HomeMy WebLinkAbout566 , - I -......-- -- , ...... I [ \ , i , 4, 5 , '11. ,";-r<~:i 'it i ! ' , >M .) ~L~:':..l .,'. :'$ .1 I 18 , 19 fl I " " , ~ 21 ['."'" , :! !; II' il! Ii: " i'ii at '. . 24 25 . "--.__.-'....;~ ,,--,,~~~,-,"..,._-.,,~ ., I I I OP,IJIXAlTCE XO. -f:~. 4>. . 2 .An Urliinance 'of the ];[ayor ane' COLGan Council o~.. "cl:e City .3 of Sa.n' BU'narIi.1no. ci1a.nging a.nd mo d1fy1ng ~he grade of lHnth 6 1 8 ,~t1l~~t;t[,!i~~!,~,~~:,,:~~,~:.,~f~:~""'~' ~.,~ ,.~,~~, .~,~~t~., ~~~, ,~tt~~,; ,~~S.:",}.:;.~ i. ;, it'IO,'._ ",'1"" "~," ' ,,','.". ,i .'~..A~'-' ',t"". ..'. ......, ':.' . - . /:: ' ; :','-; ': ,:.;. '" ','., , "r"':~"l]V~,'llli~1 Ar rO'iTheali. , Avenue in the City of San :B,tl!l:'nardiho. '",,' . Whereas, the l~~or and Comr.wn Council of th~ City of Sa.n 13ernarliino, ):laving heretofore, to-wit ort the 30th day of (. . , .,"'-. :..' .' '. ....' .- :March, ,,1914,~~y palSs.1i a. R,esolu:f;ion of Intent10n~:~~rti.ng their of Ninth Si~e~t ~rom 12 ',J ,', "" ' ~nt~:rl"t.ion t.o~~,anj, moEiify. the gra4.e ~'.". -'";,;",.",_.. -, ',.; . ", . , ,<-:}.:,-: -'" . ,'," . ...... . . ',' '" ,the west~*e~t ~'Str.etto. th;e e~st lineot.rrOWhe"!~~n~~~ :l.n~~:;.~~ty of San :Berna.rGli~O, ana the Oit;t, Clerk haVingP'u.lI~~l!lk_ :,':ij:':',' ,,-.- ~!puted the sat.. Resolu.tirW oit Intentio:l1iin theI!l8-nner "fnd i'ormprucribeli bY' law t anci. thesa1li. :aesolu.tion, ~f.lntent10n I ,,':<)' . ".......~.a~~e*"~~l:',~'l.,t~>;\'fl!i,~ i'l!l~J..Jii0,)~aviJ1gpostei an.. <' . . . "'\:_":', ....:_' ,. ...,....,~-~'<'~,'<:':~-,~,I'tt"':",J::>'_:>,:_;,"':.:'~~:~~~:T,t; pUbl'sheli notices of the passageO'f 8a1i. Resolution of IntentIon in the manner anli form prelSerlbe.. by law and the pro'l"ieions of .~ salli R$solution Of Intention, and no objection to or protests aGainst WMe the ~aid propose.. change, or modification of the grade of sa.i. street having been t1J.~li with the Clerk of the l>a1li, Common Counoil, ana it aPPClaring that no costs 01' expenses will be. mali.lo1' incllrrell. by the chanGing or 11194.H!ica tion of 13ai.. gra..e Qf Said $...'r ' J[QW~he:r.fore, 'tihe ~q1' anti CotdlllQ'n Q-Ol.llWUot the City ";,::",:_i"',;.,';"_',.:__:,-;:,,,, "_,," '''_:, ',F,'_ _ "",- - 1 ,", - ,'" ""~~~;iIff!1r~'lf{(t't~lWI~!h Ja~e.:rm~.l ,0'.- , "..", "' Section One: That the grade of Ninth Street from the ~ ? west line,Qf :B street to the east line of Arrowheali .Avenue, 2T ia Il.oolarea to be, an_the sa.me is herebyc~ngea. and r;lOd.if1e.., ""4--'-_--~~. in conformity with sait Rasolution wit: as foiL1l-''''., to- --~"---_....-- --- 30 At the top of thec.~~:!.1ri.>at~~ sOIl.thwest corn.rof I :.:{'t.,:',"" ,",' ",':~"~~t.'., 31 13 Stre,~, ant Ninth Str.~:<<:" the gl,"lli!iijl sha.11 be 1071.26.. , 32 At 1.,'/' toP.'~ th, curb line at the northWest corner'of , -"'-'.._---~~~ ',"" [I 11 'I Ii !I .'1'1 I II , I ! I If Ii' ;1. It, 12 J3 , '" ,e . If J18 19 20 2' 22 'J3 , '--24- 1 ~', :s Street anc1 ::'~.in~l1 Gtr'eet, t~:le e:rc"dc s~lc'.ll lJe l071.g~-:. 2 At'the to}:J( of the ,:;l1'o lil~e at a poin',; ill '~je s/cutl: line 3 of lUnth Street, '300 few:; west of the W'.e se; line of Ii [;tree'~, 5 ',1;P.""SlZ~~,~Q~~i:,i~e 19~,:L,\~6,~",...., "" ,0, " At the top of the curb line at a?oint in the ';'iiI+'II#*II~ !114 ;~orth lir,e . of Ninth Street, 300 feet west of the west line Qf E street, it the graAl! shall be 1072.42. ..1i..,.);M~~r the <;urb Une attha southeaSit eorner of '_ ' ,.,'rt:,i,}"!>- '... __,U, :-" i Arli'Qwh.af.,a.~uean.. NintllSti-eet" t:na~r~"'e sha.ll. be 1073.36 at the ,nortlwtast, co,rner of ,..,.-....:.,':;,..,..,...:.:.-..)"..,'.;-...",'..' the grade shall be 1073.6." ( At the, top .of the l')U:~b Une A~9~!I!d .:,.qLi~..n..Ninth Street. <':/-:'-~rf;;- ,',- " :." 'At all points a.t ~ight anglu with the curb l:j.ne, the grad,e at. the property line illlha.J.J. be three ail. ~1+.~ha.J.t behes . .j I~ "i~..i,lli!r~.Jt~..Jt;l:Mt!,',;,~lJl.r'~ ,a-b ;,.trtf'-'j 9~1?-1?' J ~,n'~,,ti~*~;:b~'jt:T~f~I;:'~!;i;i;'j,::_: ~.~"';f,'~":,:" '~'~',~t~~""_\';'~"'~"<" ;b At the' purb line, th...grate 'qt t~fl gutter l1n.~~J;1!;;~~ . ~."~t, be ten inohe. below the top 01' the curb.' ;'it~'''J.l pOints the grade of the center line 01' the street' shall be three.tenths of a fOClt above the mean between the to'p . t.f ,~d ) "of the curbs taken at r'igh tangles. . The grade of the..atreet' between .escribe.. points runJiing east. ant west t sha.ll b. a..'$tra.ight line flrawn between sa it ' f.esol'i".. point...,II....-}, . ,....<~~..eJ..:~tions.refer t~th.tQP ot.the ot\rb, except when '''o~hetta. I noteif, a.i1f' a're '~r;.~t anlt'tths,<in.. a.re!tbo"e."" ""'-"~' 25 plane of tl:\e CityBench:!iIark whi.ch is 1045.28, a.s utli'blish" 26 byO~inance No. 383, entitle.. .~ Ordinance establishing a. 27 Da tum Plane for the, C:i,ty of Sa.n Be,rl':lartino, passed. an.. adopte.. 28 by the Mayor ana Common CounQil of the City of San Bernardino 29 at ;1:1:8 meeting halt on the 31''' 4l!L1' ot} pgust, 1908. " 'ltbl?t the ~rad.e of Iil&ill.jljinth Street as hereinabove set 31 forth shall be, ,l ~ and is hereby lieQ~a.r.d to be, , ....,..: . , specifieclt ancl established.' 32 ,-~.' as hereinabove \. 'W , -....... -- -----.,....._-_.~---~_. .-- ~"~"~=..~----,_._.._._- _ ..___~~..._...~c._~._ 1 Sec.':.ion Two :Tl1is Ol'c~inance s~1[.?,1l take ef:rect a.nd. lJ~; in . 2 force .:L'l'om and 2,:L'tc.c -'c~~l.ir-~y days after its :passaC~ a:16. 2.ljproval 3 "by the .;;ayor of said City. ~~.ctHA '.i;~rjl.~: ',t/?nll".P.~.ty",ql~r~,~nIT~ ce!~~~fY.:c~_~lle__ 5 pas sag'iJ of t:'le foregoing Ordinance, and caL:se the saine to be 6' pu"blishaa three consecutive times i~Vening Index, a'newspaper , 7 publishet apd ci~culat'lli~ the City of San :Bernardino, hfJrebY 8 clesignate.. fo 1;' tfuit'purpClse. t. ! i ~ I !I II " II , , ,At: :,':~;: .:'1 :;'J,:,;::'> ,", ,', " "'",, ,":':,-:'-" ,,',' ' " ',,',' ,,)J;~:;:~ II e.li~t",i,~:the Ma.:l"Or a.nd OoIlnlptloO'unc Uof.t.,he City ot S8in' 't,y:,: ,,'. ' , " \ ',_ ' . 12 13etrJ~~ino, at ite meett1ng hello'll the"7rl..ay of April, 1914, 'S , by the following vot., to ."iJ'J' Aye.. Irving, J:llil,vi.-lison, Ha.nsen, ',i r-....."'-"'., ......_~~:~1J:~... .',11',..,'.67 I C<<Y Olork. t ,The forlllgo1ng Ortnnmce,ls hereby appronl this ~ lia,y of J I~ April, 191.4. ' ." C?~k I !ter,byq,rt:\.:fy that t)'l,. :for.going. 0 l."!iinll,noe _. l II " 'I \9 , ' ~/t.? . ~; of: ' tn:. city of San :aernarliino. 20 jii! ' 21 ~ :, " ;.., 22 .... (:1 , , 25 26 27 281 , 29 30 3\ 32 f"