. The Agency has not personally checked the references. Mr. Jacobs stated that his office would gladly furnish the Agency with copies of their reports. All members felt that they would like to have Mr. Schwartz present before making a decision regarding the acceptance of his service. The Members determined I-r------""'" 4983 that this item should be continued to an adjourned regular meeting to be held next week. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Obershaw tabling this matter until Thursday, January 22, 1976. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Obershaw, Guhin, Blum and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson ..., ...... ADDITIONAL COMPACTION SERVICES - E &.G CONTRACTORS, YWCA BLDG: Mr. Quinn requested authorization for a change order to the contract with E & G Contractors (YWCA site) for additional compaction services. It was ex- plained that SAFECO Title Insurance Co. bought this site from the Agency for the construction of their new SAFECO Building. Along with this YWCA site they also purchased from the Agency a small parcel adjacent to the YW site. This parcel was not included in the contract with E & G. It now is apparent that compaction is necessary on this site in order to deliver a buildable site to SAFECO. E & G have proposed to provide this additional compaction for $5,800. SAFECO anticipates starting construction on February 1st. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3157 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SEC- RETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO.1 FOR $5,800 WITH E &, G CONTRACTORS, INC. , UNIT NO.3, CENTRAL CITY NORTH , 1 .....J WHEREAS, Agency agreed to provide SAFECO Title Company with a building pad for their new structure; and WHEREAS, a cost figure of $5,800.00 for recompaction and import materials has been obtained; and WHEREAS, SAFECO Title Company will pay for removal and import materials for the parking lot area to the west of the new structure. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary of the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino be hereby authorized to enter into Change Order No.1 for $5,800.00 with E & G Contractors, Inc. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3157. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Wilson, Obershaw and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson COUNTY USE OF AGENCY PROPERTY AT 4TH AND MT. VIEW FOR PARKING PURPOSES: ~ - 'M.I ijlj' ..t.....^:li..~~...1 [ [ ,... L 4984 Mr. Green explained that many meetings have been held with Mr. Covington regarding the County/City exchange of property for the Civic Center Complex. Mr. Covington has requested that the County be allowed to use the property at 4th and Mt. View for'parking purposes. This property is now vacant. The Agency has placed poles with steel cables between the poles around this pro- perty to prevent traspassing. These poles are being moved and the possiblity of liability is involved due to any possible injuries. Mr. Green stated that he and Mr. Quinn would recommend that the Agency enter into a lea~e with the County for this property, with the understanding that the County incur all costs involved in the conversion of this lot for parking purposes, and also that they provide all the necessary .insurance coverage. The Members felt that a fair rental fee for administrative purposes would be $1.00 per month. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3157 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE REDEVELOP- MENT AGENCY TO ENTER INTO A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE VICINITY OF 4TH & MT. VIEW, FOR PARKING PURPOSES WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency owns property located at 4th Street and Mt. View Avenue, San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, the County of San Bernardino has requested the use of this property to be used by the County for parking purposes; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency feels that this interim use is warranted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into a Lease Agreement with the County of San Bernardino, leasing that property located at the corner of 4th and Mt. View to the County of San Bernardino for parking purposes, for a sum in the amount of $1.00 per month. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County of San Bernardino shall incur all costs for the conversion of this property for parking purposes and shall further provide all the necessary insurance as set forth in the Lease Agreement. Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3158. The motion was carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Obershaw, Wilson, Blum, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson nfl, r JCll MIlK,-!:.;. B ,e -,.' '*'~, 4985 TEMPORARY RELOCATION OF PURCHASING & REPRODUCTION FACILITIES OF THE COUNTY, AT AGENCY EXPENSE: .... It was explained that the Agency has temporarily relocated the YWCA into the County Agricultural Building on Lugo Street. The YWCA is in the pro- cess of preparing an analysis to determine whether their overall development plan is feasible and can be implemented. If it proves unfeasible, as an alter- native they are looking into the possibility of remaining in the Agricultural Building or perhaps one of the buildings surrounding the Agricultural build- ing. ....... One of their membership programs is a Day Care Center. If the Day Care Center is approved for the downtown area under Community Development Funds, there is a possibility that it may be located within the purchasing & reproduction facility. If this takes place, the County will need to be temporarily relocated from these facilities. The County is agreeable to this interim move. Their per- minent quarters will not be completed for approximately 18 months. It was explained that the Agency is not asking for authorization to relocate the Pur- chasing & Reporduction facilities now; but only for authorization for the staff to pursue the possibility with the County. After review, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Obershaw authorizing the staff to negotiate with the County and City for possible temporary relocation of the County's P1.lrchasing and Relocation Facilities. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Obershaw, Blum, Ouhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson ...... ti -i REVIEW OF DEVELOPER PROPOSALS - CENTRAL CITY WEST: Mr. Quinn explained that proposals were solicited for developers for the Mt. Vernon Community Center. Only one proposal was received. The pro-. posal was from Mt. Vernon Associates, which is comprised of many individuals within the community. The proposal is for an exclusive right to negotiate for a period of 90 days. Mt. Vernon Associates have the full support of the Small Business Administration. The Mt Vernon Community Center has the support of the Community, the Council and Councilman Campos, Councilman for its ward. During this 90 day period Mt. Vernon Associates and the Small Business Administration will work closely with the Agency in getting the entire package together. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3159 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO NEGOTIATE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE MT. VERNON COMMUNITY CENTER TO THE MOUNT VERNON ASSOCIATES ....., - H. . ',.. _~;""__T~","';,"~+>-;;,~" J: [ [ ,.... t .... 4986 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency advertised for developers for the pro- posed Mt. Vernon Community Center, Central City West, in the Sun Telegram on December 29, 30 and 31, 1975; and WHEREAS, one proposal was submitted for an exclusive right to negotiate for the proposed development. That proposal was submitted by Mt. Vernon Associates; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has determined that this exclusive right to negotiate shall be warranted for a 90 day period. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency does hereby grant to Mt. Vernon Associates exclusive right to negotiate for aperiod of 90 days for the development of the Mt. Vernon Community Center, Central City West. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3159. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Blum, Guhin, Obershaw and Green Noes: None Abstent~on: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson CENTRAL CITY ADVISORY BOARD - CALIFORNIA THEATER: Mr. Green stated that he has not had a chance to fully review this matter and would like it tabled until the next meeting in order that he can do so. Mr. Bill Leonard, Central City Advisory Board, asked if he should explain the item first and then it could be tabled for further review. All members felt this should be done. Mr. Leonard stated that the Mayor has requested the authorization to expend $15,000 from the Area Tax Fund for the referbishment of the Cali- fornia Theater. The Area Tax Fund was established for parking related ex- penses. The Mayor concurred that this was in voilation of the true nature of the fund, but that no other funds were available. Mr. Leonard suggested that the Advisory Board approve the recommendation of the Mayor with the under- standing that there is a more proper fund available for the expenditure - that of the Redevelopment Fund. He stated that he understands that the Agency does not have funds available at this time for reimbursement of this expense, but that he would like the Agency to recognize that it would be a proper expenditure for the Redevelopment Fund, and that reimbursement of this ex- penditure would be made at such time as the Agency is able or within three years - in any case it would be on an II as ablell basis. _,!iIiil";;!~~'n"'" "'t_l!l-~~"''''- 4987 Mr. Green stated that the Agency has a Lease Agreement with the Civic Light J ....,'. Opera for the California Theater. He asked Mr. Flory if this type of action would " in any way be in violation with our Lease Agreement. Mr. Flory stated that he would look into this matter. After review, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Obershaw tabling this matter until next Thursday, January 22, 1976. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Obershaw, Blum, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Quinn stated that the Agency is at this time negotiating with the County Medical Society for their purchase of the Jefferson School Site. The Medical Society is also negotiating with owners of property located on the Cooley Ranch in Colton. The Jefferson School was appraised at $350,000. The Medical Society is inter- ested in purchasing the easterly 350' of the site at a purchase price of $157,000 with an option to purchase the balance of the property for the balance of the $350,000. When they exercise this option, they desire the balance to be added to their loan. At this time they have requested a committment from the Agency to finance this package and give them a lease option that they can exercise at such time as they are able to purchase the remainder of the property. This will give them an "escape clause" for a 10 year period of time. They desire a 30 year loan, with a 7% interest. The Agency has talked with a lending institu- tion who is willing to work with the Agency on a financing vehicle of this kind. A one year option was discussed. The Agency would be able to dispose of the property if they did not exercise their option within this time period. .., II ...J It was explained that estimates for demolition of the Jefferson School have run from $13,000 - $17,000. The Medical society would like a guarantee that it will not cost over $15,000 for demolition. They would like the Agency to in effect negotiate the construction contract. The Agency cannot directly construct buildings. The Agency would actually be the owner of the building, working through the Economic Development Council, which was created for that specific purpose. The Jefferson School Site is located within the Special Impact Area. Mr. Flory was asked for his legal opinion regarding the matter. Mr. Flory stated that he discussed this issue with Special Legal Counsel, Bill Holliman, and it is both their opinions that by using the vehicle of the Economic Develop- ment Council it would be legally alright. Mrs. Blum felt that the matter should be referred to the Agency's Technical Advisory Committee. Mr. Bill Leonard stated that the Technical Advisory Committee stands ready to discuss any issue that the Agency may direct of I11III\ ......... [ [ ,.. t L 4988 it. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Guhin tabling the matter regarding the County Medical Society for further study and recommendation by the Technical Advisory Committee. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Guhin, Blum, Obershaw and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Wilson adjourning the meet- ing at 5: 25 p.m. until Thursday, January 22, 1976, at 4: 00 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Obershaw, Wilson, Blum, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea & Stephenson -.~>=6I1W~,";X 4989 MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDE- VELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALI- FoRNIA, HELD JANUARY 22, 1976, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, ROOM 320, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, 4: 00 P.M. .., I " ....I The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4: 05 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Wilson, Obershaw, Guhin, Green and Perea Agency Members Absent: Stephenson and Blum Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory stated that the Base Reduction matter will be going to trial tomorrow, January 23, 1976. The Mayor, Mr. Covington, Mr. Hansberger and Agency have meet several times exploring the possibility of a settlement. We have been instructed by the Mayor to continue exploring this possibility while a decision is pending. Mr. Green stated that all of the parties involved have committed themselves to discussing such a settlement. He stated that he believes that the possibility for a settlement now exists. PRESENTATION BY ROBERT SCHWARTZ, IfD tEL CONSULTANT: .., i ....J Mr. Green stated that Mr. Schwartz I proposal as Hotel Consultant for the Agency was discussed in length at the meeting last week. The Members at this time deferred a decision until Mr. Schwartz could be present. Mr. Schwartz was intro- duced to the Members. 4: 15 p.m. - Mrs. Blum arrived at the meeting. Mr. Schwartz explained that his total fee is $15,000. $2,500 is payable upon securing two or more letters of committment from hotel developers. Mr. Schwartz has already provided the Agency with a copy of one letter received from Carlson Properties, Inc. , in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mr. Schwartz presented another letter from Universal Hotels which was secured from their president during his visit to Boston. Mr. Schwartz explained that their next stop would be to have architectural con- ceptural renderings, site plan, schematic layouts, cost analysis and cash pro- jections prepared. All this information would go into the preparation and printing of a developers promotion package. This package would be used to entice a strong lead developer. The cost for this portion of the contract would not exceed $10,000. This amount also includes all out of pocket expenses incurred. Mr. Schwartz ex- plained that he has a team of architects and engineers who he works with in his JIIIIIII\ endeavor. The Members were concerned that the cost of this portion of the contract could exceed $10,000. Mr. Schwartz stated that the Agency would only pay the $10,000. -... [ r I l.- I . "... t , '--- 4990 If his cost exceeded this amount it would not be the responsibility of the Agency to reimburse him for any extra costs, nor would he request the Agency to do so. Several renderings were shown of hotel developments in other areas. Mr. Schwartz explained that the hotel designed for San Bernardino will fit San Bernardino's needs and abilities. They make sure that a hotel is not designed that will not be able to work in San Bernardino. He stated that this is a very important factor in securing a lead developer. When a lead developer is secured and the contract is executed between this develop- er and the Agency, the remaining $2,500 is payable. Mr. Schwartz stated that a lead developer is one who can perform. The unavailability of financing was discussed. Mr. Schwartz stated that a lead hotel developer will be thoroughtly screened in regard to his track record and availability to funding. The time table involved within this contract was discussed. Mr. Schwartz' stated that the contract provides for exclusive right to negotiate for 365 days from the date of completion of the Presentation Package. The presentation package takes approximately 60 days in preparation. It was explained that the presentation package is subject to the approval of the Agency. If the Agency does not approve . some area in the package it will be redone at no extra cost to the Agency. The $10,000 payment is not payable until this package is approved by the Board. Mr. Schwartz assured the members that if he is not able to secure a lead developer, that the presentation package will become the property of the Agency. Mr. Schwartz stated that a contract has been prepared for the Agency's review This contract was prepared by Gene Jacobs, attorney for Los Angeles Redevelop- ment Agency. Mr. Flory stated that along with Joe Coomes, Mr. Jacobs is the lead attorney in California on redevelopment law, and he is sure the contract would be very effective. He stated that he would review it thoroughly before execution. Mr. Green stated that he was lead to Mr. Schwartz through Gene Jacobs. Mr. Quinn was through another source also recommended to Mr. Schwartz. Mr. Jacobs informed Mr. Green that he contacted all 22 references given to him by Mr. Schwartz and further had a police check ran on him. No negative com- ments were made. Mr. Jacobs assured Mr. Green that he would supply the Agency with copies of the checks if they so desires. Mr. Green stated that he did not want the Board to feel that he was recommending Mr. Schwartz simple because of the way he was recommended to him through Gene Jacobs. Mr. Flory stated that Mr. Jacobs represents 50 - 60 redevelopment agencies through- out Southern California. After careful review and consideration, the following resolution was introduced: u RESOLUTION NO. 3160 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT WITH ROBERT SCHWARTZ, HOTEL CONSULTANT, SUBJECT TO THE REVIEW OF SAID CONTRACT BY AGENCY COUNSEL 4991 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has determined that one of the most critical ::ds for the City of San Bernardino is for a hotel development within Central City; ] WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Schwartz, Hotel Consul tan t, has proposed to provide his services in securing a lead developer for the hotel site; and WHEREAS, Mr. Schwartz I proposal calls for the payment of $2,500 upon securing two or more letters of committment from hotel chains - $10,000 upon the approval and final preparation of a "Promotion Package" - and $2,500 upon the actual execution of a contract with a lead developer for the development of the hotel site; and WHEREAS, the Agency members have review in great detail Mr. SchwartzI proposal and have determined that the acceptance of the proposal would be to the best in- terest of the City of San Bernardino. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino does hereby authorize the execution of a contract with Robert Schwartz, Hotel Consultant, upon the review and approval of the contract by the Agency Counsel. Said contract shall not exceed the total contract price of $15,000; $2,500 payable upon securing two or more letters of committment from hotel chains, $10,000 payable upon the approval of the "Promotion Package", and $2,500 payable upon the actual execution of a contract with a lead developer for the hotel site. ..., ; ...J Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3160, subject to the approval of the contract by the Agency Counsel and receipt of reference information from Mr. Gene Jacobs. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Blum, Wilson, Obershaw, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY - JEFFERSON SCHOOL SITE: Mr. Green stated that this item was discussed at the meeting last week and referred to the Technical Advisory Committee for recommendation. Mr. Green stated that the Technical Advisory Committee met this morning and dis- cussed this item thoroughly. They adopted the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 5 RESOLUTION OF THE TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE PURCHASE OF THE JEFFERSON SCHOOL SITE BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR DISPOSITION TO THE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY ~ - [ ,... I \ \..... ,.... , I \.- 4992 WHEREAS, the County Medical Society has requested a committment from the Redevelopment Agency to develop the County Medical Society building at the Jefferson School Site, and allow them to purchase the easterly 350' of this site for $157,000, under a 10 year Lease Agreement with the Agency, with an option to purchase the remainder of the site within one year; and WHEREAS, the development of the County Medical Society on the Jefferson School Site is outlined within the Overall Plan of Development; and WHEREAS, Redevelopment Agency purchase of the Jefferson School Site from the San Bernardino Unified School District will benefit the School District in disposing of abandoned fallow land; and WHEREAS, the disposition of this site to the County Medical Society will benefit the City of San Bernardino in retaining employment within the City and related income to the City; and WHEREAS, the disposition of this site to the County Medical Society will place this abandoned site back on the tax rolls and increase the tax incremental income to the Agency in excess of $25,000 per year. Said incremental income to be used for the implementation of the proposed Central City East redevelopment project; and WHEREAS, legal opinions from Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, and Agency Special Counsel, Wm. Holliman, have concurred that the development of the County Medical Society by the Redevelopment Agency for disposition to said Medical Society, under a 10 year Lease Agreement, with an option to purchase the remainder of the site within one year, would be legally authorized; and WHEREAS, the Technical Advisory Committee has determined that if the County Medical Society did not exercise their option to purchase the remainder of the site, said site would be very marketable because of its location on Arrowhead Avenue. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Technical Advisory Committee does hereby recommend to the Redevelopment Agency its approval of the purchase of the Jefferson School Site for disposition to the County Medical Society. ADOPTED: 1-22-76 Mr. Green explained that they have requested a 30 year loan at 7% interest. Security Pacific Bank has indicated that they will finance the package. The amount borrowed will pay for the land, the demolition costs involved and the construction of the Medical Society building. Mr. Flory stated that if this item is approved, authorization must be granted from the City Council to purchase the Jefferson School site. 4993 Mr. Green asked for authorization to assure the Medical Society that the Agency will sell to them the easterly 350' of the Jefferson School Site for $157,000 under ]..........l.' a 30 year loan at 7% interest, and enter into a 10 year Lease Agreement with them .. for this property, with an option to purchase the remainder of the site within one year for $193,000. Mr. Green stated that there is no assurance that the Medical Society will accept the Jefferson School Site, in that they are also negotiating with Colton for a site on the Cooley ranch. After careful review and consideration the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3161 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ASSURE THE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY OF ITS INTENTION OF PURCHASING THE JEFFERSON SCHOOL SITE AND DISPOSING OF SAME TO THEM UNDER CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS WHEREAS, the County Medical Society has requested a committment from the Redevelopment Agency to develop the County Medical Society building at the Jefferson School Site, and allow them to purchase the easterly 350 I of this site for $157,000, under a 30 year loan at 7% interest, with a 10 year Lease Agree- ment for the property, and the option to purchase the remainder of the site within one year; and .., a ..J WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has received a recommendation from the Technical Advisory Committee for the approval of this transaction; and WHEREAS, legal opinions from Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, and Agency Special Council, Wm. Holliman, have concurred that the development of the County Medical Society by the Redevelopment Agency for disposition to said Medical Society, under a 10 year Lease Agreement, with an option to purchase the remainder of the site within one year, would be legally authorized; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, does hereby authorize the Chairman and Secretary to assure the County Medical Society of its intention to purchase the Jefferson School Site and dispose of same to them under the terms and conditions above set forth. Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3161. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Obershaw, Wilson, Perea, Blum, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson ...... CENTRAL CITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE - CALIFORNIA THEATER: --' r L r L r t L... 4994 Mr. Green stated that at the last meeting of the Agency, the Central City Advisory Committee requested that the Agency reimburse the Area Tax Fund $15,000. This amount of money was authorized by the City to be taken out of Area Tax Funds for the refurbishment of the California Theater. This item was tabled for further review. Mr. Flory stated that the lease with the Civic Light Opera for the use of the California Theater provides that they will expend $100,000 in improvements to the building. They have stated that they have spent $75,000 to date. Mr. Flory also stated that the lease provides for the submission of annual audit reports. No audit reports have been submitted. They have submitted "Unaudited Financial Statements". These statements do not meet their obligation. The City has already expended the $15,000 from Area Tax Funds to the Civic Light Opera for refurbishment of the theater. This fund was established for parking related expenses, and therefore is an unauthorized expense. The Central City Advisory Committee has requested that the Agency reimburse these funds in that the California Theater is the property of the Agency. It is requested that they be paid within three years from the formation of a parking district, if and when the money is available. It was explained that these funds were authorized at this time because of the great need for refurbishment due to the proposed bicen- tennial production to be held at the California Theater. After careful review and consideration, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3162 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE REIMBURSE- MENT OF $15,000 TO THE AREA TAX FUND WITHIN THREE YEARS FROM THE FORMATION OF A PARKING DISTRICT, IF AND WHEN THIS MONEY IS A v.AlL A.BLE WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino has authorized the expenditures of $15,000 from the Area Tax Fund to the Civic Light Opera for the refurbishment of the California Theater; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency is the owner of the California Theater and has leased said theater to the Civic Light Opera Association; and WHEREAS, the Area Tax Fund was established by the City of San Bernardino for parking related expenses, and the use of these funds for the purpose of refur- bishment of the California Theater is in violation of the true nature for which the fund was established; and 4995 WHEREAS, the Central City Advisory Board has requested that the Redevelopment Agency reimburse the Area Tax Fund the amount of $15,000, within three years from the formation of a Parking District, if and when the funds are available; and 1 .....I WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has thoroughly considered the request of the Central City Advisory Board and has determined that said reimbursement is warranted, if and when the funds are available. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the reimbursement of $15,000 to the Area Tax Fund is hereby approved, within three years from the formation of a Parking Dis- trict, if and when this money is available. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3162. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Perea, Wilson and Obershaw Noes: Green Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson All members felt that the Civic Light Opera Association should be made aware that they are not living up to the terms of their Lease Agreement. Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Obershaw instructing the Agency Counsel to direct a letter to the Civic Light Opera Association, advising them that they are in violation of the terms of their lease agreement and that the Agency is hereby requesting copies of Audit Reports from the time of the execution of the lease to ..., date. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, J Perea, Wilson and Obershaw Noes: Green Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson TESTING SERVICES TRACT 8964, VAL VISTA ESTATES: Mr. Green explained that some time ago, the Agency entered into an Owner Participation Agreement with ALCAL for the development of a 36 unit housing project within the State College Area. The Owner Participation agreement requires the Agency to provide for offsite improvements. Soil tests are necessary for these offsiteimprovements. The Agency has obtained a pro- posal from CHJ Material Lab to provide the soil tests for an amount not to exceed $1,090. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3163 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A CON- TRACT WITH CHJ MATERIAL LAB. FOR SOIL TESTING, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT, TRACT NO. 8964. IIIIIIIIIIlt - [ ,.... L ,... L 4996 WHEREAS, it has become necessary to install off-site improvements for Tract No. 8964, Val Vista Estates which will require soil tests; and WHEREAS, the Agency has obtained a cost figure for said services in an amount not to exceed $1,090.00 from CHJ Material Laboratories. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that the Chairman and Secretary be hereby authorized to enter into Contract with CHJ Materials Laboratoy for an amount not to exceed $1,090.00 for soil testing, State College Project, Tract No. 8964. Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3163. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Guhin, Blum, Wilson, Obershaw and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson REAL ESTATE DISPOSITION: Mr. Green read the following memorandum to the Board: January 22, 1976 MEMO To: Agency Board Members From: Executive Director Re: Real Estate Disposition As you are undoubtably aware, there is an overriding concern on the part of the City administration that the Agency enter into an active disposition program of real estate properties recently acquired by the Agency. It has been suggested by the City administration that the Agency work actively with the Board of Realtors in establishing an aggressive disposition program. This operation would be similar to the custom utilized by the Agency in its real estate disposition activities throughout the conduct of the Meadowbrook and Central City areas wherein Finder's Fees were provided for as a budget line item on the federally approved budget for Agency expenditures. It should be noted that if the Agency expects to have the active support of the Board of Realtors in this type of disposition program that provisions for the pay- ment of a Finder's Fee of this kind is practically mandatory. Historically the Agency's Finder's Fees have been in the amount of 5% of the dis- position price of the property sold, which is less than a normal real estate com- "~~~~'w~~i!f<-)+;,.;q-.-;-,,, 4997 mission, however, this policy has resulted in the successful disposition of the bulk of the property sold in both the Central City and Meadowbrook Project Areas. Due to the above, it is recommended by the undersigned that the Agency's Board adopt a policy of providin~ for Finder's Fees in the disposition of Agency properties regardless of what project area is involved in the trans- action. 1 .... siP. W. Quinn,Jr. pWQ: bb Mr. Green stated that what really brought this matter to the attention of the Agency was the transaction with SAFECO Title. SAFECO bought the land from the Agency that was owned previously by the YWCA. Mr. Bill Leonard, or San Gorgonio Land Company, was directly responsible for getting SAFECO interested in this site. Mr. Green stated that he spoke to Mr. Bob Hicks of SAFECO in the Los Angeles office and to Mr. Tony Zenz of the San Bernardino Office. Both gentlemen informed him directly that Mr. Leonard introduced them to the site. It was further explained that correspondence on file between the Agency and SAFECO have copies noted sent to Bill Leonard. One letter in particular notes Bill Leonard as "Realtor". Mr. Green stated that Bill Leonard has been involved in meetings with SAFECO and the Agency. In discussions with Mr. Hodgdon, it appears that it was understood between Mr. Leonard and Mr. Hodgdon all along that he was the realtor involved in the trans- action. The escrow for this sale closed this month. A 5% finders fee is now in question. 5% of the purchase price is approximately $15,000. Mr. Green stated that although Mr. Leonard never submitted anything in writing to the Agency at the time of transactions with SAFECO, that there is no doubt in his mind that Mr. Leonard was the realtor responsible for the sale. ., ~ -J Mr. Obershaw stated that there should be some procedure wherein a realtor submits a request for finders fee at the time the Offer to Purchase is submitted, in this way there is no question as to his eligibility. All members agreed that . a policy should be set for all future transactions. Mr. Green stated that no policy regarding finders fees for properties other than Central City and Meadowbrook has been established. He asked for a decision regarding the finders fee to Mr. Leonard for the SAFECO sale and also authoriza- tion to draft a policy regarding finders fees. After careful review and consider- ation, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3164 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE PAY- MENT OF A 5% FINDERS FEE TO SAN GORGONIO LAND COMPANY FOR SALE OF AGENCY LAND TO SAFECO TITLE COMPANY, CENTRAL CITY NORTH ....... ........., [ r i I \...... r f I ..... 4998 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency disposed of land within the Central City North Project Area to SAFECO Title Company located at the corner of 5th Street and Arrowhead Avenue, for the selling price of $301,399; and WHEREAS, SAFECO Title Company has advised the Redevelopment Agency that San Gorgonio Land Company was the responsible realtor for introducing them to this site; and WHEREAS, the Agency has investigated the matter throughly and has found and determined that San Gorgonio Land Company is the responsible party for selling the above mentioned site to SAFECO Title Company; and WHEREAS, the escrow on this parcel will close this month. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the payment of a 5% finders fee to San Gorgonio Land Company for the sale of Agency land to SAFECO Title Company, Central City North, is hereby approved. Said payment shall be in the amount of $15,069.95. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3164. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Blum, Perea, Guhin and Green Noes: Obershaw Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Guhin instructing the Executive Director to prepare a resolution for review of the Board setting forth a policy providing for finders fees in the disposition of Agency properties regardless of what area is involved. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Guhin, Blum, Perea, Obershaw and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson Mr. Joe Baker, the Sun Company, asked if Finders Fees will be paid to brokers who are already receiving commissions from the buyer. Mr. Green stated that the Agency will not pay finders fees in these cases. He further stated that he checked with SAFECO Title to see if a commission was paid to San Gorgonio Land Company regarding the YWCA site and was informed that it was not. UNIT NO.4, CENTRAL CITY WEST: Bids were opened for the demolition of the Glassman at 943 Third Street on January 19, 1976. This demolition is being handled under the contract the Agency has with the city, whereby the Agency acts as the administrator for demolition contracts through Community Development funds. Because the building salvage will include large amounts of used brick, bids were received to pay the Agency for demolition. The high bid was received from Warren ;"__';l~-.~~<!l:li\Wllli'_ 4999 Duncan in the amount of $2,330. Mr. Quinn stated that in cases of this nature, the Agency would retain whatever administrative costs are involved and give the owner of the property the remainder of the amount received. The following resolution was introduced: ., J RESOLUTION NO. 3165 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF WARREN DUNCAN FOR THE DEMOLITION OF THE GLASSMAN BUILDING WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has entered into a contract with the City of San Bernardino whereby the Agency acts as the administrator for certain demolition contracts through Community Development Funds; and WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino has requested the demolition of the Glassman Building located at 943 Third Street, owned by Joseph W. Ray & W. C. Sievers; and WHEREAS, because the the great salvage value in the Glassman Building, bids were received to pay the Agency for demolition - the highest bid received was submitted from Warren Duncan in the amount of $2,330.00; and ., ;1 .,} 1 ....J WHEREAS, certain administrative costs have been incurred by the Agency regarding this pending demolition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the bid of Warren Duncan is hereby accepted in the amount of $2,330.00 for the demolition of the Glassman Building, and the Agency is authorized to prepare a contract between Warren Duncan and Joseph W. Ray & W. C. Sievers, owners of the property, wherein said sum of $2,330 shall be paid to them for the demolition of the building. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Agency is further authorized to enter into a contract with Joseph W. Ray and W. C. Sievers, owners of the property, wherein all administrative and advertising costs incurred by the Redevelopment Agency will be reimbursed by said owners. Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3165. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Obershaw, Guhin, Perea, Blum, Wilson and Green Noes: NOne Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson ADJOURNMENT: ....... Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Blum adjourning the meeting until Monday, February 2,1976,2: 00 p.m., Council Chambers for the purpose of holding ....... , .J. IlPf N w-:- r ...... r l... r- L 5000 a Joint Public Hearing with the Mayor and Council on Central City West. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Blum, Perea, Wilson, Obershaw and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson 5001 MINUTES OF THE JOINT PUBLIC HEARING OF THE REDEVELOP- MENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, HELD THE 2ND DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1976, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ..... i .... Mayor W. R. Holcomb called the Public Hearing of the Mayor and Common Council to order at 2: 10 p.m. The following Councilmen were present: Campos, Wheeler, Katona, Hammock, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner Chairman Wallace Green called the Redevelopment Agency to order at 2: 11 p.m. The following Agency Board Members were present: Perea, Blum, Obershaw and Green The following were absent: Stephenson, Wilson and Guhin Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary Mr. Green announced that this Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency has been called for the specific purpose of a Joint Public Hearing with the City of San Bernardino on the Central City West redevelopment project. Mayor Holcomb stated that they will review today the proposed adoption of Central City West. It is a requirement of law that public hearings be held by both the Rede- velopment Agency and the City prior to approval of the Redevelopment Plan for this area. In order to expedite this process a Joint Public Hearing was arranged. Mayor Holcomb welcomed the Redevelopment Agency and asked Mr. Quinn to outline the bundaries of this proposed redevelopment project area. .., -J Mr. Quinn pointed out the area on the map. The area is bounded on the north by Spruce Street, on the east by Garner Avenue, on the south by Fifth Street and on the west by Mt. Vernon Avenue. Prior to the acquisition of property within this area, it was primarily residential and light commercial. Acquisition and demoli- tion of this area has been completed. A commercial type of community center is proposed for this area (Mt. Vernon Community Center). Contact has been made with the Small Business Administration and under the umbrella of a local development corporation they will provide low interest loans of 6 5/8% to other participants in the Community Center. It was explained that the Agency advertised in the Sun Tele- gram for developers for this Center. Only one bid was received and that one was from the Mt. Vernon Associates. Mt. Vernon Associates is comprised of over 25 individuals from the area. They will develop the Community Center. The Mt. Vernon Associates have the full support of the Small Business Administration. The Mt. Vernon Associates will buy the entire commercial area from the Redevelop- ment Agency. They will build the structure and then either sell, rent, or rent with option to purchase to others interested in occupying area in the structure. Their low interest loan will enable them to rent or sell to these interested persons at rates they too can afford. The parking area for this development was discussed. It is not contemplated for the City to incur any expenses for maintenance of this parking. The Mt. Vernon .... I ...." [ r I \"",... 5002 Associates will build into their rental packages amounts sufficient to maintain the parking facility. Mr. Quinn explained that the shaded areas on the map represented interested users. It was explained that Santa Fe Federal Savings & Loan plan to occupy the area at the corner of 5th & Mt. Vernon. It has not been determined as yet whether Santa Fe Federal will rent or purchase the property from Mt. Vernon Associates. Mayor Holcomb explained that Santa Fe Federal Savings & Loan are planning to enter this site as a service to the community. They have stated that if another bank or savings and loan is interested in this area, they will withdraw from the Center and allow them the site. The other shaded areas were reviewed. Mr. Encisco is interested in expanding his market. This area was pointed out. Also a drug store is anticipated. The Agency and Mt. Vernon Associates are currently pursuing other users for the Community Center. Councilman Hobbs asked why the other houses within the block were excluded from the proposed project area. Mr. Quinn explained that this residential area was excluded because it was not the desire of the community. The Agency did not want to give the impression that they were going in and demolishing the area. The Community Center was needed and wanted. The people owning the property within this area were acceptable to the idea of selling their property to the Agency. The architectural drawings for the Community Center have taken into consideration the residential area abutting this Center. A block wall will be constructed dividing the Center from the homes. The parking area is layed out away from these homes and will include landscaping. The Center will in no way be detrimental to the adjacent properties. Mayor Holcomb explained that approximately Ii years ago Mr. Hesiquio Gutierrez owner of the EI Crescendo came to him regarding the poor parking within this area. The Redevelopment Agency offered to prepare a study regarding the feasibility of a parking district within this area. It was determined that with the high cost of land within this area it would not be feasible because the area did not have the tax base to support this district. The Agency suggested acquisition of land for public parking purposes from Community Development Funds. The development of the Mt. Vernon Community Center would serve the community and also supply the public with adequate parking. The Community Center would also increase jobs within the community. The tax base would also be increased through this development. Councilman Katona asked what the total cost to the Agency for acquisition was for this property. Mr. Quinn stated that the acquisition cost, including demolition of the existing structures, has cost the Agency in excess of $380,000. It was explained ,.... that the tax base is frozen as of the date of the adoption of the ordinance approving I the Redevelopment Plan for the area. No property tax will be assessed on the L Community building, but there will be property tax assessed on Santa Fe Federal 5003 and the remainder of the development. Mayor Holcomb explained that approxi- mately $55,000 a year will be derived from new tax revenue from this develop- ment. The subsidy from Community Development Funds will be coming back within five years, fourfold in increased tax increments, sales tax revenue and business licenses. This center will generate new jobs and provide a convenient one-stop shopping center for the residents in this area. Councilman Katona stated that he felt it would take a lot longer than 5 years to regain the funds expended. He further stated that if the proj ect is sound and feasible, the Agency should be able to expend all the funds for this project without asking for Community Development Funds for the parking area. Mayor Holcomb stated that the benefits derived from this Community Center were worth the expenditure of Community Development Funds. This Center would serve as a catalyst for other developments in the area. Councilman Hudson stated that the increased tax incremental income will not go to the City but to the Redevelopment Agency. The Mayor stated that this was so, but that this money will be for redevelopment activities in the City. He also stated that the Redevelopment Agency is part of the City, and that there is no reason that within time the City could not ask the Agency to reimburse them in some form or another. He further explained that the City is granted $3,000,000 in Community Development Funds a year. The City's basic entitlement was $2,000,000. The extra $1,000,000 was granted because of redevelopment activities within the City. This project is along one of the City's major artery streets and it would benefit the entire City. Council Hudson stated that he is not speaking against the project, but just wanted to get all the facts clear. 2: 42 p.m. - Redevelopment Agency Board Member Alan Guhin arrived at the meeting. The Redevelopment Agency's participation in the Public Enterprise Center and the YWCA was reviewed. Councilman Hammock stated that the general tax payer does not understand the exchange of funds for the developments within the City. His main concern is the area in which he lives and the general improvements to the City. He further stated that the City has a moral obligation to the West Side Community. The area east of the freeway has been developed and now it is time to support this area. Mayor Holcomb asked if there were any people present in opposition to the project. There were none. He asked for questions. There were none. He asked for a show of hands in favor of the project. The hands were noted. The Mayor stated that Mt. Vernon Associates is a corporation made up of residents from the Mt. Vernon Community. They have been approved by the Federal Government as the local development corporation. They will own the development and in turn they will sell or lease area to others. Public parking is necessary and the City has funds available through Community Development Grants. The Mayor was asked who was going to pay the taxes for Santa Fe Federal. They will pay their own taxes either outright of through their lease agreement. ~<"I'r':jVIII'I'il,w ..., ......" ., '~ ....J ~ -....II [ r l- ,... L 5004 Esther Estrada stated that she has attended meetings with the people interested in this project and their most important consideration was that the land remain in the hands of local people. Mt. Vernon Associates was formed from interested citizens of the area who wanted to serve as this local development corporation. She stated that this group of people have worked very hard and she hoped the Council would vote favorably for the adoption of this project. Councilman Katona asked if Mt. Vernon Associates will build the entire complex. Mr. Green, Chairman, stated that Santa Fe Federal will either enter into a lease back agreement with Mt. Vernon Associates or construct their own building at their own expense. It is a matter of which way Mt. Vernon Associates desire to handle it. Mr. Quinn explained that Santa Fe is willing to be a tenant under the same lease as the balance of the others in the complex. It is a requirement of SBA that all of the leases be consistent. Some of the users will ultimately desire to own their own building. Lease purchase agreements are being discussed by Mt. Vernon Associates and the users of the complex. SBA is making the low interest loan to Mt. Vernon Associates on the basis that they will pass the savings of the low interest rate on to the users of the complex. It was explained that the highest return Mt. Vernon Associates can earn is 8% on the 1st 10% of investment. Ms. Olga Mendez, Mt. Vernon Associates, stated that they are trying to improve their community and she would certainly hope that the Council would vote in its favor. Councilman Hobbs stated that he is not against the project. He only desires to understand it thoroughtly. Councilman Lackner asked if the Agency could finance this project entirely if the City did not grant the Community Development Funds for the public parking area. Mr. Quinn stated that the Agency does not generate enough tax incremental income to completely fund the complex at this time. It could make arrangements and it would be paid back over a number of years. The Mayor stated that perhaps this would take 25 - 30 years. There is no market for tax incremental income bonds at this time. The Mayor stressed that the Agency is an arm of the City. Tax incremental income that will be derived by the Agency from this project can be used for other municipal purposes. Concern was expressed that other areas within the City would request that Community Development Funds be expended for their areas. The Mayor explained that Community Development Funds must be spent for redevelopment areas. He also stated that the west side was a thriving community before the government constructed the freeway dividing the City of San Bernardino west and east. The freeway is a major cause for the deterioration of this community. Other communities can not claim deterioration because of governmental actions. Community Develop- ment funds should be used for this area. Councilman Katona stated that he believes the project is a good one. His only con- cern is the granting of Community Development Funds for public parking purposes 5005 within this project area. He stated that he would like the Agency to be able to fund the entire project without help from the City. He stated that he would like to see the Agency pay back the funds if they are granted. ..... There being no further comments, motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Blum closing the Redevelopment Agency Public Hearing on Central City West. The motion was carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Obershaw, Blum, Perea, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Wilson --' Councilman Campos made a motion, seconded by Councilman Hudson and unanimously carried, that the hearing be closed. Councilman Lackner asked if the committments from SBA were firm. Mr. Green explained that certain requirements must be met through the lease agreements between Mt. Vernon Associates and the tenants. Councilman Lackner asked if anything could change their financial committment. The Mayor stated that SBA has made a strong moral committment to finance this project. Councilman Katona stated that their resolution states that the project is financially sound and feasible. He stated that if the Agency is asking for CD funds how can this be. The Mayor stated that financially feasible does not mean that the money is directly at hand. If it can be regained over a number of years and its benefits are great, the project is feasible. The Redevelopment Agency introduced the following resolution: .., 'j .."J RESOLUTION NO. 3166 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN, APPROVING A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN REPORT; APPROVING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION, ENVIRONMENTAL IMP ACT STATEMENT CONTAINED THEREIN; AND DIRECTING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION, FOR CENTRAL CITY WEST WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (IIAgencyll) has prepared the Redevelopment Plan for Central City West; and WHEREAS, the Agency has prepared a Redevelopment Plan Report and a Nega- tive Declaration Environmental Impact Statement on said Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, said Negative Declaration Environmental Impact Statement was offered for review as authorized and directed by this Agency and the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino; and ~ .....,; 5006 [ WHEREAS, all comments received have been reviewed and answered when appro- priate and incorporated in said Negative Declaration Environmental Impact State- men t; and WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly given, this Agency and said Mayor and Common Council have held a full and fair public hearing on said Redevelopment Plan and said Negative Declaration Environmental Impact Statement, and are fully advised in the premises. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE REDE- VELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A full and fair public hearing having been held on said Negative Declara- tion Environmental Impact Statement, as stated in the recitals herein, and this Agency, having considered all comments received thereon and being fully advised in the pre- mises, hereby approves said Negative Declaration Environmental Impact Statement, Central City West, which together with said comments and the responses thereto, are part of said Redevelopment Plan Report. r i I ~ Section 2. The Agency hereby certifies that (i) the Negative Declaration Environ- mental Statement attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and by this reference incorporated herein, has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code Sections 21000, et seq., 14 California Administrative Code Sections 15000, et ~., and (ii) this Agency has reviewed and considered the information contained in said Negative Declaration Environmental Impact Statement. Section 3. A full and fair public hearing having been held on said Redevelopment Plan, Central City West, as stated in the recitals herein, and this Agency, having considered all oral and written comments and testimony relating thereto and being fully advised in the premises, hereby approves said Redevelopment Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 4. All of the buildings, facilities, structures, and other improvements which are proposed and described in the Plan of Development - Interim Report San Bernardino Overall Central City Area are or will be of benefit to the Project Area, regardless of whether such improvement is within this Project Area or another Project Area. Section 5. The Agency hereby approves said Redevelopment Plan Report, Central City West, attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 6. The redevelopment of the Central City West Project Area, pursuant to said Redevelopment Plan, will have no significant effect on the environment. ,... Section 7. The Secretary of this Agency, in conjunction with the City Clerk, is L hereby authorized and directed to file with the County Clerk of San Bernardino ] _ 'il:n 7 __7. -.- ~ _ -_I..f1i!LiI!--"-~~!ll~iI\"--""-'""''''.c(.' 5007 County the Notice of Determination, pursuant to 14 California Administrative Code Section 15085(g). .., Section 8. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution, together with all of its attached exhibits, to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. ..... Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Obershaw authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3166, and requesting approval of the Redevelopment Plan and Report by the City Council. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Perea, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Wilson The City introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 12316 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN, AP- PROVING A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN REPORT, AND THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT CONTAINED THEREIN, AND DIRECTING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF DETERMINA- TION, CENTRAL CITY WEST WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") has prepared a Redevelopment Plan for Central City West; and .., ~ 'i .....J WHEREAS, the Agency has prepared a Redevelopment Plan Report and a Negative Declaration Environmental Impact Statement on said Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, said Negative Statement Environmental Impact Statement was offered for review as authorized and directed by the Agency and the Mayor and Common Council; and WHEREAS, all comments received have been reviewed and answered when appropriate and incorporated in said Environmental Impact Statement; and WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly given, the Agency and the Mayor and Common Council have held a full and fair public hearing on said Redevelopment Plan and said Negative Declaration Environmental Impact Statement and are fully advised in the premises; and WHEREAS, the Agency has adopted its Resolution entitled: "Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino Approving a Redevelopment Plan; Approving a Redevelopment Plan ~ - [ r L r I '-- 5008 Report; Approving the Negative Declaration, Environmental Impact Statement Contained Therein; and Directing the Filing of a Notice of Determination, for Central City West" ; and WHEREAS, the above entitled Resolution has been transmitted to the Mayor and Common Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A full and fair public hearing having been held on said Negative Declaration Environmental Impact Statement, as stated in the recitals herein, and the Mayor and Common Council, having considered all comments received thereon and being fully advised in the premises, hereby approves said Negative Declaration Environmental Impact Statement, together with said comments and the responses thereto, which is a part of said Redevelopment Plan Report, Central City West. Section 2. The Mayor and Common Council hereby certify that: (1) the Negative Declaration Environmental Impact Statement has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code Sections 21000, et ~., 14 California Administrative Code Sections 15000, et ~., and (ii) the Mayor and Common Council have reviewed and considered the information contained in said Negative Declaration Environmental Impact Statement. Section 3. A full and fair public hearing having been held on said Redevelop- ment Plan, Central City West, as stated in the recitals herein, the Mayor and Common Council, having considered all oral and written comments and testimony relating thereto and being fully advised in the premises, hereby approve said Redevelopment Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 4. The Mayor and Common Council, hereby approve said Redevelop- ment Plan Report, Central City West, attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 5. The redevelopment of the Central City West Project Area, pursuant to said Redevelopment Plan, will have no significant effect on the environment. Section 6. The City Clerk, in conjunction with the Secretary of the Agency, is hereby authorized and directed to file with the County Clerk of San Bernardino County the Notice of Determination, pursuant to 14 California Administrative Code Section 15085 (g). 5009 Councilman Campos made a motion, seconded by Councilman Hobbs and unanimously carried, that further reading of the resolution be waived. ..., -.....Ii Councilman Campos made a motion, seconded by Councilman Hammock that Resolution No. 12316 be adopted as introduced. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Councilmen Campos, Wheeler, Hammock, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner Noes: Councilman Katona Absent: None The following Ordinance was introduced by the City: ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL CITY WAST (Fifth Street and Mt. Vernon Avenue) Councilman Campos made a motion, seconded by Councilman Wheeler and unanimously carried that further reading of the resolution be waived. Councilman Campos made a motion, seconded by Councilman Hammock and unanimously carried, that said ordinance be laid over for final passage. Councilman Campos made a motion, seconded by Councilman Hammock, that the recommendations of the Citizens Advisory Committee regarding the Community Development Funds be approved. The following recommendation from the Citizens Advisory Committee was included: .., ci~ -j .....J Acquisition of proposed site location for public parking at the planned Fifth Street and Mt. Vernon Avenue development - $268,000. Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Councilmen Campos, Wheeler, Hammock, Hobbs and Lackner Noes: Councilmen Katona and Hudson Absent: None Mayor Holcomb presented a letter to Chairman Green. Mr. Green read the letter and it was ordered spread on the minutes as follows: February 2, 1976 Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, California 92418 Re: Legal Requirement to make written disclosure to the Redevelopment Agency and to the City Council Re Central City East ~ Gen tlemen: -..J r i I ""- r- '--" ".... \.- 5010 Pursuant to Section 33130 of the California Health and Safety Code, please enter into the minutes the fact that I personally have an interest in the properties at 505 Arrowhead Avenue, 515 Arrowhead Avenue, the parking areas adjacent thereto, including the first vacant lot on the west side of Arrowhead Avenue, north of Fifth Street. I also have an interest in properties at the building located at 524 North Mountain View Avenue, and the courts north of said property. Sincerely, s/W. R. Holcomb W. R. Holcomb, Mayor There being no further business for the Redevelopment Agency, motion was made by Perea and seconded by Obershaw adjourning the meeting of the Redevelopment Agency. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Obershaw, Perea, Blum, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Wilson I \ 5011 DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM, THE REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 5, 1976 WAS CANCELLED. THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING WILL BE HELD FEBRUARY 19, 1976. - ----.----.-. ',--------- It.. f l ....... , ...""J ~ ~ [ [ r-" , l.. 5012 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 19TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1976, 300 NORTH "D" ST. ROOM 3?0, SAN BERNARDINO, CA The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4: 05 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Green, Blum, Perea and Guhin Agency Members Absent: Obershaw, Wilson and Stephenson Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 15, 1976 were submitted for approval. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin approving the Minutes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Perea and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Obershaw, Wilson and Stephenson The Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of January 22, 1976 were pre- sented for approval. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin approv- ing the Minutes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Perea and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Obershaw, Wilson and Stephenson 4: 06 p.m. - Mr. Obershaw arrived at the meeting The Minutes of the Public Hearing of February 2, 1976 were submitted for approval. Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Perea approving the Minutes as sub- mitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Perea, Obershaw and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson and Stephenson EXPENDITURES: The Expenditures for the month of December 1975 were submitted for approval. Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Perea approving the Expenditures as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Obershaw, Perea, Guhin, Blum and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson and Stephenson 5013 REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: .., Mr. Flory stated no decision has been received from Judge Morris as yet regarding the Base Reduction matter. It is anticipated that we should receive an answer within 2 - 3 weeks. , 11 B ....J 4: 06 p.m. - Mr. Stephenson arrived at the meeting Mr. Green requested that the Board Members be furnished a copy of the Agency's proposal which was sent to the various taxing entities regarding this matter. Mr. Quinn supplied all Members with a copy of this proposal. 4: 07 P . m. - Mr. Wilson arrived at the meeting. FINDERS FEE POLICY: Mr. Green stated that at a previous meeting of the Board, he and Mr. Quinn were instructed to prepare for review a resolution setting forth the Agency's policy regarding Finders Fees. Mr. Green requested that this matter be tabled in order that he can study it more thoroughly and bring to the board a more refined policy. Mr. Obershaw stated that he most definitely felt that the person claiming the finders fee should state his desire to do so when the offer to pur- chase is submitted and not when the transaction is completed. ....., Mr. Green stated that the possibility of not limiting finders fees solely to realtors is being considered. This will allow anyone initiating a sale to receive a finders fee. Mr. Green stated that he has discussed this possibility with the Board of Realtors. They were somewhat hesitant in expressing approval of this idea. He stated that he has since received a phone call from one member of the Board of Realtors stating that he has changed his mind. All members expressed their con- cern that this would have to be definitely defined in the resolution, in order that no conflicts of interest could arise from an individual claiming a finders fee who might work for the organization purchasing the property. Mr. Green stated that this would be carefully looked into. -J It was set forth that no Agency Board Member or staff member would be eligible for a finders fee. Mr. Wilson stated that he feels the resolution should be adopted authorizing the payment of Finders Fees to real estate persons. Later if the Agency feels that it should be expanded to persons other than real estate people it can be amended. Mr. Wilson moved adoption of the Resolution authorizing payment of a finders fee to real estate people. The motion died for lack of a second. "'""'" The Chairman tabled the matter for further review. ~ [ [ [ 5014 SAN BERNARDINO VETERANS COORDINATING COUNCIL, USE OF AGENCY PROPERTY: It was explained that the San Bernardino Veterans Coordinating Council desire the use of Agency owned property located between 3rd & 4th Streets, north of Lovels Restaurant on July 1 - 4, 1976 for the purpose of conducting a carnival. They will provide all the necessary insurance. Mr. Obershaw expressed his concern for a function of this nature. He stated that many times the grounds are not left clean and there occasionally is damage to the area. The members determined that the Agency should not incur any financial burden regarding this use. After careful review, motion was made by Stephenson and seconded by Obershaw approving the use of said lot, upon receipt of a $1,500 cash or bond deposit from the carnival owners, and the proper liability insurance holding the Agency and City harmless. The motion was carried by the follow- ing vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Perea, Guhin, Obershaw, Stephenson, Wilson and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None LETTER FROM RALPH PRINCE: A letter was presented to the Agency Members received from Ralph Prince, City Attorney, regarding his interest in property within the State College Pro- ject. Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Perea ordering the letter spread on the Minutes. The motion was unanimously carried. January 29, 1976 Board of Directors Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, California 92418 My wife, Alexine Prince, and I own a two percent (2%) interest in each of four (4) partnerships which have an interest in land located generally between State Street, the flood control channel, the Atcheson, Topeka & Santa Fe rail- road tracks and the freeway, San Bernardino, California, in the State College Redevelopment Project Area. Please include this letter in the minutes of your meeting. Respectfully submitted, s/Ralph H. Prince RALPH PRINCE City Attorney 5015 NAHRO NATIONAL DUES - $1,000: ] Authorization was requested to pay the yearly NAHRO National Dues in the amount of $1,000. Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Wilson authorizing the payment of NAHRO National Dues in the amount of $1,000. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Wilson Perea, Blum, Stephenson, Obershaw and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None CAPIT AL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MODIFICATION: Mr. Green explained that the Overall Plan of Development - Interim Report anticipates that the Public Safety Building will move into the Penney Building and that the Library will move into the Elks Club Building. Gruen Associates prepared cost estimates for remodeling these two buildings for these purposes. The estimate was approximately $8,200,000. The Agency consulted with Jerry Miller on these two proposed sites. Mr. Miller came up with cost estimates considerably lower, saving the Agency approximately $3,000,000. He further reviewed the matter and suggested that the uses of the buildings be switched. If the library used the Penney building and the Police Department used the Elks Club building a further savings could be gained. Mr. Miller estimates that both facilities could be remodeled for approximately $1,900,000. He used the architectural services of Mr. Jimmie Cartee. Mr. Cartee did not charge for his services. ., ;3 J~ .~ ....,J Mr. Green requested authorization to formally approach the Police Department and the Library regarding the switch of uses for the buildings involved, request- ing their formal reply. Mr. Wilson stated that he would further like the matter reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee. After careful review, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Blum instruct- ing the Chairman and Secretary to approach the Police Department and the Library regarding the switch of uses for the buildings, requesting their formal reply. Further, that upon formal notification from these departments that they are in favor of the change of uses, the matter be referred to the Technical Advisory Committee for review, advice and possible recommendation. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Blum, Perea, Obershaw, Guhin, Stephenson and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None V ANIR TOWER PROPOSAL: Mr. Green explained that he and Mr. Quinn have been working with the Vanir Tower Company over the past few weeks, trying to work out a solution to their current problem of possible foreclosure by United California Bank. The Agency ..., / 'i .......J r L [ 3016 felt that if we could pull them out of foreclosure from United California Bank with no possible financial loss exposure to the Agency, some arrangement could be considered. Mr. Jim Hicks, Vanir Tower Company, was presented to the Board. Mr. Hicks stated that Mr. Dominguez can not be present because of illness. He explained to the Members the problems that have arisen regarding the Vanir Tower Building. Their tenancy problem is a major one. It is their desire to locate the Federal Government into the building. They have been having trouble with the Social Security Office. This office does not want to relocate into downtown San Bernardino, but desire to remain on Highland Avenue. The inflation factor and construction costs were discussed. Mr. Green stated that he and Mr. Quinn met in Los Angeles with the United California Bank and Vanir Tower to discuss this matter and possible solutions. It would actually be necessary for the Agency to borrow $6,000,000 at municipal rates. Approximately $5,000,000 is owed to United California Bank. The additional charges are for repairs and depreciation. Mr. Green explained that the Agency would in fact have title to the property. He further stated that neither he nor Mr. Quinn could recommend to the Board that there would not be any financial loss to the Agency through this procedure. Mr. Green stated that the Agency must make a decision regarding this matter as soon as possible. The Bank has stated that they will foreclose on March 12, 1976. The next Council meeting is March 1st. After careful review, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Obershaw denying the request of Vanir Tower Company for financial help by the Agency in that it is not financially feasible. Mr. Perea stated that Mr. Dominguez has built the largest building in San Ber- nardino and that he felt some consideration should be given to the advantages of this building within our proj ect area. Mr. Green stated that this is very true and would increase the tax incremental income greatly, but that it is just not financia)ly feasible for the Agency to borrow this money with no assurance that there will be no loss. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: A yes: Wilson, Obershaw, Blum, Stephenson, Guhin and Green Noes: Perea Abstention: None Absent: None OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Green stated that each Member has been presented with a copy of the Annual Report. The Annual Report is a legal requirement. The various studies and reports were discussed. Mr. Green stated that this will be carefully discussed at the workshop meeting to be held with the Council ,..... on Monday. Mrs. Blum stated that she felt the books were very important in I selling our San Bernardino overall area and attracting major developments. L 11 LU... r 1. 5017 ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Guhin adjourning the meeting until Monday, February 23, 1976, 3: 00 p . m., Convention Center, for the purpose of a workshop session with the Mayor and Council. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Obershaw, Guhin, Perea, Blum, Stephenson, Wilson and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ] , \, -" ..-- .- /,,/- (' /" / ...., ,/ ,! ..."j ~ ~ "..~, "1 . ',._ ~~ I '1;;,*'lli]jlji'f~,q- f r ....... [ r ...... 5018 MINUTES OF A JOINT ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD FEBRUARY 23,1976,3: 00 P.M., SAN BERNARDINO CON- VENTION CENTER Mayor Holcomb called the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council to order at 3: 20 p. m, and introduced Councilmen Campos, Katona, Hammock, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Councilman Wheeler was absent. The Mayor further introduced Morse Topper, Deputy City Administrator; Ralph Prince, City Attorney, and Shauna Hoggins, Deputy City Clerk Chairman Green called the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency to order at 3: 25 p.m. and introduced Board Members Guhin, Obershaw, Perea and Blum. Board Members Stephenson and Wilson were absent. He further introduced Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; Messrs Branigan and Franzen, Gruen Associates; Mr. Morrison, Appraiser; Messrs. Beebe and McEwen, Law Firm of James Warren Beebe; Marvin Reiter, Accountant; and Jim Iverson, Miller & Schroeder. Mr. Green further introduced staff members Jay Jones, Operations Officer; Amador Estevene, Sr. Administra- tive Assistant; Ralph Shadwell, Deputy Director; Glenda Saul, Director of Finance; and Sandy Baxter, Executive Secretary. Mayor Holcomb stated that this meeting was called for the purpose of conducting a workshop session between the Agency and Council and public. Various com- mittees were invited to attend. The Mayor started the meeting by reading into the record a letter writen to the Sun Telegram from Mr. Green in reaction to a recent editorial published regard- ing urban redevelopment. The letter is as follows: February 20, 1976 Sun Telegram Editor 399 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA Dear Sir: Your recent editorial regarding urban redevelopment underscores the very real need we all have to fully understand and appreciate the importance of this process to the healthy growth and vitality of local communities. As recognized by the Constitution of the State of California, Redevelopment is con- sidered to be the most effective and equitable means of improving communities where private capital alone cannot do the job. 5019 Rather than raising local tax rates to pay necessary urban improvements, redevelopment projects are paid for over a period of time by increased tax income generated from the property improvements in the project area. And it should be pointed out that these improvements generally occur only as a result of redevelopment. l .... In addition to the elimination of blighted or vacant land and the creation of well planned urban beautification, Redevelopment more importantly generates increased economic activity including both construction and long-term em- ployment, increased property values and increased sales activity (which also means more collected in sales taxes which helps to keep property taxes down). It also can mean the better delivery of public services such as a modern City Hall, improved traffic flow, better parking, better crime protection, etc.. . Vacant property is often included in redevelopment areas for two reasons: One, where redevelopment improvements are the only way to induce private devel- opment onto what would otherwise remain vacant land; Two, because improve- ments put on vacant property generate greater tax increment allowing redevel- opment to do a more thorough job and to payoff the project in shorter time which saves the public money. In the City of San Bernardino, urban redevelopment, in addition to making the City's Downtown an urban showpiece, has since 1967 generated $145.4 million in new public and private capital investment, $188 million increased annual business volume, over $3,798,200 in increased annual sales tax, business licenses, and area taxes; and 3,393 more jobs at an estimated annual payroll of $37 million dollars. This does not count the added public savings in unemploy- ment benefits, welfare, and crime costs which result from the creation of these jobs. ., r.l .....J Aside from urban development grants, redevelopment pays its own way through the tax increment process on improvements in the project area. This means there need be no increase in property tax rates to pay for the project. Neither are monies taken away from other taxing entities, these entities simply do not get the increased benefits of property improvements until the project is paid for. (At which time they and therefore the local taxpayers enjoy a windfall of increased public income as a result of redevelopment). In the meantime these other taxing entities enjoy a number of benefits from redevelopment. These include increased property values outside the project area which generate new tax dollars, increased sales taxes, greater economic and employment activity, less welfare, unemploy- ment and crime costs, and a more attractive community. These physical, economic, social and psycological benefits more than offset the cost to these entities of providing any additional services as a result of rede- velopment. (In the case of school and college districts where increased activity might present a financial burden, State law provides that this burden shall be compensated by the State) . ..., -..ri I"'~ It 'II!' ~rp'lt ..,',iN";'" " ~ [ [ ,... I k I \..... 5020 I hope this has made it easier for all of us to see the vital importance of redevelopment in generating private investment, creating vast number of job opportunities and making our communities more attractive. Sincerely, s/Wallace Green Wallace Green Chairman WG:od The Mayor stated that this meeting was called in order that questions could be answered regarding the redevelopment process and past practices. He urged everyone to ask whatever questions that they have concerns over and to carefully look at the advantages and contributions of redevelopment. The Mayor began by listing many advantages and selling points of San Bernardino. Among these were listed the location, abundant land at reasonable prices, good labor pool, excellent utilities, recreational facilities, unique central commercial revitalization as comparied to other cities of like population and size, good com- munity facilities, excellent hospitals. He stated that last years sales tax received was approximately $5,320,000 - compared to that of Riverside in the amount of $4,832,000. It was explained that the approximate medium income in San Ber- nardino is $8,200. The Mayor reviewed the problem areas in San Bernardino. Unemployment in San Bernardino is 14%. 40% - 50% of this unemployment is within the Westside Com- munity. San Bernardino has had a decrease of approximately 5,0000 in popu- lation over the past five years. There is a heavy concentration of the poverty level income families in San Bernardino. The Mayor discussed the jobs created by the development of the Central City Mall. 30% of the employment within the Mall is minority. 30% of employment at Norton Air Force Base is minority. The Economic Development Council has completed a report which will be submitted to the Economic Development Admin- i!3tration shortly. The report recommends several methods to make San Bernardino more attractive to industry. One recommendation is to develop a turn key industrial park complex with all the amenities, including rail. San Bernardino has no developed industrial property that has rail access. The Mayor explained that California does not have the tool of local tax exempt indus- trial revenue bonds in which to entice industry. We do have other tools. The City has had a redevelopment agency for 24 years. The Economic Development Council is another tool. EDC qualified San Bernardino for their Special Impact Designation thereby receiving Federalloan guarantees to assist large businesses in a similar manner as SBA assists small businesses. The City also has a Community Development Department. We will receive $15,000,000 in Community Develop- ment funds. Approximately $4,000,000 of this amount will be received solely because 5021 San Bernardino has a Redevelopment Agency who has gained expertise in grants- manship over the years. The City has allocated portions of this money for the ., development of Operation Second Chance and the 5th and Mt. Vernon Community j..~ Center. The Mayor stated that these tools won't work unless we all work together with team effort and appreciation. The greatest of these tools is redevelopment. He stated that unfortunately the biggest obstacle of all is that there is a strong lack of support or trust by both the Council and many members of the community. The Mayor blamed this lack of trust on bad communication. He stated that he hoped these concerns could be resolved today through the discussions to follow. He stated that he and every Councilman have received phone calls and letters regarding distrust of redevelopment activities. There is no Agency possibly in existence that has been more thoroughly investigated. HUn has an on-going investigation of Federal redevelopment activities. By the request of Congressman Brown and Senator Cranston a special GAO audit has been performed. The Mayor stated that this GAO audit has been completed and is now in the process of finaliza- tion. Congressman Brown has advised him that the audit did not uncover any- thing that could indicate any wrong doing. HUn discovered minor items that have been improperly charged to federal expenditures. When this matter is resolved it will be made public for all to review. The Agency also has a contracted Certified Public Accountant who performs annual audits of the Agency's local books. These are available for examination by request. The Council recently moved that another audit be performed. The Mayor stated that he vetoed this motion because he did not feel another audit was necessary. He further stated that at the completion of this workshop, if the Council still feels that another audit is needed he will support their desire. In this case a decision would also be needed as to who will pay for the audit. ..., ~ ....,j 4: 15 p.m. - Councilman Wheeler arrived at the meeting. Redevelopment is responsible for the additional cn money received by San Ber- nardino. It is responsible for the Central City Mall, the public walkways, the major department stores within the mall and the 91 satellite stores. If it hadn't been for the Redevelopment Agency, community leaders and the Council in initiating the necessary actions, San Bernardino could have remained in the deteriorated condition it once was. Economic Research Associates has prepared a report stating that 3,393 new jobs have been created in the downtown San Ber- nardino area through the creation of these projects. San Bernardino did not have to pay for this development. The Federal Government granted to the Redevelop- ment Agency $30,000,000 in grants for its development. The private sector of the project invested approximately $60,000,000. $10,000,000 has been put in through the Agency in local funds. Federal funds also paid for the installation of public improvements throughout the project, signalzation, streets, free public parking and a new image for the community. ....... - [ [ ,... f I I \.- 5022 Another criticism that is being heard is that redevelopment activity harms other taxing agencies. The Mayor stated that this is not true. It actually helps other taxing Agencies. The school districts are not hurt from redevelopment They are recipients from the State of California of windfall profits under Senate Bill 90. When a redevelopment project area is adopted the tax base is frozen. The tax incremental income above the frozen base goes to the Redevelopment Agency for redevelopment activities. In order that the School District does not lose any income, the State of California provides money to them under SB 90. All new developments within project areas in- crease the tax incremental income to the Agency. This money in turn is used for further redevelopment activities and the betterment of San Bernardino. SAFCO Title Company is being constructed on land that was previously tax ex- empt. It is extimated that upon completion SAFCO will generate $50,000 in new tax dollars. A new hotel will generate approximately $260,000. Redevelopment activities also benefit the County. Major storm drains were devel- oped in Meadowbrook. Portions of these storm drains are outside of the City. The welfare costs within the County have decreased due to the increase of jobs created. Savings in welfare is also a benefit to the State and Federal governments. The Mayor stated that it would be reasonable to assume that approximately 10% of the employees within the mall represent former, welfare recipients. The State also receives sales tax revenue from redevelopment initiated activities. The State also receives a substantial amount of State Income Tax from the people employed within redeveloped areas. The State actually receives back many times what it is paying out under SB 90 to the school districts. The City receives 14% of every tax dollar spent and indirect benefits far greater than this 14%. Another criticism heard is that the Agency has paid too much for the studies and books provided. The figures indicate that the studies provided over the past three years total approximately $2,000,000. These studies represent $200,000,000 worth of projects to be undertaken by the private and public sector. The success of any projects depends on the thoroughness and quality of the plan and the ability to sell the plan to the people who can make it work. In our case, in most instances it will be a mixture of outside public agencies mixed with outside private capital. It is difficult today to sell to outside private capital. You don't sell without the proper tools and best visual aids possible. Operation Second Chance would probably never had been granted their grant through the Economic Development Administra- tion if it had not been for the professional application provided by the Redevelop- ment Agency through Gruen Associates. Before any project gets started, 5%-10% is spent for planning. Out of the $2,000,000 spent for planning and studies, the implementation process will be expedited and many projects that might not have been sold otherwise will be sold. 5023 The Mayor stated that another concern has been that the Redevelopment Agency is paying too much for the land purchased. The Agency has paid more for the land than the County assessed value. The Mayor stated that the information submitted by the Agency to this question is someone dif- ficult to follow. He requested that at a later date the Agency collate this real estate information in a manner that is easier to follow. The Mayor stated that Don Morrison was the Agency's contracted appraiser for the properties involved. Mr. Morrison will explain later in the meeting the difference between the appraised value and the assessed value. 1 ........ Another concern that has been voiced is that the Agency's activities have financially jeopardized the City. This is not true. The indebtedness of the Redevelopment Agency is not City indebtedness. The Mayor presented a specimen copy of the Agency Bonds. He stated that every issue essentially is the same. A portion of this bond was read, as follows: "This bond, the interest thereon, or any premium payable upon the redemption thereof, is not a debt of the City of San Bernardino, the State of California or any of its political subdivisions and neither said city, said state nor any of its political subdivisions is liable thereon, nor in any event shall this bond or said interest or premium be payable out of any funds or properties other than the funds of the Agency hereinafter mentioned. This bond does not constitute an indebted- ness within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation or restriction. Neither the members of the Agency nor any persons executing this bond are liable personally on this bond by reason of its issuance. " The Mayor stated that the experts in legislation and bond authorities indicate that this would not be an implied moral obligation of the City. .., ~ ...J A further concern is that the Redevelopment Agency has proceeded in the past with acquisition of land and hiring of consultants without the knowledge or consent of the City Council. The Mayor stated that this is a valid concern. Today this is no longer a legislative issue for the Council to concern themselves over. If the Council wishes to take the safeguard and pass a resolution placing restrictions on the Agency in this regard, it may do so. The Chairman of the Agency has no objections to this restriction. There has also been criticism voiced regarding favoritism in property purchased. The Mayor stated that he is convinced that all properties purchased were part of the redevelopment plan. The Agency is here to answer any questions that may arise at this meeting regarding this matter. Commissions and Finders Fees for real estate have also been a concern. The Agency is prepared to respond to any questions regarding this issue. The Mayor concluded that in his opinion redevelopment is a great tool and that many of the problems can be resolved. Through delays the City has lost the County Medical Society to the City of Colton. The City almost lost the SAFECO development because of delays. We need to emphasize the positive and move forward with necessary trust in redevelopment activities. ~ ......J [ r I L.. r '-- 5024 The meeting was opened for questions or comments. Joe Baker, Sun Telegram, asked the Mayor to explain how the schools receive additional money because of redevelopment activities. The Mayor explained that the School District and the Community College District receive funds from the State of California in order that they will not lose any income because of redevelopment within project areas. This is done under the hold harmless pro- vision of Senate Bill 90. A gentleman from the audiance associated with the School District stated that the State actually allocates to them so many dollars per student under SB 90 in those areas where a redevelopment project has been formed. The Mayor stated that in this way the schools do not suffer from the cease of tax incremental income from this area. Councilman Campos stated that he too ,agreed that unemployment was San Ber- nardino's major problem and that he believes redevelopment is a tool for the creation of jobs. He further stated that he aggressively supports redevelop- ment within the Westside and other needed areas. Councilman Campos stated that his major complaint is that the Council, as elected officials, must take the brunt from the public for the expenditures incurred. He further stated that he has not gotten any support from the Redevelopment Agency itself and he feels that there is definitely a lack of communication. The Mayor agreed that there has been a lack of communication. Redevelopment is very complex and it will be much easier to communicate if the Council had a better knowledge of its inter- workings. Councilman Hammock asked if Don Morrison, Appraiser, would explain the land values. Mr. Morrison gave a brief resume of his qualifications. He ex- plained that Market Value is sought in the appraisal of property for the public. This is the highest price estimated which a property will bring if exposed to sale within a reasonable period of time. 5: 20 p.m. - Agency Board Member Paul Perea was excused from the meeting. The Assessed Value and the Appraised Value are not one and the same. The appraised value is actually in most cases approximately four times greater than the assessed value. The Assessors office only assesses the value of property about every 4 - 5 years and must do so in a very short period of time. When the seller and buyer do not agree on the purchase price the action goes to court under condemnation. In a great majority of these cases the Court's decision is even greater than that requested by the seller. Several specific parcels were discussed regarding their value and purchase price. The YWCA property was carefully reviewed. Mr. Morrison explained that the replacement value for the YWCA had to be taken into consideration when establishing the appraised value. Mr. Morrison stated that if a matter goes to court, he must support that his appraised value is high enough and the Assessor must support that his value is low enough. It was determined that the purchases of land within the City have __...,""",~"J~:"'" 5025 increased the tax incremental income. Mr. Green stated that the base was frozen for Central City at $8,000,000. It is now approximately $15,200,000. This can give an idea of what redevelopment has done for the City. Councilman Hudson stated that he does not want to give the idea that the Council is against redevelopment but that as elected officials there are concerns. He stated that he questions the way redevelopment has utilized the law and some of the decisions. Mr. Morrision stated that he was the appraiser used for all the properties pur- chased by the Agency over the last two years. He also appraised property within the Central City Project. It was determined that this was the only appraisal provided by the Agency. Mr. Morrison's appraisal reports are on file in the office of the Redevelopment Agency and are available for review by request. Mr. Sivelle, J. C. Penney Co., asked if any properties purchased by the Agency had their own appraisals obtained. Mr. Morrison stated that if the Agency and the seller could not agree on the purchase price the seller in some cases would obtain an additional appraisal on his own. Mr. Porras, Mexican Chamber of Commerce, asked if the Agency sold the property at 5th and Mt. Vernon for a profit. Mr. Quinn explained that the Agency paid on the average total costs of approximately $3.40 per sq. ft. for the property. They sold it for approximately $3.40 per sq. ft. The Agency only sold that portion that would be developed into the Community Center. In considering the purchase price, the Agency had to take into account the cost of the land, the cost for the demolition of the structures and grading. When all this is taken into account, along with the administrative costs involved, the Agency did not actually make a profit on the land. The City will pay for the parking area. Community Development money will be used for this area also. Councilman Wheeler asked for a clarification to Question No. XIX - Why can't the City receive its share. 14%. from the Redevelopment Agency on frozen base pro- perties owned by the Redevelopment Agency? The Mayor answered that from a technical standpoint there is no provision of the law giving one taxing entity a share of anothers income. He stated that in working out a project in any given area, the Council may as a condition to the approval of the Redevelopment Plan, provide for some control of these funds. The Council could for example establish that a portion of the incremental income from the Mt. Vernon Community Center be used to help support the Police Department. The Agency has over the years contributed to the City far in excess of what the City's share of the taxes would be, i. e. , the five level parking structure. 5: 45 p.m. - Agency Board Member Alan Guhin was excused from the meeting. Due to a lack of Redevelopment Agency quorum, the Agency's Adjourned Regular meeting was adjourned. Discussion continued. Coucilman Katona raised questions regarding tax incremental funding. Mr. Jim Iverson. Miller & Schroeder Municipals. Inc.. answered questions regarding the refunding process and arbitrage. He stated that right now interest payments are being made by the Agency for Central City bonds. The Agency's main problem is that the project was sold on projections. This is a selling process to underwriters d '""'r... IV .., -,# ...... J ...... .....J [ r \- r L... 5026 and investors. Miller & Schroeder bought the original bonds and the refunding bonds. Central City is about Ii years behind the original projections. Some of the reasons for this is the requirement of environmental impact studies, construction constraints and inflation costs. Thrifty was Ii years behind in their construction sched~le. The critical period is the year 1981. If the Agency between now and then has a hotel development or another major department store, the problem will be solved. A hotel development would put the Agency over the debt immediately. Mr. Iverson stated that he does not anticipate fore- closure. The Agency has enough funds in Federal Securities to pay the interest payments. The process of drawing funds from one project into another was discussed. Mr. Iverson explained that this can only be done if a determination is made that it will benefit both projects. Mr. Iverson stated that a public entity may not receive any windfall profits (arbitrage). The Mayor asked Iverson if he felt the books were necessary in selling the projects involved. Mr. Iverson stated that the books most definitely play an essential role in the financing of a project. The Mayor asked if the Agency could sell bonds if the books and studies were not performed. Mr. Iverson stated that he did not believe so. He stated that it is very important that the consulting firm have a national reputation. The ultimate investor is relying on their knowledge and experience. The Mayor asked if there was any obligation on the part of the City for the Agency bonds. Mr. Iverson answered no. The Mayor asked if the refunding of Agency bonds added to the indebtedness of the community. Mr. Iverson answered no. U.S. Government Securities were explained, which insure the payment of the debt. Mr. Iverson was asked if there was anything wrong with refunding. He answered absolutely not, it actually enables you to do more things. He explained that refunding is not an easy matter. You are operating under very strict regulations. It is not done unless necessary or to your ad- vantage. Councilman Hammock asked if it was wise to increase your indebtedness when you refinance as was done in the refunding issue. Mr. Iverson stated that if your tax allocations have increased where you can borrow additional money and it is obvious that the tax allocation money is substantial, it is a question of whether to do it or not. Councilman Hobbs raised the question of using consultant firms outside of the City of San Bernardino. He stated that it would be feasible, in cases where outside firms are necessary, to provide that these firms set up an office in San Bernardino and train City people. In this manner perhaps San Bernardino could have a firm with National recognition someday. Mr. Iverson stated that in marketing municipal bonds, when you are dealing with projections, nationally recognized firms are necessary. Councilman Hobbs expressed his concern as to how a firm in San Bernardino could gain this recognition. Mr. Green gave an example where recently he was talking to a firm in Los Angeles who stated that unless he read a finding from the firm of O'Melveny and Myers regarding the matter he was not interested. O'Melveny and Myers is a Nationally recognized firm. 7: 00 p.m. - the meeting was recessed for dinner. 8: 20 p.m. - the meeting was continued. 5027 The Mayor opened by speaking to Councilman Hobb's question of training local people. He stated that it is a policy of Gruen Associates to associate themselves whenever possible and practical with a local architectural firm. The firm of Armstrong Ulmer was used in the caseof the City Hall, the plaza areas, the Exhibit Hall and Convention Center and the five level parking structure. Gruen Associates limited their service to the planning stages and preliminary design of the mall. Their fees were over $1,000,000, but this was over a three year period. II'I!IIllI ..... Councilman Hammock stated that he does support redevelopment. He questions what was going to happen to all the plans for the amphitheater. Mr. Green stated that all plans have ceased .011. this project. The consultants who were working on the amphitheater have been advised to discontinue all work. The Mayor stated that the Bicentennial Committee has found a suitable site for the pageant near Blair Park. If this pageant is successful and a need for a permanent location is necessary, the amphitheater can still be considered at a later date. Councilman Hudson expressed concern over plans being prepared and land purchased in areas that are not adopted Redevelopment Project Areas. Mr. Green stated that actually under the Mutual Benefit Resolutions adopted by the City and the Agency, the Agency was authorized to purchase property within and without of project areas. He further stated that it is his opinion that no further property will be purchased outside of project areas. , ....J Mr. Green also stated that bids are always acquired for anything estimated to cost over $2,500 and the use of local people is desired whenever possible. Councilman Lackner asked if the Agency has acquired any property through Eminent Domain from Agency Members. Mr. Green stated that at one time property was purchased from Mr. Wein, a Board Member at that time, who held a lease hold interest in the property. The property was acquired through condemnation procedures. Councilman Lackner stated that Section 33348.5 of California Law requires Agencies to biannually conduct public hearings for the purpose of reviewing the redevelopment plan for each redevelopment project. He asked if this has been done. Mr. Green stated that since the passage of this mandate in 1972 the Agency has done so. Councilman Lackner asked if all reports are submitted to the Planning Commission prior to being brought to the Council, as required by law. Mr. Green stated that they have been submitted to the Planning Commission as required by law. Councilman Lackner asked what the difference between a redevelopment agency and a renewal agency were. Mr. Quinn and Mr. Beebe stated that there is no difference. ~ 'i .....,; r .... r , L r I L.- 5028 Ms. Francis Grice, Operation Second Chance, requested an interpretation as to their type of organization. The Mayor spoke to this request. She stated that she has become aware of some problem regarding their financing. The Mayor explained that HUD is concerned over the use of CD funds. They are investigating the matter and a ruling is expected. The Mayor and Mr. Green assured Mrs. Grice that they are aware of the problem and will continue to work with her on the project. Councilman Hobbs expressed his concern over preference to certain brokers in the purchase of property. Mr. Green explained that the commissions listed were not paid by the Agency but by the seller. The Agency did not pay any commissions. Finders Fees are occasionally paid by the Agency for property sold. The Mayor stated that finders fees are open to all brokers. Councilman Hobbs asked if a finders fee was paid in the Security Pacific National Bank purchase of property for parking purposes. Mr. Green stated that no finders fee was paid. Councilman Hobbs inquired about the purchase of property in January of 1976 on Arrowhead Avenue (Masonic Property). Mr. Green stated that the property was owned by quite a few parties. Mr. Goldie had interest in all of these properties. Certain parcels were bought and certain parcels traded. Mr. Goldie traded 100% interest in one lot for 50% interest in two lots. A list of Finders Fees was requested. Councilman Lackner stated that when a redevelopment project is adopted, the tax base is frozen and the incremental income over this tax base goes to the Agency. He asked when does redevelopment end in a project area and the income come back to the City. He also asked if an increase in taxes within a project area goes to the Agency. Mr. Green stated that increased taxes will go to the Agency. These taxes are used for improvements within the area. The public does not suffer because he is receiving increased improvements. Mr. Beebe stated that when the bonds are paid off, the tax incremental income then goes back to City and other taxing entities. The Mayor stated that redevelopment does not necessarily require increase in services. He stated that in Central City it actually decreased the services. such as police and fire departments. This in fact decreases the taxes of the public. This area was previously blighted and required much police and fire department protection. It actually saved the City approximately $750,000 in fire and police department personnel. Councilman Wheeler stated that he has been satisfied with communications with the Redevelopment Agency. The books themselves indicate a desire to keep the public informed. Councilman Lackner inquired about the SAFECO/YWCA transaction. Mr. Green advised that SAFECO will develop their building on the old YWCA site. The taxes derived from this new development will go to the Agency. 5029 Early pay-off of the bonds was discussed. Mr. Green stated that the bonds are structured so that early close out will include a substantial penalty. Mr. Iverson stated that the bonds cannot be redeemed for 10 years. Councilman Lackner referred to question No. XIII. The answer stated that the Agency is not empowered to levy or raise taxes. It further stated that if the Agency cannot pay the bonds it becomes the responsibility of the City to do so should it be determined if warranted, that no other funds are available and that the tax process is the last resort. He asked if this makes the City responsible for the bonds. Mr. Green stated that it does not. It is merely if the City desires to do so they can. Mr. Iverson assured the City that if the Agency defaults on the bonds, the City will in no way be adversely affected. The City's rating would remain the same. Councilman Hobbs asked about redevelopment revolving funding. Mr. Beebe ex- plained this procedure. Mrs. Blum stated that the Board appreciated the questions and certainly wants to keep the Council fully aware of its actions. Mr. Joe Baker asked about the switch of the Police Department and the Library from their proposed locations. At a recent Agency Board Meeting it had been proposed by Gerry Miller, General Contractor, to locate the Library into the old Penney's building and the Public Safety Building into the Elks Club building. He stated that this switch in uses would save a considerable amount of money. He asked Mr. Branigan. Gruen Associates. about this change in plans. Mr. Branigan stated that they were contracted to prepare studies on the rehabilitation of the Penney building for use as a Public Safety Building and the Elks Club building as the Library. They were not contracted to determine which building would be best suited for uses. He stated that if they had discovered the savings in the change of uses they would have brought it to the Agency's attention, but that he did not know of any intention to do so. He further stated that he had not known of this before hand and therefore was not prepared to answer to the questions raised. Mr. Quinn explained that without Gruens original studies, Mr Miller would not have been able to prepare his study. Much of the information in the Gruen Study is definitely needed. Councilman Lackner stated that if the plans of Mr. Miller are used, the police department must also eliminate two of their departments from this area. These departments must locate elsewhere. Mr. Branigan was asked if his services run through the construction period. He stated that they do not. His services end with the planning process. If the Agency desires to enter into another contract covering the construction phases they can do so. He stated that the only contract that covers through construction is the Public Enterprise Center. The Council asked for a breakdown of real estate activities - who land was sold to, what was developed and tax it is generating after completion. They were assured that this information would be forwarded. " II l ..... ..., J .., ~ ~ ...J r , .... r I \ "- r-- L 5030 The Council and the Agency expressed their feeling that the meeting had been very worthwhile and stated their desire to hold future meetings 0 Mr 0 Frank Dominguez. Vanir Tower Company. stated that they have done every- thing possible in securing tenants for their building 0 He stated that his company came before the Agency Board at the last board meeting requesting assistance 0 He desired a low interest loan in order to decrease his rental rates and therefore perhaps he would be able to secure tenants 0 The Agency denied his request in that they felt they could not be assured that they would not incur any financial burden 0 Mr 0 Green stated that the Agency would actually need to borrow approxi- mately $6.000.0000 The Agency would then actually hold title to the property 0 Mr 0 Dominguez stated that this would not need to be done 0 After much discussion. the Council asked if the Agency would once again look into the possibility of some assistance to Vanir Tower Company 0 The meeting was adjourned at 11: 30 porn 0 /~. ~,'/ ,I' .' / , /~ ~- _n___.__ ______ 1 - !l!II.'m'WIIIIl_U U -~..4LlilIlllIl_'1''iIl!-~",",-'''j;",;#",,,,~,''''',''''r",,..,;,..-,,,,,,,,,,,,......,,...,;~,",.. 5031 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 4TH DAY OF MARCH, 1976, 300 NORTH IIDII STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ] The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4: 05 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Green, Obershaw, Blum and Guhin Agency Members Absent: Wilson, Perea and Stephenson Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory stated that at the joint meeting held on February 23, 1976 with the Mayor and Council, the Agency was requested to meet with Vanir Tower Company to de- termine if the Agency could offer any assistance to them in their pending forclosure. He stated that he and Mr. Quinn met with Mr. Dominguez and with Mr. Hicks of Vanir Tower. At the conclusion of the meeting, Mr. Dominguez was requested to provide the Agency with certain documents in support of their pro forma income analysis. The Agency requested letters from the Federal Government stating their interest in leasing a portion of Vanir Tower. Committment or interest letters were also requested from the other proposed tenants. Mr. Dominguez was advised that upon receipt of this information the Agency would be in a position to review the matter and submit it to the Board for reconsideration. The information requested has not been received. Mr. Flory stated that he called Mr. Dominguez several times today in order that he could discuss this with him. At the times Mr. Dominguez returned the calls he was out of the office, therefore they were unable to discuss the matter before today's board meeting. Mr. Flory also stated that there are some legal considerations to be reviewed regarding assistance to Vanir Tower. The Agency actually cannot make a determination without first reviewing the documents requested from Mr. Dominguez. , ...iI Mr. Obershaw stated that he received a letter from the Social Security Administration office on Highland Avenue. This letter was read as follows: February 27, 1976 Charles D. Obershaw Redevelopment Agency 1139 North IIEII Street San Bernardino, CA 92410 ..., Dear Mr. Obershaw: -...Ii r , i.- r I , i 1...... ,.... \....- 5032 1 The recent newspaper stories regarding the Redevelopment Agency's consideration of the Vanir Tower appear to be misleading someone. As immediate past Chairman of the Federal Executive Association of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, I would like to point out a couple of facts that should be a part of the record. In the first place there is no way "Occupancy of the Vanir Tower by the Federal Government will bring 500 new employees to the downtown area and result in approximately $200,000 additional tax increment to the Redevelopment Agency." Excluding the civilian personnel on military bases there are not 500 federal employees in the entire county. I have the largest staff amounting to about 80 people. The next is the U.S. Forest Service with about 50 and IRS with perhaps 25. The Bureau of Hearing and Appeals has around 20. Any other federal office in this area is made up of a small group usually only two or three. With the general emphasis on reducing federal budgets we are all losing staff and the trend is very definitely down. Witness the almost total wipe out of the U . S. Civil Service Commission from San Bernardino. What happened to the Selective Service? We are all experienc- ing this trend. The round figure of 500 is completely unrealistic. There is no evidence of any new large federal agency moving into San Bernardino. I doubt seriously that occupancy of this building by the Federal Government would result in even 200 employees in the downtown area. Second, there is reason to believe space consolidation is no longer a viable issue in San Bernardino. All federal agencies have legal mandates to provide services of one kind or another. Location and facilities are a very critical com- ponent to our plans and efforts to provide the best possible service, at the cheapest price, in the most efficient manner, all within a stringent budget. It would be very rare for all of the federal agencies to suddenly find everything we have been doing is contrary to that concept and that one central downtown location fills all of our needs. I hope you will take these facts to the next RDA meeting. Sincerely, s/Lloyd M. Adams District Manager Mr. Hicks stated that the information regarding 500 employees was received from GSA. He further stated that they have been in daily contact with the Federal Government regarding the information requested by the Agency. Mr. Green suggested that this item be deferred until such time as this informa- tion is made available. Mr. Dominguez stated that United California Bank has set March 12, 1976 as the date of sale. He asked if the Agency would give some indication to United California Bank of their intention to reconsider, subject to receipt of this information, in order that the sale might be postponed. '~1l!' ~"-_r~f1 ~ijIj, lhil,iifn: L,lIlgllilfii> ,t't ,'~, ~~~JO.".,~,,-,'> 5033 Mr. Green stated that he could not recommend to the Board a favorable reconsideration until this information was received. He asked the Members of the Board if they would object to reconsidering this matter at a Special Meeting when the information requested is made available. All members indicated that they had no objections. , ~ ..." Mr. Obershaw inquired as to the legality of borrowing money for this purpose. Mr. Green stated that we legally would only be able to borrow $5,000,000 tax- empt for this purpose. Mr. Dominguez indicated at the meeting on February 23rd that he might be able to come up with the additional money himself. Mr. Dominguez stated that the $200,000 additional tax increment money was based on the present taxes. He stated that his estimates of employees anticipated to occupy the Vanir Tower Building was based on a survey prepared by his office. After careful consideration, all Board Members present stated that they would like the matter deferred until such time as the information requested is obtained. Upon this determination, the Chairman deferred any action on this item until a later date. FINDERS FEE POLICY RESOLUTION: The proposed resolution for adoption of a Finders Fee Policy was reviewed. Mr. Green stated that this resolution/policy will offer incentive to real estate persons. The Policy, as proposed, will offer a percentage of the development as the finders fee instead of the previous 5% of the purchase price of the land. The proposed policy also provides that the payment of this fee will be paid in 3 stages of progress, instead of upon close of escrow. In this way the Agency is assured that the real estate person will work with the developer through completion of the project. It also offers greater chances of larger developments. This policy will also entice out of town real estate people to find developments for San Bernardino. J Mayor Holcomb and Councilman Hudson were introduced. The Mayor stated that any action taken on this resolution should be subject to the approval of the Council. Mr. Green assured the Mayor that this is the intention of the Agency, however he does not anticipate that the Council will want to review every individual request for finders fee payments. Councilman Hudson stated that he wanted to thoroughly understand the matter in order that he could explain it to the remainder of the Council. Incremental percentage payments were cal- culated and reviewed. Many real estate people were present. Mr. Lou Chovick stated that brochures would be very helpful in interesting people from out of the State and on the National level. Mr. Green stated that this is the desire of the Agency. The Staff will be presenting a recommendation to the Board in the near future to establish a budget for a Nation-wide advertising program. --. '.1 .~ ......IIi 4: 35 p.m. - Mr. Stephenson arrived at the meeting. lillUIIL r ~ [ 5034 Mr. Lockwood, realtor, stated that the proposed resolution refers to Finder's Fees being authorized lion the parcel involved II . He stated that this should not be noted as parcel, but individual. Mr. Quinn asked if it would be better if the resolution read IIdevelopmentll instead of IIparcelll. Mr. Lockwood indicated that he felt this term would be more suitable. Mr. Green stated that the resolution does not limit real estate participation in Agency owned parcels only. This is for any development which is approved by the Agency. The Mayor stated that the Economic Development Council has a current listing of all parcels and prices available at their office. Mr. Moody, Realtor from Newport Beach, stated that a policy of this nature is exactly what is needed to call attention to San Bernardino. If proper distri- bution of this policy is made he feels sure that San Bernardino will be surprised at the extent of interest it will encourage. Mr. Bill R. Leonard asked if the policy would limit the real estate broker from earning a brokerage fee from the buyer of the property. Mr. Green stated that it would not. Ms. Freddie Spellacy, President of the Board of Realtors, stated that they are very interested in working with the City in this policy. After careful review and consideration, the proposed resolution was amended to read as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 3167 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF FINDERS FEES TO ANY REAL ESTATE PERSON WHO LOCATES AND INITIATES THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITH- IN A REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA WHEREAS, the City Administration has requested that the Redevelopment Agency initiate an aggressive real estate disposition program; and WHEREAS, in order to accomplish this aggressive disposition program, the use of others is necessary to locate developers and introduce specific parcels of land to them for disposition; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency is concerned not only with property located 1,-.... within its established and proposed project areas, but in many areas throughout the Overall Central City Project Area; and L.. .lI<illlilL'!i..nHn~." .l!'-T-'~~_:'_1i1HijL1 .... ~ ~r L.U" I!lt!l!"~ -JIl,'!!!iI IT]. f..f Jll_,,"-nRl'~IUJli_ 5035 WHEREAS, the Agency Members have determined that the payment of a Finder's Fee to any real estate person(s) who locate and initiate the sale of property J.. within a redevelopment project area is warranted. .. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that payment of Finders Fees is hereby authorized to any and all real estate person(s) who locate and initiate the development of properties within a redevelopment project area. The Finders Fees as proposed will be as follows: Any licensed broker who negotiates a transaction resulting in the issuance of a building permit for new construcition to be located in any Redevelopment Project Area, excepting the Central City Mall, Central City West, or any transaction currently being negotiated by the Agency, shall be entitled and granted a Finder's Fee by the Agency on the following cumulative basis: A. RANGE AND PERCENTAGE SCHEDULE: $ - 0 - 100,000 5% of Development as Indicated by Building Permit 100,001 500,000 $5,000 plus 3% of development cost of $100,000 as indicated by Building Permit 500,001 1,000,000 $17,000 plus 2% of development cost over $500,000 as Indicated by Building Permit ] 1,000,001 and over $27,000 plus 1% of Development cost over $1,000,000 as indicated by Building Permit B. PAY INCREMENT SCHEDULE: 1st Payment of 1/3 Total Due Upon Completion and Approval of Foundation 2nd Payment of 1/3 Total Due Upon Issuance of Notice of Completion 3rd Payment of 1/3 Total Due One year subsequent to Issuance of Notice of Completion The following must also occur: ~~hXgency nor the City of San Bernardino has been dealing with the prospect for the development of any land owned by the Agency or anticipated to be owned by the Agency for pending disposition. 1. ..., .....J H~IJII~ ~. If. ,-~jt__'_"J [ [ r-- I J ..... 5036 2. The person must notify the Redevelopment Agency of its intention to request a Finder's Fee on the development involved, at the time of the pro- posed development, or shortly thereafter, by the submission of a form entitled "Notice" which is signed by the person and the buyer. Said form is attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and made a part hereof. 3. The proposed development is approved by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. The development must be completely consumated pursuant to the schedule for Finder IS Fee payments. 4. The development of property(s) within the redevelopment project area is completely consumated to the extent that new jobs and resultant taxes from the development are created. EXHIBIT "A" NOTICE The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino invited participation in its program for the sale of commercial and residential parcels of land within the City of San Bernardino. Participation will be on the following basis subject to Agency Board approval. The Agency will pay a Finder's Fee pursuant to the schedule attached providing all of the following occur: 1. Neither the Agency nor the City of San Bernardino have been dealing with the prospect for the development of any land owned by the Agency or antici- pated to be owned by the Agency for pending disposition. 2. The person must notify the Redevelopment Agency of its intention to request a Finder's Fee on the development involved, at the time of the proposed development, or shortly thereafter. 3. The proposed development is approved by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. The development must be completely consumated pursuant to the schedule for Finder's Fees payments. 4. The development of property(s) within the redevelopment project area is completely consumated to the extent that new jobs and resultant taxes from the development are created. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED by all of the undersigned that unelss and until all of the foregoing occurs, there shall be no liability upon the Redevelopment rilflllilt'-!l"!IW'r 1.1." l!_'W-l" _Il _, _H" ,_ll~~j::l*!'l!l't!W'i~,,"~--o-- 5037 Agency of the City of San Bernardino, to pay any fees or commissions to anyone. Under the foregoing conditions, it is understood and agreed by all of the under- ] ....... signed that the undersigned redeveloper hereby designates ... as the responsible person for the sale of the property located at , within a Redevelopment Agency Project Area. REDEVELOPER: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA By By Wallace Green, Chairman BROKER: P. W. Quinn, Jr., Secretary Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3167, subject to the review and approval of the Mayor and Council. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Obershaw, Guhin, Blum and Green Noes: None Abstention: Stephenson Absent: Wilson and Perea ] REVIEW OF PROPOSALS - SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING: Mr. Green explained that the Agency solicited and received proposals for exclusive right to negotiate for 90 days for the development of Senior Citizens Housing on the Harding-Conrad School site. The parcels were pointed out on the map. A committee from the Board, made up of Mr. Obershaw, Mrs. Blum and Mr. Stephenson, met on Wednesday to review the three proposals received. The proposals received were from Retirement Housing Foundation, Nathan Weissman and Clyde Alexander, and Henry S. Henschel. Mr Green asked for a report from the Committee on their recommendation. Mrs. Blum stated that the Committee thoroughly reviewed the proposals sub- mitted and recommended the firm of Nathan Weissman/Clyde Alexander. Mrs. Blum explained that Weissman/Alexander submitted a complete finacial statement and all the necessary documents required. The committee felt that this was the most sound proposal. All financial arrangements have been assured. Mr. Obershaw and Mr. Stephenson concurred. Mr. Daniel Ash, Retirement Housing Foundation, stated that his organization has produced 28 developments of this nature. They are non-profit and therefore .., ,~ " -' '11 . :1 ~. ,r ',' -r- r--- j I I l.- r ! I I.- ,..... ! ....... 5038 can assure lower rents to the elderly. He stated that perhaps the Committee did not take this into consideration when reviewing the proposals. Mr. Henry Henschel stated that it is not necessarily true that a non-profit organization can cause lower rental rates. He stated that his organization is financed by wealthy individuals who invest their funds in this venture as a tax shelter. They have not received any profits from their venture in the Meadowbrook Towers, which were developed in the Meadowbrook Project by Mr. Henschel. Mr. Clyde Alexander was introduced. Mr. Alexander explained that his proposal is a joint venture with Mr. Nathan Weissman. This 90 day exclusive right to negotiate will give them the opportunity they need to complete their entire package for Board consideration. Mrs. Blum stated that the members of the Committee made an unbiased recommenda- tion, based on the proposals received. Mr. Obershaw assured Mr. Ash that the committee was given his track record verbally and that their recommendation was well considered. After discussion, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3168 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING AN EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO NEGOTIATE FOR 90 DAYS TO NATHAN WEISSMAN/CLYDE ALEXANDER, FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING COMPLEX, CENTRAL CITY NORTH WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency solicited for proposals for an exclusive right to negotiate for 90 days for the development of a Senior Citizens Housing Complex to be located on the old Harding-Conrad School Site, Central City North; and WHEREAS, proposals were received from the following firms: Retirement Housing Foundation; Nathan Weissman and Clyde Alexander; and Henry S. Henschel; and WHEREAS, the Agency Members reviewed the proposals and determined that the proposal of the joint venture of Nathan Weissman and Clyde Alexander was the most sound proposal received. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that an exclusive right to negotiate for 90 days is hereby granted to Nathan Weissman/Clyde Alexander, for the development of the Senior Citizens Housing Complex, Central City North. U _l ~"""~~ ."".!if. Lnnf"~-- ---.- 1"JI.l.'fllfnlf _ - )1 ~:q II ~~_~;#",\.".0'~= 5039 Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3168. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Obershaw, Blum, Guhin, Stephenson and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson and Perea .., ;1 ~ ..... INCREASE IN CONTRACT - SUNRAY - PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER: A requested was submitted for an increase in contract with Sunray Construction Company in the amount of $428.89 for the relocation of electrical outlets due to the relocation of furniture within the offices of the Public Enterprise Center. Mr. Green stated that this expenditure actually does not need to be brought before the Board. The Executive Director has authority to authorize expenditures of smaller amounts. He stated that he felt it should be brought for Board approval because of the nature of the use of CD funds and it would ultimately need to be approved also by Operation Second Chance. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3169 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER WITH SUNRAY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER J WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has entered into a contract with Sunray Construction Company for the construction of the Public Enterprise Center; and WHEREAS, due to the relocation of some electrical outlets caused by the relocation of furniture within the offices of this facility and one additional telephone outlet, additional expenses were incurred; and WHEREAS, the contractor is requesting the execution of a Contract Change Order in the amount of $428.89 to .cover the expenses incurred; and WHEREAS, the Agency Members have determined said expenditure warranted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into Contract Change Order with Sunray Construction Company, for additional services in connection with their contract for the construction of the Public Enterprise Center, in an amount not to exceed $428.89. Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3169. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Obershaw, Blum, Guhin, Stephenson and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson and Perea. --- -J ~I n. .1 ~~,"",~--.. i>!'''''''''' 5040 r C M ENGINEERING PROPOSAL - HANFORD FOUNDRY, WASTE DISCHARGES: ! ! L Mr. Green stated that the Agency has been working with Hanford Foundry in their efforts to relocate within the Southeast Industrial Park. They currently employ 160 - 180 people. They intend to increase their employment when relo- cated to an additional 100 people. They are very interested in relocating in this area. There are currently no facilities for industrial waste disposal in this area. If they definitely decide to relocate in this area, an interim facility to handle the industrial waste must be developed. C M Engineering has proposed to investigate interim solutions of handling waste discharges from the Hanford Foundry for a fee in the amount of $2,000. This is not a redevelopment project area as yet. It is a survey area, and as such the Agency is authorized to expend funds within this area. This action would, of course, be subject to the review of the Mayor and Council. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3170 r RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH C M ENGINEERING, FOR SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH WASTE DISCHARGES FROM HANFORD FOUNDRY, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK Ito""" WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage the services of an engineering firm to investigate interim solutions to handling waste discharges from the Hanford Foundry at a site in the Southeast Industrial Park, pending the availability of sewers; and WHEREAS, C M Engineering has prepared a proposal to provide this service for an amount not to exceed $2,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract with C M Engineering for services in connection with Hanford Foundry Waste Discharges, Southeast Industrial Park, not to exceed the sum of $2,000. ...- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this action on the part of the Redevelop- ment Agency is made with the express understanding that it is subject to the review and concurrance of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, pursuant to instructions from the Council heretofore promulgated. '........ u.........I.-pr ~:'.."f__~~_'.-...,..""'^ 5041 Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3170. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Obershaw, Blum, Guhin, Stephenson and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson and Perea ] ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Obershaw adjourning the meeting at 5: 20 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Guhin, Stephenson and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Wilson ] ..., .....J ';';.1 _ .J.___l r L- r '-- I""'" I..,. 5042 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 18TH DAY OF MARCH, 1976, 300 NORTH IIDII STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4: 05 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson and Green Agency Members Absent: Guhin, Perea and Stephenson Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 4, 1976 were submitted for approval. Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Blum approving the Minutes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Obershaw, Blum and Green Noes: None Abstention: Wilson Absent: Guhin, Perea and Stephenson. Mr. Wilson abstained from voting because he was not present at the meeting of March 4th. REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory stated that Judge Morris has not made a decision as yet regarding the Base Reduction matter. One should be reached shortly. 4: 07 p.m. - Mr. Guhin arrived at the meeting ADVERTISING BUDGET FOR REAL ESTATE DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT: Mr. Green stated that at the last meeting a budget for exposure of the Agency's adopted Finder's Fee Policy was discussed. The Staff has received cost estimates from various sources and has recommended that a budget in the approximate amount of $7 , 500 be established. Mr. Green stated that upon reviewing the proposed budget, he would suggest increasing the budget to $9,000 instead of $7,500. It was determined that too little of an ad would not serve the Agency's purpose and that a greater budget would be well worthwhile. Mr. Green explained that the $9,000 would be an upset figure and would not necessarily mean that this amount would be spent. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3171 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN ADVERTIS- ING BUDGET REGARDING THE AGENCY'S FINDER'S FEE POLICY, NOT TO EXCEED $9.000 t-~- ~_.--------- 5043 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, has adopted by Resolution No. 3167 a policy relative to Finder's Fees to provide for development in the City of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council at their meeting of March 15, 1976 approved the Agency's policy of providing Finder's Fees to encourage investment and development; and WHEREAS, the Agency Board has determined that a budget should be established to give as great an exposure to this policy as possible, in order to engender an interest in San Bernardino development on the part of real estate brokers on a nation wide scale. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency does hereby approve an advertising budget regarding the Agency's Finder's Fee Policy, in an amount not to exceed $9,000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this action on the part of the Redevelopment Agency is made with the express understanding that it is subject to the review and concurrence of the Mayor and Common Council. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3171. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Obershaw, Wilson and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson REPORT ON NEGOTIATIONS - COUNTY PARKING ON FIFTH STREET: The area of concern was pointed out on the map. The parking lot lies between 5th and 6th, Mt. View and Sierra Way. Mr. Green explained that the Agency has been negotiating with the County for the purchase of this property for County parking. The negotiations have not been successful. Under the Agency's Finder's Fee Policy it is stated that a Finder's Fee cannot be obtained on property that the Agency has been previously negotiating to sell. The Agency has made as good an effort as possible to dispose of this parcel. Mr. Green stated that the Agency has also solicited the City for this area. He recom- mended that an exception be made to the Finder's Fee Policy regarding this parcel of land. In this way the parcel could be open up for sale and realtors could be used. Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Guhin placing the parking area between 5th and 6th, Mt. View and Sierra Way on the list for parcels to be sold and allowing realtors an opportunity to earn a Finder's Fee on said parcel. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Obershaw, Guhin, Blum, Wilson and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson l ..J J ~ 'I I i ...J ~ I , ! ...- r- ~ ,..... I...... 5044 PRELIMINARY PLAN, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK: Mr. Green explained that the approval of the Preliminary Plan, Southeast Industrial Park, is a legal requirement toward the implementation of the Southeast Industrial Park Project. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO 3172 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK INDUSTRIAL-TRANSPORTATION- DISTRIBUTION CENTER WHEREAS, there has been transmitted to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") a Resolution from the Planning Commission of the City of San Bernardino selecting the Southeast Industrial -Transportation-Dis- tribution Center and approving a Preliminary Plan therefor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE REDE- VELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Preliminary Plan for Southeast Industrial Park Industrial-Trans- portation-Distribution Center attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, is hereby approved. Section 2. The Secretary of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed to cause the transmission to be made as provided in Health & Safety Code Section 33327. Section 3. The staff and consultants are hereby authorized and directed to prepare the Redevelopment Plan for the Southeast Industrial Park Industrial-Transportation- Distribution Center, a Redevelopment Plan Report and Draft Environmental Impact Report thereon, and, in connection therewith, to consult with the Planning Com- mission of the City of San Bernardino and other City officials. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1976. 18th day of March Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3172. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin, Blum and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson CONTRACT AUTHORITY: Mr. Green stated that the City Council has attached certain restrictions on the Agency in certain areas. One of these areas is in contracting services. It is recom- mended that the Agency pass a resolution requesting the City Council to allow ~:I"'" ~-"'l~~"."""'""""'" ----.-.- -.1 - 5045 the Agency any expenditure of Agency funds in amounts of $3,000 or less without their formal review and approval. The delays involved in receiving Council approval on all expenditures can work a hardship on the conduct of Agency activities, particularly in the area wherein a limited time frame is involved. Mr. Green stated that the City Charter provides for expenditures of up to $3,000 without formal Council approval for departments within the City. l ..... Mrs. Blum asked if these expenditures would still come before the Board. Mr. Green stated that they would. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3173 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL TO AUTHORIZE AGENCY EXPENDITURES UP TO $3,000 FOR CONTRACTURAL SERVICES WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, has adopted by Resolution No. 3167 a policy relative to Finder's Fees to provide for development in the City of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council at their meeting of March 15, 1976 approved the Agency's policy of providing Finder's Fees to encourage investment and development; and -, J WHEREAS, from time to time the Redevelopment Agency requires the services of consultants for a variety of purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Charter provides for the expenditure of up to $3,000 by City Departments without formal Council approval; and WHEREAS, it is believed by the Redevelopment Agency that a like policy should be adopted towards expenditures of Redevelopment Agency funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency does hereby request the Mayor and Common Council to authorize expenditures up to $3,000 for the Redevelopment Agency without additional Council action, for consultant, construction and other minor contractural obligations. Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3173. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Obershaw, Wilson, Blum, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson T AX INCREMENTAL INCOME UTILIZATION FOR NECESSARY ON AND OFF SITE IMPROVEMENTS: ..... Mr . Green recommended that the Agency adopt a policy authorizing the expenditure of not more than five years of tax incremental income in support of commercial and/or --i N - ~ ~ _'""",~".,~"'-"-4i...,..._ 5046 "- industrial development. He stated that this is currently authorized under the California Health and Safety Code, except that no limit on expenditures is pro- vided. This has been discussed with the Mayor and Council and no negative comments were made. This will give the Agency the ability in negotiating with developers to speak freely about amounts of money which can be utilized for on and off site improvements. The five year tax incremental income equivalent will be used as an upper figure. Adoption of this resolution would of course be subject to the review of the Council. The following resolution was introduced: ,.- f RESOLUTION NO. 3174 c~; " "'~ , .J r:: <, 3..l.::) l, ~ - (I //;1 ,.1 ..p" , :2,,:,:'/ " I' I' (,;;. ~ . (_ (' 'n (if r 't~,~-:5b,<" (~~) RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING NECESSARY / ON AND OFF SITE IMPROVEMENTS TO DEVELOPERS IN A SUM OF NOT MORE THAN FIVE YEARS TAX INCREMENTAL INCOME WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, is desirous of giving all possible assistance to investors and developers to bring jobs into the Community; and ~ WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency authorized by Resolution No. 3167 a policy of providing Finder's Fees to encourage investment and development in the Community; and --- WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council at their meeting of March 15, 1976 approved the Agency's policy of providing Finder's Fees to encourage investment and development; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Redevelopment Agency, consistent with State law and the basic intent of redevelopment as established by State Law, to en- courage and foster development within redevelopment project areas by the installa- tion of necessary on and off site improvements, including buWtmited to street lights, utilities, landscaping and site preparation to encourage investment and development; and WHEREAS, pursuant to State law there is no monitory limitation to assistance of this kind towards fostering development within project areas; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Agency to establish a policy of committing certain monies in support of these activities; and I""""" WHEREAS, it is believed that tax incremental income for a five year period of time would be the proper upper limit of participation in development by the Agency with any given industrial or commercial development. .... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency so establish a policy of providing necessary on and off site improvements to any commercial or .1 -"'X";~,o.' 5047 industrial developer within a project area. Said costs of improvements not to exceed tax incremental income over a five year period of time. ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event it is deemed of benefit to either the Agency or the City, on a case by case basis, to provide necessary on and off site improvements for a residential development, then it shall be proper to provide such improvements in support of residential development, subject to the approval of the Mayor and Common Council, on a case by case basis. .",.J BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER that this action on the part of the Redevelopment Agency is made with the express understanding that it is subject to the review and concurrence of the Mayor and Common Council. Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3174. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Obershaw, Guhin, Blum, Wilson and Green Noes: None Abstention: none Absent: Perea and Stephenson NAHRO PACIFIC SOUTHWEST REGIONAL COUNCIL, HONOLULU, HAWAII: Mr. Green stated that the 35th NAHRO Pacific Southwest Regional Council Annual Conference will be held in Honolulu, Hawaii, May 14 - 20, 1976. Mr. Wilson stated that due to the expense involved he did not feel that more than two persons should be authorized to attend. Mr. Green stated that from his experience the persons who most benefit from a conference of this nature are those who are working directly with the job. After review, the following resolution was introduced: ] RESOLUTION NO. 3175 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE TRAVEL OF THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY, OR THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR AS AN ALTERNATE, TO HONOLULU, HAWAII, TO ATTEND THE 35TH NAHRO CONFERENCE WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2043 of the Redevelopment Agency requires that each trip made by an Agency Member or Staff Member outside of the City of San Bernardino, California, be specifically authorized by a resolution of the Agency Members; and WHEREAS, it is found essential for the Chairman and Secretary, or the Deputy Director as an alternate, to attend the 35th NAHRO Pacific Southwest Regional Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary, or the Deputy ] r- '--- ,..... ~ r- ! 1 '-or 5048 Director as an alternate, are hereby authorized to travel to Honolulu, Hawaii, May 14-20, 1976, to attend the 35th NAHRO Pacific Southwest Regional Council Conference, and their travel expenses are hereby approved in accordance with Resolution No. 2043, as amended. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3175. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Wilson, Guhin, Obershaw and Green Noes: None Abstention: none Absent: Perea and Stephenson Mr. Green stated that he if he could arrange to attend the conference he would fly "space available" out of Norton and thereby his travel would not involve any cost to the Agency. OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Obershaw asked if the Agency has received the annual audits from the Civic Light Opera Asso. as required under their Lease for the California Theater. Mr. Quinn stated that we have not. The Members directed the Legal Counsel to write a letter to CLO requesting these required audit reports. Mr. Obershaw stated that the Agency is mailing to him literature of a technical nature regarding legislation and other related matters. He stated that he feels that themailingofthisinformationisunnecessary.Mr . Quinn noted Mr. Obershaw's request. Mrs. Blum asked if any further negotiations have been made with Bullocks. Mr. Green stated yes. EXECUTIVE SESSION: An Executive Session was called at 4: 50 p.m. for discussion of possible litigation. ADJOURNMENT: Upon motion duly made and seconded the meeting was adjourned at 5: 20 p.m. 5049 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 1ST DAY OF APRIL, 1976, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ., ~ , .....l The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4: 10 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Agency Members Absent: Stephenson Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 18, 1976 were submitted for approval. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Guhin approving the Minutes as sub- mitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory stated that Judge Morris has not rendered a decision as yet regarding the Base Reduction matter. One is expected shortly. ] RESIGNATION OF BOARD MEMBER PAUL M. PEREA: Mr. Green read the following letter from Board Member Paul M. Perea: March 23, 1976 The Honorable W. R. Holcomb Mayor, City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Dear Mayor Holcomb: Regretfully, I have determined that I must submit my resignation as a member of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, effective March 31, 1976. I have found that the increasing amount of time required in my business will not allow me to devote the amount of time to Agency affairs that I feel required. ] r '......, "...... \"",.,. "..... ....... 5050 I appreciate your confidence in my appointment and have enjoyed working with the Board Members and staff over the past three years towards the rede- velopment of our fine City. Very truly yours, s/Paul M. Perea cc: Wallace Green, Chairman The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3176 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HONORING MR. PAUL M. PEREA, AGENCY BOARD MEMBER, AND ACCEPTING HIS RESIG- NATION WITH REGRETS WHEREAS, Mr. Paul M. Perea was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino by the Mayor and Council on February 28, 1973; and WHEREAS, Mr. Paul M. Perea served with distinction as a member of the Board until his resignation on March 31, 1976; and WHEREAS, the Members and Staff of the Redevelopment Agency desire to express their appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Paul M. Perea for his tireless efforts and devotion to duty as a member of said Agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino does hereby commend and honor Mr. Paul M Perea for his leadership, public service to the community and distinguished service as a member of said Agency, and accepts his resignation with regrets. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a suitable memorial of this resolution be prepared and presented to Mr. Paul M. Perea on behalf of the Agency, its Members and Staff. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Obershaw authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3176, accepting with regrets the resignation of Paul M. Perea. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson Mr. Green stated that a resolution would be prepared for signatures of the Board Members. 5051 USE OF AGENCY PROPERTY - CLOVERLEAF SQUARE DANCE CLUB: Mr. Howard Wicks, Par king Chairman, Clover leafs Square Dance Club, was pre- sented to the Members. Mr. Wicks stated that the Bicentennial Commission is helping them promote a Square Dance Convention in San Bernardino. The con- vention will start in New York and by May will be in San Bernardino. They are holding the convention in the Convention Center. They need parking for about 200 trailers. They are asking for permission to use the block between 4th & 5th and "D" and Arrowhead and the 3 parcels on the east side of "D" between 4th & 5th. They were advised by letter of the requirements necessary to meet Agency required use of the property. Mr. Wicks presented a certificate of insurance covering any of their events up to $500,000 for every occurrence. He asked for a waiver of the $1,500 deposit or bond covering this amount. He stated that they are a non-profit organization and do not have the funds available for this. He further presented a letter from Refuse Superintendent, Manuel Moreno, stating that the Refuse Depart- ment will provide refuse service for the club's campout. Mr. Wicks stated that the Police Department has indicated that there would be no problem regarding security protection. Reserves would be used for the affair. Mr. Obershaw brought up the concern of dust control. He suggested either the ground be watered or oiled. Mrs. Blum asked how long they would be using the area. Mr. Wicks stated that they would be using it from June 21-23. Mr. Green stated that perhaps the $1,500 clean-up deposit could be lowered. He explained to Mr. Wicks that this deposit is for the Agency's assurance that they will not need to incur any expense in the event that the area was not cleaned after authorized use. Mr. Obershaw suggested dropping the deposit down to $1,000. After further review, motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Wilson allowing the Cloverleaf Square Dance Club use of the property between 4th & 5th and "D" and Arrowhead and the three parcels on the east side of "D" Street between 4th and 5th Streets, on June 21, 22 and 23. Authorization is granted upon the receipt of a $1,000 clean up deposit, or bond for that amount, and assurance that the dust will be controled. Insurance in the amount of $100,000/ $300,000 bodily injury and $50,000 Property Damage holding the Agency harmless is further required. The motion was carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: N,one Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK - PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: Mr. Green stated that the following resolutions are legal procedures necessary for the implementation of the Southeast Industrial Park Redevelopment Project. The resolutions were introduced: ..., ~ i ~ J; .....J ] ..., .~ .1. I I ....J 5052 "...... RESOLUTION NO. 3177 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PRELIMINARILY APPROVING A REDEVELOP- MENT PLAN, A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN REPORT AND TAKING CERT AIN ACTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH A DRAFT ENVIRON- MENT AL IMP ACT REPORT REGARDING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK INDUSTRIAL-TRANS- PORTATION-DISTRIBUTION CENTER AND AUTHORIZING TRANS- MITT ALS OF SAME TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") has prepared a Redevelopment Plan for the Southeast Industrial Park Industrial- Transportation-Distribution Center ("Redevelopment Plan"); and WHEREAS, the Agency has also prepared a Redevelopment Plan Report ("Report") and a Draft Environmental Impact Report ("Draft EIR") on said Redevelopment Plan as required by law; and "...... WHEREAS, all proceedings required to be taken by the Community Redevelopment Law as a prerequisite to the action taken in this Resolution have been taken in compliance with said Law, and the Agency is fully advised in the premises; and ~ WHEREAS, said Draft EIR should be offered for review and comments thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE REDE- VELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Redevelopment Plan referred to in the recitals hereof, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, is hereby pre- liminarily approved. Section 2. The Report referred to in the red tals hereof, attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by this reference incorporated herein, is hereby preliminarily approved. Section 3. The Draft EIR referred to in the recitals hereof, attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and by this reference incorporated herein, is hereby approved. Section 4. References contained in said Redevelopment Plan, Report and Draft EIR to property outside the boundaries of the City of San Bernardino were included in said documents for preliminary planning purposes only and no action is taken hereby with respect to such property. r- Section 5. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to transmit to the Planning Commission of the City of San Bernardino a copy of this Resolution, \....". 5053 together with all its Exhibits, with a request that said Planning Commission (1) approve the Redevelopment Plan, the Report and the Draft EIR; (2) render a report as to conformity of said Redevelopment Plan with the General Plan of the City of San Bernardino; (3) render a report or reports pursuant to Government Code Section 65402; and (4) transmit such approvals and reports to the Agency and to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. Section 6. That the form entitled "Form CA -189" regarding said Draft EIR shall be filed by the Secretary with the Resources Agency of the State of California. Section 7. That the Secretary shall cause a notice of the availability of said Draft EIR to be published in The Sun Telegram. Section 8. That the Executive Director of the Agency shall request comments on said Draft EIR from such reviewing agencies as he shall deem appropriate in the circumstances. Section 9. That May 20, 1976 shall be the last day on which the Agency will receive comments on the Draft EIR. Section 10. That a public hearing be held on the Draft EIR as follows: Date: June 7, 1976 Time: 2: 00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers Ci ty Hall 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, California Section 11. That the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino are hereby requested to meet jointly with the Agency on the date and time and at the place set forth in Section 10, above. Section 12. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution, together with the attached Exhibit "C", to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, for such action as they may wish to take. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of April , 1976. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3177. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson ,., !! ~ ...J .., I --J l ....... ",... ...... r-- '-- ,...... I....... 5054 RESOLUTION NO. 3178 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CONSENTING TO THE HOLDING OF A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK INDUSTRIAL-TRANS- PORTATION-DISTRIBUTION CENTER, REQUESTING THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TO CONSENT TO AND ORDER THE HOLDING OF SAME, AND AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION AND MAILING OF NOTICE THEREOF WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") has adopted its Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PRELIMINARILY APPROVING A REDEVELOP- MENT PLAN, A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN REPORT AND TAKING CERT AIN ACTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH A DRAFT ENVIRON- MENTAL IMPACT REPORT REGARDING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK INDUSTRIAL-TRANS- PORTATION-DISTRIBUTION CENTER AND AUTHORIZING TRANS- MITT AL OF SAME TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That a joint public hearing with the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino be held on said Redevelopment Plan as follows: Date: June 7, 1976 Time: 2: 00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers City Hall 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, California Section 2. The Agency hereby consents to the holding of such hearing. Section 3. That the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino be requested to meet jointly and hold such hearing with the Agency on the date and time and at the place set forth in Section 1. 5055 Section 4. The Secretary of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, together with a copy of said Redevelopment Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, and the Redevelopment Plan Report, attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 5. The Secretary of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed, in cooperation with the City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino, to cause a Notice of such joint public hearing on said Redevelopment Plan to be published once a week for four (4) successive weeks prior to the hearing in The Sun Telegram. Section 6. The Executive Director of the Agency is hereby authorized and dir- ected, in cooperation with the City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino, to cause copies of said Notice of such joint public hearing, together with the map or state- ment required by Health and Safety Code Section 33350, to be mailed, by certified mail with return receipt requested, to the last known assessee of each parcel of land within the boundaries of the Southeast Industrial Park Industrial-Transpor- tation-Distribution Center Project Area, at the last known address as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County. Section 7. The Executive Director of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed, in cooperation with the City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino, to cause copies of the Notice of such joint public hearing to be mailed, by certified mail, with return receipt requested, to the governing body of each of the taxing agencies which levy taxes upon any property in the Southeast Industrial Park Industrial-Transportation- Distribution Center Project Area. Accompanying said Notice of such joint public hearing shall be the statement required by Health and Safety Code Secti0350 .1. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 1976. 1st da y of April Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3178. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson RESOLUTION NO. 3179 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING RULES GOVERNING PARTICIPATION BY OWNERS AND BUSINESS TENANTS IN THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK INDUSTRIAL-TRANS- PORTATION-DISTRIBUTION CENTER ,., , .J l ...J , I ...J 5056 ",..... WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino has prepared a Redevelopment Plan for the Southeast Industrial Park Industrial- ........ Transportation-Distribution Center; and WHEREAS, the owners of certain real property and/or business tenants thereof, within the above named Project Area, may desire to participate in the redevelop- ment in conformity with the Redevelopment Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE RE- DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The rules and regulations entitled: "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Rules Governing Participation by Owners and Business Tenants in the Southeast Industrial Park Industrial-Transportation-Distribution Center" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, shall govern participation by owners and business tenants in the Southeast Industrial Park Industrial-Transportation-Distribution Center. Section 2. The Secretary shall make said rules and regulations available at the office of the City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino for inspection by all inter- ested persons. ".... PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of April , 1976. \- Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3179. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson RESOLUTION NO. 3180 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING RULES GOVERNING PREFER- ENcE FOR RE-ENTRY IN BUSINESS IN THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK INDUSTRIAL-TRANSPORTATION-DIS- TRIBUTION CENTER WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") has prepared a Redevelopment Plan for the Southeast Industrial Park Industrial- Transportation-Distribution Center; and ,...... WHEREAS, the Agency desires, when consistent with the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan, to give preference to existing owners and business tenants for re-entry in business in the redevelopment area. II...- 5057 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE RE- DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: .., 'Ii< j ....J Section 1. The rules and regulations entitled: "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino Rules Governing Preference for Re-Entry in Business in the Southeast Industrial Park Industrial-Transportation-Distribution Center" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as through set forth in full, shall govern the re-entry of owners and business tenants in business in the redeveloped area. Section 2. The Secretary shall make said rules and regulations available at the office of the City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino for inspection by all interested persons. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of April , 1976. Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3180. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson RESOLUTION NO. 3181 , ..J RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING THE FORM OF "DECLARATION OF RESTRIc;TIONS" TO BE INCLUDED IN ALL INSTRUMENTS CONVEYING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE PROJECT AREA OF THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK INDUSTRIAL-TRANSPOR- TATION-DISTRIBUTION CENTER WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (" Agency") is preparing a Redevelopment Plan for the Southeast Industrial Park Industrial- Transportation-Distribution Center. WHEREAS, the Agency will, from time to time, sell, dispose of, convey, transfer or lease some or all of the parcels of real property within the Central City East - the City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex Project Area; and WHEREAS, the Agency desires that, for the benefit of the Agency and the several purchasers or lessees of lots and parcels of such real property, to prescribe certain standards relating to the use and occupation of such real property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: ] 5058 ,...... Section 1. The form "Declaration of Restrictions" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as though set forth in full, shall be ..... included in every instrument executed by the Agency which conveys, disposes of, transfers or leases real property within the Project Area of the Southeast Industrial Park Industrial-Transportation-Distribution Center. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of April , 1976. Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3181. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT WITH PUBLIC EMPLOYEE'S RETIREMENT SYSTEM: "- Consideration was requested to amend the Agency's contract with the Public Employees I Retirement System to provide for a 5% cost of living increase (instead of 2%) for retired members. There would be no added cost to the employees. The proposed increase to the Agency's contribution rate according to the actuarial assumptions report would be 3.80%, which would represent $342.00 per pay period, or $8,208 per year over and above the amount currently being contributed. It was determined that the City has not adopted this policy as yet. Mr. Quinn ex- plained that there is legislation pending to increase the cost of living for persons under the retirement system. ,... Mr. Obershaw moved that the request be denied. He stated that an increase of this nature would only add to the inflation of the country. Mr. Guhin seconded the motion. Mr Wilson stated that he would like the matter to be tabled. The Agency has his- torically followed the City in matters of this nature. He stated that he would like to wait until some action is determined by the City, or by the pending legislation. Mr. Obershaw withdrew his motion. Mr. Guhin withdrew his second to the motion. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin to table the matter until some determination is made by the City of San Bernardino regarding the increase in retirement compensation and/or pending legislation regarding the matter is settled. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: A yes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson EXCHANGE OF XEROX EQUIPMENT: r- ! Authorization was requested to ratify the action of the Chairman to exchange the Agency's Xerox equipment (7000 and 4000) for a new 9200 copier and a 3100 LDC copier. Mr. Green stated that he has been assured that the cost of this exchange , , I... 5059 of equipment will not increase the cost to the Agency for the equipment. The quality of the work performed by the 9200 was discussed. Samples of copies printed on this machine were passed around. The 3100 LDC has the ability to copy prints 14" x 18", thereby eliminating much out of office blueprint costs. The 9200 will eliminate out of office printing costs because of the quality of the work. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Obershaw ratifying the action of the Chairman to exchange the current Xerox equipment for a 9200 copies and a 3100 LDC Copier. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson ..., ;1 ..~ f f ...,tJj VAL VISTA ESTATES, TRACT 8964, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT: Mr. Green explained that at the time Val Vista Estates presented their proposal for a 36 unit housing tract within the State College Project Area certain items were proposed to be optional within the purchase package. Upon completion of their bidding package they now propose to include these items within the total purchase package. Mr. Bob Curci, representing Val Vista, stated that they desire to include gas burning fire places, concrete driveways, asphalt roof shingles and automatic control valves for the front yard sprinkler systems. It was determined that these items could actually not be optional in the purchase package because they had to be included within the bid package. Mr. Curci explained that it was not their intent to make these items optional to the purchaser but rather for inclusion within the package. The average increase to the purchaser is in the amount of $833.00. After review, motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Guhin approving the request of Val Vista Estates to increase the average selling price of the homes within Tract 8964 by $833.00 and include certain items as noted above within the bid package. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson 1 -J UTILITY COSTS, TRACT 8964, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT: Mr. Green explained that the Owner Participation Agreement between the Agency and ALCAL provided that the Agency provide the developer with building pads. Utility hookups were to be provided by the Agency. When Val Vista Estates were assigned all rights to the ALCAL transaction, they in turn were assigned all obligations and rights of the Owner Participation Agreement. The Agency must now provide utility service to the tract. The installation of utilities were not included in the contract documents due to the fact that each firm provides their own installation of services. The Agency will provide approxi- mately 1,500 l.f. of utility trench and backfill under a change order to the contractor, of which a portion of the cost will be pro-rated by some of the utility companies and reimbursed to the Agency. There is a possibility that Liberty TV Cable will also use the trench. .., i )oj ~ .J 5060 "..... , A memorandum was presented setting forth the costs involved. It was determined that the Agency is contractually obligated to incur this expense. After review, the following resolution was introduced: ...... RESOLUTION NO. 3182 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING PAYMENTS TO UTILITY COMPANIES AS PER AGREEMENT WITH DEVELOPERS, FOR VAL VISTA ESTATES, TRACT NO. 8964. AUTHORIZATION IS ALSO GIVEN FOR PROVIDING DEVELOPER WITH BUILDING P ADS AND FOR AGENCY TO PAY FOR GRADING. WHEREAS, this Agency has obtained costs from utility companies to provide service for the above mentioned tract, as outlined in Agreement witli developers. The Agency also agreed to provide developer with building pads; and WHEREAS, the installation of utilities were not included in the contract documents due to the fact that each firm provides their own installation of services. However, this Agency will provide approxima tely 1,500 1. f. of utility trench and backfill with a Change Order to the contractor, of which a portion of the cost will be pro-rated by some of the utility companies and reimbursed to the Agency, as you will note from the following cost break- "... down. '-- 1+ General Telephone Co. will reimburse Agency for approximately 1,500 1.f. at $.23 per foot--Cost $345.00. 2* Southern California Gas Co. to be paid in advance the sum of $1,440.00. 3* Water Department to be paid under Contract Agreement the total sum of $15,891.52. 4* Southern California Edison Co. to be paid in advance an amount not to exceed the total sum of $20,291. 00. + Please note that Southern California Edison Co. will reimburse the Agency as they com- plete the connections for each house for the total sum of $9,071.00. (Edison figures are verbal only, documentation to follow at a later date) 5+ There is a possibility that Liberty T. V. Cable, Inc. will also use the trench. If said firm should install cable in said trench, they will be pro-rated an equal part of the cost and reimburse this Agency. ".... 6* Grading of Building Pads: Val Vista Estates has requested reimbursement for instal- lation of reinforced No. 4 steel bars in the footings, of which 33 structures will require the steel. The plans and specifications were completed about the same time that the Pre- ...... 5061 liminary Soil Investigation Report was prepared by CHJ Materials Laboratory. Therefore 1. ....... the soil conditions, as outlined in the report, were not included in the bid documents for .. Tract No. 8964. Val Vista Estates, Inc. has requested reimbursement in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00; and ...J WHEREAS, the amount that General Telephone Company has indicated to reimburse this Agency is subject to increase, due to the percentage of pro-ration. This would occur should Liberty T . V. Cable, Inc. decide not to install their cable in the trench with Southern California Edison Co. and General Telephone Co. This item under discussion at the present time. The cable firm does not know at the present time if they will install cable in said project due to trenching cost. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency be authorized to disburse the expenditures as aforementioned indicated by * to said firms and to also accept the amounts indicated by +, as reimbursement to the Agency, upon completion of the improvements within Tract No. 8964, VAL VISTA ESTATES. Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3182. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson INCREASE IN MATICH CORP. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT, TRACT 8964, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT: -, .J Mr. Jones, Operations Officer, stated that certains items were added to the plans and specs for Tract 8964 after they were submitted for bid. The bid documents did not include these items. It is necessary that these items be covered. Matich Corporation, contractor for the job, has requested a change order to cover these items. The change order will include several credit items to the Agency also. It will further include the trenching for the utilities discussed above. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3183 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO.1 WITH MATICH CORPORATION, TRACT NO. 8964, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT. WHEREAS, changes have occurred due to certain conditions encounted in the field during construction oversights in revision of bid sheets. The Agency Engineer has reviewed the costs involved and it appears that all costs are reasonable and recommends all credit be accepted and the increased amount of $4,482.90 be ., added to the contract price; and I ...J r '- "...., i '- ,..... ..... 5062 WHEREAS, changes in the grading requirements were completed on the plans prior to releasing the project to bid. However, the bid sheet did not reveal said revision. Due to the reduction in the quantity, a unit cost analysis was completed by the contractor and verified by the Agency Engineer to justify the change in unit cost on the basis of fixed cost. Credit: Delete 7,900 cy at $1. 43 cy - $11,297.00 Add: 5,150 cy at $1. 79 cy + $9,218.50 ITEM NO. l2-SLUMP STONE BLOCKWALL: The addition of 86 I.f. occurred along the pedestrian access openings for the cul-de-sacs on Edgemont Court. The wall was added to the plans prior to releasing proj ect to bid, but the revision was not reflected on the bid sheet. The added cost is at the same unit price included in the contract. Add: 861.f. of block wall @ $13.00 I.f. = $1,118.00 ITEM NO. 14- TREES IN SIDEWALK: Deleted at intersections at the request of the City because of the possible sight distance restriction. Credit: Delete 2 trees each - $440.00 ITEM NO. 19 - 8" SEWER LINE: Extension of line to be placed in 33rd St. and Little Mountain Drive to tract boundary was changed on plans. As with Item Nos. 1 and 12, the sewer line was added to the plans, but did not reflect on the bid sheet. The added cost is at the same unit price included in the contract. Add: 350 1. f. at $8.00 per foot + $2,800.00 ITEM NO. 21 - 4" SEWER LATERALS: The sewer laterals extended from the existing sewer line in Roberds Avenue required crossing an existing domestic water line. This was a field encountered condition and inadequate clearance of the two lines. Therefore, it required placing cast iron pipe in lieu of VCP. An agreed lump sum price was deter- mined as equitable compensation. Add: Sewer Laterals +268.40 ITEM 22 - STREET LIGHTS: Added one street light on Edgemont Dr. As with Item Nos. 1, 12 and 19, the street light was added to the plans prior to releasing for bid. However, the bid sheet did not reflect the additional light. Add: One Light at +$640.00 EXTRA ITEM OF UTILITY TRENCHING: This was not included in the contract documents due to the required additional coordination of the utility companies at the time of bidding 5063 the project. The cost of this work was negotiated between the utility companies, the con- tractor and the Agency. This item will be partially reimbursed to the Agency. Utility Trench and Backfill: Add 1,500 1. f. @ $1.45 1.f. + $2,175.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary be authorized to enter into Change Order No.1 with Matich Corporation for an additional amount not to exceed $4,482.90. New Contract Price now set at $183,720.65. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3183. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Stephenson, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson AMENDED TRAVEL POLICY: .. :1 c ((_ ( J flr,i, " -:5 ::,tJ T The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUION NO. 3184 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN POLICIES ON TRAVEL EXPENSES OF ITS MEMBERS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, LEGAL COUNSEL, OTHER OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND CITY OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, TRAVELING ON OFFICIAL BUSINESS OF THE AGENCY AND RESCINDING PREVIOUS TRAVEL POLICIES OF THE AGENCY WHEREAS, the Agency has recognized the fact that attendance by various Agency officials and employees, and City Officials of the City of San Bernardino, at conferences and meetings for the purpose of exchanging ideas and methods in- volving urban renewal and at meetings for the purpose of presenting information on behalf of the Agency and the City is desirable, and recognizing the need for a uniform policy governing expenses incurred by officials and employees, while on authorized and official business of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, the Agency hereby establishes a policy for requesting, authoriz- ing and controlling such travel and attendance and setting forth authorized expenses eligible for reimbursement by the Agency; and WHEREAS, the Agency has included funds for travel and official conference expense in the Annual Administrative Budget as recommended by Department Heads and ap- proved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development; and WHEREAS, the governing factors in authorizing travel for official business of the Agency are the anticipated benefits to accrue to the Agency as a result of such travel, the availability of funds, and the status of work load; and ~ j ~ ...,j ] ] 5064 ;-- WHEREAS, each trip of Agency Members, Executive Director, and other officers and employees of the Agency and City, to a destination outside the City of San Ber- __ nardino, with the exception of an official trip to the Regional Office of HUD in San Francisco or an official trip to the Los Angeles area which does not exceed two (2) days, as hereinafter defined and which is charged wholly or in part to a Title I Project be specifically authorized by a resolution of the Members approving such trip as essential to a Title I Project; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Redevelopment Agency that certain authorized individuals be permitted to use their private automobiles in the conduct of their work as Agency employees, and it is appropriate that employees who are so authorized be reimbursed for their expenses in connection with such use; and therefore, it is necessary to establish standard rates and provisions with respect to such use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the following schedules of reimbursement and policies for official travel of Agency Members, Executive Director, Legal Counsel, other officers and employees and City Officials shall be effective with enactment of this Resolution: ,... SECTION 1. "- a. For the purpose of this Resolution, a travel day is defined as absence from the City of San Bernardino, California, on authorized business of the Agency for a period of time in excess of ten hours in anyone day. b. While traveling to and from conferences and meetings exceeding the limita- tions specified in a above, air, train, or bus transportation expenses will be reimbursed or advanced based on an amount not to exceed the existing coach rates. Authorized personal automobile travel to destinations exceed 100 miles radius from the City of San Bernardino shall be reimbursed at the equivalent coach class air fare. c. While in attendance at conferences or meetings, all expenses, including but not limited to official conference registration fees, lodging, meals, telephone and telegraph, taxi and/or bus charges from point of arrival to conference destination, and other incidental expenses may be reimbursed, provided, however. the maximum reimbursement for meals and lodging shall not exceed Fifty Dollars ($50.00) in any one travel day. "... d. Advance travel funds, not to exceed 75 percent of estimated per diem expenses, may be authorized with the approval of the Executive Director or Deputy Director, for these official Agency trips in excess of one (1) travel day. When an advance of '-' 5065 funds for authorized travel or conference expense is greater than the actual reimburse- able expense incurred, the difference shall be refunded to the Agency within fifteen (15) work days after return. ., I ..."j e. Travel vouchers, properly supported by receipts for hotel rooms; air, rail- road fare receipts; registration fees; etc., will be submitted for final payment no later than fifteen (15) working days following return from authorized travel. f. Travel and transportation costs of third party contractors, if authorized by contract, will be reimbursed in amounts not to exceed limitations set forth in this Resolution upon completion of travel and submission of properly supported billings. SECTION 2. The following mileage allowance for the use of private automobiles on Agency business shall be as follows: a. Thirteen ($ .13) cents per mile for the first five hundred (500) miles traveled per month. b. Twelve ($ .12) cents per mile for all mileage traveled between five hundred (500) and one thousand (1,000) miles per month. c. Ten ($ .10) cents per mile for all mileage traveled in excess of one thousand (1,000) miles per month. d. Requests for mileage reimbursement shall be made on forms provided by and in accordance with procedures established therefore. All requests shall be signed by the person requesting reimbursement and countersigned by his appoint- ing authority, attesting to the accuracy and validity of the request. J e. Mileage reimbursement shall be made only for mileage actually traveled in the conduct of Agency business. Mileage traveled by an employee between his residence and his principle base of operations shall be specifically excluded. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution supersedes Resolutions Number 2043, 2205 and 2743, effective as of the adoption of this resolution. Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3184. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson RATIFICATION OF TRAVEL BY CHAIRMAN TO WASHINGTON D. C. MARCH 27 - 31, 1976: Mr. Green stated that he, representing the Redevelopment Agency, traveled to Washington D. C., March 27 - 31, along with Mayor Holcomb, representing the City and Verne Potter, representing the Economic Development Council. The purpose of their travel was to meet with the Community Services Adminis- tration regarding the possibility of receiving a grant in the amount of $106,000. , f ..J 5066 I"""'" The Economic Development Council would administer this grant if received. Portions of the funds would be used for redevelopment activities, particularly within the proposed Southeast Industrial Park. -- Mr. Green stated that they met with the Assistant Director of the Community Services Administration. They hand carried the Project San Bernardino Application. 68 such applications have been received by CSA. 7 - 10 of these applications will be funded. They are in the process of reviewing the applications now by a six member committee. The Project San Bernardino Application must be updated and submitted in Washington D. C. by April 23rd. If approved the application will designate San Bernardino as a Special Impact Area under Community Services Administration designation. If granted the designation, CSA will be actually committing themselves for future funding, over a two year period , of up to $1,000,000 in funding. Mr. Green further stated that Congressman Brown, Congresswoman Pettis and Senator Tunney are supporting us in our efforts. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3185 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE TRAVEL OF THE CHAIRMAN TO WASHINGTON D. C., MARCH 27-31, 1976 ",..- WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency's Travel Policy Resolution provides that -...., each trip made by an Agency Member or Staff Member outside of the City of San Bernardino, California, be specifically authorized by a resolution of the Agency Members; and WHEREAS, it was found essential for the Chairman of the Agency, Wallace Green, to travel to Washington D. C., March 27 through 31, 1976, along with Mayor W. R. Holcomb, representing the City of San Bernardino, and Verne F. Potter, repre- senting the Economic Development Council, to. discuss with the Community Services Administration the possibility of the City of San Bernardino receiving a grant in the amount of $106,000, to assist in Redevelopment and Economic Development activities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the travel of the Chairman of the Rede- velopment Agency, Wallace Green, to Washington D. C., March 27 - 31, 1976, to meet with the Community Services Administration, is hereby approved, and his travel expenses are approved in accordance with the Agency's Travel Policy Resolution. ,.....- ~ Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3185. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guihin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson \1 t \..... 5067 INCREASE SUNRAY CONSTRUCTION CO. CONTRACT, PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER: ,., , lWttIII Authorization was requested to enter into a change order with Sunray Construction Company for the widening of Western Avenue, under the Public Enterprise Center contract. The widening of this street is a requirement of the City. The Agency's contract for the Public Enterprise Center provided that the Agency would perform the streets, curbs and gutters. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3186 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO.4 WITH SUNRAY CONSTRUCTION CO. FOR THE WIDENING OF WESTERN AVENUE AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $1,549.00. WHEREAS, this Agency has obtained a proposal from the contractor to perform additional work to widen Western Avenue. The cost submitted has been reviewed and it is the Agency's opinion that the amount is reasonable; and WHEREAS, the Contractor requested an additional 21 calendar days to perform said ..... work. This Agency cannot recommend this time extension; and 1 WHEREAS, the increase in cost on the above mentioned project was due to the request of t~ City to widen Western Ave. an additional 3 feet to the west. This request was made sub- sequent to the Agency awarding the contract for the project. It is the City's intent, at this time, to widen Western Ave. from Highland Ave. to Community Hospital; and WHEREAS, request for additional time to be added to contract was due to delays in negotiation with the contractor on a cost to perform the additional work, however, this will not delay contractor since the street construction work was a part of the Public Enterprise Center contract. Said contract commenced October 10, 1975, with a completion date set for June 8, 1976. The additional work will be completed long before the June date. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary be authorized to enter into Change Order No.4 with Sunray Construction Co. for the widening of Western Avenue for a cost not to exceed $1,549. All other terms of the contract remain the same. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Gruen Associates will prepare said Change Order No.4. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Obershaw authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3186. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson ] r ~ "... ......., ~ I, t I ri 'l.. 5068 DEMOLITION OF ADULT BOOK STORE, 456 NORTH "D" STREET: Authorization was requested to accept the low bid of Dakeno, Inc, in the amount of $1,875, for the demolition of the adult book store on "D" Street. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3187 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH DAKENO, INC. FOR THE DEMOLITION OF THE ADULT BOOK STORE, 456 NORTH "D" STREET, CENTRAL CITY NORTH, KNOWN AS UNIT NO.6, CENTRAL CITY NORTH WHEREAS, it is the desire of this Agency to demolish the adult book store located at 456 North "D" Street; and WHEREAS, three proposals were solicited and submitted; and WHEREAS, the lowest most qualified bid Was submitted by Dakeno, Inc. for $1,875.00. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that the Chairman and Secretary enter into contract with Dakeno, Inc. for demolition of property located at 456 No. "D" Street, San Bernardino, known as Unit No.6, Central City North. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Obershaw authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3187. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson AUTHORIZATION TO SELL THE JEFFERSON SCHOOL SITE TO THE YMCA: Mr. Green stated that the School Board has agreed to accept as collateral trust deeds on other properties in the purchase of the Jefferson School site. This does not mean that the Agency cannot sell these other properties. The School Board has agreed that should the Agency desire to sell a piece of property used as collateral, that particular piece of property can be exchanged for another as collateral. The YMCA is interested in this site for their new location. Instead of paying cash money for the YMCA, the Agency will transfer ownership of the Jefferson School Site to the YMCA for their property at 5th and "F" Streets. This will help the Agency's cash flow. After review, the following resolution was intro- duced: 5069 RESOLUTION NO. 3188 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DISPOSITION OF THE JEFFERSON SCHOOL SITE TO THE YMCA ., i .... WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino desires to purchase the YMCA property located at the Northwest corner of 5th and "F" Streets, for future development of the Senior Citizens Center; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency is in the process of purchasing from the San Bernardino Unified School District the Jefferson School Site; and WHEREAS, the YMCA desire to purchase the Jefferson School Site from the Redevelopment Agency for their new location; and WHEREAS, upon negotiations the YMCA has agreed to an exchange of properties with the Redevelopment Agency of their parcel located at the northwest corner of 5th and "F" Streets for the Jefferson School Site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the disposition of the Jefferson School Site to the YMCA is hereby authorized. Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3188. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson ] OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Obershaw stated that he, along with the remainder of the Board, received a copy of the CLO's Operating Statement. It was determined that CLO has been submitting un-audited statements periodically. The Board felt that perhaps these statements would be acceptable instead of requiring them to submit annual audited statements. The Board felt that perhaps every five years an audited statement could be required. The Executive Director was instructed to send copies of the last two statements submitted by CLO to the Board for their further review, with a determination to be made by the Board at a later date. Mr. Obershaw stated that he was approached by a Mr. Parsons. Mr. Parsons sold property to the Agency some time ago. He himself is a realtor. He gave the impression that he had to use a realtor, other than himself, to sell his property to the Agency. Mr. Green stated that he would like this matter to be referred to the staff for review and status report. All Members agreed. 5: 35 p.m. - The Chairman closed the meeting for an Executive Session regarding J. ... personnel matters. . IW""'"'" ~ ",...... -.... r t i '- 5070 6: 25 p. m. - The Chairman reconvened the meeting. Mr. Green stated that as a result of previous discussions, the Board has accepted the verbal resignation of Pete Quinn as of April 30, 1976. The Members discussed the advertising for employment to fill the Executive Director position. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Obershaw for the Chairman to appoint a three member review committee for the purpose of reviewing applications. and submitting a recommendation to the Board for the position of Executive Director. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: A yes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson The Chairman appointed a committee comprised of himself, Vice Chairman Blum and Mr. Obershaw to serve as the review committee. Moton was made by Wilson and seconded by Obershaw that in the event the position of Executive Director is not filled by the termination of the Executive Director, that the Deputy Director, Ralph Shadwell, be appointed as Acting Director, until such time as the position is filled. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Obershaw adjourning the meeting at 6: 30 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Wilson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson ~L/ R. E. Shadwell, jr. --r- Acting Secretary "",'~.iMi~*.;"o,,"""'''''''''''~''''~'''''':'''.<:'''_'~_' "",.."'_L-;,..",,,,,.._...,. -~ 5071 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD APRIL 8, 1976, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 1 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4: 05 p om 0 He reported that this Special J Meeting has been called for the purpose of consideration of the necessary actions related to the transition of the position of Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency 0 Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Blum, Obershaw, Stephenson, Guhin and Green Agency Members Absent: Wilson Also Present: Mr 0 Quinn, Executive Director; Mr 0 Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs 0 Baxter, Executive Secretary APPOINTMENT OF ACTING SECRETARY TREASURER: Mr 0 Ralph Shadwell is currently Assistant Secretary Treasurer 0 Mr 0 Flory stated that the By-Laws do not provide for the position of Assistant Secretary Treasurer 0 It is necessary to appoint an Acting Secretary Treasurer 0 It is recommended that Mr 0 Shadwell be appointed to this position 0 The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO 0 3189 ] RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING RALPH Eo. SHADWELL; JR 0 , AS ACTING SECRETARY TREASURER, AND . AUTHORIZING MR 0 SHADWELL TO SIGN OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS ON BEHALF OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, has appointed Mr 0 PoW 0 Quinn, Jr 0' Executive Director, as the Secretary- Treasurer of the Agency; and WHEREAS, Mr oP. W 0 Quinn, Jr 0, has the authority to sign official documents on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency; and WHEREAS, the Agency Members accepted the verbal resignation of Mr 0 PoW 0 Quinn, Jr 0' as Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency, as of April 30, 1976, at a Regular Board Meeting held April 1, 1976; and WHEREAS, the Agency Board, at said meeting of April 1, 1976, moved that in the event the position of Executive Director is not filled by the termination of Mr 0 Quinn, that the Deputy Director, Ralph Shadwell, be appointed as Acting Director, until such time as the position is filled; and ] ~ i --- j"""'" ........ r , ~ 5072 WHEREAS, with the absence of Mr. Quinn to sign on behalf of the Agency for official documents, it becomes necessary to appoint an Acting Secretary Treasurer; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2939, adopted 9-5-74, appointed Ralph E. Shadwell, Jr. as Assistant Secretary Treasurer of the Agency in the absence of the Executive Director; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Agency Members to rescind Resolution No. 2939 appointing Mr. Shadwell as Assistant Secretary Treasurer, and appoint Mr. Shadwell as Acting Secretary Treasurer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that Resolution No. 2939, appointing Ralph Shadwell as Assistant Secretary Treasurer is hereby rescinded. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Mr. Ralph E. Shadwell, Jr., is hereby appointed as Acting Secretary Treasurer of the Redevelopment Agency, and in such capacity may sign on behalf of the Agency all official documents of the Agency. Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Stephenson authorizing the adop- tion of Resolution No. 3189. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Stephenson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson AGENCY CHECK SIGNERS & COUNTERSIGNERS: It was explained that this resolution will add Ralph Shadwell to authorized signa- tures for Agency checks and vouchers. It will delete Mr. Quinn I s name . The fol- lowing resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3190 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING CHECK SIGNERS AND COUNTERSIGNERS FOR AGENCY CHECKS AND VOUCHERS WHEREAS, by appropriate actions of the Agency Board, check signers have been named as follows: Mrs. Hugo Blum, Mr. Alan E. Guhin and Mr. Wallace Green; and WHEREAS, by appropriate actions of the Agency Board, counter signers have been designated as follows: Mr. Wayne E. Stephenson and Mr. P. W. Quinn, Jr.; and WHEREAS, Mr. P. W. Quinn, Jr. , has submitted his r~signation from the Redeve- lopment Agency; and 5073 WHEREAS. it has therefore become necessary to designate one additional countersigner ]......... for Agency checks and vouchers and delete Mr. P. W. Quinn, Jr., as an authorized ... signature. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that Ralph E. Shadwell, Jr., is hereby designated as an additional Counter signer for Agency checks and orders for the payment of money for the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Mr. P. W. Quinn, Jr., is no longer authorized to countersign on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency for Agency checks and/or vouchers. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Agency Check Signers are - Mrs. Hugo Blum, Mr Alan E. Guhin and Mr. Wallace Green; and Agency Countersigners are - Mr. Wayne E. Stephenson and Ralph E. Shadwell, Jr. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3190. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Stephenson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson AUTHORIZED PERSONS FOR AGENCY SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX: Mr. Green explained that this resolution will allow Mr. Shadwell and Mrs. Saul to sign on behalf of the Agency for the Safety Deposit Box. The following resolution was introduced: J RESOLUTION NO. 3191 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING GLENDA SAUL, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE, AND RALPH E. SHADWELL, DEPUTY DIRECTOR, TO SIGN ON BEHALF OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, has the use of Safety Deposit Box No. 1836, at the Bank of California, San Bernardino, California; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2702, adopted 6-7-73, authorized Ralph E. Shadwell, Jr. to sign on behalf of the Agency for the safety deposit box; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2925, adopted 7-18-74, authorized Glenda Saul to sign on behalf of the Agency for the safety deposit box; and ] 5074 ,....... , '- WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Agency to rescind all other previous resolutions, motions or board actions which may have designated any other individuals as signers on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency for said safety deposit box. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Glenda Saul, Director of Finance, and Ralph E. Shadwell, Deputy Director, are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency for Safety Deposit Box No. 1836, Bank of California, San Bernardino, California. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all previous resolutions, motions or board actions designating individuals to so sign on behalf of the Agency for the said safety deposit box are hereby rescinded. . Motion was made by Stephenson and seconded by Obershaw authorizing the adop- tion of Resolution No. 3191. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw. Stephenson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson REQUEST FOR ACCRUED V ACA TION PAY: -- A Memorandum was presented from Mr. Quinn requesting the period from May 1, 1976 through July 1. 1976 as regular vacation with pay. This period of time has been accrued by Mr. Quinn. The memorandum requested payment also for 50% of unused accrued sick leave effective July 1, 1976. The total amount requested was $11,732.97. ".... Mr. Quinn stated that he felt that this request was consistent with existing Agency personnel policies. Mr. Obershaw stated that he felt that Mr. Quinn should receive everything possible as of the effective date of his resignation. He stated that he has studied the personnel resolutions and did not feel that Mr. Quinn was entitled to the amount of $11,732.97. He stated that he was against increasing the time and therefore increasing the benefits. Mrs. Blum stated that the Agency has historically followed the City's policies regarding personnel. She stated that she too felt that whatever Mr. Quinn had legally coming to him in line with current personnel policies, should be authorized. Mr. Stephenson felt that the matter should be more thoroughly reviewed and referred to Agency Counsel for deter- mination. Mr. Flory stated that he would like additional time to review all the personnel policies. It was determined that Mr. Quinn would lose approxi- mately one half of his requested amount of sick leave if he was not authorized leave with pay through July 1, 1976. ,-. I After discussion. motion was made by Stephenson and seconded by Blum to table the matter for review by the Agency Counsel. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw. Stephenson. Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson I-... 5075 ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Obershaw adjourning the meeting at 4: 25 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Stephenson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: Npne Absent: Wilson ., j R. E. Shadwell, Jr. Acting Secretary J J 5076 - DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULED FOR THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1976, THE ACTING SECRETARY ADJOURNED THE MEETING TO APRIL 19, 1976, 2: 00 p.m., COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO r . E. Shadwell, Jr. Acting Secretary "... '--' ........ ! I I-..... , \ ] J J