HomeMy WebLinkAbout565 ------"-"_.---------------------- -----~--------~.,~~-"- ORDINA::.TCl: liO, ."r.~ ."".,.... 2 An OrdimHlCe of th~ !.:;iYOr q.nd CornmOn Council of the Ci ty )f ,"'y 3 ,San Bern'1.rdino, amending Ordin"lnce lIo. :)"86, enti t1 eel "An Ordil1- 4 3..nce T1ec:ul:1.ting the Cont.ruction of' C Pr:J en ~ :3idp-wrtlks .:l..ud. ~,',..l~,s 5 within tIle City of "~Cl11 BerTI'lrdino, I'royirl'lnr for the ISf"u"n()e of 6 Permits for the Constr..c:'cirm trJereof, and '1eq'liring of Bonds h 7 from ...:'~t'BonR ~onstru(~ting ::;uch SidevrnlJcs 3.nd Cut'bs, p!l,su8d r\'nd 8 . adopted the 6th (hy of January, 1908. 9 ',rhe Hayor and Comrnon Council of the Ci ty of nan Jlern'",rdino 10 do ordain as follows: 11 SectionOne: Ordinance 110. 3e6, ~ntitlerl "An Ordin'1.l1ce 12 Rec;ulating the 'Conscl'uction of Cenent Sidewalks ~.l1d CcJ,rbs within c: 13 the City of [,an 13et'l1'J.'l'dino, l'roviding for the 1SS\l'1,\e of l'e=its l 14 fot' the Canst r',lC t ion thereof, !Dd 11e<1ui ring of Bond A from Persons , ~ 0 ~ : \ i 15 Constructing [)ucll ~hdewalks 'lnd Curus, Inssed and adopted by the " . , o ' ' ;!l ~ i 16 1';18,YOL' and Comrl1on ;.~ouncil of the Ci t~1 of ~)an 23ern8rdinoJ the ()th ~ ! . . ' , . I_ 17 d',y of Janu,'ry, 1908, is hereliy amended by adding the'ceto 1;1,,.0 ~ ~ ; " ! ~ . i 18 ne rJ sections to be known as and design'lted as Section [,even A . 19 and 3ection Seven B. 20 ~)ection Seven A: l.'lhenc','2r fOny inspe8tor for ~.ny .Iork 21 mentioned in LIli s 0t'0 inance shall report to the 8i ty":ncincer 22 Itllnt the snme has been completed, the City }~nGineer E'h'lll ins~)ect 23 auclh work, and certify to tLe BuperinLendent of lltreets th'lt such I 24 work h~.[, or 11','8 not been constrclcted to t;1.e official lines 'lnG. 2sgrndes, in accordance wi tb the facts ".8 determined by acIch 31 ~..:e8 ~~::>n '_~lWO : ~:~ection J.~icLt of S'lirl Urdin~nce is I I , I I i I I I I I i n_____1 26 : ins~)ection. 27 ~3f!ctiC,)n Seven I3: Any and all crude st"l.kes !Jet for the 28 con!Jtruc ti on cf xx:trlxlVllI:rk sidewalks and curbs to cr'lde !Jhall 29 l'('1Oain in place until tJle ';i ty j';nLin"er '1'3,S inspeeted tOle work, 30 "..l<-' ,,-,,,,", provided in Section Seven A. 32 l1.2re"by q::1en~le"i to Tcad s f'alJ_oIiJs, to-nit: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ~ 14 , . . " " 6 ; ~ a 15 I " " . " , . ,," : 16 ' . ~ ~ III . . ' ~ ~ ~ " - 17 d < ~ ~ ~ ! 18 . 19 20 21 22 23 24 Section Y;iCL'.: ----.--1 I I I '.,!heneveL' the insJlectoL' for any wQrk n;en- tioned in this ordin'lnce 6hall certify to the :":uperilltende:1t of streets th'1.t the sreme '18.8 oICen constructed in accord'l.nce wit;, trl" apecific'l.tions the refor, and whenever the City -,':Y1r-inp-cr shall certify ftS provirled in flection bev..n QJlQ A of this Ordin'l.nce, 8'l.id 3uperinLli'fHient of Streets, if said work }-k'}S b(~en done to his s~ti8f"ction, shall "iCce-pt such work and iSf:'ue to tIle pcrSQn naMed in the permi t, a certific'l.te of such accept'iDce; snd no work done under the permit issued in Rccord'mce with the provisions of this ordinanc p. shall be deemed to be completed '1ntH rl'lch ceL'tific'l.te of acceptance 1:8.8 ')c~en issued as hp-reinbefore 'HO- vided. Section T'hL'ee:t, 1'his ordinq,ce sh~:tll t.qkB effect f"1.nd be in force from arid after thi L'ty dnys 'l.fter 1ts passage and np',Jroval. t:ection Four: The 8i ty ,:) f'r'k shall CErtify to the l"'RS'l.ge of thiB oTdij1~lnCe !lnU cause t.he same ~o 1.H: n:loJ.:ishArl in three consecutive i "lsues of thf' J<:vening Index, " newspapeL' hereby desicnated for that purpose. I hereby certify t.,.." tre foregoing ordinance was TI'l.ssed 'mn B_,do~)'~~U by the Hflyor q,nd Comi-'on ,;ouncil of the ,""i t;y o."~ :'~~Tn :3eI'- d r;',rdino, Tt its neeting held on the 1-0 day of April, 1914 , by the followin[; vote, to-wit: Ayes:- DaYidDOn, Hansen, ~J Gansnet". Hoes: Eone. /~-1!?::'~2 ~:-//~ ,- City Clerk 26 27 i The fo-cecoin~' ap:()Toved thi s :J- L~! (t.':>.Y of ~/" '-. - ({~tA.' tic. 28 \pL'il, 1914, Crdino.nGe is hereby ;:3-/ .1) . t.- i t C , '-, ~ ,J..l__ ..yor of Ode :'ji ty of r~R,n Be1"nnr(lino. 29 30 31 32 I _~I