HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-Parks & Recreation CITY OF SAN BERN. IIDINO - REQUEST F R COUNCIL ACTION From: ANNIE F. RAMOS, DIRECTOR Subject: REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 911.50 FOR USE OF STURGES AUDITORIUM Dept: PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES BY THE INLAND CITIES HARMONY EXPRESS CHORUS. Date: JUNE 15, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: DU?W;'OFflC&' lJ.JN948:51 Recommended motion: Form Motion 1: That the request to waive fees for rental of Sturges Auditorium by The Inland Cities Harmony Express Chorus in the amount of $ 911.50 be denied. or Form Motion 2: That the request to waive fees for rental of Sturges Auditorium by The Inland Cities Harmony Express Chorus in the amount of $ 911.50 be approved. cZ~~ 1. L Signature Contact person: John A. Kramer Staff Report, Letter of Request Supporting data attached: and Aool ication Phone: 5031 1 Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $ 911.50 Source: (Acct. No.! (Acct. DescriPtion) Finance: Council Notes: * A portion of these funds ($ 677.50) would be deoosited into a revenue account for use of facilities should the requestin9 group be required to pay. These are funds which assist the department in offsettino some of the costs associated with staffinq, utilities and repair costs for furnishing the facility. The remainder of these funds ($ 234) would be dpposited into the Sturges Replacement Trust Fund Account to be used for the reolacement of the theatre equipment as it becomes worn and unrepairable. 1} 75-0262 Agenda Item No. ~_ CITY OF SAN BERNI'RDINO - REQUEST F"~ COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 911.50 FOR USE OF STURGES AUDITORIUM BY THE INLAND CITIES HARMONY EXPRESS CHORUS. The Inland Cities Harmony Express Chorus is requesting the waiver of fees for the use of Sturges Auditorium on December 9 and 10, 1994. Cost for the use of the auditorium is $ 911.50. Resolution 91-35 allows the Mayor and the Common Council to exempt non-profit corporations and associations organized primarily for patriotic, civic betterment or charitable purposes from the rates and fee schedules for the use of parks and recreation facilities, services and equipment under the condition that paying the fees would create a hardship and if the event is of unusual benefit to the citizens of San Bernardino. This department recommends denial of the request based on the following: 1. The payment of the fee does not constitute a fmancial hardship since the event has the capability of generating $ 4,500 through admission fees. 2. The event is not of unusual public benefit since there are already a variety of concerts, shows and performances available for public entertainment. 3. City Council has previously taken the position of not waiving fees for Sturges Auditorium with the intention of recovering as much of its operating costs as possible. Staff/Inland Harmony 6/15/94 amt '5.0264 Inland Cities Harmony Express May 27, 1994 DiAiN. UiHCi::'Shauna Clark, City Administrator City of San Bernardino 1 MAY 94 11: 22300 N. 0 Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 re: Inland Cities Harmony Express Barbershop Chorus Holiday Show at Sturges Auditorium, December 10, 1994 Dear Ms. Clark, First, I would like to thank the City of San Bernardino for allowing us to schedule our Annual Holiday Show on December 10, 1994 at Sturges Auditorium. I am sure that all who attend will be uplifted by the experience and will feel more in the spirit of the holidays. As a non-profit organization, we do use events such as this to raise funds for our on-going expenses (i.e. rehearsal hall rent, show expenses, etc.). However, we are also interested in keeping our ticket prices low so that more San Bernardino Citizens might attend. On behalf of my chapter, I would like to request that our referenced show be considered for a waiver of building rental fees for the above date. It is my understanding the City Council considers such requests an a case-by-case basis. If this might be possible, please inform me of the proper way to make a request. If a presentation is required, a quartet of barbershop singers may become available. Sincerely, ~ Dale Vaughn, President Inland Cities Harmony Express RECEIVED , \J 1 1994 PK., AEe. & COf\1M. SVC. PARKS, RECREATiON AND COMMUNITY SERVICES APPLlCA TION/PERMIT TO USE PUBLIC PARK OR RECREATION FACILITY Date of Applica! ion: 6 //3 /9;./ , NameandAddressofApplicanVOrganization: -/11lL./}1I/,,) (',rleS fI,4l'i"l-Io",-,''-' EJ4.-4,lr'c!;S' C't"k.cvr , $1/7 "ucWdI.M''I Av&' ...fA,.,- 0ERN'"c"".i>ltV.> I C',,4 . Faciltty Requested: S7t-J~t$t--S- (!tA.! I-e-if? !?E'#E/J.('S19-L lol/';I/9Y 1f'e.H€-t1.cS4t ?/f'~i" 10:0"'"""" DateofActivttyA-;..?,..-",~7""tI.vccs /-'ftcft;.-limeofAct;,'tty: /~p"...., 1'.:> A.M./P.M. To Ie; JD/'.tt A.M./P.M. , ?EKj--c.t'4u(!C'''s .2l'P&/,.e, ": F'k'o.=J>~'P1 Nature of ActivitylEvent: C'iI/IStlldS C"cdt"c--:.pr Describe Planned Activtties: 1','t2 ;<-".,7 ~( (,t) '1.,J Yo"; oI~,->,:? c't0?/S/H/'5 C',&/1/C'c-,)f'7S HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMEI - Applicant hereby acknowledges that he/she has read, understands, and will come. \ h all provisions of Chapter 12.80, Municipal Code, Ctty of San Bernardino. California pertaining to use of Park and Recrea:.Jn faciltties.' Applicant hereby assumes all responsibility to leave areas in a neat and clean condttion. Applicant agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the City of San Bernardino, California, from any and all liability for injury to persons or property occuring as a result of this activity and agrees to be liable to said C~y for and all damage to any park, faciltty, building, pool, equipment, and furntture owned or controlled by City, which results from the activity or permittee or is caused by any participant in said activtt . _ /1 h4Vq('~--1 ~. .gnat diDO / rEI? ~.:/,,-, p"o"",,- ,.r Estimated Attendance: Is Activity Open to the Public? Will Sound Amplilication or Public Address System be Used? <Ie 5 Time of Day Amplilier is to be Used: A.M./P.M. To (Section 12.80.130, City Municipal Code Applies.) ;f}Jf. 13".,) o~f.. , R€q D' "NOTE: This permtt is subject to cancellation by any Police Officer who determines violation of any provision of the City Municipal Code. CLEANING DEPOSIT: II areaAaciltty is not left in clean cond~ion, the depos~ shall be forfe~ed. KEY DEPOSIT: Keys shall be returned within two (2) working days after the event for which the key(s) is issued. If key(s) is not returned promptly, the deposit shall be forfeited. Ji.lblA.1il e, 7/~~ !l4eHOA,J..J EJr;'l?co'f'S C'/,!."tr'Vf Printed Name of Applicant .J1/1 ,J~Id&'<J.c'o./ ~v'~ Address f,+'N' ..B&-A" tV' ~K,PI N P Ctty ip (',/17)",#</ 8Fj'-1.>~').. Phone Number ~-s- , co' ~<' ~ p.) Admission Fee?.5 - ? - i'- A.M./P.M. AVAILA8LE: YES Nq. SPECIAL CONDITIONS APPLY: -LYES FEESlDJOSIT(S) jlEQUIRED: ~ YES FEES: q II, 50 RECEIVED BY: ON RECEIPT .: BY: DEPOSIT(S): U711 RECEIVED BY: DEPOSIT RETURNED TO: 'f(J APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED DATE: NO NO DA~: , 3/'l~ DISTRIBUTION: WHITE: OEPT./FACIUTY GREEN: APPLICANT/USER CANARY: DEPOSIT FilE PINK: POLICE DEPT. GOLDENROD: RISK MGMT.