HomeMy WebLinkAbout555 ,~'na:nee o . ...s----.s- .5 - An ortlifltillCe of 'the =:~r~"'or' i.nQ C01.110:::: CO'..d.cil of the Cit~' of San 3crnE':rdi::Joi ~':;;cjuirin[ ;JOY80r"L, .:'jr'.~: f.,.~,,-~ cor or&tions en['[lgcL 1:l. tile b118i'1088 of f1:::'ti.lis~:.i,,Lg "tIJ-:..(: Cit~;- of Son :3crnercLino, O~ t'l"O i~ll"l).;.f.'lr'l..l-c, +llCl"""O-f "-'l.~~rl ["'0 -ro-.. "'c.-::-i- 0.'-' 11't,":"1lt. ..I. .....'. .1,""_1...' .....u'- u'-... v... .,~ ~~ " li_ ..c............"'-~... <.._" "",. _1...., . elcetrlclt~7 fa:!' .J,fH.'i,t, 12€)lt or l:OT,':cr, ~:l~ tolCl),1101l0 scrVlCO to furnish ir.fol"Lntion fer :}::.o ..:.nu'",'iOS:::: of fixir,.[ the rate~J Lr..cl charges of E~C~':.. )crson, firmJor co::.~poration :O:~ such COLjL;odit~l. - r:'he r,L!.:~"'or ~~n(l Con:ilioIJ Cou~:cil of tho Cit~;- of SEll 30rnardino, ,to ordain. Section One.. EVer~r ::"0erson, :firnt Ol~ corroration el:..g,-i'C8_~ in th; LrLlBinecG 0-:" furnislli:'-;g tt.0 Cit:>' ot San 30rl"lOrdi:no 01'" the inl:.nbitcr:"-:f~ theroof 1,7i th [>,,8 fOT he~rt' 01' liGht; elcct:,cieit:r fo}:' heat, lieht or po\qer; enCl tele1?ho:~c: sorviee she: 11 on or ljofo:"~ tho 20th dB~T 0 f Januar~: of €P_~Cil ~ioar furnish the Mn:,ror 211c1 Corrrllo:::: Council of the Cit:,,' of Son Berncrdino a vorifi~(l statement or report conce:rnin[ the affr:drs 3r~c'~ business of such person, firm or corporetion. Section Two. Such vorified. statement or report shall be in suct fo rra md Shall cont D;l.n SUC]l inform; tion a nd data concerning the busincss c;.:" affairs of such person firm or corporation as TI[,~' b0. I'rescribcd by the ord.er of said Mayor Dn<l COmmOl: Council. Scction Thrce. '1:his ordinJnco shall takcc effect and be in_ forco frOj-:l &nc1 after thirty da:{s after it~:; passaGe and al',' roval. .-------- Section Four. ['aesnen 0 f this or in threo times in t}. for tlJ.3t lnlT1JOse. rk shall certify to the Sil j;he_.same to be publiShed 8. ~'pcpor hereb:y" doeignnted I hereb~' ccrtif;;r that the foregob.(; ordinpillce vias passcd ::mct Gdoptoll b;; tho Hayor &n<1 Co=on COUJ1cil of tho Cit:' of Sw: Bernardino at a reb-ul::n' mcet.ine hel(~ on, tho 19t{ day of January 1914, 'h7Lt:n:~, l;'"...J,' . fl.. . d , .. _'.J d. v. . ~_~.._.~. ...,.......J........,.,v~__.__.~.. ~ ~,~. C1 Y Clerk. The foregoin<' ordinancc is hcrob;;r approvod this da;;' of January 191~ ~9 no I 'I! 1