HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-City Administrator CITY OF SAN BERN~ ~RDINO - REQUEST "'...IR COUNCIL ACTION From: Shauna Clark, City Administrator Su~ect:Request for funding -- $17.330-- Independence Day Castillo Celebration-- September 15. 1994 at Seccombe Lake Park and Waiver of applicable City fees. Dept: Date: August 4. 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: September 7, 1993 -- funds in the amount of $18.700. along with the provision of in kind services were authorized for the Castillo celebration conducted by Casa Ramona and held at Seccombe'Lake Park. August 3, 1994 -- Ways and Me~ns Committee recommended approval. 1. That a total of $17,330 be granted to Cas a Ramona for the purpose of conducting an Independence Day Castillo on September 15, 1994 at Seccombe Lake Park. 2. That the sum of $12.950 be paid directly to Casa Ramona to help defray the costs associated with this event. 3. That all applicable City fees ($4,380) be waived in support of this event. 4. That the City Administrator be authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with Casa Ramona relative to the Independence Day Castillo celebration. 4 ~R~4'~~ ./ Signature Contact person: Shauna Clark FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: 'l'4,jtlU Amount:$l2.950 Phone: Ward: 1 In Kind Services Direct Payment. Total: $17,330 5122 Supporting data attached: Yes Source: (Acct. No.) 001-091-53662 Acct. Descri tion Civic & Promotion Fund ,A",. ~..... Finance: Council Notes: 75.0262 Agenda Item No 7 . CCi;;<: ~~~.':::~~~ C~F:C= "....\, .. - ", " ~. - ;' I . "',;, \,;; ... IpA 1524 West 7th Street San Bernardino, CA 92411 Telephone 909 I 889-0011 - CASA RAMONA, IN~. ".",; ,''''_1 h.,J I.); - '" 10") C'" 'r': -',_' f- ., ,J "''- NovembeIL 12,7993 Hon. NOIL~ne M~~~eIL ChQ~ILpeIL~on, WQY~ Qnd MeQn~ Comm~ttee C~ty 06 SQn BeILnQILd~no 300 NOILth V StILeet SQn BeILnQILd~no, CQt~6. 92407 VeQIL ChQ~ILpeIL~on M~tteIL: Encto~ed you w~tt 6~nd oUIL pILopo~ed budget 60IL OUIL 1994 CQ~t~tto Mex~cQn Independence VQY cetebILQt~on. A~ you w~tt note, th~~ ~~ Q ~mQtteIL budget. We th~nk thQt we w~tt ~t~tt be Qbte to PILoduce Qn eVQnt thQt the c~ty w~tt be pILoud 06. I6 you ~houtd ILequ~ILe Qny Qdd~t~onQt ~n60ILmQt~on pteQ~e do- not he~~tQte to CQtt. V"'d!::tCJ llmo~ ~ndQ RQmo~ ~ CQ~t~Uo 94 CooILd~nQtoIL cc: V I C 6~te Qccount~ng '. t . o tl t :" ~. o. r I . . " , - .,- ! b L_ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - CIVIC AND PROMOTION FUND REQUEST FOR FUNDIN( ~SSISTANCE - ,. Organldtion (Nam.. Addr..s, Ite.) Oat. Submined No v . 11, 1993 CASA RAMONA, INC. 2. Contact F'erson BE l! NDA (?AMt)<:; 1514 We1t 7th St", t Tole PROJECT COORDINATOR '1111 Ro ~ 111 >r rl i VI " (' ?! Y J ~ O?All Phon. i8 9 - 00 II 3. Phon. 889-0011 4. Period of Suppon Requested or Oat. of Event Number 01 Vears in Exisll1f"1C8 :3 SEPT. 15. lQ94 5. Taxpayer Identification Number _ 6. A.ctivity tor whICh lunding is requesled: MEXICAN INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION "CA.ST] LLC" ( 7. Estimated number of persons expected to anend this programlpro;1ICI between 8000 and 10.000 8. Proposed Budget: "- ...... "- ...... "- ...... Po''''..II: rNK!N~ 016 Facility Rental 023 T raphle. -J.- 0' 7 Insurance 500.0 024 Scholarships 01 Fulhime Salaries 018 Decorations 025 Celebrity Expenses 02 Pamime Salanes 0'9 Uti/it..: Accommodlhons 03 o....,nime GIs Lodging 750.0 04 - Electrical - OIIlo, 05 Phon. - 026 MiICOllonoou.E_: OIIlo, Expen...: ente'l..ta-inment 5000 0 Sub- Tot.r 2 1111/1 nn 6,;" Dutn,,",\ If! n. "" 010 Otfice Supplies 020 S~.I Equipment 0" Po~tagfl 012 Printing 400. 0 013 Equipment Re,.,al 100. 00 01. 5KUrity 700 00 021 Advertising 015 Food! 022 Promotion $ 18,950 00 Refreshments 500 00 Expense. GRAHDTOTAL 9. list Anticipated FunclinglFl,venua (Sources other than City) Sou... _I SALES OF PRODUCTS AT EVENT $1000.00 C ONTR I BUT! ON FROM SPONSORS 5000.00 GRANT C!TY OF SAN BERNARDINO $ 11,950.00 TOTAL $ 18,950.00 ( 10 Anticipatact revenue from IlCIMty S1nnn nn ) ". Total Amount Requested from City: Sent to Woys & Moon. 0.0: A. TOlal PrcpoSed Budget Amount $18,950.00 Action: B.--' Lau.: Other Funcling Sources 6,000.00 Sem 10 Mayor & Council Oal.: C. TOIal Amount Requested from QIy lZ,950.00 Action: 12. Describe any aclditional usistanc:e being requested from the dry: (Per'lOnnel. equipment. park a".. Estimated Costs bUilcling, eIC.) (To be campleled by City) A. WAIVER OF -- FEES B " c:.~ ('~ P.1 PK , ~",. ('r,mno fa t co; C. ASSISTANCE BY PO l! C E DEPT. 'i ;....,;, v. , ^ -- I' 1 i,\ ( '3~~IQ ._"'(~ DaI. ",'c<mb., 1-.19') " (il In the en' well IntorrrY'lon II dHtMd neceaury. NOTE: PIM.. N ".".rwJ to aubmlt ~.udIf of your flMnc.' RtJvnl.., " A''''.'' ".tell.nd 0''''' aupportlng Infonu'Ion, It ."",.,.,.. CANAII'f' ~ICANT OTME_ DEIIYS _ D1ST_.UTOI: WHITE _ CITY AOWlNlITMTOfII allEEN -'IWCE - c :z: => I.L. :z: o -Ll"l 1-0'1 0....... :::E:-=t 00'1 e::: a.. >- I.L. oll U - >- - U ... "- '" '" '" '" '" '" l'l 0 "- I 0 0 0 "- N '" ~ ~ " 0 '" '" "- '" ~ ..,. ..,. '" "2~ 0 '" ~ N 0 N '" ..,. - ".. N '" '" '" '" '" '" '" I ....'" ~ 00 - '" 0 '" 0 0 +'''' '" ,,+' '" 0 N en '" "" '" 0 '" ..,. '" j~ '" .ri cO N "- N - ~ - - - - '- t ~:::~ i~;; .. !5at~ UU.:EQ a: +' +'''' Ii ~ '" > '" " o ;; .. N ~ " .. 0> ... o .- . " ~ '" "'" ou :i3> ..... "'''' "'V> U "'>' "'+' ."E ~~ C>.u a: ... ... ~ '" " .. ... I- 'g, , - o , "- o 'g, , '" N '- en o '" '" '" '" N - >, '; ..., .... o = +' ..,. ..,. '" '" - '" <='" ou Z":;: ..... "'''' "'V> lrl>, "'+' ."E ~~ c>.u ..,. '" , '" N , '" o o o o .ri - '" '" ... '" V> +' ... '" U <= o u ~ " V> '" .. <= o g..,. "'''' , "'" ...- "', +'''' "'0 "', "'''' '" " '" .. 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