HomeMy WebLinkAboutS05-Public Works CITY OF SAN BERN Dept: Date: 8-9-94 Public Works .RDINO - REQUEST [ lR COUNCIL ACTION File No. 1.291 Approval of Contract Change Order Subject: No. 2 - Improvement of Tippecanoe Ave., "CO St. (Sheppard Blvd.) & Del Rosa Drive, per Plan No. 9053 MATICH CORPORATION From: ROGER G. HARDGRAVE Synopsis of Previous Council action: 06-01-92 -- Authorization granted by CDC to execute a Loan Guaran- tee Agreement with IVDA for loan of $800,000 from SANBAG. AD:.lIN"OHJ.Ii'G<ll6-92 -- Authorization granted for City to assume responsibility of a Consulting Engineer and execution of an Agreement for provision of these services. 10 AUG 94 81:2Q47-92 -- Resolution No. 92-453 adopted authorizing execution of an Agreement with URS Consultants, Inc. for Phase I of services. 10-04-93 -- Resolution No. 93-382 adopted authorizing the Mayor to execute application to the Economic Development Agency for a grant. (Continued on second page) Recommended motion: That Change Order No. 2 to the contract with Matich Corporation, for the construction of Street Improvements on Tippecanoe Avenue, "CO St. (Sheppard Blvd.) and Del Rosa Drive, in accordance with Plan No. 9053, be approved; to authorize the relocation of two water mainlines in Del Rosa Dr., which are in conflict with the street improvements, at an estimated increase in the contract price of $30,000.00; from $4,217,813.00 tOo$4'247'81~~0' cc: Bill Bopf, IVDA ~ )~~ Shauna Clark Barbara Pachon Signature Bernie Kersey Contact person: Roger G. Hardgrave Phone: ,02, Supporting data attached:Staff Report, CCO #2 Ward: 1 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $30.000 IEDA Grant & IVDA) Source: (Acct. No.) 242-362-57291 Avenue, (Acct. DescriPtion) Street' Improvements - Tippecanoe "CO St. & Del Rosa Drive Finance~//~~ Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No. s-s File No. 1.291 SYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION (Continued) 01-24-94 -- Plans approved and authorization granted to advertise for bids. 03-21-94 -- Resolution No. 94-68 adopted authorizing execution of approval and award of grant. 05-02-94 -- Resolution No. 94-107 adopted authorizing execution of Second Amendment to Agreement with URS Consultants, Inc., for provision of construction staking services. 06-06-94 -- Resolution No. 94-130 adopted awarding a contract to Matich Corporation for the low bid price of $4,113,313. 8-9-94 CITY OF SAN BER~ .RDINO - REQUEST "'-"R COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT The City Water Department will be using EDA Grant Funds to finance 75% of the cost for extending a 20-inch water main from Del Rosa Drive (Sixth Street) to the easterly portion of former Norton A.F.B., and other improvements. During a field review in connection with their improve- ments, the Water Department found a 12-inch and a 14-inch water line crossing Del Rosa Drive (Sixth Street). These lines are not shown on our construction plans for the improvement of Del Rosa Drive, since they evidently are not incorporated into the Air Force's records. The Water Department has determined that these lines are about 1 foot below the surface, instead of the standard depth of 3 4 feet. Due to their shallow depth, these lines are in conflict with our proposed improvements to Del Rosa Drive and must, therefore, be lowered to facilitate the construction work. The contractor has agreed to lower these lines on a time and materials basis, at a cost not to exceed $30,000. In view of the indeterminate nature of the work, we feel that this is a fair and reasonable approach. The total estimated project cost included an amount of $845,687 for contingencies, which can be used to finance the cost of this additional work. Funds to finance the increase of $30,000 in the contract price, from $4,217,813.00 to $4,247,813.00, will be provided from the following sources: Economic Development Administration Grant - 75% Inland Valley Development Agency - - - 25% This extra work has been discussed with the project representa- tive from the Economic Development Administration, and received concept approval. A copy of Change Order No. Two has been faxed to this representative, and we are striving to secure a verbal approval. All costs will be charged to Account No. 242-362-57291. We recommend that Change Order No. Two be approved. URGENCY CLAUSE: The Contractor has improvements. These near future in order commenced removal of the existing roadway water lines will need to be lowered in the to avoid delaying the Contractor. 8-9-94 75-0264 PEDERAL PROJECT NO. 07-49-02680 CHANGB ORDER ORDER NO. 2 DATE: 7/19/94 Agreement Date: 2/7/94 NAME OF PROJECT: STREET IMPROVEMENTS - TIPPECANOE AVENUE. "c" STREET AND 6TH STREET (DEL ROSA DRIVEl OWNER: CITY OP SAN BERNARDINO CONTRACTOR: MATICH CORPORATION The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The lowerinq of two water mains located on 6th Street (Norton A.F.B.I. adiacent to an existinq Water Tower and Water PumD station. Justification: Durinq the investiqation iust comDleted bv the Water DeDartment of the existinq water mainlines throuqhout Norton A.F.B.. it was discovered that there are two water lines crossinq Del Rosa Drive (6th Street. Norton A.F.B.1 which are at a deDth of 12-18 inches. These water lines are 14" and 12" in diameter. The industrY standard for water lines of this si.e is that thev shall be installed at a minimum deDth of 3 to 4 feet. It will be necessary to lower these existinq waterlines since they do not conform to the standards of the industrY. and the construction of the roadwav cannot be Derformed with these waterlines beinq so shallow. The heavY equiDment runninq over th_ would cause the waterlines to fracture. Additionallv. the lowerinq of these lines will Drevent a maintenance Droblem in the future. ... Chanqe to CONTRACT PRICE: oriqinal CONTRACT PRICE: Not to exceed $30.000.00 $ 4.113.313.00 CUrrent CONTRACT PRICE adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDER $ 4.217.813.00 The CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER vill be (increased) by: $ 30.000.00 The nev CONTRACT PRICE includinq this CHANGE ORDER vill be $ 4.247.813.00 chanqe to CONTRACT TIME: The CONTRACT TIME will be (increased) (decreased) by to be determined calendar days. The date for completion of all work will be revised date to be determined (Date). Approvals Required: To be effective, this Order must be approved by the Pederal aqency if it chanqes the scope or objective of the PROJECT, or as aay otherwise be required by the SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIO.S. Contractor: Matich Corporation Date Requested by: William L. Bopf, Executive Director Date Recommended by: Steven Enna, Construction Enqineer Date Approved by: Roqer Hardgrave, Director of Public Date Works/City Engineer Federal Agency Approval Date