HomeMy WebLinkAbout35-City Manager CITY OF SAN BERNI lDINO - REQUEST F( '1 COUNCIL ACTION From: Fred Wilson Assistant City Administrator Subject: Contract with Los padrinos for graffiti removal Dept: Date: July 27, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: Recommended motion: Adopt resolution. $fJJ.- Signature Contact person: Fred Wilson Phone: 5122 Supporting data attached: yes Ward: Amount: $330.337 Source: (Acct. No.) ..2S? - ~ - 1//01 (Jh-Z WIO~ ~ 1-/6#-17-"'6- 15Jf/eEf;n~ (Acct. DescriPtion)! '/;,1 ~J'<i",,1 /l-;Sse.ss HJr;!fu 1~c:T Finance:'J/jA/y./~ FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Council Notes: 75.0262 Agenda Item No - :J!j'" CITY OF SAN BERN/-'DINO - REQUEST Fr'q COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT For the past 1 1/2 years, the Economic Development Agency has contracted with Los padrinos to provide city-wide graffiti removal, weed abatement, trash clean-up and removal services. According to information provided by Los Padrinos, during FY 1993/94, their activities included: .293,102 items of graffiti were removed from 6,849 locations .812 separate locations were abated for weeds and cleaned up .their work crews completed approximately 2,000 major neighborhood clean-up projects. The cost to EDA for these services was $435,000. This program is coordinated through Pat Leathers in the Mayor's Office and has been successful since its inception. Provided as an attachment is an overview of this organization which outlines in more detail its mission and how the youth gang intervention program operates. The attached contract is for the balance of FY 94/95. It calls for Los padrinos to provide ongoing city-wide graffiti removal services. The cost of the contract is $330,337. Los padrinos will provide a minimum of 20 workers and appropriate supervisors to handle this project. The funding source will be the City-Wide street Lighting, sweeping and Graffiti Assessment District. This item was budgeted in the FY 94/95 budget. 15.0264 \OSAi.\'{\OS 'Q~v. v. '" ~ ~ i- - ~ 'R. . 0 ,"- or, ... "C .. n c... l'" JUNE 30. 199Ll -~, ,w. "'RED WILSON ASSISTANT CITY AD~INISTRATOR CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ~?CJ~: MAX ALONSO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR LOS PADRINOS ~!j3JECT: AGENCY AND PROGRAM OVERVIEW cr..':::RV ~ EW-AG=:N2Y LOS PADRINOS WAS OFFICIALLY CHARTERED IN JUNE 1973, WITH THE MISSION OBJECTIVE TO PROVIDE PROGRAMS AND SERVICES TO MEET THE NEEDS OF HIGH RISK TROUBLED YOUTH IN OUR COMMUNITY. LOS PADRINOS HAS SUCCEEDED IN IT'S GOALS ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS BY DIVERTING YOUTH FROM ENTERING THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMS, TO RE-UNITING FAMILIES THROUGH CRISIS INTERVENTION, TO PROVIDING SHELTER CARE FOR RUNAWAYS AND PROVIDING FAMILY GROUP HOME FOR YOwTH PLACEMENTS WITHIN THE INLAND EMPIRE. LOS PADRINOS INITIATED A PROGRAM DURING MID-YEAR 1992 THAT IS CALLE~ A YOUTH GANG INTERVENTION PROGRAM. THIS PROGRAM IN PART- NERSHIP WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNAROINO ANO MANY CONCERNED CITI- ZENS AND ORGANIZATIONS HAS PROVED TO BE A VERY SUCCESSFUL EFFORT IN REDIRECTING THE LIVES OF HARD-CORE YOUTH GANG MEMBERS. :J'JERV I E,,-::lROGRAM THE YOUTH GANG INTERVENTION PROGRAM IS A VERY STRUCTURED AND STRICTLY DISCIPLINED PROGRAM OF WORK AND SUPPORT COUNSELING SERVICES. HARD-CORE YOUTH GANG MEMBERS ARE RECRUITED AND HIRED INTO THE WORK PROGRAM. THESE HARD-CORE YOUTH GANG MEMBERS ARE REQUIRED TO MAKE A MAJOR CHANGE IN THEIR VIOLENT GANG LIFE STYLES AND FOR THIS REASON WE ESTABLISHED A STRONG SUPPORT COUNSELING SERVICE TO ASSIST THE YOUTH AS THEY MAKE THIS TRANSITION. ADDITIONALLY. ELIGIBLE YOUTH ARE REQUIRED TO RE-ENROLL IN SCHOOL, REGULAR OR SPECIAL EDUCATION AND THE COUNSELING COMPONENT ALSO HANDLES THIS EFFORT. 741 W. Virginia Street. Mailing Address: P.O, Box 479. San Bernardino, CA 92402. (909) 888-5781 Fax: (909) 888-6634 C8~:: . . .2 SINCE MID-YEAR 1992 WE HAVE OPERATED OUR WORK PROGRAM UNDER S~qVIC~ AGREE~E~TS ~:TH T~~ C!TY OF SA~ BERNAR~!NC A~8 IT'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO PROVIDE C:TY W:DE GRA~~IT: REMOV- A~. LIGHT W~~O A9AT~~=~T. TRAS~ C~~AN-~P AND R~M8VA~. :YE PRODCCTICN OF THESE ~ORK CR~WS IS IMPRESSIVE AND VERY COST ~~FEC~:V~ T: ~H~ C:7Y OF SAN BERNARCIND. WE HAVE J~S~ COM?~~TEw JUR F:SCAL YEAR 93/94 SERV:CE AG~EE~ENT AN: CJR A~~~~A~ ?~8CJCT:C~ WAS AS FOLLOWS: .~~=R= ~=R= 293.:82 :TE~S JF GRAFFIT: RcM8VED FROM 6.849 :::=-?":::?=":~ ~:CA-:-::\S .~~= WORK C~=^S CCM?~ETEC 2.050 ASSIGNME~T OF MAJOR NEIGH- g:?~OO: C~=AN-U~ DR8JECTS. .THEY CC~P~ETED 812 SEPARATE LOCATIONS OF WEED ABATEMENT AND C,-EAN-UP T~IS PROOUCT:CN :S SUBSTANT:AL AND HAS MADE A VERY POSITIVE :~DACT O~ T~= AP~EA~A~CE OF OUR CITY. BASED ON CUR CONTRACT VALUE OF $~35.000.00. TH:S PROGRAM COST THE C!TIZENS O~ 5AN BERNARDINO IS $2.35 PER PERSON PER YEAR. A GOOD 9ARG:~~ . TH:S COMPLETES THE BUSINESS SIDE OF OUR PROGRAM OVERVIEW AND WE WCU~D LIKE NOW TO PRESENT THE PERSONAL DR SOCIAL VALUE AND EXPE- RIENCE W:TH THE YOUTH GANG MEMBERS WE HAVE EMPLOYED. THE cO~~OWING DATA REPRESENTS INFORMATION TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM YOUTH-WORKER COUNSELING INTAKE/ASSESSMENTS AND ON-GOING MONITOR- ING AND TRACKING FUNCTIONS. THE YOUTH WORK FORCE DURING THE PAST TWO YEARS SINCE THE INTER- VENTION WORK AND COUNSELING PROGRAM STARTED HAS EMPLOYED 13~ DIFF~RENT YOUTH ANC THIS DATA IS TAKEN FROM THOSE INDIVIDUAL YOUT~. THIS INFORMATION IS PRESENTED IN THE FOLLOWING OUTLINE: I. YOUTH WORKER FAMILY PROFILE II. YOUTH WORKER PROFILE AT START OF EMPLOYMENT III. YOUTH WORKER PROFILE DURING EMPLOYMENT AND PARTICIPAT:ON IN COUNSELING SESSIONS. CpNT.. .3 IV. STATUS OF YOUTH WORK FORCE AS OF JUNE 1. 1994 V. SUMMARY VI. CONCLUSION I. YOUTH WORKER ~6~I~Y PROFILE: INCOME LEVEL IS VERY LOW TO LOW 10~ ~A~!L:~S R=:=~V= PUB~:C ASS:STANC~ THER= ARE 5 PEOP~E LIVING IN EA2H HOUSEHO~O 12 HOUSEHOLDS HAVE BOTH PARENTS 5 HOUSEHOLDS ARE HEADED BY A GUARDIAN 117 HOUSEHOLDS ARE HEADED BY A SINGLE PARENT (MOTHER) NINTH GRADE IS THE HIGHEST SCHOOL GRADE LEVEL COMPLETED BY HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD T T YOUTH WORKER PROFILE AT START OF EMP~OYMENT: 100% ARE HARD-CORE ACTIVE YOUTH GANG MEMBERS 134 HIRED WERE NOT EMPLOYED 57 WERE ATTENDING SCHOOL 77 WERE OUT OF SCHOOL DUE TO EXPULSION OR STOPPED ATTENDING 3 IS THE AVERAGE NUMBER OF TIMES EACH YOUTH HAD BEEN AR- RESTED 108 YOUTH WERE ON PROBATION ALL 134 YOUTH HAD HISTORY OF REGULAR DRUG USE DRUGS BEING USED WERE MARIJUANA, SPEED, AND P.C.P. 27 OF THE YOUTH HAD FATHERED 40 CHILDREN AND ONLY 7 WERE LIVING WITH THEIR GIRLFRIEND OR SPOUSE III. YOUTH WORKER PROFILE DURING EMPLOYMENT AND PARTICIPATION IN COUNSELING SESSIONS: 62 YOUTH WORKERS WERE RE-ENROLLED IN SCHOOL CONT.. ,4 118 YOUTH DID NO, VIOLATE THE TERMS OF THE:R PROBATION 8 YOUTH WORKERS CCU~D NOT MEET THE PROGRAM STANDARDS AND DISC:PLINES AND WERE TERMINATED AND REPLACED :26 YC~T~ ~~V~~OP~D VALUA8~~ V8CAT!ONA~ SK~~~S ANS A S~R8NG WORK ETHIC 57 YOUT~ SUSC~SSFU~LY CO~~LETED T~E~R pqOBAT!ON AN8 ARE O~~ 122 YOUTH HOVE SUBS,ANTIALLY REDUCED ,HEIR DRUG USE AND 5 YAV~ STooo~D USING ALL TOGET~~q Y8~~~ GANG :R:~= ANS V:0~ENCE WAS vIR~~A~~Y =~I~:NATE~ AMONG THE YOUiH EMPLOYED " , . v, STATUS OF YOUTH WORK FORCE AS OF JUNE 1, 1994: 22 YOUTH CURRENTLY EMPLOYED 19 ENROLLED IN REGULAR SCHOOL DR SPECIAL EDUCATION CLASSES 22 YOUTH ARE DEVELOPING VALUABLE VOCATIONAL SKILLS AND A STRONG WORK ETHIC ALL ARE ATTENDING SUPPORT COUNSELING PROGRAMS NO EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY V. SUMMARY: AS YOU CAN SEE FROM THIS STATISTICAL INFORMATION. THE PROGRAM WORKS. THERE ARE SOME KEY ELEMENTS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO THE SUCCESS OF THE cRDGRAM AND THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS: A JOB: EVERY YOUTH HIRED IS A HARD-CORE GANG MEMBER AND UNEMPLOYED AND VERY SIMPLY THEY ARE INVOLVED IN CRIMINAL ACTIVITY TO EARN MONEY. ADDITIONALLY THEIR CHANCES OF FINDING A JOB AT THE BEST ARE SLIM TO NONE. AS THEY LOOK LIKE GANGSTERS. TALK AND ACT LIKE GANGSTERS AND HAVE NO WORK ETHIC OR DICIPLINE. THE JOBS WE OFFER THEM ARE NOT JOKE JOBS OR GIFT JOBS, THERE REAL JOBS. JOBS THAT THESE GUYS HAVE TO CHANGE FOR, PERFORM FOR, IN ORDER TO KEEP. CO~~T . . .5 SUOERVISION OUR SUPERVISORS ARE CALLEO YOU~H LEA8ERS AND TH~V WORK WI,u EACH CREW IN THE FIELD AS WORKING SUPERVISORS AND THE RATIO IS O~E SuoERVISOR ,0 FIVE YOU,H WORKERS. T~~S~ SUP~RV!SORS ARE A~UL~S A~8 COME FR8~ A BACK3ROUN: C~ S~:NG HARD-C8R~ YO~~H GANG MEMBERS -H=MSE~VES. r"t",....C' '-'._......... THE S~R:~G 3ENEF:~ ~=R~ :5 ~riA~ ~HESE ~EAD=RS KNO~ =XA:~~Y W~~~ TH~SE YC~T~ ARE DOING AND WHAT ~HEY HAVE TO DEAL ~ITH EVERY JAY A~= ~~=Y A~E A3~E TC ~~SC:?~:NE ~~=~ ACCGR::NG~Y A~~ WG~K W:T~ ~~~ GU::E ~~=~ TO EF~E:TIVE~Y CHA~GE ~~E:R ~:V=S AS EACH C~E OF C~R ~EAC=RS ~AVE ~8NE FOR ~~E~SE~VES. ::~~~SE~:~G CC~?CNE~~ ~~~~ WE H!RE AN AC~:VE YOUTH GANG MEMBER THEY SIGN A WORK C8N- -?A:~ ~:~H US ~O ADHERE TO A VERY R:G:C SET 8F C!SC!P~INES A~J S~ANJARJS AN: ON THE FIRST DAY OF ~MPLCYMENT THEY ARE UNDER THIS -:G~T S~PERV:SIC~. ~H~ AVERAGE AG~ OF EACH WORKER IS SIXTEEN (16) YEARS OF AG~ ANJ !~ ~~5~ A~~ CASES THESE YOUTH HAVE NEVER HAD STRONG MAL~ S~PERV!- ~:Q~ A~SQ. T~~Y HAV= N=V~R HAD TC SU~FER ANY CONSEQU=~C~S FO? ~~~:q A:7:0~S AND HERE THEY 08. ~:~=VER ~E RECOGNIZE THE PRESSURE AND STRESS THAT THE YOUT~ WILL BE DEALING WITH AND THIS IS WHY WE DEVELOPED A STRONG AND PRO~ES- SIONAL COUNSELING COMPONENT TO SUPPORT THEM AS THEY MAKE A M~JOR :~A~GE I~ THEIR LIFE STYLE. S~PPORT COUNSELING IS AN ABSOLUTE ESSENTIAL PART OF OUR PROGRAM. ,,): . CONCLUSION: THE CURRENT STATUS OF THE 134 YOUTH THAT WERE HIRED IS: 8 W~R~ ~~R~INATED FROM LOS PADRINOS 13 RETURNED TO SCHOOL FULL TIME 22 CURRENTLY E~PLOYED WITH LOS PADRINOS 21 ~OVED OUT OF AREA STATUS UNKNOWN 2 COMMITTED CRIMES AND ARE INCARCERATED 55 HAVE FOUND OTHER EMPLOYMENT 20NT....6 11 IN THE AREA STATUS UNKNOWN 2 W~R= KI~~~:. : IN A DRIVE BY SHOOTING AND THE C~~ER WAS K:~LE~ I~ A~ A~7C AC:IDE~T :~ :S VE~Y =V:D=~- TnAi Y8~TH :R:~= AND V:O~=N:= ~S R:SING =A:~ v~AR A~~ :T :S V!q-~A~~Y CU~ OF CONTRJ~ IN ~H~ C:TY O~ SA~ 3C~- ~~~:!NC AS W=~~ AS :~ A~~ 8~~ S~?R8U~::~G ::~I~S. !~!T~ T~!S FACT !~ ~!N:. vou T~EN HAVE AN ORGAN!ZA~IO~ ~:KE ~~S ?~J~:~2S -Y~T :='JE~:~~ A V=?~ ~TqUCTUPEC ANS STR~~G~Y Q!SC:?~:NED v8~T~ GA~3 :~7=~V=~~::\ ?~8SRAM AN8 I~ TWO YEARS RECRUITS AN8 ~:~ES ~HE CREA~ 8= 7~= ~:~ST A~J A:~:EVES T~ES= :~7S7A~::~~2 R=S0~TS. 7HEN THE aC7~OM ~:~E SECO~=S VERY APPAR=NT. IF ~E CAN 3=T ~JRE ~UN8S TO EX?A~: :UR E~?~CY~ENT BASE I~ SA~ BER~AR::~C AS ~E~L AS TO iHE FIVE SURRO~N8ING CITIES WE CAN EXPECT THE SA~~ AMOU~: OF S~22ESS ~HAT WE ARE HAVING NOW. WE DON'T NEED MCNEY FOR PLANNING AND RESEARCH, WE NEED MONEY FOR 003S AS J03S ARE ~HE BAIT THAT t"AKES EVERYTHING WORK AND FA~~ :~~T: PLAC~. FRED. I HOPE THIS REPORT PROVIDES YOU THE INFORMATION YOU DESIRE. - you NEED ADD:7IONA~ INFOR~ATION OR HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE 2ALL. WE ~OOK FORWARD TO OUR CONTINUED ASSOCIATION WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. J RESOLUTION NO. 1 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING AN 2 AGREEMENT WITH LOS PADRINOS, INC, A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION, TO IMPLEMENT A COMPREHENSIVE CITYWIDE GRAFFITI REMOVAL PROGRAM 3 WITHIN THE CITY. 4 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 1. The Mayor of the city of San Bernardino is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said City an agreement with LOS PADRINOS, INC, a non-profit organization, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as fully as though set forth at length. SECTION 2. The authorization to execute the above referenced agreement is rescinded if the parties to the agreement fail to execute it within sixty (60) days of the passage of thi resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was dul adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the city of Sa da meeting thereof, held on the Bernardino at a of , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: ABSENT ABSTAIN NAYS AYES councilmembers NEGRETE CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLUTION Ar 'ORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH )S PADRINOS, INC. FOR CITYWIDE ~rlAFFITI REMOVAL. PROGRAM. city Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of , 1994. 6 7 8 Approved as to form and legal content: 9 Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino JAMES F. PENMAN 10 City Attorney 11 By: 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -2- 1 A G R E E MEN T 2 THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the CITY OF SAN 3 BERNARDINO, a municipal corporation, referred to as "CITY", and Los 4 padrinos of Southern California, Inc. ("Los Padrinos"), a non- 5 profit organization, referred to as "organization." 6 The parties agree to as follows: 7 Purpose: 8 The purpose of this Agreement is to implement a comprehensive city- 9 wide Graffiti Removal Program (the "Program") within the City of 10 San Bernardino (the "city") as follows: 11 Graffi ti: Removal 12 The Program will be established to provide comprehensive 13 graffiti removal and clean-up activities through out the city as 14 designated by the City Administrator or his or her designee. The 15 Program activities will include graffiti removal as more fully 16 described in the Scope of Work, a copy of which is attached hereto 17 as Attachment No. 1 and incorporated herein by this reference. 18 Mission: 19 City hereby retains Los padrinos in the capacity of an 20 independent contractor for the provision of services described in 21 Attachment No.1. Los padrinos hereby accepts such responsibility 22 as described herein and agrees to perform such services in a 23 commercially reasonable and workmanlike manner. 24 Term: 25 This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until 26 June 30, 1995 unless sooner terminated as provided herein. The 27 City Administrator, or his or her designee, is authorized to extend 28 1 this Agreement for up to thirty (30) days and approve line item 2 adjustments to the Agreemen~'s Program budget as long as any such 3 extensions are upon the same terms and conditions as specified 4 herein. 5 Los padrinos' Responsibilities: 6 Los padrinos shall commit the services of the principal 7 personnel listed below to the Program for its duration: 8 Los padrinos: 9 Mr. Max L. Alonso III, Executive Director, Four (4) working 10 Supervisors (Youth Leaders), One (1) Project Coordinator, Twenty 11 (20) or more Workers (as needed) and Three (3) 12 Administrators/clerical staff. 13 Replacement of Named Personnel: 14 It has been determined that the individuals designated in this 15 Agreement are necessary for the successful performance of this 16 Agreement. No significant diversion or replacement of these 17 individuals shall be made by Los padrinos without City approval, 18 provided that City may ratify, in writing, within ten (10) days of 19 diversion or replacement and such ratification shall constitute the 20 consent of City required by this clause. If city fails to respond 21 to Los padrinos within ten (10) days of notification by Los 22 padrinos, said personnel diversion or replacement shall be deemed 23 approved. 24 25 26 27 28 2 1 1. payment: Upon presentation to the City of invoices 2 certified by the Organization as valid for services rendered to the 3 city for graffiti removal, and are deemed in accordance with the 4 Organization's Budget Proposal, a copy of which is attached hereto 5 as Attachment No. 2 and incorporated herein by this reference, City 6 shall pay said invoices for FY 1994/95 in a total amount not to 7 exceed Three Hundred Thirty Thousand, Three Hundred Thirty Seven 8 Dollars ($330,337.00) in the manner prescribed below: 9 a. Upon acceptance by the City of the validity of invoices, 10 developed in accordance with the procedures developed by the 11 Director of Public services, a check will be issued to the 12 organization in an amount equal to the total sum of invoices 13 submitted. Under no circumstances, shall the total amount of the 14 City's remittance to organization exceed Three Hundred Thirty 15 Thousand, Three Hundred Thirty Seven Dollars ($330,337.00), Los 16 padrinos will provide graffiti removal and clean-up activities up 17 to and including June 30, 1995. Los padrinos shall be paid in 18 accordance with the City'S standard accounts payable system. 19 Invoices shall be approved by the Director of Public Services or 20 designee prior to payment 21 2. Use of Funds. The funds paid to organization shall be 22 used solely for the purposes set forth in paragraphs 1 and 3 above. 23 No deviation from these provisions shall be made without the 24 express approval of the City of San Bernardino. 25 3. Accounting. At the request of the City Administrator, 26 Organization shall submit to the City Administrator, with a copy to 27 28 3 1 the Finance Director, an accounting of the actual expenditures 2 connected with said program as compared to Organization's proposed 3 expenditures outlined in their Budget Proposal. 4 Financial records shall be maintained in accordance with 5 generally accepted accounting principles by Organization in such 6 manner as to permit City to easily trace the expenditure of the 7 funds. All books and records of Organization are to be kept open 8 for inspection at any time during the business day by the city or 9 its officers or agents. Failure to submit the financial records in 10 accordance with this section will result in the organization 11 reimbursing the City in the full amount received by Organization. 12 4. Hold Harmless. Organization covenants and agrees to 13 defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City and its employees and 14 agents from all liabilities and charges, expenses (including 15 counsel fees), suits, or losses however occurring, or damages 16 arising or growing out of the use or receipt of said services 17 hereunder and all operations under this agreement. Approval of 18 request hereunder is granted with the understanding that the City 19 is not involved in the performance of services of other activities 20 of Organization. 21 5. Termination. city shall have the right to terminate this 22 agreement for any reason by mailing a ten-day written notice to 23 Organization and this agreement shall terminate ten days after the 24 mailing of such notice. 25 6. Permits and Insurance. Organization shall comply with 26 all insurance requirements applicable thereto including obtaining 27 28 4 1 such public liability and property damage insurance as shall insure 2 City, its elective and appointive boards, commissions, officers, 3 agents and employees, permittee and its agents performing acts 4 covered by this agreement from claims for damages for personal 5 injury, including death, as well as from claims for property damage 6 which may arise from organization's or its agents' operations 7 hereunder, whether such operations be by organization or its agents 8 or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either organization 9 or its agents, and the amount of such insurance shall be as 10 follows: 11 a. Public Liability Insurance. In an amount not less than 12 $1,000,000 combined single limit for injuries including but not" 13 limited to, death to anyone person, and subject to the same limit 14 for each person, in an amount not less then $1,000,000 on account 15 of anyone occurrence. 16 city shall be set forth as additional named insured under the 17 above pol icy. The company from which the insurance is obtained 18 shall be rated as an A+ company in the "BEST GUIDE." 19 city support: 20 City shall, at the request of Los Padrinos, provide Los 21 padrinos with maps of major arterials throughout the City, and on 22 a case by case basis, maps of travel routes surrounding new housing 23 developments, and information pertaining to neighborhoods in order 24 to provide comprehensive graffiti removal activities, or other data 25 or information pertinent to the services to be provide hereunder 26 which are reasonably available to city. 27 28 5 1 Independent Contractor: 2 Los padrinos shall perform the services as contained herein as 3 an independent contractor and shall not be considered an employee 4 of City or under city supervision or control. This Agreement is by 5 and between Los Padrinos and City, and is not intended, and shall 6 not be construed, to create the relationship of agent, servant, 7 employee, partnership, joint venture, or association, between City 8 and Los Padrinos. Conflict of Interest: 9 10 11 12 City of San Bernardino. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Los padrinos agrees for the term of this Agreement not to enter into any agreement that will inure to the detriment of the 7. Authorization to Execute. organization hereby covenants that it has taken all actions necessary to make the adherence to the obligations imposed by this agreement a binding obligation of the organization. 8. Notices. All notices herein required shall be in writing and delivered in person or sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: AS to City: To Los padrinos: Max L. Alonso, III Executive Director Los padrinos of Southern California P.O. Box 479 San Bernardino, CA 94202 City of San Bernardino 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Attn: City Administrator 24 9. Entire Agreement. This agreement and any documents or 25 instruments attached hereto or referred to herein integrate all 26 terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto, and 27 6 28 1 supersede all negotiations and prior writing in respect to the 2 subject matter hereof. In the event of conflict between the terms, 3 conditions or provisions of this Agreement, and any such document 4 of instrument, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall 5 prevail. 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this 7 Agreement on the date first written herein. 8 9 Attest: CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 10 11 12 13 Approved as to form and legal content: 14 City Clerk Mayor City Administrator 15 JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney LOS PADRINOS 16 17 By: 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 By: 7 ATTACHMENT 1 SCOPE OF WORK GRAFFITI REMOVAL 1. Los padrinos will remove graffiti along all streets including both public and private properties and pUblic facilities, and other areas as requested by the City Administrator. These will be done on a regularly scheduled basis and at the direction of the City Administrator. 2. The Mayor's Office City Beautification Coordinator will receive, control and forward the calls that come in on the hotline call-in line 384-5250 to Los padrinos. 3. Los padrinos agrees to abate the graffiti within 24 hours of a reported location including calls forwarded by the Beautification Coordinator. 4. Los padrinos will provide a minimum of 2 field crews and perform a visual inspection of major arterials designated by the City on a daily basis and abate all graffiti. 5. Los Padrinos agrees to complete the Graffiti Reporting Log and submit the log to the City on a weekly basis. I-l ~ I-l 110 110 Si Cl .... I 0 . 11I'0 ....... ..:. 1....0 ...... .. Z..:IP: III ...... ::S.r:l o~o III .... ........ .IlIlr:l1ll ....u ~:3 II . f. ... . .... .... 0 III ~ . '0 III 0:' .... ,I:l0 r:l ....11 .... .. III XP: g. "''0 g .. :'r:l ....tJl III Ill.... . .CD :.. :.. 0 ..... r:l ....... Ill. :.g. ....0 III ...... . ~~ :.. '0 . :. .0 ....11 Ill. CP: .... 0 1::.... 0.... ........ ........ Ill'.... UIll 3~ '0 . :. .... .. ....u Ill. CP: ..:I ~ 0 ~ CD Z 0 I-l ~ .c CJ S 110 0 P: I&l ; ::I ZC I&l ..:II> ~i ~[;! Cl S !i! I-l ~ P: 2 I&l P: ]: I- \OS~iS(\OS 'Q?J.'V ATTACHMENT 2 :1AY 3:. :.C,- --=.J -; -.- "'.i.-::ll..- . -.,-'" ,--~ ," - -- -'~=... ~,:...;; '; ':'::/=..~'~,-:::;':'-G~ - - -'I '""':= =.:..' -. ...., ~ '.':"?=<'..: - -~ ,......... ,.- --_._~---, ::..=__...),...,=. ___=_ ,...,-r 6tiK ;::-C:Or-.' ; '.i ..;,,' 6._J~.5C _=:: ?L=i=:~>;,~~' '~'u'3~=':~ : -==~~~-:\= - - -.-- - - - - --......,. - - =_.-;- '::,R 94/95 v;.ll:~. OFr'it.::: : -~v~ ~--~=-~: --~ :~~~--:": ;~JGE~ ~CR ~OS PADRINOS TC =~RFCRM .l:N~J;:O!"':= :;::~==-_. -L =:" ~-': l.P~:OMING FISCAL. "EAR. - -',- - -- 4_, --,.,'/,::' =..... -- ~C~< ~:I~~ CNLY BE DOING GRAFFI~: =_=~:~~ ~~!S JPERATING aUDGET WE ~ANT~D ~ ::0:.:: ~~NDLE OUR :UPRENT VOLUME OF ., - - , - __=:< ~~SOC~jSE ~~ME. - - - .- - - - --=:~Grl ~ARCH 1994 OUR GRAF~:-I REMOV- - ::..=.~-~~ _,-?~ ::==~~EN7 i-OCATIONS AND REMOVED -- .:- "-'(?:CA~~':' ON A DAILY BAS:S ~E COM- -. _=CATIGNS AND REMOVE 1.035 I7EMS. --- - -,- - - ',- . .- . - -'----- -...... '.:.:,G : ',-;-::"'U:~;T I Oh PROGRAM HAS PROVEN ,0 BE ~;:~=~~ J0~:NG -~I5 =~ST TWO (2) YEARS. AND T~E -- --= CITY OF ~AN 3ERNARDINO HAS CERTAINLY _ _ J.- - --.-- -~ - ._~~~- .'- ~ _ ',-.::.:..., :.-.,-'-'....:-' - "--'\'~--- ~ -. ';_~-.......'i ::.=_ ..._- - - -,-, _'-.J"-''-'_-''-' . - = - ='l -l ::=:: --- ::: -,-h: -~ CITIZENS OF SAN BERNARDINO SUPPORT OUR ~~OGPA~ 3CA~3 S~: A. -=~~SITIONI~G ~:7:~E VOU~~ GANG MEMBERS FROM A LIFE OF :=:~:: ANJ 0ICL=: =::. TO C~:: OF PEACEFUL AND PRODUCTIVE ::-::~~S :\j :~~ :JMMUNI-Y. ::l -: "':::-: :.G - -': ':=::JS OF OuR COMMUN ITY BY REMOVI NG - UN- 3:~~-_' 3~~~~:-: :r-y ~rDE. -_~=,,-,::;~ ~ =.::,: -: '..J=::; ::.::.=-;~=~S~;:? \t,;:;H T~E CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO .= .. ___ '.=:- =';;...'1 -~.;= .:' :::':?ANDEJ POSIT!\.,'E: INFL.UENCE ON YOUTH S~:'~~ v=~~~~~, ~~-. .~~ 1'=__ S~ ABLE TC HAVE EVEN GREATER I~=AC: T~! =','=::;::~\;:'.: -_:: ~'=='=""=":''.l:= .:..\~= :;wA~=T\( Jr= LI~=- t-JIT)-'-:i\l OU~ C!I'-~. 741 W. Virginia Street. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 479' San Bernardino, CA 92402' (909) 888-5781 Fax: (909) 888-6634 ~ '-os PAoRINoS OPERATI NG BUDGET =ISCAL YEAR 94/9S EXPENSE ITEMS SALARIES & BENEFITS ACCOUNTING/LEGAL LIABILITY/AUTO INSURANCE OFFICE/SPACE RENT UTILITIES COMMUN I CA TI ONS OFF I CE SUPPLI ES EQUIPMENT RENTAL ;::UEL COST ~QJIPMENT REPAIR/MAI~~ SUPPLI ES EQUIPMENT FURN ITURE TOTAL GRAFFITI ONLY (18) $ 266,437.00 4,000.00 16,000.00 4,800.00 2,000.00 6,000.00 3,000.00 1.500.00 7,200.00 3.600.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 800.00 $ 330,337.00