HomeMy WebLinkAbout587 ..... "'. jl .. ! .. 5 ORDINANCE NO. &g 7 " / An Ordinnnce amending Ord~nce No. 418, en~luled "An Ordinance Requiring A Permit For And The Inspection Of All Electrical Work Or Wiring Done Or Performed Wi 'thin, The CiTiY Of' San Berna.rdino nd Providing Rules and Regula1iions To Be Followed By Persons, Firms or Corporations InstalJ.ing ,ConnecGing, Wiring 0 2 3 4 6 7 or 01iherwise Putting In Place ElectricalWires, Connectlons or Apparatus vVit'hin Said Cityi.. The Mayor and Common Council of the City or' San Hernardino 8 9 10 do ordain as follows: 11 Section One: Ordinanee 418 enTiiTiled ft An Ordinance Re- 12 quiring A Permi1; For And The Inspection Of All Electrical Work 13 Or Wiring Done Or Performed Wi thin The City Of San Bernardino And 9 14. Provlding Rules and RegulaTiions 'fa Be Followed By PeT.sons, Firms lil ~ ;~f 15 or Corporations InB~alliIg, Connecting, Wiring or Otherwise Putti = j g " ;:116 In Place Electrical Wires,Connections or Apparatus'Within Said Oit n ~i~ 17 passed and adopted the 12th day of July 19l2~ is hereby amended ~ "l ~ ~ III 18 by adding one section 1ihereto, to be known as Sectioni,XA and to ! 19 read as follows, to-wit: 20 Section XA. All sockets installed in cellars,basements 21 or in any room in which there is a water connection of any kind 22 shall be of a porcelain type approved 'by the Oi ty Electrician. 23 Concealed electric wiring in buildings within the fire 24 limits of the City Of San Bernardino as the said limits are 25 fixed by .gec. It 'o~k'erdi:nance No. .67 ,of said :City, shall be . 26 installed in rigid iron armored conduits, and such conduits mus~ 27 be of a type or style approved oy the City Electrician. 28 Unconcealed electric wiring for additional.l:ights in 29 buildings within the fire limits Oi 1ihe City of San ~ernardinot 30 as 'the same are fi.ed by Sec. 1, of Ordinance No. 467, shall 31 be installed in rigid iron armored cOndul1is;,"or tlri:tblell$tal 32 condui ts or metal moulding Oi such tJrpe or s,;yle approved by the ~~-----------~~~=--._~~~-----~~--~~- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9 14 li1 ~ is { 1~ t!l ~ i 16 ~ III ~ i ~ ~~~ 17 .. ~ ~ III ! 18 19 20 21 22 ,. ."._u."...._,__........-...-... "'~ City ,Electricia.. Outlets on knob and tube wiring may be extended, knob and tub style, and not o'therwise, and 1iO a dis1iance not 1iO exceed four feet. Cord drops s~ll not extend below six feet from floor, and shall;haq free from rosettes. KnG>ts shall Bot be tied in cords Wiring of pendant switches shall be of reinforced window cable, where such,wwitch is lm.obed on ceiling to clear shade of lamp, and such wiring must be sufficien'tly heavy to carry all ourrent used thereon. All joints in wiring shall be meohanically strong, soldere and taped. City Electrician may require all joints to be untape for his inspeotion. SectioD. Two, This Ordinanoe shall take effect and be inforced from and after thirty (30) days after its passage and approval. Seetio. !rhre.. The City Clerk shall oertify to the passage of the ordinanoe and oause the same to be PUblished for three (3) conseoutive days in 1ihe San Bernardino Dews. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinanoe was adopted by the Mayor and Common dillo at the meeting held on 1ihe Council ,i the City Of San Berna - 2~ daY.f~ Ayes~ ~/ j~/ 23 t 24 1914, by ~. following vote, to-wit. ~,~ ~Noes. ~ ' :: :t:ff'e~LH.- 27 28 29 30 31 32 The forgoing ordinance is hereby approved this ")- day of ~, 1914.