HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDC Agenda . RACHEL CLARK City Clerk l AGENDA MAYOR AND CO---QN COUNCIl COMMUMTY DEVELOPIENT COM. ANDTH~F":f ~s.:::=D1.',' ""f': ' "July 18, 1994-11:OOa.m." (JoIrt Rf9*" Ifesftng1 CouncIl Ch-.6.n, CIty Hal 2nd Floor ,<'I' CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PRESENT: ABSENT: 3:5'1 -J--rr1 " -::'i, i "'\"~ ~~J /, ~/31 ~/S/{p 7.. (::2 j /01 t-) a\' lPUBUC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON AGENDAl l ~7 CONSENT CALENDAR That 1tIe motions Indicated by adopted, except for It8rns numbered: .!L.:L _ _ _ __" " '~NT r ........RS r:'I~"" W"'~.!" 'U~.,. '''-'IT' ....:._~.~~_IC~_;',~r,u'l.;.,;~,.....~ fCummu....... :rJev0icmnlitnt Cl:'i"m5 Ii " ~~ 4// That1he Regular MeelIng of the Joint Powe.....d1iQ....,~; Monday. August 111.1.....' " ,', ,. ....,..,.,.,.., -:~:.:;::,~,~~ ':::~::(:<; { :~:;.:;F'" ' ( '", .:,' ,! - ':- :t:/;.. '~"'.:i":,i"" " ,~- :'\Ji\j< -----------------------------------------------~~----~~~~~~~~;~;' ~~~~~MEETlNG 1 ,~=r~:;t,.., , . . . I "'~,-\>,<} '," '.,i ., ",,;-. ,~ t -,'\:-\ ".,;,"",' ( \.. ( (. 2. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMI88ION MINUTES €;? Develoament Deoartmllnt 'CommunlY n.v........nt c-... I-_Ion' Th8l the minutes of the Community o-lopment c.".... Ion of the cay of 8811 BemlJdlno for the meeting of June 24, 11M, be IppnMIlIII eubmllled In typewrillen form. 3. PROPERTY MVMGEMENT SERVICES FOR THE 201 T STR....... .- NMft 'CommunlY DewloDlll8ld CGnIIIIIsslon' ~11ON5 '-1// That the Community Development Comm~T'on 8lIlhodzIIthe EliIlIcuIMI DIredllr to develop Ind execute In lIOreement will TrI-ClIy SenIIc:8a, the Iow8lIt retpOI'" bidder for the Property Menegement of the 201 NoIth"E" Street BuIIcIIng; 8IlIo, that the Development Deperbnent budget be lncl'Blsed by $4,788 per year to cover the contract cost. 4. MILLER BUILDING 1DP88' REQUESTED AMENDMENTS ~ ~ ICommunllv OltveloDment "----Ion' Thelthe Community Development CalM In'1lI111pp1W1 C8ItIIIn ch8ngee fuI1her IlpeCiI\ed In the 811Bched lllalf report h.....dluuthe pe_lotegreemenll by end between the Agency end County In order to enable 8IIlI...... the owner'8 reftnenc:Ing of the former J. C. Penney'll buIdIng, 1cM:... on the soulthWe8t comer of FIfth and "E" Streets Ind luthorlze the ExecuIIve Dil...ior to draft and uecutIt the Il8CS1iSBry documents "!Xln apr.;'llval of Ageooy Coln!GI. AND ---------------------------------------------------------------- JOINT REGULAR MEE11NG KJH:~dc81 7jZ a conmlS81ON AGENDA DoI8: July 18, 1194 ( , ( , " '11O;J I-/h I~vor .nd Common CouncUl RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING. AND APPROVING A BECOND AMENDMENT TO PARJ(JNG AGREEMENT AND ASSIGNMENT Frf AND BElWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, DAVID D. MILLER AND DENYSE M. MllER, HUSBAND AND WIFE, ALLAN D. SMITH, POST CONFIRMATION TRUSTEE, OF THE BANKRUPTCY ESTATE OF H. FRANK DOMINGUEZ, DOMINGUEZMLLER, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. .. HUD SECTION 101 LOAN e1100 '-/ / I ~7 IMavor.nd Common CounclO RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS RELATIVE TO A SECTION 108 LOAN GUARANTEE COMMITMENT BY HUD FOR THE WEST SIDE SHOPPING CENTER IN THE AMOUNT OF $500,000. ICommuRb De1l81oDmBnt Commission' That the Communly Development Comrnlslllon authollz8 the EIillculIve Dlrec:tDr tIO develop and execuI8 an Owner Plu1IclpaIion AgrHmenI reIalIve to a loan by and belw8en the CIty 01 San Bernardino Redavelopment 1I(It1lw:y and New Frontier Commen:lal Properties, Inc., In the amount 01 $500,000. G PRlMELlNE PRODUCTS COMPANY leommuRb Develo_nt Commission' MOTION A: ~ That the Communly Development Com.. Ill'lR aulhodzulalftD procell a Deed In lieu 01 Foreclo8ur8 and accept land (40 acres) 0WIIlId by HM., Land Development Company. AND ---------------------------------------------------------------- JOINT REGUlAR MEETING KJIl:IIIp:cdc:84-lJZ 3 COMMISSION AGENDA _ July 18, 1994 ( \. tip That... Community Development Commls8lon -16IJ August 1, 1884 III 11 :00 ..m., . the dllle and time certain to conduct a pubic haarlng In ClIllIllICIIon with ... JIIlIIlO88d aale of Aganc:y-ownad land to Commllll1lr NatIonal CorporalIonI PrIme Iile Producta. MOTION B: Q AWARD OF TRADE BI)8 ~ENTRAL POLICE STATION (r.ftlllnlDnltw DeveIou -- o-nl"~l That lbe ('. ..........:t) DewJopn-t Ownm;..nm ann! bids in lbe JbIlowiDa A~. ...,1. fir lbe 1bIIowing (0..,_.;". fir wodt IS DOled. f'.l'WImMIV '. 1. S270.000toK.....I..- andSmilhfir 2. $88.695 to Roy O. HaIIiDan Cclmpany fir 3. SI7.879toCanlccfir 4. S5,75OtoCanlccfir 5. S835,455 to Clint C8lIIm fir 6. S33.9OO to Metco 8pecia1ty Cclmpany fir 7. SI68.499 to Architeclural DoIn Inc. for 8. S92.798 to Queen City Glass fur 9. SI2O.985 to Pe11aAn::bita:lural Producls fir 10. S10.75O to IDbmd Allouslics fur 11. S216.860to P......-d Tile andMalble Co. fir 12. S78,9S0tolDbmd~fir 13. $32,000 to Mar-lyn BuiIden Inc. fur 14. S158.8OO to Anow I'Iooring Cootractors Inc. fir 15. 5164.000 to Harris and Ruth Painting ContnlcliIul fur 1.6. $36.134 Ie Slnmh""iP' anriAs.;oo. &; l:1c.10l.' 17. 523.945 to Allee CaJstructioo CompMY S:r 18. 55.425 to A2Z Sign Canp811Y foc 19. S78,3ootoRusco:r...a.tJOCatedfor 20. S24,107 to ISEC boctJOCatedfur 21. $6.746 to ISEC hau:tJOCated fur 22. 512.899 to HufccI: Airwa11 fur 23. S83.485 to ISEC hau:puaated fur 24. $42,303 to ISEC fuootpcrated fur 25. $83,378 to Metro Yo Protection Inc. 26. $876.960 to ('. ..1:.--1 Air ('.nndmnnit,g Inc. fir 27. 52.068.600 to Olea Electric fur 28. 573,200 to Amlins-Jdmscn Cclmpany fir 29. 5212,S45toEMSSfur 30. 519.977 to Hy-SI2m Inc. foc TndeBid - #13B: ......... uoitlllBD)'. #14: buih-upnding #15: WlIIerpOllfing #16: 1Ik:K....... ofitioo COlIIiDa #18: fire Jlioc6Ja p1ater and cIIy WII1 #20: *Y1i&I* #21: finilIb h-J\.a/o - doors #23: g1azing #24: llXkriorwood windDwB #25: liIbric coaed WlIIl p8IIIIIII #26: ti1c #27: ac.....~..oeiling #29:rouah~1 #30: lIocrinB #32: painIing - wall covaius #;j: !IJi1d ~huwlsi8(\( : II Jrics #34: accessflocriq. . #36: idc.di1);'" devices #37 A:. mda11oc:brs #37B: kitda 1pp1iaolles .37C: pl"IDIS uaa.,V.1_ #38: openble ....ti1i.A1a #39: cJd:_equipmaIt #40: mda1_wodt #42: fire po....... #43:HVAC #44: .a..tiil:ll #47: mda1 cIdcoIicn oeiling #48: .w___equipmeol #49: wbicleo:videoce equi~ ---------------------------------------------------------------- JOllY REGULAR MEETING K.JHap:cdd14-7J2 4 (. COIIMI8SION AGENDA t-= July 18,1994 ( '-, I \ ( 'Em~ LJ& That the ('nmmJDily Deve10pmeDt ~..;,.", nject III bids Sl'ImUtt..! in ~Il"'llioo with Bid Items Numbered '10', '11', '12', '13', '17', '19', "22', '28', '31', '35', '370' '41'1IId '45'11I IUIhorizc rebiddiDg rL1hc foIlowins bid r~8"": Bid Item Nn",hor Bid Item De9criplion Asphaltic concrete paving PaveDIlmt IDIIIIcios OrlU1fl'MllfttAI irul An:hiteclunl precast concrete Building insulation Roofpaocl. sheet meta1111d *YIi8bt Ccliling ovat-l cIoon Ymish carpeaby R1...........;c~ Flag poles MiaceD"""""" opWA1tie8 Venetian bJiDds Final clean-up 10 11 12 13 17 19 22 28 31 35 370 41 45 That 1hc Cn"''''nllily DcwlO(l1llCll1 Cnmmiooi.,..1IUIhorize IIlaffto adminiotP.rllld cxecuIc cbauge mien limited to1hc 8IlIOIIII1 rL1hc ~ (10%: 594,332.50) IIId to pool'" contiugencymouiesfrom lradc bids Numbered '1', "2' and '3' ($863,902.50) ftr1l8C IIIIOOg III lradc bids. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR f...-cv Administration I. PROPOSED SAN BERNARDINO BASEBAll. STADIUM ICCIIIIIII\Inllv Dev8Iolllll8nt Commission) MOTION: That the Communly Development ComI.11111lII dI8cIlSS 8ncllllke po Il:M 8dIan 1~,:lU" the fa ../JI_lIludy prepered by KPMG PeIIt MIIIwIck. ---------------------------------------------------------------- JOINT REGUlJUt MEE11NG ~:c:dcM-7JZ . COMMIS8ION AGENDA DIIe: July 18, 1994 , \ , r " ( mY ADMlNI8TRATOR'8 OFFICE t. MOVE OF CENTRAL POLICE STATION 'C-unltv DeveloDlMflt Commission) That the Community Development Commission authorize the expenditure of $100,000 for estimated cosIs to be Incurred in moving the Centrel Police StIllIon FaclIlyfrom Is current locetion at 488 west Fourth SlreetlD Building No. 818 at Norton Alr Force B_). Further, authorize staff to awanl and exacule all contrecl8 and any other documents associated with the mova and to administer and execute change onlers Imlted to the amount of the contingency ($10,000). 'Mavor and Common CouncID RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECunON OF A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH INLAND VAllEY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY R8.AllNG TO THE LEASING BY THE CITY OF A BUILDING KNOWN AS "BUILDING 918" LOCATED ON THE PROPERlY OF THE FORMER NORTON AIR FORCE BASE. 18. ADJOURNMENT .. f'~~~)N: ..r.l1l~~~'Pf!IlI!ng ofllleMayor and Common CouncWr..ommunlly ~nt CornmitIsIon be aqjoumed 10 Wednasday, July 20, 1994 at 9:00 a.m., In the Board Room oflhe Economic Development Agency, 201 North"E" Street. San Bernardino, Cellfomla. ---------------------------------------------------------------- JOICT REGULAR MEE11NG K.IH:IIIp:cdcM-1j2 COMMI88ION AGENDA IlIiIe: July 18,1994 . c o o ~ o o SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AND THE JOINT POWERS FINANCING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO "July 18, 1994 - 11:00 8.m." (Joint Regular Meeting) Council Chambelll, City Hall RS-1. FIFTH ANNUAL ROUTE 68 RENDEZVOUS AND FIRST ANNUAL CACTUS DERBY /Communitv DeveloDment Commlssionl That the Community Development Commission approve the appropriation of $90,427 to market, promote and Implement the RfIh Annual Route 66 Rendezvous and the First Annual Cactus Derby special events. ---------------------------------------------------------------- JOINT REGULAR MEETING KJH:Imp:c:dc84-7j2 1 SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA Dale: JULY 18, 1994