HomeMy WebLinkAbout581 1 (!, ~ i" 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 .20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ;;;,~, 29 30 31 32 .. r \ . I l . j i , ORDUl Alf.U'lIG. S"'J> ( ANORDI1IANClI lilT ABIj 18BIlIG!RI. ,GlI.... Qil"A\LI TBQ~ l'lO. 'l'BE >>ORm LID ,OJ' ~ 1n1D8TRa'.f ')'Q ':'l'Q ~OU'TB. LID o:rTHIR'1'Dll!Jl STRUT, CIn OF SAll BERNARDINO. .,. .Jh* J.t ~i.:.. ;,?:" .-f "'--Y.".' r."~......,...t'aJtcl'"iCO"1'J~ft_.'1-~'f,."'{~.''''t.,.,a,,, ~.,,4lP do or<<aln a.,to11...:.. That the Irad...t:1fall Stre.t troDl''t1le...r'\)1 11~.rotf.~~ it Lint St...tto th....tll 11...t'Thla-t..ntll St...~ 1.- ,her.-'y, "S'I, e.t.Ull.ti.ll ... tOUO..:&7 .;ft \, Att the to",; ot \Mt? O\U'D l1ne at the northea.t corner ot 'the inters...t1.rr' ot Wa111'tr.." and. JiMe X.~:i, ~.trt."t.)l.,; &~a4,.~1 be 10.1.4_ .as' n." ..'a:el1atb.e4. At th. tOll ot the; cut'''b', ~~'.J1. ~t'th. DQ.J"1.hwe.t'I-'9'P. ot:the -'.."''f.._-',.,,,,.-,''',', ..,,' ..._...-....,..,.,. ,',.. "1 iD~\e,r..~t4.0I'l. .':. flal,l 8:tJ'..t and :Ba.. 'L$.ne Street. the grad.e .hall be 1091.8,'\'.a. now ..t"bli....d. . ',""\. ~;"",,- :_',.1:.:;t.;.,.,~"",-".",. -, ":"'".";.'~'~,,. :,j .:, ..';....'i '-~ '.~..,.!,..',:. ,,,,-':,,,~.". At the :t~p ~f. j:,~e~!rl>."Jine at .,~!, southeast corner ot the interseotion of Wall Street and~,~!"t..~~ street, the Irad. shall be 1100~ 2. A'tthe tot;'~. tbec~;!~t~;'},:\~. south".at corner of the interseotion ot Wall street and. Thl,,'..nth Str..t, the g;,ad.e ahall be 1100.6. At all points at right anglea wi th curb line. the grade at the property line shall be two and one-halt inch.. higher tha-'" the grade at the curb 11ne. At the clU"b line the gr4de ,1' the &utWr 11ne shall 'b. at all p01n.ts n1nfli1chea~i~wth.,to~~t ~e curb line. At all POi~~.' th.~ade o.t the, ,.,ep'~l~.+lne of the str.et shall be one-tenth ot a toot abo....e a ..an b4rtween the top ot the curba taken at right angle,. T.he grade of the .treets betw..n de,cribed point' shall b. a straight lin.. "-, , I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 I 23 I 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . I') ';. \ --.....__ <:.:'0''1." -..........-.~.--'-"-'--'--~."- -~-'""-_...._.._-_.--.....-._, ...""'"-.....-..=--~- All elevations reter to the top of the curb are in t.et and are above a ,lane Whioh 1. 1141.28 te.t below the 01 ty Benoh ma1'k ae ..tab118hed by Or41n&11(,,8 No. 181 ot the C1 ty ot San Bernard1no. The Evening Index 1s hereby 4e.ianate4 a8 the dally n....... P&pC'pub11.hed &net crl:otdated' 111 the C1t7 et San :Bernardino in whioh thi. ordinanoe ..hall be pUblished. The City Clerk shall oertify to t..he paslage ot thi. ordin- ance and shall cau.e \he sa:me to be pub11shed in the sald Ev..- ine Ind..x: by lns.rt10n. ;.D..reol in thr.e cons.outtv. 1.sue. of the 8aid Evening Index. I hereby oert1fy that the toresolng ordlnanoe was adopted ..'\. by the Mayor and. Common Counol1If' "'ff~!~ at 1 ts meetins held on the.2.LdaY 0 tollowlng Tote .41'e.; San l3ernarcllno 1914, b7 the Boe.: . Q~ ~~/~A~' City Clerk Approyed thle.tL.tl.ay O~lU.. ~~ ~,' /c 41' of the City of San Bernardino. rO\f f~~ ('1 I.) OJ.! ~ HI [11111 " r J J! U JUL 13 1914 ,~' ~a~~ -2- '-'-', , ~. '\