HomeMy WebLinkAbout589 / ~ ----J ----- ) -' * .. ORDrTA1WE ?JO .-!:fj. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " .. ~ ",'~ 15 ~j~ rn~o 16 .10 r.< ~ ,S ::::~] 17 p.. C E ..l~&; <11 " 0:: .. 18 '" 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -:, RDINANCJ~ DECLARING ~NEEDS, HrILD GR"I.L:;SES RUI3J3ISH, TIN C/i.1TS j~:m CmmmSTITIIE ?L;,TER- IAL UPON SIDE "TALKS, VACAHT LOTS JL1\fD OTHBR ?RO.?RTY IN TH? CITY OF SlUT BBRNARDINO TO BE A N ISANCE Al."ID PROVIDING FOR A PUNISHME1TT FOR A FAII~URE TO RTnrOVE THE Siu\m AND nOTICE TO so DO. ---.. Common Council of the City of San Bernar- dine It is hereby declared that the existence of weeds, wild g asses, ordinarily known as and called fox-tails, wi thin the C1 ty of, San Bernardino is dangerous to the Q~~lic health and safety, and the existence ther~of upon I any sudh side walk, vacant lot or other property ,is hereby de- eclared to be a public nuisance and that the' re- term1ned is necessary to protect the health and .afety of 8 of said City. It 1s hereby found and declared that the exist- the tin cans and other combustible material 1n ar ence alk, vacant lot or other pr,operty wi thin the City is dangerous to the public heaJ.th and sa.fety, upon thereof upon any such sidewalk, ,vacant lot or is hereby determined ,and declared to be a pubJic nuisance and the removal therJ~.of/ is necessary t:c>.P~,O,;~~p.t " the safety of the inhabitants of sa~d City. Section Any owner, agent or,per13on ha.vingcl1arge,of or premises within the City of San Bernardino l,',;', who neglects for a period of five days after receiv~ ing notice m the Superintendent of streets of said City to remove any the things hereinbefore ~eclared to be a nuisance, ises, lot or place, or the sidewalk immediately in t'rom such 1 r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 c:> '" Z Of 15 - ~ 0 a:j:!:l rn~~ 16 .1 Q r.l.~ oS =~] a.. g f1 17 >-1~c:! -< a 18 fIl rn 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~,,' ._-_._"---..:-~..-:-~~... ",,",,"-_..~ . ._"'"'--_........ ~...'" front thEreof sn' 11 -be guilty of a llIiodemeanor and upon convic- tion tlF;rrof, she.ll 1)e puniehed by a fine not exceeding l"ifty ($50.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not ex- ceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine 8.nd imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Section 4. This ordinance shall nl5t'15e"-(ronslrueam~aeFe': pea.ling or in anywise af:recting Ordinance Iro. 481 of the City of San I3ernardino, entitled, "An Ordinance requiring the c1 ispoE:al of all refuse and combustible material; providing for notice to dis- pose of the SaJlle and prescribing a method for the collection of the cost and expenses of the disposal thereof, and a penalty for a violation," adopted and approved by the 11ayor and ~ormnon Coun- ci1 on the 3rd day of June, 1912. Section 5. Thi s Ordine.nce shall take effect and be in force from and after thirty days after its adoption and approval. Section 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and cause the same to be published in thr.ee con- sef:tltige issues of the San Bernardino News, a daily newspaper printed and published in the City of San Bernardino, and hereby designated for that purpose. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and Cownon Council of the City of San nardino. at a regular meeting held thereof. on th~~day of /U/._. ~. 9.14 ~y.. t. he..fol:oW.~.'ng..vote,. to-wit: .. Aye.'.~<Lf~jf(;::''Y.'~N#/f/l' ~l 13er- .J ..._ Noes ~, ~4~~ ~U y Clerk. . . this II!f. day of ~'-., 1914. Z#W ~'.'/""."'_/' . ,.-, , ' /'.2 "__" '.' - -, , ,~,.- ,., - .. . . -'.'-'"'. ,", . <,.," . ~ '~~.- J "rof and for the Ci ... San Bernardino Approved