HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 16 03/13/75 - 09/29/75 2682 [ MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 6, 1975, HELD MARCH 13, 1975, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, ROOM 320, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4: 15 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Hodgdon, Blum, Green, Wilson and Guhin Agency Members Absent: Perea and Stephenson Mr. Hodgdon explained that this meeting is the continuation of the meeting held March 6, 1975. AWARD OF DEMOLITION CONTRACT, UNIT NO.3, CENTRAL CITY NORTH: [ Mr. Hodgdon stated that this item was tabled from the March 6, 1975 meeting, in order that the Staff could check further into E & G Contractor's qualifications. Mr. Jones, Operations Officer, stated that the contractor has no doubt that he can accomplish the work for the amount of bid. E & GIS bid is in the amount of $12,900. Mr. Green stated that E & G has performed work for the Los Angeles Agency and their work has been satisfactory. After discussion, the following resolution was introduced. RESOLUTION NO. 3019 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT FOR DEMOLITION, UNIT NO.3, CENTRAL CITY NORTH, WITH E & G CONTRACTORS WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino invited competitive sealed bids for work consisting principally of demolition work in Central City North; and WHEREAS, an Invitation for Bid therefore was duly published in the San Bernardino Sun Telegram, a newspaper of general circulation for two weeks and an Affidavit showing such publication is on file in this Agency; and WHEREAS, a number of such bids were received at the time and place speci- fied and said bids were opened and read aloud in public. The lowest quali- fied bid was offered by E & G Contractors, in the amount of $12,900; and [ WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino has accepted the bid of E & G Contractors. as it is in the best interest of this Agency. 2683 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that subject to the approval of the Con- tractor by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the bid of E & G Contractors, in the amount of $12,900, is hereby accepted and the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute the Contract for Unit No.3, Central City North. ~ - Motion was made by Green and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3019. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Guhin, Wilson, Blum and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson ACCEPTANCE OF ASSIGNMENT OF AWARDS - FIRE STATIONS: Mr. Hodgdon explained that the City Council, on March 10th, approved an Agree- ment with the Redevelopment Agency for the construction of three fire stations. They are to be located at 19th and Del Rosa, 21st and Muscott and Kendall and State College Parkway. They will lease the stations with an option to buy. The fire stations will benefit the community and will increase employment. Mr. Flory stated that the Agency must either accept or reject the assignment of the award of bids from the City Council. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Guhin accepting the Assignment of Awards for the fire stations. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Guhin, Wilson, Blum and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Stephenson ~ -..i OTHER BUSINESS: 4: 40 P . m. - Mr. Stephenson arrived at the meeting. The Members expressed their concern that the Declaration was not approved at the Council meeting on March 10th. Mr. Hodgdon explained that the Council did not have time to review the matter. It was not placed on the Agenda within the proper time period. The Matter will be placed on the City's agenda for March 17th. The letter from Dennis Hansberger, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, urging the implementation of the Plan of Development, relating to the County Civic Center Complex, was discussed. Copies were presented to the Members. Mr. Hodgdon read a letter from the Executive Committee of the Central City Committee, supporting the Plan of Development. The letter was ordered spread on the minutes, as follows: ..... ...... 2684 [ March 10, 1975 Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon Chairman, Redevelopment Agency City of San Bernardino San Bernardino, California 92401 Dear Mr. Hodgdon: Over the past sixteen months, we have had the pleasure of reviewing and supporting the Agency's plans for development in the City of San Bernardino. Individually each of us has always felt that San Bernardino has the potential as the greatest economic generator in the western sector of Southern California. Thanks to the faith and support of the citizens, the innovative planning efforts of Gruen Associates, and the leadership of the Redevelopment Agency and City government we have been able to validate this faith in San Bernardino with the development of comprehensive plans for public and private development and rehabilitation throughout the community. [ The "Economic Analysis of the Comprehensive Plan of Development" confirms our opinion that these imaginative plans are feasible, indeed, imperative that they be implemented. Our economic future is dependent on the community join- ing together to implement plans of orderly growth and development. The plans are now ready, the community is in support, we ask that the Agency and the City give the go ahead for construction, jobs, and economic growth. Sincerely, slHarold C. Harris, Jr. Chairman s I Ro bert Curci sl Verne F. Potter Vice Chairman slWilliam E. Leonard sl James Geehan Mr. Hodgdon stated that the Technical Advisory Committee met on March 12, 1975, and passed a Resolution endorsing the execution of the Declaration. Their resolution is as follows: [ RESOLUTION OF THE TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, ENDORSING THE EXECUTION OF "A DECLARATION BY THE REDE- VELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO IN SUPPORT OF PUBLIC ENTERPRISE" AND THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT-INTERIM REPORT, SAN BERNARDINO OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA 2685 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, on April 22, 1974, at the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council, the CENTRAL CITY NORTH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION DATED APRIL, 1974, THE SAN BERNARDINO STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RE- LATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION DATED APRIL, 1974, AND THE PHOTO LOG SURVEY - OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA DATED APRIL 1974, was distri- buted and made available; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated May 8, 1974, distributed and made available, THE COUNTY OF SAN BER- NARDINo AD HOC COMMITTEE SUPPLEMENT TO VTN COUNTY SPACE UTILIZATION STUDY; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 3, 1974, distributed and made available, THE SAN BERNARDINO MEADOW- BROOK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENT A TION AND THE CENTRAL CITY SOUTH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMP LEMEN - TATION; and WHEREAS, The San Bernardino Economic Development Council by letter dated June 5, 1974, distributed and made available, THE GRANT APPLICATION BOOK, ENTITLED "PROJECT SAN BERNARDINO" which was forwarded to the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION to designate areas of the Community a SPECIAL IMP ACT AREA; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 7, 1974, distributed and made available, THE SAN BERNARDINO CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENT A TION , JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY ADOPTED 1970; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 11, 1974, distributed and made available, THE SAN BERNARDINO SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENT A TION; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 17,1974, distributed and made available, THE SAN BERNARDINO CENTRAL CITY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1, OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION; and WHEREAS, The San Bernardino Economic Development Council by letter dated July 17,1974, distributed and made available THE GRANT APPLICATION BOOK, which was forwarded to the OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FOR SPECIAL ~ - IIIIIliII -..j ..... ....,/ [ [ [ 2686 IMPACT AREA DESIGNATION FOR THE low-income areas of the Community. This designation, when approved, would, in general terms, entitle the San Bernardino Economic Development Council to $8,000,000 over a three (3) year period for 90 percent Venture Capital Grants, and projects included for consideration are the Mini-Industrial Park, MESBIC Venture Capital, Mt. Vernon Avenue Revitalization, Housing Demonstrations and Minority Banks; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated September 20, 1974, distributed and made available, THE CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX INTERIM DOCUMENTATION AND DATA SUPPLEMENT TO: JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT, 1970-1974; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated December 2, 1974, distributed and made available, VOLUMES I AND II OF THE RELOCATION CONCEPTS, which included the Building Condition Survey of the San Bernardino Overall Central City Area; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, at a meeting held December 18, 1974 and attended by the Mayor and Common Council and more than 700 Citizens from throughout the Community Area, distributed and made available the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT - INTERIM REPORT, OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA, pertaining to the Implementation of the Agency's and the Mayor and Common Council's Joint Program of IIPUBLIC ENTERPRISEII; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated February 20, 1975, distributed and made available, the Advance Copy for Review Only Prior to Final Printing of the ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE COMPRE- HENSIVE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT - OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA 1958 - 1980 PREP ARED BY ECONOMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATES: and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated February 20, 1975, distributed and made available, the letter dated February 6, 1975, from the ACTING ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, WASHINGTON D. C ., confirming that the SAN BERNARDINO SPECIAL IMP ACT AREA has been designated by Official Order as a Redevelopment Area pursuant to Section 401 (a)(6) of the Public Works & Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended as of the date of the Order. Also enclosed therewith, pertaining to same, was the MEMORANDUM OF DESIGNATION AS A REDEVELOPMENT AREA, SPECIAL IMP ACT AREA, dated February 6, 1975, and executed by ACTING ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, D. J. CAHILL; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated February 20, 1975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVEL- OPMENT - INTERIM REPORT, SAN BERNARDINO OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA, pertaining to the Agency's Joint Program of IIPUBLIC ENTERPRISE II in coor- 2687 dination with the Mayor and Common Council for the Implementation of the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT and whereas said COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT IIIIIIIilIl AS ANALYZED BY ECONOMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATES FOR OVERALL CENTRAL CITY will have generated by 1980 the following ECONOMIC IMPACT OF URBAN- DEVELOPMENT: __ SINCE 1967 $145.4 Million in Public and Private Capital Investment $188 Million More Sales and Business Volume 3,393 More Jobs $37 Million More Annual Payroll IN 1980 $183 Million in New Capital Investment 6,000 New Jobs in Overall Central City 9,000 New Jobs in Greater San Bernardino ,...., $90 Million in New Annual Payroll --' $1.5 Billion in Retail Sales and Business Volume WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino on March 2, 1975, distributed and made available to the OVERALL COMMUNITY through the SUN TELEGRAM NEWSPAPER, approximately 90,000 issues of SAN BERNARDINO 1851-1980, A SUPPLEMENT TO THE OVERALL CENTRAL CITY PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Technical Advisory Committee to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, has reviewed the foregoing and aforementioned documentation; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Technical Advisory Committee to the Rede- velopment Agency do hereby endorse the execution of " A DECLARATION BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO IN SUPPORT OF 'PUBLIC ENTERPRISE' AND ....... THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT-INTERIM REPORT, -- [ [ [ 2688 SAN BERNARDINO OVERLL CENTRAL CITY AREA", jointly and in cooperation with the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. ADOPTED: IN SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, MARCH 12, 1975 - ONE YEAR AND 114 DAYS PRIOR TO OUR NATION'S BICENTENNIAL JULY 4, 1976. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO sl Harold c. Harris, Jr. Harold C. Harris, Jr., Chm. Verne Potter, Jr. Robert Curci James Sivelle Judd Payne William Leonard Everett H. Swing Talmage .Hughes Boyce J. Harper, Jr. Marvin Reimer Robert Young The Members discussed the importance of the execution of the Declaration. The increase in capital investment and sales and business volume was reviewed between the period of 1967 - 1980, along with the additional jobs which will be generated. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Stephenson and seconded by Blum adjourning the meeting at 4: 55 p . m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Stephenson, Blum, Green, Guhin, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea -:::=:-.;' /---- . p-;w-;-nuinn ; Jr., / TV' Mi"r'-441.. iW.... ,r",_ 2689 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 20TH DAY OF MARCH, 1975, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, ROOM 320, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ~ ......... The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4: 10 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Hodgdon, Stephenson, Blum, Perea, Guhin, Wilson and Green Agency Members Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agncy Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 6, 1975 were submitted for approval. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Guhin approving the Minutes as submitted. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Guhin, Stephenson, Perea, Blum, Green and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ACCEPTANCE OF BID AND AWARD OF STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NOTES: ..... Mr. Hodgdon explained that one bid was received for the State College Project Notes. The bid was from Miller & Schroeder in the amount of $1,980,000 with interest at 6 5/8%. The difference between the bid of $1,980,000 and the $2,000,000 offered for sale is the discount. ....; The Notice to Bid was duly published in the Bond Buyer and the Sun Telegram. Miller & Schroeder, as Financial Consultant, also distributed the Official State- ment to various bonding houses. A distribution list is attached to these minutes and by this reference is made a part hereof. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3020 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING $2,000,000 NOTES OF SAID AGENCY TO THE BEST BIDDER AND REJECTING ALL OTHER BIDS WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed for the opening of bids for the $2,000,000 notes of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino designated State College Project No.4 Notes, Issue of 1975 and numbered 1 to 400, inclusive, all bids were publicly opened, examined and read, and a tabulation thereof has been entered in the minutes; and .-..- ...."" ll]!li!:l!fl i!L~',,,,..,' .')~' ~ [ [ [ 2690 WHEREAS, the bid of the bidder hereinafter named is the best bid made by a responsible bidder for said notes: NOW, THEREFORE, THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BER- NARDINO DOES HEREB Y RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the bid of Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc. 7900 Xerxes Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota offering: $1,980,000 and accrued interest to date of delivery for notes bearing interest payable semiannually each year at the following rate: 6 5/8% is the bid for said notes as determined in compliance with that section of the Notice Inviting Bids entitled "Highest Bidder," and yielding the lowest net interest cost. Said bid is hereby accepted and the notes awarded to said best bidder in accordance with the terms of the proposal. Section 2. That all bids other than the one accepted in Section 1 hereof are rejected and the Secretary of the Agency is directed to return the checks accompanying said rejected bids to the respective bidders. Section 3. That the interest rate on said notes is hereby fixed at the rate stated in Section 1 hereof. Section 4. That the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency are hereby directed to deliver said notes to the successful bidder upon payment therefor and accrued interest, if any, to date of delivery. ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED this 2 Oth day of March, 1975. slWarner W. Hodgdon Warner W. Hodgdon Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ATTEST: siP. W. Quinn, Jr. P. W. Quinn, Jr., Secretary of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3020. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Green, Stephenson, Perea, Guhin, Blum and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ,.i"...'!ll'f'l'_,."""""".,...........,,,-,''''...,.,. 2691 Mr. Iverson, Miller & Schroeder, presented a Resolution authorizing the refunding of the bonds. He explained that this resolution is not necessary at this time, but would help to market the notes. Mr. Hodgdon stated that the intent at the present time is to refund, but this resolution would clarify our intentions, and he would concur in the adoption of the resolution. After review, the following resolution was introduced: ~ - RESOLUTION NO. 3021 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF REFUNDING BONDS OR OTHER OBLIGATIONS IN AN AMOUNT SUFFICIENT TO RETIRE $2,000,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOTES ISSUED TO FINANCE STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO. 4 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino has authorized and sold pursuant to law, $2,000,000 principal amount of STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4 Notes Issue of 1975 dated April 1, 1975, and all maturing on April 1, 1978; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino intends to refund said Notes by issuing a sufficient amount of long term bonds or Agency obligations to pay said Notes at maturity. NOW, THEREFORE, THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BER- NARDINo DOES HEREB Y RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: ...... -..i Section 1. That a sufficient amount of long term bonds or other Redevelopment Agency obligations shall be issued to refund the above referred to STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO. 4 Notes on or before maturity and that all steps necessary or required for the issuance of said bonds or obligations is hereby authorized. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3021. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Perea, Blum, Wilson, Stephenson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None DECLARATION: Mr. Hodgdon stated that the IIDeclarationll was reviewed by the City Council on March 17, 1975. The Council authorized the execution of this Declaration with certain amendments regarding affirmative action. Mr. Hodgdon recommended approval of the amendment in principal. The following resolution was introduced: ...... ~ [ [ [ 2692 RESOLUTION NO. 3022 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE "DECLARATION FOR PUBLIC ENTERPRISE" IN PRINCIPLE WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency, on March 6, 1975, adopted Resolution No. 3014, entitled: RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXE- CUTION OF "A DECLARATION" BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO IN SUPPORT OF "PUBLIC ENTERPRISE" AND THE IMPLEMENT A TION OF THE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT - INTERIM REPORT, SAN BERNARDINO OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA WHEREAS, the "Declaration" was presented to the City Council for adoption of a Resolution authorizing its execution by the City; and WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino, on March 17, 1975, authorized the execution of the Declaration with the following amendment: The following paragraph shall immediately follow the last paragraph on Page 5: THE PUBLIC INTEREST OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO requires full compliance with applicable laws and regulations that apply or may in the future apply to Equal Employment Opportunities and adoption of an Affirmative Action Plan as specified by Resolution No. 12043 of the City of San Bernardino adopted by the Mayor and Common Council on March 17, 1975. The policy set forth in said Resolution with respect to Equal Employment Opportunities and an Affirmative Action Plan is hereby incorporated in and made a part of this Declaration. Said policy shall be implemented to further sustain and revitalize the economic interests of all of the citizens of the City of San Bernardino. Page 6 shall immediately follow the above paragraph. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Californis, does hereby approve in principle the amendment to the "Declaration" as set forth by the City Council on March 17, 1975. 2693 Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3022. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Perea, Green, Wilson, Stephenson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ~ - ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY: Mr. Hodgdon stated that in the implementation of the Plan of Development, it is necessary to acquire certain parcels of land. Copies of the escrows have previously been mailed out to all Board Members, Members of the Executive Committee of the Central City Committee, the Technical Advisory Committee and the Mayor and Common Council. This will be the first in a series of acquisitions. The following resolution was introduced and each parcel explained in detail: RESOLUTION NO. 3023 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE PUR- CHASE OF VARIOUS PARCELS OF LAND, WITHIN THE OVERALL PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to acquire certain parcels of land for the mutual benefit of the various redevelopment projects administered by the Agency, in coordination with City Resolution No. 11666, adopted February 4, 1974, and Agency Resolution No. 2854, adopted April 18, 1974; and ...... --- WHEREAS, said acquisitions of land are in accordance with the Agency's Plan of Development, Interim Report; and WHEREAS, said parcels of land have been appraised by Don Morrison, an inde- pendent appraiser, and the purchase prices are within an appropriate range of value as reflected in Mr. Morrison's appraisals; and WHEREAS, the City Council authorized the execution of a "Declaration by the Redevelopment Agency and the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino in Support of 'Public Enterprise' and the Implementation of the Plan of Development - Interim Report, San Bernardino Overall Central City Area". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that consistent with said "Declaration", the Chair- man and Secretary are hereby authorized to have prepared and executed all the necessary documents for the purchase of the following property, including but not limited to all necessary notes, purchase money deeds of trust, deeds and related documents thereto: ~ - " [ [ [ CENTRAL CITY LIBRARY PARCEL NO. OWNERS SQ.FT. 134-151-19 Dan Harris Gower 7,500 134-141-24 134-151-23 San Bernardino Elks Club 75,954 134-151-20 Stockwell & Binney 1,750 134-141-05 Everett Swing 1,200 SAN BERNARDINO PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY "E" to "F" - 4th to 5th PARCEL NO. OWNERS SQ.FT 134-121-07 Bank of America 8,625 134-121-18 Chester Upham, et.al 21 , 375 134-131-02 Crawford Investment 23,928 2694 PURCHASE PRICE $ 55,000 $1,200,000 $ $ 7,000 4,800 PURCHASE PRICE $ 62,500 782,000 115,000 CITY, COUNTY, ST ATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX Acquisition Between 5th & 6th Mountain View & Sierra Way Yvonne M. Royal 14,100 $ 25,000 L.D. Murray 43,200 75,000 John M. Coelho 13,800 25,000 and Lily S. Coelho Estate of Walker 83,100 145,000 135-092-03 135-092-02,30,31 135-092-42 135-092-20, 21,22,40,41 CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX Seccombe Lake Park 7th Street 135-041-07 Florence J. Soristo 14,400 135-191-01,02,03 Ormonde W. Seccombe 19,500 31,500 35,000 2695 135-191-04,05,06 Charles M. Becker 19,500 25,000 JIIIIIIIlIt 135-181-48 Grace M. Muto,et.al. 6,750 9,500 - 134-041-13 So. Pac. Trans. Co. 99,752 82,000 CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX 4th to 5th Street, Arrowhead to Mountain View 135-121-09 Frances Herzeg 7,500 $ 59,500 135-121-13 Willis L. Severson, et. al. 15,000 115,000 135-121-32,33 Union Oil Company 22,500 100,000 SAN BERNARDINO CITY SCHOOL Portion of Administration Site PARCEL NO OWNERS SQ.FT PURCHASE PRICE 134-031-12 Betty Boger Price 15,000 $ 52,500 ~ The following realtors are involved in the transaction: -J Sanford J. Blau W. E. Leonard Lowene M. Emery Freeman A. Parsons Mer Ie A. Rickert Bob Parker Real Estate Nat Hardy Gallary of Homes Van Metschke Real Estate Albertson Realty Mr. Hodgdon explained that the Agency does not pay any commissions on the sales. Any commissions paid are done so by the seller. Mr. Flory stated that he has examined the escrow packages and they comform to legal procedures. Mr. Hodgdon stated that several other acquisition packages will be brought up in the future. Among these will be the acquisition needed for the Central Transporation Center, the Central Fire Station Area and the Mt. Vernon Area. The average terms on the purchases are 10%-15% down, with 7% interest on the unpaid balance, to be paid in full within 36 months. Mrs. Blum asked if the 7% interest was reasonable. Mr. Quinn stated that it was. ~ -..III [ [ ,... 1 v ~ 2696 After further review, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3023. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: A yes: Wilson, Perea, Green, Blum, Stephenson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None GRUEN PROPOSAL, INCREASE TO STURGES JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL CONTRACT: Mr. Hodgdon stated that he is negotiating with an international organization to move into the Sturges Junion High School Site. Their move to San Bernardino has been approved by their Board of Directors. However, they need further plans for the remodeling of the site to suit their needs. The Agency has a contract with Gruen Associates for the remodeling of this site. Gruen has proposed to increase their services under this contract to meet the needs required. The increase to their contract would be in the amount of $22,100. Mr. Joe Baker, Sun Company, asked Mr. Hodgdon for the name of the organization. Mr. Hodgdon stated that it is Campus Crusade for Christ. After further review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO . 3024 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO. 1 WITH GRUEN ASSOCIATES, CALIFORNIA PROJECTS, INC., AMENDING CONTRACT DATED NOVEMBER 22, 1974, PLANNING THE REUSE OF STURGES SCHOOL WHEREAS, the Agency entered into Contract with Gruen Associates, California Projects, Inc., on November 22, 1974, for a total amount of $21,600, for the planning of the Reuse of Sturges School; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of this Agency to increase the services of the Con- tractor to include detailed schematic plans for all phases of the development, along with a brief summary report, describing the schematic plans for the four phases of the proj ect; and WHEREAS, Gruen Associates, California Projects, Inc., propose to amend said Contract for an increase in contract amount not to exceed $22,100. Increasing the total contract compensation to $43,700. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary be authorized to enter into Contract Amendment No. 1 with Gruen Associates, California __~_;__"_",*,",,,,"_"""'",".>-~,"""','.-cl",,"~i>>'lI~.".""".~O;.""'."". 2697 Project, Inc., to Contract for Planning the Reuse of Sturges School, increasing the total compensation by $22,100. Total compensation under the contract is hereby amended to $43,700. ~ Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3024. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Perea, Green, Wilson, Stephenson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None - GRUEN PROPOSAL, COMMUNITY SERVICE AND PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER AT HIGHLAND AND WESTERN AVENUES: Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into contract with Gruen Asso. for the Community Service and Public Enterprise Center at Highland and Western Avenues. Previously, the Board authorized the expenditure of $10,000 for the performance of a preliminary planning study for this center. Mrs. Frances Grice, Operation Second Chance, was introduced to the Members. Mrs. Grice stated that she went to Washington D. C. to submit a request for a grant for her program. Mrs. Grice stated that she was competing with 18,000 other projects throughout the nation. Operation Second Chance was awarded the grant. Mrs. Grice stated that she felt they were awarded the grant because of their long range employment potential after training. She stated that Operation Second Chance trains the disadvantaged. ~ The Members extended their congratulations to Mrs. Grice and determined that the development of the Center was very important to the community. After full review, the following resolution was introduced: ) - RESOLUTION NO. 3025 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH GRUEN ASSOCIATES, FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE AND PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER AT HIGHLAND AND WESTERN AVENUES WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services for a architectural and engineering study in connection with the Community Service and Public Enterprise Center at Highland and Western Avenues in the City of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, Gruen Associates have proposed to provide this service for $55,000. $3,000 of this amount is set aside to cover printing costs. ..... ....... [ [ [ 2698 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into contract with Gruen Associates, for Architectural and Engineering Services in Connection with the Community Service and Public Enterprise Center at Highland and Western Avenues, not to exceed the total sum of $55,000. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3025. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Perea, Green, Wilson, Stephenson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Wilson expressed his concern over the Council Meeting on March 17th regarding the passage of the execution of the "Declaration". He expressed his feeling that the City and citizens of the community should gamble on the efficiency of the Agency to implement the Plan of Development. The Agency needs their support to make this sound plan work for the community. Mrs. Blum stated that she felt the discussion and questions raised by the Council were very beneficial, in that it helped everyone to more fully understand the matter and set forth the Agency's desire to keep the City and Community completely informed. Mr. Frank Dominguez, Vanir Research, stated that the Plan of Development is inspiring and that he hoped the City as a whole would stand behind it to make it work to its greatest potential. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Stephenson adjourning the meeting at 5: 45 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Stephenson, Wilson, Green, Perea, Blum and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None 2699 \ ..... --' ~ I - ~ -- \ 2700 7911 HERSC~' .AVENUE. SUITE 410. LA JOLLA. cL _IFORNIA 92037 ATTACHr..mNT TO MINUTES OF 3:"20-75 r-'" , Ii ...... MUNICIPALS, L"IIC. TEL: 714-454-7163 ./'..........--....... ,;' '-l!lF ..... "'- f",),,<.'\\,\J\" l r::: '^'" ...... I. ~J'" ',_. \. ." -,..~-~- ..- \ ,.:-~ ~.. ~ .~. I <j' ,.,,:', 1;~ //.7,,", :?: .~ -( ro. ..".... .~.,. ...... '1 j 0 -: '. '..c. ,,' L"-'J '1 ;, d ~ 7?"r- :~., J \(~ .., ,I ~-:g I " .'""") ........~ > ..', -.') ,. \~7 .,~, :/ r. ,\)~,. ..:pl~ .j MO."':: OF;'CE: NOI:hwest."", rin.lncial Cenl.. 7?C..J X~,.US A "nu. So,",th '~',,,.n~"'oo~I'. ....I"n'ltSot~ 55431 (61.2) 831.1500 March 13, 1975 }rr. Peter Quinn, Executive Director San Bernardino Redevelopment Agency 300 North D Street, Room 320 San Bernardino, CA 92401 Dear Pete: [ Enclosed per your request is the mailing list used for the distribution of the Official Statements relating to the State College Project Notes. Very truly yours, '. M Michael H. McCann }1H}1/mar Enclosure [ 2701 ( ( .'.'I':':;~~-.~~c;~" 19) ... ,,-..... ~'J'j ~ .~~.,.. \If...'--'',,,\'~ T,",C .~".:..J";.."",) " Uoi::i...v..., ..ll . ~ .:, ~ '/ - - - 1"':" ~.... - S t _v.J .\:v.~~~o...eJ.y . :::: -., --::..~ .~--l.seo C,.,' c", O.f ...................."':..i.\"'O , \..LJ.. ,,~J.-x ,..... ::....::;-.:TI8n BrOt:1crs, Ine. : ~..li~lio.m St. S.2-'-.'/ Yo:;:-k, N. Y. 10004 (5) =-. ? Rothschild & Co. ;:) William St. :'\~'../ York, N. Y. 10038 (2 additional copies) 3.? Hutton 1 S;;:tte:-v Park. Plaza " ):!.;:;\:,r York, N. Y. 10004 (2 additional copies) r-.~_ ,..,.=.~~~. Co Tnc v....;....~."-... ~ '->0. ., J.i . -: "..~.~, .,....~.. "h <'. \v....,,.,~-- Did ......:).....,v ~Vl"..&.r,," ~ a..J.b.\.....i.L u... g. .,-,: -. --:~,..,,,~. Ot-.~ t!. - 20') v_.a._"'-..i.A..i..L1.c._1J L.....O .....:) _ -"'7~.,.=......,~""..... ')", 19-,3 ...\.u.. _J......JoJ\,.,j" _0) . - '"':i n .--.ns ,....~-..;,,:J ,,- Co _. _ . ":\'VLl "",.u.~"':' ~ . 99 "'William Street "Y.:;,w York, N. Y. 10038 .., ! -...;I J ----, -:'~ S "-'-'e~ I..... ':::';:;'j ..OlG;:, ec"",J. hI ~, ill... - '-.n ~ ,.. ,.J .;.L.v orvu....way New Yor:-(, N. Y. ~,,'!'~uo ;,.-"" ')' 19-,'" ..,,~. ""'w.........r _0, .) \'!ii:e \Veld & Co., Inc. (see letters for complete address) N~w York, Boston, San Francisco, Dallas, Atlanta '!:)..~ ., t. M" I" C'" LAN H ... .-:l.:.ace,:,pi.lla I .I. llnneapo IS I Hlcago, . ., 1 ew aven ~ , , i I - r .... [ [ ( ::::~;.:~ CC::1tl":t1 C~:v (0;11)') 11-30-1973 "\ '.. 1'""''''0'-'-'''':' SIr. ;-...... .\..-. U'- ... 0"'"' ..J....I.~ ~~,....:. I:-~.5ur~:1~C CO:::~~C:"'atn r Ccn~er r- .. rr. ~ 'J!'.'" v}..v ::>. ~vl1c:ug~n C"-.i"~ ':0 1.111'~Ol' ~ ."-'--'-0' .....-.. ~ T2.:nmy Smith ~2a:l V!it~er & Co., Inc. SJ:J '\Vilshire Blvd. ::"os Angeles, Cal. 90017 (3 copies) I'""'i-'l""~ ~ \17'1 J~ ........~.:...:.. ..e:::i :'i el, .J.... 1980 A venue of the Stars T o~ ^.., ("l"~le~ n~l 9('100"7 "'- ~ ."1....b"'. ::::>, \.Jc.:.. u ?2:r:~, \V ebbe:::-. ]acksoa & Curtis, rne. 20< \V. 7th Street ~ ...~ ~ no-:.1",,- Cal ~V.:l .~....a.o""",L.",,::>, . 90014 (3 copies) ..:'2.:':le, 'Webber, Jackson & Curtis, Inc. .~; ~ i S ~n-., Blrl 0- ...__.L v_J...j "'0'. . :'';~:::::eapolis, Minn. 55402 l_ ::;:=: Bol:> Krysa (2 copies) ...." r',....,...~'d 0 u'ar'l}--">~CT -"'-'....c:.~ . J."'\. - -.J...........o \,rlJ~T-::l Of Orna'r." T...,....,'....ance Co ......_'-1...:.'"'-'- _ ....1-.~ ~..a.'::>,"""J.. . '":<'- 'lha NTe'or!:l sl--~ ....,~.l.L.;...~.. ~ .. Co "c4 Vsle:::-iano & Craig 99 \V3011 Street: New York, N. Y. 10005 \Ves:ern State Bank "\ ~"'r~l-.<:lll Ml....,n ~6?~8 .'./~.=. ~j,.1Ci. ) 1.... . v -v Attn: Tim Jahnke (per Hendrikson's request) GeD:-ge NiacDor12.1d F:::-st National Bank C::as:(~, ~1i~n. 55318 (per Hendrikson's request) "."~-:~,.,....l B!1 " .::: C ....... _,=-_.0.1...... ~.n~ OJ. o...merce .j- -~ ,.. ~~ ,,~~, It..t:) ,.. -.....:. .;...~ .v~u.:.J.....rJ..Y "'~~-'-":-o-o ..../l.nn :;t:OOl ~':_.:-.............:..... , 1\.. ..... ttJU .... ! --",. J". c" \.\T",,~ ..".,... (""''''' LT ~,...'!, '.... ,':>~) u.~... ~.."\. ~;)'-'.1. }..I....r 4.enLUl.....s0L1 s ...e~ul;;:::.t "\ /"- .-.1,... \Te-~"""o _,.._ . .;VI..11 ~... "'-'-'.... '"" .~'"\....- ~;r""ls-o'1 :....,,_ ..;.....J...... '" 1..11 L 1.11 7~~ \:.r:1s1:ire 13 1\" d . "; ""\-. j. ~""'c:>lr.>S C.,l _v..J.....ot.::....t..::, ....... 90017 ( 2702 2703 ( ':::.....- - r-t ~? .. -,...1 C:'1.r -,\",...~ \...~_~._l.\.l;' ..f~\..! I,.... r 'v) 1 2 - -: -7 ':{ \.V"'.: __ _ v ~:..: :.;;:~~~. I~Stll-ar1C;~ Corr~panies ...'~:~s~c.te Piaza X~:~h::>':-o~:--:J In. 60052 .......:::-1: . I~vest:::ent Officer, Tax-exempt bonds S:.:::.:: Farm Ins;.:rance Companies ~ - ? "::,,,,..,.. \~f~ -hi 0: . ;;:~ ... -- J.J","~L ~.~. ..no..on ..JL.. 3:~o;ningto~, Ill. 61701 J.::r:: Investment Officer - Tax-exempt bonds ....... IE' '--' .-'--!"':'"'l":)-- - 1 n ,. ""'" ... -- .!.\;;.... ~ r.~ura..ce xCuange ~~5S0 Wilshire Blvd. La3 Angeles, CaL 90010 Attn: R. \V. Rudy A~6onautInsurance Company LoSJ ;\''1iddlerield Road '\'-::.-~o D"r1... Cal 9.10?~ .;.....'-"..~ ..L -=- ...,) . ~-v A::t:1: Invest:nent Officer - Tax-exemDt bonds .. ':;'':'".:>m~n''''' 'q-'''d 'rnsura"'ce COffi?'\':!""Y ... -..... 1ii,...oJ.J...._.&. ~ J.. u...... 1.. .. ...J. }'.....1. 3333 California St. C'.-- 'R..-a"".....;- 0 Cr; 9"'1-9 ....,c:....a. ..i....... l.1\""'J.:::'C) C1.L. '"':: 1 A~:n: Investment Officer - Tax-exemnt bonds .. z,,~r. Robert Howard Lir:coln National Life Insurance Company 1301 S. Harrison St. For-t Vlayne, Indiana 46801 12-3 i\/.:::. Ron Linkous Rcynold3 Securities 600 Jefferson Ho~ston, Texas 77002 ( ~ - ] ...... ........ r .... [ [ \ :.:f... I LI :~G , 2704 LIST ?Ori NO'i'ICES I?iVJ:TPW O~ MUNIC~?AL BG~DS BIDS -" . m- 'T" ~",... .:::.!\:'S .""'..r.1..!...i'.\J .....vu....,J_ , BOND PUBLICATIONS, ATTCrtNEYS, ETC. r.,::-..:: 30nd Buyer 77 :'~2.ter Street ~2~ York~ N.Y. 10005 At~n: William S. Shanks Exec. Vice President G~:~fornia Municipal S.;atistics) Inc. 2~4 Kea~ny Street . Sz.:1 P:>a:.cisco), Calif. 0 0 94~08 ~~z Co~~crcial ~ ?inancial Chronicle 2"5 P.::.::-k Place ,,- --. VO....l? ...! Y , "iJ"07 ~\.~... ..L _... ~ .'l. . ..... u Cus~~ Service 3ureau ~~~--C.'?-~ S~ati~~~cs Co I~c. ~ ."c:....4 ~... \o.io. '"" - .:> t,.,..1. . . .. . 345 Hudson Street R~~ York, N.Y. 10014 Att~: Jo~n Prei, Manager . Du::i'l & B::,"adstreet, Inc... ~unicina1 Service Dent.. Box 803, Church St. Annex NeW York, N.Y. 10008 I~vest~ent Dealers' Digest 150 Broadway ~~~'1 Yo~k, N. Y. 10038 . Noody J s Investors Service 0.99 Church Street New Yo~k, N.Y. 10007 o. r.:oody J s Investors Service;) Inc. 611 West Sixth Street - Rooza 2472 Los Angeles, Calif. 90017 ~:OtMelveny & Myers Public Law De~artment 611 West Sixth Street Los Angeles, Calif. 90017 _ . St;anciard & Poor 1 s Corp.. o .... .345 Hudson Street N.",",. Vor:. N v , 00' 4 .. ~ "" _ ..\. ,. J. .... _ .... , Wall Street Journal 2999 West 6th Street Los Angeles, Calif. 90005 " o . 2705 ( ( NEW YOR~ CITY. NZW YORK . ,I ~tJVr dO.", ...... All::: [.: Cc.l'lpany 30 3:>oad Street Xaw York> N.X. 10004 Drexel Harrina:l Ripl~y> I~corporated 60 Broad Street New York, N.Y. 10004 -.... 3ac~~ & Co.) Inco~porated 35 ~':all Street '"-:." '-'0....1. N V , 0005 .",.....; - -.."\.,) ~ .... ...... East~an Dillon> Union. Securities .& Co. 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza New York> R.Y. '10005 3~~on> Stevenson & Co. 25 B::'oad Street ~~~ vo-~ u Y 1000" .-. '- .. - - -~, J,,... "-t Eliot Sharp's NEWSLETTERS The" Dealers' Dig~st Publishing Co., Inc.o r.1unicipal Dept. 150 Broad~."ay ~ew York, N.Y. 10038 Ee..n~:e~.3 Trust Company 16 1=liJ 11 St~eet Kew Yo~k, N.Y. 10015 A~~n: Xu~icipal Bond Dept. Baar> Stearns & Co. 1 Hc:.ll St~eet ~e~ York, N.Y. 10005 Tbe First Boston Corp. . 20 Exchange Place Rew York, N.Y. 100r~ 31~ir & Co., Inc. 20 B:>o3.d Street ~~~ Yo~k, N.Y. 10005 ffirst Natio:1a: Nunicipa.l Bon. 2,5 ~lall Stree1:: .."_ 0 ...v..: Ne~<]' Yor-k, N. Y. "1 ~)iJ:i.S A~tn: R. F~ Kezer, V.P. First National City Bank -Corporate Trust Division 111 Wall Street~ 18th Floor N~w York~ N.Y. 10015 :Attn: ~rlk Krom~~n~ A.V.? Freeman << COffioany -61 Broadway . Malt[ York) N. Y. 10006 F.;I. duPont>" Glore o Forgari & Co. 1 Hall Street New York) N.Y. 100P5 - J.' " 32yt~ 3astman Dillo~ & Co. I;:co:r''Jorated 14 U2.11.Street N~w Yvrk) N.Y. 1~005 T!:e Bond Buyer 17 Eater Street Naw Yo~k, N.Y. 10005 Attr:: Hillialil S. Shanks Exec. Vice President Bro~m Brothers Har-riman & Co. 59 T,'I2.l1 Street NeW Yo~k> N.Y. 10005 Tha C~asc Manhattan Bank Municipal Credit Department 2$.;;h ?loor 2 ~~2S~ Manhattan Plaza ,- "'-. '~o""'- N y 10015 .-\,;;.;". - - .....> .. L~~~: D~aise A.DeBlass V:.ce Pre31de~t Goldman, Sachs & Co. 55 Broad Street New York, N.Y. 10004 Attn: Munlcipul Departrr.ent ...... C~S!? SSRVICE BUREAU S~2~~~~d St~tistics Co. 3~: 5 !:~dson St~e~t ~'- -." V_.....l. N. Y' 100' 4 .. ....: .-. .. v.. .'~, !.. _ ~"-'-......- Jon..... "1:;',...,."." ..~.,..,,, .,... ........ ~.... ..J .. A C-L) !..c.:.....u.z;e... Inc. Ho~nblowe~ & Weeks- Hewphill:J - Moyes . 8 Hanove:- Street New York, N.Y. 10004 ......Il n" ~ :1.2 7)..... ""'"' ,... --'-........ of Ne~." Yo:ck E. F. Hutton "= Co:r.p.::tny> 1 Ch.:lze Ma~hattan ?lazu. New Yo:-k. N.Y. 1000~ Inc. r .... [ ~. [ .. ( :- ~~,. -. lit /" - 111I'''':\'''!:.IUtI'''~''''''w'. ..In,~l''.\,.:..C .:h,t..tI...;:r..,i,..,... ......, ,'. .= '. ).\ . r.. L.... t ; jl II:mS n"'\~';":-':(irJ: ('O:.U',\:\y '~V;.., l~ I' Xl...0/, '.\-" ~~... 0' r"t.I':.....~"'\'"tt!.I.... ;\r;~.IC',. C ...:.,..,...."1' '" J MILL~R 10 SCHRO~DER MU~ICIPALS. I~C. 7911 Herscbel Aven'1e. Su ite 410 La lo11a, CaliCornia 9Z037 'bn ., -~ .' GASO\n.71) ~ \W~o~~ ~ rj~ t,~. t. ""_Ens:.n:..c..:orli,ho!;:'I'Mn Fuu;1.ci~ r':lntttS. x.:ll.I._" \ JEFFRIES BANK.'lOTE CO)'\PA~"Y . ')}~ W.n Pico 8oooIcv.n1,1,Q. ""'6':'" Dli:omi.a 900" 'b s.d:- " ItA ym:S 2. MILLER Inve.tmeut BuUGing 911 K Street N. vr, Wa.hington. D.C. 20005 AtteD: Mr. Willia Ritter . ~ CiA'" C1~ ..' (C'?~~ . .I L....... E,'.:~r:,) ~y f;:u......1 rrint<fS. ~...rili.... E"SrJ"r.. C..!." li.!>.,!:""""", JEFFRIES B:\X~lm CO:\\P.\.'\"'\' 1.';~'- \\\-,. r1.:,,~ 1~""""\".JfJ. ll.,. .\r..~~tllo"':" C1!li.,;:t:.l""'J~ MILLER Ie SCHROEOER Mm.1ctPALS, Norlh...e.r..rn Fin"nc:iaI Crn:,,!:' 7900 X..nee. Avenue South Min:\e"poU., Miane,ob 5!l~31 INC. AU.'n: Mr. ROllt'1' Wilen,,1' .:t.,C" Sacl- Co , .. .' .. '. . 1,.- <: . ... . . l .' . . 2706 I. . '.r' - ( - \ " J t 2707 (. ~. v. ~~~~y t SO~S 2JJ ~o~~si~~a Street .:> II DO)' -.:>647 ... v.. ~ .. -J .~~~~~~ Rock, A~k. 72203 ~~~~: ~oj~~t ~l. ~aney 2~~5~es~ Ely, Beck & Co. !ll West ~onroa St~eet ?~o2~iA, Arizon~ 85003 ~v~~~t E. Sc~waser Co. .~.'"\Q ,,-.,..:....,., 19...." S.....ree-:- .:.vV a..JV\4..,... "'....,. V "-,~~ V ~-~s~- 0'0102 V._d...'-4.~ J,~e...,...f;;..n...... u S~~~t~2-First Natio~al Bank :00: ~th Avenue - .....~ T' e, ..... 9"~2" ~2a~~~2> ~asn~ng~on o~ ~ ~~t~: W. G. Sche1ke, Vice Prasiden"'c Eand Depart~~nt ~'-~-~:::'lo"'" 0 -:"~~ ......."n....~._--._~....,:I ~....\",o.,. ~14 E~st Ca?itol AVe~ue .... e- .'- J. ...=- ';' 0 '" k I'. ....1.... 722 0 1 .;...,.;.. l." "'..... ~ .. to. '-".. ;) .......~ . _ . '4" -. # . v l. _ ..... .....'...... 0"" ~ <. ('''''-~..,:.,.. .....~-,.., vc~., yo....I. V "....t;:. ""'~..(..i"., ". i., .. A ,:,.~.-' ('......"C".'o) ............... "'..- ......0 (c.:mt'd) ~ R. L. Tecott & Associates In:corpc~ated Gate:vay One Ne~la::-k" Ne~'1 Jel"'sey 07102 --' H. E. Waeck~r1e & Co., Inc. Suite 210 . 1012 Ba1ti~ora Avenue .Kansas City~ Mo'. 64105 Halter?, Hoody 6: Hei=terdinge:- 313-31~ First Natio~al Bank Bldg. Cincinnati> Ohio 45202 'Dain, Kal~an & Quail, Incorporated .100 Dain Tower . Minneapolis, Min~. 55402 Attn: Sta~to~ Aby" Vice Preside~t !<Tnite ~'!eld & Co. 120 South 6th Street ~'-n"''''''!:>'l'' ,-' '.~-t n ~5hO? .L'L~ ...1;;;...,:-'0_.1.5:) ........n~.. :> .., _ A~tn: hunicipal Department ] S~c~~2> Agee & Leach, Inc. 1500 First ~at!ona1 Southe~n' Natu~al Building Bi~Qin6h~, A1ab~~a 35203 Wo~aldorfr & Lindsey 1030 Tower State Building Little Rocx~ Ark. 72201 G. W. Rice & Co. ? O. Box 4-458 ?CO~~ix> Arizona 85030 ~ ,;. :~@i. '. ". ; . " '. ." ..... I - ( . ( 2708 (O~~~r than New York a.-:d Chicago) [ . - - . 'l~ ~ / " C . '", 1;"-- ". I' .~...,.. -- 1""l' .:~~: ~~:::~_ :.::Z'~...~...~:>. ?...?a.~y ~""':> .'.v. ....,...cSv !.>c;.;L< Bleg. -.: ",\""'1,-.-:----,..; - "r:" 5~402 . .._....<;.;....~JV__~> .1..J..nn. :> . First Nebraska S~cu~1ties Municipal Dcpart~ent 100 Continental Buildinz. Ow.aha, Nebraska 68102 ~~~ttc~c~ and co~pany 323 - 17th Street ~~~V2r, Colorado 80202 Gr~nde & Co., Inc. 1605 Hoge Bui1dinZ Seattle, Was~ingtor. 98104 3CS~v~t~, Sullivan & Co:;,?a:1Y, Inc. ~<O ~7~'n S~~eet v...J - J. l.r... \"r. D~~ve~> Colorado 80202 J. B. Hanauer & Co. .The Hanauer Building . 86 Washington Street E~st Orange, N. J. 07017 J. C. B~adford & Co. 4:3 Ur-ion Street .~ashvllle, Tenn. 37203 Juran & Moody, Inc. · 114 East 7th Street St. Paul, Mi~n. 55101 :S~(;:-..2-::.an & Co. ?O. Drawer 2131 Jac~son> Mississippi 39205 At;;r:.: Bob Buchanan r,r.:;.,..ch-:"l-..... "0-....., 2 C . .........._. .....c....., if. V... "'"' -..::. ornpany l60e Broadway, Suite 2500 Denver) Co:orado ~0202 [ 3~~~o~s, Smith and Co~pany s..-~..;-o "003 .. ~.,.., c: B'd ~~v~ ~ ~e~.n~ ~~. S... i ~- -r.". "e "'i....y U~a.n .,f! 10' c..._ ..., ~~.'"" '"' "", v.i. ... McLiney and Co~pany RaoUl. 909 92' t.'a'-'''''' <;:""-"'=-e'" ...... .. -.6.\.4\,,1 ....v_c::: \,# Xansas Ci~y, Mo. 64106 C1a~k Dodge & Co~> . Inco::'vorated ~,,< ), d.' 1\ JVV ~a ~son nvenue Toledo, Ohio 43604 The Milwaukee Co~pany . 201 E-s" w:~ ..}d CJ"~~ S......,..ee.... c.. '" . ...\,,;.....-0<:;:... v_ '" Nil\,:aukee:l \'Tis. 53202 Dc~psey-Tegeler & Co. 1000 Locust Street S~. Louis, Mo. 63101 First National Bank of Portl~"'1.d ,Oregon 400 S.W. Sixth Avenue 'Portland, Oregon 97208 First of Michigan Corp. 2450 Buh1 Building 535 G!'is~'ro1d Street ' Detroit, Michigan 48226 ~~tn: Municipal Dept. Prescott, Merrill, Turben & Co. 900 National City' Bank Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio 44114 ?i::'st ~id America Corp. ~u~icipal Depnrtnent lOe Cont1~ental Bldg. C~~~~, Nebraska 68102 Raffensperger, H~ghes & Co., Inc. 20 North Meridian Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 [ . .- . .' . . ( \ 2709 OTI~2~S !!"! C..;.LI:~v~i\~I:\ (O~~n- ~h~n T~- ~~~~l~~ ",.J.<;,..;.. "....\".010, ......,v~ .....0-- \;;~ ~-~ S~n ~~~~c~sco) c.;.....u (;,. ...-... c.... ....L. ,......, 3~ch~ & Co.. Inc. ~5: Xor~~ Bedford D~ive B:::':(;::ly .Hills, Calii'. 90210 C. N. White & Co,) Inc. .~36 - l~th Street Oakland) Calii'. 9~612 - ?~..:O!' and Co:-:pany ~3~ North Bedrord Drive 32v2!'ly Hills). Calif. 90210 Pasadena Corporation 618 East Colorado Boulevard Pasacena~.Calif. 91101 .Jack R. Hanauer c/~ Taylor and Company ~39 Xorth Bedford Drive Beverly ~1l1s) Calir. 90210 Hagenseller & Durst, Inc. 616 East Colorado Boulevard Pasadena) Calif. 91101 Attn: Mr. V. L. Jo~es . Vale~iano a~d Craig / 930l Wilshire Boulevard S~:i.te 515 32v~rly Hills) Calir. 90210 Bert A. Betts & Assoc~ 629 IIJ:; Street Sacramento) Calif. 95814 J. A. Overton & Co. ? O. Box 326 n~_~~~C.-o ~al1~ 92'13 '-'\..1_ ""'....c. , '"" .. . .. Urba~ Counselors Incorporated 3517 Marcon~ Ave., Suite 202 ~~-~-~-~~o Cali~ 9-62.l' .....""-\"... c..4t::.. U ~ .... . , E:dr~dge Securities. Co. Inc. ?O. 30x 1371 .La Jolla) Calif. 92037 .Tha First National Bank of' San Diegp P. O. Box 1311 San Diego> Calir. 92112 ] S~~~aickart & Co. P. O. Box 914 22772 Pacific Coast H\~. ~alibu> Calif. 90265 Merrill Lynch-Goodbody 15250.Ventura Boulevard Sher~an Oaks, Calif. 91403 Attn: Mr. Gerald Miller 1.!aSO:l Brothers 1330 Broach'lay Oakland> Calif. 94612 ...... ........ 'IT r ~ .... [ [ ( ( 2710 LOS ..L,.~rG2:ES.. Ci\.LII~C~:~~II\. (cont1d) ".' ,',' .,.... P"'a''''ody & CO T,..,C .....-.10.".._.........., t;; v .. _...~ . :15J South Olive Street St;::'::'~ 2600 Lcs Anzeles, Calif. 90015 At~~: Municipal Bo~d Dept. ~a~r~ll Lynch, Pierce 72~~~~ ~ Smith, Inc. 52~ ~est Sixth Street Los Ar.geles, Cali~. 90014 R. H. !;!oul ton & Company 5:0 South Spring Street iO- ~""-~..L~es Ca~~~ 900'~ ;....J .:;) .....-:::,..... ~ ;..J.~_.. -.J ?~i~2, Webbe~, Jackson l: Curtis 20~ ~cst Seventh Street ~03 Angeles, Calir. 90014 Se~~rity Pacific National Bank ? 0 ~-~ 2097 ~e~~~n~~..L ~n~~x _. . ~v^ , _ .1..,._......... :. A.....c;; :o~ ^n-~1~- C^l;~ 90054 ..,J' .J ."\....a.~'- _-.;;;;:) , Co _.... " '-+"" " ~r."n "no':"d D""p~ ~~... n"'v.... ........ _. p ~~ c;: l-., .' . ' i-;;':'-J;.. Sccarson, Harr~ill & Co. . 515 South Plower Street Lo~ ~~~o'~s C~1~~ 9007' ~ n....(:,\;;;....\;; -' ............_J.. . _ Att~: Municipal Bond Dept. Smith, Barney & Co., Inc. Occidental Center 12th Street at Olive Los Anzeles3 Cal~f. 90015 Stern, Prank, Meyer & Pox, !r:corpo:::oated 60& South Olive Street Los Angeles, Cali:f. '90014 ." ,.' Stone & Yo~n~~erg 629. South Sp~in~ Street Los Angeles, Calif. 90014 A~~n' Vun1clpa' Bo-d. D ~ u v .. . . _ J.. ... . .. ep u . Sutro " Co., Incorporated 615 S. Flower St. Los Angeles, Cali:f. 90017 Attn: Felix J~da Union 3anl<: ~45 So~th Fig~e~oaStrcet Los Angeles, Calif. 90017 1\ ......n. ,~."....~ c" ""al B d D +- . ~"'v. . .'.'-1....... J..}J on epv. Unitec California Bank l-1unicinal Bond Deut. 600 So~th Spring Street Los A~geles, Calif. 90014 t'lar"e'"'s~11e"" & Du"';s" ..l.-.....c . ..:>.... \".......... . '" , .. . . 611 West 6th Street '~os Angeles, Calif. 90017 vleccl~n & C.o. 629 South Spring Street Los Angeles, Calif. 90014 R. 3. Heiler 751 South Figueroa Street , Los Angeles, Calif. 90017. White, Weld & Co. One Wilshire Boulevard Los Ange1es3 Calif. 90017 0" Dean Witter & Co. 632 South Sp:::oing Street Los Angeles, Calif. 90014 2711 ( ( ~U~;IC:?AL BOND D~AL32S [?hls list 1s not cosplete but contains those likely to bid on California municipals.] ~ --- LOS A"L!(!'i7'T.T;'S ._.JJ"...J........... ) CALI?O:tNIA ~~~~~ ~ Co., Incorporated 555 South Sprine St~eet L05 ~nzeles, Calif. 90014 A~tn: Pearl K. Thompson First California Company 624 Souih Grand Los Ane~les) .Calif. 90017 B~~k of &~erica NT&SA , \ ~~~~cipal Bon~ept. I P. O. Box 30349 I ~vs An3eles, Calif. 90030 ... Firs~ W~stern Bank . . 'Bond .Investment. .Dept . . 548 South" Spring Street Los Angeles, Calif. 90013 ~ 3~~~ of California \ 550 South Flo:1er St~eet ~05 Angeles, Calif. 90054 A~t~: ~u~icipal Bond Dept. F. T. duPont, Glore Forgan & Co. 833 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, Calif. 90014 3~t~man Eichler, Hill Richards, Ir~c. " .. 0 S ..... . S" S . ..... ~U oUvn pr~ng ~reev Los An&eles, Calif. 90013 Gold~an, Sachs & Co. 600 Sout~ Spring Street TOS ~"~~,~S C~'i~ C~Ol. h ~ ~~~6~-~) a~~~. ~u _~ .., i ...J Blyth Eastman Dillon & Co., J:ncornorated P..O. Box 3128 Los Angeles, Calir. 90054 Gross and Company, Inc. 900 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 1500 Los Angeles, Calif. 90017 C~ocker-Cit1zens National Bank . ~ 611 West Sixth Street Los Angeles) Calif. 90017 Attn: Edward McLeod Investment Of ricer Halsey, Stuart & Co.) Inc. 523 West 6th St~eet Los Angeles, Calif. 90014 . . At+-'" .'o.n ";;' 0 ' ~.. " J v... u .. n .... . -'\ee Ie, r.. Cro~ell, W~edon & Co., Inc. 629 South Spring Street Los Aneeles, Calir. 90014 Ha~ris) Upham & Co. 615. South Flower Street Los ~neeles, Calif. 90017 Eas~~a~ Dillon, Union Securities & Co. 525 Wilshire Boulevard :os ^nzeles, .Calif. 90017 E. F. Hutton & Co., Inc. 623 South Sprin~ Street T ,. 1 . 4 ~os Ange es, Calif.. 9001 ....., -....J ( ( 2712 S~~: FRA~CISCO, CALI~O~X=A r ..... ":';:'::'.::J~I:on Brothers ~;t_.~:<. of A:nerlca Center. 5?? California Street ~~::.te 3900 s~~ F~ancisco, Ca1ir~ 9~10~ S~~~an, Agnew & Co. 65~ C~1ifornia Street S~~ ~~ancisco, Cali~. 9~108 f /\ ? S. Smithers & Co., Inc. ...:.')~ Ba::;~ of' Arnerica Center . ,-/, '-- SaZ1 Fran~isco, Calii'. 94104. [ [ Sto~~ & Youngberg O~2 Ca1irornia Street S~~ ~~~~c~~co Ca. l;~ 94.1'1 ~_... ..... _......J......, _... . ..... At~n: Consu~ting Dept.. Room 2750 Ston2 ~ Youneberg ,One California Street S ~ 3 C l'~ 94111 a~ ~ranc~sco, a ~~. ~ Attn: Room 2800 . . . . , " " , " , " . , . ~ :: ... ;. . '. . . , .. " (cont'c.) Heeden & Co. 315 Montgo~ery Street San Francisco, Calif.. 94104 U~lells Far60 I3anl< 46~ California St.reet San Francisco, Calif. 94120 Dean Witter & Co. 45 Montgowery Street San Francisco, Calif. 94106 t,rooa~ S.:......'.~'n::>r...., t,r.: nt.nro..... . ~, ) "'..:. """ L.... \;; ~ cc .... .. ~ 1801 International Building San Francisco, Calif. 94108 " . " .' 2713 ( ( ~I"\\.,T.. '":i'';"')\.\.~:n-;-~co .... _.,..v~.... ) Cl..~ II.' O~:J I:\ \ ~ ~~~~ of A~~~ica NT&SA ?nc First Bos.ton Corp. lJ.6t:;: C l~ro . -, J a -1..4 o::::-nla Str~et San ~ra~~~~co C~'.~ 9h'Oh .. .."-'........... ~ ~.....~.J... "1.... ~ -....; ~.. ':. -::':::: ?::.,.. J O:~;t. i-fe lI:1 ~u~~o1pal ~nderwriting Dept. ?O. Box 37003 Rincon Annex ~~~ ~-~-C1SCO C"'4~ 94137 u.;:..... ,j......c.....~ _ , ,,:.;..._.......1.. First California Co~pany Bond Depart;:;ent 555 California Street San Francisco> Calif. 94104 3~~~ o~ A~erica Financial C~~5u1tinz Service :;0. 3298 ? O. Box 37004 :~S~n Francisco> Calif'. 94137 --- T~~ Eank of Cali~ornia~ N.A. ~~~~c!?al Bo~d Dept. ~00 Calif'orn~ Street Halsey~ . Stuart & Co., Inc. Ba~~ of Awerica Center Suite 3425 . San Francisco> Calif'. 94104 ~~.~ ~~~~~~~~o C-~~~ ...__~.;,;..... ...'..L ..:.....~~tJ\,; > G....:..__.._ . 94104 Harris Trust & Sav.~~s ~a~~ -..C> JI"..J ........ 3930 Bar:x of America Plaza. S~n Francisco, Calif. 91404 t,-<-':"?"l- v.a....' A OIL-- ..\'\01... .. _x. ec.ry 5~rtle Wells Associates 150 Post Street Sa~ Francisco> Calif. 9~I08' E~~2~2~ Eichle~, Hill :Ric~ards, Inc. ?~j Caliro~nia Street S~~ ?rancisco> Calif. 94104 Kidder, Peabody & Co. Inc. 50 Cali~ornia Street 35th Floor "San Francisco, Calif. 9~111 Attn: Municipal Bond Dept. . . B"l~~ r.-s~~-~ D~~lon & Co . .)....J v... .....d. W"lC:~.j.. ..:.-'-.. . , I~cor:porated 555 Calirornia Street S-~ ~""a~cisco Cal~_'~. ghlOll Co... :.'.. .. > _.. T"T.'SO"" T.r~''''~_ C> S~ - .uo,,', .. ~ h....-1.J.-1.a.ffiS ~ ",ern, .Lnc. 1 Kontgomery Street San Francisco> Calif. 94104 ,., 1 i t ...J Cl~:c, Dodge & Company 555 Calirorn~a Street San Francisco> Calir. 94104 Lel"_'ilan Brothers One'Bush Street San Francisco, Calif. 94104 Crocker-Citizens Natl. Bank Invest~ent Department I Ko~tgomery St~eet Sa~ Francisco) Calif. 94104 Merrill Lynch, Pierce Fenner & Smith, Inc. 300 California Street San Francisco, Calif. 94104 S~~lby Cullo~ Davis & Co. S~ite 4290~ B of A Center 555 Californiu Street S~~ ~ranc1sco, Calif. 94104 ;'-';-;;:1: i,:r. Hobert H. Rich Mitchun, Jones. & Tempieton~ Inc. 555 California St~eet San Francisco, Calif. 94104 Att~: Scott R. Lawson E~3t~an Dillon, Un~on S~o~!'ities & Co. oa: C~lifornia Street S~n Francisco, Calif. R. H. Moulton & Co~~a~y Or-a Mar1ti~c Plaza San Fra~cisco, Calif. 94lll ~ 94108 Pa~ne, Webber, Jackson _& C~~~~s 333 Pine Street ~-~ Q~anci"~o C ,-~ c~,~~ ..lCl... ..... .,)\,. l a_~.L. ~Li...U" Attn: Mr. Geo~~e P. Dowley. 1 .......i ".. t -... [ [ / (, r"\-:,....n". .....0 v.._v....v ) ,.., --,-,.... ~ .I"'......~""~-y Tn'" ... v. r._~J~1. ;( "'V...l",J~~J. , - ."",_ ~?? So~~h La Salle St~eet C;:~~~0) Illi~ois 60603 -..".~........... 'l.J'to"'\.-~~~...1 ~ Co I ..'."_ \... ........J, I\...L...~A"".";" ,-U \.C .). nc. ,-.;: ~--....."", La <::,;>1" e St.....,.,,""t _ :., ~ .." ~# '": ;,." l. ...,......J... .i.. \,;:;; \,;;; ;.:~::'.7. 2 ~lO r". .,....,l~-.......l!s "'\503 ~."1:"C':"ZO) ..:.... .........'-1-.. Ou. A. G. 32c~er & Co.) Inc. C~~ 7~~3t National Plaza ~. , I'l".z '0"'70 ~~~~~~o) . ~no~s 0 0 - -: ~. -:.... ';,''t 1 "1 -t a""") ~, Ccm""'any !;)_.:-_~ \ ..___~ ..1 \0;;. .&...p" 235 So~th La Salle Stree~ ,..." . -~,. of "0603 v~~C~~0~ ~~~~~o_s 0 ~0~~~~e~tal Illinois National 3~~k & ?rust Co. o~ Chicago .231 So~th La Salle St~eet C~~~2GO) Illinois 60690 ~~e ?~rst Boston Corp_ :35 Sc~th La Salle Street C~~~~"O T'1i"OiS o'no'04 ."-\""-0 ., -L........__... _ V ~i~s~ ~~tio~al Bank of Chicago O~e ?i~st Nation2l Pl2za C~icago~ Illinois 60670 Att~: 30nd Departme~t F. I. duPont~ Glore :?o::-gan & Co. 135 South La Salle Street Cb~c~so~ Illinois 60603 HalscY~ Stuart & Co.) Inc. 123 Scuth La Salle Street Chicaso~ Illinois 60690 Ha~ris Trust & Savings Bank 111 ~~s~ ~onroe Street Chic~oo) Illinois 60603 Att~: X~nicipal Dept. ( 2714 ILI/I~~G~S ~jut-~I~""SOV"! <:,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,1..-:. .... '-.....-... ,1 ~ ""..vwl"...~y ~ Erley {.: Co. 208 So~th La Salle Street Chicaso, Illi~ois 60604 m"n'" Po........ne....n r.1.....st Co.....u-ny .J.... C ..'4 _ ""'.. .:.. .l ..a..... \.4 .... .;.I., 50 South La Salle Street Chicago) Illinois 60690 Attn: Mr. Lawrence Brown Vic.: ?~esic.ent John Nuv~en & Co., Inc. 209 South La Salle Street C"!];ca.-r'o -.L11~.....O'f- 60'0"4 . -:- 0' ___h _ W . 0 ~ Paine, W~bber) Jackson & Curtis 2~3 Sout~ La Salle Street ,......J -~ ~ " of 60'0'1 v.~~cago) ..l...l..L::..no.-s 0 ~ S~lcillon Brothers 1 First National?laza C~~cago~ Illinois 60670 S~~~'n . ~~~~ey 0 Co' .....- '" ..) ~,-....I,.. u: . O~e First Natio~al Plaza C" . -11 J - 6 6 . n~cago) ~__~no~s 0 03 Stifel, Nicolaus & Co. Inc. 105 West Adans Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 M.'B. Vick & Conpa~y 120 Soath La Salle Street Chicago~ Illinois 60603 ~rnite, Weld & Co. 30 West Monroe Street Chicago~ Illinois 60603 . ... - . . 2715 .. :J,~,-! ~Q::::( c :~':' '\ !'!~~~~/f' ,-,.:)~ :(: \ :::.<-:: .-:c:..o:....;::<l-;; ion r/ia:;:>k~ ~ l:lg :)2:J~~t:n(':n t ,;:., ~'--'':'':">~1 ,\T--'-;O""s P"~z~ . V l ,J......:.. .....'t.;;u ,'ic:..."........j, .La. '- ::~.:: :o:"'!.;:, U.Y. 10017 ~~~~: OLES hdmlnistrato~ K~tt0r, Peabody & Co. 2J ~~cha~ga Place ~;2'.; Yo:::,:":) N. Y. 10005 ~~~~: ~~nicipal 30nd De~t. :.~:.~13:d & Co. 25 3::C-Q2.d Street ""... "0"""" '\T Y '000" .~ \,;;; ., ;. - ......, J'. . __ ..... L~~~rd Freres & Co. ':;l~ ~:!.=.ll Street ~2~ York3 N.Y. 10005 "L2:t23.::l Brothc:rs : ~il~ia~ St:"'eet ;'~"".:1 v'o....'.. NT V ..l." ur'lOO 'I .-........ .... - --;) . . - . ..... ~a~~:2cturers Hanover 'j,':"'Io:.lst Co. 1: J - ~'!~ll Street Nc~ Yo~k~ N.Y. 10015 Xd~~~:l Lynch, Pierce~ Fe~n2r & S~ith> Inc. 70 p......;:. S+-....e....t. --..'- v..,,_ Ne~ York~ K.Y. 10005 Mo~ga~ Guaranty Trust Co~pany of New York 23 H2.11 Street Na~ Yc:::'k, N.Y. 10015 A~tn: Municipal Bond Dept. John Nuveen & Co.~ Inc. 61 3roz.d~'lay ~~~., vo....,. "Y 10000"" .,'=".-.. - - r., J.'t. . A~t~: U~derwr1t1n3 Dept. " , ~ O~.'- a r~ ) \\..0 .."" '-4 Phelps, Fenn & Co. '39 B:",oad"'lay New York~ N.Y. lao06 ..... - .... . ...'" C I nooseve~~ ~ ~oss, nc. l~O Hall St::-eet ~''->l.y 'fo....7r 'H Y 10005 ."i \;; '" _ .J,.."t. , J.\. . L. F. Rothschild & Co. 99 Willia~:St::-eet New York~ N.Y. 10038 Attn: Xunicipa1 Bond Dept. Salo~on Brothe~s O~e New York Plaza New"York~ N.Y. 10a04 ..... Shields & Co. 1.~4 ~'l211 Street N2w York, N.Y. 10005 'Attn: Municipal Dep~rtmen~ Herbert J. Sims & Co.> Inc. 77 1.1::1....""'.,... S~.".,''''o.... . -""'......- ""-\:;~v N~w York, N.Y. 10005 ~ Smith~ Barney & Co. 20 Broad St::-eet N~~ York, N.Y. Ip005 --' '. ~..' G. Weeks & Co.; Inc. S~ite 812, 11 Broadway . New Yor!-<:~ N. Y. 10004 Wh1te~ Weld & Co. 20 Broad Street. New York, N.Y. 10005 Attn: Mr. 1.1. G." Fletcher' Wilson White, Bel~, ~ake7 Rochlin Municipals, Inc. 711 Trinity Place Neil Yor;.;:) N. Y. 10006. ~ ~ ~. . " " ~ ....... .. .'. ... .'. r- ! f .... [ [ I' \ ( ,. 2716 r...."'" i..,,:':,",\_;~_.... O"'r:'l- ,...-.--::. CO _\..J: J\,...........\,.,-.'-~u"'.....,.'-v..\,,; . ':;''''' "'if. _ ';'\v'\" ..\11'-:.1,........ C'. S~:..-.-,,'='.l-.- ~ ........... \';4 U. '-....L. \..1.......""""-'-"1. J ). ~. , . ~v..~n~.:.~al)O~lS ) :v:.:~:::~.:;ot~ D:;' TE: Novemb8r 15., 1973 RE: The. Redc:;velopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino The following is a Est of dealers to whom we wish sent copies of the OZficial Statement on the above mentioned bonds: Al1ison- Vlilliams Company 24-:;5 Norlhwestern Bank Building lV:inneapolis, Minn. 55402 Atti1: Wrr. Ray Gilligan BfltlCnorrhw es t Y:'~''''':-h\''''''s-L::>''''n Ran!. B.:':lcu"no- .1.'\v...... J. y '""", ......... u 1...., UJ.J. 0 :Lv~:~neapolis, Minn. 5S~02 3ancnorthwest 1 First Natiol1al Plaza Chicago, Illinois 60670 1""";";n ~""'lm~n .Q. Qua':l T,.,,.,o.,....,...,o....,....erl .i..J..:..:..! ~-".::;. ....._1... ~ ...., ....t..\"" ..1.p A.a.... \...4 Ie:> Dain Tower Mi:meapolis, Minn. 55402 1 CO?y each to: ~r. Nick Schaps, Mr. 8tam:on Aby Piper, ]affray & Hopwood, Incorporated 115 SO:.!th 7th Street Minneapolis, r.1inn. 55402 Attn: Mr. Robert Davis . . Paine, \Vebber) Jackson & Curtis, Incorporated Pillsbury Building ...,. l' M- ---LiD? .i.v~:nneapo IS) . ann. ;);) ~ _ AtLn: Mr. Robert Krysa ?irst National Bank of St. Paul 332 ~v!innesota Street St. Paul, Minn. 55101 . i.nn: Mr. John Mullel1 Ju::-.an &. Moody) lnc. l ~':1 E. 7th Street c- ?'1 'If' ~ 5-101 loJ~. ...a..l . .\11nl.. ;)... 1..:::1. Mr. Robert Sander ~Ji2> / . fttJ.'ir..ic!" /~/S- . " , ( "2717 ~.C:-..\Ile:c:~~rt s~ CQ. 2 :::;:"0~d\"/3Y . . - 'T '" T 'T .\:... _ . ~ 1"'. 1 . :CJ04 ':\..-.... T"'. "::- ''),.-'" ... :.~,,-.... I' ~ .1.1.. . ..'0..1...... I. .\.~.. bV 1:::> St2n2a::-J &. Poor's S.~5 H~ds0" S~reet N.Y.~ N.Y. ~ S8.;.~.3Y and COmp2.;1Y) me. 3'279 Pca(:nrree Rd., N. E. t, -'...~-':l Ga 30~2o'" .J,......~...L"', . '-' \Vcod 3L"os. -Peebles I~ves~U1en;: err: 5575 Poplar Ave. Merr.phis~ Tenn.. 38117 Seasongood & Mayer- 7"'1 D~ "e 'T'::>rm'n-:l1 P.:~C' I v.) ..Xl oJ. c... .l..~.. !J"'--'-co, .-'';r.-;T'! .,-i O;...iO .1-?Q? ~.......,,-......n~&...., .J...... .~-- VI/oolsey & Company, In::: First 'Natio~al Ce~ter 01 1 .. . C' 0' 1 73" O? ~.( ai10ma 1 DJ ~ .,...a . 1._ S~llers Investment CO:ri'lpany, In(:. 2076 Union Ave. .. r!::>-.-.-:"\-,.,~s r,-,1 enn 3811<! J.\~,,"",j..1~':-'i.l.l I ... _..- .uT....;.~h- & Tae'....-on T~e VV.L .L6' I.. J .,,:::> l , ..11 . 2500 S:erick Bldg. Memphis~ Tenn. 38103 S-aeed-Thor-n-McMullan, Inc. ~.6-:0 DopOSi:- G"~"'':ll'''l-Y B~nk 'Dldrr ....&..7. _" .... u...:;;......."""""..t.. ~..... JJJ,. O. 1'...,...1__"'... 't,'.s~ 39?0' J.....I"...::-.:::>v~. J ..vil ~. - Jo. Z':l~l.nl' ?,"":'" a"'~ CO""'"'D::Jny - ... .-. ....\....:. ....1i--.. 127 \V. 10th Kansas City J Mo. 64105 ~-.-:>-..... ""Y"o-.no.,...~ & Co ....., t.vJ...,,;:J..... l.. '-.....:::i . 9 1.Nest lOG; St.. '":r,.,~.~,., ~ C;ry '\/.'o 6,4199 ;.'~...;:)c.:::i .41., ~"J.. -::. ~ St~fel, Nicolaus & Co. ~ lne. 3:1.4 N. Broadway St. Louis~ Mo. 63102 -..Ii Stix & Co., Inc. 319 N. Foun:h St. St. Louis, Mo. 63102 Valey National Bank of Arizona P.O. Box 71 Phoenix~ Ariz. . 85004 G.H. VTalker, Laird~ Inc. 55 V!ater St. N.Y., N.Y. 10041 \7.[ ells J Townes & Co., Inc. 1931 Union Ave. '\ '''"''-:-\ h.S ~1 enn .v_""",..l.p.....l , " . 38104 ~ -....I . . "... ~ . .... [ [ -_-,,-;,----1 't~r~l'" ., nl""ou':~..:::e ""J..H:'"ied~ic::s & CO. ..\0...1.._,,-'-, 'tVe 4) .J_(.\.~. .1....,..., , ~: ~ C~::o:1C:el~~ St. '-.-"'/ O-~.-::.':l-'<:: T.... 70130 1"~. ....."-~,,I,....) .....~. ..... }':...:-.:~l1inson, Shockey, Er ley & Co. 2:3 S. La Salle St. C:::cs.go, Ill. 60604 l~.-.~:off- :\immo & Co. 8:..7 17i:h St. L)2:wer, Cola 80202 "T_ ,..',-..... M.'.n.;c.;p....1s Inc .;::..",,:.,..;:,...,;1 I 4U..... .1 .:...... , 1. . .:~J5 D. Bailey & Bailey Place -. M" 392'"''' j8.c:ZSO:l, .. .1SS. uo ]~!:;:-,ey, Montgomery, Scott, Ine. 5 Pe:l:1 Center ?:-..i:s.delphia, Pa. 19103 :Ce;:;,ower, lvfacA::::'thur & Co. , "? " ""0-04 B' a' rr iv.--:'; ;:' .1..U 1 O. Dei:roit, Mich. 48226 .'.,'-.., T OO"D & ""'0 l'u..~.., _..... ~. ,(0 Wall St. NT v Ni Y lu^OO~ l..:...)~.. ...." Le.denburg, Thalmann & Co. 25 B:-oad St. N. Y., N. Y. 10004 Loeb, Rhoades & Co. 42 Viall St. N. Y. , N. Y. 1 GODS !v:s.nley, Bennett, McDonald & Co. llC:' Buhl Bldg. T':::''''-O';-L M- ';ch t.8??6 ;...,1........1....... ..:.. , ....... l.. ..-- -. ,....-~t.,..'l (I, ~l"",T""r Inc ~'I.;:._ ;:,~.o;.:..l. ~'- l"_'-'J c) . "-r-- 'iO -0'" B1drr J. I v;) 1'i r l . . '.::> . S~c,.t~:e J 'Nash. 98104 '" ',..--~- '" & HT""'gh- .'I...~....e../S" Vy;... ..1.., "0 " r 11 S- .,;' \ 'r n ....l. L . ~. Y . J N. Y. 10005 Inc. ( 2718 ti:cCor-mic~z &. Co., Inc. ? 4'~.-~- '-T"'ti.--''ll p1~za _ . J...L..., L 1'". ...u..,,- "''''-- Chicago, ui. 60670 Munci Corp. of Califo~nia 1888 Century Park Eas~ Los An~eles, Cal. 9C067 . New Yo:-k Hanseatic COQ. 60 Broad St. N. Y. , N. Y. 1 CG04 Ol1io Company 51 N. High Street Columbus, Ohio 43216. Perry, Adams & Lewis, Ir1c. 1012 Baltimore Ave. .., ,..," M 6'" ,,- .i.\.ansas \..IlLY J r 10. ..1.V;) .\iifilliam E. Pollock & Co. 160 Water St. N.y., N.Y. 10038 Rauscher Pierce Securities Corp . 400 Travis Park West San Antonio, Texas 78205 Reinholdt & Gardner 50S Olive St. . St. Louis, Mo. 63101 Reynolds Securities:1 lne. 120 Broadway N.Y., N. Y. 10005 '. Robe::::'ts, Scott &. Co.) Ir:.c. "G'l"-S- '!I.T~ t~onal B~ -', n, ~,- J. .:.. :.. I'id. .I. .. ..1..,- n...u.j;,. 7 California c::,. D'; C 1 9?T O' ......nJ.ego) a. _'" 1 So. Rowles, \Vinston &. Co. 200 Houston Nat. G~s Bldg. . HotJ.stonJ Texas 77C02 lPl r-o :"'1,. :~~. -:lll""._"'." 2719 " '.- __y T. T.. "'-,_.~ _~.--; --............... ... At.. .....o.......U ~ \"...L >~,.. ~~:::: & C-.J.;. I rie . .-::': C .:::. -;n.--r S"'--:>o:;:- ~....~ 0. '-"P......I.:::> LJ.&';;C.. .. 4 1 C 1 9",....' ~ ':""08 j"ng4es, a..... vv...." ;.:::: 3~ker C:-1~;se Marihattr.n Bank : \:l:ase Plaze " V :\.T Y .\. . ., ~". . 10015 7,r~--,'~,~ M''''zde''' ......'-..-...J.J.... . iU .... lv~c::rrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith 165 Broadway, 25th Floor i\. Y. ~ N. Y. 10006 (3 copies) Col:..:mbian Securities, rnc. . 79 Vi. Monroe St. ,..... . ~l' 60' 1\'" ....G::.cago, 1 1. ;)v,) 'V'r-"~G" Sm;"'''' <'. Pe""o""~ -l:--'.,.t'. ~ ,-,-.i.:l>, L i~l...;..'" ~" C-\", '-...,) _ 3~43 N. Central Ave. PhOenix, Arizona 85012 T'I"_~Q'6rson Fo'" & Co .r:;C:~J. C .;. 7 ,-,"~(' .. 135 Cain S1:. J N. vII. A rla:1ta) Georgia 30303 UT~JTC } r.~~.,i ~l"""ua 1 T....nves:me:l.tS _'_J. .l\_........__... _ .. - 10f) '\.i M . B1' ;.00 1":. 1. laIn . ...ag. :tvIemphis, Tenn. 38103 C~:a.r.iler Newman Seeu...~ties, Inc. 39 S. La Salle St. ChicagoJ Ill. 60603 ".... - """"ac'- & De""''' r,..,c \....J..:....:..:.i.L~.L "","'.J. ...a.. a. ) .1... . 51CO Poplar Ave. J Suite 2014 M8mphis, Tenn. 38137 U:-~icn Planters National Barr.l,;; 67 :v:adison Ave. ." Yo:; .~~~ """'lenn .V"''"''~P1J.'''.ti J &~. 38103 "::> '1' Torn e>r &. Co J...i. j. .L......\...o_.." "-" ~ . 6:5 S. Spring St. Los Angeles J Cal. 90014 ( Andcl.-sv~1 Pc:(:.:-.::; &. I-IUi:i:J 1 VI:.i i:Ci1a 11 St. NT ,r NT Y "J. OOV"'.L.... l.J...,.... . J. C. Br~dford & Co. Sterick Bldg. Memphis J Tenn. 38103 Barr Brou'1ers & Co., Inc. 40 \Vall Street N. Y..;, N. Y. 10005 George K. Baum & Co. 1016.Baltimore Ave. Kansas City 1 Mo. 64105 '-~ l...",. ...... - Bosworth, Sullivan & Co., be. 660 17th St. Denv~:;:-, Colo. 80202 nDl1-l"'~'<:>-- &. ~,;-o-Qr .....,.....C..1. u..a..J....o'" 30 Broad St. N. Y. ) N. Y. 10004 Glenn W ~ Cs.an, rnc. 1201 N. Prospect Ave. , Milwat:kee, \Visc. 53202 . Chero:<ee Securities Co. 95 Vihite Bridge Road Nashville, Tenn. . 37205 The Chicago Corporation 208 S. La Salle St. Chicago, Ill. 60604 Chiles J H eicer & Co. J Ine. 1300 \Voodmen Tower Omaha, Neb. 68102 ~ -..; ~ - r .... [ [ -:. . '. ......- .. .. ~. ~ -\ ;-"l':.",,}. u....~'-....'-'.... "'. v.....:->\...O.... ~~:,8 \.-/;..-':i1;.l~ S~. ...:,...........-'..."':.....~~.'"'t n~ 10::~~12 _...i....-'-~.1..J.4...'-, ...~. /_v -" .. ....... --. .. ...2,(~\t/C:-...I"\~..iS \..~ i-i~1:--'i)r 1 \'li1itci1~11 S~. '\. T ,r '\. T " i C" '\ ,f .1". 1 ., 1'\. J.. ..... VU..... 2720 0", ,- - Tn"o...........o-~ t""d \-J..:;.."..J..l. it, !\wo J..;;J ..... ~ "'" :20: N. ProsD~ci:Ave. :',,~i~wua~,ce~ \Visc. 53202 E~1.....licl1- Bober Co:np~:1Y 7r. D~"'e S"" v .... .Jr.". f... N v '\.~ V 10"'ln- . A . , pl. .. . uv;) :~. C. ChriStopher & Co. ../~ -; ~P'"'P-J. ;";'""'\r T l'T'e RIder -- - v_v,"", .....J ~. .J O. ~-=--v~- Colo SO?O? ;..,J....,.. '-"J...) - _ _ Fel-ris S~ COr.1par.y, Inc. 1720 Eye St., N. \V. \Vas::ingtoil, D. C. 20C06 """_-:"-r"'l,..l"n S::>c""""';r;es \...-v..~...L.;.)....,.. v uJ.........- 79 Vfest Monroe St. rl~....i '"'~:TO -J.' "11 60603 '-..1..&....'"-"-0) . ?id~lis SecuriLies Corp. 35203 First Nat. So. NatTs Bldg. B" "" Al "'-"'0'" lrilllngGam, a. ,J.:>L ,J r-r-', -'!..1 ~ & Co In"'" \..Jv'--~i.J....~n. . , .\".".. .. ..... '"''' ,..., "-st NTat-;o"".... 1 Raruk B1do- .l.L:~\J 1'1... . - ~ !:~.L JJ ... O. ~~:-.ver:l Colo. 80202 Fidelity Secu:;:-ities~ Inc. 1131 Srerick B:dg. M - , . ~,...,... 38' 0" .:.eUip.U::i, 1 enn . J..:) r"'-~-:":'"l-t1^""'" <:".nme""'~"7' & CO T""C ""--~;":'..i..&..6: a..LJ..L, u\...oJ. 1 ....... I....LI . ., .....~ .. 19CO Union Bs.n~< Bldg. . "Y~,-~.......".,...'T~ 'Da 1~2?? ... ;"L,,",~J,J~... 01., ~. v_... Gibralco, Inc. 9100 \Vilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills~ Cal. 90212 .::)ze &: N.s.ab Securities Co. 2J9 S. La Salle 5:. nl.,.;caC'o Tll o'OoC.O.1. '\...Jl........ tV) 4... . ... .,.-. "':0 T: -=;: 0, S,., ,..,.....c"'.....ri T.,.,C .rja!ll..~n, ~mno....... ~ .....u..v...I..4, ....... . 162.tS Tremont Place Deriver, Colo. 80202 Delta Securities, Ine. -: ~('\O \^'o"""-hon B!l n" BlrlO" .A..uv' I... L VA ~ J.~ U.o . ~ .~+, "" Roc'. A~'. - 72?Ol Ll L'-...." .I.. ~ J J... ..., . . _ Harrison &: Company 120 E. 4th St. Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Dicldnson & Co., R.G." - 910 Grand Ave. Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Heitner Corporation 312 N. 6th St. St. Louis, Mo. 63101 Dillon, Read Municipals> Inc. <:3- \'lall St. ' N~ Y. > N. Y. - 10005 Hess, Grant & Frazier, Inc ~ 123 S'. Broad St. Philadelohia ~ Pa. 19109 Do::-sey & Co., Inc. i012 Hibernia Bldg. "Y.ew O:-leans, La. 70112 Hill;> Crawf'o.....d & Lar.fcl"G, Inc. 805 Boyle Bldg. Little Rock, Ark. 72201 '1""',.",,,,.,_ 'U"ls-on I""c LJ..J.~.Jv"..L.7 VI to,..L l..... !6. . 77 Water St. . i v N Y 10r'lO- .:~. .... . ) .&.. v:> ';;:7"1" R"" . '" C .vl1 lam . nougn &. o. 924 First Fed. Bldg. St. Petersburg, Fla. 33731 I):";Jree & Co., Joc. :~J2 Security Trust Bldg. Lc:.:ir.gtoi1, Ky. 40507 !CI:vJ?'JP ';/ j~ ( ( 2721'. ....:_~.,...... '...."1."'\ "nr' ~o.~~7"\"l~Y .......vv_ t,;) J l..i&. "'..1.. Li..t\,..L '\.....# "~.~\...40.L.L 8C SC:..:.~:~ 6i:h. St~c~r "\ .' . - .., - ,- - ,.. 1 . <..: "\ " : ~ 1 .v.....;,;......::"'-..:-'v...l.,." "'\Jo...:.~"l . 55.:;02 ~ 1-'~- '~"v"':>e'""' <'. I~O T....CO--.,,"""'''t''''rl Jv....~, .,\,- ....... 1. ~ '-' _.' ....!Jo, ..... ~V.... t:.. Ir,,:;.U ,,- .-.~ -,. '\.~" . '"' '''''"1'' L~~J ~::r5t l~~tlonal bD.n...~ nUl Glng c:> "9" l' i ;\ ,7 i..., r. :;.::; 1 01 u_. ..<..0.'-1') ..v....... VvJ. ... 1''.::::1: Mr. WC111ace Fis:~ -- --., . r1 orc (> '~1 1 I .:-.:.:J.:Jar...., onnor ~ v' eeKS, nc. S...:I:B 301:1 Capital National Bilnk Building Eouston, Texas 77002 1'-.. S. Hart and Company 1 be. 4~ ~ori:h Second S:reet Me:-.lph:s:l Tennessee 38103 7:~:=:'''7~h':>- and Co,...,....,....':}~y ....,u'-' i..~\.,..."..._J.. 1 t ~""',1J~4ll. 823 17th SLreet Ij~::ver 1 Colorado 80202 .., , -..J ....... --" r ..... [ [ 2722 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD APRIL 3, 1975, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, ROOM 302, SAN BER- NARDINO, CALIFORNIA In the absence of the Chairman, Vice Chairman Alan Guhin called the meeting to order at 4: 10 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Guhin, Blum, Wilson and Stephenson Agency Members Absent: Perea, Green and Hodgdon Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary MINUTES: The Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting held March 13, 1975 were pre- sented for approval. Motion was made by Stephenson and seconded by Blum approving the Minutes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Stephenson, Wilson and Guhin Noes: None Abstentiorl :None Absent: Perea, Green and Hodgdon The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 20, 1975 were presented for approval. Mrs. Blum stated that under "Other Business" she would like it stated that she felt the discussion and questions raised by the Council were very beneficial, in that it helped everyone to more fully understand the matter and set forth the Agency.s desire to keep the City and Community completely informed. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Wilson approving the Minutes of March 20, 1975, as revised. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: A yes: Blum, Wilson, Stephenson and Guhin Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea, Green and Hodgdon REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory stated that Mr. Greenestone has reduced his suit from $3,000,000 to $1,500,000. AWARD OF CONTRACT, PHASE I, SEWER STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AMPHITHEATER: A tabulation of bids for Phase I was reviewed. The low bid was in the amount of $9,986.50 received from Salgado Construction Company. The Staff was unable to find any adverse opinions regarding the company.s qualifications. After review the following resolution was introduced: 2723 RESOLUTION NO. 3026 ..... RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH SALGADO CON- STRUCTION COMPANY, PHASE I, SEWER LINE, COLLEGE PARK, AMPHITHEA TER ........ WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino invited competitive sealed bids for Phase I, Sewer Line, within the State College Project; and WHEREAS, an Invitation for Bid therefore was duly published in the San Bernardino Sun Telegram, a newspaper of general circulation for two weeks and an Affidavit showing such publication is on file in this Agency; and WHEREAS, a number of such bids were received at the time and place speci- fied and said bids were opened and read aloud in public. The lowest quali- fied bid was offered by Salgado Construction Company, in the amount of $9,986.50; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino has accepted the bid of Salgado Construction Company, as it is in the best interest of this Agency. .., NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that subject to the approval of the Con- tractor by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the bid of Salgado Construction Company, in the amount of $9,986.50, is hereby accepted and the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute the Contract for Phase I, Sewer Line, College Park Amphitheater. -J Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3026. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Wilson, Stephenson and Guhin Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea, Green and Hodgdon CONTRACT WITH GRUEN ASSOCIATES - CENTRAL CITY NORTH SUPPLEMENTAL REDEVELOPMENT PLAN REPORT: Mr. Quinn explained that in order to tie Central City Northinto our Overall Plan of Development, it is necessary to have a Supplemental Redevelopment Plan Report prepared for Central City North. The Reports are required by law. Mr. Wilson asked if additional studies will be necessary. Mr. Quinn stated that he can see a need for marketing analysis studies and specific studies which will benefit the Agency in drawing particular developers into the area. After review, the following resolution was introduced: ~ ......", [ [ ,... L 2724 RESOLUTION NO. 3027 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH GRUEN ASSOCIATES CALIFORNIA PROJECTS, INC., CENTRAL CITY NORTH, SUPPLEMENTAL REDEVELOPMENT PLAN REPORT WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services to prepare a Supplemental Redevelopment Plan Report and Program in con- nection with the adopted Redevelopment Plan for Central City North, encom- passing the implementation programs set forth in the Plan of Development - Interim Report, Overall Central City; and WHEREAS, Gruen Associates California Proj ects, Inc., have proposed to provide this service for an amount not to exceed $17,500, plus an additional $19,000 for visual aids and graphic material required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into contract with Gruen Associates, California Projects, Inc., Central City North, Supplemental Redevelopment Plan Report. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said contract shall not exceed the sum of $17,500 for the services required, plus an additional $19,000 for visual aids and graphic material. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Stephenson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3027. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Wilson, Stephenson and Guhin Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea, Green and Hodgdon FIRE STATION LEASES: Mr. Quinn explained that the City would like to build three fire stations within the City, but do not have the funds themselves at this time. Bids were solicited for the construction of the fire stations. The Agency has agreed to build the facilities with the understanding that the City will buy them from the Agency in Fiscal Year 1975-76. Mr. Quinn explained that the reasons for the Agency building the facilities and leasing with an option to buy to the City are as follows: Cost Savings; Possible reduction of fire insurance premiums; providing of modern facilities; Elimination of an unnecessary fire station; Better fire protection coverage; and Lowering of response time. The fire stations will benefit the surrounding redevelopment project areas. 2825 Mr. Quinn explained that the City owns the land at 19th and Del Rosa and 21st and Muscott. The Agency will enter into a Ground Lease with the City leasing this area for the construction of two facilities. The other site is at Kendall Drive, which property is already owned by the Agency. A lease will be entered into with the City, whereby they will lease the three facilities upon completion. A Purchase Agreement will also be entered into, setting forth that the City will purchase the three facilities and real property at the Kendall Drive Site, within Fiscal Year 1975-76. Mr. Quinn further advised that bids were solicited for the construction of the three facilities. The low bid was received from Orange County Environmental Developers, Inc. in the amount of $308,000. It is recommended that upon execution of the Purchase Agreement by the City, that a contract be entered into with Orange County environmental Developers for the construction of the three facilities. After careful review, the following resolutions were introduced: ..... -- RESOLUTION NO. 3028 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE GROUND LEASE WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, FOR FIRE STATION FACILITY SITE AT 19TH AND DEL ROSA ~ WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency, as a creation of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, is empowered to assist and cooperate local public jurisdictions in the development of public facilities; and -.J WHEREAS, one of the proposed locations for a new fire station facili~y is at 19th and Del Rosa Avenue, which property is owned by the City of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino desires to lease this site to the Agency for $1.00 per year, in order that the Agency can assist the City in the develop- ment of a fire station facility on said site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute Ground Lease with the City of San Bernardino, for Fire Station Facility Site at 19th and Del Rosa, for $1. 00 per year. Motion was made by Stephenson and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3028. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Stephenson, Blum, Wilson and Guhin Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea, Green and Hodgdon JIIOIIllI! - [ [ "... f '-- 2726 RESOLUTION NO. 3029 RESOL UTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE GROUND LEASE WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, FOR FIRE STATION FACILITY SITE AT 21ST AND MUSCOTT WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency, as a creation of the Mayor and) ~mmon Council of the City of San Bernardino, is empowered to assist and cooperate local public jurisdictions in the development of public facilities; and WHEREAS, one of the proposed locations for a new fire station facility is at 21st and Muscott, which property is owned by the City of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino desires to lease this site to the Agency for $1.00 per year, in order that the Agency can assist the City in the develop- ment of a fire station facility on said site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute Ground Lease with the City of San Bernardino, for Fire Station Facility Site at 21st and Muscott, for $1.00 per year. Motion was made by Stephenson and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3029. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Stephenson, Blum, Wilson and Guhin Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea, Green and Hodgdon RESOLUTION NO. 3030 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE LEASE WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR THREE FIRE STATION FACILITIES LOCATED AT - KENDALL DRIVE, 21ST & MUSCOTT AND 19TH & DEL ROSA WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency, as a creation of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, is empowered to assist and cooperate local public jurisdictions in the development of public facilities; and WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino desires the Redevelopment Agency to construct three fire station facilities to be located at - Kendall Drive, 21st and Muscott and 19th and Del Rosa; and 2727 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has accepted the assignment of the City for the construction of these fire stations, in accordance with Section 33445 of the Community Development Law; and ...... - WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency ownes the land for the Kendall Drive Site, and has authorized the execution of Lease Agreements for the property at 21st and Muscott and 19th and Del Rosa from the City; and WHEREAS, upon the construction of these three fire stations, it is the desire of the Agency and City to lease said facilities to the City of San Bernardino. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute Lease Agreement with the City of San Bernardino for three fire station facilities, to be located at Kendall Drive, 21st and Muscott and 19th and Del Rosa, subject to approval and execution of the Purchase Agree- ment between the Agency and the City. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3030. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Stephenson, Blum, Wilson and Guhin Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea, Green and Hodgdon .... RESOLUTION NO. 3031 --i RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF FIRE STATIONS, BY THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO (KENDALL DRIVE, 21ST & MUSCOTT and 19TH & DEL ROSA) WHEREAS, in cooperation with the City of San Bernardino, the Redevelopment Agency has agreed to construct three fire station facilities. Said facilities will be located at Kendall Drive, 21st & Muscott and 19th & Del Rosa; and WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino will be leasing these fire station facilities from the Redevelopment Agency; and WHEREAS, the City desires to purchase the above facilities and real property connected with the Kendall Drive Site, out of any available funds during their Fiscal Year 1975-1976. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute Agreement for Purchase of Fire Stations, by and between ~ -...I [ [ ir IL 2728 the Agency and the City of San Bernardino, for facilities to be located at Kendall Drive, 21st & Muscott and 19th & Del Rosa, for the sum of $386,010, payable within the City's 1975-1976 Fiscal Year 0 Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Stephenson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No 0 3031. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Stephenson, Blum, Wilson and Guhin Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea, Green and Hodgdon RESOLUTION NO 0 3032 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CON- STRUCTION OF THREE FIRE STATION FACILITIES, AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR SAME TO ORANGE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPERS, INC 0 WHEREAS, in cooperation with the City of San Bernardino, the Redevelopment Agency has agreed to construct three fire station facilities 0 Said facilities will be located at Kendall Drive, 21st & Muscott and 19th & Del Rosa; and WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino has agreed to purchase said facilities within their Fiscal Year 1975-1976; and WHEREAS, competitive bids were received by the City of San Bernardino for the construction of said facilities, the lowest being received from Orange County Environmental Developers, Inc 0' in the amount of $308,0000 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that upon the execution of the Agreement for Purchase of Fire Stations, by the City of San Bernardino, the Redevelopment Agency does hereby authorized the Chairman and Secretary to enter into contract with Orange County Environmental Developers, Inc 0' for the construction of the fire station facilities, for an amount not to exceed $308,0000 Motion was made by Stephenson and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No 0 3032, upon the execution of the Purchase Agreement by the City 0 The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Wilson, Stephenson and Guhin Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea, Green and Hodgdon 4: 40 p om 0 - Mr 0 Green arrived at the meeting 0 APPOINTMENT OF FISCAL AGENT: Mr 0 Quinn explained that upon the award of the College Project $2,000,000 notes, it is necessary to appoint a Fiscal Agent to handle the transactions of necessary coupons 0 Bank of America has been designated and it is now necessary to adopt a resolution to this effect 0 The following resolution was introduced: T!li4lli/ii!ll1aUl!1l 2729 RESOLUTION NO. 3033 ..... RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING FISCAL AGENT -- WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 6, of Resolution No. 3010, of the Redevelop- ment Agency, the Chairman and Secretary are authorized to appoint an appro- priate person or company to act as Fiscal Agent in connection with $2,000,000 State College Project No.4 Notes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed to appoint Bank of America, Los Angeles, California, as Fiscal Agent for the $2,000,000 State College Project No.4 Notes. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No.3033. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Blum, Stephenson, Green and Guhin Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Hodgdon OTHER BUSINESS: Mrs. Blum stated that it was noted in the paper that some of the parcels recently purchased were not bought at the appraised price. She asked Mr. Quinn if he would explain why. Mr. Quinn stated that an appraisal is merely an opinion of what the property is worth. If an individual does not want to sell his property for the appraised price, and the price is within reason, the Agency will usually purchase the parcel at the buyers desired selling price. ..., p f -...j Mr. Stephenson asked if the new staff members have been hired. Mr. Quinn stated that Jerry Winstead has been hired as Special Assistant to the Chairman. The other position has not yet been filed. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Green and seconded by Wilson adjourning the meeting at 4: 50 p. m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Wilson, Guhin, Stephenson and Blum Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Hodgdon ~ - / [ [ [ 2730 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 17TH DAY OF APRIL, 1975, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, ROOM 320, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4: 15 porn. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Hodgdon, Wilson, Perea, Stephenson and Guhin Agency Members Absent: Blum and Green Also Present: Mr 0 Quinn, Executive Director; Mr 0 Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs 0 Baxter, Executive Secretary OPERA TION SECOND CHANCE: Mr 0 Hodgdon welcomed the many people attending the meeting representing Opera- tion Second Chance 0 The rendering of the proposed Public Enterprise Center was presented 0 The southwest corner of Highland and Western is planned for the devel- opment of the Genter. The area is approximately 3 acres, which will include space for parking and future expansion of the facilities 0 Mr 0 Hodgdon explained that the funds expended for this facility will be refundable to the Agency 0 $600,000 is anticipated through the Economic Development Adminis- tration 0 An application for grant was submitted to the EDA in Los Angeles for funds for this facility 0 Mr 0 Hodgdon stated that he went to Los Angeles with Mrs. Grice and Mr. Jefferson,to submit this Application to Mr. Wilfred Marshall of EDAo Mr 0 Marshall stated that the application appeared complete 0 It takes approximately 75 days to process an application through EDA 0 It is anticipated that we will go out to bid and start construction no later than July 15, 19750 Mr. Hodgdon further explained that $200,000 is anticipated from the City through Community Development Funds avaible through the Community Development Act of 19740 It is recommended that the Agency advance fund the portion of money anticipated from the City through the Community Development Funds 0 The Agency has already obligated itself for a $10,000 space requirement study and $55,000 has been committed for architectural planning. Items are on the Agenda today to expend funds for Street Improvement Plans and for a Geologic-Seismic Study of the area, along with authorization to purchase the property for the development of this facility 0 Mr 0 Hodgdon pointed out, that through cooperation with the City, the Agency has accepted the assignment of construction of three fire stations within the City. One of these stations is within the vicinity of the proposed Public Safety Facility. The increase in employment due to the construction of these fire stations and the Public Safety Facility was discussed. The Agency will be investing over $1,250,000 within this area in the immediate future 0 ~AI'" :ur . , 2731 ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY, HIGHLAND AVENUE, PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER: ..., Mr. Hodgdon recommended the purchase of 9 1/2 acres of land at the southwest corner of Highland and Western for the development of the Public Enterprise Cen ter . ......J 3.14 acres of this land is for the development of the Center. This parcel is being offered for a cash settlement of $78,729, which represents $25,073 per acre. The parcel was pointed out on the map. The second parcel consists of 3.14 acres and is being offered to the Agency at a sales price of $64,695 or $20,603.50 per acre. This parcel is being offered for purchase with terms of 22% down, and a purchase money deed of trust securing the remaining balance of $50,462 with an interest rate of 7%, with principle and interest payable quarterly on a three year note. Mr. Hodgdon explained that this purchase is contingent upon EDA's favorable approval of the Application for Grant. The third parcel consists of 3 .26 acres and is being offered on an Option to Purchase. They have offered two alternatives on this property. Alternative A is for a total pur- chase price of $82,362 if exercised before May 15, 1975. Alternative B is for a total purchase price of $92,303.25 if exercised by May 15, 1976. The acceptance of this option would of course also be contingent upon favorable action by EDA on the appli- cation for assistance submitted by Operation Second Chance. ., I -.J Mr. Wilson asked if the prices offered were within fair market value. Mr. Hodgdon stated that they are almost exactly the amounts of the assessed values of the property. Many people present in support of Operation Second Chance voiced their thanks to the Agency for the proposed facility and praised the works of Operation Second Chance. Councilman Gregory stated that he knew the Agency would do whatever they could for this organization. Mrs. Grice thanked Mr. Hodgdon for all his help and support. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3034 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE ACQUI- sITIoN OF PROPERTY AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HIGHLAND AND WESTERN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER WHEREAS, Section 33445 of the California Health and Safety Code provides that a Redevelopment Agency may pay all or part of the value of land for and the cost of the installation and construction of any building, facility, structure, or ~ --' [ [ r L 2732 I other improvement which is publicly owned either within or without of a project area, upon determination that such building, facility, structure, or other improve- ment is of benefit to the project area; and WHEREAS, Operation Second Chance is interested in developing a Public Enter- price Center within the vicinity of Highland and Western Avenues, within the City of San Bernardino, the main function of said facility being that of training under priviledged persons in fields of employment; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has expressed their support of said facility and goals of Operation Second Chance; and WHEREAS, Operation Second Chance has submitted to the Economic Development Administration an Application for Assistance for the development of this facility; and " WHEREAS, Mr. A. L. Rist is the owner of property within the area proposed for the development of this facility; and WHEREAS, negotiations have been entered into with Mr. Rist for the purchase of the property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following is hereby authorized, contingent upon EDA's favorable consideration of the Application for Assistance submitted by Operation Second Chance and approved appraisals substantially concurring the purchase prices set forth within the various parcels: SECTION 1: The Redevelopment Agency is hereby authorized to have prepared and executed all the necessary documents for the purchase of Parcel No.1, consisting of 3 .14 acres of land, for a total cash consideration of $78,729. SECTION 2: The Redevelopment Agency is hereby authorized to have prepared and executed all the necessary documents for the purchase of Parcel No.2, consisting of 3.14 acres, for a total sales price of $64,695. 22% shall be paid down with the remaining balance to be paid with an interest of 7%, principle and interest payable quarterly on a three year note. SECTION 3: The Redevelopment Agency is hereby authorized to enter into an Option to Purchase Agreement for Parcel No.3, consisting of 3.26 acres. The terms disclosed in the Option are - Alternative A, $86,481 if exercised before May 15, 1976. Alternative B - $96,918.41 if exercised by May 15, 1977. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3045. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Perea, Stephenson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Blum and Green r ..,#/..- tlU . ",,,*,,,,,,""''''"'' 2733 LeROY CRANDALL & ASSOCIATES - CONTRACT FOR SERVICES GEOLOGIC-SEISMIC STUDY - OPERATION SECOND CHANCE: ...., Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into contract with LeRoy Crandall & Associates for a geologic-seismic study for the proposed Public Enterprise Center for an amount not to exceed $4,500. After review the following resolution was introduced: . ....... RESOLUTION NO. 3035 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH LeROY CRANDALL AND ASSOCIATES, GEOLOGIC-SEISMIC STUDY, OPERA TION SECOND CHANCE FACILITY WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services for a geologic-seismic study for the proposed Operation Second Chance facility to be loc!ated at Highland Avenue and Western Avenue in the City of San Ber- nardino; and WHEREAS, LeRoy Crandall and Associates have proposed to provide this service for $4,500. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into contract with LeRoy Crandall and Associates for a Geologic-Seismic Study of the Operation Second Chance Facility, not to exceed the sum of $4,500. ., 1 ....J Motion was made by Stephenson and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3035. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Stephenson, Perea, Wilson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent :Blum and Green C M ENGINEERING - CONTRACT FOR SERVICES STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS - OPERATION SECOND CHANCE: Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into contract with C M Engineering for the Street Improvement Plans of the proposed Public Enterprise Center, for an amount not to exceed $4,500. After review, the following resolution was intro- duced: .... .....l ,. 'lI.lItmn [ [ [ 2734 RESOLUTION NO. 3036 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH C M ENGINEERING, STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS, PUBLIC ENTER- PRISE CENTER (OPERATION SECOND CHANCE) WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services for Street Improvement Plans in connection with the Public Enterprise Center (Operation Second Chance) to be located within the vicinity of Highland Avenue and Wester Avenue; and WHEREAS, C M Engineering has proposed to provide this service for an amount not to exceed $4 , 500. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into contract with C M Engineering for Street Improvement Plans for the Bublic Enterprise Center (Operation Second.Chance) for an amount not to exceed $4,500. Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3036. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Stephenson, Perea, Wilson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes:. None Abstention: None Absent: Blum and Green FRANK ORTEGA - FIRE STATION CONTRACT: Mr. Hodgdon explained that Orange County Environmental Developers were awarded the contract for the construction of the three fire stations. ,Since the award of bid, Orange County Developers have defaulted and refuse 'to perform. The City has recommended the award to the next lowest bidder, Frank Ortega. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3037 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE -CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, REVISING RESOLUTION NO. 3032 BY SUBSTITUTING FERNANDO ORTEGA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY IN PLACE OF ORANGE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPERS, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THREE (3) FIRE STATIONS WHEREAS, Redevelopment Agency Resolution No. 3032, adopted 4-3-75, awarded a contr~ct for the construction of three fire stations at the locations of Kendall Drive, 21st and Muscott and 19th and Del Rosa, to Orange County Environmental Developers, Inc; and 2735 WHEREAS, Orange County Environmental Developers, Inc., has defaulted and refuses to perform pursuant to an award of contract made by the City of San Bernardino 'on March 10, 1975; and ...., ......,. WHEREAS, the next low bidder for the construction of said three fire stations is Fernando Ortega Construction Company, in the amount of $312,245.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that Resolution No. 3032 is hereby amended, changing the contract award from Orange County Environmental Developers for the construction of three fire stations to Fernando Ortega Construction . Company, for an amount not to exceed $312,245. Motion was made by Stephenson and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3037. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: A yes: Stephenson, Guhin, Wilson, Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Blum and Green APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1975. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 3, 1975 were submited for approval. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Perea approving the Minutes as sub- mitted . The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit : Ayes: Wilson, Perea, Stephenson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Blum and Green --. ~ 11 :f: ...J REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory stated that he has nothing to report at this time. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY, OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA: Mr. Hodgdon stated that an article appeared in the paper written by Joe Baker setting forth that the Agency did not have time to read the escrow instructions. Mr. Hodgdon stated that all escrow instructions were sent out for complete review prior to December 18, 1974. They were sent to the Mayor and Council, the Executive Committee of the Central City Committee, the Central City North Committee, the Technical Advisory Committee, the Agency Board and to Mr. Geehan of the Sun Company. The escrow instructions were not read at the Board meeting because they all had been thoroughly reviewed previously. Mr. Hodgdon stated that the Agency desires 'to purchase several parcels of land within the vicinity of the Pioneer Plaza Area, the Mt. Vernon Community Center area and the Central Transportation Center. A letter was read from Mayor Holcomb, ..... as follows: """'" [ [ [ 2736 April 14, 1975 Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon 323 Court Street Suite 304 San Bernardino, CA 92401 Dear Mr. Hodgdon: I would like to request the Redevelopment Agency's assistance in expediting that portion of Central City West that is generally bounded by 5th Street, Mt. Vernon Street, Spruce Street and Garner Street, as indicated in the Overall Central City Area I s Plan of Development-Interim Report. As you know, this specific project which calls for the development of a Mt. Vernon Community Center was unanimously approved for implementation through Resolu- tion No. 12043 of the Mayor and Common Council on March 17, 197.5 in accordance with the Overall Plan of Development. Besides its short term labor intensive construction period, initiation of this portion of the Plan will offer long range benefits for economic improvement in the heart of the Westside Community. And in addition to enhancing the quality of life in the area, it will be significant in the revitalization of a key commercial section within the Special Impact Area. I sincerely urge your attention in moving this proj ect forward. Sincerely, s/W.R. Holcomb W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Ma yor Mr. Hodgdon read a letter received from Councilman Tony Campos, as follows: April 11, 1975 Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon 323 Court Street Suite 304 San Bernardino, CA 92401 Dear Mr. Hodgdon: Pursuant to the Plan of Development-Interim Report for the San Bernardino Overall Central City Area, I would greatly appreciate and herein specifically '''''''''-''''_'I'"'''''''Ii4tI..-_~.",,~__.,.'''lloo~__''''"' -""......,.-....,....,-....-....., 2737 request that the Redevelopment Agency proceed to implement that portion of Central City West involving those parcels to be acquired by the Agency in that area bounded by Mt. Vernon Street on the west, Garner Street on the east, 5th Street on the south and Spruce Street on the north. .., ....... This portion of Central City West incorporating the proposed Mt. Vernon Community Center has been given approval by the Mayor and Common Council's unanimous passage of Resolution No. 12043 on March 17, 1975, endorsing the implementation of the Overall Plan of Development. As you know, the demolition of structures currently occupying these parcels will pave the way for the generation of new capital developments in the heart of the Westside. Furthermore, new jobs will be created and the community will have a chance to judge the beneficial impact that the Redevelopment process can have in creating new opportunities for our people. With these factors in mind, I therefore respectfully request that every effort be made to move this Plan to a successful conclusion. Respectfully yours, s/Tony Campos Tony Campos Councilman, First Ward J Mr. Hodgdon recommended approval of the acquisition of the properties within these areas. He stated that the escrows will not close on the property within the Central Transportation Center until it is approved by the Transportation System. The property was discussed in detail. After careful review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3038 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE PUR- CHASE OF VARIOUS PARCELS OF LAND, WITHIN THE OVERALL PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to acquire certain parcels of land for the mutual benefit of the various redevelopment projects administered by the Agency, in coordination with City Resolution No. 11666, adopted February 4, 1974, and Agency Resolution No. 2854, adopted April 18, 1974; and ~ WHEREAS, said acquisition of land is in accordance with the Agency's Plan of Development, Interim Report; and ....,/ n ~1l!IJ 2738 [ WHEREAS, said parcels of land have been appraised by Don Morrison, an inde- pendent appraiser, and the purchase prices are within an appropriate range of value as reflected in Mr. Morrison1s appraisals; and WHEREAS, the City Council has authorized the execution of a "Declaration by the Redevelopment Agency and the Mayor and Common Council.of the City of San Bernardino in Support of 'Public Enterprise' and the Implementation of the Plan of Development - Interim Report, San Bernardino Overall Central City Area" . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that consistent with said "Declaration", the Chair- man and Secretary are hereby authorized to have prepared and executed all the necessary documents for the purchase of the following property" including but not limited to all necessary notes, purchase money deeds of trust, deeds and related documents thereto: PIONEER PLAZA AREA (COURT STREET) PARCEL NO. OWNERS SQ.FT. PURCHASE PRICE 134-241-26, The Sun Company 22,672 $300,000 [ 27,52,53,55 136-021-20, The Sun Company 46,199 56,000 21 PARCEL NO 138-122-11 138-122-12 138-122-01, 02,03,04,05, 09,10,13,14, 15,25 138-122-08 [ 138-122-06,07 MT VERNON COMMUNITY CENTER NORTHEAST CORNER 5th and MT VERNON OWNERS SQ.FT. PURCHASE PRICE Selzo B. Garcia 7,000 $ 23,000 et ux Violet E. Mickel 14,805 65,000 Frank Navarette 79,415 158,000 Consuelo Noriega 7,000 27,000 Mary Sartor 14,000 42,000 ","~~"_"""""""""",_~"i",,,~,,,,,;.,,...-,".,e;;4_',"<I-",,,,",_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;iWc"'<'i.~___.._"'_...._"""',"_~ 1'~' """ 2739 IIIIIll\ CENTRAL TRANSPORTATION CENTER 5th and 6th - WESTSIDE OF "D" ...... PARCEL NO OWNERS SQ.FT. PURCHASE PRICE 134-071-1~ Estate of Mettler 7,400 $ 22,050 134-071-24 E. D. Williamson 2,442 6,800 134-071-26 Michael Lestick, et ux 2,640 7,920 134-071-27, 65,66 James Cooley, et. al . 37,177 100,000 134-071-45 Pearl J. Hamilton 10,360 134-071-53 Ra ymond F. Tatro 8,820 30,870 26,500 $ 53,000 30,000 .., 14 26,000 I --' 107,000 67,000 100,000 22,140 84,600 " 134-071-57 Lyman S. Rich 17,640 134-071-58 I. J. Gabriel, et.ux. 12,040 134-071-19 Jack Garner, et. al . 55,528 134-081-10 Bank of America 55,528 134-081-22 Jack Garner, et. al . 55,528 134-081-23 Roy Tully 55,528 134-081-06,07 I. J. Gabriel, et. ux . 7,503 136-115-05 George Gabriel, et. al. 28,000 Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3038. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Wilson, Stephenson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None . Abstention: None Absent: Blum and Green Mr. Hodgdon presented a list of the realtors involved in the various acquIsI- tions by the Agency. He stated that the Agency did not pay any commissions. Mr. Perea stated that there have been some misunderstandings within the Mt. IIIIIIIt Vernon area because a Spanish speaking person from the Agency was not present ....... [ [ r L 2740 on several occasions 0 Mr 0 Quinn stated that someone speaking Spanish would be present on all future occasions 0 5: 20 p om. - Mr 0 Stephenson was excused from the meeting 0 MARKET PROFILES - CONTRACT FOR SERVICES, MARKET ANALYSIS & PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION, STATE COLLEGE: Mr 0 Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into contract with Market Profiles for a Market Analysis and Product Identification for housing demands within the State College Project area 0 Market Profiles are the leading market analysis firm in the residential development area 0 This study is necessary for financing needs of potential developers within this area 0 They will work with any potential developers of reside~tial developments 0 After careful review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO 0 3039 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH MARKET PRO- FILES FOR A MARKET ANALYSIS AND PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION FOR STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO 0 4 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services for a Market Analysis and Product Indentification for housing demands within the State College Project No 0 4 area; and WHEREAS, Market Profiles has proposed to provide this service for an amount not to exceed $17,0000 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into contract with Market Profiles for a Market Analysis and , Product Indentification for Housing Demands within State College Project No 0 4, not to exceed the sum of $17 , 000 0 Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No 0 30390 The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Guhin, Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Blum, Green and Stephenson C M ENGINEERING - CONTRACT FOR SERVICES BICENTENNIAL AMPHITHEATER, STATE COLLEGE: Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into contract with C M Engineering for engineering services in connection with the Bicentennial Amphitheater 2741 within the State College Project. C M Engineering have proposed to provide this service for $45,500. After review, the following resolution was introduced: ..., RESOLUTION NO. 3040 ........ RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH C M ENGINEERING, BICENTENNIAL AMPHITHEATER, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO. 4 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional engineering services for the development of the Bicentennial Amphitheater, State College Project No.4; and WHEREAS, C M Engineering has proposed to provide the services required for an amount not to exceed $45,500. ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into contract with C M Engineering, Bicentennial Amphitheater, State College Project No.4, for an amount not to exceed $45,500. Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3040. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Perea, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Blum, Green and Stephenson ...., v , 1 --' 5: 15 p. m. - Mr. Stephenson returned to the meeting. C M ENGINEERING - CONTRACT AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR WASTEWATER FACILITIES, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4, INDUSTRIAL PARK:' Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into a Contract Amendment with C M Engineering in order to have final construction drawings, specifications, bidding documents and estimates prepared in connection with the storm drainage facility within the State College Industrial Park Area. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3041 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO.1, C M ENGINEERING, SEWER SERVICE AND STORM DRAINAGE FACILITIES, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO. 4 ..... --' [ [ [ 2742 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency entered into cont~act with C M Engineering on November 22, 1974 for Preliminary Engineering and Planning of a sewer service and storm drainage facilities within portions of the State College Project Area; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to have final construction drawings, specifications, bidding documents and estimates prepared in connection with said storm drainage facility; and WHEREAS, C M Engineering has proposed to privide this necessary service for an increase in their contract in the amount of $15,280; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has determined it necessary to have the Contract amended to include this service. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute Contract Amendment No. 1 with C M Engineering for additional services in connection with the Sewer Service and Storm Drainage Contract, State College Project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that total contract compensation shall be increased by $15,280, thereby increasing the total compensation under the contract to $45,280. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3041. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Guhin, Perea, Stephenson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Blum and Green C M ENGINEERING - CONTRACT AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARKS TRANSPORTATION DISTRIBUTION CENTER: Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into Contract Amendment with C M Engineering for the final plans necessary for the sewer service and storm drainage facility within the Southeast San Bernardino Transportation Distribu- tion Complex. A map of the area was presented. Mr. Hodgdon explained how this area ties into the Lorna Linda and Redlands sewer systems. This work is very involved and ve-r;y much needed for the area. C M Engineering have proposed to provide this additional service for an increase in their contract in the amount of $144,000. It will take approximately 6 months to complete these plans. Mr. Hodgdon stated that because we have been designated as a Special Impact Area, we can apply to EDA for assistance in this project. Our application could 2743 be prepared within the time taken to have the plans prepared. After review, The following resolution was introduced: ...... RESOLUTION NO. 3042 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO.1, C M ENGINEERING, SEWER SERVICE AND STORM DRAINAGE FACILITIES, SOUTHEAST TRANS- PORTION-DISTRIBUTION AND INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency entered into contract with C M Engineering on November 22, 1974 for Preliminary Engineering and Planning of a sewer service and storm drainage facility within the Southeast San Bernardino Transportation, Distribution and Industrial Complex; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend said contract in order that final plans can be obtained; and WHEREAS, C M Engineering has proposed to provide this necessary service for an increase in their contract in the amount of $144,000; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has determined it necessary to have the Contract amended to include the necessary services. JIIlIt .....J NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to ex~cute Contract Amendment No. 1 with C M Engineering for additional services in connection with the Sewer Service and Storm Drainage Contract, Southeast San Bernardino Transportation, Distribution and Industrial Complex. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that total contract compensation shall be increased by $144,000, thereby increasing the total compensation under the contract to $194,000. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3042. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Perea, Guhin, Stephenson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Blum and Green FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY, CONTRACT AMENDMENT: Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to increase First American Title Company's contract by $10,000 for necessary title reports within the Overall Central City Area. After review, the following resolution was introduced: .... ...... [ [ r L 2744 RESOLUTION NO. 3043 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT AMENDEMENT NO.6 WITH FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has entered into a contract with First American Title Company for title services, dated April 29, 1965, and amended by various amendments; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that title reports are necessary to initiate action within the Overall Central City Area; and WHEREAS, in order to obtain the necessary additional Preliminary Title Reports a contract amendment must be executed increasing their total compensation by $10,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute Contract Amendment No. 6 between the Agency and First American Title Company, increasing their total compensation from $165,000 to $175,000. Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3043. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Guhin, Stephenson, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Blum and Green CHJ MA TERrAL LAB - SOIL TESTS, BICENTENNIAL AMPHITHEATER: Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into contract with CHJ Material Lab. for necessary soil tests in connection with the Bicentennial Amphitheater. They propose to provide these tests for $5,500. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3044 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH CHJ MA TERIALS LAB ORA TORY, PRELIMINARY SOILS ENGINEERING ST ATE COLLEGE , AMPHITHEATER WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services for Preliminary Soils Engineering for the Bicentennial Amphitheater, State College Project; and WHEREAS, C H J Materials Laboratory has proposed to provide this service for an amount not to exceed $5,500. 2745 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute Contract with CHJ Materials Laboratory, Preliminary Soils Engineering, State College Amphitheater, for an amount not to exceed $5,500. ~ ........ Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3044. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Guhin, Stephenson, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Blum and Green PREDISPOSITION AGREEMENT, SCHOOL DISTRICT: Mr. Hodgdon stated that there are now new School Board Members and they are questioning the proposed location of the School Administration Building at 7th and "E" Streets. They have requested that the Predisposition Agreement for the 7th and "E" Street site be amended. This will giv~ them an opportunity to look into other sites if they desire. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3045 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- M'AN AND SECRETARY TO AMEND THE PREDISPOSITION AGREE- MENT WITH THE SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ., ,~ ~ WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency and the San Bernardino Unified School District entered into a Predisposition Agreement with regard to the disposition and acquisition of certain properties; and WHEREAS, said Agreement includes a requirement for the Agency to acquire, at the request of the District, a site for a District Administration Center Complex; and WHEREAS, the District has requested that this section be omitted from the Pre- disposition Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has concurred in this recommendation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to amend the Predisposition Agreement with the San Bernardino City Unified School District, with regard to the acquisition of a site for the School Administration Center Complex. ~ ......- [ [ [ 2756 Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3045. The motion was carried h~ the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Guhin, Stephenson, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Blum and Green GRUEN - PLAN REUSE FOR PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING: Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into contract with Gruen Associates for a Planning Study for the proposed Public Safety Building. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3046 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH GRUEN ASSOCIA TES, IN~. , PLANNING STUDY FOR PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING, CENTRAL CITY NORTH WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services for a Planning Study for the proposed Public Safety Building, Central City North Project Area; and WHEREAS, Gruen Associates, Inc. , have proposed to provide this Planning Study for an amount not to exceed $17,500. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contract for Plann~ng Study for the proposed Public Safety Building, Central City North, for an amount not to exceed $17,500. , Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3046. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Wilson, Guhin, Stephenson and Hodgdon Noes: Nope Abstention: None Absent: Blum and Green GRUEN - PLAN REUSE FOR CENTRAL CITY LIBRARY: Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into a contract with Gruen Associates for a Planning Study for the Central City Library. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3047 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHA~R- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH GRUEN ASSOCIATES, INC. , PLANNING STUDY FOR THE CENTRAL CITY LIBRARY 2747< WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services for a Planning Study for the proposed Central City Library; and ...... WHEREAS, Gruen Associates, Inc., have proposed to provide this Planning Study for an amount not to exceed $16,000. ........ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contract for Planning Study for the Central City Library, for an amount not to exceed $16,000. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3047. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Wilson, Guhin, Stephenson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Blum and Green ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Guhin adjourning the meeting at 5: 40 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Wilson, Guhin, Stephenson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Blum and Green "- P. ,., ! ......J ,/ I!IIIIIIt -- r L.. [ r L 2748 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 1ST DAY OF MAY, 1975, 300 NORTH IIDII STREET, SAN BER- NARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4: 05 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Hodgdon, Guhin, Stephenson, Green, Perea and Blum Agency Members Absent: Wilson Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 17 , 1975 were submitted for approval. Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Green approving the minutes as sub- mitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Green, Perea, Stephenson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: Blum (She was not present at the meeting of 4-17-75) Absent: Wilson REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory reported that Judge Morris has dismissed the Greenestone action. UL TRASYSTEMS, INC - PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER: Mr. Hodgdon explained that one of the grant requirements for the EDA Grant is to have an Environmental Assessment performed. Ultrasystems have proposed to provide this study in connection with the Public Enterprise Center for $2,300. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3048 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER. INTO CONTRACT WITH ULTRA- SYSTEMS, PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT, PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services for a Preliminary Environmental Assessment in connection with the Public Enterprise Center; and 2749 WHEREAS, Ultrasystems, Inc. have proposed to provide this service for an amount not to exceed $2,300. ..., NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contract with Ultrasystems, Inc. for a Preliminary Environ- mental Assessment in connection with the Public Enterprise Center, for an amount not to exceed $2,300. ....... Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3048. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Perea, Green, Stephenson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson J . D. DIFFENBAUGH - CONSTRUCTION MANAGER PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER: Mr. Hodgdon explained that from the standpoint of cost controls and reports, it is a requirement of EDA to have a Construction Manager for the development of the Public Enterprise Center. J. D. Diffenbaugh, Inc., has proposed to pro- vide this service for 2 1/2% of the construction cost. This percentage is reason- able. Diffenbaugh is a Riverside firm. They have done many construction jobs within San Bernardino. They were the construction contractor for the Central City Mall and the Vanir Tower Building. If they are hired for the Construction Manager, it will prohibit them from bidding on the Public Enterprise Center. This will allow a better chance for some of the San Bernardino firms. They are very experienced in the field of Construction Managers. After further review, the following resolution was introduced: J RESOLUTION NO. 3049 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH J. D. DIFFENBAUGH, INC. , AS CONSTRUCTION MANAGER FOR THE PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Agency to enter into contract for a Construction Manager for the Public Enterprise Center to be developed for Operation Second Chance; and WHEREAS, J. D. Diffenbaugh, Inc. has proposed to provide this service for a fee of 2 1/2% of the total bid price; and ...... WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency will be soliciting for bids for the con- struction of the Public Enterprise Center in the near future. ......, [ [ ,,- ~ ! L 2750 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into contract with J D. Diffenbaugh, Inc., as Construction Manager for the Public Enterprise Center for a fee of 2 1/2% of the total bid price. Motion was made by Stephenson and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3049. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Stephenson, Green, Blum, Perea, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson PROPOSAL FOR PLANS FOR THE CENTRAL CITY INTER -CITY, INTER -COUNTY AND INTER-STATE TRANSPORTATION CENTER -- GRUEN ASSOCIATES: Mr. Hodgdon explained that reports from Facility Sciences have been performed on space utilization for the Inter-City, Inter-County and Inter-State Transportation Center, as well as the Municipal Service Center Facility and the San Bernardino Transit System Maintenance Service Center. It is now necessary to enter into contracts for the Design and Configuration of these facilities. The programs have all been approved by the appropriate City departments involved. The San Ber- nardino Transit System has approved the Inter-City, Inter-County and Inter-State Transportation Center. The Maintenance Yards will take advantage of the existing structures at 5th and Muscott Streets. The Transportation Center will require new facilities to be developed at 5th and "D" Streets. A definite location has not yet been determined for the Municipal Service Center. Mr. Hodgdon stated that the application for UMTA Grants is now in Washington D. C. for consideration. Mr. Joe Bonadiman requested recognition from the Board. Mr. Bonadiman asked if any other proposals were requested for Construction Manager for the Public Enterprise Center, other than from J. D. Diffenbaugh. He stated that his firm might have been able to give a bid on the job, if they had known that bids were desired. Mr. Hodgdon read two letters from Mr. Bondiman received last week. They are as follows: April 23, 1975 Mr. Peter Quinn Redevelopment Agency City of San Bernardino 300 No. "D" Street San Bernardino, California Dear Mr. Quinn: 2751 Pursuant to our conversation today, I respectfully request public information of the agency pertaining to architectural, engineering and planning fees paid and contracted for by the agency in the last 12 months. I further request this information be made available to me, if possible, by Friday, April 25, 1975. ..... - The reason for this request is so that our firm and others can analyze for our own purposes, how the agency is spending some of its money. Thank you for your help in this matter. Sincerely, s/Joseph C. Bonadiman Joseph C. Bonadiman JCB/hw April 25, 1975 Mr. Peter W. Quinn, Jr. Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino 300 No. "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 .., , '1 , ......J Dear Mr. Quinn: With this letter I request to be placed on the Redevelopment agenda. The pur- pose for which will be discussed with the Agency Directors the method and allocation of professional planning, architectural and engineering services. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, s/ Joseph C. Bonadiman Joseph C. Bonadiman JCB/hw Mr. Hodgdon explained that Mr. Bonadiman has participated in many past activities of the Agency. His firm accomplished the engineering work within the Meadowbrook Project. He did the "H" Street Storm Drain together with Ludwig Engineering several years ago. His firm is connected with the sewer plant work which has been accomplished within the San Bernardino area. ,..... .....,j 'rr r '- [ [ 2752 Mr. Hodgdon stated that among Mr. Bonadiman's present endeavors are plans for an electric car system. Mr. Hodgdon stated that Mr. Bonadiman has con- sulted him on the availibility of grants for this type of a system. Mr. Bonadiman stated that the last work he performed directly for the Redevel- opment Agency was eight years ago. He explained that he would like to be given an opportunity to bid on some of the engineering work being accomplished at this time. He stated that in reviewing the Agency's minutes, most of the work accom- plished has been done by firms outside of San Bernardino. LeRoy Crandall has performed much work. They are no better qualified than some of the San Ber- nardino firms. He stated that $1,250,000 has been spent on contracts over the past 11 months. Of this amount, only $350,000 was awarded to San Bernardino firms. He stated that for every dollar spent out of town, San Bernardino's economy decreases by $7.00. He stated that he has been told that much work was accom- plished by Gruen Associates because they are well known, and thus selling bonds is made easier. Mr. Bonadiman stated that Security Bank informed him that the architect makes very little difference in bond underwriters. The printing accomplished by outside firms was discussed. Mr. Bonadiman stated that the printing could have been accomplished in San Bernardino. Mr. Hodgdon stated that Gruen Associates performed the design work for the Central City Project. They were awarded the contract for the mall. Because of all their work within this project, they have built up a data bank of information needed regarding the Overall Central City Area. The planning study for the State College Area was performed by Gruen. Other contracts within this area have been let to San Bernardino firms. It is the intention of the Agency to have other contracts handled by San Bernardino firms if they are qualified to do so. Mr. Hodgdon stated that in 1973 the Agency was in technical default and could not repay their bonds. By refunding the Agency brought $24,000,000 into San Bernardino. After repayment of the bond substantial funds were left to develop the area. This money was brought into the Area from out of California. No bids were received from any San Bernardino banks. The Agency sold $2,000,000 of State College Notes recently. Not one San Ber- nardino bank submitted a bid. LeRoy Crandall was used for soils & seismic services because others had already been negotiating with them for this service. Mr. Hodgdon stated that all developers who have invested in San Bernardino have been from other cities. Frank Dominguez is the only independent developer to develop within the City. Outside developers have come to San Bernardino and have stimulated employment and economy. The largest printing job the Agency accomplished was the Supplement to the Plan of Development. 150,000 copies were printed. Franklin Press in San 2753 Bernardino was contracted to print these Supplements. Their bid was $8,000 _ $9,000 less than that proposed by Jeffries Bank Note in Los Angeles. After Franklin Press started, they found that they could not do the color separations. It had to be sent to Los Angeles for the color separations. Franklin did not have the capacity for coordination and sorting. This had to be sent to Phoenix to be done. ~ --- Mr. Hodgdon stated that the Agency is now developing three fire stations for the City. Bonadiman Associates were the architect and engineers for the fire stations. The construction contractor building the fire stations is Fernando Ortega, a local firm. Mr. Stephenson stated that the discussion is leading to Mr. Bonadiman being put in a position of defending himself. He felt that such discussion should cease and that methods of resolving the matter should be discussed. Mr. Green stated that there is nothing the Agency can do about the past, and that we should rectify the situation by soliciting proposals from San Bernardino firms when it is determined to be to the best advantage of the community. Mr. Bonadiman stated that the Redevelopment Agency could have survived under other leadership. Mrs. Blum stated that Mr. Hodgdon has done a tre- mendous job for San Bernardino and that the Agency must give him credit for putting the Agency back on their feet and getting development moving in San Bernardino. Mr. Green stated that the Agency was in poor condition before Mr. Hodgdon was appointed Chairman and he should be given credit for the constant work and many accomplishments he has performed. Mr. Wm. E. Leonard stated that Mr. Hodgdon brought the Agency out of trouble twice. He stated that he believes that Mr. Hodgdon's priority was not in hiring San Bernardino firms, but in getting the job done in the best way possible, and this was done. J 5: 30 p.m. - Mr. Stephenson excused himself from the meeting. Mr. Bonadiman asked if he could come back at the next meeting to further discuss the matter. Mr. Hodgdon stated that he could if he felt it necessary. The discussion ended and the meeting was continued regarding the award of contracts for the Transportation Center, the Municipal Service Center and the Transit System Maintenance Service Center. The following resolutions were introduced: ..... ......., 2754 RESOLUTION NO. 3050 [ RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH GRUEN ASSOCIATES, INC. , FOR PLANS FOR THE CENTRAL CITY INTER- CITY, INTER-COUNTY AND INTER-STATE TRANSPORTATION CENTER WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services for the preparation of a study in connection with plans for the Central City Inter- City, Inter-County and Inter-State Transportation Center; and WHEREAS, Gruen Associates, Inc., has proposed to provide this service for an amount not to exceed $28,500. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to enter into contract with Gruen Associates, Inc., for the preparation of Plans for the Central City Inter-City, Inter-County and Inter-State Transportation Center, for an amount not to exceed $28,500. [ Motion was made by Green and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3050. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Perea, Blum, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson and Stephenson RESOLUTION NO. 3051 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHIAR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH GRUEN ASSOCIATES, INC. , FOR PLANS FOR THE MUNICIPAL SERVICE CENTER FACILITY WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services for the preparation of a study in connection with Plans for the Municipal Service Center Facility; and WHEREAS, Gruen Associates have proposed to provide this service for an amount not to exceed $22,500 for the Separate Service Facilities and $22,500 for the Integrated Municipal Service Center. Total Contract price not to exceed $45,000. r NOW, THEREFEORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City ! of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby I t....... 2rf55 authorized to execute contract with Gruen Associates for Plans for the Municipal Service Center Facility, for an amount not to exceed $45,000. ....., Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3051. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Perea, Blum, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson and Stephenson --- RESOLUTION NO. 3052 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH GRUEN ASSOCIATES FOR PLANS FOR THE SAN BERNARDINO TRANSIT SYSTEM MAINTENANCE SERVICE CENTER WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services for the preparation of plans for the San Bernardino Transit System Maintenance Service Center; and WHEREAS, Gruen Associates have proposed to provide this service for an amount not to exceed $25,500. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contract with Gruen Associates for Plans for the San Bernardino Transit System Maintenance Service Center, for an amount not to exceed $25,000. -, ~ Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3052. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Perea, Blum, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson and Stephenson AWARD OF CONTRACT, DEMOLITION - CENTRAL CITY EAST: Bids were opened for the Award of Contract for Demolition and Site Clearance of certain properties within Central City East. The low bid was received from Warren Duncan of Colton, in the amount of $4,820. After review the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3053 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH WARREN DUNCAN DEMOLITION AND SITE CLARANCE, UNIT NO.1, CENTRAL CITY EAST ~ ......., 2756 r l.. WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino invited competitive sealed bids for Demolition and Site Clearance, Unit No.1, Central City East; and WHEREAS, an Invitation for Bid therefore was duly published in the San Bernardino Sun Telegram, a newspaper of general circulation for two weeks and an Affidavit showing such publication is on file in this Agency; and WHEREAS, a number of such bids were received at the time and place speci- fied and said bids were opened and read aloud in public. The lowest quali- fied bid was offered by Warren Duncan in the amount of $4,820; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino has accepted the bid of Warren Duncan as it is in the best interest of this Agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that subject to the approval of the Contractor by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the bid of Warren Duncan in the amount of $4,820 is hereby accepted, and the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contract with said firm for Demolition and Site Clearance, Unit No.1, Central City East. [ Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3053. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Perea, Blum, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson and Stephenson AWARD OF CONTRACT, DEMOLITION - CENTRAL CITY NORTH: Bids were opened for the Award of Contract for Demolition and Site Clearance of certain properties within Central City North. The low bid was received from Warren Duncan in the amount of $5,555. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3054 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH WARREN DUNCAN DEMOLITION, UNIT NO.4, CENTRAL CITY NORTH WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino invited competitive sealed bids for Unit No.4, Demolition and Site Clearance, within the Central City North Project; and r WHEREAS. an Invitation for Bid therefore was duly published in the San t Bernardino Sun Telegram. a newspaper of general circulation for two weeks i and an Affidavit showing such publication is on file in this Agency; and ~. 2757 WHEREAS, a number of such bids were received at the time and place speci- fied and said bids were opened and read aloud in public. The lowest quali- fied bid was offered by Warren Duncan in the amount of $5, 5~; and ...... - WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino has accepted the bid of Warren Duncan, as it is in the best interest of this Agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that subject to the approval of the Contractor by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the bid of Warren Duncan is hereby accepted, in the amount of $5,556, and the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute the Contract for Demolition and Site Clearance, Unit No.4, Central City North. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3054. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wti: Ayes: Green, Perea, Blum, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson and Stephenson GARNER, TRACADAS & TROY - CONTRACT FOR SERVICES SITE IMPROVEMENTS, PARKING LOTS: Mr. Hodgdon explained that site improvement work is needed in connection with the parking lots located at 5th and "D" Streets and 6th and Sierra Way. This area is to be used for parking for the Civic Center Complex. Garner, Tracadas & Troy have experience in this area. They propose to accomplish the work for $14,400. After review, the following resolution was introduced: , .....rJ RESOLUTION NO. 3055 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH GARNER, TRACADAS & TROY, ENGINEERING SERVICES,PARKING LOTS, CITY -COUNTY -ST ATE-FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage Engineering Services in connection with the City-County-State-Federal Civic Center Complex, park- lots at 5th and "D" Streets and 6th and Sierra Way; and WHEREAS, Garner, Tracadas & Troy have proposed to provide this service for an amount not to exceed $14,400. ~ . .....J 2758 [ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretay are hereby authorized to execute contract with Garner, Tracadas & Troy for engineering services in connection with Parking Lots at 5th and "D" Streets and 6th and Sierra Way, - City-County-State-Federal Civic Center Complex, for an amount not to exceed $14,4000 Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No 0 30550 The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Green, Perea, Blum and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson and Stephenson CHJ MATERIAL LAB, PRELIMINARY SOIL ENGINEERING MT 0 VERNON COMMUNITY CENTER: Mr 0 Hodgdon explained that a soil analysis is necessary in connection with the property at 5th and Mt. Vernon proposed for the Mt. Vernon Community Center 0 CHJ have proposed to provide this service for $2,5000 After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO 0 3056 [ RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH C oH oJ 0 MATERIALS LABORATORY, INC 0' PRELIMINARY SOILS ENGINEER- lNG, MT 0 VERNON COMMUNITY CENTER WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services for a Preliminary Soils Engineering study for the Mt 0 Vernon Community Center, located at 5th and Mt. Vernon Streets; and WHEREAS, C oH oJ 0 Materials Laborabory, Inc 0, has proposed to provide this service for an amount not to exceed $2,5000 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contract with C oH oJ 0 Materials Laboratory, Inc 0' Pre- liminary Soils Engineering, Mt 0 Vernon Community Center, for an amount not to exceed $2,5000 Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No 0 30560 The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: r- Ayes: Perea, Blum, Green, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None r Abstention: None Absent: Wilson and Stephenson L 2759 CM ENGINEERING - ENGINEERING SERVICES, 5TH AND MT. VERNON: ... Mr. Hodgdon explained that Street Improvement Plans are needed for the pro- posed Mt. Vernon Community Center. CM Engineering have proposed to pro- vide the services required for $9,000. After review, the following resolution was introduced: -...oj RESOLUTION NO. 3057 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH C M ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, MT. VERNON COMMUNITY CENTER WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage Engineering Services for development of the Street Improvement Plans in connection with the Mt. Vernon Community Center; and WHEREAS, C M Engineering Associates have proposed to provide this service for an amount not to exceed $9,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contract with CM Engineering Associates, Engineering Services in connection with the Mt. Vernon Community Center, for an amount not to exceed $9,000. , -J Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3057. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Green, Blum, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson and Stephenson OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Frank Dominguez, developer of Vanir Towers, was presented to the Board. Mr. Dominguez stated that one of his previous employees, Roger Murphy, contacted him. Mr. Murphy stated that Mrs. Blum asked him if the Vanir Tower building had been confiscated and construction stopped. Mr. Dominguez expressed his anoyance with the inquiry. Mrs. Blum stated that a customer of hers from Los Angeles told her that he understood that construction had been stopped on the Vanir Tower Building. She stated that she contacted Mr. Murphy because he was an acquaintance of hers. She inquired not as an Agency Member but as a concerned citizen of San Bernardino. She stated that she did not use the word confiscated, and was merely concerned. ....... ....... Mr. Dominguez stated that the building has not been confiscated, and that he felt inquiries of this nature should be directed to himself. ADJOURNMENT: ~, .~ IY--iiliIliilftl r i..... [ r-" f, I ..... 2760 Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Blum adjourning the meeting at 5: 45 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Blum, Green, Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson and Stephenson P. W. Quinn, Secretary 2761 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 15TH DAY OF MAY, 1975, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, SAN BER- NARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Secretary reported that due to lack of quorum the meeting is hereby postponed until June 5, 1975.J ...... - ..., 1 i ......J ....., ....... r ..... [ r .... 2762 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 5TH DAY OF JUNE, 1975, 300 NORTH IIDII STREET, SAN BER- NARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4: 00 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Hodgdon, Blum, Perea, Green, Wilson and Guhin Agency Members Absent: Stephenson Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May I, 1975 were submitted for approval. Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Blum approving the Minutes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Perea, Green, Wilson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory stated that he has nothing to report at this time. Mr. Hodgdon presented Mr. Tony Zenz, Vice President of SAFECO Title Insurance and Trust Company. Mr. Zenz stated that SAFECO will start construction on their new building at the southwest corner of Arrowhead Avenue and 5th Streets shortly after September 1st. A rendering and model of the building was presented and explained. The building will be 23,000 sq. ft and two stories tall. Mr. Hodgdon stated that without the Predisposition Agreement with SAFECO, the Agency would not have been able to negotiate with the YWCA, owner of the proposed site, for the purchase of this property. The Members thanked SAFECO for their presentation. RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 2914, RELATIVE TO THE USE OF AGENCY CREDIT CARDS: Mr. Hodgdon stated that in July of last year the Agency adopted Resolution No. 2914 authorizing the use of Agency Credit Cards for the purchase of gasoline, lubricants and maintenance of Agency vehicles. It was the intention of the resolution to include certain sundry expenses in connection with official agency business. The auditor has requested that this resolution be amended to include these expenses. Mr. Hodgdon explained that he has used the cards on several occasions because it is the best way to keep track of expenses he has incurred as an Agency Member. He further stated that he has reimbursed the Agency for these expenses. Mr. Green 2763 stated that Agency Board Members do not receive any compensation for their services, but that he did feel that Mr. Hodgdon should be entitled to reimbursement of any related expenses in the pursuit of Agency Business. Mr. Hodgdon stated that he did not desire to be reimbursed. ..., ..... The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3058 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 2914, RELA- TIVE TO THE USE OF CREDIT CARDS WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2914 was adopted by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, on July 18, 1974, authorizing the application for a Mastercharge Card, a BankAmericard and an American Express Card, for the purchase of certain sundry expenses in the pursuit and conduct of official business by Agency Board Members and Staff; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2914, as promulgated, confined these expenses to gasoline, lubricants and maintenance of Agency vehicles; and WHEREAS, the intent of the Board was not properly presented in said resolution. 1 ..J NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that Board Members and Staff may utilize Agency credit cards to incur travel and meeting expenses pursuant to the conduct of official Redevelopment business. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3058. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Guhin, Blum, Wilson, Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson AWARD OF DEMOLITION CONTRACT, UNIT NO.5, CENTRAL CITY NORTH: A tabulation of bids for the demolition of Unit No.5, Central City North was pre- sented. The low bid was submitted by Press Building Materials in the amount of $11,345. Mr. Hodgdon explained that this demolition will make way for the Public Safety Building. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3059 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH PRESS BUILDING MATERIALS, CO., DEMOLITION AND SITE CLEARANCE UNIT NO.5, CENTRAL CITY NORTH .... ....... 2764 [ WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino invited competitive sealed bids for Demolition and Site Clearance, Unit No.5, Central City North; and WHEREAS, an Invitation for Bid therefore was duly published in the San Bernar- dino Sun Telegram, a newspaper of general circulation for two weeks and an Affidavit showing such publication is on file in this Agency; and WHEREAS, a number of such bids were received at the time and place specified and said bids were opened and read aloud in public. The lowest qualified bid was offered by Press Building Materials, Co., as it is in the best interest of the Agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ,California, that subject to the approval of the Contractor by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the bid of Press Building Materials, Co., in the amount of $11,345 is hereby accepted and the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contract with said firm for Site Clearance Unit No.5, Central City North. [ Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3059. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Guhin, Blum, Wilson, Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson C M ENGINEERING, CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO. I, BICENTENNIAL AMPHITHEATER: Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into Contract Amendment No. 1 with CM Engineering for the Bicentennial Amphitheater. Additional services are now necessary for the implementation of the Plan of Development. The amendment will include construction supervision and staking necessary . After full review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3060 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO. I, WITH C. M. ENGINEERING, BICENTENNIAL AMPHITHEATER, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency entered into contract with C M Engineering on April 18, 1975 for engineering services required for the development of the ..... Bicentennial Amphitheater, State College Project No.4; and L 2765 WHEREAS, the Scope of Services and responsibilities of the Contractor have in- creased b~yond those outlined in the original contract; and .., ! I ....... WHEREAS, C M Engineering has proposed to provide the additional services as required with the implementation of the Plan of Development, for an increase in their contract price of $164,500. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into Contract Amendment No.1 with C M Engineering, Bicentennial Amphi- theater, State College Project, increasing their total compensation from $45,500 to $210,000. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3060. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Perea, Guhin, Blum, Green and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson GRUEN ASSOCIATES, CONTRACT FOR SERVICES, PREP ARA TION AND COORDINATION OF ANNUAL REPORT APPENDIX DATA: Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into contract with Gruen Associates for the preparation and coordination of the Annual Report Appendix Data. He ., explained that the report will cover the years 1969 thru March of 1975. It is about ...J 500 pages long. The audits will also be included within this report, along with the .' Comprehensive Economic Analysis for 1975 - 1980-85. The Agency proposes to have 2,000 copies of this printed. This report is the camp anion book to the Plan of Development. Gruen has proposed to provide the service for $5,400, plus an additional budget of $4,500 for typesetting costs. After discussion, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3061 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH GRUEN ASSOCIATES, PREPARATION AND COORDINATION OF ANNUAL REPORT APPENDIX DATA WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services to assist in the preparation and coordination of annual reports and appendix information related to the San Bernardino Redevelopment Agency activities through mid 1975; and ..... WHEREAS, Gruen Associates have proposed to provide this service for an amount not to exceed $5,400, plus an additional budget of $4,500 for typesetting costs in connection with reproduction. k ~ ...., r i ~. ... [ ...... i ! I l....... 2766 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contract with Gruen Associates for preparation and coordin- ation of annual report appendix data, for an amount not to exceed $5,400, plus a budget of $4,500 for costs in connection with reproduction. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3061. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Blum, Wilson, Perea, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson WARNER W. HODGDON, SIGNER FOR AGENCY PAYROLL ACCOUNT: The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3062 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING WARNER W. HODGDON AS AN ADDITIONAL SIGNER FOR AGENCY PAYROLL CHECKS WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Redevelopment Agency to designate Warner W. Hodgdon as an additional signer for the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Benardino Payroll Account - Crocker Citizens National Bank. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the Ciy of San Bernardino, California, that Warner W. Hodgdon is hereby designated as an additional Check Signer for Agency checks and vouchers for the payment of money - Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino Payroll Account, Crocker Citizens National Bank. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3062. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Blum, Wilson, Perea, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson AUTHORIZATION TO OPEN NEW BANK ACCOUNT - OPERATION SECOND CHANCE: Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to open a new bank account for the Operation Second Chance facility. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3063 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, ESTABLISHING A BANK ACCOUNT WITH BANK OF AMERICA, AS AUTHORIZED REPRESENT A TIVES FOR THE COMMUNITY SERVICE AND PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER, OPERA TION SECOND CHANCE 2767 WHEREAS, Operation Second Chance has submitted an application to the Economic Development Administration for a grant to support the Public Enter- prise Center; and ..., , -' WHEREAS, it is a requirement to be stated in the application that a separate banking account and fund be established for this grant; and WHEREAS, it is a requirement of the Application that such monies received will at all times be maintained in said separate account; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino is deemed to be the authorized representative for the Community Service and Public Enter- prise Center, Operation Second Chance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized on behalf of the Agency to open a new account with the Bank of America, to be designated "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, as Authorized Representatives for the Community Service and Public Enterprise Center, Operation Second Chance. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3063. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Wilson, Green, Perea, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson , ....J Mr. Hodgdon stated that the Council approved the Operation Second Chance development at the corner of Muscott and Highland Avenues at the last Council Meeting. He further stated that the acquisition of various parcels of property by the Agency were again ratified by the Council. Mrs. Blum stated that she felt the lengthy discussions between the Agency and the Council at the Council Meetings were beneficial and that more Board Members should attend when at all possible. DELETION OF JOHN BERRY'S NAME AS SIGNER FOR AGENCY CHECKS: The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3064 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DELETING JOHN S. BERRY AS AGENCY CHECK SIGNER WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2887, adopted June 6,1974, designated John S. Berry as an Agency Check Signer; and ~ , I ....... 2768 r I ...... WHEREAS, Mr. Berry is no longer an Agency Board Member. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that John S. Berry is hereby deleted as an Agency Check Signer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Agency Check Signers are - Mrs. Hugo Blum and Mr. Alan E. Guhin; and Agency Counter signers are - Mr. Wayne E. Stephenson and Mr. P. W. Quinn, Jr. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3064. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Wilson, Green, Perea, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson Mr. John Berry was presented to the Board. Mr. Berry stated that he was discussing with several merchants within the City the deterioration of "E" Street between Court and 5th Streets. He stated that it was their feeling that several of the shops along this area could be remodeled. Mr. Hodgdon stated that parking is going to be created because of the acquisitions within Central City North which will make remodeling or upgrading of this area more feasible than in the past. Mr. Berry was thanked for his suggestion. r- \ GARY S. RASMUSSEN & ASSOCIATES, CONTRACT FOR SERVICES, GEOLOGY L INVESTIGATION: Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into contract with Gary Rasmussen & Associates for a preliminary geology investigation of a faulting near the proposed Bicentennial Amphitheater site. Mr. Rasmussen has proposed to provide this service for $1,300. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3065 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH GARY S. RASMUSSEN & ASSOCIATES, BICENTENNIAL AMPHITHEATER SITE, GEOLOGY INVESTIGATION WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services for a preliminary geology investigation of a faulting near the proposed Bicen- tennial Amphitheater site, State College Project Area; and ,..... ! l L WHEREAS, Gary S. Rasmussen & Associates have proposed to provide this service for an amount not to exceed $1,300. 2769 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City ~ of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby , authorized to execute contract with Gary S. Rasmussen & Associates, Bicentennial f Amphitheater Site, Geology Investigation, for an amount not to exceed $1,300. .......Ji Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3065. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Green, Blum, Perea, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson CONTRACT FOR SERVICES, MARVIN SUTTER: Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into contract for architectural services with Marvin Sutter for the Mt. Vernon Community Center. Mr. Sutter has proposed to provide this service for a contract upset figure in the amount of $42,000. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3066 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH MARVIN G. SUTTER, FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE MOUNT VERNON COMMUNITY CENTER J WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional architectural services in connection with the Mt. Vernon Community Center; and WHEREAS, Marvin G. Sutter has proposed to provide the necessary services for an amount not to exceed $42,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contract with Marvin G. Sutter for architectural services in connection with the Mt. Vernon Community Center for an amount not to exceed $42,000. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3066. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Blum, Guhin, Green, Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson Mr. Hodgdon stated that Santa Fe Federal Savings & Loan has committed that they will develop a branch office within this Center. The Agency has indicated to the City that it is willing to cooperate in the development of a City Library within this area. Mr. Encisco proposes to develop a new market within this area also. The Agency will cooperate with Mr. Encisco in helping him to obtain a Small Business Loan. Mr. Hodgdon stated that the assistance of Mrs. Grice might be requested in this respect. ..... r ...... 2770 PRESENTATION - JOSEPH E. BONADIMAN & ASSOCIATES: r- I Mr. Bonadiman thanked the Board for the contracts awarded to the various San L Bernardino firms at todays meeting. AWARD OF UTILITY UNDERCROSSING. STATE COLLEGE PROJECT: Mr. Hodgdon stated that Bonadiman-McCain. Inc.. is the successful bidder for the Utility Undercrossing work to be performed within the State College Project. After review of the tabulation of bids. the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3067 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA. AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH BONADIMAN-Mc CAIN. INC. . UTILITY UNDERCROSSING. ST ATE COLLEGE PROJECT WHEREAS. the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino invited competitive sealed bids for Utility Undercrossing. State College Project; and WHEREAS. an Invitation for Bid therefore was duly published in the San Bernar- dino Sun Telegram. a newspaper of general circulation for two weeks and an r Affidavit showing such publication is on file in this Agency; and i \",... WHEREAS. a number of such bids were received at the time and place specified and said bids were opened and read aloud in public. The lowest qualified bid was offered by Bonadiman-McCain. Inc.. in the amount of $219.525; and WHEREAS. the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino has accepted the bid of Bonadiman -McCain. Inc.. as it is in the best interest of the Agency. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. California. that subject to the approval of the Contractor by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. the bid of Bonadiman- McCain. Inc. in the amount of $219.525 is hereby accepted and the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute the Contract for Utility Undercrossing . State College Project. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3067. The motion was carried by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Green. Wilson. Blum. Guhin. Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson ,.... \ L CM ENGINEERING. CONTRACT FOR SERVICES. UTILITY UNDERCROSSING ST A TE . . COLLEGE PROJECT: Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into contract withCM Engineering 2771 for construction drawings for the utility undercrossing within the State College Project Area. CM has proposed to provide this service for $22,000. After review, the following resolution was introduced: ...... ...... RESOLUTION NO. 3068 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH C M ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR UTILITY UNDERCROSSING, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA NO.4 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional engineering services for construction drawings for the utility undercrossing within the State College Project Area No.4; and WHEREAS, C M Engineering has proposed to provide this service for an amount not to exceed $22,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into contract with C M Engineering Associates, Utility Undercrossing, State College Proj ect No.4, for an amount not to exceed $22,000 J Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3068. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Wilson, Blum, Guhin, Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson OTHER BUSINESS: Mrs. Blum inquired as to the status of the California Hotel. Mr. Hodgdon stated that he understands that the owners are discussing plans of selling the property to a group who will redevelop the hotel and use it as a Retirement Hotel. Mrs. Blum stated that she has been advised that Mr. Dominguez was out of order at the last meeting when he brought up personal matters at the Board Meeting. She stated that he should of been advised so at the meeting. Mr. Hodgdon stated that this was so, but that the Agency had no idea what Mr. Dominguez was going to say until it was already said. ADJOURNMENT: ~ Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Green adjourning the meeting at 4: 45 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Green, Guhin, Wilson, Blum and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson .....,J r ~ r I '-- r- , 1 \-.. 2772 OPERATION SECOND CHANCE: 4: 50 p.m. - The meeting was reopened by the Chairman. Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to execute the lease agreement with Operation Second Chance for the land at Muscott and Highland Avenues. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3069 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE LEASE AGREEMENT WITH OPERA TION SECOND CHANCE FOR PROPERTY TO BE USED AS THE PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to lease to Operation Second Chance the property located at Muscott and Highland Avenues for the development of a Public Enterprise Center; and WHEREAS, Operation Second Chance has agreed to lease this land from the Rede- velopment Agency for $21,000 per year; and WHEREAS, a Land Lease Agreement has been prepared and has been reviewed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Land Lease between the Redevelopment Agency and Operation Second Chance is hereby approved in principle. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute said Land Lease with Operation Second Chance for property located at Highland and Muscott Avenues, for the development of a Public Enterprise Center. Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3069. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Guhin, Green, Blum, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Guhin adjourning the meeting at 5: 00 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote,to wit: Ayes: Perea, Green, Guhin, Wilson, Blum and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson 2773 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 19TH DAY OF JUNE, 1975, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA , , ...... The Secretary reported that due to the lack of a quorum, the meeting has been postponed until 4: 00 p.m., July 3, 1975. ., , -J IIIIIIl\ .....J r- l j ! ~ ...... [ r- i f l.. 2774 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, OF JULY 3, 1975, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Secretary Treasurer reported that a quorum could not be obtained today and the meeting will be postponed until next Thursday, July 10, 1975, at 4: 00 p.m. 2775 MINUTES OF THE POSTPONED REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOP- MENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 10TH DAY OF JULY, 1975, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, SAN BERNRDINO, CALIFORNIA -, J Due to lack of quorum, the Regular Meeting of July 3, 1975 was postponed until July 10, 1975. The Chairman, Warner W. Hodgdon, called the meeting to order at 4: 00 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Warner W. Hodgdon, Alan E. Guhin, Ray M. Wilson and Irmi Blum Agency Members Absent: Wayne Stephenson, Wallace Green and Paul Perea Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary The Chairman declared a quorum present. MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 5, 1975 were submitted for approval. Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Blum approving the Minutes as submitted. j The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Blum, Wilson .... ... and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson, Green and Perea REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory stated that Mr. Greenestone is now representing himself in his action against the Redevelopment Agency and has filed a Notice of Appeal. 4: 03 p.m. - Mr. Perea arrived at the meeting. RELOCATION OF COUNTY EMPLOYEES FROM COUNTY AGRICULTURAL BUILDING: Mr. Hodgdon read the following letter: July 2, 1975 County Administrator Robert A. Covington 157 W. Fifth Street San Bernardino, CA 92415 Re: County Agricultural Building (Lugo Ave.) Interim Y.W .C.A. Relocation ~ ......J Dear Mr. Covington: r I I L r ~ [ 2776 This letter is to ratify our discussion as of July I, 1975 pertaining to the relocation of the County Agricultural Department presently located on Lugo Street to accommodate the interim relocation of the YWCA. This cooperative transaction between the County of San Bernardino and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino is a continuation of the implementation process in bringing to fruition the Plan of Develop- ment of the City-County-Civic Center Complex in conjunction with the Plan of Develop- ment, Overall Central City Area. The existing County Agricultural Offices are present- ly planned by the County for relocation subsequent to the development of new facilities for same. The Redevelopment Agency and the City of San Bernardino appreciate your affirmative consideration to relocate said County building on an interim basis in order to facilitate the interim program of the YWCA during the development of the new structure. This Inter-governmental cooperation supports another additional positive factor for our community area, which includes the immediate construction of a new SAFECO Title Insurance Co. building at the present location of the old YWCA facility (5th and Arrowhead Avenues). Therefore, the following actions will be ratified by the Agency Board relative to this matter. The Redevelopment Agency will be responsible for relocation costs of $4,000 as to moving expenses and $1,200 for telephone in- stallation. The monthly rental for the County Agricultural Building, which is approximately 10,000 feet more or less will be $2,000 and will continue for 24 months after the completion of the relocation of the County Agricultural Building to their interim quarters, estimated to require, including renovation, approximately 60 days from the effective date of this subject matter. I have generally discussed the aforementioned with Supervisor Nancy Smith and reiterated to her our further discussion that the Redevelopment Agency is in the final process of completing the Plan of Development Reports for the relocation of the Central Fire Station, Central Library and the Hall of Justice. The Mayor and Common Council have initiated the implementing steps for the vacation of 4th St. and 5th Streets. There- fore, by approximately September I, 1975 a definitive Resolution relative to the County- City Civic Center Complex area may be formulated in accordance with the implementation of the Plan of Development - Interim Report, Overall Central City Area, which was adopted by the Mayor andCommon Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino Marcy 17, 1975. Thank you and the Board of Supervisors for your continued cooperation in this matter and I will be available at your convenience to expedite same. Respectfully yours, s/Warner W. Hodgdon Warner W. Hodgdon, Chairman WWH/bb 2777 After review, the following resolution was introduced authorizing the entering into of agreements as set forth in the above letter: RESOLUTION NO. 3070 ..., I I ...." RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO PREPARE AND EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS FOR THE RELOCATION OF COUNTY FACILITIES, YWCA FACILITIES AND SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE 81- TRUST CO. WHEREAS, the County of San Bernardino owns and occupies certain real property commonly known as the Agricultural Building located at 566 Lugo; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency in the implementation of the Overall Plan of Development, requires that the YWCA relocate from their existing quarters located at 498 West Arrowhead Avenue; and WHEREAS, County has agreed to relocate its facilities from said Agricultural Building; and WHEREAS, YWCA has agreed to implement said Agricultural Building for its purposes on a temporary basis; and .-, -.J WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Redevelopment Agency to aid and implement the above referred relocations of County as well as YWCA in order to acquire real property owned by YWCA for development by SAFECO Title Insurance Company. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents relating to the various relocations involved of 1) County Facilities, 2) YWCA Facilities and 3) SAFECO Title Insurance Company. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Re~olution No. 3070. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Wilson, Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Green FACILITY SCIENCES CORPORATION, CONTRACT FOR SERVICES PHASED BUILDING PROGRAM, YMCA & YWCA: Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into contract with Facility Sciences for a Phased Building Program for the YMCA & YWCA. They propose to provide this service for $6,800 plus $500 for reimbursable costs of printing. After review, the following resolution was introduced: ....., -J r I ...... r -....... ".. L 2778 RESOLUTION NO. 3071 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH FACILITY SCIENCES CORPORATION, PHASED BUILDING PROGRAM, YMCA AND YWCA WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services for the preparation of a phased space and building requirements program for the Central City branches of the YMCA and YWCA; and WHEREAS, Facility Sciences Corporation has proposed to provide this service for $6,800, plus an additional $500.00 for reimbursable costs of printing and travel. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contract with Facility Sciences Corporation, for a Phased Building Program for the YMCA and YWCA, not to exceed the amount of $6,800, plus an additional $500.00 budgeted for reimbursable costs of printing and travel. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3071. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Wilson, Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Green GRUEN ASSOCIATES - CONTRACT FOR DETAILED SPACE ALLOCATION PLANS, YWCA AND YMCA: Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into contracts with Gruen Asso. for the physical layout of the YWCA and YMCA. This is the final step necessary. It will help them in their receipt of contributions and pledges for their new facilities. After review, the following resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3072 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH GRUEN ASSOCIATES, DETAILED SPACE ALLOCATION PLANS, YWCA WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services for a detailed space allocation plan for the YWCA facilities to be located at Seccombe Lake Park; and WHEREAS, Gruen Associates propose to provide this service for an amount not to exceed $20,400. 2779 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contract with Gruen Associates for a detailed Space Alloca tion Plan for the YWCA Facilities, to be located at S eccom be Lake Park, for an amount not to exceed $20,400. .., ! f ....... Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3072. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Wilson, Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Green RESOLUTION NO. 3073 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH GRUEN ASSOCIATES, DETAILED SPACE ALLOCATION PLANS, YMCA '" WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services for a detailed space allocation plan for the YMCA facilities to be located at Seccombe Lake Park; and J WHEREAS, Gruen Associates propose to provide this service for an amount not to exceed $26,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contract with Gruen Associates for a detailed Space Allocation Plan for the YMCA Facilities, to be located at Seccombe Lake Park, for an amount not to exceed $26,000. Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3073. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Wilson, Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Green SEVENTH AMENDATORY CONTRACT TO THE LOAN AND GRANT CONTRACT, R-79: The following resolution was introduced by the Chairman and considered: RESOLUTION NO. 3074 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION OF A SEVENTH AMENDATORY CONTRACT AMENDING LOAN AND GRANT CONTRACT NO. CALIF. R-79 (LG) , BY AND BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CALIFORNIA, AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ~ .......,J [ r \...... r L 2780 BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, as follows: SECTION 1. The pending proposed Seventh Amendatory Contract (herein called the IIAmendatory Contractll), to amend that certain Loan and Grant Contract No. Calif. R-79 (LG), dated March 21, 1967, by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, (herein called the IILocal Public Agencyll) and the United States of America (herein called the IIGovernmentll), is hereby in all respects approved. SECTION 2. The Chairman is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Amenda- tory Contract in two counterparts on behalf of the Local Public Agency, and the Sec- retary is hereby authorized and directed to impress and attest the official seal of the Local Public Agency on each such counterpart and to forward such counterparts to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, for execution on behalf of the Government, together with such other documents relative to the approval and execu-. tion of such counterparts as may be required by the Government. SECTION 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Mr. Quinn explained that the Amendatory reflects a budget revision in the loan availability. After review, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3074. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hodgdon, Guhin, Wilson, Blum and Perea Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Green ELKS BUILDING ASSOCIATION: Mr. Hodgdon stated that the Agency is in the process of acquiring the property located at the southeast corner of 7th and Sierra Way. The Elks Building Association desire to purchase this property from the Agency for development of their new facilities. Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into Agree- ment with Elks, setting forth the Agency's intentions to acquire the property at 7th and Sierra Way and agreeing to the eventual disposition of this parcel to the Elks for the purchase price of $166,000. Mr. Hodgdon also requested authorization for the Chairman and Secretary to execute all necessary documents for the cancellation of lease between the Elks and the United California Bank. This is the lease for the property they are now occupying, which has been purchased from United California Bank by the Agency. Mr. Hodgdon read a letter from Mr. Frank Dominguez regarding this cancellation. The letter is as follows: 2781 June 10, 1975 ~ r. ,ij :j! .~ Mr. Warner Hodgdon Chairman Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California 300 North IIDII Street, Room 320 San Bernardino, California ..... Re: UCB Lease Cancellation Dear Mr. Hodgdon: This letter is for the purpose of confirming our understanding that the lease cancellation date of February 1, 1975, on the UCB leased premises located at 468 Fourth Street, San Bernardino, is acceptable to me. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in resolving this matter. Very truly yours, V ANIR RESEARCH COMPANY s/H. Frank Dominguez J HFD:cmm V ANIR TOWER COMPANY s/H. Frank Dominguez After review, the following resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3075 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH ELKS BUILDING ASSOCIATION, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7TH AND SIERRA WAY WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency is in the process of acquiring the property located at the southeast corner of Seventh Street and Sierra Way; and WHEREAS, the Elks Building Association desires to purchase this parcel of land for development of their new facilities; and ......, -- ,-. ....... ,...... , \- r i L.. 2782 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency and the Elks Building Association desire to enter into a written Agreement whereby the Agency will pursue the purchase of said property for disposition to the Elks Building Association, at the purchase price of $166,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into Agreement with the Elks Building Association. Said Agreement shall set forth the Agency's intentions to acquire the property at the southeast corner of 7th and Sierra Way, and agree to the eventual disposition of said parcel to the Elks Building Association for the purchase price of $166,000. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3075. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Wilson, Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Green RESOLUTION NO. 3076 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF., AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR THE APPRO- PRIATE TERMINATION & OR CANCELLATION OF LEASE BETWEEN THE SAN BERNARDINO ELKS BUILDING ASSOCIATION & UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino by Resolution No. 3075 authorized acquisition of real property owned by the San Bernardino Elks Euilding Assoc- iation, and WHEREAS, said property is encumbered by a deed of trust in favor of Metropolitan Life In- surance Company, and WHEREAS, a portion of said property is leased to United California Bank, and WHEREAS, as additional security for said deed of trust in favor of Metropolitan Life Insur- ance Company, the rights under said lease have been assigned to Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the parties to this transaction to cancel, and terminate said lease by and between the parties thereto. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary be and are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents necessary for the appropriate termination and/or cancellation of said lease between the San Bernardino Elks Building Association and United California Bank. 2783 Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No 0 30760 The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Wilson, Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Green IIlIIIIt Mr 0 Terril Spoor, representing the Elks Building Association, thanked Mr 0 Hodgdon and Mr 0 Quinn for all their assistance in their move 0 ...... NAHRO SOUTHWEST REGIONAL DUES: Motion was made by Wilson and Seconded by Blum authorizing the payment of $200 for the NAHRO Southwest Regional Dues 0 The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Wilson, Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Green OTHER BUSINESS: Mr 0 Vaughn Besoyan (Vaughn's Cleaners & Tailors) and Mr 0 Joe Fraga (Joe's Shoe Repair) were presented to the Board 0 Mr 0 Besoyan stated that they have made several relocations within the downtown area due to redevelopment. They are now forced to move again by Security National Bank, who purchased the Garner Property for parking purposes 0 Mr 0 Besoyan stated that he and Mr 0 Fraga would like to relocate into the Fine Arts Theater Building located at 480 North "0" Street. They would like some guarantee from the Agency that they will be allowed to remain in this building for at least five years 0 He also stated that they would like to be relocated under HUD rules 0 .., ~ -J Mr 0 Hodgdon stated that Central City North is not a federally funded project and therefore HUD Relocation Regulations would not apply 0 He further stated that the Agency does not own the Fine Arts Theater Building and therefore can give no guarantee that they can occupy the building for five years 0 He further stated that the acquisition of this building is not within the scope of the Plan of Develop- ment, and therefore he could see no reason, at this time, why the Redevelopment Agency would force any such move 0 Upon careful review, motion was made by Blum and seconded by Perea instructing the Chairman and Secretary to draft a resolution and Agreement setting forth the Agency's intentions to cooperate with Mr 0 Besoyan and Mr 0 Fraga in every way possible regarding their pending relocation to 480 North "0" Street. The Agreement shall be reviewed at the meeting of August 7, 19750 The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Wilson, Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson and Green ADJOURNMENT: ~ Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Guhin adjourning the meeting at 4: 40 p om 0 ......, r ! "- r '-' ""... L 2784 The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Wilson, Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Stephenson & Green ~- 2785 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 17TH DAY OF JULY, 1975, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, 4: 00 P .M . ..., ...J. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4: 07 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Hodgdon, Perea, Stephenson, Blum, Guhin and Green Agency Members Absent: Wilson Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director: Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory stated that he has nothing to report at this time. CONTRACT FOR SERVICES - SPECIAL COUNSEL - BASIC LEGAL DOCUMENTATION: Mr . Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into a contract with James Warren Beebe as Special Counsel for the basic legal documentation needed in connection with Central City South, Central City East and the Southeast Industrial Parks Transportation- Distribution Center. The contract will include the Tentative Schedules for these pro- jects. He will see that all the legal steps are taken for the Public Hearings. .., -J An important part of the Plan of Development is to see that all necessary steps are taken for the development of several key buildings within the Overall Central City Area, along with definite parking plans. Mr. Beebe's contract will include the necessary legal work involved. The Contract will also include necessary legal documentation involved with financing the projects. Mr. Hodgdon explained that Mr. Beebe is an expert in this field. He has had much experience in San Bernardino. He was the Counsel for the Public Safety Authority and the Civic Center Authority. He was a partner with O'Melveny & Myers and as such was the Counsel for the Agency for several bond transactions. Mr. Flory stated that to his knowledge, there are no attorneys in San Bernardino who specialize in this field. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3077 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRET AR Y TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH JAMES WARREN BEEBE, AS SPECIAL COUNSEL FOR BASIC LEGAL DOCUMENT A TION ~ --- r ...... ~ L r ~ 2786 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage the services of a Law Corporation as Special Council for Basic Legal Documentation in connec- tion with Central City South, Central City East and the Southeast Industrial Parks Transportation-Distribution Center Projects; and WHEREAS, James Warren Beebe has proposed to provide this service and the Agency desires to engage his services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute Contract with James Warren Beebe as Special Council for Basic Legal Documentation in connection with Central City South, Central City East and the Southeast Industrial Parks Transportation-Distribution Center. Motion was made by Stephenson and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3077. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Stephenson, Blum, Guhin, Green and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL ASSISTANCE TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Mr. Hodgdon stated that through the Economic Development Council, San Bernardino has been desiganted a Special Impact Area. The area consists of approximately 70,000 people and covers a 25 square mile area. The Agency must start coordinating with them not only within the downtown area, but in the outside areas. The Economic Development Council can contribute largely to the Redevelopment Agency's efforts. The following memorandum was read: July 17, 1975 MEMO TO: Agency Board FROM: P. W. Quinn, Jr. Executive Director Sections 33020-33071 of the California Health and Safety Code, Community Rede- velopment Law, defines redevelopment and declares this State's policy relating thereto. Under these sections of Redevelopment Law, it is declared that the intent of the legisla tion is to provide for the planning and replanning, development, redesign, clearance, or any combination of the above necessary in the interest of the general welfare, including any facilities incidental or appurtenant thereto, and it is further declared that one of the purposes of redevelopment is to expand employment oppor- tunities for the jobless, underemployed, and low-income persons, and to provide 2787 an environment for the social, economic, and phychological growth and well being of all citizens. ,.... i I ....J The goals of the Economic Development Council of and in San Bernardino are to further stimulate and activate businesses and business opportunities within the impact area in the City of San Bernardino, and consequently its activities are sup- portive of Redevelopment Agency duties and activities and, as such, playa direct role in the achievement by the Redevelopment Agency of its goals toward the elimi- nation of blight within the Community. Therefore, it is believed appropriate and proper that the Redevelopment Agency enter into a contract with the Economic Development Council wherein apd whereby that Council will provide services to the Agency consistent with the definitions above set forth and, particularly towards the expansion of employment opportunities for the jobless, underemployed, and low-income persons, and thereby, to provide an environment for the social, economic, and phychological growth and well-being of all citizens, and in consonance with Agency goals as laid down by the above-cited provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law. I have discussed this matter at length with Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, and it is his considered opinion that such a contract between the Agency and the Economic Development Council would be legally permissible. ~ siP. W. Quinn, Jr. P. W. Quinn, Jr., Executive Director -.-i CONCURRED: s/Wm. A. Flory Wm. A. Flory, Agency Counsel Mr. Green stated that he will refrain from discussion and voting on this matter due ro personal reasons. Mrs. Blum asked if the Economic Development Council stimulates business opportunities within San Bernardino. Mr. Hodgdon stated that yes it does. It works arm in arm with the Agency in supporting this type of activity within San Bernardino. They are active in helping small businesses obtain Small Business Loans. The Council has a 21 member board and many coalition members throughout the City. Mr. Perea stated that they have helped many people within the West End of San Ber- nardino . Mr Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into a contract with Economic Develop- ment Council, whereby they would provide the Agency with needed services. They ~ have already completed studies within the impact area, listing the owners of property, the sq. footage, and the asking prices for the property. This information is among - 2788 I the services they can provide the Agency. After careful consideration, the following resolution was introduced: '- RESOLUTION NO. 3078 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL FOR SERVICES CONSISTENT WITH THE DEFINITIONS UNDER COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LAW WHEREAS, Sections 33020-33071 of the California Health and Safety Code, Com- munity Redevelopment Law, declares that the intent of the legislation is to pro- vide for the planning and replanning, development, redesign, clearance or any combination of the above necessary in the interest of the general welfare, including any facilities incidential or appurtenant thereto; and WHEREAS, said Community Redevelopment Law further declares that one of the purposes of redevelopment is to expand employment opportunities for the jobless, under-employed ,and low-income persons, and to provide an environment for the social, economic a~d phychological growth and well being of all citizens; and r WHEREAS, the goals of the Economic Development Council of the City of San Ber- nardino are to further stimulate and activiate businessess and business opportuni- ties within the impact area in the City of San Bernardino, and consequently its activities are supportive of Redevelopment Agency duties and activities, and as such, playa direct role in the achievement by the Redevelopment Agency of its goals toward the elimination of blight within the Community; and ...... WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency determines it appropriate and proper to enter into contract with the Economic Development Council wherein and whereby that Council will provide services to the Agency consistent with the definitions above set forth and, particularly towards the expansion of employment opportunities for the jobless, underemployed, and low-income persons, and thereby, to provide an environment for the social, economic, and phychological growth and well-being of all citizens, and in consonance with Agency goals as laid down by the above-cited provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contract with Economic Development Council, whereby the Economic Development Council shall provide services to the Agency consistent with the defini- tions under the Community Redevelopment Law, not to exceed the sum of $50,000. r Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Stephenson authorizing the adoption ! of Re~olution No. 3078. The motion 'was carried by the following vote, to wit: ~ .... 2789 Ayes: Perea, Stephenson, Blum, Guhin and Hodgdon Abstention: Green Absent: Wilson Noes: None OTHER BUSINESS: ] Mr. Hodgdon read the following letter: May 19, 1975 Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon Chairman of the Board Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Re: Intergovernmental Resources Dear Mr. Hodgdon: To enhance the informational exchange between the Redevelopment Agency and the Mayor and Common Council, we propose the appointment of a specific resource person who might be readily available to satisfy inquiries or to present data as re- lated to Redevelopment Agency projects and activities. ...... Capitalizing upon the experience of Norris P. Gregory, Jr., and, recognizing his knowledge of Redevelopment Agency projects and activities, it is felt that his placement in such a position could affect a greater rapport between the Redevelop- ment Agency and the Mayor and Common Council. --- To invest and exert our most enlightened efforts toward the successful accomplish- ment of the approved projects incorporated within the City of San Bernardino's over- all plans of development, along with consideration of proposed or anticipated actions, we strongly urge the Redevelopment Agency's favorable consideration of the recom- mendated appointment. Sincerely, s/Robert L. Hammock Robert L. Hammock Councilman, Fourth Ward W. R. "Bob" Holcomb Mayor s/Tony Campos Tony E. Campos Councilman, First Ward s/Lionel E. Hudson Lionel E. Hudson Councilman, Fifth Ward ......, s/Edward S. Wheeler, Jr. Edward S. Wheeler, Jr. Councilman, Second Ward John D. Hobbs John D. Hobbs Councilman-Elect, Sixth Ward --' r I ........ ....- -- "..... ....... 2790 s/William Katona William Katona Councilman, Third Ward s/Russell E. Lackner Russell E. Lackner Councilman, Seventh Ward Mr. Hodgdon stated that the Board previously approved the hiring of Jerry Winstead as Special Assistant to the Chairman. The Board also approved the hiring of a Development person. This position has not been filled. Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to hire Mr. Gregory, as recommended by the City, as Director of Intergovernmental Resources. Mr. Gregory will serve the Agency as a liason with various Agencies, including the school district. Mr. Guhin stated that Mr. Gregory was very qualified for this position, but that he did not think the Agency should be responsible for hiring a liason person to com- municate with the City. The Agency has done everything possible to inform the City of their activities. He stated that the letter implied to him that the Agency is remiss in their duties of keeping the City informed. He felt that if the City needed a liason officer, they should appoint one on their payroll. Mr. Green stated that he understood Mr. Guhin' s position, but that the City has not hired anyone for this purpose, and he felt that the hiring of Mr. Gregory would be to the advantage of the Agency. Mrs. Blum stated that there has been a lot of misinterpretation between the Agency and City and she felt that the hiring of Mr. Gregory would eliminate a lot of the communication problems. Mr. Hodgdon assured the Members that Mr. Gregory's duties would include more than just communication between the City and the Agency. He would be working with the School District and other trouble areas assigned by the Chairman and Executive Director. Mrs. Blum asked if the duties of the Intergovernmental Resource Director would over lap those of Mr. Winstead, Special Assistant to the Chairman. Mr. Hodgdon stated that they would not. Mr. Winstead is kept very busy and does not have the time to personally act in the capacity of the Director for Intergovernmental Resources. Mr. Hodgdon stated that the Mayor and Council appoint the Board Members. They can take over the Agency by merely adopting an ordinance to that affect. If they desire the appointment of a resource person, he felt that the Agency should cooperate with them. After further consideration, motion was made by Perea and seconded by Green authorizing the hiring of Mr. Norris Gregory, Jr, as Director of Intergovernmental Resources. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, 2791 Green, Stephenson, Blum and Hodgdon Absent: Wilson Noes: Guhin Abstention: None .., I ~ Mr. Guhin stated that his vote was not based on Mr. Gregory's qualifications. He voted no because he did not feel the Agency should create such a position. Mr. Gregory stated that he appreciated the Board's vote and that he is in complete understanding with Mr. Guhin's comments. He stated that he intended to represent the Agency well toward their goals and programs. SCHOOL PROPERTIES: The Members were concerned regarding the status of the school properties. Mr. Quinn explained that the Agency originally agreed to purchase eight sites from the School District, at approximately their same appraisal figures. The Agency did have independent appraisals made of the properties. The School District agreed to purchase property at 7th and "E" Streets from the General Telephone Company for a site for their new Administration Building. The Agency in turn agreed to pay for the architectural costs. These costs would be recaptured through the lease back to the School of the Administration Building. When it came time for the School District to purchase the property at 7th and "E" from General Telephone they were dissatisfied with the price asked by the Telephone Company, although this price was actually less than what the Telephone Company had originally paid for the property themselves. ..., i 1 -...,j Although they did not want to pay the price asked by General Telephone Company for the 7th and "E" Street site, they hired the architect to design the building for this site. When they received the billing in the amount of $38,000, they sent it to the Agency for payment. Mr. Hodgdon stated that the Agency's position was not to pay a bill for plans which might never be used. Several meetings have been held with the School District and General Telephone Company. The School District still does not want to acquire the property. Mr. Hodgdon read the following letters that he wrote to the School District regarding this matter: July 15, 1975 Mr. George L. Caldwell Superin tenden t San Bernardino City Unified School District 799 "F" Street San Bernardino, California 92410 ...... ........." r , ...... r L r .... 2792 Re: San Bernardino Unified School District New Administration Building - 7th and "E" Streets Dear Mr. Caldwell: I am in receipt of your letter dated July 2, 1975, pertaining to the above which included your letter of April 23, 1975, copies of which are attached hereto. You are correct from the standpoint that your recommended copy to the Amendment to the Predisposition Agreement dated April 17, 1975, bears Mr. Quinn I s signature, however, in discussing this with Mr. Quinn, to the best of his knowledge this documentation was not formerly forwarded to your office coupled with the fact it was a recommended resolution drafted by yourself and has not been presented to the Agency Board in proper form for approval and execution by the Executive Dir- ector and Chairman. I am also enclosing herewith your letter dated May 27, 1975, regarding a $38,267 bill from your Architects, Cashion-Horie, pertaining to the District Administration Center to be located at 7th and "E" Streets. You are correct that the Agency Board approved the architectural agreement, however, copies of said agreement have .not been forwarded to yourself or the architects due to the fact that the Executive Director and myself did not feel it to be prudent judgement to expend funds for architectural fees at the 7th and "E" Streets site that was to be approved by yourself and the Board of Education. Also enclosed herewith is your memorandum dated September 12, 1974, entitled "Status Of Sale Of Abandoned And Surplus Sites" and the Agency agrees with the second paragraph of your memorandum, "The escrow instructions are now ready to be closed. The District and the Redevelopment Agency have entered into negotiation for the purchase of the site for the new administration center complex on which the closing of sales is contingent". As you know, I met with you several times regarding the acquisition price from the General Telephone Company which as yet has not been determined to your satisfaction. Pursuant to our meeting of July 2, 1975, with yourself and Mr. Patrick J. Morris, President of the School Board, you were contemplating at that time that the Agency should pay the $38,267.00 fee of your Architects, Cashion-Horie, covering the 7th and "E" Street site, which represents 20 percent of their total estimated fee for the Schematic Design Phase and simultaneously adhere to your request that the District Administrative Center not be built at said site that the plans cover. As indicated in the third paragraph of your letter dated April 23, 1975, "As soon as the Amendment to the Predisposition Agreement is approved by the Redevelop- ment Agency, and the relocation costs matter clarified, I have the Board of Education's approval to close all the escrows." Therefore, this letter is to reaffirm that this issue has not been resubmitted to the Agency Board at this time and I do not believe the Agency Board would concur with your letter of May 27, 1975, that said architectural fees should be paid by the Redevelopment Agency until the 2793 Board of Education reaffirms our total original agreement initiated February 28, 1974, .,.... as to the acquisition of the vacant school properties and development of the School . Administration site at 7th and "E" Streets. I ~ Thank you for your continued reevaluation of this overall matter and I am sure that if we will continue our positive attitude, the decision will come to a constructive conClusion as initially represented. -..II Respectfully yours, s/Warner W. Hodgdon WARNER W. HODGDON, Chairman Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino WWH: j s Encl. cc: Peter W. Quinn, Executive Director Mayor W.R. Holcomb Board of Education - San Bernardino Unified School District July 15, 1975 San Bernardino City Board of Education San Bernardino City Unified School District 799 North "F" Street San Bernardino, California 92410 ....., ~ -' Attention: Mr. Patrick J. Morris, President & Board Members Re: San Bernardino Unified School District New Administration Building - 7th and "E" Streets Dear Mr. Morris and Board Members: Enclosed herewith is my letter of July 15, 1975 to Mr. George L. Caldwell, Super- intendent, pertaining to the progress we have jointly made as to the acquisition of the abandoned and surplus sites which included the development of the Central Administration site at 7th and "E" Streets. I understand that in the interim period subsequent to our original agreements that the composition of the Board has changed, and therefore, a reevaluation as to the continuation of the development of the Central Administration site at 7th and "E" Streets as prepared by your Architects, Cashion-Horie, is being reviewed along with other multiple sites. Taking into consideration that archi- ...., ....... r I ....... r L r- ..... 2794 tectural plans in the amount of $38,267.00 have been completed by your Architects Cashion-Horie, and coupled with the fact that our original agreement included both the acquisition of the abandoned and surplus school sites and the simultaneous developments of the Central Administration Center at 7th and "E" Streets, I believe that it is to our best interest to complete this transaction as initiated. It is my understanding that the various multiple sites are going to be reviewed by your Board at its forthcoming meeting of July 17, 1975, and therefore, upon receiving a subsequent determination, the Agency Board will consider the appro- priate determination thereto. Thank you for your time and constructive efforts in this matter. The Agency appreciates your careful consideration of the various alternatives relative to the disposition of your abandoned and surplus sites and the development of a new Administration Center. Though some time has elapsed since the formulation of this endeavor, I am sure that this time has been well spent in implementing a sound foundation for a decision that is vital to the educational and economic environ- ment of our community. Respectfully yours, s/Warner W. Hodgdon WARNER W. HODGDON, Chairman Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino WWH: js Encl. cc: Peter W. Quinn, Jr., Executive Director Mayor W. R. Holcomb A Status Report was presented, prepared by George L. Caldwell, dated September 12, 1974. The report is as follows: ST A TUS OF SALE OF ABANDONED AND SURPLUS SITES The Board of Education at its meeting of June 27, 1974 approved the negotiated sale of the following abandoned and surplus sites to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino: Metcalf School Child Care Center Jefferson School Washington School Little Mountain Site 2795 Sturges Site Additions District Administration Building and Site Sturges Junior High School ] The escrow conditions for each site as approved by the Board at its June 27, 1974 meeting have been included in the escrow instructions after having been approved by the Redevelopment Agency, including the stipulation that the administration staff will occupy the Sturges School facilities and the present Administration Build- ing until the new Administration Center is accepted and occupied by the staff. The escrow instructions are now ready to be closed. The District and the Redevelop- ment Agency have entered into negotiation for the purchase of the site for the new administration center complex on which the closing of sales is contingent. To determine the fair market value of the proposed site, the District is selecting an appraiser to establish the value of the site selected. The fees for this appraisal service will be reimbursed to the District by the Agency. When the site acquisition and disposal transactions have been completed, the Board will be able to proceed with the completion of plans and specifications leading to construction of the new school District Board of Education and Administration Offices. It should be noted by the Board of Education that the development of this center is planned to be financed by bond funds and proceeds of the sale of these properties to the Redevelopment Agency. The Board will need to make commitment of these funds if this project is to be properly financed. ~ When the appraised value of the Administrative Center site has been determined, the proposed negotiated purchase price of the site will be presented to the Board of Education for approval. -.J GEORGE L. CALDWELL Superintendent September 12, 1974. After careful consideration, motion was made by Green and seconded by Guhin ratifying the Agency's position, as set forth in the Status Report hereinabove set forth dated September 12, 1974. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Guhin, Blum, Perea, Stephenson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Blum adjourning the meeting at 4: 50 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Blum, Stephenson, Green, Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: Non Abs~nt: Wilson .---- ~ ..... .....J r ..... r I l... r-' t ..... 2796 MINUTES OF THE POSTPONED REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 7, 1975, OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD AUGUST 14, 1975, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4: 15 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Hodgdon, Wilson, Green, Stephenson and Guhin Agency Members Absent: Blum and Perea Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency €:ounsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary. MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 17, 1975 were submitted for approval. Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Green approving the Minutes as sub- mitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Green, Stephenson and Hodgdon Noes: None l ..bstentiori :Wilson Absent: Perea and Blum Mr. Wilson abstained from voting because he was absent from this meeting. The Minutes of the Postponed Regular Meeting held July 10, 1975 were submitted for approval. Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Wilson approving the Minutes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Wilson, Stephenson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: Green Absent: Perea and Blum. Mr. Green abstained from voting because he was absent from this meeting. REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory stated that he would like to call an Executive Session at the conclusion of the meeting for pending litigation discussion. RESOLUTION - VAUGHN BESOY AN 8. JOE FRAGA: Mr. Hodgdon stated that Mr. Besoyan and Mr. Fraga met with the Board at the meet- ing of July 10th and requested some assurance that they would be able to remain in their new proposed location (Fine Arts Building) for a period of five years. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3079 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, SETTING FORTH CERTAIN UNDER- STANDINGS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY IN RELATION TO THE PROPOSED RELOCATION OF MR. VAUGHN BESOYAN AND MR. JOE FRAGA 2797 WHEREAS. in November of 1972. in the furtherance of proposed redevelopment l activities for the redevelopment project located within the City of San Bernardino. hereinafter identified as Central City North, the Agency did acquire certain property ....... from Jack Garner. commonly identified as located at 434 "D" Street; and WHEREAS. as part of said Plan of Development. this property was disposed of to Pacific Southwest Realty; and WHEREAS. as part of the consideration of said disposition of property to Pacific Southwest Reality. Inc. . it was agreed that said company would bear any costs of relocation of tenants occupying said premises; and WHEREAS. it is now the desire of said company to obtain the vacation of said premises by the tenants located thereof; and WHEREAS. it is the express desire of the tenants located in said property to relocate their businesses to the Fine Arts Theater Building. located at 480 North "D" Street; and WHEREAS. said tenants have expressed a concern as to the possible elimination of said premises located at 480 North "D" Street; and WHEREAS. said proposed relocatees have expressed a desire of obtaining some assurance that Agency activities would not disrupt their occupancy within the new proposed location; and ..., i 1 ......J WHEREAS. it is the desire of the Redevelopment Agency Board to provide some assurance of this nature to proposed relocatees; however. only in the event of their actual re- location from 434 North "D" Street to 480 North "D" Street; and WHEREAS. the Agency has heretofore provided the community with detailed studies and projections of their Overall Plan of Development; and WHEREAS. said Overall Plan of Development does not provide for the acquisition of the premises located at 480 North "D" Street. NOW. THEFEFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. California. that it is not within the scope at the present time of the Overall Plan of Development. to interfere with the occupancy of the premises previously identified within this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is not the present intent of the Redevelopment Agency to acquire and/or inter fer with the existing use of the property involved within the foreseeable future; and ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event that Agency. acting by and through its powers as a public entity. causes the need for a relocation from the premises. ......J r i ..... r f i ....... r L.. 2798 that all provisions of the California Governmental Code (Section 7260 et. seq) will be adhered to, and that proper compensation under these statutes will be provided when the tenants above referred to, i.e. Mr. Vaughn Besoyan and/or Mr. Joe Fraga, pursuant to the above referred to State Law. Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3079. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Green, Stephenson, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Blum EASEMENT AGREEMENT, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO: Mr. Quinn explained that the City has requested an easement at the corners of Highland and Muscott and Highland and Western. This easement is in connection with the new Public Enterprise Center. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3080 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE EASEMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino has requested an easement with reference to the proposed street improvements at the southeast corner of Highland Avenue and Muscott Streets and at the southwest corner of Highland Avenue and Western Avenue. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute an Easement Agreement with the City of San Bernardino for street and highway purposes, at the above sited locations. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3080. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Green, Stephenson, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Blum CHANGE ORDER, BONADIMAN-MC CAIN, UTILITY UNDERCROSSINO: It was explained that the contracted engineer, C M Engineering, for the utility undercrossing has recommended a change in the specifications of the contract. The change is in the the size of casing schedule for installation. The larger casing would cause a more effective irrigation system and in the long run save the City approximately $8,000 a year. After further review, the following reso- lution was introduced: 2799 RESOLUTION NO. 3081 ] RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECR.E;T ARY TO EXECUTE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 WITH BONADIMAN -McCAIN, INC. , STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4, UTILITY UNDERCROSSING WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency entered into a contract with Bonadiman -McCain, Inc. for the Utility Undercrossing, State College Project; and WHEREAS, the Contracted Engineer, C M Engineering, has recommended a change in the specifications for a more effective irrigation system; and WHEREAS, the Contractor has proposed to provide this change for an increase in contract price in the amount of $5,455. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute Change Order No. 1 with Bonadiman-McCain, Inc., Utility Undercrossing, State College Proj ect, for an amount not to exceed $5,455. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that contract total compensation is hereby amended from $219,525 to $224,970. J Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3081. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Green, Stephenson, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Blum FACILITY SCIENCES CORPORATION - CONTRACT FOR SERVICES, SPACE REQUIREMENTS STUDY, SENIOR CITIZENS SERVICE CENTER: Mr. Hodgdon stated that meetings have been held with the City regarding this Center and also representatives from the senior community. A space requirements study is now needed. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3082 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT WITH FACILITY SCIENCES CORPORATION, IN CONNECTION WITH THE SENIOR CITIZENS SERVICES CENTER .... --i. 2800 r WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage professional services for a space requirements study for a new Senior Citizens Service Center; and ..... r -....., ,.... t " \-. WHEREAS, Facility Sciences Corporation has proposed to provide this service for an amount of $8,200. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contract with Facility Sciences Corporation for a Space Requirement Report for the Senior Citizens Service Center, not to exceed the sum of $8,200. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3082. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Green, Stephenson, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Blum INCREASE FOR ENGINEERING FIRMS IN ACCORDANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS: Mr. Hodgdon explained that C M Engineering and Garner, Tracadas & Troy have requested change orders to their contracts, adopting the new Prevailing Hourly Rates for 1975. After review, the following resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3083 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT AMENDMENTS WITH C M ENGINEERING, REVISING THE PREVAILING HOURLY RATES OF SAID CONTRACTS WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has entered into numerous contracts with C M Engineering Associates; and WHEREAS, said contracts provide for the renegotiating at the request of the Contractor during the month of July of each year with the renegotiated rates to become effective as of the first day of August; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the International Union of Operating Engineers, CM Engineering has presented their Prevailing Hourly Rate schedule for the year 1975. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute Contract Amendments with contracts with C M Engineering, revising the Prevailing Hourly Rates of said contracts. 2801 Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Green author zing the adoption of Resolution No. 3083. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Green, Stephenson, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Blum .., i ~ ....J RESOLUTION NO. 3084 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT AMENDMENT WITH GARNER, TRACADAS & TROY, AMENDMENT PREVAILING W AGE RATES WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency has entered into contract with Garner, Tracadas & Troy for Site Improvements, Parking Lots; and WHEREAS, Garner, Tracadas & Troy have requested an amendment to their contract in connection with the Prevailing Hourly Wage Rates, in accordance with union regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute Contract Amendment with Garner, Tracadas & Troy for an amendment to the Prevailing Hourly Wage Rates within said contract. J Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3084. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Green, Stephenson, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea and Blum 4: 20 p.m. - Mrs. Blum arrived at the meeting. CONTRACT FOR SERVICES, JAMES WARREN BEEBE: Draft copies of the Tentative Action Schedule, prepared by James Warren Beebe were presented. Mr .Hodgdon explained that Tentative Action Schedules are being prepared for all of the proposed projects. The schedules give a step by step program of all necessary actions to be taken for the adoption of the project areas. The schedules also include samples of all the necessary documentation required. Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to enter into contract with James Warren Beebe as Bond Counsel for the Agency. The Contract will also include Special Counsel services for the preparation of various documents necessary to accomp- lish the Agency's objectives in carrying out the implementation of the Plan of Development. The fee schedule proposed by Mr. Beebe is consistent with that of other Bond Counsels. After review, the following resolution was introduced: ....... I - r i..- r '-- r 1..... 2802 RESOLUTION NO. 3085 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH JAMES WARREN BEEBE, AS BOND COUNSEL AND SPECIAL COUNSEL WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage the services of a Law Corporation as Bond Counsel and Special Council for the preparation of various documents necessary to accomplish the Agency's objectives in carrying out the implementation of the Plan of Development; and WHEREAS, James Warren Beebe, A Law Corporation, has proposed to provide this service and the Agency desires to engage their services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute Contract with James Warren Beebe as Bond Counsel and Special Counsel for Agency activities. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3085. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Green, Stephenson, Wilson, Blum and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea GRUEN ASSOCIATES, CONTRACT AMENDMENT, PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER: Mr. Hodgdon stated that the Economic Development Administration has approved the $500,000 grant for the development of the Public Enterprise Center. Additional requests for grants are being prepared. Gruen Associates are under contract for the architectural services needed in connection with this center. They were required to perform additional services in connection with this contract. Mr. Hodgdon read the following letter from Gruen Associates regarding additional compensation for these services. The letter is as follows: AugustS, 1975 Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon Chairman Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, California 92401 Dear Mr. Hodgdon: You have advised me that you cannot support a recommendation to the Agency 2803 which would grant Gruen Associates additional compensation to cover additional work undertaken by us in connection with the Public Enterprise Center. You state that certain citizens and public officials feel Gruen Associates has been given too much work already and that approval of additional funds would be frowned upon by this concerned group. ~ J I appreciate the sensitive position of the Agency relative to this matter, neverthe- less, I am compelled to offer a comment or two. Firstly, and irrespective of addi- tional Public Enterprise Center funds due Gruen Associates, I believe it is impor- tant for all concerned to understand Gruen Associates I role in San Bernardino at this time. Examination of basic facts is a good point of beginning in arriving at this understanding. FACT ONE: The Agency has adopted a policy which stipulates Gruen Associates' role in current San Bernardino work shall be limited to completion of conceptual, exploratory, preliminary studies and that local professionals shall be entrusted with architectural and engineering responsibilities required to carry out projects. Thus, most of the funds allocated for professional services will go to organizations other than Gruen Associates. F ACT TWO: The Agency is implementing this policy in that all current agreements with Gruen Associates (with one exception to be discussed later) limit our involve- ment to conceptual/preliminary studies. J FACT THREE: Implementation of this Agency policy is entirely evident through the Agency's awarding of architectural-engineering contracts to local firms in those instances where projects are ready to move beyond the conceptual stage. Example: The Bicentennial State College Amphitheater Project-- the services of CM Engineering have been engaged to carry out the Gruen Associates' concept. The exception to the rule mentioned in the Fact Two paragraph is the Public Enter- price Center, an Operation Second Chance Project. The fast-track time schedule imposed by EDA was a condition to obtaining Title X funding, and we concurred with the Agency in the belief that employment of a large professional staff, such as that maintained by Gruen Associates, was critical to meeting this projects deadline, and in turn, obtaining the needed funding. The time schedule was met, EDA has been highly complimentary about the project application, and a $5,000,000 grant has been approved --thus, the engaging of complete services by Gruen Associates in this instance appears to have been a sound decision. The assessment of Gruen Associates I professional role in San Bernardino could end here because the facts speak for themselves. The utilization of local pro- fessional talent to the greatest extent practical is a clearly defined Agency policy and this policy is both accepted and welcomed by Gruen Associates. With the IIIIIIllt , - r t r , , '- r l \0....., ",..... \- 2804 exception of the Public Enterprise Center we have no contracts with the Agency to perform complete architectural and engineering services in San Bernardino, nor do we maintain sole rights to the use of the plans and designs which have resulted from our conceptual studies. The Agency is free to engage the services of any other professional organization in respect to architectural and engineering services necessary to the implementation of projects. The foregoing observations convince me that Gruen Associates' role in San Ber- nardino is highly limited, and I hope those who have been concerned over this matter will share my belief. Now I have a second comment to offer. From most every point of view that I am aware of, the performance and dedication of Gruen Associates in San Bernardino has remained at a very high level. I don't like to make statements like this which involve self praise, but it is necessary in this one instance. This year the City Hall received the highest design Honor Award from the Southern California Chapter of the American Institute of Architects; the American Institite of Planners has given an urban design award to the San Bernardino Central City Area Plan of Development for excellence in the preservation/renewal of the manmade environment. The Central City project has received international acclaim and continues to be viewed as an outstanding example of urban revitalization. Civic groups whom we have worked with in developing concepts, such as Library and Operation Second Chance personnel, have been highly complimentary about our services. Now I if you bring my two comments together which are: (1) Once our limited role in San Bernardino is understood, I have difficulty in believing anyone would begrudge that which is due us, and (2) I believe our work to date has been highly acceptable-- I ask you to reconsider your position on our request for additional Public Enterprise Center compensation which is fully in accordance with the terms of our agreement. Respectfully yours, GRUEN ASSOCIATES I INC. s/Dan M. Branigan Dan M. Branigan I AlA DMB: rb Mr. Hodgdon continued by reading a second letter from Dan Branigan explain- ing the additional services performed by Gruen Associates. The letter is as follows: August 5, 1975 Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CAlifornia 92401 2805 Attention: Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon l ........ Gentlemen: This letter documents work scope changes in the Public Enterprise Center agree- ment between the Agency and Gruen Associates; fee adjustments in accordance with these changes are also noted. The initial agreement dated March 17, 1975, established that services were to be rendered in connection with 14,032 gross square feet of building area (see paragraph I, page 1 in our agreement under "Proj ect Type"). This assumed building area was based on a preliminary Facility Sciences Corporation estimate of space needs. The final Facility Sciences Corporation report recommended a gross building area of 16,642 gross square feet; this recommendation was accepted by the San Bernardino Redevelopment Agency and Operation Second Chance; all our work, including the preparation of construction documents, has been directed toward a building of this larger size. The square footage increase was developed in the interest of increasing efficiency and accommodating future expansion in a manner that will maintain the integrity of functional relationships. Paragraph 4 of our agreement on page 3 titled "Additional Services" stipulates that Gruen Associates will be entitled to additional fee if services are extended beyond the scope of services defined in paragraph I, page 1. The addition of ] 2 , 610 gro ss square feet of building ar ea r epresen ts an 18. 6% increase in proj ect .' size and services required by Gruen Associates to complete the expanded project increased by a like amount; thus, the fixed fee should be increased by $9,670 (18.6%), in accordance with the "Additional Services" provision in our agreement. Work performed by Gruen Associates in connection with the preparation of two voluminous EDA applications involving 1,079 pages, and in coordinating prepara- tion of the Environmental Impact Report, is beyond the scope of our agreement as set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2. There can be no question as to the wisdom and necessity for undertaking this additional work since, (1) EDA has been highly complimentary about the quality and completeness of the preliminary and final applications, and (2) more importantly, EDA has approved funding in an amount of $500,000. Competition for EDA funding was substantial--this additional work undoubtedly contributed to the successful funding of the project. Our fixed fee should be increased by $5,400 in accordance with the "Additional Services" provision, in order to compensate for this critical assignment. Warner Hodgdon has requested that Gruen Associates undertake all services necessary to the selection of furniture, fabrics and moveable equipment in the Public Enterprise Center. This assignment includes the City Library and is designed to insure the functional integrity of the Library facility since racks, catalogue facilities, audio carrels, reading carrels, audio-visual accomodations and special furniture scaled to children will be included in the preparation of furni- ture specifications. We will submit recommendations to Operation Second Chance and ~ .~ if. ~ -- r ~ r- ~ --- r- t ~ L 2806 the Library for approval purposes; furniture costs will be estimated, and docu- ments required to solicit furniture bids will be prepared. Since our agreement specifically states that the "selection of movable equipment and furnishings are not included in the scope of this agreement" (page I, paragraph I, under "Scope"), we are entitled to an additional fee amounting to $7,500 for this service. We believe Gruen Associates' performance and service have been found to be highly acceptable by Operation Second Chance and the Library; should there be any question in this regard, we urge that you speak with representatives of these organizations directly, especially Ms. Frances Grice and Mr. Wesley Jefferson. Please execute and return the enclosed copy of this letter as an indication of your concurrence with adjustments to our Public Enterprise Center agreement. Sincerely yours, GRUEN ASSOCIATES, INC. s/Dan M. Branigan Dan M. Branigan, AlA DMB/ el Mr. Green stated that the contract provides that the Contractor is entitled to additional reimbursement for additional services, and he would concur in the request. Mrs. Blum asked if the Agency will recapture any of the expenses incurred in connection with the Public Enterprise Center. Mr. Hodgdon stated that the Agency will be reimbursed over a period of time. The Center will be leased to Operation Second Chance by the Agency. A $200,000 grant will be received from Com- munity Development Funds also. After careful review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3086 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO. 1 WITH GRUEN ASSOCIATES, FOR THE COMMUNITY SERVICE AND PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency entered into Contract with Gruen Asso- ciates on March 17, 1975 for architectural and engineering services in connec- tion with the Community Service and Public Enterprise Center at Highland and Western Avenues in the City of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, under Paragraph 4 "Additional Services" it is stipulated that the Con- tractor is entitled to additional fees if the services are extended beyond the scope 2807 of services defined within the Contract; and J WHEREAS, the Contractor was required to increase the square footage of the building, representing an 18.6% increase in project size and services required to complete the expanded project, and therefore is requesting an increase in compensa- tion in the amount of $9,670 to cover this additional service; and WHEREAS, the Contractor was required to perform services in connection with the preparation of two EDA applications involving 1,079 pages, and therefore the Con- tractor is requesting an increase in the amount of $5,400 to cover this increase in service; and WHEREAS, the Contractor was required to undertake services necessary to the selection of furnishings of the Public Enterprise Center, which included the City Library and its functional integrity of library facilities; and therefore the Contractor is requesting an increase in the amount of $7,500 to cover this additional service. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute Contract Amendment No. 1 to contract with Gruen Associates, Public Enterprise Center, increasing the contract in an amount not to exceed $22,570. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that total contract compensation is hereby amended from $55,000 to $77,570. ~ Motion was made by Green and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3086. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Green, Blum, Stephenson and Guhin Noes: None Abstention: Hodgdon Absent: Perea ! -- FRANKLIN PRESS, PRINTING CONTRACTS, REDEVELOPMENT REPORTS: Mr. Hodgdon stated that he believes that the Agency has already approved the printing of these reports, but he would recommend the adoption of a reso- lution reaffirming our approval. After review the following resolution was intro- duced: RESOLUTION NO. 3087 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS WITH FRANKLIN PRESS, PRINTING SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH REPORTS TO ACCOMP ANY THE REDEVELOPMENT PLANS ~ WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has had prepared Redevelopment Reports to accompany the Redevelopment Plans for the Central City South Project, the ....J r P' f f ~ r- t '-" r , l. 2808 Southeast Industrial Park Project, the Central City East Project, and the Central City North Project; and WHEREAS, Franklin Press has proposed to privide the printing services for these Reports. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contracts with Franklin Press for printing services in connection with Reports to accompany the Redevelopment Plans, as follows: Contract for Printing Services, Central City South Reports, shall not exceed the sum of $7,484. Contract for Printing Services, Southeast Industrial Parks Reports, shall not exceed the sum of $7,484. Contract for Printing Services, Central City East Reports, shall not exceed the sum of $7,484; and Contract for Printing Services, Central City North, shall not exceed the sum of $7,484. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3087. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Green, Blum, Stephenson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea FRANKLIN PRESS, PRINTING CONTRACTS, ANNUAL REPORT: Mr. Hodgdon stated that the Annual Reports are required by law. The Annual Report covers the years 1969 - 1975. The Central City Project, the Meadowbrook Project, the Central City North Project, the State College Project, the Central City East Project and the Central City South Project are covered in this report. An Annual Report should be prepared yearly in the future. This is also a require- ment of most Bond Counsels. After review the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3088 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS WITH FRANKLIN PRESS, PRINTING SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE ANNUAL REPORT WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has had prepared THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ANNUAL REPORTS 1969 - 1970 - 1971 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 1975, in connection with the Central City Project, the Meadowbrook Project, the Central City North Project, the State College Project, the Central City East Project, and the Central City South Project; and 2809 WHEREAS, Franklin Press has proposed to provide the printing service for this Annual Report. ] NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute contracts with Franklin Press for printing services in connection with the Annual Report, as follows: Contract for Printing Services, Central City Project, not to exceed the sum of $6,039. Contract for Printing Services, Meadowbrook Project, not to exceed the sum of $6,039. Contract for Printing Services, Central City North Project, not to exceed the sum $6,039. Contract for Printing Services, State College Project, not to exceed the sum of $6,039. Contract for Printing Services, Central City East, not to exceed the sum of $6,039. .., j Contract for Printing Services, Central City South Project, not to exceed the sum of $6,039. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3088. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Green, Blum, Stephenson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea SALARY REVIEW (AMADORE ESTEVENE - SANDRA THOMPSON) Requests were submitted for increases to Step D for Amadore Estevene, Sr. Administrative Assistant and Sandra Thompson, Accountant. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Blum approving the step increases as requested. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Green, Blum, Stephenson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea RESOLUTIONS ACKNOWLEDGING APPRECIATION AND COOPERATION: Mr. Hodgdon stated that he has met with the Central City Executive Committee and the Technical Advisory Committee to the Redevelopment Agency regarding the implementation of the Plan of Development. Both committees have written letters of support of this plan. Mr. Hodgdon read the letters as follows: ~ ......,I CENTRAL CITY COMMITTEE August 12, 1975 r ! ~ f' ........ r ii L.. r- , ! l. 2810 Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon, Chairman and Members of the Board Redevelopment Agency of the Ci ty of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, California 92401 Dear Mr. Chairman and Members: We have reviewed the preliminary report of the Redevelopment Plans for the Central City East, Central City South, and Southeast Industrial Park Project Areas. The Agency is to be commended for extending the public enterprise concept so successfully demonstrated in the Central City in the Central City Project No.1 Project. These dynamic plans form the hard wrought ground work for the economic revitalization of the San Bernardino area. It is self-evident in the plans that the project proposals are of tremendous mutual benefit not only to the other Agency projects, but to all economic development in the San Bernardino Valley. The transportation element of these plans clearly shows the interrelationships across city lines and across geographic features. We are well aware that the mutual benefit also reflects mutual dependence. Plans of this magnitude are not accomplished in isolation. Each project grows with the others. We cannot afford the luxury of a piecemeal approach. We commend these plans to the Agency for their formal adoption and we recommend to the Mayor and Council that official status be given to these project areas as soon as possible. We are interested, along with the rest of the community, in the bottom line of the economic plans. The documents due later this month relating to project costs and the schedule of implementation from a vital part of this review. In regard to the financial capabilities of the project areas, we have analyzed the documents relating to the bonding capacities of the Central City No.1 Project, Central City North, Meadowbrook, Central City South, Central City East, and Southeast Industrial Park. We concur in the opinion that with the implementation of the Public Works Capital Improvement Program the tax increment capacity for the City of San Bernardino is realistically calculated. While the funding capabi- lities through tax increment financing are alone impressive, we recognize the Agency's, the City's, and the Economic Development Council's additional capa- bilities to raise further capital funds through grants, loans, other bonds, and other types of obligations. Given this financial capacity and given the implementation of the ambitious yet pragmatic capital improvement program, we conclude that the Overall Plan of Development is the best and most feasible alternative for orderly economic devel- opment of our community. We do recognize that the Plan, as comprehensive as it is, can only be successfully implemented with the full cooperation of the Redevel- opment, Mayor and Council, and the private sector all working together towards a common goal. 2811 We give our full support and urge the adoption of the project plans, the funding of J....... the Public Works Capital Improvement Program, and the implementation of the .. Overall Plan of Development. The Central City Committee has had the pleasure of working closely with the Agency since the Agency1s formation 23 years ago. We have come a long way since that time and we look forward to th~ future in San Bernardino. Sincerely, s/Harold C. Harris, Jr Harold C. Harris, Jr., Chairman s/Verne F. Potter, Jr. Verne F. Potter, Jr., V ice Chairman s/Howard A. Nugen Howard A. Nugen s/Robert D. Curci Robert D. Curci s/William E. Leonard William E. Leonard ...., s/William R. Leonard William R. Leonard -J s/ James Geehan TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO August 14, 1975 Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino 300 North IIDII Street San Bernardino, CA 91418 Gentlemen: I am transmitting herewith a resolution of the Technical Advisory Committee to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, endorsing the Agency's Plan of Development for the Overall Central City Area and recommend- ing its implementation at the earliest opportunity. ~ -i r \..... ,.... f f L "".. l L., 2812 As you know, this Overall Plan represents the efforts of countless individuals and organizations interested in the economic prosperity of our community as witnessed by the numerous letters received in support and recognition of the Plan of Development in recent weeks. Our community family cries out for employment - generating activities, there- fore, please be advised that the Technical Advisory Committee stands with the Agency and the Mayor and Common Council as they prepare to implement this bold program of private and public capital investment. Very truly yours, slVerne F. Potter, Jr. V ice Chairman Technical Advisory Committee RESOLUTION OF THE TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino has labored long and hard to put the creative Overall Plan of Development into writing; and WHEREAS, the Technical Advisory Committee of the Agency has reviewed the specific books relating to Redevelopment Plans for the Central City South, Central City East, Central City North and the Southeast Industrial Park Projects; and WHEREAS, the Technical Advisory Committee has studied the report of bonding capacity covering the Central City No. I, Central City North, Central City South, Central City East, and Southeast Industrial Park Projects; and WHEREAS, the Committee is well aware that the plans on paper are nothing until the will of the People and the leadership move to implement these plans; and WHEREAS, the Committee has determined that subject to the achievement of the Public Works Capital Improvement Program the financial resources of the community are adequate to implement the program; and WHEREAS, in particular the Committee sees the potential of public, private, and public enterprise financial capacities in attaining a high level of orderly economic development in San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, the Committee stresses that the public enterprise developments depend totally on the dedicated co-operation of the public and private sectors; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 2813 The Technical Advisory Committee to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino does hereby congratulate the Agency for its creative leadership in the field of economic development; and furthermore, that " I ~ ....,j The Committee does hereby pledge its full support to the Redevelopment Plan for Central City South, Central City East, Central City North and the Southeast Indus- trial Park; and furthermore, that, The Committee recommends their adoption by the Agency and by the City Council at their earliest opportunity. ADOPTED: 8-12-75 TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Harold Harris, Jr., Chairman Robert M . Young James Sivelle William E. Leonard Talmage Hughes Verne Potter, Vice Chairman Robert D. Curci Judd Payne Everett H. Swing Mr. Hodgdon stated that resolutions of acknowledgement and appreciation should be adopted thanking the Mayor and Common Council, the Central City Executive Committee and the Technical Advisory Committee. All member agreed. The following resolutions were introduced: -, J RESOLUTION NO. 3089 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ACKNOWLEDGING APPRECIATION FOR THE COOPERATION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, IN SUPPORT OF AGENCY ACTIVITIES TO REVITALIZE THE COMMUNITY THROUGH AN APPROPRIATE BALANCE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE CAPITAL INVESTMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF GENERATING ECONOMIC AND EMPLOYMENT GROWTH WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, adopted a Resolution endorsing the execution of "A Declaration by the Redevelopment Agency and the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino in Support of Public Enterprise" and the implementation of the Plan of Development - Interim Report, San Bernardino Overall Central City Area; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, on April 22, 1974, at the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council, the CENTRAL CITY NORTH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION DATED APRIL, 1974, THE SAN BERNARDINO STATE ......... - r '- r \...r .[ 2814 COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RE- LATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION DATED APRIL, 1974: AND THE PHOTO ~OG SURVEY - OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA DATED APRIL 1974, was distri- buted and made available; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated May 8, 1974, distributed and made available, THE COUNTY OF SAN BER- NARDINO AD HOC COMMITTEE SUPPLEMENT TO VTN COUNTY SP ACE UTILIZATION STUDY; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter . dated June 3, 1974, distributed and made available, THE SAN BERNARDINO MEADOW- BROOK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AND THE CENTRAL CLTY SOUTH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMEN- TATION; and WHEREAS, The San Bernardino Economic Development Council by letter dated June 5, 1974, distributed and made available, THE GRANT APPLICATION BOOK, ENTITLED IIPROJECT SAN BERNARDINO" which was forwarded to the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION to designate areas of the Community a SPECIAL IMP ACT AREA; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 7, 1974, distributed and made available, THE SAN BERNARDINO CITY, '-'COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS OFFICIAL ACTIONS' AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION, ..TOINT POWERS AUTHORITY ADOPTED 1970; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 11, 1974, distributed and made available, THE SAN BERNARDINO SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 17, 1974, distributed and made available, THE SAN BERNARDINO CENTRAL CITY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. I, OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION; and . WHEREAS, The San Bernardino Economic Development Council by letter dated July 17, 1974~ distributed and made available THE GRANT APPLICATION BOOK, which was forwarded to the OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FOR SPECIAL IMPACT AREA DESIGNATION FOR THE low-income areas of the Community. This designation, when approved, would, in general terms, entitle the San Bernardino ~onomic Development COllncil to $8,000,000 over a three (3) year period for 90 percent Venture Capital Grants") arid projects included for consideration are the Mini-Industrial Park, MESBIC Venture Capital, Mt. Vernon Avenue Revitalization, Housing Demonstrations and Minority Banks; and "" ..? Z / I .' - 2815 WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. by letter dated September 20, 1974, distributed and made available. THE CITY, COUNTY. STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX INTERIM DOCUMENTATION AND DATA SUPPLEMENT TO: JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT. 1970-1974; and .., ( I ....J WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency o.f the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated December 2, 1974, distributed and made available, VOLUMES I AND II OF THE RELOCATION CONCEPTS. which included the Building Condition Su.rvey of the San Bernardino Overall Central City Area; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, at a meeting held December 18, 1974 and attended by the Mayor and Common Council and more than 700 Citizens from throughout the Community Area. distributed and made available the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT - INTERIM REPORT. OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA, pertaining to the Implementation of the Agency's and the Mayor and Common Council's Joint Program of "PUBLIC ENTERPRISE": and . 'WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated February 20, 1975, distributed and made available, the Advance Copy for Review Only Prior to Final Printing of the ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE COMPRE- ~ HENSIVE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT - OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA 1958 - 1980 PREPARED BY ECONOMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATES: and WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the.City of San Bernardino. by letter dated February 20, 1975, distributed and made available, the letter dated February 6, 1975, from the ACTING ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, WASHINGTON D.C. . confirming that the SAN BERNARDINO SPECIAL IMPACT AREA has been designated by Official Orde-r as a Rede-yeloPIllent Area pursuant to Section 401 (a) (6) of the Public Works & Economic Development Act of 1965. q,s amended as of the date of the Order. Also ~nclosed therewith, pertaining to same, was the MEMORANDUM OF DESIGNATION AS A REDEVELOPMENT AREA, SPECIAL IMP ACT AREA, dated February 6, 1975, and executed by ACTING ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPlvIENT. D. J. CAHILL; and ...., J WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. by letter dated February 20, 1975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVEL-. OPMENT - INTERIM REPORT. SAN BEIU'JARDINO OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA. pertaining to the Agency's Joint Program of. II PUBLIC ENTERPRISE II in coor- dination with the Mayor and Common Council for the Implementation of the. PLAN . OF DEVELOPMENT and whereas said COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT. AS ANALYZED BY ECONOMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATES FOR OVERALL CENTRAL CITY will have generated by 1980 the following ECONOMIC IMP ACT OF URBAN-. DEVELOPMENT: .., ......J 71 ( ,..- ....... "..... \..,. r L- 2816 SINCE 1967 $145.4 Million in Public and Private Capital Investment . $188 Million More Sales and Business Volume ?,393 More Jobs $37 Million More Annual Payroll IN 1980 $183 Million in New Capital Investment 6,000 New Jobs in Overall Central City 9,000 New Jobs fn Greater San Bernardino $90 J.4illion in New Annual Payroll $1.5 Billion in Retail Sales apd Business Volume WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino on March 2, 1975, distributed and made available to the OVERALL COMMUNITY through the SUN TELEGRAM NEWSPAPER, approximately 90,000 issues of SAN BERNARDINO 1851 - 1980, A SUPPLEMENT TO THE OVERALL CENTRAL CITY PLAN OF DEVELOP- MENT; and . WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated May 14, 1975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEV~LOPMENT, HERITAGE PLAYHOUSE Al~D CULTURAL CENTER, PIONEER PLAZA; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San.Bernardino, by letter dated May 16, 1975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY FACILITIES, SIXTH STREET AND MT. VIEW AVENUE; and . WHEREAS, The Redevelopinent Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated May 19,1975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, SENiOR CITIZENS/SOCIAL-ARTS AND CRAFTS CENTER, SECCOMBE LAKE PARK; ahd WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated May 20, 1975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT., A RECONNAISSANCE OF THE CALIFORNIA THEATER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS, FOURTH STREET; and ~) , 2817 WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated May 30, 1975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, SAN l BERNARDINO BICENTENNIAL AMPHI~HEATER, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4; and .{ WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter .....tII dated J~e 13, 1975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST INTER.1,{ATIONAL, EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION CAMPUS CONCEPT, CENTRAL CITY NORTH; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the C~ty of San Bernardino, by letter dated June-B, 1975, distributed and made available, a Report Regarding the PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER, MOUNT VERNON AND HIGHLAND AVENUES, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4; and 'WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 13, 1975, distributed and made available, the WASTEWATER COLLECTION .REPORT FOR SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARKS, TRANSPORTATION-DISTRIBUTION CENTER (WEST REDLANDS - LOMA LINDA - VETERANS ADML"\!ISTRATION HOSPITAL); and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 13, 1975, distributed and made available the WASTEWATER COLLECTION REPORT FOR STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4, INCLUDING BICENTENNIAL AMPHI- THEATER; and .., N .....: WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino on July 3, 1975, distributed and made available the book entitled "IMPLEMENTATION OF THE OVERALL CENTRAL CITY PLA-N OF DEVELOPMENT, SUMMARY OF OFFICIAL DOCU- MENTATION AND REPORTS DISTRIBUTED AND MADE AVAI~BLE BY THE REDEVEL- OPMENT AGENCY.OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO"; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated July 21,1975, distributed and ma~e available two books entitled "IMPLEMENTATION . OF THE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT - OVERALL CENTRAL CITY INTERIM REPORT, .SUM11ARY OF OFFICIAL'DOCUMENTATION FOR LAND ACQUISITION, VOLUMES I AND II"; and WHEREAS, The RedeveloPI?ent Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated July 18, 1975, distributed and .made available a report entitled PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, CENTRAL CITY TRANSPORTATION CENTER; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated August 6, i975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF. DEVELOPME~T, SAN 11IIIII\ BERNARDINo' CENTRAL CITY FIRE STATION; and - r- -- r- . .\.-. r ...... 2818 WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, will be distri- buting by letter dated August 8. 1975. the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT. SAN BERNARDINO PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. will be distributing by letter dated August 11. 1975. the R,EDEVELOPMENT REPORT. CENTRAL CITY SOUTH. OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA; and WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, will be distri- buting by letter dated August 12. 1975. a report entitled SAN BERNARDINO COUN';r'Y AIRPORT. AS A DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTY AIR TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM; and, WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. will be distri- buting by letter dated August 13., 1975, the REDEVELOPMENT REPORT, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARKS. INDUSTRIAL-TRANSPORTATION-DISTRIBUTION CENTER; and WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. will be distri- buting by letter dated August 14. 1975, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMEN~. SAN BERNARDINO TRANSIT SYSTEM MAINTENANCE CENTER; and WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. will be distri- '. buting by letter dated August 15, 1975, the REDEVELOPMENT REPORT. CENTRAL CITY EAST. THE CITY. COUNTY. STATE. FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX. OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA; and WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. will be distri- buting by letter dated August 18. 1975. the REDEVELOPMENT REPORT, CENTRAL CITY NORTH, OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA; and WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, will be distri- buting by letter dated August 20, 1975, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT CENTRA!., CITY LIBRARY; and . WHEREAS, the Redevelopment ~gency of the City of San Bernardino, will be distri- buting by letter dated August 21, 1975, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, MUNICIPAL SERVICE CENTER; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, will be distri- buting by letter dated August 22, 1975, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, CENTRAL CITY MALL, CIVIC-PERFORMING ARTS - EXHIBIT. HALL COMPLEX. FUNCTIONAL AND ECONOMIC RELATIONSHIPS OF THE PRIVATE AND PUBLIC CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND OVERALL SECURITY SYSTEM; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, will be distri- buting by letter dated August 29., 1975, the PROPOSED PLAN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT . OF THE MT. VERNON COMMUNITY CENTER, to be determined by the Community; and 2819 WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, will be distri- buting by letter dated August 29, 1975, a FACILITIES PROGRAM FOR THE YMCA - YWCA CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, TO BE LOCATED AT SECCOMBE LAKE PARK; and " i .... WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency 0; the C~ty of San Bernardino, will have com- pleted during the month of August, 1975, the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ~F THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ANNUAL REPORTS 1969 - 1970 - 1971 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 1975~ AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT - OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA 1958 - 1980 - 1985. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, acknowledges its appreciation for the cooperation of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, for their support of Agency activities to revitalize the community through an appropriate balance of public and private capital investment for the purpose of generating economic and employment growth. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3089. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Wilson, Stephenson, Guhin, Blum and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea RESOLUTION NO. . 3090 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO,. CALIFORNIA, ACKNOWLEDGING APPRECIATION FOR THE COOPERATION OF THE TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE RE- DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, IN SUPPORT OF AGENCY ACTIVITIES TO REVITALIZE THE COMMUNITY THROUGH AN APPROPRIATE BALAJ.'JCE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE CAPITAL INVESTMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF GENERATING ECONOMIC AND EMPLOYMENT GROWTH J WHEREAS, the Technical Advisory Committee to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, adopted a Resolution endorsing the execution of "A Declaration by the Redevelopment Agency and the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino in Support of Public Enterprise" and the implementation of the Plan of Develop- ment - Interim Report, San Bernardino Overall Central City Area.; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, on April 22, 1974, at the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council, the CENTRAL CITY NORTH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPL~MENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION DATED APRIL, 1974. THE SAN BERNARDINO STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS R~- LATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION DATED APRIL. 1974, AND THE PHO~O LOG SURVEY - OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA DATED APRIL 1974, was distri- ...., buted and made available; and . ....... ".-. ~ r- i.....- r L.. 2820 WHER~AS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter . dated May 8, 1974, distributed and made available, THE COUNTY OF SAN BER- NARDINO AD HOC CqMMITTEE SUPPLEMENT TO VTN COUNTY SPACE UTILIZATION STUDY; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 3, 1974, distributed and made available, THE SAN BERNARDINO MEADOW- BROOK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AND THE CENTRAL CITY SOUTH REDEVELOPMENT . PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMEN- TATION; and WHEREAS, The San Bernardino Economic Development Council by letter dated ,June 5, 1974, distributed and made available, THE GRANT APPLICATION BOOK, ENTITLED "PROJECT E:AN BER.1~ARDINOII which was forwarded to the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ,ApMINISTRATION to designate a,r:eas of the Community a SPECIAL IMP ACT AREA; and WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 7 ~ 1974, distributed and made available, THE SAN BERNARDINO CITY, . COUNTY , STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION. JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY ADOPTED 1970; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment .Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June II, 1974, distributed and made available, THE SAN BERNARDINO SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX REDEVELOPMENT PROJEC'I: OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 17. 1974, distributed and made available, THE SAN BERNARDINO CENTRAL CITY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. I, OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLE:MENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION; and WHEREAS, The San Bernardino Economic Development Council by letter dated. July 17, 1974, distributed and made available THE GRANT APPLICATION BOOK, which was forwarded to the OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FOR SPECIAL IMP ACT AREA DESIGNATION FOR THE low-il}come areas of the Community. This designation, when approved. would, in general terms, entitle the San Bernardino Economic Development Council to $8,000,000 over a three (3) year period for 90 percent Venture Capital Grants, and projects included for consideration are the Mini-Industrial Park, MESBIC Venture Capital, Mt. Vernon Avenue Revitalization, Housing Demonstrations and Minority Ba;nks; a~d WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by ietter dated September 20. 1974, distributed and made available. THE CITY. COUNTY. STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX INTERIM DOCUMENTATION AND DATA SUPPLEMENT TO: JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT, 1970-1974; and 2821 WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated December 2, 1974, distributed and made available, VOLUMES I AND II OF THE RELOCATION CONCEPTS, which included the ~uilding Condition Survey of the San Bernardino Overall Central City Area; and -, I -i WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the C;ity of S2.n Bernardino, at a meeting held December 18, 1974 and attended by the Mayor and Common Council q.nd more than 700 Citizens from throughout the Community Area, distri~uted and made available the PLAN OF DE"VELOPMENT - INT~RIM REPORT, OVERAJ;..L CENTRAL CITY AREA, pertaining to the Implementation of the Agency's and the May~r and Common Council's Joint Program of "PUBLIC ENTERPRISE"; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated February 20, 1975, distributed and made available, the Advance Copy for Review Only Prior to Final Printing of the ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE COMPRE- HENSIVE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT - OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA 1958 - 1980 PREPARED BY ECONOMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATES: and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by lett~r dated February 20, 1975, distributed and made available, the letter dated February 6, 1975, from the ACTING ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ECONOMIC -:DEVELOPMENT, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, WASHINGTON D.C., confirming that the SA.l~ BERNARDINO SPECIAL IMPACT AREA has been designated by Official Order as a Redevelopment Area pursuant to Section 401 (a)(6) of the Public Works & Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended as of the date of the Order. Also enclosed therewith, pertaining to same, was the MEMORANDUM OF DESIGNATION AS A REDEVELOPMENT AREA, SPECIAL IMPACT AREA, dated February 6, 1975, and executed by ACTING ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, D. J. CAHILL; and ., :1 -J WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated February 20, 1975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVEL- OPMENT - INTERIM REPORT, SAN BERNARDINO OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA, pertaining to the.Agency's Joint Program of "PUBLIC ENTERPRISE" in coor- dination with the Mayor and Common Council for the ~mplementation of the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT and whereas said COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT AS ANALYZED BY ECONOMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATES "FOR OVERALL CENTRAL CITY will have generated by 1980 the .following ECONOMIC IMPACT OF URBAN- DEVELOPMENT: SINCE 1967 $145.~ Million in Public and Private Capital Investment $188 ~ Million More Sales and Business Volume 3,393 More Jobs ...... $37 Million More Annual Payroll ,,-. F '-- ,-.. '-- r- I I L- 2822 IN 1980 $183 Million in New Capitallnvestment 6,000 New "Jobs in Overall Central City 9,000 New Jobs in Greater San Bernardino $90 Million in New Annual Payroll $1.5 Billion in Retail Sales and Business Volume WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino on March 2, . 1975, distributed and made available to the OVERALL COMMUNITY through the SUN TELEGRAM NEWSPAPER, approximately 90,000 issues of SAN BERNARDINO 1851 - 1980, A SUPPLEMENT TO THE OVERALL CENTRAL CITY PLAN OF DEVELOP- MENT; and .' WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter - dated May 14, 1975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, HERITAGE PLAYHOUSE AND CULTURAL CENTER, PIONEER ~LAZA; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter . dated May 16, 1975, distributed and made available,.the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY FACILITIES, SIXTH STREET AND MT. VIEW AVENUE; and' WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated May 19, 1975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, SENIOR CITIZENS/SOCIAL-ARTS AND CRAFTS CENTER, SECCOMBE LAKE PARK; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated May 20, 1975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT. A RECONNAISSANCE OF THE CALIFORNIA THEATER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS, FOURTH STREET; and . WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated May 30, 1975, distributed "and made ava-ilable, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT. SAN BERNARDINO BICENTENNIAL AMPHITHEATER, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 13, 1975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMI;:NT. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST INTERJ.'JATIONAL, EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION CAMPUS CONCEPT, CENTRAL CITY NORTH; and ".WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 13, 1975, distributed and made available. a Report Regarding the PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER, MOUNT VERNON AND HIGHLAND AVENUES, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4; and 2823 WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 13, 1975, distributed and made available, the WASTEWATER COLLECTION REPORT FOR.SOUTHEAST L"IDUSTRIAL PARKS, TRANSPORTATION-DISTRIBUTION CENTER (WEST REDLANDS ,... LOMA.LINDA - VETERANS ADMINISTRATION HOSPITAL); and ..., ~, r 'r '.~ , -.J WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 13, 1975, distributed and made available the WASTEWATER COLLECTION . REPORT FOR STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4, INCLUDING BICENTENNIAL AMPHI- .THEATER; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino on July 3, 1975, distributed and made available the book entitled "IMPLEMENTATION OF THE OVERALL CENTRAL CITY PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, SUMMARY OF OFFICIAL DOCU- MENTATION AND REPORTS DISTRIBUTED AND MADE AVAILABLE BY THE REDEVEL- OPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO"; and WHEREAS, 'The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Berri~rdino, by letter dated July 21, 1975,' distributed and made available two books entitled "IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN OF DEVELOP}'1ENT - OVERALL CENT~ CITY INTERIM REPORT, - SUMMARY OF OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION FOR LAND ACQUISITION, VOLUMES I AND II", and / . WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated ...., July 18, i975, distributed and made available a report entitled PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT J CENTRAL CITY TRANSPORTATION CENTER; and -Ill WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated August 6, 1975; distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, SAN BERNARDINO CENTRAL CITY FIRE STATION; and WH?REAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, will be distri- buting by letter dated August 8. 1975, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, SAN BERNARDINO PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING; and. WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, will be distributing by letter dated August 11, 1975, the REDEVELOPMENT REPORT, CENTRAL CITY SOUTH, . OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, will be distri- buting by letter dated August 12, 1975, a report entitled SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ".AIRPORT, AS A DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTY AIR TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM; and . . WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, will be. distri- buting by letter dated August 13. 1975. the REDEVELOPMENT REPORT, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARKS. INDUSTRIAL-TRANSPORTATION-DISTRIBUTION CENTER; and . . .., ......... r- '-- r L- ,...... i.- 2824 WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the -City of San Bernardino. will be distri- buting by letter ,dated August 14. 1975. the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT. SAN BERNARDINO TRANSIT SYSTEM MAINTENANCE CENTER; and' WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of tl:te City of San Bernardino. will be distri- buting by letter dateo. August 15. 1975. the REDEVELOPMENT REPORT. CENTRAL CITY EAST. THE CITY. COUNTY. STATE. FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX. OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA; and WHEREAS. The Redevelopm,ent Agency of the City of San Bernardino. will be distri- buting by letter dated August 18. 1975.,the REDEVELOPMENT REPORT. CENTRAL CITY NORTH. OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA; and WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. will be distri- buting by letter dated August 20. 1975, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT CENTRAL CITY LIBRARY; and WHEREAS. the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. will be distri- buting by letter dated August 21. 1975, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT. MUNICIPAL SERVICE CENTER; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Berna~dino. will be distri- buting by letter dated August 22. 1975, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, CENTRAL CITY MALL, CIVIC-PERFORMING ARTS - EXHIBIT HALL COMPLEX. FUNCTIONAL AND ECONOMIC RELATIONSHIPS OF THE PRIVATE AND PUBLIC CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND OVERALL SECURITY SYSTEM; and 'WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. will be distri- buting by letter dated August 29. 1975. the PROPOSED PLAN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MT. VERNON COMMUNITY CENTER. to.be determined by the Community; and WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. will be distri- buting by letter dated August 29. 1975. a FACILITIES PROGRAM FOR THE YMCA - YWCA CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. TO BE LOCATED AT SECCOMBE LAKE PARK; and WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. will have com- pleted during the month of August. 1975. the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ANNUAL REPORTS 1969 - 1970 - 1971 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 1975. AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT - OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA 1958 - 1980 - 1985. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. California. acknowledges its appreciation for the cooperation of the Technical Advisory Committee to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. for their support of Ag,ency activities to revitalize the community through an ~ppropriate balance of public and private capital investment for the purpose of generating economic and employment growth. 2825 Motion was made by Green and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3090. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Wilson, Stephenson, Guhin, Blum and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea ~ RESOLUTION NO. 3091 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ACKNOWLEDGING APPRECIATION FOR THE COOPERA TION OF THE SAN BERNARDINO CENTRAL CITY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, IN SUPPORT OF AGENCY ACTIVITffiS TO REVITALIZE THE COMMUNITY THROUGH AN APPROPRIATE BALANCE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE CAPITAL INVESTMENT FOR THE PURPOSE"OF GENERATING ECONOMIC AND EMPLOYMENT GROWTH ." 11 I .....J WHEREAS. the San Bernardino Central City Executive Committee has declared its support of Public Enterprise and' the implementation of the Plan of Development _ Interim Report, San Bernardino Overall Central City Area; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, on Ap"ril 22, ..1974, at the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council. the CENTRAL CITY NORTH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION DATED APRIL, 1974, THE SAN BERNARDINO STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RE- ., LATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION DATED APRIL, 1974. AND THE PHOTO LOG SURVEY - OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA DATED APRIL 1974. was distri- ....J buted and made available; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of'San Bernardino, by letter date~ May 8, 1974, distributed and made available, THE COUNTY OF SAN BER- NARDINO AD HOC COMMITTEE SUPPLEMENT TO VT~ COUNTY SPACE UTILIZATION STUDY; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino , by letter dated June 3, 1974, distributed and made available, THE SAN BERNARDINO MEADOW- BROOK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AND THE CENTRAL CITY SOUTH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMEN- TATION; and WHEREAS, The San Bernardino Economic Development Council by letter dated June 5, 1974. distributed and m~de available. THE GRANT APPLICATION BOOK, ENTITLED "PROJECT SAN BERNARDINO" which was forwarded to the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION to designate areas of. the Community a SPECIAL IMP ACT AREA; and .' ..... WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 7, 1974, distributed and made available, THE SAN BERNARDINO CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS . OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION, " JOINT POWERS AUrHORITY ADOPTED 1970; and ..... r ! t '- [ ,.... I ...... 2826 WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 11, 1974, distributed and made available, THE SAN BERNARDINO SOUTHEAST "INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 17, 1974, distributed and made available, THE SAN BERNARDINO CENTRAL CITY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1, OFFICIAL ACTIONS AND SUPPLEMENTS RELATING TO PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION; and WHEREAS, The San Bernardino Economic Development Council by letter dated July 17, 1974, distributed and made available THE GRANT APPLICATION BOOK, which was forwarded to the OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FOR SPECIAL IMPACT AREA DESIGNATION FOR THE low-income areas of the Community. Thi~ designation, when approved, would, in general terms, entitle the San Bernardino Economic Development Council to $8,000,000 over a three (3) year period for 90 percent Venture Capital Grants; and projects included for consideration are the Mini-Industrial Park, MESBIC Venture Capital, Mt. Vernon Avenue Revitalizatio~, Housing Demonstrations and Minority Banks; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter. dated September 20, 1974, distributed and made available, THE CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX INTERIM DOCUMENTATION AND DATA SUPPLEMENT TO: JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT, 1970-1974; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the C~ty of San Bernardino, by letter dated December 2, 1974, distributed and made available, VOLUMES I AND.!I OF THE RELOCATION CONCEPTS. which included the Building Condition Survey of the San Bernardino Overall Central City Area; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, at a meeting held December 18, 1974 and attended by the Mayor and Common Council and more than 700 Citizens from throughout the Community Area, distributed and made available the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT - INTERIM REPORT, OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA, pertaining to the.Implementation of the Agency's and the Mayor and Common Council's Joint Program of IIPUBLIC ENTERPRISEII; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated February 20, 1975, distributed and maoe available, the Advance Copy for Review Only Prior to Final Printing of the ECONOMIC ANALYS~S OF THE COMPRE- HENSIVE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT - OVERALt. CENTRAL CITY AREA. 1958 - 1980 PREPARED BY ECONOMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATES: and 2827 WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated February 20, 1975, distributed and made available, the letter dated February 6, 1975, from the ACTING ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, WASHINGT'ON D . C. , confirming that the SA.J.~ BERNARDINO SPECIAL IMPACT AREA has been' designated by Official Order as a Red~velopment Area pursuant to Section 401 .., (a) (6) of the Public Works & Economic Development Act of 1965, ~s amended as I of the date of the Order. Also enclosed therewith, pertaining to same~ was the ....J MEMORANDUM OF DESIGNATION AS A REDEVELOPMENT AREA, SPECIAL IMP ACT AREA, dated February 6, 1975, and executed by ACTING ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, D. J . CAHILL; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter da ted February 20, 1975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVEL- OPMENT - INTERIM REPORT, SAN BERNARDINO OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA. pertaining to the Agency's Joint Program of tlpUBLIC ENTERPRISEtl in coor- dina,tion with the Mayor and Common Council for the Implementation of the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT and whereas said COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT AS ANALYZED BY ECONOMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATES FOR OVERALL CENTRAL CITY will have generated by 1980 the following ECONOMIC IMPACT OF URBAN- , " DEVELOPMENT: $145.4 $188 3,393 $37 $183" . I 6,000 9,000 " ,$90 $1.5 SINCE 1967 Million in Public and Private Capital Investment " Million More Sales and Business Volume .., j ...." More Jobs Million More Annual Payroll IN 1980 Million in New Capital Investment New Jobs in Overall Central City New Jobs in Greater San Bernardino Million in New Annual Payroll Billion in Retail Sales and Business Volume ...... ..... ,...... i 'J '- [ r-' L... 2828 WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino on March 2, 1975, distributed and made available to the OVERALL COMMUNITY through the SUN TELEGRAM NEWSPAPER, approximately 90,000 issues of SAN BERNARDINO 1851 _ 1980, A SUPPLEMENT TO THE OVERALL CENTRAL CITY PLAN OF DEVELOP- MENT; and .' WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated May 14, 1975, distrib.uted and made available, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, HERITAGE PLAYHOUSE A1~D CULTURAL CENTER. PIONEER PLAZA; and WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardilw, by letter dated May 16. 1975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY FACILITIES, SIXTH STREET AND MT. VIEW AVENUE; and WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter . dated May 19, 1975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT. SENIOR CITIZENS/SOCIAL-ARTS A1~D CR.:\FTS CENTER. SECCOMBE LAKE PARK; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated May 2~. 1975, distributed' and made available, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT. A RECONNAISSANCE OF THE CALIFORNIA THEATER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS. FOURTH STREET; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the CiOty of San Bernardino, by letter dated May 30, 1975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, SAN BERNARDINO BICENTEN).TIAL AMPHITHEATER, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 13, 1975, distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST INTEfu~ATIONAL, EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION CAMPUS CONCEPT, CENTRAL CITY NORTH; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. by letter dated June 13, 1975, distributed and made available, a Report Regarding the PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER. MOUNT VERNON AND HIGHLAND AVENUES, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4; and . WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 13, 1975, distributed and made.available, ti1e WASTEWATER COLLECTION REPORT FOR SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARKS, TRANSPORTATION-DISTRIBUTION CENTER (WEST REDLfu~DS - LOMA LINDA - VETERANS ADMINISTRATION HOSPITAL); and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 13, 1975, distributed and made available the WAS:rEWATER COLLECTION REPORT FOR STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4, INCLUDING BICENTENNIAL AMPHI- THEATER; and . l' 'Ii~-ll"" ~"~'."<!""'.."""-"...." 2829 WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino on July 3. 1975. distributed and made available the book entitled "IMPLEMENTATION OF THE OVERALL CENTRAL CITY PLA1'l OF DEVELOPMENT. SUMMARY OF OFFICIAL DOCU - ~ MENTATION AND REPORTS DISTRIBUTED AND MADE AVAILABLE BY THE REDEVEL-I OPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO"; and ....; WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of SanBernardino. by letter dated July 21,1975. distributed and made available two books entitled "IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN OF DEVELOP;,1ENT - OVERALL CENTRAL CITY INTERIM REPORT. SUMMARY OF OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION FOR LAND ACQUISITION, VOLUMES I AND n"; and WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. by letter dated July 18. 1975, distributed and made available a report entitled P~AN OF DEVELOPMENT. CENTRAL CITY TRANSPORT A TION CENTER; and WHE.REAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated August 6, 1975. distributed and made available, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, SAN BERNARDINO CENTRAL CITY FIRE STATION; and VlHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, will be distri- buting by letter dated August 8, 1975, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT. SAN BERNARDINO PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING; and - ...., WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, will be distributin,.....,j by letter dated August 11,1975. the REDEVELOPMENT REPORT, CENTRAL CITY SOUTH, OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA; and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, will be distri- buting by letter dated August 12, 1975, a report entitled SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY AIRPORT, AS A DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTY AIR TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM; and WHEREAS, -The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, will be distri- buting by letter dated August 13. 1975, the REQEVELOPMENT REPORT. SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARKS, INDUSTRIAL-TRANSPORTATION-DISTRIBUTION CENTER; and WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. will be distri- buting by letter dated August 14, ]975, the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT, SAN BERNARDINO , I . TRANSIT SYSTEM MAINTENAi~CE CENTER; and . WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. 'will be distri-. buting by letter dated August 15. 1975, the REDEVELOPMENT REPORT, CENTRAL CITY EAST, THE CITY, COUNTY; ST ATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX, OV.ERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA; and ...... } , .... .~.,~. .. Tl. I ,.. .'';'''~''''4't~"'''''' r i ~.. ..... r t i '-- ,...... \...... 2830 WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Ag~ncy of the City of San Bernardino, will be distri- buting by letter dated August 18, 1975, the REDEVELOPMENT REPORT, CENTRAL CITY NORTH. OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA; and WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. will be c;listri- buting by letter dated August 20. 1975. the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT CENTRAL CITY LIBRARY; and WHEREAS. the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. will be distri- buting by letter dated August 21.'1975. the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT. MUNICIPAL SERVICE CENTER; and WHEREAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. will be distri- buting by letter dated August 22, 1975. the PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT. CENTRAL CITY MALL, CIVIC-PERFORMING ARTS - EXHIBIT HALL COMPLEX. FUNCTIONAL AND ECONOMIC RELATIONSHIPS OF THE PRIVATE AND PUBLIC CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND OVERALL SECURITY SYSTEM; and WHEREAS..The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. will be distri- buting by letter dated August 29, 1975. the PROPOSED PLAN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MT. VERNON COMMUNITY CENTER, to be determined by the Community; and WHE~AS. The R~development Agency of the City of San Bernardino, will be distri- buting by letter dated August 29. 1975, a FACILITIES,PROGRAM FOR THE YMCA - YWCA CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. TO BE LOCATED AT SECCOMBE LAKE PARK; and WHE~EAS. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, will have com- pleted during the month of August, 1975, the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ANNUAL REPORTS 1969 - 1970 - 1971 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 19.75. AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT - OVERALL CENTRAL CITY AREA 1958 - 1980 - 1985. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San' Bernardino,' California, acknowledges its appreciation for the cooperation of the San Bernardino Central ,City Exe~utive Committee. for their support of Agency activities to revitalize the community through an appropriate balance of public and private capital investment for the purpose of generating economic and employment growth. Motion was made by WilsOn and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3091. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: A yes: Green, Wilson, Stephenson, Guhin, Blum and Hodgdon Noes: None' Absten- tion: None Absent: Perea D H. HUMMER, REQUEST FOR BOARD APPEARANCE: Mr. Quinn stated that Mr. Hummer has requested that thisnem be tabled until the next meeting. Ii.... -;QI ,..-,..,,,,..,,....,.",. 2831 ALCAL - OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT: ..., ! -J Mr. Hodgdon stated that approximately eight months ago the Board approved the preparation of an Owner Participation Agreement between the Agency and ALCAL Financial Development Corporation. ALCAL propose to develop a 36 unit housing development within the State College Project. A rendering of the proposed homes and tract layout were presented. Mr. Hodgdon stated that the plans have been approved by the Mayor and Council and the Engineering Department. All permits have been issued.. The Agency will be responsible for the off site improvements. ALCAL is a conglomerate of 13 different savings and loan associations. After careful review, the following resolution was intro- duc ed: RESOLUTION NO. 3092 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH ALCAL FINANCIAL CORPORATION, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for the State College Project has been approved by the City of San Bernardino by Ordinance No. 3067 on April 27, 1970; and J WHEREAS, the Plan provides for the participation in the renewal and redevelopment of property in the Project Area by the owners of certain parcels of property if the owners agree to participate in the redevelopment in conformity with the Plan; and WHEREAS, ALCAL Financial Corporation desires to participate in said Project by the development of a 36 unit housing project; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has reviewed the proposed development and have determined it to be in the best interest of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into Owner Participation Agreement with ALCAL Financial Corporation, State College Project. Motion was made by Stephenson and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3092. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Wilson, Stephenson, Guhin, Blum and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea OTHER BUSINESS: ...., Mr. Hodgdon stated that the Agency has received approximately 100 letters of 'j! ..... r '- r L ",... .\.- 2832 support from all over the Nation. Letters were read from the President's Office and from Vice President Rockefeller. The letters are as follows: THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON July 22, 1975 Dear Mr. Hodgdon: The President has asked me to reply to your letter of July 2 and to thank you for the enclosed Plan of Development for San Bernardino. Your IIPublic Enterprisell program is indeed impressive and the President appreciates your community I s efforts in building and rebuilding the central city. Thank you for your thoughtfulness in forwarding the material. Sincerely yours, slTod R. Hullin Tod R. Hullin Associate Director Domestic Council Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon, Chairman Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino 300 North 11011 Street San Bernardino, California 92401 THE VICE PRESIDENT WASHINGTON Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon Chairman Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino City Hall 300 North 11011 Street San Bernardino, California 92401 Dear Mr. Hodgdon: Thank you very much for your thoughtfulness in sending me your IIPlan of Development -- Interim Reportll for San Bernardino. Please accept my warmest 11l~JIiIll"'!~";;'''''''~~'"' 2833 congratulations for this excellent document, which is a tribute to the vision, coopera- ]..... tion and plain hard work of yourself and your many dedicated associates. ... Your faith in the future and in the improvement of your community should be an inspiration to other communities throughout the United States. Thanks again for sharing this work, together with your "Declaration of Support of Public Enterprise," with us. With all best wishes, Sincerely, s/Nelson D. Rockefeller Mr. Hodgdon stated that the Declaration of Public Enterprise was sent to every Congressman and Senator in the United States. Mr. Wilson commended Mr. Hodgdon on his wide exposure of San Bernardino I s plans. Mrs. Blum stated that in the latest book it was noted that Mr. Hodgdon I s term of office would expire in September. She asked Mr. Hodgdon if any plans had been made for reappointment. Mr. Hodgdon stated that his term will expire September 2nd and he is frankly exhausted. He stated that everything has been brought up to date for the implementation of the Plan of Development. It is now up to the Mayor and Council to carry the plans through by the proper adoption and implementation. ~ ...... Mr Hodgdon stated that he is interested in creating jobs in San Bernardino and bringing in industry. Something has got to be done for San Bern'ardino in this respect. Mr. Hodgdon pointed out panels of news articles which have appeared in the Sun Telegram over the past eight months. The articles depict unemploy- ment and poor economy conditions in San Bernardino. Mr. Hodgdon further stated that his main objective is correcting this situation by shifting his emphasis steadly towards this main goal. He stated that he is Chairman of the Economic Devel- opment Council and as such can work through the Council towards this objective. Mr. Hodgdon stated that Mr. Wallace Green has been appointed as Executive Director of the Economic Development Council. Mr. Green was formerly with the Los Angeles Redevelopment Agency as Director of Housing and Property Management. Mr. Hodgdon stated that the City has adopted approved a revision to their Basic Compensation Plan, for an increase in salaries and benefits. It has been Agency policy to follow the same plan as the City in this respect. The following resolu- tions were introduced: IIIIIlIt ......J [ [ "... ~ l... 2834 RESOLUTION NO. 3093 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, INDICATING INTENTION TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT WITH THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES I RETIREMENT SYSTEM WHEREAS, Section 6 of Resolution No. 2966 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, states "The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino shall follow the Basic Compensation Plan Procedures provided employees of the City of San Bernardino and shall re-examine its Basic Compensa- tion Schedule within 30 days following action taken by the Common Council of the City of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino did by form motion on July 31, 1975, move to accept the terms of the Memorandum of Intent retroactive to July 1, 1975 and to direct the City Administrator to prepare certain Amendments to applicable resolutions necessary to implement the agreed upon terms;. and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to adopt the following changes as pro- vided for under the rules and regulations of the Public Employees Retirement System, i.e. 1. Provide final compensation of the basis on one (1) year instead of three (3) years for miscellaneous members only. 2. Provide up to four (4) years of service credit for any continuous active military service as public service upon payment of employer and employee contributions and interest. 3. Provide that employees shall receive credit for unused days of sick leave at retirement, pursuant to Section 20862.8, Public Employees Retirement Law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to enter into Contract Amendment with the Board of Administration of the Public Employees Retirement System. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3093. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Green, Blum, Stephenson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea RESOLUTION NO. 3094 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, FIXING COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES THEREOF 2835 WHEREAS, Section 6 of Resolution No. 2966 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, states "The Redevelopment Agency of the City J....... of San Bernardino shall follow the Basic Compensation Plan Procedures provided . .. employees of the City of San Bernardino and shall re-examine its Basic Compensa- tion Schedule within 30 days following action taken by the Common Council of the City of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino did by form motion on July 31, 1975, move to accept the terms of the Memorandum of Intent retroactive to July I, 1975 and to direct the City Administrator to prepare the Amendments to applicable resolutions necessary to implement the agreed upon terms; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council on said date provided that a 16% raise of current salaries be provided to City employees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, follow City's actions pertaining to Pay Schedules. The following increases were agreed upon and by Agency Resolution are pertinent to increases relative to all personnel of the Redevelopment Agency: 1. Salary increases retroactive to July I, 1975 of 2!%, an additional 5% effective January I, 1976, an additional 2!% effective July I, 1976, and an additional 2!% effective January I, 1977. ~ 2. Effective October I, 1975 the Redevelopment Agency will pay Health Insurance up to the full amount of current employee two party coverage ($22.37) per month. The Agency will absorb increases in Agency sponsored health insurance premiums not to exceed 15% over the two years. ....., 3. Effective July I, 1976 the Redevelopment Agency will increase payments for un-used sick leave upon termination, retirement or death of the employee from 25% to 50% up to the pay 'of 60 days sick leave. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Basic Compensation Plan herein provided for the Officers and Employees of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, in this resolution, is hereby approved and shall be effective as of July I, 1975. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3094. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Green, Blum, Stephenson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea Mr. Hodgdon stated that the audio visual presentation has been shown to many community groups in San Bernardino. It has never been shown to the City '-", ....... I I ....... "..,. it: ~ l l... ".... \.- 2836 Employees. They should have the opportunity of viewing the presentation. Their support is vital to the growth of San Bernardino. He stated that he is planning a Labor Day Bar-B-Q to be held at the Orange Show Cafeteria on Labor Day. September 1st. At this time the audio visual presentation will be shown and it will be his way of thanking the City employees for their support in the community ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Blum adjourning the meeting at 5: 15 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Blum, Wilson, Stephenson, Green "and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea 2837 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 18TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1975, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, ROOM 320, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA J The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4: 00 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Hodgdon, Blum, Perea, Green, Wilson, Stephenson and Guhin Agency Members Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary Mr. Wilson stated that his term of appointment expired September 2nd. He asked for clarification from the Agency Counsel as to his current status. Mr. Flory stated that until a new member is appointed by the Mayor and ratified by the Common Council, or until such time as Mr. Wilson would submit a resignation letter, he is still an Agency Member, serving at will. MINUTES: The Minutes of the Postponed Regular Meeting held August 14, 1975 were submitted for approval. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Wilson approving the Min- utes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Wilson, Perea, Stephenson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: Blum Absent: None Mrs. Blum stated that she abstained from voting because she was not present for the entire meeting. ~ .....J RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT WITH PUBLIC EMPLOYEE'S RETIREMENT SYSTEM: Mr. Hodgdon explained that this resolution has already been adopted in principle by the Agency Board. The Retirement System requires this form of resolution to be adopted. After review, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3095 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO WHEREAS, the Public Employees I Retirement Law permits the participation of public agencies and their employees in the Public Employees' Retirement System by the execution of a contract, and sets forth the procedure by which said public agencies may elect to subject themselves and their employees to amendments to said law; and ~ .....J I ...... r L ...... . , \-... 2838 WHEREAS, one of the steps in the procedure to amend this contract is the adoption by the legislative body of the public agency of a resolution giving notice of its intention to approve an amendment to said contract, which resolution shall contain summary of the change proposed in said contract; WHEREAS, the following is a statement of the proposed changes: Provide service credit up to four years for any continuous military or marine service for miscellaneous members. Provide final compensation on the basis of one year (instead of three) for miscellaneous members. Provide service credit at retirement for unused sick leave. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the MEMBERS of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO gives, and it does hereby give, notice of intention to approve an amendment to the contract between the MEMBERS and the Board of Admin- istration of the Public Employees I Retirement System, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A" and by this reference made a part hereof. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3095. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Green, Guhin, Perea, Wilson, Stephenson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None RESIGNATION OF JERRY T. WINSTEAD AS SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE CHAIR- MAN: Mr. Hodgdon explained that an initial HUD Audit Finding, which was subsequently withdrawn by the HUD Auditors, questioned the ability of the Agency to be respon- sible for Mr. Winstead's salary and related costs. This initial determination was based on the fact that since the Chairman is unsalaried, a Special Assistant to the Chairman could not be allowed. Mr. Hodgdon pointed out that Mr. Winstead sub- mitted his resignation and that he (Mr. Hodgdon) had reimbursed the Agency for all costs (salary, expenses, etc.) attributed to Mr. Winstead I s tenure through September 5, 1975 as Special Assistant to the Chairman. Mr. Hodgdon further indi- cated that Mr. Winstead would continue working with him. Mr. Hodgdon concluded by informing the Board that after re-evaluation by the Auditor of this preliminary Finding, the Finding was withdrawn by the HUD Auditors. Mr. Winstead's resigna- tion letter was read as follows: August 25, 1975 Mr. Peter W. Quinn Executive Director Redevelopment Agency City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, California 2839 Dear Mr. Quinn, ] These past several months have been exciting ones for me. I have had the opportunity of working closely with a fine Redevelopment Agency staff and Board and a professional City staff on a multitude of special projects associated with our community's efforts to move forward. The Agency and community projects and assignments that I have addressed myself to in an effort to coordinate the various components of the Overall Central City Area Plan of Development as concurred in by the Agency Board and Mayor and Common Council are both exciting and visionary. I am confident that once they are implemented, San Ber- nardino will possess a living and working environment second to none in our nation. Those Agency and community plans that I feel privileged to have been associated with and which hold great promise for our city include the following: 1. In close coordination with Francis Grice, Wesley Jefferson and Bob Bivens of Operation Second Chance, Inc., the Agency was able to contribute impetus and exper- tise to the proposed Public Enterprise Center to be built within our black community at the northern end of Mt. Vernon Avenue, representing a joint venture between the Economic Development Administration, the City of San Bernardino and the Redevelop- ment Agency on the public side and Operation Second Chance's School of Opportunity on the private side. ~ 2. Working closely with Marvin Sutter, a local architect, the Mt. Vernon Community Center complex, as outlined in the Plan of Development and subject to community approval, is approaching reality. This complex, in the heart of the brown community, will also demonstrate how the resources of both the private and public sectors can be channeled to provide jobs and spur new capital investment in our minority and Special Impact Areas. ....., 3. With the input and guidance of Paul Marsh, General Manager of the San Ber- nardino Transit Sytem, the Central City Transportation Center and Transit System Maintenance Center projected for 5th and "D" Streets and 5th and Muscott, respec- tively, are at a stage where implementation is the next step. 4. The Municipal Service Center, proposed to replace the existing, obsolete City Yards, was tied down by consultations with the City Administrator, Mr. Marshall Julian, and the various user departments; namely, Water, Parks and Recreation, Purchasing, Garage, Refuse, Building and Safety and Street. 5. The new Senior Citizens Service Center, proposed for 5th and "F" Streets once the YMCA relocates, has been approved by the Mayor and Common Council and all that remains is to build it. ..... 6. Thanks to the dedication of Mrs. Peggy Lenz, Elizabeth Dimock and Beverly Twitchell, of the YWCA and Mr. Stuart Caldwell of the YMCA, the relocation of the ......",J r i ....... ,...- L [ 2840 YMCA and the YWCA into new headquarters in Seccombe Lake Park -- a common sence exchange of resources between Central City North and Central City East -- will allow both private, non-profit organizations to take full advantage of the Redevelopment pro- cess and the only open-space setting with water available in the downtown area. 7. The Public Safety Facility, through the efforts of Chief Ray Rucker, Assistant Chief Warren Cocke and Capt. Don Underwood of the Police Department and Chief Ray Shaw, Assistant Chief Ace White and General Newcombe of the Fire Department will, when completed, represent another unique exchange of community resources this time moving from Central City East to Central City North. 8. The same westward movement from Central City East to Central City North also applies to the proposed Central City Library through the hard work of our City Librarian, Mrs. Gertrude 0 'Dell, Board President Larry Harvey and Consultant Howard Rowe. As I said earlier, it was a privilege to be involved in the planning and coordination of the above mentioned elements in our Plan of Development for the Overall Central City Area'. It was also refreshing to work with the individuals and entitites from both the private and public sectors of our community together with the various professional consultants who helped make my job so easy. Now, however, my work is rapidly drawing to a conclusion. With the current print- ing of the four Redevelopment Reports (Central City South, Central City North, South East Industrial Park and State College Project) and the Annual Reports which incor- porate Agency activities from 1969 through 1975, and with the expiration of Mr. Hodgdon1s term on September 2, 1975, I feel that I must apprise you of my decision to resign as Special Assistant to the Chairman, effective as of September 8, 1975. Therefore my last day with the Agency will be September 5, 1975. This decision on my part reflects my observation that the area I was aked to assist in has been concluded and that only the implementation process remains, requiring appropriate actions and decisions by the Mayor and Common Council in the weeks and months ahead. In conclusion, my thanks go out to the Agency staff for their coperation and assis- tance. Their patience and understanding facilitated by efforts and made my tenure with the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino extremely rewarding. Good luck in the future and may God smile on your endeavors. Very truly yours, s/Jerry T. Winstead Special Assistant to the Chairman Mr. Winstead stated to the Board that he would also like to recognize the help of George Anderson, Director of Communications, in the coordination of the various elements that were proposed to be a part of the Public Safety Building. He stated 2841 that it had been a pleasure working with the Board Members and wished them the best of luck in the future. Mrs. Blum stated that the Agency should accept the resignation of Mr. Winstead with regrets and introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 3096 J RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA COMMENDING JERRY T. WINSTEAD WHEREAS, Mr. Jerry T. Winstead was a loyal and honorable employee of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, from March 22, 1975 until September 8, 1975; and WHEREAS, Mr. Winstead served faithfully as the Special Assistant to the Chairman; and WHEREAS, Mr. Winstead was instrumental in coordinating projects such as the Public Enterprise Center, the Mount Vernon Community Center Complex, the Central City Transportation Center and Transit Maintenance Center, the Municipal Service Center, the YWCA and YMCA - Senior Citizens Service Center, the Public Safety Facility and the Central City Library; and WHEREAS, the Agency Board and Staff of the Redevelopment Agency desire to express their appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Jerry T. Winstead for his tireless efforts and devotion to duty throughout this planning phase. ., ! --' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, does hereby commend Mr. Jerry T. Winstead for his outstanding ability, leadership, public spirit, devotion to duty and distinguished service as the Special Assistant to the Chairman. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a suitable plaque of this resolution be prepared and presented to Mr. Jerry T. Winstead on behalf of the Agency, its Members and Staff. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3096. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Green, Guhin, Perea, Wilson, Stephenson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None RA TIFICA TION OF EXPENDITURES PERTAINING TO THE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT AND ACTIVITIES IN SUPPORT OF PUBLIC ENTERPRISE: Mr. Hodgdon expressed his firm endorsement of the Plan of Development for the Over- all Central City Area, and felt it incumbent to contribute funds to cover certain ex- penses involved in support of Public Enterprise. Mr. Hodgdon stated that the time spent and the funds contributed are the best investment in the future he has made. The following resolution was read: ...., .......... r ~ ! t ..... r- ! t t; '-- r- ) '-- 2842 RESOLUTION NO. 3097 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, RATIFYING PREVIOUS EXPENDI- TURES ON THE PART OF THE CHAIRMAN, WARNER W. HODGDON, INCLUDING DATA AND DOCUMENTATION DISTRIBUTED AND MADE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION WHEREAS, in the pursuit of Agency activities leading towards the furtherance of the concept of "Public Enterprise", certain expenditures were occasioned by the Agency in relationship thereto; and WHEREAS, the Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency, Warner W. Hodgdon, believed it incumbent on his office to contribute to the Redevelopment Agency for various expen- ditures relating to not only the concept of Public Enterprise, but various other expen- ditures including those in support of the Plan of Development Orientation Program, various travel expenditures, certain publication costs relating to the letters in support of the Overall Plan of Development, publication costs of the Declaration and Resolution in Support of Public Enterprise, costs involved in the preview of the Plan of Develop- ment - Interim Report, and other related costs applicable to these overall activities; and WHEREAS, Chairman Hodgdon further believed it incumbent upon his office to contribute to the Agency for costs attributable to the employment of a Special Assistant to the Chair- man; and WHEREAS, the Chairman did contribute to the Agency for said costs as sited in a Federal Audit Finding, which said costs as stated in said Finding were subsequently withdrawn by the Federal Auditor; and WHEREAS, the total contribution to the attributable costs referred to herein above by Chairman Warner W. Hodgdon was in the amount of $76,137.69. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, hereby ratifies those expenditures, but not limited to, on the part of the Chairman, herein by reference made a part hereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these expenditures were incurred by the office of the Chairman in the furtherance of Agency activities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency hereby expresses its appre- ciation for the individual sacrifice of the Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency during his term of office in so expending personal funds in the furtherance of Agency activities and toward the benefit of the total community. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Stephenson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3097. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Stephenson, Guhin, Blum, Wilson and Perea Noes: None Abstention: Hodgdon Absent: None 2843 CONSENT FOR WITHDRAWAL OF ATTORNEYS - McDONOUGH, HOLLAND, SCHWARTZ & ALLEN (BASE REDUCTION) .. ~ ~ i;1 ..... Mr. Hodgdon stated that McDonough, Holland, Schwartz & Allen have requested the consent of the Agency for the withdrawal of their firm as attorneys for the Agency's Base Reduction matter. Mr. Hodgdon read the following letter sent to Mr. Holliman regarding this matter: August 28, 1975 Mr. William G. Holliman, Jr. McDonough, Holland, Schwartz & Allen 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 950 Sacramento, CA 95814 Re: Consent for Withdrawal of Attorneys Dear Mr. Holliman: I am in receipt of your letter dated August 20, 1975, copy attached hereto, and understand your firm I s position relative to same. As you know, this action by the Agency vs. the County Auditor Controller et.al. was filed prior to my second term of office, and subsequently said action was de- termined by the Courts to be not in the Agency's favor. Subsequent to the Court's decision, I felt that it was to the best interest of this Agency and the City of San Bernardino to reevaluate this situation on a man-to-man basis with the County rather than on an attorney vs. attorney basis. Secondly, in the interim time span, the Agency in cooperation and coordination with the Mayor and Common Council and the County Board of Supervisors, has completed a comprehensive Plan of Develop- ment for the Overall Central City. This Plan of Development, which is to the best interest of our total community, also includes Central City East, which accommodates the necessary County required expansion of its long range facility requirements. The various phases of this Overall Plan of Development for the Overall Central City will be printed and finalized within the immediate future, and at that time will repre- sent a very comprehensive analysis of where our community is going economically and more specifically in the area of job development. ...., ....,t# I realize that there are logistic constraints from the standpoint that your firm is situated in Sacramento, California, and that this imposes certain constraints on the total efficiency of the appeal of this case, and therefore as previously stated, I understand your firm's position and will recommend to the Agency Board that. they honor your request for substitution; additionally, I will recommend that Agency Counsel Wm. A. Flory join with Special Agency Counsel Allen B. Gresham in the furtherance of this matter. ..., I realize the importance of this issue in the Interoffice Memorandum dated July 5, 1973, copy attached hereto, from the Administrative Officer to the Executive .......J 2844 r t Director,' which made very clear in the last paragraph of said memorandum 1I0f course, the big issue of concern to us is that unless we can achieve a lower frozen tax base, our bonds will be in default as in fact they are ~ technically. II .... I appreciate your consideration in offering to assist in this transition and I am con- fident as to your committment to this issue. Respectfully yours, , s/Warner W. Hodgdon Warner W. Hodgdon Chairman WWH: sab After review of the above, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3098 r \ ; l...... RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN TO EXECUTE THE CONSENT FOR WITHDRAWAL OF ATTOR- NEYS FORM, McDONOUGH, HOLLAND, SCHWARTZ & ALLEN (BASE REDUCTION MATTER) WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has entered into contract with McDonough, Holland, Schwartz & Allen, under the terms and conditions set forth in their letter of January 16, 1973, to institute action as necessary to achieve a reduction in the base assessment role for Central City Project No.1, Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, McDonough, Holland, Schwartz & Allen have been acting in such capa- city since the acceptance of their services; and WHEREAS, McDonough, Holland, Schwartz & Allen have requested withdrawal of their services in connection with this action; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has determined that the request be honored and that Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, be authorized to act on behalf of the Agency in matters of this nature. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute the Consent for Withdrawal of Attorneys Form, by and between the Agency and McDonough, Holland, Schwartz & Allen, regarding the Base Reduction Action, Calif. R-79. . r Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of 1 Resolution No. 3098. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: \... Blum, Wilson, Perea, Green, Stephenson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None 2845 LETTER TO ROBERT A. COVINGTON, COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR, REGARDING CENTRAL CITY EAST - CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COM- PLEX AND SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK, INDUSTRIAL-TRANSPORTATION- DISTRIB UTION CENTER. PROPOSED PROJECT AREAS: ] Mr. Hodgdon read the following letter from County Administrator Robert Covington: August 17, 1975 Mr. Peter Quinn, Jr. Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, California 92401 Dear Mr. Quinn: With receipt of the various plans and programs that the Redevelopment Agency has proposed it would appear that work leading to the City and County complexes has progressed to the point where official actions should be taken in order that the County can complete its planning for the central complex comprising the four blocks bounded by Third, Fifth, Sierra Way and Arrowhead Avenues. As you know, the County now has taken the first major step to accomplish this in the relocation of two departments in the Agricultural Building to leased space on Mill Street pending completion of the General Services Agency building on property purchased by the County and located south of Rialto Avenue and west of Norton Air Force Base. ~ if ...." We need now some positive action by the Redevelopment Agency and the City of San Bernardino to give assurance that Fourth Street and Mountain View Avenue, within the four-block area. will be closed at the time that the County is ready to begin building construction after completion of the master planning for this four-block area. We are now prepared to contract this planning effort but we cannot do so until we know that these streets will be closed and that the additional block now owned by the City will be made available to the County. It would be appreciated if you could advise me before the middle of September regarding these matters. Sincerely, COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE s/Robert A. Covington Robert A. Covington County Administrative Officer ...... RAC: jh -J r ...... ,..... I t "'- ,..... \ I '-- 2846 Mr. Hodgdon continued by reading his answer to Mr. Covington's letter, as follows: September 13, 1975 Mr. Robert A. Covington County Administrator 157 West Fifth Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 Re: CENTRAL CITY EAST CITY, COUNTY STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK INDUSTRIAL - TRANSPORTATION - DISTRIBUTION CENTER Dear Mr. Covington: The Redevelopment Agency is in receipt of your letter dated August 27, 1975 (copy attached hereto) in which you pointed out that work leading to the City and County complexes has progressed to the point where official actions should be taken in order that the County can complete its planning for its Central Complex comprising the four- blocks bounded by Third, Fifth, Sierra Way and Arrowhead Avenue. Secondly, you pointed out that the County now needs some positive action by the Rede- velopment Agency and the City of San Bernardino to give assurance that Fourth Street and Mt. View Avenue, within the four-block, County Super Block area, will be vacated by the time that the County is ready to begin building construction after completion of the master planning for this four-block area. Thirdly, you stipulated that the County is now prepared to contract for this planning effort and cannot do so until the County knows that these streets will be closed and that the additional block now owned by the City and/or the Redevelopment Agency will be available to the County. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino is in complete concurrence with your observations and comments as outlined above and in your letter of August 27, 1975. Therefore, as positive and definitive steps pertaining to same, I am en- closing herewith under separate cover copies of my letters dated September 15, 1975, August 11, 13, 15 and 18, 1975, to yourself, which are incorporated within the following books (copies attached hereto): 1. Central City East - The City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex Tentative Action Schedule and Documentation for Adoption of a Redevelopment Plan By the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino and the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino 2. Central City East - City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex Redevelopment Report _Jtliii!:li:.~-''''''''''-''''''''':';''''''''''' 2847 3. Central City South, Tentative Action Schedule and Documentation for Adoption of a Redevelopment Plan by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino and the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino 4. Central City South Redevelopment Report 5. Southeast Industrial Park, Industrial - Transportation - Distribution Center Tentative Action Schedule and Documentation for Adoption of a Redevelopment Plan By the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino and the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino and the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino 6. Southeast Industrial Park, Industrial - Transportation - Distribution Center Redevelopment Report 7. Central City North Supplemental Redevelopment Plan Report In accordance with your request that you be advised prior to the middle of September regarding these matters, the enclosed formulates the Official Action steps necessary for the implementation of the Plan of Development - Interim Report, San Bernardino Overall Central City Area, as unanimously adopted by Resolution No. 3014 of the Redevelopment Agency and Resolution No. 12043 unanimously adopted by the Honorable Mayor and Common Council, copies of which are incorporated within said Redevelopment Reports. Upon adoption of a similar resolution by the Board of Supervisors, County of San Bernardino, pertaining to the implementation of Central City East - City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex Redevelopment Plan and the Southeast Industrial Park, Industrial - Transportation - Distribution Center Redevelopment Plan, the various County projects including the County Superblock area, the County General Services Agency Facilities located south of Rialto Avenue and west of Norton Air Force Base and the County Air Transportation System can become a physical reality which will immediately generate Economic and Employment Growth and new Public Revenues for the Overall San Bernardino City and County areas for the mutual benefit of all. Respectfully yours, s/Warner W. Hodgdon Warner W. Hodgdon Chairman WWH: sab Mr. Hodgdon explained that the Tentative Action Schedules transmitted to Mr. Covington on the three proposed project areas have also been sent to the following: Technical Advisory Committee; Central City Executive Committee; City Council Office; County Supervisor I s Office; Redevelopment Agency Office; County Councils Office; Chief.Assistant County Counsel's Office; Mayor Holcomb; Ralph Prince; Marshall Julian; Wm. A. Flory; Jack Reilly; Harold Hoffman; and himself. ] .., 'I ..J ..., -J r I , , '- r \.- ....... ....... 2848 The first step to implement these project areas is scheduled to take place on October 2nd. The Tentative Action Schedules not only give a proposed time table of events, but also the forms of official action to be taken. Mr. Quinn stated that Mr. Reilly and Mr. Julian have both expressed their thanks for the Schedules and have commended the organizational and technical manner in which they are set forth. Mr. Hodgdon stated that the books are available for examination within City Hall at the . Agency Office, the City Clerk's Office, the Mayor's Office, Administrator's Office and the City Attorney's office. PROGRESS LETTER PERTAINING TO OVERALL CENTRAL CITY PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT FINAL DATA AND DOCUMENTS, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, INCLUDING AUDITS IN THE PROCESS OF BEING DISTRIBUTED AND MADE AVAILABLE: Mr. Hodgdon explained that Public Works Capital Improvements reports are being pre- pared for the Overall Central City Project, the Southeast Industrial Park Project, and an updated report for State College Project. The Annual Report is also being prepared. This report will consist of approximately 900 pages and cover the years 1969 - 1975. Mr. Hodgdon read the following letter, setting forth the various audits and final data and documents in the process of being distributed and made available: September 13, 1975 The Honorable W. R. Holcomb and Members of the Common Council 300 North "D" Street San Bernardiono, CA 92418 Re: OVERALL CENTRAL CITY PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT FINAL DATA AND DOCUMENTS, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, INCLUDING AUDITS IN THE PROCESS OF BEING DISTRIBUTED AND MADE AVAILABLE Dear Honorable Mayor and Common Council: Members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino are appointed by the Mayor and said appointments are ratified by the Common Council. As you know, my second term of appointment expir,es September 2, 1975 and this letter is to outline the various data and documentation that I will follow up as to completion, which is in the process of being distributed and made available (copy attached hereto), to the Mayor and Common Council and other public entities, the Agency Technical Advisory Committee, the Central City Executive Committee and other organizations and individuals which have been recipients of same consistently since April 1974, at which time the City Council and the Agency adopted a joint policy of complete public information and communication. 'I'!'Il'...~"i~';'~-"''''''''.'''";"''''''''''''~ 2849 The final documentation will be the Redevelopment Agency's Annual Reports, 1969 _ 1970 - 1971 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 1975 and Economic Analysis of the Comprehensive Plan of Development 1958 - 1980 - 1985, which will also include, but not be limited to, a Current Position Statement by the Redevelopment Agency Board and the complete Audits by Fenster and Reiter for the following Redevelopment Agency funds, which are the Meadowbrook Project, the Central City Project, the State College Project, the Central City North Project, the Overall Central City Project and the Central City Se- curity Services. Attached hereto is a letter dated August 21, 1975 from Fenster and Reiter, Certified Public Accountants, pertaining to same. It is an important factor that the Mayor and Common Council, Agency Board and the community leadership remember clearly that the Agency Administrative Officer, by memorandum dated July 25, 1973, to the Agency Executive Director, confirmed that the Agency's $13,500,000 Central City Redevelopment Bonds were in fact in technical default. Secondly, the Agency financial staff, in coordination with the Executive Director, is preparing a cash flow analysis for overall Agency projects which will reflect that the Agency can meet the cash flow requirements, excluding Public Works Capital Investments, for conserva- tively the following twelve months. Presently, the Agency's overall cash position is $3,400,000, which allows ample time for the Mayor and Common Council to implement the Overall Plan of Development and carry out the Tentative Action Schedules and Basic Legal Documents covering official actions required. Reimbursement to the Agency of the $350,000, required from the Agency for the funding of three City fire stations, has been taken into consideration. (See attached letter dated April 10, 1975 to Mayor W. R. Holcomb.) In addition, reimbursement for planning, architecture, facilities analysis, advanced land acquisitions, etc., for Public Works Capital Improvements such as, but not limited to, the new Central Fire Station, the Public Safety Building, the Central Library, the Central Maintenance Yards, the Central Transportation Facilities, the Bicentennial Amphitheater, the Cultural - Historic Center, and the Senior Citizens Service Center, etc., will further contribute to the Agency's immediate mutual benefits funding support of these and other Public Works Capital Projects as they stimulate simul- taneous Private Capital Improvement, jointly representing "Public Enterprise". The result will be a positive long term cash flow of incremental revenues to the Agency, as analyzed by Keyser Marston, and a major increase to the City of other Public Revenues. As you know, this policy of reimbursement has been historically followed and adopted by the Mayor and Common Council. As an example, the City was reimbursed by the' Public Safety Authority for all advance engineering plans and other administrative costs for the new Water Treatment Facilities, (in excess of $1,000,000) and the City was reim- bursed initially in 1969 for all engineering, architectural plans and other administrative costs for the City Hall and Exhibit Hall - Conference Center. Additionally, the City was reimbursed approximately $750,000 in 1971 under the same policy by the Civic Center Authority. This prudent policy has allowed flexibility in balancing past and current annual City budgets by amortizing the Public Works Capital Investments over the long term life of these projects. HUD is in the process of the final audit for the R-79, Central City Project, for the years June 30, 1971 through June 30, 1975, which is the only remaining Federal Project and __fmr " I J ..... ] ...... ......- r ! "- "....- ; \.- ,.... ,j I I \..- 2850 is due to be closed out in the reasonable future. Attached hereto is my letter of August 8, 1975 pertaining to same. Attached also you will find letters and resolutions pertaining to this four year audit period 1971 - 1975, regarding the R-79, Central City Project, which are as follows: 1. Letter dated May 23, 1973 from Mr. John E. Bonkoski, Director, Operations Division, Department of Housing and Urban Development, to Mayor W. R. Holcomb and Mr. George Webster, Chairman, Redevelopment Agency. 2. Letter dated June 5, 1973 to Mr. Roland Camfield, Area Director, Department of Housing and Urban Development, from Mayor W. R. Holcomb. 3. Resolution No. 2699, adopted May 24, 1973, pertaining to HUD I S letter of May 23, 1973. 4. Letter dated June 8, 1973, from Lucille Goforth, City Clerk, pertaining to a motion carried by the Mayor and Common Council regarding the Department of Housing and Urban Development's letter of May 23, 1973. 5. The United States of America, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Sixth Amendatory Contract amending the Loan and Grant Contract, R-79, Central City Project, dated November 5, 1973. 6. , Letter dated June 6, 1975 from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Deputy Area Director Richard Franco to Peter W. Quinn, Jr., Agency Executive Director, approving the Revised Project Temporary Loan and Capital Grant Contract to $34,261,190. 7. United States of America, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Seventh Amendatory Contract amending the Loan and Grant Contract, R-79, Central City Project. 8 . Memorandum dated J ul y 17, 1975 to Warner W. Hodgdon, Chairman, from P. W. Quinn, Jr., Agency Executive Director, pertaining to same Seventh Amendment to the R-79, Central City Loan and Grant Contract. The GAO may initiate a review of R-79, Central City Project, as indicated by representa- tive George E. Brown, Jr. Attached herewith is a letter from Representative Brown dated August 12, 1975 pertaining to same and letters dated August 26, 1975 from Mayor W. R. "Bob" Holcomb to Representative Brown and to Senator Alan Cranston. I am also attaching a letter dated June 10, 1975 from Mr. H. Frank Dominguez of the Vanir Research Company and Vanir Tower Company, thanking the Redevelopment Agency for its cooperation and assistance in resolving the matter of the cancellation of the United California Bank lease covering the Elks Club, from which United California Bank had relocated into Mr. Dominguez's Vanir Tower Building, within the Central City Project Area. In addition, you will find a letter dated February 28, 1974 from Mr. H. Frank I?ominguez, Vanir Research Company, pertaining to the Jefferson Elementary School site, in which it was stated "In view of the excellent contributions of the Rede- 2851 velopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino toward the redevelopment of our City and all of the Agency's successful efforts in the betterment of our community, Vanir Research Company has reconsidered its intention to purchase the above school site. " The Plan of Development - Overall Central City Area, and the various phases and other projects as outlined in the Interim Report book covering same, has been completed and the final data and documentation covering same will be distributed and made available within the next few weeks. This includes several Tentative Action Schedules and Basic Legal Documents, covering official actions required by the Mayor and Common Council to create the effected project areas as outlined in the Plan of Development - Overall Central City Interim Report. The implementation of these project areas and the Plan of Development for the Overall Central City is essential in carrying out the required economic growth and Public Revenues that will be accumulated by new investment of public and private capital as projected by the Comprehensive Economic Analysis of Overall Central City by Economic Research Associates and Keyser Marston Economists as to the Statement of Mutual Benefits and Tax Allocation Bonding Capacities Analysis by Project Area, San Bernardino Overall Central City Area, 1958 - 1975 - 1980 - 1985. As outlined in the Plan of Development - Overall Central City Area, relocation of the. YMCA from its present location at 5th and "F" Streets and the relocation of the YWCA from 5th Street and Arrowhead Avenue to Seccombe Lake Park is an integral part of the Plan of Development. As you know, relative to the existing YWCA site, SAFECO Title Insurance Company is prepared to start immediate construction on their new multi- million dollar facility at this location, and the Agency in coordination and cooperation with the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors has leased the County Agricultural Department building at Seccombe Lake Park for the interim location of the YWCA. In order to fully assist the YWCA in this interim facility transition process, the Rede- velopment Agency will repaint the County Agricultural Building immediately upon vacation by the County which is estimated to be September 25, 1975, and furthermore in cooperation and coordination with the Mayor and Common Council through Community Development Funds and/or other resources public and/or private, will construct a swimming pool immediately east of the interim facility which will be used subsequently as an overall community recreational facility similar to Perris Hill and Nunez Parks. As the swimming program is an integral part of the YWCA finahcial income, it is contemplated that a temporary all-weather plastic bubble will be maintained during the period of occupancy by the YWCA. The Agency, as also previously approved by the Mayor and Common Council, will proceed immediately in the acquisition of the existing YWCA site for the estimated fair market value of $282,000 as appraised (attached hereto is a memorandum dated August 30, 1975 from P. W. Quinn, Jr., Executive Director pertaining to said acquisi- tion and appraisal) and concurred disposition to SAFECO Title Insurance Company. As to the existing location of the YMCA, the Agency, as previously approved by the Mayor and Common Council, will proceed immediately in the acquisition of the existing YMCA site for the estimated fair market value of $600,000 as appraised (attached hereto is a memorandum dated August 30, 1975 from P. W. Quinn, Jr., 1 ...,,; ...., -" ~ .....i r L.... r I I '- ",..... i '-- 2852 Executive Director pertaining to said acquisition and appraisal), jointly on a 50: 50 basis with the City for the development of a Senior Citizens Service Center as ratified by the Mayor and Common Council. (See attached memorandum dated August 15, 1975 from Mayor W. R. "Bob" Holcomb to the Honorable Members of the Common Council pertaining to the Senior Citizens Service Center) . The Agency in coordination and cooperation with the San Bernardino Unified School District will continue as expeditiously as possible to resolve a final determination as to the development of the new School Administration site at 7th and "E" Streets, as previously agreed and as contained in the Plan of Development - Overall Central City Area. In the event this is sue is resolved, it is believed that the Agency could be in a position to re-initiate the acquisition of the overall vacated and fallow Unified School District surplus properties. The Agency Board is comprised of solid and dependable men and women and it has been an honor to work with them, the Agency staff, Mayor and Common Council, County Supervisors, County staff and the many individuals and organizations that will continue to build these plans into Public Enterprise for the benefit of the overall community. Jobs are the backbone of our Nation. I am looking forward as Chairman of the Economic Development Council to continue a constant thrust towards the establishment of economic growth, jobs and results, with its Executive Director, Wallace Green, who is also a member of the Redevelopment Agency Board and whose appointment does not expire until September 1977. (Letter of opinion from Agency Counsel Wm. A. Flory dated August 25, 1975 is attached hereto pertaining to Agency Board Members relative to the Economic Development Council.) A job cannot be done by anyone individual as proven by the many efforts required to implement the Plan of Development for the Overall Central City, and therefore I believe the same successful policy will provide a sound goal for the Economic Developmen Council. Respectfully yours, s/Warner W. Hodgdon Warner W. Hodgdon Chairman WWH: sab Mr. Hodgdon read the following letter from Congressman George E. Brown, Jr., re- ferred to in the above letter, as follows: August 12, 1975 Honorable W. R. Holcomb Mayor, City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Dear Bob: 2853 As a result of rather strong allegations from Frank Dominguez concerning his relationships with the San Bernardino redevelopment program, and somewhat similar allegations from a few others who feel that redevelopment policies have worked to their disadvantage, Senator Cranston has requested the General Ac- counting Office to take a look at the operations of the Redevelopment Agency. I have jointed with Senator Cranston in making this request, so that I would have an opportunity to participate in determining the nature of the examination and in reviewing the results as they develop. As you know, the General Accounting Office (GAO) works only for the members of Congress, and the results of its in- vestigations are made available only to the requested member or members. We may also request that the findings be reviewed with the agency so that its comments, or any appropriate corrective action which it considers desirable, may be made a part of any final report. ] I believe that this action is in the best interests of the City of San Bernardino, and should help to provide assurance that the vitally important program of central city redevelopment is proceeding in the soundest possible way. In all likelihood it will be some time before any action is initiated by GAO, and quite a few months before their preliminary findings are made. I assume that whoever conducts the review will want to take to you and to Warner Hodgdon. I would appre- cia te it if you would discuss this matter with him, and if you desire I would be a vail- able to meet with either or both of you at your convenience. ..., Sincerely yours, .....J s/George George E. Brown, Jr. Member of Congress GEB: em Mr. Hodgdon expressed his thanks to Mr. Dominguez for his concern and actions. He stated that it is a private citizen's right and responsibility to bring to light circum- stances which are of concern to him. He stated that Mr. Dominguez has brought himself up in the community to be one of the top developers within San Bernardino. The City needs individuals who remain in the community and are interested in its growth such as Mr. Dominguez. Mr. Hodgdon further stated that Mr. Green, Agency Board Member, started in the Redevelopment Agency as a bookkeeper. He advanced within the Agency to Relo- cation Specialist. He then became one of the top executives with the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles, but continued to remain a resident of the City of San Bernardino. He is now the Executive Vice President of the Economic Development Council. Mr. Hodgdon further stated that the Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, has submitted his legal opinion regarding Mr. Green's appointment to the Redevelopment Agency Board and his position as Executive Vice President of the Economic Development .., ? ......J r ...... r- ! '-- ".... ....... 2854 Council. Said opinion stated that there was no conflict of interest. It suggested, however, that Mr. Green abstain from voting in any matters regarding the Economic Development Council. REPORT OF GEORGE CALDWELL, SAN BERNARDINO CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT PERTAINING TO SCHOOL PROPERTIES, SURPLUS, VACATED AND F ALLOW LAND AND THE NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING - 7TH AND "E": Dr. George Caldwell, Superintendent of Schools, was introduced to the Board Members. Dr. Caldwell stated that the Board of Education would like the opportunity of look- ing at other sites other than the 7th and "E" Street site, for the location of their new Administration Center. He stated that the Agency has expressed their desire for the Administration Center to be located on this original 7th and "E" Street site. He indicated that this situation has caused continuous delays. Dr. Caldwell distri- buted a report from the School District, setting forth their alternative suggestions to the current situation. Dr. Caldwell read the report, as follows: On or about January 1974, as a result of the sale of the Harding-Conrad school site, the Redevelopment Agency through Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon and Mr. Peter Quinn made a proposal to the Board of Education to acquire all of the following sites: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Little Mountain Site Central Junior High School Site Administrative Site on 9th Street Child Care Center Washington School Metcalf School Jefferson School Sturges Junior High School including the Administration Building Site A Predisposition Agreement (copy attached) that detailed the procedures and conditions for the proposed sale of the above sites was developed and signed by the Redevelopment Agency Chairman Warner W. Hodgdon and approved by Wm. A. Flory, Agency Counsel. One of the conditions of the Agreement stipulate that the: "Fair market value (for each of the above sites) shall be established by an independent fee appraiser who shall be retained by the school district. " Included in the Agreement (Paragraph IV) were the conditions for the development and construction of a new Administration Center for the District. The agreement stipulated that the cost of the project shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Education. From the date of approval of the Agreement by both the District and the Agency, the following changes to the Agreement were made by the Redevelopment Agency: Sturges Jr. $625,800 High School Site 213,900 S.F. Sturges $219,500 High School Site Additions 67,360 S.F. 2855 B. A. 1 ....." The acquisition of the Central Junior High School site and the Administrative Site on 9th Street by the Agency was deleted from the Predisposition Agreement. The reason given by the Agency was that these sites were outside the scope of redevel- opment plans. This condition, however, must have been known to the Agency when the Agreement was prepared by them and should have not been included if the acquisitions exceeded the Agency's authority. Legal representatives for both parties were involved in discussions on this matter. The Agency refused to accept the District appraiser's fair market value of two of the three parcels of land that comprise the Sturges Site, even though the Agreement stipulated that market value shall be established by the District's appraiser and had this site re- appraised by an appriaser selected by the Agency. To aid the City in their development plans, the District agreed to a negotiated purchase price. In addition, the purchase price of the Harding-Con- rad site was a negotiated settlement based upon average of two appraisals, however, the remaining sites were sold on the basis of the higher appraisal. The results of the two appraisals and the agreed purchase price are shown as follows: ~ Hastings Appraisal Price Net Purchase Pric e Cost Per Sq.Ft. ......" Morrison Appraisal Price Negotiated Purchase Price Demolition Costs $533,000 $579,400 $30,000 $549,400 $2.65 $202,000 $210,600 $ 1,000 $209,600 $3.11 Escrow instructions for all of the sites listed in the Agreement, except the 9th Street Administrative site and the Central Junior High School site were executed in June 1974. To this date the escrows have not been closed due to the Agency's insistence that the location of the Administration Center on 7th and "E" Streets site by the District become a condition of the sale of the surplus sites, even though the Agreement separates the conditions for the development of the new Administrative Center from the sale of the school properties. ~ The impasse on the purchase of the 7th Street site is due to the lack of agreement on the value of the site. The district appraiser's report of September 1974 valued the site - 2856 r f I ..... at $1.60 per square foot. The General Telephone Company appraiser's report of June 1974 valued the site at $3.05 per square foot. The District's compromise offer of $2.35 was rejected by the General Telephone Company through the Agency. The District proposal to use the Central Junior High School site, located on 9th Street east of the K-Mart site for the site of the Administration Center was rejected by the Agency as being outside their overall planning area. ~ On April 17, 1975 Mr. Hodgdon agreed with the Board of Education that the section of the Predisposition Agreement pertaining to the new Administrative site be deleted, thereby accelerating the closure of the escrow instructions on all sites. He did re- quest that the Board consider the 7th and "E" Streets site as one of the severalloca- tions that the Board review as the site for the new center. The Board of Education approved the deletion and authorized the completion of the sale of the sites. This Agree- ment with the Board of Education followed a meeting on April 7, 1975 with Mr. W. Hodgdon, Mr. P. Morris, Mr. P. Quinn, and Dr. G. L. Caldwell at which time it was also agreed that the exclusive requirement for the 7th and "E" Streets site could be severed. This agreement was executed by an official action of the Board of Education and signed by the Executive Director of the Board of Directors of the Redevelopment Agency (copy attached). Based on this agreement the Board of Education proceeded to expend funds to survey potential sites and facilities including the 7th and "E" Streets parcel and has a completed report. Under this ultimatim rescinding approval of severance the cost of this site will exceed the District's share of all the income derived from the sale of the surplus sites now in escrow. The Board of Education's official position concurs with the agreement by Mr. Hodgdon to sever the requirement for the acquisition of the 7th and "E" Streets site in order to provide the Board of Education the opportunity to evaluate the 7th and "E" Streets site with other alternatives from a fiscal as well as physical standpoint. We understand however that the Board of Directors of the Redevelopment Agency has taken action which indicates that the 7th and "E" Site must be acquired as a condition for Closure of escrow. r To eliminate the impasse now existing between the District and the Agency regarding the site for the Administration Center and closing of escrow the District presents the following alternatives for consideration to the Board of Directors of the Redevelopment Agency. A. The District could either negotiate directly with the owners of the 7th and "E" Streets site to determine the purchase price of the site or through the Agency whichever would be more advantageous in the overall development of the site. If successful, the agreed upon cost per square foot would be the basis of acquiring the 15,000 square feet on 7th and "D" Streets now owned by the Redevelopment Agency. B. If the location is acceptable to the Agency, the District could attempt to acquire the Sage's Baseline Market, demolish the existing structure-. and construct a new building on this site. "..... ~ This proposal may be feasible inasmuch as it has been indicated to us that the acquisition price recommendation will be substantially less than 2857 C. As the Sturges Junior High School site contains 7.2 acres. the District could retain the 4 acres fronting on "F" Street and sell the remaining 3 acres fronting on "E" Street to the Agency. The 3 acres to be reap- praised to determine the value of the "E" Street acreage. the prtce being quoted. It is further stated that this location might be ]..,.. geographically more acceptable as well as within the Agency umbrella. .' If this parcel would be separated and would include the construction of a new Board/Administrative facility facing "F" Street while the pre- sent facility is still occupied. it would permit a central location within the Redevelopment building limitations without the necessity of relocat- ing the offices presently on site. D. The Redevelopment Agency could accept transfer of the Central Junior High School site (a 9.5 acre parcel) with clear title in the name of the District for the 7th and "E" Streets site. E. The District could consider the comparative cost savings vis a vis facility adequacy and location of the SSS building and site on Highland Avenue if it were assured income from the disposition of the eight parcels consi- dered for acquisition. ..., F. The entire matter would remain status quo with the District continuing to occupy its present facilities and through contract with the Redevelop- ment Agency or a broker. we will attempt to dispose of all eight sites. j ....,J G. If any of the above alternatives are not acceptable. the Agency should state its position because if it is not a tenable requirement then the District will withdraw all the sites from escrow and sell each site separately to the highest bidder under a negotiated or competitive sale. With the District's share of the income from the sale. the new Administrative Center can then be located on a District owned site or on a new site of their own choosing. Mr. Caldwell explained that it had been determined that they could actually save money by buying the old Sages site,. demolishing the building and constructing the new Admin- istration Center on said site. He stated that they have been discussing the rehabilita- tion of the SSS Building. but this also has its drawbacks. Mr. Caldwell stated that his main purpose for appearing before the Board today is to receive a determination or an alternative from the Agency. to take back to the Board of Education. If the Agency still feels that the terms in the Predisposition Agreement should ~ be honored regarding the 7th and "E" Street site for the Administration Center. then this will be necessary to go back to their Board for determination. ........, 2858 '-- Mr. Caldwell explained that the School District would receive approximately 1,800,000 from the Agency for the acquisition of the surplus school property. If they paid $3.05 for the property at 7th and "E" Street, as appraised by the General Telephone Company, the property would cost them $500,000. The development could run between $1,500,000 and $2,000,000. They would have to pay the State of California $1,200,000. This would leave the School District approximately $640,000 to be used for the development. r ~ Mr. Hodgdon stated that the Agency wants to see this matter resolved for the betterment of the Community. He stated that the Agency wants the School District to save money. If they can save money by another alternative, it would be prudent for them to do so. Mr. Hodgdon addressed himself to the deletion of the Central Junior High School site and the Administrative Site on 9th Street from the Predisposition Agreement. He ex- plained that the other abandoned, surplus sites are located within survey and planning or official project areas . The Agency originally felt that this site on 9th Street, behind the K-Mart Store, could be put to a productive use. After much research it was deter- mined that this site just could not be used. Mr. Hodgdon indicated that he could not see investing public funds in this site without being able to redevelop it. Mr. Hodgdon read the following paragraph from Mr. Caldwell's above report: -..... "The impasse on the purchase of the 7th Street site is due to the lack of agreement on the value of the site. The District appraiser's report of September 1974 valued the site at $1.60 per square foot. The General Telephone Company appraiser's report of June 1974 valued the site at $3.05 per square foot." The District's compromise offer of $2.35 was rejected by the General Telephone Company through the Agency." ,-- Mr. Hodgdon stated that the School District used different appraisers for parcels lying directly across the street from each other. The higher appraisal was used for the property to be acquired by the Agency from the School District, and the lower appraisal was used for the property at 7th and "E" Streets, to be acquired by the San Bernardino Unified School District from the General Telephone Company for the development of the new Central Administration Center. Mr. Hodgdon also stated that the Agency has been sent a bill in the amount of approximatel) $38,000 from the School District's architect, Cashion-Horie, for architectural plans for the new Administration Center proposed for 7th and "E" Streets. The Agency determined that this bill should not be paid by the Agency, because the School District had not yet approved the acquisition of the 7th and "E" Street site. Mr. Hodgdon read the following letter written to Dr. George L. Caldwell, setting forth the Agency's position in this matter: September 6, 1975 ,.... j ..... Dr. George L. Caldwell Superintendent San Bernardino City Unified School District 799 "F" Street San Bernardino, CA 92410 2859 Re: SCHOOL PROPERTIES, SURPLUS, VACATED AND FALLOW LAND AND THE NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING - 7TH AND "E" STREETS COMP ARISON OF VALUES BETWEEN SCHOOL DISTRICT APPRAISALS AND CONSIDERED REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ACQUISITION PRICE Dear Dr. Caldwell: This letter is to conservatively outline the progress that is in process, pertaining to the above referred to matters. Enclosed herewith is a copy of my letter dated July 15, 1975 to the attention of Mr. Patrick J. Morris and the members of the Board of Education, which included an additional letter dated July 15, 1975 to yourself, Superintendent of the San Bernar- dino City Unified School District, (copy attached herewith) - "pertaining to the pro- gress we have jointly made as to the acquisition of the abandoned and surplus sites which include the development of the Central Administration site at 7th and "E" Streets" . A second issue as to our progress pertaining to these overall matters that must be clarified and to which I will address later in this letter, is in reference to your letter dated August 21, 1974 (a copy including attachments is enclosed herewith) pertaining to an appraisal of the new Central Administration Center site (7th and "E" Streets). In accordance with your letter of August 21, 1974, the value of the 7th and "E" Streets new Central Administration Center Site as appraised by Mr. Donald Morrison on July 23, 1974 at the average square foot cost of $3.05 is too much. To confirm your opinion, the following is a quote from your letter of August 21, 1974: "To further support my contention that the appraised value is much too high, I refer to the appraisal prepared by Mr. Hill on February 11, 1974 (a copy of which is attached) on the Sturges property which indicated the value of this property as follows: Sturges Site Addition (7th Street frontage) 67192 S.F. @a value of $74,000.00 or $1.10 per S.F. District Administration (SE corner 8th and "F" Streets) 33040 S.F. @a value of $74,000.00 or $2.23 per S.F. Junior High School Site 213,571 S.F. @ a value of $215,000.00 or $1. 00 per S.F . As you know, Mr. Hill was retained by yourself to value the Sturges property and seven additional school properties, six of which the Redevelopment Agency is in the process of considering the acquisition thereof, along with the development of a ] ..., :i:l 11 ...; ...., ......,j 2860 r k ! ..... new school Central Administration Center at 7th and IIEII Streets. In other words, if the Redevelopment Agency agrees with your contention that the Sturges property, lying on 7th Street and extending northerly to 8th Street, as appraised by Mr. Hill for a total value of $363,000 (said amount, as pointed out in your letter, having been used to establish an average value for the Central Administration Center at 7th and IIEII Streets immediately across the street from the Sturges Site), the value for said property under consideration (7th and IIEII Streets, southeast corner) by yourself for recommendation to the Board of Education would be approximately $1.50 per sq. ft. to $1.80 per sq. ft. Therefore, you believe that in accordance with Mr. Hill's values, the proposed Central Administration Center site value would be approximately $247,500 to $297,000. As you initially pointed out in your letter of August 21, 1974, you felt there were several discrepancies in the supportive information of Mr. Morrison's appraisal dated July 23, 1974 that may have a bearing on his opinion as to the market value of the property for the new Central Administration Center at the southeast corner of 7th and IIEII Streets. Conversely, I note with interest and fascination in your letter of August 21, 1974 enclosed herewith, the following: Sturges Site Addition (7th Street frontage) 67192 S.F. @ a value of $74,000.00 or $1.10 per S.F. ".-.. District Administration (SE corner 8th and IIFII Streets) 33040 S.F. @avalueof $74,000.00 or $2.23 per S.F. ~ Junior High School Site 213,571 S.F. @ a value of $215,000.00 or $1. 00 per S.F. You pointed out in support of this phenomenon, that in accordance with the values placed on the overall Sturges property, lying on 7th Street extending northerly to 8th Street, by your appraiser, the total value of $363,000 is $492,000 less than the total price of $855,000 that you are requiring and recommending to the Board of Education that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino pay for the same property. ,....- By continuing with your analogy as to the value of the overall Sturges site relative to the new Central Administration Center site at the southeast corner of 7th and IIEII Streets, which are on opposite sides of the street from each other, I believe that the Redevelopment Agency should re-evaluate your requirement of paying $855,000 for the Sturges site, when as you pointed out, your appraised values for this overall Sturges site is $363,000. On the other hand, in accordance with your analogy and these facts, had the Redevelopment Agency paid the Board of Education $855,000 for the overall Sturges site, which is a differential of $492,000 more than the value placed on said site by your appraisal, this differential would equal the value of the total new Central Admin- istration Center site at the southeast corner of 7th and IIEII Streets, as valued by Mr. Morrison. In conclusion, on a comparative dollar by dollar basis, the Board of Educa- tion would have gotten the new Central Administration Center site for nothing. ....... My letter to the Board of J ul y 15, 1975 clarified the following: 2861 "It is my understanding that the various multiple sites (for the Administration Building) are going to be reviewed by your Board at its forthcoming meeting of July 17, 1975, and therefore, upon receiving a subsequent determination, the Agency Board will con- sider the appropriate determination thereto." l ..... "Thank you for your time and constructive efforts in this matter. The Agency appre- ciates your careful consideration of the various alternatives relative to the disposition of your abandoned and surplus sites and the development of a new Administration Center. Though some time has elapsed since the formulation of this endeavor, I am sure that this time has been well spent in implementing a sound foundation for a decision that is vital to the educational and economic environment of our community." In addition, my letter of July 15, 1975 to your Board referred to the unpaid fee of $38,267 from your architects, Cashion-Horie, Pomona, California, pertaining to arch- itectural plans for the Central Administration Center at 7th and "E" Streets. " I understand that in the interim period subsequent to our original agreements that the composition of the Board has changed, and therefore, a reevaluation as to the contin- uation of the development of the Central Administration site at 7th and "E" Streets as prepared by your Architects, Cashion-Horie, is being reviewed along with other multiple sites. Taking into consideration that architectural plans in the amount of $38,267.00 have been completed by your Architects Cashion-Horie, and coupled with the fact that our original agreement included both the acquisition of the abandoned and surplus school sites and the simultaneous development of the Central Administration Center at 7th and "E" Streets, I believe that it is to our best interest to complete this transaction as initiated. " ...., j " .....J In my letter of July 15, 1975 (copy of which, including attachments is enclosed herewith) the following facts were made clear: 1. That your recommended resolution dated April 17 , 1975 to the Amendment to the Predisposition Agreement entered into by your Board and the Redevelopment Agency had not been presented to the Agency Board in proper form for approval and execution by the Executive Director and Chairman. 2. That as to your bill as contained in your letter dated May 27, 1975 regarding a $38,267 unpaid fee from your architects, Cashion-Horie, the Executive Director and myself ratified that we did not feel it to be prudent judgement to expend funds for the 7th and "E" Street site (new Central Administration Center site) that was yet to be approved by yourself and the Board of Education. (As to this date said site has not been approved. ) 3. Also included therewith was a copy of your memorandum dated September 12, 1974 entitled "Status of Sale of Abandoned and Surplus Sites", and the Agency agreed with the second paragraph of your memorandum, "The escrow instructions are now ready to be closed. The District and the Redevelopment Agency have en- tered into negotiations for the purchase of the site for the new administration ....., - r L ~ '-- 2862 center complex on which the closing of sales is contingent. " 4. Furthermove, my letter to you of July IS, 1975 reaffirmed, pursuant to our meeting of July 2, 1975 with yourself and Mr. Patrick J. Morris, President of the School Board, that "you were contemplating at that time that the Agency should pay the $38,267,00 fee of your Architects, Cashion-Horie, covering the 7th and "E" Street site, which represents 20 percent of their total estimated fee for the Schematic Design Phase and simultaneously adhere to your request that the District Adminis- trative center not be built at said site that the plans cover". 5. In conclusion, my letter to you of July 15,1975 made it very clear that you were aware that the Amendment to the Predisposition Agreement had to be approved by the Redevelopment Agency, including any matter of relocation cost, clarified prior to close of all the escrows, and I reaffirmed that this issue had not been submitted to the Agency Board at that time. The following is a direct quote pertaining to same, as indicated in the third paragraph of your letter (Dr. George Caldwell) dated April 23, 1975: "As soon as the Amendment to the Predisposition Agreement is approved by the Redevelopment Agency, and the relocation costs matter clarified, I have the Board of Education's approval to close all the escrows." Therefore, this letter (from Warner W. Hodgdon, Chairman) is to reaffirm that this issue has not been resubmitted to the Agency Board at this time, and I (Warner W. Hodgdon, Chairman) do not believe the Agency Board would concur with your letter of May 27, 1975 that architectural fees should be paid by the Redevelopment Agency, until the Board of Education reaffirms our total original agreement initiated February 28, 1974, as to the acquisition of the vacant school properties and development of the School Administration Site at 7th and "E" Streets. The above facts were made clear in my letter of July IS, 1975 to you, which was sub- sequent to my letter of April 10, 1975 to Mr. Patrick J. Morris, President of the San Bernardino Board of Education, regarding acquisition of the vacant school properties. (copy of which, including attachments, is enclosed herewith.) As requested, the Redevelopment Agency Board at its regular meeting of July 17, 1975, at 4: 00 p.m., prior to the Board of Education's meeting of 7: 30 p.m., July 17, 1975, comprehensively discussed this overall issue, and reaffirmed its position at that time relative to this matter. Enclosed herewith you will find a copy of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency Board which met at 4: 00 p. m., July 17, 1975, pertaining to same. Said minutes reflect the following: "After careful consideration, motion was made by Board Member Wallace Green and seconded by Board Member Alan Guhin, ratifying the Agency's position as set forth in the Status Report herein set forth, dated September 17, 1974. (Said Status Report ,...... as presented was prepared by Dr. George E. Caldwell, dated September 12, 1974. The I i report was entitled Status of Sale of Abandoned and Surplus Sites ...... 2863 "The Board of Education at its meeting of June 27, 1974 approved the negotiated sale of the following abandoned and surplus sites to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino." ] "The escrow instructions are now ready to be closed. The District and the Redevelopment Agency have entered into negotiations for the purchase of the site for the new administration center complex on which the closing of sales is contingent. " As I pointed out above in this letter, I indicated that I would address myself further to the issue pertaining to the valuations of the eight abandoned, vacated and surplus San Bernardino City School parcels that you received February 11, 1974 from your appraiser. I would like to further re-evaluate a point previously reviewed pertaining to your letter of August 21, 1974 regarding the appraisal of the new Central Adminis- tration Center at the southeast corner of 7th and "E" Streets, which letter incorporated the valuations of eight San Bernardino City School parcels by your appraiser Edward G. Hill, Jr. As you know, the Redevelopment Agency is considering acquisition of six of these surplus, vacated and fallow land properties, along with the development of a new Central Administration Center at the southeast corner of 7th and "E" Streets, as outlined in our original agreement between the Redevelopment Agency and the Board of Education, initiated February 28, 1974. I am enclosing herewith your letter of August 21, 1974, Mr. Hill's letter of valuations dated February 11, 1974 am:}. a schedule prepared by the Redevelopment Agency entitled "School Properties, Surplus - Vacated and Fallow Land, Acquisition Prices and Other Costs to be Considered by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino", and a Schedule prepared by the Redevelopment Agency entitled "Surplus - Vacated and Fallow Land, School Properties, Comparison of Values Between the School District Appraisals and the Considered Redevelopment Agency Acquisition Price". ..., ~ ...J You will note upon review of same, that the high valuations by your appraisal made February 11, 1974 for the following sites: Jefferson School, Sturges Junion High School, District Administration Building, Sturges Addition on 7th Street, Washington School, Metcalf School, Little Mountain Site, and the Child Care Center, represent a total valuation of $968,000. Your required prices to the Redevelopment Agency for the same sites are $1,497,450. In addition you requested costs for other charges total- ing $94,153, for a total cost and other charges of $1,591,603, which is an increased differencial of $623,603, over and above your appraisers valuation of $968,000 for the same surplus, vacated and fallow land school sites. For the record, I would like to reiterate that I have previously informed you that the Redevelopment Agency could not acquire the two additional surplus school properties contained in your appraisers' valuation, which were the Central Junior High School site, which to the best of my knowledge is behind the K Mart Store on Waterman Avenue and North of 9th Street, which said value on your appraisal of F eburary 11, 1974 letter was $200,000. It is my understanding that your investment in said site, including costs, is approximately $500,000. The second site was the Ninth Street Administration site, which lies easterly of Tippecanoe Avenue, which said value on your appraisal of ~ ..... r ...... [ ,..... t ..... 2864 February 11, 1974 letter was $58,000. To the best of my knowledge your investment in said site including costs is approximately $125,000. In overview of these two sites, you invested approximately $625,000 of your District's funds that your appraiser now values at approximately $258,000 - a loss differential of approximately $367,000. As I wrote in my letter of July 15, 1975 to you, may I thank you on behalf of the Rede- velopment Agency for your continued evaluation of this overall matter. I am sure that if we will continue our positive attitude and if you will come to a stable conclusion as initially requested, subject of course to the confirmation of the Redevelopment Agency Board, the Mayor and Common Council and most importantly a thoroughly informed Board of the San Bernardino Unified School District, the matter will be resolved in the best interest of the total community. Respectfully yours, s/Warner W. Hodgdon Warner W. Hodgdon Chairman WWH: sab Mr. Hodgdon stated that the State of California had originally planned to build the Harrison Freeway within the vicinity of the School District's 9th Street Sites. The School District at this time anticipated building their new Central Administration Center on 9th Street site, east of Tippecanoe. When the State of California changed their minds about the location of a freeway within this vicinity, the parcel lost its desirability for their administration site. Thus, an independent action beyond the control of the School District Superintendent accounted for a loss in value on both 9th Street sites. Mrs. Blum stated that the Agency must be very careful on how it spends public funds. Plans cannot be paid for it they are not going to be used. Mr. Caldwell stated that the School District is in the same position in this respect. That is why each parcel was appraised separately. He further stated that if the School Board decides not to build on the 7th and "E" Street site, that he did not feel it was the Agency's responsi- bility to pay for the architectural plans for said site. The difference between appraisals was discussed. Mr. Al Weise, Special Consultant to the School District, was introduced. Mr. Caldwell stated that they made an offer to General Telephone for the 7th and "E" Street property of $2.35 per sq. ft. This price was a compromise offer between General Telephone I s appraisal of $3.05 per sq. ft. and the School District's appraisal of $1. 60 per sq. ft. Mr. Stephenson stated that it is very important to have the development Qf the Central Administration Center downtown. He suggested bringing in still another appraiser for the property, to arrive at an appropriate value acceptable to all parties. 2865 Mr. Hodgdon read Dr. Caldwell's letter of August 21,1975, in which the appraisals are discussed. The letter is as follows: ] August 21, 1975 Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon Redevelopment Agency 323 W. Court Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 Re: Appriasal of Administration Site Dear Mr. Hodgdon: In reviewing Mr. Morrison's appraisal dated July 23, 1974 for the General Telephone Company to establish the value of the administration site at $503,000.00, it is my belief that there are several discrepancies in the supportive information of his report that may have a bearing on his opinion as to the market value of the property. Mr. Morrison, in arriving at the average square foot cost of $3.05, used market data of sales that are peculiar in circumstances which are not apparent in the sale of the property in question. Data #2 @ $4.99 per S.F. and Data #3 $3.27 per S.F. were for and needed for expansion by the purchasers who owned adjacent properties. Data #5 @ $3.19 per S . F. in an established commercial area should not be considered as a usable comparison because of the variances in the locations of both sites. If the high priced sales mentioned above are eliminated for the reasons as indicated above, the appraised value of the proposed site would drop considerably. .., J To further support my contention that the appraised value is much too high, I refer to the appraisal prepared by Mr. Hill on February 11, 1974 (a copy of which is attached) on the Sturges property which indicated the value of this property as follows: Sturges Site Additions (7th Street frontage) 67192 S.F. @ a value of $74,000.00 or $1.10 per S.F. District Administration (SE corner 8th and "F" Streets) 33040 S.F. @ a value of $74,000.00 or $2.23 per S.F. Junior High School Site 213,571 S.F. @ a value of $215,000.00 or $1. 00 per S.F . Mr. Hill also stated in a conference attended by you that market value of land in the vicinity of the school site has depreciated considerably over the past few years because of economic conditions and that it was doubtful whether the market would appreciate in the foreseeable future because of this factor. ..... ~ If an average value is established by using Mr. Hill's appraisal and an updated appraisal from Mr. Morrison revised to eliminate the market data questioned in the Ii ! -t r i ~ ,... L ,... i , '- 2866 above paragraphs of this letter, the value of the property under consideration would approximate $1.50 per S.F. to $1.80 per S.F. If the district cannot acquire the pro- posed site at an acceptable price, I am quite sure that a site at a different location at a square foot cost that would be acceptable to the district can be found be either your staff or mine. I hope that the site for the new administration center can be resolved as soon as possible as the district's Board is seriously concerned with the lack of progress of the proposed center. Sincerely, s/G.L. Caldwell GEORGE L. CALDWELL Superintendent GLC/AW: bIe Mr. Hodgdon stated that you can't revise Mr. Morrison's appraisal on one side of the street and not revise it on the other, which is exactly what the School District did. Mr. Hodgdon read a second letter written to Dr. Caldwell, regarding an alternative solution to the situation at hand. The letter is as follows: September 17, 1975 Dr. George L. Caldwell Superintendent San Bernardino City Unified School District 799 "F" Street San Bernardino, CA 92410 Re: SCHOOL PROPERTIES, SURPLUS, VACATED AND FALLOW LAND AND THE NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING - 7TH AND "E" STREETS COMP ARISON OF VALUES BETWEEN SCHOOL DISTRICT APPRAISALS AND CONSIDERED REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ACQUISITION PRICE Dear Dr. Caldwell: This letter is a follow-up pertaining to various observations contained in my letter of September 6, 1975 to you (copy attached hereto). As you know by your letter of February 26, 1975, (copy attached hereto) you informed the Redevelopment Agency that the Board of Education had authorized the acquisition of the land for the new Central Administration Center, to be located at the southeast corner of 7th and "E" Streets, on the basis of $2.35 per sq. ft. Enclosed herewith is a copy of my letter to you dated March 7, 1975, which informed you that the Redevelop- ment Agency would contact the General Telephone Company regarding the offered ac- quisition price of $2.35 per sq. ft., including the fact that the Mayor and Common 2867 Council would be taking affirmative action regarding the Plan of Development for the Overall Central City. which included the various vacated and surplus school properties and the new Central Administration Center at the southeast corner of 7th and "E" Streets. Furthermore. Mr. P. W. Quinn. Jr.. Agency Executive Director. forwarded by letter dated March 18. 1975 (copy attached hereto) reconfirmation that the Redevelopment Agency had contacted General Telephone Company regarding your offer. and that the Agency would provide you with the information pertaining to General Telephone Com- pany's position regarding same. By your letter dated June 25. 1975 (copy attached hereto) you confirmed that you had received through Mr. Quinn the information that your offer of $2.35 per sq. ft. for the Central Administration Center at the southeast corner of 7th and "E" Streets was not acceptable to General Telephone Company. Secondly. you stated the following: "I will report this matter to the Board of Educa- tion. At this time. I have no further directions from the Board and you should consider our offer of February 26. 1975 withdrawn." I believe that it is important to the overall benefit of the Community that your vacant. surplus and abandoned school sites be put to a productive rather than a fallow use. and as important. that the Central Administration Center be developed at the southeast corner of 7th and "E" Streets as previously agreed and as outlined in the Plan of Devel- opment. Overall Central City area. Therefore. for the purpose of taking a new and con- structive approach to formulate a conclusion in this matter, may I suggest the following as an alternative to "no further direction" and withdrawal of your offer of February 26, 1975. You attached to your letter of August 21. 1974 to the Redevelopment Agency a copy of the appraised values of the eight surplus school properties referred to above. In said letter you referred to the appraisal dated February 11, 1974, prepared by your appriaser, Mr. Edward G. Hill. Jr. (copy attached hereto). You pointed out in your letter of August 21. 1974 "Mr. Hill also stated in a conference attended by you that mar- ket value of land in the vicinity of the school site (Sturges site is located on "E" Street lying between 7th and 8th Streets) has depreciated considerably over the past few years because of economic conditions and that it was doubtful whether the market would appre- ciate in the foreseeable future because of this factor" . Therefore. I believe that the Redevelopment Agency would follow your expertise and acquire the subject vacant, surplus and abandoned school sites as per your appraisers valuations. which totals approximately $968.000; and concurrently, accept your offer to purchase the new Central Administration Site at the southeast corner of 7th and "E" Streets. as per your letter offer dated February 26. 1975. I might add that if you concur in this approach, which is consistent with your own analysis. the Redevelopment Agency would be absorbing a loss differential of 70cj: per sq. ft. for the new Central Administration Center site. which would be a benefit to the School District. However. I believe this can be justified from the standpoint that you require this amount of land for free public parking. for times of your Regular School Board Meetings and other impor- tant administrative functions, such as school policy and salary negotiations with the teachers and employees. As you know. free public parking has been a policy of the Mayor and Common Council and the Redevelopment Agency for a number of years. in order to generate economic and employment growth and increased public revenues. ] ] ..... -J r ! I...... r- , ...... ,... t , \... 2868 Thank you for your continued cooperation in this matter, and the Redevelopment Agency would appreciate your thoughts pertaining to this issue. Respectfully yours, S/Warner W. Hodgdon Warner W. Hodgdon Chairman WWH: sab Mr. Green stated that the Agency must make some determination at this time. He felt that Mr. Stephenson IS suggeston of an additional appraisal might be a good idea. He stated that he would certainly not want to lose 7th and "E" as the new Administra- tion site. The alternative set forth in the letter of September 17th to the School District was then discussed. After careful review, motion was made by Stephenson and seconded by Green requesting Dr. Caldwell to present to the School Board the letter of September 17, 1975 from Mr. Hodgdon setting forth an alternative suggestion for the school properties, and in particular the 7th and "E" Street site. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Stephenson, Wilson, Guhin, Green, Perea, Blum and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None Dr. Caldwell stated that this would be presented to the School Board at their next meeting. He would not ask them for determination tonight, as he knew they would have to review it in depth. Mr. Hodgdon thanked Dr. Caldwell for his appearance. RESOLUTIONS ENDORSING AND ADOPTING TENT A TIVE ACTION SCHEDULES AND DOCUMENTATION: Mr. Hodgdon requested adoption of resolutions endorsing and adopting the Tenta- tive Action Schedules and Documentation for the Central City East - City, County, -State, Federal Civic Center Complex Project, the Central City South Project, and the Southeast Industrial Park, Industrial - Transportation - Distribution Center Proj ect. Mr. Frank Dominguez, Vanir Research, was presented. Mr. Dominguez stated that he would recommend that these resolutions be postponed until the GAO completes its audit. Mr. Green stated that he respected Mr. Dominguez's request but that the adoption of these resolutions represent a position by the Board of endorsement. Mr. Hodgdon stated that Mr. Dominguez made a very good point, however, GAO is a Federal Office. The three projects in question do not have anything to do with Federal funds -- these are local projects. -",j'~)~l i.f.'ll'!"_#'. 2869 Mr. Dominguez stated that he wanted to go on record that he opposed the adoption of the Resolutions endorsing the Tentative Action Schedules and Documentation for the proposed project areas. ] The following resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3099 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ENDORSING AND ADOPTING THE CENTRAL CITY EAST - CITY, COUNTY, STATE, FEDERAL CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX, OFFICIAL TENTATIVE ACTION SCHEDULE AND DOCUMENTATION FOR ADOPTION OF A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN WHEREAS, the furtherance of redevelopment activities in support of the Overall Plan of Development require the adoption of certain redevelopment areas; and WHEREAS, one of the redevelopment projects vital to the ultimate success of said Overall Plan of Development is Central City East - City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex; and WHEREAS, the Tentative Action Schedule and Documentation for adoption of a rede- velopment plan for said project is an imparitive segment in implementing said Plan of Development - Interim Report, San Bernardino Overall Central City Area, distri- buted to the community December 18, 1974. .., i b .....,J NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that said Agency does hereby endorse and adopt Central City East - City County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex Official Tentative Action Schedule and Documentation for Adoption of a Redevelopment Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Executive Director are hereby directed to take all necessary steps consistent with said Official Tentative Action Schedule in order to further and expedite the adoption of the above referred to Rede- velopment Plan. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3099. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Wilson, Blum, Perea, Stephenson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None RESOLUTION NO. 3100 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ENDORSING AND ADOPTING THE CENTRAL CITY SOUTH OFFICIAL TENTATIVE ACTION SCHEDULE AND DOCUMENTATION FOR ADOPTION OF A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN ...., -.J [ r L ,.... \..... 2870 WHEREAS, the furtherance of redevelopment activities in support of the Overall Plan of Development require the adoption of certain redevelopment areas; and WHEREAS, one of the redevelopment projects vital to the ultimate success of said Overall Plan of Development is Central City South; and WHEREAS, the Tentative Action Schedule and Documentation for adoption of a rede- velopment plan for said project is an imparitive segment in implementing said Plan of Development - Interim Report, San Bernardino Overall Central City Area, distri- buted to the community December 18, 1974. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that said Agency does hereby endorse and adopt Central City South, <Official Tentative Action Schedule and Documentation for Adoption of a Redevelopment Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Executive Director are hereby directed to take all necessary steps consistent with said Official Tentative Action Schedule in order to further and expedite the adoption of the above referred to Rede- velopment Plan. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3100. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Wilson, Blum, Perea, Stephenson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None RESOLUTION NO. 3101 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ENDORSING AND ADOPTING THE SOUTH- EAST INDUSTRIAL PARK, INDUSTRIAL-TRANSPORT A TION - DISTRlB UTION CENTER OFFICIAL TENTATIVE ACTION SCHEDULE AND DOCUMENTATION FOR ADOPTION OF A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN WHEREAS, the furtherance of redevelopment activities in support of the Overall Plan of Development require the adoption of certain redevelopment areas; and WHEREAS, one of the redevelopment projects vital to the ultimate success of said Overall Plan of Development is Southeast Industrial Park, Industrial-Transportation- Distribution Center; and WHEREAS, the Tentative Action Schedule and Documentation for adoption of a rede- velopment plan for said project is an imparitive segment in implementing said Plan of Development - Interim Report, San Bernardino Overall Central City Area, distri- buted to the community December 18, 1974. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San 2871 Bernardino, California, that said Agency does hereby endorse and adopt Southeast Industrial Park, Industrial-Transportation-Distribution Center Official Tentative Action Schedule and Documentation for Adoption of a Redevelopment Plan. ] BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Executive Director are hereby directed to take all necessary steps consistent with said Official Tentative Action Schedule in order to further and expedite the adoption of the above referred to Rede- velopment Plan. Motion was made by Stephenson and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3101. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Wilson, Blum, Perea, Stephenson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO A POSITION STATEMENT GENERALLY COVERING THE PROGRESS LETTER OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1975, TO BE PREPARED FOR THE BOARD OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, TO BE INCORPORATED WITHIN THE ANNUAL REPORTS 1969 - 1970 - 1971 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 1975 AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT 1958 - 1980 - 1985, TO BE DISTRIBUTED AND MADE AVAILABLE: Mr. Hodgdon requested adoption of a resolution setting forth a Position Statement of the Redevelopment Agency, generally covering the progress letter of September 13, 1975, spread forth earlier in these minutes. The Position Statement will be pre- pared and will be executed by all Members and will be incorporated in the Annual Report and Economic Analysis to be distributed in the near future. After review, the following resolution was introduced: ..., I i .....J RESOLUTION NO. 3102 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF A POSITION STATEMENT TO ACCOMPANY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ANNUAL REPORTS, 1969 - 1970 - 1971 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 1975 AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT 1975 - 1980 - 1985 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, is preparing the Annual Reports 1969 - 1970 - 1971 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 1975 and Economic Analysis of the Comprehensive Plan of Development 1975 - 1980 - 1985; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Agency Board Members to prepare a Position Statement to accompany. said Annual Reports and Economic Analysis; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Agency Board Members that said Position Statement when prepared, be executed by all Agency Board Members and Officers. ..., ....J <'it r . L ,.... I i \ -- "...... '- 2872 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency is hereby authorized and directed to prepare for execution by the Agency Board Members and Officers a Position Statement to accompany the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ANNUAL REPORTS 1969 - 1970 - 1972 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 1975 AND THE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT 1975 - 1980 - 1985. Motion was made by Stephenson and seconded by Green authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3102. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Wilson, Blum, Perea, Stephenson, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None LUDWIG ENGINEERING, WAGE RATES CHANGE ORDER: In accordance with the terms of their Contract, Ludwig Engineering has requested a Change Order to their contract for engineering services, incorporating the new prevailing wage rates, as of August 1, 1975. After review, the following resolu- tion was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3103 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CHANGE ORDER TO CONTRACT WITH LUDWIG ENGINEERING, INCORPORATING THE PREVAILING WAGE RATES, AUGUST 1, 1975 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency entered into a contract with Ludwig Engin- eering on May 20, 1974, for engineering services; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the contract, the Contractor has requested an amendment to his contract to incorporate the revised Prevailing Fee Schedule as of August I, 1975; and WHEREAS, the Agency Members have reviewed the request and have determined that the Contract Amendment is warranted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute Contract Amendment with Ludwig Engine~r~ng, incorpor- ating the revised Prevailing Fee Schedule into said contract, affective August I, 1975. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Stephenson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3103. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Stephenson, Guhin, Green, Blum, Perea and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None 2873 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AT PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER LOCATION: ] Bids will be opened on the construction of the Public Enterprise Center on Wednesday, September 24, 1975. The plans call for all utilities to be underground. Estimated proposals from the utility companies have been obtained to underground their facilities. Board authorization was requested to authorize the utility companies to proceed with the work in accordance with their proposals. After review, the following resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3104 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS, NOT TO EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF $31,886.11, FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITIES WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has invited bids for the construction of the Public Enterprise Center for Operation Second Chance; and WHEREAS, the plans for the Public Enterprise Center call for all utilities to be installed underground; and WHEREAS, estimates were requested from the utility companies for the underground- ing of the necessary utility lines; and .., i ..... WHEREAS, estimates were received as follows: Southern California Edison Company - $12,070.00 TelePrompter Cable T . V. - $486.11 General Telephone Company - $19,330.00 totaling an amount not to exceed $31,886.11. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, that the expenditure of not to exceed $31,886.11 for underground utilities is hereby approved as follows: Southern California Edison Company - $12,070.00 TelePrompter Cable T. V. - $486.11 General Telephone Company - $19,330.00 ...., .....J r L r-- L ",... \-.. 2874 Motion was made by Green and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3104. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Guhin, Blum, Perea, Wilson, Stephenson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None AUTHORIZATION TO CONVEY EASEMENT TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMP ANY: Mr. Quinn explained that this easement is for electrical lines around the parking areas within the vicinity of the YWCA property. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3105 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE EASEMENT WITH SOUTHERN CALI- FORNIA EDISON COMPANY FOR UTILITY PURPOSES WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Agency to grant an easement to Southern Cali- fornia Edison Company for electrical lines within the vicinity of the YWCA park- ing areas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute Grant of Easement with Southern California Edison Company for Utility purposes within the vicinity of the YWCA parking areas. Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3105. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Perea, Guhin, Wilson, Blum, Green, Stephenson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None RESOLUTION FROM SENATOR RUBEN AYALA: A Certificate of Recognition from Senator Ruben S. Ayala was presented and read as follows: CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION PRESENTED TO: Warner W. Hodgdon IN HONOR OF: His outstanding contribution and dedication as Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency of San Bernardino having served two terms; 1967 through 1969 and 1974 through 1975, and in appreciation for his unselfish gift of personal 2875 time, energy and expertise thereby ensuring the growth and progress of the City of San Bernardino J SENATOR s/Ruben S. Ayala 32ND SENATE DISTRICT CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE DATED: September 2, 1975 Mr. Hodgdon stated that it was his personal feeling that the certificate of recognition was in essence a compliment to the entire Agency Board for its dedication and service to the Community. Mr. Hodgdon also indicated that he felt the Senator was pleased by' the Plan of Development for the 5th and Mt. Vernon Community Project. This center is proposed to contain a branch office of Santa Fe Federal Savings & Loan, a branch Library similar to the one being planned for the Public Enterprise Center, a market for Alfredo Encisco, a restaurant, drug store and offices for our Congressmen and Senators, along with free public parking. The implementation of this project depends upon con- currence by the community affected and the Councilwoman of the First Ward. OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Hodgdon stated that his term of office expired September 2, 1975. The Agency Counsel has set forth his opinion that a Board Member can continue serving at will until someone else is appointed, he is reappointed, or he re- signs. .., ~ ....J Mr. Hodgdon stated that all phases and reports pertaining to the Plan of Devel- opment should be completed prior to the next meeting, October 2, 1975, and would subsequently be distributed and made available over the next thirty days. He stated that he intended to submit his resignation as Chairman, effective October 2, 1975. The Tentative Action Schedules represent the foundation for the implementation of the various redevelopment projects. All resolutions will be adopted at public meetings and the public will be able to participate at these scheduled forums. Mr. Hodgdon stated that he has discussed with Mayor Holcomb the matters at hand and the great responsibility of the Agency Board. He stated that the Redevelopment Agency Board is one of the best Commissions in the area. They know how to get the job done effectively and constructively. Mr. Hodgdon indicated that the Mayor is elected by the people and therefore is the Commander-in-Chief. Based on this fact, -- it was incumbent for the Board to seriously consider the suggestions and recommenda- tions of Mayor Holcomb. After all, the Board Members serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and Common Council. Mr. Hodgdon stated that the Mayor concured 100% with this .., determina tion . '; .....J [ [ ~ L.. 2876 Mr. Hodgdon stated that consequently, the Mayor and he discussed in great length a successor as Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency. They considered who had the time, knowledge and background to lead the Redevelopment Agency toward the proper implementation of the Overall Plan of Development. An experienced background was necessary in order that he could work throughout the Agency, recognizing difficiencies where they exist, correcting them and giving proper direction. The idea of discussing this position with Verne Potter, President of Santa Fe Federal & Loan, was suggested by the Mayor. However, when Mr. Hodgdon discussed this possibility with Mr. Potter, the latter felt that he did not have the time necessary to devote to an undertaking of this nature. Another possibility in the Mayor's mind was Board Member Ray Wilson. Mr. Wilson was Vice Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency in 1966 and 1967, and certainly had the leadership and management capabilities. Mr. Hodgdon stated that he also met with Mr. Wilson regarding this matter, but Mr. Wilson felt he could not afford the time that this position demanded. Mr. Guhin then stated that he would like to submit his resignation as Vice Chairman concurrently with Mr. Hodgdon's resignation, effective October 2, 1975. It was Mr. Guhin's thought that in the interest of the next Chairman, the Board and the Community, the Vice Chairmanship should also be open to properly complement the role of Chair- man. Mr. Hodgdon expressed his appreciation to Mr. Guhin and agreed that this deci- sion would probably make it easier for the next Chairman. Mr. Hodgdon stated that in further reviewing this matter, both he and the Mayor felt that Wayne Stephenson was a sound consideration. Mr. Stephenson has had the experience of running large organizations. He has served the community in the past and is very well thought of throughout the community. This was discussed with Mr. Stephenson, knowing quite well that anyone taking on a responsibility of this nature would need much assistance in completing the undertakings involved. Mr. Stephenson expressed his thanks and stated that he would assume the position of Chairman if so elected, but that he would need all the assistance and cooperation of the Board, the Staff, and the Mayor and Council to get the job done. Mr. Hodgdon stated that the position of Vice Chairman was then discussed with the Mayor. It was felt that the Vice Chairman must be willing to assist the Chairman in every way possible. Mr. Hodgdon stated that after careful consideration, both by the Mayor and he, that they felt the position would be well filled by Wally Green. Mr. Green is very qualified and experienced in the field of redevelopment. Mr. Green was formerly a member of the San Bernardino Redevelopment Agency where he started at the low end of the pay scale. Subsequently, he moved his career, but not his residence to Los Angeles, where he reached 3rd in command at the Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Agency, with a staff of over 80 people under his supervision. He is currently the Executive Vice President of the Economic Development Council, voted in unanimously by the Executive Board. When he was chosen for this position, Councilman Hobbs and Councilwoman Estrada ratified the appointment. The Mayor felt that this combination of talent and personalities would be a prudent choice for assuring qualified leadership. Mr. Hodgdon concurred. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Wilson nominating Wayne Stephenson for the office of Chairman, effective October 2, 1975. The motion was carried and 2877 Mr. Stephenson was elected by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Wilson, Blum, Perea, Guhin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: Stephenson Absent: None 1 ..... Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Blum nominating Wallace Green for the office of Vice Chairman, effective October 2, 1975. The motion was carried and Mr. Green was elected by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Blum, Perea, Wilson, Stephenson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: Green Absent: None Mr. Wilson stated that he deeply appreciated the consideration given to him by the Mayor and Mr. Hodgdon for the office, and that he appreciated Mr. Guhin's support of Mr. Green for the office of Vice Chairman. Mr. Hodgdon stated that Mr. Stephenson did confirm that he did not know how involved the position of Chairman would be, and that he would give it his full effort for the next three months, at which time the election of officers will be held for the year 1976. Mr. Hodgdon further indicated that in view of Mr. Green's current position with the Economic Development Council in the Santa Fe Federal Building, that he would be available to closely coordinate with the Agency on behalf of Mr. Stephenson. Mrs. Blum stated that she would like to give her support to Mr. Stephenson and Mr. Green in their future undertakings. Mr. Green stated that he would like to pledge his utmost support to Mr. Stephenson as the new Chairman. Mr. Guhin stated that the entire Board would be supporting both of them in all their efforts. .., I 1 .....J All Board Members expressed their thanks to Mr. Hodgdon and commended him for his tremendous job. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3106 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, COMMENDING WARNER W. HODGDON WHEREAS, Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon has twice served the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino as a Board Member -- from March 7, 1967 through February. 24, 1969, and again from August 6, 1973 through October 2, 1975; and WHEREAS, Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon by unanimous vote of his fellow Board Members served as Agency Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency from April 6, 1967 to February 24, 1969 and again from September 20, 1973 to October 2, 1975; and WHEREAS, Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon gave freely of his time, efforts and contributions to the Redevelopment Agency; and ~ WHEREAS, by virtue of his outstanding ability and individual sacrifice as Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency, Mr. Hodgdon has influenced the revitalization and growth of the City of San Bernardino; and ~ .~ ....J r i & '- r 'I.....- ,...... \.- 2878 WHEREAS, the Members and Staff of the Redevelopment Agency desire to express their appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon for his vision and talent. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, does hereby commend and honor Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon for his distinguished public service and highly successful tenure as Member and Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a suitable plaque of this resolution be prepared and presented to Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon on behalf of the Agency, its Members and Staff. Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3106. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Perea, Blum, Green, Wilson and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: Hodgdon Absent: None Mr. Green stated that he would like to thank Mr. Hodgdon for his influence in his life. He stated that in 1968 he was ready to leave San Bernardino and take a position out of the City. Mr. Hodgdon met with him and talked him into staying in the area. He stated that he has never regreted his decision to stay in San Bernardino. Mrs. Pauline Wood was introduced. Mr. Quinn stated that Mrs. Wood is trying to acquire from the School District the Child Care Center for a client of hers. She would like the Board1s motion that the Redevelopment Agency has no objection to her negotiations with the School District on this matter. Motion was made by Stephenson and seconded by Green setting forth the deterimination that the Rede- velopment Agency has no objection to Mrs. Wood negotiating directly with the School District for the acquisition of the Child Care Center. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Stephenson, Wilson, Green, Perea, Blum and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None Mr. Perea thanked Mr. Hodgdon for keeping the Agency going forward. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Guhin and seconded by Stephenson adjourning the meeting at 7: 45 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Guhin, Stephenson, Wilson, Green, Perea, Blum and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None 2879 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 29TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1975, 300 NORTH "D" STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA l ..... The meeting was called to order at 4: 05 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Stephenson, Green, Blum and Hodgdon Agency Members Absent: Perea, Wilson and Guhin Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Flory, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary The Chairman reported that this Special Meeting was called pursuant to a duly mailed and posted Notice of Special Meeting, served to each and every member of the Redevelopment Agency Board on the 26th day of September, 1975. MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 18, 1975 were submitted for approval. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Stephenson approving the Minutes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Stephenson, Green, Blum and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Perea, Wilson and Guhin J REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Flory stated that he has nothing to report at this time. TED REHWALD - REQUEST FOR WITHDRAWAL OF BID: Mr. Ted Rehwald was introduced to the Members. Mr. Rehwald stated that in computing the bid for the construction of the Public Enterprise Center, an error was made, wherein an amount of $147,032 was not added for Rough Carpentry. His bid of $795,250 was the low bid. Mr. Rehwald requested withdrawal of his bid in this amount and return of their bid bond in the amount of $43,000. Mr. Green stated that he has studied Mr. Rehwalds letter requesting withdrawal and the documentation in support of the letter. He further stated that he could see that the error was an honest mistake and therefore would move that the bid be withdrawn and the bid bond in the amount of $43,000 be returned to Mr. Rehwald. The motion was seconded by Blum. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Blum, and Stephenson Noes: None Abstention: Hodgdon Absent: Perea, Wilson and Guhin .... , ....J r L r , ~ ,..... '-- 2880 " Mr. Hodgdon stated that when J. D. Diffenbaugh1s was hired by the Agency, Mr. Rehwald called and complained because Diffenbaugh was not a local contractor. Because of this, Diffenbaugh was hired as Construction Manager for the Public Enterprise Center, and prohibited from bidding on the actual construction. Mr. Rewhald was given the opportunity of bidding on the job without competition from Diffenbaugh. Mr. Rehwald expressed his appreciation for the opportunity of bidding on the job. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF A CHANGE ORDER FOR THE FIRE SYSTEM WITHIN THE PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER: Mr. Hodgdon stated that it is his understanding that some type of a fire system might be required for the Public Enterprise Center. This will be reviewed with the Fire Department and the Building Department for proper determination. It was requested that plans be prepared in line with the proper fire system determination. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3107 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE PREP ARA TION OF PLANS FOR A FIRE SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE PUB- LIC ENTERPRICE CENTER WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, has prepared plans and has invited bids for the construction of the Public Enter- price Center, for Operation Second Chance, Inc.; and WHEREAS, bids have been received and the award of said bids is forthcoming; and WHEREAS, Operation Second Chance, Inc. , have expressed their desire to have Fire System Plans prepared for the Public Enterprise Center; and WHEREAS, the Agency Members have determined that a Fire System for the Public Enterprise Center is in the best interest of the Agency, Operation Second Chance and the Community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the preparation of plans for a Fire System for the Public Enterprise Center is hereby approved. Motion was made by Green and seconded by Stephenson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3107. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Stephenson and Blum Noes: None Abstention: Hodgdon 2881 Absent: Perea, Guhin and Wilson RESIDENT INSPECTOR: .., I ....J Mr. Hodgdon explained that it is recommended by Economic Development Admin- istration that a resident inspector be maintained for the construction of the Public Enterprise Center. Mr. Hodgdon stated that J. D. Diffenbaugh is the Construction Manager for the Public Enterprise Center. Mr. Hodgdon read the following letter from Mr. Diffenbaugh, concerning this matter: September 25, 1975 Warner Hodgdon, Chairman Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino 300 N. "D" Street San Bernardino, California 92401 Dear Mr. Hodgdon: Regarding Public Enterprise Center, I understand you have personally paid the $11,500,000 charge of our company for the work we have performed on this pro- ject to date. I think that is a great contribution, and I commend you for your integrity and generosity. I believe we have saved more than $100,000 in this pro- ject, and that the Redevelopment Agency also has been well served. .., -l The bid opening yesterday was a great success, and we are very pleased that a fine local contractor, Ted Rehwald, was low. He certainly is well qualified and I feel the Agency is fortunate in having Rehwald as the builder. In the bid analysis session following the bid opening, the staff indicated that they were taking bids for a resident inspector on the project. I told Agency Board Member Wally Green, that if the Agency hired a full time in- spector, which was the recommendation of Dan Branigan, partner in Gruen Associates, that our additional work on this project would be partly duplication. I suggested to Mr. Green, and repeat it to you, that I feel our services should be terminated by the Agency, and that the funds that would go to us be used for the resident inspector. This will save money for the Agency. Again, I would like to express my admiration for the generosity and integrity you have displayed in this situation. If this suggestion is concurred in by the Agency, please acknowledge same and re- turn a copy of my office. Sincerely, s/J. D. Diffenbaugh J. D. Diffenbaugh ..... .;l Ii .B I! , ;:'j .....J 2882 \ L r JDD: jp t L.... Mr. Hodgdon stated that Mr. Diffenbaugh1s suggestion of cancellation of his contract enables the Agency to save approximately $11,500. Mr. Green expressed his thanks to Mr. Diffenbaugh for his suggestion. 4: 15 p.m. - Mr. Perea arrived at the meeting. 4: 16 p.m. - Mr. Guhin arrived at the meeting Motion was made by Stephenson and seconded by Blum authorizing the Executive Director to invite bids for Resident Inspector services for the Public Enterprise Center. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Stephenson, Blum, Perea, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: Hodgdon Absent: Wilson Motion was made by Green and seconded by Stephenson cancelling the Contract with J. D. Diffenbaugh for Construction Manager of the Public Enterprise Center. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Stephenson, Blum, Perea, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: Hodgdon Absent: Wilson ,,-. ! AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR THE PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER: ~ Mr. Hodgdon read the following memorandum from the Operations Officer, Jay Jones, regarding the Public Enterprise Bids: September 29, 1975 From: Operations Officer To: Executive Director Re: Award of Contract for Public Enterprise Center ",.... I have been in contact with Mr. James Bryson, Vice President of Sunray Construc- tion Co., the next low bidder regarding the honoring of their bid he submitted to construct the above mentioned Public Enterprise Center. Mr. Bryson informed me that his firm would honor their bid, as submitted, and could construct the project according to the plans and the specifications. Also that he could comply with the requirements of Equal Employment Opportunity Executive Order No. 11246. Mr. Bryson informed me that he would even advertise for a qualified black superinten- dent to manage the construction project. He also informed me that they are a union shop. Please refer to the attached letter dated September 25, 1975, (Exhibit B) where he has informed this Agency that they will honor the bid, as submitted. Mr. Bryson is also prepared to deliver the requested bond by Wednesday, October 1, 1975, if requested. -...- ,Jll",-,:! ',[.i.L..,.l'iiiI,,,^ 2883 This office has reviewed all bid documents submitted by said firm and it is our opinion that documents are all in order. In addition, we have checked contractor qualifications and performance and it appears that all work performed by said firm has been excellent. .., E I .~ ..... This office received a call from Clyde Alexander at approximately 3: 55 p.m. on September 26, 1975, and he provided us with Mr. Nathan Weissman's office telephone number, 213 995 0662, which is located in Anaheim, CA. However, Mr. Weismann's business address is 15720 Ventura Blvd., Encino, CA, home address, 15722 Superior St. , Northridge, CA. These addresses appeared on the bid documents. I contacted Mr. Weissman at the above mentioned telephone number and he informed me that his firm had constructed commercial and public facilities. However, no reference was given with his bid documents. I also requested Mr. Weissman to forward me the Non-Collusion Affidavit, which was not included with his bid documents. To date, this document has not been received by this department. This office has additionally reviewed and checked the qualifications on the next two low bidders. Refer to the attached Memo dated September 26, 1975 (Exhibit C) from Mr. Earl T. Elliott of this Agency. This department recommends that Sunray Con- struction Co. be awarded the contract on the Public Enterprise Center in the amount of $815,000. J s/F. Jones F. II Jay II Jones Operations Officer The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3108 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH SUNRAY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER. WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino invited competitive sealed bids for the construction of the Public Enterprise Center; and WHEREAS, an Invitation for Bid therefore was duly published in the San Bernardino Sun Telegram and other publications, newspapers of general circulation, for four days and Mfidavits are on file in this Agency; and ---- i :, -' r '-- ".- , ~ r- ........ 2884 ~; 1/ WHEREAS, a number of bids were received at the time and place specified and said bids were opened and read aloud in public The lowest qualified bid was offered by Ted Rehwald Construction Co. in the Amount of $795,250. WHEREAS, Ted Rehwald Construction Co. publicly withdrew his bid because of an error in his cost estimating; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency accepted the next low bid offered by Sunray Construction Co. in the amount of $815,000, as it is in the best interest of this Agency. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that subject to the approval of the Contractor by Economic Development Administration, the bid of Sunray Construction Company in the amount of $815,000 is hereby accepted and the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute the contract for the construction of the Public Enterprise Center. Adopted: September 29, 1975 Motion was made by Perea and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 3108-B. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Perea, Guhin, St~phenson, Blum and Green Noes: None Abstention: Hodgdon Absent: Wilson RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INVITATION TO BID FOR THE WEST SIDE LIBRARY EQUIPMENT AND PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER FURNISHINGS: Authorization was requested to advertise for bids for the furnishings and equip- ment for the West Side Library and the Public Enterprise Center. This must be accomplished in order that the building can be properly furnished at the time of completion. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3109 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING INVITATION TO BID FOR WEST SIDE LIBRARY EQUIPMENT AND PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER FURNISHINGS WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, has awarded the bid for the construction of the Public Enterprise Center for Operation Second Chance, Inc.; and WHEREAS, said Public Enterprise Center will contain a branch Library for use within the Center; and ..,--"'''''''-_.,,'''''''"''''.;......-'''' 2885 c ~; WHEREAS, special equipment is necessary for this Public Enterprise Center, West Side Library; and ., ~ ..... WHEREAS, a list of equipment necessary for the West Side Library and furnishings necessary for the Public Enterprise Center has been prepared under contract with Gruen Associates. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Secretary is hereby authorized to invite bids for the West Side Library Equipment and Public Enterprise Center Furnish- ings as specified by Gruen Associates. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Perea authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3109. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Perea, Stephenson, Guhin and Green Noes: None Abstention: Hodgdon Absent: Wilson OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Hodgdon read the following letter sent to Mr. Richard Gannon. Audit Manager, U. S. General Accounting Office: September 29, 1975 .., ~ ft ....J Mr. Richard Gannon Audit Manager U . S. General Accounting Office Dear Mr. Gannon: This letter is to ratify my discussion of this date with Mr. Patrick Her of your staff pertaining to any further assistance and cooperation the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino may provide you during your review, as requested by Rep- resentative George Brown. Jr. As you know, I have also reiterated to Representative Brown this same policy in my letter to him dated August 30.1975. Enclosed herewith you will find a Memorandum dated September 26. 1975, from Agency Deputy Director Ralph E. Shadwell, Jr. regarding various data and documentation for review. Along with the above is a Memorandum dated September 29. 1975 from Agency Finance Officer Glenda Saul, pertaining to same and sets forth specific data and docu- mentation made available to Mr. Her as of this date, which includes a copy of my let- ter dated August 8,1975 to Mr. Larry Leonard. Supervising Auditor, HUD, outlining the Agency's policy of working with his staff and said policy shall adhere to your staff as well. .... 'J ~ ~ .... [ r I I r '-- ,..... --... 2886 " (. In my letter of August 4, 1975, (copy attached hereto), I pointed out that, as a Member of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, my second term in this capacity expired September 2, 1975 of this year. Subsequent! y, Mayor W. R. Holcomb requested that I remain as Chairman of the Agency for an additional thirty days, which I have done, up to October 2,1975. Therefore, please do not hesi- tate to call and request any assistance from myself as I will be available at your earliest convenience at my personal office. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter and though we have not met, I am looking forward to this occasion in the near future. s/Warner W. Hodgdon Warner W. Hodgdon Chairman Mr. Hodgdon further read a memorandum from the Deputy Director regarding the GAO review, as follows: September 26, 1975 From: Deputy Director MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Re: Meeting with General Accounting Office (GAO) Personnel Regarding Rede- velopment Agency Review General Accounting Office (GAO) personnel visited the Agency at 10: 00 a.m.on Friday, September 26, 1975 for a preliminary meeting prior to a review of the Agency to commence on Monday, September 29, 1975. Mr. Richard Gannon, Supervisor, Mr. James Dunwiddie and Mr. Patrick Iler explained that the purpose of the review was to test HUn procedures and policies relative to federal funding of Redevelopment Agencies. He also expressed interest in reviewing the acquisition and disposition of parcels in the Central City Project No.1, of the Statements of Mr. Frank Dominguez, President, Vanir Research Co. , as expressed in his letter to Carla Hills, HUD Secretary and tax allocation bonds and local funding. Mr. Gannon stated that one of his personnel would start on Monday, September 29, 1975, and additional personnel would visit from time to time. During the course of the discussion, Mr. Gannon asked that the following papers and documents be made available: A. A parcelization map of the Central City Project indicating disposition of the parcels with re-use prices and identification of parcels acquired through HUD con- curred-in acquisition prices or through condemnation. 2887 B. Approved Federal Loan and Capital Grant contracts between HUD and the Agency pertaining to Central City (R-79), Meadowbrook (R-IO) and the College Park NDP (A -41) . ,., n C. Correspondence between the Agency and HUD, and the Agency and State of California, relative to a letter from Mr. Frank Dominguez, President, Vanir Research Co., dated June 25, 1975. ....... D. A Table of all Official Project Areas and Survey and Planning Areas designated by the Mayor and Common Council, together with data covering: 1. Funding of each proj ect . 2. Source of funds used, i. e. Federal, State or Local. 3. Proposed source of funding for potential projects. E. The letter from the Redevelopment Agency dated September 13, 1975, entitled "Overall Central City Plan of Development Final Data and Documents, But Not Limited To, Including Audits in the Process of Being Distributed and Made Avail- able. " F. The Plan of Development-Interim Report, San Bernardino Overall Central City Area. ,., G. "San Bernardino 1851-1980", a Supplement to the Overall Central City Plan of Development. p iJ ;i , .'J -J s/R.E. Shadwell, Jr. Ralph E. Shadwell, Jr. Deputy Director RESlbb Mr. Hodgdon further read the following memorandum from the Finance Officer re- garding the same issue: September 29, 1975 From: Finance Officer MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Re: GAO Review of the Redevelopment Agency In response to the request of the GAO Supervisor, Richard Gannon, and as per the Agency Memorandum dated September 26, 1975 from the Deputy Director, the fol- lowing data is being made available to the GAO for their review: .., '1 ~ -J 11 [ [ ,....... I I i L 2888 f'f A. Acquisition parcelization map with listing of seller's HUD concurred-in acqui- sition prices and whether acquired through negotiation or condemnation. B. Approved Federal Loan and Capital Grant Contracts, including approved Amenda- tories for R-79, R-IO and A-41. C. Correspondence regarding the Mr. Frank Dominguez, President of Vanir Research Co. , letter dated June 25, 1975. D. A Table of Project Areas and Survey and Planning Areas designated by the Mayor and Common Council, together with data covering 1. Letter from Warner W. Hodgdon, Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency, to Larry Leonard, Supervising Auditor, Office of the I. G ., Depart. of Housing and Urban Development, dated August 8, 1975, stating that all information and assistance requested by HUD will be made available. 2. Fenster & Reiter Certified Audit Reports covering Central City Project No.1, Meadowbrook, Central City North, Overall Central City, State College and the Central City Security, as of June 30, 1975. 3. Trial Balances dated August 31, 1975 for the Central City, Meadow- brook, Central City North, Overall Central City, State College and the Central City Security. 4. Official Statements for Central City, Meadowbrook and State College. 5. The letter from the Redevelopment Agency with attachments, dated September 13, 1975 entitled 1I0verall Central City Plan of Development Final Data and Documents, But Not Limited To, Including Audits in the Process of Being Distributed and Made Availablell. 6. The Plan of Development-Interim Report, San Bernardino Overall Central City Area. 7. IISan Bernardino 1851-198011, a Supplement to the Overall Central City Plan of Development. 8. Redevelopment Plan Reports for: (a) Supplemental Redevelopment Plan Report, Central City North (b) Central City East, City, County, State, Federal Civic Center Complex (c) Southeast Industrial Park Industrial-Transportation-Distribution Center (d) Central City South 9. Economic Analysis of the Comprehensive Plan of Development Overall Central City Area 1958-1980, San Bernardino, California, prepared by Economic Research Associates. Said data was an advance copy for review only distributed by letter dated February 20, 1975. s/Glenda Saul Glenda Saul Finance Officer 2889 y- ~I .., Mr 0 Hodgdon stated that it has always been our policy to cooperate and keep every- ~ one fully informed of th~ Agency's activities 0 This letter with attachments will be --' mailed out tonight to the various committees, Mayor and Council and Board Members 0 Mr 0 Hodgdon stated that the $11 ,.s00 paid to Diffenbaugh for Construction Manager services for the Public Enterprise Center, was contributed by his family 0 This amount saved can now be used for the fire system to be installed within the Public Enterprise Center 0 Mr 0 Hodgdon asked Councilman John Hobbs, attending the meeting, if everything was okay 0 Councilman Hobbs indicated that it was 0 ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin adjourning the meeting at 4: 35 p om 0 The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Stephenson, Perea, Green and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson .., ..",.,J ., I ~ .-J