HomeMy WebLinkAbout574 s\~ l \ \ \ t I \ .. '. .. .. \ , \ , ......' l ';1 [) / 13/1/ 1 / 2 ORDIN~lCE NO.~ AliORDINANOEv>ESTABLI$HING THE GRADE 'OF:SIXD, smu':r:l!"'Rt;I TNlll ' EASTLINB O]1iBSTRElI'l' TO TJ:lJLEAST LINE OF ARROWHEAD AVENUE. 3 4 ! * *, * *, *:. * 5.. ) Lc'm1.4t:ltaJoJ'\.t:and Common Council of theeCi ty of San bernardino do ordain as follows: ' 6, 7: ,-'rhe ;grade ,:,of' fS ix:thStreet from the East line ofB S:treet to ,the East ~ineG't :.rowhE'ad ':A1fenue 'is herebyeetablf'ehed as follows ;' 8: 9 10,'At th&top of the<,oUrb 1'1n& .'at,',theSoutneast earrier ar'the intersection of 11 '/Sixth Street 'and BStreet, thegrQd~sl18:11 be 1052.6, ae noW 12, stablishetl;. ~':~. ' 13 as. now esta.blished; At the;t'dpo'fthe curb l'ineat1ihe: Northwest 'c'ornerof, ;the , Atdth$ topof'the'curb 1in:. at the. ':Southtlestddrner of:'th<<tl 14 intersec tion'of Sixth stree't'and B 8tr'eet,the'g:radei "'Shall 'be ' 15 16;, 17inter8~otion of' S.ixth Street ,and B 'Street ,thegrade shall,be IS 105.3.,3, as now establisliel!iL.., 19; At ,tt~,€'t,opof.. the curb line at the Northeast corner of the 20 inter6ection,o!S~xth,Str~ee't~d ,B~trtl,.~t, the grad~.,.~bAll:be 2.1. 1053.0, all now estaa~ished.i 22' At the top of the curb line ,at tl;l.e..SoutheaElt. corner..Df the 23 intersection of Sixth Street and Arrowhead Avenue, the grade shall 24: be 1055.2, ,as D9Jli eetf3.,bl~sl1e9.i 25' At the top of the curb line at the, No:rtheast, corner of lilie 26 ;intersection of Sixth Street and Ar1"'o"h~a.d'A';fjnijiJ,<t;liegra:de'ilial1 .r." . ~ 27, be 1055.6, as nowestall1.ished; \. .. " At ".Eil1 PGibt:,. lI.,t,',riii,1,~ angles with the curb 11~e the grade ',' , ' " 3// 29 at the pr.ol>erty ).irie e,hpJ.l ~., three and one-half (3t) inch~s higher 28 3():than the grade at the curb line. 31 At the' curb lirie tn-egrade of the gutter line shall be at 3~: all points ten (D) inches below the top of the curb. I I " ~ .30 _.......'~--','-- ~~ r, - ':"'.. \ . \".:t..oo ",t,;;;~-,..J~ ' .J .oj)' .>'~>><' , "- 2 At all points the grade of the center line of the street "'2~/ shall be three-tenths of a foot above a mean between the top of the curbs taken at right angles. The grade of the street between described points shall be a straight line. All elevations refer to the top of curb are in feet and above a plane which is 1045.28 feet below the City Bench mark as established by Ordinance No. 385 of the City of San Bernardino. The Evening Index is hereby d.~ignated as the daily news- paper published and circulated in the City of San Bernardino in which this mrdi.nance shall be published. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordin- ance and shall cause the same to be published in the said Evening Index by insertions thereof in three consecutive issues of the 13 14 15 said Evening Index. 16 I hereb~ certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the Mayor and Corr~on Council of the City of San Bernardino at its meeting held on the ~day of ~ 1914, by the follow- ing votes, to-wit:. . 0'--/1 A." . Ayes:;t!~/~~~ ~, 17 18 19 20 21 Noes:. ~. ---~~- 22, 23 City Clerk. 24 Approved this~day of ~ (I . 1914. 25 26 Mayor of the City of San Bernardino. ~~~ 27 'fJU&~rm JS JUN 1 1914 ~ cg- a ~~~ OitlJ En.Jinur 28 29 31 32 -?- .