HomeMy WebLinkAbout23-Police ^ ,o,;==''''~-''C,";=''''''''"~",~.',~;O'C;.~,^:;; CITY OF SAN BERNODINO - REQUEST ~ COUNCIL ACTION.. From: Daniel A. Robbins Subject: Resolution of the Mayor and CORlllOn Council of the City of San Bernardino Authorizing the execution of contract with Analysis Central Systems relating to software licensing and services. Oept: Chief of Police Date: 6-20-94 Synopsis of Previous Councilection: None Racommended moti.on: Adopt resolution. Contact person: Daniel A. Robbins Phone: 384-5607 Supportiitg data attached: yes Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $91,000 Fund Balance Account Source: 108-000-30405 Finan~~- Council Notes: 75.0262 Agenda Item No .2.3 CITY OF SAN BERNODINO - REQUEST FOI COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT PROBLEM The San Bernardino Police Department has a need for a computer software program that will assist management in the evaluation of calls for service. This computer generated analysis of information will afford management a tool to more efficiently deploy personnel, quickly identify crime trends, and forecast needs for additional personnel based on volume of workload. RBCOMMBNDATIOH It is recommended that the Mayor and Common Council adopt the resolution pertaining to-the execution of a contract with Analysis Central Systems relating to software licensing and services. PINDINGS Based on previous studies and research, it is believed that the Analysis Central Systems software will pay for itself within the first year of operation. The information provided by this software in a matter of hours would take a team of two full-time crime analysts a minimum of three months to accomplish. They would not be available to perform any other tasks relating to crime analysis, such as crime patterns, link analysis, or data entry. Were the department so inclined to opt for manual analysis by a two-person team, it would cost approximately $88,880 per year. As part of the research into the purchase of this software, information was provided to Analysis Central Systems to facilitate a demonstration of the product and the real benefits to this agency. The demonstration analysis revealed some staffing shortages at various hours throughout the work week. The computer optimized schedules expanded service levels equivalent to adding five (5) officers to the work force, without actually hiring additional personnel. Based on that demonstration, the utilization of the technology could save in an estimated $300,000 in salary, benefits, and equipment purchases. It became clear to the management of the department that this type of technology would be extremely cost-effective in day to day operations. It was also apparent that by being able to conduct more efficient operations, substantial savings would be realized both in the short term and long term. The software not only offers information regarding deployment, but can assist in beat design based on volume of workload, further enhancing the efficiency of personnel. A more efficient deployment 75-0264 CITY OF SAN BERNODINO - REQUEST POI COUNCIL ACTION. STAFF REPORT PROS Staff Report Page 2 of personnel in conjunction with a more even disbursement of the workload, should also result in a reduction of response times. The reduction is anticipated to be most significant for emergency and other calls that pose potential harm to the community.The system is also capable of analyzing crime trend information that allows management to not only deploy during the optimum hour of the day, but in the optimum location where crime is occurring. Finally, the proposed software is the only program of it's type presently available. There are. quite a few agencies in the country now using the software. During the initial examination of the product, Mesa, Arizona P.D., Irvine P.D., and Long Beach P.D. were contacted to determine their level of satisfaction with Analysis Central Systems software. Each of the agencies felt that the software enhanced their ability to provide the most efficient service to their communities while realizing the highest possible savings. Mesa, Arizona was about to make an additional investment in an upgrade to the system, reflecting their confidence in the product, as well as their satisfaction. 75.0264 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2C 25 26 27 28 o o RBSOLUTION NO. RBSOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF SAN BBRNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXBCUTION OF CONTRACT WITH ANALYSIS CENTRAL SYSTEMS RELATING TO SOFTWARB LICENSING AND SBRVICES. BB IT RBSOLVED BY THB MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BBRNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SBCTION 1. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said City a contract with Analysis Central Systems relating to software licensing and services, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Bxhibi t "A" and incorporated herein by reference as fully as though set forth at length. SBCTI.ON 2. The authorization to execute the above- referenced agreement is rescinded if the parties to the agreement fail to execute it within sixty (60) days of the passage of this resolution. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / -:-lllaal1'8ia.n.J 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 t7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1:1 28 .0 o RBSOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THB BXBCU'1'ION OF CON'l'RACT WITH ANALYSIS CENTRAL SYSTEMS RELATING TO SOFTWARB LICENSING AND SBRVICES. I HERBBY CBRTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: day of Council Members: ~ NAYS ----, ABSTAIN ABSENT NEGRBTB CURLIN HBRNANDBZ OBBRHBLMAN DEVLIN POPB-LUDLAM MILLBR of City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day , 1994. TOIl Minor, Mayor Ci ty of San Bernardino Approved as to fona and legal content: JAMBS F. PENMAN, City Attorney By: -:-lllulpia.....) 2 o o SOFTWARE LICENSE AND SERVICES CONTRACT (FOR INTERNAL USE ONL V) PARTIES, SUBJECT, AND PURPOSE Thl. oontl'llCt I. IIIIIcIe thl. cIIIy of 111M, by .nd between tha CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO POLICE DEPARTMENT, CALIFORNIA,. municipal corpomlon (herelNlfter referred to .. "LIcanaae" and ANALYSIS CENTRAL SYSTEMS, . NeVIICII corporation, 672 HlWthorne Drlw, Tlburon, Callfomll, 84820 USA (heralNlfter referred to .. "Llcenaor"); A. Llcen... II I munlclpll corporltlon orglnlzed under tha IIwa of tha Stile of Clllfomll. B. LlcenlOr II englgld In tha bulln... of eIIwloplng Ind Ilcenllng computer IOftw_ .y.tema andlnatelllng them In police Ind.herlff 1genell.. C. Llcen... cIIII,.. to obtain cultomlzld aoftware for Ita Police o.p1rtment to mlNlge Ita police pItroI oplretloNllneludlng achldullng, pItroI bat _Ign, lllocItIon of offlcera to I,... Ind beItI, Ind .ptem to identify problema Ind plln IOlutIon. for beate Ind neighborhood.. D. LlceNlOr II the owner of proprlltlry computer aoftware coNl11tIng of four (4) Interdependent componenta, the Police PItroI Scheduling Sy.m (PPSS), the Police Belt o..lgn Syatem (PBDS), the HIring Syatem (pHIRE), Ind the new OynImJc Community PolJcJng Syatem (DCPS). The.. four Interdepencllnt .yatema Ire hereinafter referred to I. "the Syatem." When cuatomlzed for IndIvlclUlI polloa deplrtmente, tha SYlllm provkIM I polloi cllpMment with police pItroJ lChIdullng, 1IJocItJon, pItroJ bat dMlgn, Ind community probJem IdelltlllCltlon ClplbHlIIM. The Syltlm .. CUItomlzed for LIce..... II heralnefter referrId to .. "the SotlwIre." E. LIoI..... .11. to llcenae from Lloenaor the SyIIIm Ind engage the LIoINIOr to cllltomlze tha Syatem to produce the Softwlre to IIIMt LIce.....'. lpecJfIc MId.lnd requirements. AGREEMENT Lice..... Ind LIceNIOr Igree .. followa: SectIon I. Grant of LIce..... LlceNlOr grante to LIcenIM I nonaalgnlble, Indlvlllble, nolltrlnlferl'lble, nonMYWlbJe, nonexclullw lIC1na to UII the Software IUbject to the terrna of thll Contract. SectIon 2. DMcrIptIon of the SoftwIre. The Software conallte of four Intercllplncllnt componente: the PolIce PIIroI SchIduUng Syatem (PPSS), the Police Belt o..lgn Syatem (pBDS), the HIring 8yatem (PHIRE), Ind the MW OynImJc Community Policing Syatem (DCP8). ".. four colllpOlllnta will operata In complementary feahlon to provide Lice..... wfth the following Clplblllt...: (I) PPSS: achldulng polloi officii,. bald on worIdold ellmancla by INllyzlng police ClII date. o o (b) PBDS: .nalyzlng p.trol buts bued on cell. .nd creating but _Igna .nd boundarl... (c) PHIRE: .nalyzu pIItroI otflC8r nMd. .nd .lloc8tlons to management .,... .nd .....ts management In rnlloc8tlon clacl.lons of otflC8,. betw..n .,.... (d) DCPS: .nalyzu patrol ba8ta .nd ldentlfl.. domln.nt problam. .nd their grid IoclItlon by hour of day .nd help. ...Ign parsonnal to solva the u..r Hlected problama. The Softw.,. Is de.lgned to ...Iat Llcen... In Improving the afflclancy of tha .chedullng. b8at.,.. de.lgn. .nd .lloC8tlon to .,.. .nd but of the Llcen...'. patrol offlcera. The Soflw8ra .. designed to provlcla thl. function baaed on p8at .nd proJacted police call d8ta .nd LIcen...'. partlcu"r requl,.ments .nd n..d.. The softwara I. Intsnded by the partin to .upplament but not repiac8 the L1cen...'. pro....1ona1 dec"lon-m8ldng capabllltle. for each of the abovHlllcrlbed taka. Tha Softwa,. I. d..lgned to .now the Llcen...'. UHra to Incorporate .ubjectlva .nd human flIctora Into .11 their final schedu.... .lloc8tIons. .nd but de.lgns by .Imply ovartyplng the reauna to Implament the UHr'. p,,",.ncn for daployment plllna. The,.fore. the LloInaor .hall not .nd cannot control the Llcens..'. UH of the Softwa,.. Tha Llcens.. I. fully ,.sponslble for varlfylng the qu.llty .nd accuracy of .11 Implemented deploymant p1.na used by the Licensor. Section 3. Cuatomlzatlon. Llcansor wID CU8tomID na System to meet the requl,.ments .nd nMd. of Licensee, .ccordlng to the following plen: (.) LIoInHa will provlda Licensor .11 MC....ry data from Licensee'. central d8ta fila In compliance with the .peclflcatlon. defined In the documantatlon dallvared to L1cens.. by LIcanaor. .uch .pacIfIcatIons baing Incorporated Into thl. Contract by ,,",.nce .nd .graed to by the LIcen.... (b) Following prov"lon of Llcen...'. data to Licensor, .nd In accordanca with Section 6 herein. Licensor. at LIcanaor'. otflC8, will customlza the System to permit the Softw.,. to 0p8f8ta on Licensee'. computar hardware. SactJon 4. Llcaft8H'. Hardwa,.. LIcanaee win _ the Softw.,. on the following computer ("L1cen...'. owned' herdwara (with the fnt growth In hardwa,. cepabllltles .nd to maxlmlD the parformance of the softw_, the microcomputer .houlcl not ba purohaHd EARLIER that ona month befo,. Jnatallatlon of the aoflw8,. to .11ow for the purchaaa of the moat powarful.nd hlghaat cepaclty herdwa,. for the price) or na equivalent: (.) IBII-AT Pentium 8O+MH Pentium microcomputer. with at Iant .lxty-four (64) mag.bytes of RAM memory, . math COproCI.'or. . atanderd AT kayboard with cursor kays. . Mlcroaofl or compatible ~. . supar VGA VIcIao Card wRh 102411768 raaolutlon .nd 2MB of RAM. .nd . 17" to 21" SlIpIl' VGA color monitor, with DOS 6.0 or higher; (b) . floppy disk drive cepable of raedlng high density 3.6 Inch dlakattat; (c) . hard disk drlva with at Iant two glgabytaa of memory .nd 8tackar to make the disk apace four glg.byta. dedicated to the Soflwara, .nd . 160MB Bernoulli Box with 3 cartrldgn for _y transfer of fI... by mall HrvIca; (d) . compatible lanr printer cepable of text .nd graphic.; (a) .n alectronlc data transfer cepabUIty to permit trana"r of d8ta from Llcen...'. m.lnfr.me or other computer to the computer daacrlbed In (.); o o (I) a Hayaa compldlble modem for tnlnafer of data and fllea between Llcen... and Licensor of at Ieaat 14400 baud rata; (g) .uppllaa, including floppy dlaka, dlak labela, papar, and ,.lated .upplle. for computer daacrlbad In (a}-(I). (h) optional: sound board with .peakera. LIcen... Ia raaponslble for provlcllng .tendard oparatlng .yatem softwa,. (DOS 6.2 or above) and drlvera for the computer and printer daacrlbad In (a}-(h) above. Section 5. Training. (a) Llcenaaa .hall de.lgnate one Indlvlclual to ..rye .. liaison ("Llaleon") with Licensor. liaison .hall be the Individual raapon.lbl. for the operation and control of the Softwa,. following complatlon of tnllnlng. (b) Licensor .hall train the Liaison and up to four (4) additional parson. daalgnated by Llcenaaa. The Llalaon and the four (4) peraona daalgnated ara he,.lnatlar ,.fa~ to .. the "tralnaa." and wlll..rye a. tralnera for other mambera of Llcen..... .taff. (c) Llcenaaa ahall make Ivery raasonable Iffort to ..Iact .. the tralneaa Indlvldull. who have baaIc fIImlllarlty with the _ of personal computera and the L1cen_'. police achadullng proceduraa. (d) Llcenaor .haIl devotl the amount of tlma requl. to train the tralnaaa to the aatlafactlon of Llcanaaa, up to a maximum of thlrty-two (32) houra of the Llcansor'. tlma. Thl. tralnlng.hall be 01H1te at Llcanaaa'.1ocatIon Ind .hall u.. the Softwara on the Llcen_'. computer. (I) Training ahall conslat of taachlng the tralnaa. how to u.. the Softwa,. In order to generata achadulea, baata, and aaalgnmanta for the Llcenaaa'. patro/ offlcera. Section 6. nma Schadule for Cuatomlutlon of Syltem, lnatlllatlon, Ind Training. Licensor IncI LIcen_ will perform the following taka In accordance with the following achadull: (I) Atllr this Conbact Ia IIgned by both partlaa, or .. lhortIy thlraatllr .. poulble, LIcanIaa wll noIIfy L1cI/lIOI' that Llcanaaa Ia IbIe to provlcle Llcanaor with dati from Llcanaaa'l central dati fIIaa which LIcanIor needa to begin to cuatomiH the Syatem to IIlHt Llcanaaa'. naada Ind requl,.manla. ThIa datalhall be provlclld within 10 diva of contract Ilgnl"ll. Llcanaor with full cooperation andluppolt from Uoanaaa'lltaff will work with the raw data and wll convert this dati Into the format requl._ defined by the Llcenaor. Additi0nai data ~. may be requl.. Thla prooaaa Ia new Ind may requlra up to thraa (3) montha to complate. The flnlahad softwara wUI be owned by Llcanaor. Llcanaaa have full rIghta to u.. thla download procaellng program on the Llcenaaa'. p~I_. At the tlma of completion of thla slip tlma will begin to count for III following taka. (b) Licensor, at Llcaneor'. IXpanM, ahall thin travel to Llcana..'a location to gather the data Ind other information l1IOIII..ry to permit Uoansor to cuatomiH the Syatem to meat LIcanaaa'. particular need. Ind requlramanta. The generic achldullng Syatem will be Installld at that tlma. o o (c) Within to (10) _ka .r nlCelpt 01 the d8t8 aa claacrlbed In aubparagl'lpM (a) and (b) ab0v8. Llc8nsor shall complete the customlz8tlon 01 the Systam. Licensor, at Llcensor'a expenu. ahllll then tl'lvela aacond time to Llcen...'a location to elfact pl'lllmlnary installation 01 the softwara and conduct an Initial tl'llnlng 01 the TI'II_. Licensor ahalllnform LIce_ It lNat five (6) dlya Ih8Id 01 the time 01 the trip. Licensor ahlll devote a minimum 01 Ilx (6) houra conducting Initial training, lor III the train... combined. during the Initial tI'Ilnlng period. (d) WIthin alxty (60) dlYI following pl'lllmlnary Inatallatlon and Initial tl'llnlng la described In aUbP8ragl'lph (c) ab0v8. Llcenaor. at Llcensor'a expen... ahllll tl'lval I final time to LIce_'alocatlon to effect flnallnatallatlon 01 the Softwal'l and to conduct final training 01 the TI'lInHa. Licensor ahllll devote a minimum 01 twenty.four (24) hours conducting final tI'Ilnlng. for all the Tralnna combined. during the llnal training period. (e) Training 01 the Tralnna ahall ....ult In the generstlon 01 realistic achldulla and beat deslgna. (I) Licensor ahall apend I minimum 01 thlrty-two (32) houra conducting Inltllllnd final tl'llnlng 01 Tl'lln... at Llcen...'a location. Th8H houra ahall ordinarily be distributed over normal bualna.. houl'l. but the toter ahalllnclude off.ahlft or wHlcand hoursapent tl'llnlng the Tralnna. (g) Licensor ahall apend a maximum 01 one hundrld (100) houra over the couru 01 normal bUllnna hours. and ~end hours If any. on-slte at Llcen...'a location In the following taaka: (1) pthllrlng the data and other material neceasary to customize the System; (2) tl'llnlng 01 the Traln..a; (3) Inatalllng the Softwara. (h) Installation 01 the Softwara ahall be conalclerld complete upon the occurrence 01 the following II approved by Licen...: (1) The softwanl properly readland procaa... the d8t8 provlcled by the LIca_ln orcl8r to produce the forecasts, achedu.... and beata. (2) Testing and completion by the tl'llnna 01 the flrat ....llstlc PPSS achedulaa for fIaIcl un of Licensee la gel1ll'lltad; (3) Licensor clallvel'l to LIcenSH all available documentation nllatlng to the operation of the Softwal'l and the souroe coda for the aoItwIl'I. (4) Testing 01 aU components to Insure they prov1c18 theabllly to cI8aIgn bMta, foracut oftIcar needI. and produce beet dealgna that al'l ,...1atIc for the LIcen... to un In practlca. Teetlng will occur during the ftnal training period when every upect of the software will be utlllzecl. If any "buga" occur following thla period and during the one year 01 free maintenance and support period or following maintenance and support perIoda the Llcansor will nlpalr them and ahlp overnight chIIngu via Bernoulli Cartridge to the Ucenaee to be copied onto L1cena..'a computers (... llso aactlon 7). (I) If Licensor muat travel to L1cena..'a location on additional tripe beyond the th.... (3) trlpa daacrlbed In aubparsgl'lpha (b). (c). and (cI) lbove. Llcan.... for each additional trip requlrad. ahllll ralmburee Llcanaor for Llcensor'a travel expen... Ind pay Licensor the aum of One Hundrld and Twenty FIva Dollars ($126.00) par hour for 1 o o Licensor's time on-alte Id Llcen_'s location. un.... the need for the IddltlOl\llI trlp(s) wu due to an error or omlulon on the part of Licensor. 0) Llcenaor Ind Llcen_ shlnmeke every effort end will cooperete wnh eech other to limit the totel time betw..n L1ce~ providing the dete to Licensor. Ind the flnll trelnlng end Inatlllldlon (IS defined In subpsregreph (h)) to one hundred twenty (120) dsys. (k) Llcen_ shIll be ruponslble for date Ind Softwlre beckup on I reuonable periodic b8s1e. "Llcen_ requires I new copy of the Softwlre. Lloanaor shall provide uld copy It I coat to L1cena.. of not more than Two Hundred Dolllre ($200.00 US) plus shipping. Section 7. Mllntenance. Licensor shall provide one (1) yelr of f,.. mllntellllnce of the Soflwllre commencing the dlY following the dlde of Instellldlon .. defined In Section 8(h). Malntellllnce Is defined IS the following: (1) COlT8Ctlons of Iny error. mllfunctlon. or defect In the Softwlre. Licensor shallmeke III corrections by meH or modem. Lloan..e Is ruponslble for properly copying files Ind undlng them vlllmell or modem to Lloansor; (2) Up to twenty (20) houre of telephone COI\IIultlng ..rvIcu Innlllted by LIoa~. exclusl". of eny melntellllnce time required .. I ruun of the telephone consulting Inltllted by L1cen_; (c) Provide required modlflcetlons by teleproceulng, mln, or other Ipproprlllte delivery method. SectIon 8. Llo8nsor Limned One Vur Wlrrenty. Licensor wlrrente that the Software, when 11llIte11ed. Is In good opemlng condition. free of defects Ind errore. Ind mHte the IplCltlcatlollll .. defined In the written cIocurnentlltlon end materllll provlclecl to the L~ by the LIcensor. Thll werrenty lhall nIINIln In effect for I period of _ (1) YMr commencing wnh the day following the dlde of Inatellltlon .. defined In SectIon 8(h) of this Contrect. LIcensor Wlrrente that. to the belt of LIcensor'1 knowIecIge end bellefa, on the date of execution of this Contl'lCt, the Sptam end III rIghtI thereto _ owned by Llcensor.lnd do not vIoIIIte Iny third party'1 copyright, patent, trecIe 180m or other PfOprl8tery right. Lloanlor further Wlrrente thIIt, to the best of LIcensor'1 knowledge and bel..... the Syatem II free end cIeIr of III hna end encumbrencu, and thIIt, to the belt of Llcensor'1 knowledgelnd bel..... the I""'" of the Software to. and UN thereof by LIoa_. compl'" wnh alllppllclble FecIenII. State, end IooIIIIWI, ruin, end l'IIIulltlona. The extent of LIcensor'1 IlIbllly uncler this Wlrrenty lhall be limned to the correction or repllcement of the Soflwllre. or Iny der.ctl". portion thereof.1d L~'I location Id Llcensor'l own coat Ind expenu, provlclecl notice of slid defect or error II given to Llcenaor during the melntellllnce period, or any extenllon of the melntensnce period. The werrent... lhall not apply" (1) the Software II not uud In eccordllnce with the L1censor'l Inltructlons Ind documentlltlon. or (2) Llcen_'1 hardWlre or other aoftwIre II the IOUICtI of the error or melfunctlonl, or (3) other CIUH within the control of L1cen_ relultlln the Softw_ becomlnglnoperetl".. Any mod"lcItlons to the SoflwllrelNlcle by LIce~ wnhout the advice and IpproVlI of Licensor Ihlll termlnllte thll Wlrrenty; provlclecl. howe".r. thIIt Lio8_ mey mike modlficltlonl Ind opeme wRhout the Wlmlnty while ullng the aottwlreal modified by o o the Llcen_. but nlstonl the _/'nInty once Llcen_ nlverts to the Soflwllnl provldecl by Licensor by reIoedlng .n unmodltlecl beckup copy of the Soflwllnl. All modified eoftw.nI .nd .yetems .nI .ubject to .11 nlStrlctlona on Llcenue described elsewhenl In thl. contnlct Including Section. II .nd11. Licensor disclaims any .nd .lIexpnlS. or Implied w.rnlntl.. of merchanteblllty or fltn... for . particular purpo... except those _/'nIntle. .tated In thl. Section. Llceneor expnlssly limits Its lI.blllty for .ny lallunl of the Product(.) to exclude .ny consequential or aconomlc d.mage.. For .ny bnlach of w.rnlnty or other Injury to Llcen.... Llcen..... right of I'IIOOvery .hall be limited to the .um paid to Llceneor or under this Contnlct. SactIon II. Rlghts.nd Non-...lgneblllty. L1cenue, hi. .gents. .nd employ... .hall not transfer. .sslgn, or deliver the Soflwllnl or the license gnlnted henlln to .nother party without the prior written COIlMnt of Licensor. No backup copy of the Softwanl may be nlmoved from Llcenue'. pnlmlaea (Pnlmlaea Include multiple atructUnlS owned by the City of San .rnerdlno Police Department) except upon prior written con..nt of licensor. The license he....n granted convey. no right to grant Ilce_ or .ubllceneaa for the Softwanl. Any derivative. of the eoflwllnl. all docwnentatlon, and nllated material. nlmaln the property of the Licensor and I. .ubJect to.1I the condition. .pplylng to.n orlglnel copy. Sactlon 10. Deleted SactIon 11. Proprlatary Information. Non-dlsclosunl. and Duplication. Llcen.... his agents, .ndemployees (nlfarnId to .. .Imply Llcenue In this Sactlon) understand and 811'" that the Softwanl, the daalgn spaclflcatlon., and the documentation conllllne Information of . confidential, trade seem. or other proprietary value to Licensor .nd th.t dlaclo.unl by Llcen... of .uch Information to unauthorized third partl.. will ceuae great.nd potantlally Ifnlpanlble harm to Llceneor. Llcen_ .hall not tranelar, assign, or deliver tha Softwanl or the Iloan.. granted hel'llln to .nother without the prior written consent of licensor. Llcenue .g,... to safeguard .nd k..p confidential all such proprietary Information including Systems programe, documentation, modification., .nd convi"ratona In aIrIcteat confidence, using at IHat the same ctegn18 of cenl accorded Licensee'. own proprietary or conftdentlallnformatlon. LIcen... shall take all nI8SOn.bIe pnlC8ut1one to pnlV8nt dlsclo.unl of Llceneor'. proprietary Information (Includlng.ny derlvatI_ works) by Llcenue'. employees agente, "'PnlHntIItIvea, or .ny third pIIrty gl.n ecceaa to the Llcenue'. pntm..... No backup copy of the Softwanl may be nIlIlOV8d from LIoenaH'. pnIm1ua (pramlaea Include multiple atructunlS owned by the CIty of San Bernardino PoIIoe Depa. tment) except upon prior written coneant of LIcenaor. It Is agreed that any derlvatl-c.) of the software, documentation, or proprietary matertala _ the property of the Llceneor and like the orlglnela may not be bartenld, sold, or otherwIaa tranefarrad to any third party without the prior wrllten consent of the LIoenaor. The IIcenaa henlln granted convey. no right to grant 11can_ or aub/lceneaa for the Softwanl. SactIon 12. Indemnity. Licensor .halllndemnlfy, deland..nd hold LIcen_, Its .genlll, .nd employees. harmlaea from .ny lou, damage. or 11ab/1Ily from .ny .Ult or claim for Inlrlngemente of .ny Unltecf States plltent right or copyright by the Syetem or the Softw_ dellvenld under thla Contract, provided LIcan_ promptly notifies Licensor In wrlUng when and If such .ult, cl.lm, or action Ia brought .galnst Llceneee and further provided that Llcen... permits Licensor to deland. compromlae, or ..ttIe the same .nd give. Llceneor all .vallable Information .nd raaeoneble .......nce In the delan.., compromise. or aettlement of .uch claim. o o L1ceneor provldM Softwa,. to LIce_ which has the ability to have manual oventcla on alllnputa and outputs, and ~ ag_ that Llceneor he. no control over the ftnal deployment plans procIucad. Tha,.fo,., It Is undar8tood that LIce_ Is fully responsible for all c1aployment pIIna which the Softwa,. helped develop and thai any .uch plan. proclucad by uaa,. of the Softwa,. that Impact Ita VlrIou. communnl.. and conatltuanclaa a,. soIaly the ,.aponalblllty of the LIce_. Section 13. Tarm of Llcen... SUbJect to the provisions of SectIon 15 balow, the Licensor g,.nta allean.. to UM the Softwa,. which .haIl date from the completion of the In.tallatlon a. daftnad In SectIon 6(h) and contInua In force for ten (10) yea,.. Thla LIcen.. carrl.. and Implle. no wa".nty addnlonal to that atatad In SIctIon . of thla Contract. All protection of proprietary eoftwa,., documantatlon and apacIfIcatJona .. daftned In thla agraamant will ,.maln In affect for fifteen ,..... following the completion of thla Installation. Section 1.. Paymants. L1cen_ ag_ to pay Llceneor for the Ilcen.. of the Softwa,., and for the ..rvlcaa ,.ndarad undlr this Con~ In the following amounta: (a) the .um of Forty-ThrM Thousand DoIIa,. ($a,ooo) for the Softwa,. Ucen.. sI the tlma this Contract Is IXecuted; (b) the sum of Flftun ThouMnd Dolla,. ($15,000) at the tlma tha generic achadullng.ystam I. put on the LIce_'. computar .. c1aftned In Sactlon 6(b); (c) the.um of FIftun ThouMnd Dollara ($1&,000) wfthln thIrty (30) days attar the Iaat date of TraInIng; and (d) thl sum of Elghtun Thou..nd Dollara ($18,000) at the completion of Installation and tasting .. deftned In SectIon 6(h). (I) Fraa IIIIIntanance and .upport Ia provldacl during ftrat yaar following In.tallatlon. SectIon 1&. Termination of Contract. LIoan_ may te~ thle Contract at any tlma by notifying LIoa_1n writing and complying with the conditions ... forth balow. ~ has the option to cancel thle Contract, with refund of any and all monle. paid to Licensor, wfthln ..van (7) days of the date of execution of this Contract. LIce_ 811_ that, upon termination of thle Contract, for whataver raaeon, LIcenaaa will: 1. Immacllataly ceaaa using the Software, System, and all ...... materials. 2. Return any and aU cop'" of the Software and System, In both machine rMdabIa and hard copy forma, In the pc.....lon of LIoanuI,Ita agents or employ.... 3. Return to Llceneor the madIa on which the Software and Syatam was origInally distributed a11111n the po.....lon of the Lloanaaa, Ita agantI, or employl..; and, .. Retum to LIce_ the documentation and apaclflcatlon for and of the Software and the System stili In the pouualon of LIce_, Ita agents, or .mpJo,.... 5. Llcenaaa will ,.maln ,.aponalble for protecting the prop......ry values of the System and Softwa,. .. c1aftnad In SectIon 11 and other ,.1atId uctlona Indaftnftaly . o o Licensor IIlIY wlthholclMY nlfund due I.IceneM unUl u..n.. hu provided written certmc.tlon to Licensor thIt Ucenue l1li1 compllecl with the lbove condltlona. LIcenIH ltulII be entitled to I nlfund of Iny mon... paid to Llcenaor,lCCOrdlng to the following actuldule: 1. "LIeIIllM termlllltn thll ContrllCt It any time during the period from the eighth day Ifter the dill of pllclng the generic IOftwlnI on the Department'l computer to, but not Including, the dill of completion of tnllnlng, Lice.... 1l1li11 receive I nlfund from LlclnlOr In thelmount of Six Thou..nd DoIII,. ($8,000 US) out of thelnltlll payment defined In SectIon 14(1) Ind 1l1li11 not be IlIbIe for Iny further payment or Iny further ..rvlcel or time not ylt performed under thll Contrlctj 2. "LIcIIIIM termlllltn thle ContrllCt It Iny time during the period from thl dltll of completion of tnInlng to, but not including, the dill of flllIIlllItllllltlon .. dlflned In SectIon I(h), UceIllM allllll bllntIIIId to I nlfund from Licensor In thelmount of SIVIn Thouund DoII1rs ($7,000 US) Ind 1l1li11 not be IlIbIa to LIoaIllM for Iny further paymente, time, or ..rvIcea not yet performed under thll Contrlctj 3. "LIoaIllM termlnatel thle Contnlct It Iny time on or following the dltll of lnatlllltlon II defined In SectIon 8(h) Ucen_ 1l1li11 not be entitled to Iny further nlfund, Lloanaor time, or LIcensor 1II'VIcM. Llcenaor IIlIY terminate th.. ContnIct: 1. "lick of prognIU .. due to lnacllqultllaupport from LIceIllM In prIpII'ItIon of the _"Iry dill within the IIx month(l) of cohbilClalgnlng, Llcenaor mey terminate the contnlct and LIcIIIIM aIlIIlI receive I nlfund from LIcenIOI' In the lmount of Six Thouund DoIIInI ($8,000 US) out of the Inlllll payment defined In Slctlon 14(1) and ahall not be IlIbIe for Iny further payment or Iny further urvIceI or time not yet performed under thll Contnlctj 2. "LIce.... fab to provide or meD IVIlllbII LIcIn.. 1'1 computer Ind nllItId - hlrdwlnlln full working order II deacrIbIcIln SectIon 4, L1clnsor IIlIY tlrmlnate the contrIct and LIcIIlIM IIIIIDI'IOIIw I I'IfuncI from IJoInaor In the lmount or Six Thouund DoIIarI ($8,000 US) out or the Inlllll pIyIIIInt dIfIned In SectIon 14(1) Ind IhllI not be 111* for any further payment or Iny further urvIceI or time not yet performed uncler th" ContnIctj 3. " LIcenMI'1 vIoIItu SectIon 14 by faDing to pay LIcenaor the amountelt the time ItlItlId thenlln thin I.IcIneor mey termlnltll the Co.lb...A and L~ aIlIIlI not be IlIbla for Iny further payment or Iny furtllllr _ .~ or time IlGI yet performed uncler thIa Contnlcl; SectIon 11. SIVInIbIUty. Each provlllon of..... Contl_ otIlIIr thin 8IctIona 1,.... I, 11, 12, 13, Ind 14, IIlIIII be ..venlbll from the whoII. "MY aevarabla provIIIon(l) of thIa Contnlct II found contnlry to law, the nIIIIIIlncler of the Conlract IIlIIII conUnueln full force. SIctIon 17. Governing Law. ThII ContrllCt ....1 be governed by IIwa of the StItlI of ClllfornII. - o o Section 18. Forum. Licensor and LIcenM'lIlIlM tNd till Courta of till StIItI of c.llfom.ln till County of 8IIn hrMrdlno, c.llfomlll, .....1..". .xclualve Jurlacllctlon of any IltIgMlon bItwIIn LIceIlHl and LlcenIor arising out of this ContfllCt. SectIon 18. RIVIIw of RlCOrdI. LlcenlOr and Lice.... aglM tNd _h pIIrty'. boob, l'ICorcIs, and fll.. ra'-tlng to th. Contl'llCt and the pIIJt1u' performance tIlIfIof .....1 be.ubjlct to .xamlnatlon by till other pIIrty for I pII'IocI of two (2) years lifter final pIIymant unclar th. Contl'llCt II dllCrlbIcIln Section 14(d). Thl. plOvlalon .hlllapply to III grants, IIIlgnmanta, luau, Ind .ubcontracta, If Iny. SectIon ZO. Incllplncllnt Contl'llCtor StatuI. While .ngagedln CIIrry1ng out till tIrmI Ind condition. of this Contract, LlCIInaor . In Indlpencllnt CClollbactor IncI . not an offlclr nor qant of LIceIlHl, Ind Llcenaaa Is not In IlIIployar nor an 1gent of LIcensor, Ind nalthlr hu any axplMa or Implllld luthorlly to act on till other'. behalf or hu no up- or Implllld authority to act on LIcenMI'. behalf. Llcen... ahall heve only the right to control the final rasults of Licensor'. Hrvlcll randlracl pursuant to this Contl'lCt Ind such rights with rqlrd to the tlma of performanCl tIlIraof I' lralplclftClllly dlacrlblclln this Contl'llCt. Llclnaaa lhall not hlv, Iny right to control till muM by which LIClnsor performs thellrvlcll Nqulracl under the tIrmI of thl. ContfllCt. SectIon 21. Provlalona Fllqulred by Law. Each ancI .very ptoVIaIon required by law to be contalnac:lln thl. contl'llCt .hall be dllmad to be 10 Incorpofltld Ind till ContI'llCt ahall be ,..d Ind anforcacIlI though n W_ 10 Incorpoflllcl. SectIon 22. AttomIys' F... If Iny legal action Is _...ry to enforce the terms or conditions of this Contract, the pravalllng pIIrty ahall be.ntltllcl to fIIIOnablelttornays' .... Ind coati In addition to Iny other raI..f to which tNd party may belntltlld. SectIon 23. NoIIoII. All notIcII required to be dellVlfld uncIar this Contract or under Ippllclb"lIw .h111 be dlllvered by Unltld Statal ClrtlftlcllIIIIIl or by reputable document d111very III'VICI .uch II Fedlral Exp..... NotIcIIlhll belffactlve at 1:00 p.m. on tIlI_nd C11l1nc1ar day following dispatch. Licensor'. Add_: LIce_'. Add_: Analyals c.ntralSyatlma 872 HIIwthornI DrIve T1buron, CA N820 City of 8IIn Barnardlno Police Dapllrtmlnt .. Waat 4th StraIt San Barnardlno, CA lI2401 A copy of all notIoII ahal be Hnt to till City Attornay of LIcIIlHI at LIcInaaI'.lICIdflll. Llclnsor IhIII Hnd auch copy by thI procIII dlftnac:lln thI first parqraph of this SectIon. Change. In thelffactlve add_ of lither party ahall count II a modlflcltlon of this Contract and_ effactIve only If medlln writing with notlCl given to the other perty, SectIon 24. InaulllnCl. Llclnaor" .hall carry and maintain I policy of peraonnalllsblllty In,ulllnCI In In lmoUnt not .... thIn OnIlllllIon DoIlsrs ($1,000,000) covering plraonallnJury Ind property dlmage. .4 - - L o o SectIon 2&. F_ Majeura. The cIItM or tI_ by which either pmy Is MqUIMd to perfonn under this Contnlct ahall be extandecI to the extent that that perty la prevent.cI from _tlng the requlMd date or time whelher caUMcl by an act of God or public .......y; war or riot; any local, atate, or RIltIonlII ~ or un...... condition; atonn, tIoocI, MrthquaH, or other natural forcaa; tI... or explosions; labor tJoubIM or atrIl&M; unavoldllble IICCldent; enactment or laaua_ of any fIderaI, atate, or local law or order, rula, or regulation of a gonmmental authority; or the IlCta of anyone not a perty to this Contract; or any cause of the ..me or aim liar Idnd or chllractar. Neither perty ..... be conalcl8red In daf8uft of thla Contract to the extent performancala pranntad or .Isyacl by any cause, prM8nt or futUM, which la beyond the I'MSOMble control of the party. SectIon 21. Publication of Ruulta; Publicity; Marketing of System by Showcaalng SoftwaM. Licensor ahan hen the right to publish the ...ulta of the Installation, openltlon, or perfonnanca of the Softwara, but may not by such In any WIly ra_1 the partloulara of Llcena..'alnformatlon concamlng the proprlatllry operation of the LIce_ or the LIce_'a datIL ShouIcl Licensor wish to ahow the System ..Installed at LIce_'a location to other poIantlall___, LlceMor muat flrat obtain nrbal approVlll from L1ca_ apeclfylng the date and time for such a vIaIt and the IncIIvlcluals to whom the Softwara will be shown. LIceMM 811.... to cooperate with LIcensor In ahowlng the operation of the SoIlwIIra to other potential LIcenMM at dates and tlmea that will not Interfera with LIcenaM'a use of the Softwara or other openItIona of La- and will malra IMSOfl8bIe effort to han liaison aVllllabla when the Softwara Is belngallown. SactIon 27. Dalated. Sectlon 21. Entlra Coub~ This Conlnlct conatItutM the effective Contnlct IMIlwHn the parIIM. This Contnlct ahall hen no forca and en.ct untO executed by (1) a duty authorlDc:l offIcar of LIca_, purauant to any raqulMd action by LlcanaM'a gonmlng authority, (2) a duly authorlucl offlcar, empIoyM, or agant of LIcensor, and (3) upon execution of SectIon 14 paragraph (a). SectIon 21. 1IocIItIcatIon. This ContnIct can be mocIllIecI only by an aglMlMnt In writing, algned by both partIN, and pursuant to e.DIIon 21, of which the notice and a copy of the modltlcatlon Is ..nt to both partIN pursuant to SectIon 23. .~._:.... -L. o o IN WITNESS WHEREOF the p.rtIH to this Contl'llCt h.ve .Igned .nd executed this Contl'llCt. cm OF SAN BERNARDINO ("LIce_") By: 8M Bertlllrdlno ReplMelltlltlve DlIte