HomeMy WebLinkAbout590 o 1 /1 / /1/ v 2 J 14 Iil ; j r I~ g = e ~ 116 ~ h 17 i I 5 18 l1li ~~-~ o 3 ORDINANCE NO..p;;; (J. . . . . AN ORDINANCE 0]' THE MAYOR AND COlmaN COUlTCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BFJWARDINO CHANGING AND MODIFYING THE &UICIAL GRADE OF "I" STREE'l' BE'l'WEEN THE NOHTH LINE OF THIRD STREET AIID TEE 4 5 6 f)OUTH",;I;.I~ OJl' FInR J~~~T, ;IN,.,THJ!J CI'1'YO:ti' pAN, BERNARDINO. Whereas, the Mayor and eormnonCouncil of''the Ci ty cff san Bernardino, having heretofore, to-wit: on the '2J~day of September, 1914, duly passed a Resolution of Intention, declar- ing their intention to change and modify the official grade of "I" Street between the north line of Third Street and the 7 8 9 10 11 South",line of Fifth Street, in the City of San Bernardino, and the City Clerk having published and posted the said Resolution 12 13 of Intention in the manner and form prescribed by law, and the said Resolution of Intentnion, and the Street Superintendent of said Ci ty having posted and publiShed notices of the passage' of said Resolution of Intentxion in the manner and form pre- scribed by law, and the provisions of the said Resolution of Intention, and no objections to or protess against the said proposed change, or modification of the grade of said street 19 20 having been filed with the Clerk of said Comnwn Council, and it appearing that no costs or expenses will be made or incurred by the changing or modification of said grade of said street: Now, Therefore, the Mayor and Cornmon Codncil of t:n.Ci ty, of San Bernardino do ordain as follows: 21 22 23 24 25 Section One: That the official grade of "I" Street bet- ween th.e north line of Third Street a.nd the 'south line of Fifth Street, is decla.red to be, anq. the same is hereby changed and I modified, . in conformity with said Resolution of Intention, as 26 27 28 29 I. follows , to-wit: 30 I At the top of the curb line at the nortneast corner of the 31 intersection of "I" Street and Third Gtreet, the grade shall be 32 'r 10 11 13 ~ 14 fil ~ i l f 1~ ~ : i \6 U~ 17 ~ ; ! 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1063.6, as now established. 2 At the top of the curb line at the northwest corner of 3 the intersection of "I" Street and Third Street, the grade shall 4 be ill.063.9,.as noVl established. 5c.At. ,t1+e,top. .ofthe ,curb. li.ne a.t the southeast corner of the 6 intersect ion ,.of "I "Strti"e:tarid'C'otirl 'S'6':refet;,.tW~'gra.desha:ll ,-;; 7 be 1067.5. 8 At the top of the curb-line at the northeast corner of the 9 intersection of "I" street and Cou t Street, the grade shall be 1067.9. 12 At .the top of the curb line at the southeast corner of the intersection of "In Street and Foueth Street, the grade shall be 1070. At the top of the curb line at the southwest corner of the intersection of "I" Street and Fourth Street, the grade shall be 1070.8. At the top of the curb line at the northwest corner of the intersection of "I" Street and l!'ourth Street, the grade shall be 1071.2. At the top of the curb line at the northeast corner of the intersection of "I" Street and Fourth Street, the grade shall be 1070.4. At the top of the curb line at the southeast corner of the intersection of "I" Street and Kingman Street, the grade shall be 1073.4. 26 A,t the top of' the curb line at the southwest corner" of the 27 intersection of uIn'Street and Kingman Str.eet, the grade shall be 1074.0. 28 29 At the top of the curb line at the no'rthwestcorner of the intersection of 1!I" Street and Kingman Street, the grade shall 30 31 be 1074.2. 32. At the top of the curb line at the northeast corner of the 13 ~ 14 .~ Iil '~jff5 '~'~i 16 fH 17 ~ III 5 18 liII 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 - 1 intersection of "I" Stre",t and Kin~n Street" the gra-de shaIll ") 2 be 1073.6. 3 At the top of the curb line at the northeast co:rnet';,of "'the 4 intersection of nr" Street and Fifth,Street " "' the grade shall '5; be 1076.7, as now established.. , / At the top ot' t1re ctl'I"lb ):1'neC\2.<'t::tO'J;'e":BOl1~h"".n:'_()1ru.rl.,.:fh.t.ba '6 7 intersection if "I" Street and Fifth Street, the grade sha.ll 8 be 1077, as now establt.hed. At all points at right angles to the curb lines t~~z4ade of the property line shall be three and one-half inches higher tha~the grade of the curb line. At the curb line the grade of the gutter line shall be at 9 10 11 12 all points ten inches below the top of the curb line. At all points the grade of the center line of the street shall be three-eenths of a foot above a mean between the tops o~ the curb taken at rig~t~ngles. '- The grade of the street between described points shall be a straight line. All elevations refer to the top of curb, and are in feet~ and are above a plane which is 1045.28 feet ":elow the City Bench Mark as established by Ordinance No. 383 of the City of San Bernardino, entitled "An Ordinance Establishing a Datum Plane for the City of San Bernardino, passed and adopted the 3rd day of August, 1908. The grade of said street as herein specified is hereby declared to be and is hereby established as the grade of said street, instead of the grade of said street heretofore establ- ished by law. Section Two. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after thirty days after its passage and approval by the 1~yor of said City. Section Three. The City Clerk shall cerity to the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , II ... III It. __,...........~...................... Jill passage of the foregoing Ordinance Land cause the'~;:~f"'" --;Z>M.-J ~.. .-c..........P. --:if published three consecutive times in ~"ri'RiR~ IRsi8)[, a news" paper, published and circu1axed in the City of San Eernardino, hereby designated for that purpose. ./' I hereby certifj' that the foregoing ordinanee W&aM:QP;\".Q..,.,ck" by the 1,JJ:ayor and Cornmon Council of t~-+A,~~l,:n (Bernardino at its meeting held on the /b t! day of '~~~;t91:'4, by 9 the following vote, to-wit: Ayes. Pierson, Davidan, JII._..-_h, ~ 14 . Ji1 0 ;~i 15 III J S ~ : i 16 11/ , ~ I ~ 17 ~ <l ~ ~ 5 18 III 10 11 12 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 11r... ~.F ~ Boswell, ~ I City Clerk. this ~ day / The fo reg,oing 0 rdinance is h':; reby approved ~~ of D.Ctoe-er, 1914. . . ) ~he~~ernardino. ... / ----.------.--------