HomeMy WebLinkAbout17-BBC Clerk CITY OF SAN BEht'JARDINO - MEMORANDUM To CITY CLERK RESOLUTION FROM BOARD OF BUILDING COMMISSIONERS Subject r~EETI NG OF Augus t 5. 1988 ADDRESS: 1455 N. "G" Street From BBC CLERK Date August 19. 1988 Approved Date Pursuant to Title 15:28, transmitted herewith are two (2) copies of Resolution No. 1229 of findings from the Board of Building COl1ll1i ss i oners . Mark I. Sutton, Clerk Board of Building Commissioners attachments , 'I ~ ""'j .;.: ;'" '."-... .' .... ~"/,;, :~~tf' /7 2 r~. C. R:.:,;OUrnON NO. -.JJ~-- L>;~P01-lT tTO. 3087 3 RESOLUTION .Y","iF DOAR[' ~):.. :)'II!.I'IN(; r:()r1tH';SIU:E:-"~ 0," T'F 4 CITv OF SAN 8ERNArDINO AUTHORI7ING THE ABAT~MfNT OF A ?UBLI~ 5 IIIUTSANCL:. 6 WIIERFAS, pllrSuflnt to'~an Pernardino t~uniciT)al Code, ';'itle 7 l~, Chapter IS.??, the Ruilding Official has posted R hui\ding(s) 8 or premises locnted at 1455 N. "G" Street l) San Bernardino, C:alitornta, \!ith a "Notice to At~ate ~.lHisunr_e';, 10 ~and has notified the person or persons having an interest in said I orop':>rty that the sai'! ~)l!ildin",(s) or premises constitute a II 12 public nuisance, and has prenared a de~laration of posting and 13 mailing of the noti~e, a copy of which is on file in these 14 l)r0C~?rlirl~s; 300 15 i,];..iJ-~P!7tL~, pllr:_~ll.:1nt to said ~';an Be::;::~r"'lino r.1unicina~_ ~,~o,~Je, the 16 T?ni.l.~lin{{ OfEi.-:ia] has served a "notice of -TeAring 1?eJ:ore the 17 ii ~o2rd of i3ltildin~ Comrnissioners of the r;ity of :~an r:ernardi.noll, I rplatino to ahatpment of said nuisance, to the person or uprson~ I, h~~inqan int"rest in said property, and ha.'; PP'pay'ed ,~ , I ,Idee tar.,tion of mail..ing of the notice, " copy of whi~h is onfil" , 18 I>) 20 21 in tl1e~e pr0ceedings; and 22 WHEREAS, a hparinR was hpl~ all to :r:f?c~i -/~ &0(1 con~ir!Pl i I , I ,relevant August 5 evidence, O')jpct inns protpnts on or 23 ,I 24 :;l9 88 ann 25 1,.hn:l~EA.~:, the Board of Euildinr::, Commi~,si()ner~; he8.r1 thp 26 testimony ann examined the evidence offered hy the parties 27 relative to su~h slleRed puhlic nuisance, 28 NOH, TIIEEEFOHE, ~~ I'.~ i<;,,:;OL\'Sl) BY 'l'HF BOA PD OF PIl IL~)T~.lG 1 COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: 2 SECTION 1. Based upon the evidence submitted, it is found 3 and determined that the buildingCs) or premises located at 4 1455 N. "G" Street , San Bernardino, Cal ifornia, 5 constitute a public nuisance for the reasons set forth in Exhibit 6 "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as 7 though fully set forth at length as the findings of fact of the 8 Board. 9 SECTION 2. The ownerCs) is hereby directed to commence the 10 abatement of the public nuisance by obtaining the necessary 11 demolition and/or building permits within ten (10) days after the 12 date of posting of a copy of this Resolution in a conspicuous 13 place on said buildingCs) or premises. The abatement must be 14 completed within sixty (60) days thereafter. 15 SECTION 3. In the event the public nuisance is not abated 16 within the prescribed period of time, the buildingCs) or premises 17 shall be razed, demolished, removed, repaired or rehabilitated by 18 the City of San Bernardino, or by a person or persons authorized 19 by the Building Official, and the expense thereof made a lien on 20 the lot or parcel of land upon which the public nuisance is 21 located. 22 SECTION 4. Any person aggrieved by this order may, within 23 fifteen (15) days after August 19. 1988 , appeal to the 24 Common Council by filing with the City Clerk a written statement 25 of the order appealed from, the specific grounds of appeal and 26 the relief or action sought from the Common Council. 27 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly 28 adopted by the Board of Building Commissioners at a 2 1 regular 2 day of August meeting thereof, held on the 5th , 19~, by the following vote, to wit: Commissioners Miller, Pollock, Ponder, Heil, Hunt AYES: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NAYS: ABSENT: Lord and Gonzales None Westwood and Flores Clerk, Board of Building Commissioners 5th The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this 10 day of August , 1988. 11 12 13 14 15 ./ App,roved as to form and legal content. 16 J -. ' a. ~ Deputy City Attorney 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 , . ~L-. 3 RE?ORT /l0.~ ( ) ~ ., ? CITY OF SAN-BERNARDINO DEPARTl'lENT .OF 9UIUING AND SAf€TY 300 Nor~h D Street SAN BERNAROINO. C....92419 UNIT INSPECTION REPORT The Building .nd S.fet'4 Oe...r1::men1:" h.s inspec1::ed .1::he described propertq. The inspec~iQn reve.led 1::11.1:: 1::he items ~rked do not cQnfor~ to tile provisi.ons of tile S.n Bern.rdino /'lunic.ip.l Code CSB/'lC).. Ite.s ..rked ~itll.n .sterisk must ~e re...ired or corrected ~itllin~d.qs. Otller items must be rep. ired or corrected ~itllin-3L-d.qs. . PERMITS REGUIRED.J,...yES_NO Permits .re required to rep.ir or correct ..nq o~ tile ite.s. For. consult.tion reg.rding tllis report. .ssis~nce in securing. permit. or sclleduling. reinspection. ple.se c.ll 1::lIe o~fice .nd schedule qour request .itll the inspector .1I0se n..e .pp..rs on this report. OFFICE HOURS ARE 7:30-4:30 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY r OWNER \2........... .,.Lc..t':,,,,c. ~oJ'\"';~1'l"7_ ADDRESS 101./-:, Cn..'cn\\'TO CITY~+4...la~ Lc,.. qllrJl PHONE NO.~~~':2.-; DATE PREPARED 7-1...-1,1 TYPE BUG/VIOLATION SFRI F,-;... \)a....:!."cJ. oJ ADDRESS /4.t:;h jJ,''(;, " Sf. ASSESSOR 'S NO. I Y t:;" -' .' /7.1. - d1 DATE OF INSPECTION -'-1-'37 '. ' IIXCLIoTICNS STRUeTUR~-ButLDtNO :. . 1. O.en/v.c.nt buildingCUFC11.41/11.412J Secure .11 building. to FHA s-.nd.rds to prevent un.utllorized entr.nce. Secure' doors .nd windows witll 'itted "lqwood p.inted to ..tell house trim. Open.bl. ~indows .ust be proYi~.d witll quiet rel..s. .ech.nis.s wllere s.curitq scr.ens .re inst.l1ed on bedroo. .indows(UBe 12041). Fl,.e d._g.d structureCs] s..eci'ic.ll" 0a....,,~ Il.....l ~'>.l?.l"\.\trs CSBI'IC 1'.16.240] Secure tile "eces..rq permit' .nd rep.ir witllin tllirtqC~O] d.qs to building codes or de.olisll. 6) ~. In.d.qu.t. .q,uip.entCUHC fire. .,. 901. protection 10. 1001n. or 'ire-fighting UFC 10.301] Provide .s 1 . ,. '4. -, r.~uir.d a~ ~ode~proper 'rire-'X~~~_ ishing s~stems 0- e~uipm.nt. In.de~u.t. .xit~CUHe9.a01.10. 100~m.uBC~~.3~a3.UFC .,.t.12J Addition.l 'exits _II b. r.quil'.d to b. in compli.nc.,~ith building COd.~. 5. In.de~u.t. Found.tion-~.gging l'lool'~ in CUHCIO. 1001c. d. J. k. L USC1.l04dJl'oundiltion 01' piers must b. pro",id.d. O. Inild.qu.t. _lls/ve,.tic.l suppo,.ts in ~nich h.",. b..n ~..k.n.d-b" det.,.ioriltion 0" o",e,.lo.ding CUHCI0. 1001c. d. h. J. 1. 'J must be I'epl.ced or strength.ned. 7. In.d.qu.t. ceiling h.ight in CUHC5. 5a3. UBCl2. 1207J All h.1I i t.lIl. i1nd se,.",ice roo.s sn.ll h.",. 7ft. bin. ceilings. ".. . 8. In.d.qu.te "00. di..nsion. in '-. CUHC'. '03. use 12. 1207J 9. 'In.d.qu.te ventililtion/ligllt in CUHC'. '04. USCl2. 1205] All ...lIit.1I1. ,.00.' s...ll h.v. .n .gg,..g.t. .indo~ .re. of' no~ less tll.n 1/10tll tll. floo,. .,... 0" 10 sq. ft. .IIicllev.,. is g,...t.,. .nd .n op.n.lIle ~indo~ .,... of' 1/2 tll. tot.l .,.e. r.qui,....nt. I.tll,.oo.s must h.v.. minimum of' 3 sq,. ft. 0" lie p,.ovid.d witll m.cII.nic.l v.ntil.tion. ~- 10. G 12.. Iap,.op.,. us. o~ unitCUHCI0. loo10J Th. us. of' .s .ust be discontinu.d. B,.ok.n doo,.. 0" .indo~sCUFCll. 411/11. 412. USC1. 104dJ S.. nuall." on. fa,. co,.,.ection. In.d.qu.t.r.tp,.00f'ingCUHCI0.1oo1k] All .ttic v.nts 0,. op.nings .ust II. cov.,..d a.sll sc,...ning. found.tion .nd .itll 114 inch lIuildings '.- 13. Ill.g.l .ddition/sullst.nd.,.d .cc.sso"V CUBC3.301. UHC3.301] A4dif:ion o~ aust con~o,.. to cod.s 0,. b. d.-olisll.d. 14. B,.ok.n/ai.sing ..t.,.io,. siding/stucco on CUHCI0.1001b.c.d''''J' USC17.1707] must b. r.p.ir.d 0,. ,....l.c.d. 1'. In.d.qu.t. doo,. .t it clos.. P,.op .,.1 II. doo,.CUSC33.3304. UFCl2. 12. 104] Inst.ll n... 0" r.p.i,. ..isting doo" to insu,.. p,.op.,.I" 0" if . lock is p,..s.nt tll.t it locks 2 i I .' .. ~ ---' 19. 20. 21. ~. :z:z.. :23. 16. I Ch imn." ! 'uc tu,.., U ound CUBe _. 104.12. 2.20::: UHC10. 1001e:. d. n. i. J. k. 1. i R.mov. chillln.., to roo'" lin.. cap OIt this point OInri s~...l ,oir.box or r.pOlil" struct.t;r 011111 to e:od.. HEA~TH-SANrT~T!ON 17. Pool hOl. st..gnOlnt ~OIt.r in.d.ltuOlt. gOlt. CSBMel'.48. S~imming pool OICt 24. 100. H.S or l".plOlc. OIce:ording to e:od... in..deltu.t. ....nc. StOl~e cod. Titl.17CAC Cod.7774J DrOlin. l"epOlil". : Debri.'/Junk/in..d.ltu..t~ g..rb.g. .to,..OIg.CHe.lth .nd 'S.n1t.t1on R.gul..tions Title 3 ch.p.2 3~.0~.33.024. SaMCa.21.0~0.a.21.040. 8.21.0~0. 8.21.090. 8.24.020. a.24.0~0 a. R.move debriS/Junk OInd provide suit.ble cont..iners ~ith t1ds "'01' rubbish ..nd g.,.b.ge. Untlcensed/inoper.tive vehicte Ve.r ~lc. CSBMCS.33.010tJ Remove or bui td Ing. .... k e store in . Insects-vermin-OInim.l droppingsCSBMC6.04.120. 6.08.080. UHCI0.1001b.d.t.tJ Adequ.te me..ures must be t.ten to ell.in.te this e:ondition in Uns.nit.rq drOl1nbo.rdCUHC6.601.10. l001c.d'J' t. UBC2~.2~16tJ Rese.t 01'" rept..c.-dr.inbo.rd b.ckspt.sh. Uns.nit.rq 'toorcovering-i'tooring in Is . he.lth h.zOIrdCUBC1.l04d. UHCl0. 1001d'J' tJ. Recover 0,. rese.l p,..operl.,. D1II.lling t.cts hot _terCUHC:5.'0~.10. 1001..d.kJ Hot ..t.,.. 0'" not tes. th.n.120 degrees F. must be provided to required ptumbing 'iztures. 24. ...te,.. heat.,.. 111egall\l instalted in: bath,.oo. Ited,.oo. CtmC:2. 2o:z. ,. '04-'0~. UHC7.701c. UBC:2. 203J R.locate ..te,.. h.ater to. suitable loc.tion unde,.. '......i t. 25. ...t.,. he.te,. Im..,.ope,..t\l vented CUI'lC2.. 2O:L '.:504. ,. ,oa. UBc:L203. UHC7.701cJ Vents shall eztend 121nches .bov. the point 0'" ezit '1'0. the ,..00.... All vent pipes to be secu,.ed. :26. Roo'" leaking CUBC1. 1044. Repair roo.... in the OIre. .bove 2. 203. UHC6.601. 10. 10010. c. d. h. i. J. k. tJ s:T ~~TRrCAL 'D. Ove","'usingCUBCl.I04d. 10.10010. d. e. i. J. k. 1. UHC2. 202. 4. 401. 7. 701b. '1.901. NEe2- 202.,..t. 90. 6J Fused electrical 3 .. 28. 29. .e G '..,.I - .... l b,.anc:h ct,.C:lJttssl\all' ~.. !lus.s not to wxc:w..d. '1~ ,..c:wptac:lws. ( ~,.ovidwd ~l_n non-tampw,.abl, amps jlo,. lights/:20 amps to ~isstng wl.c:~,.ic:ial cov.,.s/!lixtu,..s in tUBC1. 104<1.. UHC2.202n. 7.701b. 9.901. 10.100111. d... i. J. k. 1. NEC2. 202a,.t. 90. 6J All outl.ts and s~itc:h.s must have P,.opw,. COVW,.s and all wlwc:tric:ial !lixtur.s must IIw ~rop.rl~ installwd and s.c:ur.d to th. buillHng. Inad.~uat. outl.ts in NECs.c:.210J Eac:h habitablw room must hav.:2 ~onviwn~. outlwts 0" 1 outtwt and t tight 'ixtu,... Bath,.ooms must hav. 1 tight 'iztu,.. and QFI plug. El.c:t,.ical s.,.vi~w is inad.~uat. '0,. w~isting loads s.,.",.d tNECs.c:230J An.. s.,.vic:. d..ign.d to suppl~ a .inimum o~ 60 amp.". 3 wi,.. ..,.view '0,. up to ~ t'iv.3 -'0 _i,.. b,.anc:h ei,.c:uits eapacit9. Haza,.dous/ill.gal lIli,.ing in 0...\\ ~~-<"4.,^(..\~ CUBC1. 104d. 2. 203. UHC2. 202. 4.401. 7.70n. 9.901. 10. 1001b.d.., i'J,k,l, NEC2.202a,.t90.6l "ust b. ,..placwd, p,.op.,.l~ ,..pai,..d 0,. ,..mov.d to .li.inat. haza,.ds. ~CHANICAL~~AT!NQ ~ Ill.gal gas h.at.,.tsJ and/o,. gas applianc.. in tUl"lC2. 202. 5. ~0430508. UHC7.701c. UBC2. 203l All unv.nt.d a,. op.n flam. ga. applianc.. must b. disconn.ct.d and ,...ov.d f,.o. p,...is.s and the gas pip.s eapp.d in a ..nn.,. that p,..v.nts ,..conn.ction of th.s. applianc.s. ~. - 33. Inad.~uat. h.atCUHC7,.701al An app,.ov.d h.ating s"st.m 'lIall b. ins1:all.d eapalll. o~ p.,.ovicting 70 d.g.,...s F tll.,... ,..t allov. '100'" in. all hallitalll. ,.ooms. 34. In.d.,uat./missing gas sllutof~ S.,.t9 valve conn.ction at CUBC1. 104d. 2. 203. ~1104d. 5.5~~Ce-2l. UPCl2.1213al An app.,.ov.d shut 0"/",.1..../ conn.ction sh.ll b. ins~ll.d in an .dJ.c.nt/acc.ssibl. location '0.,. all gas 'i,..d app lianc.s. 35. Co.bustibl.s a.,.. sto,..d too n.a.,. h.ating applianc.s in tUl'lC8.806a2. 7.703 704l R..ov. eo.bustibl... Ch.ck manufactu,...,.. sp.cifications. Pt..~tNO 36. I....lcing/b.,.ok.n/plugg.d s...,. d,.ains in CUBCl. 104d, 2. 202.' 4.401. 5. '05. 10. lOOn. d. J, k. t. All 'iatu,..s and appliancws mu.t b. p,.op.,.l~ conn.ct.d to s...,. lin.. and ..intain.d in a sanita,.., c:ondition. 4 :, .. .' ~. . ( L.aking-b~oked ~i~e.-missing ~lumbing ~:x~u~.. in CUBCl.I04d. 2.202. 4:401.. ,. '0'. 10. 1001d. J. t.l. J All ~~e~ ~i~e. and 'ixtu~e' must be ,~.. 0' leaks and maintained in a se,.v.ic.able and sanit...,.., condition.. .. 38. Inope,.ati".~issing p~..su~. temoe,.atu~e ,..lie' "al". flo,. not .,..t.,. s.,.temCUBCl. 104d. 2.20::3. UHC2.202. 4.401. 10. 1001d.';'. 1. UPCI0.I007. 1:3. 1::l0,-1::l06JRep lac. "al".. 39. C,.oss connected plumbing i'ixtu,..CsJ in CUpel.l02e&110. 6.608. 10. 1003hJ Wa~e,. inlets must be .. minimum of' 1 inch abo"e the ,.i~ af' ~he "essel se,.viced. Inlets in ~ate,. closet CtolletJ t..nks mus~ be equipped .with .pp,.oved ANTI-SIPHON devices ~ith 1 inch clea,.anc. .1I0ve tile ove,.1Ilow ~ube. . 39A. V.,.d sp,.inkle,.s must be ,,.ee af' C,.oss connectians app,.oved ".cuum b,.eake,.CsJ inst.lled .~ leas~ slx inche, .1I0ve su,.,.ounding g,.ound. .nd he.ds se,.viced. wl~h C6J CENERAL 40. NOT TO BE OCCUPIED CUBC2.203. 3.307. '.'01-'03] Dwelllng .ball not be occupled un~il vlol..tlons noted .1I0ve' h..ve been co,.,.ected .nd .pp,.oved b., a Building Inspecto,. ,,.om ~be Cit., of' San Be,.n..,.dino Building .nd Sa'et., D.pa,.~..nt. A Ce,.~ific.t. of Occup.ncq will be ,.equi,.ed to ,.eoccup., p,.ope,.~qCUBC2.203. 3.307. '.'01-'03]. I...,.o..e,. accupanc.,C1JHCI0.I001a. UBC2. 203. 3.307. ,. '01- 503] Occup.nc., is not .llo.ed in tllis building o~ po,.~ion tlle,.eof'. 'Iou must "acate the .,.... " .. NuisanceCUBC1.I04d. UHC4.401J TIli. i. an at~ac~lve. "a..,.d wbich _., p,.ove to b. d.~e,.i..n~l ~o hu..ns. It .ust be p,.ov1ded p,.otec~ion. ,..p.i,..d. cle.ned up. 0" ,...oved i..edlatel.,. Fl,.e II...";' in 0,. on ~ n! ~'-()D<l... \"1 CUBC1. 1044. :z. 203. Ufo'("7 2o:z. 4. '401. a. SOL. 9. 901. 10. loo1c. d. J. t. 1. UFC2. 201. 3.101] Remove tbe building. devic.'.PP.,..tus. equip.ent. comllustibl. ..s~. 0" ve,et.tion wlllch c.n cause 0" augmen~ tile sp,..ad .nd inten,it., of' fi,.e 0" explosion. 45. ~.ul~., ..te,.ials of CUBel. 1044. 2. 203. 0' constuction must Building Cod.. .nd safe condi~ion. const1"uction in UHCI0. 1001c.!t. J. k. 1.] All _t.,.i.1s be allowed a" ...poved b., the Uniflo,.. .dequat.1., _ln~.in.d in good and :5 e - ( In~dequ.1:e l1l~in1:en.ne. -01' ClJ1V"<:\ CI~~ Ct,lBC1. 104d. 2. 2~. . - J UHC2..202. 4.401. 10. 1001b.e.d.e.~.~h.i. J.t.l...n.~. ~1. 104d. 2.202. UPC10.2. NEC::z.202.90. 1. 90.4. 90.6. NFC::z. 201. 3. lOll Rep.i.1' .nd/o1" 1"ep1.e. _~uj,ldl.ng a,. II01'1:-10n 1:lle,.eoi'. - S.oke de1:ee1:o1"CsJ ~equi.1'edCUBe12. 1210~. UFC APPEND. 1- oMNtl Ins1:.11- smoke d.1:.e1:0,.5 .S 1"equi.,.ed. Add,.ess 1"equi.,..ct on .11 ~ui.ldings .n4/0,. .p1:sCUFC10.20S. SB/'lC1::z. 3:2. 0301. "'ppl., .4d,..s. ini'0,._1:10n _ on building. Ille!l.l . eons1:1'ue1:i.an ..hiell _ i.nspec1:10n.CUBC3. :301-30~1. SUPPl..EJ'lENT ,.equi,.es pe,.ftli1:s .nct ni.. i.ns..ec1:i.on 1"e..o,,1: _. gi.ven 1:0: /It 1I,,0Ile"1:9 ollme" . 8 _n.,e". C 1:en..n 1:. i.-: .- D It, Il.nd de1i.ve"", . E l'e,u1." _11. XX F c.,.1:1'i.ed _it. 7/22/88 an July 7. 19L -' - . ~. - . -, CITY OF SAN BEkNARDINO - MEMORANDUM Subject To CITY CLERK RESOLUTION FROM BOARD OF BUILDING COMMISSIONERS MEETING OF August 5. 1988 ADDRESS: 637 E. 9th Street From BBC CLERK Date August 19. 1988 Approved Date Pursuant to Title 15:28, transmitted herewith are two (2) copies of Resol uti on No. 1230 of fi ndi ngs from the Board of Buil di ng Commi ss i oners . Mark I. Sutton, Clerk Board of 8uilding Commissioners attachments ~~ ',1 ., I - 1 , .1 , cq'(f I ~ '. .:1';:)',"":,:;,= -,' ~~~';'I_o '\. r:. ;~Y:;OLlJTION NO. _~_ 2 P;C?OWT '10. 2476 3 RESOLUTION .Y' ","PO: neJAP:' ni" lV1ILl'IIIlG r,or1~1I,';SroNE;f',,'~ OF T\F 4 CITv OF SAN BSRNARDINO AUTHORI~ING THE ABATEMFNT OF A PUBLIC 5 NUISANCe. 6 WflERF.AS, pursuant to San Bernardino Muni.cioal Code, Ti.tle 7 l~, Chapter 15.?~, the Building Official has postpd ~ huilding(s) 8 or premise~ located at 637 E, 9th Street 9 ~~an Bernardino, r::aliforn-ta, i,..rith a 1I~~otiC'-e to Abate Nuisancel', \0 and has notified the person or persons having an interest in ~aid \1 loroperty that the sai1 building(s) or premises constitute a 12 public nuisance, and ha~ precared a de~laration of posting and I] mailing of the noti~e, a ~opy of which is on file in these 14 proceerlirl~s; and 15 WHFT)"'AS, p"r';u3nt to said ~,an f\€""',Flino t'lunicinal Co"le, the 16 P-l1iHinC( Official, has served a "Potice of 'learing n<:fore the 17 ! Boarri of !3lli1dLnlS Commit,sioners of the City of .San l1ernardino", 18 relatil1~ tn ~!)atpnlent of said nuisance, to the person or ,)erson~; 19 havin~ an interpst in said property, and haH prepared a 20 'declar~tlon of mailing of the notice, ~ copy of which is on file I " I 'In tllese proceedings; and 21 22 WHEREAS, a h0Rrln~ was hel~ to r<:ceive and conoirler all 23 relevant evidence, ohjpctinns or protests on Augu s t 5th 24 I? 38 Clnd 25 I,'.!:~L:[,EA", the Eoard of p'uildinf; Commissioners heard the> 26 testimony and e~amined the evidence offered hy the parties 27 relativp to such Blle~ed Duhlic nuisance, 28 POI,], ClIlEPE[<'()[If.', f\S IT ,,,',SOLVS1) S'( 'PH', BOARD OF BIJIL;JToJG j 1 COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: 2 SECTION 1. Based upon the evidence submitted, it is found 3 and determined that the building(s) or premises located at 4 637 E. 9th Street ' San Bernardino, Cal ifornia, 5 constitute a public nuisance for the reasons set forth in Exhibit 6 "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as 7 though fully set forth at length as the findings of fact of the 8 Board. 9 SECTION 2. The owner(s) is hereby directed to commence the 10 abatement of the public nuisance by obtaining the necessary 11 demolition and/or building permits within ten (10) days after the 12 date of posting of a copy of this Resolution in a conspicuous 13 place on said building(s) or premises. The abatement must be 14 completed wi thin thi rty (30) days thereafter. 15 SECTION 3. In the event the public nuisance is not abated 16 within the prescribed period of time, the building(s) or premises 17 shall be razed, demolished, removed, repaired or rehabilitated by 18 the City of San Bernardino, or by a person or persons authorized 19 by the Building Official, and the expense thereof made a lien on 20 the lot or parcel of land upon which the public nuisance is 21 located. 22 SECTION 4. Any person aggrieved by this order may, within 23 fifteen (15) days after Auqust 19. 1988 , appeal to the 24 Common Council by filing with the City Clerk a written statement 25 of the order appealed from, the specific grounds of appeal and 26 the relief or action sought from the Common Council. 27 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly 28 adopted by the Board of Building Commissioners at a 2 1 regular 2 day of August 3 AYES: 4 5 6 NAYS: ABSENT: meeting thereof, held on the 5th , 1~, by the following vote, to wit: Commissioners Miller, Pollock, Ponder, Heil, Hunt, Lord and Gonzales None Westwood and Flores 7 8 Clerk, Board of Building Commissioners 9 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this 5th 10 day of August , 1988. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 form and legal content. (~ at Bc~u~y ~1[T Attorney 3 REPORT NO. 61.1"11 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY 300 North D Street SAN BERNARDINO. CA.9241B UNIT INSPECTION REPORT The Building and S.fet~ Department has inspe,ted the des,ribed propertv. The inspe'tion revealed that the items marked do not ,onform to the provisions of the S.n Bern.rdino Muni'ip.l Code (SBMC).* Items m.rked ~ith an asterisk must be rep.ired or 'orre'ted~ithin~davs. Other items mustlrepaired or ,orre,ted ~ithin~da~s. PERMITS REGUIRED YES____NO Permi ts are requ ed to repa i r or ,orre,t m.n~ of' the items. For a ,onsultation reg.rding this report. assistance in securing a permit. or scheduling a reinspect ion. please ,all the of'f'ice and schedule vour request ~ith the inspector ~hose name appears on this report. OFFICE HOURS ARE 7:30-4:30 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY OWNER ~iA_l.f~ ADDRESS btJ() E'. 1'J~ O'JJe. CITY ,f~ " &'. PHONE NO. 7q 3 - :2/ ;;. J ~ p" /Y'l~ DATE PREPARED ~~9~k5J> TYPE BLDG/VIOLATION -"~ ~AlAA.d ~T" ADDRESS ~!!l, E - '7 Sf: ASSESSOR'S NO. /.LJ7 --:;;15- tJ/ DATE OF INSPECTION S S> J P , ( VIOLATIONS STRUCTURE-BUILDING fi) 2. (i) Open/v.,ant buildingCUFCll.41/11.412] Secure all bUildings to FHA st.nd.rds to prevent un.uthorized entr.nce. Secure doors and ~indo~s ~ith flitted pl~~ood painted to ..tch house trim. Open.ble ~indo~s must be provided with quick rele.se .echanisms ~here securitv screens .re inst.lled on bedroom ~indo~s(UBC 1204i). Fire d.m.ged structureCs] speciflical1~ CSBMC 1~. 16.240] Secure the necess.r~ permits and rep.ir ~ithin thirtvC30] davs to building codes or demolish. Inadequate fire protection or fire-fighting equipmentCUHC 9.901. 10.1001n. UFC 10.301] Provide as 1 f" ,I.,~j ~ re~uired ay codes proper 'ire-extin~uishing systems or e~uipment. . 4. Inade~uate ex i tsCUHC8. 801.10. 1001m. UBC33. 3303. UFC art.12J Additional uits may be r.~uir.d to be in compliance with building codes. 5. Inade~uate Foundation-sagging floors in CUHC10. 1001c. d. J. k. 1. UBC1. 104dHoundation or piers must be provided. 6. Inade~uate walls/vertical supports in which have been weakened by deterioration or overloading CUHC10. 1001c. d. h. J. 1.] must be replaced or strengthened. 7. 8. Inade~uate CUHC5. 503. shall have ceiling height in UBC12.1207] All habitab le 7,t.6in. ceilings. rooms and service Inade~uate room dimensions in CUHC5. 503. USC12. 1207J 9. Inade~uate ventilation/light in CUHC5.504. UBC12.1205] All habitable rooms shall have an aggregate window area of not less than 1/10th the floor area or 10 s~. ft. whichever is greater and an openable window area of 1/2 the total area req,uirement. Bathrooms must have a minimum of 3 s~. ft. or be provided with mechanical ventilation. 10. Improper use of unitCUHC10. 10010] The use 0' as must be discontinued. 11. Broken doors or windowsCUFC11. 411/11. 412. USC1. 104dJ See number one for correction. 12. 13. Inadeq,uate ratproofingCUHC10. 100lk] All attic vents or openings must be covered ..esh screening. foundation and with 1/4 inch Illegal addition/substandard accessory CVBC3.301. UHC3.301] Addition of .ust conform to codes or be demolished. buildings 14. Broken/missing exterior siding/stucco on CUHC10. 100lb. c. d. h. J. UBC17.1707J must be repaired or rep lac ed. 1'. Inadeq,uate door at it closes properly. doorCUSC33.3304. UFC12. 12. 104J InstaU new or repair existing door to insure properly or i' a lock is present that it locks 2 -it':;:4-1\:: 16. Ch imnell s truc ture unsound CUB(.;1. 104d. 2. 203. UHCI0. 1001c. d. h. i. J. k. 1. J Remove chimnell to 1'001 line. cap at this point and seal lil'ebox or repail' structur alll1 to code. HEALTH-SANITATION 17. inade~uate lenc. State code Title17CAC Cod.7774J Drain, l'.pail'. Pool has stagnant water inade~uate gate CSBMC1'.48. S..imming pool act 24. 100. H&.S or replace accol'ding to codes. ~ Oebl'is/Junk/inade~uat. gal'bage storageCHealth and ~ Sanitation Regulations Title 3 chap. SBMC8. 21., 8.21.0'0. 8.21.090, 8.24.020. 8.24.030 8. 24.040.8. 24.0'OJ Remove debriS/Junk and provide suitable containers with lids '01' rubbish and gar bag e. 19. Unlicensed/inoperative vehicle Veal' Lic. CSBMC8. 33. 010kJ Remove or building. Make store in a 20. Insects-vermin-animal droppingsCSBMC6.04.120. 6.08.080. UHCI0. 1001b. d. k. IJ Ade~uate measures must be taken to eliminate this condition in 21. Unsanital'lI dl'ainboardCUHC6. 601.10. 1001c, d. J' 1. UBC2'.2'16kJ Reseal or l'eplace-dl'ainboard backsplash. 22. Un,anitarll 'loorcovering-Ilooring in is a health hazardCUBC1. 104d, UHCI0. 1001d. J. IJ. Recover or reseal properlll. 23. O",elling lacks hot waterCUHC'. '0'. 10. 1001a. d. kJ Hot water 01 not Ie,s than 120 degree, F. mutt be provided to re~uired plumbing 'iltures. 24. ...ter heater illegall" in,t.111ed in: bathroom bedroom CUMC2.202. '.'04-'0'. UHC7.701c. UBC2.203J Relocate ..ater heater to a suitable location under permit. 2'. Water heater i.properl" ventedCU~2.202. '.'04. '.'08. UBC2.203. UHC7.701cJ Vent, 'hall eltend 12 inches above the point of elit fro. the roof. All vent pipe, to be secured. 26. Roof leaking CUBC1.104d. Repair roof. in the area above 2.203. UHC6.601. 10. 1001b. c. d. h. i. J. k. IJ ~ECTRICAL 27. Overfu'ingCUBC1. 104d. 10. 1001b. d. e. i. J. k. 1. UHC2.202. 4.401. 7.701b. 9.901. NEC2.202art.90.6J Fu,ed electrical 3 1f;;2t.,.1l: brAnch circuits shAll fuses not to exceed receptAcles. be provided ~.ch non-tAmperAble l' Amps for lights/20 Amps to 29. .Missing electriciAl covers/fixtures in eUIC1.104d. UHC2.202n. 7.701b. 9.901. 10. 1001b. d. e. i. J. k. 1. NEC2. 202Art. 90. 6J All outlets And swi~ches must hAve proper covers And All electriciAl fixtures must be properl~ instAlled And secured to the building. 29. InAd ell.UAte out lets in NECsec.210J EAch hAbitAble room must hAve 2 convience outlets or 1 outlet And 1 light fixture. BAthrooms must hAve 1 light fixture And GFI plug. 30. ElectriCAl service is inAdell.uAte for existing lo.ds served CNECsec230J A ne~ service designed to suppl~ A minimum of 60 Ampere 3 wire service for up to' CfiveJ two wire br.nch circuits cApAcit~. 31. HAzArdous/illeg.l wiring in eUBC1.104d. 2.203. UHC2.202. 4.401. 7.701b. 9.901. 10. 1001b. d. e. i. J. k. 1. NEC2. 202.rt90. 6] Must be replAced. properl~ rep. ired or removed to eliminAte hAZArds. MECHANICAL-HEATING 32. Illeg.l g.s he.terCsJ And/or g.s Appli.nces in eUMC2.202. ,. '04&509. UHC7.701c. UBC2.203J All unvented or open flAme g.s AppliAnces must be disconnected .nd removed from premises .nd the g.s pipes CApped in A mAnner thAt prevents reconnection of these AppliAnces. 33. InAdell.u.te he.teUHC7.701AJ An Approved heAting s~stem sh.ll be inst.lled c.p.ble of providing 70 degrees F three 'eet .bove '1001' in .11 h.bit.ble rooms. 34. InAdell.uAte/missing g.s shutoff s.'et~ VAlve connection_.t eUIC1.104d. 2.203. UMC1104d. ,. '02A&'03ec-2]. UPC12.1213mJ An .pproved shut off/VAlve/ connection ShAll be instAlled in An AdJAcent/Accessible loc.tion 'or .11 g.s 'ired AIIIIli.nces. 35. Combustibles Are stored too ne.r he.ting .pllliAnces in eUMC9.806.2. 7.703704] Remove combustibles. Check mAnuf.cturers specifiCAtions. PLUfltlINO 36. Le.king/broken/plugged sewer dr.ins in eUIC1.104d. 2.202. 4.401. ,. '0'. 10. 100lb. d. J. k. 1. All fixtures .nd .ppli.nces must be properl~ connected to sewer lines .nd m.intAined in . sAnit.r~ condition. 4 -1fJ24ll 37. Leeking-broked pipe~-mi~~ing plumbing 'ixture~ in CUBel. 104d. 2.202. 4.401. :5.. ~O~. 10. 1001d. J. k. 1.] All ~.ter pipe~ .nd 'ixture~ .u~t be 'ree 0' leek~ .nd ..int.ined in . ~erviceeble .nd ~.nit.r~ condition. 3S. Inoper.tive-mi~~ing pre~~ure temper.ture reI ie' velve 'or hot ~.ter ~~~temCUBC1. 104d. 2.203. UHC2.202. 4.401. 10. 1001d. f. 1. UPCI0.I007. 13. 130~-1306]Repl.ce v.lve. 39. Cro~s connected plumbing 'ixtureCs] in CUPC1. 102e&.110. 6. 60S. 10. 1003h] Weter inlets must be . minimum 0' 1 inch .bove the rim 0' the ve~sel serviced. Inlets in ~.ter closet Ctoilet] t.nks must be e~uipped ~ith epproved ANTI-SIPHON devices with 1 inch cleer.nce .bove the over~lo~ tube. 39A. V.rd sprinklers must be free of cross connections ~ith .pproved vecuum bre.kerCs] inst.lled .t le.st six C6] inche~ .bove ~urrounding ground. .nd he.ds ~erviced. OENERAL 40. NOT TO BE OCCUPIED CUBC2.203. 3.307. ~. ~01-~03] Dwelling ~hell not be occupied until viol.tion~ noted .bove h.ve been corrected .nd .pproved b~ . Building In~pector 'rom the Cit~ of S.n Bern.rdino Building .nd S.'et~ Dep.rtment. 41. A Certi'ic.te 0' Occup.nc~ ~ill be re~uired to reoccup~ propert~CUBC2.203. 3.307. ~. ~01-~03]. 42. Improper occup.nc~CUHC10. 10010. UBC2.203. 3. 307. ~. ~01- ~03] Oecup.ne~ i~ not .llo~ed in this building or portion thereof. ~ou mu~t vee.te the .re.. 43. Nuis.nceCUBC1.I04d. UHC4.401] This i~ en ettreetive h.zerd ~hieh m.~ prove to be deteri..nt.l to hu_n~. It .u.t b. provided protection. GJrep.ired. ele.ned up.~r re.oved i_edi.tel~. 44. Fi"e h.z."d in 0" on _ '!:Pl~ ) CUBC1.I04d. 2.203. 2.202. 4.401. S.SOl. 9.901. 10. lOOle. d. J. k. I. UFC2.201. 3.101] Re.ove the building. device. .pp."etu.. eq,uipment. combu.tible ~..t, 0" veget.tion ~hieh e.n ceu.e or .ugment the .p"e.d .nd inten.it~ 0' 'ire or explo.ion. 4~. Feult~ mete"i.l. of CUBC1.104d. 2.203. of con.tuction mu.t Building Code. end ..fe condition. eon.t,.uetion in UHCI0. 1001c. d. J. k. 1.] All m.teri.l. be ellowed 0" .ppoved b~ the Uni'orm ede~u.tel~ meint.ined in good end ~ ~~.) In.dequ.te m.inten.nce of ~~ A!<J ~ CUBCl.104d. 2.203. UH~2.202. 4.401. 10. 1001b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. J. k. l.m, n. o. Ul'lCl. 104d. 2.202. UPCI0.2. NEC2.202,90.1. 90.4. 90.0. NFC2.201. 3.101J ______Rep.ir .nd/or repl.ce building or portion thereof. ~J Smoke detectorC~J requiredCUBC12.1210.. UFC APPEND. 1- Q' . A.oJlnst.ll smoke detector~ .~ required. 48. Addre~~ required on .11 building~ .nd/or .pt~CUFCI0.208. SB1'lC12. 32. 0:30J. Appllj .ddre~~ inform.tion on building. ~;24.1' 49. Illeg.1 con~truction which inspectionsCUBC3.301-30~J. require~ permit~ .nd & SUPPLEMENT ~~ ~~ u. f ~ /1!ffi.~ (I' IJ"~"'~, . ~2,J~ ~ ~ 'hr. r~ /Y\- "'2. ~ ~ a .0?./../'..A-?f ~... JP4 /,,~.;'~ ? This in~pection report w.s given to: A propertlj owner. B _n.ger. C ten.nt. ~ blj h.nd deliverlj. ,.egul.r m.il. F Cejrtified m.il. 7/22/88 foll~_ 19>> on ~ o ~ITY OF SAN BEF\..jARDINO - MEMORANDUt~. To CITY CLERK RESOLUTION FROM BOARD OF BUILDING COMMISSIONERS Subject MEETING OF August 5, 1988. ADDRESS: 3008 N. M t. View From BBC CLERK Date August 19. 1988 Approved Date Pursuant to Title 15:28, transmitted herewith are two (2) copies of Resolution No. 1231 of findings from the Board of Building Coromi ss i oners . Mark I. Sutton, Clerk Board of 8uilding Commissioners attachments . , ~..~ i ,-,' ,', ,-' '_.';, ,j,j..:'::';(J , P.?iGE l .qilI ;^. ;FtX>i!=' 3 :!~.._ ...-:if ~,. 1231 1 ~. ~. R~SOLIJTION NO. 2 P;;:POPT no. 3175 3 RESOLUTION IJ!:' TlV BOAP:' ;)/ )1TTIl.DHU; (;(lr1tH.';S IONEf'::: (lE' T!P 4 CITv OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE A8ATEM~NT OF A POBLIG 5 IIlUlSANCC. 6 W1lERE:AS, pursuant to ~~an Rernardino t1unicioal Code, Title 7 15, Chapter l~.??, the Building Official has postpd ~ building(s) 8 or premises located at 3008 N. Mt. View 9 ~~an Bernardino, Ca1ifornta, \-.rith a "Noti.ce to At.'ate Nuisancell, 10 and has notified the person or persons having an interest in said 11 property that the sad ~)tJilr\in~.(s) or premises constitute a 12 puhlic nuisance, and haq prenared a derlarat10n of posting and 13 I ' I ' "th ' i mal 109 OL ~ e notl.r:e, I . I j proc.~?rl ings; and I a copy of which is on file in these 14 15 WH~,~PfAS, pllr';uilnt to said ~;an I\e"",~rrlino ~'ltJnicinal Coc\e, the 16 Ellil'lin" Official has served a "[Totice of 'learing Before the 17 " i Board of !3l1ildinlS Comnlissioners of the r;ity of ~~an Pernardino", I I relatin~ to ahatement of said nuisance, ,to the person or persons !, havinq; an interf'st in said prop",rty, anel ha'; prepared a ,I 'declaration of mailing of the notice, ~ copy of which is on file 18 19 20 21 in these proceedings; and 22 WHEREAS, a hearin\', was 11eH to t'(>Cf'1';e> <:n,1 consirlf'r all 23 relevant evidence, ohjections or protp9ts on August 5 24 I? 88 and 25 II j' :1 , ; testimony and , ' examined the evirl",nce offered hy the partif's l~HERE A,S, the Board of Ruildin~ Commi,;sioners heard the 26 27 relative to such allep;ed ouhlic nuisance, 28 ~ow, THER~F0Rr, PS IT RRSOLVSD BV ~HR 80ARD OF BUILDING 1 COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: 2 SECTION 1. Based upon the evidence submitted, it is found 3 and determined that the buildingCs) or premises located at 4 3008 N. t1t. View , San Bernardino, Cal ifornia, 5 constitute a public nuisance for the reasons set forth in Exhibit 6 "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as 7 though fully set forth at length as the findings of fact of the 8 Board. 9 SECTION 2. The ownerCs) is hereby directed to commence the 10 abatement of the public nuisance by obtaining the necessary 11 demolition and/or building permits within ten (10) days after the 12 date of posting of a copy of this Resolution in a conspicuous 13 place on said buildingCs) or premises. The abatement must be 14 completed within ten (10) days thereafter. . 15 SECTION 3. In the event the publ ic nuisance is not abated 16 within the prescribed period of time, the buildingCs) or premises 17 shall be razed, demolished, removed, repaired or rehabilitated by 18 the City of San Bernardino, or by a person or persons authorized 19 by the Building Official, and the expense thereof made a lien on 20 the lot or parcel of land upon which the public nuisance is 21 located. 22 SECTION 4. Any person aggrieved by this order may, within 23 fifteen (15) days after August 19, 1988 , appeal to the 24 Common Council by filing with the City Clerk a written statement 25 of the order appealed from, the specific grounds of appeal and 26 the relief or action sought from the Common Council. 27 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly 28 adopted by the Board of Building Commissioners at a 2 1 regular meeting thereof, held on the 5th 2 day of August , 1988, by the following vote, to wit: Commissioners Mi ller, Pollock, Ponder, He; I, Hunt 3 4 5 6 7 AYES: Lord and Gonzales NAYS: None ABSENT: Westwood and Flores 8 Clerk, Board of Building Commissioners 9 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this 5th 10 day of August , 19 88. 11 12 13 14 J]PP oved a~ to form and legal content. 15 . C;, 16 A88iatilR.1i €l~LY fiLLU.Lllt;::y, ~Deputy City Attorney 17 C alrman, 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 REPORT NO ..311s.-.___ _ ~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINQ AND SAFETY 300 North 0 Street SAN BERNARDINO. CA.92418 EXHIBIT "A" An inspection w~s and/or premises. include but not be made 0' the below mentioned structurw(~) and subst~nd~rd conditions which ~rr 11 limited to the 90110wing. were observed. The owner/s were sent a certi'ied mailing 0' these ~~._- tions. The recommendation is 'or abatement 0' the structure(sl and/or premises; and/or ~n order to vacate the premises All such substandard buildings or premises ~re hereb~ de- cl~red to be public nuis~nces and such nuisances sh.ll be ab~ted b,. the repair. remov~l or demolition 0'" such uns..... buildings b~ the proper procedure. P.r.its .r. r.~uir.d prior to starting repair or d.molition work. Tot.l casts incurred to d.te: S .5'"o~, '0 OWNERJ&..u.. ..J.. 'RO'~DA TE PREPARED.:l..:J ~ - ~ ~ ADDRESS 300'K IV. /1t..V,;,.., TYPE Bu)Q/VIOLATIotll~e~C.~~<<.4:o" CITY S .6. c..... ~~Lt 04 ADDRESS 30", N. m. V,'~uJ PHONE NO./' ASSESSOR'S NO. t52.-J.I). - l2.. DATE OF INSPECTIONfrii 5'-lo-tff VIOLATIONS STRUCTURE-RUILDINC 1. Op.n/v~cant buildingCUFCll. 41/11. 412J S.cur. .11 buildings to FHA standards to prev.nt un.uthoriz.d entr~nce. S.cure doors and windows with ...itted pl,.wood painted to match house trim. Open~ble ~indows .ust ~. provid.d ~ith ~uick releas. ..ch~nisms ~here securi~Q scr..ns are installed on bedroom ~indows(UBC 1204il. 2. Fire da..g.d structureCsJ speci...icall,. CSB~C 1~. 16.240] Secure the necessar~ permits and rep.ir ~ithin thirt..C30] da..s to building codes or demolish. 3. Inadequate 'ire equipmentCUHC 9.901. protection 10. 1001n. or 'ire-...ighting UFC 10.301] Provide as 1 , . 4. f) Q 7. e. req,uired D'4 cad eq,uipment. proper fire Itin,Jishing s'4stems or Inadeq,uate elitsCUHCe.801.10.1001m.UBC33.3303.UFC a,.t.12J Additional exits ma" be req,uired to be in co.pliance ~ith building codes. Inadequate Foundation-sagging floors in.kiJo~ Cc'\.<;~(\iA'lc'" CUHC10. 1001c. d. J. k. 1. UBC1. 104dHoundation or ers must be provided. Inadeq,uate ~al1s/ve,.tical supports in b~t\ec.Jo ~.~c,t,.v(.-h;", .hich have been ~eakened b'4 deterioration or verloading CUHC10. 1001c. d. h. J. 1. J must be replaced or strengthened. Inadeq,uate CUHC:5. :503. shall have ceiling height in UBC12.1207] All habitable and service 7ft.6in. ceilings. rooms Inadequate roam dimensions in CUHC:5. :503. UBC12. 1207J 9. Inadeq,uate ventilation/light in CUHC:5. :504. UBC12.120:5J All habitable roollls shall have an aggregate ~indo~ area of not less than 1/10th the floo,. area or 10 SCl.. ft. IIIhichever is greater and an openable ~indo'" area of 1/2 the total area reCl.uirement. Bathrooms must have a minimum of :3 SCl.. ft. or be provided lIIith mechanical ventilation. Improper use of unitCUHC10. 10010J The use ofG4.~~ as rhJ<.l'\.,L<..... must be discontinued. @ 11. B,.oken doo,.s a,. lIIindolllsCUFC11. 411/11. 412. UIC1. 104dJ See numbe,. one fa" co,.,.ection. 12. @ Inadequate ,.atproofingCUHC10. 1001kJ All attic vents a,. openings must be cove,.ed .esh sc,.eening. foundation and lIIith 1/4 inch Illegal addition/substanda,.d C access~ f~ngS CUBC3.301. UHC3.301J Addition of "".......'Jt. I'J., . ''"1 .ust confo,.. to codes 0" be de.olishe . 14. B,.oken/missing elte,.io,. siding/stucco an CUHC10. 1001b. c. d. h. J. UBC17.1707J must be repaired a,. ,.ep lac ed. 1'. Inadeq,uate doo,. at it closes prope,.l". doorCUBC33.:3304. UFC12. 12. 104] Install ne'" 0" ,.epai,. elisting doo" to insu,.e p,.ope,.l'4 0" if . lock is present that it lacks 2 10. Chimn.'4 .truc r. un.ou rUBC1.l04d. :1.:103. UHC10. 1001c. d. h. i. J. k. 1. 1 R.ftlov. chimn.'4 to "oof lin.. c.p.t thi. point and ...1 fi".box 0" ".p.i" .t"uctu" .11" to cod.. HEALTH-s~tTATtON 17. ~ 19. Pool h.. .tagn.nt w.t." in.d.qu.t. g.t. CSBMC1'.48. S~imming pool .ct :14.100. H.S 0" ".pl.C. .cco"ding to cod... in.d.qu.t. f.nc. St.t. cod. Titl.17CAC Cod.7774l D".in. ".pair. D.bri'/Junk/in.d.qu.t. g."b.g. .to".g.CH..lth .nd Sanit.tion R.gulation. Titl. 3 ch.p.:I SBMC8.:ll. 030. 8.:11. 040. 8.21.0'0. 8.:11.090. 8.:14.0:10. 8.:14.030 8.:14.040.8.:14.0'0] R.mov. d.b"i./Junk and p"ovid. .uit.bl. contain.". with lid. fo" "ubbi.h and g."bag.. Unlic.n..d/inop.".tiv. ".hicl. V.." Lic. CSBMCB. 33. 010k] R.mov.O" building. Mak. .to". in . 20. In..ct.-v."min-ani..al d"opping.CSBMCo. 04.120. 0.08.080. UHCI0. 1001b. d. k. 1] Ad.quat. m...u".. mu.t b. t.k.n to .liminat. this condition in :11. Un.anit.,,'4 d"ainbo."dCUHCb. 001.10. 1001c. d. J. 1. UBC:I'.:I'lok] R....l 0" r.plac.-dr.inboa"d b.ck.p1..h. :12. Un.anitar'4 floo"cov."ing-f100"ing in i. . h.a1th haza"dCUBC1. 104d. UHCI0. 1001d. J. ll. R.co"." 0" r....1 p"op."l'4. 23. D",.l11ng l.ck. hot w.t."CUHC'. '0'. 10.1001.. d. k] Hot wat." of not 1... than 1:10 d.g"..' F. mu.t b. provid.d to r.qui".d pluftlbing fixtu".'. 24. Wat." h..te" i11eg.11'4 in.t.11ed in: b.th"oom bed"ooftl CUMC2.:l02. ,. '04-'0'. UHC7.701c. UBC2.203J Reloc.te ~ate" he.te" to a .uit.ble location und." p."mi t. 2'. Wat." h.at." i.p"ope"l'4 "ent.dCUMC2.:l02. '.'04. '.'08. UBC2.203. UHC7.701cl vent. .hall .xtend 1:1 inches above the point of .xit f"o. the "oof. All v.nt pipe. to be .ecu1".d. . 26. Roof leaking CUBC1. 104d. R.pai" "oof. in the .".. abov. 2.203. UHC6.001. 10. 1001b. c. d. h. i. J. k. 1] ELECTRICAL. 27. Ove"fu.ingCUBC1.104d. 10. 1001b. d. e. i. J. k. 1. UHC:I.:l02. 4.401. 7.701b. 9.901. NEC2. 20:l."t. 90. oJ Fu..d .1.ct"ica1 3 28. 29. 30. G b"anch circuit! 'h.II be pl"o"'i~"'d I>>.h non-tampll".bII fU.I. not to 1__led 15 amp. fo" Iight./20 .mp. to "lclptacII.. Misling IIect"ici.I covl"./fiatu"ls in CUBCl.104d. UHC2.202n. 7.701b. 9.901. 10. loolb. d. e. i. J. k. I. NEC2. 202al"t. 90. 6J All OUtllt. and .wi~ehl. mu.t ha"'l p"Opl" COVI"S .nd .11 Illct"1ci.I 'iatu"l. mu.t bl pl"opI"I~ in.taIIld and .ecu"ld to thl building. Inadl~uatl outllts in NEC.ec.210J Each habitable "oom mu.t havI2 con",i.ncl outllt. 0" 1 out lit .nd 1 light 'iatu"l. Bath"oom. mu.t ha"'l 1 light 'iatu"l and GFI plug. Ellct"ical .1,,"'1cI i. in.dl~uatl '0" lai.ting load. .1""'ld CNEC.lc230J A nlw 'I,,"'ic. de.ignld to suppI~. minimum 0' 60 ampI"1 3 wi"l SII"",icI '0" up to 5 C'i"'IJ two wi"l b"anch ci"cuits capacit~. Haza"dous/illlgal wi"ing in boe\ \~o. c..-e>1"\.c,\;-vc..-\:tl'^- CUBCl.104d. 2.203. UHC2.202. 4.40~O 7.701b. 9.901. 10. 100lb. d. I. i. J. k. 1. NEC2. 202a"t90. 6J Mu.t be "Iplacld. p"ope"l~ "lpai"ld 0" l".mo",ed to .liminatl hazard.. MECHANICAL-HEATING 32. Ill.gal gas heatl"CsJ and/o" ga. appliancls in CUMC2.202. 5. '04&'Oe. UHC7.701c. UBC2.203J All un"'lntld 0" opln 'lame gas .ppli.ncls must b. di.connlctld and "lmo"'ld '"om pl".misl. and thl gas pipes cappld in · mannl" th.t p"''''lnts l".connlction Or thlsl appli.ncl.. 33. Inade~uatl heatCUHC7.701aJ An app"o",ed hl.ting s~.tlm .h.ll bl inst.llld capabll 0' p"o",iding 70 deg"lls F th"el 'lit abovl '100" in all habit.bll "ooms. 34. In.dl~u.tl/missing gas shuto" ..flt~ ",.lvI connection_at CUBel. 104d. 2.203. UMCI104d. ,. '02a&503Cc-2J. UPC12.1213mJ An apP"o"'ld shut o"/",.l",e/ connection .hall be in.t.lled in an adJacent/acce..ible location '0" all ga. 'il"ed .ppliance.. 3~. Combustible. a"e sto"ed too nea" heating appli.nc.. in CUMCe.e06a2. 7.703 704J R.mov. combu.tiblls. Check manufactu"e"s specification.. PLUMBINQ 36. Leaking/b"okln/pluggld .Iwe" d"ain. in CUBCl.104d. 2.202. 4.401. 5. '05. 10. 1001b. d. J. k. 1. All 'iatu".. and appli.nc.. must bl p"opI"l~ connected to .Iwe" line. .nd maint.ined in a .anit.,,~ condition. 4 37. L.aking-brok.d plp.s-mis.ing pl..bing fi.tur.s in eUBC1. 104d. 2.202. 4.401. 5. '0'. 10. 1001d. J. k. 1. ] wat.r pip.s and fi.tur.s .ust b. fr.. of l.aks .maintain.d in a s.rvic.abl. and sanitar~ condition. All and 39. Inop.rativ.-missing pr.s.ur. t.mp.ratur. r.li.f valve for hot water s~stemeUBC1. 104d. 2.203. UHC2.202. 4.401. 10. 1001d. f. 1. UPCI0.I007. 13. 130'-1306]R.plac. valve. 39. Cross connected plumbing fi.turee.] in eUPC1. 102e8&110. 6.609. 10.100311] INter inlets mu.t b. a minimum of 1 incll above the rim of tile vess.l servic.d. Inlets in water clos.t etoil.t] tanks must be e~uipped with approved ANTI-SIPHON devices witll 1 incll cl.aranc. above tile overflow tub.. 39A. Yard sprinklers mu.t b. fr.e of cross connections approved vacuum br.akere.] in.talled at least six inches above surrounding ground. and heads servic.d. with e6] QENERAL 40. NOT TO BE OCCUPIED eUBC2.203. 3.307. '.'01-'03] D_elling shall not be occupi.d until violation. not.d above have been corr.ct.d and approved b~ a Building Insp.ctor from the Cit~ of San Bernardino Building and Safet~ Depar tmen t. 41. A Certificate of Occupanc~ will be re~uir.d to reoccup~ propert~eUBC2.203. 3.307. ,. 'Ol-'03J. 42. B G @ Improper occupanc~eUHC10. 10010. UBC2.203. 3.307. ,. '01- '03] Occupanc~ is not allowed in this building or portion thereof. ~ou must vacate the ar.a. Nui.anceeUBC1. 104d. UHC4.4OlJ This is an attractive hazard ~hicll ma~ prove to b. det.ri.ental to hu..ns. It .ust be provid.d prot.ction. repaired. cl.aned up. or r..oved i_ediatel~. Fin hau'r'd in or on ~J\e.2s ~A\.'C.\\L"-\l~''''' eUBC1. 104d. 2.203. UHC2.202 .401. 9. SOl. 9.901. 10. 1001c. d. J. k. 1. UFC2.201. 3.1013 Re.ove tile building. device. apparatus. .~uiplllent. cOlllbustib Ie ~a.te or vegetation wllicll can cause or aug.ent tile .pread and inten.it~ of fire or e.plo.ion. Fault~ materials of eUBC1.104d. 2.203. ~ constuction must Building Cod.. and safe condition. con.truction ..... ~\<<~'\ UHCI0. 1001c. d. J. k All materials~ be allowed or appov.d b~ tll. Uniform ade~uatel~ maintained in good and , 46. G @ CY G This on In.deq.u.te m.ir n.nce oil CUBC1. 104d. 2.203. UHC2.202. 4.401. 10. 1001b. c. d. e. iI. g. h. i. J. k. 1... n. o. U1'IC1. 104d. 2.202. UPCI0.2. NEC2.202.QO.l. qo.4. QO.6. NFC2.201. 3.101] ~ep.ir .nd/or repl.ce building or portion thereof. S.oke detectorCs] req.uiredCUBC12.1210.. UFC APPEND. 1- A4t6J" Inst.ll smo k e detectors .s req.u ired. Address req.uired on .11 buildings .nd/or .ptsCUFCI0.20e. SB1'IC12. 32.030]. ApplV .ddress inform.tionon building. req.uires permits .nd Illeg.l construction ~hich inspectionsCUBC3.301-30~]. SUPPLEl'OENT \, ~~t'" '10::- _~,<..+,:".,'nUliI:"'" ,"'- ___ Lo_ ~ \ .2... ",~..t \CUA l- ~V\ c.~r \-.lL. \-.:...... (JD~ +-~ t-/") ~.o~er~l ,,:v inspection report ~.s given to: A propertv owner. B ..n.ger. C ten.nt. o bV h.nd deliver". v E regul.r m.il. XX F certified m.il.7/22/88 ill ., lQ~. . . .:, \1 6 CITY OF SAN BEhNARDINO - MEMORANDUM Subject To CITY CLERK RESOLUTION FROM BOARD OF BUILDING COMMISSIONERS MEETING OF August 5, 1988 ADDRESS: From BBC CLERK Date August 19. 1988 17ql Mallory Str~~t Approved Date Pursuant to Title 15:28, transmitted herewith are two (2) copies of Resolution No. 1232 of findings from the Board of Building Commi ss i oners . Mark I. Sutton, Clerk Board of Building Commissioners attachments v " ) '-1 -I ) o 1 '1 IX1!I',t:' . ~ ' '., . '-". -, - ,---" ".'.'. ,^, "'0' '~-" ~ ",~~...~!r"'J ;ot-~' ~. c. ~~SOLOTION NO. 1232 2 P??OPT 'fO. 3138 3 RESOLUTION O!;"TlJ': BOAR!' Oi,' n'JI/.JlING COt1rur;SJONE;P:' O? TIP 4 CITv OF SAN B~RNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE ABATEM~NT OF A ?U8LI~ 5 "UJSANCl::. 6 WIIEREA:-;, pursuant to<~an Bernardino ~1unicioal Code, Title 7 15, Chapter l5.~?, the Ruilding Official has postpd A huildin~(9; 8 or premises located at 1791 Mallory Street --------. 9 ~~an Bernardino, Californla, Hith a "Noti.ce to Ar.'ate Nuisan<:ell, 10 and has notified the person or persons havin~ an interest in said II prop~rty that the sai1 buildin~(s) or premises constitute a 12 public nuisance, and has prepared a declaration of posting and 13 mailing of the notice, a copy of which is on file in these 14 l)rOc~?riings; and 15 WH~_~R.FAS, pllr'_~u3nt to said ~~an B~t'I:;71rd ino r'1l..1nicloal Corle, t:-:e 16 l:\\i1'linO( Officia) has served a "notice of 'Tearing ""fore the 17 Board of ':3llild.ln~ Com~lissioners of the r:ity of .San F1ernardino", 18 relatin~ to ahatement of said nuisance, to the person or persons 19 "havinq, an interest in said property, and ha,; prepared a 20 I 'declaration of mailing of I - I the notice, a copy of which is on fi10 21 i.n the,;e proceedings; ami 22 WHEREAS, a hearln~ was hel~ to ill1 rec~ i "Ie and con~id.~r I , irelevant evidence, ohjections or protests on 23 August 5 24 19 88 and 25 1Jin:[(FAS, the Board of Ruildin". Commi,;sioners heard the 26 testimony and examined the evidence offered hy the parties 27 relative to such alle~erj puhlic nuisance, 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RRSOLVSD BY TBf 80ARD OF BUILDT~G , :1 II ,I 'i !' ;; 1 COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAN SE~~AaDI~O AS FOLLOwS: 2 SEC7:0N 1. Based upon the evicence s~bmi~ted, i: is fo~~d 3. and deter~ined that the building(s) or pre~ises located at I 4' 1791 Mallory Street , San Ser:ar:i:.no, Calf.:or:-:.ia, , 5i I ::1 I " consti:~te a public nuisance for the ~easc~s set for:~ :~ ... . .0. o:.X~~:il: "A", attac~ed hereto and incor;;orated here=-:':. by reference as :ho~ih f~:~y set for:~ at leng:~ as t~e f:~C:~is of fa:: of :~e I 81 91, 3oard. SEC7:0N 2. " 10': I 11' I 12! , I The owneds) is hereby directed to pay to the City of San Bernardino it's costs incurred to date, in the abatement of the nuisance described herein. Said costs shal I be paid on or before the expiration of 30 days folla~ing 13,' date of posting of this resolution in a conspicuous place on said I4! building(s) or premises. I 15: SEC::CN 3. ! 16',' I In the event the costs are not paid to the city within the prescribed 17; period of ti~e , said costs shall be made a lien on the lot or parcel , 18', . of land upon which the public nuisance is located. i 191 I :WI 21. I 22:! S2C::,:N 4. Any ;Jerscn agg= ie'led b:r ::::'5 oede:- :r:a:r, ...-1: :=-~:..:\ 23: 241 25! I 26: I 27: I 28:j fit:een (i5) days ai:e= AuC)ust 19, 1988 . . t ap;:ea.. to t.::.e Common Council by filing ~ith the City Clerk a ~ritten statement of the order appealed :rom, the spe~i:ic grounds of appee: and the :~lief or a~:ion sought f=om the Commc~ C~uncil. I HE~E3Y CER7!FY that the foregjL~i reso:~tion ~as =~~y adoptee by the 30arc oi 3uL:din~ C=~~=-ssL=~ers at a z 1 regular meeting thereof, held on the 5th 2 day of , 19]a, by the following vote, to wit: Auqust 3 4 5 6 Commissioners Mi 11er, Ponder, Pollock, Hei I, Hunt, AYES: Lord and Gonzales None NAYS: ABSENT: Westwood and Flores 7 8 Clerk, Board of Building Commissioners 9 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this 5th Auqust , 1938. 10 day of 11 12 13 Approved as to form and legal content. 14 / 15 16 i ---- ~ Deputy City Attorney 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 REPORT NO. "3 kS k- . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEPARTMENT OF BUI~DINQ AND SAFETY JOO No~th D St~.et SAN BERNARDINO. CA.9241S EXHIBIT "A" An in~pection ~.~ .nd/o~ p~.mi~e~. include but not be m.de o~ the belo~ mentioned ~t~uctu~e(5) .nd sub~t.nd.~d conditions ~hich 5h~11 limited to the #ollowing. ~e~e obse~ved. The owne~/s ~e~e sent. c.~ti#ied m.iling 0# these cQn"~"- tions. The ~ecommend.tion is #o~ .b.tement 0# the st~uctu~e(s) .nd/o~ p~emi~e~l .nd/o~ .n o~de~ to v.c.te the p~e.i~es All such subst.nd.~d buildings o~ p~emis.s .~e he~eb~ de- cl.~.d to b. public nui~.nces .nd such nuis.nc.s sh.ll b. .b.ted b~ the ~ep.i~. ~emov.l o~ demolition of such un~.#e buildings b~ the p~ope~ p~ocedu~e. Pe~mits .~e ~equi~ed p~io~ to st.~ting ~ep.i~ o~ demolition ~o~k. Tot.l costs incu~,.ed to d.te: S ~IJ.O . <6Co OWNERLI...\~.,.~t..? L-\l.._ ADDRESS 113(. \,J. \-\i~"'-\~",cl CITYb."B. G-... ~~'i l\ PHONE NO../ DATE OF DATE PREP.... 1- I i~ TYPE BL.DQ/VIOLATION SF """ V...c.~,J ADDRESSlli!..t1....\\.,,'1 5~. ASSESSOR'S NO. .2"~- J.tL2. -02- INSPECTION '3-'-4ft I.~.U VIOLATIONS ~UCTUA~-BUlLOINC (9 Open/v.c.nt buildingCUFCll. 41/11. 412] Secu~e .11 buildings to FHA st.nd.~ds to p~.vent un.utho~ized ent~.nce. Secu,.e doo~s .nd .indo~s ~ith #itted pl~~ood p.inted to m.tch hou~. t,.im. Open.ble ~indows must be p~ovided ~ith ~uick ~.le.~e .ech.ni~.s ~h.~. secu~it~ ~c~eens .~e inst.11ed on bed~oom ~indo~~(USC 1204i). 2. Fi~e d...g.d st~uctu~eCs] specific.ll~ CSB~C 1'. 16.240] Secu~e the neces..~~ pe~mits .nd ~ep.i~ ~ithin thi~t~CJO] d.~s to building codes o~ de.olish. ::I. In.dequ.te eq,uipmentCUHC #i~e 9.901. p~o1:ection 10. 1001n. o~ #i~e-#ighting UFC 10.JOll P~ovide .~ 1 <:t .... . B.. 9. 10. G 12.. 1~. (0 ~ ., A I".q,u11".a ~ 'Clu1~III.n~. ,..-,x~ingulSft1ng s~se.ms :oa.s ~I"ap.,. 4. In.d.q,U.e. .xitsCVHC3.90t. 10. tOOlm.UBC::.~:O:.UFC .,.-e. ~:: ,a.dd:'~:'Qn.l .I:'~' ,..... be T".~ui~.d tQ be in CClllla1i.nc. ~1:~ ~u1t=ing caCl.s. ,. In.d.q,u.'C. i"ouna.e~C1n-s.9gin9 ':1001"' in CUHC10. lCOl:. C1. J'~' L USC:. tC4d:"aunCl.~~an 01" pl.,.S muse II. ~,.ovtCl'C1. 6. In.d.q,u... ~.lts/v'I":ic.l suppa,.:s in ~nic~ lI.v. ~.." ~..k.n.d b~ d.t'I"ial".Clan 01" av.,.la.C11ng CI.iHC10. tCOl:. d. II. J. 1.1 muse ~. "'P 1.c:ed 01" s~T".ngell.n.d. 7. In.d.q,u.e. CI.iHC:1. '0:. sll.ll II..... :.111ng 1I.1gllt 1n UBC12.1207J All 11.01:.01. 7':':. ..in. cuti.ngs. .na s.,.vi.c. "ooms In.d.q,u.:. "00111 dim.ns1ons in CUHC~. '0:. UBCt:z.. 1207J In.d.q,u.t. ....ne11.:10n/11gll: in CUHC'. '04. UBCl2. 120'J All 1I.lIi:.1I1. I"aams sll.ll II.",. .n .ggl",g.e. ~inda~ .,... o~ not l.ss tn.n 1/10:11 tll. ':100T" .1",. aT" 10 sq,. ,>e. ~ft1cll'''''I" is gl"'.c,,, .nd .n ap.n.01. ~indo~ .1"'. 0" 1/2 ell. eo~.l .1"'. ,..q,ui,..m.nt. S.cnl"aallls muse II.",.. minimum a': J s~ ':L 01" II. pI"a",id.d .i':n m.cft.nic.l ""nt11.:ion. r18l11"ap'I" us. a" uni:CUHC10. 100101 Tlu us. 0,0 .s must II. discon:inu.d. BI"ok.n daol"' 01" ~inClawsCUFClt.411/11.41~ UDCl. t04dl S.. numo'I" on. FOl" cOl"I"'cCian. In.d.q,u.:. I".:pl"aafingCUHCI0.1001kJ Alt .':':1c ....ncs 01" ap.nings aust II. cav'I".d ..sll sC'l"..n1ng. flll~nd.:ion .nd ..1:11 1/4 incll IIl.g.1 .dd1:10n/sulls:.nd.I"d .cc'SSOl"~ CUDC~.:Ol. VHC:.J01J Addi:ian 0,0 muse can"aT"l1I :0 cad.s al" II. d.mol1sll.d. lIuildings SI"ok.n/l1Iiss1ng '.:'I"ia'l" siding/stucco an CUHCI0. lCOlb. c. d. II. J. U:aCl7.17071 ",usC "'P l.c .d. e1<+!;,C ('"' II. I",p.1,..C1 al" In.C1.q,u.t.. N=oa"CUBC~. J:04. UFCl2. 12. 1041 Inst.ll n.... daal" .e <;" . 01" I",p.il" .x1sting daal" to 1n,ul"' 1: clo,.s ~I"=p'T"I~ 01" 1': . tack 1s p,..s.n: tll.t it lacks p,.ap'I"I~. 2 . 16. C:!imn.'1 .,.uc:~u.... 111un,HU8C:.l04d. 2. 20~ UHC:O. 1001:. Q. h. :.. J. k. 1. J R..dllv. c:!imne'l to .,.lla" line. c~p ~~ ~~is ~llinc: ~nd s..l pi.,..lllla a'" ...ep.i.,. st.,.uc:~u.,. .ll., eo code. ~E~L~-~~Nr~~~::N 17. e ,. : 19. ~ 21. ~ Zl. 24. Pelal :!.s s~.gn.n~ ~.c:..,. in.de~u.c:e g.~. CS3~:~. ~. S~imming pOlll .c~ 24.100. M&S a'" ...epl.ce .c:o...ding tll cades. i~.d.~u.~a ~.nc. St~;. C=4. i~;l.liC~ C~d.7774~ O,..1n, r-.p.i~, .Deb...is/Junr/in.de~u.te q."'~.ge sto.,..geCHe.l~h .nd S.ni~.ti=n Regu1.C:illns ~i~le ~ c:h.ll.2 ~~.02~.J~.024. SJ~C3. 21.0~0.a.21.C4O. a.21.0~0. a.21.C~O. a. 24. 020. S.24.0~0 a.24.04O.a.24.0~OJ Remave deb...is/Junr .nd ~.,.avide su~t.ole can~.~n....s ~ith lids ~a.,. ...ubbish .nd ;..,.0.'1 e. Unlicensed/inllp.....tiv. vehicle Y..... ~ic. CSa~C3.~~.010kJ Remav. a... lIuilding. ",.ke Sell.... in . Ins.cts........"'in-.nim.l d...appingsCSJP'lC...04. l:iO. 6. OS. oao. UJofC10. 1001b. d. k. 11 Ade~u.t. ",e.su.,..s musl b. t.k.n to .limin.t. t:.is :anditilln in 'f'1'A..- \.liSrc: Uns.ni~...." d...~inba....dCUHC.:.. aol. 10. 1001c. d. J. 1. uaC2'.2'16.1 R.s..l a... .,..pl.c.-d....inbo..,.d ~.ckspl.sh. Uns.nic...." ~laa...cav....ing-"laa.,.ing in_~:\C~~ is . h..l:h h.:....dCU1lCl.l04d. UHC10. 1001Cl. J. 11. R.Cllve... a'r" ....s..l p...op.,.l". Dwelling l.cks hllt ...t..,.CUHC~. ~O,. 10. 1001.. d. kJ HaC -.c.,. ll" not less t:..n 120 deg,...s F. must b. p...llvided co ,..~ui".d plu",oing ~i:tu.,..s. h..t.,. illeg.ll" CUI'lC:" 202. _t.,. 1I..te,. inst.ll.d in: lI.th,.llllm ,. '04-~0'. UHC7. 701:. U1lc:.. 20:31 to. suiC.ole lac.cilln und.,. W.C..,. lI.d.,.aa", R.IllC.t. II .,.IIIl. C. 2=. w.c.,. h..t.,. imo,.ap.,.l" v.nC.dCUI"!C2. 202. ,. ~04. ,. ~OS. uac:z.. 20:3. UHC7.701c1 "'.nts sll.ll .atend 12 inCh.S .bov. C/I. pllin~ a,," .ai: ~"'am :h. ...all". All v.nt pip.s to b. secu,..d. 26. Roo" l..king CUlICl. 104d. Rep.i.,. .,.llll", in the ...... .aav. 2- 20:3. UHCo. 601. 10. 1001b. c. d. h. i. J... 11 2:7. n..=-C~I~.AL OV.""usingCUJCl.l04d. 10. 1001/1. d. .. i. J. r. 1. UHC2- 202. 4.401. 7. 70U. 9.901. NEC2- 20:;'...~. 90. 61 Fus.d .1.c~ic.l ~ . ...... ~.. ..:2S. 29. ::30. G IIr"nc." e~' ~u'.'5 no:' ,..c.;) ;~c: ~ .'1. Jt~s sn.Il -:~ .xc:..d II. l' o~id.d ~i:~ no"-~~mp.~~~ * "maS ~or 1ights/:20 "maS t~ ~issing .l.~~~i:~.l e~v.~~/~iltu~.s in eusc~. 104.4. UHC:O:.20:O:". 7.70111. 9.901. 10. 100U. ~. ..1. J. c. L NE.:2. 20:2",.-:. 90...: ...ll ou-:~.u "no s~it:~.' ~u': ~.v. ~,.:~.,. e~v.'" .nd "l~ .l.c:~~:~,,~ ~ix:~".' ~u': II. ~,.o~."~~ ins:"ll.d .nd s.c:~,..d:~ t~. lIui1~~"g. I".d.~u":e ~u:l.~s in NECs.c.210: E.e~ h,,01:.01. "oo~ mu,: h.v. 2 c:~nv..nc. ou:te':s or 1 ou:~e': .no 1 light i11xtur.. S.:llrooms ~us~ h.",. 1 l~;n: "i.:~r. .no GF! ~lug. E1ec:~i=.l ,.,."'.c:e is i".o.~u.t. ':01' exi,ting l~.o' s.r"'.d C~ECs.c:2~0: ~ n.~ ,.rvic. d.,igned t~ ,u~~l~. .ini~u~ 0': 60 "mo.r.:J ~i,.. s.,.",ice '0,. uo to' C'1",.J ~o ~i,.. 1I,..nch ci,.cu1ts c"~.cit~. H.."rdou,/ill.g.l wi,.ing in .e.\.\.~,~'l.. \r-e" Co 0./ eUSC1. 104d. :2.20::3. VHC:2.20:2. 4.401. 7.70111. 9.901. 10.100111. d. .. 1. J. k. 1. NEC:2. 20:2.,.t<;l0. 6J "'ust II. ".al.C.d. p,.oo.rl~ ".a.1r.d or ,..mo",.d to .li.i".t. h...,.d,. ~~C~AN!C~L-~~~~!~G ::3:i!. I11.g.l g., h..~.rCs! ."d/or g., .oali.nc., in eul"Ic:" 20:0:. ,. :O~=OS. UHC7.701c. U'8C:" :20:3J ~ll unv.n:." o~ oo.n ':l.m. g., .ooli.nc., mus: II. di,conn.ct.d .nd ,..mov.d ':r:~ ~r.m.s.s .nd the g., oip., c.Oa.d in . ..nn.,. tll.: ~,..v.n:s ,..c=nnec::i~n a': ell.'. .ooli.nce,. 3:3. I".d.~u.:e h..te~~7.701.J An .oorov.o h..ting ,qs:.m ,h.ll II. ins:.11ed c:.a.1I1. 0' oroviding 70 d.g,.,., F th,... 'e.~ .aov. '100,. 1n..ll ll.lIi:.1I1. ,.00.,. 34. In.d.~u.t.lmi"i"g g.s 'huto':' conn.c:10n~.t Ul"ICl104d. =. '0:2.~=0:3Cc:-2:. UPC1~ o"/v.lv.1 conn.ction ,h.l1 .oJ.c.nt/.cc."iIl1. loc.:ion .po 1i.nc.,. '.'.:11 v.lv. eUllC1. 1040. 2. :0:0:3. 1:21::3.: An .ao,.ov.d Shut II. in,:.ll.o in .n '0,. .11 g., 'i,..o 3~. Combu,tilll., .,.. st~,..d too n..,. h..:1ng .ooli.nces in eV1'lC3. aoo.2. 7. 70::3 704J R..o"'. c:omaus:illle,. C~.Cl ~.nu".c:u",,,s soec:i'ic:.:ion,. P'_U"'S!NC 30. L...king/llrok.n/plugged ,.....1' dr. in, in CUBe:.. 1044". 2. 202.- 4.401. ,. ~o~. 10. 1001b. Q. i. i. L. All 'istu,..~ .nd .opli.nce, mu,: lie o,.ooe,.lq c:~n"ec:.d ~~ ,...r lin., .nd m.in:.in.d in . ~.nit.,.~ conoition. 4 :17. ~.eiing-~r~.ed ~i~es-~i~.ing ~lu.Ding ~il~ur~s in CUBC:.I04d. 2.202. 4. .101. ,. '0:1. 10. 1001~. J. i. 1. ] ~.~er ~1~es end ~il~ur.. mus~ Oe ~r,. a~ l.eis m.1n~.ine4 in e servie.eal. eno s.ni~_r, e=n4i~iQn. "'ll en4 :1e. tnaaere~1v.~iss1ng ~r.ssur' :.moere~ur. r.11.~ velv, "Of'" :'1Q~ .M":.~ 'S",~~.mCU3C~. :'O~d, 2. ~C:J, UI-lC::. ;O~, 4. J.Ol, 10. lCOl~. 1'. l. L.:?C:C. :007. 1:1. ::1C'-l:1C..~;te~ I_c. v_Ive. :19. Crass eQnn.e~.4 ~lumD1ng i'1,1:ur.Cs] in CUPCl.102.&110. ... ..oa. lC. 100::3~] ~ur minimum a~ 1 1ne~ eDav. t~e rim a~ :~e tnl.~s in ~.~er elase~ C:ai:.~] :_niS ~i~~ .a~rav.d ANT:-St?~ON deviets ~i~~ .Dave :~. av.r~la~ ~ua.. lnl.~s mus~ oe _ v.ssel s.,.vie.d. mus~ oe .qui~~.4 1 inc~ cl..~.nc. :19A. '1'.,.::1 s~,.inil.,.s lIIust O. ~r.e a,o e~=sl eonn.c:ianl lIli1:~ .a~,.av.4 vecuum D,...i.rCsl inle.lle4 .e le.le IiI Col lnc~es _oave lurraunding g,.aund. ~nd fteedl I.,.vieed. -." ." ~~AL 6 NOT TO 3E CCcuPt~ CUSC2.20:1. :1.:107. '.'01-'0:11 Dw.lling Ift.ll no: O. oe:u~i'd until vial.eions nat.d eeov." ft.v. D..n eo""'c~'d _nd .~~"ov.d D~ . 3uil::ling rnl~.C1:a,. ,o,.am tft. Cit~ a,c S.n 3.,.n.,.dina 3uilding .nd S.f.~~ D'p."1:~."e. 41. "" C.,.':iHe.t. a,c Cecup."c~ lIlill De 1".q,uil"'4 :a I".accup~ p,.op '1"':'1 CUBC2. 20:1. :1. :107. ,. :01-:l0:3J. 42. 8 G 4:1. I~al"ap." aceua.nc,CUHC:O. lOOla. VSC~2O:J. :1.:107. ,. :01- :lO~l Oc:up_ncq il nat .11alll.4 in t~il Duildin, a,. pa,.tian :~.r.a~. ~au muse v.c.t. ::1. .,.... Nuil.nc.CUSCl. 104d. U~C~. 4011 Thil is .n .tt,..c':iv. ~.%."d .ftle~ -.~ p,.~v. ea D. d.t.,.is.ne.l ta ftu-.ns. t: muse D. p,.ovid.d p,.oe.ctian. 1".p.il".d. el"..n'd up. a,. I"..av.d i_'di_e.l~. Fi,.. ft.Z.,.d in a" an P",\,',t., S:;'"C ~~.r\"'\ CU'SCt. 104d. 2.. 20::3. L.:HC~ 202. .401 S. sot. ". "01. 10. 100le. d. J. t. 1. UF02.201. :1.1011 R..av. eft. Duilding. It.vie.. .1lP.,..tl.ls. .q,uip..n~. casllultiDI. _Ie. a1" v.,.t.t1an lIl"ic~ e.n c.us. a" .u,..nt en. 1~1"..d .nd lnt.nsi':q a~ ,oil"' a" "plasian. F.ul':q ...e.,.i.l1 a,c cUaOt.l04d. 2.20::3. af eonseue':ian must Building Cod.. .nd s.f. e::lndi:ian. c:on'S~,.uc-:i.Qn in UHCIO. 100le. d. J... 1.1 All "'.~'''1.1s D. .11alll.d a" .ppov.d D~ t:l. Unifa"" .d.qu.t.lq &ein~.in.d in gaad .nd , ,. ' :.~ . ..... ," G (0 GJ 4'i1. In.de~u.te Jin:."."C' "I> of "~\- '.\1" ~,f) ~(...~ CUBC1. 104d. 2.. 20::1. UH<:2.202. 4, 1.. 10.100111. C. d... ~. g.~. i. J. t. 1.... n.~. Ul'lCl. 044. :z. 202- UPC:.0.2. NEe.:. 202.90. 1. 90. 4. "0. o. NFC:z. 201. 3. 101: Re,.i.~ .nd/or r,ot.c. ~ui.ldi."g or ~or:i.on :~er.ol>. SlDoke decec':~rCs= r.~uir.dCUBC:'2. 12:.0.. UFC ....,...940. :.- ~oJ Insc.l1 smoot d'c'C':~rs .s r.quir.d. Addr.ss r.quir'd 0" .tl t1uildings .nd/or .,:sCUFC:'O.2Ce. 531"C12. J2. O::lOJ. ....p p 1~ .ddrus inl>orftl.ti~n ,on lIuild1ng. Ille~.l CQ"s:ruc':i"n ..ich inspec:ionsCUBC::I.J01-30~J. ,.equires llerftlHs .nd ~O. SUPPl.E'".ENT Tllis inspec':1on r.oor': ,...s giv." to: A praper:q a.n.r. 9 _".,er. e ten.nc. / 0 II., h.nd deliver.,. / , E regul.r _il. H F cerhH.d ...il. 7/22/88 C1" February 16 1" ]lL. 6 CITY OF SAN BEkNARDINO - MEMORANDUM To CITY CLERK RESOLUTION FROM BOARD OF BUILDING COMMISSIONERS Subject MEET! NG OF Augus t 5, 1988 ADDRESS: 936 North "F" Street Approved From BBC CLERK Date August 19, 1988 Date Pursuant to Title 15:28, transmitted herewith are two (2) copies of Resolution No. 1233 of findings from the Board of Building Commi ss i oners. Mark I. Sutton, Clerk Board of Building Commissioners attachments :.0 'n .--, : ;, P.' .) ) -, ") -, ;~ pqiCE j JIll "k".P-.'" .~~.~"..~ I:. r::. ;l>::;OLlLC:,ON NO. 1233 2 P.i':POR'T NO. 3156 3 RESOLUTION OJ:' celiE BOAR!.' ~Ji" J)lJ II,PINi; COr1m.C;S IONE:P.8 OF TIn 4 CITY OF SAN EBRNARDINO AUTHORI7ING THE ABATEMBNT OF A PUBLIC 5 NUISANCE. 6 WHEREAS, pursuant to ~~anRernardino 11unicioal Code, Title 7 15, Chapter 15.2?, the Building Official has posted A huildingCs) ! 8 or premises located at 936 N. "F" Street 9 ,. ,-,an Bernardino, r::aliforn'la, I'ith a "Notice to Abate ~l\1isance", 10 and has notified the person or persons having an interest in said 11 property that the said b"ildin~(s) or premises constitute a 12 nublic nuisance, and haq precared a declaration of posting and I mailing of the notice, a copy of which is on file in these I I)roceerlings; and 13 14 15 WH'~f1.FA.:;, pnr';uant to said ~;an 13eci';Hdino r.lunici.oal Co:ie, tl-;e 16 Enllclino. Official has served a "notice of !Iearing Before the 17 Board of 81\ilding Commissioners of the r;ity of ~~an l'ernardino", 18 relatin~ to abatement of said nuisance, to the person or persons 19 havi.ng an interest in said property, and has prepared a 20 declaration of mailing of the notice, a copy of which is on file 21i.n these proceedings; and 22 I WHEREAS, a hear in\'; wa s he 1.:1 to recei"le and cons irler rt 11 . relevant evidence, ohjections or protests on August 5 .' 23 24 d V:JS8 I. Ii Ii i! ., ,testimony and examined the evidence offered by the parties and 25 \,IfIEREAS, the Board of Huildin" Commissioners head the 26 27 " :! 28 i 'I I I' I I \, II I' relative to such alle~ed puhlic nuisance, NOW, THEREFOR[, R~ I~ RRSOLV~O BY TR~ BOARD Of BUILDJNG 1 COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: 2 SECTION 1. Based upon the evidence submitted, it is found 3 and determined that the building(s) or premises located at 4 936 N. "F" Street , Sari Bernardino, California, 5 constitute a public nuisance for the reasons set forth in Exhibit 6 "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as 7 though fully set forth at length as the findings of fact of the 8 Board. 9 SECTION 2. The owner(s) is hereby directed to commence the 10 abatement of the public nuisance by obtaining the necessary 11 demolition and/or building permits within ten (10) days after the 12 date of posting of a copy of this Resolution in a conspicuous 13 place on said building(s) or premises. The abatement must be 14 completed within sixty (60) days thereafter. 15 SECTION 3. In the event the public nuisance is not abated 16 within the prescribed period of time, the building(s) or premises 17 shall be razed, demolished, removed, repaired or rehabilitated by 18 the City of San Bernardino, or by a person or persons authorized 19 by the Building Official, and the expense thereof made a lien on 20 the lot or parcel of land upon which the public nuisance is 21 located. 22 SECTION 4. Any person aggrieved by this order may, within 23 fifteen (15) days after August 19, 1988 , appeal to the 24 Common Council by filing with the City Clerk a written statement 25 of the order appealed from, the specific grounds of appeal and 26 the relief or action sought from the Common Council. 27 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly 28 adopted by the Board of Building Commissioners at a 2 1 regular 2 day of AUQUS t meeting thereof, held on the 5th , 1~, by the following vote, to wit: Commissioners Miller, Ponder, Pollock, Heil, Hunt, Lord and Gonzales None Westwood and Flores ~'.lt!IJI.~t Attorney Clerk, Board of Building Commissioners 9 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this 5th 3 4 5 6 7 8 AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: 10 day of Auaus t 11 12 13 Approved as to 14 jtt~y 15 16 Ail.! l...l..Lf. i ~ i lJ 17 -oeputy City 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 , 1988. airman, form and 1 ega 1 content. 3 RE?ORT NO. 3\56 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINQ AND SAFETY 300 North D Str..t SAN BERNARDINO. CA.92418 UNIT INSPECTION REPORT Th. Building .nd S.f.tv D.p.rt..nt h.. in.p.ct.d the d..crib.d prop.rtv. Th. in.p.ction r.v..l.d th.t the it... ~rk.d do not conform to the provi.ion. of the S.n B.rn.rdino Municip.l Cod. (SBMC).- It.m. ..rk.d .ith.n ..t.ri.k mu.t b. r.p.ir.d or corr.ct.d .ithin~d.v', Oth.r it... mu.t b. r.p.ir.d or corr.ct.d ~ithin1!:-d.V" PERMITS REGUIRED )( YES____NO P.rmit. .r. r.q~d to r.p.ir or corr.ct m.nv of the it.m.. For. con.ult.tion r.g.rding this r.port. ...i.t.nc. in ..curing . p.rmit. or .ch.duling. r.in.p.ction. pl.... c.ll the offic. .nd .ch.dul. vour r.qu..t with the in.p.ctor who.. n.m. .pp..r. on this r.port. OFFICE HOURS ARE 7:30-4:30 MONDAY THROUQH FRIDAV .-.-- r ' OWNER] hf~"'-L'-'-:, --"\\tl., '('^ " , , DATE PREPARED 3- 3 ) -<:.,~ ADDRESS.Jj(''::)L1- ~,-('"~\,,(("::l\~ ~l..TVPE BLDQ/VIOLATION C' ~ '> ~ K 'C c q., fl.', ',,:=" c+' , CITY. :i,~ .",-"ll, ,'"-"'r ( fJ.'irLf ADDRESS ) l _ C..2. ! 10- 1!:f1- '2 C; i PHONE NO. " ASSESSOR'S NO. DATE OF INSPECTION H'I'-'~ 7 )' 31 "S".J VIOLATIONS STAueTUR~-8UILDINO (1) Open/v.c.nt buildingtUFCl1.41/11.412J Secure .11 building. to FHA .t.nd.rd. to prev.nt un.uthoriz.d entr.nc.. Secure door. .nd window. with fitted plV.ood p.intedto ..tch hou.e tria. Op.n.bl. windo.. mu.t b. provided with quick r.l.... ..ch.ni.m. wher. ..curitv .creen. .r. in.t.ll.d an b.droom window.(UBC 1204i), 2. Fire d...g.d .tructur.C.l .p.cific.llV CSB~ 1'. 16. 240J S.cur. the n.c....rv p.rmit. .nd r.p.ir within thirtvt30J d.V' to building cod.. or d.moli.h. 3. In.d.qu.t. .,uiplllenttUHC fir. 9.901. prot.ction 10. 1001n. or fir.-fighting UFC 10.301J Provide .. 1 re~uired b~ ,ode' proper fire-e.ting~_'hing '~'tems or e~uipment. 4. . In.de~u.U uiUCUHCI. 801.10. 1001m. UIC33. 3303. UFC .rt.lal Addition.l e.its m.~ be re~uired to be in ,o.pli.n'e with building 'odes. ,. In.de~u.te Found.tion-s.gging floors in CUHCI0. 1001'. d. J. k. 1. UBC1. 104d]found.Uon or piers must be pro"ided. 6. In.de~u.te ..11s/verti,.1 supports in wfti,h h."e been we.kened ~~ deterior.tion or o"erlo.ding tUHCI0. 1001c. d. h. J. 1.] must be repl.ced or strengtllened. 7. In.de~u.te tUHC'. '03. ,h.ll h."e ceiling height in UBC la. la07] All h.b i td Ie 7ft.6in. ,eilings. .nd ser"ice roo... I. In.de~u.te room dimensions in CUHC'. 503. UIC1a. la07] 9. In.de~u.te "entil.tion/light in tUHC5.504. UBC12.1aO'] All h.IIU.1I1e roam. sh.11 h."e .n .ggreg.te window .re. of not le.s th.n 1/10th the floor .re. or 10 s~. ft. wlli,he"er is gre.ter .nd .n open.1I1e window .re. of l/a tile tot.l .re. re~uirement. B.throom. must h.ve. minimum of 3 s~. ft. or be pro"ided with me'h.nic.l "entil.tio". 10. Improper use of unitCUHCI0.10010] Tile u.e of ., llIust be discontinued. 11. Broken doors or windowsCUFCll. 411/11. 412. UIC1. 104d] See numller one for corre'tion. la. In.de~u.te r.tproofingtUHC10. 1001k] All found.tion .nd .ttic "ent. or opening. mu.t be ,overed with 1/4 inch .e,h screening. 13. Illeg.l .ddition/.ub.t.nd.rd .cce..or~ buildings CUBC3.301. UHC3.301] Addition of .U" confor. to codes or be de.olished. 14. Broken/.is.ing esterior siding/.tucco on CUHC10. 100111. c. d. h. J. UIC17.1707] mu.t be rep. ired or repl.ced. 1'. In.de~u.te door .t it ,lose. properl~. doortUIC33.3304. UFCla. la. 104] Inst.ll new or rep.ir e.isting door to insure properl~ or if . lack i. present th.t it lock. 2 Chilllne.. ,t,.uctu,.e un,oundCUBC1. 104d. ~. ~03. UHC10. 1001c. d. h. i. J. k. 1. J Re..ove chilllne.. to ,.oof line, cap at thi' point and ,eal firebo. 0,. ,.epai,. ,t"uctu" all" to code. ~TH-~rTATION 16. 17. inadequate fence State code Title17CAC Code7774J D,.ain. repai,.. Pool hat .tagnant wate" inadequate gate CSBMC1'.48, Swimming pool act ~4. 100, H.S 0" ,.eplace acco,.ding to COde,. lB. Deb,.i'/Junk/inadequate ga,.bage ,to,.ageCHealth and Sanitation Regulatian, Title 3 chap.233.Q23.33.024. SBMCB.21.030.B.21.040. B. 21. 0'0. B.21.090. 8.24.020. B. 24. 030 B. Remove deb,.i'/Junk and p,.ovide ,uitable cantaine,., with lid. fa,. "ubbi,h and ga,.bage. 19. Unlicen.ed/inope"ative vehicle Vea,. Make Loic. CSBMCB. 33. OlOk J Remove a,. ,tore in a build ing. 20. In..ct,-v.,.min-animal d,.opping,CSBMC6.04. 120. 6. OB. OBO, UHCI0. 100lb. d. k, 1] Ad.quate mea,u".' mu,t be tak.n ta .liminate thi, canditian in ~1. Un.anita,... d,.ainbaa,.dCUHC6. 601.10. 1001c. d. J. 1. UBC~5.2516kJ Re,.al a" ,..plac.-d,.ainbaa,.d back,pla'h. 22. Un,anita,." flao,.cov.,.ing-flao,.ing in i' a h.alth lIaza,.dCUBC1.104d. UHCI0. 1001d, J' IJ. Recav.,. 0,. ,.e,.al p,.ape,.l... 23. Dwelling lack, hot wate,.CUHC5. 50'. 10. 1001a, d. kl Hot wate" af nat le" than 120 d.g,..e, F. mu,t be pravided to ,.equir.d plumbing fi.tu,.e,. ~4. ...te,. h.ater illegall" in,talled in: bath,.oom bed,.oom CUMC2.~02, '.504-'0', UHC7. 701c. UBC2.~03] Relocate wat.,. heate,. ta a ,uitable lacatian und.,. pe,.mi t. 2'. Wate,. hea'e,. i.p,.ope,.l" ventedCUMC2.202, 5.504. 5.50B, UlC2.203, UHC7.701cJ Vent' 'hall e.t.nd 1~ inche, abav. the point 0' ..it f,.o. the roo'. All v.nt pipe, ta b. ..cu,..d. 26. Roo' haking CUBC1. 104d. R.pai,. "oof. in the a,.ea above 2.~3, UHC6.601, 10. 1001b, c, d, h. i. J. k. IJ ELECTRICAL 27. Ove,.fu,ingCUBC1.l04d.' UHC2.~02. 4.401. 7.701b. 9.901. 10. 100lb. d. e, i. J. k, 1. NEC2. ~O~a,.t. 90. 6J Fu.ed el.ct,.ical :3 :28. :29. 30. 31. be provided witn non-tamperable l' amp. for lig~"/:20 ampl to branch circuit. .hall fu.e. not to exceed receptacle.. '"i..in, electricial covers/fixture. in CVlCl.104d. UHC:2.:20:2n. 7.701b. 9.901. 10. loon. d. e. i. J. k. 1. NEC:2. :20:2art. 90. 6] All outlets and switche. mu.t have proper cover. and all electricial fixture. must be properl~ in.talled and .ecured to the build ing. Inade~uate outlets in NEClec.:210] Each habitable roo. must have:2 convience outlets or 1 outlet and 1 light f1ixture. Bathrooms llIust have 1 light f1ixture and GFI plug. Electrical .ervice is inade~uate for e.isting loads .erved CNEC.ec230] A ne. service de.igned to suppl~ a minimum of' 60 ampere 3 wire .ervice flor up to' Cfive] t.o .ire branch circuits capacit~. Hazardou./illegal .iring in CUBC1.104d. :2.:203. UHC:2.:20:2. 4.401. 7.701b. 9.901. 10. 100a.d.e. i. J. k. 1. NEC:2.:20:2art90.6] "u.t be replaced. properl~ repaired or removed to eliminate hazard.. MECHANICAL-HEATING 3:2. Illegal gas heaterCs] and/or gal appliance. in CUMC:2.20:2. ,. '04.'08. UHC7.701c. UBC:2.2033 All unvented or open fllame gas appliance. mu.t be di.connected and removed f1rom premi.el and the gal pipe. capped in a llIanner that prevents reconnection of the.e appliances. 33. Inade~uate heatCUHC7.701a3 An approved heating .~stem .hall be in.talled capable of' providing 70 degree. F three fleet above f1100r in all habitable roolll.. 34. Inade,uate/milsing gas shutoff .afet~ valve connection_at CUBC1. 104d. :2. :203. UMCl104d. ,. '0:2a.'03Cc-2]. UPC1:2.1:213111] An approved shut off/valve/ connection .hall be in,'alled in an adJacent/acce.,ible location f10r all ,a. fired appliance.. 35. Co._u.tible. are .tored too near heating appliance. in CUMCe.eOea:2. 7.7037043 Re.ove combu.tible.. Check manufacturer. .pecification.. PLUMIIING 3e. Leaking/broken/plugged se.er drain. in CUBC1.104d. :2.20:2. 4.401. ,. '0'. 10. lOOn. d. J. k. 1. All fixtures and appliances mu.t be properl~ connected to se.er line. and maintained in a lanitar~ condition. 4 . 37. 38. 3'9. ~.aking-brok.d pip.,-mi"ing plu..ing 'i.'ur., in CUIC1. 104d. 2.202, 4.401, ,. '0', 10. 1001d, J' k. 1,] All ..'.r pip., and fi.'ur.' .u" b. fr.. 0' l.ak, and ~in'.in.d in a ,.rvic.abl. and .ani'ar~ condi'ion. Ino,e~a'ive__i..ing pr...ure '..p.ra'u~. reli.f valve fo~ hot ..t.r s~.t..CUICl. 104d, 2.203. UHC2.202. 4.401. 10. 1001d. f. 1. UPCI0.I007. 13. 130'-1306]R.plac. valv.. Cross conn.ct.d plu.bing fi.'ur.C.] in CUPCl.102.10110, 6.608, 10. l003h] ""n inl." IIU.t be a .inimum 0' 1 inch a.ov. the rim of the v....l ..rvic.d. Inl.t. in ~.t.r clos.t C'oil.t] tanks IIU.t be .quipp.d ~ith approv.d ANTI-SIPHON d.vic.. with 1 inch cl.aranc. a'ov. 'h. ov.rflow tu'.. 3'9A. Yard .prinkl.rs mu.' b. fr.. of cro.. conn.ction. with approv.d vaCUUM br.ak.rCs] in.'all.d at l.a.t si. C6] inch.s above .urrounding ground, and h.ad. ..~vic.d. ~ERAL 40. NOT TO BE OCCUPIED CUBC2.203, 3.307, ,. '01-'03] Dwelling shall not.. occupied until viola'ion. noted above have b..n corr.ct.d and approv.d b~ a Building In.pec'or f~om the Cit~ of San B.rnardino Building and Saf.t~ D.partm.nt. 41. /It C.rtificat. of Occupanc~ will b. r.quir.d to r.oce:up~ prop.rt~CUBC2.203. 3.307. ,. '01-'03]. 42. Improp.r oce:upane:~CUHC10. 10010, UIC2.203, 3.307. '.'01- '03] Occupanc~ i. not allow.d in this building or portion th.r.of. ~ou must vae:at. 'h. ar.a. 43. Nutsanc.CUICl. 104d, UHC4.401] This is an a'trae:tiv. hazard d.t.rim.n'al '0 hu_ns. I' mus' ~.pair.d. e:l.an.d up. or r.mov.d whie:h ma~ prove to be b. provid.d p~o'.e:tion. i_ediat.l~. 44. Fire haza~d in o~ on CUBCl.104d. 2.203, UHC2.202, 4.401. 8.801, 9.901. 10. l00lc,d, J, k,l, UFC2.201. 3.101] R.eov. 'h. building. devie:., app.~a'us, .quip.en', e:o.'u.tib 1. waste or vege'.tion which can e:aus. or aug..nt the .pr.ad and intensi'~ 0' fir. or ..plosion. 4'. Fault~ mat.~ials of CUICl.104d. 2.203. of con.tue:'ion mu.' Building Cod.; and saf. e:ondi'ion. e:on.t~uc'ion in UHCI0. l00le:. d, J' k, 1,] All ma'.rial. b. allow.d or appov.d b~ the Uniform ad.qua'.l~ main'ain.d in good and , 46. In.dlqu.tl m.int.n.ne. of CUIC1. 104d. 2.203. UHC2.202. 4.401. 10. 100111. e. d. I. f. g. II. i. J. k. 1... n. o. Ul'lCl. 104d. 2.202. UPCI0.2. NEC2.202.9O.1. 90.4. 90... NFC2.201. 3. lOll RI..i~ .nd/o~ rlp1.el build in. o~ portion tlllrlof. 47. "air. ''It,,torC.] rlq,uirldCUIC12.1210.. UFC APPEND. 1- AM61 Inst.11 .mok. dltletors .. rlquirld. 48. Addrl.s rlq,uirl" on .11 building. .nd/or .ptsCUFCI0.~Oe. SII'lC12.32.0301. Appl~ .ddr..s inform.tion.an buildin.. 49. 1111'11 construction .Iliell inspletionsCUIC3.301-30']. rlq,uirl. plrlllit. Ind ~. SUPPLEI'1ENT This inspletion rip art ... givln to: A proplrt~ ownlr. I _n.glr. C tln.nt. o b~ h.nd dI1ivlr~. XXXX E rlgul.r llI.i1. yy F certifil" 111.11. 7/22/88 on Apri 1 1 19~. J 6 CITY OF SAN BEh~"ARDINO' - MEMORANDU~I To CITY CLERK RESOLUTION FROM BOARD OF BUILDING COMMISSIONERS Subject MEETING OF Augus t 5. 1988 ADDRESS: 1234 West Reece From BBC CLERK Date August 19. 1988 Approved Date Pursuant to Title 15:28. transmitted herewith are two (2) copies of Resolution No. 1234 of findings from the Board of Building Commi ss i oners . Mark I. Sutton. Clerk Board of Building Commissioners attachments ~ :;v ;"Tl ':-:. ,~q n -J '.',:; '") ; ) -;1 -:-J DR;OE j .~RE.'OS , R. ~. ~~SOLrJTI()N ~~O. 1234 2 P::;:POPT r)o~ 3192 3 RESOLUTION ",,' ",":1<: r.cJAP" J? ')flU l\IN,; COr1t1l'";SrON€f':; O? 7iF 4 CITv OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING ~HE A8AT~M~NT OF A PURLI: 5^1UISANCE. 8 or premises located at 1234 West Reece 6 WIIEREAS, pursuant to ~an Bernardino t1unici()a1 Code, Title 7 1.' " Chapter 15.~?, the Building Official has postpd ~ huildin~(s) 9 c;an Rernardino, CalifornIa, ,rith a '''Jotiee to At:ate Nuisance", \0 and has notified the person or persons having an interest in said 11 property that the said building(s) or premises constitute a 12 nublic nuisance, and has prepared a de~laration of posting and 13 i mailing of the noti~e, a copy of which is on file in these I - I ! proc~erl ing,s; and 14 15 W}P"2RFAS, pl1r~;U.:1nt to said San :::~~:-n8.r.1ino ~,ltlnici.na~_ Co.-ie, the 16 2Hilrlin~ Officia1 has served a "notice of '-Tearing B~fore the 17 Board of flllilding Commissioners of the r:ity of '~an l1ernardino", 18 relatin~ tn abatement of said nuisance, to the person or oersons 19 having an interest in said property, and has prepared a I 20 ideclarAtion of mailing of the notice, ~ copy 0: which is on fil~ ! 21 . in theOle proceedings; ann 22 I i .irelevant WHEREAS, a hearln~ was h@l~ to r~c~ i "ie an'! consirl.A't' .q 11_ 23 evidence, nhjpctinns or protpsts on August 5, 24 :11 q 88 ;1 .- il " 'I !' and 25 l.-l:-IEREAS, the Board of Hui ld in~ Conlmissioners heard ttl~ 26: testimony and examined the evirlence offered hy the parties 27 relative to su~h a1le~ed puhlic nuisance, 28 NOW, THEPE~ORE, BE I~ aRSOI,VSD BY i~R BOARD OF BrJILDT~!G II 11 COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: 21 SECTION 1. Based upon the evidence submitted, it is fou~d 31, and determined that the building(s) or premises located at 41 1234 West Reece ,San Bernardino, Cali:ornia. i! 5:1 constitute a public nuisance for the reasons set forth in 2x:-.ibit 6il "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as ii' though fully set forth at length as the findings of fact of t::e 81 Board. 91 SECTION 2. The ownerCs) is hereby directed to commence the i: abatement of the public nuisance by obtaining the necessary 10 1] I 121 demolition and/or building permits within ten (10) days after th.: date of posting of a copy of this Resolution in a conspicuous i 13:! place or: said buildingCs) or ;:remises. 14i' ~ECTION ~.In _t~e .eve~t ~he permits are not obtained within the IS;lprescrlbed period of time, within 30 days after posting of this notice, 16:1--------------------______________________" the buildingCs) or pre:::ises , i Ii, shall be razed, demolished, removed, repaired or rehabilitate~ ~y I I 18, the City of San Bernardino, or by a person or persons authorized i 191 by the Building Official, and the expense thereof made a lien on 201 the lot or parcel of land upon which the public nuisance is I 21! located. I 22: I 23: fifteen (is) days after August 19, 1988 , ap;:eal to t::" 241 Common Council by filing with the City Clerk a written state~ent 25! of the order appealed :rom, the specific grounds of appeal a~~ I 26; the relief or action sought from the Common Council. I ?-I -, i I I 2Sli adopted by the 30ard of 3uilding Com:::issio..ers at a SECTION 4. Any person aggrieved by this order may. ~it:-.in I HEREBY CERT!rY that the foregoing resolution was d~:y 2 1 reQul ar meeting thereof, held on the 5th , 19Ba, by the following vote, to wit: 2 day of Auqust 3 4 5 6 AYES: Commissioners Mi ller, Ponder, Pollock, Hei I, Hunt Lord and Gonzales NAYS: ABSENT: None Wp", ~\Alnnrf ::!Inn ~ 1 n~,:llc:. i 8 Clerk, Board of Building Commissioners 9 The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this 5th 10 day of Augus t , 1988. 11 12 13 14 15 16 ~, 6r Deputy City Attorney Ii airman, form and legal content. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2i 28 3 RE?ORi ::0. ...., ,,,:......... .~, ~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINQ AND SAFETY ~OO No~th D St~'lt SAN BERNARDINO. CA.9241S UNIT INSPECTION REPORT T"I Buileling .nel S."I1:., DIP.~':,..nt h.s insplctld .UI e1lsc1'iblel p~aplT't.,. T"I insplctian ~lvI.llel th.t thl itl'" ~~kld ela not c~n"aT'''' to 1:hl lI~avisians a" thl S.n Sl~n.~elina ~unicip.l Caell CSSMC))~ Itl"'s ..~klel ~i1:".n .stlT'is. must bl ~IP.i'l"leI aT' ca~T'lctld ~ithin~d.'Is. Othl~ i1:I... must bl 'I"lp.i'l"leI a~ Ca~T'lctlel ~ithin~eI."S. P~MITS REGUIRED~VES____NO PIT'mi1:s .~I 'I"lqu1'1"leI to 'I"lp.i'l" aT' ca~~lct m.n" of 1:hl itl"s. F::I'I" . cansul1:.tian 'I"lg.~eling this 'I"lpaT't. .ssist.ncI in slcuT'ing . pIT'mi.':. 0'1" sChleluling. 'I"lin,plctian. 1111..1 c.ll thl offiCI .nel schlelull 'lOUT' 'I"lqUISt ~ith till insplcta'l" ~hasl n.ml .PPI.T'S an tllis T'lpo~t. OFFICE HOURS ARE 7:JO-4:~0 MONDAY THROUQH FRIDAY l~~ OWNER T DA TE ADDRE$S~ () S.~ "\... \~" ~T'YPE CITvLl1:tt.~~ C'" ~O2.. ADDRESS PHONE NtJ:/ ASSESSOR '5 NO. DATE OF INSPEC1"tCN '-2.~-Sf v t 0l..A '!"IONS ~UCTUR~-9UILDINO 1. Ollln/v.c.nt lIui,ldi,n,CUFCl1. 41/11. 412J SICU~I .11 lIui1e1in,s to FHA .t.nd.T'els to 1IT'lvlnt un.utlla~izI4 IntT'.ncI. aICUT'1 daaT" .nel win4a.. with 1'ittl4 1I1"waael p.intld to ..tcll IIausI tT'i.. 0,lln.lll1 ~inelaw. .ust bl lIT'oviell4 with quick 'I"ILLASI .Icll.nis.. ~III~I SlcUT'it., .eT'lln. .T'I in.t.1114 an 1I14T'oa.. winelaw.CUBC 1204il. 2. FiT'1 e1._gld .tT'uctuT'ICsl splci1'ic.ll" CSB~ 1'. 10.24OJ SICU~I till nlcl.s.T''' pl~mits .nd 'I"lp.11' wi1:hin thi1'1:'1C~OJ eI..,s to building ca41s a~ ~I..ali.sll. 3. tn.dlqu.tl lq,uipllIlntCUHC 1'i~1 9.901, lI~a1:.ctian 10. 1001n, a~ 1'l~I-"igh1:ing UFC 10.JOll P~ovi.c11 .s 1 4. o o 7. e. ~.~ui~.d o~ cod.~ p~op.~ ~i~.-..tih~U1~hing ~~~t.ms o~ .q.u 1 pm.nt. In.d.qU.t. ..it,CUHCs.e01. 10. 1001m.UIC~~.J~03.UFC ."..12J Addition.l .u., m." b. ~.q.uir.d to b. in co.pli.nc. ~ith building cod.'. 1n.ad.q.u.at. Found.tion-,.gging '1001" in~r~~ CUHC10. 1001c. d. J. k. 1. USC1. 104dHound.laO'iJor P.' mu'. b. provid.d. In.d.~u.t. ~ll,/v."tic.l ,upport, in ~~, w~ich hey. b..n ~.ek.n.d b" d.t.~ioretion or over1o.din, CUHC10. l001c. d. h. J. 1. 1 mu,t b. ~.p1.c.d or ,.".ngth.n.d. In.d .~uet. CUHC:5. '03. ,~.ll hev. c.iling h.lght in UBC12.12071 "'11 h.ut.Dl. 7i1t. bin. culing'. 1'001ll' ,.rvic. .and In.d.q.u.t. room dim.n,ion, in CUHC:5. :50J. UBC 12. 12071 9. 1n.d.~u.t. v.ntil.ation/ligllt in CUHC:5. '04. UIC12. 120:51 "'11 h.aUt.D1. roo., 'h.11 hev. .n- .ggr.g... ~indow .ar.. oil not l.,s tll.n 1/10th tll. illoo" .r.e or 10 sq. ~t. ~hicll.v.r is gr....r end .an op.nebl. window .ar.. 0' 1/2 tho to..1 .ar.e r.q.ui~.lIIent. B..h~oolll' mu,. h.v.. lllinll11Ulll oil J ,~. ilt. 0" b. provid.d "'ltll lII.cll.nic.l v.ntil.t10n. 10. IlIIproper u,. oil unU:CUHC10. 100101 i~. ",. of' ., IllU,t b. di,con.lnu.d. 11. 12. @ <!!) 1'. B"oken door, or window,CUFCll.411/11.412. nUllla.r on. '01' cor~.ction. VlCl. 104d1 S.. 1n.d .q,u.t. !'.atproof' ing CUHCI0. 1001 k 1 All .attic v.nt, or op.ning, .u,t bo cov.r.d ...sh 'c~e.ni.nl. 'ound.tion .and ..itll 1/4 inch 111.,.1 .ddition/,ua,..nd."d .cc.,~"~ CVlCJ.J01. UHC~.JOIJ Addition .f' ,\ ..u,. conf'.". .0 cod.' or b. d..ali'h.d. ,,.allen/.is,ing o.t.rior ,iding/'tucco on -r,.., CUHCI0. 1001a. c. d. h. J. UIC17.17071 Illu,e D. r.p.i~.d or r.p 1.c .eI. 1n.d .~u... door .at i. clo,., p!'opor 1". doorCUBC~~. J~04. UFC12. 12. 1041 1n,t.11 n... a" ~.p.ir ..i,ting door to in,u". prop.r1" or iil .a lock is pr.,ent tll.t it lOCk' 2 10. ~-.:: ,-.... Chimn.~ .t~ue~u~. un.o~ndCUIC1. 104d. a.ao~. UHCI0. 1001e. d. h.~. J. k. 1. 1 R....ov. elli..n... to ~oo,l line. eap at tlli. point and .e.l ,Iir.Ool or r.,air .truetur .11'1 to eod.. H~LTM-c.NIT.TtON 17. @ 19. Pool ha. .tagnant ~at.r inad.quat. gat. CSa~l'.48. S.ilMling pool aet a4.100. H.S or ~.plae. aeeo~ding to eod... inad.quat. ".nea Stat. eod. Titla17CAC Cad.77741 O~ain. rapai~. D.Oris/Junk/inad.quat. ga~O.g. sto~ag.CHe.ltll and S.nitation R.gul.tion. Titl. ~ cllap.a ~~.0~.~~.Oa4. Sa~C8. al. 030. 8. 21. 040. 8.21.0'0. 8.21.090. 8. 24. oao. 8.a4.030 8. 24.040.8. 24.0~1 R.mov. d.oris/Junk and p~ovid. .uitaOla contaln.r. ~itll lid. "o~ ~uOOith and ga~Oage. Unlicans.d/inope~ativ. vehiel. Yea~ ~ic. CSa~8. ~3.010k1 R.mov. o~ 'uild ing. "'ak. store in . 20. Ins.ets-ve~..in-.ni...l d~OPllingsCSa~0.04.120. 0.08.080. UHCI0. 10010.4. k. 11 Adequ.t. me.su~e. must Oe tak.n to elim~nat. tllis condition in 21. Unsan~ta~'1 d~ainoo.~dtUHCo. 001.10. 1001e. d. J. 1. UaC2'.a'10k1 R....l o~ r.pl.ea-d~.inoo.rd Oaekslllasll. 22. Uns.ni~ar'l "loorcove~ing-"loo~ing 1n is . lI.altll lIauroCUaCl. 1044. UHC~O. 10014. J. 11. R.cov.r or res.al prop.~l~. ~. D..elling laeks 1I0t ~at.,.CUHC'. '0'. 10. 1001a. d. k1 Hot ~t.~ of not 1.ss tllan 120 d.g~e.s~. ~.t O. provid.d to ~equir.d p1u..Oing ..iltur... 24. w.t.,. h.ate,. ill.,all~ in.tallad in: 'atll,.oo.. ..droo.. CUPlC2.. 202. ,. ~'O'. UHC7.701c:. UIC2. a031 Reloc:at. ..t.,. heat.r to a .uit.Ol. loc:ation und." ,.,...i t. 2'. w.te,. lI.at.,. i.,~o,.,.l.. vent.dCUPlC2.a02. '.'04. '.'08. UI~203. UHC7.701c:l Vent. .ftall .Itend 12 inc:lle. aDove tll. point of .Iit f,.o. tft. roof. All vent lIipe. to .. ..CII,.ed. ao. Roof L.akin, CUIC1. 104d. R.,la i ~ ~oof. in tft. area aoove a.203. UHCo.OO1. 10. 10010. c. d. II. i. J. k. 11 n.~CTRIe~ 27. Cv.rfu.ingCUIC1.104d. 10.100111. d... i. J. k. 1. UHC2.202. 4.401. 7.7010. 9.901. NEC2.a02a~t.90.01 Fus.d .l.ct,.ieal :J 28. 2". 30. 31. b. ",.a"id.d 15 ..... jla,. witb non-t..".,..ale ligbU/20 . ..U ':~ b,..n~h ~i,.:ui':t th.ll jlu... not to .I~..d ,..c.pt.~l.', ~i..ing .1.ct~i~i.1 ~oy.,../jliltu,... in eVlCl.1044. UHC2.202n. 7.701b. 9.901. 10.100111. "... i. J. k. 1. NCC2. 202.,.,:. 90. oJ All outlets .n4 twitch.. ~u,,: h.". P,.op.,. ~ay.", .n4 .11 .lec,:,.1ci.1 jliltu,.., ~u.t ~. ~,.o".,.ly in.t.11." .n4 t.cu,.ed to th. building. In....~u.t. ~ut1.1:' in NCCt.~.210J E.~h h.bit.ol. "00. mu.t h.". 2 ~~n..,i.nc. autl.t, 0" 1 autl.t .n" 1 light jliltu,... a.1:h,.aam, Illu.': h...,. 1 Ligllt jliltu,.. .n" GFI plug. El.ct~ic.1 '.""lC. it in.4.~u.t. jlo" .Iitting la.4' ,.,."... CNEC,.c230J An.. ,.,."1ce d..ign.d ta ,up"ly. minimum 01 00 .m".,.. 3 ~i,.. ,.,."ic. jlo,. u" ta ~ C'i".J two ~i". b,..nch ci,.cuit, c.p.city. H.I.,.40ut/i11.g.1 ~i,.ing in CUBC1.104". 2.203. UHC2.202. 4.401. 7.70lb. 9.901.. 10. 100a. d... i. J. k. 1. N€C2. 202.,.t'90. oJ I'lu,t b. ,..p1.c.4. p,.op.,.ly ,..p.i,..4 a" "..0".4 to .1i.in.t. h.I.,.d,. ~€CHANtC~L-WEAT!~G 32. I11.g.L g., h..t.,.C,J .n4/a,. g., ."'11i.nc.. in CU~C2.202. ~. '04&508. UHC7. 701c. UBC2.20~J All un".nc.o 0" all.n jl1.m. g., .""li.nc.. ~u,t b. "i,conn.ct.d .n4 ,..mov... '''~Ill p,..mi'.' .n4 the g., pill.' ~.,1,1.4 in · m.nn.,. tll.c ~,..".nc' ,..~onn.ction a~ tll... .lIpLi.n~e'. ~. tn....~u.t. h..tCUHC7.701..J An .pp,.ov.4 b..ting 'y,t.m ,h.11 b. in'1:.11.4 c....b1. a' p,.0,,14in9 70 d.g,..., F th,... ,..t .oov. 1100" in .11 h.01t.o1. ,.00... ~4. tn.4.~u.t./llIi"ing g.. 'hutol' ,.,.tll ".1". con"ection .t eUSC1. 1044, 2. 203. U~11044. 5. 502..503e~-2J. UPC12.1213.J An .11,1,.ov.4 ,hut o"/v.1".1 connection ,h.11 be in,t.ll.4 in.n .4J.c.n1:/.c~.,.ibl. 1ac.1:ion jlo,. .11 g., li,..4 .....li.nc... 3'. Co.ltu,.ill1.. .,.. ,to,..4 too n.." 1I..1:i"9 ."'111.nc., in cu~a.aO..2. 7.703704] R..oy. ~o.DU'C1b1... Cb.ck m.nuf.ctU,..", ''1.cijli~.tian', PLUMBINC 36. L..lring/b,.0Ir.n/plu,g.4 t....e,. 4,..in, in CUIC1.1044. 2.202. 4.401. 5.505. 10. 1001b. d. J. 'c. 1. ALL jliltu".' .n4 .PIl11.nc., llIu.t b. '1"01l."1~ CQnn.~t.d to ....,. lin., .n4 ..1"t.i".4 in . t.nit."1I ~Qn4ition. 4 37. 38. 3". ~o.king-brokOd piPos-missin, ptu..ing ~iliuros in CUBC1.I04d. 4.402. 4.401. ,. '0'. 10.10010. J. k. t. 1 ..~or pipoS .nd 'il~uros musi bo ~roo o~ to..s ..1"C.1nod in . sorviCo..lo .nd s.ni~.r~ condiiion. All .nd I"o.or.~ivo~iSsing prossuro iompor.~uro rolio~ v.lvo ~or ho~ ..~or s~siemCUIC1. 104d. ,403. UHC4.402. 4.401. 10. 1001d." 1. UPCI0.1007. 13. 130'-1306JFhpl.ee v.lve. Cro.s connected plumDing ~iliureCsl in CUPC1. 1020&0110. 0.008. 10. 100:3I1J w.tor 1nlots llIun be · minimum 0' 1 ine~ .DOV. t~o rim 0' tll. vo.s.l sorviced. InloCs in ~.tor closot Ctoilecl t.n.s mu.t bo .quiooed ~iill .pprov.d ANTI-StP~ON d.vice. witll 1 incll cl..r.nce .Dovo tllo ovor'lo~ tuDO. 3"A. V.rd sorinklers must bo lIr.e 0' c"oss connections ~itll .pproved v.cuum br....resJ inst.llod .t lo.s~ sil Col incllo, .Dov. surround ing ground. .nd "eod s so"viced. ~ NOT TO IE OCCUPIED CUIC2.203. 3.307. ,. '01-'03] O-olling :;Ffil::.ll not b. occupied until viol.cion. notod o'ov. lI.v. boon corr.ctod .nd .porovod b~ . Building Insoeeior 'rom tllo Cii~ 0' S.n ao"n.rdino Building ond S.'et~ Coportmont. 41. A Co"tii'ic.te 0' Occuo.nc~ ..ill bo roquirod to rooccup~ proport..CUaC2.203. ::1.307. ,. '01-'0::1]. 42. Impropor occup.nc~CUHC10. 10010. UIC2.20:3. 3.307. ,. '01- '03] Oecup.nc.. is noc .llo..d in tlli. building or partion t"o",.o', ..au ",u.t v.c.to t". .ro.. 43. Nuis.nceCUBC1.I044. UHC4.4011 44. G This is .n .~troetivo docorimon~.l io lIu..ns. rop.ir.4. el..nod up. or 1I0:.",d Ii musi ",omav.d ..ftic~ .... pravo to bo be providod praiection. i_.di.tol... Fi",e 1I.:.",d in 0'" on CUlIC1. 104d. 2.20:3. uHC2.202. 4.401. S. aOl. .,. .,01. 10. 1001e. d. J. .. 1. UFC2.201. ::I. lOll "o.avo illo lIuilding. device.opparotu.. equ ip.on~. eo..ustib 10 ..sto or vOloc..ian ~ftiell con couso or oug.ont tllo sP",.od .nd incan.it.. 0' 'ir. or ..olo.ion. Foult~ m.to",iol. 0' construciion in ~".Je.\;l... ~d~'''' CUBC1.104d. 2.203. UHCI0. 1001c. d. J. k. L. 1 All ..ur1.1s 0' constuction must be .llo~od or .ppovod lI~ tllo Uni'o",m Building Codo. ond .doquatol.. m.int.inod in goad .nd s.'e condition. , T~is ins~.c~ion ~.DO~~ ~.S iiv.n to: A p~op.~t~ o.n.~. 9 ,..n.9.~' C t.n.an1:. o b~ ~.and d.liv.~~. E ~.9ul.~ ...il. XX F c.~1:iH.d ...ail. 7/22/88 40. G 6) E> @ on In.ad.~u.t. m.ain1:.n.anc. of CUBC1. 104d. 2.20:3. UHC2.20:Z. 4.401. 10.100111. c. d. .. f. g. II. i. J' i. r. il" n. a. U/'lC1.104d. 2.202. UPC10.:Z. NEC2.202,90. i. 90.4. 90.0. NFe:Z.201. 3.1011 A.,.i~ .a"d/o~ ~.,l.ac. lIuildin9 o~ po~1:ion 1:".~.af. 5..11. d.tec':o~Csl ~e~ui~edCU8el:Z. 1210.. ...1 Ins1:.a11 s/llok. d.1:.cto~. .s ~.~ui~.d. UFC AP'"!ND. 1- Add~.ss ~.~ui~.d on .11 buildin9' .nd/o~ .aptsCUFC10.20e. SB..c12. 3:2. 0:30J. AlIlIl~ .dd~.,s infa~lIl.a1:ion .an building. Illeg.l const~uc1:ion w"ic~ ~.~ui~.S in''1ectionsCUBC:J. 301-3~'J. .l ,1.~"'i1:' .and \ . "yo June 30 19 33 -' o City Attorney Advisory Memorandum (Public Document) To: Mayor and Common Council From: JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney Subject: POTENTIAL CONFLICTS ON SEPTEMBER 19, 1988 AGENDA Date: September 16, 1988 1. Mayor Wilcox, item #52 - Final reading of ordinance amending section 5.04.525 of the Municipal Code to include temporary employment services under wholesale business licen~e purposes. Mayor has a financial interest in a business that will be effected by this ordinance. If ordinance is discussed or voted on separately from the other two ordinances listed on the agenda for final reading (items #53 & 54) Mayor should state the potential conflict on the record and turn the gavel over to the Mayor Pro Tempore. If ordinance is not discussed or voted on separately, Mayor need not disqualify herself from presiding. 2. Councilwoman Valerie Pope-Ludlam, 7th Ward, item #17 - Resolution from the Board of Building Commissioners. Councilwoman has been identified by preliminary title search as owner of subject property located at 1791 Mallory Street. Councilwoman believes report is in error as she no longer owns subject property. Councilwoman should state potential conflict on record and abstain from voting on item #17. spectfull~>submitted, ''},,-,", l /~ AMES F. PENMAN City Attorney jp- 1"1 :H"~ ');:U