HomeMy WebLinkAbout563 ~ ~ I' II 2 II I : II 5 : , ! i 61: 7 !! I 8 9 10 II 12 13 J 14 11115 'p 16 i ; 11 ! 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 OPJ)IYA'WY :TO..~... r- I I An Ord.ir-~2~llCe .e in-~ Ci.,~:') o'~ i 1C\nce o:C tile City' of San Bern),'cdino 3Tumbered. 322., ~nt.itled "A' Jrdiance Providin/~ ~""or tl"le Licensing of' Busirjess J 8~L./.JS, EX~'li~l)~:_ ,i:.HlSJ an6 Ganes Cor:duct)led "r" or CcCr:tfed on in t:""'ce Ci t7 of Sa.,n Be ~:' 1'6..ino and Fixin~~ trJ.e R.ate of License Therefor, and ProvidinG ~:ir' the collection Thereof, passed and aa.opteci. tl:e 5th 5a,r of ]\)tcJ.ary, 1906. The ]j[p<,/or a,Dd COY.'llOn Council of the City of San Bernardino do orciain as follows: Section One: Sect i~n Twer'-~y-follr t'ar~ Ordil~anc to of the Ci ty of San Be~"Da ['<liro Num'bered 322, fmt i tLcl 11 An Orc. inance Providing for the JJicensing of Busine ss, Shows, Exhi 'bi t ions ami Ganes Conducted. or Carried on in the Cit~' of San Bernardino ami. I Fixing the Rate of License Therefor, and Providing for the Collection Thereof, passed and adop-ted the 5th day of FelJruary, 1906, is hereby aBendeo to rea~ as follows: Sect ion Tvrenty-Four: For every person, fi I'm or co rpora- tion, engaged in runninc, or opera tine: any cart, dr;Jy, wagon" or vehicle, for the delivery of freight or goods fo~ hire, $2.00 per quarter for each one horse cart, dray, wagon or vehicle, and $3.00 per quarter for each two horse, or more cart, dray, wagon or vehicle or automo'bilej provided however, such license shall not exceed in the aggregate the sum of :jl\6.00 per quarter for ==- person" firm or corpora.tion engage.. in running, or operating two or more of such carts~ <!irays, wagons, or other '\ ve~-licles. Provided further that each such cart, dray, wason, vehicle or auto':lObile shall be design8/ced 'by a num'berJl: to be furnished 'by the City Clerk as herei~before provided; provided further that all job express waGons, and cirays ,when not euployeQ' :'#.; i~ transfer and transporta~ion shall keep and renain at,,~~ations or standing places, to 'be aSSiGned to each of them ( subject to other provisions of this ordinance relating to them ) by the I I I 13 t 14 a f! r 15 ji! :: t 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 i 'I 27 28 29 30 31 " , , 32 I I CJ-:i:f of Police, ",lOCI if ",>.e o,"y',::r, (,rive:', o/"sl),c> ,iob, e]:~)re"s 1 2 ytagon or dray fails or n'."lec'~s to keep or clJsf;l've :,::;,',-,:ch sta,'cion, 3 his license 81:.2.11 lle revoked~ on co: lplt:;.int Ct.: TJro of of;>ce fact 4 to ':h" Mayor ".nd Cornr,lOn COUl';,cil. 5 S~ction Two: This Ordir,ance s':1aIl ",ake e1Yect' tr~;ld , ' 6 be in force from and a:L'ter tl:.i 'ty o..a:rs af'tel' its pEt,';;,SaC{8 and. 7 J" .'"; C::J n Section Three: ._ T*e$..tll!tiqJ.erk Slzll certify to the I ;1:.1. ~ >- passage of this ordinanle:and sh~~~ cause t~e SdJW to ~a publish- I <<!.\ ~..., ec. three conSecutive ...l1rs!i&Evilii-i?e Index, all. newspapel' lH,reby . _ iq~ "I I'" ,:>: tiesignated for that pu4Jo$e. 0 \t'J: I hereby certify tL:,t the foresoin,s ord.incLDce was a)proval. 8 9 10 11 12 passed. "nO. aciopted by 1;he 15ayor and COEJ:mon Council of the 'l/ City of San Bernarliin'o at its,e,ning hell. on the -c"-day 'AISrll,'1914,'1;y"t:!1e J"OllovI1ng vote to-wit: Ajfes: ~q '0' of Davidson, Hansen, Boswell, Gansner. lToes.. iJone. ~~/-ri" City Clerk. I hereby .apptbve ," the foregoing ordinance whis L day of' April, 1914. MaYO~; c~yll~rnardino. .