HomeMy WebLinkAbout37-Planning and Building ServicesCITY OF SAN BERN[ _IDINO -REQUEST F~ ~ COUNCIL ACTION Development Code Amendment No. 94-02 -- From:.Al Boughey, Director Subject: To remove the building height restriction of 150 feet in the CR-~2, Dept: Planning & Building Services Commercial Regional (Downtown), land use district. Date: June 30, 1994 MCC mtq. of 07/18/94 @ 2 o.m. Synopsis of Previous Council action: 06/02/89 -- Adopted the General Plan. 05/91 -- Adopted the Development Code. Recommended motion: That the hearing be closed; that the Mayor and Common Council adopt the Negative Declaration; approve the Development Code Amendment; waive the first reading; and that the Ordinance be laid over for fina/1"~doption. AL Contact person: Al Boughey Phone: 5357 Supporting data attached: Staff Report; Ordinance yya~; FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Source: (Acct No ) (Acct Description) Council Notes: Finance: .. .7 1 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO -REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT (DCA) NO. 94-02 REQUEST/LOCATION: This City-initiated amendment modifies Chapter 19.06, Section 19.06.030(2)(E) of the San Bernardino Municipal Code (Development Code) to remove the height restriction of 150 feet, in the CR-2, Commercial Regional (Downtown) land use designation. KEY ISSUES: The key issues are as follows: • The Mayor and Common Council adopted the General Plan June 2, 1989. • In May of 1991, the Mayor and Common Council adopted the Development Code, previously Title 19 of the City of San Bernardino Municipal Code. • General Plan Policy 1.16.20 states that no height limit shall be defined for the CR-2 land use district. The General Plan also sets the Floor-Area-Ratio (FAR) for the CR-2 land use designation at 3.0. • Development Code Section 19.06.030(2)(E) establishes the maximum height for structures in the CR-2 land use designation at 100 feet. It allows up to 150 feet in height subject to additional project amenities and approval by the Planning Commission. • This amendment will provide wnsistency between the General Plan and the Development Code by removing the maximum height of 150 feet, subject to the current requirements, in the CR-2 land use designation. The FAR will remain at 3.0. Please see the analysis and attachments contained in Exhibit 1, Staff Report to the Planning Commission. Attachment "B" to Exhibit 1, depicts the wording as shown in the amendment for Section 19.06.030(2)(E). ENVIRONMENTAL: An Initial Study was prepared by staff and presented to the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on April 15, 1994. The ERC determined that no significant environmental impacts would result from the project and recommended a Negative Declaration. The Negative Declaration was advertised and available for public review and comment from April 28, 1994 to May 19, 1994. No comments regarding environmental concerns were received during the public review period. PAGE 1 Development Code Amendment 94-02 Mayor and Common Council meeting of July 18, 1994 Page 2 PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission reviewed Development Code Amendment 94-02 on June 21, 1994, and voted 8-0 to recommend to the Mayor and Common Council adoption of the Negative Declaration, approval of the Development Code Amendment and adoption the Ordinance, based upon the attached Findings of Fact (Attachment A of Exhibit 1). Planning Commissioners in attendance: Affaitati, Cole, Melendez, Romero, Stone, Strimpel, Thrasher and Traver. OPTIONS AVAILABLE TO TAE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL: The Mayor and Common Council may: 1. Approve Development Code Amendment 94-02 as proposed; or 2. Approve in concept and return to staff for specific revisions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Mayor and Common Council adopt the Negative Declaration, approve the Development Code Amendment and adopt the Ordinance. Prepared by: Jeffery S. Adams, Assistant Planner For: Al Boughey, Director, Planning & Building Services EXHIBITS: 1. Planning Commission Staff Report Attachments: A. Findings of Fact B. SECTION 19.06.030(2)(E) C. Initial Study 2. Ordinance PAGE 2 S 1 CTTY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING DIVISION CASE: Agenda Item_1 Hearing Date /6 21194 DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 9402 Wazd 1 APPLICANT: CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO OWNER: VARIOUS REQUEST /AREA The request is for an amendment to Chapter 19.06, Section 19.06.030(2)(E) of the San Bernazdino Municipal Code (Development Code) to remove the height restriction of 150 feet, in the CR-2, Commercial Regional (Downtown) land use designation. EXISTING LAND USE PROPERTY LAND USE DESIGNATION Subject VARIOUS CR-2, COMMERCIAL REGIONAL North VARIOUS South " East " West " GEOLOGIC/SEISMIC YES ^ FLOOD HAZARD YES ^ SEWERS: YES ^ HAZARD ZONE: NO ^ ZONE: A,X NO ^ NO ^ HIGH FIRE HAZARD YES ^ AIRPORT YES ^ REDEVELOPMENT YES ^ ZONE: NO ^ NOISE/CRASH NO ^ PROJECT AREA: NO ^ ZONE: ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ^ Not Applicable ^ E.I.R. Req'd, No ^ Exempt Significant Effects W/ ^ No Significant Mitigating Measures Effects ^ Potential Effects, ^ Significant Effects, Mitigating See Attached E.R.C. Measures, Minutes No E.I.R. EXHIBTT 1 ^ APPROVAL ^ CONDITIONS ^ DENIAL ^ CONTINUANCE TO: PAGE 3 Development Cade Amendment 94-02 Mayor and Common Council meeting of July 18, 1994 Page 4 REQUEST: The request is for an amendment to Chapter 19.06, Section 19.06.030(2)(E) of the San Bernazdino Municipal Code (Development Code) to remove the height restriction of 150 feet, in the CR-2, Commercial Regional (Downtown) land use designation. CALIFORNIA ENVIItONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) STATUS: An Initial Study was prepazed by staff and presented to the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) on Apri121, 1994. The ERC determined that no significant environmental impacts would result from the project and recommended a Negative Declaration. The Negative Declaration was advertised and available for public review and comment from Apri128, 1994 to May 19, 1994. No comments were received during the public review period. BACKGROUND: The Mayor and Common Council adopted the General Plan June 2, 1989. Approximately two yeazs later in May of 1991, the Mayor and Common Council adopted the Development Code, previously Title 19 of the City of San Bernardino Municipal Code. The purpose of the Development Code is to regulate development according to the policies and objectives of the General Plan. The General Plan establishes Floor-Area-Ratios (FAR) for each of the land use desingations. The FAR is the total floor azea of the structure divided by the total lot area. The FAR for the CR-2 land use designation is 3.0 with no height restriction. ANALYSIS: PROPOSAL The proposal is to remove the height restriction of 150 feet, in the CR-2, Commercial Regional (Downtown) land use designation. The height restriction is listed in Section 19.06.030(2)(E), Land Use District Specific Standazds and are as follows: "E. BONUS HEIGHT Proposed structures within the CR-2 land use district shall have a maximum height limit of 100 feet. This section provides a special incentive to increase the maximum allowable height limit up to 150 feet through a program which encourages such additional amenities as deemed desirable by the Commission. These amenities may include, but not limited to, the following:..." PAGE 4 Development Code Amendment 94-02 Mayor and Common Council meeting of July 18, 1994 Page 5 GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY The current Development Code (§19.06.030(2)(E) is not consistent with the General Plan in that Policy 1.16.20 states that no height limit shall be defined for the CR-2 land use district. The FAR for the CR-2 land use designation is 3.0 with no height restriction. The proposed amendment will bring the Development Code into compliance with the General Plan, in that additional building height may be allowed and will not be limited to 150 feet. The changes to the Development Code included in this amendment are shown as follows: SECTION 19.06.030(2)(E), (SEE ATTACHMENT "B") "E. BONUS HEIGHT Proposed structures within the CR-2 land use district shall have a maximum height limit of 100 feet. This section contains provisions pFevide~-a~speeit~l ineenfive to increase the maximum allowable height ~13A-€eet through a program which encourages such additional amenities as deemed desirable by the Commission. These amenities may include, but are not limited to, the following:..." Note: The Bold text indicates the proposed additions. The Sf~ike-fir indicates delefions. CONCLUSION: The request is to amend the San Bernardino Development Code to remove the overall building height restriction in the CR-2, Commercial Regional General Plan land use designation. An Initial Study was prepazed, and the ERC determined that no significant environmental impacts would occur as a result of the proposal. The Development Code and General Plan are currently inconsistent with each other regazding the regulation of building height in the CR-2 land use designation. The amendment will remove the building height limit of 150 feet, while retaining the addition of amenities as approved by the Planning Commission, and bring the Development Code into compliance with the General Plan. PAGE 5 Development Code Amendment 94-02 Mayor and Common Council meeting of July 18, 1994 Page 6 RECOMMENDATION: Staff proposes that the Planning Commission recommend that the Mayor and Common Council adopt the Negative Declaration and approve Development Code Amendment No. 94-02 subject to the attached Findings of Fact (Attachment "A"). Prepazed by: Jeffery Adams, Assistant Planner Prepazed for: Michael Hays, Assistant Director -Planning and Building Services Attachment: A -Findings of Fact B -SECTION 19.06.030(2)(E) C -Initial Study PAGE 6 Development Code Amendment 94-02 Mayor and Common Council meeting of July 18, 1994 Page 7 FINDINGS OF FACT Development Code Amendment No. 94-02 1. The amendment to remove the building height restriction in the CR-2 land use designation is consistent with the General Plan in that General Plan Policy 1.16.20 states that no height limit shall be defined for the CR-2 land use district. 2. The proposed amendment would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the City in that approval by the Planning Commission is still required for any building height greater than 100 feet in the CR-2 designation. In addition, all other Development Code requirements are applicable. ATTACHIVIIIVT A PAGE 7 COMN 'CIAL DISTRIC'T'S -19.06 E. BONUS HEIGHT Proposed structures within the CR-2 land use district shall have a maximum height limit of 100 feet. This section contains provisions to increase the maximum allowable height through a program which encourages such additional amenities as deemed desirable by the Commission. Theca amenities may include, but are not limited to, the following: i. Mixed Use Developments (i.e., residential above commerdal office and retail uses, restaurants, theaters, etc.); 2. Enhanced pedestrian activities; 3. Improved signage and additional landscaping; 4. Additional parking; 5. Ground level and second floor plazas; 6. Outdoor cafes; 7. Artistic sculptures and aquatic amenities; and 8. Day care fadlities. F. CONVENIENCE STORES The retail sale of groceries, staples, sundry items and/or alcoholic - beverages where the gross floor area is less than 5000 square feet is subject to Conditional Use Permit review, and shall be constructed and operated in the following manner. 1. The minimum site area shall be 10,000 square feet. 2 The site shall have direct frontage along a major or secondary street. The site shall not have direct access on a local residential street. 3. One access drive may be permitted for each street frontage. The design and location of the access drive(s) shall be subject to the approval of the DRC. 4. No convenience store shall be located less than 1000 feet from an existing or previously approved convenience store, or an exist- ing elementary, junior high school, or high school, as measured from 1 property line to another. II-98 1/92 PAGE 8 ATTA('AMFNT R INITIAL STUDY DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 94-02 Project Description/I.ocation: The proposal is to remove the height restriction of 150 feet, in the CR-2, Commercial Regional (Downtown) land use designation. This amendment affects the CR-2 land use designation. Date: April 15, 1994 Applicant: CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 300 North "D" Sheet San Bernardino, CA 92418 Prepared by: Jeffery S. Adams Assistant Planner City of San Bernardino Planning and Building Services 300 North 'D' Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 PAGE 9 ATTACHMENT C INITIAL STUDY FOR Development Code Amendment 94-02 INTRODUCTION This Initial Study is provided by the City of San Bernardino for Development Code Amendment 94-02. It contains an evaluation of potential adverse impacts that can occur if the proposed Amendment is adopted. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires the preparation of an Initial Study when a proposal must obtain discretionary approval from a governmental agency and is not exempt from CEQA. The purpose of the Initial Study is to determine whether or not a proposal, not exempt from CEQA, qualifies for a Negative Declaration or whether or not an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) must be prepared. The following components constitute the Initial Study for Development Code Amendment 94-02; 1. Project Description 2. Location 3. Environmental Impact Checklist 4. Discussion of Environmental Evaluation and Mitigation Measures 5. Conclusion/Environmental Determination Combined, these components constitute the complete Initial Study. 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project is a proposal to amend the Development Code to remove the height restriction of 150 feet, in the CR-2, Commercial Regional (Downtown) land use designation. 2. LOCATION The amendment will apply to the area within the City of San Bernardino designated as CR-2. See Attachment A. 3. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CHECKLIST See Next Page CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CHECKLIST A BACKGROUND Application Number. Project Description: Rar.n ~/G Ttk+% - ' ~ . ~~ Fv1-fT- RP~~fy~ICffOJ LOC8tI0n: R 0 /LGi ~A~~' _~Gv l~ ~~~ .. ~ ~ROnI ErwironmenLl Constrairds A-eas: _tJ/A General Plan Des4n~• ~1~- 2 Lc1dlM ~ i ~ P~fn ~ p, I pA Zoning Designation: B. ENVIROI~IENTAL IIiPACTS ExpWn annwro, whero appropriate, on a aeparan anadwd short 1. Earth Resourps VIN tlw proposal resu4 in: Yes No 1i~tys a. F_arth mowAmem (pn andhr 1®) d 10.000 cubic yams or moray b. Dewbpmera arKlAor pradep on a slops proemer than 15% natural prsdeq ~! a Dawbpnam within 11w Aqu'st-Prbb Special Studies Zwre as defined in Section 120 - Geobpic i Seismic. Fgun 47, of 1M Chy's General PIanT X d. tdodMication of any ~4w peolo0ic or physical teature4 e. Dewbpnwra wgtdn aroas defned for high potential for wanr or wind erosion as identified in Seolion 120 - G~ bpc i Sesmic. Faun 53. of tfw CYy's General P X t. AAodNieation of a ctrannel, onNc or riwfr :.Kt :+S~ P~AN.epr PAGE tOF_ ryt-w~ p. Development within an eras subject to landslides, Yes mudslides, liquefaction or other similar hazards as No Maybe iderttl(ied ~ Ssdion 120 - Gadapic & Seismic, Fguros 48.52 and 53 of the Ciry's General PIan7 h. OtitsR ~( 2 Alr Reaourps: wtll the proposal result in: e. Sutwterdiel air emissions or an effect upon ambient air quality as defined by AQMD? ~_ b. The rfeation of objectionable odors? ~_ G Dsvebpmam within a high wind hazard aroa as identitied in Section 15.0 - ward 3 Fire, Fgure 59, of the City's General Plan? X 9. Wabr Resourps: WUI the proposal result in: a. Charges n absorption rates, drairwpe psttems, or the rob and amamt ct surface nmoff due to inpsmtsable surtaoes7 b. Charges in the oounte or Ilow of flood waters? _~ c Disct wrps ~stafaoe waters or arty alteration ~ q _~ d. Charge M the gwntlty of quality ct Around wateR _~ e• of People or propery b Rood hazards as idsntlfied h the Federal Emsrpent,Y Mwpsnrsrtt Apertcy's Rood Irwtaarros Rate Map. ComnwtNy Panel Nrartber 007181 - and Section 7 B.0 - Roodnp, Fgue 82. of the Giya Gertsral Plan? X f. Otirf! x 4. fiibbpkal RMOUrow: Could the proposal result in: ~ DsvNoPmsrtt wdfWt the Biolopiral Resources Mwpemsnt Oredsy, as identified it Section 70.0 - Naanl Reaaans, Fgue 47, of the City's Oerreral Plan? ,, b. Chanps In the number of arty tarigtw, rare a erdargered spades a pWas orths'e habitat ttdudinp startle of tress? x a Charge in the nuetbsr of cry tatique, rare or .rtd.rg.red spades a arrmvs or tnefr tr.bitan ~_ d. Removal d viable, nta0ss tress? (8' or proater) _~~ e. Odtert S. Nolan: Could fie proptwal result h a. Dewbpnrent of houdnp. hp8h oars hr~tiet, :cttocle , lbraris, relipoue fadYtiu tx outer lnoias' sensitive twos rn areas whore existing or hmae rrcias Ietrek exceed an Ldn of es dB(A) a>aerior and.n Ldn a 4s de(7) lmpior as iderugied ~ Sapion 74A - Noip, Fguns S and 58 d Ur Chy's General plan? Y _[L C,°.~.5... m n~wass r~aetar_ m+a b. Dewbpmerd of new or expansion of existing industrial, Yes No Maybe commareial or otMr uses which generate noise levels on areas conghtirg housing, schools, heakh taro faalkies or otiwr aenskiw uses above an Ldn at 65 d8(A) exterior ~ or an Ldn of 45 dB(A) interior? a OtherT _~ 6. Land Ua: Win the proposal rosuk in: a A charge in tIW land use as despnated on the General PIan7 _~ b. Dewbpntent wkhin an Airport D'sUict as identkad in the Art InatalWlDn Compstide Uae Zone (AII.UZ) Report and tM Lend Use Zoning District Map? _~ Dewbpment wkhin Foothik Fns Zones A ti B, or C as identified on ttw Land Use Zoning District Map? ~_ d. Otlwr7 _~ 7. IMan~lade itmrds: win tiw projeet: a Use, atom, transport or dispow d hazardous or toxie mabrials (indudinp but not kmked to 011, peatiades, cMmiealc or radiation)? _~ b. Involve tls rslsne of hazardous substances? ~ O. Expae people b the potential heakh/eately hazards? d. OtheH L ~Mg: Win 1M proposal: a Remove exitug housing or seals a demaM - for addkbnal housing? b. ah.n p. Tranaportatlort / grwlaUon: Could the proposal, in mmparson wkh the Ciralation Plan as iderttlfied in Section ti.0 - Cirwhtion of 1M Cky's Genteral PMn, molt in: a M incrow in traffic that it preaaer than the lard uw designated on tlw General PIan9 b. the of existing, or demand for new. parking fadlYiea/strtrclum9 e. YnPeet upon exhtinp pubic traroponation syatems4 d. Akerakort of prperd patterns a oiradtlion7 e. Ynpact b rai or air tralfie4 L safely hazards to vehiolss, bioycifts ar g. A d'sjokded pdtem of roadway knprovements? h S«ipniy in tra?fio voWntas on the roadways L Olhar't X wwsn rasaoF_ n+arn 10. Public t~arvloss: Will the proposal impact the tolkwving Yes No Maybe . bsyorW the capabllky to Provide adequate kwis of service? a Fire protedion7 b. Pokoe protection? _~ a Schools (i.e., attendance. boundaries. owrbad, etcJ? _~ d. Parks or other recreatbnal fadikies? _~ e. Medical aid? ~_ t. Solid Wash? ,. g. Otlwr7 _~ 11. utntti.a: win the proposal: a Impacl the tOnOWlrp beyond the Capabllky t0 provide adequate kwals of service or requiro the eonatruetion d new fadkties? 1. Natural pas? ~( 2 EkiWicily7 _ J~ 3. WateA ~_ 1. Sawrr? _ ~ 5. Othar7 _~ b. i9asrrk in a dgjoiMad patNm d utinty rrxbnsions7 _~ a Raquiro the oorutnrctlan of new hcnkiac7 _~ 12 Aastlratlos: a tfrav PropoaalProP~~ rowk In IM obstruaion d any b. Win tlw viawl impact of tlr project ba dabinrartW b the atrrroundirp .ro.7 _~ G l>tlrr- _~ 19. CukrMal Raaouroas: Could 1M proposal rpWt in: a The akaratian or daatna:tbn of a prohistodc or fds0orie tuehaaolopial ska by dawlopnrark wkhin an arC11aa01Dpit:al Nnalbw anN as identlfisd in Section 3A - Niatorieal. Fpuro 8. of 1M Cky`s t3anarol Pbut7 X b. Akaradon or dptruelion of a hfatorial eke. struauro o-~ S ~Cky's Nwodo Raaouraas _~ G txlt.r7 _~ s:. ~~-~ PIAW-9L8 PILiE~OF_ (t1-~7~ 14. ilstidatory Fktdings of Slgnttbana (Sectbn 15065) The Caifomia Ernrironnwntal l]uaiy Ap states that k any of the following can be answered yss or maybe, tlw project may haw a signiicam effect on the environment and an Envirommerdal Impact geporl shall be prepared. Yes No Maybe a. Does the project haw tfw potential to degrade the quaity of the environrrwM, substantleiy reduce the habkat of a fnh or widike speaes, cause a fish or widile popuWion to drop bebw wk sustaining levels. Mresten to eiminate a plant or animal community, rodtrce the number or rostrict the tarps of a rare or endarperod plard or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods d Caliomle history or prohletory4 _~ b. Does the project haw the potential b achieve short- term. to tlw disadvantage of bng-Urm. emrironmerRal goale7 (A short-term impact on the emironnwnl le one which omuro in a roiatiwly brief. definitive period of time whie brp~erm impeGS wii enduro well into the Itduro.) a Does the project haw impacts which aro individwly imked, but wmuletiwy oonsiderableT (A project may knpact on two or moro separa4e rnourws whero the ttw~iflect~ot~ tot.lm th :: ~ ~a,t wiwr. ernironmeM le spniiard.) ~_ d. Does ttw project have ertvirortmental efieels which an'A awe substanid adverse eflects on human beirps, ektrer d'npy w irrdireWir4 R DISCtISSIOW OF ENVIRONA~NTAL EVAWATbIi AND YTICiAT10N iffASUREB (Attach sheets as rrsosssary.) msr~p f'l/111ee1 ~AOE eOF~ ntaW .. 4. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION AND MITIGATION MEASURES 1. Earth Resources a-g. The proposed amendment to the Development Code has no potential to directly impact any of the earth resources. The amendment will remove the height restriction of 150 feet in the CR-2, Commercial Regional (Downtown) land use designation. No potential for significant negative impacts has been identified, and no mitigation is required. 2. Air Resources: a-c. Removing the height restriction for buildings in the CR-2 designation will not impact air resources. No potential significant negative impacts have been identified, therefore no mitigation is required for this amendment. 3. Water Resources: a-f The proposed amendment has no potential to directly impact any of the water resource issues. Changing the allowed building height in a specific designation will not create any impacts to water resources. The review process will require a conditional use permit and will continue to address future development in order to protect people and property from flood hazards and address issues relating to water. No potential for significant negative impacts has been identified, and no mitigation is required. 4. Biologigl Resources: a-d. The proposed amendment does not alter the amount or location of any biological resources or natural habitat. The level of review a development project is required to undergo will not be reduced due to this amendment. No potential for significant negative impacts has been identified, and no mitigation is required. 5. Noise: a-c. Removing the building height restriction will not create potential noise impacts, in addition, standard development review for noise impacts will continue and remain unaltered. No potential for significant negative impacts has been identified, therefore no mitigation is required for this amendment. .. 6. Land Use: a-d. The amendment affects only the CR-2 land use designation and does not change any other land use designations. The amendment will not create any negative impacts to existing land uses within the Airport Districts nor within the Foothill Fire Zone, therefore no mitigation is required. 7. Man-Made Hazards: a-d. The use, transportation, storage or disposal of any hazardous substances will be controlled during the review process of a specific project. The amendment will not reduce the review criteria nor thresholds at which a project is required to maintain. Therefore, no potential for significant negative impact has been identified, and no mitigation is required. 8. Housing: a-b. The proposed amendment does not have any identified potential to remove existing or create a demand for additional housing. Therefore, no potential for significant negative impact has been identified, and no mitigation is required. 9. Transportation/Circulation: a-i. The proposed amendment does not have the potential to increase the land use intensity, or create a greater traffic load beyond that which is already permitted for the CR-2, Commercial Regional land use designation. 10. Public Services: a. The proposed amendment does not alter access to public services in any manner. All projects are required to provide access to public services. b. The amendment may increase the potential for impacts to Fire services due to the potential height of buildings in the Downtown area. However, There are currently buildings in the Downtown area which exceed 100 feet in height and have addressed fire concerns through conditions of approval. The minimum requirement for the approval of a Development Permit prior to the establishment of a project mitigates any potential impacts to Fire services due to the ability of the City to review and condition individual projects. No mitigation measures are required for this Development Code Amendment c-g. There are no potential impacts to other public services created by this amendment beyond those forecasted in the City's General Plan . Therefore, no potential for significant negative impact has been identified, and no mitigation is required. 11. Utilities: a-c. The amendment will not alter the requirement to demonstrate adequate access to, or service by public utilities. The amendment will not create the demand for construction of additional utility infrastructure, nor has any significant negative impact been identified as a result of this amendment. Therefore, no mitigation is required. 12. Aesthetics: a. The removal of the 150 foot height restriction could potentially obstruct a portion of a scenic view of the San Bernardino Mountains. However, any potential impact would only be for that portion of a building rising above 150 feet, since the Development Code currently allows buildings up to 150 feet under special circumstances. Only those buildings of comparable height would be affected by this Amendment, since shorter structures would be deprived of a view by buildings of l50 feet and shorter. In addition, any obstruction of view would be on a very limited basis, the width of the building, while the remaining view would still exist. b,c. Physical aesthetics are addressed during a review of the project at the development phase by the City. This amendment will not alter the review process nor the City's ability to evaluate the aesthetic impact of a project. Therefore, no potential for significant negative impact has been identified, .. and no mitigation is required. 13. Cultural Resources: a-c. This amendment has no potential to directly impact cultural resources. Standard review requires an evaluation of cultural resources on a project by project basis and will not be altered as a result of this amendment. Therefore, no potential for significant negative impact has been identified, and no mitigation is required. doc:969(ju) .. 5. CONCLUSION/ENVIItONMENTAL DETERMINATION On the basis of this Initial Study, ~ The proposed project couLD NoT have a significant effect on the environment and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ^ The proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, although there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described above have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ^ The proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA Sandra Paulsen. Senior Planner Name and Title ss~4~- Sigoature ~-02/- ~~ Date CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT LOCATION CASE DCA 94-02 HEARING DATE AGENDA ITEM # ~""`"~"°°° ATTACHMENT A vw+a„ nnoE,oF, wa 1 2 3 4 5 s 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING CHAPTER 19.06, BECTION 19.06.030(2)(E) OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE (DEVELOPMENT CODE) PERTAINING TO THE HEIGHT RESTRICTION OF 150 FEET, IN THE CR-2, COMMERCIAL REGIONAL (DOWNTOWN) LAND IISE DESIGNATION. THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The first paragraph of Development Code Section 19.06.030(2)(E), is hereby amended to remove the 150 foot height restriction in the CR-2, (Commercial Regional-Downtown) land use district and to read as follows (see Attachment A, Development Code Page II-98, attached and incorporated herein by reference): "E. BONUS HEIGHT "Proposed structures within the CR-2 land use district shall have a maximum height limit of 100 feet. This section contains provisions to increase the maximum allowable height through a program which encourages such additional amenities as deemed desirable by the Commission. These amenities may include, but are not limited to, the following:" //// //// //// 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19~ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING CHAPTER 19.06, SECTION 19.06.030(2)(E) OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE (DEVELOPMENT CODE) PERTAINING TO THE HEIGHT RESTRICTION OF 150 'FEET, IN THE CR-2, COMMERCIAL REGIONAL (DOWNTOWN) LAND USE DESIGNATION. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernard ino at a meeting thereof, held on the day of 1994, by the following vote, to wit: Council Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT NEGRETE CURLIN OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER City Clerk The foregoing ordinance is hereby approved this of 1994. Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN, City ttorney By: day Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino z