HomeMy WebLinkAbout573 t "" 1 2, 3 4 -5 i6 7 8 9 10 11 ;12 13 14 15 ,16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ,26 ',' 27 28 29 30 31 32 .. <{' ~i3 ~. . 1 I ~ ORDINANCE lIlSTABL:::::N~2' :F E STRElIlT FROio! TIlE BORTI! LINE GF BASllLINlI ~TlUm~ TO ~ SOU'@,.LI,~()F IU~G~tND AVI;:N~;, * * ** . . * . . ,,'. ~ t\,~ 1:) /\~. ~yor andCoDlAOft Council of. the Oi ty of San Bernardino do ordain a8, :t'olloW"B ,. -The grade ,of E ~treet f:r:OJIl tfleo ~Qt.t~,!Jin' of Base Line Ito'the, south line of Highlarl Avenue is hereby established as follows~ Atthet,op of :the c\11"b l;'rl~,at t:p.e NOt,the~stcor.p~rof,the .:tnte1'uction of E Street and Base Line the grade shall be 1099.8; At the top :of the c\U'bl:i,ne" at the,lNorth1t,"~;po,:rner of,~he inte~sect:i1OIl.of ..<~:t..~eet~cl Ba~~, .IJ.IL~>t4'1~" graq.e )3p~,}'l?e,,1.100..1; <",~ "... ,. -. ',A ,'. At./the top of the curb line at the Southeastccorner of the interseetioDot.E,Stre~t.an4 'J.'h~r.te,p:,th;.~:tfrtp.,,~l.'t the",grad~ Et~~ll be 1110 .Q. ; . At the top of the curb line at the Southwest corner of the intersection of E Street ,andTh~rte~nthS~:reet, ~:q!,i:J;',aQ.e Eib.all be 11lO.4;" AtOthe top of the curb line at the Northwest corner of the interse.otion'of'E'8treet and Thirteenth Street, the grade shall , b.'l110 .8~, " At a point in the .ast line of E Street a.nd sixty feet nor of where the East line of E Street intersects the south line of ,~. <. 'J-,:... Thirte,enth Street, the grade shall be 1110.4.; ; , " "..' ~." ,',' -, '- ,.,~.... ... ~, At the top of the curb line at the Southeast corner of the inte;-s,ectioTl at, E,.fltr~e,t, ~. Fourt~~ntil, ,f3~tr~~t. the ,,~rade ,shall be 1120 .,2.~ " At the top of the curb line a.t the Southwest corner of the 1nt~rs.ct:i.on. of:B; Street. and ;)'01.U"teenth Street t the gra.de ,shall ,be 13:~,. 'i At the top of the cur.b line at the Northwest corner ~ the .. '\ 2 "'-, ..~, -""/ .,.:,.,. .., .<"" ~.~..q.. - l...;."~'""-'-""'~~-=:...lliil'" 1. inters.e,ction cif E, StreEllt andi'ourteerith Street., the grade shall be, 1121 ~.:. ", 3 :At thE! top of the curb 11ne at the Northeast corner of the 4 1ntersect19:D -of E Street and .Fourteenth Str'e.et:, the gra.de . shall 10 11 12 13., 14 1~ J6 17 18 22, 2~ 24 25 5 ~ 'lG"....... " - - 'i4' - #f,JIU.. - :""': ~ - /'; .~; ',', .... _ _ ,..,I";J ,." .J. ;,' ~ ,'" ~', t. Q: 7, 8 9 At the 'top of the curb 11n~; at the Southwest corner of the interse'ctio:m. o"f 'EStreet "arid Evans Str~et. the 'grade shall be ~- ,1, , 2Q 1128;.'70;:' ,. , 27:F At 'the top of the curb line at the Northwest corner of the <, -, -', .' ~ -" ~.1 28 intersection ot E Street an'd E'vans Street. the grade shall be .( I 29 1129.00,; 30 At the top of the curb 11ne at the Southeast corner of the " 31, intersection or' E ~treet and Sixteenth Street, the grade shall be 32 1134'.00; ~. -2- .. ...~---~.... ..' ,> 7 8 9 10 11 12 is 14 15 16 It 18 i9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 92 ...1 . " h.' 1 , At the top of the curb .'line at the Southwest corner of the il1tei-8e~tion' of E,Str~~t and Sixteenth street, the grade' shall be 1153~5&; Atthe'top of tne cl1rb.line at the Northwest corner of the "lrt~ei'lieot18n('ct}l~El.'Stre~t"a.hd('4l!:Jtt~ei1th;atreet, tliefgratie Shall be 1134.;'10; Atthe top'c' of the c~urb line at the ,Northeast corner of the irt-t-ersectionof E Sti'eet and "Sixt~Emth strElet, the grade 'shall "'be 1fs4'~.O; At the to~ Of the c::urb 1in'e ;e.t the southea.'st coi-nei- of the 2 3 4 ~ 6 ~ . . . ihter's'ection:of E Stre~t a,ndS~v~h'te~nth5tr~!et t the grade shall . be' 1139.60; At the t6pOf the cUrb 1ineat tht SOdthwest '(i'orner of the 1i1tereeot'ibti or E Str~et and Seventeenth s'tt-eet, the gre,'de' shall be 113'7.60; :At tb'~t~p 8r '~~~ hUfb iit;. at th~ Noi-th-w~l;t c61-h'er 'Of the 'intersection ofE";Stre~t al1d Se\r~nt~~nth Sti-~et, the grllde shEll1 . 'be ~ 1138.20 ; At the top of the curb line a.t thi Northea~t corrier of the intersection of E6treet'~fid Se::V~nteerlthS:treet,the grade shall be 1139.60; At the to~ of the curb 1ih~ atthe 60utheast corneX' of the lnt(>reection OfE Streets:nd Efgl1tE'Elnt'h streett thE' grade'!hal1 ., b.'1146.50; ...., '.. "..' .... ..lin,.. .,.' ' " ....'. .. ,;' At the top or .the.' oUrb/at the Northeast c'orner of the fntei-6~btiort of E'Street arid :tfghteehth'Str~et; the'grad~sha11 . 'be' ii4~. 10; At the top of the curb : line' atthe'S6dtl1wE'ist corner of the \",'t ;'_ ,".: "':, -',', ,:-,. ..1, :, <'_ ':: . fntereec'tion of'E street and' 'Nineteenth ;Street, the grade aha11 be 1149.90; At the top of the curb line at the Northwefsfcorner of the intersection of E Street ana/'Nineteenth Street, the grade shall ..be 1150.30; -3.... ,; .~--~._-- 18 19 20, 21 22 23 24' 25 16 27 28 29 30, 3'1' 32 "~'~---~'----"'----______--.-...o.. 2 3 4 5: 6 7 8 9 be 11ST..80'; , At the top of 'the' curb line at the NOJ'th-eaetcorner of the inters'ection of" 'E 'Street and Twerity:Jlf'lretStreet. ," thEf grade shall be 116G;ZO; At the top ot't;he c'tlrb l'ine at 'the Southw.st corher of the iritersections ofE8treet and Twenty-firet'Street,the'"ltra.de 'shall 10 11 12 13, 14 15 16. bellSl. 7; ,.' . 17 At the top of the curb line at the Southeast corner of the intersection of E Stref'>t and 1I1ghlatlQ.,.i\Y~nv,~,th~gr~<1~sllall,be 1166.4; At th~ ,top of the curb line at the Southwest corner of the inter.ection of E Stref'>t and Highland Avenue, the grade shall be 1166.8; At all points at right angles with the curb line the grade at the property line shall be three and one-half (3t) inches high.er~ll~'lh~ grad~ a~ the curb lint~. : \~~I;. "~ f. ":, .j' At ~e curb linE! tlle grade of the gutt~r line shall be at all points ten lI0.) lnchee below the top of the curb. At all points the grade of the cent~r line of the street shall be three-tenths (:37iO) of.a foot abov~ a mean between the top of the curbs taken at right angles. -4- - __'~'_" .>~~._._._.__.... k_ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 r !".,~ ~ r"<. ,"'~' ;:, \.-'r ~:< I, C :~, ~~;~~" f;t -". .a. .~r* II....................... f.... .. .f' The grade of the street between described pOints.hall be 2 a straight line. 3 ~ All elevations r~f~r to the top of eurb^are in feet and above a plane which is 1045.28 feet below the City Bench mark as 4 5 established by ~rdinance No. i83 of the C1.ty Qf San Bernardino. The Evening Index is hereby designated as the daily news- paper. published and circulated in the city of San Bernardino in which this ordinance shall be published. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordin- ance and shall cause the same to be published in the said Evening. Index by insertions thereof inlthre. consecutive issues of the said Evening Index. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at its meElting held on the~day of ~ 1914, by the following 17 6 votes, to-wit: Ayes: Noes: ~ City Clerk Approved this..Lday of ~ . r.. t/ 1914. Kayar of the City of San Bernardino~ . 3 &1 1"-'... 'C"\l ("'_ \?1I",.t " " <"'~)' ~l~~ 7' I · .~ MAY 25 1914 \..J .~a~ J__ . . .ucrj "'.I -5- ,; -,--_...., ..--'-.-....~_._~~