HomeMy WebLinkAbout561 I 14 fJf 15 i,j ~ 16 ~ i 17 ! 18 O'.DIFA'WE "0 Ir~ r ~', .1f~.1':..... 2 An Ord.i::lc~Ece of the ]:Iay"or an<i COTJlT.on Council of th~ City 3 of San Bern ,1'o.ino regulating labar in laundries, and proviUEl!': 4 that wino.ovls LI laiJ.ndri s :oha.ll be unobstructed in the cie:' of '..n,".', ""__",~..:,i . "...,......h!;;.f-....: 5 of San B~rna1'QlnO, an~prescribing a penalty far a 6 such ordinance. 7 ThtO Mayar and Cm;~lon Coum:il of' the City of Gan 8 Bernardino do Ordain as follows: 9 Section One. No pt;rson, firm, or co:cporatiolJ owning 10 any laund.ry or wash hause, ',':1 thin the Ci t3' of San Bernardino II shall Wash, manITle, starch, iron, or do any other ark on clothes 12 nor permit any employee, to wash, manc;le, starch, iron, or do 13 any other ,,'ork on clothes, between the hours of ai:: 0 I clock P. M. and seven o'clock A. ]\i;:. of the SucceediTii., da.y, nor shall any such C'iln',r, or enployee so labor ,'10 "e tl~an Sii tyhaurs in any week. Section Two. All windows in any lal,lnd.ry, or wash hause t~1at open on any public thoroughfare shotll be constructed and arranged to permit of an unobstructed view of the interior 19 of saio. building during 'ehe hours in \')-lich 'Hark is prohibited 20 by Section One of this Ordinance. The use af shutters, blinds . 21 shades or ot~l~r coverings tl1:'_t fill the entire windoll space is 22 prohibited. 24 viala ting a,llYQ! tJ.1e 1;erms .liUl".,>ii.lWl,i.j,;i.QI)S af . thiJ",.Q.rdiI);;l.IJCe ,sha.ll 23 Sectian Tr;.ree: Any p"rson, fiI'L1 or carporatian 25 be deemeci guilty af a misaeneanar and upon conviction thereaf' 26 shall be piJ.nished bO' a fine no. ~ exceedi)1[' ane hllncire6i dollars, ar 27 by LlprisaL\ent nat exceeciing tr:irty days, 0 r b~' both sllch fine ~, 28 and imprisomlent. 29 30 31 32 Section ]'ou.r: This ordinance shall take effect ami be in farce, fraB and aft,er thirt'Jr da"s after its adoptian an. ". approval. '1'he Cit=' Clerk shall certify to the passage lilf '_s " ,,:+tV; /",..,' .Ord)nance and callse thtJ sar>ile to be published far three cori$"ou- f"", ...: _:~--.;.;;~,~~.~- -.' ~(~ 1 tive daVB in the Evening Index, a newspaper hereby desirne.ted 2 for that purpose. 3 I l'wre'by certify tl~t tY,e foregoing orliin4nce wa:;: A d ~~~s"!i,,\\!l9-",~~1i,~~...,,r~~~.[,,~r ~.ga.r:K;l~n 9s~nc H,. ~E 5 of San Bernardino at its re:,;ular meetinG held on t11El tile S''!!!! 6 of lilarch, 1914, by the fo110win? vO"':e, to-\7it: Ayes. Irving, 7 Davidson, Hansen, Boswell, Gansner. Noes none. 8 ~ 9 10 11 12 The foregoing OrQinance is hereby avproved this 30th ..ay of ~l.l'ch, 1914. 'wi e I~ 116 I i i 17 I ! 18 19 ;','" '-"'\-:'<i,.~', ':.'-!-;'j;;.>;i.";j\<tt:'",~,~-"",,"*,,,;;<+,;;;~:;,.:L_ ~l " ".~; a' . C~tY~rdino. I I ,( < \. 13 20 21 22 23 24 # ;.;,.:. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32