HomeMy WebLinkAbout568 'f' .-..-; ~"....._.."-----,,"-..~ ._~_.~ 1;---------- I i 2 I c' " ORDIHANCE NO. P. ~; .~ . . . . . . . v An Ot'dinance of the Mayor nnd Corrwon Council of the C:ity of 3 San Bernardino, a.mell.ding O-rdinance No. 304 Entitled "An Ordinance 4\ Regulating the Business of Hfl,nufacturing, sellinG. DisposinG of, 51 F'urr:ishing and Giving Aw8.Y Liquors '''i thin the Ci ty of OJ"n ;jet'nClr- 6 dino, Imposing Hunicipal License Therefor; and Provi.l~nl< t,"'e 7 Manner of Issuing "nd Collecting the :3WDP.; T't'escribinr the duties 8 of r:ertnin Offic6t'S of Sail.tl ~i ty. in T1elation to such 13usil1es" and f"Xlnf" the Penalty of Its Violation"paA'fle..d 0-1.;.& ~~fJ-t..d /{, J.7;{ d."-'j trf 7;1Atl'-f, ;Qo6, ' I'he Mayor and Conunon Council of the Ci ty of Sa,n Berm1,rdino 9 11 !do ordain as follows: 12 I SECTION 1: Ordinance No. 304 entitled "An Ot'dinance JII:fxJtXlI! 13 Ma;JJIIXXllUut "egul fl. ting the Business of H",nafac turing. Sell ing, · 14 l < . Q ~ . t 15 ~.n g ~ i 16 . . ~ ~ = H~17 ". ' . ! ~ = 18 ! 19 :Disposing of, Fut'nishing and Giving AWa.y 1,iquors 1,'!ithin the C:ity i libf San Bernardino, ImposinG l!unicipal License Therefor; fl.nd Pro- ["Tiding theManner of Issuing and Collecting the Same; Prescribing i the Duties of Cet'tain Officers of Said Ci ty" in Rlillation to Such Business and Fixing the Pen'3.1 ty of I ts Violation. It Passed fl.rD Adopted the 27th d'3.Y of May, 1905, is hereby amended by adding I 20 'one sec~ion thereto to read as follows: 21 SEC'rION 31-: The application for license fl.~ ~~ovided in , 22 [this ordinance shall be accom:pallied by i 'the gra.nting of such license of the Fi:' the wri tten #ent to I . -. _ ___tenants "\ for 50 feet along the street on each side of the '1 [of t."'.e property -" i 25 iplace or room in which the business of dif'posing of intoxic8.ting i 26 iliquors i", to be conducted. 27 I SECTION 2: 28 Ifot'ce from and I 29 lapproval. Tnis Ordinance shall take effect 'Uld be after ~ days Ki'lI!:J: after its passage and in 30 I SEe '1'1 au 3' 31 lof this Ordinance 'lIld cause the same to be Dublished in three I 32 Iconsecutive issues of the .. The City Clerk shall certify to the p~ssage . K Evening Index, a newspaper hereby T 11---- - --- - --~ ------- i , :1 designA.ted for tl18.t purpose. 1 2 I 31 4 I hereby certify that the foregoing OrdinA.nce was PQs~ed 5 and adopted by the Hayor and Common CRune il of thl' "i ty of 6 i I San Bernardino, at its m eetine :asl" on the 7:I-?!aay of April, 1914, 7 \ by the following vote, to-wit: Ay:es:~- J~, #a< I 8i~l. // I ~"- 91.," Noes: ~; 10, i' 11 The forl'going ~ ~ .. -- /" /- ;~:c?:..'...c.~j.."'.!._-C <;;ct:., ~( Ordinance is hereby approved thir- ,1..day of 12 April, 1914. 13 ~~ Ma~f~ the City of San Bernardino. . l 14 ~ . - . 0 . . . = · ~ 15 ~ " . C fl : <!>. . ~ a I 16 . . \ .5. :l. ~ 17 . , ~ . 5 18 ~ 19 I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32