HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-Redevelopment Agency --- AGENDA ITEM INFORMATION SUMMARY GENE~~TI~ ~ tL - ::;cf ~ ~l V'd ~. Author./A-t.tL~ Ext. 3'139 Ward 1- 3 - (P Project Area m-j. dtM? 6Y\ Committee CommissionJCouncil Filing Oates i I /20; /8c) 1/)3DIZ7 I ' Meeting Oates Funding Requirements ~/A , Budget Authority, RDA MANAGEMENT REVIEW: CLEARANCES: Date Date g~~- \\-2~-~i Yes NlA 0 ~ Accounting ~ ~~ l ( J'L-~ 0 Q~ B JI"~f..Tf Mana .0----- /Su 'sor I DCityAttDmey CITY DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW: 0 [3 City Administrator Date -JAS~ roR(J E. RDA CfHRIfI'lt1Hl recommendation Depl By a!o/~a./ 1'j;"'/i'1 1&L:nn~ Depl By INFORMATIONAL DATA FORWARDED TO CITY DEPARTMENTS/COUNCIL OFFICES: Sent to By Date Mayor's Office Council Ward Council Ward Council Ward Council Ward Department Department COMMENTS/CONCERNS: Include pertinent comments and concerns of offices and persons clearing the summary, such 8S controversial Issues, time constraints and funding complications. Indicate dates when action must be taken. */ RDA -174 REV. 6-29-89 -- Redevelopment Agency · City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street, Fourth Floor . San Bernardino, California 92418 (714) 384-5081 FAX (714) 888-9413 Pride ~ ~ NOVEMBER 29, 1989 REQUEST TO DETERMINE THE NEED TO FORM A PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE Synopsis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Action: 04/03/89 Commission authorized staff to initiate preliminary steps required to consider redevelopment planning for the Mt. Vernon Business Corridor and adjacent areas. 07/20/89 Committee recommended that a meeting be held with Mayor and Committee Members Estrada and Flores to discuss potential boundaries to be discussed by the Commission. (continued on page 2) (MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL) Recommended Motion: Move to ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DETERMINING THE NEED TO FORM A PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE CONCERNING THE MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. Respectfully Submitted, Acting Executive Director Supporting data attached: YES Ward: 1st, 3rd and 6th FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: NONE Project: MV Commission Notes: RT:SG:sm:2539H Agenda of: November 30, 1989 Item No. -- ...-?~ Redevelopment Agency Synopsis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Action: (continued from page 1) 08/07/89 Mayor and Common Council considered redevelopment survey and planning of the Mt. Vernon business corridor and referred matter to Redevelopment Committee to conduct community meetings. 08/10/89 Committee set community meeting dates for September 12, 1989, September 14, 1989 and September 19, 1989 at 6:30 p.m. and asked staff to coordinate the meetings. 08/21/89 Mayor and Council rescinded August 7, 1989 action and formed Mt. Vernon Task Force composed of Councilpersons Estrada, Flores & Pope-Ludlam. 09/21/89 Subsequent to conducting the community meetings, the Task Force recommended the selection of the redevelopment survey area. 10/02/89 a) Mayor and Common Council adopted Resolution 89-397 designating a redevelopment survey area. b) Mayor and Common Council adopted Resolution 89-398 approving a loan agreement between the City and the Commission. c) Mayor and Common Council adopted Resolution 89-399 authorizing the execution of a loan agreement with the Commission. d) Commission adopted Resolution 5209 approving a loan agreement between the City and Commission. e) Commission adopted Resolution 5910 authorizing the execution of a loan agreement with the City. f) Commission authorized the execution of an agreement with Urban Futures, Inc. g) Commission authorized the formation of a Citizen Advisory Committee. 10/10/89 Subsequent to the Council action designating a redevelopment survey area, the Task Force recommended 1989/90 be established as the base year. 10/19/89 The Task Force recommended that the survey area be amended. 11/06/89 Mayor & Common Council adopted Resolution No. 89-439 designating an amended Survey Area. Mayor & Common Council and Commission adjourned to November 13, 1989. 11/07/89 Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. PC89-2 approving the preliminary plan. 11/09/89 The Task Force recommended the acceptance of the Preliminary Plan and discussed the need to form a PAC. 11/13/89 Mayor and Council adopted Resolution No. 89-440 designating a CAC. Commission adopted Resolution No. 5217 accepting the Preliminary Plan and authorized the transmittal of certain documents. 11/26/89 The Task Force recommended the formation of a PAC; and the formation Procedures. RT:SG:sm:2539H 2 Redevelopment Agency S TAr r R E P 0 R T This is to request that the Mayor and Common Council adopt a resolution determining the need to form a Project Area Committee; and approve the procedures to form and select the Project Area Committee. Background The City and Agency have been vigorously pursuing the steps necessary for the establishment of the Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project Area. Initial efforts in this regard consisted of community meetings to ascertain a level of interest and support for the project. Following those initial meetings, the City approved a redevelopment survey area on October 2, 1989, and amended on November 6, 1989 to include additional public-owned land. Following the approval of the amended survey area, the Planning Commission designated proposed project area boundaries and approved the preliminary plan on November 7, 1989. In the ensuing months, several tasks remain to be accomplished in order for a redevelopment plan to be adopted. After approval of a preliminary plan, a preliminary report is prepared concerning the proposed project, a draft redevelopment plan is prepared, and an environmental impact report (EIR) is processed. Negotiations will be concurrently conducted with several taxing agencies and ultimately a noticed public hearing will be conducted to consider the adoption of a redevelopment plan. It is our goal to have the Mt. Vernon Corridor plan in effect by July, 1990. In order to meet this goal, it may be necessary to call Special Meetings of the Mayor and Council during this process. Project Area Committee After the proposed boundaries are established, the legislative body is to "call upon" residents in existing community organizations in the project area within which a substantial number of low-and moderate-income families are to be displaced, to form a PAC and adopt a procedure for the formation of the PAC. The law allows sixty (60) days after the project area boundaries are selected to approve a PAC. The PAC acts as an advisory body to the Agency during the plan adoption process and consists of residents, property owners, tenants, business-persons and representatives of community organizations within the project area. The Mayor and Council approved a Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) on November 13, 1989 in order to initiate citizen participation at the project's inception. It is important to note that this committee is not a substitute for a PAC, and will be encouraged to submit applications to serve on the PAC. RT:SG:sm:2539H 3 -- ---- -- Redevelopment Agency The procedures for the PAC formation have been prepared by Special Legal Counsel, with recommendations from the City Attorney's office (Attachment marked Exhibit A). The procedures call for written notice to all residents and businesses in the area of all meetings relative to the formation and selection of the PAC, provided this can be obtained at a reasonable cost. Staff has been advised that this would entail a costly, labor extensive process that could not be completed within the time constraints available, (Attachment marked Exhibit B). The procedures also provide for a public meeting to explain the formation and the functions of the PAC. It is recommended that this meeting be held on Monday, December 11, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. At this meeting, eligible persons will be provided with forms to submit for membership on the PAC. In accordance with the sixty (60) day period, the Task Force and staff recommend the proposed schedule below: DATE TIME PLACE ACTIVITY Monday, 7:00 City Hall Public Meeting to explain PAC 12/11/89 p.m. Council Chambers Procedures. Thursday 9:00 RDA Offices Deadline for application submittal 12/21/89 a.m. City Ha 11 Thursday RDA Offices Mt. Vernon Task Force 12/28/89 Tuesday City Ha 11 Mayor & Counci 1 approve PAC 01/03/89 Council Chambers Recommendation It is, therefore, recommended that the Mayor and Common Council adopt a resolution determining the need to form a Project Area Committee for the Mt. Vernon Corridor Project Area. RT:SG:sm:2539H 4 ....--.. ---- - HSOLUTION 110. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CONNON COUNCIL or THE CITY or SAN BERNARDINO DETERMINING THE DED TO POHM A PROJECT AUA COMMITTEI CONCERNIIIG THE MT. VERNOIl CORRIDOR UDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA WHEREAS, by ReSOlution No. 89-439, the .ayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino approved a Survey Are. for a proposed .t. Vernon COrridor Redevelopment project (the .Project"), and WHEREAS, on .ov.mber 7, l'S9, the Planning Commission of the City of San Bernardino, by its ae.olution Mo. PCa9-2, .elected boundaries of . project area for the Project (the .Project Area"), approved a Preliminlry Plln for the Pro~ect and submitted laid Preliminary Plan to the COmmunity Development Commi..ion of the City of Sin Bernardino (the .Commisslon"); and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council de.ire. to call upon the reaidents and .ziatin; community orqlni..tions within the Project Are. to form I Project Area Committe. (.PAC.) with appropriate repre.entation from'r.sidentl, busin.l.es and ezisting community organi.ation.; Ind WHEREAS, .ta~f ba. .ubmitted for consideration a procedure for the formation of a PAC in the form submitted herewith (the .Procedure"); and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council desires that the PAC be of I size con~ucive to the efficient conduct of bu.in... while con.tituting I bOdy repr..entatlve of the Project Area; anc! WHEREAS, ataff bas reaearched method. of' p'rov.iding notice to Project Area resident., bu.ine.. owner., and comniuni'ty .. organization., and ba. a.certained that: (a) there il not pre.ently available an .ccurate, current .ailing li.t for .uch peraons, (b) it is doubtful that such a li.t could be compiled within a lizty (60) day periOd due to the lack of available compilation., tbus neceSSitating an eztraordinary commitment of manual proce.sing and verification; and (c) the COlt to develop .uch . list would be very .ubstlnti.l, as mOre fully described in the accompanying atlff report .nd .a further amplified by testimony. ., , . , ....VC&.R CCITT-03 .. Nevvpor1; : . .., ~ ~~u~ '~~~I~~ 1 1. 29. e 9 ~; 77-.,.,,"".,..;""-':????T .. ---- 11:06 A~ Boh. CA P03 NOW, THEREFORE, THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL or THE CITY OF SAN BElUIARDINO HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Mayor .n~ Common COuncil adopt. the Procedure for the formation of I PAC in the form .ubmitted berewith. The Common Council finds and det.rmine. that the ascertainment of mailinQ .ddr..... to all individuals and bus In..... within the proiect Are. cannot be accompli.hed at . reason.ble cost. trotion 2. The City Administrator is bereby .uthorize~ and d rected to call upon the re.ident. and community or;ani.ations within the proj.ct Ar.. to form a proj.ct Are. Committee, and to take all actions in connection th.r.with as provided pursuant to the Proc.dure. Su..n M. Gon.al,. i. designated a. the .taff member r..pon.ible to impl.ment Part VII of the Procedure. that the foregoing resolution WI. duly and Common Council of the City of San ..eting ther.of, held On the , 1989, by the following vote, to wit: I HEREBY CERTIFY adopted by the Mayor Bernardino at a _ day of AYES: Council Members: ITAYS: ABSENT OR ABSTAIN: City Clerk The loregoin; resolution i. hereby app~ov.,~. this ~ ,diY', of ,. , 1'89. w. R. Holcomb, Mayor City of San ..rnardino Approved as to form and , 1.ga1 content: James r. '.nman City Attorney By: ~/'L... ~~) /~ 11'2"1' ~40.n/2.0~'O~~'~2 - 2 - 1 1. :2 9. 89 .- 11:06 AM "'SVC&.R Nevvport :Soh. CA P06 '.rABLE OF CONTENTS Page I . [I 100] GENERAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . ... . · . A. (I 101) Purpo... . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . · . . . . · . . · · · B. (I 102] Authority. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I. [I 200] DEFINITIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · . · · · · · . · . A. II 201] A;ency................................' S. (I 202] Busin.... . . . . . . . . . . . · · · · · · · · · · . · · · · · · C. [I 203] Bu.in... OWner....................... D. [I 204] C1 ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · · · 'I . . , " E. (1205] Common Council....................... r. 11 206) Ixi.tin; Community Organization...... G. [I 201] Proj.c~ Area......................... H. II 208] Proj.ct Area Committee............... I. (I 209] R.~.v.lo~m.nt Proj.~t................ J . [, 210] Re s i ~.n t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K. [I 211] Re.id.ntial OWner Occupant........... L. [5 212] R.sidential Tenant................... 111.[, 300] PUBLICIZING ~ OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE ON TH! PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE.................... A. [I 301] Po.tin; Notice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. [I 302] Di.play A~v.rti..ment................ C. [I 303) P~11c Announc.ment.................. D. [I 304] Noti ce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E. [I 305] Other Mechanisms to Publicize Opportunity to Serve on PAC.......... r. [s 306] lor.iqrl Lanc;ua;es.................. . . IV. (I 400] MEETINGS, HEARINGS AND PLEBISCITES........ A. [I 401] Public M..t1n; to Explain the PAC.... B. [I '02] PAC formation M..tinq................ c. [I 403) Pr...ntation of PAC to Common Council V. ['-500] NOTXe! or MEETINGS, BEARINGS AND PI.EBISC~'1'!S. ... A. [, SOl} Publication. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. [1502) Notice by Mail........................ C. (I 503] Other Form. of Notic................. VI. (I 600 l PAC MEMBERSHIP CAT!OO!U!S A. [I 601] Cate;ori............................. S. [I 602] Vacanci.. in M~mb.r.hip Cat.qori..... "1- 11/29/89 7 409n/B2 601-:1.1 EXHIBIT A ~"V^ . ~,-,ur I ~"' ,;:;IV.. ~ ~ - ~ : - ~ :. r f. r r :-:- ~ \.'\'",111 U""' .., . . ( 1 1. 2 S. e 8 11:06 A.M *svc&.Jt Ne"..,por't Bch. CA. P07 VI I . [I 700] MEMBERSHIP PROCESS A. (I 701] Iliqibility Requirement. for R..ident. and BUI1ne.. OWner......... B. II 702) .Eli~ibility R.quirement. for Representatives of Ixiltin; Community Orqaniz.t1on............... C. [I 703] Intere.t Forms..................... " · VIII.II 800] CENERAL'ROVISION A. [I eOl] Impl.mentation....................... B. [I 802] Aq.ncy co.ts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. II 803] Compenaation of PAC M.mber........... IX. [I 900) AMENDMENT OF PROCEDURE.................... ...i1- 11/29/89 7409njB2601-11 ~-- .. ...---- ~ . or <> 1 1. 29. S 9 1 1 0 6 AM *SVCIla.JIt, Ne'WPort Boh. CA POS PROCEOUR!: lOR rORMATION OF PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE I. (I 100) GENERAL A. (I 101] Purpose The purpo.e of thia document i. to .et forth a Procedurel a. required by the Community aedev.lopm.nt Lawl California aea1th & Safety Code S.ctions 33000 .t .eq. (the "Lawn) relatinq to the formation of a proj.ct ar.. committ.. in connection with the ado~t1on of the redevelopment plan for the Nt. Vernon Corr1dor aedev.lopm.nt Project. !b. Common Council of the City of San Bernardino dir.ct.d the Community t>evelopment Commiesion of the City of San B.rnardino to form a project area committe.. !be Commi..ion .hall comply with this Proc.dure to form and .elect the project area committe.. B. [I 102) Authority ~hi. Procedure ha. been adopt.d by resolution of the Common Council of the City of San Sernardinol pursuant to Section 33385 of the Law. II. [I 200} DEFINITIONS Whenever the followinq terms ar. us.d in this Procedurel unl.s. otherwi.. d.fined, such t.rms .hall have the meaning a.cribed to them in this Article 200. A. [1201J Busine.. ttBu.in..." m.an. any lawful activity conducted by an entity within the Project Area prim.rily: (1) For the purcha.., .al.1 1....1 or r.nt.l of per.on.l and re.l propertYI and for the manufactur., proc...in;, or marketin; Df ~roduc~., commoditi.., or any other personal. pt'oper~y; or (2) For the ..le of .ervice. to the public. B. (I 202) Bus1ne.s OWner. "Bu.1ft..s OWner" m.an. any pereon or legal entity which own. and oper.t.. . bu.in... from a facility within the Project Are., or which owns property 1n the froject Area for inv..tment and not for occupancy. 1 1. 29. B 9 -- -------- 1 1 0 6 AM -~- ...SVC&.R Ne"..,po r 1: Be h. CA P09 C. [I 203] ~ "City" mean. the City of San Bernardino, California. ~ D. [I 2041 C~mmission .Commi..ion mean. the Community Development Commi..ion of the City and any offlcerl, employe.., -contractor. aDd aqent., 1nclu~in; tho.. in City department., who may be .I.i~ed the duties and re.pon.ibilitie~ tor implementinq thil Procedure. E. [I 205) City Council "Common Council" .ean. the legialative body of the City. I' . [I 206] Existinq Community Orqanization "Existing Community Orqanization" ..ana any existino nonprofit a..ociation of person. ana/or entiti.. which has it. headquarters or a .ite office within the Project Area, or a aubltantial number of whoa. conatituenta are per.on. and/or entities within the Project Area, .nd ~h1ch ...ac1ation 1. gen.rally recoqnized within the Project Area .. a community orqanization. G. [I 207] Project Area . .~.Project Ar.... means the are. de.ifjJnated by City Plann1n; Commi..ion ae.olution No. P089-2 adepted on November 7, 198i. H. [i 208) Project Area Committee "Project Area Committee" or "PACft meana the committ.. formed and a.lected purauant to Section 33385 of the Law and in accordance with tbi. Procedure. 1._ [I 20g 1 Red.velo~m.nt Pro~ "aedevelopment Project" means the redevelopment project referred ~o .. ~e M~. Vernon Corridor Which i. bein9 conaidered for adoption pursuant to Law. J. {I 210] Resident "Resident" mean. any person who own., lea.e. or rent. a re.idential dwell1n9 unit within the Project Area and occupies the aame .. hia or her residence. 11/29/89 7409njB2601-11 -2- 1 1 : 0 - AM "'.VC&.R Ne'W'pt" '1; B c h. CA : .10 Pl0 XEROX TELECOPIER 1 1. 2 s. S S 295; ??-??-??;??:?? ??; CCITT 03 + x. II 211] a..1d.ntial OWner occupant "R...idential Owner Occupant't me.ht any a..ic1ent who owns all or lubstantial f.e int.r.at in the dwellin; unit which he or ahe occupie.. L. [I 212] Re.idential Tenant "Re.idential T.nant" m.ans any aetident who occupi.s hiB or h.r dwellin9 unit by ri;bt und.r a 1.... or rental .;reement. III. II 300) PUBLICIZING THE OPPORTUNITY m SERV'! ON THE PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE T.h. Commi.s1on .hall publicl&e the opportunity to .erv. on the PAC. The Commi.sion may t.ke .ny or all of the follow1n; .ctions to publicize the opportunity to .erv. on the PAC. A. [I 301] Poatino Notice The Commi..ion may po.t notic. of the opportunity to .erve on the PAC in con.picuou. locations throughout the Project Are.. Such notic.. may alao be po.ted in the followin; location.; (1) office of the city Clerk, (2) foyer of the City Admini.tration BUildinq; and (3) public build1nqB in the Project Ar.a. B. [I 302] ~i.plaY Advertisement The Committion may plac. notice of the opportunity to serve on the PAC 1n a di.play adverti.ement in a naw.paper of veneral ci.reulation within the city. c. [I 303] Public Announcement The Commi..ion may make an announc.m.n~'to the qeneral public at any of it. re;ular meetin~e held prior to any public me.tin;s, he.rinq. or plebiscite. required by th1. Procedure, announc1nq the opportunity to .erve on the PAC. D. (I 304] Notice ~he Comm1..ion may include notice of tha opportunity to .erve on the PAC in .ny notice which the Commi..1on Vive. in accordance with the Law and th1. Procedure to notice any meetin;, hearin;, or plebi8cite relative to the formation and selection of the PAC. 11/29/89 7409n/82601-11 -3- 1 1. 29. 69 -- 1 1 0 6 AM "'.VC&.R Newpor1: Boh. CA Pll ~.r Mechanism. to Publicize Op~ortunity to Serve on PAC . The Commi..ion may produce radio adverti.ament., di.tribute flyer., or undertake such other action al it d..me nece.aary or adviaable to further publicize the opportunity to aerve on the PAC. E. (, 3051 r. (I 306] Foreian Lanauaqe. The Commi..ion may, if it determine. it i. nec.aaary or advi..ble to effectively carry out the purpoae of th1a Proceaure, tranalate any of the notice. or announcements required by thi. Procedure into another langua;e. IV. [I 400] MEETINOS, BEARINGS AN%) Pt.EBISCITlS Tbe Commi..1on ahall conduct meetino., hear1n08 and plebi.cite. aB nec...ary or appropriate to explain and form the PAC. A. [1401) Public Meetinq to Explain the PAC The Commi..ion .hall conduct a minimum of ofte (1) pUblic meetin; to explain the ..tabliahment of, function. of, and opportunity to ..rve on the PAC. . .At .u~h public ..etinq, the Comrn1..ion .hall distribute copie. of the fellowinq document.: 1) 2) 3) 'thi. procedure; a preliminary redevelopment plan or the pertinent portions ther.of; and any ether material. the Commi..ion d.ter.minea would be u..ful, includinq without limitation Inter..t Forms as defin.~ 1n S.ction 703 of thia Procedure. ~. The number of copies to be made available at the me.tin; .hall be sufficient to meet the ..timated number of attend... anticipated. Additional copi.. are to b. ma4e available upon reque.t ~y per.ons intere.ted in con.1derinq .ember.hip on the PAC. Ad41tional copie. of the materiala ahall be available to the public at a place or place. d..1onated by the Commil.ion. The Commia.ion may limit the number of do~u=enta to be distributed to anyone per.on or .ntity to one (1) eet, in order to avoid exc..aive and unn.ce..ary coat.. Any pereon or entity may reque.t additional copi.. of the documente at a reasonable d~plicat10n cost. 11/29/89 7409n/B2601-11 -4- 1 1. 2 9. 8 9 1 1 : ~ AM --- . _..- ..-.._-~-- ";'_vc&.Jlt. Ne"..,port Bch. CA P12 B. l t 402 J PAC Formation Meetinq Aft.r the commi..ion conduct. ~. public ..etin; to explain the PAC required in Section 401 of thil Proce~ur., the Commi..ion Ihall hold such other m..tin; or meetings as may be nece.aary to compl.te the formation ~4 ..lection of the lAC. c. l t "03 1 ~r.een~ation of ,AC to City Council Alter the receipt of Inter.st Form. purauant to Section 703, and, upon .ffort. by the City ataff to verify the information therein contained an~ to further report to COmmon Council, ~. Common Council .hall oon.ider the matter at · . public m..ting of the Ccmmon Council. Durin; luch meetin;, the public anall be q1v.n ~. opportunity to make any comment. or objection. to any action of the Commis.ion in carrying out this Procedure or otherwi.. in respect to this Procedure. V. l t 500J NOTIC! or MEETINGS AND BEARINGS AND PLEBISCITES The Commie.ion .hall provide notice of all meeting., hearing. or pl.biscites conduct.d by, or on behalf of, the Commi..ion or Common Council relative to the formation and .election of the PAC. A. [, 501] public;ation ~he Commi.a1on .hall provide publi.hed notice of all meetin;., h..rinqa or plebiBcite. conduct.~ by, or on behalf of, the Commis.ion or the Common Council relative to the formation and selection of the PAC. lach notice .hall b. publi.hed at la..t one (1) time in a newspaper of 9.n.ra1 circulation within the City at lea.t ten (10) day. prior to the date e.tabliahed for the applicable m..tin;, hear1ng or plebi.~ite, and in the manner requ1red by the Law. In lieu of pub118hin~ ..parate notic. for each auch me.tinq, hearing, or pl.~1sc1te, the Commission may pub11ah combined notic.. .etting forth all or .ome of the date., tim.., and locations of 8uch meetin;., hearin;. and plebi8cites. B. l i 502 J Notice by Mail The Commi..ion .hall provide written notice to all re.ident. and bu.in....B in the Project Area of all meetin;-, hearinq., or plebi.cite. conducted by, or on ~half of, the Commi..ion or Common Council relative to the formation and .election of the PAC. %he mailed notice requirement ahall only apply when ma1lin; addr..... to all the in~1vidual. and 11/29/89 74r09njl2601-11 -5- - . XEROX TELECOP I ER 295; ??-~?; .,...,: ?"t'??~ ~ - CC I TT- 03 + 1 1. 2 S. e S 1 1 : 0 6 AM ... . y C &. lit N e 'IN P 0 r t ; .13 B c h. CA P 1 3 ~u.in.ss.., or to all occupant., are obtainable by the Commi.eion .t a rea.onabl. co.t. The netice aball be ma11.d by first cla.. .a11, but may b. .4dr....d to "occupant." In lieu of providinG .ep.~at. notice for each m..tinql h.arin; or pleb1.cite, the commission ..Y provide combined notic.. pur.uant to this ..ction statinG all or .ome of the dAt.a, tim.., and locations of such ...tin;., b..rin; and plebiscites. If the Commis.ion-ha. .cted in 900d faith to comply with the notice r.quir.ments of thi. ..etion, the f.ilure of the Commi..ion to provide the r.quir.d notice to r..id.nt. or bu.in..... unknown to the Commi..ion or who.. .4dr..... Qould not be obtain.d at a r.a.onabl. coat, ahall not, in and of it..lf, invalidate the formation or action. of the PAC. C. [I 503] Other forms of Notic... Th. Commission ~ay poat no~ice., di.tribute flyers or undertake .uch other actions .. it deem. nec..aary or advisable in order to further inform ae.idential OWner occupant., Residential T.nant., lu.in... OWner., and Existinq COmmunity Or;anizat1on. within the Proj.ct Area of the formation an~ .election of the PAC. VI. (I 600] PAC MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES A. [I 601] CateQoriee While the Common Council cannot direct the VOluntary participation of ~ot.nt1al PAC member., it 1. the 4esire of the Common Council that there be repre.entation Amon; the following cateqor1..: R..idential OWner Occupant., ae.idential Tenant.; BUBines. OWners 1 and Repre..ntat1ves of Exist1n; Community Organizations. It i. the intention of the Common Council that'th. PAC be of a .ize conducive to the efficient con~uct of bu.in... while constituting a body repr..entative of the proj.ct Ar.a. Therefore, while the .i&8 of the PAC has not been pred.t.rmin.d, it i. anticipated that a roster of between 7 and 23 memb.rs would b. a workable body. For purpo... of illustration, the tollowinq is a po..ible breakdown by cate;ori.. of the PAC: 1) a..idential OWn.r Occupant. (~r..); 2) R..idential T.nant. (fiv.)1 3) Busin... OWn.r. (three), and 11/29/89 7409n/B2601-11 -6- 1 1. 29. 89 11:96 AM "'SVC&.R CClrlt33 + N."",por't. Soh. C.A ; "141- P14 ^~~U^ I~L~~U~I~K ;.!~o; r(r(_~?; -n: ~?1"'" ~ .......... 4) .epre.entative. of ExistinG Community Organization. (two). It will be the'overrid1nq ~urpose of the Common Council with reqard 'to the PAC that the PAC be repre.entative of the Project Are.. Community orqanization. may include any of the following: 1. Charitable Orqanizat1one - orqanizationa that have .. their focus the proviaion of .up~ort .ervice. within the Project Area .uch aa &belter, food and clothinq, . coun.elinq, and .edical alliltance. 2. Civic Orqanization. - orqani.atione that have ae their focu8, the betterment of all or a portion of the Project Area by the ~romotion of activitie. aDd event., planninq, bUline.. conditiona, or ~ality of life. 3. Cultural Orqanizations - orqanizat1onl that have al their focua the ~reservation of ethnic culture, hi.torical pre.ervation, music, theater, dance, art .nd similar pro;rams within the 'roject Area. B. (I 602] Vacanci.. in M.mberah~P Cateaorie. In the event there 18 an insufficient number of candidate. elected to each cateqory of membership of the PAC, such .eats may remain vacant until a replacement 1. appointment by collective action of the PAC. The exi.tenee of vacancies .hall not prevent the PAC from carryin~ cut it. duti.. a. required ~y 1:he Law. VII.[i 7001 MEMBERSHIP PROCESS A. 11 701) Eligibility Re~iremen~. for Resident. and i\iiIn... owner.. - In or~.r for a BUI1ne.. owner or aesid.nt.~o' expre.. intere.t to be a PAC member, .uch per.on muat pre.ant proof to a Ita!f repre.entative a. may from ~ime to time be de.1;nated by the Commi..ion tha~ he or Ih. 1. at least 18 year. of a;e or older, and i. either a Re.ident or Bu.ine.. OWner within the Project Area. Proof of eliqibility may include any of the following document. and materials, aa applicable: 1) California drivel". lie.n.e, 2) California identification card; 3) Lea.. or rental aqreement, 4) Leas. or rental receipt; S) Deed to real ~rop.rty, 6) Property tax bill, 11/29/89 7409n/B2601-11 -7- ;,;' ~ -. i. T i . ~r r.....- -...... "-"'. I I" U~ '7 . rl\.l 1 1. 29. 89 11:06 AM ....vc&.Jlt. N."..,por't. Boh. CA P15 1) Busine.. licen..; 8) Buain... .ta~1onery or card, 9) Utility bill; or 10) Any other document. or material. wh1ch the Commi..ion may deem acceptable. Jliqibility aeauiremente for Re~relent.t1ye8 ~f ~1.~1nQ ~ommuni~Y Organizationt In order to deter.mine the eliqib1lity of a repr...ntative from an EXiatinq Community Orqanization for a.mberlh1p on the ' PAC the followin; evidence mu.t be lubmitted. B. (I 702) 1) exi.tence of the organization at the tim. the 'rojec~ Area boundaries were .elected by the rlannin; Commi..ion; . 2) exiltenee and operation within the Project Are., suCh a. articl.. of incorporation, by-lawl, non-profit Itatus, bUliness licen.. or luch other documentation, 3) a re.olution or minute. of the or~.nization'l board of director. de.iqnatin; its repre.entative and authorizing luch person to act on it. behalf; and 4) luch other documentation which the Commillion ..y deem nece..ary to carry out the intent of thi* Section. Each Ixi.tinq Community Orqanization Ihall be entitled to deB1qnate one person to: (a) vote on its behalf for one representative of Ex1.tinq Community Organisationl, and (b) be a candi~ate to become a member of the PAC repre.entativ. of .xi8tinq community orqanizat1ona. c. [I 703} Interelt Forma In order to facilitate tormation of a repre.entative rAC, any per.on d..1rinq to .erve mu.t comftleta and provide the Common Council with an "Inter..t Form' no later than the time .et by-the Common Council, namely, 9.00 a.m.' on ~c.mb.r'21, 1989. Oo~i.. of Ifttere8t Forme will b. made available at the PAC formation meeting(a) and w111 o~e~i.e be available by ~.que.t to Bu.an M. Oonzale., ~roject Manager, or auch other repre.entative who may from time to time be d..iqnated by the Oommon Council. The Interest Forma will call for the following information: 1) 2) 3) the name and addre.. of the candidate; 1ncludin; "qualifying addre..," if different; the applicable membership cateGory for the candidate; a brief .tatement ot the candidate'. qualifications and inter. at to be .ade available for the election m..ting; and 11/29/89 7409njB2601-11 -8- 1 1. 29. B 9 *SVC&.R I.,"r; I I 11:I;:S .. Ne'lNFor't ; .lb ^~~V^ 1~~~~urIC~ ~~o; ('('- !'"r-!'-!'. -(,-f' ;~.t'-?fr"" -- -- 1 1 : 0 S __ AM :a 0 h. CA PiS .' --..' ...".--.-...... 4) aclmowled;ment that the candidate *9"e. that, if such per.on Ihould become * PAC .ember, .uch per.on would be .ubject to the provision. of the Political aeform Act, including prov1.ion. and rulinq. pur.uant thereto which require eli.clo.ure. and which .ay require d1.qu.11f1cat10n of member. 1n certain cl~um.tance.. fAILURE OF ANY 'EUON TO St1BMl'1' A COMP~'l'I SIGNEt> CANDIDATE INFORMATION fORM SHALL REMOVE THE BSON nOM CONSIDERATION. VIII. (I 800] GENERAL PROVISIONS A. (I 801] Implement.t1on The Commi..ion ia *u~oriz.d to formulate and take all action. n.c....ry or appropriate to im~lement thi. Procedure con.i.tent with the Procedure and the Law. B. {I 802] Commission Coats '!'he Commi..1on may charqe fe.. ~o perlona purch.a1nq or . 1.a.inq property from the Commia.ion in the '~oject Area and to per.ons p.rticipat1nq in redevelopment of the Project Area under an owner parti~ipat1on aqreement to defray any COlt to the Commission or the Common Council of complyin; with th18 Procedure. C. [, 803] Comcens.t1on of PAC M.mbers The members of the PAC .hall .erve without compensation. IX. [, 900] AMENDMENT or PROCEDURE The Common Council may amend this Proeedure to make any nece.sary adjuetment. or chanqe. to effective form and ..lect a repr..entative PAC. 11/29/89 7409n/B2601-11 -9.. ---...----~=-- Urban futures Inc. MEMORANDUM TO: Susan M. Gonzale., Project Manager FROM: Urban Future., Inc., Advisors to the Redevelopment Agency SUBJECT: Analy.is ot Cost Factor. Related to the Compilation ot an Addre.. by Addre.s Mailing List DATE: November 15, 198~ At the reque.t of Aqency .tatf, we have conducted research related to the cost ot .ecuring a comprehen.ive, .ingle .ource, paroel .pecific mailinq list of tho.e addre.... located within the approv.d Preliminary Plan Project Area, a. approved by the Planninq Commi..ion on NOVember 7, 1989. We have contac~ed commercial mail in; sourc.. and have found that said mail in; ..rvic.. generally have mailing li.t. available on a fee baais by zip code area. Compiling parcel specific addresses tor a detined area that tall. neither within zip code or cen.us tract boundaria. entails a co.tly, labor extansive proo... which could be completed, but not within the time con.traints available to the Aqency to adopt this Redevelopment Plan by June 25, 1990. The Aqancy Board will recall that the adoption of the .aid Plan by June 25, 1990 i. necessary to .ecure the 1989-90 ba.e year roll. In addition ~o contactinq commercial services we have evaluated the notion of using .ithar Ag.ncy staff or Urban Future. .taff to compile the list trom ourr.nt County Assessor reoords. It i. our best astimate that approximately 40 hours of .tatf time would be needed to .earch County records, and that an additional 80 hours would be needed to complete the mailinq proc.... At an aVerag_ hourly billing rate of $50.00, approximately $6,000.00 would have to b. .pent tor 8~aff time in addition to the direct costs a.sociated with prin~in9, envelopes, labels, postaqe and handlinq. CSN/dd -. ... __ _ 1.. ...... ... ______ _.J.l . EXHIBIT B I I t:1 I i I 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~ ........... .. --. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DETERMINING THE NEED TO FORM A PROJECT AREA 3 COMMITTEE CONCERNING THE MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. 4 WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 89-439, the Mayor and Common 5 Council of the City of San Bernardino approved a Survey Area for 6 a proposed Mt. Vernon Corridor Redevelopment Project (the 7 "Project"); and 8 9 WHEREAS, on November 7, 1989, the Planning Commission of 10 the City of San Bernardino, by its Resolution No. PC89-2, selected boundaries of a project area for the Project (the 11 "Project Area"), approved a Preliminary Plan for the Project and 12 submitted said Preliminary Plan to the Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino (the "Commission"); and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council desires to call upon the residents and existing community organizations within the Project Area to form a Project Area Committee ("PAC") with appropriate representation from residents, businesses and existing community organizations; and WHEREAS, staff has submitted for consideration a procedure for the formation of a PAC in the form submitted herewith (the "Procedure"); and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council desires that' the PAC be of a size conducive to the efficient conduct of business while constituting a body representative of the Project Area; and WHEREAS, staff has researched methods of providing notice to Project Area residents, business owners, and community organizations, and has ascertained that: (a) there is not DAB/ses November 30, 1989 1 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 --.. -- ~ .., .. -.. 1 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DETERMINING THE NEED TO FORM A PROJECT AREA 2 COMMITTEE CONCERNING THE MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. 3 4 5 6 presently available an accurate, current mailing list for such persons, (b) it is doubtful that such a list could be compiled within a sixty (60) day period due to the lack of available compilations, thus necessitating an extraordinary commitment of 7 8 9 10 manual processing and verification; and (c) the cost to develop such a list would be very substantial, as more fully described in the accompanying staff repo~t and as further amplified by testimony. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Mayor and Common Council adopts the 14 Procedure for the formation of a PAC in the form submitted herewith. The Common Council finds and determines that the ascertainment of mailing addresses to all individuals and businesses within the Project Area cannot be accomplished at a reasonable cost. SECTION 2. The Community Development Commission of the City of San Bernardino is hereby authorized and directed to call upon the residents and community organizations within the Project Area to form a Project Area Committee, and to take all actions in connection therewith as provided pursuant to the Procedure. Susan M. Gonzales is designated as the staff member responsible to implement Part VII of the Procedure. / / / / / / DAB/ses November 30, 1989 2 10 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~- -- ~.... -- - ... ... 1 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DETERMINING THE NEED TO FORM A PROJECT AREA 2 COMMI TTEE CONCERNING THE MT. VERNON CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. 3 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly 4 adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San 5 Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the 6 day of , 1989, by the following vote, to wit: 7 AYES: Council Members 8 9 NAYS: ABSENT: 11 12 City Clerk 13 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of , 1989. 16 W.R. Holcomb, Mayor City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN, City Attorney B~~ DAB/ses November 30, 1989 3 AGENDA ITEM INFORMATION SUMMARY / J GENERAL INFORMATION: Subject ~ C /J.-un; (" '! n ('/e ) . ( ,tZ ~ Ii /) Author ~1'" ::~r /", Ward Budget Authority >-I? J Ext. , Projoct Area ~/) frcz / f7 -I') 7)A Committee Commission/Council Filing Dates 11-..;) I - ~ "7 1I-.;2~-~7 Meeting Dates / I-d;;;. - ~ C', Funding Requirements /) A /1-, ~ (J - ~ ') RDA MANAGEMENT REVIEW: CLEARANCES: ~~ 3niSlraliVe Deputy ~ '---. /' " fr~ (r.~, _/~ 77 ger/Supervisor Dale II-U-a:1 //- ;1.'8-- &-'/ I 11-.;) 7-Y) CITY DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW: Dale Depl By By Depl Ves Dale ON/A d:. ~ ",c, t~ '(. /;-..0 '5''; un ng O J/,J,,,r ciocca /'1 -~) - 'r>'7 ~&d. I/-..V-H o City Attomey EJ g- [3 o o City Administralor RDA Committee recommendallon ."",; -f '7N /"!' ,-;: f /1-~~-6' c; --) INFORMATIONAL DATA FORWARDED TO CITY DEPARTMENTS/COUNCIL OFFICES: Sent to Mayor's Office Council Ward Council Ward Council Ward Council Ward Department Department By Date ~ " COMMENTS/CONCERNS: Include pertinent comments and concerns of offices and persons clearing the summary, such as controversial Issues, time constraints and funding complications. Indicate dates when action must be taken. 4f~ RDA -174 REV. &-29.89 - .. ... Redevelopment Agency · City of San Bernardino 300 North "D" Street, Fourth Floor. San Bernardino, California 92418 (714) 384-5081 FAX (714) 888-9413 Pride ~ e" NOVEMBER 27. 1989 CENTRAL CITY PROMENADE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS. SERIES 1984A EXTENSION OF DUE DATE Synopsis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Action: 12-17-84 Mayor and Common Council approved Resolution 84-547 providing for the issuance of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds. Series 1984A. Central City Promenade Project. Recommended Motion: (MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL) Move to approve Amendment Number One to the Loan Agreement and Supplement Number One to the Indenture. Respectfully Submitted. Executive Director Supporting data attached: Yes Funding requirements: NA Ward: Project: IDB Commission Notes: 11 73A Agenda of: November 30. 1989 Item No.: -.. - Redevelopment Agency S T A F F R E P 0 R T On December 17, 1984, the Mayor and Common Council approved Resolution 84-547 providing for the issuance of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1984A, Central City Promenade Project, along with approving the Trust Indenture, the Loan Agreement, the Bond Purchase Agreement and other related documents. In December 1984, the Central City Promenade Bonds were issued in the amount of $7,200,000 with a maturity date of December 1, 2024. Chase Manhattan Bank, the sole purchaser of the Bonds, has exercised its right to cause a mandatory redemption of the Bonds on December 1, 1989, pursuant to Section 3.01 (d) of the Trust Indenture dated December 15, 1984 (a copy of the section is attached) . On November 7, 1989, Mr. Arlen Gunner, the attorney for Central City Promenade, contacted Stradling, Yocca, Carlson and Rauth, the Agency's Special Counsel, and stated that Chase Manhattan Bank was willing to extend the due date on the Bonds past the mandatory redemption date of December 1, 1989. Mr. Gunner also believed that the City need not be a part of this extension, but the opinion of the Agency's Special Counsel was that the City must approve changes to the Trust Indenture and amend the Loan Agreement. Late on November 20, 1989, the Agency's Special Counsel informed staff that to extend the due date on the Bonds, a City Council action must take place prior to December 1, 1989. Staff is seeking approval of Amendment Number One to the Loan Agreement and approval of Supplement Number One to the Indenture extending the December 1, 1989 date to February 1, 1990 to provide Central City Promenade the necessary time to discuss, negotiate and further amend the Loan Agreement. ~ -- ow - XEROX TELECOPIER 295; ??-??-??;??:?? ??; CCITT 03 + ; # 1 1 1. 22. 8 S 0:3 : 2 ~ PM ... .YC &. R N e 'W F 0 - 1; :B 0 h. CA POl , STRADLING, YOC~/_ CARLSON , 1A0TH ATTOItNIYI AT LAW "0 Newport o."'.r Drift. .,t. , _wport ".oh. Cellf.,",. .. ('1.) ...,.-, NOTI" 'Yea" ..RATOIII IIIIIDIATlLY IF TltANSM '" tON I. IQI HClI VID NONIL Y (7'.) ,....... TO: '110M: ~ .. / -, . , . r ~ c.. f' ~ ~ I '" J~., . ~. . ~ t.... . ~I""a '. GOf.4J1I/ S COMMENTS: "-- TELICOPY MUMI.": ~(iJ ~~g -9'11 .3 ~~U/. P.3 CLI!NTIMATTIR NO DAn 1IN'r: iLi:I:!t.L ., .0. PAGES: ~ (iftcl. Cov.:) tUCI 1Dr:, OPDA'l'OI: XEROX TELECOPIER 1 1. 22. e 9 295; ??-??-??;??:?? ??; 03:2 PM "'SVC&.R CCITT 03 + Nevvpc 1: Boh. CA ; #- 2 P02 DRAFT Novemoer 30, 1989 City of San Bernardino San Bernardino. California a.: City of SanSetnareSino, Indultrial Development Revenue Bondi, Series 1984A (Central City . PromenacS. Proj ect) (the "Bonds") . Ladies and Gentlemen: We have acted as counsel for the City of San Bernardino, a chartered city duly organized and exiBtinq undertha . Constitution of the State of California and itl City Charter, (the "I..uer"), in connection with the luppleMenting and amending of the Indenture and Loan Agreement, al defined below. In that connection, we have examined orivinall or copies certified or otherwise identified to our satlsfaction of (1) the Trust Indenture dated a& of December 15, 1984 between the Ilsuer and Trust Services of America, Inc., a California corporation (the "Trustee") (the II Indenture 'I ); ( 2 ) the Loan Aqreement dated al of December 15, 1984 between the II.uer and Central City Promenade, a California limited partnership (the "Company") (the "Loan Agreement"); (3) Supplement No. One to the Indenture dated ae of November 30, 1989 amonq the Issuer, the Truat.. and Chase Manhattan Bank. N.A. (the "Purchaser") (the "Supplement"); (4) Amendment No. One to the Loan Aqreement dated a. of November 30, 1989 among the Ittutr, the Truste. and the Company (the II Amendment '1); and (5) the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and luch regulations, revenue rulinqs and private letter rUlings promulgated or issued thsreunoer (the IICodelJ) as we have deemed. tel.vant to the rendering of this opinion. Based upon the foregoing. we are of the opinion. that: _-....~ ~-~ ^~r(U^ I ~~t.,.,U"'" t:.t< ;'!::10; ":'":'_"(":'_":'0(.0("(: Or! .t"!; CCITT 03 + ; . 3 1 1. 22. 8 S 03:2=- PM "'SVC&.Jt Nevvpo t" t Be h. CA P03 City of San Sarnardino November 30, 1989 . paqa Two 1. the Supplement and the Amendment will not caul' the Bonds to ba considered retired or reissued under Section 103 and Sections 1.1 throuqh 150 of the Code. The opinions expressed herein may be relied upon by the addre..ee of this opinion and may not be relied upon by any other party. . Respectfully .ubmitted, 7425n/2266/03 XEROX TELECOP I ER 295; ??-??-??; ??:?? ??; CC I TT 03 + ; # 4 1 1. 22. 89 0:3 : 2 PM ... SVC &. R N I!!! 'W F ' t :B c h. CA PO 4 AMXNDM!:llJT llJO. OIm TO THE LOU AaRRDmNT Thi. Amendment Ro. One to the LOin Agreement d.ted .. of December 15, 1984 between the City of Sin .erDlrdiDo~ a chartered city duly or;ani.ed and eziatin; under the Constitution of the State of California and itl City Charter (the wIIsuerW) and Central City Promenade, a California limited plrtnerlhip (the .Company.) (the -Loan Agreement-) i. made and entered into IS of November 30, 1989 among the I.luer, the Company and Trult Service. of America, Inc., a California corporation (the wTru.tee-) (the -Amendment-). Capitalized terms u.ed in thi. Amendment and not otherwi.. defined Ihall have the '.ame meaning a. in the Loan Agreement. " IT. E SSE T H: WHEREAS, Section 9.06 of the Loan Agr.e~nt provides ~hat the Issuer and the Company may amend the Loan Agr.ement with the consent of the Trustee; and WHEREAS, Section 6.03(c) of the Loan Agreement provides that wprior to the Converaion Date, the Rote il lubject to Man~atory Prepayment, in whole, on December 1, 1989 . . . unl.'1 the Purchaser has given notice in writing evidencing its waiver of such redemption at least lixty (60) days, but no more than ninety (90) days, prior to luch Redemption nate to the I'luer, the Trustee an~ the Company., and WHEREAS, the Issuer, the Company and the Trustee desire to amend Section 6.03(e) of the Loan Agreement to ezt.nd the December 1, 1989 date to February 1, 1990 to provide the neeeslary time to diICUI., negotiate and further amend the Loan Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and undertaking .et forth herein, and other good and valuable con8i~eration, the receipt and lufficiency of which hereby are acknowledged, the Issuer, the Company and the Trustee hereby agree .1 follows: XEROX TELECOPIER 295; ??-??-??;??:?? ??; CCITT 03 + ; # 5 11. 22. 6S 03: 2 PM "'SVC&.R Ne'WPc t So h. CA P05 Section 6.03(c) of the Loan Agreement i. amended and restate4 as follows: -Cc) Mandatorv PreDavment UDon Demand of Purch...r. Prior to the Conver.1on Date, the Bote is sUbject to mandatory prepayment, in whole, on F.~ruary 1, 1990, and on each fi~th December 1 thereafter until maturity, at I pri~. e;Ull to the principal amount of Out.tanding Bondi plus accrued intere.t to the date of prepayment, without premium, unle.. the Purchaser shall have oiven notice in writing evidenCing its waiver of such redemption at lelst lixty (60) day., but not more than ninety (90) day., prior to each luc;:h _edemption Date to the Illuar, the Trult..and the Company.- ' IX WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have cauled this Amendment to the Loan Agreement to be executed on their behalf by their duly authorized offieera, and, if applicable, their corporate lell Ihould be affixed and duly atte.ted .11 .. of this 30th day of November, 1989. . . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO By: Ita: Mayor ATTEST: By: Its: City Clerk CENTRAL CITY PROMENADE, 8 California limited partnership 81': Its: General Partners 7426n/2266/03 -2- XEROX TELECOPIER 1 1. 22. 89 295; ??-??-??;??:?? ??; 03:2 PM *SVC&.R CCITT G3 + Ne.....p(" ,t :s 0 h. CA ; ;" 6 pas CO.SEln' OF 'l'RUSTEE AS UQUIUD 'BY SECTIOR 1.06 OP THE LOAN AGRUMElfT. nUST SERVICES OF AMERICA" IHe. By: Ita: Authorized Representative 7426n/2266/03 -3- XEROX TELECOP I ER 295; ??-??-??; ??:?? ??; CC I TT 03 + ; '# 7 11. 22. 69 03: 2 PM *IBVC&.R NeV'lPC t Be h. CA PO? SUPPL~NT NO. QN!: YO THl!: IIIDJnlTURE This Supplement No. One to the Trult Indenture dated as of December 15, 19S4 between the City of San Bernardino, a chartered city duly or;animed and .ziltin; under the Conltitution of the St.te of California and its City Charter (the .Isau.r~) and Trust S.vings of ~rica, Inc., a C.lifornia corporation (the .Trulteel') (the -Indenture-) i. made and entered into al of November 30, 1989 among the X..uer, the Trqltee and Chase Manhattan Bank,I.A. (the .Purcha..rM) (the -Supplement~). Capit.lized terms uI.d in this Supplement and not otherwise defined .hall have the lame ..aning I' in the Indenture. WIT ft I SSE T H: WHEREAS, Section 1102 of the Indenture provide. that the I..uer and the Tru.tee may Iupplement the Indentur. -a. .hall be deemedn.c....ry and desirable by the I.lu.r or the Trustee for the purpose of modifying, Iltering, amanding, adding to or re.cinding, in any particular, any of the term. or provi.ions contained. . .[there1n] or any lupplemental indenture; provided, however, that nothing eont.ined in .' I . Section [1102] shall permit, or be construed as permitting, without the eon.ent of the Holder or Owner of every bond, (1) an extenaion of the maturity of the principal of or the intereat thereon or of any redemption dates from the Bond Fund . . . ~; and WHEREAS, the Purchaser i. the -Holder or Owner of every Bond~; and WHEREAS, the Trultee or Issuer has deemed it Mnecessary and desirable" to modify the Indenture; and WHEREAS I Section 301(d) of the Indenture provides that .prior to the Conversion Date, the Bondi are lubject to mandatory redemption, in whole, on December 1, 1189 . . . unless the Purchaser .hall have qlven notice in writing to the Issuerl the Trustee and the Company, atatin; that such redemption Shall be waived, at leaat .izty (&0) but no more than ninety (90) days prior to each luch reaemption date.'; and WHEREAS, the Purchaser, the Issuer and the Trustee desire to extend the December 1, 19a9 d.te of Section 301(d) to February 1, 1990 to provide the necessary time to discu.., negotiate and lupplement further the Indenture. HOWl THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and undertaking set forth herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and SUffiCiency of which hereby are -.~-~ 1 1. 22. 8 S 03:2F PM *SVC&.R Nevvpo ~ t :So h. CA pas or aCknowledged, the I.luer, the Trustee and the Purcha.er here~ agree al followl: Section 301(d) Of the Indenture 11 amended ,and re.tated .s follows: .(d)~e~smntion Upon Demand Of Purchaser. Prior to the Conversion Dete, the Bonds are subject to mandatory redemption, in whole, on February 1, 1990, and on each fifth December 1 thereafter until maturity, at . price equal to the principal amount of ' OUtstanding Bonds plus accrued interelt to the Redemption Date, without pramium, unle.. the , Purchaser Ihall have viven notice in writing, to the Issuer, the Trulte. and the Company, stating that such redemption ahall be waived, at least .izty (60) but no more than ninety ('0) days prior to .ach .uch redemption date,- IB WITNESS WHEREOF, the partie. hereto have caused this Supplement to the Indenture to be ezecuted on their behalf by their duly authorized officer., and, if applicable, their corporate .eal ahould be affized and duly attested all a8 of this 30th Cay of ftovember, 1989. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO By: Its: Mayor ATTEST: By: Its: City Clerk TRUST SERVICES OF AMERICA, INC. By: Its: ' Authorized Representative 7427n/2266/03 -2- - .. --- ~I<UX r ~L~(;OP r ER 295; ??-??-??; ??:?? ??; CC I TT G3 + ; __ 9 11.22. BS 03:2' PM *IBVC&.Jlt. Ne"NF>o t Bch. CA pas , COKSERT OF THE HOLDER OF EACH BORD AS REQUIIED BY, SECTION 1102 OF THE IRDERTUJt!:: CHASE' MA1\1KA'1'TAR 8ARJC, .. A. By: 'Ita: Authorized Representative 7427n/2266/03 -3- ....... -.... ~ --.-..-.. ....... ........ NOTICE OF REDEMPTION UPON DEMAND OF PURCHASER Publication Date: October 16, 1989 CUSIP: N/A SECURITY DESCRIPTION City of San Bernardino Industrial Development REvenue Bonds Series 1984A (Central City Promenade Project) Due December 1, 2024 SECURITY DATA Rate: Monthly Variable Maturity: December 1, 2024 Redemption Price: 100 Accrued Interest: Variable NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 3.01(d) of that certain Indenture dated as of December 15, 1984 (the "Indenture") between the City of San Bernardino, State of California (the "Issuer") and Trust Services of America, Inc., as Trustee (the "Trustee") a Redemption Upon Demand of Purchaser, in whole of the entire $7,200,000.00 outstanding of the above described debentures will occur on December 1, 1989 (the "Redemption Date"). On the Redemption Date, the $7,200,000.00 Debenture Number R-1 will be paid at the Redemption Price of 100% of its principal amount together with the variable interest payable to December 1, 1989. On the Redemption Date, the redemption price will become due and payable on the bond and interest thereon will cease to accrue on and after such date. Payment of bond to be redeemed will be made upon presentation and surrender of said bond to: MAILING ADDRESS Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company of California P.O. Box 7708 San Francisco, CA 94120-9854 HAND DELIVERY Manufacturers Hanover Trust . Company of California 50 California Street, lOth Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 /0763B - . -2- The method of delivery of the Debenture is at the option and risk of the holder; but if mail is used, Insured Registered or Certified Mail, return receipt, is suggested. The Debenture must be accompanied by proper instruments of assignment or endorsed in blank where payment other than the registered owner is desired. Total amount of debentures being redeemed versus outstanding: Redeemed $7,200,00.00 Outstanding $7,200,000.00 All holders submitting their Debentures must also submit a Form W-9 in order to avoid 201 back-up withholding under the Interest and Dividend Tax Compliance Act of 1983. Failure by a debentureholder to provide a completed Form W-9 will result in a 201 back-up withholding against the principal portion of such debentureholder's redemption proceeds. Dated: October 16, 1989 In the Name of and on Behalf of: The City of San Bernardino State of California by Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company of California as Agent for Trust Services of America, Inc. as Trustee 107638 . ~ .. ... ~ The Chase Manhattan Bank, N,A. 101 Park {\Venue NAW York, Nf"w York 100m ~illll CHASE August 28, 1989 Trust Services of America, Inc. 700 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90017 Attention: Joseph DiTomosso Re: THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A. City of San Bernardino Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (the "Bonds") Series 1984A (Central City Promenade Project) Your No. 61-3862-00-2 Ladies and Gentlemen: Please be advised that The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., the purchaser of the Bonds (the "Purchaser"), hereby advises you that it wishes to exercise its right to cause a mandatory redemp- tion of the Bonds on December 1, 1989, pursuant to Section 3.01(d) of that certain Trust Indenture dated as of December 15, 1984 (the "Indenture"), between the City of San nernardino and Trust Services of America, Inc. Please provide to the Issuer and the Company the proper notice of the aforesaid mandatory redemption in accordance with Article III of the Indenture. All capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the same meaning as set forth in the Indenture. Please indicate your acknowledgement and consent with respect to the foregoing by executing the enclosed copy of this letter and returning it to Mr. Todd Noia, Chase National Corporate Services, Inc., 801 S. Grand Avenue, 14th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90017. THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A., a. national association '1 . . j. j' I' \ ,:/. ~. \" '.' ", ,,' ,/" i' j By: t~:~ 'Ii;;;. ?(t<t',~.~,~6':" it;/-_.{ Its: ~o ^'1 SHrt fl, ~ ' 171='1': PRI':'310rcNT cc: Mr. Hank Belley ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO THIS DAY OF , 1989. TRUST SERVICES OF AMERICA, INC. By: It.s: SVN5564 [O'd lre[ 629 [12 lSncJl . ddCD f::iSl E:[ : r 1 68'::, T 0[/80 ...... ..... -- ~ --- ...... ------. L,IlW OF"F"lCe::S 0"" ~) LOEB AN D LOES A ~AtIITNI![R5HIP INCLUCf"'O PAOra:tt'IO,.....l, COFlPOR,a.'.IOt.l5 '05!:"'" ". LOI:B .le&~.I0741 JWIN .J. LOl:B fle.ae-rQ7CJ) MOAi1M~R H. H!:SS t1e~D.lge81 1000 WILSHIRE: BOULEVAI'lO. SUITE: IBOO WI'lITE:R'S DIRECT DI...L NUMBEI'l' LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90017 TlLLE"H(>NIC (213) 688-.1400 TELI!:COPI ER (2131 eee-3460 CAI!ILE ADDRESS "LOSANO" TELI:X 61'-3Ioe ~EW '(ORK OFFiCE 2.')0 P...~l'. A"'t:HUt; N(w YOJlllK, .... y, 'Oleo :~I~1 1"1-:)2' .-4"'\-n' Tr i (t';OPIER fllll t'9l "4!'~O 'l'1[..J;)l 121400 Cf:NTURY CITY OF"FleE (213) 688-3620 10100 l!t.NTA. M'c'H"'CA eOUl..'CV'A.CfC loOOS; ANO'C.r:5, CAllrOlll"'IA CI('JO~7 12q) ~4P'lCOO "'E..lCO"'ttH 11':::U 'ei-~,g.t T~L~)( IP ."IC,ft, August 28, 1989 Mr. Joseph DiTomasso Trust Services of America, Inc. 700 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90017 Re: THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A. City of San Bernardino Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (the "Bonds") Series 1984A (Central City Promenade Project) Your No. 61-3862-00-2 Deal:- Joe: In connection with our discussion last week, enclosed herewith please find a letter of direction from Chase authorizing you to notify all interested parties that there will be a manda- tory redemption of the Bonds on December 1, 19U9 pursuant to Sec- tion 3.01(d) of the Trust Indenture. ca 11. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to Kindest personal regards. Very kruly yours, J~v.~ Susan V. Noonoo of Loeb and Loeb SVN5576:kmp Enclosure cc: Mr. Todd Noia ~. ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ AUG 29 1989 Trust Services of Amerl~. Inc. Corp, Tru~ Dept. T'me In ~0.d T~~~ ~7q [T~ l-=mu . &JI]) \:)'::,1 8~:~T E.8E.T/O~/80 SAN BERNARDINO 54333-008-7 ARTICLE III Redemption of the Bonds Prior to Maturity Section 301. Redemption Dates and Prices. The Bonds are subject to call and redemption prior to maturity as follows: (a) Mandatory Redemption Upon Determination of Taxability. (i) The Bonds shall be subject to mandatory redemption prior to maturity as a whole, on any date, upon the occurrence of a Determination of Taxability, at a Redemption Price equal to the principal arnQunt of the Bonds redeemed, plus accrued interest thereon calculated at a rate equal to the Prime Rate in effect upon the date of notice of such Determination of Taxability plus two percent (2.00%) to the Redemption Date, without premium; provided, however, that prior to the Conversion Date, the Redemption Date and redemption price provided for in this Section 301(a) may be altered to reflect changes negotiated by the Company and the Purchaser. Such redemption shall be made as soon as practic- able, but in no event later than ninety (90) days following a Determination of Taxability. No redemption shall be made so long as the Company contests, in good faith, through proper proceedings, the validity of a Determination of Tax- ability. Upon an event of a Determination of Taxability, the Trustee shall immediately give notice of redemption to the Company and the Bondholders as provided in Section 303. (b) Mandatory Redemption Upon Occurrence of Event of Default. The Bonds shall be subject to redemption on any date, in whole, but not in part, upon the occurrence of an Event of Default under this Indenture (which includes, without limitation, an event of default under the Loan Agreement) which results in the Note being accelerated, at a redemption price equal to the principal amount of the Bonds Outstanding plus accrued interpst to the Redemption Date, plus a premium equal to four percent (4%) of the Bonds to be so redeemed, from funds deposited in the Bond Fund for such. purpose. ~4 26-C2-JWB-409.2 12-28-84 (ckd) SAN BERNARDINO 54333-008-7 (c) Mandatory Redemption Upon Completion of Construction. The Bonds shall also be redeemed in part, without premium, on December 1, 1987, or on the first interest Payment Date following the completion of construc- tion, whichever occurs first, to the extent of any moneys remaining in the Construction Fund created under the Indenture. (d) Redemption Upon Demand of Purchaser. Prior to the Conversion Date, the Bonds are subject to mandatory redemption, in whole, on December 1, 1989, and on each fifth December 1 thereafter until maturity, at a price equal to the principal amount of Outstanding Bonds plus accrued interest to the Redemption Date, without premium, unless the Purchaser shall have given notice in writing to the Issuer, the Trustee and the Company, stating that such redemption shall be waived, at least sixty (60) but no more than ninety (90) days prior to each such redemption date. , ! (e) Optional Redemption. The Bonds are subject to call and redemption prior to maturity by the Issuer upon the direction of the Company, from any source of available funds, including any optional prepayments of the Note in accordance with the provisions of the Loan Agreement, on December 1, 1987, or on any interest Payment Date thereafter, in whole or in part at the Company's option, at a redemption price equal to the principal amount of Bonds to be redeemed, plus accrued interest to the redemption date, without premium. (f) Special Optional Redemption. The Bonds are subject to redemption by the Issuer upon the direction of the Purchaser, in whole or in part, to the extent of any proceeds of insurance or condemnation awards deposited by the Trustee in the Bond Fund pursuant to Section 5.04 of the Loan Agreement on any date'within one (1) year after the deposit of such proceeds in the Bond Fund at a redemption price equal to the principal amount of the Bonds redeemed plus accrued interest on such Bonds to the redemption date, without premium. Proceeds of insurance or condemnation awards shall be deposited in the Bond Fund pursuant to Section 504. (g) Extraordinary Optional Redemption. The Bonds are subject to redemption by the Issuer at a redemption price equal to the principal amount of the Bonds to be 25 26-C2-JWB-409.2 12-28-84 (ckd) San Bernarcino 54333-008-4 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP~~NT REVENUE BONDS SERIES 1984A (CENTRAL CITY PROMENADE PROJECT) Regis~ered Bond No. R-l Si,200,000 Ml'.TURITY DATE ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE December 1, 2024 December 31, 1984 REGISTERED OWNER The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. Principal Sum: Seven Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO (herein sometimes referred to as the "Issuer"), a public body, corporate and politic, duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of California (the "State"), for value received, hereby promises to pay (but solely from the funds herein- after mentioned) to the registered owner above named or registered assigns (herein sometimes referred to as the "registered owner"), subject to the right of prior redemption hereinafter mentioned, the principal sum shown above being a Bond or Bonds of the denomination of S5,000 each, or any integral multiple thereof, maturing on the date show~ above, and to pay such registered owner on the ~~~erest paymen~ da~es by check or draft of the Trustee- ma~led to ~he Bondholder, as his name and address appear nn the Bond Regis~er kept by the Trustee at the close of busi- ness on the fifteenth (15~h) day preceding the interest payment da~e (the "Record Date"), interest on such principal s~m from ~he interest Payment Date next preceding the date hereof, unless: (~) it is dated a date be~ween the Record Da~e for an interest payment and the close of business on 1 26-C2-JWB-409.40 12-31-84 (ckd) -~ -..~ -.... San Be::'-:lardino 5';333-008-'; ,\ ~he immeeiately followin~ inte~es~ paymen~ date, in which even~, f~orn ~he da~e ~he~eof, or (ii) ~h~ da~e hereof is p~ior to =e=rua~y 1, 1985 in which event from ~he eate of o~iginal delivery of ~he Bones to ~he ?u~chaser (as definee in ~he Inden~ure) un~il the principal hereof shall have been paie or p~ovided fo~ in accordance with the Resolution hereinafter referred to. Interes~ snail be payable monthly on the =~~s~ day of each ~onth, co~~encin~ on February I, 1985 and shall be calcula~ee as fellows: (i) p~ior te t~e :onversion Da~e iaE defined in the ::ldent~re), the Bones shall bea~ i:1~e1.-est a~ a ~a~e ecrual to se':en~:::'-z:~ve pe~cent (:5~) of the P~ime Rate (as defined in ~he Indentu~e), ane (ii) afte~ ~he Conversion Date, the Bonds shall bear in~erest at a ra~e eq~al ~o seventy-five percent (75%) of ~he P~ime Rate on s~ch Conversion Da~e; provided, however, ~a~ in no event shall in~eres~ on the Bonds exceed thirteen and one-half percent (13.5%). The in~erest ~ate on the Bonds is subJec~ to conve~sion to a fixed ra~e as more specifically provided for in ~~e Inden~ure. Both principal and interest and any premium Upon the redemption prior to maturity of all or part hereof are payable in lawful money of the United States of America and (except for interest which is payable by check, wire transfer or draft as stated above) are payable at ~he office of Trust Services of America, Inc. as trustee for the Issuer (the "Trustee") in Los Angeles, California. . FE FERENCE IS ~~E TO THE FURTHER PROVISIONS OF THIS BOND SET FORTH ON TEE REVERSE HEREOF WHICH FOR ALL PURPOSES SHALL an.. VE TEE SAME EFFECT AS THOUGH FULLY SET FORTE ON Tr~ FACE h~REOF. 2 25-C2-JWB-';09.';O 12-31-84 (eke) - -... -... ~ ........ Sal1 Be:-::a:''':i.:..::c 5";333-.:05-"; C:TY OF S;'.N =ERN.~.RDINO ::rDVST;'I.~.I.. :)=:V=::'O?MENT ;'=:VENlTE BONDS SE?,,~ES :. 9S.;?.. (CE!'lT;'.:'.L C:T:- ?;:OrIEN..:'.DE: ?~O,-iEC'!) _'~~:, s - .. =cn:::: :.s o:;e or a!l au-:~c:.-:.=ed S'=''t-': ~c: ----- = f bcn.::s lirni~ed ::; a~~~ega~e ~~:~c:pa: amo~~~ of Seve~ Mi::i=n Two 2~~d~e= T~~~sanc Do::a~s (S~,:CC,8C:) (~e~e::;a:~e~ ~efe~~ed ":0 as -::;e "==::=s~~) :'Es~ed a:1c a~":~c:-:.=ed ~o be iss:.l:c. i \ \.. purs~a~~ ~o and i~ =o~fo~~i~y wi~h ~~e provisions, ~est~:.c- ~ions a:;d ::~:~a~ions 0: ~~e Cons~i~u~ion and laws of ~he Sta~e 0: Ca:i:o~nia, and O~dinance No. 3815 of ~be !ssue~ (~he l'Ordi~ance") as arne~ced, and p~~suan~ to a ~esolu~ion of ~~e Mayo~ and Corr~on Council of ~he Issue~ adop~ed December 17, ~98~. The !ssue~ has entered into a Loan Ag~eemen~ da~ed as of Dece~~e~ 15, :984, with Cen~~a: Ci~y Promenade, a California limited par"Cne~ship (the "Companyll), purstiant to which the Issuer has loaned the proceeds of ~he Bonds to the Company (~he "Loan") in or::ie~ to finance the accuisition, cons~ruc"Cion and installation of certain commercial facilities (the "Project") of the Company to be constructed in the City of San Bernardino, California. In order to evidence the Loan and the obligation of the Company to repay the same, the Company has executed and delivered its promissory note dated as of December 15, 1984 (the "Note"). The Note provides for the repayment by the Company of the Loan, including interest thereon, in ins~allments sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds as the same shall become due and payable. The Bonds are all issued under and are to be equally and ratably entitled to the benefit of a T~ust Indenture dated as of December 15, 1984 (~he "Indenture"), duly executed 'and delivered by the Issue~ to the Trustee. ~~y te~m not othe~wise defined here- in shall have the same meaning ascribed to it in the Inden- ture. --"':Q"- ......- ---- -.... .'-' ::.l:--:''':1e:- secu;::,,: pa:nne:lt Qf -:l1e No-::e, -:l1e C~m~a~y ~as ~~a~-:ed -:::: -:l1e !s5ue~ a fi~s-:: ~~~s~ deed ~~en O~, and a se=~~:~y ~~~=~=s~ wi~h ==5pec~ ~o, ~~e ?~ojec~ p~~s~an~ ~= a Deed of T~us~, Assignmen~ of ~en~s and Secu~:-:y Ag~eemen~ da-:ed as 0: December 15, 198~, and an ~ssignmen~ 0: Leases, ::::a-:e:::: as of Dece~~e~ 15, :98~ (c~::'lec~:',"ely, ~he ":>eed 0: T~us~"). Tl1e Issue~ has 25-C2-:W3-~C9.~O :.2-3:-8'; (::~:=) -.- ... . San Ee:-~ar,=.inc 5';333-~Oe-'; assigned all of its ~igh~s and :n~e~es~s in, to and unde~ ~he Deed ef !~us~ ~o ~~e T~us~ee for ~he bene!~~ of t~e ~cl=e~s 0: ~ne Eonds. The Lean Ag~eemen~, Deed of Trus~, the Note and ~~e :nden~ure are or. f:le a~ ~he principal office of ~he Trus~ee. Refe~ence is made ~o ~he Lean Agreemen~, the Deed e= _rus~, the Nete and ~he lnden~ure for ~he previsions =e~=~~~g ~O, among o~~e~ ~~i~gs, ". .. . - ~ne ~e~ns ana s=cur:~y 0: ~he 3cnds, ~~e ~:g~~s, d~~~es and cbliga~:ons cf ~he :ssuer, ~he =rus~ee and ~he ;1clders of ~~e 3onds, ana ~~e te~~s u~on ~hic~ ~~e Bo~ds a~e or may be issued and secured. I This 3end is ~~ansfe~able (subject to the condi- ~iens in the next succeed:ng paragraph), as provided :n ~~e Inden~ure, only upon t~e ~egis~~a~ion books ~ep~ by t~e Trus~ee (the "Bond Req:ste~"), by the registered owne~ hereof in pe~son or by his at~orney duly authorized in w~it- ing, upon the surrende~ of this Bond, together with a wri~- ten inst~umentof transfer satisfactory to the Trustee duly executed by the registered owner or his a~torney duly authorized in writing; thereupon, a Bond or Bonds, in regis- tered form, in the same aggrega~e principal amount and of the same series, maturity and interest rate, shall be issued to the transferee in exchange therefor as provided in the Indenture, and upon the payment of the charges, if any, pre- scribed therein. The Bonds are not subject to redemption prior to maturity except as hereinafter provided. Mandatory Redemption Upon Determination of Taxability. (i) The Bonds shall be subject to mandatory redemption prior to ma~ur~ty as a whole, on any date, upon the occurrence of a Determina~ion of Taxability (as defined in the Indenture), at a redemption price equal to the princ~pal amoun~ of ~he Bonds redeemed, plus acc~ued in~e~es~ thereon calculated a~ a ~a~e equal to ~~e ?~ime Ra~e in effec~ upon ~he da~e of no~ice of such De~e~nina~icn of =axabi:~~y plus ~we per=en~ (:_O~~) to the ~ede~p~icn ca~e, w~~hou~ premium; p~c7laed, howeve~, tha~ pr:o~ ~o ~he Conversion Date the rede~p~ion date and ~he rede~p~ion price may be a:~ered ~o reflec~ changes nego~ia~ed be~ween ~he ?u~chase~ and the Company. Upon a te~mina~ion of such 4 25-C2-Ji-i3-.a.09 _-l-C :2-31-84 (=}.:c) - . San 3: :,...:1a:-::.:..:lC 5-i333-,:C.S_"; negotia~ions, or after the Cc~ve::-sion Da~e, such redem;~ion shall be made as Soon as p::-ac~icable, bu~ in no eVen~ la~e~ ~~an 90 cays fOllowing a Dete~mina~ion of Taxabili~y. Manda~ory Redemp~icn Upon Occu~~enee of !ven~ of Default. The Eonds shall be subjec~ to redemp~ion on any da~e, in whole, bu~ no~ in pa~t, upon ~he occur~ence of an !?en~ of Defaul ~ under the Inien~u::-e (owhi cb ine ::..'..ldes, w~~~out limi~a~ion, an event ~f default unde~ ~~e Loan Ag::-ee~en~l W~ic~ ::-esults in ~~e No~e being acce:e~a~ed, ~ede~p~~on p::-ice equal ~o ~he P~ine:pal amoun~ of ~he Ecnes Ou~s~anding plus aec::-ued inte::-es~ ~c the ~edemp~ion ca~e, plus a premium e~..lal to one hund~ed and four pe~een~ (l04~) of the Bends ~o be se ~edeemee. Mandatory Redemp~ion Upon Completion of Cons~~uc_ tion. The Eonds shall also be redeemed in part, without premium, on Deeembe::- 1, 1987, or on the firs~ in~eres~ Pay- ment Da~e following the completion of const=uction, which- ever occurs first, to the eX~ent of any moneys remaining in the Construc~ion Fund created under the Indenture. 0 ( Redemption Upon Demand of Purchaser. Prior to the Conversion Date, the Bonds are subject to mandatory redemption, in whole, on December 1, 1989, and on each fifth December 1 thereafter, until maturity at a price equal to the principal amount of ou~standing Bonds plus accrued interest to the redemption date, without premium unless the Purchaser shall have given notice in writing eVidenCing its waiver of such redemption at least sixty (60) days, but not more ~~an ninety (90) days, prior to such redemption date to the Issuer, the Trustee and t~e Company. Prior to the exercise of this option, the Purchase::- shall give notice as required in the Indenture. Optional Redemption. The Bonds are SUDJee~ to call and redemption prior to maturity by the Issuer upon the eiree~ion of the Company, frc~ any source of available :unc.s, inc 1 '.lc:.ng any op~i cnal prepa:l!T!en~s of -:he No~e in . .'. .. -. - . ac=cr~ance w:~~ ~~e prov:s:ons 0: ~ne ~oan ~gree~en-:, on ~e=e~ber l, 2927, or or. a!1V :.n~e~es-: Pavrnen-: Da-:e ~~e::-e- - ".~ i.:. -" ~ - ~ ~ - _;.:. ,... ..,.... _ - I ...._ C a:-:e::-, _n \\....0__ 0.. _n p",r. "'. '-_1_ ....Oll.:-;"'ny s O:--__on, a-: a ~ede~ption P~i=e egual ~o ~he pr~~cipal arnou~t of Eanes ~o ~e ~edeemed, plus ec==ued i~~e~es, ,0 the redemp"ic~ de,e, ",oj, -:l1ou~ prem:. '.l:n. 25-=2-J~;3-~09.4C :.:-::-;~ I =}.:d) San E-e1.-::.a:-:iinc 5..;:; 3 3 - Q C.S - ..; Special Op~ional Rede~p~ion. The Bonds are su=ie~~ ~c ~=de~p~icn by ~he !ssue~ upon the direc~io~ of ~he ?ur=~aser, i~ whcl-e or in par~, to the exten~ of any proceeds 0= i~surance or condemna~ion awards deposi~ed by theTr~s~ee in the Bond ~und pursuan~ ~c Section 5.8~ oi tn-e ;..oan _~g:-eenen~ on any da~e wi ~hi~ O:1e (~) year a=~e:- the deposi~ of such proceeds in ~he 50nd ~und a~ a rede~p~ion ~~-:.C= e~~al t.c tl1e ~:-:..n=:..pal amOl..ln-: of -:.~= E,cnds ~-edee!!1ed plus accrued i::'~eres~ on such Bonds ~o ~he rede~p~ion date, . . . ;',:-: -:"::01..:-: ;::"'::7.: 'L:.::"... ?roceeds oi insura~ce or . . c=::\:4E::::::a~:cn . ...... .. . ~. .. - .. - ~ awa==s s~a~~ =e aepcs:-:eQ ~n ~~e ~C~~ =~nQ pursuan~ ~~ Se=~~on 50~ 0= the :nden~ure. Extraor:iinary Op~ional Redemp~ion. The Bonds are subjec~ to redemp~ion by the Issuer a~ a redemption price equal ~o the principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed plus accrued interes~ on such Bonds to the rede~p~ion da~e, wi~hou~ premium, by the Issuer upon the direc~ion of the Company, with the approval of the Purchaser, upon the occurrence of certain extraordinary even~s as described in Section 6.01(c) and Section 6.01(d) of the Loan Agreement. (' Op~ional Redemption Upon Interest Rate Exceeding Permitted Rate. Prior to the Conversion Date, the Bonds are subject to redemption, in whole, at the option of the Purchaser, within eighteen (18) months after the date that the interest rate borne by the Bonds shall exceed the maximum interest ra~e permitted by law to be borne by the Note, at a redemption price equal to the principal amount of Outstanding, Bonds, plus accrued interest to the Redemption Date, without premium; provided, however, that such redemption shall be no later than the date the Bonds are to be redeemed pursuan~ to any other provision of this Article III of the Indenture. . General. In the event oi redemption of less than all of ~he Ou~standing Bonds, the Trus~ee shall select ~~e 50nds ~o be sc redeemed by lo~. :f there shall be called for rede~p~ic:: less ~:.a::. ~he pri~ci?al anoun~ 0= a Eond, t:.: :ssuer sha~l exec~~e, ~he Tr~s~ee s:.a11 au~he~~~=a~: =~~ ~ ..... . .... . - .. - .. .. ... s~a_~ ~e~:?er, upo~ s~rr:naer == s~=n =ono, w~~:-=u~-cnar;e ~o ~he owner ~hereci, ==r ~he unredeemed balance of ~he ?~i~cipal affiO~~~ == s~c~ 3cnd, r=gis~ered bonds of like se~:es, ma~~~:~y and :~~e~es~ =ate in a~y of the author:zed ~e~c~:~=~~=ns, as ~cr: f~~lv set :or~h in ~he Inden~ure. 6 25-:2-;\)3-~09. ~o :'2-3:-3'; (:;;..:=) -- - . :; a:;. Be :....::a:-~:.::o - 1--- ,"""",- , ;''":';~~-'''';V~--: Notice of any re~effi~~ion 0: all or any pertio~ ef ~~is zond, wn:ch shall iden~ify the Bends to be redeeme~, s~all ~e given by ~he Tr~s~ee by sen~ing a copy of each s~c~ - .,..."-... "'0 -1~... o\.''''''e.... e': .,.....~.; - '::,........,..; -...,.. ':i '.s"'" -.I." -ss m=_i _', "_c ---- - ....- ....~ _ _ .u_::> ....._u.... '-':: ___ _ ... a _ ~os~age prepaid, add~essed ~o ~~e address of such Eon~1clde= as i~ appears on the Bone ~egis~er a~ ~he ~ime prier ~o ~~e cate fixed for redem~~io~ referred to in the :nden~~re; any de=ec~ in the giving of s~ch no~ice or in the receipt ~~erecf shall no~ affec~ ~he ~alidi~y of any proceeding for . ~ . - ~;:= ~:~=~p~~on 0: ;;:-cpe:":~' gi~.:"e::. - .. . ~ =::~1C ~,,:: -:":1 .,-~c:::-~_- - --~__ l". . .. . -:~ vl.~::':"=...'1 ::c~:=e ~.,'as .:.,'t"'!~C" -_....""""'- On or prior to the da~e fixed for redemption, cash s~all be placed wi~h or made available to the Trustee ~= pay t~e princ:pal, p~:m:um, 1: any, and ac==ued in~eres~ on the Bonds or u~e por~ien thereof called. Upon the happening of the above conditions, the Bonds or por~ions ~hereof thus called, shall ne~ bear interest after the date :ixeci for redemption, shall no longer be entitled to the benefits of L~e Indenture (other than payment of amounts due upon such redemp~ion) and shall not be deemed to be out- standing under the provisions of the Indenture. \ This Bond, and the series of which it forms a part, shall not be deemed to constitute a debt or liability of the State or the Issuer, or a pledge of the faith and credit of the State or the Issuer, b~t shall be payable solely from the revenues and other funds, if any, provided therefor in the Indenture. The issuance of' this Bond shall not directly or indirectly or contingently obligate the State or the Issuer to levy or to pledge any form of taxation whatsoever therefor or to make any appropriation for its payment. Neither the faith and credit nor the taXing power of the Ci~y of San Bernardino is pledged to the paymen~ of the principal of, premium, if any, or interest on t~is Bone, nor is the City of Bernardino in any manner obligated to make any appropriation for its payment. Neit~er ~he Mayor and :~mmon Council of the Issuer nor ~he =f:i:erE and effipleyees of the :~suer nor any persc~s exe:~~~n; ~~is 3cnd shall, i~ any e~en~, be subjec~ to any ~ers=na: :iabili~y :or ~~is Eonci or any personal liability == ac=o~n~abili~~' by ~easc~ o~ ~~e ~ssuance of ~~is Bond. :~is Eond shall be a s~ecial ocliga~ion of the Issuer, and ~he Issuer shall, under no circ~~stances, be obliga~ed to ?ay ~~~s 30nd O~ cos~s c= ~~e ?~ojec~ (o~he~ ~han ~cm:~is- ~ra~:ve ~xpenses), exceo~ from revenues ane other :unds 26-C2-JWE-~09.~C "~ -" -. ( . ") ,..:-..;.-..; ..;.-=-= c.:..::::. ... . San :e:.-::a:..-:ii.::c 5';323-':05-'; received under ~he Lo~n Agreemen~ :or such purposes, nor ~o pay r.d..r.inist::-a~i ve Expenses e:.:cep": :::-om funes recei ~.~ed ur:der ":he Loan Agree~en": for suc~ purposes, or from funds ~~:c~ are made available as o~~er~ise aU":~o::-i=ed by law. This 20nd sba11 ne'.~er be paid in ...;hc.le 0:- in pa:-= ou,,: of ="".. funds raised by ~axa,,:ion ~r f::-o~ any c":~er revenues of tbe Issuer excep,,: ~hose revenues pledged under ":~e lnde::,,:ure. . ?ayrnen~s under ~he :oa:1 Agreenen~, ~he No~e and ~he 2eed ~_ !:-us~ suf:icien~ for ~he p:-~rr:p": pa~'::1en~ ;';l:en::ue 0: -::"1e principal of and in-:eres-: en ~he 3cnds are ":0 be pa:d -:= -:~e =rus-:ee for -:~e accoun~ 0: -:~e Issuer and cieposi-:ed in a special accoun-: c::-ea~ed and es,,:ablished by ~he and have been duly pledged tor -:ha~ purpose. . '""""I,....~-~"....-,Q "'_.--_._-~._-, \ " The owner of ~his Sond shall have no r:g~-: ":0 enforce the provisions oi ~he Inden~ure or to insti-:u":e acticn to enforce the covenan~s therein, or ~o ~ake any ac-:ion with respec": to any Even~ of Default under or as defined in the Inden,,:ure, or to ins":itu~e, appear in or defend any suit or other proceedings with respec~ thereto, except as provided in ~he Indenture; provided that no~hing contained in'the Indenture shall affect or impair any right of enforcement conferred on the owner by the Ordinance or the right of the owner to enforce the payment of the prin- cipal of and interest on any Bond at and after ~~e maturity thereof, or the Obligation of the Issuer to pay the princi- pal of and interest on each of the Bonds to the respective holders thereof at the time, place, from the source and in the manner as expressed in said Bonds and the Indenture. 8 2 5-C2 - Jiv=-- ';09. ";0 :2-::-8"; (c~:d) . San 5e::-nard:':1o S";'333-00S-1 !t is he::-eby reci~ed, ce::-tified and declared ~l"a~ any and all condi~ions, t~ings and ac~s required to exist, ~o happen and to be perfor~ec preceden~ to and in ~he issu- ance of this 50nd exis~, ~ave happened and have been per- formed in due time, form and manner as required by the Cons~it~tion, ~he Char~er of ~he Issuer, the Ordinance and the laws of the State of Califo::-nia. :n ce::-tain even~s, on the conditions, in the man- ner a~c ~i~~ ~he effec~s set for~~ in ~he !nden~u::-e, ~he principal of all 50nds issued ~nder the Inden~ure and ~hen ou~s~anding may become or ~ay be declared due and payab:e before the sta~ed matu::-ity thereof, together wi~h in~erest accrued thereon. Supplements to the indenture and modifi- cations the::-eof may be made only to the extent and in the circums~ances permitted by the indenture. This Bond shall no~ be valid or become obliga~ory for any purpose until the Trus~ee's Cer~ificate of Authenti- cation hereon shall have been executed by the Trustee. IN WITNESS ~~REOF, the City of San Bernardino has caused this Bond to be executed in its name by its Mayor by his facsimile signature, and its corporate seal to be reproduced hereon, and attested by its City Clerk by her facsimile signature. By CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ..:;-, ._~ #"-'~ ."... .,:,~,.;fr ~Y",./,;,__ -./. .__ .,.;r- r (. ".:,;;.;;:;.. 7"'- Ma~~r ~ [ SE.n..L ] ATTEST: ..., , -. - . " .~ . -.' .. " :.'~ (..:.,.. /. .,' IL, ....(:.7~c:..-...... .::: ~y;:::e~k . / (/ v-'- -,.;..... .. :"'/.:d~~/ ;,- 9 26-C2-:WB-40~.";'C 1.2-27-84 (:::":d) - ... San Ee=-:lar'c.~nc 5-1..333-00S-~ TRUSTEE'S CE~~:=:CATE 0= .; UT::=:!-!': I:.:..:- : C !'! ':l:~ s - . _.~............ _\w'.._ is ~:~e 0:: := -: :: C. s C"Q~--~ ."""c....; .--......-___-..6 i:l -=~e . . . & ~;:~~~~-me~~::~ec . .....,....:.=,......-.. ~...c _.._"'""'---"""--_. !~us~ Se~\ices of .~e~ica, ~nc .., as Tl-"-lS~ee ~_.....~. ~c....._. _~c.:...:...- .:: .~=~~:.,? ::,.- ,-" . -,/ . ./ / "" ~. ~, -,7 '--]C::-' =:/ .,- c. '--.....~ Au~borized Officer '" > :0 :S-22-~W=-~C9.~O - . . - - - (:: .~:.::. ) - .. S - .. an .:e:.-::s.:"::':,::~ 5";~~3-0C3--i- AS S I GNH:::--r:r se~~s, assi;ns a!~d ~~ans=e~s ~~~C FOR V~L~~ R~C~:V~=, t~e ~ndersigned herebv ..... --...- .'00- _____'" - . ~c::=. .. . -'. . '''''c.,..._..~..___.."...".... _.~-""",c.".. ---....."""'____c,___.... ........1..___ is ...:.;~:: s -= -:a:.:; a~:'e~'" ..,.: '-'- c : :,y .:. F S.::.l- J :: E ~ L=-..:.:' : )1 C' ............. .:....~ ":.:le ......:. ~l:.:.:; - narne.j . .. . . :~~e~-:=a=_~' ==~E~:~~~e a~= a~~=:~~ A~~=~~e:~ ~= ~~a~z~e= ~~e said =c~d ~- ~~e books c~ ~~e does 11==eb:/ powe= c= s~~s":i~~~ion i~ ~:le pre=ises. \.,:>': -:::" =u 1: J ..Z-.. '!~D : Signa~ure guaranteed: ( The signature to this assignment must correspond with the name as it appears upon the face of the within Bond in every particular, without alteration or enlargement of any change whatever. 25-C:-Ji~E-~09.~C :'2-3:'-2'; (c}.:c-)