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.D..."..........".......... ....."
Th" llayor and Cor\1lllon Council of the City of Sun BArnard ino
do orrt~in ~s follows;
Section 1. It ",11't11 b" un1ewfu1 for nny pp'eCJon, firm, or
cor-porR.tion to store or permit thp storage on p"("p'nisres kept, owned,
or contY'ollpe' by "uen ]'l0rQOn, firm, or eorIlorr,tion, or )c"lep for sale
'vit}jin the fire limits of the City of San Bern'Hdino, any of th"
following articles, except as herein provided, to-wit;
Any petroleum, gasoline, distillate, benzine, or any produot
of p"troleum or hydro-curbon li,quids, other than refinp.d kerosene 6il
"xoept the same be kept in a fire proof 00 ilding detl,clled fror:, any
othi>r building at least t~"nty-five fp0t thA~pfrom or ni>nrer thereto
than twenty-five feet, or th" emn" be, leept or stored in [J tank ccnst-
ructe(' of galv:mized steel of not leso than I,o, 12 gauze, riveted /'utz~)j^
t1. st,:el joints, or of iron not l'Oss than thre"-sixteenths of on lnch in
tl1ickness, riveted iron to iron joints, all joints to be caulke':l tip;ht
and free from 1 eaks, and all ~uch tanks to b.. coat ect ~i th tnr 0 rather
PCiul'.lly f1'ood rnqt-refli!3ting mnt"rial; ".11 tanks to bp buri...d 'cf'n"lath
tl " ground Rn~ to hI' covered in tha following mannf'r, to-wit: With
a !301id bloak or mnss of Cpffif'nt C1>"l(>rete, not less than four inches
in thi6kness andextendin~ from the outer edge, rim, or borty of such
tank on all sides ther00f not less than four inches, provided ttillt
s2id covpring may contain the n"ce~8':lry v'?nt c:'ipe or pipe connpctions
fro~ such tank through such cement concrete co~ering, said pipe to be
c "m...nted the rei n so as to prevent anlt leukage ther8i n; 0 r wi th earth
or other fireprOOf material n t least two feet deep, and surrend",d on
all sides with fireproof iflHt",rial and not in larg'.?r quantities than
three hundr"d gallons, provided that 1m1ere crude oil or distillate, or
other hydro-ce.rLon liquids ar", to l,e u2ed for fuel, the SHme to be
consumed on the premises wher", kept, q'uantities in excess of dlhree l"...
hundred g"llons
('I' ._',.. '-T"'-,'..">
0. --\
li1:ty 'lie:' -~ept, -orcvirlp(' it b~; :ZPIlt in t:-lY1k,~: csnst:n;.cte',; of rr:ini"c,rcAd
C~):'1crete C:Jnstr0.,:ted in D.ccord:)YlC0 'vit-rl tht? a.~prove(' ;~lethod.s of' ceil:ent
COD8trJ.cti0Yl, elf>] ::1 -?r'JvlC?d "by th() L'Gltlrling I-:IJ)":.Jector of trlf'! Cit,./ of
San .Bernardino, or of 8t~el cr iron co rH-;tructec. in uc cor(1r~nce v:i th
th2 8_'1proved m~thode: of st~el ::':'y"H~ iron constructio:'l 2~nd of sufficient
grmg.., w"i,sht, and thickness to nrevent br"f,kspe or rupture under
orc!inary c0nditions, th.. me_nnllr of const"uction ther..of ann thll
mrtt"rial to b" uE'erl tl1..r"in to b.. ~1)nrov"r1 by tl1" Buil~inl'; InEP1"ctor
of thll ~ity of Gnn E"rn~r~ino. nnd buried b"naath th~ ~round and
coverlld with earth or other fireproof mat..rial gt 1..8E't tTIO fe"t
six inches deep anc, surrou,nded on ell sirles with fireproof mat "rial.
All vent pipes or connectio~s from tanks to place where oil is to be
oonsumed or used, shall be ~rovided with shut-off valves at a point
th'lreon distant not more th,ll1 fiv?) feet fro", the tank, Th'J o;)(,l1ing
or Clipe through which tpnk iD filled IS to 1:oe securely cJosed 'lxcept
'vhile tank is b'Jing filled. Tank shall have a vent pipe not l'JGS than
three-fourths of an inch in diam"ter to 08 attael1'ld jo t,mk and
ext9nd out of bUIlding un~ a~war[~ at l~~st ten ~eet a~ov~ th~ groundJ
Dnd to be covpre') 'l.! t.hR tGp witll cop,e~r ,~t~lJZe or close rn~sh. All
connections to b~ mA.de tir;ht with w"ill fittel' ,joints 8'1~ all pipes
end cC'1nections to be canable or rc~i8ttin~ a nr"ssure of not less
than two hundrA0_ -nounde l)pr squa-cp incn, }\ll Ccnnp0tione from 8torD,5!~
to bui] ninge, furnac~, or otl1~r ryl2.cP "'.Jh~rp oil from S~lir1 tpn'c is
to b,o used, f)n~ tl1C m..thoc1 0; f"'Cdin,,;, to be sub,i'Cct to the insp"ction
of tJ1e Chief of the Fir", DeDartment, provid",d that for ordinany
domestic use, fuel oil or distillate may be stored in elevated ffi'ltal
tanks of not more than fifty gallons capacity, pl~nD~ u~on a foundat-
ion or structure wholly CO\1struct"d of fireproof material.
S:~CTICN 11. It shD.ll b~ i.A'11ri'/iiful for :J.L1Y person, firm) or
corporation to 3tore or permit thc storage on premIBses occupied owned,
or controlled by sclch person, firm, or cor:'oration, or keep for sale
within the corporate limits of t-!ie City of S,>n .Dernllrclino any of the
following a.rticles, except as hereLl ~~rovided, to-';;it;
Any dyarnite, G';Rint "0owd~rJ nitro-gl:ycerinp., or simila.r
nigh ey,lo8ives~ pycr:>1")t, gun nOUJ'd~r in qUBntiti~s net excl?~ding
twenty-five (25) pounds.
S!~CTIG:N 111. Any p~r~onJ fir,o or corporation violrtting any
mf th~ provisions of tl"'li~ ordinRncp GhRll "tIt:> r10.01r..e(] D'uilty of a
mi8n~m~~.nOr pnn. u..-,on ~onvi~'t,ir::n t'h#)I'"F'of shall "be "0uni81~'-i-'rl C::',;' D. fine
not ~-rc"erlini': Thre", Hundr",d 1'lollars (~3()O.(\O) or 11~ imnri80n1'11"nt
not ~xcp0fin~ nin~ty (90) days, or by both 8UC~ fin~ ~n~ i~~rison~
'118nt i'1 the di Rcret ion of tl-, e Cou rt; "nel 0vl'!ry day du ri ne: "Ill ich the
violp..tion of this Ordinance shall continue, shall DO> con8i~..rcC'
as ro~stituting a new offense' an(\ t.. punished as in this section.
SECTION IV. All Ordinance or parts of ordinances in
conflict het'",with are hereby repealed.
S::CTION V. This OrdinanDI" eha:D.l take effAct and b8 in
force from and after ten (10) d3YS ,'lft"t' its ]"lDssag.. and approval.
The City Clerk shall c.~rtify to the ;;)[1SSHCe of th"l fore-
,,:oing Ordinance and caU8e the ';;'.{:1e to -l.le publish8d for three
COYls~co.tive days in th~ Jiivenin,'=: Inrl~x.
I h~r"""by c~rtify tlH?t tl"ln fot'"~~oing OrI1inA.nrr-. wns tl00'Dte~
by tho l:nyor anc rommon
its meetinr; n81d on the
Council of th.. Cit" of :';/,n B<"rnardino, 2.t *'
--;.L ~_ day of 1.ay 1914. bv the follow-
ine vote;
4~/ ~/$~rde~ ~~,
Noes; ~,
City ClArk
1 h"'r.cby approve the foregoing Ordinance this #,day of J~ay. 1914
fA( (? a1zJ\
th8 C~t:l of S1Ln Bernard~no. l;al~forLia