HomeMy WebLinkAbout586 1 2' I I r'" I 3 I V 1" I I I I ( 4 I :1 5: I I, 6 ! '7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 14 25 26 27 28 29 30, ,,<~_~~J" , ~',~ '31 32 * .. ORDIHAnCE NO.Stt .AN ORDINANCE ESTAJ3L.ISRING THE GRADE OF MAGNOLIAAVENt1.E . FROM THE WEST LINE OF ARROWHEAD AVENUE TO THE. EAST LINE OF GSTREET. ,*" * * * * The :M.ayor ,and Common Council of thec'i ty of San Bernardino. do, .rdain ,'a1.\' fo,l'lows;: '1'hatthe grade of Magnolia Avenue fronr the weet line of Arro.head Avenue to the.. east line of G Street.: is. hereby'eetab- liehed";as, foll'owe: At 'the top of the curb 1ineatthesouthwest corner of the, intersection of ArroWhead Avenu'e andMSignolia Avenue;, the g,radesha11 be 1124.85 ; as, now est.ab1ished. At the to'p.ofthe cUl'b line a.tthe northW'e'8t corne-rof the inter'sec:tion o:f Arr:~wheadAvenue;atld'1fagnolia Avenue.: ,the grade shall' be> 1125..46 ;':e;8 now established. At the top of the curb 'line at th$sou.thEfasteo'rnerof the', intersectiQD of Jla.gnelia Avenue and :DStrtlJ'et, th.,grad.e shallb'. 1125.26;' a.now, -establi:shed. At the t.o:pof the curb line at the southwest eorn-eTof the 1ntersectionofMagnoliaAvenue and D6t-reet,. tnegrade shall be 1125.06; as now established. shall be 1124.15, as now established. ", ~, ., ~--,----- ....---. .,. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 . 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 14 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ':! " ': 'n i ,; -r.:, .f- *'~. '- At the top of the curb line at the northwest corner of th, intersection of Magnolia Avenue and E Street, the grade shall be 1124.96, as ~ow ~st~blishe~. At the top of the cUlD line at the northwast corner of the intersection of Jlag1'lo~ia Avenu~ and E,Street, th"gra.de sha.1l be 1124.96, as now established. At the..top:.of: the curb l:l.ne a.t the sQutheastcorner of the int,rsection Q,t TvIagnOlia Avenue and . F: Street. the. g;rad,.. shall b.. 112l.9q ,a~ now. establish'd. '. At the top of the ,curb Itne at. tht.; southwest corner of the intersection of Magnolia. }\venue an4:F: Street, . the grade sha.ll be 1123. 9 as nowesta"olished. At the to.p. of the"c~:rb line at the northwest cornerof the intersection of Ma.gno1ia Avem,le. and F stree;~,.thegrad.. spall .oe1124.4 as now esta.blished.. At the top of. the curb line at the ,northeast pQrner of the intersection ofJlagnolia,Avenue and F Street, the grade shall l:>,:<11?4.4 ..as now establ,~she,d. At the top of the curb line at the southeast corner of the intersection of Magnolia Avenue and .G. Street,. the grade shall be 1125.0. At the top of .the cl1rod:!ine at the northeast cornerof the intersection of Magnolia Avenue and G Street, the grade J shall be 1125.6. At all points at right angles with the curb line the grade at the property line shall be <:e.wo"Qlnd1rbI'lB!<hliL:fl. ((:21) inches higher than the grade at the curb line. At the curbl. line the grade of the gutter line shall be at all points ten (10~t) inQh~liI be.1Qw the top of the curb. "~:;.,,,;-< At all points the grade of the centE'r line of the street shall be "'one..-t~nth:3 (:V'lO')' of a foot above a mean between the top of the curbs taken at right angles. .:, ., ~~~, '. -2- ~ .. -,"'''' , ._- ---...- - - -- -.". or ,...,. -, .. ., ~ . - ".- _. , ." - - . ~ . . " ";( f" " 0" Gr~':!'~ J ~~ .\:'6 ".V" " -r'rrG .~J D J~ +,1.': t..\ 0 ~ ,. G () 7~ 1T ?J :r,~ 0' .of , ~ ~IJ;'; floO t.- , l' " 10 11\ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 The grade of the street between described points shall be a straight line. All elevat1b.ons refer to the top of curb are in feet and above a plane which is 1045.28 feet below the City Bench Mark as established by Ordinance No.383 of the City of San Bernard- 2 3 4 5 6 ino. ~~~ The EHI~.lL..c::. luuc:.'!x is hE'reby designated as the daily n;ews- 7 8 paper published and circulated in the city of San Bernardino in which this ordinance shall be published. 9 The City Clerk shall certify tm the passage of this ordin- ~ ~l~he same to be published in the said ~~n- 1&8 IRaa~ by- insertions thereof in three consecutive issues ~~~ of the said ~eRj~g IRa.X_ I hereby certify that the foregoing ordiaance was adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the Ci ty'Lof San Bernardino at i te meeting held on the)--dday of 7ttn/, 1914. by the fOllowing votes. to-wit: Ayes:~~~LJ~,~/ ~, l' Noes: ~ ' ~~ 21 City Clerk. 22 Approvea this~day of~, 1914. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Ma,or of the City of San Bernardino. h it-;;:J D ~~j r~~~' ::: . ~~ ." f'" .......,s;; J' I. . 'j ~. OCT 19 1914 .1 (7-- ~ ~-r-~!I(tj!tJ~ . to' -3-