HomeMy WebLinkAbout562 13 J 14 ."'nti5 ~ I ~ 16 ~~111 ! 18 19 1 O'm1'" ^ '.'0'''' "TO S!.J;., -'- -..I..) -'-_ fl-. - V..L ..'" .... t . . . . . . -. . 2 .. A:n Ol'diJHlrlCe of t~i.t;;~" 'or arid Co 'on Council of the Cit:,;r 3 of Se.n B'"rnarcii'1o ,Ili'chi'bi tii p',e cl1structioY' of fire hydrants 4 in sel,id City, and pcov:idinr' : 0 punishnent for violation of ...~_.~~~'\"!.n;t"Jii'~'. "'"V't~ ;..JIio>....;.;,:'A''"':.;.;.j,.....,.,'::",~, ~ provisions thereof~ 6 The Ha~Tor and Cor:lon C:o;~l1cil of the Cit:' of San B"rnarciino 7 do ordain as follows: 8 Section One: It sh,dl 'be unlawful for any person to . 10 II' hitch, or leave standin;: any carriage, vlagon, horse, truclc, 12 automolJile, motorcycle, bicycle or any other such vehicle or' aniY:lal, YT1thin ~ feet of any fire );1yaral't \'Ii chin the City of San Be~"ardiro. .' . ... - Section Two: It shr:;,ll b~;. unla.vl".ful--for an=~ person, fir:m or. cOT'po:ration to ple"ce, or erect an:/' pole to carry or suppoct e:tf/c~'TIC ,'l:elepnone .o.l' tel.p;r/ltp,b. ,,;,res ,'o'!" ether eimllal' devices, wi thin ~__ feet of 2.E:/ fire hyo,rant wi thin tr.e City of Sari Bernarciino. Section Three: Any person, fin:: or corpore.tion"violating an:.' of the provisions of tJl.is Ordinance s}lall l1e deened guilty - 20 of a uisdeneanor, and upon conviction thereof shall 1)e pupished I" >,(1 21 'by a fine of no t exceetUnr; $100.00. or by imprisolITlent not lllX- 22 ceedirw thirty cl.ays, or by both such fine and blpriaonment. 23 Section Four: l'his Ordina'lce za shall take effect ant 24 be in force 'from and after thirty days after its passa;,e and ,-",,'~'~'''~~'1'';~~~~'' 2~ approval. The City Clerk shall certify: to the passace of 26 this Orclinance and cause the same to be pulJlished in Evening 27 Inde"~, a newspaper hereby designated for that purpose, for three 28 cOIlsecutive days. , . 29 I here'by certify that the foreeoing ordinance was passed 30 . anc, adopted 'by the 1:layor..ard Co~;unon coune;) Bernardino at its neeting held on the t - of the City of San 31 day of April, 1914 32 ';"',;~i'f .1' . '~' '- ,.) - -' ~'-~ 2 3 I I 4 \ 5 6 7 8 9 to II 12 13 . 114 ."""'1<frr " ..~15 j 'p 16 j a 17 a ! 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 c~r -'~he folloYTi!l,': vo~~e to--'it: A"res. " 1::', D~_'."'irio.80;~', Hct::-lsen, Bo swell, G,cnsner. Noes. lIoHt: . ~"c."" ~66 ..~ '. .., ..C.J,:t;'V'.lH,..It"~...,..""",.......w.-~ !l'1~~i; The fo,:'oCOing ordinance is hereby a}lproved this L day of April, 1914. '1 ,,' \.'", '-"-~_'<"c-'-'~';<_':O:;",~&""'~""" ,.-" .~.~._-,_.., t' "'..,.,.".'"...,-,.,,,.,,.., ernaniino. 05. :4 ""\'. ".,,-.H'.',,:;': ,,-. '. ~-'_