HomeMy WebLinkAbout582 << 1 ~,,' " 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2~ 23 24 25 26 27 28 , , 29 30 31 32 '- * "Od:I1ri1flm":lto. sr2.J ' if oRi>mliJd:tl :BS1l:sLISHnb' !HE lDtA1m'W;'yrr:t:Iss!uft' ' mb.''itncwOlt!J{LIO' 'O)'1hc:LLvnYl~.auaTO!R1r' sHtJs' ':ita OF BIA'rO AVDUB, III TJm CITY OJ' SAli BmRNARDIJlO. 1'.b."" 'iAa;~or "'~4 o.~~':'boW1~il" of" ..1c,t\)- ;6? 'San '.jJJl...llii' dct'bi-4aih: ~~:. i6'11o.k; ;;;i:n..l2" '~h. ;..:';" ,;,u' ;'~ :' :f\.: That'th.'/gr~d~ ~r Wi1il.' atre." 'ri-o!ft tlienorth 11ne ot Belly1.. .A.....hu. to the' '.ou\h1.'!d. ot 11181 te Avenue 1. hereby ..tabliahed' a~ i'o110ft: At the top otthe o~\':11..' at.(tti~ii.r~.ael ~'~i~n.r';o't t1i.' ,: " , ' .." ,.:_", ,,",' 'r:,"<~ t! interaeotion of wl111.r'Str..t and. >>.11.,.1... Av.nue the pa4. ,'k " _,' " ",-'_ :".\ .,\ .hall lite 101'.", uDo..stabli.l1.I."" .,_,'_:.,' ..' -( '_;" ,:,''; ...;. ;",'.~'-~-~.",' .. ';,:' ,'.' , ,"t.'" .<'-,~, f'>,'_. ,~:',"', ;'.' ,':;-1';!"'i '::~'("r<",,;,->\',,'~~A; 'At thet" of\heci\!ii\) Ilni..t'\h."'nortJdr..t' cfornef'of""\h..' lntersectio'Jlot .lli:l~' 'Str..t,.,ari4 ..i~l_",:~,ui~he\':,r'act. ", '", ,', shall". 10.'.a....'ao....t.blleh.d. , . , , , .'" ' A. 'ib..;..pof'..:ourll.!:bt..... ""!Ie'" ~~ corneret .the In~.rs.ct.1on...t.Wi>>t.".t.P..".aft4 ilia"- ......nu,. the grad. sJJ&11 '" 106'.1. ""~,,,,""'/"" At the top of the ourb 11ne at 'the 80U'thW..t corner ot the Int.r.ec't:1oft....".l11t. 1,$'tW~ .Jid'It'i&l to ATenu., the Brad. shall be 10e8.~5. .""," ',._':~. :.;-J~?':;,~:,5 At all p.int. .':'r'gh'~-"';.1PH. the curb liD. the arad.. at the property Itne shall be .. ~Qn..~t lnqhe. hip-I' *'" than the grad. at 'the curb 11'1e.. At the OlU"b 11,,~ the gra.deot the gutter line shall be at all ~iltt..l_' ~...belO" the top of the ourb. . ~i ' . . , , " ." "i. x~ ) , At'~l point. ~. gr'" of the center line ot the str.et '" , i " ' ~ :",: C'__ shall be a mean be_.en t,l1e top of the cUJ'bs taken at right angles.,,, 'lbe grade ot the street b.t....n desoribed points shall be a etraight line. ,. , " 0." '....... f , , \ \ I t I J ~ li; i~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . ,-,"~Ei~' "",," '--,.1:'>...) \ ........._, lIT'1 II .."'"..........,._.... All elevations reter to the top of curb are in teet and above a plane whioh is 1041.28 teet below the City Benck mark ae established by Ordinanoe Bo. a8~ of the City of San Bernard- ino. !he BY.aing Index 1s hereby d..isnated as the daily n...- paper publiahed and 01rQw.la.ted in iihe 01 t7 otSan :Bernardino in whioh this ordinance eall be pu'blillhe4. The City Clerk shall oert1ty to the pas.age ot this ordin- ance and 8hall oause the lame to '" published in the sa1d. B.ening Index by In.ertlons thereof ln three con.ecutive i.lue. of the 8aid BYenlng Index. I hereby oertlty that the toregolng Ord.inanoe .a8 adopted by the )layor and COllUAOn Council ot the 01 ty ot S&n Bernardi'. at its m..tins held on the ALlday of >~ 1914, b1the rOl:::~ v~::t:t~ ~ Buel 'yz~ City Clerk Approved tht~day ~U14' ~. 0~J( Ka1t{"ot the ' City ot San ~.rnardino. ~ ll&~ 1m 1S JUL 13 1914 .~ ~/-a~ _ : ~ ()ity E",ttr~ -2- .; ~,....L--': , ~ \