HomeMy WebLinkAbout559 " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 J 14 III 15 tp 16 i ~ 17 ~ i ! 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 , , " 32 OpnI"A"'C'" '"0 S J- tJ ..L..,J.../ ..;.' _': .J.'. ..;.: ..... ,/_.... AnOrdir:al'1ce Al1tend.in[~ Ordi~'_~rJ.CjJ :,To. 289 of' t.:e City of Gan Be"narQino entitled "An Orc.ina,'ce rer,ulatinf': "he manner of Construction, alterinc:, repairing 2.!ld moving of buildings in the City of San Bernar<iino, proviuin;fb"'.e"'nrINII!U"ttl~f"a1"" ~, the saae, ~. :_': .. --:,-, " ....: " >> ,:' -.::,. ,,'I" .. ','" for the discontinuation of buildings and 0 ures vThen dangerous to property, life 0 C linb", adopted the ...th day of Aucust, 1903, by allendinc r:;ection One, the "eof , and a.dding a new section ther~to to 1)" knovm and desicnated as Gection One and one-half.,r , , The Hayor and COllmon Council of the City of Gan Bernardino do ordain as follows: Section One. Section or~ of Ordinance 289 of the City "f San 13e Fn~_I"s.}I:.~?J"._en~i t led PAn Oruina11.ce rer:ula ti "it'" the ;:1a.nner ,_ '," .... ,'__e~.~..".:c,". "''*~~'''+'''-''''''f~,.,...H~'-'~':~'''''~:,_~~~f''~__'''''-:~''''i'''''ry.."",,,). of Con:o>;rLlction, altecing, repairinG anQ :,lovin": of builc,ings in the City of ;_~an :Bt::rna-cdiro J :providin,~ fOl~ the issuin.rT of perm.i ts for the sa::l1t;, for thediBcontinuatior: of lJuilo.inp:s and. otl1er stl'uctures when danr;erous .:0 pro,'H,rty, lire or liilb", auopteo. the 4tr, o.ay of' AUf,cU;3t, 1<:;03, is here1Jv aDended to read as follows: ,~ ""~ Section One: No buildinf,~of any kind except a concrete, ~&- i;fJ,... " b rick or ston~ 1Juildinf,'iI\shall be erec ,.~d, const ructed, or placeGi on any lot or parcel of grounu in that portion of ~he City of San Bernardino, lying and being within the following boundaries, to-wit: -.-'., ~-"---~'~"-~"-"'~-'~>'''''-,-~,-,-, ,....."~,.,.., Co;:nencin(" at the Southeast corner of Lot Seven (7} of Block Fourteen (14) of the City of Gan Be-nardino, running th~nce north, along the ~ast line or said block fourteen (14), to the northeast corner of said Lot Seven (7); thence East to ~ point on the east line of Blocl( Fifteen (15), in said City, one hundreQ and fifty (150) feet south of the Northeast corner of said Block Fifteen (15); thence North along the east lines of Blocks Fifteen (15), and Eighteen (18), to the northeast OOL'ner of Lo t I/)ntt (1) " , ,..... I " 7~ "" - , - ,,"",-- , n. ~-, -~ 1 i' in said. Block ei seen (1' ) tL',;Lce \It; S':' alone; ";".e no ('t;."l 1i "~e s of () > 12 '13 ',&4 I J 11~ .p 16 Ir: I · 17 I" i " Iii ! 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I 21 I 3 ' .11 Lots One (1), ano. Two (2) Ll ,,~,io. BloG:~ E<:,,';c;e;, (1,) ,;0 c,~"e West line of saio. J310c1: Eigi;te",n (lb)j tLenc'e :';or-.:;j~ ;,101:'" ',.,e said West line ~f saio. Block Ei teen (18), and across PCQrth Str",~t, 5. 'and.. o.long '~he east line of Ar ('o~"-l1.ead }'i.Vf.'nue, ar~d ala 11G tiLt: ',Just 6 line of Block 1';'1i rty-one (31), to a po in-: in tr.e "!e S"0 line of saicl. 7 Block 'rUrty-one (31), one ll~ncired and L_ft~T (150) feet north of . 8 the Gouthwest corner of said Block T1;i rty-one (31), the!lCe "Test 9 along a line one hundred ami fifty feet no t'tll. of, and parallel 10 with t'le no rth line of' Fo ,rth 8t reet, and tlle south lines of' 11 I Blocks TJlirty (30), l' -,mty-nine (29), Twenty-eight (~"8), and "Twenty-seven (27), to a point in the East line of G. Gtreet one hundred ano. fifty (150) feet no rth of the Sou. thwest co rner of lllo-ck Tw",p.t.;}!:.:;~u,ig.1J"i~bmce South alo'l~; 1;;le Jiast line of - _.,._ .,.,c""",--,-. G. :Jtreet to a point bne Hundred. and. fifty (150) feet North of the Southwest corner of Block Twenty-twoj thence west along a line parallel to and one hun<ired and fifty t150) feet lTorth of the North line of 'l'hird Street toa point ',T;,ere said line intersects t~e East line or K Street extend~d lTorth; thence South to a. point on the East line of K Street, One H~ndreo. dud fifty (150) feet sout~ of the south line of Third Street; thence East along a line parallel to and One Hundred ndFifty (150) feet so~th of the sou. th line of Third Street to a "iO int in tb,!;l East line of ]' Street One -HuM..084 IUl41 Ji'if't.JT (15Q.L;t:~!'it sou.-.:;h of the :North west corner of Block Tw Ivej thence Sout~ to the southwest corner of Lot ?'our (4) of said Block T'''elve, (12)j therlCe east along the center lines of Blocks Tw~lve, Thirteen and Fou.rteen of said City to the place of be~inningj all according to the official map and plat of said City of reco I'd in the office of tIle COllnty Recorder of San Bernardino County, :Jtate of ~aliiornia, in Book . numbered 7 of Iila.pS, at page 1, t'cel'eof. Section T\vo. Saili ordinance 1S f'u..the:r; amended by -..:-;;.., ';..',":"'. )d~iJ:;<-,. ~ i---d . -... .L.1.IiI_ ...,!..>j..~. ,. ~",., ! 18 19 22 23 - .,.u. '''- - - -. -~ -- ". .~ ...... ===~ I 1 I 2:.dciir..r:.' Olle sec-,~.ion '~~--::'t,; C\::{.;,L .-': eta, to f:H3 t;(l 'J,8 ~~--.:v -:1 :1,8 (;i,}"'c. 2 SecJ\~ion One anc. ()j e-:::'2.11:;, ,0 ::'eau ;;~s :f.'ollv,,'s: .--- 3 Sectio:: One al_~ c -e-half: T.l-J.",-:; l_:'v\.E~c_~\":'iefj a:1o.. 1i :~i':,-,s 4 cier:-Jcribed a.nd set. f(. 't~-'L iT: 0ection OLc; ;:LG -'-..C l' ':; ,~<. D..:';_:;:11 1)t.3 ~ "....-, .''-'' . 5 and called the fire lhlits of sale. Ci'c;/. -- 6 Section T1J.ree: ~:.l1is O'~~d.inf].nce sllall ~:;.,'ln~ ef.L Be-;:. eLLd 7 be inforce from ane. ai'tee thi-ty (30) days after its pab,jaC;" 8 and a;..proval. 9 Section l'our: The City C erk shall certify to the 10 passage' of this OrdiJ"ance and CEW.SU the sar.le to be pri!lted and II.. pUblis"led far three cunsequtive days in the Evening Index, a 12. newspaper hereby designated for that purpose. 13 I hereby certify the;,t the foreR:oing ordinance Vlas adopted ~ <...:, '.~ \ 'by<f~.f..' YQil1. ~r" QQlllY~iiW...&~~n9il.of the City of San Bernar'dino, Ill. -""'-:~'i l. '~""'C';"::""J~;O~:<' 'l .. _ _'_'''""",-:.."~",,,"?,:,:__,,,,,,,c''i''< "",W;; at its y,uJeting held on the 23rd day of March, 1914, by the following vote, to-vIit: Ayes: "[ I' '.' Davidson, Hansen, Boswell, Gansner. ::Toes. :::Tone. ,"'J ,. , 20 "1 '1 ' . :;:: d' 0;; Ci) Co:l Ci ty Clerk. <( >' t'---,./'" C'") :_, :-.c ,', Q.l r'-..,...... _ t'jL" i~ he.r~e15-v '- '(, , __.. 1 . rl ' o rQ l.nC'!-"Jc e: approved this 23rdday 21 The foregoing of March, 1914. b, , . .:t.WLCi ty of San Bernardino. -'-' .,'-""" '.' .,~;,..~'.".. 25 26 27 28 <II 29 30 , 31 32