HomeMy WebLinkAbout577 ~ ~ , . * * AN ORDIN4NCE Olill;l..lilCE. ,;10. :,~11 GRANTING.: PER1q~SION fO P4CIFIC ;'" COllPA:Nt. TO CONSTRUe'!,'., ~ S+liGHt RAILROAD TRACK CU~VE IN THIRD STRlITET nST. OF, nB~ SmQT.:,.... . '.' .'.' -,_J, "'0' .:,-' '," "'. ELECTRIC RAILWAY .,: 1. The' U~y6r": and coxmh'on~counel'i;' of" the City'if'<Ss.'ll ]le:rnardino do <rr~~i'n~ a~ ;?cii'io;~s: ',~" S~ction ~~':.', That the rI1.~htc, ~nd pr:iv~le~e is hereby gra~ed to ~ ." the Ps,cific,Ele.ctric&1.l;.,ayC9mp~n'y, its successors or assigns, to . ..., '.', ,.I, \',',',' -_" <i ',.' '-:~, ~ f;~'f ~; .,'; '..',4; .:" C()nst,~t .andma1~tai.n.,~ "s,~.,ngl~ i~r~ck railrpld nrv.e in Third StrE . ," " '. .. " 1, .. .'" ..~. _,' "," eet west ot It E" Street, apd.t.ooperate ~e same ~ith electricity in . ' . ".. - ( '.:'" ", I ,', sai(1, City pver the r01.ltedescribed as ,follows: \ .. ',',' ','".c "'~;,>' "~!1~""-';.L ~.,' qpJmII.encif?g ,~:~ ~" pQint in T~ir~ ,~t,r;~t, distant wes~;erIY th~ee h~ndx:,ed:s:~v~Ilty (370) feet, more or less, from the center line of liE" street; thence westerly and southwesterly along a curve con.ave southeasterly and having' a rad-fus of ninety . (-90) feet,'toQ' po:i.nt in the south lineoftJald'rlhrd 'street. Pr6vided,'ho*ever, tha.t saidraf'lroad shall be' 66'nstrictedand at 'all times maint:iiried ih a~cordan6e with and subj ect to,"lllland \" wise. And pro;i'a~d,ftirt.tei-, that said ra11road,,"com~nY~8ha'il within: t'en days affei the"publication of this Ordinance;:," tile with the' C:ommon Goimc'llb! the' ca ty' of Sl:l.f1: Bernartlino a written; acceptance " ofdthis Ordinance and an agreement to conform to and abide by all the ,';"/1..'" provi si on 8 'of,thi's"Ordlna1"1.ee..-, " I' Sf:l.~,t1on :-2-,~at all work done in constructing said railroad ", '.' .,.' ,.., ~ , ' , . . . ,. ~ . .'".....,.........,".........,.....,....',h".',..,.,.,".;......""',0"'.'.< crossing and maintaining same shall be done in a,workman like m~~ner and to the sati'sfaction of the' Common ,Gou:nai~. and; Superintendent of ~.~~e~'t:.sc pf s,.~tQ. qit,y o,~ Sa.n:aepn~rdinoJ and in ace~'na 't:.llis, grant said railroad company agrees to keep such railroad cro8s~ng in complete '" .r.._,( .~ "'-"1"'" -. n. ~, ."--;_.:' f \"! ~r-,'''''. ,. ....." '1 \." ~...! 11:1, ~:, ',' T Lr~:,) ~':i!.L \,'~; ~ l,f<'f ~ C\';,::' ;B C' r :::. T :~?~.:; '; I . ~.' ~;- (~ 17 ,~: C F:f1T. .\. I \\ --' - ~ ,'..... . -"\ ", " ? \ ' '--.\,.-\ , repa1r and to the grade of Third Street and 00 ao not to interf'" with traffio Over same on said Third Street, Seotion -3- That said Paoifio Eleotric Railway Company, by aocepting this grant, ag~ees to pay to the City of San Bernardino, - all costs Ocoasioned to the City of San ~ernardino by the adoption and PUblioation of this rnrdinance~ so that the same may oonform to the requirements of law. Section_4_ That the failure of said grantee, the Pacific Eleotric Railway Company, its successors and assigns, to oonform. to and oomply with the proviSions and conditions hereby imposed by the tenns of this ordinanoe within thirty (30) days after notice served upon said Company by said City of San Bernardino, shall be deemed sufficient oause for said City of San ~ernardino , to revoke this Ordinance. Section -;- The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of thio Ordinance and oaall cauoe the aame to be PUbliahed t~ree consecutive days in the E~ening Index, a daily newwpaper ~f general cirCUlation, published and circulated in said City, and 30 days thereafter the same shall take effect and be in force. I hereby certify that the foregoing at a regular meeting held on the -:J.:z day Of - ~~or and Common Council of the City of San ative vote of at least two-thirds of all the members of said board duly adopted 1914, of the by the affi rm.- to-wit: A. r Aye a : 0--.--/ " A>-v< L I Noes:~, ~ Ab sent: .to I+~ D-v-. / ~n.u~~~v d~ ~.J~ -~ ...., Attest s~~~ C Clerk .~ ()'&A~ ~~~(l APproved~ z.J-/~/fJt' CP. aL~ /~Yor.