HomeMy WebLinkAbout583 " .. ~::'~ 15 ~j~ r.n.~o , ~. o~ 16 f4 >< 0:: _~:e ... ~ .. iO; ~ E 17 ~<~ -< 0:: ~ ~ 18 " I " . f. " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ORDINANCE NO. Sg 3 . , , AN ORDINANCE; F!XING THli: :NECES3ARY A!,!OtJn OF I,rONEY, TO BE RAISED, BY TUAT.ION O;W,~ T.AX.ABLE PROPERTY OF THE CITY OF SAN m.;. 11ARDINO, AS A REVENUE TO CARRY ON THE " ,. VARIOUS DEPARTlmNTS l OF THE MUNICIPAL GOV- ERNMENT OF SAID CITY, Fpa TIrE, C~T ~j AND TO PA.Y TIm. PRINCIPAL A1r.r)"!NT~BT DUE ,NID COl!IJG DUE ~ON;~,,~O:N1)ED INDEBTEDNESS , OF SAID'CITY. --- The Kayor and CO~aon Council of the City of San Bernardino do ordain all tallows: seetion 1. 1'he 8.nibunt 01' money necessary to'be raised by taXation upon 'the 'taxable property within the corporate limits pt the city af San Bernardino as a revenue to oarry on the var- ',' 10'u8dep',lrtDien't$ or suoh mtiriicipa.L corporation I~r the current rfscal year, not to szeeedthe limit fixed bylaw, and'to pay the'bondedindebtednees, or other lIldebtedrie~s ofsuoh municipal ~orporation or city, iehereby determin}ed. and 'fixed as follows, to-wit: (a:) The amoUht o:r money neoessary to be ra1seci for the 19 20 Genera,l F\1nd is' hetebY1'1xed'at# . t ~: (b) Themnount OI' money necessary to be ra;t.seo. for the , """"~ .:" " 1(", , c, _ ,": ' ", .' , ' 21 street FUnd ieheit'e'by'''fi-xed at t56, 'ao.oO. 22 (0) Theamount'ofmoney necessary to be raised for the 23 Park Improvementlund Is he!'eby fixed att6,lOO'.'OO. 24 , 25 (d) Tbe amount of money neoes1!aryto be 'ra.1,ate,df.or,'th'e Library Fun4 is ;b.er~'PY' ff~ed at $7,700.00. (e) 26 The amount of money necessary to b.~ r~:~s~,~"for,the . ' .-J!'-'~_~~ 27 F _' " ':' Hubbard Water Bond Fund is hereby fixed. at t~" 935.00 28 (f) The amount of money neoessary to be raised for the 29 Antil Water Bond Fund is hereby fixed at '3,765.00. 30 (g) The amount of money necessary to be raised for the 31 I l~unicipal Improvement Bond Fund is hereby fixed at .7,195.00. I I 32 I Section 2. It is hereby found and declared that this is an , 1__ 1 v ~ z 's 15 - =:: 0 ;;.,<~ :;;~~ 16 ~ >. g :;r:::l .~ :::~] :.: E ~ 17 -<:'" ~ " e::: u~ 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 () r~~:' I ~~..~.. .,,:-.~ G ~,:. .....~...~.... ._~ "'0. '.: \ · .. (. ordinance tor the immed:Late preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and that this is an emergency measure, it being an ord:Lnance provideu by and adopted pursuant to Section 130 of the City Charter, and by an Act or the Legislature of the state of Calitorn:La, approved March 27th, 1895, and referred to :Ln said section by its title, by the provisions of which act this Ordinance must take ef:rect before the tirst Monday in Sep- tember, 1911. 1n order to levy any valid tax for municipal pur- poses and without which ordinance and tax there will be insuffi- cient revenues or funds on hand to defray the expenses of the Health Department or any other department of the City. Seetion 3. This Ordinance shall be published for three consecut1ve Clays in the Evening Index, and shall take effect immediately thereafter and the city Clerk shall certify to its passage by a two-thirds vote of the Common Council. I hereby certify that the whole .umber of members of the Common Council of the City of San Bernardino is five, and that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by ~he Common Council at its meeting held on the 3/11 day of August, 1914, by the fol- lwoing vote, to-wit: Ayes: ~_ LJ~/ .~~ Noes ~ · .. Absent., AI ~ ~.: oLoC --' . ~~ . ~~ 01 ty Oler:", APproved this~;I day of 29 I 30 I I 3111 3211 11__-