HomeMy WebLinkAbout552 " I "'~~"____._'._..,,___-.-.~~J...=.c'~~_='~~~ . -------.-.---------." - .. --. .._-..----.------.....- 1 2 3 4 5 ~ 6 :r 7 8 . II 11 12 13 14 ~ fS ~I 16 aj17 -'<e . 1 18 .. I' 19 20 :n 22 23 ,24 '25 26 27 28 ~ 29 30 31 ORDr:r.\l'TCE NO~.o[.~. A}f ORDIUAlTCE CALLETG A iPEa:IAL 1:~TIO:T TO 3F H:';LJ"; IN THE CITY OF SAlT BERNARDINO, ON TF "_'DAY OF .TAlTUARY, loU... FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBJilITTrTG 'l'O TIm (oUALHBD ?LJ?CTOR:; OF SAID, CITY, FOR TURIR RATD'ICATION OR Im.TFCTION, Ju~ OR- DINA."1'CE ENTITIJ!:D, "A.~ ORj'lINA:WTI OF T:f'C CITY OF SAN BBID,AR- DINO, PROHIBITIHG THE KEEPING, COJillUCTIHG, ':ISITI;JG OR :BE- ING KEPT AT A PLACE "If[ER)~ GllJ,1]!;S OF ANY KIND ARE PLATID \nTH O.-S, D;J:CEOR OTHER DEVICE OIl. CQN,+;aIVAlrc;E ]'OR:,!Q:lEX, CHECKS . OR CREDIT, ANJ) FIXING TH:<; PENALTY TlrnR?FOR." AIID ALSO SUB- lIIf'UNG AT THE SAllE Tn!": TH:'\ Q,tmSTION, "SHAH THiTI SAY OF ~OXIC^TJ:NG LI~UORS BE LICENSED IN THF. CITY OF SAN BERNAR- DIN,O., APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICE~ AIID POLLING PLACES AND PROVIDING FOR SUCH ELECTION AND T$ HOLDING THER11l0F. ' !t;I!il~_ Whereas the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, did on the 3rd day of ~ovember, 1913, in compliance . with ~ initiative petition theretofore filed, adopt and appro~ Ordin~ce No. 536, being in words and figures as follows: 32 -An Ordinance of the City of San Ber~rdino. prohibiting th keeping, conducting, visiting or being kept at a placewbere 4'ames of any kind are played with carde, dice or otherlevlce fir contrivance for money, checks or credit, and fixing the .pen- alty therehr. The Mayor and CommOn Council of the City 6f~nBernardlno do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the City of San Bernardino to keep, maintain, conduct, control, ~ave charge of, be present at, or ?isit any house or room, place or apartment 'Ahere any game ie played, conducted, dealt or carried on with oards, dice or other device or contrivance, for money, checks or credit. Section 2. ,It Shall be unlawful for any person within the Ci ty of San Bernardino to deal, play, ca.r'ry on, participate in or bet at or against any game which is played, conducted, dealt or carried on, with cards, dice or other device or contrivance' for money, checks or credit. Section 3. AnY ~teon violat~~g any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall ~ecl:eeme4 gu11ty of a m1edemeanor and up.. conv1ctlonther,eof shan be punished by a fine 'note ertceeding $500.00 .o~1m:J~1"~nmentofor. a term nQt exceeding six months in th e ,CoU>>-"l'ie,l\li,:.::ril, ,.l!p tl:l,,,,,,~,,,;t.!ll!,!.~d . inlpd s~Ul.lI1ent . " 'Seot!~':4~::::'3ffi.b'~i!tnario:e ,:~,t:{'1}\.e' '~1!'f,~..~"<t'l\+f'tt"e from and !lfter thil'ty days atterl~IlL Pllseage and approval. Section 5. .AIlL ordinance'S axd'parts of ordinances in con- flick with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and cause the same to be printed and published three consecutive days in the ~an Bernardino Daily Sun. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardillo'~ 'at its meeting held on the 3rd day of November, 1913, by the fo. lowing vote to-wit: AYes; :lavidson, Hansen, Gansner. Noes: Irving, Boewell. (Seal) S.G,,,Batchelor, City Clerk. ~~oved the 4th day of November, 1913. :T. W. Catick, MayorQf the City of San Bernardino".l\Uld, .'t .* Whereas within thir 1 ":JY c;ualific,d an 0, regist3red electors of tho City of San Bernar- dino, equal. in nunber to thirty ")er cent of th" rcntire vote c,'O,st 2 for aJl ce',ndidate8 for "aycr at the last )receding City :Slection 3 .. at which a Hayor was elected, requesting 13aid Hayor and Common Council to repeal-said Ordinance or subm.it the same to a vote of the People at a specie>.l electlbnor iit' 1lhi8 n:i;1iCt gE!nl!iI'~tliil.ill~dll'lb (, '1 and, Whereas it is the opinion of the Mayor and Common Council 8 that said Ordinance should be submitted at a special el~cition: 9 And wnereas a petition in due fo~ *igned by th~ requis- mite nUIllberof qualified electors of said &tty has 'been filed 11 with said r,~ayor and Common Council asking said Mayor and Common 12 Counoil to submit to the voters of said City the quesyon: -Shall the sale of aloohOlio liquors be licensed in this City.' 13 And Whereas it is desirable that said ordinance and said 14' tJ'15 .. ~i 16 ~U 1'1 : .f 18 qu.eth~,~."B~~tted at.tl:l,e a~e eleojion: NOW THEREFORE, The Mayor and Comnon Council of the City *' of San Bernardino, do ordain aa followa: Section 1. That ~.eial election be and the same~ ,~~ 19 her~ called to ,be held in the City of San Bernardino~ 20 ,.- day of January, 1914, for the purpose of submit~ing to the qualified electors of sa~ City, for their ratification or re 21 tion, the. o~din.ance he.rein.bd'O;re~\t to:rth~ d f"':7.";"'.f ~ .7 p.t.';:'A..,j'-'I' ......~ 11 ...'iI'__ ~.. &4 ? . 23 sectlon2f1'):1.l1l manner of holding suCh special election and the'V,:ll":l",*I.i"~~'~';lI!hllil+.b'~li])rO:fl~ed in *his OrdinlUlce aI1.d in 2.' .',., ''':~:;l'''K'~;"'i'!:i..: ~~~'l,:,_;)"ii!f~~W~*~'!:'":#f\'W1:_,~",;.~i~~:'~'''''Ii:''''""~:"~'~_':'lJ.'~'~"'-'.\.",""L:;"L:"'" :"'>"'-"'.,'1 ., particulaX's not recited herein, euch eleetionel:all be held as . 25 provided by law for the hOlding of euoh elections. 26 27 Section 3. Said election ahall be conducted by boards of election, consisting of one inspector, one judge, and two 28 olerks, for each and every precinct hereinafter set forth. 29 30 That for the purpose of said election, said City ahall , be and the same is hereby divided into eight (8) dO~ ~ 31 32 " , , _...._-~~>._~_." ~_.,~- ,l -, ~ ~~... 1 ~~olidated ~TuniciJ!8.1 Election lJrecinct<;;" to ::)0 ":::J10VTnSB "con_ 2 3 4 . 5 601idated ~.lunicipFtl "lection ::'rer.inct "W',1lJ':r C:n,,", "Co:1801- idated Hunicipal Election Precinct ~Tw;;1)cr Two", "Col18oli",ate Municipal Electiol1 Precinct ?:Tumber Three", "ConeolLioted -'un icj,pal Election Precinct Number Four", "Consolidated Hunic i- . .- .. . 6 pal Election Precinct Number Five", "Consoli,iated "unic ipa.l 7 Election PrecincD. Number Six", "Consolio.8,ted 1lunici:Jal Elec- 8 tion Precinct Number Seven", "Consolida.ted Municipal Electio I I I ! 9 t1l 11 12 13 ,ii' [I; "j 14 !il "' .!l i~-'rrrJ.4 ! ..... ,,' I . ill :: .oj s 18 .. oil ' ~ ; !' 19 20 iU 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Brecinct Number Eight", CONSOUDATED'MUNICIPAL FLECTIOn PRECINCT nu.MBFrR ONE. Consolidated Municipal Election Precinct Number One Shall consist of all that portion of said City !BoWD as .~ection Precinct Number Oner ~~eCtion Precinct Number '!won. as heretofore designated by the Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino. 9.Q~.~~.HEa..~'i>~~I,2,:.!~J~J:.EC!I~ PImC!NCT~,T1/I~. ' __ "" . ',' ~1;!If."';"''!f.....;.<!.~.'c'.:~'",i'''t"<,<,,:;<>'t'f5'"!'''~,,?"...,::<t',,~, Consolidated Municipal Election Precinct Number Two shall consist of all that portion of said City known as "Elect1o~ Precinct Number Twelve", "Election Precinct Number Twenty", and "Election Precinct number Twenty-one-, as here. tofore deeignated by the Supervisors of the OountY' of Ban :Bernar41no. . CONSOLID~ :1l1J1UCuu., ELEC'tION PRECmO'! NUMB11J1't TImlm. Oon.olidat."MlIJ'~elpal :Election Precinct; NUllIbel!' '1'hree shall condat.t all that portion or said Oity known as "ElectionPl'ecinot Number ~".'!fU4, -B:J.eot.i..."".U,il.W:l't N'UIa.. ''I''', , "",:j' ber 'l'n1rteen", as heretofore designated by'the Supervisors of the County of San 3ernardino. CONSOLIDATED DUlICIPAL ELECTION PRBCINCT NUMBER FOUR. Consolidated Munioipal ElectionPreoinctNUllI'be:r Four shall oonsist of all t~at portion ot said City known as -Blection Preoin~t NUllIber Four", "Eleotion Precinot number :line", and '''Eleotton~e~inet Number sevelteen-. as he:r.'~to- , i'~~W:~~;' 3 1 :t~ore desicnated "by the ~~,u:p'?rvt8orC' of' the :~~(;unty of ~C1.!'~ TIer- 13 ,~~tH ~. : ~ J16 il : I . 17 ~ ... <I = ! 18 19 2 3 4 5 (, 7 8 10 . 11 12 20 21 22 23 24 35 2b 27 28 nardino. COHSOLIDATFJ) 'rolIICIPAL 1CL~",CTION l'R"CrICT :MffiJ;R FIVE. Consolidated Municipal ~:lection Prscinct 'Twlbsr ::'ive shall consist of all that portion of said "ity known as "Election Precinct .r.iumber ?ive", "Election Precinct :.Turab8r Six-, and "Election Precinct lTumber Fifteen", a.s heretofore 9 designated by the supervisors of the co~ty of San Bernardin CONSOLIDATED MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT lnD.mER SIX. Consolidated Munioipal Eleotion Preoinct Number Six. shall consist of all that portion of said City Known ae .-B1$ction Precinot Number Eleven-, -Eleotion Preoinot Number S;i.xteen-, and ":lleotiott' Preoinot Number Twenty-two-, ae here totore designated by the Supervi-&ore of the County 1!J't8an Bernardino. ~'1!I',,,,);"!l"'''llfr'~'.~'14''''''~'''''''''''~,~;'P!_-''''~:.~;,,,'',-.j;';;';',,~~,,",,,_,,,,,,:,!&I:.:.,,:........_t_,,'-'~_'" "'\7' " '" -, ' , '''-,-. "",n::- !""-~'flIIQ"'!',I'I:";<t" "~ ",,' ,,!P'~l'li~,{"'"!';:'1,k'':--,~,!>~..,!;t!-f;1P?'f:':<;:'+''' CONSOLIDATED MUNICIPAL ELEa!tON PRECINCT NUMBER SEVEN. Consolidated MuniCipal Eleotion Precinot Number seven shall ooneiet of all that portion Of laid City known as -Eleotion Precinct Number Seven", "Eleotion Preoinct NUmber EiCht-, and-Election Preoinct Uumber FoUZ'~een-, as her~tofore designated ~y the Supervieore of the County of San Bernardino CONSOLIDATED MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER ~IGHT. Coneol1date4 JlUnf;..JalElection Preoinot Number Eight , shall consilt of all that. ,ortion. of sa1~ City known a. -]1:180 tion Jlrecbd l'l'lUllbet;' 't.l'1il,lii1!l:tu"'on.PreoinctNumbe1! E1P.t... 29 -and -Eleotion Precinot Number Nineteen-, as heretofore de~ signated by the SuPerVisors of the County of San Bernardino. That the Board of Election for each Consolidated ~.~ cipal El.eotion Precinct in said City for !laid special eIeotio l" 30 &he 1~,peotor6~~dges and clerks, and the pOlling plaoes ~'\; therefor, shall. be as tollollVS:, to~wit: 31 32 4 ":;:t.v("J'"J,i, ill 11 1~ 13 '" JI 15 . ~ !f6;: ~ Ii 17 .... : ! 18 19 1 COITSOLIDAT"iD lIIDTICIPAL C"L.?CT 10:' FREC meT F1J}iJ3"$ a!TE. 2 Inspector: H. C. Davidson. 3 Judge: ;Iary Ernhart. Clerke: Mr~,'hi tney, "idW8.rd Ps.rkhurst. (nen "D" t Polling Place: Garner&Swing Real :Sst. .office }TcDhside Oourt . CONSOLIDATED lUlllICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT inmBER TWO. 4 5 6 Inspector: Frank Ficke 7 Judge: J. N. Corbett. Clerks& Anna Root, Mable Roberts. Polling Place: West 11lnd Pool Room, 1075 Third street. CONSOLIDATED DUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER T~. Inspeotor: BYd}llra1:te"k. 'Judge: Carl Furst. Clerks: Louise"~ec~er. Katie qla8s. POll1ng alace: Sto~.roojll.. N.E. Cor. 4th II D Streeh. CONSOLIDATED MUNIcIPAL ELECTIO. PRECINCT .NUMBER JOUR. 8 9 1'" Inspector: Mrs. William Rourke. Judge: Paul 1llhrard. (' ~"'",,,,",,,,,~,,'~"""'r-,,,,,,,,,,,,,":&,,,,;,~,,\c;,,,,,,~r.',,,...,, ".'_, Clerks: Mrs. Guy Moore. Mrs. Myrtle COlvin. POlling Place: Tent. Southeaet cor. 7th a: B streets. CO:lSOLIDATED 1roE'ICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER FIVE. Inspector: w. D. Aldridge. 20 Judge: J. A. Johnson. ~.. . . Clerks: ?N..-.., Hoffman.<-' :surns. POlling Plaoe:~!gustineGar ge, 779 Third street. CONSOLIDA!ED UUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER SIX. 21 22 Inspector:.... B'. Io.ombs, 23 Judge: S. S. Turvey. 24 Clerks: Mrs. C. A. Lothrop and Florence Welsh. Polling Place: Tent. N. E. Sixth & H streets. 25 CONSOLIDATED DUNICIPALEL'lICTIOli PRECINCT ~ER SEVEN. 26 Inspector: Chan Smith. ~1 27 Judge: Jeff Daley. Clerks: .Mrs. 0$. Kennedy, George Mapstead. Polling Place: Tent, Southwest Cor. :Sase L1ne& D street. CONSOLIDA!ED MINICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER EIGHT. 28 29 30 Inspector: Addison Garner. 31 Judge: J. L. Knoles. Oler__: ..,U',t;h\&tBle.i~, ;r. c. Kalt.ft"-. Poll1ng Plac9~l'th si4e Fifth street West of J street. 32 5 i: ~' " .I IS ,.c,,'4e__~.i . .. itj~ '" ~f;! 16 .;~ ~i 17 ..< = ! 18 , . 28 32 1 Section 4. The said Polling places have been fojnd 2 and are hereby determined B.nd decl"J.red to be sui table and pro 3 per places for hOlding such elction, and said seve:t"~,tl},~t~lij~;#i t_ sons have been found and are hereby determinE!4'~d declared _::i~;::~jl'tk;i+:U~:t~;.W!'c_' -: .., to be qualified ,!,?;" such:r,~~.~~,f,:"t,:,~,,~.?~.i~:,,~ff~~"'~\~'~ .. ..: :~, ".. -',''''1<1 ,....i'.. -"'i.-"'.' by law; and they are hereby appointed such election officers to conduct such election and to constitute said Boards of Election; and said Boards of Election and euch officers shall conduct and are hereby directed to conduct .said election as by law and this Ordinance provided, and to canvass the votes given and cast at said election and to make and deliver returns thereof to the City Clerk of e~'eity and it i6 further ordered that said Mayor and Common Council Shall meet at the City Hall on the SeCond day after said election, exclusive of holidays, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., of eal'day and 4 5 6 '1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ,,," 'h',:,-",'-c"'4';'__"~:~_~""~'~""",':""_E"h","""~~',,_"~',".;' ",\,ij" ~,: prooeed to canvass the election returps and declare the re- sult. Section o. The ballots to be used at such election 19 shall be in the form required by law and the oha.rter of said ~ City and any qualified elector may vote a\ said eleotion in 21 favor or against said ordinance, in the manner p~ovided by 22 law. 23 The City C~erk is hereby authorized and direoted to pre- 24 pare and cause to be printed, upon the. prop.r kind of paper, 25 a sufficient numberof,ballot. for the use of the voters of 26 said special election. The number of said ballots to be so 27 prepared shall not be less than seventy.give for each fifty qualified voters for ea?h election precinct. and a like pro- portion for each fraction of fifty votere in eaoh of said pre- , 29 30 cinot. 31 .~ec~ion 6. Tni. Ordi~nceabd the pub~ication thereof .... here~prov1ded shall constitute the notice of Baid eleotion. 6 1 This Ordin.,tnce s:C8.ll 0'" ~Jubli8h",d :}rior to tJl') (,.~te of said election ~ (~) t1I1les in the ~;an Bernardino T8.ily '~::un, a 2 3 daily newspal1er printed, ;ohblished :md circulr"ted in said 4 City, and the City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be 80 5 published and no other notice of said eleotion,tleed, be given. , & Seotion 7. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in 7 force from and after ita adoption and approval and the Kity 8 Clerk shall certify to its passage and akall cause the same 9 to be published in .the San Bernardino Daily sun, for the time , 10 and in the Ul'l.n&.:r afor$eaid. 11 I hereby certify that.l. Ordinance wae adopted by' i .1, >M , f ~ i 15 I"'''''~-'''fff '" ~~ 16 .;~l ~! 117 "'""II! ""I ~ 18 " '" '- 12 the Mayo;r and Common CoUDo1J. of the City of San Bernardino, ~lai"\"'~s meeting held on the;L~'i:t day of Deoember, 1913, by . ..the fOllOWing vote, to-wit: 13 .Ayes: """'^'~d,.,,,,,,,,";.,-.~..,,,' 11 ~'",,>,"")'> Noee -, 19 I hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this day of December, 1913. if~ - 20 21 22 23 24 25 2& 27 28 29 30 31 32