HomeMy WebLinkAbout588 .. * ORDI:rAHCE 1,;o.s if 1 ):L:T ORI)I=,\T~':JJClGESt~C.i'J::jJ.,ISI:IITG- (.!~J-ijJ (:fi.i\JJE o:.? ~":_L- ~_:.; ;"~_'T~I~l~ f1' 2 :8'TW:';1 TIm }TOE',rn LEL1 OT' TElLl,' s'rRb:Jc;'r TO "]1>; riUTIi IIlTE ,3 O:B' ,:,ALHu,r fYrm~E'r. 4 * * * * * * I) TheiKayor and Cornman Coune 11 of t1'1E' City of San b~r !J.rd- 6 inn do orrL:d n :"8 follovrs: 7 Thctt the gra,l(:' of Gr,:q)(' St:: "'f't from thE' north line of 8 lUll Str"'l?t to thl? south line of Walnut stre"'t is hf"rr.1JY 9 established as follovls: 10 At thE' top of th'" curb line F\:t tl1!" northp'Bt corn!?!' of 11 thF:' intA'''f'ir>('+j,on of Grape StreE't an'd IfillStr'''''t, thpE"radf'7 12 shnllbe ~065.P; 13 ..~t '!'.~'iO top 0: tTl'" curb l1n(' ~::d~ i:.1L(:' l1ot.thw'~st COl.'l1"'Y' of 14 tJlf> intF'T8"'cti.on of Grc1p"" Stl'('f't 8.n11 Hill StreE't, thE' grrvle 15 8J- ,,11 be 1066.0; 1.'6 At tJn' top of th'''curb line n.t tlv' Routh~ast coX'w'l'of 17 th~ intE'rsf'lction of Gra"9~ Strpf)'t and ChE'13nut8 J:'E'et, the 18 grc~de shall be 106().3; 19 J:it the top of thp curb Iin0 G.t the 80uthwC"st cOl'n0:'of 20 the intprsf'ction of S.ra-;)'"' fJtrE'et r.:'. ,'1 rl. CJj~.'snut ::tl''''et, the 21 grade B~all b~ 1066.7; 22 .At t1v\ top of tlH' curb line ;3_t thE' northwE'st COt'D0r of 23 the int~"r(i~"ction of (?ra:)E' StCE)f"t and. Chl-7'snut .:,j+,....'08t, the grade shall bf) lOee. 9 ; 14- :.5 At thl? tap 0:' t}1f:' curb line at thp northf'ast corner of 26 the ini;pr.section of GrapeStre<,>t and Chesnut Street, the grad/?' 27 shall be 1066.5; li~B At thfC' top of t1F' cu-rlJ linE"c,t t>p 8outl:"-'F,t C01'iF'"';" of the 2:9 int"'rsection of Grape ~)trpet and. OB1:: [';;x'c""t., t'''",c,s:'a,d0 s}lall ~o be 106'7.3; .:a~ At thf" "top of t}H' cur.tJ line at t}t,.." F,outhwest corn"'r of t}le J5;2 int "'rspcti on of C'Ta~)0 St.rppt anrl 08,1: 3t,rc'et, t119 D' 1'" ~~1 (":{ _":'I ,,,:,:.,.. ',.".' sh:1l1 DE' 1067.?; ~._. \; -n I 1 At t1v;;> top of th(~ (~1~~'~~ linf:'Lt ~,~lf:' 'lortllwClst CO!'l1'?1' of 2 the 1ntr.>reection of Grape St,::('A'C ,curl Oak ~YGl'r:'At, thf"> grade ,3 shall De 1067.9; 4- At the top of the ourb lin~ at t}lP. northea.at corn"'r of :1) the intersection of Grape Street, and 08.}:;: Strnet; the c;rade 6 F\hall be 1067.5; 7 At tbl'.' top of thf:" cur') line a.t the south0~~>et cornF~r of ,ES the in t~r6p.ct 1,,11 of GrapE' Street and poplar street ,the 9'vle 8>11:1.11 D~ 1063.4; 10 At the top of t}v" curD line a.t t}:€, 80ut}nreet corner of 1'J. the intli'rsp>ction of Grape StrF'et and poplar S+rE'et, the gl'ao,e 1.8 8J18-11 be 1068. B; 13 At the top of thi'" curb line at the nort.hw':'st. corner of the 1!l(. int0reection of D~ape street and l'opla.r Str,"pt, the [;cade shall, J..5 be 1069.0; 16 At the to.p of the curb line a~ the northeast co::.....ner of thE' 17 inters"'ction of Gra}JE' St.r0et and voplar Stref'lt, the grade shall 16 b~ 1068.6; 19 At the top of the curb line at t:lJe southe:3stcornf'r of the 20 intersection of Grave Str00t and I3irch str'?et, thE' grad~ shall .21 be 1069.2;' 22 At the top of thf' curb line at the southwest corner of :the 23 inter~ection of c GrapE' strk'let and :sirph StrAet, th~ grade shall :..... -l.)-.i ';J 14 be 1059. 5 ; 25 At the top of thi<> curb ~ine at the northwest corner of the 26 intersection of Gr.ape,Str0E\tf;lnd Dircc~ Str,e,et, t:l;le groade shall . .; 27 De 1069.?; 2B At thE' top of t110 curb line at thE' northe:3.st corner of the int."rpE'ction or Grape Stref;1t a.nd Birch $tri.:'.et, the grad,eshall ;29 60 be J.059,,4; 31 A~:_tP.€' top of thA curb line at thesQuthe;]>st corner of the " (' 4 interuection of Grape street and V~'alnut Stl"$et, the grade shall 32 '.J: be 1069.0; -2- .l!1~_ , . '~ 'iIiIii' . ;";:iil.ii1<ilfi~lf"' . , < ,'" ",'..-'IIaitJ.i.i.~ 0' ______' ~~.~_,____._c_,_".._._._..~....._..__._..,,""'''... ,'0 c' """,,'!' .. ".. ~;<""'" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 , I 15 <. ]i 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 14 25 26 27 28 At the top of thl'> curb line at th~ southwest corner of the intJ"I'section of Gra:pe 8trE'0t and Y;'11nut Strc''''t the c~ra/l.e shall be 1069.3; At all points at right anglE's with th~ curb line the grade at the property lin'::' shall be two and one-half (2'~-) inches higher than the grade at thE' curl) .line. At th"" curb line th,' grarle of the guttp.r linE' shall be at all points ten (lO") ino110s b'?low th0 top of t'(lJ' curb. At all points the grade of the cent~r line of the street shall be one-tenth (1/10) of a foot abo'T"?' a mean between the top of the curbs t;i:.<:en at r igh t ang10 B. The grade of the street between described points Sl-, all be a straight line. cUI "'levations rpfE'r to the top of curo are in feet and ~ / above a plane which is 1045.28 feet below tl1E" City Bench :Mark 8,S estal)lished by Ordincmce No. 383 of the Ci ty of San Bernard- ino~~ ~ The EJ"""i~Z lnrl~)e is h.:.y""'oy r1.esignateci as th", daily news- paper publisl'led and circulated in the ci ty of San Bernardino in I/lhich this oro.inance shall be publishp.d. The City Clr..rk shall cf"rtify to thE' pas sage of this o~ S8-l'1l~ to be published in the said ~- a~e and shall cause th'" U~~. ing TnA~ by insertions th~reof in three cons~cutiv~ ~~~ of the saidF?>t!lll.;\.." IlI~x. issues I }v~relJY c.:>rtify that the foregoing' Ordin~nc€' was adopted by the tlayor and Cornman Council of the Ci ty of San Bernardino at its m€'eting held on the'1-~da~t of ~19l4, by the following r:~;;~';:]. < ~~-,.t! ~l ,,.1 Ayes: .ji...k.... 1 (l..q~...; ~ , i j ~ t..*, , ......, . .~/~~~=( City Clf.lrk this""'day of ~ fl, ~ San rernar(lino. ~'ayor -;;.