HomeMy WebLinkAbout579 (2) "VI S .. .p ORDINANcE. NO." .s;71!. AN.ORDIJ~ANCE GRANT+NG 6'~~SSIONT9 :rACIFIC ELEQ~RIC llAIL\V.AY COMPANY. TO CQNS'fRCUT A SJ;NGLE. O~ IOU~LJ MIJ..~.. l'JlAC;K CURVE " " ,,', ~ '"i..', ' .. ".' - .' ' ".- "I...... .".' , - ....... .. .... .. , ~.. j, . ~N, l\I4LTQ.A ~NUE NEAR "F" STRE'F.T. ll4a . c is. J:S '..L 'rl1:", :to~;,a~4') ~JII!l9R-tqo~c~~); ~fvF9:~'i.. q; tYt.Af"'.l.E-::.r ~J;"n~f4~~9 do or9.ai%), .i\.~n'~ lt9WSi;-;,~ c,i " Gection-l- Tl:ui,'t ;ll~ right a~~ pri.1iJ..~6!;~ i,s he~ePl 8fan~~d to the Pacific .,Electl'ic: Railway C9mpa~y.. its...sl.lcces,sor~()r ass~~ns~ ~o C~l1f1;t.~l.1ft and ,:q1~intain a 8ingleo~ d~\f"ble.,~,:rark ~a~~e.o.a4 aurv e 'in,.JU,al,~o",6.venue near "F" ~tr~etJ,~nd. to. pperate.~he same ,with ";_ .'" ".' ',' "~dO' ...o. <._4" ,,--,,' _\.. . ." .. ',.. 'j , -..' ", ,'",': , \ '", '.~ ',' ",' '.,.' " electricity in said City over the route described as follows: Comm~ncing at a point inRa~lto Avenue, dfsta.ntwest'~rl~6rte '"hundred fifty (150) feet. rnor~ or less, frorn th'e ea.st l:Lne"o;f'"F" > . .. :'_, _ '", ,,' ' ,,~ ,ft _ ' _~' ,:: .", "".; Street; thence easterly and northeasterly along a l,q 00 t rid1w8.y curve concave northwesteriyt'o apo:int in the nbrth' line of' said Rialto Avenue. Provided. ho'wever~ that said railroad shall be c6nst.-cted .>t i.' ,",:, '~",' ' _}; ,:' "",:,.; ,." '. t'-~ ./ ,.i ,r,: , " _".' ,:, ..-," ~" ':., ;' fl" " ,;"~- f' and at all times maintained in a;(fCO'3:"dance wi t1'1 "lurd eubj ect. "0' all and .ery of the terms' and conditions of this' franchise, and not '. ,,', otherwise. .'~{~ And providedl further, that said railroad company shall within ten days'af'terlthe"pUbliOa:t10n of this ordinan'ce J ftl'e' . with the Common Coun~11'of th'e"Oity of'San'Berns:rd:ino a written acceptance' ofth'1s CD'1"dinartC-e and att"'agreement""to "conform to and ab4lde by all the prov,i&.~cns of thi s 0 rdin~ce. ",' ' ' ",,", 'f' """"",~'L; ._".,'_:. ~ ~-' ;Sectiqn-2- Tha,t' all werk "in constrUo~ing saio. railroad . crossing and maint~ni~g8~eshall be done in a w.r~n.11ke manner and to the;' s;Qi,8ra:~ftioh' of theC6jtlmon Council and ~ ~. \ Superintendent of Streets of said City of San Bernardino, and in accpeting this grant sai.d railroad company agrees to keep such railroad crossing in complete repair and to the grade of Rialto .venue and so as not to interfere with traffic over same on said Ria11 /- J Avenue. ~" I 1 --.,.. 1 r;-" .. "~.' c" '. ".,..,,'e";"'_"'<'~;4 ." r')\~'" " I, ~,,\.-\, ...--"""'.--------- ;...... Section -3- That said Pacific Electric Railway Com~any) by accepting this grant , agrees to pay to the City of San Bernardino, all costs occasioned to the City of San Bernardino by the ado~tion and publicat- ion" of thi s ordinance, so that the same may conform to the require- ment s of law. Section-4- That the failure of said grantee, the Pacific Electric Railway Company, its successors and assigns, to conform to and comply with the provisions and conditions hereby imposed by the terms of' thi s Ordinanc e wi thin thi rty (30) days aftc'notice served updm said ~ompany by said City of San'1?ernardino, shall be deemed suff ,- icient cause for said City of San Bernardino to revoke this ordinance. ~ection -f- The City Clerk sgall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be published three consecutive days in the Evening Index, a daitly newspapJ!r of general circulation published and circulated in said City,and 30 days thereafter the same shall take effect and be in force. I hereby certify that the foregoing at a re-gular meeting held on the ~7- day of Mayor and Common Council of the City ~ Ban B duly adopted "- 1914, of the the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of all the members of said Ayes: J~~<f~ · ~ , ._,~ ~~)O~ board to-wit: Noes: . Absent: 3~ ~ Attest: S,,~~ ~y Clerk ~ / \j>'\~I:t~~~r ~J; ~, Approved: .~ ./--::J--/Cj' I~ () ~ fCJe;c./( / "ayor. 2- '~ 'f'oI'-