HomeMy WebLinkAbout564 114 i 1'3115 ! il,:: I ! 18 19 I 1----------------------------------.---- ORDr:'A1TCE lCO."~1..... 2 An Ordinance of tice ;',v-or al'd co'non COL'-Dcil of t",e Cit:;! 3 of San Berll'"rdino.defini"(s certain vmter coo.raGS and ',rater '::a'-a 4 within said City, prohibiting ~ne obstruction of such water 5 courses and ways, an'd.~.t;p~~~'~1:e;'c'tt<i~;g~fi8~tg.~-lfJ;~'f;r;om""'~~,;e'F'now' Vl~ ters. 6 7 The ;,Layor and COi'TI'lOn Council of the City of Gan Berlcardino do ordain as follows: 8 Section One: That certain creek, or vater cdurse or wat,er way, more particularly described and defined as\.ollo';IS 9 10 is herebyna;led and desi,:n~,ted Town Creek, to-vlit: II The said creek or \Flater COllrse or vTay co:::]mences in said 12 City, at a northerly boundary of said ~ity, near the northeast 13 corner of Lot 8 of :.Tapsteads Su1)division of suid. City, anci runs the~ce alone, upon, a~d' over, in a ~en~ral so~theasterly direction through said Lot 8 of said l~aIJ~~<~eads Subdivision, Lots 1, 2, 3:, and 4 of Block 36 of Hancho 8~nl B~I'n2.rdin'o, into G. Street, thence sOu.t~',~er.ly alonp: G Street to the nortl'lwest COl'ner of Block 74 llancho San Be cnarciino; thence a10n(';, upon and over, in 20 a general southeasterly direction t,1.COI,liSh Lots :3 and 1 of said , Block 74, Lots 7, 8, and 1, of Block 69 of City o~ Gan Bernardino, Lots 5, 6, 2, and 1, of Block 61 of City of San Bernardino, Lota 21 22 5 4 and :3 of Block 51 of City of Gan ~ernardino, Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Block 46 of City of Gan llernardino, Lot 4 Of Block 47 23 24 of CUy of,San BtjIn...rdinQ..,. I&tR. Ei"I~._~A..ff;Yid ). of:~ftc);:,~,i,JI:f. City of San Bernardino, Lots 7, 2, 1 of Block 31 01 City of San Bernardino, Lots 2, 7, 8nd 8 of Block 18 of City of San Bernard- 25 26 27 ino, and thence southerly alone; B Street to a point 100 feet more 28 or less south of the East line of Third Street, vllHJl'e said Creek 29 joins with th$t certain creek, river, or :,-rater coc,rse cO'lll.only 30 known and desitna ted B.S Warn Creek; 31 That certain creek, or water course or water way more 32 par"cicularly described and defined as folloVIS is hereby naLled 1 , ,. -" "". '~'" "-'.~'",' "" 1 ana designated as Baldridce Creek, to-uit: I I ~. 2 The said creek or VlD~-;;(jr Cou.-,-~se 0:1." -,l8.:l' CO~:T;'lcnces in Ge,,:Ld 3 City in Lot 7 of Block 3 Ranch San Ber~urdino, and runs thence ~'" 4 along., upon and over, in\. a general sCl1..thweste-cl~.r direction thro ugfl Sa.id i';'t'7;i';;t~~':~-r~d\ ""9;;"';;"'Br~"~k!'''4''.;~t'Ba.hchO San .',',,",""-" ;f',o;;,> 6 6 Bernardino, Lots 2 and 1 of Block 5, Rancho San BecTIardino, "Lots 7 8, 1,2, and ~ of Block 17 of City of San Bernardino to a point 8 25 feet };lOre or less south of the south line of Third Str'eet and g. 150 feet more or less East of the J':ast line of B Street, where . to' said a'Z-eel( joins with Warm Creek; II All as apliears upon that ctlrtain map of the said City of 12 San Bernardino marked "1910" on file in the office of the 13 City Engineer of said City. [14 I Section Tuo: That said Te0n Creek and said Baldridge "'1jfI5 (a'reek ~re nataral water coucses, or ways, and the said COlJ.rses I;,' 116 I of said Creeks as herein defined and described are the natural I ~ 17 i and established courses of said creeks. ! 18 I Section Three: ITo person, firm or co ~cpo rat ion shall 19 divert any of the watet's of said TOVln Creek or B:cldridge Creek 20 from said described and defined cpurses, nor from the nat~ral 21 bed or course of said creeks, nor chan~e the course thereof. 22 Section Four: No person, firm or corporation shall 23 oostruct the said courses of said Town Creek of Baldridge Creek, 24 nor place any obstruction, dirt, rti'bbish7 l,ipe, "qanduit, culvert, 25 material, or anything else of a like nature, in, along, upon or 26 over any of said creeks, nor the courses or "ays ther'eof, except 27 as herein provided. Section Five: Any O\l11er of., or any person with the con;" 28 29 sent of. the owner of an;' real property through which said Creeks 30 run may cons-:Cruct or lmild a conduit or culvert or other stru.ct- 31 ure to convey the waters of said creeks over~ or along such 32 property, or any part thereofi and fill in Over such conduit or ,.,~..,,,,,,,,,,....,..'~ & 12 13. ~ 14 .,. i ~ _"':""l";I'" 'IS" '1'116 ; i 17 ~ I ! 18 19 first 1 culvert -1i th dirt or other su1,stance, b:r/makinr; application to 2 the Mayor and Cor:uon Counc il for a permit so to do. 3 Section Six: Upon any such application being received 4 by said ],[ayor and CO~ll)llon .Council ,itshall dire~tthe. Ci ty ;,ii'~~~'1~~1riy.-to~~~;~blf!~~~';~~;di~e thJ '~;~rry't'ln 6 whicil the cODCILli t or culve.t is uroposed to be COl1sJ;ructed and - . - 7 prepare plans an~l$peC :Efica tions for such culvert or conduit. .......:~ i. :y' The said PlanB:::~i!J ~ipib",tiOl1S shall 11e approved by the said Ma.yor and cOL')J';$~"$)U"i~,'il:.ud a permit issued for such work, and \."'1Il!M...,,! i \ thetf anysuch:~i~o~'1Y ~Jo'hst('lJ_.s:;G or b,uild such culvert or conduit t..l.p.on s.u~~~. prf,;f';'n.....~'a. ~~'dan" with ",,' plan, ,,'" specU'illlll.tionE!, and upon the' or~~tion of. the work, it shall be a~~~6~ed bf~1d City Eng~ ee): '. 8 9 1'0 11 Section Seven: Any person, firE! or co rpo ra tion viola t- "haH be. . i'ri~ar;'5f1J;f!'th~ 'p':tovisto-ns of this ordlna;~e/n deemed guilty of a "'y..li'............'" misdeneanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceedinG Five Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding six ;:!Onths, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 20 Section Eight: This ordinance shall take iffect and be 21 in force from and after thirty days after its passage and 22 approval. 23 Section Nine: The City Clerk shall certify to the 24 passag;e of tills Ordinance and. cause 25 I Evening Index for three consecutive 26 I hereby certify e 27 adopted by the ,:ayor and COLu;lon Ccunc'tl ardil1o,cct its neetil1[!; held on the/.JlI;f;t follo\'line vote, to-wit: Ayes. Iri'ing,,~~a.' Gans!lsr. Noes. None. ~~ ------cfi"Y C lerk~----- The Foregoing Ordinance is hereby approved this ~day of April 1914. ~ aO~,~~ . /- ~ Mayor of the City of San Bernardino. 28 29 30 31 32