HomeMy WebLinkAbout576 ..".- .., " \ 'V .. '* 'I I '\ "' ,,'ORDINANCE fio..s;7t. 2 AI' ORDII'A'NdB KS'l':AM.ISHIlfG': TRE"GftADE OJ' :rDm~8'l'RD'l' FRO. 3 11m YES' l.t'iIR OF D STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF E STREET. 4 f.".,. .. ... -,. 6 5 c. ;,,~'.""yor' ..u1 Common Council of the City of San :Bernardino do 01"da1nl. .&11 . f'o,llont ". ,'~ T !he Irat1.o~:rri:rt.eD,t,h street froJilthe\ W.,st', 11 ne' or If alt-.e., 8 to ~.,Kaet11n.' oft ,B:~ Str.et!:,1. blei'e'by..'tabl i.ehedas fol']'~"r 9 ), At the top of the curb lin., at the Southwest corner of the t() fi1:tel"..ot.1oJl:,ot J1tteenth Street -and 1)<S-'treet.' "the grade' tJh8.1l 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 21 ;. "112'.9, 'as llo..,.ta:bli8h.\1; ,".L. :. At the top or: the curb lin. at', 1\1'1.: J!orthw.at oorner of the inte,t"Mo,tlon .r'-':r~t'..nthStr.et and D' Stre."_ the g!oaae'.hall M'lll8. 2':.... new, ..tabli8h'ed. . , At the top otf th'eour'b lin. at the l'ort11e'.ist'cornero:t" the lnteteeot16ni .tJ'lr~nth Street and Willow Avenu.. the grade shall '.112'7.'1} At the'top .r tll'e curb line at the Nor,tn.eat oottner of the 1nte"leotloD.t, :fitt.enth' stJ,"e.t ancL<'Wl11o:W.,Av.enu'. the grade 8hall" be' 112'.66;, .,' A.titbt,...ttP:9t,,~Ae,J"'\W\). ;1;~~!, .~~.' .t.~'.~Q".t~..~.t COl".n~:t.of the inter..e~~,Ol\ of..,~;rt(Jel\1;h_~.~1"ee~ "%14 ,E,.$.~~'.f~.., .tA~" &1"44.' shall be 1126.9. 22 23 24 25 A:*r :tht'. topJi..r,.:tAe; .urb.,lin,ft&t.th- lor theas t corner of the 26 intersection of Fitteenth Strtu,t $,lid E Street" the grade shall 27 2g 29 gd ~.: . be 1127.-2; . ., .' ";... . ,.. ;;'. , ".:;j; At all points at; ,~ight angles .i.th ~he. olU"b 11n~ :the Bra~' .. "';';: ~ (> ~ t. .,,~.~'i: .'~ at the ~operti 'line shall be one and a half (1*) inches higher than th.,grl!t.d...ai,\beQl1rb line. ~~ ~. 31 At the ourb line the grade of the gutter line shall be at 32 all points six (6) inohes below the top or the curb. I I I "., 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 {6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ,~. !....--; ~.~.~.;..,,,._,.. ~.... ~. ...... ---...... -.- ~ ~- - - ~ - - - At all points the grade of the cent~r line of the street shall be level with a mean between the top of curbs taken at right angles. The grade ot the street between desicribed points shall be a straight line. All elevations ret~r to the top of curb are in teet and above a plane whioh i8 1045.28 teet below the City Benoh X.,k as e.tablished by Ordinanoe No. 38~~"ot the City ot San Bernard. ino. The Evening Ind.x is hereby designated as the daily new.~ paper published and oirculated in the City of San Bernardino in which this Ordinanoe shall bepub1i.hed. The City Clerk shall oertify to the passage ot this Ordin- ance and shall cause the same to be published in the 8aid Even- ing Index by ineertions thereof in thr~e oonsecutive iBBue. ot the .ald Evening Index~ I hereby certity that the foregoing Ordinanoe was adopted by the Mayor and Common Council ot the City of Sa.n Bernardi~o at lta meeting held on" theLday of ~ 1914, by the t/ following Tote., to-wit: Ayea:tt1~~~~~/ ~~~, Noest ~- ~~ City Clerk. Approved thie..Lday Of~l ~ _1914. 4 A4:b~/2@~ r... (;.. ';--~J ""o,a'"'--. ITt~~; ;.~ l_~ '..~~ "'} f'") f." Mayor of the .. L \, Ci ty of San :Bernardino" t1l..-o /-""' JUN 1 1914 -- ~~. , _~_.a ... . /'ti/~ ... .,.,i,,-",. -2- I I I