HomeMy WebLinkAbout46-Council Office cn Y OF SAN BERNARD..-jO - REQU~~T FOR COUNCIL AC (ION From: Councilwoman Esther Estrada Subject: Ways & Means Committee Report Dept: Council Office Da~: August 29, 1988 Synopsis of Previous Council action: None Recommended motion: That minutes of Ways & Means Committee meeting held August 22, 1988 be received and filed. \ ~? :-l,~ Signatur Contact parlon: Phil Arvizo Phona: 384-5208 SupportIng data attached: Yes Ward: N/A FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Source: (ACCT. NO.) (ACCT. DESCRIPTION) Finance: ;ouncll Notes: '5.0262 A ___ _. _ o. i.J~ WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE August 22, 1988 ATTENDEES: Councilwoman Esther Estrada - Chairwoman Councilman Jess Flores Councilwoman Norine Miller Assistant city Attorney - Denise Brue Acting City Administrator - Jim Robbins Asst. to City Administrator - Fred Wilson Public Works Director - Roger Hardgrave Public Buildings Supt. - Wayne Overstreet Council Executive Assistant - Phil Arvizo Mayor's Executive Assistant - Richard Bennecke Real Property Specialist - Les Fogassy Depty. City Clerk I - Patti South Project Manager - Ann Harris Chamber of Commerce - Les Debritz; Jim Smith, Gordon Quiel Parking District Commission - George Webster Theater Representatives - Warren Burdick, Richard Smith, Rachel Hatton The Sun - Pat McGreevey 1. PARKING DISTRICT FUNDING REPORT - Item continued. Mr. Wayne Overstreet was tasked to provide as much informa- tion as possible regarding past surveys at the September 12 meeting. The general consensus was that the parking issue had been "studied to death". Ms. Ann Harris agreed to make a presentation to the Parking District Commission and Mr. George Webster agreed to report back to the Ways & Means Committee with their responses, concerns and recommendations for the September 26 meeting. Attached is the report presented to the Committee. 2. REQUEST TO REDUCE PURCHASE PRICE - ELIJAH SINGLETARY - Item continued to Attorney's review had not been completed. OF KELLOGG LIBRARY September 12. City 3. ADMISSION TAX - Item continued. Mr. Burdick from Twin Cinema .Theater expressed opposition indicating that theaters were the target of this tax. Mr. Quiel, roller rink owner, expressed support but questioned the exclusion of non- profit organizations, such as the Civic Light Opera, from the tax. The Committee requested further research, review, and recommendations for taxing non-profit organizations and the Orange Show. Collection methods, structuring of a system and impact on the City Clerk are to be included in the report to be presented on September 26 to the Committee. Phil Arvizo will provide a package of information regarding the Admission Tax to the Chamber of Commerce for their perusal and dis- semination. 4. PROGRAM EXPANSION PROPOSAL AND FEE ADJUSTMENTS _ (COpy CHARGES) Item continued. The Committee received the report attached and requested an actual assessment of costs incurred. The objective would be to provide a formula, in coordination wi th the Finance Director, to identify the cost of equipment use, research and production of copies to conform. with state law. A form is in development that will provide this information. Charges would be uniform in all departments that provide this service. 5. CITY-OWNED LEASED REAL PROPERTY Item continued. The Committee is systematically reviewing city properties and will, in the near future, recommend to the Council some properties for sale, others for possible trade with other government entities, and some to retain. Further study will take place and be presented at the September 12 meeting. 6. INSPECTION REPORT OF PROPERTY GARDEN STATE PAPER CO~lPANY, 181. SOUTH "G" STREET The Committee received and filed this report. This is one of the properties to be discussed per Item 5. 7. TOURIST/CONVENTION BUREAU (PENDING ITEM) - The Committee discussed the need for the Chamber of Commerce to present a specific plan with measurable elements and accountability. There was a consensus that this item be referred, through these minutes, to the full Council at the September 6 meeting. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, ~~~~ Counc1lwoman Esther Estrada Chairwoman Ways & Means Committee EE:ej attch. ~- CITY _1 SAN BER ARDI..o INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM 8808-1712 TO: Ways and Means Committee ~ FROM: Fred Wilson, Assistant to City Administrator SUBJECT: Outline of Parking District Report DATE: August 12, 1988 (7530) COPIES: Jim RObbins, Acting City Administrator; Jim Richardson, Deputy City Administrator; Ann Harris, Main Street Project Manager ------------------------------------------------------------- At the Ways and Means Committee meeting of August 8, 1988, staff was requested to develop an outline of various elements that would be required to prepare a comprehensive parking study for the downtown area. The outline was to include estimated time frames to complete the various elements of the plan. Listed below are the major elements that have been identified to develop such a plan: 1. Overview of original assumptions in the development of parking district. 2. Current administration of the parking district: A. Role of parking commission B. Bond repayment schedules c. Lease agreement D. Parking Credits E. Area Tax Contribution 3. Summary of previous studies completed on parking district issues. 4. Current analysis of parking situation. 5. Survey to determine users of parking district lots. 6. Short-term parking solutions. 7. Long-term parking solutions. 8. AQMD imposed ridesharing requirements. 9. Public transportation improvements in the downtown area. J.l:. INTEROFFICE MEMORM.. 8808-1712 Outline of Parking Di~crict Report Auqust 12, 1988 Page 2 With the exception of the development of a survey to deter- mine who is using parking district lots, the information on the various other elements identified above has been pre- viously prepared for various other parking studies. The completion of a survey to determine the users of the parking district lots would take approximately two months to develop and complete under either of these options: 1. Traffic Engineering or other personnel would be stationed at two major entrance points to each of the parking district lots. These individuals would stop each car as it entered the parking lots and would ask the drivers a series of questions. If the individuals were unwilling to discuss these questions in this manner, a self-addressed card would be given to that individual with a request that it be returned to the City. 2. Traffic Engineering or other personnel would walk through each aisle in the parking district lots and note the license numbers of all vehicles that are parked. The license information would be checked against DMV records to obtain mailing addresses. Survey forms would then be mailed to each address requesting information in a manne~ similar to number 1. 3. A survey questionnaire could be developed and mailed to all businesses in the Parking District requesting information on employee parking. This form of survey would be less costly to administer as it would not require the dedication of engineer ing personnel for a physical survey. The estimated cost to develop a survey for items 1 or 2 inclUding the necessary p~rsonnel time and preparation of the mailing cards is estimated at approximately $3,000.00. It is estimated that the preparation of a mailed survey under item 3 would cost approximately $1,000.00. Should the Ways and Means Committee desire to pursue a parking usage survey (in addition to the other elements of the parking study), it is anticipated that a report could be generated by November 14, 1988. City Administrator CITY or SAN BBR ARDINO IN~_~OFFICB MEMOknHDUM 8808-1423 TO: Ways and Means Committee FROM: James Robbins, Acting City Administrator SUBJECT: Results of Copy Charges Survey DATE: August 18, 1988 (7536) COPIES: ------------------------------------------------------------- Per your request, a survey of City departments was conducted by the City Clerk's Office as to the current dollar amount charged the public for reproduction of various types of documents. Of the departments charging any type of fee for this service, $.10 per page appears to be the "norm" for a standard document. Maps and photographs cost a little more with the Public Works Department, for instance, charging $1.50 for a standard size map (24"X36") and the Police Department charging from $2 - $9 for photographs, depending upon size. Only three departments charge significantly higher for their documents -- Police - $5 per report; Library - $.25 per page; and Data Processing - $140 for a complete list of Animal License holders and $160 for a complete list of Business License holders. With the exception of the $.10 per page charge (authorized by Resolution No. 83-45~ and the $5 per report by the Police (authorized by Resolution No. 87-264). the charges appear to be based upon "past practice." The types of documents copied vary widely from department to department depending upon the business conducted by each. Samples include building permits, police reports, accident reports for insurance companies, assessors' maps, policy documents for developers, etc. The majority of departments responded positively to the idea of charging for "research time" based upon the amount of staff time utilized in this effort. The Library currently charges a $2 research fee. Attached for your review are the actual survey results with eZ::t~al co_ent.. ~ E. ROBBINS Acting City Administrator JER/rnd .."/uL City Clerk'. Office. 7/6/88 How much do you charge for copies'8&f J1b<S&oebtIiS _.C 0 P Y eRA R GRlC~V~D'r.:'?'f~LlR~ Y It) rI What basis did you use in establis~ing ~hi. time and costa. standard rate) !:f.p6/ t charge? (i. e. staff Do you have a different cAA5ge for photographs or maps?~ docume~ta and charges. "'f I. f"O S w-l 24'1 ~ 3." IMyJ non-standard documents such .. If so, I please describe ...,...... J:1 1-1 '" ~ If:;! I / Please give some examples of the types of documents that are mosr frequently requested and by whom: (for example: general public. bus l~sses. eveloper~ the County. etc,) /I~ tJ - ,v~ /,... 4 ~....... '-0 oS _ Please list any documents or- other information in wrltten form that you think should be distributed free of charge and why. (For example: City Clerk does not charge for copies of Council agendas because access to Council meetings is desired) Please give us your thoughts on the recommendation that we charge for research time. Research fee would be based on actual staff time and would be assessed only for requests exceeding 15 sey!=h or compilatio~/ t).;ne, -1-1- /J or, f..:I.t (" ./..0 ''''<1 So -- Co , w,.;. , CO+s/suggestions:;:+ d/mf,",- ~ _/..h?<J./t - .""""~r "fi"..../() I.: L,J.(' Department: Person completing Date: 7-/t"+4" w~ form Additional THANK o responses attached? YOU! City Clerk's Office .C 0 P Y C H A R G B S SURVBY 7/6/88 How much do you charge for :~ples of documents? ID I.t.,~r What baslS did you use in establi~hing cni~ charge? (i.e. staff time and costs. standard rate) Lij:.'"t ~tCo"'..!:!c:.,d Do you have a different photographs or maps? documents and charges. non-standard documents such as If so. please describe Please give some examples of the types of documents that are most =requently reques~ed and by whom: lfor example: general public. buslness~s. developers. ,the ountY~.ete. J n ."'+;.^ . oJ t.1' to .~s l-'A"""'".oc..\ t"or I ""l " C , Please list any documents or other information ln wrltten form ~hat you thlnk :nould be dlstrlbuted free of charge and why. iFor example: Clty Clerk does not charge for COPleS of Councll 3gendas b.ec{" se\access to Coun il meetlngs lS d~slred) \, -t .. "" "!t ~ Co t ,...., ~ : "" I- , I,.".. ,.., 0- " ,,"'I (I> :LJ Please glve us your thoughts on the recommendatlon that we ~harge for research tlme. Research fee would be based on actual staff tlme and would be assessed only for requests exceeding 15 search or compllatlon time 'f\ \, i . n. "'Ic;.'5L. {(5!.....""" , It.. I ~." (."'~ tc. "'''''''' \... ~'J\ ""r ... \ ~ c.ft.... .',.~~.....ra , Comments/Suggestlons: : r::'epar~men~ : ?erson comPlet/;nq :::'a te : 1/11 )2 . ""'c. t.-"\ responses at~ached? YOU! form " Addltlonal T H A N K City Clerk'. Office .<: 0 P Y eRA R GIS SURVIY 7/6/88 How much do you charge for coples of documents? lOt per cppy What basls did you use in establishing this charge? (i.e. staff time and costs, standard rate I rlnt ~nn_ Do you have a different photographs or maps? documents and charges. charge for non-standard documents such as No If so, please describe Please glve some examples of the types of documents that are most freauently requested and by whom: (fer example: ~eneral public. buslnesses. developers. the County, etc.) Buildina Permits Please list any documents or other 1nformation 1n wr1tten form that you thlnk should be distr1buted free of charge and why. (For exa~ple: City Clerk does not Charge for Coples of Council agendas because access to Council meetings lS deslredl r~one Please glve us your thoughts on the recommendatlon that we charge for research time. Research fee would be based on actual staff t1me and would be assessed only for requests exceeding 15 search or compllation time. Excellent. It takp~. on avpragp ,n _ ~n min..t..c Der find and convinQ - I ~ :::::l ~ ~ ,., Comments/Suggestions: ....., Vl ..; I:oepartment: BUIldIng & Safety Person com"pletlng form Greq lee Date: .1111y n. lQR~ . Add1t1onal responses attached? T H A N K YOU! ..,.., ."- .::; City Clerk'. Office .~ 0 P Y CHARGES SURVEY 7/6/88 . How much harge for coples of documents? ~2.~ h;,h' '- $" 0 ~ ~~ aM. ~ ~ ~ q...'.:I t- ....-cIJ -n<m _ What baSl! did u USe 1n establishing ~ni charge? (i.e. staff time and costs, standard rate) rnlA~+ h/:W~ b~l2..\"\ ~~~I;~Jo~ ,.... +kL '50 ':r . Do you have a different charge photographs or map.? ~~ d~uments and charges. U\l.r'" (..o)~ ~~II/!:JL ,,-~ At.t j..J..1'r~ t;::::;L I for non-standard documents such aa If so, please describe '~.ot~;"" J ~~L~"_'~;'.oA."J; IJ:":,r Please give some examples of the types of documents that are most =requently requested and by whom: (for example: ~eneral pUblic. buslnesses. developers: the County. etc. )~. . N9a.~. O~i-hl:;:::~ - ~.;J ;. ttdJ. ~~ a-y- ~ Ce>:. 14 ~" . _-I-- - ,ru 1.'i: ,..... L4o. ." __ .A-t:L.. r .;. Please list any documents or other information in wrltten form that you think ~nould be dlstrlbuted free of charge and why. (For example: City Clerk does not 'charge for copies of Council agendas because~access to counc~l meetlngs is deSlred) . ~~~ I~ > ~~k. t =C-. .!UlQ..~S.) L,br. ndivi-+y ~;'"~..!{,~ ~ 0"'- ~ .... ~.~:"," .~. iC~'" ~; 4 ~:~; ~,.ti.: o7T bs...s CZ.-d.. />1 o~-rw. G:.'kf ~ I oS ('.:of ~'>t) 4A:.. Please glve us your thoughts on the recommendat10n that we charge for research tlme. Research fee would be based on actual staff tlme and would be assessed only for requests exceeding 15 search or compilatlon time. . au-/- - Comments/Suggestions: Department: t.IB t!Are.. 'f i'erson cOhlet1n~rm' #It:lllrlO... Vassila.Je.JS r-ate: -, 1~7 ~ . Addltlonal responses attached? V , , THANK'lOU!, /. ' ,,'1/.L p~v..I.;:,fl'i .;eI'r'L eM~~ :J.5...~(.:;:;r- Jc~.(_.t~ I'll' V . .vrv ., ...., t"t ':~.. REC'-l':~~ 0 p r'.' . C BAll G B S SOil V B Y 7/6/88 'f: :.'l.. li ? :73 How much do you char'1e for coplel of documents? $5 Der reDort Our reports usually consist of five Daqes. Whae bails did you use in establisbin'l this c4arqe? (i.e. staff time and costs. standara rate) We conducted a survey of surroundinQ aqencies and found the avera e to be $5.40. We rounded that off to an even $5. A more recen s a e-Wl e survey s owe a - avg. repor copy ee. ___ Do you have a different char'l. for non-standard documents sucb.as pboto'lraphs or maps? Yes _ If so. pleas. describe documents and Charges. Phatag"~ph._hl~ to ..hi ~y" (,. 'iy~ ~~. ~ = t ~~. ~nd ~~~~~ ~~5 ~~~~=~ ~5: 8 x 10 ~Q. - r.~.._tt_ t~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;;nl::in~ ;~~ ~ro- ~~~~~ bv custcmerl~ Vidpa tap_ ~,n (h1an~ t~__ p _ __ _"______ ___"_er Drintout of address/locatian inquiry ~15 fa,. _a~;' f~~;~ent..Qf..tm Ax1n I"""'p"ter pages. Please give some examples of the types of documents that are most frequently reques:ea ana by whom: Ifor example: general public. buslnesses. developers. the County. etc.) Re ort co ies and hoto ra hs are re uested b victims. _ro_ert. owners. attorneys, Insurance companies. Computer printouts are Qenerally requested by individuals who want to know what an area is like before they purchase prODerty or if they have been involved in an incident and want to know the frequency of occurrence at that same location. City Clerk's Office Please list any documents or other lnformation in wrltten form that you think sooula be distributea free of Charge ana why. (For example: City Clerk does not char'le for copies of Council agendas because access to Council meetings lS desired) We don't charQe another qovernment aqency for report eDDies. We do charQe for photoQraphs. Please glve us your thoughts on the recommendatlon that we Charge for research tlme. Research fee would ce based on actual staff tlme and would be assessed only for requeses exceeding lS search or compllatlon time. I feel that, as the norm. our $5 report COpy fee covers our research time. I see nothinq wronq with charqe for actual time. I think that the c~st~~~. however. should be Qiven a very close estimate. or at least a ceilin_ c s__ Comments/Suggestlons: The Fresno Pol ice Oepartment conducted a state-wide fee survey. I have attached a CODV of the results of that survev. Thprp might be somethinq in it that miqht helD. Det>an:mene: Pol ice DeDartment Person compleelng torm . GailJlLn~ Date: 7/11/88 AddltlOnal respor,ses attached? Yes T H A N K YOU! City Clerk'. Office 7/6/88 .C 0 p Y C R A R G E S SURVEY How much do you charge for C~ples of documents? ~~ ~~~ 1~~~ ""~ ~~,..~,e".. .;f'/.,,(') t' --_A' ....."') ~ Z"/A:..., ~.. ~'e_ ~~....~ 0#1/ ~ -~4.GR.. .,,,& ~~S ...".. ~ ..-?~. """"44:. ....- What baslS did you use in establishing ~nis charge? (i.e. staff ~aa. CO'~S. m..~ r~:.'..7 :;~" - .'~'~'-";.:::i:.-;'::: ,~" ~ ~;''Y r.,.;;::; rA.......... u::J -..........e''"'' :r'?JI.~ ~,.....- >#c- ,.,-{~, /... Do you have a different charge for non-standara documents such a~~ photographs or maps? ""1J" ' If so, please describe _ 'oc~aats aa. Cbar:;a. ~2'=~2-,'2 ;c~~~ S~E.;. "'~.a?;~" ~"if<B./&. ~ Please give some examples of the types of documents that are most frequently requested and by whom: (for example: general public, buslnesses. developers. the County, etc. I t;;;~ ~;_' ..:: ;:S~ ~ ~..<U.,' ~ ,0,. ~....~.~ r Please list any documents or other lnformation ln Wrltten form that you thlnk :nould be dlstrlbuted free of charge and why. (For example: Clty Clerk does not charge for Copies of Council agendas because access to Councll meetings lS deslredl ~J.. A'V-~,,":::''''''':t,A~~ ~ ___ L' ,....,~< ~ ,,~~~ ~:::.-;,:: ~--::..-:;.);';"":~-; ~::'-:::---:"-'7 .~.:....~:::~ "'::,~, ~;-,;; 4-.=..- r~'1J ~ ~~ t., ..l>.P C>4~....r -~~<t!.I'~ _ .....~..f . Please glve us your thoughts on the ecommendatlon that we charge for research tlme. ReEearch iee would be based on actual staff tlme and would be assessed only for requests exceeding 15 search or compllatlon time. / ~ Comments/SUggestions: Department: 0;: ~,_...,~ /~~ ~ "..Q~ rerson completl 9 form r--,.~n.....o ~ L _ ........ Date: ?~~"'-~e . Addltlonal responses attached? T H A N K YOU! T . I City Clerk'. Office 7/6/88 .~ 0 P Y ~ "'l eRA R GIS . j' 11 R V I Y .t 21 P ~ :16 :~ples of documents? N/A :ow much do you Charge for .~at baslS did you use ln establlsblng "nlS cbarge? (i.e. staff ~lme and COSts. standard ratej N/A ~ you have a different charqe pootoqraphs or ;naps! No . documents and charqe.. for non-standard documents Such aa If so. please describe ?lease qlve some examples of the types of documents that are most ~~eauently requested and by whom: (for example: general public. buslnesses. developers. the C:unty. etc. I . -- 00 .les oD. Mtinci:ci al Code sections re: street.. its' co ies of resolutions re: Use of Councll letters to City Administrator or letters to hP placed on Council Aqenda. Please 11st any documents or other lnformation lD Wrltten form ~at you thlnk ~nould be dlstrlbuted free of charge and Why. iFor example: Clty Clerk does not Charge for Coples of Council 3gendas because access to Councll meetlnqs lS deslredl ioned above should continue to be done free of charo@_ Please glve us vour thouqhts on the recommendatlon that We charge for research tlme. Research fee would be based on actual staff tlme and would be assessed only for search or compllatlcn tlme. id a es ciall v ste in handlin : ...., - '"T"I - w N , ..... .~ C~ents/Su9aestlcns: Oe:::artmen t: ?erson completlnq Date: -. form Addltlcn 1 responses attacned? T H A N K YOU! . City Clerk's Office COP Y C H A R G JlE~E":7~_.U:' -! E~ Y 7/6/88 How much do you charge .;or COPles'~ d.6c~~"~l{r!~ "!~~'" ;'\ !(uJcr;!. rc. 4'io" ;J........,..!*~.I. 1- "''',:;,T- '..~' .'t ~ ," ...._.. ......... J i .t ~r r.Dr~jl r . .? ~( .... "'-!:........; (1)1'/('... Wha~ baslS did you use in establishing ~his Charge? (i.e. staff time and costs, standard rate) Do you have a different Charge for non-standard documents such as photographs or maps? yt!<.. . . If so, . please describe documents and charges. ~", 3 CF"J4J4 ,"'I- '~.-.. L ,",r""Jt" .. ,.h.rf'Y\.~'~.i"'r- -, oL"4'- 5>.../", ~'.I: ~+~ .:"IJ/Y'''' ;~:"Itr'...-=- 2-'7f: :1A,'\~'!:') Please give some examples of the types of documents that are most :requentlY reques~ed and by whom: Ifor example: general public. buslnesses. developers. the County. etc.} t"'. ":," ",j.- : t: J~S r..",.... i<.t....,...~1 .. .1m,;'.":,.... W ,.,~ C,+-';"""nl, J"~~s' r~~~,~ r"~,"~.J Lr' ~I)'.,/r't' '/~, f.'~ '~$ ".,.' t.'",),." /J",-,.. ~r-rs "J~. ,.~ .,~_ e+C .L,r . v. I ','.,.. ....1'''' 'w1.1 h., h~A "- .. ')!*_"1 .mr \oJ,.. ',u",.:=.. h.!.T "r.~e ~"r,... t"'T ......l\.. J"ibl~" - 4.J...~ ~~c. 1)~ .:,...~.~ ",\,-.. ...;."zt...+;AI 'CI~+ ('l-f J_b/~s +- ;:';'.1.-~ 4.:._!. Please list any documents or other information ln written form that you thlnk $nould be distributed free of Charge and why. (For example: City Clerk does not Charge for copies of Council agendas because access to Council meetlngs is deSlred) -.. e. -,....~ ,~. ,~i. ~r~:\ 'i._"-~I'Ir-..~rj::}.l"'I. __~,i "";~~tt ..:::1....' l4rr... ::-.1'''' '1- .f"\:: '("/" "'..J~ ~ ..:.t"'.....,.,...!. ) Please give us your thoughts on the recommendation that we Charge for research time. Research fee would be based on actual staff ~lme and would be assessed only for requests exceeding 15 search or compllatiop time. . ;.. ."'\ I !n.... t.'hi":"II,-nl1 ~,.. '-~~;:tI?J., -I.'1lc! b;:;.. (A " &Cftv~ ~ ~., ~<",."..,,... -:;-~, 0.: ,"~"-/.dc.I,C I, .. ,.o."t- '" -+.,,, "5 --='0(. iJm~' 1-~ (b",,+ "tlL f! + -+0 71.'~11 't)T ~c ..,~ 'f'hf'f7"o) ~ ~I''':.J ...1;- <-(':1'. ~"~r;.- 4,.... jl"."v..,I"")c .:l ?r,tc... 1L'''~ .15' .:! h~~1 ~,';"~JI, -D~/'- I,.,,~, .n s~"'~ .,~ --'ho;!C .<:;'~..,.....~. ,.-. ,'f. _.....-It, :J"'l:"'a "r-.x",,,,,,,.. Comments/Suggestions: A/~"J'''' .1 -4.- !~,,?"\~ '\J",J~r~"ta,...,': 1 .,~/ ~ 4",'''''''' "th ,+ ,....;f'lJlj (rr~'l,n A!"\c.)IY1~n~ ~,,'L;-":\J. , ~t~ ...~ Department: .",... ".,.,., 1.,.~ I Person com'Pletlng form ~bi I~,.,,) Date: '-'I-~ Additional reSponses attached? "0 T H A N K YOU! ~ h~ve ,j, h?Jrd .....,M~ .J(C~"";''''.-1j-lU. r~ ~ ~" / ~&. ,-I"t. f\:..I ""'-H1" ~;, ~,.,. e!. he,..,,;., Itt'-fo ~rbJ,~;... ~ tI~~... "~or d? bool;.,,~s~- /.C~~<!~ l~hJ'!"... - <';m~. City Clerk's Office COP Y CHARGES SURVEY 7/6/88 How much do you charge for coples of documents? r40 charoe. Wha~ basis did you use ln establishing chis charge? (i.e. staff t~me and cos~s, sun~ard rate) .sma~~ r.ur:;~e~ ~: 7o~u~~:~ :~r r"pnrto {~II"rage flve per week) does not Justify keeolna sh a' g Do you have a different photographs or maps? documents and charges. charge for non-standard documents such as If so, please describe Please glve some examples of the types of documents that are most =requently reques~ed and by whom: (for example: general public. buslnesses. developers. the County, etc. l Fire reports and medical aid repprts reouested hv inslJran~.. ~OI:lpani..~ anrl D..r~ons involved in the incident/so Please llst any documents or other information in wrltten form that you thlnk 3nould be dlstrlbuted free of charge and why. (For example: Clty Clerk does not charge for copies of Council agendas because access to Council meetings is deslredl See above. Please glve us your thoughts on the recommendatlon that we charge for research time. Research fee would be based on actual staff tlme and would be assessed only for requests exceeding 15 search or compllation time. This is not a Droblem for the Fire Department. since most reports locate. are !>asy to i1l ~ ....., '!J ~ :.... Cornrnents/Suggestlons: ""J 0\ .... 'Ii ~, .,., Depar~ment: l'ir.. ?erson completlng form Fir.. Chi..f r,..r~lrl~.i r:..wrn",h.. Date: 7/~~/f!il Additlonal responses attached? No. T H A N K YOU! --' City Clerk's Office .C 0 P Y CHARGES SORVEY 7/6/88 How much do you charge for copies of documents? fr - What basls did you use in establishing ~hJs time and costs, standard rate) )V/6l charge? (i.e. staff Do you have a different photographs or maps? documents and charges. charge for non-standard documents such aa ~;I/? If so, please describe Please give some examples of the types of documents that are most frequently requested and by whom: Ifor example: general public, buslnesses. developers. the County, etc.) ~ / f Please list any documents or other information in written form that you think should be distrlbuted free of charge and why. (For example: City Clerk does not charge for copies of Council agendas because access to Council meetings is deslred) M'fr~~~,,~~1 t/j--;'~~It. ::;'::::~':.~~ ~ . ~t..(/ Please give us your thoughts on the recommendatlon that we charge for research tlme. Research fee would be based on actual staff tlme and would be assessed only for requests exceeding 15 search or compllation time. (!;;::d fit / DI^- I V . gi ..... ,.." d .,., Comments/Suggestions: ~ .- ..:: ~ .:: - .1::>. Department: 1M 4f/d/L'~ vol':. f c..f- "'erson completlng torm l.? B~,~~~ -:../~ Date: ?-{/- gz Addltlonal responses attached? T H A N K YOU ! v :-v kJJ :-:'1 ~ City Clerk'. Office COP Y CRARGES SURVEY RECF.''/c:,- ..... ~:.~:l, documents? This office does 'ca-:rr-l Y A 9 : 12 7/6/88 How ~uch do you charge for copies of not offer copies of documents for charge. Whae basls did you use in eseablishing this cbarge? (i.e. staff time and costs. standard rate) N/A Do you have a different Charge phoeoqraphs or maps? N/A documents and Charges. for non-standard documents such .s If so, please describe Please give some examples of the types of documents that are most frequently requested and by whom: rfor example: general public, buslnesses. developers. the County, etc. I We have no re uest for documents on a re ular basis. Occassiona11 someone re uests a co 0 an ord1nance or Reso uti on an t e are referred to Cit er Please list any documents or other information in wrltten form that you thlnk snould be distrlDuted free of charge and why. (For example: Clty Clerk does not charge for Coples of Council agendas because access to COUDC1I meetlngs is deslredl Copies of Municipal Code paoes which explain Citv position ~r requirements when individuals make application for use of Citv facilitie_. Please glve us your thoughts on the recommendatlon that we charge for research tlme. Research fee would be based on actual staff tlme and would be assessed only for requests exceeding 1S search or compllatlon time. Staff time is valuable and in most de artments there are no ersonne1 avai ab e to aSS1 n to researc 1n ormat10n W1t out remov n t em from t e1r rimar uties' t ere ore, c ar 1n or researc w c consumes an exceSS1ve amount of time 1S Justi Comments ISuggestlons: Polic for co char es and for research should be established for City wide use W1t guidel1nes for involving other epartments who mav be re~uired to provide some research efforts for a total do~~m~nt~ Several departments could conceivab1v be involved in a specific com i1 ti n of informa- Department: P.1l"'L-s. D~('ro~t;nn ;tr:JA ("orr'l'n1mit)I Ser"itif ticn for.a requestor. i'erson completlng form T~m I3ng9c Date: Ju1v 18. 1988 Addltlonal responses aetached? T H A N K YOU! City Clerk'. Office 7/6/88 ._C 0 p Y CHARGES SURVEY How much do. you charge for Coples of documents? ~ (.JJe do nor h1M~ CODI~ . What baslS did you use in establishing thls charge? (i.e. staff time and COSts, standard rate) Do you have a different photographs or maps! documents and charges. charge for non-standard documents such aa If so, please describe Please glve some examples of the types of documents that are most frequently requested and by whom: (for example: general public, buslnesses. developers. the Ccunty, etc.) Please llSt any documents or other lnformation in wrltten form that you thlnk ~nould be dlstributed free of Charge and Why. (For example: Clty Clerk does not Charge for copies of Council agendas because access to Council meetings is deSlred) Please glve us your thoughts on the recommendatlon that we Charge for research time. Research fee would be based on actual staff tlme and would be assessed only for requests exceeding 15 search or compllatlon time. Comments/Suggestlons: Department: ?erson completlnq Date: ... . ~ /. iorm Addltlon T H A H -b 1 responses K '1 0 l1 ! attached? ~ --.......-. - REC'D. - ADMIN. OFF. 1988 hUG 30 Alt I(F 2 6 SAJ'lI BERJ'lIARDlJ'lIO AREA CUAMBER Of COMMERCE 546 W. 6TH ST. . P.O. BOX 658 . SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92402 . (714) 885-7515 l!I ACCREDITED <-...., .., August 30, 1988 Shauna Clark City Clerk City of San Bernardino 300 North 'D' Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Dear Shauna: The Chamber of Commerce would like to request that the subject of possible funding of the Convention and Visitor Bureau be scheduled on the agenda of the Common Council on September 19, 1988, rather than September 6, 1988. It is our understanding that the Ways and Means Committee has recommended that this subject be placed on the agenda for September 6, 1988. We are most anxious to present our plans for the Convention and Visitor Bureau and to discuss possible funding alter- natives with the Common Council. However, several of our key Chamber leaders will be on vacation on September 6, 1988. Therefore, we would request an opportunity to appear on the Common Council agenda for September 19, 1988. Sincerely, ~O~ LES DABRITZ , Executive Vice President LD/bn cc: Mayor Evlyn Wilcox . Jim Robbins, City Administrator Gill Snyder r.arry Sharp Bill Heitritter Pat Caffrey 4;; +