HomeMy WebLinkAbout27-Council Office . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. REQUEST FOR "OUNCIL ACTION From: Councilwoman Norine Miller Chairwoman, Ways & Means Committee Dept: Council Office Subject: Waiver of Fees - Gents Organization Dete: July 20, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council Action: JUliN. on'~/94: Referred to Ways & Means Committee JJ... 94 .2J 09 Recommended Motion: That the request to waive fees for use of Nunez and Encanto ballfields and facilities by the Gents Organization in the amount of $510, be denied or That the request to waive fees for use of Nunez and Encanto ballfields and facilities by the Gents organization in the amount of $510 be approved. ~~ Signature Contect Person: Phil Arvizo. Exec. Asst. to the Council Phone: 5208 Supporting Date Atteched: Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Source: (Acet.No.) (Acct. Descriptionl Finance: Council Not..: On July 6, 1994 Ways & Means Committee referred back to Council without a recommendation. Agenda Item No. :J.. 7 e @ o WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE July 6, 1994 ATTENDEES: Councilwoman Norine Miller - Chairwoman Councilman Jerry Devlin Fred Wilson - Assistant City Administrator Chief Wayne Harp - Police Department John Kramer - Supt. of Recreation Phil Arvizo - Council Executive Assistant 1. ASSET FORFEITURE REPORT - Report received and filed. ~ 2. WAIVER OF FEES - NUNEZ AND ENCANTO - GENTS - The request is to be forwarded without a recommendation to the full Council. 3. REVIEW OF SO. CALIF. EDISON AND SO. CALIF. GAS CHANGES (APPL. NO. 94-05-008, 94-05~17, 94~5-OO1, 94-05~6) - Item continued. 4. AUGMENTATION OF CODE COMPLIANCE DMSION - Item continued. Meeting adjourned. ~~ Councilwoman Norine Miller Chairwoman NM:jv CITY OF SAN BERhfARDINO - REQUEST .~OR COUNCIL ACTION From: ANNIE F. RAMOS, DIRECTOR Subject: REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 510 FOR USE OF NUNEZ AND ENCANTO Dept: PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES BALLFIELDS BY THE GENTS ORGANIZATION Date: MAY 31, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: hD;dl:~. Qi~'ICr; / II ,Iii I. It 1'/ 1 MAY 94 7: 46 it Il!l.;:! "':----::4- -~---v .. Recommended motion: Form Motion 1. That the request to waive fees for use of Nunez and Encanto Ballfields and facilities by the Gents Organization in the amount of $ 510 be denied. - or - Form Motion 2. That the request to waive fees for use of Nunez and Encano Ballfields and facilities by the Gents Organization in the amount of $ 510 be approved. /, i~ &~A ~ J- -tZ1U//V' Signature Contact person: John A. Kramer Phone: 5031 1 Supporting data attached: Staff Report and Appl ication Ward: FUNDING REOUIREMENTS: Amount: $ 510 * Source: (Acct. No.1 (Acct. Description) Finance: Council Notes: * These are funds which would be deposited into a revenue account for use of facilities should the requesting group be required to pay. These are funds which assist the department in offsetting some of the on-going maintenance and repair costs for keeplng facilities available. There are no Cit funds directl involved with doing this event. /?1dU~w./y ~~~/f;l1l1V 10 tuny? MILn A-i7 75-0262 / 1--'(' Agenda Item No. !I!!!fJ:.. l[z- _ CITY OF SAN BERt.....RDINO - REQUEST ~~R COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 510 FOR USE OF NUNEZ AND ENCANTO BALLFlELDS BY THE GENTS ORGANIZATION. The Gents Organization is planning a one-day Softball Tournament utilizing two fields at Encanto and Nunez Parks and the Encanto Concession Stand. Fees for these facilities and the waiver of the use of alcohol amount to $ 510. The Damage Bond ($ 650) and Clean-Up Deposit ($ 100) for this event come to a total of $ 750. These are levied by Resolution 94-66. The bond and clean-up deposit are refundable in full or in part after an inspection of the facilities and equipment has been completed. Deductions for any damages to facilities for clean-up or repairs shall be deducted from said bond or clean-up deposit. There is no provision in the resolution to waive or set aside the damage bond and clean-up deposit. Resolution 94-66 allows the Mayor and the Common Council to exempt non-profit corporations and associations, organized primarily for patriotic, civic betterment or charitable purposes, from the rates and fee schedules for the use of park and recreation facilities, services and equipment under the condition that paying the fees would create a hardship and if the event is of unusual benefit to the citizens of San Bernardino. This event is aimed at civic betterment by providing scholarships to local high school students. The Gents will be required to provide general liability insurance with a liquor liability and ABC and Health Permits. staff rptlwaiver 5131/94 amt 75.0264 OOAAD Of OIl\ECTOf\S: PIe-.. Frank ~. VU-I'r~ I.eonad ~ s.aetay SaIvodcr FIom T_ 10M P.droza ~ 01 Nff'4 Mcr1Cl1\lco 1.~ \.owrence J. I\oyo Jr. 2ndVlc~ I\IcI\Qld O. Arnodct YOlAh ~ 0Ite00t EdwcrdL_.Jr. Membent.lp ChcItmcn lulIE. llraooo 51'. SctlOIcnhIp Choitman "- D. I\cmos ~ . ...: : "., "r, .. . '. .., '. ~:....- [:Fle[ . ~ I .. '" [::-'-', "":'1'1;(1 -...;; C; ::.:, 21; p-. 2- oj .57 :)ear Mayor Minur. and SanBernarolno C1CY Council l~embers: This year the Gents Or\lanlzation.has set their plans. for the , Gents Classic iV.slow Pltch sofcball tournament.To be held on Sepc.10ch.ac Encanto.and Nunez Park oall fields.in the city of San Bernardino.. I am the onl:f Chairman thiS tournament has known.Thls .tour- nament was created t~ help raise funds for our Sct,olarship. and Youth Prollrams.These prO\lrams oeneflt the Inland Empire area Hi\lh School students. and the youtn of the communlties.ln 1993. we presented over S40UO.in scnolarsnlp awards.of Whlch $ZOOO was presente~ at twolZ) San Bernardino city ScllOOls.$1500 at Pacific Hillh.and $500 at S~~ &ernardino Hi\lh.and San Gorqonio HI\lh.IS tnis years desiqnatej school co receive awards. in an effort to raise fund~ for our scholarshi~ prO\lram.we are seekinq some assistance from the City of San Bernardino.It uld be appreciated by our orqanlzation.if you.Mayor Minor,and ity Council M~nbers.would consider to wave all ci~y rental - , w~ll incur,as donation. for our SOftball tournament he followinq is a breakdown of city rental fees: Field Rental-$2.S0per hour-per field(44hours) Field Prep.-$25per field-4 fields Enerqy~liqhts)-S10per hour-8 hours oncession Stand-Encanto Park only Beer Garden Permit-Encanto Park only dministrativ~ Fea $110.00 $100.00 $ 80.00 S 50.00 S 50.00 S 40;00 $ 25.00 Bases-1 set if needed ~ ~tllry ~ c. MufIcll Total-$455.00 (amount is based on. all four(4)fields will be used that day) (1) P.O. DOX 1131 . COLTON, CALIFORNIA 92324 DOAJ\l) Of OlI\EOOl'& PrHc:IerI Frank P.odr1Quu ~ l.eonad MIrj<ns Seaetory 5oIYadot FIotes T_ Jose P.droza Sar9O<rtolt.nns Matol\ico 1.~ lawteta J. IIa)oa k. 2nd~ IIk!lad D. Atrtod<< YOl.<h AcIMIlft onoor EOwordL~.k. ~~ LWLllrO\IOlt. 5d-.oIonhIp ~ ..... D. Ilona ~ 5e<:relaoy Joseph C. WLjIca \ For thIS co-spOnsorship donation. your city name.and 1090 will appear on Flyers.Banners.Adver~isement.and Souvenir sales. pertalninq to this event. I would like to 'rHANK YOU.Mayor Minor. and Council Members. for the time you t~ok to read our request. and for any other contributIon. the City of San Bernardino.may be able to help our orqanization with. Your res pOnce is of the utmost impOrtance. for I am qoinq to start advertisinq this tournament.in the beqinninq of July. If YOU would like more information about this tournament.or to discuss this furtner.please contact me at 909-814-8634.or mall to.SAL FLORES-4Jb E.Carter St..Rialto.Ca.92376 also enclosed IS a rec09nition award we received in 1991. Sincerely. Tournament Chairman: A FlON (2) P.O. DOX 1131 . COLTON. CALIFORNIA 92324 - ( 1:- - . ~ -,/ (, '. r f<' ,." ; Date of Application: "./uJJf.'z JonI'. ~So"~.{ "ARKS. RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SL,vICES "1 A'" - lc p,>\ APPlICA TION/PERMIT (-\JCiWW EA'> l' ~ I0F$T TO USE PUBLIC PARK OR RECREATION FACILITY qAIYl - /0 p.", '5-1&-'1<1 Name and Address of ApplicanVOrganization: G€NTS LAICAAI~O r"q +I0E'T - Nwuo. Facil~y Requested: c./V ,,' '-"" " q- ID - q <.f Time of Activ~: Nature of ActivityiEvent: SOh R~VJ "/ (J/./i2tJAM/?"I" Date of Activ~y: Describe Planned Activities: Estimated Attendance: IF> 0 Is Activity Open to the Public? ye Will Sound Amplification or Public Address System be Used? N. 0 Time of Day Amplrtier is to be Used: A.M./P.M. To (Section 12.80.130, C~ Municipal Code Applies.) o f1AIo..Jl2A T 'OIJ Noe,# ~ s,...l'tf A.M./P.M. To A.M./? M. Admission Fee? A.M./?M. ~.. ~"O I ~W~ '.I~ ~ HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Applicant hereby acknowledges that he/she has read, understands, and will comply w~h all provisions of Chapter 12.80, Municipal Code, City of San Bernardino, California pertaining to use of Park and Recreation facilrties.' Applicant hereby assumes all responsibility to leave areas in a neaf and clean condition. Applicant agrees to hold harmless and indemnrty the C~ of San Bernardino. California, from any and all liability for injury to persons or property occuring as a result of this activity and agrees to be liable to said C~y for and all damage to any park, fac"~y, building, pool, equipment, and furn~ure owned or controlled by City, which results from the activ~ or permit1ee or is caused by any participant in said activ~y. 'NOTE: This permit is subject to cancellation by any P lice Officer who determines violation of any provision of the City Municipal Code. CLEANING DEPOSIT: ff area1acility is not leh in clean condition, the deposit shall be forleited. KEY DEPOSIT: Keys shall be returned within two (2) working days aher the event for which the key(s) is issued. If key(s) is not returned promptly, the deposit shall be forleited. ~l H.Oe.c <; Printed Name of Applicant 43~ ~. q;).3/~ -J-- Zip P,Ai....\V City CAR..:t'E!<. Address S1', 874-Bro'3Y Phone Number Signature of Applicant AVAILABLE: v' YES ~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS APPLY: -T'YES FEESlDr.OSIT(S~QUIRED: _ YES FEES: )1 D~RECEIVED BY: ON RECEIPT #: BY: DEPOSIT(S): RECEIVED BY: DEPOSIT RETURNED TO: DATE: o APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED DATE: NO NO Director, Parks, Recreation & Community Services DISTRIBUTION: WHITE: U;PT I FACILITY GREEN: APPLICANT I USER CANARY: DEPOSIT FILE PINK: POLICE DEPT. GOLDENROD: RISK MGMT. SCHEDULE JIJ./-j.hL.'\LL :'11:'lHJ.h " ;),. 5 ') /? Z--- '/OUR'iAHENT -~ ------------ ~- -----~._-._--------- --- ---------- -- - --~- --~--- -~----- --- - TEAM NAME: ~'€Ju'01Xy.&.L{~JLf@~- CONTACT PERSON:__<.S.~:l /(,;::2(:5___ PHONE: 'iN - 'if.. 3 <( ADDRESS: L( 3" f. (1li!7d 5;' CITY: ;C(flLTo (~ 9:J])0 Se ~-I. /0 /?'l '/ TllH~NAMENTDlTE , '-, ----r__ I ,r"rl~/7~ Cd:'/' ('V~~, ~.J'(Z //'o,-/!/' -- SO" 7/, FIELD 1,;l/e,' Al/INU ;I L .s }/I(",-I/'/?o f ,'uJ r/fl'l- 6( '1m . /01 BREAKDOWN: DEPOSIT: $ JP9. '-:-_ RECEIPH '/39trct DATE OF DEPOSIT: S-. ;)<1_ 9V ENERGY: $ p-,-c. ~r1. - BALANCE DUE: $ DATE PAID: RECEIPH ,< BALLFIELD PREP: $ /uu. - C" RtrnAL $ II~, - ADMINISTRATIVE: $~. -: . v' COnc.f.5Slon STAnd $ so. ~ TOTAL $ 3~0 c' r:~'f5 ;J-ee~// E I'fC"",T,; [ : w ("" ::. E~C/1A/(~ ?c~7ro,,~.... ,- II/~,J#,,;) (.r,'('r~:.. '" ,{'l ?, .,.; IA I AI i:\ TOTAL RECEIVED $ NOTES: CleAtJ'\tJq A€.\lo,>'li A~J Key dt:pc~i .u",t. bLI ,#;;f ( 0\ Cosf Pee \;dd J)e f\U" , l' OtlLA>Jl'!.t. dut Drultdcuo..' i tWl1L-1 ( Li~"1 Fe.;:) Pr e p fe e. ndM,r'l / M',se. flL C 01'11 C.€S)'I Dn S1a"d fee. Re.l'1io.L ,t~/Jn-- iUll.' VE'I<'. rC'G ",t feD - 100 C " , ' 110 , , S () 100, ,c. J;; LiC\b',Li1~ lr1~. J)A rY1 A 1 e... DD,oJJ._ ije ulcel fi ~5D, ""_ , ~ /1 O. ~ /--;7) -"- - --------- /'- , ~A~ .VA lL P4i 1:> j)",He- K.,,-1u.1.J.J~t"1