HomeMy WebLinkAbout567 'r Tr i'l il " r- ""J ....."T,I "Tn .,.r--/ ""/ 0. .2::)I.....A_.u...J _.v.... 10" 10.... I \ 2 I AN ORDINANCE PROHDI'nHG (:EBTAIN F!,:nSONS FROM mTT1mING, I 3 IVISITING, BEING OR REtIAnnNG IN ANY 3'\1,00N 1'1Hmm INTOXICATING 4 ,LIQUORS XR;~ SOLD, GIVIm AWAY OR DIm)OSED OF, AND PRDVIDING A , i 5 'l'lmALTY FOR SUCH VIOLATIOn. I 6 7 The Mayor and Connon Council of the City of San Bernardino 8 do I'lt'dain as follows: 9 Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any Anerican Indian, 10 any rninor, common drunkard or person whose name has been placed II on the list of persons to whom intoxicating liquors eh'1.11 not be ! < . 0 ; II ~ ~.n ~ ~ = e " 16 = ! ~ . . , ~ E ~ = 4\ ~ 17 ~ ~ ! 18 ~ 12 'soldJto enter, visit, be or remain in any saloon where intoxicating 13 !liquoyire are sold, given away or dippo sed of. 14 Section 2. Any person violqting any of the }Jrovi sions 15 of this ordinance shall be deemed guil ty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thpreof shall be punished lJY a fine ~XJlD:t not exceed- ing $100 or be /. I~ both such I , "t' 3 19 oec lon . imprisoned for a term not exceeding thirty days or fine and impr~sonr^ent. This Ordinance sha.1l ~'rlke effect <i.Lld be in 20 force from and after thirty days after its ~assage and approval. 21 Section 4. The 01 ty ';lerJ{ shall certify to the n'lssage 22 of tl~~ B ordinanc e and cause the S'1me to be pub] i shAd in three " 23 consecutive issues of the Evem,ing Index, a ne\vsp'1"Pf'r !l.ereby desigrm ted for tlnt purpo se; 24 25 26 I hereby certify that the foreeoing ordi~HlT'.ce was p~ssed 27 and adopted by the I'ayor nnn. Co',nron !';()unc i1 of the 8i ty of ['n:1 28 ,:3ernc,rdino, 'lt its meeting held on t'1.e c;!!'day of April, 1914, 29 lay the following vote, to-wit: Ayes:~~, ~r'~/ 30 ~~ /9'~, Noes: ~ . ~~/.rr-- 31 I City Clerk 32 liThe forevoing ~rdin"nce is ber'3by approved thiA2~dA.~ of ' "p:r:.~~2-1914.~_' C2.,..-..:., cP_ -;::r-~ .. l;!a~r~he' r:1T.YOf'"1:;;:~f1~rdln '" ~--