HomeMy WebLinkAbout31-Planning & Building Services CITY OF SAN BERNOIblNO - REQUEST ,(A:a COUNCIL ACTION.. Fnxn: Al Boughey, Director Dept: Planning & Building Services SubjeCt: QDC Facility Truck Routing Plan , (CUP No. 94-03) - The site is located about 600 feet north of Rialto Avenue on the west side of Rancho Avenue in the rH. MCC meeting of Julv 18, 1994 Date: July 7, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: 05/16/94 -- The Mayor and Common Council adopted the resolution which adopted the Negative Declaration and approved General Plan Amendment No. 94-01; and, approved Conditional Use Permit No. 94-03 and Parcel Map No. 14639, ADMIN. OFFIC~ subject to the Modification to Condition of Approval No. 10, which requires the review and approval of the Truck Routing Plan by the Mayor and Common Council. 7 .l.l. 94 11: 02 Recommended motion: That the Mayor and Common Council approve the QDC Facility Truck Routing Plan as shown in Attachment #2, subject to the added Condition of Approval. Signature Contllc:t penon: A 1 Boughey, Di rector Supporting data .u...hed: Phone: 5357 #3 WR: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: NIA SoUI'1lll: (Acct. No.1 (Acct. DescriDtion) NI A NIA Fin...ce: ::OUncil No18s: '5-0262 Agenda Item No :3/ o o . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - REQUFSI' FOR COUNCIL AC110N STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: QDC FACILITY TRUCK ROUTING PLAN FOR CONDmONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) NO. 94-03 MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 18, 1994 REOUE.I;TILOCA nON The applicant requests approval of the Truck Routing Plan for CUP No. 94-03 (QDC Project). (See Attachment 2, QDC Facility Truck Routing Plan) The 21.1 acre project site is located about 680 feet north of Rialto Avenue and north of the Pacific Electric Railroad right-of-way, south of the Metrolink mainline right-of-way and west of Rancho Avenue in the CH land use designation. (See Attachment I, Site Vicinity and Land Use Designation Map) BACKGROUND On May 16, 1994, the Mayor and Common Council approved CUP No. 94-03 along with General Plan Amendment No. 94-01 and Parcel Map No. 14639. The conditional use permit is to allow a bulk distribution services facility for the vacuum transfer of food grade pellets from rail car to truck. The use includes two accessory uses - a site operations/truck wash facility and a packaging facility. (Detailed background information is available in the May 16, 1994 Mayor and Common Council Staff Report.) KEY ISSUE-I; There are several key issues identified as follows: The Mayor and Common Council and the Planning Commission were concerned that truck traffic generated by this project would combine with the truck traffic from the nearby GM Auto Distribution Facility and result in routing conflicts. o o QDC Facility Tnlck Routing Plan For CUP No. 94-03 Mayor and Common Counell Meeting of July 18, 1994 Page 2 As a result of these concerns, Condition of Approval No. 10 (for CUP No. 94- 03/PM No. 14639) was modified to require the review and approval of the Truck Routing Plan by the Mayor and Common Council. A revision to the traffic study for the OM Auto Distribution Facility made the finding that the additional traffic generated by the QDC Project will not cause a significant adverse impact on the area traffic circulation. The City's Traffic Engineer concurs with the finding, subject to the Conditions of Approval and Standard Requirements (for the QDC Project) relating to traffic and circulation. During the planning process for the OM Auto Distribution Facility, the City of Colton expressed concerns regarding the high volume of trucks from that facility using Pepper Avenue as the access route to the 1-10. The City of Colton also submitted comments expressing their concern about trucks from the QDC Project being routed on Rancho A venue south of Rialto Avenue. Their comments did not include any concerns about use of Pepper Avenue as part of the Truck Routing Plan for this project. . The majority of truck traffic generated by the OM Auto Distribution Facility will be traveling east on Mill Street to the 1-215 whereas the majority of truck traffic from this project will be routed south on Rancho Avenue, west on Rialto Avenue to Pepper Avenue and south to the 1-10. The City of Colton has reviewed Truck Routing Plan for the QDC Project and their comments are outlined in the following section. The Truck Routing Plan was reviewed by the City of San Bernardino Public Works Department. The Traffic Division determined that the proposed routes are consistent with those utilized in the Traffic Study for the QDC Project. Their conclusion is that the proposed routes are acceptable. COMMENTS RECEIVED As noted, the City received comments from the Mayor of the City of Colton on the Truck Routing Plan. In his letter of lune 28, 1994, Mayor Frank Oonzales indicates that the City of Colton is concerned about traffic on Pepper Avenue given the amount of development in the o o . QDC FaclUty Tnlck Routing Plan For CUP No. 94-03 Mayor and Common Counell Meeting or July 18, 1994 . Page 3 surrounding area. He goes on to state however, that given the minimal truck traffic from the QDC Project, the City of Colton is in agreement with the proposed Truck Routing Plan and has no objection to the use of Pepper Avenue for QDC trucks. A copy of the letter is contained in Attachment 3. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Mayor and Common Council: Approve the Truck R,?uting Plan for the QDC Project (CUP No. 94-03 and PM No. 14639) as shown in Attachment 2. Prepared by: Deborah Woldruff, Associate Planner for AI Boughey, Director Planning and Building Services Attachment 1: Site Vicinity and General Plan Land Use Designation Map Attachment 2: QDC Facility Truck Routing Plan City of Colton Letter (dated June 28, 1994) Attachment 3: ATTACHMENT #1 Q. 0 SITE VICINITY, GENERAL PLA~ AMENDMENT PROPOSAL AND GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION MAP GPA No. 94-01 CUP No. 94-03 PM No. 14639 Adclotect 6-,-ae Panel No. G 2 Date - - - r"" - ) , ~ . .. . . !: ~.- . 01 . o fi Z ~ ~ ~~ ::JZ ........ ufo< <::> ~o P:: U::.:; Qu 0'::> P:: fo< f II J 1-10 .......4Y II I! !I 'I I' .. i' ~Ii It-. o STRUT ,-- ,- ""- 4VDnIB i I ~ c.',y;:;,--.:",7"';,.y'riil If ~I 1-1 o ih ~i! ~ t w~ i!:i 1Il~ ~ il ~a I:: !! "'IE ~ ~ .. ~~ rr 5i I ! I : i ! i i ! I I I d~ ! IJ'~I . -j I ~ , Q ~ I . I () Q o @ " ATTACHf.1ENT #3 ; o o . June 28, 1994 oorn@~~\il~[]J JUI~ 2 8 1334 CITY OF SAN BER~~ARi)lNO DEPARTMENT Qt= PL/..NNING .3t BUILDING SEf'f',,'l":f.;S Michael E. Hays Department of Planning & Building Services City of San Bernardino 300 North D Street San Bernardino, Ca 924111-0001 RE: Truck Routing Plan for General Plan Amendment No. 94-01, Conditional Use Permit No. 94-03, and Parcel Map No. 14639 (ATSF Railway Company's QDC Project) Dear Mr. Hays: This letter will serve to clarify the position of the City of Colton with respect to the above mentioned truck routing plan. As stated in our letter to you dated June 21, 1994, the City of Colton is eon- cerned with traffic on Pepper Avenue, given the various projects developing within the area. However, it is the City's position, that given the minim.1 truck traffic specifically related to the QDC project, the City is in agreement with the pro- posed truck routing plan referenced above and has no objection to the use of Pepper Avenue as it currently exists, for QDC trucks. Sincerely, ~-, FRANK A. GONZALES Mayor FG:mer cc: John Hutton, Pub. Works Dir. David Zamora, Community Dev. Dir. " '"""""<~- COLTON CITY COUNCil Fronk A. Gonzales . MAYOR Connie -Paddy" Cisneros 1st DISTRICT i E. Jerry Rios 2nd DlsmlCT , Aba Be~ran , 3rdDlSTRICT I MAYORPROTEM ! Belly Cook : 4th DISTRICT Deirdre Bennett 51hDlSTlllCT David Sandoval I 6thDI5TRICT Jerry L. Young CITY MANAGER CMC CENTER 650 N. LA CADENA DRIVE COLTON, CAlIFORNIA 92324 (909) 310-5099 (909) 310-5154 FAX