HomeMy WebLinkAboutS1-Mayors Office , CITY OF SAN BERN~DINO - REQUEST ..0,. COUNCIL ACTION From: TOM MINOR, MAYOR Subject: Appoint Dr. Harold Chandler to the Animal Advisory Commission. Dept: Office of the Mayor Date: July 12, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council ection: NONE Recommended motion: Approve the appointment of Dr. Harold Chandler to the Animal Advisory Commission, per Councilman Oberhelman's request. --;-~7)~ I Signature Contact person: Tom Minor. Mayor Phone: Ext. 5133 Supporting data attached:Yes Ward: Fourth Ward FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: -0- Source: (Acct. No.) (Acct. DescriDtion) Finance: Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No S -I .' Born- Education-. Publ1cations- 1II0rlc Exper1enca- 1lI1litary Exparience- Community Invalvelll8nt- Protessional Organizations- Special Intuests- o o VITA RECEIVEO..em CLEF.I" HAROLD R. CHANDLER 'IIU JL 20 P4 oN!. 5424 Prada Court.,.. oUU San Bernardino, CA 92401 llIaco, Texes 11 February 1920 Waco public schools Baylor University - BA - 1941 Tex.. A . III - IllS - 1942 UClA - PH) - 1949 Univ. at Washington - Radiation Biology - 1960 in Health Education, Entomalaqy, Endocrinology Curator at insects - Baylor University - 1939-1941 Catton insect research - USDA Division at Catton Insects and Plant Quarantine - 1941 , Biological control at spatted alt,lta aphid - UCR - 1954 Teaching biology, anatomy, physioiogy, microbiology, zoology - 1941-19B6 College instructor, dspartllltlnt head, divisional chairmen, dean Currently retired U.S. Navy 1944-19461 1950-1952 Retired tram U.S Naval rsserve .ith 20 years service (past and present) Arrowhead United lIIay, VIlICA, San Ber- nardino County Council at Community Services, Inlend Adoleecent CliniC, HumanaSociety at San Bernardino Val- ley, Planned Parsnthood at S.B. County, Animal Advisory Commission tar City at San Bernardino, Desert Protective CounCil, Camptire Inc. local and national boards, Kiwanis. (past and present) AAAS, Nat'l Association at Biology Teachers, Beta Beta Beta, Alphi Chi, Sigma Xi, Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club, Ne. Yorlc Academy at Sciencas, Humane 'Society at the US, Catee Cact~ and Succulent Society desert ecology, gardening, growth and care at the Cactacase and EuphorDiace..,photography 5-) Born- Education-. Publ1cations- Work Experisnce- llIilitary Experiencs- COllllllrlit Y Inwlvement- Pro'easional Organizationa- Special Intereste- o o VITA HAROLD R. CHANDLER 5424 Prado Court San Bernardino, CA 92407 Waco, Texes 17 rebrUll1'Y 1920 Waco public schools Baylor University - BA - 1941 Texas A , III - illS - 1942 UCLA - PhD - 1949 Univ. 0' Washington - Radiation Biology - 1960 in Health Education, Entomology, Endocrinology Curator 0' insects - Baylor University - 1939-1941 Cotton insect research - USDA Division 0' Cotton Insects and Plant Quarantine - 1941 Biologice1 control 0' apotted al'al'a aphid - UCR - 1954 Teaching biology, anatomy, physiology, microbiology, zoology - 1947-1986 College inatructor, department head, divisional chairman, dean Currently retired U.S. Nevy 1944-19461 1950-1952 Retired 'rom U.S Navel reserve with 20 ysars service (past and preaent) Arrowhead United Way, ~A. San Ber- nardino COlrlty COlrlcil 0' Community Services, Inland Adolescent CliniC, HumansSociety 0' San Bernardino Val- ley, Planned Parenthood a' S.S. COlrlty, Animal Advisory Commission 'or City 0' San Bernardino, Desert Protective CounCil, Camp'ira Inc. locel and national boarde, Kiwania. (peat and present) AAAS, Nat'l Aasociation a' Biology Tsachers, Seta Beta Beta, Alphi Chi, Siglll8 Xi, Naturs Conservancy, Sierra Club, New York Acedemy 0' Sciences, HUllane Society 0' the US, Cates Cactua and Succulant Soci,ty desert ecology, gardening, growth and care 0' the Cactacellll and EuphorDiacsllll.photography c:::: - /