HomeMy WebLinkAbout570 1 An Ordinance establishing Eishth~~~ 2 from the West 11ne of -I Street to the East 11ne of lit. V"-F... 3 Aven8e. 4 The Mayor and Common Counc11 of the C1 ty of San Bernardino- 5 do orna1n as follows: 6 The grade of Eighth Street from the west line of I Street 7 to the east 11ne of Mt. Vernon 1s hereby estab11shed as follows: 8 At the top of the curb line at the northweet corner of th. 9 1nter.ect10n of ~1ghth Street and I Street the grade shall be 10 1093.2, as now established. 11 At the top of the curb 11ne at the southwest corner of the 12 intersection of E1gftt. Street and I Street, the grade shall be 13 1093.3. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 At the top of the curb line at the southeast corner of the intersection of Ughth Street and Harris Street, the grade shall be 1096.1. At the top of the curb 11ne at the southwest corner of the intersection of l',ighth Street and liarris Street, the grade shall be 1095.6. At the top of the curb line at the northwest corner of the intersection of Eighth Street and Harris Street, the grade shall be 1096.0. At the top of the curb line at the northeast corner of the intersection of E1gh-th Street and Rarr1s Street, the grade shall be 1096.6. At the top of the curb line at the southeast corner of the intersection of .Gighth Street and J l.;treet, the grade shall be 1099.0. At the top of the curb 11ne at the southwest corner of the intersection of ?;ighth Street and J Street, the gr ad e Jl~all be 1099.4. At the top of the curb line at the northwellt corner of the intersection of Biighth street and-J Street, the grade shall be / ; lO99.8. 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . ,.~',., .-," .,,,.:;. At the top of the curb 1i"e at the ortheast cerner of the intersection of -,;ighth ,;treet and J ,.treat, the cratle shall be 1099.4. At the top of tne intersection of c.ighth be 1102.2. At the top of the intersection of ~;ighth be 1102.6. At the top of the intersection o.r [';ighth be 1103.0. At the top of the intersection of l>:ighth be 1102.6. curb line at the eoutheaat corner of the Stre"t and perris street, the grn,de shaLL curb line at the southwest corner of the "treet and Perris street, the g]'ad_~e shall curb line at the northwPI't. corner of tile btreet and perris <>treet, the grade shall curb line at the northeast corner of the Street a.nd Perris Street, the grade shall At the tOil of the curb line at tile southeast corner of the intersection of ,.;ight}l street and K Street, the grade shall be 1105.4. At the top of the curb line at the southwest corner of the intersection of l';ight ~treet and l: 5treet. the grade shall be 1105.8 At the top of the curb line at tl1e northwellt corner of the intersection of ,ighth Street and K Street, the gra.de shall be 1106.2. At the top of the cuhb line a.t the 'lortheast corner of the intersection of Fif'.ht street a.nd F Street. the grade ahall be 1105.8. At the top of' the curb line at the southeast cornel' of' the intersection of !'ighth Street and L Street, the grade ahall be 1108.0. At the top of thle curb line at the southW'"8t corn",r of the intersection of ,iight Street and I, Street, the g.~a,le shall be 1108.4. -2- 1 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 At the top of the curb line at the northw at corner of the intersection of ltighth Strept ai-Old L Street, t:he grade shall be 1108.8. At the to,!> of the curb line at the northeast corner of the intersection of i:ighth Street and L Btreet, the grade shall be 1108.4. 4 5 6 7 At the top of the curb line at the soutl'least corner of the intersection of i:ighth Street and Penn street, the grade shall bl 8 9 1111.2. At the top of the curb line at the southwest corner of the intersection of Jii1ghth Street and i'enn street, the grade shall be 1111.6. At the top of the curb line at a point in the north line of :i1ghth Street where the west line of Penn Street produced inter- sects the north curb line of Penn Street, the grl3.de shall be 1112.C At the top of the curb line at the southeast corner of the intersection of Eightfl: Street and Mt. Vernon Avenue, the grade shall be 1119.9, as now established. At the top of th8 curb line at the northeast corner of the intersection of Eighth street and Tit. Vernon Avenue, the grade aha I be 1120.4, as now estalJlished. At all points at right angles with the curb line the grade 1!wo at the property line shall be .. and one-rIalf inches higher than the grade at the cUDb line. At the curb line, the grade to the gutter line shall be at all points ten inches below the top of the ourb. At all points, the grade of the center line one shall be tt of the street of a foot above a mean between the top tenth. taken of the curb :bdcXJlgxti at right ~ngles. 30 The grade of the street between descrtbed points shall be a straight line. 31 32 All elevations refer to the top of the curb, are in feet add above a plane which is 1045.28 feet below the city bench m".1'k '1.8 esta.lisherJ by Ordiaance No. 38"0 of the City of San -3- 1 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Bernardino. The BRfl .ic"'u,,"rlinn Da..j,.ly Sun is hp"e:;y designate<i:\s the daily newspaper 1>u1:;1 ishe1 D.nd circulated in the ci ty of San Bernardino in which this ordinance shall be published. 5 The City Clerk 1111a.l1 certify to the passa[(e of this 6 Ordinance and shall ca.use the same to be published in the said 7 ., / Sa.n ""'llrna'1'tHfut Da.il,y,~J.1dL.--1,y insertions thereof in three conse- cutive iss1J.e~ of the said ~~v ~1l:~ ~...~. f 1 hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was 8 9 adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San d 1/' - day of I ~~-e/ ~.z-Y'f r- - t.ernardino at its meeting he1 d on the 19' by the following votes, to-wit: Ayes: j/tfAadd--rYl, ~~. Noes: ~ . ~~/;~} - ;:~"f . ,~// ~'_~_ _,d ," ;./ Approved thi~daY of ~Ci ty r.lerk. ~IYiJl1. ~C~ ~ ~ , Mayor of the City of San BernardinQ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -4-