HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 23 05/25/78 - 06/19/79 ~ f: I I ~ . --- .~ I .~. . ,~ l~ .., ....., 4591 MINUTES OF ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO HELD MAY 25, 1978 AT 3: 00 P.M., 300 NORTH "D" STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Vice-Chairperson Blum, Obershaw, Heller and Guhin. Agency Members Absent: Hinojosa and Green. Others Present: Ralph E. Shadwell, Jr., Executive Director, Wm. A. Flory, Agency Counsel and Barbara Brown, Executive Secretary. Vice-Chairperson Blum opened the meeting at 3: 15 p . m . Mr. Shadwell explained, at Mrs. Blum's request, that the resolutions to be adopted were in support of the Hallmark Development in State College Park. Without further discussion the following resolutions adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3622 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA SELLING BONDS OF SAID AGENCY AND AUTH- 0RIzING THE PAYMENT OF THE COSTS OF ISSUANCE FOR ITS STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4, SERIES B BONDS. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3622 by Obershaw and seconded by Guhin. Motion car- ried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Heller and Obershaw. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Hinojosa and Green. RESOLUTION NO. 3623 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR FISCAL AGENT SERVICES FOR THE ST ATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4, SERIES B BONDS. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3623 by Guhin and seconded by Obershaw. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum. Guhin, Heller and Obershaw. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Hinojosa and Green. RESOLUTION NO. 3624 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING TO ISSUE $2,500,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF TAX ALLOCATION BONDS OF SAID AGENCY AND PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN DETAILS OF SAID BONDS. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3624 by Obershaw and seconded by Heller. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Heller and Obershaw. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Hinojosa and Green. 4592 RESOLUTION NO. 3625 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ITS STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4, TAX ALLOCATION BONDS, ISSUE OF1978, SERIES B AND AUTHORIZING THE CONVERSION THEREOF TO THE FINAL OFFICIAL STATEMENT. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3625 by Heller and seconded by Obershaw. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Heller and Obershaw. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Hinojosa and Green. Mr. Hinojosa arrived at 3: 20 p . m. PROVIDE FOR SALE OF $3,500,000 TAX ALLOCATION BONDS, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT. Mr. Shadwell informed the board that earlier in the day there had been no underwriter to buy this bond issue, however, the Agency has recently learned that now there is a potential buyer for the bonds. In order to sell these bonds the board was informed that there must be an adjourned meeting Wednesday, May 31, 1978 at 10: 00 a.m. The board members agreed to be at the meeting and the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3626 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF $3,500,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF TAX ALLOCATION BONDS, ISSUE OF 1978, SERIES C, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT. 1 - J Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3626 by Obershaw and seconded by Guhin. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Guhin, Heller, Hinojosa and Obershaw. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Green. Motion to adjourn until Wednesday, May 31,1978 at 10:00 a.m. by Heller and seconded by Hinojosa. Motion carried unanimously. Abstention: None. Absent: Green. , R. . Shadwell, Jr. Executive Director J .<l,"-;...."~ " ~ "u~ c r L 4593 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDE- VELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CA., HELD MAY 31,1978, 10:00A.M., 300 NORTH"D" STREET, ROOM 320, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10: 10 a.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Green, Guhin, Hinojosa, Obershaw and Blum Agency Members Absent: Heller Also Present: Ms. Baxter, Admin. Asst. Mr. Green explained that this meeting was called in order to adopt the appropriate resolutions relating to the $3,500,000 Bond Issue, Series "C" , for the State College Project, golf course development. Bid opening was held at 10: 00 today at the office of James Warren Beebe. One bid was received and telephoned into the office. The bid received was from Miller & Schroeder, Wilson White, as follows: Interest 8%; Maximum Discount $175,000; Cashiers Check Received $70,000; Net Interest Cost of $1,015,000; and Average Net Interest Rate of 9.666%. The following resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 3627 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING TO ISSUE $3,500,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF TAX ALLOCATION BONDS OF SAID AGENCY AND PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN DETAILS OF SAID BONDS Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3627. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Guhin, Hinojosa, Obershaw and Blum Noes: None Abstention: None.. Absent: Heller RESOLUTION NO. 3628 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, SELLING BONDS OF SAID AGENCY AND AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF THE COSTS OF ISSUANCE FOR ITS STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4, SERIES C BONDS Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Blum authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3628. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Guhin, Hinojosa, Obershaw and Blum Noes: None Abstention: Npne Absent: Heller. 4594 RESOLUTION NO. 3629 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA. APPROVING THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ITS STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4. TAX ALLOCATION BONDS. ISSUE OF 1978. SERIES C Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Hinojosa authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3629. The motion was carried by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Green. Guhin. Hinojosa. Obershaw and Blum Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Heller RESOLUTION NO. 3630 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR FISCAL AGENT SERVICES FOR THE STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4. SERIES C BONDS Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Guhin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3630. The motion was carried by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Green. Guhin. Hinojosa. Obershaw and Blum Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Heller RESOLUTION NO. 3631 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO RELATING TO THE RESERVE FUNDS FOR THE SERIES B AND SERIES C BONDS AND AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 3624 AND RESOLUTION NO. 3627 Mr. Green explained that this resolution adds Section 7 to adopted resolutions 3624 and 3627. Section 7 was read as follows: "Section 7. The Reserve Fund of the Special Fund for the Bonds issued pursuant to this Resolution shall be funded with sufficient bond proceeds to pay the interest coming due on the Bonds to and including February I. 1981." Resolution No. 3627 which was adopted today was printed before this section could be added. Motion was made by Blum and seconded by Obershaw authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 3631. The motion was carried by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Green. Guhin. Hinojosa. Obershaw and Blum Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Heller. 1 -." ,. J ] ,-., t II .. /0-.) ....... [ c 4595 ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Obershaw and seconded by Guhin to adjourn the meeting at 10: 35 P . m. The motion unanimously carried. ~~ R. E. Shadwell, Jr. Executive Director l -, --, -.III ~ ~ ~ II & .....J r ..,; [ [ 4596 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HELD THURSDAY, JUNE 1,1978 AT 300 NORTH "D" ST. SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AT 3: 00 P.M. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Green, Blum, Hinojosa and Heller. Agency Members Absent: Obershaw and Guhin. Others Present: R. E. Shadwell, Jr. , Executive Director, Wm. A. Flory, Agency Coun- sel and Barbara Brown, Executive Secretary. APPROV AL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of May 15, 1978 submitted for approval. Motion for approval by Heller and seconded by Blum. Motion unanimously carried. Abstention: None. Absent: Ober- shaw and Guhin. The Minutes of May 18, 1978 submitted for approval. Motion for approval by Heller and seconded by Hinojosa. Motion unanimously carried. Abstention: None. Absent: Ober- shaw and Guhin. PUBLIC HEARING FOR SALE OF LAND TO REMIC INDUSTRIES FOR $5,000 PER ACRE . Chairman Green opened the Public Hearing at 3: 07 p.m. and referred to the property as shown on display board. With no opposition and/or support voiced regarding the development Chairman Green closed the Public Hearing at 3: 09 p.m. Mr. Obershaw arrived at meeting at 3: 09 p.m. Mr. Baker inquired about the tax increment involved if Proposition 13 should pass on June 6, 1978 and was informed if the Amendment passes, the tax increment to be received by the Agency would be considerably less than should the Amendment not pass. Mr. Guhin arrived at meeting at 3: 12 p . m. Without further discussion the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3632 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK TO REMIC INDUSTRIES , INCORPORATED, FOR DEVELOPMENT OF APPROXIMATELY 6 ACRES, MORE OR LESS OF LAND. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3632 by Blum and seconded by Hinojosa. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Green, Blum, Hinojosa, Obershaw and Heller. Nays: None. Abstention: Guhin. Absent: None. 4597 PUBLIC HEARING FOR SALE OF LAND TO REMIC INDUSTRIES FOR $7,750 PER ACRE Chairman Green opened the Public Hearing at 3: 12 p. m. and referred to the property and made notice of the difference in the price per acre of land being sold by the Agency. With no opposition and/or support voiced regarding the development Chairman Green closed the Public Hearing at 3: 11 p . m. .~ ....... The following resolution then adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3633 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK TO REMIC INDUSTRIES, INCORPORATED FOR DEVELOPMENT OF APPROXIMA TEL Y 6 ACRES OF LAND. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3633 by Obershaw and seconded by Heller. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller, Guhin and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: None. PUBLIC HEARING FOR SALE OF LAND TO STANLEY HELFMAN FOR $5,000 PER ACRE Chairman Green opened the Public Hearing at 3: 15 p.m. With no opposition and/or sup- port voiced regarding the development Chairman Green closed the Public Hearing at 3: 16 p . m. , ..... Mr. Heller questioned the price of the property. Mr. Green stated that the property was oddly shaped and the Agency probably could not obtain more money for the prop- erty. The following resolution then adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3634 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK TO STANLEY HELFMAN, OR NOMINEE, FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ONE ACRE OF LAND. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3634 by Obershaw and seconded by Blum. Motion car- ried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller, Guhin and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: None. PUBLIC HEARING FOR SALE OF LAND TO SOUTHERN SIERRAS CHAPTER, NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION, INC. FOR $5,000 PER ACRE Chairman Green opened the Public Hearing at 3: 22 p . m. and referred to the property on display board. With no opposition and/or support voiced regarding the develop- ment Chairman Green closed the Public Hearing at 3: 21 p.m. The following resolution then adopted: , ~ ......, r \w [ [ 4598 RESOLUTION NO. 3635 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK TO THE SOUTHERN SIERRAS CHAPTER, NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION, INC., FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ONE ACRE OF LAND. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3635 by Guhin and seconded by Hinojosa. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller, Guhin and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: None. PUBLIC HEARING FOR SALE OF LAND TO LUBEY & LERNER FOR $40,000. Chairman Green opened the Public Hearing at 3: 23 p . m. and made reference to the consid- erable discussion regarding this Offer to Purchase. Mr. Green asked if there was any opposition and/or support for the development. No response. Mr. Green then stated that the proposed developers had been advised to keep their presentation in abeyance until this Hearing and asked Mr. Becker, one of the principals, if he wished to speak. Mr. Becker addressed the board and presented two renderings of their proposed office building. Mr. Heller asked if the Agency Staff felt Lubey & Lerner's offer was a good one. Mr. Shadwell replied that it was the only offer the Agency had at this time. Mr. Green, Mr. Obershaw and Mrs. Blum all expressed their concern regarding the acceptance of the Offer to Purchase. All members feel the property has been vacant long enough, but that the offer of $40,000 should be increased. After a lengthy dis- cussion Mr. Heller asked if the offer could be renegotiated and brought back to the June 15, 1978 board meeting. Mr. Green urged the developers to try to renegotiate a higher purchase price which will enable the board to accept their Offer to Purchase. All principals agreed to renegotiate. Chairman Green closed the Public Hearing at 3: 45 p.m. Motion by Heller and seconded by Blum to continue the item until June 15, 1978 at 3: 00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Abstention: None. Absent: None. PUBLIC HEARING FOR SALE OF LAND TO COMMUNITY CONSULTANTS FOR $77,500. Chairman Green opened the Public Hearing at 3: 55 p.m. Inasmuch as all board members had time to review the Offer and other documents, Mr. Green stated that it was all self- explanatory and he felt no need to again review the proposal. With no opposion and/or support voiced, Chairman Green closed the Public Hearing at 3: 56 p.m. Mr. Green then asked Mr. Russ Hatle, the developer if he would like to speak. Mr. Hatle addressed the board and informed them that he currently has a tenant for the first 60,000 square feet, and that this development is similar to his previous developments and the same principals are involved as those in the Commercenter. Mr. Hatle stated that there is a tenant currently for the initial 60,000 square feet which will be an assembly and distribution facility. There are two other tenants negotiating now, but Mr. Hatle could not say just exactly what the buildings would be. Mrs. Blum asked who the tenants were and Mr. Hatle advised her that he could not divulge the names as yet, but would have the names before this Offer goes to the City Council for approval. 4599 Mr. Heller then stated that while he had nothing but the highest respect for Mr. Hatle, he felt the Agency Board should take stand regarding the price of the land the Agency is accepting. Mr. Green responded to Mr. Heller's statements. Mr. Heller again re- iterated his displeasure at the price of the land the Agency paid and is currently re- ceiving. Mr. Green then briefed the board on the background of Mr. Hatle's Offer and the initial intent of the redevelopment process. ~ .1 ...,;I Recording machinery changed at 4: 08 p . m . The following resolution adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3636 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK TO COMMUNITY CONSULTANTS CORP- ORATION FOR DEVELOPMENT OF TEN ACRES, MORE OR LESS OF LAND. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3636 by Obershaw and seconded by Guhin. Motion car- ried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Guhin and Green. Nays: Heller. Abstention: None. Absent: None. APPROVE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COM- MERCENTER FOR OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS IN SEIP. Mr. Green stated that he feels this development will be most beneficial to the both the city and the area. $186,000 is being requested for the off-site improvements. Mr. Hatle then addressed the board and stated they will have phases for this development. The first phase will construct two restaurants and a 16,000 square foot office building, which will bring $60,000 in tax increment to the Agency. The second phase will be a 45,000 square foot mult-tenant industrial building and a single tenant industrial build- ing. Mr. Green referred to page 5 of the Owner Participation Agreement whereby it states if Jarvis passes, Mr. Hatle agrees to make up the difference in the tax increment until the Agency gets its money back. With no further discussion the following resolution then adopted: J RESOLUTION NO. 3637 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A PROPERTY OWNER'S PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH SOUTH- ERN CALIFORNIA COMMERCENTER, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3637 by Blum and seconded by Heller. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller, Guhin and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: None. .., wtJI 4600 APPROVE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COM- MERCENTER FOR OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS IN SEIP. [ Inasmuch as Mr. Hatle fully covered all aspects of both Agreements in his previous presentation, no discussion was necessary and the following resolution adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3638 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A PROPERTY OWNER'S PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COMMERCENTER, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL P ARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3638 by Guhin and seconded by Heller. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller, Guhin and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: None. CONTRACT WITH FEDERAL SIGNS FOR ELECTRONIC READER PANELS-CENTRAL CITY. Mr. Green stated that he had been requested to table this matter. Motion to table the matter until June 15,1978 at 3:00 p.m. by Heller and seconded by Obershaw. Motion carried unanimously. Abstention: None. Absent: None. c AWARD CONTRACT TO CM ENGINEERING FOR STATE COLLEGE PARK IN THE AMOUNT OF $83,650. Mr. Green referred to the necessity of having a professional engineering firm perform services for the State College Park developments. He said this contract would include all engineering services except for the proposed golf course. The following resolution then adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3639 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH C M ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES IN STATE COLLEGE PARK FOR AN AMOUNT OF $83,650. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3639 by Heller and seconded by Obershaw. Motion car- ried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller, Guhin and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: None. CONTRACT AMENDMENT -PREVAILING WAGE RATES-C M ENGINEERING CONTRACTS. C No discussion and the following resolution adopted: 4601 RESOLUTION NO. 3640 ~ I ..." RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT AMENDMENT WITH CM ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES DUE TO CHANGE IN PREVAILING WAGE RATES. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3640 by Obershaw and seconded by Blum. Motion car- ried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller, Guhin and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: None. AUTHORIZE CHANGE ORDER NO. I-RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION-MINI WAREHOUSE, STATE COLLEGE PARK FOR ADDITONAL 25 DAYS. No discussion and the following resolution adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3641 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 WITH RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR A 25 DAY TIME EXTENSION, MINI-WAREHOUSE, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA. --, Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3641 by Heller and seconded by Hinojosa. Motion car- ~ ried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller, Guhin ""'" and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: None. RECEIVE OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM PAUL Y .H. HSU, (ADR Corporation) AND SET A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 15, 1978 at 3: 00 p.m., CENTRAL CITY EAST. Mr. Green stated that Mr. Ray Glider was in the audience representing the principals and asked Mr. Glider if he had any comments. Mr. Glider outlined his client's proposal to the board. Mr. Green said that he felt he should state that Mr. Glider's fee from his client represented no conflict of interest even though, technically, Mr. Glider was un- der contract with the Agency until June 15th, 1978, and also, that no Finder's Fee would be paid on the development by the Agency. The following resolution then adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3642 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM PAUL Y . H. HSU, (ADR Corporation) IN CENTRAL CITY EAST AND SET A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 15, 1978 at 3: 00 p.m. ~ Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3642 by Heller and seconded by Obershaw. Motion car- J rled by the following vote. to wit, Ayes, Blum. Obershaw. Htnojosa. Heller. Guhln .1 and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: None. [ [ [ 4602 RECEIVE OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM RICHARD H. CROWTHER AND SET A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE IS, 1978 AT 3: 00 P.M., STATE COLLEGE PARK. Mr. Shadwell indicated the property location on display board and the following reso- lution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3643 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM RICHARD H. CROWTHER, AN INDIVIDUAL OR NOMINEE, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA, AND SET A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE IS, 1978 AT 3: 00 P.M. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3643 by Heller and seconded by Obershaw. Motion car- ried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller, Guhin and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: None. RECEIVE OFFER TO PURCHASE ADJACENT TO ABOVE REFERRED TO PROPERTY FROM RICHARD H. CROWTHER AND SET A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE IS, 1978 AT 3: 00 P.M., STATE COLLEGE PARK. No discussion and the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3644 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM RICHARD H. CROWTHER, AN INDIVIDUAL OR NOMINEE, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA, AND SET A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE IS, 1978 AT 3: 00 P.M. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3644 by Heller and seconded by Obershaw. Motion car- ried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller, Guhin and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: None. RECEIVE OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM HARUTUN NAZARBEKIAN AND SET A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE IS, 1978 AT 3: 00 P.M. , SEIP. Mr. Glider addressed the board, briefing them on the developer's background. The following resolution adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3645 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM HARUTUN NAZARBEKIAN, SOUTHEAST IN- DUSTRIAL PARK AND SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 15,1978 AT 3:00 P.M. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3645 by Guhin and seconded by Heller. Motion carried 4603 by the followng vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller, Guhin and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: None. Mrs. Blum said that she thought it would be nice, if possible, that the developers try to attend the board meetings. Mr. Glider concurred with Mrs. Blum's remark. Motion to adjourn to June 15, 1978 at 3: 00 p.m. by Guhin and seconded by Blum. Motion unanimously carried. Abstention: None. Absent: None. Adjournment: 4: 50 p.m. ~~~ R. E. Shadwell, Jr. Executive Director ~ i; -II ~ j .....J .., J" , [ c [ 4604 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HELD JUNE 15.1978 AT 3:00 P.M.. 300 NORTH "D" STREET. SAN BER- NARDINO. CALIFORNIA. Roll call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Blum. Obershaw. Hinojosa and Green. Agency Members Absent: Heller and Guhin. Others Present: R. E. Shadwell. Jr. . Executive Director. Wm. A. Flory. Agency Counsel and Barbara Brown. Executive Secretary. MINUTES: The Minutes of May 25. 1978 were submitted for approval. Motion to approve by Obershaw and seconded by Hinojosa. Motion carried unanimously. Abstention: None. Absent: Heller and Guhin. The Minutes of May 31. 1978 were submitted for approval. Motion to approve by Obershaw and seconded by Hinojosa. Motion carried unanimously. Abstention: None. Absent: Heller and Guhin. The Minutes of June 1. 1978 were submitted for approval. Motion to approve by Blum and seconded by Obershaw. Motion carried unanimously. Abstention: None. Absent: Heller and Guhin. EXPENDITURES: The montly expenditures for May were submitted. Inasmuch as none of the board had the opportunity to review the expenditures. motion made by Blum and seconded by Hinojosa to continue May Expenditures until June 29. 1978. Motion carried unanimously. Abstention: None. Absent: Heller and Guhin. Mr. Green. duly noting the large number of persons in the audience asked that anyone who had business on the Agenda please rise and identify themself and the Agenda Item they were interested in. All persons complied with Mr. Green's request. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RESOLUTIONS: SALE OF 15 ACRES TO HARUTUN NAZARBEKIAN. SEIP. Chairman Green opened the Public Hearing at 3: 15 p. m . Mr. Heller arrived at 3: 15 p.m. Mr. Green inquired if there was any opposition to the development and there was none. Mr. Green then inquired if anyone wished to speak in favor of the development. Mr. Ray Glider. representing the developers spoke in favor of the development. Mr. Green closed the public hearing at 3: 17 p.m. Mrs. Blum thanked the developers for attending the board meeting. 4605 Mr. Green stated that there were some minor changes to be made to the Contract of Sale and read the proposed changes aloud, as follows: Page 2, last paragraph, add the following, "the Agency shall have completed the con- ~ struction listed on Exhibit B prior to the conveyance of the property to the developer" ., Page 5, line 3, change 9 months to 18 months, line 3, change 1 month to 3 months, and ...J Section C, line 3, change 15 days to 45 days. Exhibit B, Section A-2, last sentence, add "of the utilities as required by the developer, (i. e. gas, electricity and telephone will be installed to the nearest property line" . Mr. Green stated that CM Engineering has a proposal to be submitted to the Board later on from the Agenda, and there is a question posed as to the timing scheduled by CM. After discussion, a meeting is to be set up between the Agency Staff, the Developer and CM Engineering personnel. The following resolution adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3646 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK TO HARUTUN NAZARBEKIAN FOR DE- VELOPMENT OF A CERAMIC TILE FACILITY COMPRISED OF APPROXI- MATELy 15 ACRES. .... J Motion to amend Contract of Sale and Resolution No. 3646 by Obershaw and seconded by Heller. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. SALE OF 2.4 ACRES TO PAUL Y . H. HSU, CENTRAL CITY EAST. Mr. Green opened the Public Hearing at 3: 29 p . m. . and referred to the property as shown on display board. Mr . Green inquired if there was opposition to the sale of the property and then were none. Mr. Glider spoke in favor of the development. Mr. Green closed the Public Hearing at 3: 30 p.m. and the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3647 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN CENTRAL CITY EAST TO PAUL Y. H. HSU ( ADR CORPORATION ) FOR DEVELOPMENT OF GARDEN STYLE APARTMENTS. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3647 by Obershaw and seconded by Heller. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. ... I J [ [ c 4606 SALE OF 1 ACRE OF LAND TO RICHARD H. CROWTHER. STATE COLLEGE PARK Mr. Green opened the Public Hearing at 3: 32 p.m. No opposition voiced and Mr. Glider spoke in favor of the development. Public Hearing closed at 3: 34 p.m. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3648 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN STATE COLLEGE PARK TO RICHARD H. CROWTHER. AN INDIVIDUAL OR NOMINEE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A SPECIALIZED BUILDING AND HARDWARE COMPRISED OF ONE ACRE. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3648 by Blum and seconded by Obershaw. Motion car- ried by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Blum. Obershaw. Hinojosa. Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. SALE OF 1 ACRE OF LAND TO RICHARD H. CROWTHER. STATE COLLEGE PARK Mr. Green opened the Public Hearing at 3: 36 p.m. With no opposition and/or support voiced the Public Hearing was closed at 3: 37 p.m. and the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3649 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN STATE COLLEGE PARK TO RICHARD H. CROWTHER. AN INDIVIDUAL OR NOMINEE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A SPECIALIZED BUILDING AND HARDWARE COMPRISED OF ONE ACRE. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3649 by Heller and seconded by Obershaw. Motion carried by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Blum. Obershaw. Hinojosa. Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. APPROVE CONTRACT FOR READER PANELS. CENTRAL CITY MALL. Mr. Green stated that the individuals involved had requested that this item be tabled. Motion to table by Blum and seconded by Heller. Motion carried unanimously. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. APPROVE SALE OF PROPERTY IN CENTRAL CITY NORTH TO LUBEY & LERNER. Mr. Green stated that the Agency had received another Offer for the property from Laurence and Annette Novack. He further stated that the Agency had received another Offer from Lubey & Lerner raising the purchase price to $55.000.00. Mr. Novack displayed a rendering of his proposed development. 4607 A lengthy discussion followed whereby Mr. Green then stated that in his own personal opinion, developers Lubey & Lerner had complied with every Agency request and he felt the property should be sold to them. Mr. Green then asked both developers if they could commit themselves to construction being completed by March 1, 1979? Lubey & Lerner stated yes and Mr. Novack said he could not. Mr. Green then explained why the March 1st date was so important to the Agency, i. e. the property would be back on the tax roll and the Agency could start to realize the tax generated. ., '/} Ii -J Mrs. Blum stated she too felt the Agency should accept the offer of Lubey & Lerner. Mr. Heller said that he felt the board should make a decision now. Mr. Green then urged the board to take action in favor of the Lubey & Lerner proposal. Mr. Shadwell stated that if the building is not completed by the March 1st deadline, then some sort of payment should be made to the Agency in lieu of the tax revenue loss. Lubey and Lerner agreed to Mr. Shadwell's suggestion. The following resolution adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3650 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN CENTRAL CITY NORTH TO LAURENCE R. LERNER, AN INDIVIDUAL, RONALD P. LUBEY, AN INDIVIDUAL AND STEVEN A. BECKER, AN INDIVIDUAL FOR DEVELOPMENT OF PARCELS 135-111-01 and 02. ~ Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3650 by Blum and seconded by Heller. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: No. Abstention: Obershaw. Absent: Guhin. ~" "!; Wt1I Mr. Novack then congratued Lubey & Lerner and thanked the board for their consideration. Recording machinery changed at 4: 10 p.m. Mr. Green then stated that he would like to deviate from the Agenda in order to accom- modate persons in the audience. The board concurred with Mr.Green's request. AWARD AUDITING CONTRACT TO EADIE AND PAYNE, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. After explanation and discussion the following resolution adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3651 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO AUDIT SERVICES CONTRACT WITH EADIE AND PAYNE, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNT ANTS FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $12,000.00. .... ...J [ [ [ 4608 Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3650 by Obershaw and seconded by Heller. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. AUTHORIZE HODGDON PROPERTIES TO PROCEED WITH DEVELOPMENT IN SEIP. Mr. Green informed the board that the action was necessary in order to enable Mr. Hodgdon to proceed with his development. Mr. Hodgdon addressed the board and displayed a rendering of his approximate 100,000 square foot building. The follow- ing resolution adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3652 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING PLOT PLAN AND BUILDING DESIGN OF HODGDON PROPERTIES FOR DEVELOPMENT LOCATED WITHIN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3652 by Obershaw and seconded by Heller. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. Mrs. Blum leaves meeting at 4: 20 p.m. AUTHORIZE CONTRACT WITH CM ENGINEERING FOR STATE COLLEGE GOLF COURSE FOR $111,200.00. Mr. Green informed the board that he first felt some concern about this contract, but that after talking to CM Engineering he felt it is a responsible and just cost for the engineering services required. , Mrs. Blum back at 4: 22 p.m. The following resolution adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3653 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH CM ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES IN STATE COLLEGE PARK FOR THE GOLF COURSE, FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $111,200.00. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3653 by Obershaw and seconded by Heller. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. 4609 AUTHORIZE CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO. 1 WITH CM ENGINEERING FOR RECRE- ATIONAL, RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL ENGINEERING CONTRACT, STATE COLLEGE. Mr. Green stated that this is additional work that must now be included in the contract ~ recently awarded to CM Engineering for the recreational, residential and commercial ~ development (not including the golf course) for the State College Park. The following ....J resolution then adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3654 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CA., AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO. 1 WITH CM ENGINERING FOR PREPARATION AND PROCESSING NECESSARY SUBDIVISION MAPS AND REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION FOR RECREATIONAL, RESIDENTIAL AND COM- MERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STATE COLLEGE PARK. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3654 by Obershaw and seconded by Blum. Motion car- ried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. AUTHORIZE CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO. 5 WITH CM ENGINEERING FOR THE WESTERLY EXTENSION OF COOLEY AVENUE TO THE SANTA ANA RIVER, SEIP. Mr. Green stated that he wants the record to reflect that the time-frame regarding Mr. Nazarbekian's Contract of Sale be worked out with this Amendment. The staff was then authorized to set up a meeting with Mr. Nazarbekian and to finanlize timing in a satisfactory manner. The following resolution adopted: ~ ...., RESOLUTION NO. 3655 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CA. AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO. 5 WITH CM ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES FOR WESTERLY EXTENSION OF COOLEY AVENUE TO THE SANTA ANA RIVER, SElF. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3655 by Blum and seconded by Oberhsaw. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. AUTHORIZE SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH BANK OF CALIFORNIA FOR MEADOWBROOK/ CENTRAL CITY PROJECT AREA NO.1. No discussion and the following resolution was adopted: ,., 11 ~ ij WIll iI r L c [ - 4610 RESOLUTION NO. 3656 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA FOR MEADOWBROOK/ CENTRAL CITY PROJECT AREA NO. 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3656 by Obershaw and seconded by Hinojosa. Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. AUTHORIZE CHECKING ACCOUNT WITH BANK OF CALIFORNIA FOR MEADOWBROOK/ CENTRAL CITY PROJECT AREA NO.1. No discussion. The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3657 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING CHECKING ACCOUNT WITH THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA FOR MEADOWBROOK/CENTRAL CITY PROJECT AREA NO.1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3657 by Obershaw and seconded by Heller. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PURSUANT TO SAN BERNARDINO ORDINANCE NO. 3625 (PERFORMANCE BOND). After explanation and discussion the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3658 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PURSUANT TO SAN BERNARDINO CITY ORDINANCE NO. 3625 (PERFORMANCE BOND) Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3658 by Obershaw and seconded by Hinojosa. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. PAYMENT TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY FOR RELOCATION OF POWER POLES IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,116.64, SEIP. Mr. Green stated that this payment must be made, however, it is being paid under protest and under duress. Without further discussion the following resolution was adopted: 4611 RESOLUTION NO. 3659 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING PAYMENT TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY FOR RELOCATION OF POWER POLES IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,116.64, SEIP. ,.., ....J Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3659 by Obershaw and seconded .by Hinojosa. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. AWARD DEMOLTION CONTRACT TO WARREN DUNCAN IN THE AMOUNT OF $14,475 CENTRAL CITY SOUTH. After explanation the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3660 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH WARREN DUNCAN FOR DEMOLITION OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN CENTRAL CITY SOUTH IN THE AMOUNT OF $14,475. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3660 by Blum and seconded by Hinojosa. Motion car- ried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. , ..... Mr. Green made the statement that the following resolutions had been thoroughly re- viewed by himself and staff. The following resolutions were then adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3661 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 3343, PERTAINING TO THE PAYMENT OF FINDER'S FEES TO REAL ESTATE BROKERS, AND SETTING FORTH RESTRICTIONS REGARDING PAYMENTS OF FINDER'S FEE CLAIMS FILED WITH THE AGENCY. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3661 by Blum and seconded by Obershaw. Motion car- ried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. RESOLUTION NO. 3662 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 3366, PERTAINING TO THE AUTHORIZATION OF PROVIDING AND INSTALLING NECESSARY ON AND OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS TO DEVELOPERS AT A COST OF NOT MORE THAN FIVE YEARS TAX INCREMENTAL INCOME. .., '1 ~ ..." .., "iIIIIIlI ~' , [ [ 4612 Mollon to adopt Resolution No. 3662 by Obershaw and seconded by Heller. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. RESOLUTION NO. 3663 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING AN ASSISTANT SECRETARY. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3663 by Obershaw and seconded by Blum. Motion car- ried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. (). -i- f::~ 0 RESOLUTION NO. 3664 1<,:~f<'_.(..",^(,(, /,/ / ~(P7(P b-d-'1_7t RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING CHECK SIGNERS AND COUNTER- SIGNERS FOR AGENCY CHECKS AND VOUCHERS AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 3480. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3664 by Obershaw and seconded by Hinojosa. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. RESOLUTION NO. 3665 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN POLICIES ON TRAVEL EXPENSES OF ITS STAFF, TRAVELING ON OFFICIAL BUSINESS OF THE AGENCY AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 3455, PREVIOUSLY SETTING FORTH SAID POLICY. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3665 by Heller and seconded by Hinojosa. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. RESOLUTION NO. 3666 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN POLICIES ON TRAVEL EXPENSES FOR AGENCY BOARD, AGENCY LEGAL COUNSEL AND OTHER OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO TRAVELING ON OFFICIAL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUSINESS. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3666 by Blum and seonded by Heller. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. 4613 RESOLUTION NO. 3667 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 3410, AND ADOPTING REVISED POLICY FOR PROCUREMENT OF SUPPLIES. EQUIPMENT, SERVICES, INSURANCE AND TRAVEL BY THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ON BEHALF OF THE AGENCY. !. t" ~" " r?t'J( L(3:;? ;,' 1# ",.,... """ ') Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3667 by Obershaw and seconded by Hinojosa. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. RESOLUTION NO. 3668 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 3230, ESTABLISHING AND CONCURRING IN POLICY DETERMINATION APPLI- CABLE TO AND BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE AGENCY RELATING TO PROSPECTIVE EXPENDITURES AND INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID AGENCY. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3668 by Obershaw and seconded by Blum. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa. Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. RECEIVE OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM MORRIS H. RUSSEL FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SEIP AND SET A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 29. 1978 AT 3: 00 P.M. ~ Mr. Green stated that Mr. Russell is offering the same amount of money for the land as the appraised value. Mr. Obershaw inquired if the Agency would be committed in any way and was informed no. The following resolution then adopted: fi ....J RESOLUTION NO. 3669 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO RECEIVING AN OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM MORRIS H. RUSSELL FOR PURCHASE OF ABOUT 10 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A FIBERGLASS MANUFACTURING FACILITY AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 29, 1978 AT 3: 00 P.M. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3669 by Obershaw and seconded by Heller. Motion car- ried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. .... :~ I ~ ! ...." "C c [ 4614 AUTHORIZE AGENCY COUNSEL TO EXECUTEAAND DELIVER NOTICE OF HEARING ON ADOPTION OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION BY THE POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN OF CERTAIN PROPERTY -SEIP . With little discussion, the following resolution adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3670 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SEC- RETARY TO NEGOTIATE FOR AND PREPARE AN OPTION TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR CERTAIN PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3670 by Blum and seconded by Heller. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. RESOLUTION NO. 3671 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE AGENCY COUNSEL TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER NOTICE OF HEARING ON ADOPTION OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION BY THE POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY, LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3671 by Heller and seconded by Hinojosa. Motion car- ried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Obershaw, Hinojosa, Heller and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Guhin. Motion to adjourn to adjourned regular meeting June 29, 1978 at 3: 00 p.m. by Heller and seconded by Obershaw. Motion carried unanimously. Abstention: None. Ab- sent: Guhin. R. E. Shadwell, Jr. Execu ti ve Director ~ .... ~ ...J ... -J [ c [ 4532 MINUTES OF ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO HELD JUNE 29, 1978 AT 3: 00 P.M. , 300 NORTH "D" STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Blum, Hinojosa, Heller, Guhin and Green. Agency Members Absent: Obershaw Others Present: R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Executive Director, Wm. A. Flory, Agency Counsel and Barbara Brown, Executive Secretary. APPROV AL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of June 15, 1978 were submitted for approval. Motion for approval by Blum and seconded by Heller. Motion carried unanimously. Abstention: None. Absent: Obershaw. PUBLIC HEARING-MORRIS H. RUSSELL-DEVELOPMENT OF FIBERGLASS FACILITY -SEIP Chairman Green opened the Public Hearing at 3: 10 p.m. Mr. Green stated that Mr. Russell could not personally attend the meeting, but he had talked with him on the telephone this date. Mr. Russell desires to purchase ten and one half acres of land to facilitate 3 buildings, two comprised of 50,000 square feet and one comprised of 35,000 to 50,000 square feet. The estimated total building costs to be between $1. 25 and $2 Million Dollars, which includes no equipment costs. One building will be occupied completely by Mr. Russell's own organization and employ 75 persons. The second bulding will be identified as to tenant at a later date due to present negotiations. Construction will commence 180 days after the land is turned over to Mr. Russell and the utilities brought to the property line. The reason for the 180 day schedule is due to the heavy engineering services that will be necessary for Mr. Russell to secure, however the developer is hopeful they can start construction before 180 days. Completion will take approximately 5 months. Further construction will commence one year after land is turned over. Mr. Russell will pay $12,000 per acre, the assessed value of the land. Wity no opposition and/or support voiced, the Public Hearing was closed at 3: 15 p.m. Mrs. Blum asked who Mr. Russell was and Mr. Green informed her that all the information the Agency currently has is that he is based in Los Angeles and owns Armour Glass Co. With no further discussion the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3672 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK TO MORRIS H. RUSSELL FOR DEVELOP- MENT OF APPROXIMATELY 10 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, OF LAND. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3672 by Heller and seconded by Guhin. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Hinojosa, Heller, Guhin and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Obershaw. 4533 AWARD CONTRACT TO WARREN DUNCAN FOR DEMOLITION OF GABRIEL PROPERTY IN CENTRAL CITY SOUTH. Mr. Shadwell explained it was necessry to clear the lot of debris in order to enable ] Goodwill Industries to have their building rehabilitated, which they cannot do while the . ..; Agency owned property is in its present condition. Mrs. Blum stated that she thought the price submitted by Warren Duncan too high, but Mr. Shadwell assured her that the price was in order for the amount of work involved. The following resolution adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3673 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO DEMOLITION CONTRACT WITH WARREN DUNCAN FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,490, CENTRAL CITY SOUTH. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3673 by Guhin and seconded by Heller. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Hinojosa, Heller, Guhin and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Obershaw. INCREASE IN INLAND ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING CONTRACT-CENTRAL CITY WEST Mr. Green referred to the Memo that had been prepared for the Board I s review. Mr. Jones, Agency Director of Operations stated he felt some compensation was due the contractor, but not the full amount they were requesting. Motion made by Heller to continue the item until July 5, 1978 at 1: 00 p.m. Motion seconded by Blum and carried unanimously. Abstention: None. Absent: Obershaw. ,.. ,j~ 'it .~ ....J ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY IN SEIP BY EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS AND DIRECT- ING AGENCY COUNSEL TO SO PROCEED. Mr. Green stated that he did not feel an Executive Session regarding this matter was necessary inasmuch as the Board, by previous action, directed Agency Counsel to proceed with the implementation of acquiring certain parcels of land in SEIP by condemnation proceedings. It is the opinion of both staff and counsel that the condemnation proceed- ings will not be hostile. The following resolution adopted: ., }4 'j -;~ ...J [ [ [ 4534 RESOLUTION NO. 3674 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING AND DECLARING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY FOR REDEVEL- OPMENT PURPOSES IN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIF- ORNIA, AS AUTHORIZED BY HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE 33391 ET. AL., ET. SEQ. ,: DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO ACQUIRE SAID PARCELS BY EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS AND DIRECTING THE AGENCY'S COUNSEL TO COMMENCE AN ACTION IN THE SAN BERNARDINO SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR SAID PURPOSES. Motion to adopt Resolution 3674 by Guhin and seconded by Hinojosa. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Hinojosa, Heller, Guhin and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Obershaw. APPROVE AGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 1978 THROUGH JUNE 30, 1979. Mr. Green informed the Board that they had received the budget for review and that he hoped they had time to make a decision because the staff needs an Administrative Budget in order to operate. The Budget will be subject to review and approval by the Council, but Board approval is necessary at this time. The following resolution adopted, subject to council approval. RESOLUTION NO. 3675 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR , JULY 1, 1978 THROUGH JUNE 30, 1979. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3675 by Blum and seconded by Guhin. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Blum, Hinojosa, Heller, Guhin and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Obershaw. DESIGNATE CHECK SIGNERS AND COUNTERSIGNERS FOR AGENCY CHECKS AND VOUCHERS AND RESCIND RESOLUTION NO. 3664. Mr. Green stated that because of the workshops with the Mayor and Council this resolution and action has become necessary. Without further discussion the follow- ing resolution was adopted: 4535 RESOLUTION NO. 3676 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA. DESIGNATING CHECK SIGNERS AND COUNTERSIGNERS FOR AGENC,Y CHECKS AND VOUCHERS ANl;) R~SC~NP- ING RESOLUTION NO. 3664. / -c....-.,.), c( ~'-C) f... C;, 0 -39 v fc. Y -;; (). / .( ., M J Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3676 by Heller and Guhin. Motion carried by the follow- ing vote. to wit: Ayes: Blum. Hinojosa. Heller. Guhin and Green. Nays: None. Abstention: None. Absent: Obershaw. CONSIDER RENTAL AGREEMENT WITH MILLER'S OUTPOST FOR OCCUPANCY IN THE PENNEY CO. BUILDING. Mr. Green stated that Mr. David Miller was located in Ontario and has approximately 52 stores. Mr. Miller has been negotiating for a long time for occupancy in the Penney Building. He is willing to rent the premises at $3.000 per month. subject to a 60 day vacate notice. Mr. Green said he had attended a meeting with Mr. Frank Dominguez who is trying to purchase the Penney Building. Mr Dominguez will be presenting the Agency an official Offer to Purchase soon and will assume full liability for the Agency's outstanding note with Upham Trust. which is acceptable to the Uphams. Mr. Dominguez will also honor Mr. Miller's Rental Agreement with the Agency. Mr. Green recommended that the board accept Mr. Miller's offer subject to review by Dominguez. Upham Trust and the City Council. Motion to enter into Rental Agreement at $3.000 per month by Heller and seconded by Guhin. Motion unanimously carried. Abstention: None. Absent: Obershaw. -, a ...J Mr. Obershaw arrived at meeting at 3: 40 p . m. REQUEST FROM LOS PADRINOS TO RENT CHANNEL 18 BUILDING AT NO CHARGE Kathy Diaz. representing Los Padrinos introduced herself and addressed the board regarding Los Padrinos's request. Mr. Green stated that the Sun Telegram will have to be consulted and give their consent as they own the Note on the property. Motion by Blum and seconded by Heller to table the item until July 5. 1978 at 1: 00 p.m. Motion unanimously carried. Abstention: None. Absent: None. PRESENTATION ON BEHALF OF OPERATION SECOND CHANCE. Mr. Green stated that Mr. Norman Hanover. Attorney at Law could not attend the meet- ing and asked that the matter be tabled. Motion to table the matter by Guhin and seconded by Heller. Motion unanimously carried. Abstention: None. Absent: None. OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Green informed the board that because this would be their last meeting acting as the Redevelopment Agency. he wished to take the opportunity to thank them. one and all for their cooperation. patience and support. ., ~ ~ ...J r L- [ ,.... L 4536 The Staff then presented individual resolution plaques to be given to each board member 0 Mr 0 Green read aloud the resolution honoring Mr 0 Obershaw 0 Each resolution was written in the same verbage honoring each member 0 All Board Members were presented their individual resolution with each resolution being adopted unanimously by all members 0 Mrs 0 Blum thanked the staff for her resolution and said it had been a pleasure to serve on the Agency Board and that she was very proud of their members 0 Mr 0 Shadwell spoke on behalf of the Agency Staff and thanked them for their faithful service to the City and Agency 0 Motion to adjourn to Adjourned Special Meeting Wednesday, July 5, 1978 at 1: 00 p om 0 in the Council Chambers by Blum and seconded by Obershaw 0 Motion unanimously carried 0 Abstention: None 0 Absent: None 0 Ro Eo Shadwell, Jr 0 Executive Director -, j ..."j ... -.J -- ,'I .~ ..J [ [ [ .-. 4537 Minutes of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. California July 5. 1978 The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Chairman Holcomb on Wednesday. July 5. 1978 at 1: 05 p.m. . in the Council Chambers of City Hall. 300 North "D" Street. San Bernardino. California. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by V. Dennis Wardle. Church of Later Day Saints. San Bernardino. California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Hudson. ROLL CALL Roll Call showed the folliwng present: Chairman Holcomb. Board Members Katona. Gerwig. Hudson and Castaneda. Executive Director Ralph Shadwell. Agency Counsel Wm. A. Flory. Executive Secretary Barbara Brown. Absent: Members Lackner. Hobbs and Wheeler. OATH Board Members Holcomb. Gerwig. Katona. Hudson and Castaneda were sworn in by the Chief Deputy Clerk of the City of San Bernardino. Chairman Holcomb stated that absent board members would be sworn in at a later time. \ RES. 3677 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA. ADOPTING BY -LAWS FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND RESCINDING ALL PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS RELATING THERETO Motion made by Hudson and seconded by Katona and unanimously carried. that further reading of the resolution be waived and said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 3677 was adopted by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Katona. Gerwig. Hudson and Castaneda. Noes: None. Absent: Lackner. Hobbs and Wheeler. ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE AGENCY AND APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARY OF THE AGENCY AND ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE AGENCY. Motion made by Gerwig and seconded by Castaneda to elect Member Katona as Vice-Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency. Motion unanimously carried. Noes: None. Absent: Lackner. Hobbs and Wheeler. Mr. Gerwig stated that he would like to wait for the absent board members to arrive before discussing the appoint of Secretary and Assistant Secretary of the Agency. 4538 All board members concurred with Mr. Gerwig I s request. RES. 3678 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, CHANGING THE TIME, PLACE AND]. ......1 HOUR OF REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE .. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AND RE~CINDJNG ALL PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS REGARDING SAME. R~c~~, ,,', 'c/ GC! [,., ,3; i '7 S-,.:; I. I Motion made by Katona and seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried, that further reading of the resolution be waived and said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 3678 was adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Castaneda. Noes: None. Absent: Lackner, Hobbs and Wheeler. RES. 3679 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, RE-AFFIRMING CERTAIN RESOLUTIONS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGARDING THE BY-LAWS THEREOF. Motion made by Hudson and seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried, that further reading of the resolution be waived and said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 3679 was adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Castaneda. Noes: None. Absent: Lackner, Hobbs and Wheeler. RESOLUTION AWARDING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO FOR ON-SITE GRADING FOR THE HALLMARK INDUSTRIES DEVELOPMENT FOR THE SUM OF $ , STATE COLLEGE PROJECT. -., ....J Mr. Shadwell requested that this item be continued until July 17, 1978 at 1: 00 p.m. Motion by Katona and seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried that said item by continued until July 17, 1978 at 1: 00 p.m. Noes: None. Absent: Lackner, Hobbs and Wheeler. RES. 3680 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH JESSE HUBBS & SONS FOR ON -SITE GRADING ,FOR GLOBAL VAN & STORAGE CO. FOR $32,870.00, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. Mr. Shadwell informed the board that the engineering estimate on said work was $35,000.00. Motion by Hudson and seconded by Katona and unanimously carried, that further reading of the resolution be waived and said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 3680 was adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Castaneda. Noes: None. Absent: Lackner, Hobbs and Wheeler. ~ ~ -.J [ c [ 4539 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH MATICH CORPORATION FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON LITTLE MOUNTAIN DRIVE BETWEEN 27th and 30th STREETS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $144,240 , STATE COLLEGE PROJECT. Chairman Holcomb stated that he felt the contract should not be awarded until Mr. Hodgdon showed evidence of his intention to fulfill his obligations on the project and advise the Agency of his time schedule. Mr. Katona asked if the contract could be awarded, but held up. Mr. Shadwell informed him the Agency could award the contract and hold up issuing the Notice to Proceed. Chairman Holcomb stated he feels there should be concrete evidence in the future from all developers as to their construction schedule, financial situation etc. , before the Ageney expends funds for grading or any other type of improvement. Mr. Katona asked how this could be accomplished and the Chairman replied that one way would be to have evidence from the developer of a recorded loan. Mr. Gerwig asked if the Agency's practice in the past had been to award a contract without written assurance the developer would fulfill his obligations and Mr. Shadwell replied that it was. Mr. Gerwig stated that this was a practice that should be stopped immediately. Chairman Holcomb directed Mr. Shadwell to report back to the board with a policy ensuring the developer's intentions and protecting the Agency's position in awarding contracts for improvements. In addition, the Chairman directed that a similar policy be considered ensuring that developers have the ability to proceed prior to the close of escrow relative to the sale of any Agency owned property. Motion made by Hudon and seconded by Castaneda to continue the awarding of the contract until July 17, 1978. Motion carried unanimously. Absent: Lackner, Hobbs and Wheeler. Motion then made by Gerwig and seconded by Castaneda to direct the Executive Director to return to the Board with a written policy protecting the Agency until the developer shows written evidence of his intention to develop the land. Motion carried unanimously. Absent: Lackner, Hobbs and Wheeler. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY 1,1978 THROUGH JUNE 30,1979. Mr. Katona stated he was not prepared to adopt the budget at this time. He in- structed the Agency to carryon in the usual manner until the Board and Council can look into the budget and review it more carefully. Mr. Shadwell stated that the bud- get did not have to be acted upon immediately and he would appreciate a 3 man committee be set up to review the budget. The Chairman concurred with Mr. Shadwell's comments. Mr. Hudson stated that he would like workshop meetings set up with the Agency staff. Motion by Hudson and seconded by Castaneda to continue the Agency Administrative Budget until August 7, 1978. Motion carried unanimously. Absent: Lackner, Hobbs and Wheeler. 4540 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH MATICH CORPORATION FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON LITTLE MOUNTAIN DRIVE BETWEEN 27th and 30th STREETS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $144,240, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT. ., t ....J Chairman Holcomb stated that he felt the contract should not be awarded until Mr. Hodgdon showed evidence of his intention to fulfill his obligations on the project and advise the Agency of his time schedule. Mr. Katona asked if the contract could be awarded, but held up. Mr. Shadwell informed him the Agency could award the contract and hold up issuing the Notice to Proceed. Chairman Holcomb stated he feels there should be concrete evidence in the future from all developers as to their construction schedule, financial situation etc. , before the Ageney expends funds for grading or any other type of improvement. Mr. Katona asked how this could be accomplished and the Chairman replied that one way would be to have evidence from the developer of a recorded loan. Mr. Gerwig asked if the Agency's practice in the past had been to award a contract without written assurance the developer would fulfill his obligations and Mr. Shadwell replied that it was. Mr. Gerwig stated that this was a practice that should be stopped immediately. Chairman Holcomb directed Mr. Shadwell to report back to the board with a policy ensuring the developer's intentions and protecting the Agency's position in awarding contracts for improvements. In addition, the Chairman directed that a similar policy be considered ensuring that developers have the ability to proceed prior to the close of escrow relative to the sale of any Agency owned property. --- x' Motion made by Hudon and seconded by Castaneda to continue the awarding of the contract until July 17, 1978. Motion carried unanimously. Absent: Lackner, Hobbs and Wheeler. .J Motion then made by Gerwig and seconded by Castaneda to direct the Executive Director to return to the Board with a written policy protecting the Agency until the developer shows written evidence of his intention to develop the land. Motion carried unanimously. Absent: Lackner, Hobbs and Wheeler. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 1978 THROUGH JUNE 30, 1979. Mr. Katona stated he was not prepared to adopt the budget at this time. He in- structed the Agency to carryon in the usual manner until the Board and Council can look into the budget and review it more carefully. Mr. Shadwell stated that the bud- get did not have to be acted upon immediately and he would appreciate a 3 man committee be set up to review the budget. The Chairman concurred with Mr. Shadwell's comments. Mr. Hudson stated that he would like workshop meetings set up with the Agency staff. Motion by Hudson and seconded by Castaneda to continue the Agency Administrative "'" Budget until August 7, 1978. Motion carried unanimously. Absent: Lackner, Hobbs " 11 and Wheeler. -J [ [ [ 4541 RES. 3681 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING PAYMENT TO INLAND ASSO- CIATES FOR PRINTING EXPENSE IN THE AMOUNT OF $279.46, WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Mr. Massaro and Mr. Welch, representing Inland Associates addressed the Board. Mr. Jones, Director of Operations for the Agency responded to the comments of Messrs. Massaro and Welch. Mr. Hobbs arrives at 1: 45 p. m. Chairman Holcomb advised Mr. Hobbs to go and be swown in by the City Clerk be- fore he can actively become an Agency Board Member. Mr. Hobbs leaves at 1: 45 p.m. Motion to accept the recommendation of the Agency Staff, waive further reading and adopt the resolution by Hudson and seconded by Gerwig. Resolution No. 3681 was adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Castaneda. Noes: None. Absent: Lackner, Hobbs and Wheeler. Chairman Holcomb said he would like to deviate from the Agenda and go from Item 10 to Item 12, then return to Item lland 13 as they relate one to another. All members concurred. CONSIDER RENTAL AGREEMENT WITH LOS P ADRINOS FOR USE OF THE CHANNEL 18 BUILDING LOCATED ON COURT STREET. Chairman Holcomb informed the Board that the building being requested for use was unused except for storage and that Los Padrinos is aware that they might have to vacate in a hurry. He further stated that the Sun Telegram had said they would con- tact the Chairman regarding the Rental Agreement inasmuch as they own the Note on the unpaid balance for the building. The Chairman said he had not heard from the Sun Telegram. Mr. Hobbs arrives at 1: 50 p.m. Motion made by Katona and seconded by Gerwig to rej ect the request. Mr. Cas- taneda asked why reject the offer, why not continue the matter until the Sun Telegram could be contacted? Chairman Holcomb stated he thought it would be better to have the building occupied and urged the Board to allow Los Padrinos the use of the building. Mr. Katona inquired as to insurance and was informed the renters would have to pro- vide adequate liability insurance. Mr. Wheeler arrives at 1: 55 p.m. and leaves to be sworn in as a Board Member. 4542 Mr. Kirk Whisler, Director of Los Padrinos addressed the Board. Mr. Katona asked how much money Los Padrinos would be spending on the building and Mr. Whisler responded they would do minor repairs and painting. Mr. Gerwig stated he felt it would be a waste of money for Los Padrinos to expend any funds due to the fact the Sun Telegram could evict at any time. Mr. Hobbs con- curred with Mr. Gerwig. Motion by Katona and seconded by Hudson to continue the item until July 17, 1978 at 1: 00 p.m. Motion unanimously carried. Noes: None. Absent: Lackner and Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler arrives at 2: 00 p.m. Meeting recessed for special City business at 2: 01 p.m. Meeting reconved and called to order by Chairman Holcomb at 2: 15 p.m. CONSIDER RENTAL AGREEMENT WITH DAVID MILLER, dba MILLER'S OUTPOST FOR RENTAL OF BUILDING LOCATED ON SW CORNER OF 5TH AND liE" STREETS. Mr. Shadwell stated that Mr. Frank Dominguez had formally made an Offer to Purchase for the building and would honor a rental agreement with Mr. Miller. David Stringer, Attorney at Law, spoke on behalf of Vanir Research and stated that Upham Trust would discount the note in the amount of $19,700.00. Discussion following regarding property adjacent to the Penney Building. Since agreement could not be reached on the price of the property, Mr. Dominguez agreed to delete that property from his Offer to Purchase. Motion to approve Rental Agreement with David Miller, dba Miller's Outpost by Katona and seconded by Castaneda. Motion carried unanimously. Absent: Lackner. RES. 3682 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER FROM H. FRANK DOMINGUEZ, OWNER, V ANIR RESEARCH COMPANY, IN PRINCIPLE AND AS MODIFIED, TO LEASE-PURCHASE AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY IN CENTRAL CITY NORTH PROJECT AREA AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR AUGUST 7, 1978 AT 2: 00 P.M. Motion to waive further reading, adopt resolution as modified, and refer exclu- sive parking matter to the Parking Place Commission by Katona and seconded by Cas- taneda. Resolution No. 3682 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Katona, Hobbs, Gerwig, Hudson, Castaneda and Wheeler. Noes: None. Absent: Lackner. Mr. Katona stated that it was time to refer back to appointment of Agency Sec- retary and Agency Assistant Secretary. Motion by Katona and seconded by Hudson appointing Ralph E. Shadwell, Jr. , Secretary and Glenda Saul, Assistant Secretary. Motion unanimously carried. Absent; Lackner. ] ,., ~ ....J ~ ~ ~ ~ [ [ [ 4543 RES. 3683 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE A LETTER OF INTENT, SUBJECT TO RECEIPT OF A FORMAL OFFER TO PURCHASE AND DEPOSIT CHECK FROM TREESWEET PRODUCTS, CO., FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A FACILITY IN STATE COLLEGE PROJECT, AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR AUGUST 7, 1978 AT 2: 00 P.M. RES. 3684 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE A LETTER OF INTENT, SUBJECT TO RECEIPT OF A FORMAL OFFER TO PURCHASE AND DEPOSIT CHECK FROM GIBSON BROS. JANITORIAL SERVICE, INC. , FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A FACILITY IN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR AUGUST 7, 1978 AT 2: 00 P.M. RES. 3685 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE A LETTER OF INTENT, SUBJECT TO RECEIPT OF A FORMAL OFFER TO PURCHASE AND DEPOSIT CHECK FROM CERTIFIED THERMOPLASTICS COMPANY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A FACILITY IN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR AUGUST 7, 1978 AT 2: 00 P.M. RES. 3686 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE A LETTER OF INTENT, SUBJECT TO RECEIPT OF A FORMAL OFFER TO PURCHASE AND DEPOSIT CHECK FROM T. J. BURRIS CORP. FOR DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR AUGUST 7,1978 AT 2: 00 P.M. Mr. Shadwell stated that Mr. Ray Glider had 3 Offers and/or Letters of Intent to present and would like to address the Board. After a lengthy discussion Mr. Katona made a motion seconded by Wheeler to direct Agency staff to write a letter to TreeSweet Products Co. stating that Mr. Glider was acting on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency and that said letter was to be signed by himself as Vice-Chairman. Motion carried unanimously. Absent: Lackner. Further discussion followed regarding Mr. Glider's association with Huntley Prop- erties and his association as a consultant with other cities. Motion made by Katona and seconded by Gerwig for the Chairman to dispense with the continual gaveling. Motion unanimously carried. Absent: Lackner. Mr. Glider answered questions of the Chairman to the Board's satisfaction. Motion to waive further readings of resolutions and adopt same by Wheeler and seconded by Katona. Motion carried unanimously. Absent: Lackner. Motion to adopt Resolution Nos. 3683, 3684, 3685 and ~686 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hobbs, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Castaneda and Wheeler. Noes: None. Absent: Lackner. 4544 Mr. Katona stated that he would like to discuss a legislative matter. The Chair- man requested Mr. Katona hold the matter in abeyance until the July 17th, 1978 meet- ..,J....' ing because the Agency Meeting had already run considerably over the time allotted. ... Mr. Katona inquired of his fellow board members their feelings regarding the Chair- man's request and Mr. Wheeler said that he would like to continue the item. Mr. Katona agreed with Mr. Wheeler, but stated he would like to see a Rules Committee set up in the near future. Motion to adjourn until July 17, 1978 at 1: 00 p.m. by Gerwig and seconded by Wheeler. Motion unanimou carried. Absent: Lackner. R. E. Shadwell, Jr. Secretary ~ ...." ,.., g ~ ~ ;1 ...J [ [ [ 4545 Minutes of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California July 17, 1978 The Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Chairman Holcomb on Monday, July 17, 1978 at 1: 00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Reverend Olen J. Jones, Immanuel Baptist Church, San Bernardino, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Gerwig. ROLL CALL Roll Call showed the following present: Chairman Holcomb, Board Members Katona, Gerwig and Wheeler. Executive Director Ralph E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel Wm. A. Flory, Executive Secretary Barbara Brown. Absent: Members Lackner, Hobbs, Hudson and Castaneda. The Chairman noted there was not a quorum present. Agency Counsel announced that the County of San Bernardino's Appeal to the Supreme Court for a Re-Hearing on the Tax Base Law Suit with the Agency had been de- nied. Chairman Holcomb complimented Mr. Flory on the outcome of the court case. Mr. Lacker and Mr. Hudson arrive at 1: 10 p.m., constituting a quorom. Mr. Lackner left to be sworn in as a Board Member by City Clerk at 1: 12 p. m. t Motion by Katona, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried to approve the Minutes of June 29, 1978. Absent: Lackner, Hobbs and Castaneda. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Katona and unanimously carried to approve the Minutes of July 5,1978. Absent: Lackner, Hobbs and Castaneda. Mr. Lackner arrives at 1: 17 p.m. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BER- NARDNo AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO DEMO- LITION AND GRADING CONTRACT WITH KRUGER MC GREW FOR THE HALLMARK DEVELOPMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $322,509, STATE COLLEGE PARK. Mr. Shadwell stated that there was an irregularity in the bid documents, therefore the next lowest responsible bid should go to Kruger Mc Grew. Mr. Flory concurred. Mr. Jones, Agency Director of Operations addressed the board and explained the situation. He stated in his opinion the bid was incomplete. He further informed the board that a representative from the low bidder was on his way to the meeting to speak on his own behalf. The board decided unanimously to await the arrival of the representative before taking action on the awarding of the contract. 4546 RES. 3687 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH MATICH CORPORATION FOR STREET IM- PROVEMENTS ON LITTLE MOUNTAIN DRIVE BETWEEN 27th and 30th STREETS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $144,240, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT. ,., I .....I Before moving on to the next Agenda item, Mr. Flory cautioned the Board that the time element was very important regarding the Hallmark Development. Chairman Holcomb asked Mr. Shadwell if he had heard from Warner Hodgdon regarding his plans for Campus Crusade for Christ? Mr. Shadwell replied that he had heard no more than he had reported at the last meeting on July 5, 1978. Chairman Holcomb stated that he saw Mr. Hodgdon in the audience and asked him if he would like to address the board. Mr. Hodgdon replied that he would like to speak and also handed out documentation to the board members. Mr. Hodgdon then read aloud a letter from himself to the Mayor, Council and Redevelopment Agency Board, referring to his pending developments. Chairman Holcomb asked Mr. Hodgdon, after he finished reading his letter to the board, when he expected construction to commence for Campus Crusade. Mr. Hodgdon referred to his development in Southeast Industrial Park, previously mentioned in the letter, and stated that he had done the grading in February, 1978 and expected construction to start within 30 days. .... j -J The Chairman stated that he was glad to hear that construction in Southeast In- dustrial Park would start within 30 days and again asked Mr. Hodgdon when he would start construction on Campus Crusade. Mr. Hodgdon stated that as soon as the contract was awarded to the successful bidder, whom he understood was Matich Corporation, he would contact "Martin" and have him do his grading and would start simultaneously with the Agency's construction. Chairman Holcomb asked if Mr. Hodgdon planned to build all the structures at the same time and Mr. Hodgdon replied yes, 91,000 square feet of buildings would start simultaneously. Mr. Hodgdon also stated that he was going to put in all the landscaping amounting to a cost of approximately $150,000 on the east side of Little Mountain Drive, making the entrance to the golf course attractive. This construction would start with the golf course construction. Chairman Holcomb asked Mr. Hodgdon, after the street alignment is finished on Little Mountain Drive, when he would commence construction on the Campus Crusade buildings. Mr. Hodgdon replied he would commence construction prior to the completion of the street alignment, as he believes he can start at the south end. Mr. Hodgdon then reiterated that he would start his construction, where possible, with the street construction and that he felt sure that both jobs could be coordinated. Discussion followed between the Chairman and Vice-Chairman regarding proper]..!..... rules of conduct due to Mr. Katona's request to have the Resolution read and thus . get along with the awarding of the contract. [ [ [ 4547 The Chairman again asked Mr. Hodgdon if he expected to be under actual con- struction prior to construction of the street alignment and Mr. Hodgdon replied yes. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Absent: Hobbs and Castaneda. Resolution No. 3687 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Lackner, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Wheeler. Absent: Hobbs and Castaneda. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried for the Execu- tive Secretary to use the Voting Machine effective August 7, 1978. Absent: Hobbs and Castaneda. RES. 3688- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO SITE PREP ARA TION CONTRACT WITH JESSE HUBBS & SONS FOR REMIC INDUSTRIES, UNIT NO. 16, IN THE AMOUNT OF $68,800.00. Mr. Shadwell stated that the Agency received only one bid for the work, however, the bid submitted was lower than the estimate. Mr. Shadwell then read a letter from Bank of America clarifying that Remic Industries's financing was available and that they would be able to fulfill their obligations. Motion by Katona, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Absent: Hobbs and Castaneda. Resolution No. 3688 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Lackner, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Wheeler. Absent: Hobbs and Castaneda. RES. 3689- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH CM ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, TRACT NO. 10345 IN THE AMOUNT OF $9,900, SEIP. RES. 3690- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH CM ENGIN- EERING ASSOCIATES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR OFF-SITE IMPROVE- MENTS, TRACT NO. 10346 IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,410, SEIP. Mr. Katona requested that the board act on both resolutions simultaneously. Motion by Katona, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried to waive further reading and adopt the resolutions. 4548 Resolution No. 3689 and 3690 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Lackner, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Wheeler. Absent: Hobbs and Castaneda. CONSIDER RENTAL AGREEMENT WITH LOS PADRINOS FOR USE OF CHANNEL 18 BUILDING. ... -~ .~ H 4 ...., Mr. Katona stated he felt it would cost Los Padrinos too much money when they have no idea how long they would have the use of the building. Mr. Hudson stated that he felt the matter should be continued until the Sun Telegram was contacted. Mr. Katona said that regardless of what the Sun Telegram did he was against renting the building to Los Padrinos . Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried to have Ralph Shadwell contact the Sun Telegram regarding use of their building by Los Padrinos and continue the matter until the August 7 , 1978 meeting. Absent: Hobbs and Castaneda. RES. 3691- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ESTABLISHING AGENCY POLICY REQUIRING DEVELOPERS TO PRESENT VALID AND TANGIBLE EVIDENCE OF THEIR ABILITY TO COMMENCE CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO THE EXPENDITURE OF AGENCY FUNDS IN SUPPORT OF THEIR DEVELOPMENT. Mr. Katona said that he would like to see the written evidence before the Board Meetings. Mr. Shadwell stated that the board members would see written evidence, at the very latest, with the Agenda package they all receive prior to the meetings. ~ , ....., Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3691 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Lackner, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Wheeler. Absent: Hobbs and Castaneda. Mr. Castaneda arrives at 1: 55 p.m. RES. 3692- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ESTABLISHING AGENCY POLICY REQUIRING DE- VELOPERS TO PRESENT VALID AND TANGIBLE EVIDENCE OF THEIR ABILITY TO COMMENCE CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO THE CLOSE OF ESCROW FOR THE SALE OF ANY AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3692 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Lackner, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Castaneda and Wheeler. Absent: Hobbs. ... ,\ Ii ~ :j ....J [ [ r L 4549 RES. 3693- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ESTABLISHING POLICY RELATIVE TO THE MARKETING OF AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY AND THE NEGOTIATION PROCEDURES TO BE FOLLOWED REGARDING POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN REDEVELOP- MENT PROJECT AREAS IN WHICH AGENCY PARTICIPATION MAY BE REQUIRED. Mr. Katona stated that he wanted the resolution modified to read II at a designated time and place" on page 2 of the resolution. Said request was duly noted by Agency staff. Mr. Katona also stated that he felt Wallace Green, Executive Vice President of the Economic Development Council should serve on the negotiation group meeting with prospective developers. This request was also noted by Agency Staff. Motion by Katona, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3693 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Lackner, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Castaneda and Wheeler. Absent: Hobbs. JOINT REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. Mayor/Chairman Holcomb called the Joint Regular Meeting to order at 2: 00 p.m. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Father Peter Costarakus, Pastor of the Saint Prophet Elias Greek Orthodox Church, San Bernardino, CA. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Wheeler. ROLL CALL Roll Call showed the following present: Mayor/Chairman Holcomb, Agency Members/ Councilmen Lackner, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Castaneda and Wheeler, City Attorney Prince, Chief Deputy Clerk Clark, City Administrator Julian, R. E.Shadwell. Jr.. Agency Executive Director. Wm. A. Flory. Agency Counsel and Executive Secretary. Barbara Brown. Absent: Hobbs. Mayor/Chairman Holcomb opened the Joint Public Hearing for sale of land at 438 and 448 North Arrowhead. San Bernardino at 2: 05 p.m. Mr. Shadwell briefed the Council/Board regarding the offer to purchase for the property . Deputy City Clerk read the following resolution: 4550 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF TWO LOTS AND PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON ARROWHEAD AVENUE, NORTH OF FOURTH STREET IN THE CENTRAL CITY NORTH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA TO RONALD P. LUBEY, ET AL. , BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. ~ , ...I Mr. Katona stated that he felt the offering price of $55,000 was not enough money for the property and Mr. Castaneda agreed. With no further comments offered, Mayor/Chairman Holcomb closed the Joint Public Hearing at 2: lOp. m . Motion by Castaneda, seconded by Katona and unanimously carried that further reading of the resolution be waived and the Offer to Purchase be rejected. Mayor/Chairman Holcomb opened the Joint Public Hearing for sale of land located west of Tippecanoe and South of Cooley Ave. , San Bernardino at 2: 12 p.m. Deputy City Clerk read the following resolution: RES. NO. 13348- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF APPROXIMATELY 10.5 ACRES OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT EASEMENT AND WEST OF TIPPECANOE AVENUE IN THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA TO MORRIS H. RUSSELL BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. ..... ..."J Mr. Shadwell summarized the offer to the Council/Board. Mr. Hudson stated that he felt this was a good development and Mr. Katona agreed. Mr. Katona then referred to an Offer to Purchase from Gate City Beverage. Mr. Shadwell explained that if the Council/Board accepted the offer from Mr. Russell they automatically rejected Gate City Beverage's Offer because their offer is for property included in the Russell Offer to Purchase. Mr. Shadwell further informed all concerned that the Agency would have to pay a Finder's Fee on the Gate City Beverage offer. Mayor/Chairman Holcomb inquired if there were any comments and/or questions from the audience or others because Mr. Russell's attorney was in attendance for the purpose of answering them. Without further discussion, the Public Hearing was de- clared closed at 2: 15 p.m. .... Motion by Katona, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. ..~~ ....., [ [ [ 4551 Resolution No. 13348 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Lackner, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Castaneda and Wheeler. Absent: Hobbs. Deputy City Clerk Clark informed all parties that Mr. Steven Becker, represent- ing the proposed purchasers for the property in Central City North wished to speak. Motion by Katona, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried to reopen the Joint Public Hearing for property located in Central City North for the purpose of allow- ing Mr. Becker to speak. Absent: Hobbs. Mr. Hobbs arrives at 2: 25 p.m. Mr. Becker addressed both bodies and informed them that their offer was the highest offer and that the property had been vacant for a long time. He asked that the Council reconsider their Offer to Purchase. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried to continue the Public Hearing to August 7, 1978 for renegotiation on the Offer to Purchase property lo- cated at 438 and 448 No. Arrowhead Avenue, San Bernardino, CA. The Joint Regular Meeting of the Mayor, Council and Agency Board adjourned at 2:30p.m. The Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino reconvened and was called to order by Chairman Holcomb at 2: 30 p.m. Mr. Wiu, representative from International Contractors, the rejected low bidder for Hallmark Development introduced himself and addressed the board. Mr. Flory stated that in his judgment Mr. Wiu's bid was neither legal nor accept- able. The Chairman suggested that Mr. Flory, Mr. Wiu and Mr. Jones meet privately and try to work out the problem. All parties were agreeable to the Chairman's suggestion and left the Council Chambers. CHANGE OF ADMINISTRATION OF CENTRAL CITY MALL SECURITY PROGRAM. Mr. Katona asked why there was a proposed change in the administration and Chairman Holcomb stated that the Redevelopment Agency does not have the funds to operate the program. Motion by Katona, seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried to table the matter. Absent: None. RES. NO. 3694 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH SAN BERNARDINO CITY WATER DEPARTMENT FOR $45,500.00, STATE COLLEGE PARK. Mr. Shadwell located the property for the Board's review on the display board, stat- int that the water line must be relocated to support the Hallmark Development 4552 Without further discussion motion by Wheeler. seconded by Lackner and unanimous 1.... carried to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. ., I Resolution No. 3694 adopted by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Lackner. Hobbs....,j Katona. Gerwig. Hudson. Castaneda and Wheeler. Absent: None. EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING LEGAL MATTERS. Mr. Shadwell asked that this item be tabled. Motion to table by Wheeler. seconded by Lackner and carried unanimously. Absent: None. Recess period called at 2: 45p . m. in order to permit Mr. Flory. Mr. Wiu and Mr. Jones time to finish their discussion and report back to the board. Meeting resumed and called to order at 3: 10 p . m. by the Chairman. Mr. Flory stated that the bid should be awarded to Kruger Mc Grew the lowest most responsible bidder. RES. NO. 3695- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO DEMOLITION AND GRADING CONTRACT WITH KRUGER MC GREW FOR THE HALLMARK DEVELOPMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $322.509. STATE COLLEGE PARK. ,., 'd I ...", Motion by Castaneda. seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Absent: None. Resolution No. 3695 adopted by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Lackner. Hobbs, Katona. Gerwig. Hudson, Castaneda and Wheeler. Absent: None. Motion to adjourn to August 7. 1978 at 1: 00 p.m. by Katona. seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried. Absent: None. R. E. Shadwell. Jr. Secretary .... , ...J [. [ [ 4553 Minutes of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California August 7, 1978 The Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Vice-Chairman Katona, Monday, August 7, 1978 at 1: 05 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, CA. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Mrs. Dorothy Lomas, Retired Southern Baptist . Education Director, Grey Court, So. Carolina. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Wheeler. ROLL CALL Roll Call showed the following present: Vice-Chairman Katona, Board Members Gerwig, Hudson, Castaneda and Wheeler. Executive Director Ralph Shadwell, Jr. , Agency Counsel Wm. A. Flory and Executive Secretary Barbara Brown. Absent Chairman Holcomb, Members Lackner and Hobbs. APPROV AL OF MINUTES The Minutes of July 17, 1978 were approved by Wheeler and seconded by Hudson. Motion carried unanimously. Absent: Lackner and Hobbs. RES. 3696- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR, JULY 1, 1978 THROUGH JUNE 30,1979. Mr. Gerwig stated he felt the position of Deputy Director should be deleted from the Budget. Mr. Shadwell stated he felt the position should be left open, but not funded. Mr. Katona agreed with Mr. Gerwig and stated that he too felt the position should be eliminated. Mr. Gerwig then directed Mr. Shadwell to delete the position of Deputy Director from the Budget. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3696 adopted by the following vote,to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Castaneda and Wheeler. Absent: Lackner and Hobbs. RES. 3697- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMP ANY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A PORTION OF THE RAIL SPUR LINE IN SUPPORT OF THE PALMER, HENICK, TERRAZAS DEVELOPMENT FOR THE SUM OF $33,208.00, SEIP. 4554 Mr. Shadwell pointed out the area on the display board. Motion by Castandeda and seconded by Wheeler to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. ,.... Resolution No. 3697 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, ...J Hudson, Castaneda and Wheeler. Absent: Lackner and Hobbs. Mr. Hobbs arrives at meeting. RES. 3698- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PORTION OF THE RAIL SPUR LINE IN SUPPORT OF THE HALLMARK DEVELOPMENT, FOR THE SUM OF $45,021, STATE COLLEGE PARK. Motion by Castaneda and seconded by Hudson to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3698 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Castaneda and Wheeler, Abstain: Hobbs. Absent: Lackner. RES. 3699- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO WATER DEPARTMENT FOR WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF $17,347.92, SEIP. ,., -J Mr. Shadwell pointed out the area on the display board. Motion by Katona and seconded by Hudson to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3699 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Castaneda and Wheeler. Abstain: Hobbs. Absent: Lackner. PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR ITEMS 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10: Vice-Chairman Katona stated these items would come up at the Joint Public Hearing at 2: 00 p.m. RENTAL AGREEMENT-LOS PADRINOS-CHANNEL 18 BUILDING Mr. Shadwell informed the Board that he had contacted Mr. Honeysett, by letter, at the Sun Telegram, but that Mr. Honeysett was on vacation. Mr. Castaneda stated that he would like to hear from Mr. Honeysett before he would vote on the request. Motion by Gerwig and seconded by Castaneda to continue the item until August 21, 1978. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, ..... Hudson. Castaneda and Wheeler. Abstain: Hobbs. Absent: Lackner. J [ [ [ 4555 SUPER SHOPS DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK Mr. Norman Hanover. Attorney at Law. representing Hunntley Properties introduced himself to the Board and made himself available for questions. Mr. Shadwell explained the development to the Board. Discussion revealed that Huntley Properties will pay for the rail in an amount not to exceed $20.000. Mr. Hudson stated that he feels the whole development. concept and terms of the Disposition Agreement are now ona different level as the property was originally to go to Leggett and Platt and the parcel is now to be split into two parcels. Mr. Flory was asked for his opinion. Mr. Flory stated he felt there could be extenuating circumstances now. Mr. Hudson again stated that although he wanted to fair to all parties. he felt that the terms of the Disposition Agreement were no longer binding as to w,hat the Agency should "give" Huntley Properties. Mr. Hanover explained Super Shops position by stating that Super Shops will employ over 100 people. it is a good clean plant with no environmental problems expected. it is a wholesale and warehouse development and will be good for the community. Mr Wheeler asked how much per acre for grading. Mr. Shadwell stated approximately $10.000 per acre. The estimate for the grading is $95.000 for the entire 11 acres. Mr. Wheeler asked if the Disposition Agreement calls for the Agency to perform grading and Mr. Flory said that it did. Mr. Wheeler said that he feels the Board should honor the terms of the Dis- positon Agreement. Mr. Hudson cautioned against all of the concessions in the Disposition Agreement. The Agency Staff was asked what amount they had allocated for the rail spur and Mr. Shadwell replied $25.000.00. Mr. Hudson asked what the assessed real estate value of the development. Mr. Shadwell replied $1.2 Million Dollars-will be taxed. not in- cluding $300.000 in equipment. Motion by Wheeler and seconded by Castaneda to approve the Super Shop Develop- ment in SEIP. Mr. Katona commented to the Board relative to the Board's legal and moral obli- gations. He further stated that he will support the development. but would like the motion to incude the $20.000 payment of rail by the developer. Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Castaneda amended their motion to include $20.000 payment for rail by the developer. Mr. Wheeler stated that he would no longer support a flat five year tax increment policy because of the Jarvis Act and would. in the future. look at each development indivi- dually. He further stated that he wanted his comment on the record. Mr. Hobbs stated that he felt the developer did not fulfill his commitment with reference to the terms of the Disposition Agreement and that he also agreed with Mr. Wheeler's comment regarding the five year tax increment policy. He too stated that his comments were to be on the record. Mr. Shadwell advised the Board that cost-wise. it would save the Agency con- siderable money if the grading for the entire 11 acres was completed under one contract. Mr. Shadwell also stated that there would be no other costs to bear on this development other than the utilities being brought to the property line. which would not be a large cost. Mr. Katona agreed with Mr. Shadwell. but also said he did not feel the grading needed to be brought up at this time. Mr. Katona then asked the Agency Executive Secretary to read back the amended motion. Mrs. Brown assured the Board that the motion was amended per 4556 their request and read the amended motion aloud. Mr. Gerwig inquired if the amended motion and action would take care of both parcels. Mr. Shadwell and Mr. Hanover replied that it would. Mr. Hobbs stated that he feels the grading of the entire parcel should be ,.... let under one contract and be included in the motion. Mr. Hanover stated that Huntley .~ Properties would accept the board's decision. Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Castaneda again ....J amended their motion to approve the Super Shops development by including the stipulation that the 5 remaining acres be graded under one contract and that it must be accepted by the owners of the property. Motion carried unanimously to approve Super Shops Development in Southeast Industrial Park provided the developer pay for the rail not to exceed $20,000 and that the entire 11 acres be graded under one grading contract. Motion carried unanimously. Absent: Lackner. RES. 3700- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH URBAN WEST COMMUNITIES, INC., FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING FOUNDATION SITE IMPROVEMENTS IN SUPPORT OF THE SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING PROJECT, PIONEER PARK PLAZA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $145,265, CENTRAL CITY NORTH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT .AREA . Mr. Shadwell informed the Board that the Agency bid the on-site improve- ments and received no response. In lieu of the fact that no bids were received, the Agency advertised two times more than necessary hoping to obtain some bids for the project, however, only one contractor picked up plans and specifications ...., and he did not bid the job. Urban West is in actuality Alexander-Weissman and they will do the improvements for the amount of $145,265, which sum is within the amount ...." authorized in the Disposition Agreement. Motion by Castaneda and seconded by Hobbs to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hobbs, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Castaneda and Wheeler. Absent: Lackner. REVIEW BONDS RELEVANT TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SB 99 AND MARKS- FORAN ACT FOR RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION LOANS. Mr. Shadwell stated that the Agency is not asking for any formal action by the Board. The Agency simply wants to familiarize the Board with the documents. Mr. Whipple of Miller & Schroeder, Agency Financial Consultants addressed the Board. Mr. Katona then asked Mr. Whipple when he would be back to further inform the Board and Mr. Whipple replied he would be back within two weeks. Mr. Katona advised Mr. Shadwell to set up a briefing with Mr. Whipple and the Agency Board. No further action taken. , !l ...J [ [ [ 4557 OTHER BUSINESS: DISCUSSION OF TIME OF BOARD MEETINGS COMMENCING FIRST MEETING IN SEPTEMBER, 1978. Mr. Katona stated the item would be continued to August 21, 1978 and went on to Item 2 and 3 of Other Business. CONSIDER REQUEST FOR CITY AND AGENCY TO JOINTLY APPLY FOR UDAG GRANT RELATIVE TO T. J. BURRIS CORPORATION PROPOSAL. CONSIDER REQUEST FOR CITY AND AGENCY TO JOINTLY APPLY FOR UDAG GRANT RELATIVE TO DOWNTOWN HOTEL PROPOSAL. Motion by Castaneda and seconded by Hudson to refer Items 2 and 3 to the Director of Community Development to determine their feasibility. Motion carried unanimously. Absent: Lackner and Gerwig. Vice-Chairman Katona appoints Mr. Hudson Mayor Pro-Tem in order to open Joint Public Hearings with the City of San Bernadino. Motion carried unanimously. Absent: Lackner and Gerwig. JOINT PUBLIC HEARINGS COMMENCED 2: 05 p.m. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Mrs. Dorothy Lomas, Retired Southern Baptist Education Director, Grey Court, So. Carolina. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Hobbs. With no official adjournment of the Redevelopment Agency Meeting, the City Council proceeded with City Business. Vice-Chairman Katona opened Joint Public Hearing. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN CENTRAL CITY NORTH TO H. FRANK DOMINGUEZ, OWNER, VANIR RESEARCH COMPANY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A RETAIL AND OFFICE FACILITY. Mr. Shadwell stated that there has been considerable discussion regarding this Offer because of parking. Marshall Julian, City Administrator commented that the Parking Place Commission has been studying the problem, however, there is not enough information at this time to take action. Mr. Dominguez addressed the Board and Council and asked both bodies to approve his purchase subject to obtaining the signatures of the Upham people and City Council approval of the Parking Agreement that is to be worked out at a later date. 4558 Mr. Flory advised both bodies that at a Public Hearing the audience must be allowed the opportunity to speak. Mr. Julian further explained the parking situation. -. Mr. Katona inquired if anyone in the audience wished to speak. ...... Mr. David Miller addressed both bodies and stated that he would offer more money for the property then Vanir Research Company's offer of $775,000 if the parking could be worked out. Motion by Gerwig and seconded by Wheeler to continue the Hearing to August 21,1978 at 2:00 p.m. Mr. Dominguez spoke against Mr. Miller's statements and reminded the Board that he had worked a long time on his Offer working out all details that would be acceptable to everyone. Mr. Hobbs spoke in favor of Mr. Dominguez's Offer and stated he felt it would be unfair to continue the matter. Mr. Dominguez informed all concerned parties that he would be unavailable the 21st of August. Mr. Castaneda spoke in favor of Mr. Dominguez's Offer. ,..... Mr. Shadwell stated that while it was true that Mr. Dominguez had worked hard on his Offer, Mr. Miller, representing Miller's Outpost had also worked a long time hoping to buy the Penney Building. ....." Mr. Miller was asked how much he would increase the offer and Mr. Miller said he would increase the offer by $50,000. Motion by Gerwig and seconded by Wheeler to continue the Hearing to August 21,1978 was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, and Wheeler. Noes: Hobbs and Castaneda. Absent: Lackner. The City acted on the matter by a vote to continue to August 21,1978 at 2: 00 p.m. Mr. Dominguez then withdrew his Offer to Purchase. Mr. Miller informed both bodies that he would honor his verbal commitment. Vice-Chairman Katona and Mayor Pro-Tem Hudson opened the Joint Public Hearing. RES. 37(n- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN .., STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA TO TREESWEET PRODUCTS J......... COMPANY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDUSTRIAL FOOD PROCESSING PLANT '. r '- [ [ 4559 Mr. Katona asked if anyone wished to speak on the matter. Mr. Ray Glider spoke on behalf of the TreeSweet Company. Mr. Wallace Green spoke on behalf of TreeSweet Company. Motion by Castaneda and seconded by Hudson to close the Public Hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Absent: Lackner and Hobbs. Motion by Hudson and seconded by Castaneda to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3701 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Castaneda and Wheeler. Absent: Lackner and Hobbs. The City of San Bernardino closed the Public Hearing and adopted a resolution approving sale of land to TreeSweet Products Company, State College Park. SALE OF LAND TO GIBSON BROTHERS JANITORIAL SERVICE, INC. IN SEIP. SALE OF LAND TO CERTIFIED THERMOPLASTICS CO., SEIP. SALE OF LAND TO T. J. BURRIS CORP. , SElF. Mr. Katona stated that the pending sale of land to Gibson Bros. , Thermoplastics and Burris Corp. will have to be continued. Mr. Shadwell explained to all concerned that the prospective buyers will buy the land from the Agency at the acquisiton cost, however, the Agency at this time still does not know the price of the properties to be sold, nor has the Agency bought the property yet. Motion to close Joint Public Hearings on Gibson Bros. Thermoplastics and Burris Corp., and continue to August 21,1978 at 2: 00 p.m.by Katona and seconded by Hudson. Motion unanimously carried. Absent: Lackner. Mr. Katona referred to Other Business, Item No. 1 which had been previously continued to later on in the meeting. Mr. Hudson said that he would like to meet the second and fourth Monday of each month at 3: 00 p . m. Mr. Wheeler stated that he did not want to meet every Monday of the month and thought perhaps the Board might con- sider the first and third Wednesday of every month at 3: 00 p.m. Motion by Katona and seconded by Castaneda to continue the item to August 21, 1978 at 1: 00 p.m.. Motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Castaneda and Wheeler. Noes: Hobbs. Absent: Lackner. 4560 RES. 3702- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM H. FRANK DOMINGUEZ, PRESIDENT, VANIR RESEARCH COMPANY FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE CORNER OF COURT AND "E" STREETS, MEADOWBROOK-CENTRAL CITY PROJECT NO.1, AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR SEPTEMBER 11, 1978 AT 2: 00 P.M. ,., ~ .~ -,11 """" Mr. Shadwell informed the Board that another item of business had been pre- sented to him during the Board Meeting. He stated that the Agency had received an Offer to Purchase from Mr. Dominguez for property located on Court and "E" Streets. Mr. Hobbs asked if the property could be leased as he would prefer to lease. Mr. Hobbs was informed that his feelings on the matter should be presented at the Joint Public Hearing. Motion by Wheeler and seconded by Gerwig to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolutidn No. 3702 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Castaneda, Wheeler and Hobbs. Absent: Lackner. Motion to adjourn the meeting to August 21, 1978 at 1: 00 p.m. by Hudson and seconded by Gerwig. Motion unanimously carried. Absent: Lackner. Adjournment: 3: 34 p.m. ....., J $ ..."" R. E. Shadwell, Jr. Secretary ~ J [ [ [ 4561 Minutes of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California August 21, 1978 A Special Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Chairman Pro-Tem Hudson, appointed by motion of Mr. Gerwig and seconded by Mr. Lackner, at 9: 40 a.m. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Mr. Olen Jones. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Lackner. ROLL CALL: Roll Call showed the following present: Members Lackner, Gerwig, Hudson, Castaneda and Wheeler, Executive Director R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel Wm. A. Flory and Executive Secretary Barbara Brown. Absent: Chairman Holcomb, Members Hobbs and Katona. AFPROV AL OF MINUTES The Minutes of August 7, 1978 were approved by Castaneda and seconded by Gerwig. Mr. Gerwig advised Agency Staff to correct the Minutes relating to the Agency Bud- get by deleting from the Budget the position of Deputy Director. Said directive duly noted by Mrs. Brown. Motion passed unanimously. Absent: Hobbs and Katona. Chairman Holcomb arrived at 9: 45 a.m., relieving Chairman Pro-Tem Hudson. The Chairman asked to place Items 21a,b, and c next on the Agenda. All members concurred. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING INSURED LOANS TO FINANCE RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $2,500,000 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT NO.4, 1978, SERIES A, FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING INSURED OR GUARANTEED LOANS TO FINANCE RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING INSURED LOANS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION. 4562 Mr. Shadwell stated that Mr. J as. Warren Beebe, Agency Bond Consultant was in attendance and asked Mr. Beebe if the resolutions before the board currently are resolutions to be adopted. Mr. Beebe said the resolutions are not in final form and are to be approved in principle only. He further stated that there are subsidiary documents to be adopted and the dollar amount is still under discussion. ., d ~ j; ..,.., The Chairman asked if anyone was in opposition to the concept. Mr. Hudson asked if the bonds were for the State College Project and Mr. Shadwell replied that this type of bonding could be used in all Agency projects, but that the first application of these resolutions were for State College Project. Mr. Hudson commented on the necessity of the bonds. The Chairman replied that the bonds could lower interest payments by about 16% on the monthly payments of the purchasers of property, and will help middle income people purchase homes. Mr. Mike Whipple from Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc. addressed the board. Mr. Gerwig commented that he felt the bonds would put the Agency in direct competition with private industry, specifically naming FHA, Cal Vet, Bank of California, Bank of America, etc. Mr. Lackner stated that Mr. Katona, Mr. Castaneda and himself had been to a brief- ing in the Agency Board Room by Mr. Whipple and suggested the item be continued until the other members could attend another such briefing. He said that he felt the bonding would be very good for the City. Mr. Hudson said that he too felt the concept was a good one, but would like more background information before voting on the issue. ,., Mr. Warner Hodgdon addressed the board. He stated that this potential legislation :.....I had been available for a long time, but only recently had been clarified by the SEC and the IRS to make it a workable tool. Mr. Hodgdon spoke favorably of this type of financing. Motion by Gerwig and seconded by Wheeler to continue the matter to September 18, 1978. Mr. Whipple said he would prefer an earlier date because of the crucial timing in- volved. Motion amended by Gerwig and seconded by Wheeler to continue the matter to the second regular meeting in September. Motion carried unanimously. Absent: Hobbs and Katona. ESTABLISH TIME AND HOUR OF MEETINGS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. Chairman Holcomb stated that Mr. Katona had requested that this matter be deferred until he could be in attendance and vote on the matter. Motion to defer until later in the meeting carried unanimously. Absent: Hobbs ~ and Katona. ~ ....., [ r L [ 4563 Mr. Shadwell informed the board Mrs. Brown would be leaving, thanked her for a job well done, and introduced the Agency I s new Executive Secretary, Mrs. Margaret Hoover. RES. 3703-RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS, UTILITY CONSTRUCTION, TRAFFIC SIGNALS, SIGNING AND STRIPING, IN THE AMOUNT OF $392,673.08, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL P ARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. Mr. Shadwell read the resolution aloud and referred to the property on the display board. Mr. Hudson asked if the price was "in the ballpark" and Mr. Shadwell replied that it was not, that the engineer's estimate was $365,000. However, Agency staff feels if the job is rebid the next bid would probably be just as high, if not higher. Mr. Gerwig questioned the cost of the traffic signals and Mr. Shadwell informed him that the cost in question included much more than just the traffic signals. Motion made to waive further reading and adopt the resolution by Hudson and seconded by Castaneda. Resolution No. 3703 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: Gerwig. Absent: Katona and Hobbs. AWARD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS IN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK, TRAC'r NO. 9809. Mr. Shadwell informed the board the Agency received no bids for this job and requested that the item be tabled in order to allow the Agency time to rebid the job. Motion to table the item by Hudson, seconded by Gerwig and carried unanimously. Absent: Katona and Hobbs. RES. 3704- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 WITH MATICH CORPORATION FOR DRAINAGE FACILITY CHANGES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $6,017.50, LITTLE MOUNTAIN DRIVE, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT. Mr. Shadwell read the resolution aloud and briefed the board on the necessity of the Change Order. Mr. Hudson stated that he would make the motion to adopt, but he wanted to recommend that from now on there be much better coordination on the engineering, also that the engineering work be checked out. Motion to waive further reading and adopt the resolution by Hudson and seconded by Wheeler. Resolution No. 3704 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Katona and Hobbs. 4564 Mr. Shadwell stated that Mr. Hodgdon had been asked to prepare a brief summary on the status of construction for his projects located within Agency Project Areas and requested that Mr. Hodgdon be permitted to address the board. All board members concurred. ~ ~l Mr. Hodgdon read aloud a letter response to Mr. Shadwell, Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency. After the response was read the Chairman questioned Mr. Hodgdon as to the status of his proj ects, i. e. Campus Crusade for Christ, the Andreson Building and Riverview Center. Mr. Hodgdon informed the Chairman that Campus Cru- sade had been temporarily halted because the Agency's contractor, Matich Corporation had pulled out of the area for a short time, that construction had already started on his 100,000 square foot building in Riverview Center with equipment to be moved into the area by August 25th. The Chairman again questioned Mr. Hodgdon's plans regarding Andreson Building, informing Mr. Hodgdon that he had no personal interest in the matter, but for the public's best interest must inquire. He further stated that the hotel people were asking questions about the Andreson Building inasmuch as part of it was boarded up and they showed some concern about the possible construction of a multi-million dollar hotel across the street from a boarded up building. Mr. Hodgdon acknowledged the Chairman's comments and stated that he had been in personal contact with the hotel developers who had asked that he and Mrs. Hodgdon participate in the development and invest $12,000,000 in the project. j .-iJ The Chairman again referred to Campus Crusade for Christ and Mr. Hodgdon stated that an engineering error had been made, stopping his work temporarily, but he planned to resume work just as soon as Matich Corporation changed the drainage system. Mr. Hudson asked Mr. Hodgdon, with reference to the Andreson Building, if he planned to go back to his original concept and Mr. Hodgdon stated that he was still thinking about the original concept and that it hadn't left his mind. ~ j ~ ...."J The Chairman thanked Mr. Hodgdon for his comments. RES. 3705- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING PAYMENT TO RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMP ANY IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,900.00, FOR ADDITONAL WORK PERFORMED ON THE MINI-WAREHOUSE, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT. Mr. Shadwell read the resolution aloud and referred to the sewer problems. He stated that the Contractor was asking for an amount that the Agency did not feel was a legitimate cost, and that the Agency's engineer on the job agreed with the staff's opinion Motion to waive further reading and adopt the resolution by Hudson and seconded by Wheeler. Resolution No. 3705 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Katona and Hobbs. ...... ...", [ ",..-. I ~ [ 4565 AUTHORIZE CONSULTANT CONTRACT TO COOPERS & LYBRAND, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FOR UPDATE REPORT OF HANFORD FOUNDRY COMPANY E.I.R., (May, 1974) AND SUPPORT A UDAG GRANT APPLICATION. Chairman Holcomb stated that this item should be tabled. Mr. Shadwell informed the Chairman that representatives from Coopers & Lybrand were in the audience. Chair- man Holcomb reiterated his feeling that the item be tabled and asked for a motion to table. Motion to table by Lackner, seconded by Castaneda and passed unanimously. Absent: Katona and Hobbs. Mr. Wheeler requested that the board deviate from the Agenda and take up Item 22. PROPOSED STATE COLLEGE GOLF COURSE LAYOUT. Mr. Wheeler stated that he feels this item should go a special committee, then to the board. Mr. Larry Eisenhart of CM Engineering introduced himself to the board and showed a proposed rendering of the golf course. Mr. Cary Bickler, Architect, addressed the board. He stated that the course will have 9 holes on the east of the freeway and 9 holes on the west side of the freeway. He further stated that routing the golf course was a long difficult task. Chairman Holcomb appointed a committee comprised of board members Wheeler and Katona. Terrill Spoor and Warner Hodgdon. Mr. Hodgdon stated that he would like to have Mr. Hudson serve on the board because the golf course is in his City Ward. The Chairman agreed to Mr. Hodgdon IS request and appointed Mr. Hudson a member of the commi tee and the Chairman. Motion to approve the committee by Lackner, seconded by Castaneda and passed unanimously. Absent: Katona and Hobbs. Chairman Holcomb asked Mr. Bickler when he thought the golf course could be put out for bid and Mr. Bickler stated that he wants to break ground by January I, 1979 and that the grass be seeded between Apri1l5th and May 15th. 1979. Mr. Hudson asked Mr. Shadwell to coordinate a meeting of all golf course committee members as soon as possible. preferably the week of August 21st . Mr. Shadwell ack- nowledged Mr. Hudson's request. RES. 3706- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH DUKES-DUKES & ASSOCIATES FOR THE PURPOSE OF FORMULATING AND PREPARING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PLAN REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED NORTHWEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. 4566 Mr. Shadwell read the resolution aloud and briefed the board about the proposal. Mr. Hudson questioned Mr. Shadwell with reference to the figure of $40,000 and $4,500 for graphics, as outlined in Dukes-Dukes & Associates proposal letter attached to the resolution. The Chairman stated that the resolution should be amended to read subject to approval of the City Council. Mr. Shadwell stated that the resolution would be amended to show approval of the council and that the cost of the services would be $40,000 plus graphics not to exceed $4,500.00. -, J Motion to waive further reading and adopt the amended resolution by Castaneda and seconded by Wheeler. Resolution No. 3706 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Katona and Hobbs. RES. 3707- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRE- TARY TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR A CONTRIBUTION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR THE NECESSARY COST AND EXPENSES FOR THE PREPARATION OF A PLAN, NECESSARY REPORTS, LEGAL FEES AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE, LEADING TO THE ADOPTION OF THE NORTHWEST PROJECT AREA. Mr. Katona arrives at 11: 00 a.m. After a brief discussion motion to waive further reading and adopt the resolution by Castaneda and seconded by Hudson. ~ , , .....J Resolution No. 3707 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler. Gerwig. Hudson and Lackner. Abstention: Katona. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs and Katona. MOTION TO APPROVE WILLIAM FLORY. AGENCY LEGAL COUNSEL TO REPRESENT AGENCY AND CITY AS LEGAL CONSULTANT TO COORDINATE WITH DUKES- DUKES & ASSOCIATES AND ULTRASYSTEMS THROUGH THE ADOPTION OF THE PLAN, REPORT AND E.I. R. After a brief discussion motion to approve William Flory as Agency Legal Counsel to represent Agency and City as Legal Consultant to coordinate with Dukes-Dukes & Associates & Ultrasystems through adoption of the Northwest Project Plan, Report and E.I.R. was made by Castaneda, seconded by Gerwig and passed unanimously. Ab- stain: Katona. Absent: Hobbs. RES. 3708- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CORPORATE GRANT DEED, CONVEYING PARCEL NO. 136-111-05, CENTRAL CITY SOUTH, TO THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR THE EXTENSION OF ATHOL STREET. ..... Mr. Shadwell read the resolution aloud and refers to area on display board. h it J, -J [ [ [ 4567 Mr. Katona stated that he must disqualify himself as he owns an interest in property in Central City South. Mr. Herbert, representing Stockwell & Binney, addressed the board. He stated that Stockwell & Binney plan to expand their warehousing by building a new structure of 10,000 sq. ft. . however. in order to expand it is necessary to vacate Oak Street and have Athol Street dedicated for street purposes. Motion to waive further reading and adopt the resolution by Castaneda and seconded by Hudson. Resolution No. 3708 adopted by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler. Hudson and Lackner. Noes: Gerwig. Absent: Katona and Hobbs. APPROVE ACQUISITION OF . AND OPTION TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND IN SEIP FOR THE PURPOSE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT. Mr. Shadwell informed the board that the acquisition of this property is necessary. Mr. Gerwig asked if the developer will pay the same price as the purchase price and Mr. Shadwell told him they would not. After a discussion Mr. Katona stated that the council/ board will not pay the price the sellers are asking. He further stated that he thought the asked for purchase prices were outrageous and a "rip -off" of the taxpayer's money. Mr. Shadwell informed the board that in order to meet the Agency's obligations to Ceramic Tile Co. and Armour Glass Co. . some of the property must be acquired. Mr. Flory. Agency Counsel stated that the Agency could go through condemnation proceedings and leave the matter of the purchase price up to a jury. however, he fur- ther cautioned the board that a jury could award a higher purchase price than the one the sellers are asking for now. Mr. Katona asked if the Agency would have to pay the price determined through condemnation if it was higher and was informed yes. Mr. Katona then stated that all negotiations should be rejected. Chairman Holcomb suggested that the matter be continued to 2: 00 p.m. that afternoon and cautioned the board about probable law suits that would be filed by Ceramic Tile and Armour Glass inasmuch as they have both expended considerable amounts of money in their developments thinking the property would eventually be sold to them at a previously agreed upon price. Mr. Wallace Green addressed the board, stating that he had been informed that both developers had made sizable purchases of equipment. Mr. Hudson then referred to the property necessary to satisfy the Agency's present commitments and stated that the board buy just the section of property needed for Cer- amic Tile and Armour Glass. Chairman Holcomb asked the purchase price for just that property and was informed by Mr. Shadwell that the price was $516,000.00. Mr. Katona stated that he would change his mind and make a motion to continue the matter. Motion seconded by Gerwig. 4568 Mr. Wheeler commented on the continuance by stating that perhaps the Agency staff could obtain the necessary information for the board before the afternoon meeting started, allowing the board time to review the documents and perhaps act on the matter in the afternoon session. ., I .,."J Chairman Holcomb asked that Mr. Katona's motion be amended to continue the matter until 2: 00 p.m. , August 21, 1978. Mr. Katona stated he wanted his original mo- tion to stand and pass. Motion by Katona, seconded by Gerwig to continue the matter voted on in the following maimer: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler and Hudson. Noes: Katona, Gerwig and Lackner. Motion failed to pass. Motion to continue the matter to 2: 00 p .m, August 21,1978 by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda and carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: Katona and Gerwig. Absent: Hobbs. RES. 3709- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF PARCEL NO. 134-351-05 OWNED BY THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO WATER DEPARTMENT, CENTRAL CITY SOUTH FOR THE AMOUNT OF $63,184.00. Mr. Shadwell read the resolution aloud. Mr. Hudson questioned the price the Water Department was asking for the property. Mr. Shadwell advised the board that they are obligated to buy the property because of the commitment to the Central City South Company development. Mr. Hudson asked what the appraised value was and Mr. Jay Succow, Agency Real Estate Manager responded by informing Mr. Hudson the property was appraised in September, 1974 at $1. 75 per square foot. ... I , -J Motion to waive further reading and adopt the resolution by Castaneda and seconded by Wheeler. Resolution No. 3709 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Katona and Hobbs. RES. 3710- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE AGENCY COUNSEL TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER NOTICE OF HEARING ON ADOPTION OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION BY THE POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY, LOCATED WITHIN THE CENTRAL CITY SOUTH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. Mr. Shadwell informed the board the Agency had been unable to negotiate satisfactorily with the sellers of the property, therefore this action is necessary. Motion to waive further reading, adopt the resolution and set a Public Hearing ~ for Wednesday, September 13, 1978 at 2: 00 p.m. , by Castaneda and seconded by Wheeler. i .~ ...." [ [ [ 4569 Resolution No. 3710 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Katona and Hobbs. RES. 3711- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 AT 2: 00 P .M. , TO CONSIDER THE SALE OF AN EASEMENT OVER AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR STREET PURPOSES FOR THE SUM OF $15,936.96. RES. 3712- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 AT 2: 00 P.M., TO CONSIDER THE SALE OF AN EASEMENT OVER AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY UNDER LEASE TO THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PARKING DISTRICT FOR STREET PURPOSES FOR THE SUM OF $9,647.04. Mr. Shadwell read the resolutions aloud. After a brief discussion motion to waive further reading and adopt the resolutions by Wheeler and seconded by Hudson. Resolution Nos. 3711 and 3712 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hobbs. Items 14. 15, 16 and 17 continued to 2: 00 p.m. with no official action taken. RENT AL AGREEMENT WITH LOS P ADRINOS FOR CHANNEL 18 BUILDING. Mr. Shadwell stated that Mr. Honeysett, Publisher of the Sun Telegram, would like this item continued because he is discussing the sale of the property with unnamed persons Motion to table by Gerwig, seconded by Katona and passed unanimously. Absent: Hobbs. RES. 3713- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO RELATING TO THE CENTRAL CITY MALL SECURITY PROGRAM AND THE ISSUANCE OF CITATIONS FOR CERTAIN ORDINANCE VIOLATIONS. Mr. Shadwell read the resolution aloud. With little discussion, motion to waive further reading and adopt the resolution by Wheeler and seconded by Castaneda. Resolution No. 3713 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. AWARD CONTRACT TO C G ENGINEERING FOR INDEPENDENT ENGINEERING REPORT RELATIVE TO THE SALE OF THE PENNEY BUILDING, AS REQUIRED BY BOND RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED FOR DOWNTOWN PARKING FACILITY. Motion to continue item until 2: 00 p.m. August 21,1978 by Gerwig, seconded by Katona and passed unanimously. Absent: Hobbs. 4570 RES. 3714- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING A TIME EXTENSION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE OPTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN WESTSIDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND THE AGENCY FOR 11.5 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED IN STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK. .., {j , , -- Mr. Shadwell read the resolution aloud and briefed the board. Motion to authorize extension, waive further reading and adopt the resolution by Hudson and seconded by Castaneda. Resolution No. 3714 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. ESTABLISH TIME OF REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. The Chairman brought back Item 2 of the Agenda, previously continued until Mr. Katona could be in attendance. Mr. Hudson stated that he thought the board could meet at 3: 00 p . m. on the Friday preceeding a Council Meeting. The Chairman stated that he thought Friday would be a very bad day and suggested the board meet on Thurs- days. Mr. Katona stated he would like to meet with the Council at 2: 00 p.m., then at 3: 00 p.m. , take up the Agency business until 6: 00 p.m. , adjourn until 7: 30 p.m. , and take up the planning agenda items, all on the same council meeting day. Mr. Katona's suggestion was met with little enthusiasm. ~ After lengthy discussion motion made by Hudson and seconded by Wheeler to meet at 2: 00 p .m, the Wednesday preceeding the regular council meetings. Motion passed by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: Katona and Gerwig. Absent: Hobbs. ....J Motion to adjourn to regular meeting at 2: 00 p.m, ,August 21, 1978 by Hudson, seconded by Castaneda and passed unanimously. Absent: Hobbs. R. E. Shadwell, Jr. Secretary ~ .....tI r '-- [ [ 4571 Minutes. of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency 2: 00 p.m., August 21, 1978 The Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Chairman Holcomb at 2: 00 p.m. , Monday, August 21, 1978 in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, CA. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Mr. Robert Noakes, Minister of Music, Immanuel Baptist Church, San Bernardino, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Wheeler. ROLL CALL Roll Call showed the following present: Chairman Holcomb, Board Members Lackner, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Castaneda and Wheeler, Ralph E. Shadwell, Jr., Executive Director, Wm. A. Flory, Agency Counsel and Barbara Brown, Executive Secretary. Absent: Member Hobbs. Mayor Holcomb proceeded to conduct city business. The Joint Public Hearing was declared open at 2: 30 p.m. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE SALE OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE PENNEY BUILDING TO H. FRANK DOMINGUEZ, DBA VANIR RESEARCH COMPANY AND MR. DAVID MILLER OF MILLER'S OUTPOST AS A JOINT VENTURE. Mr. Gerwig stated that at the last meeting held August 7, 1978, Mr. David Miller said he would pay $50,000 more than Mr. Dominguez. Mr. Gerwig feels that the additional $50,000 should go directly to the Redevelopment Agency and not to Upham Trust. It was explained to Mr. Gerwig that the only reason Uphams were accepting Mr. Dominguez's figure was because they did not think that a larger amount could be obtained, however, in light of Mr. Miller's offer, in all likelihood Upham Trust will want the entire payment of $825,000 as that amount is still less than the amount the Agency currently owes on their unpaid balance. Mr. Flory cautioned the board that the Uphams have never said, in writing, that they were willing to accept any offer less than the total amount due them. Motion to continue the item until 2: 00 p.m. , September 11, 1978 by Castaneda, seconded by Wheeler and passed unanimously. Absent: Hobbs. RES. 3715- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO RECEIVING AN OFFER TO.PURCHASE TWO ACRES OF LAND IN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WARE- HOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION SPACE BY GIBSON BROTHERS JANITORIAL SERVICE AND SETTING A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TO CONSIDER SAID OFFER. 4572 Mr. Shadwell read the resolution aloud and asked that a Public Hearing be set for 2: 00 p.m. . September 11. 1978. ~ Motion to waive further reading and adopt the resolution setting the Public Hear- ing for 2:00 p.m.. September 11.1978 by Wheeler and seconded by Hudson. :~ ~ ....J Resolution No. 3715 adopted by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Castaneda. Wheeler, Katona. Gerwig. Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. JOINT. PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE SALE OF LAND IN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK TO T. J. BURRIS CORPORATION. Mr. Shadwell asked that this item be continued until 2: 00 p.m., September 11, 1978. Motion to continue the item by Castaneda, seconded by Wheeler and passed unani- mously. Absent: Hobbs. RES. 3716- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO RECEIVING AN OFFER TO PURCHASE TWO ACRES OF LAND IN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDUSTRIAL PLANT BY CERTIFIED THERMOPLASTICS COMPANY AND SETTING A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TO CONSIDER SAID OFFER. ~ Mr. Shadwell read the resolution aloud and asked that a Public Hearing be set for 2: 00 p.m. , September 11, 1978. .....J Motion to waive further reading and adopt the resolution setting the Public Hearing for 2: 00 p.m. , September 11. 1978 by Wheeler and seconded by Hudson. Resolution No. 3716 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. RES. 3717- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CALIFORNIA, CHANGING THE TIME OF REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 3678. 'QL,}'" C, t '/qc, /i"';) Ic- Mr. Wheeler commented that he would like to reconsider Item No. 2 on the Agenda. previously acted upon in the morning meeting after a discussion with Mr. Shadwell. Mr. Wheeler stated that he would like to change the time and meeting date of the Agency Board to the Wedensday following the first and third regularly scheduled Council Meeting at 2: 00 p.m. , with the next regular meeting to be held Wednesday, September 13,1978 at 2:00 p.m. .... Motion to waive further reading and adopt the resolution by Wheeler and seconded by Castaneda. -'" [ [ r ...... 4573 Resolution No. 3717 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. RES .3718- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SEC- RETARY TO ACQUIRE PROPERTY ON BEHALF OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA FROM SAN BERNARDINO INDUSTRIAL PARK. Mr. Shadwell informed the board that the sellers had indicated that they were willing to negotiate with the Agency on a price agreeable to themselves and the board. Mr. Hudson stated that he felt the tax to be derived from the development would warrant the adoption of the resolution and subsequent actions by the Agency. Discussion regarding proposed changes in the resolution commenced. All changes were noted by the Agency staff, i. e. , number of acres to be acquired will be 32.28 for a total purchase price of $516,480. Motion to waive further reading and adopted the amended resolution by Hudson and seconded by Wheeler. Resolution No. 3718 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: Katona. Absent: Hobbs. Mr. Shadwell then asked for a motion to reject Items 10 b and 10 c and obtain permission from the board to renegotiate with the sellers for the purchase of the property in question. Motion to reject Items lOa and 10 b, and authorize renegotiations with the seller to the Agency staff by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson and passed unanimously. Ab- sent: Hobbs. RES. 3719- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH C G ENGINEERING FOR EN- GINEERING REPORT IN CONNECTION WITH PARKING FACILITY. Mr. Shadwell read the resolution aloud and briefed the board on the necessary action. Motion to waive further reading and adopt the resolution by Castaneda and seconded by Wheeler. Resolution No. 3719 adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. 4574 Motion to adjourn to Adjourned Regular Meeting at 2: 00 p.m.. September 11. 1978. by Hudson. seconded by Castaneda and passed unanimously. Absent: Hobbs. ...., f -J Mr. Gerwig stated that in the future he wanted firm figures on the cost of land the Agency will buy. Mr. Shadwell noted Mr. Gerwig's directive. Secretary --. .....IIi ~ ~ .....J [ [ [ 4575 Minutes of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California September 11, 1978 An Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Chairman Holcomb at 2: 00 P.M. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Mr. Travis Hamby of the First United Methodist Church of Cransfill Gap, Texas. Mr. Hamby is a brother-in -law of Olen Jones. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Hobbs. ROLL CALL Roll Call showed the following present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Members Robert A. Castaneda, Edward S. Wheeler, William Katona, Richard F. Gerwig, and John D. Hobbs; Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory and Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. Absent: Members Russell E. Lackner and Lionel E. Hudson. At this time, Mr. Hobbs stated that as Councilman of the Sixth Ward, before going ahead with the meeting, he would like to commend Chief of Police, Ray Rucker and the San Bernardino Police Department for the beautiful job they were doing in enforcing the law against prostitution in the Mt. Vernon district, and that he wished to thank the Chief for enlisting the aid of motel owners in the area for their assistance in reporting prostitution activities. The Joint Public Hearing was declared open at 2: 15 P. M. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE SALE OF AGENCY PROPERTY LOCATED AT 494 NORTH "E" STREET (PENNEY'S BUILDING) TO VANIR RESEARCH COMPANY & MILLERIS OUTPOST AS A JOINT VENTURE. (Continued from the meeting of August 21, 1978) A motion was made by Katona, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, that the hearing be continued to Monday, September 18, 1978 at 2: 00 p. m. in the ,Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE SALE OF PROPER TY LOCATED WEST OF TIPPECANOE AVENUE TO THE T . J. BURRIS CORPORATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, SEIP. (Continued from the meeting of August 21, 1978) A motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Katona and unanimously carried, that the hearing be continued to October 2,1978 at 2: 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. 4576 JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE SALE OF AGENCY PROPERTY LOCATED ON ARROWHEAD AVENUE BETWEEN 4TH AND 5TH STREETS TO STEVEN A. BECKER, ET AL., CENTRAL CITY NORTH. (Continued from the meeting of August 7, 1978) -, I' , -J R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Executive Director, stated that the offer to purchase had been withdrawn by letter of August 18 from Mr. Steven A. Becker, and requested the matter be tabled. A motion was made by Hobbs, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried, that the offer to purchase from Steven A. Becker be tabled. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE SALE OF 2 ACRES OF AGENCY LAND LOCATED SOUTH OF RIVERVIEW DRIVE BETWEEN RICHARDSON STREET AND MOUNTAIN VIEW AVENUE TO CERTIFIED THERMOPLASTICS COMPANY. Mr. Shadwell explained that Certified Thermoplastics Company had rescinded their offer to purchase a 2 acre site in the Southeast Industrial Park area and requested the matter be tabled. A motion was made by Gerwig seconded by Hobbs and unanimously carried, that the offer to purchase from Certified Thermoplastics Company be tabled. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE SALE ..... OF 2 ACRES OF AGENCY PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF RIVERVIEW DRIVE BETWEEN RICHARDSON STREET AND MOUNTAIN VIEW AVENUE TO GIBSON .....,J BROTHERS JANITORIAL SERVICE. (Continued from the meeting of August 21) . Mr. Katona asked questions regarding plans to build a $300,000 warehouse facility on the site and that it was estimated that the annual property tax increment pro- duced by the project would be $3,000.00, which would in turn take over six years for the tax increment to equal the amount of the Redevelopment Agency. s net cost. Mr. Katona voiced his objections, stating that this would go over the 5 year tax increment guideline as had been previously established. Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution: RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SOUTH- EAST INDUSTRIAL PARK TO GIBSON BROTHERS JANITORIAL SERVICE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A 2 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND. A motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda, that further reading of the resolution be waived and said resolution be adopted. The motion lost by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castenada, Wheeler, Hobbs, Noes: Katona, Gerwig. Absent: Hudson and Lackner. ,.., I ....J [ [ [ 4577 Mr. Ray Glider, representing Gibson Brothers, spoke on the issue, and pointed out that the road was being built through the property and would serve at least nine lots. He stated that in his opinion the Redevelopment Agency would not save any money by declining to sell to Gibson Brothers. Mr. Glider explained the location of a block wall fence 6 feet high, which would be very expensive and which everyone along Riverview Drive would be required to install, at his own expense. Katona responded that the issue would not get his affirmative vote. Glenda Saul, Director of Finance, explained the method of assessing street improve- ments based on total acreage. Mr. Shadwell suggested that there might be a way of calculating the road costs that would fall within the five year increment and that the matter could be brought back later in the afternoon after new computations were made by the Finance Department. Chairman Holcomb suggested that the matter be held in abeyance and reconsidered later in the meeting and that Glenda Saul compute an estimate on a front footage basis. A motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda and carried that the matter be reconsidered later in the meeting after the Director of Finance had had an opportunity to compute the tax assessment on a front footage basis. The motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona and Hobbs. Noes: Gerwig. Absent: Hudson and Lackner. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE SALE OF AGENCY PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF COURT AND "E" STREETS TO V ANIR RESEARCH COMPANY. A motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried, that the public hearing be continued to October 2,1978 at 2: 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. Mayor Holcomb continued the meeting to conduct City business. 3: 05 p.m. The meeting proceeded with the continued Item No.5 regarding the consideration of the sale of 2 acres of Agency property located south of Riverview Drive between Richardson Street and Mountain View Avenue to Gibson Brothers Janitorial Service. Mr. Shadwell explained that by computing the cost on the basis of linear feet adjoining the street, rather than by the percentage of acreage of each lot served by the street, the amount would then be $17,087.00 for the two acre parcel, an amount equal to four years and six months tax increment, as opposed to the previous figure of $21,948.00 on a 6 year and 2 month tax increment basis. 4578 Mr. Katona stated his approval. This method of calculation was given approval by other Board members present. However, Mr. Hobbs stated that he believed a policy should be established so that businesses moving from one place to another within the area would be given less assistance from the Redevelopment Agency than those moving in from the outside, due to the fact that those already established here did not bring in as many new jobs, and he was for more jobs and more industry. RES. NO. 3720 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK TO GIBSON BROTHERS JANITORIAL SERVICE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A 2 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND. A motion was made by Katona, seconded by Wheeler to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3720 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castenada, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hobbs and Lackner. Absent: Hudson. Chairman Holcomb asked the consideration of the Board to take up the items scheduled for the Redevelopment Agency Board Meeting of September 13, 1978. After discussion, it was determined that time did not permit the lengthy agenda. Motion was made by Katona, seconded by Hobbs and unanimously carried to adjourn to the Regular Meeting at 2: 00 p.m., September 13,1978. ~ R. E. Shadwell, Jr. Secretary ~ r i I .....,tiIJ -, -J ...... I , j j .~ .....J [ [ "... L 4579 Minutes of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California September 13, 1978 The Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino convened at 2: 00 p.m. INVOCA T~ON The Invocation was given by Rev. John Woods, New Hope Missionary Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Castaneda ROLL CALL Roll Call showed the following present: Chairman W. R. IIBobll Holcomb, Members William Katona, Robert A. Castaneda, Richard F. Gerwig , Executive Director R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, Administrative Assistant Sandy Lowder, and Executive Secretary Margaret Hoover. Absent: John D. Hobbs, Russell E. Lackner, Edward S. Wheeler and Lionel E. Hudson. Chairman Holcomb stated there was not as yet a quorum but other members would be present shortly and suggested that a brief review was in order to acquaint those present with the agenda items. At 2: 30 Mr. Lackner enters the meeting. A quorum being present, Chairman Holcomb officially called the meeting to order at 2: 35 p.m. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Castaneda to approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of August 21, 1978 and the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 21, 1978. Motion passed unanimously. Absent: Hudson, Wheeler and Hobbs. Chairman Holcomb declared the Public Hearing open. PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE SALE OF AN EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO TO PROVIDE A BUS STOP ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF 4TH AND IIEII STREETS. 4580 Motion by Castaneda, seconded by Lackner that the hearing be closed. Motion passed unanimously. Absent: Hudson, Hobbs, Wheeler. Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution. RES. NO. 3721. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING THE SALE OF AN EASEMENT IN AND OVER AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF FOURTH AND "E" STREETS TO THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A BUS STOP FACILITY, CENTRAL CITY NORTH, FOR THE SUM OF $15,936.96. Mr. Shadwell stated that the approval of this Resolution should be made contingent upon the successful conclusion of the Parking District Public Hearing proces s . Motion by Castaneda, seconded by Lackner to waive further reading of the resolution and adopt with the suggested delineations. Resolution No. 3721 was adopted unanimously. Absent: Wheeler, Hudson and Hobbs. Mr. Hobbs enters the meeting. PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE APPROVAL OF EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING TO THE OWNERS OF PARCELS 134-341-03, 134-341-18 and 134-341-19, CENTRAL CITY SOUTH PROJECT. Mr. George Pallas spoke on behalf of Mary Pallas requesting an extension of time for the hearing, stating that she has agreed to sell the property but will not be available until October. Mr. Shadwell informed the Board that we could go ahead with condemnation proceedings when Mrs. Pallas returns, if necessary. Mr. Katona stated that he wished to disqualify himself from the vote due to the fact that he had an interest in certain parcels of property within the Central City South Proj ect Area. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Castaneda that the Public Hearing be closed. Motion passed unanimously. Absent: Hudson and Wheeler. ~ :1 , .....tI ~ ......,J ~ I ~ -J [ [ [ 4581 Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution. RES. NO. 3732. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING AND DECLARING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY FOR REDEVELOPMENT PURPOSES IN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS AUTHORIZED BY HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE 33391 ET. AL. ET. SEQ. , DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO ACQUIRE SAID PARCELS BY EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS AND DIRECTING THE AGENCY I S COUNSEL TO COMMENCE AN ACTION IN THE SAN BERNARDINO SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR SAID PURPOSES. Motion by Castaneda, seconded by Lackner to waive further reading and adopt the Resolution. Resolution No, 3732 was adopted by unanimous vote. Absent: Hudson and Wheeler, PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE GRANTING OF AN EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO TO PROVIDE A BUS STOP ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF 4TH AND "E" STREETS. Motion by Castaneda, seconded by Hobbs that the Public Hearing be closed Motion passed unanimously, Absent: Hudson and Wheeler. Mr, Shadwell read the resolution, informing the Board that the granting of the easement was subject to the successful conclusion of the Parking District Public Hearing process. RES. NO, 3722., RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE GRANTING OF AN EASEMENT IN AND OVER AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY LEASED TO THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PARKING DISTRICT, LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF FOURTH AND "E" STREETS TO THE CITY OF SAN BERNAR- DINO FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A BUS STOP FACILITY IN CENTRAL CITY NORTH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA, IN CONSIDERA~g:s OF REPLACEMENT BY CITY OF EQUAL NUMBER OF PARKING PL ELIMINATED BY SAID CONSTRUCTION. 4582 Motion by Castaneda, seconded by Katona to waive further reading and adopt the resolution with the recommended delineations. ~ Resolution No. 3722 was adopted unanimously. Absent: Hudson and Wheeler. .....J AUTHORIZE THE USE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURE ON CHECKS DRAWN UPON THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. Motion by Katona, seconded by Castaneda to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. RES. NO. 3723. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE AND USE OF A FACSIMILE SIGNATURE ON CHECKS DRAWN UPON ALL ACCOUNTS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. Resolution No. 3723 was adopted unanimously. Absent: Hudson and Wheeler. AUTHORIZE A CHECKING ACCOUNT FOR THE PROPOSED NORTHWEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. ---- Motion by Katona, seconded by Castaneda to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. .....J RES. NO. 3724. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING CHECKING ACCOUNT WITH THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE NORTHWEST PROJECT AREA. Resolution No. 3724 was adopted unanimously. Absent: Wheeler and Hudson. ACCEPT THE CONVEYANCE OF .28 ACRES OF LAND FROM SAN BERNARDINO INDUSTRIAL PARK INC., FOR NO COST TO THE AGENCY FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING THE WESTERLY EXTENSION OF COOLEY AVENUE, SEIP. Mr. Shadwell read the resolution aloud and briefed the Board on the necessary action. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Lackner to waive further reading and adopt the resolution ~ .....J [ [ r '- 4583 RES. NO. 3725. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE CONVEYANCE OF .28 ACRES OF LAND OWNED BY SAN BERNAR- DINO INDUSTRIAL PARK, INC., AT NO COST TO THE REDEVELOP- MENT AGENCY. Resolution No. 3725 was adopted unanimously. Absent: Castaneda, Wheeler, and Hudson. Mr. Wheeler enters the meeting. RES. NO. 3733. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF A .34 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND OWNED BY SAN BERNARDINO INDUSTRIAL PARK INC. , LOCA TED WESTERLY OF TIPPECANOE AVENUE AND SOUTH OF COOLEY AVENUE FOR THE AMOUNT OF $5,440.00. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Castaneda to waive further reading of the resolution and adopt. Resolution No. 3733 was adopted unanimously. Absent: Hudson. AUTHORIZE OPTIONS TO ACQUIRE LAND IN THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK FOR THE PURPOSE OF FURTHERING INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO , LOCATED WESTERLY OF TIPPECANOE AVENUE, SEIP. Mr. Shadwell requested that this matter be tabled. Motion by Castaneda, seconded by Wheeler that the matter be tabled. Motion was unanimously carried. Absent: Hudson. RECEIVE PRESENTATION BY THE COMMITTEE RELATIVE TO THE ROUTING OF THE ST ATE COLLEGE GOLF COURSE, LIONEL HUDSON, CHAIRMAN. In the absence of the Chairman, Mr. Wheeler briefed theBoard on the Golf Course routing. Mr. Gerwig moved to continue the matter until the following week. Mr. Wheeler stated that he was willing to continue the matter but tha~ he .' saw no point in continuing, that this action was merely to appr~ve theroutin~, whth to his knowledge posed no problem. He added that he had reVlewed the routing 0 the course and had tried a variety of ways but could find no better way to change the routing. 4584 Mr. Shadwell informed the Board that as Soon as the architect had finalized plans for the layout of the Golf Course, the Committee would meet and bring back to the Board their recommendations. ~ -~ ...... Mr. Gerwig withdrew his motion. Motion by Castaneda , seconded by Gerwig to approve the State College Golf Course routing plan. Motion was unanimously carried. Absent: Hudson. RES. NO. 3726. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH MEYER CONSTRUCTORS FOR WASTE WATER COLLECTION SYSTEM AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS, STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK. Mr. Shadwell explained the project and stated that the execution of this contract was subject to receipt of $60,302.26 from the developer for the construction of the north side of Shennandoah Way, or the elimination of this item from the contract. Motion by Castaneda, seconded by Wheeler to waive further reading and adopt the resolution subject to receipt of the money from the developer, or elimination of the subject item from the total contract. ~ Resolution No. 3726 was unanimously adopted with inter delineations . Absent: Hudson. .......J AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COMMERCENTER, SEIP. Motion by Castaneda, seconded by Katona and unanimously carried, that the matter be continued to September 20,1978. Absent: Hudson. RES. NO. 3727. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH RIVERSIDE CON- STRUCTION COMPANY FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK, UNIT NO. 17. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Castaneda to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3727 was adopted unanimously. Absent: Hudson. ...... ....."" r L.. [ ",.. I '-- 4585 RES. NO. 3728. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO WATER DEPARTMENT FOR WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS TO SERVE COOLEY AVENUE AND SUNNYSIDE AVENUE, WEST OF TIPPECANOE A VENUE, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. Mr. Shadwell answered questions of the Board and explained that the purpose of this contract was to provide installation of water mains to serve Cooley and Sunny- side Avenues west of Tippecanoe. Motion by Katona, seconded by Castaneda to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3728 was unanimously adopted. Absent: Hudson. RES. NO. 3729. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH C G ENGINEERING FOR ENGINEERING REPORT IN CONNECTION WITH PARKING FACILITY. Mr. Gerwig stated that he felt this was a waste of money and asked why the contract was necessary. Chairman Holcomb said the same things had crossed his mind but that according to the agreements with the bondholders entered into when the Parking Districts bonds were offered for sale, provisions were made for an independent engineering study before the deletion of any properties of the Parking District. He stated that it was all very complicated but there was nO way around the situation. During further discussion, it was suggested that if the situation ever should develope again that covenants for future bond issues merely provide that spaces be replaced and not require an independent engineering study. Motion by Castaneda, seconded by Wheeler to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3729 was unanimously adopted. Absent: Hudson. 4586 ~ RES. NO. 3730. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY FOR THE RELOCATION OF FACILITIES IN THE VICINITY OF MT. VIEW AVENUE, RIVERVIEW DRIVE AND RICHARDSON STREET FOR THE SUM OF $41,699.48 , SEIP. .....,j Mr. Flory answered questions of the Board and explained the recent Supreme Court ruling. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3730 was unanimously adopted. Absent: Hudson. RES. NO. 3731. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO.1 WITH KRUGER-MCGREW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR EXTRA WORK PERFORMED IN THE STATE COLLEGE INDUS- TRIAL PARK DEMOLITION PHASE FOR THE SUM OF $1,906.85. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda to waive further reading and adopt ~ the resolution. .....,j Resolution No. 3731 was adopted unanimously. Absent: Hudson. CONSIDER THE PAYMENT OF A "FINDER'S FEE" TO MR. R. H. LAUNDER FOR SERVICES RENDERED AS THE REAL ESTATE AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING MILLER'S OUTPOST IN THE PENNEY BUILDING LOCATED AT 5TH AND "E" STREETS. Mr. Launder addressed the Board and stated that he felt he was entitled to some compensation for the time and effort he had spent with Mr. Miller. Chairman Holcomb stated that it was the opinion of the Attorney that we cannot legally support a finder's fee and that we cannot go against the advice of our Attorney. It was further discussed and recommended that Mr. Launder meet with Mr. Flory and Mr. Shadwell and work out a solution. Motion by Lackner, seconded by Hobbs and unanimously carried, to table the matter. ~ ......J [ r- ; ! i '-- ",... u I '-- 4587 The Chairman asked that the staff provide for an "open discussion" session at the next regular board meeting to hear presentations regarding a potential policy to provide finder's fees or commissions to persons effectuating the lease or sale of Agency owned property. He further asked that the Board of Realtors be so notified. Motion by Hobbs, seconded by Lackner and unanimously carried, that the meeting be adjourned to the Joint Public Hearing, September 18,1978 at 2: 00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California. ~ R. E. Shadwell, Jr. , Executive Director ~ , -J ~ ....., ,..., .....",/i r ... r I '-- r L.., 4588 Minutes of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California September 18, 1978 An Adjo~rned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Ag~ncy of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Chairman Holcomb at 2: 00 p . m . INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Rev.. R. L. McDonald, Little Zion Missionary Baptist Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Hobbs. ROLL CALL Roll Call showed the following present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Members Robert A. Castaneda, Edward S. Wheeler, William Katona, Richard F. Gerwig, John D. Hobbs, Lionel E. Hudson, Executive Director R. E. Shadwell, Jr.. Agency Counsel Wm. A. Flory, Executive Secretary Margaret Hoover. Absent: Russell E. Lackner. The Joint Public Hearing was declared opened at 2: 05 p.m. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE SALE OF AGENCY PROPERTY LOCATED AT 494 NORTH "E" STREET TO H. FRANK DOMINGUEZ, dba V ANIR RESEARCH COMPANY AND DAVID D. MILLER AND DENYSE M. MILLER, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEVELOPING RETAIL AND OFFICE FACILITIES, CENTRAL CITY NORTH. Mr. Shadwell briefed the Board on the project stating that this was the same plan approved in principle by the Common Council in July whereby Vanir Research Company was to buy the J. C. Penney building from the Redevelopment Agency, however, the deal fell through and Vanir withdrew its offer when Miller's Outpost presented an offer for $50,000 more than the $775,000 offered by Vanir. Since that time Vanir Research Company and David and Denyse Miller had joined forces and were now offering to purchase the building for $775,000. Attorney Everett McGuire, representing the Upham Development Company ~ was introduced and stated that he felt any amount received over the purchase prIce previously offered by Vanir should go to the Upham Trust. 4589 --- Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, stated that it should be understood that the parking situation had not been straightened out and that the sale of property is subject to the successful conclusion of the parking district public hearing. , ......J Mr. Gerwig questioned what happened to the $50,000 which David D. Miller had previously stated that he would pay over and above the offer made by Vanir if he could get parking along with the building. Mr. Dominguez, representing Vanir Research Company, stated that he and Mr. Miller had become partners and that they were making the joint offer with the full intent of improving the property and the $50,000 could well be used to that effect. Mr. Gerwig inferred that he would go along with the offer if the conditions of the contract were modified to state that the $50,000 would be used for the improvement of the property. Mr. Dominguez gave his assurance that Miller's Outpost would be a permanent fixture and that in his opinion improvements to the building would be more beneficial to restoring the downtown area than would be paying a higher purchase price to the Redevelopment Agency, particularly in light of the fact that, if a higher price was obtained, the Uphams would probably seek the nearly $20,000 write-off they were allowing the Redevelopment Agency in the settlement agreement. .., Mr. Katona asked questions regarding unpaid taxes on the property and stated that to his knowledge no taxes had been paid since the property was acquired. Mr. Dominguez stated that he was aware that tax obligations would have to be met. -..iJ Chairman Holcomb commended Mr. Dominguez on his persistance in putting the package together, stating that he had given much time and effort in working out the details of the proj ect . Mr. Lackner entered the meeting. Motion by Castaneda, seconded by Wheeler and carried, that the Public Hearing be closed. Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution: RES. NO. 3734 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN CENTRAL CITY NORTH TO H. FRANK DOMINGUEZ, dba VANIR RESEARCH COMPANY; DAVID D. MILLER AND DENYSE M. MILLER FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A RETAIL AND OFFICE FACILITY. - 2 - -, I ! i -.J ) 4590 [ Mr. Shadwell reminded the Board that the resolution should also state that this was subject to the successful conclusion of the Parking District Hearing process in relationship to the Penney's Building. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda to waive further reading and adopt the resolution as amended. Resolution No. 3734 was adopted by unanimous vote. Mr. Flory requested an adjournment of the Redevelopment Agency portion of the meeting. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda and passed unanimouly, to adjourn to the next Regular Board Meeting at 2: 00 p.m., September 20,1978. [~~~ R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Executive Director r I.., -, .~ f ...,.J ,.., ! ; I .....; ~ , I I I I ......J [ [ [ 4591 Minutes of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California September 20, 1978 The Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Chairman Holcomb at 2: 00 p.m. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Rev. Elijah Singletary. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Gerwig. ROLL CALL Roll Call showed the following present: Chairman W. R. II Bob II Holcomb, Members, William Katona, RobertA. Castaneda, RichardF. Gerwig, JohnD. Hobbs, EdwardS. Wheeler, Executive Director R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, Administrative Assistant Sandy Lowder and Executive Secretary Margaret Hoover. Absent: Lionel E. Hudson and Russell E. Lackner. RES. NO. 3735 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING AMENDMENTS TO THE OFFICIAL PERSONNEL MANUAL. Mr. Shadwell read the foregoing resolution and answered questions of the Board regarding Section 3 of the resolution whereby the Director of Public Relations Exhibit "C" had been substituted for that of the Director of Intergovernmental Resources. Mr. KatOha asked if that particular job slot had outlived its usefulness. Mr. Shadwell stated that it had. Mr. Gerwig asked if the minutes of the previous meeting reflected the deletion of Deputy Director from the budget. Mr. Shadwell assured him that the minutes of August 7, 1978 had been corrected to delete this position. Motion by Castaneda, seconded by Gerwig to waive further reading and adopt the resolution authorizing amendments to the Redevelopment Agency Official Personnel Manual. Motion adopted unanimously. Absent: Hudson and Lackner. Mr. Hudson enters the meeting. 4592 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE PREVAILING RATE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JULY 31, 1978, FOR ALL CONTRACTS WITH C M ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. ~ -J Mr. Shadwell read the resolution and proceeded to answer questions of the Board. He explained that an increase in rates is necessary as a result of fringe benefits, salary adjustments and acceleration of overhead costs to the engineering firm, and that C M Engineering had requested that all contracts with their firm be approved on the basis of the new Prevailing Rate Schedule. He further explained that the Prevailing Rate Schedule is established by the International Union of Operating Engineers and is revised by that institution from time to time and that we have no control over the changes. Mr. Flory informed the Board that a resolution was necessary to approve the prevailing wage scale as this is the basis on which the Finance Department pays the contractor. Glenda Saul explained the method used by the Operations Department of the Redevelopment Agency for determining the charges before payment is made by the Finance Department. After a lengthy discussion it was determined to table the resolution and to accept and file the Prevailing Rate Schedule and grant authority to pay C M Engineering under the terms of the contract. ,., I I -.J Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Katona, to file and accept the Prevailing Rate Schedule and grant authority to pay the C M Engineering Contract at the prevailing schedule as submitted. Motion adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Katona, Gerwig and Hobbs. Noes: Wheeler and Hudson. Absent: Lackner. Mr. Lackner enters the meeting. RES. NO. 3736 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS IN SUPPORT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COMMERCENTER TRACT 9809 FOR THE SUM OF $138,055.25, SEIP. , d t th location of the construction Mr. Shadwell read the resolution and pomte ou. e f th Agency's H '~ d th Board that under the terms 0 e project on the map. e In orme ,e d 1 i Southeast Industrial Park, the Owner Participation Agreement WIth, th~ eve opers n , bl' ted to provide off-sIte Improvements. Agency IS olga ~ ...." [ [ [ 4593 Motion by Katona, seconded by Hudson, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3736 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. RES. NO. 3737. - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF $2,333.55 FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO VACANT LOT ADJACENT TO THE J. C. PENNEY BUILDING, 5TH AND "E" STREETS, CENTRAL CITY NORTH. Mr. Shadwell read the resolution and stated that according to a prior commit- ment with the City of San Bernardino the Redevelopment Agency had agreed to share in one half of the cost for the installation of fencing, sprinkler system, trees, etc., on the vacant lot adjacent to the building at 5th and "E" Streets. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda to waive and adopt said resolution. Resolution No. 3737 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, Castaneda, Wheeler, Hudson, Hobbs, Lackner. Noes: Gerwig. Absent: None. RES. NO. 3738. - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA DETERMINING THAT RICHARD R. JOHNSON, REAL ESTATE BROKER, IS ENTITLED TO A FINDER'S FEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AGENCY RESOLUTION NO. 3343 FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF JOJOS RESTAURANT, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. Mr. Shadwell read the resolution and explained that Mr. Johnson was entitled to the fee due to the fact that he had complied with the conditions imposed by Resolution No. 3661 whereby claims for Finder's Fees previously filed with the Agency would be considered by the Agency Board, provided construction had commenced within the proposed development concerned 120 days from the, adoption of ~esolution No. 3~61, and that Mr. Johnson was requesting payment- of F1.nder's Fees 1.n accordance W1.th the schedule as. set forth under Resolution No. 3343. Motion by Katona, seconded by Wheeler to waive further reading and adopt said resolution. Resolution No. 3738 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, Castaneda, Wheeler, Hudson, Hobbs, Lackner, Gerwig. Noes: None. Absent: None. 4594 RES. NO. 3739. - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT PHILIP R. HARRISON, REAL ESTATE BROKER, IS ENTITLED TO A FINDER'S FEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AGENCY RESOLUTION NO. 3343, FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF GLOBAL V AN & STORAGE, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. ....., ...J Mr. Shadwell read the resolution and answered questions of the Board, stating that there were several other brokers, as part of our disposition agreement with Huntley Properties, who are asking for a finder's fee. After discussion, Chairman Holcomb asked Mr. Shadwell to furnish members of the Board a list of those brokers who were claiming a fee in the Southeast Industrial Park Area. Motion by Katona, seconded by Hudson, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3739 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, Castaneda, Wheeler, Hudson, Hobbs, Lackner and Gerwig. Noes: None. Absent: None. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT PHILIP R. HARRISON IS ENTITLED TO RECEIVE A FINDER'S FEE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INLAND EMPIRE MEAT CO. , SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. ,., , I .....J Mr. Shadwell explained in detail the Resolution stating that the developer had been unable to commence construction of the project due to the amount of work and time involved within the 120 day time period required but that Inland Empire Meat Company had shown every effort to complete the transaction and start construction at the earliest possible date. Mr. Bill Kaney of Inland Empire Meat Company spoke and stated that he concurred in the Board's concern but that the project was moving forward, that escrow had been opened to acquire the property and all necessary deposits and documents had been complied with. He added that his best estimate for beginning construction would be within 90 days. A discussion ensued as to the validity of cutting off the finder's fee based on prior recommendations and if legally Mr. Harrison was entitled to the finder's fee. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Hobbs, that the matter be referred to Legal Counsel for a written legal opinion and the resolution be tabled. Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, Castaneda, Wheeler, Hudson, Hobbs, Lackner and Gerwig. Noes: None. Absent: None. 1 ......, [ [ [ 4595 RES. NO. 3740. - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE CHANGE ORDER NO.2 TO CONTRACT WITH KRUGER Me. GREW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, ALLOWING A 30 DAY TIME EXTENSION. Mr. Shadwell read the resolution and stated that an extension of time was necessary due to the construction of a water line within the area of grading which required moving and that the request was merely for an extension of time and that there was no money involved. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3740 was adopted by the following vote to with: Ayes: Katona Castaneda, Wheeler, Hudson, Hobbs, Lackner and Gerwig. Noes: None. Absent: None. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO (CALIFORNIA) AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF SINGLE. FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING INSURED LOANS TO FINANCE RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN . BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $00,000,000 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING INSURED OR GUARANTEED LOANS TO FINANCE RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION. Chairman Holcomb briefe.d the Board and discussed the methods of financing which are current! y being developed for the construction and rehabilitation of housing under SB 99 and the Marks-Foran Act. This method would benefit the number of people who cannot buy homes because they cannot show sufficient income to obtain a loan and meet the monthly payments. The foregoing resolutions were read by Mr. Shadwell, who informed the Board that the resolutions had been drawn up by Mr. Warren Beebe a,nd were bei~~ presented as a Minute Order to be approved in principal only, implementIng the proVlslons of SB 99 and the Marks-Foran Act. Mr Hobbs stated his opposition stating that he felt the whole conc,ept ~as u~timely and that ~hen the time came to sell the bonds and put ~his, type of finanCIng Into beIng, he wanted the piggy-back in the 6th Ward where hOUSIng IS needed. Mr. Castaneda is excused from the meeting. 4596 Mr. Gerwig stated that he was opposed to using this type of financing for homes in the higher priced areas and that he would go along only if it is put in its proper perspective and that he believed the project should start in the First or Sixth Ward. ~ 1i !! ...J Mr. Jim Iverson of Miller & Schroeder Municipals. Inc.. was introduced and spoke on the innovative financing methods which are currently being developed for the construction and rehabilitation of housing. It was his recommendation to proceed as soon as possible with the issuance of bonds. He pointed out that we have no way of knowing what the interest rates will be in a year. He stated that federal regulations allow the interest rate on the mortgages to be 1 and 1/2 percent higher than the interest on the bonds and the difference between the earned interest rate on the investments and the interest on the bonds is used to pay the annual administrative costs associated with the housing program. He stated that Marks-Foran is not an easy financing method to implement and it has its limitations as to what it can accomplish. but it does provide a supplemental financing method to existing sources. He urged the Board and City officials to consider all available sources to provide additional housing at affordable prices. Chairman Holcomb excused himself and asked Vice Chairman Katona to take the Chair. Mr. Bill Smith of Austin. Smith. Gorman Realtors appeared and spoke in favor of the issue. After a lengthy discussion. Vice Chairman Katona pointed out that he felt in order that the issuance of bonds would not be limited to one certain area. the resolution should be changed to delete" State College Project" . -, .....J Motion by Wheeler. seconded by Hudson. to waive further reading of the Minute Order approving in principal only the foregoing resolutions. Motion adopted unanimously. Motion by Hudson. seconded by Wheeler. to adopt the Minute Order approving Resolution No.1. Motion adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler. Katona. Hudson and Lackner. Noes: Castaneda. Gerwig and Hobbs. Absent: None. Motion by Hudson. seconded by Wheeler. to adopt the Minute Order approving Resolution No.2. Motion adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler. Katona. Gerwig. Hudson and Lackner. Noes: Hobbs. Absent: Castaneda. llIIIIIIll I ..J [ c [ 4597 ~S. NO. 3741. - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE AN INVESTMENT BANKING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MILLER AND SCHROEDER MUNICIPALS, INC. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler, to waive further reading and adopt the foregoing resolution. Resolution No. 3741 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson, Lackner, Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda. RECEIVE AUDIT REPORTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR, JULY 1,1977 THROUGH JUNE 30, 1978. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler, to receive and file the audit reports. Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Lackner and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda. RES. NO. 3742. - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO.3 WITH KRUGER MC GREW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR ADDITIONAL DIRT FILLS IN THE HALLMARK SOUTHWEST SITE, ST ATE COLLEGE PROJECT. Mr. Shadwell read the resolution. Mr. Bill McKeever, Engineer for the proj ect, spoke stating that in his opinion, the shortage of dirt needed was due to a larger quantity of concrete being removed from the job site and a slightly higher shrinkage factor than was originally anticipated. Mr. Shadwell stated that the material needed to complete the job could be removed from the street areas surrounding the site. This quantity could then be deducted from the contract for the street excavation. The estimated amount of earthfill needed was approximately 14,000 cubic yards at $1. 42 per yard, or a total cost of $19,880.00 Motion by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3742 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson, Lackner and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda. 4598 Mr. Robert Langston, President of the San Bernardino Board of Realtors, spoke on behalf of the Realtors in the area and stated that he felt very strongly that the granting of a finder's fee did help in selling the Agency property. He said a great deal of time and effort went into a deal and unless a fee is realized for work performed the real estate people are unable to buy food for their families. He asked the Board to reconsider putting back into effect the former practice of awarding a finder's fee. -, j )] .~ :if ..... Moved by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson, to reconsider the recent policy adopted regarding the paying of finder's fees. Mr. Hobbs stated that we can no longer afford to give bonuses and that he felt paying a finder's fee was paying for the land twice. Mr. Bill Smith, Realtor, stated that he felt his firm had been instrumental in bringing in numerous industries into the City and that he felt the real estate people are entitled to a fee the same as other professionals in their field. After discussion, it was the general consensus of the Board that more study should be given to the matter. Mr. Wheeler withdrew his motion. Mr. Hudson withdrew his second. ~ Vice Chairman Katona appointed Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Lackner as a committee to meet with the Agency staff and the Board of Realtors to formulate a policy and .....III bring back a recommendation to the Board. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson, to adjourn to October 2, 1978, at 2: 00 p. m. in the Council Chambers. ~ i ! ....,.j [ [ [ 4599 Minutes of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino California October 2, 1978 A~ Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardmo was called to order by Chairman Holcomb at 2: 00 p . m. INVOCA TION The Invocation was given by Rev. Larry Dobson, Calvery Baptist Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Gerwig. ROLL CALL: Roll Call Showed the following present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Members, William Katona, Robert A. Castaneda, Richard F. Gerwig , John D. Hobbs, Edward S. Wheeler, Lionel E. Hudson and Russell E. Lackner. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, and Executive Secretary Margaret Hoover. Absent: None. Chairman Holcomb opened the Joint Public Hearing. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF TIPPECANOE TO THE T. J. BURRIS CORPORATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, SEIP. Mr. Shadwell informed the Board that Mr. David Ariss, Vice President of the T. J. Burris Corporation had made an offer to the Agency to purchase 35 plus acres of land from the Redevelopment Agency at $20,000 per net acre, for a total price of $709,800.00. . The Burris Corporation will construct covered buildings on the acreage for a minimum of 600,000 sq. it. over a period of 3 to 4 years. At a minimum building cost of $25,00 per sq. ft., land and improvements should exceed $14 million. In addition another $14 million can be expected from the installation of personal property. Construction of the complex would complement the small businessman who is interested in light industrial type business. Also 5 parcels would be made available to be sold at developer's cost to minority business persons in the area. The acquisition by the T. J . Burris Corporation is contingent upon the obtaining of a UDAG grant to provide the necessary off-site improvements , which is estimated to be $600,000.00. 4600 Members of the Board voiced their opposition to the transaction due to the fact that a UDAG grant would be necessary to provide engineering costs and off- site improvements for the project. Questions were asked regarding taxes, cost of land and the amount of time the land would be tied up for the grant and comparative appraisal values on the property. Mr. Hobbs expressed his opposition to developers making a profit on the land and stated that he was for bringing in industry and creating more jobs in the area. Mr. Katona stated that he was tired of seeing top dollar paid for the land and then giving it away and that he would like some answers regarding the taxes, option requirements and the selling price of the property in comparison to what our appraisers quote. Mr. David Ariss of the T. J. Burris Corporation appeared and spoke on the issue. He explained that the land. would be offered to various types of businesses within the City and that the land must be developed into a finished product to bring more business to the area. Mr. Hudson stated that he would like to have sufficient time to put the package together and suggested the matter be deferred and brought back at a later date. Chairman Holcomb asked if the Agency staff could put in writing the answers to some of these questions and Mr. Shadwell informed the Board that it could be done with a little time. After discussion it was decided that more time was needed to study the matter further and that no action should be taken at this time. Motion by Katona, seconded by Gerwig, to continue the matter until the meeting of October 4, 1978. Motion was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, Castaneda, Gerwig, Hobbs, Wheeler, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. Chairman Holcomb opened the Joint Public Hearing. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE SALE OF AGENCY PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF COURT AND "E" STREET. --, I .....J ,., I I ....J ] r L [ ,.... ! , '-- 4601 Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, APPROVING THE SALE OF BUILDING SITE "B" AND THE "CULTURAL CENTER SITE", LOCATED AT THE SOUTH- EAST CORNER OF COURT AND "E" STREETS, TO VANIR RESEARCH COMP ANY FOR COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT, CENTRAL CITY PROJECT, SUBJECT TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUFFICIENT PARKING IN SUP- PORT OF THE HIGH-RISE OFFICE BUILDING. Mr. Shadwell explained the conditions under which the sale would be made whereby Mr. Frank Dominguez, Vanir Research Company had presented a proposal to construct a 15 story commercial and office complex at the corner of Court and "E" Streets at a cost of ten million dollars. He informed the Board that this development is expected to employ some 500 persons, and will significantly compliment the proposed hotel and make this develop- ment more viable. Both developments will, in turn, significantly assist in providing some of the additional tax increment needed by the Agency to meet the debt service on the Meadowbrook-Central City Project bonded debt, which was lost by the passage of Proposi tion 13. The acquisition of the two parcels for an amount of $289,847. less the Agency's cost to prepare the site for development, by Vanir is contingent upon the necessary construction of a multi-level parking structure to accomodate 500 cars. Ultimately Vanir would utilize 350 of the 500 spaces. It is further proposed that the parking structure be acquired by means of a UDAG grant, but if not feasible, some other means of financing would be secured. The combined City-Vanir-Agency parking structure lease would run for 50 years and Vanir would have the Option to Purchase the parking structure up to the 20th year of the lease. Chairman Holcomb added that the lea:se payments on the 10th year would be subject to annual adjustment for cost of operations and that if maintenance costs goes up, it would be adjusted accordingly. Mr. Dominguez spoke on the issue stating that $150,000.00 annually would be generated in taxes. He informed the Board that if the gran~ was accompli~hed, V:anir would purchase the structure, but that the City would receIve the rental Income In any event, even if the grant was not approved. 'c'u",,~,.~,"~"'~i<.""""""""'''''''--''>'''''''''''''''''''''''''~'-'~'. 'J": - [-j'_'iM~!7.j(f-;.:l!::_'.'. :1~"'__""'''''~'_'^^'''~V'' 4602 Mr. Gerwig stated that he did not wish to lock the City into another deal and that he wished to continue the matter until further study could be made. ~ Chairman Holcomb informed the Board that due to a time limit factor we could ......" not drag our feet and that we had a deadline of October 30, 1978 to apply for the grant. Mr. Katona vehemently stated his objections to making hasty decisions due to the, fact tha~ there were a number of questions unanswered and he would like to study wrltten coples of the proposed parking agreements affecting the development of the property. A lengthy discussion ensued, after which, Chairman Holcomb set a meeting of the negotiating committee, i. e., Holcomb, Shadwell and Katona, for Tuesday, October 3,1978 at 3: 00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Redevelopment Agency. Motion by Katona, seconded by Gerwig, to refer the matter to the negotiating committee for their review and bring back to the meeting of October 4, 1978. Motion ~as adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. RES. NO. 3743. - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, SETTING JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL, FOR 2: 00 P . M . NOVEMBER 6,1978, AND AUTHORIZING THE ADVERTISEMENT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SELLING .34 ACRES OF AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY TO THE INLAND EMPIRE MEAT COMPANY, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. ~ ......, Mr. Shadwell read the resolution and affirmed that this was merely setting the Public Hearing. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Katona, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3743 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. RES. NO. 3744 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING TO HOLD A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REGARDING THE SUBSTITUTION OF PARKING FACILITIES UNDER A LEASE BETWEEN THE CITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND SETTING A TIME AND DATE FOR SUCH HEARING AND DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE THEREOF. ,.... ..",J r ~ i \... "..... ( l- [ 4603 Mr. Shadwell read the foregoing resolution. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3744 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Katona, to adjourn the meeting to 2: 00 p.m. Wednesday, October 4, 1978 in the Council Chambers. Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, and Lackner. Noew: None. Absent: None. R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Secretary 'if' '1 '!l~'il"~-I_-:<I_-j--.---~,~",~",""""'4<.;;.,..,...~.....ij-~h_-_-~l- __-_-.)_.ilII_-~:.:-~.....,.,-..~~I7-';.T.!Ul--_J1---- ft ~---~~",,,,~,,,,,,.,;,.",,,, ~ ......"J ,., .....J ~ .....J [ [ [ 4604 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California. October 4. 1978 The Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Chairman Holcomb at 2: 00 p. m. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Rev. Jim Harvey. Associate Pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church. previously served as Missionary in Indonesia. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Castaneda. ROLL CALL Roll Call showed the following present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb. Members. William Katona, Robert A. Castaneda. Richard F. Gerwig. Lionel Hudson, and Russel E. Lackner. Executive Director R. E. Shadwell. Jr., Agency Counsel. Wm. A. Flory, Administrative Assistant Sandy Lowder and Executive Secretary Margaret Hoover. Absent: Members John D. Hobbs and Edward S. Wheeler. Chairman Holcomb opened the Joint Public Hearing for the purpose of the continued items brought forward from the Adjourned Regular Meeting of October 2. 1978, held jointly with the City Council. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE SALE OF AGENCY PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF COURT AND "E" STREET. (For Redevelopment Agency Board Action) JOINT PUBLIC HEARING TO APPROVE THE FILING OF AN URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACTION GRANT TO CONSTRUCT THE NECESSARY MULTI-LEVEL PARKING STRUCTURE IN SUPPORT OF THE HIGH- RISE OFFICE DEVELOPMENT LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF COURT AND "E" STREETS. (For City Council Action) Mr. Shadwell read the proposal which had been agreed upon between the Negotiating Committee and Mr. Frank Dominguez of Vanir Research Company. Chairman Holcomb informed the Board that the Negotiating Committee, Mr. Holcomb, Mr. Shadwell, Mr. Katona and Mr. Wallace Green, had arrived at a unanimous decision on recommendations regarding the sale of property located at the Southeast corner of Court and "E" Streets. 4605 Mr. Hobbs enters the meeting and takes his place with the Board. Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution: ..., l .J RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, APPROVING THE SALE OF BUILDING SITE "B" AND THE "CULTURAL CENTER SITE", LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF COURT AND "E" STREETS, TO VANIR RESEARCH COMPANY FOR COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT, CENTRAL CITY PROJECT, SUBJECT TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUFFICIENT PARKING IN SUPPORT OF THE HIGH- RISE OFFICE BUILDING. Chairman Holcomb explained that Vanir plans to build a $10 million, 15 story structure, which would be the largest in the City, The building is to be located on the southeast corner of Court and "E" Streets, and since the land is a surplus portion of a federal grant to an RDA project, the net amount will ultimately go to the City's Community Development projects fund. Mr. Shadwell informed the Board that one of the conditions of the sale was that the Redevelopment Agency would be required to remove the buried concrete blocks from the area and that it is not known at this time how much will have to be removed nor what the cost of removal would be. The sale is also contingent on a 500 space parking garage and would occupy the site east of the proposed 15 story office building. Chairman Holcomb briefed the Board on the plans to seek a federal Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) to finance the construction of the parking facility, ] A discussion ensued regarding the cost of maintenance and occupancy of the parking structure, Chairman Holcomb stated that Vanir would like to assume all of the spaces but that parking would be needed for others who will be occupying the Andreson building and the hotel when it is completed. He added that through negotiations with Mr. Dominguez of Vanir Research Company, it had been agreed to allow 350 spaces to . Vanir and for the first four years, receive the use of these spaces rent-free. Starting with the fifth year they would pay $5,00 per space and adding $1. 00 per space each year thereafter until the 10th year. Mr Gerwig stated that he was opposed to the spaces being vacant while th~ . 1 f h b 'ld' . omphshed office building was under construction or before renta 0 t e Ul .lng IS acc and that he would not be in favor of granting the 350 spaces to Vanlr, ..... J j ......, 4606 r Mr. Dominguez was asked if he would be willing to negotiate and accept a ~ lesser amount of spaces upon completion of the structure. He said due to past .... expe~iences in dealing with the City he had encountered difficulty in getting parkIng spaces for the Vanir Tower Building and that he was reluctant to enter into any negotiations and take the risk of not getting the spaces when they were needed. [ [ Mr. Katona asked if Mr. Dominguez would be willing to work out a deal on the basis of a ratio of the percentage of occupancy and as a further compromise utilizing 50% of the 350 parking spaces and the remaining 50% on a 75% occupancy factor. Mr. Dominguez stated that he was interested in working with the City and that he looked forward to continuing business in the downtown area, but that he did not want to come to the City begging for parking spaces each time he had a new tenant, however, he would be willing to work out a compromise. After a lengthy discussion, it was concluded to approve the terms and conditions of the negotiating committee with the following modifications: 175 spaces would be allocated to Vanir upon completion of the parking structure. After 50% occupancy of the Vanir structure, an additional 175 spaces would be allocated to Vanir, or a total of 350 spaces. After 75% occupancy or 5 years has elapsed from the date of completion of the parking structure, whichever occurs first, Vanir agrees to pay to the City $5.00 per parking space per month for the use of the 350 parking spaces, and adding $1 each year thereafter for each space until the end of the tenth year. Vanir would have the option to purchase the parking structure during the first 20 years of the 50 year lease. The Parking District, or some other means, would maintain those spaces not allocated to Vanir (325 spaces until after 50% occupancy and then 150 spaces after full occupancy) . Motion by Hudson, seconded by Castaneda, to approve the sale subject to the foregoing conditions. Motion was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Wheeler. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Katona, to approve the sale subject to all conditions as recommended and bring back to the next meeting a resolution and a Contract of Sale stating the conditions as modified for Board approval. Motion was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Wheeler. Motion by Katona, seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried, to continue the Public Hearing to October 18,1978 at 2: 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. ~ "" 4607 JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE SALE OF PROPER TY LOCATED WEST OF TIPPECANOE TO THE T. J. BURRIS CORPORATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP- MENT. ..., ......J Mr. Shadwell presented the proposal, stating that the T. J. Burris Corporation, ~epresented by Mr. David Ariss, desires to acquire 35.49 acres of land, more or less, In the Redevelopment Project Area Southeast at $20,000 per acre for a total price of $709,800.00. The Burris Corporation will construct a minimum of 600,000 square feet of covered buildings of concrete tilt-up design on the acreage over a period of from 3 to 4 years. The total development would be between 25 and 30 million dollars. One important aspect is that this industrial development would compliment the small businessman interested in light industrial type business and the developer would make five parcels available, to be sold at developers cost, to minority business persons to further their business development in the area. This acquisition by the Burris Corporation is contingent upon approval of a UDAG grant to provide the necessary off-site improvements, including engineering costs, estimated to be $600,000.00. Chairman Holcomb briefed the Board on recent meetings regarding this matter, and the problem that has developed as far as the Negotiating Committee, and one in which there is a disagreement, is that the Burris Corporation must unconditionally 1...., agree that they will go forward if the UDAG grant is approved. The Agency must . agree that the land will be available, which means the land will be tied up for a ..."J period of six months. In all probability it will take about 3 months for the grant to be approved. Mr. Shadwell explained the acreage involved and the option requirements on the display board, stating that all option costs would be applied toward the purchase price if the option is exercised prior to October 1, 1979. If not, the option costs are forfei ted . Mr. Katona stated that he would like to see the option date changed to November I, 1979, and that he was objecting to the Redevelopment Agency paying the option costs. In his opinion it should be borne by the developer or the seller, or it should be ~orne by the purchaser. He stated that he had asked Mr. David Ariss during the meetIn~ of the Negotiating Committee if he would try and work out a solution to the problem WIth members of his firm and bring back some answers to the Board at this meeting. Chairman Holcomb stated that, due to the fact that Mr. Ariss had not had sufficient time to contact the Board of Directors of his Company, he was not in a position to make any concessions at this time. ..... ...... 4608 r .... . . Mr. Wally G~een appeared and spoke in favor of the proposal, particularly In V1ew of the possIble employment of an estimated 1038 persons and the $250 000 annual tax increment to be realized by the City. He stated that we were at a ' complete standstill in the Southeast Industrial Park Area if the grant did not go through. 3: 40 p. m. - Mr. Wheeler enters the meeting. A lengthy discussion ensued, after which, it was the decision of the Board that the agreement be approved subj ect to the developer paying one half and the Redevelopment Agency paying one half of the option price. It was the general opinion that between the developer and the seller that the one half being borne by the developer could be negotiable with the developer paying one quarter and the seller paying one quarter and the Agency paying one half of the option. Chairman Holcomb assured Mr. Ariss that he was under no obligation at this time, but that these were merely suggestions for him to take back to the T. J. Burris Corporation for their consideration. Motion by Katona, seconded by Castaneda to approve the sale of land in the Southeast Industrial Park Area to the T. J. Burris Corporation subject to the following conditions: that the sale is contingent on the obtaining of a UDAG grant; that the r-' option be extended from October 1,1979 to November 1, 1979 and that one half of the I option cost be assumed by the Redevelopment Agency and one half by the developer, .... with possible negotiations between the developer and the seller to assume a proportionate share of one quarter each. The Motion was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Katona, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Gerwig, that the Public Hearing be continued to the Regular Board Meeting of October 18,1978. The Motion was adopted by unanimous vote. The meeting continued with items from the agenda for the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. Motion by Katona, seconded by Hudson, that the minutes of the meetings of September 11, 13, and 18, 1978 be approved as submitted. The motion was adopted by the following vote to wit: Castaneda, Katona, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. [ CONSIDER AWARD OF A CONTRACT TO PROVIDE GAS MAIN SERVICE TO RIVERVIEW CENTER, SEIP. 4609 RES. NO. 3745. - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY FOR THE INST ALLA TION OF A GAS MAIN TO THE RIVERVIEW CENTER DEVELOPMENT, SEIP. ..., ....... Motion by Castaneda, seconded by Wheeler to approve a form motion adopting the foregoing resolution. Resolution No. 3745 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, Wheeler and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. CONSIDER AWARD OF A DEMOLITION CONTRACT TO REMOVE THE BUILDINGS REMAINING FROM THE AGENCY PURCHASE OF THE "FLEMING" PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF FOURTH AND "E" STREETS. RES. NO. 3746 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH WARREN DUNCAN FOR THE REMOVAL OF AGENCY OWNED BUILDINGS LOCATED AT 406, 408 and 410 NORTH "E" STREET, CENTRAL CITY NORTH PROJECT AREA. --.. Mr. Shadwell read the resolution and explained the necessity for the demolition of buildings remaining from the Agency's purchase of the "Fleming" property located ....... on the Northwest corner of Fourth and "E" Streets. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Hobbs, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3746 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, Wheeler and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. CONSIDER DEEDING, IN LIEU OF FORECLOSURE, THE CHANNEL 18 BUILDING AND ADJOINING PROPERTY ACQUIRED IN THIS PURCHASE, TO THE SUN COMPANY. Mr. Shadwell explained that the Agency still owes the Sun Company $255,000 plus interest on the property located at 440 West Court Street. The Agency had agreed to buy the property about three years ago for $300,000 for possible conversion into a cultural arts center. Those plans never materalized and the Agency has defaulted on its payments. The transaction has cost the RDA $76,293, includin,g payments made,_ before the default, appraisals, utility payments, etc. He stated that In recent co~munI cations with the Sun Company officials, they had indicated plans to foreclose a~d ~t was his recommendation that the building be deeded back to the Sun Company In heu ~ of such action. ...... 4610 [ Chairman Holcomb suggested that, instead of taking action at this time to deed the building back to the Sun Company, the Board defer the matter for two weeks to see if someone would be interested in buying the property and pay all the back delinquencies, plus a profit to the Agency. Members of the Board were of the opinion that the Sun Company should be held for their share of back taxes inasmuch as they had not paid taxes on the property since the Redevelopment Agency had held title to it. Chairman Holcomb briefed the Board on the chain of events leading up to the present situation, stating that is was a very complicated matter and it would be his recommendation to continue the item for two weeks and in the interim notify the public through appropriate advertising that bids would be accepted at the next regular meeting of the Board to see if a buyer can be found who will pay an amount to payoff the RDA debt. Motion by Hobbs, seconded by Gerwig, to continue the matter for two weeks and afford proper notice to the public that the property is for sale and that bids will be accepted at the next regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency Board at 2: 00 p. m . , October 18, 1978. Motion was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Katona, r Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, Wheeler and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. ..... ADJOURN TO AN EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING POTENTIAL AND PENDING LITIGATION. Chairman Holcomb asked to be excused from the meeting and asked Vice Chairman Katona to take the Chair. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Gerwig, to adjourn to an Executive Session. RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING. The regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino reconvened at 6: 00 p . m. Present: Vice Chairman William Katona; Members, Robert Castaneda, Edward Wheeler, Richard Gerwig, Lionel Hudson, John Hobbs and Russell Lackner; Executive Director Ralph E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel Wm. A. Flory, Finance Director Glenda Saul , Executive Secretary Margaret Hoover. Absent: Chairman W. R. Holcomb. [ Motion by Hudson, seconded by Gerwig, to approve a settlement of EDA grant funds between the Redevelopment Agency and Operation Second Chance relative to the development of the Public Enterprise Center. Motion was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: Katona. Absent: Chairman Holcomb. 4611 Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Hobbs, to grant authority to Wm. A. Flory, Agency Counsel, to join with other redevelopment agencies to file a legal action vs. the County of San Bernardino and other taxing agencies to compel the setting of a tax rate for each taxing agency levying the additional tax for voter approved indebtedness sufficient to provide for the allocation to the redevelopment agency of tax increments from such levy, pursuant to Article XVI, Section 16 of the California Constitution and Section 33670 of the Health and Safety Code and to declare that the taxes received from such levy shall be allocated, together with taxes raised by the basic $4.00 levy, in accordance with Article XVI, Section 16 and Section 33670, and to construe Article XlII A (Proposition 13) and Section 2337 of the Revenue and Taxation Code (as renumbered and amended by Chapters 292 and 332 of the Statutes of 1978) in accordance with this result and authorizing Agency Counsel to associate special legal counsel for that purpose. ..., --' The motion was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, and Lackner. Noes:: None. Absent: None. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Castaneda, that the meeting adjourn to the Regular Meeting at 2: 00 p om. , October 18, 1978, in the Council Chambers 0 PIIlIllI i ......." R. Eo Shadwell, J r 0' Secretary ,..... ....... r- ~. ..... "...-. ....... ".-.- L... 4612 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, October 18, 1978 The Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Chairman Holcomb at 2: 00 p. m. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Rev. Gertrude Whetzel. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Robert A. Castaneda. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Robert A. Castaneda, William Katona, Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, John D. Hobbs, Executive Director R. E. Shadwell, Jr. , Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, Administrative Assistant Sandy Lowder, Executive Secretary Margaret Hoover. Absent: Edward S. Wheeler, Jr. and Russell E. Lackner. APPROV AL OF MINUTES Motion by Katona, seconded by Castaneda and carried, to approve the minutes of the meetings of September 20,1978 and October 2,1978. Chairman Holcomb requested the Public Hearings be set aside until later in the meeting when all members of the Board could be present. The meeting proceeded with other items on the agenda. CONSIDER RETURN OF THE CHANNEL 18 BUILDING AND ADJOINING PROPERTY TO THE SUN COMPANY IN LIEU OF DEFAULT PROCEEDINGS. Chairman Holcomb explained that he was waiting for a reply to his letter from Mr. Honeysett of the Sun Company and suggested that the matter be tabled until 'he had had an opportunity to consult with the attorneys. Mr. Hobbs suggested that Mr. Katona be included in the negotiations regarding the Channel 18 building. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Hobbs, to table the matter until further discussion could be arranged with the attorneys. Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Wheeler and Lackner. ,. ~~-~"",-_,"'""""'-h- !--:~W_-N:lIli__J! l.i -1 4613 JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE SALE OF AGENCY PROPER TY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF COURT AND "E" STREETS, CENTRAL CITY PROJECT. IIIIIII!\ .....- Chairman Holcomb opened the Public Hearing. Discussion was held regarding the revision of certain sections of the agreement as presented at this time. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Katona, that the item be continued to the meeting of November 8, 1978. Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Hobbs. Absent: Wheeler and Lackner. Noes: None. OFFER TO PURCHASE 111/2 ACRES IN STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA WESTSIDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Mr. Shadwell explained the Offer to Purchase and informed the Board that it would be necessary to set the Public Hearing at this meeting for November 6, 1978, for the Westside Community Development Corporation to purchase Agency property to develop a manufacturing complex in the area north of State College Parkway. Westside Community Development Corporation is offering to buy the property at $4,500 per acre, the same average price at which the Redevelopment Agency now has an option to purchase a 110 acre industrial park site which includes the acreage required by the Community Development Corporation. ~ --- Due to the overall industrial development in the area, the Redevelopment Agency has agreed to provide the site with streets, curbs, gutters and sewers. However, Mr. Shadwell stated that as of the date of this meeting, a request had been received from CDC for the Agency to furnish grading and building slabs for the site. Richard Cole, a representative from CDC, appeared and answered questions of the Board. Mr. Shadwell stated that the Agency did not have the money to supply the additional improvements due to the fact that all money obtained from State College Project Area Bonding had been committed to the development of other projects in the area and that there was no possibility that additional bonds could be issued. Mr. Hobbs said he felt that since this was a home based agency, he thought some consideration should be given to supplying the additional improvements for CDC inasmuch as similar improvements had been provided by RDA for other industrial sites. He said he felt sure something favorable could be worked out. ..... ........ r '-- ,...... ..... ~ ...... 4614 4614 Mr. Castaneda stated that he felt that since support had been given to other industrial developers, CDC should be afforded the same consideration. 2: 30 p.m. - Mr. Wheeler arrives and takes his place with the Board. Chairman Holcomb stated that the offer could be accepted at this meeting and details to some of these problems could be worked out at the November hearing. Vivian Nash, representing Westside Community Development Corporation, stated that the initial option did not elude to the additional improvements due to the fact that CDC representatives had been informed that the option was not the time to negotiate and that it was their understanding it would be better to place the offer and work out the conditional developments at a later date. Chairman Holcomb said there was no way the Agency could supply the money for additional improvements and that he did not anticipate further subsidies being granted this project unless the City would grant a loan from the General Fund. Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution. RES. NO. 3749 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER FROM THE SAN BERNARDINO WESTSIDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK AREA, AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR NOVEMBER 6,1978 AT 2: 00 P.M. Motion was made by Hobbs, seconded by Castaneda, to accept the offer to purchase and set the public hearing for November 6, 1978. Resolution No. 3749 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Hobbs, Noes: None. Absent: Lackner. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADOPTING V ARlOUS CITY AND AGENCY RESOLUTIONS RELATIVE TO THE CHANGES PROPOSED IN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DOWNTOWN PARKING DISTRICT. Chairman Holcomb presented the scenario for the joint public hearing relative to proposed changes in the parking facilities of the Central City Parking District. The proposed changes are as follows: THE ENCUMBRANCE OF PARKING SPACES IN PARKING LOT NO.1 IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE FORMER PENNEY IS B UILDING AT THE CORNER OF 5TH AND "E" STREETS. 4615 Mr. John Starner, representative from C G Engineering gave a presentation. ., Mr. Bob Wirts, City Traffic Engineer, appeared and answered questions of the Board. .....- Mr. Warren Beebe, Bond Counsel, rendered his opinion regarding the schedule to provide for carrying out all steps necessary to bring replacement facilities in compliance with the lease agreement. A general discussion ensued regarding the replacement or purchase of the parking spaces in connection with the lease of the Penney1s Building by Vanir Research Company and David and Denyse Miller and the City of San Bernardino. Motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Hobbs, that the Public Hearing be continued to the meeting of November 8, 1978. Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Lackner. THE SALE OF PARKING SPACES IN PARKING LOT NO.2 TO THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR USE BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. The Engineering report was given by Mr. John Starner of C G Engineering. -, Mr. Warren Beebe, Bond Counsel, spoke on the time schedule to set the negotiations with the Parking District. -..J Mr. Bob Wirts presented four proposals for the exchange of parking spaces to provide for Police parking. 3: 45 p.m. - Mr. Lackner enters the meeting and takes his place with the Board. After a lengthy discussion of all plans presented, a narrow majority of the Board agreed to a compromise plan for the new police facility parking. Plan B-1, as presented by the City Traffic Engineer, was approved and adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Hudson, Wheeler, Lackner and Castaneda. Noes: Katona, Gerwig and Hobbs. Absent: None. THE PROPOSED SALE OR EXCHANGE OF PARKING SPACES IN PARKING LOT NO. 1 RELATIVE TO THE EXPANSION OF THE BUS TERMINAL. ..... --- 4616 r There being no written protests, a motion was made by Katona and seconded L by Wheeler, to close the Public Hearings. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson, that no action be taken on the Parking District resolutions at this time and that the Public Hearings be continued to October 31, 1978. Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. PRESENTATION BY WARREN BEEBE, AGENCY LEGAL BOND COUNSEL, RELATIVE TO PROGRESS TAKEN TO IMPLEMENT THE PROVISIONS OF SB 99 AND THE MARKS-FORAN ACT. Due to the late hour, Chairman Holcomb asked that this matter be continued to the meeting of October 31, 1978. Mr. Warren Beebe concurred and stated that he would be at the meeting on October 31, 1978. r I .... RES. NO. 3747 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO "ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS, COOLEY AVENUE EXTENSION, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. Motion by Hobbs seconded by Gerwig to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3747 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, Wheeler and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. RES. NO. 3748 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH E & G CONTRACTORS, INC. , FOR THE REMOVAL OF AGENCY OWNED BUILDINGS LOCATED AT 388 WEST 4TH STREET, CENTRAL CITY NORTH PROJECT AREA. Motion by Katona, seconded by Castaneda, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3748 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, ,.... Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. L..., 4617 Due to the late hour and other commitments of Mr. Lackner and Mr. Wheeler, the following items were continued to the meeting of October 31, 1978. -, JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE ~ SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF TIPPECANOE AND SOUTH OF THE SANTA FE RAILROAD TRACKS TO THE T. J. BURRIS CORPORATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, SEIP. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER FROM H. FRANK DOMINGUEZ, V ANIR RESEARCH COMPANY FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN CENTRAL CITY NORTH, AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR NOVEMBER 6,1978 AT 2: 00 P.M. Chairman Holcomb announced that the meeting could be adjourned and held jointly with the public IIEII Street meeting to be held at 3: 00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 31, 1978 in the Convention Center facility. Motion by Hobbs, seconded by Katona, to adjourn the meeting to October 31, 1978 in the Convention Center. Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. -, ....,,;j ~ R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Secretary ,... ..... [ [ [ 4618 Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, October 31, 1978. The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino held jointly with the Mayor and Common Council was called to order by Chairman W. R. II Bob II Holcomb, Tuesday, October 31,1978 at 3:10 p.m., in the Magenta Room of the Convention Center, 303 North IIEII Street, San Bernardino, California. Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Board Members, W. R. II Bob II Holcomb, William Katona, Richard Gerwig, Lionel Hudson and Russell Lackner. Executive Director R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Real Estate Manager Jay Succow and Executive Secretary Margaret Hoover. Absent: Robert Castaneda, Edward Wheeler and John Hobbs. A motion was made by Katona, seconded by Gerwig, and unanimously carried, that all items scheduled for the Agenda of October 31, 1978, be continued to Monday, November 6, 1978, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North IIDII Street, San Bernardino, California. The meeting proceeded with a discussion on the revitalization of IIEII Street. On motion by William Katona, seconded by Lionel Hudson, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 5: 15 p.m. H~ R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Executive re r 4619 Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, November 6, 1978 The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb at 2: 00 p.m. INVOCA TION The invocation was given by the Reverend Allan C. Clauder, Pastor, First Assembly of God Church in San Bernardino. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The: PleClge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Lionel E. Hudson. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Robert A. Castaneda, William Katona, Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, andJohnD. Hobbs. Executive Director R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, Administrative Assistant Sandy Lowder, Executive Secretary Margaret Hoover. Absent: None CONTINUA TION OF THE JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF AUGUST 18, 1978, REGARDING THE CHANGES PROPOSED IN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DOWNTOWN PARKING DISTRICT. Chairman Holcomb opened the Public Hearing. Chairman Holcomb explained that it was necessary that certain changes be made in the Parking District to assist and encourage redevelopment. These changes include the encumbrance of parking spaces in Parking Lot No.2 to the City for use by the Police Department and also the exchange of parking spaces ,in Parking Lot No 1. ( 5 spaces) which is needed for the expansion of the Bus TermInal at the ~orthwe.st . corner of 4th & "E" Streets, for the same number of spaces elsewhere In the DIstrIct. Mr. Richard Rice spoke in opposition to the location of the Bus Stop, stating that it created a hazardous situation for the people who must cross the street to change buses. His suggestion was to have a two-way bus traffic system. l ....J ~ } I 1 -J ..., j .....J r ..... [ [ 4620 Mr. Katona spoke in opposition to Plan B-1 for the sale of Parking Lot No. 2 for the use by the Police Department, as adopted on October 18, 1978 by the Mayor and Common Council and the Redevelopment Agency Board. He reiterated his conclusion that Plan B was a better plan over Plan B-1 in that it was more economical in the long run and asked for reconsideration by the Board. After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Katona made a motion, seconded by Mr. Gerwig, that the Police Parking be reconsidered and Plan B be adopted over Plan B-1. The motion failed by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig and Hobbs. Noes: Castaneda, Hudson, Lackner and Wheeler. Absent: None. CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Motion was made by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Castaneda and unanimously carried, that the Public Hearing be closed. The following resolutions of the Redevelopment Agency were introduced and discussed in conjunction with appropriate resolutions of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. RES. NO. 3750 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, CONCURRING IN THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL'S RESOLUTION NO. 13483, DECLARING THE NECESSITY TO MAKE CHANGES IN THE PARKING FACILITIES IN THE CENTRAL CITY PARKING DISTRICT, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENCOURAG- ING REDEVELOPMENT AND SUPPLYING NEW DEMAND, AND TO INCREASE PUBLIC PARKING FACILITIES IN THE CITY AND ORDERING THE CHANGES AND ADDITIONS. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3750 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. RES. NO. 3751 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT OF SALE OR REPLACEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, FOR PARKING SPACES (LOT NO. II), LEASED TO THE CITY AS PART OF THE CENTRAL CITY PARKING DISTRICT, LOCA TED WITHIN THE CENTRAL CITY NORTH PROJECT AREA. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3751 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: cas.taneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, and Lackner. Noes: None . Absent. None. 4621 RES. NO. 3752 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT OF SALE OR REPLACEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, FOR FIVE (5) PARKING SPACES (LOT 1), LEASED TO THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS PART OF THE CENTRAL CITY NORTH PROJECT AREA. ..., -~ ....., Motion by Katona, seconded by Castaneda to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3752 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. RES. NO. 3753 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DETERMINING THAT CERTAIN PARKING FACILITIES WOULD BENEFIT CERTAIN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREAS AND THAT THE MEANS OF FINANCING SUCH FACILITIES ARE THE ONLY REASONABLE MEANS. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3753 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. A lengthy discussion followed the opening of the Public Hearing for the sale of an easement in and over Agency owned real property located at the Northwest corner of 4th and "E" Streets to the City of San Bernardino for the construction of a bus stop, Central City North Project. 1 J Chairman Holcomb opend the Joint Public Hearing for the purpose of considering the sale of property located in the Southeast Industrial Park Project Area to the T. J. Burris Corporation. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Lackner and unanimously carried, that the Public Hearing be continued to Monday, November 20, 1978. RES. NO. 3756 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER FROM H. FRANK DOMINGUEZ, VANIR RESEARCH COMPANY FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN CENTRAL CITY NORTH, AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR NOVEMBER 22, 1978 AT 2: 00 P. M. Motion by Lackner, seconded by Katona, to adopt the Resolution and set a Joint Public Hearing for November 22, 1978. Resolution No. 3756 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: cast~neda, ..., Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent. None. )1 ~- % .......J [ [ [ 4622 RES. NO. 3754. - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, APPROVING THE SALE OF .34 ACRES OF AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF COOLEY AVENUE AND WEST OF TIPPECANOE, SElp. ,TO INLAND EMPIRE MEAT COMP ANY FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda, that further reading of the resolution be waived and said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 3754 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. Chairman Holcomb opened the Joint Public Hearing to consider the sale of Agency owned property located in the State College Industrial Park to Westside Community Development Corporation. On motion by Hobbs, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, the hearing was closed. RES. NO. 3755 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF 11. 5 ACRES OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK AREA TO SAN BERNARDINO WESTSIDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Castaneda, that further reading of the resolution be waived and said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 3755 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. Executive Director Shadwell presented documents pertinent to the implementation of SB 99 and the Marks-Foran Act pertaining to the innovative financing methods which are currently being developed for the construction and rehabilitation of housing. He informed the Board that no action was required at this time and that these documents would be presented at a subsequent meeting for adoption. Motion by Katona, seconded by Hobbs, and unanimously carried, the meeting of the Redevelopment Agency Board was adjourned to November 8,1978, at 2: 00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ~rector 4623 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, November 8, 1978 -, j ....J The Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Chairman Holcomb at 2: 00 p . m . INVOCA TION The Invocation was given by Captain John Goodman, Chaplain, Norton Air Force Base. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Edward Wheeler. ROLL CALL Roll Call showed the following present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members, Edward S. Wheeler, Lionel E. Hudson , John D. Hobbs and Russell E. Lackner. Executive Director R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel Wm. A. Flory, Administrative Assistant Sandy Lowder and Executive Secretary Margaret Hoover. Absent: Board Members, Willima Katona, Robert A. Castaneda and Richard F. Gerwig. On motion by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried, the Minutes of the Board Meeting of October 4 and October 18, 1978 were approved as submitted. -, 2:10 p.m. - Mr. Castaneda and Mr. Gerwig arrive at the meeting. j ...... The Agency Financial Status Report for 1978-1979 was presented in printed form. Mr. Gerwig stated that the first page of the report was confusing to him in that there was no indication that the position of Deputy Director had been deleted from the Agency payroll and it was his suggestion that a correction be made in the report to that effect. Mr. Shadwell assured the Board that this correction would be made on page one of the financial report. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Wheeler, that the Financial Status Report be r ecei ved with the foregoing correction and placed on file. Motion was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Katona. IIIIIII!l iJ iJ ij ....J r ... c [ 4624 The Annual Report of the Redevelopment Agency for 1978 was submitted pursuant to Sections 33080.1 and 33080.2 of the California Health & Safety Code. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler, to receive and file the report. The motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Katona. Mr. Lackner did not vote. 2: 15 p. m. - Mr. Katona arrives at the Board meeting. Chairman Holcomb announced that because those people involved in the mortgage bond issue had a considerable way to travel after the meeting, he would ask the Board to consider Item No. 11 next on the Agenda to consider the various resolutions to imple- ment the procedures of residential mortgage financing authorized by SB99 and the Marks-Foran Act. Mr. Mike Whipple, Senior Financial Consultant of Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc. spoke stating that the documents being presented, if approved by the Board, would implement a program which would open the negotiations for the issuance of $36,500,000 in bonds to finance 605 residential units and provide mortgage money at 8 1/2 per cent. He stated that because of the rising increase in the interest rate figures, it would be his suggestion to take action as quickly as possible. He assured the Board that under this program there was absolutely no liability to the City or to the Agency and that in fact there were certain benefits connected which would in turn benefit both the City and the Agency. Specifically, this program would generate additional funds for the City in that the developers in conjunction with the program would be paying to the Agency a buying fee of 3% of the amount of the mortgages which would be generated, to be paid to the Agency in an aggregate sum of $896,000. In addition, there would be surplus revenues that would generate from the mortgages, and in view of the fact that federal regulations allow the interest rate on the mortgages to be 11/2% higher than the interest cost on the bonds, a very rough estimate would be to project possibly another $100,000.00 per year to the Redevelopment Agency as surplus funds from this program. In addition, it is estimated that an additional $300,000.00 in tax revenues will be realized by the Redevelopment Agency, making a total of an approximate $400,000.00 per year from the program. Mr. Whipple informed the Board that all loans are insured by federal agencies such as FHA or VA or by private mortgage insurance companies. Mr. Warren Beebe, Bond Counsel, briefed the Board on amendments to the Owner Participation Agreements with Mr. Warner Hodgdon relative to the residential development in the State College Proj ect area. Mr. Beebe read a portion of the California Health & Safety Code, Section 33766, substantiating the fact that no tax revenues are used to pay the principal or interest on the bonds and neither the City nor the Agency would be liable for the payment of the bonds. 4625 Chairman Holcomb thanked Mr. Whipple and Mr. Beebe for their presentation and ~tated that if adopted this program would enable a greater number of people to ~uahf~ for homes who otherwise would find it difficult if they had to go out and get fInancIng on their own. -, I ~ Mr: W~rner Hodgdon spoke regarding the housing which he proposed for constructIon In the State College Project Area. ...J Mr. Gerwig stated that he would like to commend Warner Hodgdon for his contribution in building homes in the $55,000 bracket which people of moderate income could afford to buy. Mr. Hudson spoke on the issue, stating that the principal problems experienced by developers of homes in the past has been the inability to obtain financing and by utilizing this program home builders can be assured that funds for mortgages will be available, thereby the builder is able to secure construction loans and proceed with a more rapid development schedule. The result is that more homes are built at lower costs. He added that only because of legislation such as the Marks-Foran Act are we able to do this and that he wished to commend Mr. Whipple and Mr. Beebe for their presentation of the program. Mr. Shadwell read the following resolutions: RES. NO. 3757 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING RULES AND REGU - --, LATIONS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING INSURED LOANS FOR THE PURPOSE i OF FINANCING RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION. ...J ,/1 ;\.'\ l..'" ' -1 (;'\. . v RES. NO. 3758 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING THE FORM OF THE MORTGAGE SERVICING AGREEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING MORTGAGE LOANS FOR FINANCING RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION. \" \ 1'1 \,,- ,1" RES. NO. 3759 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE ,)L:"'~':' CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FORM OF THE oJ . , Ai MORTGAGE LOAN-PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING ~.....' v" MORTGAGE LOANS FOR FINANCING RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION. RES NO 3760 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CIT~ OF 'SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNER'S PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (HUNTER). RES NO 3661 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CIT~ OF 'SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNER'S PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (STONEBRIDGE). RES NO 3762 _ RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CIT~ OF 'SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNER'S PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (CUNNINGHAM) . ,..... .....,J ,... I t~ ..... ,.... L [ 4626 RES. NO. 3763 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNER'S PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (LEWIS). RES. NO. 3764 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNER'S PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (HODGDON/LEWIS (3A) ). RES. NO. 3765 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNER'S PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (HODGDON/LEWIS (3B) ). RES. NO. 3766 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE OPERATING MEMORANDUM (HUNTER). RES. NO. 3767 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE OPERATING MEMORANDUM ( STONEBRIDGE) . RES. NO. 3768 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE OPERATING MEMORANDUM (CUNNINGHAM). RES. NO. 3769 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE OPERATING MEMORANDUM (LEWIS). RES. NO. 3770 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE OPERATING MEMORANDUM ( HODGDON/LEWIS - 3A) . RES. NO. 3771 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE OPERATING MEMORANDUM (HODGDON/LEWIS - 3B). RES. NO. 3772 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO AN AGREEMENT WITH ADR CORPORATION. Motion by Wheeler seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried to waive further reading and adopt the foregoing resolutions. Resolution Nos. 3757; 3758; 3759; 3760; 3761; 3762; 3763; 3764; 3765; 3766; 3767; 3768; 3769; 3770; 3771; and 3772 were adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. 4627 Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution: ~ RES. NO. 3773 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ITS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, 1978 SERIES A. ...J Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Katona and unanimously carried, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3773 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. Chairman Holcomb noted a memorandum from the City Clerk in regards to simplifying the voting procedure of the Council and the Redevelopment Agency on joint public hearing matters. After discussion, the suggestion that a motion be made and seconded as one motion for both the Agency and the Council, was unanimously approved. Joint Public Hearing for the purpose of considering changes to the City of San Bernardino Downtown Parking District pertaining to the Vanir-Miller purchase of --- the "Penney" Building. ...,., Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Katona and unanimously carried, that the hearing be closed. Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution: RES. NO. 3774 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO PURCHASE OF PARKING AGREEMENT WITH V ANIR RESEARCH COMPANY AND DAVID D. MILLER AND DENYSE M. MILLER AND THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler, that further reading of the resolution be waived and said resolution be adopted. Ayes: Noes: Resolution No. 3774 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. None. Absent: None. ~ ...."J r ... [ r I .. 4628 Joint Public Hearing to consider the sale of Agency owned property located at the Southeast corner of Court and "E" Streets to Vanir Research Company. At the request of the Executive Director for a continuance of this matter, motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried, the joint public hearing for the sale of the southeast corner of Court and "E" Streets was continued to Monday, November 20,1978 at 2: 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. Receive Offer to Purchase and set a Public Hearing for the sale of Agency owned property located between Richardson Street and Mt. View Avenue southerly of River- view Drive, SElP. Mr. Shadwell explained the following proposals: Kleen-Line Corporation for 2 acres of Agency owned property, for the sum of $20,000; Sunrise Sales, Inc., 1 acre for the sum of $15,000; Krueger-McGrew Construction Company, 2 acres for the sum of $20,000, and George W. Rose, 1 acre for the sum of $15,000. Mr. Shadwell asked that a joint public hearing be set for December 4, 1978 for the sale of Agency owned property located in Southeast Industrial Park. Motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried to set a joint public hearing for 2: 00 p.m., December 4,1978 for the sale of Agency owned property located in Southeast Industrial Park and authorize publication of the Notice of Advertisement by the City Clerk. The following resolutions were read: RES. NO. 3775 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM KLEEN-LINE CORPORATION, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK, AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR DECEMBER 4, 1978 AT 2: 00 P.M. RES. NO. 3776 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM SUNRISE SALES, INC. , FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK, AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR DECEMBER 4,1978 AT 2: 00 P.M. RES. NO. 3777 _ RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM KRUGER MCGREW CONSTRUC- TION COMPANY FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SOUTHEAST INDUS- TRIAL PARK, AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR DECEMBER 4, 1978 AT 2: 00 P.M. 4629 RES. NO. 3778 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM GEORGE W. ROSE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK, AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR DECEMBER 4, 1978, AT 2: 00 P. M. -, j , -.J Motion by Hudson, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried, to waive further reading and adopt the foregoing resolutions. Resolution Nos. 3775; 3776; 3777 and 3778 were adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. Chairman Holcomb informed the Board that due to the time limitation and the complexity in the matter regarding the submission of the application for a UDAG grant to the State Clearing House, that it was necessary to have one more meeting prior to the date of the Public Hearing on December 4th. He suggested a workshop meeting whereby Agency fCoundl members could discuss the filing of an Urban Development Action Grant to construct the necessary multi-level parking structure and also other matters pertinent to the sale of property located at the southeast corner of Court and "E" Streets. After considerable discussion, a dinner meeting was scheduled. ~ Motion by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, that the .....II meeting be set for Thursday, November 16,1978 at 6: 30 p.m. in the MIC Room, Sixth Floor, City Hall. The motion was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Abstain: Gerwig. Mr. Shadwell read and explained the following resolution: RES. NO. 3779 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 3756, SETTING JOINT PUBLIC HEARING, V ANIR RESEARCH COMPANY CENTRAL CITY NORTH. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and the foregoing resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 3779 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. ~ .....J r f I '- [ [ 4630 . Consider ~ Change Order to the Matich Corporation Contract, State College ProJ ect . RES. NO. 3780 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRET AR Y TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 WITH MATICH CORPORATION FOR ADDITIONAL CONCRETE WORK IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $9,100.00, LITTLE MOUNTAIN DRIVE, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 3780 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, "Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. Consider a Change Order to the C-M Engineering Contract, SEIP. RES. NO. 3781 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO.6 WITH CM ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES FOR ENGINEERING AND SURVEY SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and said resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 3781 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. Request of Mr. Charlie Bowles, Solo Construction Company, for extra compensa- tion relative to construction work for sewer installation on 23rd Street and Cajon Boulevard. Mr. Bowles appeared and presented his position as a subcontractor and stated that he felt he was due extra compensation because of the extra time involved in removing existing obstacles encountered below the paved streets relative to sewer installations. Jay Jones, Director of Operations for the Redevelopment Agency, appeared and stated that he did not feel the additional labor on the job was justified due to the fact that the plans were approved and checked by Bondiman Engineering and the City Engineering Department and that he did not recommend the approval of the additional charge of $2,905.00 claimed by Mr. Bowles for the excess labor due to the excavation. <, 4631 . Mr. ~obbs informed the Board that since the problem was in his Ward he would lIke to contlnue the matter to another meeting in order that further information could be obtained. ~ Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Katona, that the matter be referred to Jay Jones to coordinate a meeting with Mr. Bowles, Joseph E. Bondiman and Associates and Glenn Wilson, City Engineer for their recommendations to resolve the matter in an amiable manner. ......, The motion was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. Review the Composite Plot Plan submitted by Huntley Properties to develop three industrial facilities located on San Bernardino Avenue between Tippecanoe and Richardson. Motion by Katona, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, to approve a Plot Plan for the development of Super Shops, Bassett Furniture Company and Huntley Properties on 111/2 acres in the Southeast Industrial Park. Motion carried by the following vote to wi t: A yes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hudson. Review of the Golf Course Layout as proposed by the Architect, Engineer, and ~ approved by the Golf Course Committee. ...."" Mr. Hudson briefly reviewed the plans for the Golf Course Layout and stated that the Golf Course Committee had unanimously approved the plans and layout at their meeting on October 23,1978. Mr. Wheeler spoke and presented the layout of the course on the display board and gave his favorable opinion that it was a superbly designed course and that if plans went according to the present schedules, the development should be completed by January 1, 1980. On motion by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, the Golf Course Layout was approved. Chairman Holcomb opened the Public Hearing for the consideration of the sale of property located west of Tippecanoe and south of the Santa Fe Railroad tracks to the T. J. Burris Corporation for the purpose of industrial development in the South- east Industrial Park Project Area. ....... .......J [ 4632 Mr. Shadwell explained the proposal from the Redevelopment Agency to buy a tract of remaining undeveloped land in the Southeast Industrial Park, and resell the lots generally located southwest of Pioneer and Tippecanoe avenues to an industrial developer. This sale of land to the T. J. Burris Corporation is subject to the obtaining of a UDAG grant in the amount of $600,000 to cover engineering costs and off-site improvements. Chairman Holcomb reviewed recent negotiations with the sellers of the property and with Mr. David Ariss of the T, J. Burris Corporation relative to the option agree- ments, He stated that each of the sellers had agreed to an assignment of $5,000 in payment to the Redevelopment Agency, to be withheld from the initial option payment, which in turn would be paid to the San Bernardino Tournament of Roses Association, Further, that the option would become effective as of the date of entering into the contract with the Burris Corporation for the sale of the land and that the option price would be payable only if the contract for the sale of land is entered into with Burris Corporation, Councilman Katona was firm in his stand that the minutes should reflect that the seller pay one quarter of the option price, the developer pay one quarter and the Redevelopment Agency pay one half of the option price, and that the option dates start when the RDA Board accepts the offer of Burris. [ Motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried, that the Public Hearing be closed. Mr, Shadwell read the following resolutions. RES. NO. 3782 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE OPTION AGREEMENT WITH SAN BERNAR- DINO INDUSTRIAL PARK, INC., FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. RES. NO, 3783 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE OPTION AGREEMENT WITH MANUEL J. CASTRO AND FRANCES CASTRO, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA, ".' RES NO 3784 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE r:\!~'~,) CIT~ OF 'SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN ~1 . - J! AND SECRET AR Y TO EXECUTE OPTION AGREEMENT WITH THE BANK OF ",'. CALIFORNIA FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST INDUS- r- TRIAL PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. L , I,. ~jY", ;~:r<'- f" " \j / , I"li(.~ /1 (I- ". JI'~' ~"t'r " p'1 ~~." .1t .., )} 4633 After extensive deliberation, it was the consensus of the Board that the options be approved, subject to the conditions that the developer pay one quarter of the option price, the sellers pay one quarter of the option price, or in lieu of the cash payment, give a like amount to the Tournament of Roses Parade Association, and the Redevelop- ment Agency pay one half the option price. Also, that the option dates start at the time the Burris Joint Development Agreement is approved by this body. -., I -.;tiJ The San Bernardino Industrial Park, 18.78 acres for the sum of $300,480; Manuel J. and Frances Castro, 17.58 acres for the sum of $281,380, and Bank of California, 5.5 acres for $99,000. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson, that further reading be waived and the foregoing resolutions be approved. Resolution Nos. 3782, 3783 and 3784 were adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: Gerwig and Hobbs. Absent: None. At 4: 45 p. m. the Board Meeting recessed to an Executive Session in the Conference Room of the Council Chambers. The Executive Session was called to order by Chairman Holcomb with the following being present: Board Members: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Executive Director, Ralph E. Shadwell, Agency Counsel, Willima A. Flory; Administrative Assistant, Sandy Lowder, Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover; Chief Deputy City Clerk, Shauna Clark; City Administrator, Marshall Julian; City Attorney, Ralph Prince; and Attorney Alan Gresham. ,., 4 -III The Executive Session adjourned to the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency Board in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson, to authorize the Agency Counsel and Special Counsel to settle the case of Old Stone Savings Bank vs. Jack Bradford Morse, et aI, San Bernardino Superior Case No. 173-017, for the sum of $12,500.00. Motion was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Absent: Katona and Hobbs. Mr. Katona spoke regarding the recent meetings of the Mall Security Committee and negotiations between the City and the Redevelopment Agency relative to resolutions relating to the Central City Mall Security Program. ---. ~ [ [ [ 4634 Motion was made by Katona, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried, to terminate the City of San Bernardino-Redevelopment Agency Mall Security Guard Program Agreement as of December 31, 1978. Motion was made by Katona, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried, that the Agency Employment Agreement with David Adkins as Supervisor of Mall Security Personnel be terminated as of December 31, 1978, and that due notice be gi ven to that effect. Motion by Katona, seconded by Hobbs, to request an audit on wages paid to Agency employees for State Disability and Unimployment Insurance benefits for a three year period in anticipation of a refund. The motion lost by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona and Hobbs. Noes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried, that the Executive Director and Staff prepare a status report of the Agency1s participation in the SDI Program and the Federal Social Security Program covering the most recent three year period, and bring back to the next Board meeting. On motion by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned to Thursday, November 16, 1978, at 6: 30 p. m., in the Management Information Center, Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. R~~. 4635 Minutes of the Adj ourned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, November 20, 1978. ~ 1: ! 1 --' The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Chairman Holcomb at 2: 00 p. m. INVOCA TION The Invocation was given by Rev. Rob Zinn, Pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church, San Bernardino, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Lackner. ROLL CALL Roll Call showed the following present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members, William Katona, Robert A. Castaneda, Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel Hudson, John D. Hobbs and Russell E. Lackner. Absent: Edward S. Wheeler. Executive Director R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, Real Estate Manager Jay Succow, Assistant Director of Operations Cliff Griffin and Executive Secretary Margaret Hoover. Chairman Holcomb stated that, due to a very large Council Agenda, it would be his recommendation to continue all items of the Redevelopment Agency Board Agenda .""." to the regular board meeting on Wednesday, November 22nd and also to continue the first two items on the Council Agenda pertaining to a joint public hearing to Wednesday, November 22nd. ~ ) There being no opposition to this recommendation, motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Castaneda, that items 1 through 11 on the Redevelopment Board Agenda be continued to Wednesday, November 22,1978, at 2: 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. The motion was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, Castaneda, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Wheeler. ~ ....."jI r ... r ..... "... L 4636 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, November 22, 1978 The joint meeting of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino and the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino was called to order at 2: 05 P.M., Wednesday, November 22,1978, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Mr. Harold Hoffman, of the Faith Bible Church, 2898 North "G" Street, San Bernardino, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Richard F. Gerwig. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members, William Katona, Richard F. Gerwig, Robert A. Castaneda and John D. Hobbs. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr.; Wm. A. Flory, Legal Counsel; Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. Absent: Board Members, Russel E. Lackner, Lionel E. Hudson and Edward S. Wheeler. A motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Katona and unanimously carried, that the meeting be adjourned at 5: 00 p . m. and any unfinished business be continued to the next Board meeting. Chairman Holcomb voiced a veto of the motion due to the fact that it was premature and out of order. Chairman Holcomb opened the Joint Public Hearing for the purpose of considering the sale of property located west of Tippecanoe and south of the Santa Fe Railroad in the Southeast Industrial Park Redevelopment Project Area, to the T. J. Burris Corporation for the purpose of industrial development. Mr. Shadwell informed the Board that, based upon the Workshop Meeting held on Thursday, November 16, 1978, three new options were being presented and that if adopted, would require rescinding the resolutions passed at the previous mee~ing of November 8, 1978 , pertaining to the property located in the Southeast IndustrIal Park Area. Also, presented for the consideration of the Bo~rd, the Joint Develop~ent Agreement for the purpose of selling the acreage acqUIred to the T. J. Burns, Corporation. In addition, the matter of the approval of the filing ~f t~e Urban Deve~op- ment Action Grant for the purpose of constructing necessary off-sIte Improvements In support of the T. J. Burris Corporation industrial development in the Southeast Industrial Park Area. 4637 Mr. ~hadwell intro~uced Attorney H. M. Peccorini, who spoke confirming the repres~ntatIOn made by hIm at the Workshop Meeting of November 16, 1978, concerning the OptIOns to Purchase on behalf of the San Bernardino Industrial Park, Inc., and Manuel J. Castro and Frances S. Castro. He also presented a letter of intent to purchase from Mr. David W. Ariss, Executive Vice President of the T. J. Burris Corporation. ...., ... Mr. Peccorini answered questions of the Board concerning the changes in the options that have been made since the resolutions were adopted at a previous meeting relative to the participation in the option price by the developer and the owners of the property. At 2: 40 p.m., Mr. Wheeler arrived at the meeting. Mr. Shadwell asked that a clause be added to the resolutions being presented concerning the Options to Purchase to the effect that the previous resolutions adopted on November 8, 1978 be rescinded. Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution: RES. NO. 3785 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE OPTION AGREEMENT WITH SAN BERNARDINO INDUSTRIAL PARK, INC., FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTH- EAST INDUSTRIAL PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA, AND RESCINDING ...., RESOLUTION NO. 3782. -J Motion by Katona, seconded by Wheeler, to waive further reading and adopt the foregoing resolution as amended. Resolution No. 3785 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig and Hobbs. Absent: Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. RES. NO. 3786 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE OPTION AGREEMENT WITH MANUEL J. CASTRO AND FRANCES CASTRO, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA, AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 3783. ded by Wheeler to waive further reading and adopt Motion by Katona, secon ' the foregoing resolution as amended. b the fdllowing vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Resolution No. 3786 was adopted Y N Ab t. Hudson and Lackner. . d H bbs Noes' one. sen. Wheeler, Katona, GerwI g an 0.' - ..... ....J [ [ [ 4638 RES. NO. 3787 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE OPTION AGREEMENT WITH THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTR- IAL PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA, AND RESCINDING RESOLU- TIONNO.3784. Motion by Katona, Seconded Wheeler, to waive further reading and adopt the foregoing resolution as amended. Resolution No. 3787 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Hudson and Lackner. RES. NO. 3788 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A DISPOSITION AND JOINT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND T. J. BURRIS CORPORATION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. Mr. Shadwell explained that the resolution contained the dollar amount of the purchase price which should be eliminated and a sum to be determined inserted therein due to the stipulation for $22,000 per acre by the Bank of California as previously discussed. Motion by Katona, seconded by Gerwig to waive further reading and adopt the foregoing resolution on the condition that the purchase price reflects the $22,000 per acre for land acquired by the Burris Corporation from the Bank of California. Resolution No. 3788 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Hudson and Lackner. Motion was made by Katona, seconded by Hobbs and unanimously carried, that the hearing on the sale of land west of Tippecanoe and south of the Santa Fe Railroad tracks to T. J. Burris Corporation in Southeast Industrial Park be closed. A motion was made by Katona, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried, that a Public Hearing be set for Monday, December 4, 1978, at 2: 00 p . m. to approve the filing of an Urban Development Action Grant for the purpose of const~uct~ng . necessary off-site improvements in support of the T. J. Burris Corporatlon lndustnal development. Chairman Holcomb opened the Joint Public Hearing for the purpose of con- sidering the sale of Agency owned property located at the Southeast corner of Court and "E" Streets, Central City Project Area. 4639 A discussion ensued regarding the negotiations for the terms of th~ agreem t as draft~d by Legal Counsel pertaining to the percentage of interest rates on the en ..... twenty-five year promissary note on the parking structure. , Mr. Gerwig stated that it was his understanding that during the Workshop ...-J Meetln,g on Nove~ber 16, 1978 that it was proposed that a figure of 9% of the annual gross Income realIzed would be the proper interest rate to be used. After a lengthy discussion, Motion was made by Castaneda, seconded by Wheeler, to change the interest rate figure in the agreement from 9% to 7%. The motion was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona and Hobbs. Noes: Gerwig. Absent: Hudson and Lackner. RES. NO. 3789 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A DISPOSITION AND JOINT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND H. FRANK DOMINGUEZ, DBA, V ANIR RESEARCH COMP ANY FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN CENTRAL CITY PROJECT AREA, (COURT AND "E" STREETS). Motion by Castaneda, seconded by Hobbs , to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3789 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Hudson and Lackner. .... ....J At 3:12 p.m. Mr. Lackner arrives at the meeting. Motion was made by Castaneda, seconded by Hobbs and unanimously carried, that the Public Hearing be closed. A motion was made by Castaneda, seconded by Hobbs, that a Public Hearing be set for Monday, December 4,1978, at 2: 00 p.m. to approve the filing of an Urban Development Action Grant for the purpose of constructing the necessary parking facility in support of the Vanir Research Company commercial development, Central City Project. The motion was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: Gerwig. Absent: Hudson. Mr. Shadwell explained that the following resolutions to be considered were for the purpose of amending Contracts of Sale for the disposition of certain Agency owned acreage located south of Riverview Drive between Richardson Street and Mountain View Avenue in the Southeast Industrial Park Project Area. ..... ..."JIll [ [ [ 4640 The Planning Commission has made a condition that a six foot block wall must be constructed between the industrial development and the residential area; the block wall would then follow the area boundary. The developers have agreed to build the wall at their own expense as a part of the amended agreement. RES. NO. 3790 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR SALE OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY WITH LIONEL S. HELLER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MASONRY WALL IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT. RES. NO. 3791 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR SALE OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY WITH THE SOUTHERN SIERRAS CHAPTER, NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION, INC., FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MASONRY WALL IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT. RES. NO. 3792 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR SALE OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY WITH REMIC INDUSTRIES, INC. , FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MASONRY WALL IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL P ARK PROJECT. RES. NO. 3793 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR SALE OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY WITH COMMUNITY CONSULTANTS CORPORATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MASONRY WALL IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOUTH- EAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT. Motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Wheeler and carried, that further reading be waived and the foregoing resolutions be adopted. Resolutions No. 3790, No. 3791, No. 3792 and No. 3793 were adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hudson. . RES. NO. 3794 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHOR- IZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO 1 WITH RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE GAGE CANAL CR~SSING AND FENCE IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $14,830.50, COOLEY AVENUE EXTENSION, UNIT 20, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT. 4641 d' MotiOdn by Katona, seconded by Castaneda and carried to waive further rea lng an adopt the resolution. C R~solution No. 379~ was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler, astane a, Katona, GerwIg, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hudson. . ~r. Shadwell,explained that it was necessary to enter into a change order with Rlvers~de ConstructIon Co~~any for the i~stallation of sewer laterals to complete ~treet lmpr~vements and utIhty constructIon in Riverview Drive and read the follow- Ing resolutIon: RES. NO. 3795 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZ- ING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO.1 WITH RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER LATERALS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $7,022.00, IN THE RIVERVIEW DRIVE UNIT NO. 17, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT. Motion by Katona, seconded by Wheeler and carried, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3795 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler, Castaneda, Katona, Gerwig, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hudson. Mr. Shadwell explained that it was necessary to install additional sewer main in Shenandoah Way and sewer laterals in Hallmark Parkway and for underground telephone facilities to complete the street improvements in the State College Indus- trial Park Project and read the following resolution: RES. NO. 3796 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZ- ING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO.1 WITH MEYER CONSTRUCTORS FOR THE SUM OF $121,217.31, PERTAINING TO THE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM AND STREET IMPROVEMENT FOR ST ATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT, PHASE NO.1. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda and carried, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3796 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler, Castaneda, Katona, Gerwig, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hudson RES. NO. 3797 _ RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY TO PROVIDE GAS SERVICE IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOUTHEAST INDUS- TRIAL PARK PROJECT. Mr. Shadwell explained that Cooley Avenue and Sunnyside Avenue were noW , under construction and gas mains should be installed before the streets are completed; ~ --- -- ;1 u ii -J " -, i ....J r .... r f ... .~ t ,. ~, , ". ) ',~ ) l . ' 4642 Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda and carried, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3797 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler, Castaneda, Katona, Gerwig, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hudson. Mr. Shadwell briefed the Board on action taken at a meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of November 6, 1978 whereby the sum of $3,000.00 was appropriated from the Area Tax account for the beautification of the vacant property at 460 North "E" Street, contingent upon the Redevelopment Agency bearing 50% of the total expense and read the following resolution relative to the upgrading of "E" Street. RES. NO. 3798 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS TO BEAUTIFY THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 460 NORTH "E" STREET. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Lackner and carried, that the resolution be adopted. Resolution No. 3798 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler Castaneda, Katona, Gerwig, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hudson. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR TRUSTEE SERVICES. Mr. Shadwell asked for continuance of the resolution, and on Motion by Lackner, seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried, the resolution was continued to December 6, 1978. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF A COMMISSION TO REAL ESTATE BROKERS WHO INITIATE AND EFFECTUATE THE SALE OF REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN AN ADOPTED REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. After discussion it was decided to defer action and give more time for consider- ation of the matter. Motion by Hobbs, seconded by Castaneda, that the resolution be continued to the meeting of December 6, 1978. Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Katona, Hobbs, and Lackner. Noes: Wheeler and Gerwig. Absent: Hudson. RES. NO. 3799 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, CHANGING THE TIME OF REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 3717. 1?i<'C<j',,~,-L fr.} / _" L/., /C( 7-?-tfo ( , , 4643 Mr. Katona presented the following schedule to establish new date and time for meetings of the Council and Redevelopment Agency Board, to become effective the first meeting in January, 1979. ~ ...." Suggested agenda time schedule is as follows: 2: 00 p.m. - 4: 00 p.m. 4: 00 p.m. - 5: 30 p.m. 5: 30 p.m. - 7: 30 p.m. 7:30p.m. - Council Agenda Redevelopment Agenda Dinner Planning Agenda Upon completion of Planning agenda, continue first with Redevelopment Agency agenda and then with Council agenda. A discussion followed, after which, Motion was made by Katona, seconded by Gerwig and carried, to waive further reading and adopt the foregoing resolution. Resolution No. 3799 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hudson. 4:15 p.m. - ADJOURN MEETING On motion by Castaneda, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, the --, meeting was adjourned to 2: 00 p.m. Monday, December 4,1978, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ..." ~% R. E. Shadwell , Executive Directo?" .... ....J r '- r-' I \.., r L 4644 Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. California. December 4. 1978. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Holcomb at 2: 00 p.m. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Olen Jones. Executive Assistant to the Council. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. William Katona. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members, William Katona, Lionel E. Hudson and Russell E. Lackner. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. Absent: Robert A. Castaneda, John D. Hobbs, Edward S. Wheeler and Richard F. Gerwig. 2: 05 p.m., Mr. Castaneda arrives at the meeting. 2: 10 p.m. , Mr. Wheeler arrives at the meeting. 2:15 p.m., Chairman Holcomb opened the Joint Public Hearing to consider the sale of Agency owned property located south of Riverview Drive between Richardson Street and Mountain View Avenue, Southeast Industrial Park Project Area. Mr. Shadwell gave a summary of the three Offers to Purchase and pointed out on the display board the acreage being offered in the "handle" area. Representatives were present from the three offering firms and answered questions of the Board. Mr. Morris Wax of San Diego appeared and spoke for Kleen-Line Corporation and presented an offer of $18,500 per acre for the 2 acre parcel. Mr. George W. Rose of Los Angeles presented a comparable offer and spoke regarding the proposed development of his compnay in the area. Mr. Robert Kruger spoke for Kruger McGrew Construction Company, stating that his. company was not in a position to offer the price that had been offered by the other two parties and withdrew his Offer to Purchase. Moved by Wheeler, seconded by Lackner and unanimously carried, that the public hearing be closed. 4645 After considerable discussion a Motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried, to accept the offer of Kleen-Line Corporation at $18,500 per acre for the approximate 2 acre parcel. ~ .......J Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution: RES. NO. 3800 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A DISPOSITION AND JOINT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND KLEEN-LINE CORPORATION AND/OR MORRIS WAX OR NOMINEE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST INDUS- TRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Katona to waive further reading and adopt said resolution. Resolution No. 3800 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler, Castaneda, Katona, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Gerwig and Hobbs. 2: 30 p.m. , Mr. Hobbs arrives at the meeting. Chairman Holcomb opened the Joint Public Hearing to consider the sale of Agency owned property located at the Northwest corner of 4th and "E" Streets, Central City North Project. --, 2: 35 p. m., Mr. Gerwig arrives at the meeting. ....." Mr. Shadwell summarized the remaining square footage on the northwest corner of 4th and "E" Streets and gave a layout of the proposed development as offered by Mr. Frank Dominguez of Vanir Research Company. Mr. Dominguez appeared and spoke regarding the recent negotiations which he had regarding the purchase of the property. He stated that his original offer of $3.00 per square foot was not a firm offer however, and that he was willing to pay $5.00 per square foot for the buildable property only and that his offer did not include that portion of the property to be used for the proposed bus terminal. Mr. Katona and Mr. Hudson spoke as the Committee appointed at the meeting of November 16, 1978 to negotiate with Mr. Dominguez. Mr. Katona stated that h~ felt that the offer of $5.00 per square foot for only the buildable property was not ~ faIr and equitable price and based on the projected improvements on the property It woul~ take z 14 years tax increment to pay back the loss between the price offered by Mr. DomIngue and the dollar amount which the Agency had invested in the property. A discussion ensued regarding the formula used by the Agency in determining ,., tax increments. ....J [ [ [ 4646 Mr. Gerwi g stated that in his opinion some serious thought should be given to relocating the bus terminal and that he would like to view the SANBAG study for the proposed bus stop before selling the property to Mr. Dominguez at 4th and "E" Street. He further recommended that the matter be referred to the Transportation Committee for their recommendations. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Katona to continue the Public Hearing to the second Board Meeting in January, 1979. The motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: Castaneda and Wheeler. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, to appoint Katona, Castaneda and Wheeler as a committee to renegotiate with Mr. Dominguez regarding the sale of the property at the corner of 4th and "E" Street prior to the second Board meeting in January. The Redevelopment Agency Board matters were concluded at 3: 45 p.m. The meeting was adjourned to 2: 00 p.m., December 6,1978, in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ~~. .., .......tI ., .."",JII --, i KJ ......J [ [ [ 4647 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, December 6, 1978 The regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order at 2: 00 p.m., by Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb. INVOCA TION The Invocation was given by Rev. James C. Huffstutler, First United Presbyterian Church, 1900 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was given by Lionel E. Hudson. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman Holcomb, Board Members, Robert A. Castaneda, Edward S. Wheeler, William Katona, Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, John D. Hobbs and Russell E. Lackner. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory and Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. APPROV AL OF MINUTES Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried, to approve the minutes of the Redevelopment Agency Board Meetings of October 31, November 6, November 8 and November 20, 1978. Motion was made by Hobbs, seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried, that the request of Mr. Norman L. Hanover, Attorney representing Operation Second Chance, to renegotiate the Land Lease with the Agency relative to the Public Enterprise Center, be continued to the first Agency Board Meeting in February, 1979. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried to approve a resolution rescinding Resolutions No. 3758 and 3759 relating to the Mortgage Servicing Agreement and the Mortgage Loan-Purchase Agreement for financing residential construction. RES. NO. 3801 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTIONS NO. 3758 AND 3759 AND AGREEMENTS RELATED THERETO. Resolution No. 3801 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. 4648 Mr. Shadwell presented the following resolution regarding the servicing of the mortgages for homes to be built under the new residential financing bond program. -.., RES. NO. 3802 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING THE FORM OF THE MOR TGAGE SERVICING AGREEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVICING MORTGAGE LOANS MADE FOR FINANCING RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION. -..II The two financing institutions being considered were Security-Pacific Mortgage Company and Santa Fe Federal Savings and Loan Association. After considerable discussion, Santa Fe Federal Savings and Loan Association was awarded the right to service the mortgages for the 605 homes to be built under the residential financing bond program. Mr. Scott Korkas of Security-Pacific protested stating that his firm had been working on the program for several months while Santa Fe Federal had only recently submitted its request. Mr. Lynn Drain spoke for Security-Pacific to the effect that he believed his firm was experienced in local mortgage conditions because it had serviced about 10% of the areas FHA and VA home loans. ,., Mr. Verne Potter, President of Santa Fe Federal Savings and Loan Association i predicted that jobs could be increased here if his firm was selected. ....JJ Due to the fact that Security-Pacific Mortgage Company had its headquarters in Denver Colorado, and its closest existing office was in Riverside, the majority of the Board seemingly favored Santa Fe Federal as a home based lending institution. Mr. Katona suggested that the mortgage servicing be split between the two firms. Security Pacific representatives were agreeable but Mr. Potter said that he felt the service should be done by local lenders . Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson, to waive further reading and adopt the foregoing resolution. Resolution No. 3802 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs al'!d Lackner. Noes: Katona. Absent: None. Mr. Shadwell explained that it was necessary to adopt various resolutions relative to the issuance of bonds in support of the residential mortgage program and introduced the following resolutions for the consideration of the Board. ..... .....J ",.. I ~; '- ,,-- t '- ,... L 4649 RES. NO. 3803 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN OPERATING MEMORANDUM (HUNTER) RES. NO. 3804 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN OPERATING MEMORANDUM (STONEBRIDGE) RES. NO. 3805 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN OPERATING MEMORANDUM (CUNNINGHAM) RES. NO. 3806 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN OPERATING MEMORANDUM (LEWIS) RES. NO. 3807 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERT AIN OPERATING MEMORANDUM (HODGDON AND LEWIS - PARCEL 3A) RES. NO. 3808 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN OPERATING MEMORANDUM (HODGDON AND LEWIS - PARCEL 3B) RES. NO. 3809 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN AMEND- MENT TO AN AGREEMENT WITH ADR CORPORATION. RES. NO. 3810 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN TERMS IN CONNECTION WITH THE FINANCING OF RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION. RlI'c."""~ RES. NO. 3811- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF h,D THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE b"O ':> (p OF SINGLE F AMIL Y RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS FOR THE ':J~ j-,1'1 PURPOSE OF MAKING MORTGAGE LOANS TO FINANCE RESIDENTIAL I CONSTRUCTION. RES. NO. 3812 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $35,515,000 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, 1978 SERIES A, FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING MORTGAGE LOANS TO FINANCE RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION. RES. NO. 3813 _ RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FORM OF THE MORTGAGE LOAN-PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING MORTGAGE LOANS FOR FINANCING RESIDENTIAL CON- STRUCTION. 4650 A motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler, to waive further reading and adopt the foregoing resolutions. ~ The motion was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. ......J Mr. Shadwell explained that it was necessary to obtain the services of a Trustee in connection with issuing the Single Family Residential Mortgage Revenue Bonds, and stated that an agreement had been drawn up with Security Pacific National Bank to act as Trustee for the Agency. Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution. RES. NO. 3814 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR TRUSTEE SERVICES. Motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resol ution No. 3814 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson., Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. Mr. Shadwell presented the following resolution authorizing the payment of commissions to Real Estate Brokers for the consideration of the Board. ~ RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN ....." BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF A COMMISSION TO REAL ESTATE BROKERS WHO INITIATE AND EFFECTUATE THE SALE OF REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN AN ADOPTED REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. A discussion followed regarding the time of payment of the commissions. Suggestions were made that payment should be made when the sale of the development was completely consummated. Mr. Katona suggested the commission~ be paid at the close of escrow. Mr. Robert Langston, President of the San BernardIno Board of , .,,,r K t I'd Agency staff however, were Realtors spoke in agreement WIth lVlr. a ona s 1 ea. ' t o osed to ayment at the close of escrow, explai~ing that t~e Agency ,does not wan t~~erelY s~ll property and let it stand, they are Interested In developIng the land to a useful means. Ch ' Holcomb said he believed the matter needed further study and appointed aIrman , h h A staff and the Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Lackner "-8 a committee to meet WIt t e gency Board of Realtors to try and resolve the problems. d d d by Wheeler and unanimously carried, that the matter ~:t~onn~~u~:;::~:ea ~:x~c~:g~lar Board meeting and referred to the committee .., for their recommendations. II .,.., r ... [ [ 4651 James Warren Beebe, Agency Bond Counsel, presented alternate financing methods to aid development and help prevent default of Redevelopment Agency Bonds. Mr. James Iverson of Miller & Schroeder Municipals stated that the Agency may be able to raise money to aid development by issuing industrial revenue bonds. Under this program, the Redevelopment Agency could use the bond proceeds to provide low interest money to industrial developers and the developers would in turn payoff the loans over an extended period. Mr. Beebe informed the Board that past bond issues of the Agency are in an uncertain status, unless some form of state legislation is passed to change the situation. He stated that it may be possible to have state legislation enacted that would allow the consolidation of RDA project areas in order that financially weaker areas could gain support from the more solvent ones. A motion was made by Katona, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried, that the City Attorney confer with Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc., and James Warren Beebe to draft the required City ordinances for the purpose of making maximum use of the financing powers that the City has by virtue of being a Home Rule City. Mr. Shadwell presented the following resolution to consider the payment of a Finder's Fee for the development of Remic Industries in the Southeast Industrial Park. RES. NO. 3815 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT NICK COUSSOULIS, REAL ESTATE BROKER, IS ENTITLED TO A FINDERI1S FEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AGENCY RESOLUTION NO. 3343, FOR THE DEVELOP- MENT OF REMIC INDUSTRIES, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. Motion by Castaneda, seconded by Wheeler, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3815 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. Mr. Shadwell presented the following resolution to consider the payment of a Finder's Fee for the development of Inland Empire Meat Company in the Southeast Industrial Park. RES. NO. 3816 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT AUSTIN, SMITH & GORMAN (BROKER PHILIP R. HARRISON) IS ENTITLED TO RECEIVE A FINDER'S FEE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INLAND EMPIRE MEAT COMPANY, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Gerwig, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. 4652 Resolution No. 3816 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, ...... Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. Mr. Shadwell explained that a change order was necessary with Riverside .....,ti Construction Company in connection with the completion of the west side of Mt. View Avenue in the Southeast Industrial Park Proj ect and read the following resolution. RES. NO. 3817 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHOR- IZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO.2 WITH RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE WEST SIDE OF MT. VIEW AVENUE, UNIT NO. 17, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Gerwig, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3817 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. Mr. James Warren Beebe spoke regarding the Mortgage Revenue Bond issue and informed the Board that it was very necessary to get the Bonds issued as soon as possible before the interest rate goes any higher and that additional resolutions must be adopted to actually sell the Bonds for this program. He felt that the rating agency would be able to give the bond counsel a figure within a few days. ....... A discussion followed regarding a meeting date which would come within the time frame of the bonding counsel and which would be convenient to the members of the Board. .....", Motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda to continue the meeting to 4: 00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 13,1978 in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. The motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Hudson, Hobbs, Lackner. Noes: Gerwig. Absent: None. The meeting was adjourned at 4: 15 p. m. RtfII~l:r ~ ....J [ [ ".... . L 4653 Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, December 13, 1978. The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino scheduled for Wednesday, December 13, 1978 at 4: 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California, was adjourned to Monday, December 18,1978 at 4: 00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. #1f~1 R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Executive Director 4654 Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, December 18,1978. .., , 1 i , --J The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order at 5: 00 p. m. in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb; Board Members, Robert A. Castaneda, Edward S. Wheeler, William Katona, Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, John D. Hobbs, and Russell E. Lackner. Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory; Redevelopment Agency Staff, Glenda Saul, Sandy Lowder, Jay Jones, Jay Succow, Norris Gregory and Margaret Hoover. Absent: R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Executive Director. Motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, that all items scheduled for the Redevelopment Agency Board Agenda be continued to Wednesday, December 20,1978 at 2: 00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned to 2: 00 p.m., December 20,1978, in the Management Information Center, Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. .., I ....J ..... ......J f""" r ~ -- [ [ 4655 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, December 20,1978 The Regular Meeting of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order at 2: 00 p.m., Wednesday, December 20, 1978, in the Management Information Center, Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North 1fD1f Street, San Bernardino, California INVOCA TION The Invocation was given by Rev. Elijah Singletary. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. 1fBob1f Holcomb, Board Members, William Katona, Richard F. Gerwig, John D. Hobbs, Lionel E. Hudson. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Legal Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, Real Estate Manager, Jay Succow, Director of Operations, Jay Jones, Administrative Assistant, Sandy Lowder and Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. Absent: Board Members, Russell E. Lackner, Edward S. Wheeler and Robert A. Castaneda. APPROVE MINUTES A motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Hobbs and unanimously carried, to approve the Minutes of November 22 and December 4, 1978 as submitted. ADOPT VARIOUS RESOLUTIONS IN SUPPORT OF THE RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE PROGRAM. Mr. Shadwell stated that it was necessary to consider the adoption of the following resolutions accepting Santa Fe Federal Savings and Loan Association loan documents and authorizing the sale of bonds in support of the residential mortgage revenue program. RES. NO. 3818 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN OPERATING MEMO- RANDUM (SANTA FE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION) RES. NO. 3819 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING CERTAIN DOCUMENTS TO BE USED IN CONNECTION WITH THE PURCHASING OF MORTGAGE LOANS. RES. NO. 3820 _ RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE FORM OF THE SPECIAL HAZARD INSURANCE POLICY. 4656 RES. NO. 3821 - A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING A CERTAIN GENERAL RESOLUTION. --- Motion was made by Hobbs, seconded by Hudson, to waive further reading and adopt said resolutions. - Resolution Nos. 3818, 3819, 3820 and 3821 were adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda, Wheeler and Lackner. MINUTE ORDER - EXTENSION DATE FOR PARTICIPATING OWNERS TO REMIT COMMITMENT FEE. Mr. Shadwell presented for the approval of the Board the extension date for the participating owners to remit to the Agency the commitment fee pertaining to the residential mortgage revenue program, as set forth in the revised schedules of the residential mortgage servicing agreement. On motion by Katona, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried, approval was given for the extension date and the following Minute Order is hereby spread upon the minutes of this meeting: MINUTE ORDER --- "The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino California, does hereby approve the extension of date for the Participating Owners to remit to the Agency the commitment fee set forth in Operating Memorandum No. 2 to Owner Participation Agreements, from December 15, 1978 to January 2, 1979. Reference is made to those Owner Participation Agreements dated November 13, 1978 by and between the Redevelopment Agency and the Participating Owners, to wit: Hunter, Lewis, Stonebridge, Cunningham, Lewis/Hodgdon 3A and Lewis/Hodgdon 3B. ......J The Redevelopment Agency does further approve the extension of date for the Redeveloper, ADR Corporation, to remit to the Agency the commitment fee set forth in Amendment to Contract of Sale of Land for Private Redevelopment, from December 15,1978 to January 2,1979." ADOPTED: December 20,1978 ~~! REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CA. ~ ...J ".... .... [ [, 4657 RES. NO. 3822 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF A COMMISSION TO REAL EST ATE BROKERS WHO INITIA TE AND EFFECTUATE THE SALE OF REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN AN ADOPTED REDEVELOP- MENT PROJECT AREA. R. <.~.~_.^ ." ' '- , '.." ?~". S S '0-<.,-1 9 ~ Mr. Shadwell read the resolution title and explained that this matter was a continued item from the previous Board meeting and that the Committee had met with members of the Board of Realtors and with Agency staff to draft a resolution which would resolve some of the problems referred to at the previous meeting. Mr. Jay Succow explained the commissions to be paid on the basis of 10 percent for unimproved land and 6 percent for improved property. Under the terms of the plan, a broker seeking a commission must be the first one to contact the prospective buyer. Also, the commission fees will be included in the selling price of the property; the buyer would pay the commission to the Agency, which in turn would forward it to the broker. Mr. Shadwell explained that the new program replaces the old "finder's fee", and that the commissions will require nO out-of-pocket costs from the Agency. Motion by Katona, seconded by Hudson, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3822 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Hobbs. Absent: Castaneda, Wheeler and Lackner. Noes: None. 2: 35 P . m. - Mr. Lackner enters the meeting and takes his place with the Board. RES. NO. 3823 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT RAYMOND FOX, REAL EST A TE BROKER, IS ENTITLED TO A FINDER'S FEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AGENCY RESOLUTION NO. 3343, FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF JACK LA LANNE HEALTH SPA, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. Mr. Shadwell explained that, although the request for a finder's fee had not been received until November 28, this was a legitimate claim. Mr. Hudson was of the opinion that some limits should be placed on how long after the fact that a request for a finder's fee could be granted. Mr. Shadwell stated that there would undoubtedly be requests for a finder's fee from other brokers who fell within the old plan, which the Agency is obligated to pay. 4658 Motion by Katona, seconded by Hobbs, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. ~ . Resolution No. 3823 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, GerwIg, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda and Wheeler. - RES. NO. 3824 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO RESCINDING THE CONTRACT OF SALE BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND MONOCRETE PTY. , LIMITED, DBA MONIER COMP ANY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF 8 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST INTERSECTION OF MOUNTAIN VIEW AVENUE AND THE PROPOSED RIVERVIEW DRIVE. Mr. Shadwell read the resolution and explained the background and the terms of the agreement. He stated that the developer had not been able to comply within the time frame of the present contract and that it was his recommendation that the agreement be terminated. Mr. Had S. Phelps, Manager of Corporate Development for the Monier Company, appeared and spoke, stating that due to a cement shortage and the inability to secure a commitment for a supply of cement, the Monier Company had been delayed in start- ing construction on their roof tile manufacturing plant. The time schedule proposed by Mr. Phelps would be to start construction by August 1, 1979 with completion date .... by March 1, 1980. Monier Company would pay upon close of escrow the tax increment loss for 1979, based upon the estimated value of buildings and site improvements, the .... amount of $10,000. Chairman Holcomb stated that several offers had been received on the same property for a much higher price from developers who were interested in immediate development, and in view of the leverage needed for the UDAG grant in the Southeast Industrial Park area, in his opinion, the Agency would be remiss in its responsibilities if it did not accept the offer of another developer at $20,000 per acre. He added that Monier had been offered another site in the Southeast Industrial Park area at $10,000 per acre, which he considered superior to the site originally proposed by that company. Mr. Phelps stated that the Engineers for his company did not approve the site due to the concern of possible drainage problems. Motion was made by Katona and seconded by Gerwig to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3824 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda and Wheeler. ..., ....tl ,.... .. r L [ 4659 Mr. Shadwell read the following resolutions: RES. NO. 3825 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO.1 WITH RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR A TIME EXTENSION RELATING TO EDA PROJECT NO. 07-01-01931, PHASE llA, SOUTHEAST IMPROVE- MENT PROJECT. RES. NO. 3826 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRET ARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY TO PROVIDE GAS SERVICE IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT. RES. NO. 3827 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRET ARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 WITH RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE INST ALLA TION OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY UNDERGROUND FACILITIES. RES. NO. 3828 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO.2, WITH MEYER CONSTRUCTORS FOR THE SUM OF $2,136.00, PERTAINING TO THE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM AND STREET IMPROVEMENT FOR STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT, PHASE NO.1. Motion by Katona, seconded by Gerwig, to waive further reading and adopt the foregoing resolutions. Resolution Nos. 3825, 3826, 3827 and 3828 were adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda and Wheeler. REQUEST FOR THE RENTAL OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 444 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVENUE TO BE USED AS OFFICE SPACE. Mr. Shadwell presented a letter from Gary D. Patton, Chairman of the California Youth Soccer Association, requesting the rental of property located at 444 Mountain View Avenue, to be leased for a period of one year as office and storage space. 4660 . M~. Shadwell recommended a rental fee of $25.00 per month and that the AssocIatlOn be responsible for their own telephone service. ~ Mr. Hobbs stated that he felt a cancellation clause should be written into the Agreement. .....,; Motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried, to approve the rental of the property at 444 ?\1ountain View Avenue under the fore- going conditions and the Agency Staff was instructed to initiate the rental agreement. LETTER FROM RAY W. GLIDER OF HUNTLEY PROPERTIES REGARDING DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. Mr. Shadwell presented a letter from Ray W. Glider, Vice-President of Huntley Properties, indicating an interest from the Celetex Corporation of Tampa Florida to locate in the Southeast Industrial Park Project area. Mr. Glider indicated that a formal option proposal would be forthcoming wherein an option price of $10,000 would be paid to hold the site, previously proposed as the "Monier site", for a period of 90 days, and that there was a possibility that Celetex would request one additional acre bringing the total land requirements to eight acres for which they would probably offer $20,000 per acre. Motion was made by Katona, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried, to authorize the Agency Secretary to execute the 90 day option agreement with Celetex Corporation for the parcel of land located at the northwest intersection of Mountain View Avenue and Riverside Drive in the Southeast Industrial Park area. .., ....rI REQUEST FROM ADAMS INSULATION COMPANY TO CONSIDER THE LEASE OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY IN STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK. Mr. Shadwell presented a letter offer from Adams Insulation Company of Santa Ana, California, of $861.00 per month for the rental of property located at 250 West Rialto Avenue in San Bernardino. This offer is based on the acquisition of approxi- mately 20 acres for the relocation of the Company's corporate offices in State College Industrial Park. A discussion ensued, at which time it was determined that the offering price for the rental of the property was too low and that the Board did not feel the property should be tied up for an amount less than the market price. Suggestions were made to authorize a lease on a month to month tenancy. A suggestion was made to authorize a lease agreement with Adams for $2500.00 per month for a period not to exceed 18 months. Mr. Ron Adams appeared later in the meeting and spoke regarding plans for the development of a 20 acre site in the State College Industrial Park fo~ which his fi~m . would pay $9,000 an acre, contingent upon the rental of the FrederIck Hansen bUIldIng located at 250 West Rialto Avenue as an interim location prior to the moving of the Company headquarters from Santa Ana, Thousand Oaks and Ontario to this area. -. ~I 4 ;}! ..... [ [ ,.... J L 4661 Mr. Adams answered questions of the Board and stated that a month to month rental basis would not fit into his plans and indicated the possibility of negotiating the option for more than one year, as putting this package together would require considerable time. Chairman Holcomb said he felt the matter should have been brought in to a better negotiating posture prior to the Board meeting and that the $9,000 per acre offer was far too low for the State College area. He said he also felt the rental rate should be at least the low range in the market for that type of space which is 10 cents per square foot. Mr. Hobbs suggested a continuance of the matter until the Agency staff has had time to negotiate with Mr. Adams. Moved by Lackner, seconded by Hobbs and unanimously carried, that the Secretary be authorized to negotiate with Mr. Adams on the basis of not less than 10 cents a square foot for the rental of the property located at 250 West Rialto Avenue for a month to month lease tenancy. RES. NO. 3829 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO.3 WITH MEYER CONSTRUCTORS FOR REGRADING A PORTION OF THE HALLMARK SITE IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $15,612.00, ST ATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK. Mr. Shadwell read the resolution. Jay Jones explained the necessary additional work required for the revised grading/ drainage plans to allow the proper length of the rail spur. He stated that since the original grading plans were in error with respect to the length of the rail spur, the regrading nOw necessary would have to be done at the Agency's expense in an amount which would have been paid under the original grading contract. After discussion it was generally agreed that the Agency be authorized to pay its fair share in an amount not to exceed $15,612.00. Moved by Lackner, seconded by Hudson, to waive further reading and adopt said resolution. Resolution No. 3829 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda and Wheeler. 4662 Mr. Katona presented a schedule for the joint meetings of the Mayor and Common Council/Redevelopment Agency Board during the period of January through April, 1979 and requested approval of the following dates and times: ~ ....." January 8, 1979 Council Agenda - 2: 00 p. m. RDA Board Agenda - 4: 00 p.m. January 22, 1979 Council Agenda - 2: 00 p . m . RDA Board Agenda - 4: 00 p . m. February 5, 1979 Council Agenda - 2: 00 p.m. RDA Board Agenda - 4: 00 p . m. February 19, 1979 Council Agenda - 2: 00 p.m. RDA Board Agenda - 4: 00 p.m. March 12, 1979 Council Agenda - 2: 00 p.m. RDA Board Agenda - 4: 00 p . m. March 19, 1979 Council Agenda - 2: 00 p.m. RDA Board Agenda - 4: 00 p.m. April 2, 1979 Council Agenda - 2: 00 p . m. RDA Board Agenda - 4: 00 p. m. ., April 16 , 1979 Council Agenda - 2: 00 p. m. RDA Board Agenda - 4: 00 p.m. j{ -jJ .",J Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried, to approve the setting of the Council/Board meetings as suggested by Mr. Katona. The meeting was adjourned at 3: 45 p.m., to January 8,1979 at 4: 00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ~~i:clor ~ """"" r L r '- r ! '-- 4663 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California January 8,1979 The Regular Meeting of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order at 4: 00 p . m. , Monday, January 8, 1979, by Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members, William Katona, Richard F. Gerwig, John D. Hobbs, Lionel E. Hudson, Edward S. Wheeler, Robert A. Castaneda and Russell E. Lackner. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Legal Counsel, Wm. A. Flory and Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. APPROVE MINUTES Mr. Katona requested that the Minutes of the meeting of December 20, 1978 be corrected to reflect the time of the Council meetings to begin at 2: 00 p . m. and the Redevelopment Agency Board meetings to begin at 4: 00 p . m. on the scheduled dates for January through April 1979 . On motion by Mr. Gerwig, seconded by Mr. Katona and unanimously carried, the Minutes of the Board meetings held on December 6, 1978, December 13, 1978, December 18, 1978 and December 20,1978, were approved as corrected. RESOL UTION AMENDING ACTIONS TAKEN AND ADOPTING ACTIONS PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS. Mr. Shadwell explained the necessary actions to be taken to amend certain resolutions previously adopted by the Board in connection with the Single-Family Residential Mortgage Revenue Bond Program. These amendments were technical corrections resulting from a meeting with Bonding Counsel, James Warren Beebe and representatives from Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc. , where~n they had gone over in detail the procedures relating to the various documents and pOInted out the changes that should be made. Mr. James Warren Beebe stated that the schedule had been altered rega~ding the bond issue, necessitating these changes in the documents and asked Mr. JIm Iverson of Miller & Schroeder to explain the changes. 4664 Mr. Iverson stated that originally the closing date tor the b d' for Ja 17 1979 on Issue was set f hnuary, . However, due to the up trend in the bonding market and the ,.., act t, at, the market had been moving in our favor, it was his recommendation that the sIgnIng of the final documents be delayed until the next regular Board meeting on January 22 with a closing date of one week later on January 27 1979 H l' d ......J th t th d ' . e exp ame a ese amen ments to the various resolutions were the result of the changes in the schedules. Mr. Shadwell read the following resolutions: RES. NO. 3830 - A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING A CERTAIN GENERAL RESOLUTION. fLu.v,,^'~t' RES. NO. 3831 - A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ~,~ ~~ OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE '/f,--I~." '1 ISSUANCE OF $34,765,000 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE ).,,':> REVENUE BONDS, 1979 SERIES A, FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING MORTGAGE LOANS TO FINANCE RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION. RES. NO. 3832 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR TRUSTEE SERVICES. -... ,n RES. NO. 3833 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING CERTAIN DOCU- MENTS TO BE USED IN CONNECTION WITH ITS MORTGAGE REVENUE BOND PROGRAM. """"" RES. NO. 3834 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN OPERATING MEMORANDUM TO THE MORTGAGE LOAN-PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH SANTA FE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. RES. NO. 3835 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN OPERATING MEMORANDUM TO THE MORTGAGE SERVICING AGREEMENT WITH SANTA FE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. RES. NO. 3836 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CALIFORNIA RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 3812 PERTAINING TO THE ISSUANCE OF SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, 1978 SERIES A, FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING MORTGAGE LOANS TO FINANCE RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION. ,.., ....tIll ,... L [ [ 4667 A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the interest rates. it being the general feeling of the Board that the same interest rate should be paid on the money borrowed from the Hotel fund as the rate paid under the terms of the original agreement for the money borrowed from the City. Mr. Shadwell assured the Board that the Agency would continue to pay the 5% interest to the City on the loan. A motion was made by Katona and seconded by Hudson. to approve the temporary use of $1.078.715 of the funds loaned to the Agency by the City for the Hotel development to be used for the purchase of land in the State College Project Area for industrial development and the same interest rate that was in the original agreement be paid on the full amount of the loan from the City. The motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda. Wheeler. Katona. Hudson. Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: Gerwig. Absent: None. REVIEW PREVIOUS ACTIONS TAKEN SELLING AGENCY PROPERTY FOR DEVELOPMENT RELATIVE TO EXPEDITING DEVELOPMENT OR CON- sIDERING A PAYMENT TO THE AGENCY IN LIEU THEREOF. Chairman Holcomb asked for a continuance of the matter, stating that a full report of the status of all Redevelopment Agency contracts would be reviewed at a workshop meeting on Monday. January 15,1979. at 6: 30 p.m. OFFER TO PURCHASE AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. Chairman Holcomb explained that this offer from Kruger-McGrew Construction Company was for a 5 acre parcel of land located on the north side of Riverview Drive between Richardson and Mt. View A venue. He requested a delay in considering the offer until the City Engineer has had an opportunity to view the site as to the possibility of using the space as a dump site to dispose of materials for the City. Motion by Katona, seconded by Hobbs and unanimously carried, to delay action on the offer to purchase from Kruger-McGrew Construction Company until the City Engineer has given his opinion as to the possibility of using the area as a dump site for the City. Mr. Gerwig stated his objection to adjourning the official business matters to a workshop type meeting and questioned the legality of doing so. Legal Counsel, Wm. A. Flory and City Attorney Ralph H. Prince concurred that the Board was in . legal conformance to adjourn the regular business meeting to a workshop type meetlng. 4668 Motion was made by Hudson and seconded by Castaneda to adjourn the meeting to the Workshop Dinner Meeting, Monday, January 15,1979, at 6: 30 p.m. in the Management Information Center, Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. The motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: Gerwig. Absent: None. The meeting was adjourned at 4: 38 p. m. ~ I ..~ I i ......., ..., l~ Ij ...J ..... ., ....; 4665 r Motion by Castaneda, seconded by Wheeler, to waive further reading and ~. adopt the foregoing resolutions. ~ Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Gerwig. CONSIDER AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR GRADING AND RAIL IN SUPPORT OF MULTIPLE DEVELOPMENTS SOUTH OF SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE BETWEEN TIPPECANOE AND RICHARDSON, SEIP. This construction contract, as explained by Mr. Shadwell, is for the purpose of grading and providing rail service to the Super Shops-Bassett Furniture-Huntley Development in Southeast Industrial Park and the low bid received from Socal West Constructors was for $142,192.00. Mr. Shadwell briefed the Board on previous discussions wherein Huntley Properties agreed to pay the first $20,000 for the rail spur on the entire 11 acres and that now the acreage will be divided into three parcels. Motion was made by Katona, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried, to award the bid to Socal West Construction for $142,192.00. [ RES. NO. 3837 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH SOCAL-WEST CONSTRUCTORS, INC. , FOR GRADING AND PROVIDING RAIL SERVICE IN SUPPORT OF MULTIPLE DEVELOPMENTS SOUTH OF SAN BERNARDINO AVENUE BETWEEN TIPPECANOE AND RICHARDSON STREET FOR THE SUM OF $142,192.00, SEIP. Motion by Katona, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING A SAVINGS AND CHECKING ACCOUNT WITH BANK OF CALIFORNIA AND ESTABLISHING A MORTGAGE FINANCING- OPERATING FUND PERTAINING TO THE RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE PROGRAM. In answer to questions from Mr. Gerwig, Mr. Shadwell explained that the Agency would be handling funds regarding the single family mortgage revenue bond program and that on his recent trip to New York with representatives o~ Miller, & Schroeder he had been informed by Standard & Poors that the Agency IS requIred to make ce~tain representations in that they would honor both the servicer and the trustee and monthly reports would have to be made from these people to make sure , . 10th' e the Agency must recommend that the program IS operatlng proper y. erWlS, r- they be replaced. L Mr. Shadwell read the following resolutions: 4666 RES. NO. 3838 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING A CHECKING ACCOUNT WITH THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE MORTGAGE FINANCING-OPERATING FUND RELATING TO THE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE BOND PROGRAM. ~ ......" RES. NO. 3839 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE MORTGAGE FINANCING-OPERATING FUND RELATING TO THE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE BOND PROGRAM. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried, to waive further reading and adopt the resolutions. CONSIDER THE USE OF FUNDS LOANED TO THE AGENCY, BY THE CITY, TO COMPLETE THE PURCHASE OF LAND IN THE STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK. Mr. Shadwell briefed the Board on the Option to Purchase, entered into by the Agency on February 22, 1978 with Roadside Leasehold Company and San Bernardino Associates, for approximately 277.99 acres of industrial acreage in the State College Proj ect Area. The option provides for a purchase price of $4,500 per acre through February 22, 1979. The price per acre then increases to $5,500 per acre through February 22, 1980, then to $6,500 per acre through February 22, 1981. To date the Agency has purchased 82.61 acres that have now been sold for development or used for the construction of roads. The Agency is now in the process of buying additional acreage for TreeSweet and the Westside Community Development Corporation. -., ~ t ......, Mr. Shadwell stated that, in his opinion, the Agency would be wise to purchase the remaining 195.27 acres at $4,500 per acre at this time for a total price of $878,715. If delayed until the price increases, the total cost of the land would be $1,073,985. The immediate purchase of the remaining land would save approximately $195,270. This amount does not include the $200,000 note for the original purchase, nor the interest due on this note. A means of funding the purchase of the remaining 195.27 acres would be to borrow from the money loaned to the Agency by the City for the development of the proposed Hotel. The Hotel fund could be reimbursed as the industrial land is sold in State College Industrial Park and would then be available when the hotel comes into being. Chairman Holcomb stated that the land is now worth three or four times more than what is owing on it and, in his opinion, it would be prudent to payoff the $200,000 loan and purchase the remaining land. By the time the 1 t~otel is on thHe ...., scene, we should have ample time to recoup that money severa ImeS over. e ~ said the City is presently exploring possible sources of funding for the hotel develop- J ment within the area, including the use of industrial revenue bonds. ......J "... I i.- [ r L 4669 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California January 15,1979 The adjourned regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was held jointly with the Mayor and Common Council on January 15,1979 at 6: 30 p.m. in the Management Information Center, Sixth Floor, City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. INVOCA TION The Invocation was given by Olen Jones , Executive Assistant to the Council. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman, W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members: Robert A. Castaneda, Edward S. Wheeler, William Katona, Lionel E. Hudson, John D. Hobbs and Russell E. Lackner, Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, Director of Finance, Glenda Saul, Real Estate Manager, Jay Succow, and Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. Absent: Richard F. Gerwig. Others Present: William E. Leonard, Robert Wirts, Tom Crawford, Frank Dominguez, Ralph H. Prince, Craig Staatz, Warner Hodgdon, Allen Gresham, Marshall W. Julian, Olen Jones, Pauline Wade, Henry Traugott, and George Webs ter . Chairman Holcomb opened the Workshop Dinner Meeting, stating that the purpose of the Joint Council/Board Meeting was to discuss the following rather complex matters, i.e., the overall parking of downtown San Bernardino and the status report on the various disposition agreements of the Redevelopment Agency. City Administrator, Marshall Julian presented the proposed Off-Street Parking Program and gave an overview of the cost of the program and the sources of funding. PROPOSED OFF-STREET PARKING PROGRAM The proposed program would presently be to acquire and develop the Fullerton property (89 spaces); acquire property on the Northeast corner of 4th and "E" Streets; demolish buildings and develop parking (58 spaces); develop the "E" and "F" Street frontages of Pioneer Park for parking (110 spaces); develop 451/461 North "E" Street (51 spaces); and demolish the 5th Street Parking Structure and improve for parking an additional 2 5 spaces. Financing for the major portion of the program would be accomplished by means of a 25 year, 7% commercial loan obtained by the Redevelopmetn Agency, secured by a lease to the City of the parking lots developed. The City would make the lease payments from Area Tax and Parking District funds. 4670 The proposed plan would produce 333 public parking spaces with an overall cost of approximately $830,705.00. The annual gross payment would amount to $73,940.00 with an increase for the first year over the present parking district assessments of approximately 34.5%. This increase would include the cost for improvements and for additional maintenance, operation expense and security. Chairman Holcomb termed it the best approach that has been presented so far, and predicted the extra parking would start a whole economic rejuvenation cycle for the downtown area. He urged the approval of the Council and asked for comments. The Council/Board members present generally endorsed the proposal and agreed that it was a good step in the right direction. After discussion, the Chairman of the Parking Place Commission, was directed to schedule an informal public hearing, tentatively set for 10: 00 a. m. , February 8, 1979, in the Council Chambers, to get the general feeling of the program from the downtown property owners. It was moved by Wheeler, seconded by Hobbs and carried, to adjourn the meeting and continue the Redevelopment Agency Board Agenda to Monday, January 22,1979, at 4: 00 p . m. , in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. The meeting was adjourned at 10: 00 p. m. N~j: R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Executive Director ~ ... .....,J ..... .....II r I ...... r .... [ 4671 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California January 22, 1979 The Regular Meeting of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order at 4: 00 p . m. , Monday, January 22, 1979, by Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members, William Katona, Richard F. Gerwig, John D. Hobbs, Lionel E. Hudson, Edward S. Wheeler, Robert A. Castaneda and Russell E. Lackner. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Legal Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. APPROVE MINUTES On motion by Mr. Katona, seconded by Mr. Hudson and unanimously carried, the Minutes of the Board meeting of January 8,1979, were approved as submitted. CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF VARIOUS RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF SINGLE-F AMIL Y RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS. Chairman Holcomb informed the Board that due to technical problems encountered by the Agency's Bond Counsel, it was his recommendation that this matter be continued until a rating could be obtained by the Financial Consultants for the sale of the bonds. Motion by Hobbs, seconded by Katona and unanimously carried, the adoption of various resolutions authorizing the sale of single-family residential mortgage bonds was continued to the regular meeting of February 5, 1979. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE SALE OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF 4TH AND "E" STREETS, CENTRAL CITY PROJECT. Chairman Holcomb opened the Public Hearing. The Committee, consisting of Mr. Katona, Mr Hudson and Mr. Castaneda, appointed to renegotiate with Mr. Dominguez on the 4th and "E" Street property, gave a report of what they deemed a reasonable offer at $4.00 a square foot, stating that at the time the meeting was held with Mr. Dominguez, he had agreed to this price. However, Mr. Dominguez was not present at this meeting, therefore, the Committee was very reluctant to set a firm price for the property. The offer under consideration was for approximately 13,314 square feet at $4.00 per sq. ft. , for a total sum of $53,256.00. 4672 Mr. Gerwig stated that, in his opinion, the matter should be continued until the ~ Transportation Committee along with members of the Board had had an opportunity to view the SANBAG Study. .....J Chairman Holcomb stated that he would like to see some positive action on "E" Street, and in his opinion, this would get the situation off center by some new development being brought about. The development of this property would serve a dual purpose in that it would stimulate the revitalization of "E" Street and get the property back on the tax roll. Motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Hobbs and unanimously carried, to continue this matter to the Regular Board Meeting of February 5, 1979. OFFER TO PURCHASE AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. Mr. Shadwell briefed the Board on the issue and read the following resolution: RES. NO. 3840 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM KRUGER-MCGREW CONSTRUC- TION COMPANY, PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA, AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR FEBRUARY ___ 19,1979, AT 4: 00 P.M. Mr. Shadwell stated that this was a continued item from the previous Board meeting, and that Mr. Bob Kruger had submitted a supplement and an amendment to the prior Kruger-McGrew offer, which states that they are willing to permit the City to dump compactable material on the low-lying property and that Kruger-McGrew will maintain the property at no cost to the City. Further, that the access area to the dump site will be designated by Kruger-McGrew. ....." The offer for the 5.66 acres, which is located on Riverview Drive between Richardson and Mt. View , of which 2.36 acres is at street level and 3.3 acres is in the wash. Kruger- McGrew is offering $45,000 for the total acreage. Mr. Bob Kruger was present and answered question of the Board as to the definition of compactable material, stating that breakup materials of curbs and gutters, black- top, etc., were acceptable as compactable. At the suggestion of Chairman Holcomb, the Agency staff was instructed to work with the Public Works/Engineering Department in determining an acceptable definition of compactable materials, and that this be incorporated into the agreement. In addition, acceptable language showing ingress and egress and the problem of maintaining the site in the event Kruger-McGrew is not available available to maintain the premises of the dump site, should be spelled out in the agreement. ,., ....... r I L [ r-" l' f f I l..- 4673 Motion by Katona, seconded by Hudson, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3840 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwi g, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. OFFER TO PURCHASE AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CENTRAL CITY NORTH PROJECT AREA. Mr. Shadwell stated that this was an offer from James and Michael Lonergan to purchase the parcel immediately east of the Lonergan Building, on property which was the site of the recently demolished AMFAC Building. The desire of the Lonergans is to buy the property for $50,000, which equates to approximately $6.00 per square foot. Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution: RES. NO. 3841 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM JAMES ALAN LONERGAN AND MICHAEL G. LONERGAN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CENTRAL CITY NORTH PROJECT AREA, AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR FEBRUARY 19,1979 AT 4: 00 P.M. A lengthy discussion ensued. Mr. Lackner stated that he was reluctant to agree to the offered price and suggested that this parcel be included in the City's overall parking plan. Mr. Katona stated that he felt this was not an equitable price for the property and an alternate plan would be to sell this parcel to the Parking District, with the possibility of leasing or using as a supplement to the police parking. Chairman Holcomb objected to the plan, stating that in his opinion, inasmuch as this property was being proposed for customer parking purposes, it would, in a sense by ownership, lessen the demand on the public parking in the area, keeping the burden off the Parking District. He pointed out that selling vacant property would be more prudent in that it would get back on the tax rolls and get the interest burden off the Agency. Mr. Gerwig stated that for the record, he would like it made clear to the purchasers that during the Public Hearings all offers are subject to rejection and the Agency receiving higher bids. 4674 Subject to the condition that it be made clear to the Lonergans that there is the possibility that the Agency will accept other offers for the property, Mr. Gerwig made a motion, seconded by Mr. Castaneda and unanimously carried, to receive the Offer to Purchase and set the Public Hearing for February 19, 1979. ...., ! .....; Resolution No. 3841 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. OFFER TO PURCHASE AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. Mr. Shadwell explained the offer from George W. Rose for a 1.1 acre parcel located north of Riverview Drive between Richardson and Mt. View in the Southeast Project Area to build a warehouse and distribution facility. He is offering $18,000 for the 1.1 acres which equates to $16,063.63 per acre. Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution: RES. NO. 3842 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRET ARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM GEORGE W. ROSE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK, AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR FEBRUARY 19,1979, AT 4: 00 P.M. ..... Mr. Shadwell informed the Board that a more recent offer had been received from Mr. Bill Ingram for that same parcel plus .90 of an acre for a total of 2 acres to be used for the construction of a warehouse facility for the distribution of a wholesale roofing materials. His offer for the 2 acres was for $21,000 which equates to $10,500 per acre. ....J Mr. Shadwell answered questions of the Board and recommended against accepting Mr. Ingrams offer since there was no comparison in the price offered and he felt there would be no problem in selling the. 90 acres in that area. Motion was made by Katona, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, to receive the offer of George W. Rose and set the Public Eearing for February 19, 1979. Resolution No. 3842 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. Motion was made by Katona, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried, to reject the offer of Bill H. Ingram for property located within Southeast Industrial Park. ...... ..... [ [ [ 4675 PAYMENT OF CLAIM REFERRED TO AND AR'BITRATED BY MR. C. GLENN WILSON, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER, RELATIVE TO THE CLAIM FOR EXTRA PAYMENT SUBMITTED BY SOLO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT. Mr. Shadwell read the resolution and eXplained that it was the determination of the City Engineer that the Contractor did encounter difficulty in the installation of the sanitary sewers on Cajon Boulevard and 23rd Street and that a claim for the additional costs incurred was justified. RES. NO. 3843 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE CLAIM OF SOLO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY lN THE AMOUNT OF $607.96 FOR ADDITIONAL WORK ENCOUNTERED IN CONNECTION WITH THE INST ALLA TION OF' SANITARY SEWERS ON CAJON BOULEVARD AND 23RD STREET. Motion by Katona, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. CHANGE ORDER AMENDING AGENCY CONTRACT WITH MATICH CORPORATION RELATIVE TO LITTLE MOUNTAIN DRIVE, . ACCEPTING CREDIT. Mr. Shadwell read the resolution and explained the increases claimed by the Contractor due to a change in the drainage system resulting in some additional costs which could not be assessed at;the time the change was made. Also the mis- calculation of the Engineer in determining the amount of asphalt required for the project, resulting in a credit to the Agency in the amount of $4,169.94. RES. NO. 3844' - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 WITH MATICH CORPORATION FOR LITTLE MOUNTAIN DRIVE, ST ATE COLLEGE PROJECT. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Wheeler, to waive further reading and adopt said resolution .! Resolution No. 3844 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. 4676 RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT RECEIVED FROM MONIER COMPANY, REQUIRED WITH THEIR SUBMISSION OF AN OFFER TO PURCHASE. THE AGREEMENT WITH MONIER WAS TERMINATED BY OFFICIAL BOARD ACTION AT THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 20,1978. ..., .....J Mr. Shadwell read the resolution . RES. NO. 3845 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT RECEIVED FROM MONIER COMPANY UPON TERMINA TION OF AGREEMENT. Mr. Shadwell stated that this was a compromise offer on the part of the Monier Company to withdraw their offer to settle the delay under the terms of the Disposition Agreement of June 29,1978, in which they would release their claim to the property in exchange for a return of their deposit. Motion was made by Katona, seconded by Hudson, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3845 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. REVIEW OF ALL PREVIOUS ACTIONS TAKEN SELLING AGENCY PROPERTY FOR DEVELOPMENT WHERE CONSTRUCTION HAS NOT YET STARTED. .., I ...."J Chairman Holcomb explained that the purpose of this review was to expedite development and to enforce reversionary clauses in agreements, or receive a holding payment in lieu of immediate construction. Mr. Shadwell presented a summary of the status report of those developments that either have not been built upon or are not being built upon as fast as they should have been and reviewed the status of the existing Disposition Agreements of the various developers and briefed the Board on thos who had not met all the terms of their contract and were in default. He stated that those who are behind in their schedule or who are in arrears would be requested to either close excrow and start construction immediately or pay an in lieu of holding fee. Otherwise, the Agency would invoke the reversionary clause and take the property back and offer it for sale with other developers. Mr. Katona asked to disqualify himself from the discussion regarding Central City South since he owned property there. Chairman Holcomb suggested that each developer who had not complied with the terms set forth in the agreement be contacted and requested to respond in writing, stating why they cannot commence construction, or in the interim, to negotiate payments of an in lieu sum of money to offset the loss of the tax increment revenue that should be accruing to the Agency. ...... ~ ;] '~ ....J [ [ r L 4677 Motion was made by Lackner, seconded by Hobbs, to contact those developers who have not met the terms of their agreement, requesting that they respond in writing by the next Board meeting on February 5, 1979, stating why they could not comply, or in the interim, to negotiate payments of an in lieu sum of money to offset the loss of the tax increment revenue that would and should be accruing to the Agency. Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. Mr. Warner Hodgdon appeared before the Board and gave a status report of his developments in the Riverview Center Project, Southeast Industrial Project and the State College Project Area. He presented data and documentation relating to these projects and pledged his continued cooperation to the Agency and City staffs. On motion by Wheeler, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried, the plans as presented by Mr. Hodgdon for a second 100,000 square foot building in Riverview Center, were approved. On motion by Katona, seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried, the development plans for a 10,000 square foot Riverview Industrial Center Maintenance Service Facility, a 50,000 square foot building for manufacturing and a second 10,000 square foot building, were approved. Mr. Hodgdon presented plans for the perimeter landscaping for Riverview Center, and on motion by Gerwig, seconded by Wheeler, and unanimously carried, the plans were approved. Chairman Holcomb informed the Board that a meeting with the Hotel developers had been delayed until Friday, January 26, at which time he would have an updated status report of the Hotel development. Motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, that the status report of the San Bernardino Grand Hotel Inc. be continued to the meeting of February 5, 1979. The meeting was adj ourned at 6: 05 P . m. to the next re gular Board meeting to be held on February 5, 1979 at 4: 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ~~~. R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Executive Director ~ .....tIi ., ~ \1 ....J ~ ....." [ "... I '--- [ 4678 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California February 5, 1979 The Regular Meeting of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order at 4: 00 p.m., Monday, February 5, 1979 by Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members, William Katona, Richard F. Gerwig , John D. Hobbs, Lionel E. Hudson, Edward S. Wheeler, Robert A. Castaneda and Russell E. Lackner. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Legal Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. APPROVE MINUTES On motion by Mr. Katona, seconded by Mr. Castaneda and unanimously carried, the minutes of the Board meeting of January 15 and January 22, 1979, were approved as submitted. RESOLUTIONS AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS. Mr. Shadwell reported that an "A" rating on the $34,765,000 bond issue had been received from Standard & Poor's and the resolutions being presented were amendments to those resolutions that have already been adopted at a previous Board meeting, and if approved, would actually authorize the sale of the bonds. Mr. Warren Beebe was introduced and explained that, due to the requirements of Standard & Poor's, it had become necessary to insert some technical changes in the resolutions. He stated that these changes did not change the financial picture, but were a great help in getting the rating on the bond issue. With the approval of the Board, these minor changes would be inserted in the documents being presented at this meeting. Mr. Jim Iverson of Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc. , was introduced and explained the maturity schedule and the interest rates on the bonds. In his opinion, the marketing plan had worked out beautifully and he was well pleased with the participation in the bond issue. He informed the Board that because of the arbitrage regulations, in all probability the 8 1/2% interest rate on the outstanding mortgages might be lowered to a possible 8 3/8%. 4679 Mr. Wheeler stated that he felt the financial institutions in the City of San Bernardino should be commended for their participation in the bond program. ,..... Chairman Holcomb commended Mr. Beebe and Mr. Iverson for their diligent efforts in bringing the bond issue to a successful close. .....,J Mr. Lackner noted a minor discrepancy on Page 6 of the Preliminary Official Statement to the effect that the expiration term of the officers listed should read June rather than March. Mr. Beebe stated this change could be made at the time the inserts were made on the resolutions. On motion by Katona, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, the following resolutions were adopted as amended by the inserts as outlined by Mr. Beebe. RES. NO. 3846 - A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING A CERTAIN GENERAL RESOLUTION. RES. NO. 3847 - A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO (CALIFORNIA) AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $34, 765,000 SINGLE F AMIL Y RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, 1979 SERIES A, FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING MORTGAGE LOANS TO FINANCE RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION. (SERIES RESOLUTION) .. ......t1I RES. NO. 3848 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 3831 PERTAINING TO THE ISSUANCE OF SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, 1979 SERIES A, FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING MORTGAGE LOANS TO FINANCE RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION. RES. NO. 3849 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR TRUSTEE SERVICES. RES. NO. 3850 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN OPERATING' MEMORANDUM TO THE MORTGAGE LOAN-PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH SANTA FE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. RES. NO. 3851 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN BOND PUR- CHASE AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF ITS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, 1979 SERIES A. ..... ...,.J [ [ [ 4680 RES. NO. 3852 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ITS REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, 1979 SERIES A. RES. NO. 3853 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN OPERATING MEMORANDUM (HUNTER) . RES. NO. 3854 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN OPERATING MEMORANDUM (STONEBRIDGE) . RES. NO. 3855 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN OPERATING MEMORANDUM (CUNNINGHAM). RES. NO. 3856 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN OPERATING MEMORANDUM (LEWIS). RES. NO. 3857 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN OPERATING MEMORANDUM (HODGDON AND LEWIS - PARCEL 3A) . RES. NO. 3858 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN OPERATING MEMORANDUM (HODGDON AND LEWIS - PARCEL 3B) . RES. NO. 3859 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO AN AGREEMENT WITH ADR CORPORATION. Resolution Nos. 3846, 3847, 3848, 3849, 3850, 3851, 3852, 3853, 3854, 3855, vote to wi t: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING - SALE OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF 4TH AND "E" STREETS, CENTRAL CITY NORTH PROJECT AREA. Chairman Holcomb opened the Public Hearing. 4681 Mr. Shadwell read the resolution and briefed the Board on the Committee's negotiations with Mr. Frank Dominguez for property located at the northwest corner of Fourth and "E" Streets in which the Agency agreed to sell 13 , 314 square feet of property at $4.00 per square foot which amounts to the sum of $53,256.00. Mr. Shadwell stated that the only thing necessary to enter into the agreement with Mr. Dominguez was the dates of the start of construction and the completion date of the contract. ~ -J Mr. Dominguez was present and stated that $53,256.00 was an agreeable price and that he could start construction within six (6) months after the date of the close of escrow with a completion date of twelve (12) months thereafter. Chairman Holcomb instructed the Agency staff to insert the foregoing conditions in the agreement. A motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried, to close the Public Hearing. RES. NO. 3860 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRET ARY TO ENTER INTO A DISPOSITION AND JOINT DEVELOP- MENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND V ANIR RESEARCH COMPANY FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF 4TH AND "E" STREETS, CENTRAL CITY NORTH. ... ~ ~ ....JJ Motion was made by Castaneda, seconded by Hobbs, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution as amended by the terms of the Disposition Agreement. Resolution No. 3860 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: Katona and Gerwig. Absent: None. APPROV AL OF THE ELEV A TIONS AND LAYOUTS FOR THE GOLF COURSE PRO-SHOP AND THE GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE BUILDINGS. Mr. Shadwell commented on the layouts for the golf course pro-shop and the golf course maintenance buildings as presented on the map display board. He stated that the plans had been approved by the Golf Course Committee and the Planning Commission and, after formal approval of these plans, the Agency would be ready to go to bid. Mr. Hudson stated that he felt the Elks Club officials should be contacted to see if the plans were compatible with those of the Elks Club building. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, to approve the layout for the golf course pro-shop and the golf course maintenance building, subject to the concurrance of the Elks Club. ~ ..... [ ,.... L r-' L 4682 AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR GRADING AND IMPROV- MENTS TO BLAIR PARK AND THAT AREA IMMEDIATELY NORTHERLY THEREOF. AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR GRADING, BUILDING A GOLF COURSE, AND ON AND OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. Shadwell explained that Bids were opened on this date (February 5,1979), for the two contracts and read the following resolutions: RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH JESSE HUBBS & SONS, INC., FOR THE SUM OF $393,467.00 FOR GRADING AND IMPROVEMENTS TO BLAIR PARK AND THAT PROPERTY IMMEDIATELY NORTHERLY THEREOF, ST ATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA. RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COM- P ANY FOR THE SUM OF $3,219,858.96, FOR GRADING, CONSTRUCT- ING A GOLF COURSE AND CONSTRUCTING ON AND OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA. Mr. Shadwell submitted a detailed summary of the dollar amounts involved pertaining to these two contracts. He pointed out that the cost for water service was being determined by the Water Department of the City of San Bernardino and was still to be finalized, but an estimate of $103,400.00 for water service for all activities was being considered at this time. Mr. Shadwell presented a summary of the costs to the participants stating that the Agreement for the Golf Course contained an upset figure of $1,400,000 to the Agency, and that the cost then to Mr. Hodgdon to do the Golf Course, as bid, would be $1,190,692.46. The net cost to the Agency for the residential area, that is putting in the streets, grading the pads, and deducting the amount received from the sale of the land to the Elks Club, would be $532,166.50. On the Blair Park portion, the bid price, less the $100,000 which Mr. Hodgdon had agreed to pay to help pay for the cost of putting in the roads, etc. , less the $74,000 in-lieu payments that Mr. Hodgdon has agreed to pay if the apartments which he had planned northerly of Blair Park were not completed by March, making a total net cost to the Redevelopment Agency of $239,467 for the Blair Park portion. The net cost to the Redevelopment Agency for their total participation would be $2,171,633.50. The total net cost to Warner Hodgdon for his participation would be $1,373,092 . 46. 4683 In accordance with the Agreement, Mr. Hodgdon is to put forth the money prior to the award of the contract for any amount for the construction of the golf course over 1.4 million dollars. The amount due the Agency prior to the awarding of the contracts is $1,299,092.46 with $74,000.00 to be payable to the Redevelopment Agency in June as in-lieu payments due to the fact that the apartments had not been completed by March 1, 1979, pursuant to the Agreement. ~ ...", Attorney Allen Gresham was present, representing Warner Hodgdon, and informed the Board that Mr. Hodgdon was out of town and had not seen the final figures. Mr. Gresham requested a delay in any decision regarding the contracts and asked that the matter be put over until the next regular Board meeting in order that Mr. Hodgdon could review the results of the Bids. A motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Katona and unanimously carried, that the matter be continued to the next regular Board meeting of February 19, 1979. CHANGE ORDER TO THE RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONTRACT FOR RIVER VIEW DRIVE AND MT. VIEW, SEIP UNIT 17. Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution: RES. NO. 3861 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO.4 WITH RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR A TIME EXTENSION RELATING TO RIVER VIEW DRIVE, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK, UNIT NO. 17. -., 1 ~ ..., Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Katona, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3861 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. CHANGE ORDER TO THE RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONTRACT TIPPECANOE, ET AL., SEIP PHASE llA. Mr. Shadwell stated that due to the inclement weather the contractor was unable to meet the February 1 completion date and would have to ask for another extension, therefore he would request that this matter be tabled. Motion by Katona, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, to table Change Order No.2 with Riverside Construction Company. APPROVE THE REQUIRED FORMS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA PERTAINING TO STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE. ..... Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution: ....,J [ ,... i I '- [ 4684 RES. NO. 3862 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE SECRETARY TO SUBMIT NECESSARY FORMS TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR THE REGISTRATION OF EMPLOYEES UNDER ST ATE DISABILITY INSURANCE, SECTION 709, AND RECONFIRM- 1NG THE AGENCY'S SELECTION FOR FINANCING UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE UNDER THE RATE METHOD CURRENTLY USED. Motion by Katona, and seconded by Hudson, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3862 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. AMENDMENT TO DISPOSITION AGREEMENT FOR THE CONVENTION- EXHIBITION CENTER AND HOTEL GRANTING AN EXTENSION TO THE REDEVELOPER FOR START OF CONSTRUCTION. Mr. Shadwell explained that in recent communication with the Redeveloper, he had indicated he felt reasonable sure that there is a good chance now of getting the loan for the Hotel. Chairman Holcomb informed the Board that the Redeveloper is confident that interest rates will decrease prior to August 31, 1979, and that he will therefore be in a position to secure adequate financing for the project. In view of this fact. he is willing to pay the sum of $1,000 per month in consideration for receiving an extension of time to commence construction. In lieu payments of $1,000 per month would start March 1, 1979 and end on August 1, 1979, which would be non-refundable unless the Agency receives a binding commitment from a lender that permanent equity financing for the Convention-Exhibition Center and Hotel has been approved and committed and has received convincing evidence and assurance that construction will commence on or before January 1, 1980. Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution: RES. NO. 3863 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING THE DISPOSITION AGREE- MENT FOR THE CONVENTION-EXHIBITION CENTER AND HOTEL BY GRANTING AN EXTENSION FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF START OF CONSTRUCTION. Motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Katona, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3863 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig. Hudson. Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. 4685 REVIEW OF DISPOSITION AGREEMENTS WHEREIN CONSTRUCTION HAS NOT COMMENCED PURSUANT TO THE CONTRACT. --, Mr. Shadwell named the following developers who have been sent letters informing them that they are in default and requiring them to either respond in writing by the Board meeting on February 5, 1979, stating why they should not be declared in default of their agreement, or in the interim to negotiate payments of an in-lieu sum of money to offset the loss of tax increment revenue which should be accruing to the Agency: --' Central City East - Langston-Newby-Simpson, 5th Street between Mt. View and Sierra Way. Southeast Industrial Park - Ingram Roofing Supply (Owner Participation Agreement) Southeast Industrial Park - Ingram Roofing Supply - Victoria Avenue. Southeast Industrial Park - Stanley Helfman industrial development, Riverview Drive. Southeast Industrial Park - Huntley Properties/Inland Empire Meat Co. industrial development, Cooley A venue. ,., Southeast Industrial Park - Hodgdon industrial developments, Riverview Center. ......, Mr. Shadwell presented a progress report on the current status of the develop- ments of Mr. Warner Hodgdon in the Riverview Center development, stating there was no default on the part of the developer and that the report was only for the information of the Board. Mr. Robert Langston was present and spoke regarding the delay in construction on the property located on 5th Street between Mt. View Avenue and Sierra Way in which he had requested a 60 day time extension. He stated that he had taken a number of positive steps to get the project started but had run into some difficulty with financing, but by the end of the week, he hoped to go forward with the construction plans. Chairman Holcomb suggested that each case be heard before any final determination was made. Mr. Helfman appeared and spoke to the effect that he hoped to start construction within 3 or 4 months and that he also needed a time extension, but that if it was the only way to make the project work, he would consider paying the in-lieu tax to the ...... Agency. ....,j [ r 1 f '- [ 4686 There being no representative present for the Huntley Properties, Mr. Shadwell spoke regarding the grading plans for the project, stating that the Agency will do the grading as soon as Huntley Properties furnish the plans and until that is accomplished, Huntley Properties/Inland Empire Meat Co. cannot go forward with their construction plans. Mr. Shadwell stated that Mr. Ingram was not present , however he had indicated at a previous meeting that he would be willing to consider an in - lieu payment. Plans had been approved by the Building and Safety Department and Mr. Ingram had material on the building site ready to go forward with the construction. After considerable discussion, a motion was made by Katona, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried to instruct the Executive Director to negotiate with the developers prior to the next Board meeting and bring back an amendment to each of the construction agreements wherein construction has not commenced pursuant to the contract. EXTENSION TO THE DISPOSITION AGREEMENT OF MR. DICK CROWTHER Mr. Shadwell explained that Mr. Crowther was asking for an extension of 6 months time necessary to get his loan processed in order that he could proceed with the development in the State College Project Area. Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution: RES. NO. 3864 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT OF SALE WITH RICHARD H. CROWTHER, OR HIS NOMINEE, PROVIDING FOR A SIX MONTHS EXTENSION TO SECURE CONSTRUCTION FINANCING. Motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Katona, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3864 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. REQUEST TO RENEGOTIATE THE LAND LEASE RELATIVE TO THE PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER. Mr. Hobbs stated that he would like to continue the matter until the first Board meeting in June, 1979. Chairman Holcomb stated that he thought for the record Mr. Shadwell should have the opportunity to explain to the Board what had prompted this request to renegotiate the land lease with Operation Second Chance relative to the Public Enterprise Center. 4687 Mr. Shadwell explained that this was a continued item from a previous meeting and concerned settling the ground lease payments to the Redevelopment Agency by the Public Enterprise Center and that to date the Agency has not received any leasehold payments due from Operation Second Chance, which should have started in February 1978. Also he advised the Board that the Agency has not received any funds due from the settlement of the EDA grant. Mr. Shadwell stated that Mr. Wesley Jefferson and Attorney Norman Hanover had been invited to the meeting today to discuss this matter, but that neither of these gentlemen were present. After a lengthy discussion, a motion was made by Katona, seconded by Lackner to continue the matter to the Board meeting of February 19, 1979, and that Operation Second Chance be instructed to be present at the meeting and give their position in the matter. The motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: Castaneda and Hobbs. Absent: None. The meeting was adjourned at 5: 45 p.m. to the next regular Board meeting to be held February 19,1979 at 4: 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. R. E. Shadwell, ~ l' I f ......J ..... .....1iIJ ..... ..J r .... [ [ 4688 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California February 19,1979 The Regular Meeting of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was continued to 3: 00 p.m., Wednesday, February 21,1979, in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ~~g 4689 Minutes of the Regular Adjourned Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California February 21, 1979 -.., '-IJiII The Regular Adjourned Meeting of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order at 3: 00 p. m. , Wednesday, February 21, 1979 by Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members, Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, Edward S. Wheeler, Robert A. Castaneda and Russell E. Lackner. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. Absent: Board Members William Katona and John D. Hobbs. APPROVE MINUTES On motion by Mr. Gerwig, seconded by Mr. Lackner and unanimously carried, the minutes of the Board meeting of February 5, 1979 were approved. RECEIVE AND FILE THE STATUS OF BUDGETED EXPENDITURES AND CASH FLOW STATEMENTS FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREAS. !IIlIllI ~f 2i ,;~ .....J Mr. Shadwell explained that the documents were to be received and filed in the Council office and the Agency Staff would be available to answer questions, should the Board so desire. Moved by Gerwig, seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried, to receive and file the Redevelopment Agency Status of Funds Report. APPROV AL OF VARIOUS DOCUMENTS LEADING TO THE ADOPTION OF THE PROPOSED NORTHWEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. Motion was made by Castaneda, seconded by Gerwig to waive further reading and adopt the following resolutions: RES. NO. 3865 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PRELIMINARILY APPROVING A REDEVELOP- MENT PLAN, A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN REPORT AND A DRAFT ENVIRON- MENTAL IMPACT REPORT REGARDING THE NORTHWEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA, AND AUTHORIZING TRANSMITTAL OF SAME TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. ,..... ~ ....J "... I I .... 4690 RES. NO. 3866 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO TAKING CERTAIN ACTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH A DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT REGARDING THE NORTHWEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. RES. NO. 3867 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING RULES GOVERNING PARTICIPATION BY OWNERS AND BUSINESS TENANTS IN THE NORTHWEST REDEVELOP- MENT PROJECT AREA. RES. NO. 3868 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING RULES GOVERNING PREFERENCE FOR RE-ENTRY IN BUSINESS IN THE NORTHWEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. RES. NO. 3869 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ADOPTING THE FORM OF "DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS" TO BE INCLUDED IN ALL INSTRUMENTS CONVEYING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE NORTHWEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. Resolution Nos. 3865, 3866, 3867, 3868 and 3869, were adopted by the following vote to wit: r-- Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. ~ Absent: Katona and Hobbs. '- [ JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE SALE OF AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY LOCATED NORTHERLY OF RIVERVIEW DRIVE BETWEEN RICHARDSON STREET AND MOUNTAIN VIEW AVENUE, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. Chairman Holcomb opened the hearing. Motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Castaneda, that the Public Hearing be closed. RES. NO. 3870 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A DISPOSITION AND JOINT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND MCGREW-KRUGER PARTNERSHIP FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. Motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3870 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Katona and Hobbs. 4691 JOINT PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE SALE OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED NORTHERLY OF RIVERVIEW DRIVE BETWEEN RICHARDSON STREET AND MOUNTAIN VIEW AVENUE, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. ...., Chairman Holcomb opened the hearing. ....... Motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Castaneda, that the Public Hearing be closed. RES. NO. 3871 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A DISPOSITION AND JOINT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND GEORGE W. ROSE, dba GWR PROPER TIES, INC., FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. Motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Wheeler to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3871 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Katona and Hobbs. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE SALE OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED NORTHERLY OF 4TH STREET BETWEEN "D" STREET AND ARROWHEAD AVENUE, CENTRAL CITY NORTH PROJECT AREA. --- .~ I -' Chairman Holcomb opened the hearing Mr. Shadwell presented the following resolution: RES. NO. 3872 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A DISPOSITION AND JOINT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND JAMES ALAN LONERGAN AND MICHAEL G. LONERGAN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN CENTRAL CITY NORTH PROJECT AREA. 3: 25 p.m. Mr. Katona enters the meeting. Attorney Allen B. Gresham spoke on behalf of James and ~.1ichael Lonergan. 3: 40 p.m. Mr. Hobbs enters the meeting. Motion was made by Castaneda, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried, that the Public Hearing be closed. .... ,} <iJ ....." [ r- I '-- ".... L 4692 ~hairman Holcomb stated that he felt this was a fair and equitable offer and aSk,ed If Mr. Lonergan would give as a consideration to the City a right of way for an Ingress and egress at the east end of the property to accomodate two way traffic to the public parking lot located north of the property leased by Mr. Lonergan from the City of San Bernardino. Mr. Lonergan was agreeable to releasing the easterly area as required for the north and south bound traffic to the parking lot, provided however, that a reasonable reduction in rent could be realized on the existing parking lot that was being leased from the City by the Lonergans. Mr. Katona stated his opposition to the sale due to the considerable loss the Agency would be taking on the property, and which would take many years to recover in tax increment. Mr. Hudson pointed out to Mr. Lonergan that it would not be unreasonable to ask for the ingress and egress to the property as a condition of sale due to the fact that the price being considered would normally be one that would be utilized if a building was to be constructed on the property in which tax income would be generated. After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Lonergan and Mr. Gresham concurred in the stipulation for the ingress and egress over the existing property presently leased from the City. A motion was made by Mr. Castaneda, seconded by Mr. Gerwig to approve the sale of Parcel Number 135-111-10 located northerly of 4th Street between "D" Street and Arrowhead Avenue, subject to the condition that the ingress and egress be provided to the public parking lot as determined by the City Traffic Engineer. Resolution No. 3872 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig and Hudson. Noes: Katona, Hobbs and Lackner. Absent: None. AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR GRADING AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS TO BLAIR PARK, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA. AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR GRADING, BUILDING A GOLF COURSE AND ON AND OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA. Mr. Shadwell explained that a pre award conference had been held with Mr. Hodgdon and his Attorney Mr. Allen Gresham and with the contractors, engineers and architects to discuss the bids. However, a decision had not been made to go forward at this time. Mr. Gresham spoke on behalf of Mr. Hodgdon stating that he was quite positive about the project but that due to the amount of money and the complexity of the program involved, he would ask for an extension of time to go over the plans and specifications in detail with all parties concerned to resolve any problems that might occur, prior to the award of the contract. 4693 ~r. Shadwell informed the Board that the 30 day time limit for the award ~f the bIds was March 6 and unless the Contractor would waive the 30 day period, It would be necessary to award the bids prior to that time. ~ . Chair~an Holcomb urged that the matter be continued to March 5, 1979 and In the meantIme ask the Agency staff to contact the Contractors regarding a waiver of the 30 day period for the award of the bids. ......"j . Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried, to contIn.ue the award of the construction contract for grading and public improvements to BlaIr Park and the grading, building a golf course and on and off-site improvements State College Proj ect Area, to March 5, 1979 at 4: 00 p . m . , in the Council Chambers. AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HOSPITALITY LANE, BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE AND COMMERCENTER EAST, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. Mr. Shadwell presented the following resolution: RES. NO. 3873 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CONSOLIDATION OF OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENTS FOR TRACTS 10345 AND 10346 FOR CONSTRUC- TION PURPOSES AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK, UNIT NO. 18. .., Motion by Castaneda, seconded by Wheeler, to waive further reading and .....", adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3873 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF UTILITY SERVICES IN COOLEY AVENUE WESTERLY OF TIPPECANOE AND IN RIVERVIEW DRIVE NORTHERLY OF SAN BERNARDINO AVE. Mr. Shadwell presented the following resolution: RES. NO. 3874 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH PAIGE ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR THE INST ALLA TION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. Motion by Katona, seconded by Castaneda, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3874 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. ~ .....iI r ..... ,...., '-- [ 4694 CHANGE ORDER TO THE RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONTRACT, SEIP PHASE llA, TIPPECANOE, ET AL . , EXTENDING THE CONTRACT DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER. Mr. Shadwell presented the following resolution: RES. NO. 3875 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO.2 WITH RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR A TIME EXTENSION RELATING TO EDA PROJECT NO. 07-01-01931, PHASE HA, SOUTHEAST IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3875 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. CHANGE ORDER TO THE MEYERS CONSTRUCTORS CONTRACT FOR THE STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, EXTENDING THE CONTRACT DUE TO DELAYS. Mr. Shadwell presented the following resolution: RES. NO. 3876 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO.4 WITH MEYER CONSTRUCTORS FOR A TIME EXTENSION RELATING TO WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS, STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT, PHASE 1. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3876 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. REVIEW THE ELEVATIONS AND LAYOUTS OF THE GOLF COURSE PRO- SHOP AND THE ELKS LODGE FOR ARCHITECTURAL COMPATIBILITY. After discussion it was decided that this matter be set aside until after the award of the contracts for the improvements of Blair Park and the building of the golf course. Motion was made by Wheeler and seconded by Gerwig that the matter be tabled. Motion carried by the following vote to wi t: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. 4695 REQUEST OF MR. NORMAN L. HANOVER, ATTORNEY REPRESENTING OPERA TION SECOND CHANCE TO RENEGOTIATE THE LAND LEASE RELA TIVE TO THE PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER. ...... Moved by Katona, Seconded by Gerwig to continue the matter until March 19, ...... 1979. Approved by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. RESULTS OF NEGOTIATIONS, WITH DEVELOPERS, TAKEN RELATIVE TO THE AMENDMENT OF DISPOSITION AGREEMENTS. Mr. Shadwell gave a report of the most recent negotiations with the following developers and gave his recommendations for the amendment for each Disposition Agreement: Langston-Newby-Simpson; Ingram Roofing Supply, Ingram Roofing, Victoria Avenue, Stanley Helfman and Huntley Properties - Inland Empire Meat Co. A motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried, to approve the recommendations of the Executive Director and adopt the following resolution: RES. NO. 3877 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING CERTAIN DISPOSITION AND OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENTS PROVIDING FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF IN-LIEU PAYMENTS AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO DECLARING DEFAULT. ~ ......., Resolution No. 3877 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. CLAIM SUBMITTED BY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY RELATIVE TO DAMAGE TO UNDERGROUND PIPELINE FACILITIES. It was the recommendation of the Agency1s Counsel that the filing of the late claim be approved and to approve denial of the claim. Motion by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler, to approve the late filing of the claim. Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Wheeler to approve denial of the claim. Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda. ..... ....tIIi [ r -... ,.... L 4696 REQUEST OF ULTRASYSTEMS, INC. , TO AMEND THEIR CONTRACT RELATIVE TO THE PREPARATION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED NORTHWEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. Mr. Shadwell explained that inconsistancies had developed in the preparation of the documents necessary for the initiation of the Environmental Impact Report, causing some delays in finalizing the report being prepared for the proposed Northwest Redevelopment Project Area and that Ultrasystems Inc. had requested an amendment to the contract to cover the costs incurred due to the additional work- load in preparation of the report. Mr. Hobbs stated his opposition in the matter, but rather than risk delaying the proj ect further, he would not vote against it. A motion was made by Mr. Katona, seconded by Mr. Wheeler and unanimously carried to waive further reading and adopt the following resolution: RES. NO. 3878 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT WITH UL TRASYSTEMS, INC. , PROVIDING FOR ADDITIONAL COSTS INCURRED DUE TO A TIME EXTENSION IN PREPARATION OF AN EIR REPORT. Resolution No. 3878 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. APPROVE A FINDER'S FEE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF GUADALAHARRY'S REST AURANT , LOCATED IN THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COMMERCENTER, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. Mr. Shadwell explained that persons involved in the matter were unable to be present at the meeting and had asked for a continuance. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried, to continue the consideration of a Finder's Fee in favor of Jean E. Maxwell for initiating, locating and effectuating GuadalaHarry's REstaurant in the Southeast Industrial Park, to the meeting of March 12,1979 at 4: 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. CONSIDER THE CLAIMS SUBMITTED BY GRACE M. MYRICK AND GLEN B. MYRICK. Motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, to deny the claims relative to personal injury allegedly sustained in the Central City Mall. 4697 AWARD A CONTRACT TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY TO PROVIDE GAS SERVICE IN CONNECTION WITH THE STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. .... Mr. Shadwell presented the following resolution: ....J RES. NO. 3879 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRET ARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH SOUTHERN CALI- FoRNIA GAS COMPANY TO PROVIDE GAS SERVICE IN CONNECTION WITH THE STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Hudson, to waive further reading and adopt the foregoing resolution. Resolution No. 3879 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. CONSIDER OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM HUFFMAN CONSTRUCTION AND HARCO PROPER TIES FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE ST ATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. Mr. Shadwell explained that the Agency had received an Offer to Purchase approximately 3.32 acres of land located at the southeast corner of State College Parkway and Kendall Drive. .... ......, A discussion ensued regarding the value of the property in that area at the present time. Chairman Holcomb stated that he felt the value far exceeded the offer and that he would be in favor of obtaining an up-to-date appraisal on the property. Mr. Shadwell stated that the Agency would get an appraisal and asked that should the cost exceed the $1,000 authorization for the cost of an appraisal, should he proceed or bring the matter back to the Board. Chairman Holcomb requested that he bring it back to the Board. Motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Hobbs and unanimously carried, to reject the Offer to Purchase from Huffman Construction and Harco Porperties for the 3.32 acres of land located at the southeast corner of State College Parkway and Kendall Drive in the State College Redevelopment Project Area. CONSIDER OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CENTRAL CITY EAST PROJECT AREA. ..... 'WIIIIII [ r-' i L- f'I"'"' t I I ~ 4698 Mr. Shadwell stated that the offer was for the 3 parcels of property located on the south side of 4th Street and west of Waterman Avenue and the purpose was for the construction of approximately six family public housing dwelling units to be owned and operated by the Housing Authority. Motion was made by Castaneda, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried to adopt the following resolution and set a Joint Public Hearing for March 19,1979. RES. NO. 3880 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN CENTRAL CITY EAST PROJECT AREA, AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR MARCH 19,1979. Resolution No. 3880 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. Chairman Holcomb brought to the attention of the Board a matter regarding security problems in the Central City Mall and entertained a motion to authorize the Executive Director to appoint Dallas Ward as Security Supervisor, should he deem it feasible. A Motion was made by Castaneda, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, to authorize the Executive Director to take the action, should it become necessary, to appoint Dallas Ward as Security Supervisor in the Central City Mall. Mr. Gerwig reported on a meeting of the Central City Mall Committee held on February 19, 1979 with Mayor Holcomb, Police Chief B. Warren Cocke and Bob Curci of the Central City Company, at which time the concern of off-duty police officers, working as security guards in the Central City Mall, was brought to light. Mr. Gerwig stated that these police officers are questioning their "peace officer 'I status for the purpose of determing the lawfulness of an arrest, and would they have the protection of the City's insurance in the event of a law suit. This, seemingly, has been a deterrent in maintaining the security program in the Mall. The Committee has requested the City Attorney to research similar cases and prepare a resolution for the consideration of the Council/Board. The City Attorney answered questions concerning the resolution in which he cited the case of Cervantez ~ ~ f..:.. Penney Company, Inc. (1978), which held that an off- duty police officer, working as a security guard, retained his status as a peace officer for purposes of determining the lawfulness of an arrest, an ultimate decision is pending by the California Supreme Court. 4699 City Administrator, Marshall Julian, objected to certain language used in the title of the resolution, stating that it did not lend itself to only the Central City Mall Security, but to other areas within the City as well, which would not be a feasible responsibility for the City to accept. Chairman Holcomb stated that he felt the matter should be continued to the next Council meeting. Motion was made by Hobbs, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, to continue the matter to the meeting of March 12, 1979. The Redevelopment Agency Board Meeting was adjourned at 4: 30 p.m. --- -..Ii --- .....iI ~ ...", [ r ...... [ 4700 Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California March 5, 1979 The meeting was called to order by Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb at 4: 00 p. m. , in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. INVOCATION The Invocation was given by Olen Jones, Executive Assistant to the Council. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by John D. Hobbs. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members, Robert A. Castaneda, Edward S. Wheeler, Jr., Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, John D. Hobbs, Russell E. Lackner, Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. Absent: Board Member, William Katona. AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR GRADING AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS TO BLAIR PARK AND THAT AREA IMMEDIATELY NOR THERL Y THEREOF, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA. AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR GRADING, BUILDING A GOLF COURSE, AND ON AND OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA. Mr. Shadwell informed the Board that Mr. Warner Hodgdon had suggested that the above matters be continued to the meeting of March 19, 1979. A Motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried, to continue the awarding of the contracts for the above matters until the meeting of March 19, 1979. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 4: 05 p . m. , the Redevelopment Agency Board recessed to a Joint Board/ Council Executive Session for the purpose of discussing potential legal matters. The Executive Session was called to order by Chairman Holcomb in the Conference Room of the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. 4701 ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman Holcomb; Board Members, Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr.; Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory; City Attorney, Ralph H. Prince and City Administrator, Marshall Julian. ,....., .....J ADJOURN EXECUTIVE SESSION At 4: 15 p.m. the Executive Session adjourned to the Adjourned Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. RECONVENE MEETING At 4: 15 p.m. , the Adjourned Regular Meeting reconvened in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members, Robert A. Castaneda, Edward S. Wheeler, Jr. , Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, John D. Hobbs, Russell E. Lackner, Executive Director R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. Chairman Holcomb discussed brief! y the necessity for condemnation of certain property and the Agency's intention to acquire the property through Eminent Domain proceedings. ..... ii 11 ...." Mr. Shadwell read the following resolution: RES. NO. 3881 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING AND DECLARING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY FOR REDEVELOPMENT PURPOSES IN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS AUTHORIZED BY HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE 33391 ET AL ET SEQ. ,; DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO ACQUIRE SAID PARCELS BY EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS AND DIRECTING THE AGENCY'S COUNSEL TO COMMENCE AN ACTION IN THE SAN BER- NARDINO SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR SAID PURPOSES. A Motion was made by Wheeler and seconded by Castaneda, to waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Resolution No. 3881 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Katona. .... J ...,/III [ [ [ 4702 Chairman Holcomb stated that the Urban Development Action Grant on the proposed Mervyn's Development received favorable review by HUD representatives from Washington, D. C., however, the processing of the grant could go no further until the City shows that it actually has control of those parcels of land which are to be acquired with UDAG funds to accomodate the Mervyn's development. Additionally, HUD has suggested that the City strengthen its application by showing a source of back-up funds to be made available in the event that the actual cost of land acquisition, relocation and demolition exceeds the amounts budgeted in the application. To satisfy these HUD requirements, the Director of Community Develop- ment has recommended a loan of Community Development Funds to the Redevelopment Agency to use, in the event the UDAG application is approved by HUD, to cover cost overruns on UDAG funded activities. A Motion was made by Gerwig and seconded by Hudson to authorize the Executive Director to obtain an Option to Purchase the real property described as Assessor's Parcel Numbers 134-341-20 and 23, from the owners thereof, Charles W. and Helyn Scott, for a price not to exceed $275,000, for a consideration of $5,000 paid to the Scotts, which shall be applied to the purchase price, if the Agency exercises the Option. The Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs, and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Katona. A Motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda, that contingent upon HUD approval of the UDAG application on the proposed Mervyn's development that Community Development funds be loaned to the Redevelopment Agency in an amount sufficient to cover any cost overrunS in land acquisition, relocation and demolition. Acting in the capacity as the City Council, the foregoing Motion was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Councilmen, Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Katona. On Motion by Castaneda, seconded by Wheeler and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 4: 20 p.m. to March 12,1979 at 4: 00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. R.eg~~1 --, ....,J ,..., A 1 .....J .... fl ~1 -J r .. ".... L r- I I \.".., 4703 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California March 12, 1979 The Regular Meeting of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order at 4: 20 p. m. , Monday, March 12, 1979, by Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members, Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, Edward S. Wheeler, Robert A. Castaneda, Russell E. Lackner, William Katona and John D. Hobbs. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. APPROVE MINUTES A motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Lackner and unanimously carried, to approve the Minutes of the Board Meeting held on February 19, February 21, and March 5,1979. Mr. Shadwell explained the necessary steps to be taken in connection with documents leading to the adoption of the proposed Northwest Redevelopment Project Area. Moved by Gerwig, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried to set a Joint Public Hearing for 4: 00 p.m. , May 7, 1979. RES. NO. 3882 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CONSENTING TO THE HOLDING OF A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE NORTHWEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA, REQUESTING THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL TO CONSENT TO AND ORDER THE HOLDING OF SAME, AND AUTHORIZING THE PUBLICATION AND MAILING OF NOTICE THEREOF. RES. NO. 3883 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING RULES GOVERNING PARTICIPATION BY OWNERS AND BUSINESS TENANTS IN THE NORTHWEST REDEVELOP- MENT PROJECT AREA. Resolution Nos. 3882 and 3883 were adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. 4704 A motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried, to approve the Change Order to the Meyers Constructors Contract, Hallmark Parkway, State College Industrial Park Project Area, to provide for a change in street design. ~ ...J RES. NO. 3884 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 WITH MEYER CONSTRUCTORS FOR THE SUM OF $2,031.16, PERTAINING TO THE WASTE WATER COLLECTION SYSTEM AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS, STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT, PHASE NO.1. Resolution No. 3884 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. APPROVE A FINDER'S FEE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF GUADALAHARRY'S RESTAURANT LOCATED IN THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COMMERCENTER DEVELOPMENT. MR. RUSS HA TLE AND MRS. JEAN MAXWELL HAVE REQUESTED TO MAKE A PRESENT A TION REGARDING THE METHOD OF COMPUTING THE BUILDING PERMIT VALUATION. Neither Mr. Hatle nor Mrs. Maxwell could be present at the meeting, however, they were represented by Mr. Steve Timmerman from Mr. Hatle's office. .., Mr. Timmerman gave a short presentation stating that numerous permits had been issued subsequent to the original Building Permit but that the valuation of the building had been placed only on one, the original Building Permit. Therefore, his firm was asking that they be allowed to combine all of the permits issued to establish a price to compute the Finder's Fee. ...J Wm. A. Flory, Legal Counsel, gave his opinion that according to the resolution adopted by the Board, it could not be done in this manner and that only on the valuation established at the discretion of the Building Department, could the liability for a Finder's Fee be determined. Mr. Timmerman objected, stating that extra fees had been paid each time a permit was issued and, although the Building Department did not place a value on these permits, they were cost items and added to the value of the building. Chairman Holcomb suggested that the matter be continued for two weeks and that Mr. Timmerman ask his Attorney to try and convince Mr. Flory that this method of computation was justified. A motion was made by Katona, seconded by Lackner and unanimously carried, to continue the matter to the meeting of April 2, 1979. ~ .... [ r-- ... r- L 4705 AMENDMENT OF THE DISPOSITION AND JOINT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND H, FRANK DOMINGUEZ. A discussion ensued regarding the unresolved agreement involving the property owned by the Agency located at the southeast corner of Court and "E" Streets, Central City Project, whereby the agreement entered into by Mr. Dominguez and the Agency would not be effective unless and until an Urban Development Action Grant was obtained by the City. In his negotiations, Mr, Dominguez had asked that in the event the City did not receive the UDAG grant that the time for performance by him be extended for two years. In consideration of this extension of time Mr, Dominguez was to set forth in letter form his intention to spend the sum of $50,000 for plans and specifications for the construction of an office complex and a multi -level underground parking structure, Chairman Holcomb stated that as of this date no letter had been received and he felt the property should not be tied up for two years unless Mr. Dominguez made a definite commitrnent to the effect that he would obtain the plans for the development. Wm, A, Flory, Agency Counsel, pointed out that there had never been a meeting of minds as to the conditions and covenants contained in the agreement, therefore the documents had never been executed. Mr. Dominguez stated that he was confused by the inconsistency of the resolution as submitted and that he needed some time to put together some language for his input regarding the amendment to the agreement. Chairman Holcomb stated that he felt the issue should be resolved at some place other than the Board meeting and suggested a continuance of the matter to the next Board meeting, A motion was made by Katona, and seconded by Lackner to continue the matter to the meeting of March 19, 1979. The motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner, Noes: None '. Absent: Hobbs, AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR SALE OF AGENCY OWNED PORPERTY WITH STANLEY HELFMAN FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MASONRY WALL. A motion was made by Katona, and seconded by Lackner to approve an amendment to to Contract for Sale of Agency owned property with Stanley Helfman or Nominee for the construction of a masonry wall in connection with the Southeast Industrial Park Project, 4706 RES. NO. 3885 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRET ARY TO ENTER INTO AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR SALE OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY WITH STANLEY HELFMAN OR NOMINEE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MASONRY WALL IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT. ~ .....J Resolution No. 3885 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: Nbne. Absent: Hobbs. APPROVE THE WITHDRAWAL OF MR. MORRIS H. RUSSELL FROM THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF 10. 5 ACRES OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WESTERL Y OF TIPPECANOE AND SOUTHERLY OF COOLEY AVENUE, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. Mr. Shadwell explained that as a result of the acceptance of Mr. Russell's Offer to Purchase, the Redevelopment Agency had incurred expenses for title fees, minor subdivision and parcel maps and public improvements, therefore, the Agency was asking for the retention of the $5,000 deposit that would have been applied toward the purchase price. Mr. Hurley R. Talpis, Attorney for Morris H. Russell, appeared and spoke stating that Mr. Russell was unable to sign the Contract of Sale, thereby indicating his inability to continue with the development as described in the Offer to Purchase. -, Mr. Talpis stated that he was objecting to the forfeiture of the $5,000 deposit and that his objection was based strictly on a legal matter relating to new statutes to replace all liquidated damages clauses, which law became effective on July 1, 1978, prior to the date that Mr. Russell was given the right on July 17,1978 to go ahead with the development. """"" Chairman Holcomb stated that he thought this should be referred to the Agency's Legal Counsel and asked for a continuance to the first meeting in April to give Mr. Flory time to research the matter. Motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, to refer the matter to the Agency's Legal Council and continue to the meeting of April 2, 1979. AMENDMENT TO THE TREESWEET PRODUCTS COMPANY DISPOSITION AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR A DELAY IN START OF CONSTRUCTION AND THE PAYMENT OF AN IN-LIEU-OF TAX. A motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried, to adopt the following resolution. --- ......tI r .... r ..... [ 4707 RES. NO. - 3886 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT OF THE CONTRACT OF SALE EXECUTED BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND TREESWEET PRODUCTS COMPANY FOR THE SALE OF AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY. Resolution No. 3886 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. APPROVE THE PAYMENT OF A FEE TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE INSPECTION AND TESTING OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLER ON TIPPECANOE AVENUE, SEIP. A motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried, to adopt the following resolution. RES. NO. 3887 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE PAYMENT OF A FEE IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,540.39 TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE INSPECTION AND TESTING OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLER ON TIPPECANOE AVENUE, IN CONNECTION WITH EDA PROJECT NO. 07-01-01931 PHASE II-A, SOUTHEAST IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. Resolution No. 3887 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: None. AMENDMENT TO THE OFFICIAL PERSONNEL MANUAL REGARDING PAID HOLIDAYS. Mr. Shadwell presented the following resolution which relates to paid holidays for Agency employees and conforms to the same schedule as set forth in City Resolution No. 13385 designating paid holidays for City employees. RES. NO. 3888 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING AMEND- MENT TO OFFICIAL PERSONNEL MANUAL REGARDING PAID HOLIDAYS. A motion was made by Wheeler and seconded by Castaneda to adopt the foregoing resolution. Resolution No. 3888 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Hudson, Hobbs and Lackner. Noes: Gerwig. Absent: None. The meeting was adjourned at 5: 00 p.m. to the Regular Meeting of March 19, 1979 at 4: 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 300 North IIDII Street, San Berna dino, California. Shadwell, Jr., Exe utive Director 4708 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California ....., i I I -J March 19, 1979 The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman William Katona at 4: 45 p. m . , in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Robert A. Castaneda, Edward S. Wheeler, Jr., Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, William Katona and John D. Hobbs. R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Executive Director, Wm. A. Flory, Agency Counsel and Margaret Hoover, Executive Secretary. Absent: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb and Russell E. Lackner. A Motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler and carried, that the meeting proceed in an orderly manner, and in the absence of Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Vice Chairman William Katona called the meeting to order. AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR GRADING AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS TO BLAIR PARK AND THAT AREA IMMEDIATELY NORTHERLY THEREOF. (Continued Item) -, AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR GRADING, BUILDING A GOLF COURSE, AND ON AND OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS. (Continued Item) .~ ~ .....,j Mr. Shadwell explained that neither Mr. Warner Hodgdon nor his representatives were present at the meeting and that he had no indication that they were ready to proceed with these contracts, therefore, he would recommend that they be continued to the meeting of April 2, 1979. Mr. Shadwell referred the Board to a letter from Hubbs Construction Company, who received the construction contract for Blair Park, in which they were willing to extend for 30 days from the date of March 2, 1979. Riverside Construction Company, contractor for the Golf Course, had indicated that they were willing to extend through March 19, but no further word had been received as to their plans for extending beyond this date. He pointed out that there was no definite deadline and no specific time for awarding the contracts, however, Mr. Hodgdon was in the position that if he puts up the money per the agreement, the Board could award the contracts and construction could then begin. If he does not, he has the choice of either killing the whole thing, or reworking the plans and going to rebid. A Motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, to continue these matters to the meeting of April 2, 1979. ....... ...,j [ ,- f . ~. -...- r-- I L.' 4709 REQUEST OF MR. NORMAN L. HANOVER, ATTORNEY REPRESENTING OPERATION SECOND CHANCE, TO RENEGOTIATE THE LAND LEASE RELATING TO THE PUBLIC ENTERPRISE CENTER. (Continued Item) Mr. Shadwell presented a letter dated March 14, 1979 from Mr. Wesley B. Jefferson, Chief Operating Officer of Operation Second Chance, requesting that the renegotia- tions of the Public Enterprise Center Land Lease be cancelled until an answer has been received from HUD regarding the completion of the audit of the $50,000 grant money to determine an amount due the Redevelopment Agency. A Motion was made by Hobbs, seconded by Katona and unanimously carried, that the matter be tabled until the completion of the audit report by HUD. AMENDMENT TO THE DISPOSITION AND JOINT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND H. FRANK DOMINGUEZ FOR PROPERTY LOCA- TED IN CENTRAL CITY PROJECT AREA, (COURT AND IIEII STREETS). (Continued Item) A Motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler and carried, to adopt the following resolution. RES. NO. 3889 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO GRANTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME WITHIN WHICH TO PERFORM - DISPOSITION AND JOINT DEVELOPMENT AGREE- MENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND H. FRANK DOMINGUEZ, DBA V ANIR RESEARCH COMPANY, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN CENTRAL CITY PROJECT AREA, (COURT AND IIEII STREETS). Resolution No. 3889 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Lackner. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE SALE OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED ON 4TH STREET WESTERLY OF WATERMAN AVENUE. (Continued Item) Vice Chairman William Katona opened the Joint Public Hearing. Mr. Shadwell pointed out on the display map the 3 parcels under consideration which are located on 4th Street westerly of Waterman Avenue and surrounded by City owned property. Mr. Shadwell introduced Mr. Albert Harkins, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino, who explained the County Housing program. 4710 The Housing Authority has a commitment from the Department of Housing and ~ Urban Development to develop forty nine 3 and 4 bedroom units in the City of San Bernardino, which is conjunctive with a cooperative agreement with the City. ......" Mr. Harkins presented a rendering of the plans of the family units proposed for this particular site, consisting of six townhouse concept units of 3 and 4 bedrooms, ranging from 1272 square feet for the 3 bedroom units and 1310 square feet for the 4 bedroom units. Mr. Harkins stated that due to the contractual arrangements for the funding of the project with HUD, he felt it was necessary to forward the agreement to HUD for their review and comments. Therefore, he was asking that this matter be continued to the next Redevelopment Agency Board meeting. Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda and carried, to continue this matter to the Board meeting of April 2, 1979. AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR SITE GRADING IN SUPPORT OF THE INLAND EMPIRE MEAT COMPANY DEVELOPMENT, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. A Motion was made by Hobbs and seconded by Castaneda, to adopt the following resolution. ..., RES. NO. 3890 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH JESSE HUBBS & SONS, INC. , FOR SITE GRADING FOR KANEY FOODS COMPANY, UNIT NO. 22, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. """"" Resolution No. 3890 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Lackner. AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR WATER SERVICE TO TRACTS 10345 AND 10346 IN SUPPORT OF COMMERCIAL AND INDUS- TRIAL DEVELOPMENT, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. A Motion was made by Castaneda and seconded by Hudson, to adopt the following resolution. RES. NO. 3891 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO WATER DEPARTMENT FOR WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF $34,557.84, SElP. --- ....., [ r- ff It ...., [ 4711 MINUTE ORDER REGARDING THE CHANGE OF DATE IN THE AGREEMENT TO RENDER TRUSTEE SERVICES RELATING TO THE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS. A Motion was made by Hobbs, seconded by Wheeler and carried to adopt the following Minute Order and that its contents be spread upon these minutes. MINUTE ORDER The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California does hereby approve the change of the date as incorrectly stated in the Agreement To Render Services As Trustee, Registrar And Paying Agent, from 1978 to 1979. Reference is made to Paragraph 2, line 3, of that certain agreement dated December 7, 1978, by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino and Security Pacific National Bank, wherein it should read: " Single Family Residential Mortgage Revenue Bonds, 1979 Series A . . . " ADOPTED: 3-19-79 R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Secretary REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 4712 PAY INCREASE FOR AGENCY GENERAL AND MIDDLE MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES EQUIVALENT TO THE INCREASE RECENTLY APPROVED FOR CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO EMPLOYEES, EXCLUDING MANAGE- MENT EMPLOYEES. ~ I I ....Ji Mr. Shadwell presented the following resolution: RES. NO. 3892 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FIXING COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEES THEREOF. Mr. Shadwell explained that this resolution, if adopted, would grant a 5% pay increase to the general and middle management employees of the Redevelopment Agency whose positions are comparable to City General and Middle Management classifications, expressly excluding those comparable to Management positions. This resolution would also exclude Mall Security Officers. Mr. Gerwig stated that he felt the Redevelopment Agency was not a City entity, but a private organization, and that he strongly objected to considering them as general and middle management personnel and being placed in the same grade levels as the City employees. Chairman Holcomb enters the meeting and takes his place as Chairman of the Board. (5:05p.m.) -, ,~ ~ Mr. Shadwell reviewed the Agency policy as set forth by resolution to set the ........, Redevelopment Agency pay grades to be comparable to City employees. Also by resolution is that each time the City employees receive a raise, within a certain time period, the Agency will ask for comparable raises. City Administrator, Marshall Julian, explained that salary ranges and positions were not being considered at this time, only a 5% cost of living increase on salaries that fall within the same classification as the general and middle management employees of the City. He said there would be no reason not to maintain the same salary range. After discussion, it was the recommendation of Agency Counsel that the resolving clause in the resolution should be rephrased to read as follows: "Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that general and middle management employees of the Redevelopment Agency shall hereby be entitled to re- ceive for his or her services in his or her position, a 5% increase in salaries retroactive to the first pay period in the fiscal year 1978-79. Management positions are hereby expressly excluded. " A Motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Castaneda and carried, to approve the foregoing as a form motion and adopt the resolution. ~ ....,J [ r , ...... [ 4713 Resolution No. 3892 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Lackner. LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND WHITTAKER ELECTRIC COMPANY. Mr. Shadwell explained that Whittaker Electric Company desires to lease the storage space area at the premise located at 250 West Rialto Avenue, a total of 5,000 square feet and pay as rental for said premises during the term of this lease a monthly rental of ten cents ($ .10) per square foot. RES. NO. 3893 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A LEASE BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND WHITTAKER ELECTRIC COMPANY. On Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Gerwig, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs and Lackner. PURCHASE OF AIRCONDITIONING EQUIPMENT FROM THE CITY OF RIVERSIDE. A Motion was made by Castaneda, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried, that the purchase of surplus airconditioning equipment be made from the City of Riverside for approximately $1,600.00, to be placed in the California Theater, contingent upon the San Bernardino Civic Light Opera depositing a like sum with the Redevelopment Agency and agreeing to install said airconditioning equipment in the California Theater btlilding at no cost to the Agency. There being no further business, the Redevelopment Agency Board adjourned at 5: 30 p.m. to the Regular Meeting of April 2,1979 at 4: 00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 300 North lfDlfStreet, San Bernardino, California. ....., i -.",; , B ....J ....... ......J 4714 ~ I' r , '-' Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California. April 2, 1979 The Regular Meeting of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order at 4: 20 p . m. , Monday, April 2, 1979, by Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members, Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, Edward S. Wheeler, Robert A. Castaneda, Russell E. Lackner, William Katona and John D. Hobbs. Executi ve Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory and Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. APPROVE MINUTES A Motion was made by Katona, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried, to approve the Minutes of the Board Meetings held on March 12 and March 19, 1979. Mr. Shadwell read the title of the Industrial Development Bond Ordinance. ,.... ! Mr. James Warren Beebe appeared and answered questions regarding the context of i.... the Industrial Development Bond Ordinance and stated that the final draft was being presented on this date for the consideration of the Mayor and Common Council. Mr. Michael F. Whipple of Miller and Schroeder Municipals, Inc. , was present and stated that personnel from Miller & Schroeder had viewed the contents and concurred wi th the provisions of the Ordinance. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 5: 00 p. m., the Regular Meeting of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency recessed for an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing legal matters. The Executive Session of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Chairman Holcomb in the Council Board room, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. r L ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman, W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Attorney Richard E. Brandt, Attorney Wm. A. Flory, City Attorney, Ralph H. Prince, Assistant City Attorney, Paul Mordy, Bond Counsel, James Warren Beebe, Michael F. Whipple of Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc., City Administrator, Marshall W. Julian, City Clerk, Shauna Clark, Finance Director, Glenda Saul, Board Members, Richard F. Gerwig, 4715 Lionel E. Hudson, Edward S. Wheeler, Robert A. Castaneda, Russell E. Lackner, William Katona, John D. Hobbs, Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. ~ ~. ....." ADJOURN EXECUTIVE SESSION At 5: 10 p. m. , the Executive Session of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino adjourned to the Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. RECONVENE MEETING At 5: 30 p.m. , the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino reconvened in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members, Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, Edward S. Wheeler, Robert A. Castaneda, Russell E. Lackner, William Katona and John D. Hobbs. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory and Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. The meeting was called to order by Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb. A Motion was made by Mr. Katona, seconded by Mr. Hudson and unanimously .... carried, to authorize the Agency's Legal Counsel to enter into negotiations for settlement with the Attorneys for the Defendants in the case of Redevelopment Agency ......- of the City of San Bernardino and the City of San Bernardino vs. the County of San Bernardino et al San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 158163 in conformity with the direction of the Board of Directors given in Executive Session at the Regular Meeting of April 2, 1979. RECESS MEETING The meeting was recessed at 5: 45 p.m. RECONVENE MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order at 8: 40 p. m., in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members, Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, Edward S. Wheeler, Robert A. Castaneda, Russell E. Lackner, William Katona and John D. Hobbs. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr. , Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory and Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. .~ ....."J [ [ [ . "' 4716 AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR GRADING AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS TO BLAIR PARK. Mr. Wallace Green representing Warner Hodgdon and Associates, asked the Board to consider at this time the awarding of the construction contract for grading and public improvements to Blair Park, subject to the receipt of $100,000.00 from Mr. Hodgdon, as obligated in the Owner Participation Agreement entered into on June 2, 1978. Mr. Green assured the Board that Mr. Hodgdon planned to proceed with the golf course and awarding the contract for the Blair Park improvements would prevent further delay on the total project. Two issues prohibit Mr. Hodgdon at this time from proceeding and posting the necessary bonds to meet the construction of the golf course. One is the water situation to service the proposed development and the second is the geological survey to determine the results and the alternatives relating to the landslide problem in the area where the single family residence homes are to be built. After discussion, a Motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler, to adopt a resolution awarding the contract for the grading and public improvements to Blair Park contingent upon the receipt of $100,000.00 from Warner Hodgdon in compliance with the Owner Participation Agreement. RES. NO. - 3894 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH JESSE HUBBS & SONS, INC., FOR THE SUM OF $393,467.00 FOR GRADING AND IMPROVEMENTS TO BLAIR PARK AND THAT PROPERTY IMMEDIATELY NORTHERLY THEREOF, ST ATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA. Resolution No. 3894 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Hudson, Hobbs, Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Gerwig. AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR GRADING, BUILDING A GOLF COURSE, AND ON AND OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS. A Motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler and carried, that the awarding of the contract for building the golf course be continued to the meeting of May 7, 1979. APPROVAL OF A FINDER'S FEE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF GUADALAHARRY'S RESTAURANT LOCATED IN THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COMMERCENTER DEVELOPMENT. Based upon the analysis as presented by Wm. A. Flory in his legal opinion dated March 28,1979, a Motion was made by Mr. Hudson ,and seconded by Mr. Ca~taneda to approve the recommendation of the Agency's Counsel and adopt the follOWIng resolution. 4717 RES. NO. 3895 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT JEAN E. MAXWELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER, IS ENTITLED TO A FINDER'S FEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AGENCY RESOLUTION NO. 3343, FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF GUADALAHARRY'S REST AURANT, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. l ....; Resolution No. 3895 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Katona, Hudson, Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Wheeler, Gerwig, Lackner. APPROV AL OF THE WITHDRAWAL OF MR. MORRIS H. RUSSELL FROM THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. Mr. Shadwell presented a Legal Opinion by Wm. A. Flory, dated March 28, 1979 regarding this matter, and based on the opinion of the Agency's legal counsel, it was the recommendation of the Board that the Agency accept the withdrawal of the Offer to Purchase and retain the $5,000.00 deposit submitted by Mr. Russell. A Motion was made by Katona and seconded by Hudson to adopt the following resolution. RES. NO. 3896 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ACKNOWLEDGING THE WITHDRAWAL BY MORRIS H. RUSSELL FROM HIS PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT IN THE SOUTH- ] EAST INDUSTRIAL PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA AND AUTHORIZ- .. ING THE RETENTION OF HIS OFFER TO PURCHASE DEPOSIT. Resolution No. 3896 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Katona, Hudson and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Wheeler, Gerwig and Lackner. JOINT PUBUC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE SALE OF AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON 4TH STREET WESTERLY OF WATERMAN AVENUE. Mr. Shadwell stated that Mr. Albert Harkins, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino, had not received the necessary comments from HUD, therefore, he asked that the matter be continued. A Motion was made by Castaneda, seconded by Hobbs and carried, that the matter be continued to the meeting of April 16 , 1979. AMENDMENT OF THE CONTRACT OF SALE WITH HALLMARK SOUTH- WEST CORPORATION. ........ J , [ r- u t '-- [ 4718 Mr. Shadwell explained that due to a delay in closing escrow and adverse weather conditions, it was necessary to amend the contract to change the construction time table for the development. A Motion was made by Hobbs and seconded by Castaneda to amend the contract and adopt the following resolution. RES. NO. 3897 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING CONTRACT FOR SALE BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND HALLMARK-SOUTHWEST CORPORATION, AND/OR CHARLES R. BRAMMER OR HIS NOMINEE, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA. Resolution No. 3897 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Katona, Hudson, Hobbs, and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Wheeler and Gerwi g . The meeting adjourned at 8: 55 p. m. to the Regular Meeting of April 16 , 1979, at 4: 00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ~ R. E. Shadwell, Jr. Executive Director .., ....., -.., I j F ......,j ~ i ~ ! '1 ......J "..... ..... ,... '-- [ 4719 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California April 16, 1979 The Regular Meeting of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order at 4: 15 p.m. , Monday, April 16 , 1979, by Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members, Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, Edward S. Wheeler, Jr., Robert A. Castaneda, Russell E. Lackner and William Katona. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory and Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. Absent: Board Member, John R. Hobbs. APPROVE MINUTES A Motion was made by Katona, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, to approve the Minutes of the Board Meeting of April 2, 1979. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE SALE OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED ON 4TH STREET WESTERLY OF WATERMAN AVENUE. Motion by Katona, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried to continue the Public Hearing for the sale of Agency owned property located on 4th Street to the next Regular Board Meeting to be held on May 7, 1979. OFFER TO PURCHASE AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF RIVERVIEW DRIVE, BETWEEN RICHARDSON STREET AND MT. VIEW AVENUE, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. Chairman Holcomb stated that he had informed Mr. Ted DeGroot that in his opinion the $12,500.00 price offered for the 1 acre parcel was not realistic and that he felt $20,000.00 per acre would be more consistent with the present fair market value. Chairman Holcomb stated that Mr. DeGroot concurs and will confirm in writing and that he will amend his offer to read $20,000.00 for the 1 acre parcel of land. Motion by Hudson and seconded by Katona to accept the offer and set a Public Hearing for May 7, 1979. ....'.- 4720 RES. NO. 3898 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRET ARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM TED DE GROOT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK, AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR MAY 7, 1979. ... ...." Resolution No. 3898 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM AROSA DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT INC., FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL P ARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. Mr. Shadwell presented the Offer to Purchase 156.38 acres of Agency owned property located in State College Industrial Park Project Area from Arosa Development and Management, Inc. , for the sum of $2,502.080.00. Mr. Ray P. Olmscheid of Coldwell Banker Commercial Brokerage Company, appeared as a representative of Arosa Development and Management, Inc., and gave a presen- tation of the proposed concept to be created in the development of the project. A motion was made by Lackner, and seconded by Katona to accept the Offer to Purchase and set a Public Hearing for May 7, 1979 for the sale of the property. ~ RES. NO. 3899 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRET ARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM AROSA DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT, INC. , FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA, AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR MAY 7, 1979. .......J Resolution No. 3899 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. OFFER TO PURCHASE AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF COOLEY AVENUE EXTENSION CUL-DE-SAC, SOUTH- EAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. Mr. Shadwell pointed out the location of the property on the display maps and explained the Offer to Purchase the 10.02 acre parcel of land for a total price of $200,400.00 from Lewis Properties, Inc., to build over 174,000 square feet of buildings with a value of over six million dollars. Mr. Shadwell informed the Board that another offer had been received this after- noon for the same property from Chuck King and Associates, also offering $200,400.00, buildings to cover 40% of the land and the property to be divided into 6 lots of equal ~ size. ....j 4721 Chairman Holcomb explained that these points would be evaluated and considered "... at the Public Hearing. He informed Mr. King that when offers are identical, it is g ~ customary to give the first offer first consideration. However, this could be ..... altered by someone setting a higher purchase price at the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Katona and seconded by Castaneda to accept the foregoing Offers to Purchase and adopt the following resolution. RES. NO. 3900 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM LEWIS PROPERTIES, INC., FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK, AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR MAY 21, 1979. Resolution No. 3900 W;3.S adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Gerwig and Hobbs. RECEIVE EXERCISE OF OPTION TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY AND SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE SALE OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTH- WEST CORNER OF MT. VIEW A VENUE AND RIVERVIEW DRIVE, SEIP. A motion was made by Wheeler and seconded by Gerwig to adopt the following r- resolution accepting the Exercise of Option to Purchase and set a Public Hearing. I \... RES. NO. 3901 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE EXERCISE OF OPTION TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY BY THE NOMINEE OF CELOTEX CORPORATION IN THE SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL P ARK PROJECT AREA; AND SETTING A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR MAY 7, 1979. Resolution No. 3901 was adopted by the following vote to wit: A yes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig and Hudson. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs and Lackner. APPROV AL OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO RELATING TO RELOCATION OF TENANTS - NUNEZ PARK EXTENSION. A motion was made by Castaneda and seconded by Wheeler to approve the agreement and adopt the following resolution. RES. NO. - 3902 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A CERTAIN AGREEMENT RELATING TO RELOCATION OF TENANTS - NUNEZ PARK EXTENSION. r Resolution No. 3902 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, \..; Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig and Hudson. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs and Lackner. 4722 AWARD A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT TO EADIE & PAYNE FOR AUDIT SERVICES FOR FISCAL Y YEAR 1978-79. ~ Chairman Holcomb requested that this matter be continued until the next Board Meeting. ......, A motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried, to continue the awarding of the contract to Eadie and Payne for audit services to the meeting of May 7, 1979. AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR WATER SERVICE FOR THE AREA NORTHERLY OF BLAIR PARK AND EASTERLY OF LITTLE MOUNTAIN DRIVE, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA. Mr. Shadwell stated that the dollar amount was not available from the Water Department to complete the contract and asked that this matter be continued to the next Board Meeting. A motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Katona and unanimously carried, to continue the awarding of a contract to the Water Department for water service in the State College Project Area to the meeting of May 7, 1979. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO RELA TING TO THE ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATION OF A SECURITY PROGRAM FOR THE CENTRAL CITY MALL. ,., A motion was made by Castaneda, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried to continue the approval of the agreement to the meeting of May 21, 1979. ....J AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND THE CENTRAL CITY COMPANY RELA TING TO THE ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATION OF A SECURITY PROGRAM FOR THE CENTRAL CITY MALL. A motion was made by Castaneda, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried to continue the approval of the agreement to the meeting of May 21, 1979. The Redevelopment Agency Board Meeting was adjourned at 5: 00 p. m. to the next Regular Meeting of May 7, 1979 at 4: 00 p. m. , in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ~r ~ .....till ".... ..... "... ..... [ 4723 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California May 7, 1979 The Regular Meeting of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order at 4: 00 p . m. , Monday, May 7, 1979, by Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members, Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, Edward S. Wheeler, Robert A. Castaneda, Russell E. Lackner, William Katona and John R. Hobbs. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory and Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. APPROVE MINUTES On Motion by Mr. Katona, seconded by Mr. Gerwig and unanimously carried, the Minutes of the Board Meeting of April 16 , 1979 were approved. JOINT COUNCIL/BOARD PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF THE NORTHWEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA PLAN. Chairman Holcomb opened the Joint Public Hearing and introduced the following Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency. RES. NO. 3903 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE REVISION TO THE PRELIMINARILY APPROVED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE NORTH- WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. A Motion was made by Hobbs, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried, to adopt the Resolution approving the revision to the Preliminarily approved Redevelop- ment Plan for the Northwest Redevelopment Project Area. Resolution No. 3903 was presented to the Mayor and Common Council through the City Clerk. Mayor/Chairman Holcomb opened the Joint Public Hearing on behalf of the City and the Agency. R. E. Shadwell, Jr. , Executive Director for the Redevelopment Agency, stated the purpose of the Joint Public Hearing for the Northwest Redevelopment Project Area. 4724 Mayor/Chairman Holcomb gave a brief history of the proposed plan and presented ] the following actions which had been approved as required by law and taken by the . .. appropriate bodies as related to the Northwest Redevelopment Project Area: 1. The Mayor and Council adopted Resolution No. 13005 on November 7, 1977, designating a Survey Area. 2. The Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 48 on December 6, 1977, selecting the proj ect area and directing the preparation of a Preliminary Plan. The Commission adopted the Preliminary Plan by Resolution No. 49 on December 20,1977. 3. The Redevelopment Agency approved the Preliminary Plan through the adoption of Resolution No. 3501 on January 5,1978. 4. The Mayor and Common Council appointed a Citizens Advisory Committee for the Northwest Project Area on August 17, 1978. 5. The Redevelopment Agency adopted Resolution No. 3865 on February 21, 1979, Preliminarily approving the Redevelopment Plan, a Redevelopment Plan Report and a Draft EIR. 6. The Planning Commission made its Report as to the Conformity with the City General Plan and approved the Redevelopment Plan, the Report and the Draft EIR, through the adoption of Resolution No. 79- 2, on March 6, 1979, with the recommendation that an Implementation Section be added to the Redevelopment Plan. ...., .~ ! .....J 7. The Citizens Advisory Committee on April 4, 1979 approved the Redevelop- ment Plan with the addition of an Implementation Section as recommended by the Planning Commission, and also a recommendation made by the City Attorney that a section be added providing that if a conflict arises between any provision of the Plan, local code, ordinance or regulation, the more restrictive provision shall apply. 8. The Redevelopment Agency on May 7,1979 adopted Resolution No. 3903, approving the above revisions to the Preliminarily Approved Redevelop- men t Plan. Mayor/Chairman Holcomb declared all appropriate actions required to arrive at this Joint Public Hearing on the Northwest Redevelopment Plan had been completed and approved as required by law. ~ ....J [ r L [ 4725 Mayor/Chairman Holcomb submitted the following documents into evidence and entertained a motion that they be placed on file: Redevelopment Plan, Redevelop- ment Plan Report, Draft EIR and Addendum (Comments and Responses), and the Notice of Public Hearing. A Motion was made by Castaneda, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried, that the foregoing documents be accepted and placed on file. Mayor/Chairman Holcomb stated that each City Councilman/Board Member had personally received and reviewed the Redevelopment Plan, Report, EIR and Addendum and that according to law, the City Council/ Agency Board had performed consistently and in the manner prescribed by law. Mayor/Chairman Holcomb introduced the following experts for testimony to be placed upon the record: Wm. A. Flory, Agency Counsel; John Dukes, Dukes-Dukes & Associates; Jim Crisp, Ultrasystems, Inc.; Ronald L. Smith, Planning Director and John Woods, Co-Chairman, Citizens Advisory Committee. Mr. Shadwell announced that Jim Crisp of Ultrasystems, Inc. , had been detained and would be late in arriving at the meeting. Wm. A. Flory, John Dukes, Ronald L. Smith and John Woods were sworn in by the City Clerk. Each appeared and spoke and introduced testimony into the record in support of the adoption of the proposed Northwest Redevelopment Plan. Mayor/Chairman Holcomb invited questions from the Common Council/Agency Board and from the general public. An audience of approximately 200 asked questions and made inquiries regarding the Northwest Redevelopment Plan and its ultimate effect on individual situations within the area. After numerous attempts to answer individual questions, Chairman Holcomb stated that it was clear that more information was needed by the owner-participants within the proposed redevelopment area and suggested that the Public Hearing be continued for two weeks. He further suggested that a series of community meetings be scheduled to explain the redevelopment plan to residents and property owners wi thin the area. A Motion was made by Hobbs, seconded by Katona and unanimously carried, that the Joint Public Hearing to consider the adoption of the Northwest Redevelopment Project Area Plan be continued to the meeting of May 21, 1979. CONSIDER THE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR GRADING BUILDING A GOLF COURSE, AND ON AND OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. Wallace Green appeared and spoke on behalf of Warner Hodgdon and Associates. 4726 Mr. Green stated that, based upon recent meetings with the Geologists, Engineers, and the City Water Department, he felt that Mr. Hodgdon would be in a position for ] the contract to be awarded no later than the second meeting of the Board in June and asked that the matter be continued. ; A Motion was made by Katona and seconded by Wheeler, that the award of a contract for the construction of the golf course be continued to June 18,1979. The motion was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda and Hobbs. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE SALE OF AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON 4TH STREET WESTERLY OF WATERMAN A VENUE. Chairman Holcomb opened the Public Hearing. A Motion was made by Katona and seconded by Gerwig to adopt the following resolution authorizing the sale of property located in Central City East Project Area. RES. NO. 3905 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRET ARY TO ENTER INTO A DISPOSITION AND JOINT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN CENTRAL CITY EAST PROJECT AREA. J Resolution No. 3905 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda and Hobbs. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE SALE OF AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF RIVERVIEW DRIVE, BETWEEN RICHARDSON STREET AND MT. VIEW AVENUE, SEIP. Chairman Holcomb opened the Public Hearing. A Motion was made by Katona and seconded by Wheeler to adopt the following resolution authorizing the sale of property located in the Southeast Industrial Proj ect Area. RES. NO. 3906 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRET ARY TO ENTER INTO A DISPOSITION AND JOINT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND THEDFORD O. DE GROOT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. .~ Resolution No. 3906 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. ...J r * ... 4727 JOINT PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE SALE OF AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. Chairman Holcomb opened the Public Hearing. Ray Glider of Glider & Associates and Attorney John Nolan, representing Huntley Properties, appeared and spoke in opposition to the sale of 155 acres of land to Arosa Development & Management, Inc. Both argued against giving one owner control of such a large portion of the industrial park, stating that they feared resale of land by the purchasers of the property would mean higher prices and less competition in attracting industry. Ray Olmscheid of Coldwell Banker Commercial Brokerage Company, representing Arosa Development and Management Inc. , informed the Board that Arosa would stand by their original concept of the plan of development and it was not their intent to develop the property haphazardly. Mr. Olmscheid assured the Board the development would have the same CC&R's as other developments in the City. He stated that Arosa welcomed the opportunity to work with any developer in the area who might have a client or a user interested in the property, both from a brokerage standpoint and from a development standpoint. ,.... A Motion was made by Castaneda and seconded by Lackner to adopt the following resolution approving the sale of property located within the State College Industrial '-- Park Project Area. ",... , L Chairman Holcomb stated that negotiations would be made with Arosa subject to the requirements of the San Bernardino West Side Community Development Corporation to exclude from the sale to Arosa approximately 1 acre of land located directly north of the 11.5 acre parcel to be acquired by CDC and currently in escrow. Another condition of the sale would be to reserve for future negotiations with Arosa the improvements to Hallmark Parkway providing that Arosa could do the work at a better price than could be accomplished through a separate contract by the Agency. RES. NO. 3907 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A DISPOSITION AND JOINT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND AROSA DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT, INC., FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. Resolution No. 3907 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. 4728 JOINT PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE SALE OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF MT. VIEW A VENUE AND RIVER VIEW DRIVE, SEIP. ..... .....J Chairman Holcomb declared the joint public hearing opened. Mr. Shadwell eXplained that the purpose of the following resolution was for the approval of the sale of 8. 36 acres of real property to Celotex Corporation, located within the Southeast Industrial Park Project Area. RES. NO. 3904 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A DISPOSITION AND JOINT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND CELOTEX-MARLEY, INC., FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. Resolution No. 3904 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR WATER SERVICE FOR THE AREA NORTHERLY OF BLAIR PARK AND EASTERLY OF LITTLE MOUNTAIN DRIVE, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA. Motion by Katona and seconded by Lackner to adopt the following resolution awarding the contract for water service. --.. -J RES. NO. 3908 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO WATER DEPARTMENT FOR WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,639.72. Resolution No. 3908 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. AWARD A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT TO EADIE & PAYNE FOR AUDIT SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR, JULY 1,1978 TO JUNE 30,1979, ALL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREAS. RES. NO. 3909 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO AUDIT SERVICES CONTRACT WITH EADIE AND PAYNE, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $13,000.00. Resolution No. 3909 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. ...... ....."" ~ << '-- 4729 AWARD A CONTRACT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES TO SERVICE SUPER SHOPS AND BASSETT FURNITURE IN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. Motion by Katona, and seconded by Hudson to adopt the following resolution awarding a contract for the installation of underground utilities in Southeast Industrial Park Project Area. RES. NO. 3910 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRET ARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH MEYER CONSTRUCTORS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. Resolution No. 3910 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. RECEIVE AN OFFER TO PURCHASE AND SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE SALE OF 3.32 ACRES OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF KENDALL DRIVE AND STATE COLLEGE PARK- WAY, ST ATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PROJECT AREA. Mr. Shadwell explained that two offers had been received for this property, one ~ from Mark A. Thompson and Keith J. Harwood and also from David L. Bischoff, ~. both for the same amount of money. ... [ Motion was made by Hudson and seconded by Lackner to accept both offers and set the public hearing. RES. NO. 3911 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER TO PURCHASE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN ST ATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA FROM MARK A. THOMPSON AND KEITH J. HARWOOD: AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 4,1979. Resolution No. 3911 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. CONSIDER THE APPROVAL OF A PAY INCREASE FOR THOSE AGENCY EMPLOYEES DESIGNATED AS MANAGEMENT AND CONFIDENTIAL POSITIONS. RES. NO. 3912 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, FIXING COMPENSATION OF EMPLOYEES THEREOF. Resolution No. 3912 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. 4730 A Motion was made by Katona and seconded by Hudson to adopt the following resolutions approving the contract change orders. ~ f RES. NO. 3913 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO.1 WITH SOCAL- WEST CONSTRUCTORS, INC. , FOR A TIME EXTENSION RELATING TO SITE GRADING SUPER SHOPS, INC., SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT, UNIT NO. 21. .....J RES. NO. 3914 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRET ARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 WITH PAIGE ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR A TIME EXTENSION RELATING TO UNDER- GROUND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT, UNIT NO. 23. RES. NO. 3915 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRET ARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 WITH MEYER CONSTRUCTORS FOR A TIME EXTENSION RELATING TO WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS, STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT, PHASE 1. --. RES. NO. 3916 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRET ARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 WITH JESSE HUBBS AND SONS RELATING TO THE KANEY FOODS COMPANY SITE GRADING, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT, UNIT NO. 22. -J Resolutions No. 3913, 3914, 3915 and 3916 were adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: None. Absent: Hobbs. CONSIDER SETTING A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 4, 1979, FOR THE SALE OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF 4TH AND "E" STREETS, CENTRAL CITY NORTH PROJECT AREA. A Motion was made by Hudson and seconded by Castaneda to adopt the following resolution and set the public hearing for June 4, 1979. RES. NO. 3917 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, SETTING A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 4,1979 AT 4: 00 P.M. TO CONSIDER THE SALE OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BUS STOP FACILITY, FOR THE SUM OF $15,936.96. ~ ......,j r L r- F ~ r- L 4731 Resolution No. 3917 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Hudson and Lackner. Noes: Gerwig. Absent: Hobbs. RECEIVE OFFER TO PURCHASE AND SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE SALE OF n. 30 ACRES OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE CORNER OF TIPPECANOE A VENUE AND COOLEY A VENUE, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. Chairman Holcomb requested a continuance of the above item to the next regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency Board. A Motion was made by Katona, seconded by Gerwig and carried, that the Offer to Purchase and set a Public Hearing for the sale of n. 30 acres of Agency owned property located on the corner of Tippecanoe A venue and Cooley Avenue be continued to the meeting of May 21, 1979. The meeting recessed at 5: 45 p . m. The Joint City Council/Redevelopment Agency Board meeting reconvened at 7: 30 p. m. Chairman Holcomb called the Redevelopment Agency Board meeting to order. Present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, Edward S. Wheeler, Robert A. Castaneda, Russell E. Lackner and William Katona, Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, and Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. Absent: John R. Hobbs. Chairman Holcomb entertained a Motion to reconsider Item No. 17 on the Redevelopment Agency Agenda, which was continued to May 21, 1979 before the recess on May 7, 1979. A Motion was made by Castaneda, Seconded by Lackner and carried to reconsider the sale of property located on the corner of Tippecanoe Avenue and Cooley A venue. Chairman Holcomb entertained a Motion to authorize the Agency staff and the Agency Attorney to negotiate a direct sale between the San Bernardino Industrial Park Inc. , the owners of the property , to Chuck King and Associates and for authority to dismiss the condemnation action heretofore filed on condition that the negotiated sale be substantially as set forth in the offer of Chuck King and in the best financial interest of the Agency. On Motion by Gerwig, seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried, the foregoing Motion was adopted. 4732 On Motion by Hudson, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 7: 45 p.m. to the next Regular Meeting, May 21,1979 at 4: 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 300 North" D" Street, San Bernardino, California. aF~ R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Executive Secretary 1 ...J ., i ....J ~ .....J ".... ..... ,... L c 4733 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California May 21, 1979 The Regular Meeting of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order at 4: 00 p. m. , Monday, May 21, 1979, by Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members, Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, Edward S. Wheeler, Robert A. Castaneda, William Katona and John R. Hobbs. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory and Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. Absent: Board Member, Russell E. Lackner. APPROVE MINUTES On Motion by Wheeler, seconded by Gerwig and unanimously carried, the Minutes of the Board Meeting of May 7, 1979 were approved as submitted. JOINT COUNCIL/BOARD PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF THE NORTHWEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA PLAN. Mayor/Chairman Holcomb opened the Joint Public Hearing for the continuation of the hearings of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, for the Northwest Redevelopment Proj ect Area. Since the opening of the Joint Public Hearing on May 7, 1979, three public meetings have been held in order to give the owners of property located within the proposed project area an opportunity to be heard on the proposed Redevelopment Plan. Notices of these Public Meetings were mailed May 10, 1979 to all owners of record, as supplied by the County Assessors Office. Mayor/Chairman Holcomb invited questions from the Common Council! Agency Board Members. Mr. Castaneda stated that, while he supported the Plan 100%, he felt some of the residents in the First Ward did not understand the plan and needed more information, therefore he would recommend a continuance of the Public Hearing for the Northwest Redevelopment Project Plan for two weeks to allow for another workshop to explain the redevelopment plan further. - 4734 Mayor/Chairman Holcoml::. stated that:in.e to t.'le appa:'ent limited understandi.1\g ;)f the redev.=L:pme:"lt plaIl by some of the res~6el~ts iT the First and .:.:.xth .Na-ds, ne felt the Public Hearing Ehould be (;ont~nued ior one or two weeks. .., I . ...... Mr. Hobbs stated that the maje,yity of the people in the proposed Northwest Redevelop- ment PIal'! were residents of the Sixth Ward and were in fa iTor of the adoption of the plan. :me stated emphatically that he was in favor of proceeding with the implementa- tion of the Northwest Redevelopment Plan at this time. Mr. Hobbs made a Motion and seconded by Mr. Katona to proceed with the Joint Public Hearing for the consideration of the adoption of the Northwest Redevelopment Proj ect Area Plan. Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Lackner. Mayor/Chairman Holcomb invited questions from the public. Protests were heard from residents of the First Ward who feared displacement from their homes through eminent domain proceedings. Mr. David Lechuga of 1379 West 5th Street, speaking for the Coalition for the Fair Implementation of the Northwest Redevelopment Project, stated that he found the proposal to be poorly designed and requested that the plan be rejected until further revisions could be made. He strongly urged that a change in the boundaries be considered. .... i , i """"'" Mrs. Beatrice Marie Davidson of 2438 West 6th Street spoke in opposition to the plan, stating that senior citizens feared they would be uprooted from their present homes and would have no place to relocate. She questioned the selection of a citizen I s advisory committee of "hand picked" people to help write the plan and represent the area. Reverend John H. Woods, Jr., Co-Chairman of the Citizens Advisory Committee, stated that the Committee had been appointed by the Mayor and Common Council, that monthly meetings had been held for several weeks as well as meetings within the community, and that his committee had worked many hours to help educate the people on the West Side. He strongly urged the adoption of the plan. Mr. John Dukes of Dukes, Dukes & Associates, Inc. , 1744 West Highland Avenue, stated that his firm had prepared the plan for the Northwest Redevelopment Project Area and that his office was always open to anyone who wished to talk about the plan and to answer any questions. Mr. John Tindall said that he favored the plan but that he was concerned as to how many people would be affected by being forced to move to another area and pay higher rents or pay higher rents and taxes through rehabilitation of their present houses. I~ ! .....J "... v * L., ,... L [ 4735 Attorney Thomas J. Keene, 362 North Arrowhead Avenue, representing several residents of the Northwest Redevelopment Project Area stated that, in his opinion, the plan did not legally meet the requirements of Health & Safety Code, Section 33352 (1) to contain a Neighborhood Impact Element, and his concern was the lack of vacant and available housing for low income families in the City. Valerie Pope Ludlam, Director of the West Side Community Development Corporation spoke regarding the advantages of the plan to put the vacant land in the west side area to use and attract new residents to support new businesses and build schools. Ralph E. Shadwell, Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency, read a statement presented by Mr. Castaneda, discounting rumors that had been circulating regarding the redevelopment plan. He outlined the goals and purposes of the plan, reass uring the audience that the west side would not be rezoned and houses taken from the residents. A Motion was made by Hobbs and seconded by Castaneda that all objections to the Plan be overrulled. Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Katona and Lackner. A Motion was made by Hobbs and seconded by Wheeler that the Joint Public Hearing be closed. Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Katona and Lackner. A Motion was made by Hobbs and seconded by Castaneda that the following resolution be adopted on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency. RES. NO. 3918 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN: APPROVING A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN REPORT; APPROVING AN ENVIRON- MENTAL IMPACT REPORT CONTAINED THEREIN; AND DIRECTING THE( -v" FILING OF A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION. A~ <Jc,,",' rC ,A ;) -i2-;, c) ~q -3 d- & ."..J Resolution No. 3918 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Ayes: Castaneda, Katona and Lackner. The above resolution, approving and adopting the Plan, was presented to the Mayor and Common Council on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency. The City Clerk introduced the following' resolutions on behalf of the City of San Bernardino: Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council approving General Plan Amendment #20. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council approving the Redevelopment Plan, Redevelopment Plan Report, Environmental Impact Report, and directing the filing of a Notice of Determination for the Northwest Redevelopment Proj ect Area. 4736 The City Clerk introduced an Ordinance of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino Approving and Adopting the Redevelopment Plan for the Northwes t Redevelopment Proj ect Area. ...., --- On behalf of the City of San Bernardino, the first reading of the Ordinance was waived and said ordinance was laid over for final passage. Mayor/Chairman Holcomb declared all proceedings of the Joint Public Hearing for the adoption of the Northwest Redevelopment Project Area duly recorded and adopted. RECESS The meeting was recessed at 5: 45 p . m. RECONVENE At 7: 30 p.m., the Joint Redevelopment Agency Board/City Council Meeting reconvened in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Mayor/Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Board Members, Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, Edward S. Wheeler, William Katona and John R. Hobbs. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory and Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. Absent: Board Members: Robert A. Castaneda and Russell E. Lackner. ~ ~ i ......J JOINT PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE SALE OF AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF COOLEY AVENUE EXTENSION CUL-DE-SAC, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT. Three offers for the 10.2 acres of Agency owned property were presented for the consideration of the Board. Richard L. Lewis, representing Lewis Properties, Inc., made the first offer of $200,400.00 for the property. Mr. Shadwell pointed out that the net amount to the Agency would be reduced to $180,360.00 due to the $20,040.00 commission which was to be paid to Mr. Lewis. Developer Chuck King, in partnership with Richard L. Sikkenga and Robert R. Janke, boosted their bid on the land from $200,400.00 to $250,000.00. The third developer, David Reid & Associates, Inc. , proposing to build a condominium- style industrial facility, offered $223,400.00 for the property. After a lengthy discussion of the three proposals, the following resolution was adopted. ,~ ....", r ili ~ .... ,... ~, \-. c 4737 RES. NO. 3919 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRET ARY TO ENTER INTO A DISPOSITION AND JOINT DEVELOP- MENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND RICHARD L. SIKKENGA, PARTNER AND ROGER R. JANKE, PARTNER, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. Resolution No. 3919 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler, Katona, Castaneda, Gerwig and Hudson. Noes: None. Absent: Lackner. Abstained: Hobbs. RES. NO. 3920 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO RELATING TO THE ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATION OF A SECURITY PRO- GRAM FOR THE CENTRAL CITY MALL. Resolution No. 3920 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda, Hudson and Lackner. RES. NO. 3921 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CENTRAL CITY COMPANY RELATING TO THE ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATION OF A SECURITY PRO- GRAM FOR THE CENTRAL CITY MALL. Resolution No. 3921 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler, Katona Gerwig, and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda, Hudson and Lackner. CONSIDER BREACH OF LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE PROVISIONS OF DISPOSITION AGREEMENT BETWEEN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND HUNTLEY PItOPERTIES, INC., SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. On Motion by Katona, and seconded by Gerwig, this item was continued to the meeting of June 4, 1979. RES. NO. 3922 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 WITH RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR EXTRA WORK PER- FORMED IN CONNECTION WITH TRACT NO. 9809, UNIT NO. 14, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA, FOR THE SUM OF $15,780.00. Resolution No. 3922 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler, Katona Gerwig, Hudson and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda and Lackner. 4738 RES. NO. 3923 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 WITH JOHN EGAN AND ASSOCIATES FOR EXTRA WORK PERFORMED IN CONNECTION WITH TRACT 9809, UNIT NO. 14, SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA, FOR THE SUM OF $1,068.40. ,., I........ Resolution No. 3923 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda and Lackner. RES. NO. 3924 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO.1 WITH JESSE HUBBS & SONS, INC. , FOR THE SUM OF $16,866.50 ,FOR ADDITIONAL WORK IN CONNECTION WITH GRADING AND IMPROVE- MENTS TO BLAIR PARK, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA. Resolution No. 3924 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler, Katona, Gerwig, Hudson and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda and Lackner. ADJOURN The Redevelopment Agency Board Meeting was adjourned at 9: 30 p.m. to the meeting of June 4,1979 at 4: 00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. .., --J ~~t: R. E. Shadwell, Jr. / Executive Director I~ ....",j r I \..,., r '-' [ 4739 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California June 4, 1979 The Meeting was called to order by Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Robert A. Castaneda, Edward S. Wheeler, Ralph Hernandez, Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, John D. Hobbs and Jack Strickler. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr. , Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory and Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. APPROVE MINUTES A Motion was made by Gerwig and seconded by Wheeler to approve the Minutes of the meeting of May 21, 1979. Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: Hernandez and Strickler. APPOINT VICE CHARIMAN A Motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried to appoint Edward S. Wheeler as Vice Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency Board. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE SALE OF FEE TITLE OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF FOURTH AND "E" STREETS, CENTRAL CITY NORTH PROJECT AREA. Mayor/Chairman Holcomb opened the Joint Public Hearing on behalf of the City of San Bernardino and the Redevelopment Agency. Mr. Shadwell presented the following resolution to sell the fee title to the property located at the Northwest corner of Fourth and "E" Streets to the City of San Bernardino for the sum of $15,936.96, Central City North Project Area. 4740 RES. NO. 3926 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE SALE OF THE FEE TITLE OF AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTH- WEST CORNER OF FOURTH AND "E" STREETS TO THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A BUS STOP FACILITY, CENTRAL CITY NORTH, FOR THE SUM OF $15,936.96. J A Motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Hobbs that the hearing be closed. Resolution No. 3926 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Hernandez, Hudson, Hobbs and Strickler. Noes: Gerwig. Absent: None. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE SALE OF AGENCY OWNED REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF KENDALL DRIVE AND STATE COLLEGE PARKWAY, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA. Mayor/Chairman Holcomb opened the Joint Public Hearing on behalf of the City and the Redevelopment Agency. Mr. Shadwell summarized the two offers received for the 3.32 acres of property located at the Northeast corner of Kendall Drive and State College Parkway. A letter was received this date from David L. Bischoff in which he stated that he was experiencing some doubts regarding his ability to complete the project within the specified guidelines and therefore, he wished to withdraw his offer to purchase at this time. .., I -J Mr. Shadwell presented Mr. Keith Harwood, representing T & S Development, Inc., who was offering $40,000.00 per acre for the property. Mr. Harwood stated that he would also like to purchase the adjacent Water Department property, the property occupied by the City Fire Station and the privately owned property, and turn this in to a 6.5 million dollar commercial development, consisting of a neighborhood shopping center, super market and drug store concept. Mr. Harwood stated that he had a verbal agreement with the Water Department and they were now in the process of determining the transfer and sale of the property to the Redevelopment Agency. A letter was presented from Chief Shaw of the City Fire Department indicating that the City had no objection to the relocation of Fire Station #5 located at 1640 Kendall Drive to accomodate the development of a new shopping center, providing that certain considerations could be satisfactorily arranged. Mr. Harwood stated that relocation costs would be assumed by his company, including land acquisition and moving costs. ....., -.II r- L r ~ .... [ 4741 A letter was presented from John M. Pfau, President of California State College, stating that he felt a shopping center could become an asset to the area, therefore, he would have no obj ection to the construction of this location. A Motion was made by Mr. Gerwig and seconded by Mr. Hudson, that the hearing be closed. RES. NO. 3927 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A DISPOSITION AND JOINT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND MARK A. THOMPSON AND KEITH J. HARWOOD, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE STATE COLLEGE-PROJECT AREA. Resolution No. 3927 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Hernandez, Gerwig, hudson and Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Wheeler and Hobbs. RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT RECEIVED FROM NAZARBEKIAN WITH SUBMISSION OF OFFER TO PURCHASE LAND LOCATED IN SOUTH- EAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. On Motion by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried the following resolution was adopted. RES. NO. 3928 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE RETURN OF THE DEPOSIT RECEIVED FROM HARUTUN NAZARBEKIAN UPON TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF LAND IN SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. CONSIDER BREACH OF LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE PROVISIONS OF DISPOSITION AGREEMENT BETWEEN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND HUNTLEY PROPERTIES, INC., SOUTHEAST INDUSTRIAL PARK. Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory, informed the Board that he had written a letter to Mr. William Huntley regarding the non-compliance of the landscaping and maintenance provisions of the disposition agreement between the Agency and Huntley Properties, who in turn, had passed this on to the various developers under their agreements with Hundley Properties. At this point, Mr. Flory recommended that this matter be put over until a reply had been received from Mr. Huntley. A Motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Hobbs and unanimously carried, that the matter be continued to the first Board Meeting in July, 1979. 4742 CONTRACT FOR WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS LOCATED IN HALLMARK PARKWAY BETWEEN STATE COLLEGE PARKWAY AND SHENANDOAH WAY, ST ATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. 1 ..J A Motion was made by Castaneda and seconded by Hobbs to award the contract and adopt the following resolution. RES. NO. 3929 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO WATER DEPARTMENT FOR WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF $54,660.00, STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. Resolution No. 3929 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Hernandez, Gerwig, Hobbs and Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Hudson. CONSIDER APPLICATION TO PRESENT LATE CLAIMS UNDER SECTION 911 . 4 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE IN THE MATTER OF GRACE M. MYRICK AND GLEN BE MYRICK AGAINST THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. A Motion was made by Wheeler, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried to grant the Application For Leave to Present Late Claims in the matter of the proposed claims of Grace M. Myrick and Glen B. Myrick against the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino and the City of San Bernardino and that the claim be denied. 1 ....J OFFER TO PURCHASE AND SET A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE SALE OF APPROXIMATELY 1. 09 ACRES OF AGENCY OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE STATE COLLEGE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. A Motion was made by Hobbs, seconded by Hudson and unanimously carried, to set a Joint Public Hearing and authorize publication of the Notice of Advertisement for the sale of Agency owned property located at the northwesterly corner of Hallmark Parkway and Lexington Way to the West Side Community Development Corporation. RES. NO. 3930 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO RECEIVE AN OFFER TO PURCHASE FROM SAN BERNARDINO WEST SIDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA, AND SET A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING FOR JULY 9, 1979. Resolution No. 3930 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Hernandez, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: None. ..... -.J r- F \... ,.. ~ If '-- r '-- 4743 CONSIDER A LOAN AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA POOLED MONEY INVESTMENT BOARD FOR BORROWING FROM THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY'S INDEBTEDNESS FUND FOR THE MEADOWBROOK - CENTRAL CITY PROJECT AREA. Chairman Holcomb eXplained that to borrow an amount from the Local Agency Indebtedness Fund was a method to remedy the technical default which had occurred as a result of the Agency's reserve account being reduced below levels required by the bond covenants. He stated that by borrowing the money now at 6% interest and using this as a deferred project, we could be earning 7% interest for the next two years. He urged that the Agency proceed with the loan agreement. Mr. Hernandez stated that he could not support this matter inasmuch as he had not had an opportunity to review the documents and would like sufficient time to study the issue. Mr. Jeffery Kinsell, representing Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc., informed the Board that the purpose of the Local Agency Indebtedness Fund, administered by the State Pooled Money Investment Board, was to provide loans to local agencies and to protect the credit of the state and local agencies by preventing defaults, technical or actual, in payments due on bonds during the 1978-79 fiscal year. This allows time to reorganize revenue sources which otherwise support payments on such bonds. Mr. Shadwell informed the Board that applications must be received by the Pooled Money Investment Board nO later than June 30,1979, and it would be to the Agency's advantage to submit application in sufficient time to allow the Board to act prior to debt service due dates on bonds of the Agency. A Motion was made by Wheeler and seconded by Gerwig to adopt the following resolution. RES. NO. 3925 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY OF SAID AGENCY TO EXECUTE A LOAN AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA POOLED MONEY INVESTMENT BOARD FOR THE BORROWING OF MONEY FROM THE LOCAL AGENCY INDEBTEDNESS FUND. Resolution No. 3925 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda. Abstain: Hernandez. AWARD A CONTRACT FOR PRELIMINARY SOILS INVESTIGATION, CENTRAL CITY PROJECT AREA. A Motion was made by Hobbs and seconded by Castaneda, to award the contract and adopt the following resolution. 4744 ~ RES. NO. 3931 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH IRVINE SOILS INVESTIGATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,000.00, FOR PARCELS 1 - 7 , FIFTH AND MOUNT VERNON AVENUE, CENTRAL CITY WEST PROJECT AREA. , ..... Resolution No. 3931 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Wheeler, Gerwig, Hudson and Hobbs. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: Hernandez and Strickler. CONSIDER THE RESCISSION OF AGENCY RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE NORTHWEST REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND ADOPT A NEW RESOLUTION. Due to a clerical error, page number 25 was inadvertently omitted from the document entitled "Redevelopment Plan", adopted at the Board meeting on May 21, 1979. Therefore, a new resolution approving the amended document was presented. On Motion by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted. RES. NO. 3932 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN: APPROVING A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN REPORT; APPROVING AN ENVIRON- MENTAL IMPACT REPORT CONTAINED THEREIN; DIRECTING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF DETERMINATION AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 3918. ...... ~ ....",# JUL Y BOARD MEETINGS. A Motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried, that the Board meetings for the month of July 1979 be rescheduled for July 9 and J ul y 23, 1979. DISCUSSION - SEWER FUND LOAN Mr. Gerwig requested a discussion regarding the repayment of the loan made to the Redevelopment Agency from the Sewer Fund for the installation of sewer connections in Southeast Industrial Park Project Area. After discussion, a Motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried that the Redevelopment Agency start repayment of the loan at the earliest financiall y feasible opportunity. ~ ......, r -... r L.. [ 4745 A Motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Wheeler and unanimously carried that the repayment money be used to reduce the rates for any future sewer service increases that may be required. There being no further business, the Redevelopment Agency Board adjourned to the next regular meeting of June 18, 1979, at 4: 00 p. m., in the Council Chambers 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ~L R. E. Shadwell Jr., Executive Director ~ ! .~ , ....J ,'"'" I ! '....",J ,- ! ~ I >...J ,-., ~ ,.... L c 4746 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California June 18, 1979 The Regular Meeting of the Board of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Chairman W. R. Holcomb at 4: 00 p. m., Monday, June 18, 1979, in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb, Robert A. Castaneda, Ralph Hernandez, Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson, John D. Hobbs and Jack Strickler. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel, Wm. A. Flory and Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. Absent: Edward S. Wheeler. APPROVE MINUTES A Motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Hernandez and unanimously carried, to approve the Minutes of the meeting of June 4, 1979. AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR GRADING, BUILDING A GOLF COURSE, AND ON AND OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. Shadwell informed the Board that Mr. Warner Hodgdon had requested that this matter be continued until such time as a solution could be worked out with the Water Department regarding water to supply the golf course. Mr. Gerwig stated that he was strongly opposed to any further continuance regarding this project. Mr. Wallace Green, representing Warner Hodgdon Affiliates, informed the Board that Mr. Hodgdon was presently negotiating with the City Water Department for an agreement that would get the Redevelopment Agency off the hook on their water commitment and to recei ve water for the golf course at a reasonable price that everyone concerned could cope with. This agreement was before the Board of Water Commissioners at this time and would be considered at their meeting of June 19, 1979. Mr. Green said that he saw no problem with the agreement and all that was required to complete the negotiations was approval by the Water Board. A lengthy discussion followed regarding using the present bids that had been presented and continuing the matter or rejecting all bids and go out to bid again. Mr. Shadwell pointed out that if the matter is continued then it would be necessary to go back to the contractors involved to determine if they were willing to stand by their original bid, and if they did not wish to extend, the contract would have to be rebid. 4747 Chairman Holcomb stated that the low bidder, Riverside Construction Company, had indicated by their letter of June 14, 1979, that they would honor their bid if they were given change orders in the approximate amount of $60,000, and the key question in this issue was could change orders be legally considered at this time. ,., ! ~ Wm. A. Flory, Legal Counsel for the Agency, stated that in his opinion, they could not be given at this time. Mr. Charles Harmon appeared as a representative of the Riverside Construction Company, and informed the Board that his company was faced with additional material and labor costs due to circumstances beyond their control, but that they would adhere to the terms of the contract and would consider the matter of change orders at the appropriate time after the award of the contract. Mr. Harmon felt that it would be better for everyone at this time to rebid the contract. Chairman Holcomb concurred. Mr. Shadwell said that it was his understanding after consulting with the Engineers, that it would be necessary to revise the plans because of the water situation and the grading due to the geological problem and it would be the first meeting in August before the Agency could come back to the Board with a contract to be awarded.He said if this bid is awarded, we are facing change orders and if we reject all bids and go out for a new bid, in all probability it would be much higher due to labor costs which would be going up in July. It was his recommendation that all bids be rejected at this time and the project go out for rebid. ~ In answer to questions from the Board regarding the additional costs for the water for .....J the golf course and the residential area, Mr. Shadwell replied that any additional cost applying to the golf course would be picked up by Mr. Hodgdon and any additional costs incurred for the residential section would be bourne by the Redevelopment Agency. He said, at this point, it could not be ascertained whether any change orders would apply to the golf course or the residential area, or both. Mr. Green pointed out that he saw no increase in costs with regard to the grading. It would merely be an exchange of dirt from that which was originally planned to raise the golf course to the pads for the 48 single family lots which have to be raised due to the geology problem. It was his understanding that the situation would be balanced out and there would be no additional charges. One change, however, over and above that as spelled out in the water agreement was the increase of the water line from 12 to 16 inches, the difference in the increase to be paid for by Mr. Hodgdon. Chairman Holcomb made a suggestion to continue the matter until after the Water Board meeting at 9: 30 a.m. on June 19th, at which time the Agency Board would be better informed and in a position to go ahead and award the contract or reject all bids and go out to bid again. -, '1 --' ,- '-- ,.... ..... [ 4748 A Motion was made by Hudson and seconded by Gerwig to continue the matter until 2: 00 p. m., Tuesday, June 19, 1979. Motion carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Hernandez, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Castaneda and Wheeler. A Motion was made by Hudson, seconded by Gerwig and carried, that the award of a construction contract to supply a portion of the water service to the golf course site be continued until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 19,1979. AWARD A CHANGE ORDER TO THE C M. ENGINEERING CONTRACT FOR THE STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK DEVELOPMENT. It was moved by Gerwig and seconded by Hudson to adopt the following resolution and award the contract for the Change Order for work performed in the State College Industrial Park Development. RES. NO. 3933 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 WITH C M ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES FOR EXTRA WORK PERFORMED IN THE STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK FOR THE SUM OF $33,300.00. Resolution No. 3933 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Hernandez, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Wheeler. AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT OF SALE FOR RICHARD H. CROWTHER, (PRIME-LINE PRODUCTS COMPANY), AUTHORIZING THE RELOCATION OF THEIR DEVELOPMENT AND AN EXTENSION OF THEIR CONSTRUCTION DATE. A Motion was made by Castaneda and seconded by Hobbs to approve the amendment to the contract of sale for Richard H. Crowther and adopt the following resolution. RES. NO. 3934 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING A SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT OF SALE WITH RICHARD H. CROWTHER, OR HIS NOMINEE, PROVIDING FOR A TIME EXTENSION FOR THE COMPLETION OF CON- STRUCTION AND AUTHORIZING THE RELOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT IN STATE COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT AREA. Resolution No. 3934 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Hernandez, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Wheeler. FINANCIAL SUMMARY STATING THE POSITION OF AGENCY FUNDS AND EXPENDITURES AS OF MAY, 1979. 4749 Moved by Hobbs, seconded by Castaneda and unanimously carried that the Financial Summary be received and placed on file. PURCHASE OF PARCEL 134-151-24 (SWING BUILDING) IN FURTHERANCE OF EXPANDING THE DOWNTOWN PARKING DISTRICT. ] Mr. Shadwell reviewed information relative to expanding the downtown parking district. The public hearing to expand parking district off-street parking facilities was concluded on May 7, 1979. On May 21, 1979, two resolutions were adopted declaring the necessity to add additional parking place improvements and finding and determining that public convenience and necessity require the addition of parking places to the Central City Parking District. ' The next step is to secure the necessary loans with local financial institutions and acquire the properties, relocate where required, demolish existing buildings and contract for the parking improvements. Mr. Everett Swing, the owner of a portion of that property under consideration, is now in a position whereby the sale of his property must be concluded immediately or he will have to seek other action. It is proposed that the Agency purchase Mr. Swing's property now by using Agency funds, to be repaid when the loans are secured, to pay Mr.. Swing's equity for his property. The total cost of purchase is $165,000.00, plus fees and taxes. The immediate approximate cost is $57,000.00. Mr. Frank Dominguez urged the Board's approval of the purchase in an effort to upgrad'" "E" Street. He stated that he was negotiating with a tentant to move into the vacant bar I building on the southeast corner of 4th and "E" Streets, across the street from the Swin~ property, and to justify this occupancy, he had assured his client that parking spaces would be provided on the property across the street from the bank building. Chairman Holcomb stressed the importance of removing the building in an effort to further upgrade the "Ell Street project. A Motion was made by Castaneda and seconded by Gerwig to approve the purchase of Parcel 134-151-24 by the Agency for the immediate payment of a sum not to exceed $57,000, which sum shall be reimbursed to the Agency from the loan to be acquired for the expansion of the Parking District. RES. NO. 3935 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF PARCEL 134-151-24 (SWING BUILDING), LOCATED WITHIN THE CENTRAL CITY NORTH PROJECT AREA. ~ ........ 4750 r L Resolution No. 3935 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Hernandez, Gerwig and Hudson. Noes: Strickler. Absent: Ayes: Castaneda, Hobbs and Wheeler. A Motion was made by Gerwig, seconded by Hernandez and unanimously carried, that the meeting be adjourned to 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 19,1979, in the Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. The meeting was adjourned at 5: 00 p.m. &:~/ R. E. Shadwell, Jr. Executi ve Director r i ~ [ 4751 Minutes of the Meeting of the of the City of Adjourned Regular Redevelopment Agency San Bernardino, Calif. J June 19, 1979 In the absentPof Chairman W. R. "Bob" Holcomb and Vice Chairman Edward S. Wheeler, a Motion was made by Mr. Hobbs, seconded by Mr. Hernandez and unanimously carried, that Mr. Hudson be appointed Chairman pro tern. Chairman Hudson called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL Roll Call was taken with the following being present: Robert A. Castaneda, Ralph Hernandez, Richard F. Gerwig, Lionel E. Hudson , John D. Hobbs and Jack Strickler. Executive Director, R. E. Shadwell, Jr., Agency Counsel~ Wm. A. Flory and Executive Secretary, Margaret Hoover. Absent: Chairman W. R. Holcomb and Vice Chairman Edward S. Wheeler. AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR GRADING, BUILDING A GOLF COURSE, AND ON AND OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. Shadwell explained that the purpose of the meeting was to consider the award of ] the construction contract for the grading, building a golf course, and construction of .. on and off-site improvements, State College Project Area. This item was continued from the regular board meeting of June 18, 1979, in order that the Board could be briefed on the status of the proposed pending agreement between the Water Department of the City of San Bernardino and Warner Hodgdon Affiliates. Mr. Wallace Green, representing Hodgdon Affiliates, appeared and spoke on the results of the meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners, held at 9:30 a.m. on June 19,1979. Mr. Green stated that the Water Board had approved and accepted the water exchange agreement, subject to the review and approval by their attorney. He said that technically, at this time, the agreement had not been finalized. However, as a result of the discussions at the meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners, he felt that progress was made toward that end, and personally, he saw no problem regarding the legal review and approval of the contract. Mr. Gerwig stated that due to the repeated continuance of the project by the developer, and the resulting accelerating costs, he questioned the feasibility of the project, and suggested the possibility of dropping the entire project at this point as being in the best interest of the City and the Redevelopment Agency. ~ -'. [ [ [ 4752 Mr. Green stated that he would have to disagree with that suggestion and reminded the Board of two major issues that had to be overcome in order to get the project under way. No.1 was the geology problem and No.2 was the water problem, neither of which had been created by Mr. Hodgdon, nor could they have been controlled by Mr. Hodgdon or the Redevelopment Agency. 2: 35 p. m. - Chairman Holcomb entered the meeting. A discussion ensued as to the legality of dropping the project at this time. Mr. Hernandez asked for an opinion from the Agency's Legal Counsel. Mr. Flory replied that in his opinion, legally speaking, the project could not be discontinued at this point due to the Agency's commitment to the bond holders and with- out the development the bonds would go into default. Mr. Hernandez asked if Legal Counsel felt the Riverside Construction Company bid in the amount of $3,219,858.96 was a valid bid. Mr. Flory referred to the contents of a letter received from the Riverside Construction Company whereby they stated that they would not hesitate to stand by their original bid if they could be assured that they could recover by contract change order the additional labor and material costs incurred. The letter further stated that they would continue to negotiate with their suppliers and subcontractors and would adhere to the terms of the Bid Documents. Mr. Flory stated that the letter was ambiguous and he, therefore, did not think the original bid was still open. To protect the Agency, he would like a statement from Riverside Construction Company that their original bid was still open. Mr. Charles Harmon, representing Riverside Construction Company, spoke and assured the Board that his company would stand by their original bid as submitted. Chairman Holcomb stated that he felt it was reasonably safe to assume that the bid could be unequivocally and unconditionally awarded to the low bidder at this time, subject to the approval of the Water Board1s Attorney of the agreement between the Water Depart- ment and Warner Hodgdon. A discussion followed regarding additional costs being added to the contract by Riverside Construction Company. Chairman Holcomb explained that every contract of this magnitude somewhere along the line has some changes, and in this instance some form of change order would have to be made due to changes from the original plan. The change orders could be a deletion of costs, but in all probability, because of the additional problems encountered due to the geological faults and soil problems, there would be additional costs. 4753 Mr. Harmon at this point concurred with Chairman Holcomb's statement that Riverside Construction Company would honor their bid as submitted, knowing that ...., the plans had been changed, and that they expect that normal change orders will J result from the change in plans. They were not honoring their bid as the plans have { been changed, but only as originally bid and will expect any compensation under the normal course of change orders because of the changed plans. Chairman Holcomb stated that the proposed Motion as presented in the Agenda for June 19, 1979 was not as precise as he would like to see stated and suggested that it be expanded to state that the contract be awarded as per the original plans and specifications, subject to the approval of the Water Board's Attorney, and subject to satisfactory financial arrangements being made by the developer for all costs over $1. 4 million for the construction of the State College Golf Course. Mr. Shadwell reminded the Board of one other condition, that of passing of title to the 63 acres in the State College Project Area from Warner Hodgdon to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. A Motion was made by Hudson and seconded by Castaneda to award the Contract to Riverside Construction Company for the sum of $3,219,858.96, for the purpose of grading, construction of a golf course anc construction of on and off-site improvements, State College Project Area, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval by the Attorney for the Board of Water Commissioners of the water exchange agreement between the Water Department of the City of San Bernardino and Warner Hodgdon. ,., I .....J 2. Approval by the low bidder, Riverside Construction Company, of the original bid. 3. The transfer of title of 63, more or less, acres of real property from Warner Hodgdon to the Redevelopment Agency. 4. Satisfactory financial arrangements by the developer for the cost of the golf course over $1.4 million, to be paid by the developer, either directly with the Redevelopment Agency or directly with the low bidder. Mr. Hobbs questioned the urgency of this action at this time and stated that he would suggest holding off on awarding the contract for another month. Mr. Green stated that in this instance he felt the creditability of the community must be dealt with and that another reason to get this development underway without further delay was the bond issue. .~ -' c [ [ 4754 Chairman Holcomb reminded the Board that the costs were going up daily for the Elks Club, the developer, and the contractor, and in his opinion, this was not a complicated issue and should not be delayed any further. Mr. Flory stated that the four conditions under discussion were in writing in the original documents executed by the developer and the Redevelopment Agency, and in his opinion, the Motion was in order. RES. NO. 3936 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH RIVERSIDE CON- STRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE SUM OF $3,219,858.96, FOR GRAD- lNG, CONSTRUCTING A GOLF COURSE AND CONSTRUCTING ON AND OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS, STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA. Resolution No. 3936 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Castaneda, Hernandez, Gerwig, Hudson, Hobbs and Strickler. Noes: None. Absent: Wheeler. CONSIDER AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO SUPPLY A PORTION OF THE WATER SERVICE TO THE GOLF COURSE AND RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT , STATE COLLEGE PROJECT AREA. Mr. Shadwell explained the design of the 16 inch water line that would provide water service to the developments in Bond Street, west of Little Mountain Drive and in Edgehill Road east of Little Mountain Drive, and to serve the golf course, the Elks Club, Pro Shop and Maintenance Shop and a portion of the residential area. Mr. Shadwell explained that there would be additional contracts for water to serve the remainder of the residential area, which would be the responsibility of the Redevelopment Agency. He emphasized, however, that any additional costs for furnishing water to the golf course would be the responsibility of the developer and not the Agency. It was moved by Hudson, seconded by Castaneda and carried to adopt the form motion authorizing the contract with the Water Department of the City of San Bernardino to install water service to the golf course and residential developments, State College Project Area. RES. NO. 3937 - RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH THE WATER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR THE SUM OF $79,775.00, FOR THE INSTALLA- TION OF WATER SERVICE TO THE STATE COLLEGE GOLF COURSE AND RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS. 4755 Resolution No. 3937 was adopted by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Hernandez, Hudson, Hobbs and Strickler. Noes: Gerwig. Absent: Castaneda, Wheeler. "., There being no further business to come before the Board of the Redevelopment Agency, the meeting was adjourned at 3: 30 p.m. to July 9, 1979 at 4: 00 p.m. in the ...' Council Chambers, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. , R. E. Shadwell, Jr. Executive Director ~ .....".., ~